Naturopathy,nature cure & panaceatherapy

Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Introduction of Naturopathy: Naturopathy term was coined by john scheel in 1895. Bendict lust
of U.S.A worked more & called father of naturopathy. Naturopathic physician known as "Father
of Medicine" Thomas A. Edison offered the following quotation regarding the future of
medicine: "The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the
care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." a quote became
famous in London "take diet as medicine otherwise you have to take drugs as diet”
Voltaire said:” The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while Nature cures the
disease”. The medicine of the future will no longer be remedial; it will be preventive; not based
on drugs but on the best diet for health.
Naturopathy also called nature cure emphasizes the treatment of cause of disease rather than
treatment of signs and symptoms. The naturopathic medicine has no or minor side effects
because fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices and non toxic herbs are used in nature cure. It is also
a preventable & holistic mode of treatment. It is duty of Naturopath to educate people about
their health. In the past few years’ naturopathic medicine has won the respect of foreign
government bodies, members of the conventional medical community and educators,
celebrities, the media and an ever-increasing number of patients. The main reason for
Naturopathy’s rise in popularity is its common-sense use of simple, yet tremendously effective,
natural therapies. Naturopathic Nutrition stresses the use of whole and organic foods as
medicine – a concept that is an integral part of many indigenous societies. A return to chemicalfree foods, alongside other dietary measurements, is an effective answer to many health
complaints and common conditions. Nature cure a range of therapies based on exposure of
natural elements such as fresh air, sunshine, heat or cold, water, nutrition e.g. vegetarian or
whole food fasting and abstinence from alcohol, sugar, tea and coffee, physical e.g. sports,
exercise and hydro therapy, psycho therapy e.g. relaxation and stress management, hygiene
and public health.
Herbs nourish they do not heal. If the body has the ability to heal itself, it will use the raw
materials found in foods to do its own healing work. Herbs do not heal, they feed. Herbs do not
force the body to maintain and repair itself. They simply support the body in this natural
What Is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathy or Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct integrated system of primary health care
offered by licensed physicians. It consists of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human
disorders by the therapeutic use of natural methods and materials. These might include
Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Clinical Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Hygiene, Homeopathy, Naturopathic.
Manipulation or ancient medical systems like those of China or India.
Naturopathic Medicine in practice considers the fundamental components of health are
biochemistry, biomechanics, and the emotional predisposition in order to help a person restore
the balance that we describe as good health. This philosophy empowers the individual as being
responsible for the level of health they experience. Naturopathic Medicine offers safe, costeffective solutions for many of our nation's healthcare problems. Competence and respect for
tradition, the scientific method, and innovation are hallmarks of a naturopathic medical
How Did Naturopathy Begin?
Naturopathic treatments originated as the use of herbs and foods for medicine, exposure to
fresh air and sunlight, and hydrotherapy (the use of hot and cold water application) as steam or
sauna. These techniques and methods have long been respected throughout the world. While
modern allopathic medicine is a youngster of less than 200 years old, Natural Medicine has
been the primary medicine used by most of the human community even into the 21st Century.
Herbal and traditional medical arts remain the primary medical choice of over 65% of humanity.
Naturopathic Bendict Lust had been a student of Father Sebastian Kneipp, famous in Europe for
being involved with a movement known as "Nature Cure."
That was the system of employing clean food, water, air, sun, and exercise with hydrotherapy
as healing agents to restore health.
Lust and his wife founded the Yung born Nature Cure Health Resort in New York State. There
they incorporated other disciplines and therapies
Compatible with the basic principles of "Nature Cure" In 1902, Lust began using the term
Naturopathy to describe the mixture of disciplines and therapies. He used to treat illness.
Three years later he founded the first school of Naturopathic Medicine under the laws of the
State of New York.
Throughout North America in the early 1900s, this movement blossomed with the opening of
more than 20 schools offering programs in Naturopathic Medicine. In 1925, Ontario formally
recognized Naturopathic Medicine under the Drugless Practitioners Act. Arizona followed with
their act in 1935. British Columbia enacted the Naturopathic Physician's Act in 1936, followed
by Alberta and Manitoba in the 1940s. After World War II, antibiotics and advanced surgical
techniques created a growing belief that medical science and technology would soon cure most
if not all known sickness and disease.
Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Naturopathic profession, with its emphasis on self-healing and independence from profitable
drugs and heroic procedures, declined rapidly in post WWII America.
A renaissance in Naturopathy began in North America and Europe in the late 1970s and early
1980s. People and governments became aware of the limitations of science and medical
technology. A growing public interest in alternative or complementary medicine to maintain
and restore health has led to a resurgence of belief in the importance of diet, lifestyle, personal
choice to ideal health. This validated the original principles and teachings of the Naturopathic
The Philosophy of Naturopathic Medicine:
Living things have an innate ability to heal themselves. Our vital force promotes self-cleansing,
self-repair, and therefore self-healing.
This process can be achieved by focusing on the immune, hormonal, nervous, and
detoxification/elimination systems of the body. Once these systems are in balance, restored
health is a probability.
Naturopathic doctors treat their patients holistically, taking into consideration the individual's
biochemistry, biomechanics, and emotional predispositions. The body's self-healing ability can
be better understood if one takes into account the fact that /homeostasis/, or biological
balance, is the main characteristic of any healthy system.
A good example is fever. When the body is invaded by a /pathogen/ (a substance capable of
producing illness or disease), the body will usually respond by producing a fever to fight the
invader. If the body is properly supported through nutrition and rest, the fever will turn up the
immune system and permit the recovery of health.
Other examples are the immune system, hormonal system, nervous system, and
detoxification/elimination pathways, which all work as a unit to ensure our survival. If given
the proper support, care, and the chance to function freely without suppression, they can bring
the system back to a state of balance or "ease" (as opposed to "/dis/-ease").
There are no panaceas or magic bullets. Each individual has his or her own unique set of
symptoms and reactions which will, in turn, dictate the approach the Naturopathic doctor takes
to treat them. This is why each person seeking help from a Naturopathic doctor will receive an
individualized treatment protocol. Naturopathic medicine is practiced either as a primary
system of medical care, or as a complementary adjunct to conventional medical treatment.
Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
The goal of Naturopathic Medicine is to develop optimal wellness for each patient, and to teach
the principles of ideal health. Although
Naturopathic doctors are educated and trained to treat acute and chronic disease, prevention is
the ultimate goal. This is based on the
Naturopathic philosophy is of wellness enhancement; not disease management.
Naturopathy and ayurvada
Natural Ayurveda can be compared to Naturopathy. There are some similarities and
dissimilarities between the two holistic approaches of medicine. We will discuss only the
principles and approaches of the two systems of natural medicine.
What Is Considered 'Natural' In Naturopathy?
Naturopathy utilizes the ingredients of nature - earth or mud, water, sunlight or other forms of
heat, fasting, fruits and vegetables. These substances are used because they are found in
nature. Naturopathy considers these as 'natural' for our body, for healing.
Ayurveda Considers The Balance As The Natural:
Holistic ayurvedic medicine considers the balance of three humors (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), seven
tissues and sub tissues, the metabolic and excretory substances as natural for our body. The
peace, happiness, knowledge, wisdom, love, service and other good qualities with innate
universal appeal are considered natural for our mind.
Here is the main difference in paradigm between the two approaches. Naturopathy emphasizes
the natural elements while Ayurveda puts emphasis on balance of various elements of our body
and mind.
What could be natural in Naturopathy could be unnatural in Ayurveda. For example, the person
with specific constitution or ayurveda body type could very strongly react to some natural
element as mud or water or some food or fruit and here Ayurveda considers the phenomenon
as natural.
The Individuality And Personalization Of Regime In Natural Ayurveda And Naturopathy:
So Ayurveda further respects the individuality of the person while advising lifestyle, diet,
exercise, herbs or other treatment modalities. This personal approach is a great feature of
Indian Ayurveda.
Healing In Natural Ayurveda And Naturopathy:
Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Both systems appreciate the natural tendency of our body to heal. Outer remedies and
procedures help to support our inner core to recover and to jump back to healthy condition.
Naturopathy emphasizes the vital force and its ability to heal the body and mind. Ayurveda
further assists the inner vital force by actively restoring the imbalances in our tissues and
humors and by actively detoxifying the body.
Mind And Psychological Health In Naturopathy And Ayurveda:
The concept of mind and consciousness and its integration with body is one of the foundational
features of ayurvedic medicine. And this is a very rare combination of body-mind-soul
medicine. Even in the western world, most people are engaged in body mind medicine.
Ayurveda as well as Yoga place the consciousness as the most central aspect of our being that
supports and sustains all the other aspects of our life – body, senses, mind, society, work and
As we have Ayurveda body types based on three humors or doshas, there are different mind
types in Ayurveda based on three primary psychological attributes – Satva, Rajas and Tamas.
Ayurvedic medicine is not limited to the classification but definite measures for the health of
mind are devised in the form of herbal remedies, emphasis on character and habits, and the
practice of yoga and meditation.
Though most of the alternative or holistic medicine considers our body to be a whole, yet they
are rather limited in scope while dealing with the reality of body mind soul medicine. That is
why I personally do consider them as a tool of holistic medicine or an approach of holistic
medicine. And in this way, we are able to show proper regard for all systems and are able to
overcome their limitations.
Concept of Detox in Natural Ayurveda And Naturopathy:
Our body is constantly detoxified everyday through sweating, breathing, passing urine and
stool, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. This detoxification is going on at the cellular level,
tissues’ level, organs’ level and at the level of whole body.
Naturopathy assists this process of natural detoxification via its different modalities of
Ayurveda accepts this and has incorporated all such measures as fasting, diet or organic food,
sweating, cold and hot treatments, mud therapy, sun bath and massage for correcting the
imbalance of humors and restoration of health.
Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
The Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy goes one step ahead and deals with the stubborn and
impacted humors in the deeper levels of various tissues. And I call it ‘Facilitated or Induced
Detoxification of Ayurvedic Medicine’.
In the preparatory steps of Panchakarma therapy, the humors are aggravated slightly, softened
and liquefied so that they are ready to be expelled out. In the main five steps of ayurvedic
Panchakarma therapy, these ready-to-be-expelled-out humors are expelled out by natural
orifices by induced vomiting, diarrhea, basti (ayurvedic medicinal enema), nasal route and
blood letting.
Not all these measures of Ayurvedic Panchakarma are used in every patient; the decision is
made after thorough evaluation of the disease as well as the person.
Preventive And Health Enhancing Measures In Naturopathy And Natural Ayurveda:
Natural Ayurveda as well as Naturopathy can be used even when the person is healthy or to
prevent any particular disorder to which a person is susceptible. In ayurvedic medicine, some
rejuvenative remedies are described that are used to promote overall health or the health of a
particular organ or to correct a particular condition. These measures can be used after partial or
thorough detoxification as per the demand of the condition and the availability of time. Many
such rejuvenative remedies are known by the name ‘Rasayana’ (Rasayana means the ability to
rejuvenate all the tissues of our body, to infuse youthful energy and stamina, to prevent
disorders and aging).
And now some concluding remarks.
I am an Ayurveda doctor that is why it might appear (and it is quite possible) that I might
appear to be (a bit!) biased or prejudiced. These concepts have been in my mind for several
years, when I participated in one seminar of ayurveda doctors and naturopaths. I call
Naturopathy as ‘Basic Detox’ and Panchakarma as ‘Advanced or Induced or Facilitated Detox’.
In the next article, I will try to explain these observations with some case studies of patients and
the application and interpretation of principles of both the systems – Natural Ayurveda and
Naturopathy. I invite with great regards any Naturopathic practitioner to share his view
regarding Naturopathy and/or comparative study with Ayurvedic Medicine.
Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Health Benefits of Exercise:
Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, non
insulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can improve your mood and
help you to better manage stress.
For the greatest overall health benefits, experts recommend that you do 20 to 30 minutes of
aerobic activity three or more times a week and some type of muscle strengthening activity and
stretching at least twice a week. However, if you are unable to do this level of activity, you can
gain substantial health benefits by accumulating 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity
physical activity a day, at least five times a week.
If you have been inactive for a while, you may want to start with less strenuous activities such
as walking or swimming at a comfortable pace. Beginning at a slow pace will allow you to
become physically fit without straining your body. Once you are in better shape, you can
gradually do more strenuous activity.
How Physical Activity Impacts Health:
Regular physical activity that is performed on most days of the week reduces the risk of
developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness and death in the United States.
• Reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
• Reduces the risk of dying prematurely from heart disease.
• Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
• Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure.
• Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.
• Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
• Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.
• Helps control weight.
• Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
• Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling.
• Promotes psychological well-being.
Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Specific Health Benefits of Exercise
Heart Disease and Stroke: Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by
strengthening your heart muscle, lowering your blood pressure, raising your high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) levels (good cholesterol) and lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels
(bad cholesterol), improving blood flow, and increasing your heart's working capacity.
High Blood Pressure: Regular physical activity can reduce blood pressure in those with high
blood pressure levels. Physical activity also reduces body fatness, which is associated with high
blood pressure.
Non insulin-Dependent Diabetes: By reducing body fatness, physical activity can help to prevent
and control this type of diabetes.
Obesity: Physical activity helps to reduce body fat by building or preserving muscle mass and
improving the body's ability to use calories. When physical activity is combined with proper
nutrition, it can help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many diseases.
Back Pain: By increasing muscle strength and endurance and improving flexibility and posture,
regular exercise helps to prevent back pain.
Osteoporosis: Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation and may prevent
many forms of bone loss associated with aging.
Psychological Effects: Regular physical activity can improve your mood and the way you feel
about yourself. Researchers also have found that exercise is likely to reduce depression and
anxiety and help you to better manage stress.
Millions of Americans suffer from illnesses that can be prevented or improved through regular
physical activity.
Calories are burned during Exercise
Clinical Nutrition:
The dynamic relationship between disease and nutrition is well known.
Many conditions can be improved through changes in diet alone, and others respond well to
proper supplementation of specific nutrients. In
most cases of disease or wellness, nutritional counseling and support are a major component of
Naturopathic treatments.
Some important nutritional diets:
Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
The Health Benefits of Raw Milk:
There's little mention in the mainstream media these days, of traditional foods having healing
properties. Sure, there's a ton of hype touting unfermented soy products, vegetable oils and
supplements as modern saviors, but in reality, these items have risk-to-benefit ratios like many
drugs do.
Few people are aware that clean, raw milk from grass-fed cows was actually used as a medicine
in the early part of the last century. That's right. Milk straight from the udder, a sort of "stem
cell" of foods, was used as medicine to treat, and frequently cure some serious chronic
diseases. From the time of Hippocrates to until just after World War II, this "white blood"
nourished and healed uncounted millions.
Clean raw milk from pastured cows is a complete and properly balanced food. You could live on
it exclusively if you had to. Indeed, published accounts exist of people who have done just that.
What's in it that makes it so great? Let's look at the ingredients to see what makes it such a
powerful food.
Our bodies use amino acids as building blocks for protein. Depending on who you ask, we need
20-22 of them for this task. Eight of them are considered essential, in that we have to get them
from our food. The remaining 12-14 we can make from the first eight via complex metabolic
pathways in our cells.
Raw cow's milk has all 8 essential amino acids in varying amounts, depending on stage of
lactation. About 80% of the proteins in milk are caseins- reasonably heat stable and, for most,
easy to digest. The remaining 20% or so are classed as whey proteins, many of which have
important physiological effects (bioactivity). Also easy to digest, but very heat-sensitive , these
include key enzymes
(specialized proteins) and enzyme inhibitors, immunoglobulins
(antibodies) , metal-binding proteins, vitamin binding proteins and several growth factors.
Current research is now focusing on fragments of protein (peptide segments) hidden in casein
molecules that exhibit anti-microbial activity.
Lactoferrin, an iron-binding protein, has numerous beneficial properties including (as you might
guess) improved absorption and assimilation of iron, anti-cancer properties and anti-microbial
action against several species of bacteria responsible for dental cavities. Recent studies also
reveal that it has powerful antiviral properties as well.
Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Two other players in raw milk's antibiotic protein/enzyme arsenal are lysozyme and
lactoperoxidase . Lysozyme can actually break apart cell walls of certain undesirable bacteria,
while lactoperoxidase teams up with other substances to help knock out unwanted microbes
The immunoglobulins, an extremely complex class of milk proteins also known as antibodies ,
provide resistance to many viruses, bacteria and bacterial toxins and may help reduce the
severity of asthma symptoms. Studies have shown significant loss of these important disease
fighters when milk is heated to normal processing temperatures.
Lactose , or milk sugar, is the primary carbohydrate in cow's milk. Made from one molecule
each of the simple sugars glucose and galactose, it's known as a disaccharide . People with
lactose intolerance for one reason or another (age, genetics, etc.), no longer make the enzyme
lactase and so can't digest milk sugar. This leads to some unsavory symptoms, which, needless
to say, the victims find rather unpleasant at best. Raw milk, with its lactose-digesting
Lactobacilli bacteria intact, may allow people who traditionally have avoided milk to give it
another try.
The end-result of lactose digestion is a substance called lactic acid (responsible for the sour
taste in fermented dairy products). Besides having known inhibitory effects on harmful species
of bacteria, lactic acid boosts the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and iron, and has been
shown to make milk proteins more digestible by knocking them out of solution as fine curd
Fats: Approximately two thirds of the fat in milk is saturated. Good or bad for you? Saturated
fats play a number of key roles in our bodies: from construction of cell membranes and key
hormones to providing energy storage and padding for delicate organs, to serving as a vehicle
for important fat-soluble vitamins (see below).
All fats cause our stomach lining to secrete a hormone (cholecystokinin or CCK) which, aside
from boosting production and secretion of digestive enzymes, let's know we've eaten enough .
With that trigger removed, non-fat dairy products and other fat-free foods can potentially help
contribute to over-eating.
Consider that, for thousands of years before the introduction of the hydrogenation process
(pumping hydrogen gas through oils to make them solids) and the use of canola oil (from
genetically modified rapeseed), corn, cottonseed, safflower and soy oils, dietary fats were
somewhat more often saturated and frequently animal-based. Use of butter, lard, tallow,
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Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
poultry fats, and fish oils, tropical oils such as coconut and palm, and cold pressed olive oil were
also higher than levels seen today.
Now consider that prior to 1900, very few people died from heart disease. The introduction of
hydrogenated cottonseed oil in 1911 (as trans-fat laden Crisco) helped begin the move away
from healthy animal fats, and toward the slow, downward trend in cardiovascular health from
which millions continue to suffer today.
CLA , short for conjugated linoleic acid and abundant in milk from grass-fed cows, is a heavily
studied, polyunsaturated Omega-6 fatty acid with promising health benefits. It certainly does
wonders for rodents, judging by the hundreds of journal articles I've come across! There's
serious money behind CLA, so it's a sure bet there's something to it. Among CLA's many
potential benefits: it raises metabolic rate, helps remove abdominal fat, boosts muscle growth,
reduces resistance to insulin, strengthens the immune system and lowers food allergy
reactions. As luck would have it, grass-fed raw milk has from 3-5 times the amount found in the
milk from feed lot cows
Vitamins in milk:
Volumes have been written about the two groups of vitamins, water and fat soluble, and their
contribution to health. Whole raw milk has them all, and they're completely available for your
body to use. Whether regulating your metabolism or helping the biochemical reactions that
free energy from the food you eat, they're all present and ready to go to work for you.
Just to repeat, nothing needs to be added to raw milk, especially that from grass-fed cows, to
make it whole or better. No vitamins. No minerals. No enriching. It's a complete food.
Our bodies, each with biochemistry as unique as our fingerprints, are incredibly complex, so
discussions of minerals, or any nutrients for that matter, must deal with ranges rather than
specific amounts. Raw milk contains a broad selection of completely available minerals ranging
from the familiar calcium and phosphorus on down to trace elements, the function of some, as
yet, still rather unclear.
A sampling of the health benefits of calcium , an important element abundant in raw milk
includes: reduction in cancers, particularly of the colon: higher bone mineral density in people
of every age, lower risk of osteoporosis and fractures in older adults; lowered risk of kidney
stones; formation of strong teeth and reduction of dental cavities, to name a few.
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Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
An interesting feature of minerals as nutrients is the delicate balance they require with other
minerals to function properly. For instance, calcium needs a proper ratio of two other
macronutrients, phosphorus and magnesium, to be properly utilized by our bodies.
Nature codes the entire array of minerals in raw milk (from cows on properly maintained
pasture) to be in proper balance to one another thus optimizing their benefit to us.
The 60 plus (known) fully intact and functional enzymes in raw milk have an amazing array of
tasks to perform, each one of them essential in facilitating one key reaction or another. Some of
them are native to milk, and others come from beneficial bacteria growing in the milk. Just
keeping track of them would require a post-doctoral degree!
To me, the most significant health benefit derived from food enzymes is the burden they take
off our body. When we eat a food that contains enzymes devoted to its own digestion, it's that
much less work for our pancreas. Given the choice, I'll bet that busy organ would rather occupy
itself with making metabolic enzymes and insulin, letting food digest itself.
The amylase, bacterially-produced lactase, lipases and phosphates in raw milk, break down
starch, lactose (milk sugar), fat (triglycerides) and phosphate compounds respectively, making
milk more digestible and freeing up key minerals. Other enzymes, like catalase, Lysozyme and
lactoperoxidase help to protect milk from unwanted bacterial infection, making it safer for us to
Milk contains about 3mg of cholesterol per gram a decent amount. Our bodies make most of
what we need, that amount fluctuating by what we get from our food. Eat more make less.
Either way, we need it.
Why not let raw milk be one source?
Cholesterol is a protective/repair substance. A waxy plant steroid (often lumped in with the
fats), our body uses it as a form of water-proofing, and as a building block for a number of key
It's natural, normal and essential to find it in our brain, liver, nerves, blood, bile, indeed, every
cell membrane.
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Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
White Meat and Red Meat:
White meat is the contrast to red meat, and it is also referred to as light meat. White meat can
also refer to lighter colored meat that comes from poultry, which is distinct from the dark meat
of poultry. Though the precise definition of white meat largely depends on culture, time and
location, it is commonly agreed that white meat consists of meats like rabbit and chicken. Meat
that can be considered red meat most commonly comes from the flesh of big mammals like
mutton and beef. Goose and duck can also be thought of as red meat, but this is changing in the
industry. In the battle between white meat versus red meat, there are pros and cons for both.
White Meat:
White meat is best known as meat that is lean, especially in comparison with red meat. The big
point about white meat is that its fat content is less in comparison with red meat. Meats
traditionally thought of as white (such as veal and even lamb) have been reclassified as red
meats. Another advantage to eating white meat over red meat, which is also why health
experts recommend it over red meat, is the lower number of calories that it contains. However,
the difference in calories between white meat and red meat is not so great that it will
absolutely ruin your waistline if you choose to eat some red meat once in a while.
Fish is a low-fat high quality protein. Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as
D and B2 (riboflavin). Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals,
such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. See how to properly cook fish and try our
healthy fish recipes.
Fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients keep our heart and
brain healthy. Two omega-3 fatty acids found in fishier EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid). Our bodies don't produce omega-3 fatty acids so we must get them
through the food we eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in every kind of fish, but are especially
high in fatty fish. Some good choices are salmon, trout, sardines, herring, canned mackerel,
canned light tuna, and oysters.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Help maintain a healthy heart by lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of sudden
death, heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms, and strokes.
It aids healthy brain function and infant development of vision and nerves during pregnancy.
It may decrease the risk of depression, ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and diabetes.
May prevent inflammation and reduce the risk of arthritis.
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Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least two times per week as part of
a healthy diet. Fish is packed with protein, vitamins, and nutrients that can lower blood
pressure and help reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Red Meat
Red meat is the victim of stereotypes that have been exaggerated to the point where it is today
somewhat stigmatized as a food that is linked to cancer and higher fat and caloric content.
While the cancer issue depends on what studies you look at and the higher caloric content is
not that much over white meat, red meat does have benefits that white meat simply lacks. For
example, the nutrients zinc, iron, thiamine and riboflavin (in addition to vitamins B12 and B6)
appear in much greater abundance in red meat. Moreover, red meat is a great source of
muscle-building protein as well as being the best source of the antioxidant called alpha lipoic
acid. Still, red meat has been the subject of a lot of studies that connect it to health problems
beyond cancer, like cardiovascular disease and even arthritis and hypertension.
Which One to Choose?
The bottom line is that no matter which meat you eat, you can guard yourself against health
problems if you eat in moderation. While white meat is not tied to as many health problems as
red meat is, it does not feature many of the benefits that you get in red meat, such as the
vitamins and minerals. So if you want to get a dose of said nutrients, you should eat more red
meat, but do so in a way that is only moderate.
Botanical Medicine (Phytotherapy)
Botanical medicine, or phytotherapy, was a cornerstone of traditional medicine long before the
development of synthetic pharmaceuticals. Most of today's drugs were derived from medicinal
plants. Modern scientific investigations have substantiated many of the early uses of medical
plants, and have increasingly found ways to use them in treating modern diseases.
The World Health Organization has encouraged programs in herbal medicine, especially in
developing countries, as a means of providing affordable primary health care and of creating
agricultural markets for those economies. Herbs are characterized by their low toxicity and lack
of accumulation in the body. Appropriately selected, botanical medicines offer powerful, safe,
and effective approach to healing, with few side effects.
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Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Homeopathy is a holistic form of treatment that has been integrated into naturopathic
medicine. Virtually all homeopathic medicines are produced from natural sources-plants,
animals and minerals. The success of homeopathic treatment has been recognized in many
countries around the world including France, Germany, India, Latin America, the United
Kingdom, Australia, Pakistan and North America. Traditional Chinese and herbal medicine are
often confused with homeopathy, but in fact, they are all different systems of holistic medicine.
Homeopathy was standardized in 18th century Germany by Samuel Hahnemann, MD. This
chemist and physician discovered that when quinine, an effective treatment for malaria, was
taken by a healthy individual, it produced symptoms similar to those found in people stricken
with malaria. This was noticed with other medicines, too. That is to say, he noticed that:
"Substances that are specific for certain illnesses cure or aid the body because they actually
cause similar symptoms to the disease process they are being employed to treat."
This in turn stimulates the patient's vital force to help resolve the disease. The true mechanism
behind this phenomenon is as unknown today as it was then. This process is referred to as the
Principle of Similar.
It is important to note that homeopathy is not based on the same principle as immunization,
which uses substances that cause the same disease, not similar symptoms. Immunization is
based on isopathy giving a substance known to cause the exact disease in question. Also,
immunization has an immunological bases to it; that is, the production of T-memory cells. The
mechanism of action of homeopathy is unknown at this time. There are several models that try
to explain it, but none are sufficient. In short, homeopathic medicines have no relationship to
the disease in question, but rather the symptoms in question.
The skilled practitioner finds a substance that causes similar symptoms to that of the patient's,
physical or emotional. This therapy is Non toxic and can be safely be used with pregnant
women, infants, and children.
Hahnemann also noted that after treatment, many of his patients' conditions worsened for a
short period of time before improving. He termed this phenomenon /aggravation. Through
systematic experimentation, Hahnemann learned that this process could be avoided by diluting
the medicines. When used in a homeopathic context; that is, when the substance in high doses
causes similar symptoms to that of the disease in question, the diluted medicines were
surprisingly more effective than full-strength medicines. This led Hahnemann to further
experiment with dilutions until he learned that surprisingly small amounts of the active
ingredient in a remedy resulted in treatments free from side effects but also increased their
effect. This phenomenon he called the /Principle of Infinitesimal Dose.
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What is the difference between a Naturopath and a Homeopath?
In brief, homeopaths use only the homeopathic approach, whereas
Naturopaths train in several forms of diagnosis and treatment, one of which is homeopathy.
Training in homeopathy varies from a several-hundred-hour correspondence course to a threeyear course for which candidates need not be university graduates. In contrast,
Naturopaths must complete a minimum of three years of university training prior to beginning
their four-year residential medical school training in Naturopathic Medicine.
Naturopathic Manipulation (Bodywork)
Often in conjunction with other treatments, bodywork uses variety of systematic movements to
help heal musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Manipulation of bone alignment is
used, similar to both osteopathic and chiropractic adjustments. One technique in particular,
"strain/counter “strain," is very gentle and effective, especially for pain and injuries of the neck
and upper back.
Lifestyle Counseling and Modification:
The cornerstones of Naturopathic philosophy are prevention and responsibility for one's own
health. Naturopathic treatments often are based on assessing risk factors connected to the
patient's lifestyle, diet, and environment. Each of these factors is taken under consideration
when developing a treatment plan with a client. The goal is to remove obstacles to the
patient's own state of optimal health.
What can we expect during our First Visit to a Naturopathic Doctor?
Once the patient's history has been taken, the Naturopath may do a screening physical, which is
a standard physical examination supplemented by in-depth questions, and may seek laboratory
testing or diagnostic imaging of the complaint. After the intake and physical are completed, the
Naturopath will discuss the treatment plan or protocol with the patient.
If needed, the patient will be referred for laboratory or other diagnostic tests, or to their
medical doctor for further consultation.
Follow-up visits are scheduled from one to four weeks after treatment has begun. If a chronic
illness is being addressed, the patient can expect to undergo at least one month of treatment
for every year of illness.
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What Conditions Can Naturopathic Medicine Treat?
There is a wide range of conditions that Naturopathic doctors treat, either alone or in
combination with other complementary or usual medical treatments. These include:
Acute conditions such as headaches, sore throats, ear infections intestinal upsets, colds and flu,
Chronic illnesses such as migraines, musculoskeletal pain, gastrointestinal, gynecological,
arthritis, heart disease, etc.
Inherent tendencies before they become a serious illness or degenerative disease.
Mental and emotional problems reduce the effects of recent stresses and long-term patterns of
anger, depression, or anxiety.
Physical injury and trauma, including possible referral to appropriate specialists is mandatory.
Naturopathy does not offer a magic cure, although many report very rapid results. Truly great
results come from positive behavior changes and the persistence it requires to maintain these
changes long enough for the body to respond.
The Naturopathic physician is trying to stimulate and support the patient's own system to
address the imbalance(s) that have damaged their health. Often, long-term underlying
disturbances such as nutritional deficiencies or excesses, rather than the presenting health
problem, must be corrected in order to allow the body to reassert its natural state of optimal
4 principles of treatment in naturopathy:
1. Colding foods for overheated persons.
2. Warming foods for over colded persons.
3. Detoxificants for those whom toxic substances are accumulated in the body.
For example: 1. Emesis 2.purgation 3.urination 4.sweeting 5.feet bath 6.massage 7.ionization
8.oxidating 9.anti oxidating 10.fasting 11.abstenance.
4. Adequate diet in deficiency diseases.
Humors or temperament:
Naturopathy believes in the theory of humor or temperament.
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Commonly there three temperaments have a great significance.
1. Carbonitrogenoid: psora
Or black bile or melancholic
2. Hydrogenoid: psychosis or of water or phlegm
3. Oxygenoid: syphilic or of fire or bile.
Role of oxygen and hydrogen in the body: Everyone knows that the body needs oxygen in order
to live. Without hydrogen to combine with oxygen we wouldn’t have water. Oxygen burns
hydrogen in the living system, releasing the energy that runs our bodies. Hydrogen is “the fuel
of life.” It is essential to most biological processes in its atomic form, positive proton form or
negative ion form. Studies have shown that the human body stores hydrogen in its tissues. As
we age, tissue hydrogen-depletion may lead to many of the symptoms of the aging process.
This may cause sub-clinical dehydration since it appears that hydrogen may play a role in
hydrating our cells. Hydrogen makes up 90% of the matter in the known Universe; helium
makes up 9%. All the other elements in the Universe are found in the remaining 1%.Since
hydrogen is so abundant, you would think that we know all there is to know about it, but we
are just now learning about its importance in the living system. The word hydrogen comes from
the Greek language and it means “water-former.” Indeed, we all know that water, the matrix or
mother of life, is made from hydrogen and oxygen. In fact, water is formed when hydrogen is
burned by oxygen. We create pure water every day as a product of our metabolism. When we
burn hydrogen in our cells, the energy that is released is used to run our bodies. Hydrogen is
the lightest and smallest element known to science. Due to its small size, hydrogen easily
travels throughout the body. It can also loosely hold another electron (in its outer shell), in
which case it is called H minus (H-) or reduced hydrogen. No electron moves in the living system
unless it is accompanied by hydrogen. In the absence of an adequate supply of negative
hydrogen ions, intracellular function, intercellular communication and energy production are
inhibited, toxins and free radicals accumulate and health deteriorates. ATP Inside all cells are
varying numbers of small energy factories, known as mitochondria. These mitochondria
produce the energy currency of the body called ATP (adenosinetriphosphate). Adenosine
triphosphate is a biochemical energy battery that supplies almost all the energy needs of the
human body. Hydrogen produces ATP molecules by moving electrons along the mitochondrial
electron transport chain. Our purpose of eating food is to ultimately create ATP, which could be
called the source of life’s energy. Hydrogen from food supplies the needed protons and
electrons for the mitochondrial electron transport chain to make ATP. We each use about onehalf pound of pure hydrogen every day just for the production of ATP. Attaching hydrogen to a
molecule means lending energy to it. Since in hydrogen the electron and proton are loosely
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coupled, by attaching hydrogen we essentially attach an electron. Free Radicals and
Antioxidants High levels of free radicals are a major cause of aging, as well as many acute and
chronic diseases. A free radical is a toxic compound that has lost a negatively charged electron,
produced in the body as a by-product of metabolic oxidation. It therefore carries a positive
charge and is unstable. It is capable of attracting an electron away from a vital cellular site such
as the electron-rich DNA .Loss of an electron can damage a cell and alter its ability to perform
its special function or to replicate itself normally. Levels of free radicals are higher in people
exposed to air or water pollution, commercial animal products, toxic chemicals, or cigarette
smoke. An antioxidant is a compound, which has a weak attraction to one of its electrons. It
therefore readily surrenders an electron to a free radical, stabilizing and neutralizing the free
radical, which then becomes a stable compound. Having surrendered an electron, the
antioxidant itself may temporarily become a free radical, but a less aggressive one until it
captures an electron from another antioxidant, to replace the one given up, in a cascade of
electron transfers to milder, and milder, and less damaging compounds. Mega Hydrate
however, is the one, unique antioxidant that does not become a free radical. The electron it
surrenders is an extra electron. The hydrogen ion in Mega Hydrate becomes stable hydrogen,
balanced with one electron and one proton. Antioxidant compounds are produced by the body,
but are also obtained either from food or from dietary supplements. Vitamin C, Beta-carotene,
vitamin E, and selenium are well known as water and fat soluble antioxidants, found in fruits
and vegetables. Another antioxidant compound is proanthocyanidins, extracted from grape
seeds, or pine bark. It is significant to this discussion to realize that each molecule of an
antioxidant compound, no matter how large the molecule, surrenders only one electron. The
hydrogen atom is the smallest of all elements and has as much antioxidant power as the large,
complex compounds described above. Since the H- form is prevalent in nature it could be called
an ever present antioxidant? Hydrogen when in the hydride (H-) state is found in most fresh
fruits and vegetables, as well as in actively moving water. Cellular Conductivity: The living
system contains numerous chemical messengers that carry information and trigger events in
metabolism. Virtually every action that takes place in the body requires communication of
chemical messages from one cell to another, conducted by electrons passing through extra
cellular fluids. An optimal level of conductivity in these fluids is essential to life and all activity.
Abert Sent-Gyorgyi, the Nobel laureate who discovered Vitamin C, found that the tissues of the
animal body store hydrogen in vast quantities. Different organ tissues “pool” hydrogen in
different amounts. For example, he found that the order of hydrogen-pooling is the following:
Liver, Intestine, Kidney, Heart, Lung, Spleen &Liver tissues store the most hydrogen, while the
spleen stores the least. This is interesting in view of the fact that the liver is the body’s first line
of defense and needs a supply of the most antioxidants in order to do its work of detoxification.
Aging Transport of hydrogen is the missing factor in the search for the cause of the aging
process and the secret to age reversal. As we grow older, our cells become dehydrated and our
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hydrogen pool becomes depleted. The hydrogen pool protects our cells from free-radical
damage. Free radicals are responsible for the aging process. There is a paradox in medicine, and
that is the fact that oxygen is the source of all life and is also the major cause of aging. Much
effort is being expended to find powerful antioxidants that may control or reverse cell damage
by oxidative free-radicals. The single factor that is common to all antioxidants is that they are
sources of hydrogen. Hydrogen is the ultimate antioxidant.
The” burning of the hydrogen” is a secret of life. Life energy is controlled by burning hydrogen.
Free hydrogen that is released from the carbohydrates, proteins and lipids are carried into the
mitochondria (power plant in each cells) by a process known as the hydrogen shuttle where
they are used to make ATP. In this process, hydrogen is burned by oxygen, releasing energy.
The final product from the burning of hydrogen is water. Symptoms of hydrogen depletion
include chronic fatigue, depression, hormone imbalances and indigestion. As our tissues are
depleted of hydrogen, they become stiff and lose flexibility. Dehydrated tendons and muscles
tear more easily, and dehydrated bones become brittle. Loss of lung flexibility leads to loss of
oxygen. By replenishing our hydrogen stores, we can relieve many of these conditions brought
about by hydrogen depletion. Colloidal Mineral Clusters: Colloid minerals are minerals that are
insoluble in water. Colloidal minerals are not ionized in to anions and cations like mineral salts.
Colloid minerals are so tiny that they cannot be seen except with powerful microscopes. All
water contains hydrogen atoms with a positive charge. The hydrogen protons that are found in
ordinary water control the pH or acid-alkaline balance. The negatively charged hydrogen
protons are the most powerful electron donors known to chemistry. These atoms are extremely
powerful free-radical scavengers.
Abnormal high level of acid in the body is called acidosis. The root of all diseases is acidosis. This
can be measured with a pH meter.
Excess acidity is a condition that weakens all body systems. Excess acidity forces the body to
borrow minerals – including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium – from vital organs,
bones and teeth to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. As a result,
the body can suffer severe and prolonged ‘corrosion’ due to high acidity – a condition that may
go undetected for years. Acidosis leads to serious problems with major organs such as the liver,
heart or kidneys. In this article, we will be looking into some of the reasons as to why we should
avoid acidosis.1.) It leads to weight gain and diabetes. An acidic pH may result in weight
problems such as diabetes and obesity. When our body is too acidic, we suffer from a condition
known as Insulin Sensitivity. This forces excessive insulin to be produced. As a result, the body is
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flooded with so much insulin that it diligently converts every calorie into fat. It is very likely that
an acid pH, from an imbalanced diet, produces a condition, which stimulates the
predetermined genetic response to starvation and famine. Thereafter, the body will have to
increasingly hoard every calorie consumed and store it as fat. Some people reckon that an acid
pH immediately signals the powerful genetic response to an impending famine, directly
interpreting with the all important and very sensitive Insulin-Glucagon Axis. When this happens,
it makes the body produce more insulin than usual, and in turn, produce more fats and store it.
On the other hand, a healthy and slightly alkaline pH will yield normal fat burning metabolic
activities, making no demands on the body to produce extra insulin and make fats. As such, this
allows fat to be burned and naturally lost. A healthy pH diet is also less likely to have
rebounding from a diet with additional weight gain. We should try to maintain a healthy slightly
alkaline pH so as to allow fats to be burnt normally for energy, rather than hoarded and stored
under the mistaken biochemical belief of an impending famine. Acidosis also disrupts the
insulin producing pancreatic beta cells. These beta cells are especially sensitive to pH and
cannot survive if the body is too acidic. When this occurs, beta cells will lose phase with one
another. Their cellular communication will be thwarted and the body's immune system will
start to over-respond. Stress within the cells will increase, making them more difficult to
perform adequately and survive.2.) It accelerates free-radical damage and premature aging.
Acidosis leads to partial lipid breakdown and destructive oxidative cascades accelerating free
radical damage of cell walls and intracellular membrane structures. In this process, many
healthy cells are destroyed. Acidosis is the first step towards premature aging and accelerated
oxidative cascades of cell wall destruction. Signs of acidosis may include wrinkling, age spots,
failing hormonal systems, interfering with eyesight, memory, and a host of other age-related
phenomenon. Unwanted wastes not properly eliminated from the body actually poison the
cells.3.) It disrupts lipid and fatty acid metabolism. Acidosis generally disrupts lipid and fatty
acid, which are involved in nerve and brain function. This disruption causes neurological
problems as well as problems with hormonal balance within the endocrine system. An acidic
environment also causes LDL-cholesterol to be laid down at an accelerated rate in the heart,
inappropriately lining and clogging up the vascular network. In other words, an acid pH initiates
electrostatic potential, damaging arterial walls, which in turn initiates a PDGF-dependent
immune response, causing cholesterol oxidation and the formation of plaque with heavy
metals. It corrodes arteries, veins, and heart tissues like acid eating into marble; acidosis erodes
and eats into cell wall membranes of the heart, arteries and veins. During this process of
erosion, our heart structures and inter connective tissues are weakened. All living tissues are
sensitive to their chemical environment. The muscle cells of the heart are no different. The
entire cardiovascular system is directly affected by blood plasma pH and works as one large
working "system of tubular muscles" to carry blood and nutrients to all living tissue in the body.
The pumping of the heart drives blood through the arteries, veins and capillary beds and helps
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to regulate blood pressure and the flow of blood circulation. The heart is normal when the pH
of blood plasma is slightly alkaline, having a pH of 7.35 to 7.45.When the heart plasma rises to
an acidic pH of more than 7.35, it gradually erodes away the smooth muscle tissues of the inner
walls of the arteries and veins, as well as the heart itself. This process will start to weaken the
structural composition of the heart, arterial and venous walls, causing lesions and microscopic
tearing throughout its framework. At the same time, an acid pH destabilizes free ionic balances
within circulation, increasing the populations of positively charges particles (cations, an ion with
a positive charge of electricity: H, Ca ) which directly interfere with the muscle contractility
(contraction and relaxation) of the heart and arteries.
Acid pH changes of blood are now thought to result in the following:
A. Development of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
B. Aneurysm (widening and ballooning of artery walls)
C. Arrhythmias (abnormal rhythms of the heart including tachycardia) D. Myocardial infarction
(heart attacks) E. Strokes (a cardiovascular accident). It alters the energy metabolism and
reserve. When your body has an acidic pH, it will prevent efficient cellular and body
metabolism. Acidosis results in chemical ionic disturbances, interfering with cellular
communications and functions. Acidosis reduces plus calcium binding of plasma proteins,
therefore reducing the effectiveness of this intracellular signal. It also results in a disease of
calcium cations (positive calcium) entry through positive calcium channels. This leads to a
reduction of cardiac contractibility, or the ability of the heart to pump efficiently and
rhythmically. Positive calcium and hydrogen regulate the activities of intracellular proteins and
are driven out of the cells by the” Sodium-Potassium pump" (Na-K pump). This pump provides a
strong incentive for sodium to be driven into cells. It also regulates the amount of both sodium
and potassium in the body stores, and uses as much as 25 percent of our caloric input daily.
Positive calcium exchanges the plus sodium, being forced out of cells, but naturally, the
electrochemical gradient for positive calcium favors both positive hydrogen and positive
calcium entry into cells, as there is less calcium and positive hydrogen in cells than in the extracellular fluids. In extra-cellular fluids, there is 10 times more the amount of positive sodium. In
acidic solutions, less plus sodium is available, therefore slowing down the processing and
induction of nutritional items going into the cells. This increases positive hydrogen and calcium
buildup within the plasma, making it more available to electro-statically bind with LDLCholesterol. As result, with free positive calcium populations and channels being disrupted,
calcium may become inordinately leached from the bone masses. This causes osteoporosis. In a
nutshell, an acidic pH drains us of energy and disallows stored energy reserves to be used.6.) It
slows the delivery of oxygen into the cell. Acidosis reduces oxygen in the blood. As all living
tissues, especially the heart and brain need oxygen to function; a lack of it will lead to eventual
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death. Having an acidic pH will reduce the amount of oxygen that is delivered to the cells. They
will eventually die. Diseases Associated with Acidosis. It is important to note that the body's
biochemistry is an important but just one of many tools to help the physician understand the
whole body pH itself is not a diagnostic tool and is not a medical diagnosis as a disease entity.
What then happens when the body is too acidic?
An acidic balance will: 1. Decrease the body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients 2.
Decrease energy production in the cells3. Decrease the body's ability to repair damaged cells 4.
Decrease the body's ability to detoxify heavy metals 5. Enable tumor cells to thrive 6. Make the
body more susceptible to fatigue and illness. Some people who have high acidity levels tend to
exhibit these symptoms such as anxiety, diarrhea, dilated pupils, extroverted behavior, fatigue
in early morning, headaches, hyperactivity, hyper sexuality, insomnia, nervousness, rapid
heartbeat, restless legs, shortness of breath, strong appetite, high blood pressure, warm dry
hands and feet. Most of the time, the body becomes acidic due to a diet rich in acids, emotional
stress, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen
and other nutrients. When this happens, the body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using
alkaline minerals such as calcium. As a result, calcium is removed from the bones, causing
osteoporosis. Acidosis, which is an extended time in the acid pH state, can result in rheumatoid
arthritis, diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and most cancers.
Two main factors leading to cancer are an acidic pH and a lack of oxygen. As such, are we able
to manipulate these two factors so as to prevent and control cancer? Everyone knows that
cancer needs an acidic and low oxygen environment to survive and flourish. Research has
proven that terminal cancer patients have an acidity level of 1,000 times more than normal
healthy people. The vast majority of terminal cancer patients have a very acidic pH.
Why is this so? The reason is simple. Without oxygen, glucose undergoing fermentation
becomes lactic acid. The basic truth is that our bodies simply cannot fight diseases if our pH is
not properly balanced. Acidosis and Alkalosis: Urinary the normal pH value for the body fluids is
between pH 7.35and 7.45. When the pH value of body fluids is below 7.35, the condition is
called acidosis, and when the pH is above 7.45, it is called alkalosis. Metabolism produces acidic
products that lower the pH of the body fluids. For example, carbon dioxide is a by-product of
metabolism, and carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid. Also, lactic acid is a
product of anaerobic metabolism, protein metabolism produces phosphoric and sulfuric acids,
and lipid metabolism produces fatty acids. These acidic substances must continuously be
eliminated from the body to maintain pH homeostasis. Rapid elimination of acidic products of
metabolism results in alkalosis, and the failure to eliminate acidic products of metabolism
results in acidosis. The major effect of acidosis is depression of the central nervous system.
When the pH of the blood falls below 7.35, the central nervous system malfunctions, and the
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individual becomes disoriented and possibly comatose as the condition worsens. A major effect
of alkalosis is hyper excitability of the nervous system. Peripheral nerves are affected first,
resulting in spontaneous nervous stimulation of muscles. Spasms and titanic contractions and
possibly extreme nervousness or convulsions result. Severe alkalosis can cause death as a result
of tetany of the respiratory muscles. Although buffers in the body fluids help resist changes in
the pH of body fluids, the respiratory system and the kidneys regulate the pH of the body fluids.
Malfunctions of either the respiratory system or the kidneys can result in acidosis or alkalosis.
Acidosis and alkalosis are categorized by the cause of the condition. Respiratory acidosis or
respiratory alkalosis results from abnormalities of the respiratory system. Metabolic acidosis or
metabolic alkalosis results from all causes other than abnormal respiratory functions.
Inadequate ventilation of the lungs causes respiratory acidosis. The normal rate at which
carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body fluids through the lungs is felled. This increases the
concentration of carbon dioxide in the body fluids. As carbon dioxide levels increase excess
carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid. The carbonic acid dissociates to form
hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions. The increase in hydrogen ion concentration causes the pH
of the body fluids to decrease. If the pH of the body fluids falls below 7.35, symptoms of
respiratory acidosis become apparent. Buffers help resist a decrease in pH, and the kidneys
help compensate for failure of the lungs to prevent respiratory acidosis by increasing the rate at
which they secrete hydrogen ions into the filtrate and reabsorb bicarbonate ions. However, the
capacity of buffers to resist changes in pH can be exceeded, and a time period of 1 or 2 days is
required for the kidney to become maximally functional. Thus the kidneys are not effective if
respiratory acidosis develops quickly, but they are very effective if respiratory acidosis develops
slowly or if it lasts long enough for the kidneys to respond. For example, kidney cannot
compensate for respiratory acidosis occurring in response to a severe asthma attack that begins
quickly and subsides within hours. However, if respiratory acidosis results from emphysema,
which develops over a long period of time, the kidneys play a significant role in helping to
compensate. Respiratory alkalosis results from hyperventilation of the lungs. This increases the
rate at which carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body fluids and results in a decrease in the
concentration of carbon dioxide in the body fluids. As carbon dioxide levels decrease, hydrogen
ions react with bicarbonate ions to form carbonic acid. The carbonic acid dissociates to form
water and carbon dioxide. The resulting decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions causes
the pH of the body fluids to increase. If the pH of body fluids increases above 7.35, symptoms of
respiratory alkalosis becomes apparent. The kidneys help to compensate for respiratory
alkalosis by decreasing the rate of hydrogen ions secretion into the urine and the rate of
bicarbonate ion reabsorption. If an increase in pH occurs, a time period of 1 or 2 days is
required for the kidneys to be maximally effective. Thus the kidneys are not effective if
respiratory alkalosis develops quickly. However, they are very effective if respiratory alkalosis
develops slowly. For example, the kidneys are not effective in compensating for respiratory
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alkalosis that occurs in response to hyperventilation triggered by emotions, which usually
begins quickly and subsides within minutes or hours. However if alkalosis results from staying at
a high altitude over a 2 or 3 day period, the kidneys play a significant role in helping to
compensate. Metabolic acidosis results from all conditions that decrease the pH of the body
fluids below 7.35, with the exception of conditions resulting from altered function of the
respiratory system. As hydrogen ions accumulate in the body fluids, buffers first resist a decline
in pH. If the buffers cannot compensate forth increase in hydrogen ions, the respiratory center
helps regulate the body fluid pH. The reduced pH stimulates the respiratory center, which
causes hyperventilation. During hyperventilation, carbon dioxide is eliminated at a greater rate.
The elimination of carbon dioxide also eliminates excess hydrogen ions and helps maintain the
pH of the body fluids within a normal range. If metabolic acidosis persists for many hours and if
the kidneys are functional, the kidneys can also help compensate for metabolic acidosis. They
begin to secrete hydrogen ions at a greater rate and increase the rate of bicarbonate ion
reabsorption. Symptoms of metabolic acidosis appear if the respiratory and renal systems are
not able to maintain the pH of the body fluids within its normal range. Metabolic alkalosis
results from all conditions that increase the pH of the body fluids above 7.45, with the
exception of conditions resulting from altered function of the respiratory system. As hydrogen
ions decrease in the body fluids, buffers first resist an increase in pH. If the buffers cannot
compensate forth decrease in hydrogen ions, the respiratory center helps regulate the body
fluid pH. The increased pH inhibits respiration. Reduced respiration allows carbon dioxide to
accumulate in the body fluids. Carbon dioxide reacts with water to produce carbonic acid. If
metabolic alkalosis persists for several hours, and if the kidneys are functional, the kidneys
reduce the rate of hydrogen ion secretion to help reverse alkalosis.
Traditionally, there have been four According to many health researchers, total healing of
chronic illness takes place only when and if the blood is restored to a normal, slightly alkaline
pH. In case you missed it, let me say it again...
Total healing of chronic illness takes place only when and if the blood is restored to a normal,
slightly alkaline pH.
The magnitude of meaning behind this research is of incredible importance to someone who is
fighting a disease, overcoming an illness, or just desiring to feel better. What it means is this.
Your Body pH affects EVERYTHING:
Human blood stays in a very narrow pH range right around 7.3. Below or above this range
means symptoms and disease.
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When pH goes off, microbial looking form in the blood can change shape, mutate, mirror
pathogenicity, and grow.
When pH goes off, ENZYMES that are constructive can become destructive.
When pH goes off, OXYGEN delivery to cells suffers.
Your brain needs fuel to run, and the fuel
It uses is glucose. But unlike other cells, your brain can't store glucose. It depends on the
second to second supply from the bloodstream - a bloodstream that is affected by pH, which
controls the efficiency of INSULIN, which allows sugar to enter into cells which in turn controls
blood sugar levels.
MINERAL ASSIMILATION is affected by pH. Minerals have different pH levels at which they can
be assimilated into the body. Minerals on the lower end of the atomic scale can be assimilated
in a wider pH range, and minerals higher up on the scale require a narrower and narrower pH
range in order to be assimilated by the body. For example:
Sodium and magnesium have wide pH assimilation ranges.
It narrows somewhat for calcium and potassium and also narrows more for manganese and
Iodine, which is high up on the atomic scale, requires near perfect pH for its assimilation into
the body.
Iodine you may know is one of the most important minerals for proper functioning of the
THYROID. But, the thyroid doesn't get access to iodine unless the body pH is near perfect.
With a society in a largely pH unbalanced state, one would suspect a lot of thyroid problems.
Malfunctioning thyroids have been connected to arthritis, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer,
depression, overweight, fatigue and more. Are you starting to see the basic metabolic picture
evolving here?
Minerals are co-enzymes which help vitamins function. In the absence of minerals, vitamins
can't do their job. Many minerals are referred to as trace minerals, which might make it, seem
as though they are of little importance, but nothing could be further from the truth. Minerals
and their deficiencies have been implicated in a wide range of off-balance health conditions.
Here are some examples:
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Supplementing a diet with sufficient chromium and vanadium can help prevent diabetes and
has been seen to reverse diabetes in those already diabetic, as vanadium is reportedly able to
replace insulin in some cases.
Copper deficiency is implicated in aneurysms (brain, aortic, etc.)
Magnesium is quite possibly the most important mineral for the reduction of coronary heart
disease. (The latest "cutting edge" research shows that heart disease is really a function of
heart muscle acidosis.)
Boron helps keep calcium in the bones, helps women preserve and make estrogen, and helps
men keep testosterone. Boron affects alertness. Boron can help eliminate arthritis.
Potassium and magnesium (along with organic sodium) are some of the most important
minerals for rebalancing the electrical properties of the cell, for eliminating excess acidity, and
for helping to balance calcium.
Magnesium helps conduct electrical messages between all the neurons of the body.
People get irrational when potassium levels are low.
Zinc is involved in over 200 brain enzyme interactions.
Drinking zinc mixed with distilled water can stop anorexia nervosa in a day.
Zinc deficiency symptoms include loss of taste and smell.
Zinc deficiency in children results in moodiness, depression, irritability, photo phobia (light
sensitivity), antagonism, temper tantrums & learning problems.
Children who do poorly on achievement tests tend to have low iron levels. These children also
display disruptive, impulsive and irritable behavior in the classroom. Children who have high
lead levels do more poorly overall. Most of these children's mineral imbalances go undiagnosed
and instead are medicated with drugs.
Likewise, ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder can often be eliminated by balancing nutritional trace
minerals. There is no need to drug our children.
Cigarette smoke is rich in cadmium (the blue color in the smoke). Cadmium is the most
neurotoxic substance known to human beings. A low zinc/high cadmium ratio is implicated in
learning disabilities.
Zinc is needed to balance cadmium.
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Too much copper is an irritant to the brain.
High manganese levels show statistically high correlation with violent behavior. While lithium
balances and helps control manganese. The cities of the world with the highest lithium
concentration in their water show the lowest homicide rates.
The trace element rubidium cures manic depression.
The right ratio of copper to zinc in the cell acts as an antioxidant.
This information shows just a teeny fraction of how minerals and mineral imbalances can affect
your health. Much of this information is buried in professional journals, there for the taking.
Without a doubt, the single most important thing you can do for your health is to supplement
your diet with broad spectrum trace minerals. They are that important.
Your Disease is in Perfect Harmony with Your Body
From what you've learned so far, you should begin to understand the truth of this statement.
When your body's mineral balances are off, your health is off. When your body's pH and basic
metabolic processes are off, it sets up the internal environment that becomes a new
playground for the opportunistic "bugs" - bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.
Some researchers contend that patients with high levels of mercury in their mouths will often
exhibit specific polymorphic microbe looking elements in their blood.
Is it possible that something like high levels of copper, as referenced in the story above; are
more than just an irritant to the brain?
PH Balancing - Extremely Alkaline M
PH Balancing - Moderately Alkaline M
Apples - sour Alfalfa Sprouts Apricots Avocados
Bananas - ripe Beans - fresh green Beets Bell Pepper
Broccoli Cabbage Carob Carrots
Cauliflower Currants Dates Figs
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Garlic Ginger - fresh Grapefruit Grapes - less sweet
Guavas Bell Pepper Herbs - fresh green leafy Lettuce - green leafy
Nectarines Peaches - ripe - sweet Pears Peas - fresh, sweet, green
Potatoes w/skin Pumpkin Raspberries Sea Salt - vegetable
Strawberries Squash Bell Pepper Sweet Corn - fresh
Turnips Vinegar - raw apple cider
PH Balancing - Slightly Alkaline M
Almonds - raw Artichokes - Jerusalem Brussels’s Sprouts Cherries
Chestnuts - dry, roasted Coconut - fresh Cucumbers Egg Yolks - soft
Eggplant Essence Bread Goat's Milk & Whey - raw Honey - raw
Leeks Mayonnaise - homemade Mushrooms Okra
Olives - ripe Olive Oil Onions Pickles - homemade
Radishes Sea Salt - unrefined Sesame Seeds - whole Soybeans - dry
Soy Cheese Soy Milk Spices Sprouted Grains
Tofu Tomatoes Vinegar - sweet, brown rice Yeast - nutritional
PH Balancing - Alkaline Forming M
Asparagus Cantaloupe Cayenne Celery
Dates Figs Fruit Juices - fresh Grapes - sweet, seedless
Kelp Kiwi - fruit Limes Mango
Melons Papaya Parsley Passion - fruit
Pears - sweet, ripe Pineapple Raisins Umeboshi Plums
Vegetable Juices Watercress
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PH Balancing - Neutral M
Butter - fresh, unsalted Cream - fresh, raw Cow's Milk & Whey - raw
Oils - except Olive Yogurt - plain
PH Balancing - Moderately Acid M
Bananas - green Barley - rye Beans - dried Blueberries
Bran Butter - processed Cereals - unrefined Cheeses
Coconut - dried crackers - unrefined Cranberries Egg Whites
Eggs, whole, cooked hard Fructose Goat's Milk - homogenized Honey –
Ketchup Maple Syrup - raw Milk - homogenized Cranberries
Molasses - organic, unsulf'd Mustard Nuts - most Oats - organic
Olives - pickled Pasta - whole grain Plums Popcorn - w/salt, butter
Prunes Rice - basmati, brown Pumpkin Seeds Soy Sauce
Sunflower Seeds Wheat Bread - sprouted, organic
PH Balancing - Extremely Acid M
Artificial Sweeteners Beef Beer Breads
Brown Sugar Carbonated Drinks Cereals - refined Chocolate
Cigarettes - Tobacco Coffee Cream of Wheat Custard white sugar
Fish Flour - white, wheat
Fruit Juices w/sugar Jams Jellies Lamb
Liquor - alcohol... Maple Syrup - Processed. Pasta Pastry, Cakes
Pickles - processed Pork Poultry Seafood
Sugar Table Salt - refined - iodized Tea - Black White Bread
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White Vinegar Whole Wheat Foods Wines Yogurt, sweetened
Chapter 2
Oxidating & anti oxidants:
To understand "Oxidative Medicine," we must first understand and differentiate the terms
"Oxidation" and” Oxygenation.
"OXIDATION refers to the process where there is a transfer of electrons between two or more
molecules, while OXYGENATION is the uptake or use of Oxygenate the cellular level. Every cell
in the human system requires Oxygen to stimulate the cellular production of energy during the
process of Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation.
Vitamins: The benefits of each natural essential vitamin over their synthetic counterparts
involving chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic infections, arthritis, attention-deficit disorders,
thyroid syndromes, seasonal allergic rhinitis, and migraine headaches found that 98.4% of
participants who followed his recommendations reported improvement.
. It is also true that in a recent trial, "The intake of {ISOLATED} vitamin C, beta-carotene and
vitamin E supplements was not significantly associated with the risk of Alzheimer's disease". "In
two recent observational studies, higher dietary intakes of antioxidants {FOOD}, especially
{FOOD} vitamin E, were found to be associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease. Neither
study showed that supplemental {ISOLATED} vitamin E and vitamin C reduced the risk of
Alzheimer’s disease. These findings suggest the involvement of other nutritional factors that
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may be involved in the reduced risk” food vitamin E appears to be.02 times more retained by
the body than synthetic vitamin E .this may be because the body attempts to rid itself of
synthetic forms as quickly as possible. Vitamin E has been shown to reduce the risk of various
cancers, coronary heart disease, cataract formation, and even air pollution. It also is believed it
may slow the aging process and decrease exercise-induced oxidative stress. Artificial fats seem
to increase the need for vitamin E. Vitamin E content is highest in oils such as soy, but is also
relatively high in avocados (4.31 i.u. each) .High dose isolated vitamin E can have pro-oxidant
effects . Jerome Block (M.D.) reports, "My research of the literature and my patients supports
that this {ISOLATED} vitamin E supplement by itself does not supply adequate antioxidant
protection…If one takes the {ISOLATED} commercial form of vitamin E…there is evidence that
the effect of the antioxidant is not present…vitamin E found in foods is much more effective
than the single alpha-tocopherol supplements… Although vitamin E has an excellent safety
record, studies show that alpha-tocopherol alone…has been pro-oxidant rather than
antioxidant" Selenium is a mineral with antioxidant abilities and is also "a necessary mineral for
the production of antioxidants in the body”. The three most common forms of selenium in
supplements are sodium selenite, seleniomethionine, and food selenium. The predominant
form of selenium found in the body and in food selenium is selenocysteine. An animal study
concluded that food selenium was 3 times less toxic than sodium selenite; this seems to be
consistent with human research. Other research suggests that food selenium is 2.26 times more
retained in the liver than sodium selenite. Food selenium (which is normally a specially grown
yeast food) should not be confused with yeasts which have been simply fortified with sodium
selenite, which can be quite toxic. An in vitro study found that food selenium had 17.6 times
the antioxidant effect than did seleniomethionine. One study found that food selenium was
123.01 more effective than selenium methionine in preventing non enzymatic glycation in
diabetics --glycation end-products tend to also accumulate in the brains of those who develop
Alzheimer’s or similar forms of dementia. It has been reported that food selenium seems to
reduce toxicity associated with cisplatin chemotherapy .Sodium selenite is not a food, but is the
result of combining sodium hydroxide and selenious acid; sodium selenite is commonly used to
remove green color from glass during glass manufacturing. Why would anyone want to take
that as part of their antioxidant supplement? Zinc is an important component of superoxide
dismutase (see below)."Dietary zinc has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties".
Poor zinc nutrition may be an important risk factor in oxidant release and the development of
DNA damage and cancer. Approximately 10% of the United States population ingests <50% of
the recommended daily allowance for zinc, a cofactor in proteins involved in antioxidant
defenses, electron transport, DNA repair and p53 protein expression”. High zinc-containing
foods include wheat bran, beef, miso, spinach, mushrooms, alfalfa sprouts, brewer's yeast,
turkey, lamb, bean sprouts, tofu, and to a lesser degree in whole wheat bread . (Shellfish also
contains zinc, but this researcher can not recommend that as a source). Zinc in unleavened
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whole wheat bread is less bio available than zinc in whole wheat bread leavened with yeast;
enzymatic ally-processed food grade yeast seems to contain some of the most bio available
food zinc. Perhaps this may help explain why zinc in Saccharomocyes cerevisiae has been the
food form of zinc most often compared to (and repeatedly been shown to be superior to) zinc
in mineral salt forms .Superoxide Dismutase Superoxide dismutase (S.O.D.) is naturally found in
foods such as nutritional yeast and barley green. It is not considered to be an essential nutrient,
nor is it an herb (though it does exist in plants). However, S.O.D. "is one of the most important
enzymes that functions as a cellular antioxidant...The absence of this enzyme is lethal"
Although S.O.D. (like glutathione, lipoic acid, etc.) is not a vitamin/mineral it is listed here
separately because it may be the single most important antioxidant (it is possible that some
other antioxidant will take over that role, but more studies appear to have been published
about S.O.D. than possibly any other non-vitamin, non-mineral antioxidant)."It protects
intracellular components from oxidative damage, converting the superoxide ion to hydrogen
peroxide" . S.O.D. appears to be able to prevent activation of "phospholipase A2 and paranoid
synthesis by scavenging free radicals, thereby reducing lipid peroxidation products". It is a
powerful free radical scavenger, which has been clinically shown to protect the brain, heart,
liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, muscles, penis, nerves, and spinal cord from ischemic injury. S.O.D.
has been shown to inhibit articular tissue damage associated with osteoarthritis decreases lipid
peroxidation in damaged skin cells , protect against late radiation-induced tissue injury,
improves clinical symptoms associated with Bechet's syndrome , helps protect the retina , helps
protect against iron toxicity , inhibits vasogenic brain edema after brain injury , increases flu
survival rates in mice , plays a role in bacterial defense, helps normalize blood pressure , helpful
for cardiovascular problems , reduces LDL oxidation involved in atherosclerosis , is reduced in
Alzheimer's patients , improves sperm motility , and even helped patients with TMJ who did not
respond to traditional therapy ; there over a thousand recent (within the last 5 years) peerreviewed papers on S.O.D. High levels of S.O.D. have been associated with reduced growth of
Candida albicans . It is often sold in a "purified" version (from animal products) as an anti-aging
product; S.O.D. seems to have "anti-aging" properties. Ingestion of polyethylene glycolconjugated superoxide dismutase is not as effective as CuZn (copper/zinc) superoxide
dismutase. CuZn superoxide dismutase, along with Mn superoxide dismutase exists naturally; in
foods such as nutritional yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).Antioxidant Herbs There are many
antioxidant plants and other herbs. All antioxidants in plants and herbs exist in their natural
food forms, hence (unless isolated) are true antioxidants.
Atoms are most stable in the ground state. An atom is considered to be "ground" when every
electron in the outermost shell has a complimentary electron that spins in the opposite
direction. By definition a free radical is any atom (e.g. oxygen, nitrogen) with at least one
unpaired electron in the outermost shell, and is capable of independent existence. A free
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radical is easily formed when a covalent bond between entities is broken and one electron
remains with each newly formed atom. Free radicals are highly reactive due to the presence of
unpaired electron(s). The following literature review addresses only radicals with an oxygen
center. Any free radical involving oxygen can be referred to as reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Oxygen centered free radicals contain two unpaired electrons in the outer shell. When free
radicals steal an electron from a surrounding compound or molecule a new free radical is
formed in its place. In turn the newly formed radical then looks to return to its ground state by
stealing electrons with antiparallel spins from cellular structures or molecules. Thus the chain
reaction continues and can be "thousand of events long.”. The electron transport chain (ETC),
which is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane, utilizes oxygen to generate energy in the
form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Oxygen acts as the terminal electron acceptor within the
ETC. The literature suggests that anywhere from 2 to 5% of the total oxygen intake during both
rest and exercise have the ability to form the highly damaging superoxide radical via electron
escape. During exercise oxygen consumption increases 10 to 20 fold to 35-70 ml/kg/min. In
turn, electron escape from the ETC is further enhanced. Thus, when calculated, .6 to 3.5
ml/kg/min of the total oxygen intake during exercise have the ability to form free radicals.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are abundant in cellular membranes and in low-density
lipoproteins (LDL). The PUFAs allow for fluidity of cellular membranes. A free radical prefers to
steal electrons from the lipid membrane of a cell, initiating a free radical attack on the cell
known as lipid peroxidation. Reactive oxygen species target the carbon-carbon double bond of
polyunsaturated fatty acids. The double bond on the carbon weakens the carbon-hydrogen
bond allowing for easy dissociation of the hydrogen by a free radical. A free radical will steal the
single electron from the hydrogen associated with the carbon at the double bond. In turn this
leaves the carbon with an unpaired electron and hence becomes a free radical. In an effort to
stabilize the carbon-centered free radical molecular rearrangement occurs. The newly arranged
molecule is called a conjugated diene (CD).The CD then very easily reacts with oxygen to form a
proxy radical. The proxy radical steals an electron from another lipid molecule in a process
called propagation. This process then continues in a chain reaction.
There are numerous types of free radicals that can be formed within the body. The most
common ROS include: the superoxide anion (O2-), the hydroxyl radical (OH •), singlet oxygen
(1O2 ), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Superoxide anions are formed when oxygen (O2)
acquires an additional electron, leaving the molecule with only one unpaired electron. Within
the mitochondria O2- • is continuously being formed. The rate of formation depends on the
amount of oxygen flowing through the mitochondria at any given time. Hydroxyl radicals are
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short-lived, but the most damaging radicals within the body. This type of free radical can be
formed from O2- and H2O2 via the Harber-Weiss reaction. The interaction of copper or iron
and H2O2 also produce OH • as first observed by Fenton. These reactions are significant as the
substrates are found within the body and could easily interact. Hydrogen peroxide is produced
in vivo by many reactions. Hydrogen peroxide is unique in that it can be converted to the highly
damaging hydroxyl radical or be catalyzed and excreted harmlessly as water. Glutathione
peroxidase is essential for the conversion of glutathione to oxidized glutathione, during which
H2O2 is converted to water. If H2O2 is not converted into water 1O2 is formed. Singlet oxygen
is not a free radical, but can be formed during radical reactions and also cause further
reactions. Unpaired electrons Singlet oxygen can then transfer the energy to a new molecule
and act as a catalyst for free radical formation. The molecule can also interact with other
molecules leading to the formation of a new free radical.
All transition metals, with the exception of copper contain one electron in their outermost shell
and can be considered free radicals. Copper has a full outer shell, but loses and gains electrons
very easily making itself a free radical. In addition iron has the ability to gain and lose electrons
(i.e. (Fe2+«Fe3+) very easily. This property makes iron and copper two common catalysts of
oxidation reactions. Iron is major component of red blood cells (RBC). A possible hypothesis is
that the stress encountered during may break down RBC releasing free iron. The release of iron
can be detrimental to cellular membranes because of the pro-oxidation effects it can have. Zinc
only exists in one valence (Zn2+) and does not catalyze free radical formation. Zinc may actually
act to stop radical formation by displacing those metals that do have more than one valence.
Under normal conditions (at rest) the antioxidant defense system within the body can easily
handle free radicals that are produced. During times of increased oxygen flux (i.e. exercise) free
radical production may exceed that of removal ultimately resulting in lipid peroxidation. Free
radicals have been implicated as playing a role in the etiology of cardiovascular disease, cancer,
Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. While worthy of a discussion these conditions are
not the focus of the current literature review. This literature review will only examine the
current literature addressing the relationship between free radicals and exercise, which is
introduced below. The driving force behind these topics is lipid peroxidation. By preventing or
controlling lipid peroxidation the concomitant effects discussed below would be better
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Oxygen consumption greatly increases during exercise, which leads to increased free radical
production. The body counters the increase in free radical production through the antioxidant
defense system. When free radical production exceeds clearance oxidative damage occurs. Free
radicals formed during chronic exercise may exceed the protective capacity of the antioxidant
defense system, thereby making the body more immune to disease and injury. Therefore the
need for antioxidant supplementation is discussed.
A free radical attack on a membrane usually damages a cell to the point that it must be
removed by the immune system. If free radical formation and attack are not controlled within
the muscle during exercise a large quantity of muscle could easily be damaged. Damaged
muscle could in turn inhibit performance by the induction of fatigue. The role individual
antioxidants have in inhibiting this damage has been addressed within the review of the four
antioxidants that follows.
One of the first steps in recovery from exercise induced muscle damage is an acute
inflammatory response at the site of muscle damage. Free radicals are commonly associated
with the inflammatory response and are hypothesized to be greatest twenty-four hours after
completion of a strenuous exercise session. If this theory were valid then antioxidants would
play a major role in helping prevent this damage. However, if antioxidant defense systems are
inadequate or not elevated during the post-exercise infiltration period free radicals could
further damage muscle beyond that acquired during exercise. This in turn would increase the
time needed to recover from an exercise bout.
This section has focused only on the negatives associated with free radical production.
However, free radicals are naturally produced by some systems within the body and have
beneficial effects that cannot be overlooked. The immune system is the main body system that
utilizes free radicals. Foreign invaders or damaged tissue is marked with free radicals by the
immune system. This allows for determination of which tissue need to be removed from the
body. Because of this some question the need for antioxidant supplementation, as they believe
supplementation can actually decrease the effectiveness of the immune system.
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Antioxidant means “against oxidation." Antioxidants work to protect lipids from peroxidation by
radicals. Antioxidants are effective because they are willing to give up their own electrons to
free radicals. When a free radical gains the electron from an antioxidant it no longer needs to
attack the cell and the chain reaction of oxidation is broken. After donating an electron an
antioxidant becomes a free radical by definition. Antioxidants in this state are not harmful
because they have the ability to accommodate the change in electrons without becoming
reactive. The human body has an elaborate antioxidant defense system. Antioxidants are
manufactured within the body and can also be extracted from the food humans eat such as
fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, meats, and oil. There are two lines of antioxidant defense within
the cell. The first line, found in the fat-soluble cellular membrane consists of vitamin E, betacarotene, and coenzyme. Vitamin E is considered the most potent chain breaking antioxidant
within the membrane of the cell. Inside the cell water soluble antioxidant scavengers are
present. These include vitamin C, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase (SD), and
catalase. Only those antioxidants that are commonly supplemented (vitamins A, C, E and the
mineral selenium).
Chapter 3
There is natural process of detoxification in human body. Body detoxifies the system through
diarrhea, vomiting or other measures.
We currently live in a world full of toxic waste, contaminated water, exposed to environmental
hazards such as progressive reduction of forests, erosion, reduction of the ozone layer, global
warming, electromagnetic radiation, stress, etc. We know that many diseases have one thing in
common: the accumulation of toxins. This process acidifies our pH and our body fluids,
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generating an acidotic state, which is a common factor for most chronic and degenerative
diseases of our time, as are diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, asthma, allergies and many
others. This acidotic state can be interpreted as an increase in molecular cations or positively
charged ions in the body. Life and health of human beings is determined by the number of
electrons that are found inside the body. A healthy person should have 80% of negative
electrons (anions) and 20% positive electrons (cations).
The Ion Cleanse works eliminating toxins at the electrolyte level, carrying out a process called
ionization, which consists of separating the water molecules found in the tub where the feet
are placed, separating thousands of ions. These ions generate a vigorous chemical reaction
between anions and cations. By osmosis a large number of anions (negative ions) penetrate the
different membranes of the body and are set to find positive ions, i.e., toxins attached to
different body tissues (skin, organs, etc), the negatively charged anions then neutralize the
positive charge of the toxins or cations. Once the positive charge of the toxins is neutralized,
they emerge from the tissues to which they were attached, and are eliminated from the body
by osmosis and facilitated diffusion through the feet. The body, recognizing the detoxification
process that is taking place, co-operates increasing metabolism, speeding up cellular activity,
secreting several kinds of enzymes, and hastening the elimination function of the various
excretory organs, particularly the liver. In addition to achieving the elimination of a lot of toxins
from the body, this treatment will give the body a large amount of negative ions. If were
member that negative ions are those that make us feel peaceful, relaxed, healthy, alert, etc.,
we can understand why we feel lighter, lucid and relaxed after treatment.
Purifies the blood and drains the lymphatic system - facilitates blood circulation and
oxygenation - Strengthens the immune system - speeds up the metabolic process (synthesis of
energy) and eliminates toxins - slows aging- reduces pain and inflammation - promotes
regulates hormonal disorders and stimulates cell regeneration - removes deposits of fat and
cholesterol - promotes weight loss and elimination of phlegm - increases the absorption of
nutrients and waste disposal - maximize natural detoxification of the body from cellular base helps solve problems and patches of skin - helps fight addictions to snuff alcohol and drugs health increases energy and sense of well-being of the body - relieves chronic fatigue and rest
easy at night - eliminate waste acid - (acid radicals) causing major disease. Scientific studies
have proven and continue to check that the use of BHL with surgical-quality filters has no
contraindications or side effects (liver toxicity, kidney and brain by impure metal particles) and
has been observed that the Ionic Detox enhances any drug treatment, causing a reduction in
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blood glucose, as well as urea, uric acid, creatinine, and cholesterol and triglycerides. This
treatment helps the disposal of acid waste in the body that is the leading cause of chronicdegenerative diseases, and promotes a change of the body's internal pH, causing a great
improvement in quality of life, being complementary to any treatment. The detoxification of
the human body dramatically improves any type of medical treatment by increasing the level of
absorption into the body of drugs and medicines and natural products and therefore enhances
the effectiveness of treatment. Detoxification therapy to support the treatment of many
ailments, like addictions, diabetes, dyslipidemia, gout, arthritis, kidney stones, acute and
chronic toxicity and or intoxication, and many others is used.
Harmful positive ion (cations) is a particle that loses an electron. The healthful negative ion
(anion) gains an electron in the valency orbit; that is it increases the ability to absorb and utilise
oxygen and reduces any excess of harmful serotonin. These two small invisible electrified
particles have an effect on our physical and mental well-being and we are constantly
bombarded with negative and positive ions e.g. polluted air. The negative ions make us feel
good, they destroy harmful bacteria. The positive ions make us feel bad (TV. screen produces
positive ions). If the positive ions occur naturally in sufficient numbers, for instance during the
onset of the commonly known hot and dry desert winds, the winds cause depression, nausea,
insomnia, irritability, lassitude, migraine, asthma attacks, and also affect the normal function of
the thyroid glands. Biochemical speaking, the body becomes exhausted and this can lead to an
increase in accidents, violent crime and suicides. These can be counteracted with the beneficial
negative ions. The negative ions contribute to the feeling of well being. They reduce the
number of active harmful bacteria in the air; the severity of illness; in general they have a
stimulating effect also on plant growth like rain water, which has abundant source of negative
ions. For instance, a shower will re-ionize and has a tonic effect on the body, just like rain water
which clears the air. Therefore the surroundings of a water-fall, fountains, showers and the
breaking surf of sea spray have a much more stimulating effect on the body and mind.
Remember that emotional stress produces serotonin. According to Dr Irving Oyle, serotonin is
“the ultimate downer” while nor epinephrine is the “ultimate upper”. An excess of positive ions
also affects the neuro hormone adrenalin which responds to external stress and our five senses
control the production of adrenalin hormone. This universal phenomenon is a primeval
ancestral link, for ion-charged air around breaking or splashing water which attracts us and
makes us feel good. The ions affect our body chemistry e.g. Serotonin which plays an important
role in the working of the brain; is a neurohormone .For instance: Negative ions cut down the
serotonin level and act like a beneficial natural tranquillizer. An excess of serotonin in brain
leads to an exaggerated sense of physical and emotional well-being (euphoria), that follows
with a state of (lassitude) then to the electrical change from rhythms of the cerebral cortex
(over arousal) and finally irritability, anger and violence. If anyone is exposed to a high level of
negative atmosphere, within half an hour serotonin appears in the urine; that is the disposal of
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excess serotonin. These experiments can be tested at home under a shower (supply of negative
Acupuncture points are ion absorption points; therefore the body can be re-ionized through
Magneton metal radiation techniques or acupuncture needling. It enhances the body’s ability
to utilise oxygen properly and vitamins also have a similar effect. Negative ion devices prevent
horses from stall-walking, a syndrome characterized by horses endlessly oscillating their heads
from side to side. Similar phenomena such as hypertension can be observed with human beings
who wear an excess of clothing especially if made of synthetic fabric. All movements obviously
increase ionic flow by causing friction with immobilized ionic particles in an electromagnetically shielded environment. Under normal conditions the body balances the ionization
by means of nasal cycle e.g. taking the breath in through the left nostril negatively ionizes the
air and the right nostril positively ionizes it. Note: running water also produces negative ions.
Dimethylsufoxide (D.S.M.O.) (CH3) acts biologically as a weak donor of electrons when applied
externally and a similar dramatic relief of pain. It has local analgesic properties and is absorbed
through intact skin. Cortisone (C21H28O5) is also a weak electron donor in tissues.
Observations according to James Beal of N.A.S.A. – 1974 Interesting observations with regard to
bio-chemical deviations experienced by astronauts suggest that they may be related to
abnormalities in environmental electro-magnetic. Frequent ventricular contractions (P.V.C.’s),
loss of Calcium and a decrease in red blood cell volume of up to 20%have been observed as
were certain intestinal gaseous disturbances. Mice placed in a de-ionized environment showed
a generalized physiological deterioration – became ill and died in 24 days. Cold electron
emission from acupuncture points might, under these circumstances, be a biological effort to
replenish the atmospheric ionic concentration which is necessary to enable the current flows
induced by external electro-static and electro-magnetic fields. Body electrical balance then
would require elimination of cations e.g. Ca+ and K+. Biological systems thus understandably
attempt to normalize external environments at the expense of internal electrical reserves, such
as Calcium and Potassium.
CONCLUSION: without ions we could not absorb oxygen in the quantities needed to live.
In summary, a general observation of the Biological Fields and stress would lead one to believe
that life’s cognizing functions lie within the parameter of a biological field. These biological
fields may be affirmed to become defective during emotional or physical stress which, if
prolonged, subsequently results in cellular disease. Acupunctural augmentation (increase) of
ionic flows to counteract such defective biological fields relieves pain because it is really within
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
these fields that pain is experienced. Similarly, anesthesia can be produced. Cellular disease is
remedied therefore as cells begin to conform to overlying biological fields. This correlation of
psychological stress to biological fields and physical disease is most intriguing. Acupuncture
needles in the mid-forearm cure headaches and needles in the big toe produce anesthesia for
dental extractions. Presumably the mechanism is due to their effects on and within the
intricate, continually cognizing, biological field. The function of the acupuncture needles is
supported by observations of physics, geophysics, biology, biophysics and psychiatry. THE
The highlight of the Bio-Rhythm Inductor is a new approach of Simple Extra Low Frequencies
with oscillating magnetic pulses. It is also in harmony with the numerical philosophy of
acupuncture and the theory has more connection with the electrical physiology phenomena
(nerves can receive 2500Hz). With a higher wave frequency, the muscle may go slightly into
spasm and the feeling of numbness and heaviness – this is a normal reaction. One may observe
the muscle, tendon and joint moving together. This has a relationship to the nerve meridian –
muscle and tendon functions. The reaction at the local muscle will follow the frequency of the
wave induced by the magnetic pulse. If the dosage of stimulation is correct, the patient after
treatment will be relieved of his syndrome. The body function will be in harmony and he will
feel comfortable and full of energy. This treatment is suitable for patients who are scared of
acupuncture needling or other treatment.
Cirrhosis of liver:
Cirrhosis is a complication of many liver diseases that is characterized by abnormal structure
and function of the liver. The diseases that lead to cirrhosis do so because they injure and kill
liver cells, and the inflammation and repair that is associated with the dying liver cells causes
scar tissue to form. The liver cells that do not die multiply in an attempt to replace the cells that
have died. This results in clusters of newly-formed liver cells (regenerative nodules) within the
scar tissue. There are many causes of cirrhosis; they include chemicals (such as alcohol, fat, and
certain medications), viruses, toxic metals (such as iron and copper that accumulate in the liver
as a result of genetic diseases), and autoimmune liver disease in which the body's immune
system attacks the liver. Why does cirrhosis cause problems? The liver is an important organ in
the body. It performs many critical functions, two of which are producing substances required
by the body, for example, clotting proteins that are necessary in order for blood to clot, and
removing toxic substances that can be harmful to the body, for example, drugs. The liver also
has an important role in regulating the supply to the body of glucose (sugar) and lipids (fat) that
the body uses as fuel. In order to perform these critical functions, the liver cells must be
working normally, and they must have an intimate relationship with the blood since the
substances that are added or removed by the liver are transported to and from the liver by the
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blood. The relationship of the liver to the blood is unique. Unlike most organs in the body, only
a small amount of blood is supplied to the liver by arteries. Most of the liver's supply of blood
comes from the intestinal veins as the blood returns to the heart. The main vein that returns
blood from the intestines is called the portal vein. As the portal vein passes through the liver, it
breaks up into increasingly smaller and smaller veins. The tiniest veins (called sinusoids because
of their unique structure) are in close contact with the liver cells. In fact, the liver cells line up
along the length of the sinusoids. This close relationship between the liver cells and blood from
the portal vein allows the liver cells to remove and add substances to the blood. Once the blood
has passed through the sinusoids, it is collected in increasingly larger and larger veins that
ultimately form a single vein, the hepatic vein that returns the blood to the heart. In cirrhosis,
the relationship between blood and liver cells is destroyed. Even though the liver cells that
survive or are newly-formed may be able to produce and remove substances from the blood,
they do not have the normal, intimate relationship with the blood, and this interferes with the
liver cells' ability to add or remove substances from the blood. In addition, the scarring within
the cirrhotic liver obstructs the flow of blood through the liver and to the liver cells. As a result
of the obstruction to the flow of blood through the liver, blood "backs-up" in the portal vein,
and the pressure in the portal vein increases, a condition called portal hypertension. Because of
the obstruction to flow and high pressures in the portal vein, blood in the portal vein seeks
other veins in which to return to the heart, veins with lower pressures that bypass the liver.
Unfortunately, the liver is unable to add or remove substances from blood that bypasses it. It is
a combination of reduced numbers of liver cells, loss of the normal contact between blood
passing through the liver and the liver cells, and blood bypassing the liver that leads to many of
the manifestations of cirrhosis. A second reason for the problems caused by cirrhosis is the
disturbed relationship between the liver cells and the channels through which bile flows. Bile is
a fluid produced by liver cells that has two important functions: to aid in digestion and to
remove and eliminate toxic substances from the body. The bile that is produced by liver cells is
secreted into very tiny channels that run between the liver cells that line the sinusoids, called
canaliculi. The canaliculi empty into small ducts which then join together to form larger and
larger ducts. Ultimately, all of the ducts combine into one duct that enters the small intestine.
In this way, bile gets to the intestine where it can help with the digestion of food. At the same
time, toxic substances contained in the bile enter the intestine and then are eliminated in the
stool. In cirrhosis, the canaliculi are abnormal and the relationship between liver cells and
canaliculi is destroyed, just like the relationship between the liver cells and blood in the
sinusoids. As a result, the liver is not able to eliminate toxic substances normally, and they can
accumulate in the body. Toa minor extent, digestion in the intestine also is reduced.
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List of Foods that Cleanse the Liver:
In the past, I have discusses my favorite cleansing foods. This list is a little more specific and
focuses mainly on foods that can help cleanse your liver. In addition to taking a liver-cleansing
supplement , and performing at least two liver and gallbladder cleanses per year, eating the
following foods is the best way to keep your liver healthy and functioning the way you need it
to. I would encourage you to incorporate these liver cleanse foods into your weekly diet.
1. Garlic:
Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that
helps your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two
natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.
2. Grapefruit:
High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increase the natural cleansing processes of
the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of liver
detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens another toxins.
3. Beets and Carrots:
Both extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene, eating both beets and carrots can
help stimulate and improve overall liver function.
4. Green Tea:
This liver-loving beverage is chock-full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a constituent
known to assist the livers overall functions. Green tea is not only delicious; it’s also a great way
to improve your overall diet. Learn more about the benefits of green tea.
5. Leafy Green Vegetables:
One of our most powerful allies in cleansing the liver, leafy greens can be eaten raw, cooked or
juiced. Extremely high in plant chlorophylls, greens literally suck up environmental toxins from
the blood stream. With their distinct ability to neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and
pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver.
Try incorporating leafy greens such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard
greens and chicory into your diet. This will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the
substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.
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6. Avocados:
This nutrient-dense super-food helps the body produce glutathione, which is necessary for the
liver to cleanse harmful toxins. Recent studies indicate improved liver health when avocados
are eaten regularly.
7. Apples:
High in pectin, apples hold the chemical constituents needed for the body to cleanse and
release toxins from the digestive tract. This, in turn, makes it easier for the liver to handle the
toxic load during the cleansing process.
8. Olive Oil:
Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp and flax-seed are great for the liver, when used in
moderation. They help the body by providing a lipid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the
body. In this way, it takes some of the burden off the liver in terms of the toxic overload that
many of us suffer from.
9. Whole Grains:
Grains, such as brown rice, are rich in B-complex vitamins, nutrients known to improve overall
fat destabilization, liver function and liver decongestion. If possible, do not eat foods with white
flour; instead try eating whole wheat alternatives.
10. Cruciferous: Vegetables
Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase the amount of glucosinolate in your system, adding
to enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes help flush out carcinogens, and other
toxins, out of our body which significantly lowers our risk of cancer.
11. Lemons & Limes:
These citrus fruits contain very high amounts of the vitamin C, which aids the body in
synthesizing toxic material into substance that can be absorbed by water. Drinking freshlysqueezed lemon or lime juice in the morning helps stimulate the liver.
12. Walnuts:
Holding high amount of the amino acid arginine, walnuts aid the liver in detoxifying ammonia.
Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids which support normal liver
cleansing actions. Make sure you chew the nuts well (until they are liquefied) before
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13. Cabbage:
Much like broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage helps stimulate the activation of two crucial
liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins. Try eating more kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage
soup and sauerkraut.
14. Turmeric:
The liver’s favorite spice is turmeric. Try adding some of this detoxifying goodness into your
next lentil stew or veggie dish for an instant liver pick-me-up. Turmeric helps boost liver detox,
by assisting enzymes that actively flush out known dietary carcinogens.
Tips for Doing a Liver Cleanse:
Other liver cleanse foods not listed above are artichoke, asparagus, kale and Brussels sprouts.
Eating the foods listed above is a great way to keep your liver functioning properly. However,
for the best results, I would recommend doing a liver cleanse. Doing a liver cleanse at least
twice a year will eliminate any foreign substances that may be trapped in your liver.
‘Jaundice Berries (zarkash) are also pretty good for blood/liver. They have very high antioxidant
levels, more than apples & oranges. Also they contain some key amino-acids beneficial for the
Chronic Kidney Disease
What is acute renal failure?
Acute renal failure (also called acute kidney injury) means that your kidneys have suddenly
stopped working. Your kidneys remove waste products and help balance water and salt and
other minerals (electrolytes) in your blood. When your kidneys stop working, waste products,
fluids, and electrolytes build up in your body. This can cause problems that can be deadly.
What causes acute renal failure?
Acute renal failure has three main causes:
A sudden, serious drop in blood flow to the kidneys
Heavy blood loss, an injury, or a bad infection called sepsis can reduce blood flow to the
kidneys. Not enough fluid in the body (dehydration) also can harm the kidneys.
Damage from some medicines, poisons, or infections
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Most people don't have any kidney problems from taking medicines. But people who have
serious, long-term health problems are more likely than other people to have a kidney problem
from medicines.
The dyes used in some X-ray tests.
A sudden blockage that stops urine from flowing out of the kidneys
Kidney stones, a tumor, an injury, or an enlarged prostate gland can cause a blockage.
You have a greater chance of getting acute renal failure if:
You are an older adult.
You have a long-term health problem such as kidney or liver disease, diabetes, high blood
pressure, heart failure, or obesity.
You are already very ill and are in the hospital or intensive care (ICU). Heart or belly surgery or a
bone marrow transplant can make you more likely to have kidney failure.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of acute renal failure may include:
Little or no urine when you urinate.
Swelling, especially in your legs and feet
Not feeling like eating.
Nausea and vomiting
Feeling confused, anxious and restless, or sleepy
Pain in the back just below the rib cage
This is called flank pain.
Some people may not have any symptoms. And for people who are already quite ill, the
problem that's causing the kidney failure may be causing other symptoms.
How is acute renal failure diagnosed?
Acute renal failure is most often diagnosed during a hospital stay for another cause. If you are
already in the hospital, tests done for other problems may find your kidney failure.
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If you're not in the hospital but have symptoms of kidney failure, your doctor will ask about
your symptoms, what medicines you take, and what tests you have had. Your symptoms can
help point to the cause of your kidney problem.
How to Detox Your Kidneys?
The process of detoxification is very important in order to stay healthy especially kidney detox
is quite essential. In case of kidneys detox the system involves filtration in the body to flush the
water as well as other solutes out and to control the blood cells production. It also aids in
maintaining the blood's pH levels and removes harmful substances from the system
completely. The function of kidneys is quite similar to that of a water filter. It filters the blood in
the human body and it also eliminates unwanted substances; kidneys play a vital role for our
good health.
Our kidneys work all the time, it is quite important to regularly detoxify this organ. According to
belief of Chinese the kidneys are the center point of the human's genetic energy as it is passed
on at the time when the person is born. If the kidneys work effectively then it give rise to
longevity. This clearly shows the importance of kidneys detoxification.
In order to detoxify the kidneys, maintaining proper detox diet is very important. The first step
of kidney detoxification process involves the reduction of sugar and salt intake. If you take salty
or sugary diets in excess then the metabolism calcium can be disturbed.
Include fresh fruit juices to help the detoxification of kidneys. A glass of fresh fruit or vegetable
juice can energize, cleanse, regenerate and builds the body system as well as it helps in
detoxifying the system. Fruits and vegetables that are organically grown are quite good for the
process of detoxification.
Water is the best detoxifying agent especially for kidneys so one must drink plenty of water. For
an adult it is a must to drink 8-10 glasses of water in a day. High water intake can lower as well
as protect against the mineral salts turning into stones that can interfere in the filtration
process of the kidneys. In any detox diet high water intake is very important as it can keep the
kidneys healthy by preventing it from problems.
Cranberry fruit juice is quite famous for its property to detoxify the kidneys. In this fruit a
nutrient called proanthocyanidin is present in high amount which must be included in all the
detox diet. As this nutrient is an antioxidant so it helps in eliminating the toxins from the
Avoid canned juices if you are planning to consider juice fasting for detoxification of kidneys.
This is because canned juices have sugar added as well as preservatives that can cause harm to
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the kidneys. You can easily make fresh fruit or vegetable juice at home. In such juices there are
plenty of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals, as well as enzymes. After this
detox you can notice some good changes in the health as well as in skin like whiter eyes.
Useful Foods for Kidney Detox and Cleansing
Periodic kidney detox is very useful for good health because the kidneys perform an extremely
important detoxification function within the human body by filtering by-products of
metabolism and digestion.
All the important minerals and compounds are absorbed by the kidneys and toxins and waste
products like urea and ammonia are excreted. In addition to this, the kidneys also help control
the sodium, sulfur, and phosphate levels in the body. Excess minerals and salts are thrown out
via urine so that there is no toxin build up in the human body.
A natural and easy way to ensure that the kidneys are functioning to their maximum level is to
drink around 10-12 glasses of water daily and to pass out urine when the bladder is full, without
holding or controlling the need to pass urine. Indeed, drinking sufficient amounts of pure water
is the best and most natural method of constant kidney detox. It's cheap, too.
Odorless and colorless urine is an indication of the kidneys functioning well without
accumulation of any particular minerals, salts etc. This will also help fight urinary tract
infections if there is any possibility.
A simple way of kidney detoxification is to include lots of herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables in
the diet. For people suffering from kidney problems, high or low blood sugar conditions, diets
rich in protein are not advisable since protein-rich diets could affect these conditions adversely.
Meat, chicken or any other protein-rich product will only add to the existing burden of filtering
proteins and the kidneys could enlarge in the process of metabolizing these proteins. Hence, it
would be advisable to stay away from protein-rich foods and to stick to raw fruits, vegetables,
and herbs that help in adequate kidney functioning.
Fruits and vegetables act as natural cleansers because they are high in fiber and help in the
digestion process. They are thus good for kidney detoxification. They also provide energy
through various minerals, vitamins, and proteins that are well balanced. They are fat-free and
natural and hence do not contain any preservatives, stabilizing agents, processed sugars etc.
The system will thus find it easy to assimilate, digest, and absorb all their nutrients quickly and
Of course, organic fruits and vegetables are highly recommended. Click here to read about the
health benefits of a vegetarian diet.
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Some of the fruits and vegetables specially recommended for kidney detox include grapes,
cranberries, spirulina, spinach, blueberries, nettles, dandelion, parsley, ginger, millet, barley,
tofu, string beans, and asparagus.
Any variety of organically cultivated fresh grapes is suitable for cleansing the kidneys. Grapes
are a rich source of potassium, and potassium has the ability to stimulate alkaline blood
regulation, ensure that the kidneys function optimally and maintain heartbeat.
Grapes also help in cleansing the liver and kidneys by flushing out waste products like uric acid.
A tall glass of fresh grape juice without adding water and sugar, if taken in the morning or
afternoon, will ensure adequate kidney functioning. One can also eat fresh grapes regularly if it
is not possible to run these in the blender every day. Either way, grapes included in the regular
diet help in kidney cleansing and detox.
Cranberries are a rich source of quinine, which converts itself to another chemical constituent
called hippuric acid in the liver. This hippuric acid helps in the elimination of toxins like urea and
uric acid which have a tendency to accumulate and cause several disease conditions. A cup of
cranberries run through the blender with an adequate amount of water and one spoon of
freshly squeezed lemon juice will help work effectively as a kidney detox mechanism.
Nettle & Dandelion:
Nettle soup or dandelion herbal teas are extremely effective in cleansing the kidneys and
flushing out toxins. Herbal teas can be consumed two or three times per day.
Ginger Root & Turmeric Tea:
Ginger root is another extremely effective kidney detox and, for maximum benefit, one can add
turmeric to the mix since turmeric has some excellent antiseptic properties too. Ginger root
peeled and boiled with two to three pinches of turmeric powder, strained, filtered and
consumed can work effectively in flushing toxins out from the kidneys. This tea can be
consumed twice everyday post lunch and dinner since it is good for digestion, too.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects your large intestine (colon).
Irritable bowel syndrome commonly causes cramping, abdominal pain, bloating gas, diarrhea
and constipation. Despite these uncomfortable signs and symptoms, IBS doesn't cause
permanent damage to your colon.
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Most people with IBS find that symptoms improve as they learn to control their condition. Only
a small number of people with irritable bowel syndrome have disabling signs and symptoms.
Fortunately, unlike more-serious intestinal diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's
disease, irritable bowel syndrome doesn't cause inflammation or changes in bowel tissue or
increase your risk of colorectal cancer. In many cases, you can control irritable bowel syndrome
by managing your diet, lifestyle and stress.
What is natural colon cleansing?
There are two main colon-cleansing methods. One involves buying products; the other involves
seeing a practitioner to have colon irrigation.
Colon cleansing with powdered or liquid supplements: You take some supplements used for
colon cleansing by mouth. Others you take through the rectum. Either way, the idea is to force
the colon to expel its contents. You can find these products on the Internet or in health food
stores, supermarkets, or pharmacies. They include:
Strong herbal teas
Anti parasite capsules
Colon cleansing with colon irrigation (high colonics) . The first modern colonic machine was
invented about 100 years ago. Today, colonic hygienists or colon therapists perform colon
irrigations. Colon irrigations work somewhat like an enema. But they involve much more water
and none of the odors or discomfort. While you lie on a table, a machine or gravity-driven
pump flushes up to 20 gallons of water through a tube inserted into your rectum.
After the water is in the colon, the therapist may massage your abdomen. Then the therapist
flushes out the fluids and waste through another tube. The therapist may repeat the process,
and a session may last up to an hour.
The practitioner may use a variety of water pressures and temperatures and may or may not
combine water with enzymes, herbs, coffee, or probiotics. Probiotics are supplements
containing beneficial bacteria.
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What is the theory behind natural colon cleansing?
One of the main theories behind colon cleansing is an ancient belief called the theory of
autointoxication. This is the belief that undigested meat and other foods cause mucus buildup
in the colon. This buildup produces toxins, the theory goes, which enter the blood's circulation,
poisoning the body.
Some people claim these toxins cause a wide range of symptoms, such as:
Weight gain
Low energy
On the surface, the idea of toxins being reabsorbed by the body makes some sense. After all,
rectal suppositories are used to rapidly administer drugs. Could toxins, too, be quickly entering
the blood stream from the colon?
If colon cleansing has any effect, however, it likely has less to do with toxins than with its
impact on the nervous system. What's the evidence? Reflexes in the bowel affect the entire
nervous system. In fact, a wide range of symptoms caused by constipation can be relieved by
enemas. If this is true of enemas, then perhaps colon cleansing has a similar effect.
Indications for the requirement of colon detoxification
The secret to good health starts from within the body. A healthy internal system is the basic of
requirement for good health. Requirement of a colon detoxification is indicated with the onset
of problems in bowel movements or constipation. Various ways are of colon detoxification are
available today, with a slight change in diet and lifestyle.
Colon Detox Drinks and Colon Detox Foods
Complete detoxified body can be achieved at home by maintaining proper diet and proper lifestyle. It is required that you follow a strict schedule about your diet-planto as to achieve
complete detoxification. Various products easily available in the homes, aid the process of
colon detoxification. These products include, ginger, fennel seeds, fenugreek, lemon, carrots
and basil. These are basically the products rich in fiber that aid the process of removal of toxins
from the body. These ingredients may be consumed in the raw form or may be used in making
a variety of colon detox drink. Such drinks may be modified as per one’s choice of taste;
however there are some recipes of such drinks that help in complete detoxification of the body.
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It is important that the ingredients used in colon detox drinks be fresh and organic. Sugar and
too much of fats and dairy products should be avoided in the detoxification drinks.
Detoxification program using Colon Detox Drinks
After getting up in the morning, when your stomach is empty, take a glass full of warm water
and a lime juice of a half lemon. This drink stimulates the organs of the body for functioning
efficiently. This is one of the best ways to start the drink detox program.
There is an additional recipe to prepare colon detox drink using the bentonite clay, apple juice,
spring water, psyllium husk seeds and colofiber. Take about a half glass of apple juice and some
spring water. Add to it 1 tbsp of bentonite clay liquid, psyllium husk seeds and colofiber. Mix
this well, to form a thick mixture. Though this is not the tastiest drink available, but it has
proven good results in maintaining the shape of the colon. This drink should be followed by
another mixture of 1tbsp honey, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and spring water.
A kind of herbal recipe for detox drink is made using few dandelion leaves, 4 carrots, coriander
leaves or basil leaves, one kale leaf and fresh nut. Wash all the ingredients well and cut them
and put them all together in a juicer or a blender. Make sure that you do not put sugar in the
Combination of green apples, basil and carrot is a good option of fruit juice for detoxification.
The only condition here is that green apples prove more effective than red apples.
It can be well-understood that lot of liquid consumption can help to detoxify the body
completely. However, like the gathering of waste products happens over time, the internal
cleansing of the body, completely, gradually by maintaining proper diet.
Detox Diet:
Total raw food diet, Brown Rice Diet, rice, veggies and fish diet, wholly cooked food diet; the
veggie cooked food and mixed raw diet, and a white meat diet.
Total Raw Food Detox Diet:
At times cooking tends to annihilate the required enzymes thereby reducing the nutrient
content in the food. With the high intake of minerals, vitamins, enzymes and photochemical in
uncooked food, the body finds it easy to detoxify. This diet is also called living food. The life
force in raw food diet facilitates for growth and sprouting. Similarly, a raw food diet also has
low toxin levels.
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Detox Diet with Brown Rice:
This traditional mono-diet is where you restrict your intake to brown rice only for about 3to 5
times a day. This intake pattern of just one kind of food gives the digestive system some time to
rest with having to digest this kind of food alone, while the energy conserved is utilized by the
body for cleansing purposes as it is unburdened by rich and unbalancing foods. Brown rice has a
reputation for absorbing toxins while passing through the digestive system. The secret behind
this being the rice overcooked with additional amounts of water and for longer periods to make
the digestion process easier. This can be flavored by adding some herbs and spices namely
garlic, ginger, parsley, ground or fresh coriander.
Veggie Cooked Food and Mixed Raw Diet
This detox diet is chiefly vegetarian, but does allow inclusion of yogurt. The nutrients are
supplied to the body by way of copious fresh fruits and veggies making detoxification easy for
the body. Food products like meat are strictly restricted in this diet as it takes more energy to
digest products like meat. The body gets its protein supply with the combination of rice, lentils
or beans.
Wholly cooked veggie detox diet:
There is a school of thought in Ayurveda, practitioners of customary Indian Medicine that
people benefit out of eating just cooked food. They believe that specific body types or doshas
benefit from staying away from raw foods as it cools the body excessively thereby hindering the
digestion process. This kind of diet generally includes lentils and rice cooked along with spices
that speeds the process of detoxification and digestion.
Vegetable, Brown Rice and Fish Diet
This detox diet is advocated by naturopaths. As fish is considered lighter than meat, it is easy to
digest thus providing the body with the required amount of amino acids and proteins in the fish
that aide with detoxification. Certain amount of amino acids is used by the liver for the detox
process. Rice is considered a good intestinal cleansing agent and the vegetables provide the
body with the nutrients required for detox. Likewise, fish oil helps the liver simplify the detox
Detox Diet with White Meat:
It is believed by some practitioners that fish and poultry to a great extent aid in supplying the
required amino acids, which is considered better than vegetable protein. A great deal of energy
is saved with fish and white meat in comparison to red meat which consumes a lot of energy in
the digestion process.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Detox with Epsom (mag sulph) salt
Epsom salt—who knew that such an uninspiring ingredient could inspire such devotion? Epsom
salts have amazing health benefits–here are 13 ways to use Epsom salts, including a relaxing
bath, a face scrub and a hair volumizer. It’s also a miracle cure-all, helping to remove splinters
and reduce swelling of sprains and bruises. One ingredient really does fit all.
I always knew that soaking in a tub full of hot water with a few cups of Epsom salts was good
for relaxing muscles and drawing toxins from the body, but I could never figure out why. And it
wasn’t until I spent some time at the Epsom Salt Industry Council web site that I learned that
Epsom salts—made of the mineral magnesium sulfate—are also a sedative for the nervous
When magnesium sulfate is absorbed through the skin, such as in a bath, it draws toxins from
the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles, and is a natural
emollient, exfoliator, and much more.
Relaxing and sedative bath: Soak in warm water and 2 cups of Epsom salt. Read more about the
Amazing Health Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths
Foot soak: Soothe aches, remove odors and soften rough skin with a foot soak. Add 1/2 cup of
Epsom salt to a large pan of warm water. Soak feet for as long as it feels right. Rinse and dry. Or
try an Epsom Salt Peppermint Foot Scrub.
Soak sprains and bruises: Epsom salt will reduce the swelling of sprains and bruises. Add 2 cups
Epsom salt to a warm bath, and soak. To tame tendonitis, try these tips.
Splinter remover: Soak in Epsom salt; it will draw out the splinter.
Face cleaner: To clean your face at night, mix a half-teaspoon of Epsom salt with your regular
cleansing cream. Just massage into skin and rinse with cold water.
Homemade skin mask: Apply the mask to damp skin. For normal to oily skin, mix 1 tablespoon
of cognac, 1 egg, 1/4cup of non-fat dry milk, the juice of 1 lemon, and a half-teaspoon of Epsom
salt. For normal to dry skin, mix 1/4 cup of grated carrot, 1 1/2 teaspoons of mayonnaise and a
half-teaspoon of Epsom salt. This simple honey face mask works wonders as well.
Skin exfoliator: Massage handfuls of Epsom salt over your wet skin, starting with your feet and
continuing up towards the face. Have a bath to rinse, read 16 foods for Beautiful Skin.
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Foot bath
Some holistic practitioners embrace them, while some scientists denounce them as quackery.
One of the most convincing effects of a Detox foot bath is the release of "toxic" substances
once feet are submerged and an electric current is initiated. But are those substances really
toxic, and are they coming from your body? You can test these claims in the privacy of your
own home and for less money than at a spa. These instructions will demonstrate that Detox
foot baths don't "detoxify" at all - you will see the same "toxic" substances discoloring the
water, without you actually having to put your feet into it!
Edit Steps
1- Separate the wires about 15 inches (38 cm) and strip them about 6 inches (15 cm) each. If
you've never stripped a wire, be careful not to cut all the way through.
2- Wrap the exposed wire around each spoon. Secure with plumbing tape to keep water out.
3- Fill your dish pan with warm water and two heaping tablespoons of Epsom salt.
4- Put the spoons in the salt water, and then plug in the transformer. Put the spoons in the salt
water, and then plug in the transformer. You will see "toxic" substances released in about 90
seconds, and your feet aren't even in there!
5- Unplug the transformer and dump the water. Don't bother putting your feet in. If done
improperly, there's the possibility of electrocution, and even if done properly, there's a chance
of metals leaching into your body--see Warnings below.
Edit Tips
The toxins you see are actually the result of ions in the water (created by dissolving salt)
reacting with metallic ions from the stainless steel. [1] If you were to perform the experiment
with platinum or titanium, this colorful result would not occur.
Detoxification does not occur in your skin. The only organ in your body that can perform this
function is the liver, which modifies the chemical structure of foreign substances so that when
they're in the blood, the kidneys can filter them out into the urine.
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Chapter 4
Definitions of Obesity for Adults: For adults, overweight and obesity ranges are determined by
using weight and height to calculate a number called the "body mass index" (BMI). BMI is used
because, for most people, it correlates with their amount of body fat. An adult who has a BMI
between 25 and 29.9 is considered over weight. An adult who has a BMI of 30 or higher is
considered obese. Definitions for Children and Teens For children and teens, BMI ranges above
a normal weight have different labels (overweight and obese). Additionally, BMI ranges for
children and teens are defined so that they take into account normal differences in body fat
between boys and girls and differences in body fat at various ages.
What is obesity? The definition of obesity varies depending on what one reads, but in general, it
is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount body fat. A certain amount of body fat is
necessary for storing energy, heat insulation, shock absorption, and other functions. The
normal amount of body fat (expressed as percentage of body fat) is between 25%-30% in
women and 18%-23% in men. Women with over 30% body fat and men with over 25% body fat
are considered obese. The calculation of body mass index (BMI) has also been used in the
definition of obesity. The body mass index (BMI) equals a person's weight in kilograms (kg)
divided by their height in meters (m) squared. Since BMI describes body weight relative to
height, it is strongly correlated with total body fat content in adults. "Obesity" is defined as a
BMI of 30 and above. Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration; it is a dire health dilemma
directly harmful to one's health. In the United States, roughly 300,000 deaths per year are
directly related to obesity, and more than 80% of these deaths are in patients with a BMI (body
mass index, which will be discussed later in this article) over 30. For patients with a BMI over
40, life expectancy is reduces significantly (as much as 20 years for men and 5 years for
women). Obesity also increases the risk of developing a number of chronic diseases including
Insulin Resistance. Insulin is necessary for the transport of blood glucose (sugar) into the cells of
muscle and fat (which is then used for energy). By transporting glucose into cells, insulin keeps
the blood glucose levels in the normal range. Insulin resistance (IR) is the condition whereby the
effectiveness of insulin in transporting glucose (sugar) into cells is diminished. Fat cells are more
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insulin resistant than muscle cells; therefore, one important cause of insulin resistance is
obesity. The pancreas initially responds to insulin resistance by producing more insulin. As long
as the pancreas can produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance, blood glucose levels
remain normal. This insulin resistance state (characterized by normal blood glucose levels and
high insulin levels) can last for years. Once the pancreas can no longer keep up with producing
high levels of insulin, blood glucose levels begin to rise, resulting in type 2 diabetes (adult
onset), thus insulin resistance is a pre-diabetes condition. In fact scientists now believe that the
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) associated with diabetes likely develops during this
insulin resistance period. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases with the degree and duration of
obesity. Type 2 diabetes is associated with central obesity; a person with central obesity has
excess fat around his/her waist, so that the body is shaped like an apple. High blood pressure
(hypertension).Hypertension is common among obese adults. A Norwegian study showed that
weight gain tended to increase blood pressure in women more significantly than in men. The
risk of developing high blood pressure is also higher in obese people who are apple shaped
(central obesity) than in people who are pear shaped (fat distribution mainly in hips and
thighs).High cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) Stroke (cerebro-vascular accident or CVA)
Heart attack .A prospective study found that the risk of developing coronary artery disease
increased three to four times in women who had a BMI greater than 29. A Finnish study
showed that for every one kilogram (2.2 pounds) increase in body weight, the risk of death
from coronary artery disease increased by one percent. In patients who have already had a
heart attack, obesity is associated with an increased likelihood of a second heart attack and
Congestive heart failure.
Cancer: While not conclusively proven, some observational studies have linked obesity to
cancer of the colon in men and women, cancer of the rectum and prostate in men, and cancer
of the gallbladder and uterus in women. Obesity may also be associated with breast cancer,
particularly in postmenopausal women. Fat tissue is important in the production of estrogen,
and prolonged exposure to high levels of estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.
Gallstones, Gout and gouty arthritis, Osteoarthritis, (degenerative arthritis) of the knees, hips,
and the lower back Sleep apnea.
What Causes Obesity?
The balance between calorie intake and energy expenditure determines a person's weight. If a
person eats more calories than he or she burns (metabolizes), the person gains weight (the
body will store the excess energy as fat). If a person eats fewer calories than he or she
metabolizes, he or she will lose weight. Therefore the most common causes of obesity are
overeating and physical inactivity. At present, we know that there are many factors that
contribute to obesity, some of which have a genetic component: Genetics. A person is more
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likely to develop obesity if one or both parents are obese. Genetics also affect hormones
involved in fat regulation. For example, one genetic cause of obesity is leptin deficiency. Leptin
is a hormone produced in fat cells, and also in the placenta. Leptin controls weight by signaling
the brain to eat less when body fat stores are too high. If, for some reason the body cannot
produce enough leptin, or leptin cannot signal the brain to eat less, this control is lost, and
obesity occurs. The role of leptin replacement as a treatment for obesity is currently being
explored. Overeating: Overeating leads to weight gain, especially if the diet is high in fat. Foods
high in fat or sugar (for example, fast food, fried food, and sweets) have high energy density
(foods that have a lot of calories in a small amount of food). Epidemiologic studies have shown
that diets high in fat contribute to weight gain. The role of carbohydrates in weight gain is not
clear. Carbohydrates increase blood glucose levels, which in turn stimulate insulin release by
the pancreas, and insulin promotes the growth of fat tissue and can cause weight gain. Some
scientists believe that simple carbohydrates (sugars, fructose, desserts, soft drinks, beer, wine,
etc.) contribute to weight gain because they are more rapidly absorbed into the blood-stream
than complex carbohydrates (pasta, brown rice, grains, vegetables, raw fruits, etc.) and thus
cause a more pronounced insulin release after meals than complex carbohydrates. This higher
insulin release, some scientists believe, contributes to weight gain is Frequency of eating. The
relationship between frequency of eating (how often you eat) and weight is somewhat
controversial. There are many reports of overweight people eating less often than people with
normal weight. Scientists have observed that people who eat small meals four or five times
daily, have lower cholesterol levels and lower and/or more stable blood sugar levels than
people who eat less frequently (two or three large meals daily). One possible explanation is that
small frequent meals produce stable insulin levels, whereas large meals cause large spikes of
insulin after meals.
Slow metabolism: Women have less muscle than men. Muscle burns (metabolizes) more
calories than other tissue (which includes fat). As a result, women have a slower metabolism
than men, and hence, have a tendency to put on more weight than men, and weight loss is
more difficult for women. As we age, we tend to lose muscle and our metabolism slows;
therefore, we tend to gain weight as we get older particularly if we do not reduce our daily
caloric intake.
Physical inactivity: Sedentary people burn fewer calories than people who are active. The
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) showed that physical inactivity
was strongly correlated with weight gain in both sex.
Psychological factors: For some people, emotions influence eating habits. Many people eat
excessively in response to emotions such as boredom, sadness, stressor anger. While most
overweight people have no more psychological disturbances than normal weight people, about
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30 percent of the people who seek treatment for serious weight problems have difficulties with
binge eating. Diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome
and Cushing's syndrome, are also contributors to obesity.
What are other factors associated with obesity?
Blood Pressure: High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a repeatedly elevated
blood pressure exceeding 140 over 90 mmHg -- a systolic pressure above 140.
Gout: Gout is a condition that results from crystals of uric acid depositing in tissues of the body.
Gout is a condition that can lead to abnormally elevated.
Skin Tag: A skin tag is a small benign growth of skin that projects from the surrounding skin.
Skin tags can vary in appearance (smooth, irregular, flesh colored Excess weight seen as the
problem in itself, rather than a symptom of a bigger spiritual malady. No doctor would be likely
these days to tell an alcoholic to just ‘stop drinking’, as the understanding of alcoholism is so
advanced, yet food addicts routinely receive this shaming message to just ‘stop eating so much’
with no support offered. If it was that easy for the alcoholic to stop drinking or the food addict
to stop overeating, both would have done so a long time before reaching crisis point.
Compulsive overeating is an addiction like any other – whether it is food that we use, or
alcohol, cigarettes, work, sex or gambling – all addictions involve using something as a ‘crutch’
to try to escape our perceived reality. Addicts use the substance of choice to lose themselves
into a different reality in some way, to dampen painful feelings, space out and get high on
something other than ‘just’ life. However, that reliance on something external to us to bring
pleasure and fulfillment is precisely what keeps addicts from true contentment. As long as we
seek fulfillment from something outside of ourselves and do not realize that we are eternally
connected from within to ‘the source’/oneness/spirit, we keep ourselves shut off from the light.
The temporary high one may experience from drinking alcohol, taking drugs or going on a junk
food binge soon fades into depression, hopelessness and despair and is absolutely no
comparison for the sustained high that comes from reconnecting to your true spiritual self and
the ever-loving and powerful source of all energy and truth. The raw food lifestyle can be an
amazing tool for reconnecting to that source. Overeating tends to be a deeply ingrained pattern
– it is often triggered from a very young age when children are given sugary ‘treats’ for example
as rewards or for comfort or to get them to be quiet. Aside from becoming hooked on sucrose
physically, strong emotional attachments build up around food and the child matures with
blurred boundaries of the role of food in life – rather than seeing food as fuel for the physical
body, the view gets distorted and the person seeks to use food to nourish the emotions and
soul too. Overeaters become obsessed with food and live life from the perspective of
opportunities to eat, using enormous quantities of food to try to fill a gap in their lives that
simply cannot be satisfied with material things. The overeater’s life tends to be a (not-so)
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merry-go-round of obsess ional binging, dieting and fretting about food and weight issues. If we
look to nature, we do not see wild animals apparently fret in this way about how many leaves
or berries they’ve eaten, because they do not seem to experience this kind of emotional
attachment to foods. They eat simply, from the abundance of the earth to fuel their physical
bodies and seem also to be naturally at one with the universe in a way that so many humans do
not seem to experience easily. The standard routes overeaters tend to take when attempting to
deal with what they perceive as just ‘their weight problem’, such as dieting, ‘miracle’ pills and
powders and even intrusive surgery are not options I see as healthy, natural or sustainable.
They all place the focus almost entirely on the physical level of recovery and nothing else.
People only really go ‘on’ diets to go ‘off’ them again at some point and then almost invariably
end up re-gaining any weight lost, setting up a yo-yo pattern. In stark contrast to this, I see the
raw lifestyle as an amazingly effective pathway away from overeating and obesity. To me, going
raw is a simple, natural solution for both sustainable weight loss and also reconnecting to the
true life-force within. Going raw is, for many, about learning a new lifestyle, a new way of being
that is more connected to the earth and simplicity; so, instead of over-stuffing and overburdening ourselves with heavy, dead, processed foods, we take in lighter, more vibrant living
material and simultaneously, the channels to connectedness open naturally. To me, the
connection between raw food and spirituality is simple; living humbly and respectfully from the
produce given directly from the earth, without trying to modify or ‘improve’ it in some way,
while nourishing our bodies with the fuel needed to function to the best of our ability is an
expression of our commitment to truth and demonstrates our understanding that all we need is
provided for us. We stop deadening our system with heavy, toxic junk and allow our true nature
to shine through instead. The toxins stored for years in fatty deposits clear out, unblocking
emotional stagnation on the way and contact with one’s own spiritual self becomes much
easier. This is a pathway free from gimmicks, ‘magic bullet’ solutions, shaming or multinational
profit – this is just about natural and effective healing of the body, mind and soul. The raw
lifestyle is often regarded as a’ spiritual’ path and as overeating, like all addictions, is, at base, a
spiritual malady, the two go hand-in-hand for a healthy solution, in my opinion. Going raw is a
lifestyle choice that can bring powerful transformation for overeaters and I truly believe there is
no faster, healthier way to weight loss and genuine recovery available. In the beginning,
however, I do not tend to advocate going very high/100% raw to obese clients who come to me
seeking weight loss – when people are coming from such a background, there is often big gap
to bridge between their current junk-food binging patterns and a new lifestyle of mainly/only
raw foods. I believe it is far better to take a slower, more sustainable approach for most people
in this situation, rather than trying to push anything too far too fast, though I thoroughly
recommend getting the biggest ‘problem’ foods out of the system immediately, such as white
sugar and wheat. Another important change for many obese overeaters going raw is to start
taking responsibility for their own health and well-being, rather than putting their faith,
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expectations and lives in the hands of diet programs or mainstream doctors. This can represent
a major shift in awareness for many as they move from the ‘victim’ position of a helpless
‘sufferer’ of obesity, into taking responsibility for their own welfare. Managing such a large shift
in awareness tends to work better when people have a support network around them, rather
than trying to do everything alone. Many people reading this can probably identify with the
feeling of being isolated when going raw, if we do not feel there is good support available and
this can be especially challenging for over eaters coming into recovery, as they face big changes
on all levels. There are also many ways for people to find support in their local areas, such as
with raw food pot-lucks, 12-step fellowship meetings, group counseling/therapy sessions,
retreats and so on. With a good support network of like-minded individuals, choosing a raw
lifestyle can bring extraordinary results for recovering overeaters. This is a path of selfrealization and taking responsibility for one’s own health and wellbeing.
This is the natural way out of over eating and obesity.
Have you come across the Eat Right for Your Type approach?
Having cleared a lot of emotional baggage and excess weight over the past few years, I had kind
of come to a standstill and decided to do something on the physical level. I've used muscle
testing to check what he recommends for my blood type and most of it was accurate. Just a few
minor differences here and there - most importantly around the fruit & fruit juice.
Unlike protein, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins do not yield usable energy when broken down.
They assist the enzymes that release energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but they do
not provide energy themselves. (thus, beware of claims for energy vitamins" or for diets that
replace foods with vitamin supplements)
Our body has been deprived of nutrients for most part of our lives because of "modern day
diet" that consists of processed foods that are high in fat and low in fiber and nutrition. I have
found that juicing is the most effective and fastest way to get the nutrients to our deprived
When we talk about holistic nutrition, they should include:
*. Amino acids (protein)
*. Complex carbohydrates
*. Essential fatty acids (EFAs)
*. Vitamins
*. Minerals and trace minerals
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*. Phytonutrients
*. Anti-oxidants
*. Bio-flavonoids
*. Chlorophyll
*. Enzymes
*. Fiber
*. Healthy colon flora (friendly bacteria)
We need to ask ourselves, how much of the above do we provide to our 100 trillion cells. I will
attempt to make the information available to you as much as possible, in order that you may
make the right choice from today onwards. Choose to live healthy.
Vitamins and minerals are widely available from the natural foods we eat. So, before you reach
for the vitamin jar, try eating your vitamins from natural foods. Here are some of the best
sources for each vitamin & minerals.
What the vitamin does
Significant food sources
B1 (thiamin)
Supports energy metabolism and nerve function
Spinach, green peas, tomato juice, watermelon, sunflower seeds, lean ham, lean pork chops,
soy milk
Supports energy metabolism, normal vision and skin health
Spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, eggs, milk, liver, oysters, clams
B3 (niacin)
Supports energy metabolism, skin health, nervous system and digestive system
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Spinach, potatoes, tomato juice, lean ground beef, chicken breast, tuna (canned in water), liver,
Energy metabolism, fat synthesis, amino acid metabolism, glycogen synthesis
Widespread in foods
Pantothenic Acid
Supports energy metabolism
Widespread in foods
B6 (pyridoxine)
Amino acid and fatty acid metabolism, red blood cell production
Bananas, watermelon, tomato juice, broccoli, spinach, acorn squash, potatoes, white rice,
chicken breast
Supports DNA synthesis and new cell formation
Tomato juice, green beans, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, okra, black-eyed peas, lentils, navy,
pinto and garbanzo beans
Used in new cell synthesis, helps break down fatty acids and amino acids, supports nerve cell
Meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, milk, eggs
C (ascorbic acid)
Collagen synthesis, amino acid metabolism, helps iron absorption, immunity, and antioxidant
Spinach, broccoli, red bell peppers, snow peas, tomato juice, kiwi, mango, orange, grapefruit
juice, strawberries
A (retinol)
Supports vision, skin, bone and tooth growth, immunity and reproduction
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Mango, broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, tomato juice, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, beef liver
Promotes bone mineralization
Self-synthesis via sunlight, fortified milk, egg yolk, liver, fatty fish
Antioxidant, regulation of oxidation reactions, supports cell membrane stabilization
Polyunsaturated plant oils (soybean, corn and canola oils), wheat germ, sunflower seeds, tofu,
avocado, sweet potatoes, shrimp, cod
Synthesis of blood-clotting proteins, regulates blood calcium
Brussels sprouts, leafy green vegetables, spinach, broccoli, cabbage and liver.
What the mineral does?
Significant food sources
Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance, supports muscle contraction and nerve impulse
Salt, soy sauce, bread, milk, meats
Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance, aids in digestion
Salt, soy sauce, milk, eggs, meats
Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance, cell integrity, muscle contractions and nerve impulse
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potatoes, acorn squash, artichoke, spinach, broccoli, carrots, green beans, tomato juice,
avocado, grapefruit juice, watermelon, banana, strawberries, cod, milk
Formation of bones and teeth supports blood clotting
Milk, yogurt, cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese, tofu, sardines, green beans, spinach, broccoli
Formation of cells, bones and teeth, maintains acid-base balance
All animal foods (meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk)
Supports bone mineralization, protein building, muscular contraction, nerve impulse
transmission, immunity
spinach, broccoli, artichokes, green beans, tomato juice, navy beans, pinto beans, black-eyed
peas, sunflower seeds, tofu, cashews, halibut
Part of the protein hemoglobin (carries oxygen throughout body's cells)
Artichoke, parsley, spinach, broccoli, green beans, tomato juice, tofu, clams, shrimp, beef liver
A part of many enzymes, involved in production of genetic material and proteins, transports
vitamin A, taste perception, wound healing, sperm production and the normal development of
the fetus
spinach, broccoli, green peas, green beans, tomato juice, lentils, oysters, shrimp, crab, turkey
(dark meat), lean ham, lean ground beef, lean sirloin steak, plain yogurt, Swiss cheese, tofu,
ricotta cheese
Antioxidant works with vitamin E to protect body from oxidation
Seafood, meats and grains
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Component of thyroid hormones that help regulate growth, development and metabolic rate
Salt, seafood, bread, milk, cheese
Necessary for the absorption and utilization of iron, supports formation of hemoglobin and
several enzymes.
Meats and water.
Facilitates many cell processes
Wide spread in foods
Involved in the formation of bones and teeth, helps to make teeth resistant to decay
Fluoridated drinking water, tea, seafood
Associated with insulin and is required for the release of energy from glucose
vegetable oils, liver, brewer's yeast, whole grains, cheese, nuts
Facilitates many cell processes
legumes, organ meats
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Chapter 5
Together, hydrogen and oxygen combine to create water (H2O). Water constitutes four-fifths
(80%) of the body's weight and performs and supports the internal functions of animals and
plants. Body temperature is regulated through water. Water makes up 92% of the blood of the
body and nearly 98% of intestinal, gastric, salivary and pancreatic juices. Water holds all
nutritive factors in solution and acts as a transportation medium of these substances. Water is
necessary for proper digestion of food. One most important function of water is to flush toxins
and salt from the body. Negative hydrogen ions are normally found in the fluids of healthy
living systems rather than water that is found in ordinary mineral or tap water. When we drink
ordinary water, we have to convert it into cellular water before the cells can use it. If we cannot
convert water into the structure of cellular water, it passes through our bodies and may leave
our cells dehydrated. The consumption of oxidized foods and beverages tend to affect
unfavorably the chemical characteristics of the body fluids. Many foods and beverages are
highly oxidized and devoid of electrons. Likewise, the addition to one's diet of negative
hydrogen ions, found to be especially high in organically grown vegetables, tends to affect the
body fluids in a favorable manner. Water has been called the mother and matrix of all life.
Water is so much a part of life that we tend to ignore it and look elsewhere for the magic bullet,
the secret herb or nutrient that will increase health and vigor and extend life-span. Water
affects our health more than any other nutrient. Recent discoveries about the significance of
water and its function in the living system may forever change our view of water. All the
symptoms of aging are in one way or another accompanied by slow dehydration of the cells of
vital tissues associated with free-radical oxidative damage. No matter how much tap water we
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drink, we cannot seem to slow down the inevitable starvation of vital tissues for the fluid; that
is everywhere. There is much more to tissue hydration than simply drinking ordinary water.
Tissue water is as different from spring water as milk is from apple juice. The water we drink
from the tap differs substantially from the water which bathes the tissues and cells in our
bodies. Tap water has a surface tension of approximately 73 dynes/cm. The water around our
cells has a surface tension of approximately 45 dynes/cm. It is necessary, therefore, that the
body reduce the surface tension of water we consume in order for nutrients to pass through
cell walls, and for toxins to pass out of the cells. A low surface tension in the extra cellular fluids
is also important in the removal of toxins from the cells and into lymph and venous blood for
removal from the body. Nationwide Food Consumption Surveys have shown that a portion of
the population may be dehydrated. Why do people lack hydration? This may be due to a poor
thirst mechanism as we get older, dissatisfaction with the taste of water, the consumption of
caffeine and alcohol, climate controlled environments (both heated and air conditioned), and
excessive exercise. With water loss at 2% of body weight, individuals experience impaired
physiological and mental performance.
Need of water:
When significant amounts of fluid are lost through high-intensity exercise, replacement with
water alone can lead to a chemical imbalance in the body and deficiencies in electrolytes, which
are nutrients critical for organ functioning. The electrolytes in our body include sodium,
potassium, chloride, calcium and phosphate, but sodium is the substance of most concern
when replacing fluids lost through exercising.
Hyponatremia is a condition in which the body's stores of sodium are too low, and this
condition can result from drinking extreme amounts of water. Hyponatremia can lead to
confusion, lethargy, agitation, seizures, and in extreme cases, even death. Early symptoms are
nonspecific and subtle and may include disorientation, nausea, or muscle cramps. The
symptoms of Hyponatremia may also mimic those of dehydration, so athletes experiencing
these symptoms may be given more water to drink, further worsening the condition.
Learn how dehydration symptoms may mimic hyponatremia symptoms »
What is dehydration?
Water is a critical element of the body, and adequate hydration is a must to allow the body to
function. Up to 75% of the body's weight is made up of water. Most of the water is found
within the cells of the body (intracellular space). The rest is found in the extra cellular space,
which consists of the blood vessels (intravascular space) and the spaces between cells
(interstitial space).
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Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than the amount
being taken in. The body is very dynamic and always changing. This is especially true with water
in the body. We lose water routinely when we: breathe and humidified air leaves the body (this
can be seen on a cold day (the breath you see in the air is water that has been exhaled); sweat
to cool the body; and eliminate waste by urinating or having a bowel movement.
In a normal day, a person has to drink a significant amount of water to replace this routine loss.
The formula for daily fluid requirements depends upon an individual's weight. Normally, fluid
and weight are calculated using the metric system; however, below is the approximation in
imperial (American) units.
Body weight Daily fluid requirements (approximate)
10 pounds 15 ounces
20 pounds 30 ounces
30 pounds 40 ounces
40 pounds 45 ounces
50 pounds 50 ounces
75 pounds 55 ounces
100 pounds 50 ounces
150 pounds 65 ounces
200 pounds 70 ounces
If you would like to calculate your body weight and daily fluid requirements using the metric
system, please use this formula.
For the first 10kg (kilogram) of body weight the daily fluid intake required is 100cc per kg.
For the next 10kg of body weight, the fluid required is an additional 50 cc/kg.
For every additional kg of body weight, an additional 10cc/kg
The body is able to monitor the amount of fluid it needs to function. The thirst mechanism
signals the body to drink water when the body is dry. As well, hormones like anti-diuretic
hormone (ADH) work with the kidney to limit the amount of water lost in the urine when the
body needs to conserve water.
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What causes dehydration?
Dehydration occurs because there is too much water lost, not enough water taken in, or most
often a combination of the two.
Diarrhea is the most common reason for a person to lose excess amounts of water. A significant
amount of water can be lost with each bowel movement. Worldwide, more than four million
children die each year because of dehydration from diarrhea.
Vomiting is also a cause of fluid loss. It is lost in the vomit us, but it is difficult for a person to
replace water by drinking it if they have nausea and are unable to tolerate liquids.
Sweat: The body can lose significant amounts of water when it tries to cool itself by sweating.
Whether the body is hot because of the environment (for example, working in a warm
environment), intense exercising in a hot environment, or because a fever is present due to an
infection; the body uses water in the form of sweat to cool itself. Depending upon weather
conditions, a brisk walk may generate up to 16 ounces of sweat (a pound of water) to allow
body cooling, and that water needs to be replaced by the thirst mechanism signaling the person
to drink fluids.
Diabetes: In people with diabetes, elevated blood sugar levels cause sugar to spill into the urine
and water then follows, which may cause significant dehydration. For this reason, frequent
urination and excessive thirst are among the early symptoms of diabetes.
Burns: The skin acts as a protective barrier for the body and is also responsible for regulating
fluid loss. Burn victims become dehydrated because the damaged skin cannot prevent fluid
from seeping out of the body. Other inflammatory diseases of the skin are also associated with
fluid loss.
Inability to drink fluids: The inability to drink adequately is the other potential cause of
dehydration. Whether it is the lack of availability of water, intense nausea with or without
vomiting, or the lack of strength to drink, this, coupled with routine or extraordinary water
losses can compound the degree of dehydration.
Effect of dehydration on hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the
body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.
Hemoglobin is made up of four protein molecules (globulin chains) that are connected
together. The normal adult hemoglobin (Hbg) molecule contains two alpha-globulin chains and
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two beta-globulin chains. In fetuses and infants, beta chains are not common and the
hemoglobin molecule Did you know that Researchers estimate that half of the world’s
population is chronically dehydrated? And in America that level rises to 75 percent of the
population? These are very eye-opening statistics when we consider that so many people are
sipping on sodas, tea and coffee almost all day long. However, without the adequate hydration
of pure and clean water your body’s biochemical and electrical processes quickly begin to break
Even with all the beverages available to most people, I still see dehydration at an alarming rate.
Dehydration impairs your ability to think, drive, and perform crucial tasks. With age, many
confuse thirst with hunger causing overeating and thus more dehydration.
Water helps to ensure adequate electrical functioning so your brain and nervous system
function properly. Researchers estimate that your brain gives off about the same amount of
electricity as a 60 watt light bulb. So, there’s some truth to the image of a light bulb going on
when someone has a good idea.
Are You Dehydrated?
Did you know that dehydration is one of the most frequent causes of hospitalization for people
over 65?
Why do people lack hydration? This may be due to several things such as a poor thirst
mechanism as we age, dissatisfaction with the taste of water, the over consumption of caffeine
and alcohol, climate controlled environments (both heated and air conditioned), and even
excessive exercise. With water loss at 2% of body weight, individuals experience impaired
physiological and mental performance.
The good news is that double blind placebo studies clearly demonstrate that the Silica Hydride
in Mega Hydrate dramatically increases total body water in just four weeks!
Symptoms of Dehydration
The signs and symptoms of dehydration range from minor to severe:
*. Increased thirst
*. Dry sticky mouth and swollen tongue
*. Weakness
*. Dizziness
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*. Palpitations (feeling that the heart is jumping or pounding)
*. Confusion – especially in the elderly
*. Sluggishness, even fainting
*. Sleepiness or tiredness — children are likely to be less active than usual
*. Few or no tears when crying
*. Inability to sweat
*. Constipation
*. Headaches
*. Decreased urine output: Urine color may indicate dehydration. If urine is concentrated and
deeply yellow or amber, that means you may be dehydrated.
Over hydration, also called water excess or water intoxication, is a condition in which the body
contains too much water. It occurs when the body takes in more water than it excretes, and its
normal sodium level is diluted. This can result in digestive problems, behavioral changes, brain
damage, seizures, or coma. An adult whose heart, kidneys, and pituitary gland are functioning
properly would have to drink more than two gallons of water a day to develop water
intoxication. The condition is most common in patients whose kidney function is impaired and
may occur when health care professionals administer greater amounts of water-producing
fluids and medications than the patient's body can handle.
Infants are especially likely to develop over hydration. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention has cautioned that babies are particularly susceptible to the problem during the first
month of life, when the kidneys' filtering mechanism is too immature to excrete fluid as rapidly
as older infants do. Breast milk or formula provides all the fluids a healthy baby needs. Water
should be given slowly, sparingly, and only during extremely hot weather.
For adults, drinking too much water rarely causes over hydration when the body's systems are
working normally. People with heart, kidney, or liver disease are more likely to develop over
hydration because their kidneys are unable to excrete water normally. It may be necessary for
people with these disorders to restrict the amount of water they drink and/or adjust the
amount of salt in their diets.
Over hydration can cause acidosis (a condition in which blood and body tissues have an
abnormally high acid content), anemia, cyanosis (a condition that occurs when oxygen levels in
the blood drop sharply), hemorrhage, and shock. The brain is the organ most vulnerable to the
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effects of over hydration. If excess fluid levels accumulate gradually, the brain may be able to
adapt to them and the patient will have only a few symptoms. If the condition develops rapidly,
confusion, seizures, and coma are likely to occur.
Since the brain particularly susceptible, behavior changes are the usually the first symptoms of
water intoxication. The patient may become confused, drowsy, or inattentive. Shouting and
delirium are common. Other symptoms of over hydration may include blurred vision, muscle
cramps and twitching, paralysis on one side of the body, poor coordination, nausea and
vomiting, rapid breathing, sudden weight gain, and weakness. Blood pressure is sometimes, but
not always higher than normal.
Chronic illness, malnutrition, a tendency to retain water, and kidney diseases and disorders
increase the likelihood of becoming over hydrated. Infants and the elderly are at increased risk
for over hydration, as are people with certain mental disorders or Before treatment can begin,
a doctor must determine whether a patient's symptoms are due to over hydration, in which
excess water is found inside and outside cells, or excess blood volume, in which high sodium
levels prevent the body from storing excess water inside the cells.
Mild over hydration can generally be corrected by following a doctor's instructions to limit fluid
intake. In more serious cases, diuretics may be prescribed to increase urination, although these
drugs tend to be most effective in the treatment of excess blood volume. Identifying and
treating any underlying condition (such as impaired heart or kidney function) is crucial.
In patients with severe symptoms, fluid imbalances must be corrected immediately. A powerful
diuretic and fluids to restore normal sodium concentrations are given rapidly at first. When the
patient has absorbed 50% of these substances, blood levels are measured. Treatment then
continues at a more moderate pace in order to prevent brain damage that could occur from
sudden changes in blood chemistry.
Untreated water intoxication can be fatal, but this outcome is quite rare.
What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is the use of water to revitalize, maintain, and restore health. Hydrotherapy
treatments include saunas, steam baths, foot baths, sitz baths, and the application of cold and
hot water compresses.
Father Sebastian Kneipp, a 19th century Bavarian monk, is said to be the father of
hydrotherapy. Kneipp believed that disease could be cured by using water to eliminate waste
from the body. Hydrotherapy is popular in Europe and Asia, where people "take the waters" at
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hot springs and mineral springs. In North America, it is often recommended as self-care by
naturopathic doctors.
There is a physiological basis to hydrotherapy. Cold is stimulating, and it causes superficial
blood vessels to constrict, shunting the blood to internal organs. Hot water is relaxing, causes
blood vessels to dilate, and removes wastes from body tissues. Alternating hot can cold water
also improves elimination, decreases inflammation, and stimulates circulation.
What is a Typical Hydrotherapy Treatment?
Hydrotherapy treatments are often given at health spas or recommended as home self-care
treatments. These are some types of hydrotherapy:
*. Sitz bath - There are 2 adjacent tubs of water, one hot and one cold. You sit in one tub with
your feet in the other tub, and then alternate. Sitz baths are recommended for hemorrhoids,
PMS and menstrual problems, cystitis, polyps.
*. Warm water baths - Soak in warm water for up to 30 minutes, depending on the condition.
Epsom salts, mineral mud, aromatherapy oils, ginger, moor mud, and Dead Sea salts may be
*. Sauna - Dry heat
*. Steam bath or Turkish bath
*. Compresses - Towels are soaked in hot and/or cold water.
*. Wraps - Cold wet flannel sheets are used to cover the person lying down. The person is then
covered with dry towels and then blankets. The body warms up in response and dries to wet
sheets. This is used for colds, bronchitis, skin disorders, infection, and muscle pain.
Wet sock treatment is used for sore throat, ear infections, headaches, migraines, nasal
congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis, and sinus infections.
*. Hot fomentation: For treatment of acute conditions such as chest colds and coughs. It seems
to relieve symptoms but also decrease the length of the illness.
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Chapter 6
01. Almond: Almond Oil, (Badam), Mandel, Prunus amygdalus dulcis. Almonds have long been
used as food by humans, animals, and birds. Almonds contain protein and certain minerals such
as calcium and magnesium. Due to their relatively high fat content, however, most nuts,
including almonds, are also relatively high in calories, but, they may be satiating, meaning that
eating almonds, even if high in calories, may make you feel full. Several human and animal
studies that were conducted in the last few years have found that replacing animal fat in the
diet with either almonds or almond oil produced reductions in total cholesterol levels, lowdensity lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides. In addition, levels of high-density lipoproteins
(HDL), the “good” cholesterol remained relatively constant. In 2003, the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration allowed packages of almonds and other nuts to begin carrying a modified health
claim – “Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most
nuts, such as almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk
of heart disease.” Almond Oil use Sweet almond oil is used topically to moisturize dry skin,
soothe chapped lips, and relieve itching due to dryness. Because sweet almond oil is not greasy,
it is absorbed quickly. Especially mild oil, sweet almond oil generally does not irritate skin and it
does not appear to cause sensitization that may lead to allergic reactions. Occasionally, sweet
almond oil is taken by mouth for a mild laxative effect.
Almond oil composition an almond tree grown in different parts of the country or in different
countries will have different fatty acid composition. Almonds are a good source of antioxidant
nutrients. Almond Content of Beneficial Substances: Almond health benefit Almonds Decrease
Postprandial Glycemia, Insulinemia, and Oxidative Damage in Healthy Individuals.
02. Aloevera:
(kuwar booti, aereal) Also called "the elixir of youth" by the Russians, "the herb of immortality"
by the old Egyptians or the "harmonious remedy" by the Chinese, Aloe Vera is without a doubt
the medicinal herb most widely known for its noticeable impacts on health and at the same
time the ingredient most widely used in the cosmetic industry. Not one study conducted so far
was fully able to explain the wonders which lie within this herb and how its compounds work
together in a miraculous way to bring about the treatment or the alleviation of some of the
most serious illnesses like cancer or AIDS.
The most often used substance from this herb is the aloe gel, a thick viscid liquid found in the
interior of the leaves. The leaves are used in the treatment of burns and thealoine - a bitter
milky yellowish liquid is used as a laxative. The herb contains: 20 minerals (Calcium,
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Magnesium, Zinc, Chromium, and Selenium), 12 vitamins (A, B, C, E, and folic acid), 20 amino
acids from the 22 which are necessary to the human body, over 200 active components
including enzymes and polysaccharides. All the active substances enumerated before
contribute to the therapeutically value of the herb. We shall move on to presenting the main
effects that the herb has over the human body: it toughens up the immune system owing to the
23 peptides contained by the aloe Vera, it accelerates and regulates the metabolism, purifies
the human body from toxins, bringing about a feeling of calm. Moreover, aloevera has an
antiseptic effect (by destroying the bacteria, viruses and fungi), disinfectant capabilities and can
also stimulate the cell-renewing process. Aloevera nourishes and supports the digesting of
aliments. Cutting across the human organism, aloevera manages to bring the human body to a
general balanced state.
Aloevera has proved its efficiency from the simplest allergies to the treatment of wounds and
skin infections and even to its usage in alleviating more serious afflictions. With the help of this
herb a wide variety of internal and external afflictions are controlled, like: asthma, virosis,
arthritis, arthrosis, gingivitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, intestinal inflammations, constipations,
obesity, sprains, muscle strains, cutaneous inflammations. The efficiency of the herb was also
proven in the cases of anemia, deficiency illnesses, insomnia and depressions and the Bsisterole from the Aloevera brings about the lowering of the cholesterol level. Also, this herb is
used for controlling the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, diabetes, hepatitis
and pancreatitis and multiple sclerosis.
A wide array of products with curative and therapeutic effects is obtained from aloevera. This
herb is one of the main attractions of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and also the
most widely used ingredient - starting from vitamins and laxatives to face creams and body care
lotions. Aloevera gel contains B-sisterole, powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cholesterol
formulas and lupeol - a strong antiseptic tranquilizer. The aloe-based lotions and gels are used
as protections against the powerful sunlight and as a remedy against sunburns. Ointments
having aloe as a main ingredient moist the skin and protect it against bug stings and scratches.
Furthermore, the aloe-based ointment is efficient in treating acne. Owing to its proprieties,
Aloevera was incorporated in the composition of deodorants.
What should be noted is the fact that this herb can be also administrated internally due to its
high nourishing influence. When mixed with other fruits, aloevera can be ingested as an
excellent natural beverage rich in vitamins and minerals. Also, it is recommended that it is
ingested during travels to prevent dehydration.
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Cultivation of aloevera because it is not a pretentious herb, aloevera can be easily tended for.
This herb requires a great amount of light (even if it is artificial - 16 hours a day) and a little bit
of water (especially in the cold season).
3. Amaltas
Is one of the valuable medicinal trees in India found commonly in mixed-deciduous and hilly
Amaltas is a tree which is available with small or medium size. The botanical name of Amaltas is
Cassia fistula. This tree is generally evergreen and it grows up to a height of 24 meters. It is
believed that Sonali tree, as it is called in Bengali , is a native to southeastern parts of Asia. But
today, this plant is widely distributed in the tropics where it is mainly cultivated for decorative
purposes. Found generally in all parts of India, it is cultivated in mixed deciduous forests and
certain hilly tracts having an altitude of 1200 meters in the outer Himalayan region. This tree is
also commonly found in the central and southern parts of India and in the Gangetic valley. In
English this Indian medicinal plant is known as golden shower; in Hindi , it is referred to as
amaltas; in Sanskrit as aragvadha; in Tamil, it is known as arakkuvadam and so on.
Amaltas tree possesses grey coloured smooth barks spreading out in some small, woody scales
up to a thickness of 1.5 centimeter. The leaves of this tree is paripinnate, usually 20 to 40
centimeter in length, petioles and rachis are glandless, leaflets are 3 to 8 pairs, markedly
stalked, 5 to 15 centimeter in length and 3.5 to 9 centimeter in width, ovate or oblong, peak
acute, base acute to wedge shaped, dressed with silvery pubescence during the younger
period. The flowers of Amaltas are bright yellow in colour, in auxiliary, pendulous, manyflowered lax racemes of 10to 40 centimeters in length; five sepals, pubescent, green, ovate or
oblong-obtuse; five free corolla, short-clawed, sub equal and reddish-veined petals. The fruits
of this tree are black or dark brown in colour, having a pendulous or cylindrical shape and it is
usually 25 to 30 centimeter long. The diameter of the fruit or pod is 1.5 to 3 centimeter in
diameter. The seeds of Amaltas are smooth, flat, small, light brown in colour. There are around
40 to 100 seeds in a pod or fruit, set in a sweetish black pulp. Flowers in this tree bloom from
the months of April till October and the fruits of this tree are ripe from the months of
December till April as per the local environment.
The dried pulp and pods of Amaltas are considered precious for their laxative properties. The
bark and pods demonstrate antiviral activity. The extraction of the pods is prescribed for
common fever and pneumonia. Swelled neck as a result of severe cold can be treated by
applying heated pods. The pulp is regarded as a safe purgative, highly recommended for
children and pregnant women to relieve liver upsets and biliousness. The same is also used
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externally for the treatment of rheumatism and gout, and it may also be safely used as an
analgesic. It is also used for the treatment of black water fever, malaria, leprosy, diabetes and
also for their motion of abdominal obstructions. The slightly sweet seeds of Garmalo, the name
of Amaltas in Gujarati, contain carminative, laxative, cooling and antipyretic properties. The
seeds are used to give relief from constipation and for the treatment of jaundice, skin diseases,
biliousness and swollen throat. Intestinal amoebiasis is cleared by the use of the powdered
whole seeds of Amaltas. The bark of this tree possesses tonic and ant dysenteric properties,
and as per records, the barks are eaten raw for the treatment of stomachache. In Ayurvedic
medicine, it is used for the treatment of diseases of the skin like leucoderma and eczema. The
extraction or powder of the bark of Chimkani, the name of the tree in Marathi , is prescribed for
treating leprosy, jaundice, syphilis and heart disease. The powdered wood is reportedly used
for dysentery, and its ash is used as a caustic to promote healing of open abscesses.
The leaves possess laxative and antiperiodic, and are used in the treatment of jaundice, piles,
rheumatism, and externally for skin eruptions, ulcers, wounds, ringworm, eczema, prurigo and
pruritis. However, a paste of the fresh leaves is used internally by central Orissa tribal women
to cure amenorrhoea. A plaster of the leaves is used for the treatment of chilblains. The bark
and leaves are finely mixed with oil and applied to pustules, to reduce swellings in facial
paralysis and insect bites. The juice of the leaf is taken internally for the treatment of ring worm
and paralysis. The root bark and roots of Amaltas contain astringent, febrifugal, tonic and
purgative properties. The roots of this tree is also used in the treatment of biliousness, cardiac
disorders, rheumatic conditions, hemorrhages, wounds, boils and ulcers, tubercular glands and
a number of other skin diseases. The root, minced along with Cryptolepis buchanani
(Asclepiadaceae), is used as an antinarcotics to revitalize the nervous system paralysed due to
intoxication of alcohol among the tribals of southern parts of Bihar . In the north-eastern parts
of the state of Karnataka , the roots of Amaltas mixed with goat milk are given in little doses
regularly for the treatment of breast diseases. The aqueous extract of the bark of the root
shows anti-inflammatory activity. The edible flowers of this tree possess astringent, febrifugal,
purgative and antibilious properties. For stomach ailments, decoction of the Amaltas flower is
generally prescribed.
04. Anise: (Pimpinella anisum) aniseed, saunf, badyan:
It is a herbal, aromatic plant, which is cultivated. It grows as high as 40-70 cm in the light, in rich
soils and it needs moderate humidity.
Parts used: the bulb, the leaves, the seeds and the roots.
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The therapeutic virtues of the anise have been known since the ancient times. Pythagoras
claimed that the anise enhanced man's strength, cured insomnia, stimulated appetite, made
men more fertile and facilitated digestion.
Main constituents known: The vitamins, the B complex (B1, B2), C, calcium, phosphorus,
potassium, sulphur, iron, aromatic essences.
Pharmacologic action: carminative, antispasmodic, expectorant, a pancreatic stimulant.
As food, the anise is used for cooking sweet and spicy dishes. It has been used as an aphrodisiac
since the Greeks' time. The medical tests have confirmed that anise seeds intensified lust.
The anise fruit have got a nice taste and are used in the phytotherapy. As a ripe fruit or as juice,
it is recommended for curing asthenia and for stimulating suckling mothers' lactation.
Synthetically speaking, one may say about the anise that it is a medicine plant recommended
for curing nervous asthenia, migraines, vertigos, rheumatism, cough, bronchial asthma, gastric
pains, and slow digestion.
Natural treatments and application procedures:
1. The anise fruit infusion:
The infusion is made from half a tea-spoon of mashed anise fruit scalded in 250 ml of boiling
water. The tea should be left for 10-15 minutes in order to become an infusion. It should be
drunk in fractions: half a mug before a main meal. Caution: the tea must only be kept for a
short time before its consuming. As for suckling, an infusion from 5-6 anise fruit scalded in 250
ml of boiling water is to be made. It treats flatulence and children's colic.
2. The tea for eliminating helminthes:
The infusion is made from 10 grams of mashed fruit scalded in 100 ml of boiling water. The tea
should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.
*. The tea from anise seeds:
The infusion is made from one tea-spoon of anise seeds boiled in 250 ml of water for 30
seconds. One mug of tea is to be drunk after the main meals. This tea treats bronchial asthma,
cough, and slow digestion.
*. The decoction from anise roots:
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The decoction is made from 30 gr. of broken up roots boiled in one liter of water for 20-30
minutes. One mug of tea is to be drunk after the main meals. This tea treats painful menses.
*. The anise ether oil:
It is used for curing stomach and intestine disorders, flatulence and colds.
05. Apple: Apple is also known to contain free and combined organic acids , pectin's , proteins ,
Ca, Na, Fe, K, P and in small quantities Si, Al , S, Co etc. Apples also contain Vitamins A, B, C
and PP in the exterior part of the fruit. Very important is the fact that the skin of the apple
contains two times the quantity of Pentatonic acids and vitamin C than in the pulp. Therapeutic
recommendations: Internal: Because of its moderate acidity it helps the digestive system,
provoking trough reflex act an important growth of saliva and gastric secretions.*.Apple eaten
with its skin is a little bit laxative, absorbing the toxins and microorganisms from the intestine
level.*.Apple without the skin represents an important treatment for children in acute and
chronic diarrhea.*.The diuretic action is evident but more important is the massive elimination
of uric acid.*.They also have a favorable action in high blood pressure which, combined with its
properties to reduce cholesterol make from apple a good recommendation in
atherosclerosis.*.Apples are also good in diets against obesity.
Doctors also noted favorable
results in infantile diabetic treatment with apples and tomatoes diets. At the nervous system
level they have a calming action, being known the fact that an apple eaten before bed helps
and eases the sleep. Apple juice helps invigorate tissues. You can use the juice to massage
cheeks and breasts for a relaxing effect.
06. Avocado: (nashpati)
It is a fruit of Persea americana of the family Lauraceae usually grown in the Western
Hemisphere from Mexico south to the Andean regions. The tree, tall and spreading, has leaves
elliptic to egg-shaped in form and 4 to 12 inches in length. The small greenish flowers born in
dense racemes are devoid of petals and have six perianth lobes, nine stamens arranged on
three series, a one-celled ovary. The fruit is exceedingly variable in shape, size and color. It
looks like hen's egg and it varies from round to pear shaped with a long slender neck. The
colour ranges from green to dark purple. The single large seed with two cotyledons is round to
Horticultural, avocados are divided into Mexican, West Indian and Guatemala races. The
Mexican variety is characterized by the anise-like odour of the leaves and thin skinned fruits of
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rich flavour and excellent quality. The Guatemalan type is slightly less frost resistant than the
Mexican and produces fruit of medium to large size. West Indian type is grown in southern
Benefit and uses of Avocado:
*. Avocado is used traditionally to heal skin problems.
*. Avocado has been used traditionally to help people with sexual problems.
*. Avocado usefulness in human weight control, high nutritional density, source of major
antioxidants, stroke prevention, fruit protein source, fiber source is well known.
*. The avocado's high monounsaturated fat content benefits arteries.
*. Eating avocados daily for three weeks improved blood cholesterol in middle-aged women
better than a low-fat diet.
*. Eating avocados, heart patients could cut their risk of heart attack 10-20 percent and death
rates 4-8 percent in 3-5 years.
*. Eat an avocado everyday if you’re recuperating from sickness and are trying to regain your
07. Banana: (Kela, Kala)
It is an important fruit consumed extensively throughout the tropics, where it is grown and also
valued in temperate zones for its flavour, food value and availability throughout the year.
Banana belongs to the genus Musa of the family Musaceae. The plant, a gigantic herb springing
from an underground stem or rhizome, forms a false trunk 3 to 6 meters (10 to 20 ft.) high
composed of the leaf sheaths and crowned with a rosette of 10 to 20 oblong to elliptic leaves
sometimes attaining a length of 3 to 3-1/2 meters (10 to 11-1/2 ft.) and a breadth of 650
millimeters (26 inches).
The large flower spike carrying numerous yellowish flowers emerges at the top of the false
trunk and bends downwards to become bunches of 50 to 150 individual fruits in clusters or
hands of 10 to 20. After the plants have fruited, they die and are replaced by others arising
from the underground stem. The life of one stool or clump thus continues for many years.
There are 100 or more varieties of banana in cultivation; confusion exists because of diverse
names applied to one and the same variety in different parts of the world.
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Desirable commercial bunches of bananas consist of nine hands or more and weigh 22 to 65 kg.
The ripe fruit contains as much as 22% carbohydrates, mainly as sugar and is high in ash, low in
protein and fat and a good source of vitamin C.
Cooking varieties or plantains differ from other bananas in that the ripe fruit is starchy rather
than sweet. The fruit is demulcent, aphrodisiac and stomachic. As an astringent, it is given in
dysentery. An ounce of the ripe fruit mixed with tamarind and salt is a household remedy in
early cases of diarrhoea and dysentery. The fruit is also useful to relieve soreness of throat and
chest accompanied with dry cough. It is also taken to correct irritability of the bladder. The ripe
fruit is a mild laxative. The unripe fruit is very good for all sorts of stomach and liver troubles,
including gastric ulcer. The flour of the dried fruit is prescribed in diarrhoea, dysentery and
dyspepsia. The unripe fruit is very useful in diabetes and spitting of blood.
The juice of the flowers is given with curds in menorrhagia and diabetes. Who are suffering,
from cough and cold, dyspepsia, obesity and diabetes should not eat the ripe fruit. The unripe
fruit can be eaten boiled, stewed and in curries etc.
Benefit and uses of Banana:
*. Banana makes it a good source of quick of quick energy.
*. The use of bananas has been found beneficial in the treatments of several medical conditions
such as intestinal disorders, constipation, arthritis, gout, anemia, allergies, kidney stones,
tuberculosis and urinary disorders.
*. Eating Banana vegetables can also help control weight.
*. Bananas Vegetables are low in fat and calories, a good source of dietary fiber and provide us
with extra energy.
*. Eat bananas in every form ripe, raw, cooked, milkshakes and desserts. It helps in treating
many ailments related to your body.
*. Rubbing banana peel inside out is the best remedy for mosquito bites.
*. Drinking extract from the stem attached to the banana cluster helps kill tuberculosis bacteria.
08. Barley is considered a mild nourishing force which stimulates the heart and is used for
easing the emotional tension of a person. Description Barley is a type of cereal which can
reach heights of around 0.7 to 1.2 meters. The plant's fruit is ear shaped. This way there are a
number of types of barley, depending on the number of granules on the ear: summer and
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winter barley. The winter barley is used for feeding animals because of the inferior quality of its
granules. Barley develops well especially in flat, moist areas, but they can adapt to more
unfavorable conditions as well.
Properties: When it reaches a height of 20 - 30 cm, barley contains the most nutritive resources
necessary for the human body. Thus, barley leafs contain vitamins B (B1, B2, B6, and B12),
vitamins E and C, a great amount of iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum,
germanium, zinc, copper, lithium, bioflavonoid, polysaccharides, and polypeptides. The green
stem of barley, apart from containing vitamins, minerals and enzymes, also contains natural
hormones and chlorophyll. These nutritive substances give barley antioxidant, antiinflammatory, anti-cancer and antiviral properties. Treatments Green barley contains the most
valuable elements necessary for the human body and it is also a product with excellent
therapeutic effects. Barley diet is indicated for eliminating toxins from the body, including the
blood, for immune stimulation, cicatrisation and regeneration. Barley helps regulate arterial
pressure, eliminates the excess of weight, hydrates the teguments and increases virility. This
diet is recommended to be held for a minimum period of 2 weeks. For chronic diseases it can
last for a month. In cases of high fever, barley extract helps reduce the patient's fever. Green
barley contains an active proteic enzyme, which has a powerful effect in curing diseases,
revitalizing the body and slowing the aging process. This enzyme intervenes in the deactivation
of free radicals. Barley helps improve memory, bringing clarity in thought. Also, it eases
stomach pains, heals ulcers, and lessens arthritic pains and inflammations. In obesity it helps
eliminate weight excess. Green barley juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, revitalizing the
tegument and curing it of its dryness. The plant shows visible results in the fight against
collagen and leukemia, also neutralizing the toxic effects of tobacco. Other diseases in which
the treatment with barley is utilized: anorexia, anemia, stomatitis, pancreatitis, mayocardic
arrest, bronchial asthma, arthritis, and epilepsy. Barley stimulates the drainage and
regeneration of the liver, activates the immune system helping in the fight against the hepatic
virus. Mixtures Barley juice is obtained from mixing a handful of green stems with water. They
are mixed until a paste is obtained, which is filtered with a colander or with some gauze. The
juice has to be consumed only a few moments after it was prepared. Green barley powder is
obtained through the dehydration of the fresh green barley juice, at small temperatures, thus
allowing the enzymes to remain active. Out of crushed green barley sprouts, mixed with honey
and fruit, a delicious desert can be made which has exceptional invigorating properties. Barley
can also be consumed in the form of a salad, crushed into small pieces and combined with
other unripe elements or with honey. Warning It is recommended that people who can't stand
gluten do not consume beer which is based on barley.
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09. Basil (Ocimum Basilicum):
The basil is a herbaceous annual culture plant, ramified
from the ground, 20-60 cm tall with hairy stems, round-oval leaves and white or reddish
flowers. The basil has been known since ancient times and is a holy plant in India, very much
appreciated by Egyptians, too; bouquets of basil were found in the Egyptian pyramids.
aromatic plant, the basil is used in the culinary art as a seasoning for diverse meat and sauce
dishes. Traditional medicine uses basil as a remedy for chronic gastritis and stomach aches.
Pharmacological actions: sedative, diuretic, antiseptic. Starting from the essential oil content
of the basil, as related to the other active elements, basil is recommended in the treatment of
gastro-intestinal and renal affections, bronchitis and fever.
The use of basil leaf tea is
recommended in nervous system fatigue, insomnia and painful menstruation. To avoid the
unpleasant effects of insect stings rub the wounded spot with fresh basil leaves or with the
juice from fresh basil plants. Health Benefits of Basil and applying techniques: Basil tea: The
infusion is prepared of 1-2 spoonfuls of basil leaves, shredded, and boiled in 250 ml of water.
The tea is left to infuse 2 minutes. Drink 2-3 cups a day. It is recommended to drink a cup after
every meal. This tea treats distention and intestinal colic, gastric ulcer, anorexia, urinary
infections, diarrhea. In case o diabetes, the basil tea should be consumed unsweetened, but in
all the other cases can be sweetened with bee honey. The tea for throat wash will be prepared
like a decoction with 2 spoonfuls of shredded leaves at 100 ml of water. It will be used to treat
mouth lesion, inflammation and erosion. Tonic basil wine is prepared of 2 handfuls of basil
leaves, well washed and dried, minced and deposited in a bottle. Over the leaves will be poured
1 liter of red wine and a spoonful of honey. It is left to macerate 5-7 days. To extract most
efficiently the active elements from the leaves shake the bottle 4-5 times a day. After filtration
the obtained tonic wine will be put in a well sealed bottle. It is an excellent natural medicine for
stimulating the appetite. Drink it 15-30 minutes before every meal. Children should be
administered a spoonful of wine 2-3 times a day and adults should drink 100 ml, 3 times a day.
Basil tincture: 20 g of minced basil plants are left to macerate in 100 ml of 70 degrees alcohol.
The macerating process lasts 15 days. After macerating, it is filtered and put in a well sealed
bottle. For internal use is administered to children 3-5 drops in 100 ml of water 3 times a day.
Adults take a spoonful of tincture in 100 ml of water, 3 times a day. For external use the
tincture will be diluted in water in a ratio of 1/5 and can go to 1/10 for more sensible patients.
In case of insect stings, wounds, eczema, tampon with tincture or apply compresses.
10. Bean:
Because of its nutritive qualities, the common bean can successfully replace meat. Its rich
containment of proteins (approximately 70% of the necessary amino acids which can be found
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in meat), carbohydrates and the lack of toxins, it is best recommended for its benefiting effects
on health. Description of bean plant Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is a herbaceous plant from the
Leguminosae family. From what is known, this is one of the vegetables earliest used in
alimentation, having been known for 4000 years. There are a number of hypothesis concerning
the origin of the common bean: some are convinced that it originated in Central America (there
are traces of beans in prehistoric tombs) while others declare that beans originate in Latin
America and more precisely, Peru, from where it was brought to Europe after the discovery of
America. Because of its nutritional qualities, beans can successfully replace meat. Its rich
containment of proteins (approximately 70% of the necessary amino acids which can be found
in meat), carbohydrates and the lack of toxins, it is best recommended for its beneficial effects
on health. Moreover, beans also have the property of reducing cholesterol. Studies about this
were made and they have revealed that including beans in daily alimentation leads to the drop
in the value of cholesterol with 20% and 30% in best cases. Nowadays, the majority of
nutritionists say that the consumption of beans is important for maintaining health of the
nervous system, liver, kidneys, pancreas and bones. Properties Besides its proteic content,
bean also contains organic and mineral substances (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
silicium, nickel, copper, and cobalt), vitamins (A1, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E, and P1) bean also
contains fibers (soluble and insoluble) with an important role in the body: it reduces the level of
cholesterol, prevents constipation and colon cancer. Vitamin B2 helps prevent cardiovascular
diseases while pro-vitamin B5 helps prevent cancer and blocks the growth of tumors. Bean also
benefits the immune system through its anti-infectious effect which facilitates the growing of
the number of leucocytes, destroying injurious microorganisms in the body. This effect is
present because of chromium - a substance present in beans with the role of stimulating
lymphatic ganglions. A special species of beans in which case the pods produce no seeds
(named Fructus phaseolii sine seminibus) contains arginine, asparagine, tizoline and tipofan amino acids with a diuretic and ant diabetic role. Treatments and mixtures*.Bean pod tea For
preparing tea, one tablespoon of bean pods is boiled in 250 ml of water for a period of 15 to 20
minutes. From this dietetic and anti-rheumatic tea, one or two cups are drunk per day. The tea
thus prepared is good for states of hydropsy (water accumulation in the tissues), heart, kidney,
and urinary bladder diseases, such as cystitis. At the same time, bean pod tea helps calm
spasms, normalize urination and increasing the quantity of urine, remove the excess of water
from the body. As a direct consequence of this action, the body loses a great amount of toxins an important result for the amelioration of rheumatic states. For those suffering from
hyperglycemia, the consumption of dried been pod tea is recommended. Because of the
specifics of this disease, the tea will not be sweetened with sugar but only with saccharin.
Furthermore, in skin diseases such as acne, beans added in the daily alimentation, or consumed
as a tea, contribute to the rapid removal of these problems.*.Been flour Bean pods are rich in
salicic acid, which is why they are recommended as energizers for the body. For this reason,
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flour obtained from beans leads to the removal of unpleasant sensations caused by eczemas,
acne or other skin diseases. Manner of utilization: affected areas will be covered with
cataplasms containing bean flour. Beans in alimentation It is important to know the fact that
this vegetable plays an important part in preventing the development of diabetes. Researches
have proved that the number of people suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes is
surprisingly small in the case of those who have even just slightly added beans to their daily
nutrition. Also, in cases of osteoporosis (atrophy of the bones), caused by a loss of calcium and
metals and vitamins, or by metabolic imbalances, it has been observed that these are very rare
in the cases of those who consume beans. This consequence is tied to the fact that the bean
contains a series of vitamins (B5, P, B6 etc.) which prevents the loss of calcium from the body.
11. Beet root: Scientific Name: Beta vulgaris
Beta family Common Names: Beet, red beet, table beet, garden beet Other Languages: Spanish:
remolacha. Portuguese: horticola, beterraba. French: betterave. German: rote Rube, rote Beete
or Runkelrube. Italian: Barbabietola. Arabic: silig. Chinese: gen tian cai. Russian: svekla
stolovaja. Active Properties: Beta vulgaris have been utilized for their medicinal properties since
ancient times. Considered beneficial to the blood, heart, and digestive system. Known to treat
skin problems, headaches and lethargy. Regarded as a laxative; a cure for bad breath, coughs
and headaches; and even as an aphrodisiac. Recently regarded as a preventative for cancer increasing immune system function. Beet root is high in many important minerals and
Dioscorides and Galen both refer to root of beet as a medicine Biochemical Information:
Betaine Beta vulgaris provides a particularly rich source of betaine - a mood modifier. Betainerich foods pharmacologically produce the positive effect of relaxation. Betaine is utilized in
treating clinical depression. Betaine(also called trimethylglycine) raises levels of the compound
s-adenosylmethionine which influences serotonin metabolism.
The species Beta vulgaris L. was first described by Linnaeus in 1753. The genus Beta likely
originated in Mediterranean Europe - cultivated from the wild sea beet. Beta vulgaris was
initially valued for its leaves. The Greeks presented beet as one of their offerings to the sun god
Apollo in the temple at Delphi. In an Assyrian text beet was grown in the Hanging Gardens of
Babylon, one of the wonders of the ancient world, in around 800 BC. Beet is mentioned by
Dioscorides, Aristophanes and Aristotle. The Greeks ate the leaves of Beta vulgaris and utilized
them, and occasionally the roots, medicinally.
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Beta vulgaris have been utilized for their medicinal properties since ancient times. Considered
beneficial to the blood (high in iron), heart, and digestive system. Regarded as a laxative; a cure
for bad breath, coughs and headaches; and even as aphrodisiac. Following the Middle Ages,
beetroot was used to treatment digestion, blood problems and as a decongestant. Recently
beet root is regarded as a cancer preventative, strengthening to the immune system. A remedy
for indigestion, acidity, gastritis and heartburn and is known to relieve other problems of food
toxicity (improper diet and incomplete digestion), including skin problems, headaches and
Description: The swollen root of cultivated Beta vulgaris is technically made up from both the
root and the hypocotyl, which is an enlarged region at the base of the stem. The hypocotyl is an
intermediate region between stem and root and accounts for the top or crown part of the root.
In sugar beet, the hypocotyl typically accounts for 10% of the storage organ, while 90% is root
derived. However, this proportion varies and the amount derived from hypocotyl can be higher
in fodder beet and beetroot, particularly in varieties that have crowns that extend above the
soil surface. The genus probably first originated in Mediterranean Europe, was diversified and
spread to the north and east in prehistoric times. A secondary region of Beta biodiversity
developed in the Near East. Annual, biennial and perennial plants occur in the genus. Other
varieties: Today, four sections are used to classify all the plants within the genus Beta. These
are Procumbentes (formerly Patellares), Nanae, Corollinae and Beta (formerly Vulgares).Within
the genus Beta, these four sections include ten species and three subspecies. Collected widely
for culinary and medicinal uses. Safety: There are no known human health risks associated with
typical consumption or topical uses of beet root or beet root powder. Betalains, the plant
pigment in beets, when not processed thoroughly in the system can turn the urine a red color.
Betalains are used as food coloring and in cosmetic: in ice creams and frozen desserts. Beetroot
red is also used to enhance the redness of tomato paste, soups, tomato products in pizzas,
sausages, ham, bacon, liquorice, fruit preparations, sauces, jams, etc. It is often used in dry
powder form for beverages, sugar confectionary, biscuits and creams.
12. BISTORT (anjabar)
Polygonum bistorta, Persicaria bistorta
Common name: Bistort
Latin name: Polygonum bistorta/Persicaria bistorta
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Other names: Adderwort, Dragonwort, Easter Giant, Easter Ledger, Easter Ledges,Easter
Magiant, Easter Man-giant, Gentle Dock, Great Bistort, Passion Dock, Patience Dock, Pink
Pokers, Pudding Grass, Pudding Dock,Red Legs, Snake Root, Snakeweed, Water Ledges.
Family: Polygonaceae
Habitat: Bistort is native to Europe, Asia and North America. It prefers damp soil, including wet
meadows and banks of streams.
Description: Bistort is a perennial plant. It has tall, slender stems, topped by a cylindrical cluster
of small pink-rose to white colored flowers. Bistort is in bloom from May to August. Leaves are
produced near the lower end of the flowering stems. They are lanceolate, oblong-ovate or
triangular-ovate in shape. They are bluish green, longer near the base, and becoming smaller
higher up the stem.
Parts used: Root, rhizome, leaves
Useful components: Polyphenols, tannins, phlobaphene, flavonoids
Medicinal use: Bistort is considered to be alterative, astringent and diuretic. Traditionally, the
plant was extremely beneficial in treatments of diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, leucorrhea,
smallpox, measles, pimples, jaundice, ruptures, insect stings and snake bites. Combined with
Plantain, it had been used for gonorrhea and as a douche to regulate excessive menstrual flow.
It is maybe one of the most powerful astringent plants. Applied directly to the wound, it can
easily stop bleeding. Bistort is very helpful in case of both internal and external bleeding. It is
also very efficient in case of a nose bleed.
13. Bitter Melon (bitter gourd): also known as balsam pear or Karela, is a Tropical
vegetable, and has been used extensively in folk medicine as a remedy for diabetes. In
Ayurveda, the fruit is considered as tonic, stomachic, stimulant, emetic, antibilous, laxative and
alterative. The fruit is useful in gout, rheumatism and sub acute cases of the spleen and liver
diseases. It is supposed to purify blood and dissipate melancholia and gross humours. It has also
been shown to have hypoglycemic properties (anti-diabetic) in animal as well as human studies.
Origin: It is widely cultivated in Asia, Africa and South America .Chemical composition /key
active constituents Momordica charantia has a non-nitrogenous neutral principle charantin,
and on hydrolysis gives glucose and a sterol. The fruit pulp of M. charantia has soluble pectin
but no free pectic acid. Galactouronic acid is also obtained from the pulp. M.charantia fruits
glycosides, saponins, alkaloids, reducing sugars, resins, phenolic constituents, fixed oil and free
acids. The presence of an unidentified alkaloid and 5-hydroxytryotamineis also reported. The
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5HT content is reported to be present. The ether extract residue of the alcoholic concentrate
from the leaves of M. charantia is reported to reveal hypoglycemic activity comparable to that
of tolbutamide. The pure protein termed as P-insulin extracted from M. charantia fruits in
crystalline form is also tested. Pharmacology Oral administration of fresh fruit juice (dose, 6 c.c.
/kg. body wt.) lowered the blood sugar level in normal and alloxan-diabetic rabbits. Oral
administration of alcoholic extracts of the plant to some diabetic patients did not produce any
hypoglycaemic action. p-Insulin,a polypeptide from the fruits and seeds rapidly decreased and
normalized the blood sugar level in rats. Remedies For the fruit juice and/or a leaf tea is
employed for diabetes, colic, sores and wounds, infections, worms and parasites, as an
emmenogogue, and for measles, hepatitis, and fevers. Bitter melon was traditionally used for
numerous infections, cancer, and diabetes purpose.
Dosage: The proper dosage is one small, unripe, raw melon or about 50 ml of fresh juice, each
taken in 2 or 3 doses over the course of the day. The only problem is that bitter melon tastes
extremely bitter.
14. Black pepper:
Constituents: A typical chemical composition of black pepper :- a-thujone (0.22 - 3.59%) (terpenes)- a-pinene (1.11 - 16.20%)- camphene (0.23 - 1.44%)- sabinene (0.14 - 13.78%)- bpinene (4.92 - 14-33%)- a-phellandrene (0.46 - 27.37%)- myrcene (1.66 - 2.53%)- limonene
(16.41 - 24.36%)- caryophyllene (9.39.- 30.94%) - (sesquiterpenes)- B-farnesene (0.03- 3.26%)B-bisabolene (0.09 - 5.18%)- linalool (0.04 - 0.25%)- terpinen-4-ol (0.01- 0.18%)Properties:
Analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diuretic, febriguge, laxative,
rubefacient, stomachic, tonic. Aroma: Its odor is fresh, dry woody, warm spicy, reminiscent not
only of the odor of dried black pepper, but also elemi, cubeb and other essential oils of
highterpene-sesquiterpene content.
Description: An almost water white or pale greenish gray, mobile liquid which becomes more
viscous on aging.
History: One of the very oldest and highly revered spices, used in India for over 4,000 years,
mainly for urinary and liver disorders. The root word comes from Sanskrit "pippali', changed to
the Latin 'piper'. The Romans paid their taxes with this spice rather than coins. It was used
extensively in Greece to combat fever. During the middle Ages the Pepper Trade was very
important between India and Europe. In Medieval England Black pepper was used in charms
and amulets for protection, most likely because it was used as an antidote to poison and used
to prevent the spread of infection.
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Mind: Black Pepper is very stimulating oil, strengthens the nerves and mind. Is said to give
stamina where there is frustration, and warms the heart where there is indifference. Body:
Black Pepper has rubifacient (warming by increasing flow of blood) and also analgesic (pain
relieving) properties that may be useful for muscular aches and pain, tired and aching limbs and
muscle stiffness. It is useful in massage oil for arthritic aches and pains. May also be helpful
where there is severe bruising. It is a good oil to use before excessive exertion like sports. Black
Pepper has been described as supporting the yang, generating warmth and dispelling cold.
Skin & Hair Helpful with bruises:
Perfumery: This oil gives interesting effects with eugenol and isoeugenol, e.g., in carnation and
rose bases, in Oriental fragrances, or in modern, dry aldehydic bases, ambres, etc. The effect in
the rose base is particularly interesting.
Blends well with: Basil, bergamot, cajeput, cypress, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium,
grapefruit, hyssop, lavender, lemon, sweet & wild marjoram, nutmeg, palmarose, pine,
rosemary, sandalwood and tea tree.
Precautions: Use ONLY in moderation. Excessive use may over stimulate kidneys.
15. Black Plum (Jamun):
Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses 73
By C V Singh
Black plum (Jamun)
Black berry or Black plum is always appreciated for the color, flavor and taste of its fruit. When
sucked, it changes the color of the tongue to purple due to its coloring properties. Besides
these properties, its usefulness in treatment of diabetes is also praised by the people and
health benefits of the fruit are appreciated by all.
Medicinal properties of Black berry:
1. The extracts of the bark, seeds and leaves are used for the treatment of diabetes.
2. The leaves have antibacterial properties and used for strengthening teethes and gums.
3. Oral administration of dried alcoholic extracts of the seeds to diabetic patients was found to
reduce the level of blood sugar and glycosuria in trials.
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4. The bark of black berry tree is astringent, digestive, diuretic, anthelmintic and is considered
useful for throat problems
5. A decoction of the bark and powdered seeds is believed to be very useful in the treatment of
diarrhea, dysentery and dyspepsia
6. The antibiotic activity of black berry extract has been widely studied and found useful against
a number of microbial agents.
7. The fruit is also considered to be stomachic, carminative, antiscorbutic and diuretic.
8. Vinegar made from black berry fruit is administered in cases of enlargement of spleen,
chronic diarrhoea and urine retention
9. For ringworm treatment, water diluted juice is used as lotion
10. A decoction of bark is used in cases of asthma and bronchitis and are gargled or used as
mouthwash for the astringent effect on mouth ulcerations, spongy gums, and stomatitis.
16. Black tea:
Is a product made from the Camellia sinesis plant. The aged leaves and stems are used to make
medicine. Green tea, which is made from fresh leaves of the same plant, has some different
properties. Black tea is used for improving mental alertness as well as learning, memory and
information processing skills. It is also used for treating headache and low blood pressure;
preventing heart disease, including “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis) and heart
attack; preventing Parkinson's disease; and reducing the risk of stomach and colon cancer, lung
cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. It is also used for type 2 diabetes, stomach disorders,
vomiting, diarrhea, and as a diuretic to increase urine flow. Some people use black tea for
preventing tooth decay and kidney stones. In combination with various other products, black
tea is used for weight loss. In foods; black tea is consumed as a hot or cold beverage. How
effective is it? Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database rates effectiveness based on
scientific evidence according to the following scale: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly Effective,
Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Rate. The
effectiveness ratings for BLACK TEA are as follows: Likely effective for...*.Mental alertness.
Drinking black tea and other caffeinated beverages throughout the day helps to keep people
alert, even after extended periods without sleep. It is possibly effective for preventing dizziness
upon standing up (orthostatic hypotension) in older people. Black tea works for this condition
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because it raises blood pressure.*.Reducing the risk of heart attacks. There is some evidence
that people who drink black tea have a lower risk of heart attack. If they do have a heart attack,
they are less likely to die if they have been drinking black tea for at least a year.*.Reducing the
risk of kidney stones. Women who drink black tea seem to have an 8%lower risk of developing
kidney stones.*.Reducing the risk of Parkinson's disease. There is some evidence from largescale studies that people who drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and cola have a
decreased risk of Parkinson's disease. For men, the effects seem to be dose-related. For
example, men consuming a total of 421-2716 mg of caffeine daily seem to have the greatest
reduction in risk. However, there seems to be a significant reduction in risk even with
consumption of as little as 124-208 mg caffeine per day. In women, the effects do not seem to
be dose- related. Moderate consumption of caffeine (about one to four cups black tea daily)
seems to provide the most reduction in risk. Drinking black tea also appears to reduce the
occurrence of Parkinson's disease among people who smoke.*.Reducing the risk of ovarian
cancer. Women who regularly drink tea, including black tea or green tea, appear to have a
significantly lower risk of developing ovarian cancer compared to women who never or seldom
drink tea.*.Reducing the risk of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), especially in women.
Possibly ineffective for...*.It reduces the risk of stomach, colon, and rectal cancer.*.Reducing
the risk of breast cancer. Insufficient evidence to rate effectiveness for...*.Brittle bones
(osteoporosis). So far there is some evidence that drinking black tea might be linked to stronger
bones in women aged 65-76 years. Drinking black tea also seems to be associated with a lower
risk of hip fracture in men and women who are older than 50.*.Type 2 diabetes. Some research
suggests that Japanese adults who drink a cup or more of black tea daily do not have a lower
risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who drink less than a cup daily.*.Lung
cancer. There is evidence that men who get more chemicals called phytoestrogens in their diet
have up to a 27% lower risk of developing lung cancer than men who do not get these
chemicals. Green tea and black tea contain phytoestrogens.*.Stomach disorders.*.High blood
pressure.*.Vomiting.*.Diarrhea.*.Preventing tooth decay.*.Headache.*.Reducing the risk of
other cancers.*.Promoting weight loss.*.Other conditions. More evidence is needed to rate the
effectiveness of black tea for these uses. How does it work? Return to top Black tea contains 2%
to 4% caffeine, which affects thinking and alertness, increases urine output, and may reduce
the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. It also contains antioxidants and other substances that
might help protect the heart and blood vessels. Are there safety concerns? Return to top Black
tea is safe for most adults. Too much black tea, such as more than five cups per day, can cause
side effects because of the caffeine. These side effects can range from mild to serious and
include headache, nervousness, sleep problems, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, irregular
heartbeat, and tremor, and heartburn, dizziness, ringing in the ears, convulsions, and confusion.
People, who drink black tea or other caffeinated beverages all the time, especially in large
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amounts, can develop psychological dependence. Caffeine is PROBABLY SAFE in children in
amounts commonly found in foods.
Special precautions & warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, black tea in small amounts
is probably not harmful. Do not drink more than 2 cups a day of black tea. This amount of tea
provides about 200 mg of caffeine. Consuming more than this amount during pregnancy has
been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage and other negative effects, including symptoms
of caffeine withdrawal in newborns and lower birth weight. If you are breast-feeding, drinking
more than 2 cups a day of black tea might cause your baby to become more irritable and have
more bowel movements. Anemia: Drinking black tea may make anemia worse in people with
iron deficiency. Anxiety disorders: The caffeine in black tea might make these conditions worse.
Bleeding disorders: There is some reason to believe that the caffeine in black tea might slow
blood clotting, though this hasn’t been shown in people. Use caffeine cautiously if you have a
bleeding disorder.
Heart problems: Caffeine in black tea can cause irregular heartbeat in certain people. If you
have a heart condition, use caffeine with caution. Diabetes: The caffeine in black tea might
affect blood sugar. Use black tea with caution if you have diabetes.
Diarrhea: Black tea contains caffeine. The caffeine in black tea, especially when taken in large
amounts, can worsen diarrhea. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Black tea contains caffeine. The
caffeine in black tea, especially when taken in large amounts, can worsen diarrhea and might
worsen symptoms of IBS
.Glaucoma: Drinking caffeinated black tea increases the pressure inside the eye. The increase
occurs within 30 minutes and lasts for at least 90 minutes. Hormone-sensitive conditions such
as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Black tea
might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to
estrogen, don’t use black tea. High blood pressure: The caffeine in black tea might increase
blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. However, this doesn't seem to occur in
people who drink black tea or other caffeinated products regularly. Brittle bones
(osteoporosis): Drinking caffeinated black tea can increase the amount of calcium that is
flushed out in the urine. This might weaken bones. Don’t drink more than 300 mg of caffeine
per day (approximately 2-3 cups of black tea). Taking extra calcium may help to make up for
calcium losses. Older women who have a genetic condition that affects the way they use
vitamin D, should use caffeine with caution. Are there interactions with medications? Return to
top Moderate Be cautious with this combination.
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Iron: Black tea might interfere with the body's ability to absorb iron. This probably isn't a
problem for most people, unless they are iron-deficient. If this is the case, drink tea between
meals rather than with meals to lessen this interaction.
Milk: Adding milk to black tea appears to reduce some of the heart health benefits of drinking
tea. Milk might bind with the antioxidants in tea and keep them from being absorbed.
However, not all research confirms this. More evidence is needed to determine just how
important this interaction, if any, might be. What does is used? An 8-ounce serving of black tea
provides from 40-120 mg of caffeine, the active ingredient. The following doses have been
studied in scientific research: BY MOUTH:*.For headache or improving mental alertness: a
typical dose is up to 250 mg of caffeine (several cups of black tea) per day.*.For reducing the
risk of heart attack and kidney stones: a dose of at least one cup per day.*.For preventing
"hardening of the arteries" (atherosclerosis), 125-500 ml (1-4 cups) of brewed black tea
daily.*.For preventing Parkinson's disease: men drinking 421-2716mg of total
caffeine(approximately 5-33 cups of black tea) daily have the lowest risk of developing
Parkinson's disease, when compared to other men. However, men who drink as little as 124208 mg of caffeine (approximately 1-3 cups of black tea) daily also have a significantly lower
chance of developing Parkinson's disease. In women, moderate caffeine intake (1-4 cups of
black tea) per day seems to be best.
17. Cabbage (Brassica oleraceea): cabbage is known since antiquity as both food and a
natural cure, especially in its fighting against vitamin C deficiencies or scurvy - the disease
caused by lack of vitamin C, manifested in anemia, bleeding gums and tooth loss. Cabbage can
be consumed fresh or preserved (sour cabbage), in both cases with beneficial effects. Cabbage
contains sugars, mineral salts, a hypoglycemic principle, vitamin C and provitamin A, antibiotic
principles, mucilage and others. Cabbage juice, mixed with carrots (for a more acceptable taste)
and a few drops of lemon juice, is one of the effective ways to consume it for those who can’t
stand its taste but still want to benefit from the substances contained. Cabbage cures A glass of
sauerkraut juice drunk in several rounds daily, between meals, for several weeks, is a good
remedy to fight ulcer; besides the usual vitamins, it also contains the factor/vitamin U, with
anti-ulcerous properties, which is lost in the process of boiling. Raw cabbage is active in
ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids and constipation, especially thanks to its mucilage and its
substances that contain cellulose .As a powerful diuretic, cabbage is recommended for edema,
kidney stones, cirrhosis and ascites. It is also included in the diet of diabetics. Cabbage may
cause indigestion, especially because of some ingredients used in its preparation.
Indications for external conditions: Cabbage is used with good results in the treatment of
external conditions such as abscesses or boils. It may also be used as a cataplasm in case of
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burns, phlebitis, varicose veins and varicose ulcers. In these situations the leaves are used
without ribs, rived by pressing with a glass and applied to the affected area. As compresses,
cabbage has a favorable effect on chilblains, bruises and sprains. Cosmetic use of cabbage Press
cabbage leaves (without their veins ) by rolling a bottle on top of them; then apply the washed
leaves as a mask for the night, to reactivate circulation, for cleansing the skin and fight cellulite.
18. Calamus:
Is a perennial herb with long creeping and aromatic rhizomes or underground stems sprouting
leaves. The flowering shoots of the plant are supported by a large leaf like structure called
spathe. It has pale-green, small flowers, in 5 to 10 cm long cylindrical spikes and yellowish
fruits. The root stock of the plant is an aromatic stimulant, bitter tonic and expectorant.
The dried rhizomes of the plant constitute the drug calamus and are of great medicinal value.
The dry rhizomes of calamus contain yellow aromatic oil. The essential oil contains calamen,
calamenos, calamenon and asarone. Indian calameon oil contains asarone, small amounts of
sesquiterpenes and sesquiterpene alcohols. The odor of the oil is ascribed to an unidentified
constituent. The leaves contain oxalic acid and calcium.
Botanical Name: Acorus calamus
Indian Name: Bach
Health Benefits of Calamus:
Below are some of the medicinal properties of calamus:
- It gives relief to heavy stomach by relieving flatulence, colic and increasing appetite. The burnt
root mixed with some bland oil such as refined coconut oil or a poultice of the root may be
applied over the abdomen in treatment.
- Calamus is a valuable remedy for chronic diarrhea. It is also effective in chronic dysentery, due
to the presence of tannins. Its infusion can be given to children suffering from these ailments.
- It is useful in the treatment of asthma; it removes catarrhal matter and phlegm from the
bronchial tubes. About 65 centigrams of the herb is taken every 2 or 3 hours in this condition.
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- Calamus is also useful in treating common cold. A small piece of rhizomes is roasted and
powdered. A pinch of this powder taken with honey provides great relief. For infants, the paste
of calamus mixed in breast milk is touched on the baby's tongue. Another convenient method
of giving the medicine to infants is to apply a little paste on the mother's nipple.
- It is also useful in treating mouth ulcers, coating on tongue and rawness, that is, inflammation
of the skin. A small piece of the herb should be rubbed on the tongue to obtain relief.
- The powder of the roasted calamus is a valuable home remedy for children suffering from
whooping cough. A pinch of this powder can be given with honey. Being antispasmodic, it
prevents the severe bouts of coughing. For smaller children, the dose must be proportionately
- It is effective in expelling intestinal worms. The powdered root is taken for this purpose.
19. Camphor
The camphor tree is evergreen and its pointed shiny leaves give off a distinctive camphor
aroma. Mature leaves are about 15 cm long. The tree bears flowers in summer that appear in
clusters and are small and yellow to white. The flowers are followed by small (up to 9 mm wide)
black fruits. It is Indigenous to Japan and tropical South East Asia.
Parts used:
Wood is distilled for its essential oil, but people also use the leaves as a herb.
Stimulates the circulatory and nervous system, Bitter and aromatic herb that combats
inflammation and eases spasms and pain . Camphor is reported to enhance digestion and to kill
internal parasites.
It has definite antiseptic, spasmolytic (in bronchial tubes), anti-irritant, carminative, circulatory,
as well as analeptic properties. Although the smell stimulates the cold receptors in the mucus
membranes, it does not have a direct decongestive effect.
Therapeutic uses
*. Internal use
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*. It is used in very low concentrations to fight inflammation and problems with circulation, as
well encouraging decongestion in the respiratory tract.
*. In Ayurvedic medicine, camphor is reported to combat respiratory complaints, sinusitis, eye
complaints, epilepsy, gout, pain experienced during menstruation, insomnia, flatulence, and
*. External use
*. The Chinese use camphor as an inhalant to revive people from faints and other unconscious
states, for various skin diseases and to treat wounds.
*. It is commonly used as an ointment or liniment to treat sprains , joint and muscle pain , as
balm for chapped lips , cold sores , as an inhalant to relieve nasal , bronchial , or upper
respiratory congestion .
*. Camphor can also be used to treat rheumatic pains and muscle sprains .
*. Aromatherapy and essential oil use
*. Since this oil can be highly toxic , it should not be used in aromatherapy massage , but could
be used in vapor therapy to ease respiratory problems and can be used in the form of
compresses .
*. Camphor essential oil has analgesic, anti-depressant, anti-spasmodic, cardiac, carminative,
diuretic, hypertensive, insecticide, laxative, and stimulant properties.
Safety precautions and warnings:
Camphorated oil is subject to legal restriction in certain countries and large doses of camphor
are toxic.
Excess causes heart palpitations , vomiting, convulsions, and can lead to death.
The oil is absorbed through the skin, and care must be taken not to use a liniment, balm, cream,
or blend containing this oil in too high concentrations , or to use it excessively, as this may
cause toxicity.
This must not be taken as advice against using a product containing camphor, but rather as a
warning to use camphor on small areas or on occasion, and to take note of the concentration of
camphor in a product.
High doses applied to the face or nose should not be used on children, as it may cause
respiratory arrest.
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20. Cardamom
Cardamom is a perennial herb with thick, fleshy rhizomes or underground stems shooting leafy
roots and with leafy stems. It has a very large leaves, white or pale green three celled flowers,
many seeded pale green to yellow fruits and triangular brownish black seeds.
The dried cardamom fruits have a pleasant aroma with a characteristic, slightly pungent taste.
They leave a warm feeling in the mouth. It is the seeds, taken out from the fruits, which
produce the warm sensation.
The cardamom seeds contain a volatile oil. The principal constituents of the volatile oil are
cineol, terpinene, limonene, sabinene and terpineol in the form of formic and acetic acids.
Botanical Name- Cardamomum
Indian Name- Chhoti elaichi
Health Benefits of Cardamom
Below are some of the medicinal properties of cardamom:
- It reduces the air and water elements, increases appetite and soothes the mucous membrane.
It relieves gas and heartburn caused by garlic and onion. Ground cardamom seed mixed with
ginger, cloves and coriander, is an effective remedy for indigestion. A tea made from cardamom
is beneficial in headache caused by indigestion.
- Its powdered seed mixed with a tablespoon of banana leaf and amla juice taken thrice a day,
will serve as an excellent diuretic for the treatment of gonorrhea, nephritis, cystitis, burning
micturation or urination and scanty urination.
- Powdered seeds of cardamom are boiled in water with tea. It gives a very pleasing aroma to
the tea. This can be used as a remedy in the treatment of depression.
- The aromatic flavor in cardamom is a breath freshener. A few seeds chewed for a brief period
will remove foul smell.
- Gargling with an infusion of cardamom and cinnamon cures pharyngitis, sore-throat, relax
uvula or the fleshy conical portion at the back of the tongue, and hoarseness during the
infective stage of influenza. Its daily gargle protects one from the flu.
- An infusion made by boiling a couple of pounded whole cardamoms in a cup of water long
with 5 leaves of mint is useful in relieving hiccups.
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- It is also useful in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. A pinch of powdered
cardamom seeds boiled in milk and sweetened with honey every night would yield excellent
results. Excessive use of cardamom at times may lead to impotency.
Uses of Cardamom:
Cardamom seeds are used for flavoring curries, cakes, bread and for other culinary purposes,
like flavoring coffee or confectionery. The essential oil of cardamom is used for pharmaceutical
purposes, perfumery, flavoring liquors and bitters in the preparation of tincture and as a
21. Carrot:
Is credited with many medicinal properties; they are said to cleanse the intestines and to be
diuretic, remineralizing, antidiarrheal, an overall tonic and antianemic. Carrot is rich in alkaline
elements which purify and revitalize the blood. They nourish the entire system and help in the
maintenance of acid-alkaline balance in the body. The carrot also has a reputation as a
vegetable that helps to maintain good eyesight. Raw grated carrot can be applied as a compress
to burns for a soothing effect. Its highly energizing juice has a particularly beneficial effect on
the liver. Consumed in excessive quantities, carrots can cause the skin to turn yellow; this
phenomenon, which is called Carotenemia and caused by the carotene contained in carrots, is
frequently seen in young children but is not at all dangerous. An infusion of carrot seeds (1
teaspoon per cup of boiling water) is believed to be diuretic, to stimulate the appetite, reduce
colic, aid fluid retention and help alleviate menstrual cramps. The dried flowers are also used as
a tea as a remedy for dropsy. Taken in wine, or boiled in wine and taken, the seeds help
conception. Strangely enough the seeds made into a tea have been used for centuries as a
contraceptive. Applied with honey, the leaves cleanse running sores or ulcers. Carrots are also
supposed to help break wind and remove stitches in the side. Chewing a carrot immediately
after food kills all the harmful germs in the mouth. It cleans the teeth, removes the food
particles lodged in the crevices and prevents bleeding of the gums and tooth decay. Carrot soup
is supposed to relieve diarrhoea and help with tonsillitis. In days gone by they grated raw carrot
and gave it to children to expel worms. Pulped carrot is used as a cataplasm for application to
ulcers and sores. They were also supposed to improve your memory abilities and relieve
nervous tension.
22. Castor Oil plant: Castor-oil plant is also known by its Latin name, ricinus, which means
"mite", and is a persan plant from the Euphorbiaceae family. Other names the herb has are
Christ’s palm or the tree of the cross. Description of Castor Oil plant The castor-oil plant is a
herbaceous, annual herb of 1-3 meters in height, with a pivoting, ramified root, erect green or
reddish stems. The leaves are large. The flowers have a yellowish color. The fruit has the form
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of a capsule which holds 3 brownish or ash-colored, mottled seeds, rich in oil. The plant blooms
from July to September. Properties and benefits of Castor Oil plant The castor-oil plant seeds
contain over 50% fat, 20% proteins, glucides, mineral salts, water, oleic acid, toxalbumine,
enzymes and vitamin E. These give the plant laxative and purgative properties, leading to the
agglutination of the red cells.
Treatments: Castor-oil plant is used most often as castor-oil. This exercises a benefiting action
on the teguments, both at the epidermis' level and at the dermal level. Castor-oil is an efficient
means of curing warts. It should be massaged for 10-15 minutes with the castor-oil. The
treatment is followed 2 times per day, each day, until the warts start disappearing. For
irritated mucous membrane and red eyes, 1-2 drops of castor-oil are applied on each eye. In
case of hemorrhoids, the anointing of the anus with castor-oil or the ingestion of 1-1/2
teaspoons of oil internally is recommended. The same oil is good for treating bruises, cuts,
ulcerations or various eruptions of the skin. A feather drenched in castor-oil is indicated to be
used for anointing the affected areas. In cases of bronchitis and colds, the chest is massaged,
using a mixture of 2 tablespoons of castor-oil and one of turpentine. The chest of the patient is
rubbed with it, then enfolded in a wool scarf and then dressed in a cotton blouse. Castor-oil
has a stimulating effect of the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Also, it helps in some cases of
alopecia and strengthens the roots. The hair roots are massaged with castor-oil. It is applied in
the evening before going to sleep. The second day, the hair and the head's skin is washed well.
The treatment is made 3 times per week until the wanted result is achieved. For regular usage,
it is applied 2 times every month. To soften the callosities and thick skin, the feet should be
rubbed 3 times a week with castor-oil, dressed in cotton socks and left like that for the night.
Castor-oil is also recommended in treating moles and hepatic pigmentation. The affected areas
are rubbed insistently with castor-oil in the evening and in the morning. The effects are visible
after about a month. For nails which are flaking off or which break off easily, the treatment
with castor-oil is recommended. In the evening the oil is applied on the nails and rubbed well
for an hour. The treatment should last 2 months. Mixtures Castor-oil is fabricated thus: the
seeds are harvested at their complete maturity, manually or mechanically. They are dried,
decorticated and cold pressed for obtaining the oil.
Warning: The therapeutic castor-oil is not toxic. The toxic effect is only manifested in cases of
swallowing seeds which would lead to the coagulation of fibrine, the agglutination of
eritrocites, lesions of the blood vessel walls, irritation of the gastro-intestinal mucous, hepatic
and renal lesions.
23. Celery:
Other names are Small age, marsh parsley and wild celery.
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Description of the herb celery:
It is a aromatic biennial with bulbous fleshy roots and solid grooved stems, pinnately divided
leaves, up to 50 cm long. Umbels of green-white flowers are followed by gray-brown seeds
Parts used:
The whole plant is used, including the roots, seeds and oil.
This is a bitter aromatic herb that tones, reduce blood pressure , stimulate the uterus , relieve
indigestion, acts as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and aphrodisiac . Sedative effects have been
It contains monoterpenes, butylphthalids, coumarins, furocoumarins and flavonoids.
Therapeutic uses
*. Internal use
*. The furocoumarins contained in celery are typically used for their stomachic, carminative,
diuretic and emmenagogue properties.
*. Internally, it is used for osteoarthritis , rheumatoid arthritis , as well as gout and for an
inflamed urinary tract .
*. In Ayurvedic medicine it is used for asthma, bronchitis and as a nerve tonic .
*. External use
*. Celery is used externally to combat fungal infections and to battle tumors .
*. Aromatherapy and essential oil use
*. The oil distilled from the seeds and plant of celery is used as a great way to tone the central
nervous system , while helping to relieve water retention and cellulite .
*. It purifies the body and cleanses the kidneys , spleen and liver , while helping to dissolve uric
acid crystals in the joints of rheumatic, arthritic and gout patients .
*. It also helps to decrease puffiness in the skin .
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Safety precautions and warnings
Therapeutic amounts of celery, as well as the oil made from the seeds are not to be used in
24. Cherry
It is well-known for flavouring. Three types of cherry are mainly grown for their fruit. These are
the sweet cherries, the sour cherries and the dukes. The fruit is usually globular shaped, about
2 centimeters (1 inch) in diameter and varies in colour from yellow to red. The acid content of
the sweet cherry is low; the higher acid content of the sour cherries produces characteristic tart
flavour. Sour cherry trees are smaller, rarely 5 meters (16 ft.) in height.
The fruits of all varieties provide very small amounts of minerals like calcium and phosphorus. It
is used fresh, canned or for wine. Cherry wine is very popular among European people. The fruit
is used in Indian sweets for flavouring purposes.
Benefit and uses of Cherry:
*. Cherry-laurel is used for the preparation of Cherry-laurel Water, which is used as a flavouring
agent and as a sedative in nausea and vomiting.
*. Cherry anthocyanins have been shown to reduce pain and inflammation.
*. Wild cherry bark is an important cough remedy.
*. Cherry is benefit in Bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, nervous dyspepsia, and chronic
*. Cherries is reducing the risk of heart attack.
*. Cherries are so powerful they may reduce the risk of cancer by fifty percent.
*. Cherry reduce the pain of arthritis, gout and headaches.
25. Chicory: is known for the fact that it's considered an excellent coffee substitute. Moreover
it contains insulin – a substance from the saccharoids group, very useful for transforming the
non-alimentary substances into biodegradable ones. Description of Chicory plant Chicory
(Cinchorium intybus) is an edible perennial herb native to North Africa, Europe and Asia. Today
it can be found all over the world and especially on the lands with a mild temperate climate. It
gained its fame in Antiquity because of its therapeutic usages and the old Egyptians would use
it to treat the liver and gallbladder problems. They consumed chicory in large quantities
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because they believed that the herb could purify the blood and eliminate the toxins from the
liver. In France during Napoleonic times chicory was used as a coffee substitute. England and
the United States soon followed this example. While the root of this herb is used as a coffee
substitute, the other parts are used either in cooking (especially in salads), either as medicine.
Compared to real coffee, chicory stimulates the nervous system by sustaining the mental
capabilities and concentration. This herb is also recommended in fighting the sleepy states and
asthenia. Owing to the substances that it contains (like chicorine and choline) the herb shows
laxative-like characteristics. At the same time, chicory stimulates digestion and the pancreatic
secretion, regulating the amount of glucose in the human body. Moreover, should one include
in one’s personal diet mixtures which contain chicory root, their body will adjust the level of
Proprieties and benefits of Chicory In the chemical composition of the herb substances can be
found such asinulin, chicorine, choline, tanin, chicoric acid, aminated acids, starch, protids,
minerals and vitamins (B, C, K, P).The root of the herb contains the highest concentration of the
abovementioned substances. Various studies show that inulin greatly reduces the risk of the
intestinal cancer. The tanin works as an astringent, disinfectant, detoxificant tonic and has a
light antibiotic effect to it. It further influences the gallbladder effects (by enlarging the gall and
the fluid quantity). Under the influence of the compounds with bitter taste, the digestion is
stimulated and also the drainage of the liver and spine. These compounds reduce hunger but
stimulate the sensation of fullness. In this sense a short rise of hunger followed by a
considerable diminution of hunger was noticed. Chicory helps the body to better absorb
calcium and other minerals. Owing to the detoxifying, cholagogue-like, anticatarralic and
alkalizing effects, the mixtures containing chicory are effective in treating digestive problems,
gastritis, hepatitis, gallbladder problems, statis, mild enterocolitis, intestinal worms, and
hemorrhoids. Due to the active compounds from the herb, the glucose from the blood
accumulates faster under the aspect of glycogen in the liver. This process leads to a decrease in
the glycemia and cholesterol which reduces diabetes and artery sclerosis. Other afflictions
treated by chicory are: acne, anemia, anorexia, heart problems, arthritis, asthenia, liver and
gallbladder problems, hepatic congestions, splenic problems, depressions, dermatosis, the
decrease in the biliary secretions, headaches, furunculosis, goutiness, hepatitis, hydropsy,
jaundice, urinal infections, biliary insufficiency, lithiasis, tiredness, marsh fever, intestinal
parasitosis, rheumatism. Mixtures and treatments Chicory mixtures help detoxify the body and
regulate metabolism and are recommended to those who have an inaccurate diet (hencea
decreased metabolism) and also to those who are suffering from furunculosis, acne,
intoxications. When administrating the treatments based on chicory, in cases of people with a
noticeable appetite, it is recommended that it should be done between eating hours. If the goal
is to stimulate the appetite, the chicory mixture should be administrated just before dinner. For
reducing Glycemia the consumption of two cups of chicory infusion a day or a cup of decoct
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before dinner is recommended. A cup of infusion of chicory before dinner stimulates digestion
and is recommended during states of nervousness, asthenia, coughing. To prepare the infusion
of chicory, two spoons of chicory are mixed in a liter of boiled water for 10-15 minutes. For the
decoct tea it's necessary for a small amount of dry chicory root to be mixed in a liter of boiling
water and then left to cool down for approximately 15 minutes. The chicory juice detoxifies the
body. For this purpose it's recommended to have 2-3 spoons of it a day. To prepare chicory
juice it's necessary to boil 1 liter of chicory infusion which gets mixed with 1kg of sugar until the
liquid becomes thick, like syrup. If needed, a type of jam from chicory root can be made to treat
the lung problems. Chicory leaves are efficiently used as bandages for cuts and bruises.
Cataplasms can be made of Chicory infusion in cases of acne, furunculosis, cuts and bruises.
26. Cinnamon (darchini): In the ancient world, cinnamon was more precious than gold and
was regarded as a gift fit for monarchs. In fact, Pliny the Elder in the first century AD valued
cinnamon at 15 times the value of silver. Nero, emperor of Rome in the first century AD, burned
12 months supply of cinnamon at the funeral of his wife - an extravagant gesture to signify the
depth of his loss.
Cinnamon has been used since ancient times both as a culinary spice and for medicinal and
other purposes. The ancient Egyptians included cinnamon in their embalming mixture. Moses
combined cinnamon, cassia, and other spices with olive oil to anoint the Tabernacle and its
During the middle Ages, the Arabs carried cinnamon and other spices along the old caravan
trade routes to Alexandria, Egypt. From there it was shipped to Europe. The Arabs constructed
many exotic stories about the great difficulty of harvesting cinnamon to account for its scarcity
and justify the high price of the spice.
Origins the name cinnamon is derived from a Greek word meaning sweet wood. It is derived
from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree, an evergreen tree of the Laurel family. The rolled
bark is allowed to dry, forming a scroll or quill. The quills are cut into 2 to 3 inch sticks or ground
into powder. The ground cinnamon has a stronger flavor than the sticks, and can stay fresh for
6 months while the scrolls last longer. Both should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place.
There are two main varieties of Cinnamon- Cinnamomum verum (True or Ceylon cinnamon)
grown in Sri Lanka, and southern India; and Cinnamomum aromaticum (also called Cassia),
which is grown in China, Indonesia, and Vietnam. True cinnamon has a yellowish-brown color
and tends to produce a finer powder than cassia which has a grayish-brown color. The
cinnamon from Sri Lanka, which is preferred by the Europeans, has a milder, sweeter flavor and
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is more expensive. In the United States cassia is the widely used product. True cinnamon may
be adulterated with cassia.
Common Flavor Cinnamon is used as a flavoring agent in soft drinks, teas, and bakery products
such as cereals, granola bars, puddings, pastries, cakes, pies, and donuts. Cinnamon is often
added to oatmeal, toast, candy, hot chocolate, tea or coffee, and in chewing gums. Cinnamon is
also a common ingredient in many Indian curries. It is also an ingredient in many medicinal
formulas to improve the taste and aroma of the medicine. In addition, cinnamon is used in the
perfumery industry.
Medicinal Uses The medical properties of cinnamon were utilized by ancient health
practitioners such as Dioscorides and Galen in their various treatments. In medieval times,
cinnamon was an ingredient of medicines for sore throats and coughs. Cinnamon has been used
to alleviate indigestion, stomach cramps, intestinal spasms, nausea, and flatulence, and to
improve the appetite, and treat diarrhea.
A number of additional medicinal properties have been reported for cinnamon. In folk medicine
it was used for treating rheumatism and other inflammations. Its mild anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and anti-clotting properties are believed to be due to its content of
cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamon extracts are active against Candida albicans, the fungus responsible
for vaginal yeast infection, and also Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium responsible for stomach
ulcers. The antimicrobial properties of cinnamon are thought to be due to eugenol and a
derivative of cinnamaldehyde.
Cinnamon extracts have also inhibited the growth of cultured tumor cells. This effect may be
due to the presence of procyanidins and eugenol in the bark extract. Cinnamon is also useful as
a food preservative to inhibit the growth of common food-borne bacteria such as Salmonella
and E coli.
Blood Sugar Levels Modified Cinnamon has been used in Korea and China as a traditional herb
for treating people with diabetes. While researchers were investigating the effect of various
foods on blood sugar levels, they found that apple pie did not produce the expected rise in
blood sugar levels They discovered that the cinnamon content of the pie was protective.
Cinnamon contains some water-soluble polyphenolic polymers derived from the antioxidant
catechins. These compounds increase insulin sensitivity by enhancing insulin receptor function
and increase glucose uptake. A study involving 60 men and women, average age 52 years, who
had type 2 diabetes, were given ½ teaspoon a day of cinnamon for 6 weeks. They showed a 25
percent decrease in fasting blood glucose levels as well as a 12 percent drop in blood
cholesterol levels and a 30 percent drop in blood triglyceride levels.
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Higher dosage levels produced more rapid improvements but the larger amounts did not
improve the overall effectiveness over time. In another trial, 22 adults with prediabetes were
given 500 mg of a water-soluble cinnamon extract daily for 12 weeks. Without any changes in
diet or physical activity, the majority of people experienced about a 10 percent drop in fasting
blood sugar, without blood lipid changes. Different cinnamon species may give different results.
Cinnamon is also a good source of chromium, an essential trace mineral that augments the
action of insulin.
Safety Issues: The distinctive odor and flavor of cinnamon is due to cinnamaldehyde, the
major oily constituent of cinnamon bark. Since this can be toxic in large doses, a regular use of
substantial amounts of ground cinnamon may be unsafe. This problem can be avoided by using
a water-soluble cinnamon extract in which the active polyphenolic compounds are retained but
the oil constituents are removed.
Cinnamon has been granted GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status as a food additive by the
FDA. GRAS substances are considered safe by the experts and not restricted as is the case with
other food additives. Pregnant women are advised to avoid taking cinnamon oil or large doses
of the bark, since high doses can induce abortion.
There have been reports of contact sensitivity to cinnamon oil and bark, and to
cinnamaldehyde in tooth paste and perfumes. In addition, lip swelling and oral lesions are
reported among frequent users of cinnamon-flavored chewing gums.
27. Cloves are the dried flower buds of the clove tree, an evergreen tree that grows in tropical
climates. While cloves are mostly used for culinary purposes today, the health benefits of cloves
have been known for centuries.
The Chinese used cloves to get rid of bad breath over 2000 years ago, and it is even said that
anyone who had an audience with the Emperor was required to chew on cloves so that their
breath was sweet! It was also considered an aphrodisiac in China as well as Persia.
Cloves have powerful medicinal properties. They are stimulating and have antibacterial,
antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic properties. They are also a natural anesthetic (due to the
eugenol oil) which is why they were often used for dental procedures in centuries past and are
still used in some cultures to remedy toothache. It is the oil that is derived from the cloves that
is so powerful, and this is often used for medicines both topically and internally. This oil
contains compound that helps with blood circulation and can stimulate the skin when applied
directly to it.
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Cloves are a great spice to heal ailments of the digestive system. They are well known for
relieving flatulence and can actually help promote good digestion as well as metabolism. They
may also help relieve vomiting and diarrhea as well as a host of other digestive disorders.
Cloves have been well known as an all around healing herb and it is not just digestive problems
that cloves are reputed to help with. In fact, they are used in tropical Asia to treat conditions
such as scabies, cholera, malaria and tuberculosis. As an antispasmodic it can be applied
topically to relieve muscle spasms or in a tea to ease coughing. It cans also treat skin problems
like styes and sores when applied as an ointment. It is said a paste of milk, salt crystals, and
cloves can be a great headache remedy.
Cloves are believed to have other health benefits that are not necessarily connected with an
immediate illness. For instance, they can make a great mosquito repellant, as well as a moth
repellent. Clove studded oranges are often used to repel many kinds of insects in tropical
climates. Sucking on cloves may even reduce the craving for alcohol.
Today, the health benefits of cloves are not mentioned much in the Western world, but this
ancient spice is still a popular herb with Ayurvedic healers who use it in teas and powders both
topically and internally. It is even found in the arsenal of aromatherapy.
28. Coconut (Narikel or nariyel)
It is a tree of the palm family (Arecaceae). It is one of the most important crops in the tropics.
The slender, leaning, ringed trunkof the tree rises to a height of up to 80 ft. (25 meters) from a
swollen base and is surmounted by a graceful crown of giant, feather-like leaves. Flowering
begins in trees five-year-old and is continuous thereafter. Fruits require a year to ripen; the
annual yield per tree may reach, 100 but 50 is considered good. Mature fruits, ovoid or ellipsoid
in shape, 100 to 450 millimeters (12 to 18 inches) in length and 150 to200 millimeters (6 to 8
inches) in diameter, have a thick, fibrous husk surrounding the familiar single seeded nut of
commerce. A hard shell encloses the insignificant embryo with its abundant endosperm,
composed of both meat and liquid.
Coconut palms flourish best close to the sea or low lying areas a few feet above high water
where there is circulating ground water and an ample rainfall. The harvested coconut yields
copra; the dried kernel or meat from which Coconut oil the world's high ranking vegetable oil, is
extracted. Coconut oil has many uses like manufacture of soaps and shampoos, detergents,
edible oils, margarines, vegetable shortenings, synthetic rubber, glycerin, hydraulic fluid and
plasticizer. Copra meal is a livestock feed and fertilizer and shredded coconut is a familiar item
on grocer's shelves. Besides the edible kernels and the drink obtained from the green-nuts, the
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husk yields coir, a fiber highly resistant to salt water and used in the manufacture of ropes,
mats, baskets, brushes and brooms.
Other useful products derived from the coconut palm include toddy, palm-cabbage and
construction materials. The liquid inside green nuts offers a refreshing drink during hot summer
months which keeps the body cool. It subsides pitta and prevents sun-stroke, heat-stroke and
vomiting. It is given in thirst, fever and urinary disorders; it is a blood purifier and checks travel
sickness and nausea. The milky juice expressed from the pulp of the immature nut is nutritive
and anthelmintic. It is very useful in malnutrition, general debility, fevers and urinary disorders.
The liquid inside the ripe nut is highly diuretic and so should be taken only in small doses.
Benefit and uses of Coconut:
*. Coconut oil was fed as 7% of energy to patients recovering from heart attacks; the patients
had greater improvement compared to untreated controls.
*. The great benefit of coconut oil is that the body turns these fatty acids directly into energy,
making it terrific for losing weight.
*. Monolaurin helps you defend against viruses, bacteria, and other harmful agents and helps
to strengthen your overall immune system.
*. The benefit of coconut oil here is that it provides a saturated fatty acid called myristic acid,
which plays a vital role in the biochemistry of the kidneys.
29. Coriander is used as a condiment in cuisine for preparing the finest foods, in the
perfumery industry because of the volatile oil contained by its fruits but as a medicinal herb
also. The coriander contains a powerful diuretic that reduces the sanguine pressure and
ameliorates a headache.
Description of Coriander Plant: Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is a Mediterranean
herb grown for its fruits that look like white-rose seeds and its leaves known as "cilantro". It
came from the sunny and droughty areas of Asia. It was used a long time ago in India, Iran and
China. The Indians used coriander not only in their culinary art, but also in the medicinal field.
They used the herb to treat insomnia, the flu and constipation. The recognition of the herb's
qualities encouraged its cultivation in Europe. Ancient Greeks and Romans used it to give flavor
to their foods and wines. In the middle Ages it was especially used to give flavor to wines,
steaks and cakes. In the 17th century it was one of the ingredients used by the nuns from the
Carmelite Order to prepare the Parisian Eau de Toilette. In the same period, coriander was used
to prepare two well known drinks for that time: the Benedictine liqueur and Chartreuse. In the
18th century, people used coriander to avoid having an unpleasant breath (they chewed the
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seeds with sugar). In our days, coriander is used mostly in the food industry as an aromatizer
and condiment for meat products, fish and pickles. Dried yellow fruits have a nice smell and a
sweet flavor. The bitterish taste is predominant to the sweet hot astringent taste. Coriander's
leaves resemble the ones of parsley and they taste different from the fruits. It can grow up to
20 inches tall. Coriander has many well know medicinal qualities. If the coriander seeds were
used in Iran to treat insomnia and anxiety, the recently made experiments from many Middle
Orient hospitals confirmed its anxiolytic and sedative effects. Then it was synthesized in the
pharmaceutical industry a natural medicament used to treat panic attacks, the depressiveanxious syndrome and insomnia. Properties and benefits of Coriander fruits contain volatile
oil, lipids, starch, pectins and mineral substances. In fact, coriander's flavor comes from the
etheric oil contained in proportion of 1,5% - 2,0% . This oil contains linalool (60% - 80%), pinene,
dipentene, etc. The fruits contain fatty acids like petroselinic acid, proteic substances, aminoacids, sitosterols, tocopherols, cumarins, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. The aromatic
contained substance - coriandrol - is a very good adjuvant in the treatment of liver cancer. At
the same time, coriander leaves represent a powerful source of vitamin A, C, thiamin,
riboflavin, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. In small quantities it
contains also niacin, vitamin B6, phosphor and zinc.
Furctus Coriandri, in other words
coriander fruits are used as a stimulant for the gastrointestinal secretion, sedative and
carminative. They ameliorate the abdominal pains, reduce digestive spasms and distend.
Coriander is also known as a bactericide, fungicide and anthelmintic. It has also a good
influence over the neural system and stimulates memory. Mixtures and preparation Modern
phytotherapeutics recommends coriander fruits as adjuvant in: anorexia, dyspepsia, intestinal
worms, hypogalactia, dysfunctions of the mammal glands and abdominal pains. Coriander
infusion Internally, coriander is used as an infusion, usually prepared from a half of spoon with
fruits mixed in a cup, which is consumed during one day. For colic (distend caused by swallowed
air or fermentative processes): infusion from a half of spoon of fruits for 3.5 oz of water - the
concentration could vary with the baby's age. Adults can consume up to three cups of hot
coriander seeds infusion. It's a powerful carminative (eliminates intestinal flatulencies) and
spasmolytic agent. For those who suffer from diabetes, it should be taken into account that
coriander seeds regulate the level of insulin and decrease the level of cholesterol. In order to
obtain this result, one liter of coriander seeds infusion must be consumed each day. For
digestive dyspepsia and as an appetite stimulant, the infusion will be prepared during the day
from one spoon of mashed fruits boiled in 10oz of water. The infusion must be consumed
during the day, two cups after each primary meal. The infusion is also efficient against intestinal
worms. It must be taken on an empty stomach and it must be prepared from 0.44lb of fruits
boiled in 34oz of water.
Coriander powder: A simple treatment with coriander powder, recommended for psychoemotional disorders, is the following: 0.004lb of powder taken four times a day, for a 49days
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period with a pause of 10days. In the case of liver cancer and colon cancer it is recommended
to take four spoons of fresh coriander powder each day, for at least three months. The same
treatment can be used for mammal cancer. The treatment must be sustained by a low fat diet.
Any hydrogenated fats are completely forbidden. Salad: It can be used to treat allergies.
Coriander leaves contain natural antihistamines, vitamin C and bioflavonoids that decrease the
allergic reactions such as hay fever. The cures must be 12 days long and they are especially
recommended if the exposal to allergic factors is intense. The high content of bioflavonoids
from the leaves helps also in the cases of hemorrhoids, varices and other veins disorders. Used
externally, the juice made up from the fresh herb is good for allergies and cutaneous eruptions.
Dry coriander fruits can be used to obtain oil that will help against fatigue and lethargies. It can
be used also for stomachal massage and abdominal massage in cases of bad digestion, colic,
distend, diarrhea. Because of its heating and analgesic effect, coriander is very useful for
calming the rheumatic pains and states of flu or cold. It can be applied locally.
Caution: Caution at the volatile oil contained by coriander seeds, because it can trigger allergic
reaction to some.
30. Craneberry (Vaccinium oxycoccus):, make an excellent fruit juice that goes great with
a cold glass of Grey Goose vodka and some ice. And who does not love that jellies cranberry
sauce on a warm sandwich of leftover turkey the day after Thanks giving. While some people
may have a feeling that cranberries are good for you, and pretty much everyone knows that
cranberries are not bad for you, few people are aware of the extent of the benefits that these
little fruits actually possess.
Cranberries are small acidic berries that are rich in both vitamins C and A. Cranberries also
contain an excellent infection fighting ingredient. The commercial variety of cranberry (the ones
that go into the Ocean Spray juice cocktail that you have in your fridge at home), actually come
from a plant that belongs to the evergreen family. The red, acidic fruit is used in sauces and
jellies served with savory and sweet foods and in a variety of fruit juice beverages.
Cranberries have many medicinal and beneficial properties. Cranberries have an antiseptic
action on the urinary system, that why you may see women with urinary tract infections
drinking excessive amounts of cranberry juice. But did you know that cranberries can be sued to
control asthma. Cranberries also improve the health of the circulatory system and they aid in
the treatment of kidney stones and infections.
To benefit from these healing properties, cranberries must be used correctly. Cranberries
contain a substance which can actually increase the acidity levels of your urine; it also can act as
a bactericide. A daily glass of cranberry juice can actually help to prevent and treat existing
cases of cystitis, and it can also lessen the likelihood of kidney stones. Cranberries and
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cranberry juice alike can be used in the treatment of prostate and urinary tract infections.
Crushed cranberries, boiled in distilled water and skinned, can be added to a cup of warm water
to come to the rescue of an asthma attack. This is because cranberries contain an active
ingredient that is very similar to the one used in the drugs that control asthma.
Especially when using cranberries for more serious ailments, such as asthma and urinary
infections, you should always consult a licensed medical practitioner. As with any medicine the
use of cranberries is not without risks. Cranberries contain very large amounts of oxalic acid and
should not be eaten raw.
31. Cucumber: (cheer, Sasha, khirika)
It is a creeping plant of the cucurbitaceae family probably originating in India and widely
cultivated for its fruit. It is a tender annual with a rough, succulent trailing stem and hairy leaves
with 3 to 5 pointed lobes; the stem bears branched tendrils, by which the plant creeps through
the supports.
The food value of cucumber is low; but it is popular for salads and relishes. Fresh cucumber
should be firm, well-shaped and bright green in colour. They may be kept in refrigerated
storage for about 2 weeks.
It is a very favourite fruit during hot summer months as it keeps the body cool and calm. It
subsides pitta (bile) and aids digestion. It prevents sun-stroke, heat-stroke and allergy. It
quenches thirst.
Benefit and uses of Cucumber:
*. Cucumber is a great folk medicine used to reduce heat and inflammation.
*. Cucumber is in helping to heal arrange of illnesses – including lung, stomach and chest
problem, gout, arthritis and tapeworm.
*. It makes it useful in maintaining the alkalinity of the blood.
*. Cucumber’s benefits include natural salts, enzymes, and vitamins essential for strong cell
growth and repair.
*. Cucumber facial is powerful and can bring great results for your skin.
*. It is cools and heals sunburns and windburns.
*. Cucumber has been used externally for minor burns, sore eyes and conjunctivitis.
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32. Dandelion:
It is a weedy perennial herb of the genus Taraxacum of the family Asterceae, widely grown in
Eurasia but also produced in North America. It has a rosette of leaves at the base of the plant; a
deep taproot; a smooth hollow stem; leaves are smooth margined, toothed or deeply cut; and a
solitary yellow flower. The fruit is a ball-shaped cluster of many small, tufted one-seeded fruits.
The bitter young leaves are used in salads and the roots can be used to make a coffee-like
Benefit and uses of Dandelion:
*. Dandelions help to dissipate gallstones and are believed to improve kidney function, thereby
improving overall health and clearing skin problems.
*. This makes Dandelion a great tonic for people with sluggish liver function due to alcohol
abuse or poor diet.
*. The Dandelion is an effective treatment for liver disease, even in extreme cases such as
cirrhosis. It can also benefit the pancreas, kidneys, stomach, and spleen.
*. Dandelion leaf has been used for stimulating the appetite, and for promoting water loss and
blood circulation. It has also been used for gallstones and arthritis.
*. This treatment helps to make the liver and the gall bladder normal, and it has a beneficial
effect upon the nervous system.
*. That little weed is actually an incredible source of vitamins and other substances that can be
greatly beneficial to your health.
33. Dates:
Date-palm is a tree of the Phoenixdactylifera of the palm family. The date-palm grows about 23
meters (75 ft) tall and its stem is strongly marked with pruned stubs of old leaf bases,
terminates in a crown of graceful, shining, pinnate leaves about 5 meters long. Male and female
flowers are borne on separate plants. Under cultivation, the female flowers are artificially
pollinated. The date is a one-seeded fruit or berry usually oblong but varying in shape, size,
colour, quality and consistency of flesh according to the condition of culture. More than 1000
dates may appear in a single bunch weighing 8 kg or more. The dried fruit is more than 50%
sugar by weight and contains about 2% each of protein, fat and mineral water. Syrup, alcohol,
vinegar and strong liquor are derived from the fruit. The sap is also used as a beverage either
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fresh or fermented but because the method of 'extraction seriously injures the palm, only those
trees that produce little fruit are used for sap. When a palm is cut down, the tender terminal
bud is eaten as salad. Date-sugar, a commercial product of India, is obtained from the sap of a
closely related species Phoenix sylvestris.
The fresh fruit is nutritious, tonic and mild laxative. It contains vitamins A and B, calcium, iron,
potassium, phosphorus and alkaloids. Its infusion with milk is nourishing and restorative tonic;
for this reason it is given during convalescence from fevers and small-pox. The fruit is very good
for cough and cold, asthma, laryngitis, chest complaints, fevers, dysentery and liver complaints.
Taking dates with milk early in the morning during winter months is found to be a better tonic
than other ordinary tonics and is very easily available at that time. Syrup prepared from dates is
also useful in cases of diarrhoea, marasmus and diabetes insipidus.
Benefit and uses of Dates:
*. A gum that exudes from the wounded trunk is employed in India for treating diarrhea and
genito-urinary ailments.
*. High-energy date fruits have been placed high on the diets of the health conscious.
34. Echinacea angustifolia, Echinaceapurpurea, Echinacea pallida
Other names
Purple cone flower, pale purple cone flower, black sampson, scurvy root, Indian head, black
susans and hedge hog.
Description of the herb echinacea:
Echinacea is a tall perennial with lance-like leaves about 15cm long. Purple-pink, daisy-like
flowers that smell like honey, with orange-brown centers, are produced in summer to early
Parts used
The roots, rhizomes and parts above ground are used in herbal preparations.
It is a bitter herb with some aromatic properties, and is used for the boosting effect it has on
the immune system. This healing herb also has anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects.
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It contains polysaccharides (PS I - a 4-O-methylglucuronoarabinoxylan and PS II an acid
rhamnoarabinogalactan), caffeic acid, lipophillic polyacetylenes and alkylamides (echinaceine).
It has immune stimulant properties as well as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties
and is used both topically and orally.
Therapeutic uses
*. Internal use
*. Echinacea is the buzzword on boosting the immune system and helping clear up chronic
*. It is used internally for skin diseases, fungal infections, septicemia, slow-healing wounds,
chronic fatigue syndrome, venereal diseases and early stages of coughs and colds.
*. It is most effective for infection of the respiratory and urinary system.
*. Medical research proves that Echinacea stimulates the immune system to inhibit viruses and
bacteria to enter and take over the cells. It is used to bolster the immune system in cases of
HIV/AIDS - but please see safety precautions below.
*. External use
*. Used externally to treat herpes, acne, psoriasis and infected injuries.
*. It can also be used as a gargle for sore throats.
*. It is very effective in treating wounds, ulcers and other skin inflammations.
*. Coneflower is considered a useful product in all cases for improving cutaneous tone and for
preventing and regulating blemishes in dry and cracked skins, as well as after acne.
*. Aromatherapy and essential oil use
*. None noted.
Safety precautions and warnings:
May counteract immunosuppressive drugs.
35. Eggplant:
Eggplant or Brinjal, is a very low calorie vegetable and has healthy nutrition profile; good news
for weight watchers! The veggie is popularly known as aubergine in the western world.
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Botanically, it belongs to solanaceae family and named as Solanum melongena . This perennial
plant is native to Indian subcontinent and now grown in many tropical and semitropical regions.
Eggplant (Brinjal)deep blue variety Aubergine-different varieties Green variety
Several different varieties aubergines are grown all around the world. Depending on the
cultivar type, they vary greatly inside, shape, and color. Generally, these veggies falls into two
broad categories, either oval shaped or thin and elongated.
The plant reaches about 3-4 feet tall in quick time and bears many bright fruits. Each fruit has
smooth, glossy skin. Internally, it features off-white color pulp with numerous centrally
arranged small, soft seeds. Fruits are generally harvested when they reach maturity but short of
full stage ripeness.
Health benefits of Eggplant (aubergine)
*. Eggplant is very low in calories and fats but rich in soluble fiber content. 100 g provides just
24 calories but contributesabout 9% of RDA of fiber.
*. Research studies at the Institute of Biology of São Paulo State University , Brazil showed that
eggplant is effective in the treatment of high blood cholesterol.
*. It contains good amounts of many essential B-complex groups of vitamins such as
pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and thiamin (vitamin B1), niacin (B3).
These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to
replenish and required for fat, protein and carbohydrates metabolism.
A*. It is also good source of minerals like manganese, copper, iron and potassium. Manganese
is used as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Potassium is an
important intracellular electrolyte helps counter the hypertension effects of sodium.
*. The peel or skin (deep blue/purple varieties) of aubergine has significant amounts of phenolic
flavonoid phyto-chemicals called anthocyanins. Scientific studies have shown that these antioxidants have potential health effects against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological
See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:
Aubergine (Brinjal), ( Solanum melongena ), raw, Nutritive value per 100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)
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Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 24 Kcal 1%
Carbohydrates 5.7 g 4%
Protein 1 g 2%
Total Fat 0.19 g 1%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 3.40 g 9%
Folates 22 mcg 5.5%
Niacin 0.649 mg 4%
Pantothenic acid 0.281 mg 6%
Pyridoxine 0.084 mg 6.5%
Riboflavin 0.037 mg 3%
Thiamin 0.039 mg 3%
Vitamin A 27 IU 1%
Vitamin C 2.2 mg 3.5%
Vitamin E 0.30 mg 2%
Vitamin K 3.5 mcg 3%
Sodium 2 mg 0%
Potassium 230 mg 5%
Calcium 9 mg 1%
Copper 0.082 mg 9%
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Iron 0.24 mg 3%
Magnesium 14 mg 3.5%
Manganese 0.250 mg 11%
Zinc 0.16 mg 1%
Selection and storage
Solanum melongena plant. Fresh aubergine in a farmers market.
Eggplants are available afresh all around the season. In the stores, different varieties of
eggplants varying in size, shape, and color are put for sale.
Buy healthy looking, firm, shiny, bright colored fruits that feel heavy and solid. Take a close look
at the stalk; if it is stout, firm and green that means the fruit is fresh.
Avoid those with wrinkled skin, soft in hand and with any surface cuts or bruise. Always avoid
over-mature, old-stock, and soft eggplants as they taste bitter and unappetizing.
At home, they can be kept in cool place for a day or two but ideally placed in the refrigerator
set at high relative humidity, where the keep fresh for few days.
The essential vegetarian cookbook:
Wash eggplant thoroughly in cold water before use. Trim the stalk end using sharp knife.
Sprinkle a pinch of fine salt or soak the pieces in salt water to remove the bitter compounds.
Whole fruit including its skin and fine seeds are edible.
Whole, cubed, or sliced aubergine used in variety of recipes.
Here are some serving tips:
*. Spicy aubergine slices in general used as favorite side dish in salads and appetizers.
*. Brinjals, as they popularly known in South-Asian region, feature mainly in many kinds of
Indian cuisines. It can be stew fried, roasted, baked or ground ( baingan bartha, baingan
chutney ) in the preparation of variety of recipes.
*. In Southern India, it is chopped into cubes and used in curry, chutney, and with rice ( brinjal
pulao ).
*. In Southern Europe, Turkey, and Middle-East where aubergines are one of the common
ingredients used in variety of delicious recipes like mousaka (eggplant casserole), baba
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ghanoush (mashed eggplant preparation similar
bartha),breadcrumbs, imam bayildi (stuffed) etc.
*. Stewed Asparagus spears sandwiched with aubergine slice is a popular recipe in
Mediterranean region.
*. It is also widely used in pickling.
Safety profile
Eggplant (aubergine) contains very small amount of nicotine than any other edible plant with a
concentration of 0.01mg/100g.However, the amount of nicotine from eggplant or any other
food is negligible and therefore shall not warrant against its usage.
36. Elder is a tree 4 to 5 meters tall, with its stem and branches covered in a greenish-ashen
bark, having white herbage in its interior. The leaves have cogged margins and the flowers are
white with a pleasant smell. The fruits are small, black and shiny, with 3 longish seeds inside.
The plant can be found in mountainous areas, and in river valleys where the sun rays don't
shine directly. The flowers are harvested when more than two thirds of them have blossomed;
the fruits are only harvested on autumn when they are black. The parts used from this plant are
its flowers, fruit and bark.
Properties and benefits of Elder: The flowers contain glycosides, tannins, mucilages, sapins,
pectins, essential oil, vitamin C and mineral salts. In the fruits, alkaloids, carotene, tannins,
organic acids and vitamins A, B and C can be found. The leaves contain vitamin C and the bark is
rich in tannins, resines and valerenicacid. All these compounds give the plant diuretic,
diaphoretic, sudorific, emolient, laxative, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
Treatments: Elder is a strong antiviral medicine, from stimulating the healing of degenerative
diseases, to preventing cancerous diseases, to controlling benign tumors. For this a 30 day diet
is recommended with tincture from elder fruit. This helps activate the immune system. Elder
also helps destroy intestinal worms. The flowers, fruits and the juice obtained from the fruits
can calm neuralgia. Also, it is useful in case of rheumatism, diseases of the respiratory system
or sciatica. The bark is recommended for nephritis and edemas. The tea of elder flowers helps
detoxify the body, being recommended for treating cold, flues and bronchitis. Elder can be
used as a natural medicine in obesity because of its laxative properties and its properties of
eliminating water from the tissues. It is also used in cases of renal attacks. It eliminates the
toxins from the body through urine and also through perspiration, it increases the secretory
activity of the sudorific glands and it intervenes directly though dropsy. Elder increases the
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secretion of the mammary glands for women who are breast feed. Elder tea is used for
furuncle, abscesses, eczemas, extrications, burns, swellings, and urticaria. As a compress it
helps treat conjunctivitis, eyelid eczemas, having a role of reducing inflammations and of
liquefying infections.
Mixtures: The infusion of elder flowers is prepared from a tablespoon of flowers added to 250
ml of boiling water. The bowl is kept covered for approximately 5 minutes. It is filtered,
sweetened with honey and 3 cups per day are consumed after each main meal. The elder
flower decoct is obtained by boiling 50 g of flowers for a period of 3 minutes. The elder fruit
juice is prepared with 20 g of fruit mixed with a tablespoon of honey and it is taken on an
empty stomach in the morning as a laxative. The decoct of elder bark is obtained like this: two
handfuls of elder bark are boiled in one liter of water, until the water decreases to half of its
initial quantity, it is then filtered and the whole quantity is divided into 3 parts. One is taken
before each main meal. Elder cordial is prepared from the following ingredients: 10-12 big elder
flowers, 1 lemon, 1 small bag of lemon salt, 800 g sugar, a knife's tip of yeast, 10 liters of water.
All ingredients are mixed in a jar. They are stirred every day two times in the jar, leaving them in
the sun for 3-4 days. The mixture is then filtered and placed in bottles. It is served cold from the
refrigerator. Elder wine is obtained from ripe fruits, crushed, boiled in wine for 30 minutes. It is
sweetened and consumed in proportion of 2-3 small glasses per day. Fruit powder is prepared
like this: the fruits are dried and crushed finely to be consumed in doses of 3-4 teaspoons per
day on an empty stomach, for 3-4 weeks.
Warning: Elder brews are not recommended to be consumed in large doses of over 200 g of
fruit. It can create symptoms of intoxication, vomit, throat irritations, stomachal burns,
respiratory difficulties or convulsions.
37.Fenugreek (also known as Greek Hay and Fenigreek, methi or halba), is an herb that is
commonly found growing in the Mediterranean region of the world. While the seeds and leaves
are primarily used as a culinary spice, it is also used to treat a variety of health problems in
Egypt, Greece, Italy, and South Asia.
Fenugreek seeds have been found to contain protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and
diosgenin (which is a compound that has properties similar to estrogen). Other active
constituents in fenugreek are alkaloids, lysine and L-tryptophan, as well as steroidalsaponins
(diosgenin, yamogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogenin).
What are the Benefits of Fenugreek?
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Due to its estrogen-like properties, fenugreek has been found to help increase libido and lessen
the effect of hot flashes and mood fluctuations that are common symptoms of menopause and
PMS. In India and China it has also been used to treat arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, improve
digestion, maintain a healthy metabolism, increase libido and male potency, cure skin problems
(wounds, rashes and boils), treat sore throat, and cure acid reflux. Fenugreek also has a long
history of use for the treatment of reproductive disorders, to induce labor, to treat hormonal
disorders, to help with breast enlargement, and to reduce menstrual pain. Recent studies have
shown that Fenugreek helps lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and may be an
effective treatment for both type1 and 2 diabetes. It is also being studied for its cardiovascular
Uses of Fenugreek
Home Remedy for Balancing Cholesterol Studies have found people who took 2 ounces (56g) of
fenugreek seed each day had significantly (around 14 percent) lower cholesterol levels after 24
weeks, and had lowered their risk of heart attack by more than 25 percent. Therefore, a
recommended remedy for lowering cholesterol is to take 2 ounces of seeds throughout the
day. The seeds can be sprinkled onto prepared food, or they can be consumed with water if
they are in capsule form.
Treating Diabetes and Lowering Blood Sugar Levels Studies have shown that participants with
type 2 diabetes had significantly lower blood sugar levels after eating fenugreek. Therefore, a
recommended home remedy for treating Type 2 diabetes is to consume 500mg of fenugreek
twice daily.
Herbal Cure for Skin Inflammation Research has shown that Fenugreek is an effective topical
treatment for skin problems such as abscesses, boils , burns, eczema , and gout. Therefore, a
simple skin inflammation remedy is the following:
*. Take a spoonful of fenugreek and grind it into a powder.
*. Mix the ground powder with warm water.
*. Take a simple piece of clean cloth and soak it into the mixture.
*. Apply the soaked cloth directly onto the affected skin as a poultice.
Natural Cure for Heartburn and Acid Reflux Fenugreek seeds contain a lot of mucilage, which
helps sooth gastrointestinal inflammation by coating the lining of the stomach and intestine.
Therefore, for an effective remedy against heartburn or Acid Reflux, simply sprinkle 1 teaspoon
of fenugreek seeds onto your food. Another option is to take one teaspoon of seeds and
swallow them with water or juice before any meal.
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Home Remedy for Fever the Fenugreek herb has been known to help reduce fever when taken
with lemon and honey, since it nourishes the body during an illness. Therefore, to treat a fever,
simply consume one to two teaspoons of Fenugreek seeds three times a day along with an
herbal tea (such as green tea ) with a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. Some health food
stores also sell herbal Fenugreek teas, which can be used instead of the green tea.
Breast Enlargement Fenugreek is often used in many teas and other products that help balance
women's hormones and/or enlarge the breasts. Therefore, a simple home remedy for breast
enlargement is to make Fenugreek a part of your regular diet. A common suggestion is to
consume up to 3g of Fenugreek per day.
Remedy to Ease Child Birth for Pregnant Women Fenugreek stimulates uterine contractions and
can be helpful to induce childbirth. However, pregnant women should only use this remedy for
inducing labor after consulting with their doctor.
Remedy to Aid Milk Production in Lactating Women Fenugreek has been known to increase
milk production in lactating women. Research has even shown that milk production can
increase by over 500 percent within 24 to 72 hours after consuming this herb. Although it is not
known why this happens, researchers speculate that the oil contained in fenugreek seeds plays
a role. Therefore, a recommended remedy to increase milk flow is to consume one capsule of
fenugreek seed (at least 500mg) three times a day.
What are the Side Effects of Fenugreek?
While Fenugreek is generally considered to be safe when used moderately, there have been
reports of a few minor side-effects. Nausea is one common side effect, while other people have
reported gastrointestinal discomfort (diarrhea and/or gas). Also, when using this herb topically
on the skin, it is important to watch out for skin irritations and rashes.
Fenugreek use during pregnancy is not recommended, since it has the potential to induce labor.
If you are pregnant and wish to take it, you should do so only after consultation with your
If you are currently taking any oral medications, you should always use this herb at least 2
hours before or after these drugs. This is important since Fenugreek fiber has the potential to
interfere with the absorption of oral medications due to its mucilaginous fiber (which gives it a
moist and sticky texture).
38. Fig
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It is a plant of the genus Ficus of the mulberry family (Moraceae). Ficus carica (the common fig)
which yields the well-known fig of commerce is indigenous to an area extending from Asiatic
Turkey to India. It is a bush or small tree from a meter to 12 meters high with broad, rough,
deciduous leaves, deeply lobed.
Fig fruits are borne singly or in pairs above the scars of fallen leaves or in axils of leaves. The
flowers are male or female. The fig is one of the earliest fruit trees cultivated by primitive man.
Figs are known to possess in an unusual degree two important food qualities: a definite laxative
effect and a high alkalinity of ash. The laxative effect is probably due to the bulk of seeds and
fiber combined with some specific solvent present in the juice. In Mediterranean countries, the
fig is so widely used both fresh and dried that it is called 'the poor man's food'.
Figs provide such minerals as calcium and phosphorus; dried figs are also high in iron. The figs
are astringent and carminative; the dried figs are given in doses of 150 gram with honey in
menorrhagia, hepatitis and dysentery; the figs are very useful in diabetes; A decoction of dried
figs is an excellent mouthwash for sore throat and aphthous complaints of the mouth.
Benefit and uses of fig:
*. Figs are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps to control blood pressure.
*. The treatment to induce early ripening is quite simple, consisting of the application of a small
amount of oil, usually olive oil or heavy mineral oil such as that used for medicinal purposes.
*. Figs are also thought of as a medicine which gives strength and energy to long-term patients
as they seek to recover. They eliminate physical and mental difficulties and give the body
strength and energy.
*. The fig leaves are added to boiling water and used as a steam bath for painful or swollen
*. Fig fruits are much used as poultices on tumors and other abnormal growths.
*. The leaf decoction is taken as a remedy for diabetes and calcifications in the kidneys and
*. The milky juice of the freshly-broken stalk of a Fig has been found to remove warts on the
39. Garlic is a plant native to Africa and central Asia. It was discovered and used by the ancient
Egyptians, Babylonians, Jews, Greeks and Romans. Garlic earned a renowned place in the
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modern natural medicine. In the middle Ages and Renaissance when the population was facing
great plagues, garlic was used very often as a protective medicine. It gained its fame owing to
some wrongdoers who fended off the plague by using antiseptic garlic vinegar. As a result,
garlic was known as the best antidote against the plague under the name of" the vinegar of the
four thieves". The diuretic qualities were discovered by Bartholius, who recommended it for
treating ague and dropsical treatment. The active compounds of garlic are volatile oil, the
mixture between sulfide and allyl oxide in an almost pure state, two very important mineral
antibiotic components (sulfur, iodine, zinc, and manganese) and vitamins B and C. The main
therapeutic qualities of garlic describe it as being antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating digestion,
reducing high blood pressure, glandular regulator, diuretic and even cancer deterrent.
Internally, garlic is not used so much due to the strong smell that remains in the mouth. Yet it is
still being used often for treating various afflictions: the consumption of 2-3 cloves of garlic a
day has wonderful results in treating pharyngitis and intestinal infections. It also counteracts flu
complications and helps treat gout and insures a general state of health. Externally, garlic
enemas are effective against intestinal worms. Other usages of garlic are: - ground and mixed
in grease or oil it is recommended as an ointment. This mixture is named "devil's mustard" and
is used and is used at treating white tumors; - the mixture obtained from a clove of garlic
mixed with camphorated oil used in rubbing the back and chest with is effective against scabies;
- the disinfection of wound scan be successfully done by grinding a clove of garlic and mixing it
until a solution is obtained (10% garlic juice and1-2% alcohol) or by making dabs or garlic (30 g
of ground garlic put to sit in 500 ml of vinegar for 10 days); - the mixture obtained from a
clove of garlic mixed with camphorated oil is successfully used in treating asthenia and
rheumatism; - for the individuals who are hypertensive it is recommended that they take a
mixture prepared from garlic (2-3 cloves of garlic are grained and left to sit in 1 liter of alcohol
for about 15 days). The resulting mixture is consumed by taking two spoon full every day before
eating; - cases of bad acne get better by rubbing the inflamed spots with half of garlic clove;
- wounds [and] blackheads can be treated by applying poultices made of ground garlic. Results
are visible after two weeks. Poultices of warm oven-cooked cloves of garlic can be further used
to protect healthy skin. Garlic juice is another useful treatment obtained from this herb. It has
noticeable results in treating: hypertension, infectious diseases, lung problems, bronchitis,
tuberculosis, asthma, intestinal parasites and can even deter cancer occurrence.
Indications: Several drops of garlic juice digested with a small quantity of sugar are efficient in
stopping a bout of asthma; a wad of cotton soaked in garlic juice calms an ear ache; eliminating the intestinal worms, a mixture of 20 ml of garlic juice with 200 ml of warm milk
drunk early in the mornings is very efficient as a treatment.
Caution: To eliminate the unpleasant smell of garlic it is advisable to chew 2-3 coffee beans,
aniseed or caraway, an apple or a piece of parsley. Another less known benefit that garlic has
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is its aphrodisiac effect. Research has shown that garlic is capable of improving the blood flow
through the veins and also the sexual performance in men. Unfortunately, garlic consumed in
normal quantities is unable to reach spectacular results, but the edible products containing
garlic may aid you in this sense.
40. Ginger is also called zingiber officinalis, adrak and sundh.
The rhizomes and roots of the plant and used and it is used in herbal remedies for cleansing of
the colon, cramps, stimulating circulation, bowel disorders, fever, hot flashes, muscle aches,
reducing allergies, indigestion, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea and vomiting, and
because of its anti-microbial properties is also used for sores and wounds. In Chinese medicine
it is classified as a warming herb, which affects the channels of the Spleen, Stomach and Lungs
and is indicated for nausea, headaches, vomiting, poor digestion as well as colds, nasal
discharge and coughing. In Ayurvedic medicine ginger is used to balance the doshas (which is
the three organizing principles providing for homeostasis in Ayurvedic medicine), sort out
symptoms of colds and other viral infections, enhancing digestion, stimulating appetite and
lessening arthritis. In the West Indies ginger is used for the treatment of urinary tract infections
while Nigerian herbal practitioners use ginger for the treatment of malaria and yellow fever. In
more western remedies it is used for nausea, headaches, colds, flu, fever, motion sickness and
as an anti-inflammatory. In a study done on women suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is was
found that ginger helped to lessen the pain and inflammation. These anti-inflammatory
properties also suggest that ginger can be helpful with easing bronchial constriction during
allergies and colds. Some studies indicate that the anti-inflammatory effects of ginger are
achieved by inhibiting arachidonic acid metabolism in both the cyclooxygenase and
lipoxygenase pathways. Ginger contains a host of compounds like acrid resins, bisabolene,
borneol, camphene, choline, cineole, citral, folic acid, gingerol, inositol, manganese,
pantothenic acid, PABA, phellandrene, sesquiterpene, shogoals, silicon, zingerone, zingiberene
and vitamin B3.Contra-indicationsGinger can cause stomach distress if taken in large quantities,
and also acts as a menstrual stimulant and potential abortifacient, although small quantities are
considered safe for pregnant women. Ginger should not be taken orally if you suffer from
stomach or duodenal ulcers.
41. GINKOBILOBA: Also known as the "Tree of Life", the herb survived to our days from the
times of dinosaurs. Its name is "Ginkgo Biloba" and its strength is due to the chemical
substances it contains.
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Description of Ginkgo Biloba herb One of the most studied herbs, ginkgo biloba has some
remarkable qualities in the benefit of health. This plant grows spontaneous in China and Japan
and it is grown in many countries not only because it enriches the visual aspect of any land but
also for its therapeutic uses. In ancient times, Japanese people used to grow this herb inside the
gardens of temples and today they venerate the old ginkgo trees as gods. But the herb is older
than that. The recently discovered fossilized leaves show that the gingko trees existed on Earth
from the Permian period (approximately 250 million of years before).
South Carolina prides itself on having the biggest ginkgo tree plantation. Although they are
kept at the dimension of little trees, a gingko tree can grow up to 30 meters tall with two-lobed
leaves. The flowers determine the masculine or feminine type of the tree. The leaves change
their color from light green in summer to yellow in fall.
Properties and benefits of Ginkgo Biloba: The pharmaceutical action of the herb is given by the
complexity of the chemical substances contained by the leaves. They contain flavonoids and
terpenoids (ginkgolide, A,B,C, bilobalide). The extract of the Ginkgo leaves contains flavonoids
glycosides and terpenoids (ginkgolide, bilobalide) and has been used pharmaceutically. It has
many alleged nootropic properties, and is mainly used as a memory and concentration
enhancer, and also as an anti-vertigo agent. Blood circulation is improved and brain cells are
protected against afflictions. The brain is oxygenated better and due to the effect the herb has
over the veins, the capillary permeability diminishes.
Treatments Due to the fact that it has multiple effects on human health, gingko Biloba can be
used in cases of hearing and memory loss, in treating tuberculosis, gonorrhea, stomach pains,
skin diseases, leucorrhea, angina pectoris, dysenteries, high blood tension, vertigo and anxiety.
It can be also used to treat impotence caused by the treatment with anti-depressives. Even
more, it is known that the consumption of gingko biloba can diminish depressive states.
It helps in cases of asthma and bronchitis because of the contained flavonoids and it also
contains an inhibitor that reduces blood clots. It can be used to treat blood pressure problems.
The critical illnesses such as benign tumor, cancer, diabetes, cardiac ischemia, hormonal
disorders can be treated with the help of this herb. It is highly efficient even in the treatment of
Alzheimer because it increases the secretion of dopamine and noradrenalin and also the tonus
of the smooth muscles that cover the brain blood vessels.
Mixtures There are a variety of products based on gingko Biloba, such as: tea tablets, tincture,
unguents, etc. Gingkobiloba extract has a positive effect in cases of depressive and anxious
states; it increases memory processes and endurance against tiredness. It can also be used for
unguents against cellulitis because it activates the microcirculation. When it is used in the
composition of shampoos, gingko biloba stimulates blood circulation at the scalp level.
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Tea and unguents made from gingko biloba can treat varicose ulcer. The effects are
predominant if the consumption of gingko tea is associated with an alimentary regime that can
help the detoxification of the body.
The consumption of gingko biloba can cause vertigo, headaches and allergic
reactions. It isn't recommended to use gingko biloba mixtures if you are having an
anticoagulant treatment.
42. Ginseng With a high variety of pharmaceutical actions, proving its powers not only in
curative treatments but also in nutrition, ginseng truly represents an elixir of life due to its
stimulant, tonic and energizing effects. It slows the ageing process offering the body a fresh
sense of optimism.
Description of Ginseng plant Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) - native of Eastern Asia, Siberia and North
America is a perennial species known and appreciated for its pharmaceutical properties for
almost 5000 years. The Korean and Chinese ginseng is a tonic for the whole body. It was very
precious in ancient times and its price was the same with the price of gold. Beginning with the
9th century, the herb was introduced in Europe by an Arab physician and after nine centuries it
became one of the most popular natural remedies. It was used initially for its tonic effect over
the immune system and for its power to heal virosis and fever states, but its area of use
increased gradually and in our days it is used to treat fatigue, afflictions of the nervous system
and lack of concentration. Protected by law, ginseng is intensively cultivated in China, Japan,
Korea and Russia.
Etymologically: Its name comes from the word "gin" that means "human" and the word "seng"
that means "the essence".
Properties and benefits of Ginseng contain 12 types of bio-active chemical substances also
known as ginsenoids. It also contains panaxan (Panax Ginseng), which diminishes the level of
Glycemia and increases the effect of insulin. Ginseng has tonic (especially over the nervous
system), anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressive, hypotensive, hypoglycemic,
hypocholesterolemic and aphrodisiac effects. It increases the concentration and aids memory
processes. It has a positive effect over blood circulation and it improves the function of lungs.
Even more, it can revitalize weak bodies; reduce fatigue, and increase work and effort capacity
as well as stimulating the secretion of adrenalin. Due to these properties, the consumption of
ginseng is recommended to those who sustain serious physical efforts. It is recommended also
during convalescence periods because it stimulates the healing process.
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It is important to be aware that owing to its nutritive qualities, ginseng can be used by all
people, irrespective of age. Because it stimulates the endocrine glands, ginseng increases
mineral and vitamin absorption. Because it is an adaptogen herb it contributes to the capacity
of the body to adapt itself to the natural negative environment states such as cold, stress and
The quantity of active compounds is significantly larger if the root of the herb is older. The
general belief is that the herb reaches its maturity after 6 years of life.
According to Chinese tradition, ginseng treats hypertension as well as
hypotension, anemia, asthenia, arthritis, digestive disorders, insomnia, and fatigue and
increases body resistance during stress periods. The general belief is that ginseng prevents the
ageing of tissues and treats impotence. Ginseng is included in the treatment of depressive and
debilitative states, memory disorders and diabetes.
Because it is also a stimulant for the immune system, this herb is recommended in the
treatment of low resistance to periods of cold. It is efficient in treating physical and intellectual
fatigue that is generated by stress. It helps older and younger people as well.
It is recommended in the treatment of sea sickness, air sickness and senility.
Mixtures: Used as capsules, powder, tea or nutritive supplements, ginseng can be easily found
in any drug-store. The pharmaceutical products must be administrated by heeding the doctor's
recommendations. It is important to know that the most efficient mixtures are obtained from
the 5 year old herb roots. The soluble tablets are more efficient that the alcoholic extracts. The
normal dose for an adult is about 0.03 oz and for a child the dose diminishes to half.
Caution Small doses can increase the blood tension and big doses can diminish it. To avoid any
side-effects you must see a doctor. Because ginseng can interact with other drugs causing sideeffects, a doctor recommendation is needed.
Gooseberries are small, round to oval berries of European origin. They grow wild all over
temperate climates of Europe, North America, and Siberia. Botanically, the berries are close
relative of currants and belong to the same family of Grossulariaceae, of the genus: Ribes . Rich
in antioxidant polyphenolics and vitamins, the berries comes in different color, flavor, and
Gooseberries (R. uva-crispa L.) are one of the four wild Ribes species (R. alpinum L., R. rubrum L.
and R. petraeum Wulf.) growing in the Northern Hemisphere. As in currants, gooseberry grows
best in regions where summer is humid but winter severe and chilling. The plant is a fast
growing, small deciduous shrub growing about 4-6 ft tall featuring sharp thorns all along its
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woody branches. The bush begins fruiting 2-3 years after plantation. Berries come in many
shapes, colors, and taste. They can be round, oval, pear-shaped or elongated, green, white,
yellow, purple, red-brown or black color, sweet and tart, surface smooth or hairy with
conspicuous veins and 15-30 tiny edible seeds. In general, the berries measure 1-2 cm in width
and weigh 4 g to 10 g.
Amla-Indian gooseberries ( Phyllanthus emblica ). Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana).
Indian gooseberries known as amla in the subcontinent belongs to different family of
Euphorbiaceae. Their scientific name is Phyllanthus emblica. Indian gooseberry features round
to transversely spherical shape with light green color and excessively acidic and bitter
(astringent) in taste.
Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) also known as Peruvian cherry in the US, is native to
South American Andes region. The berries are small, round, orange-yellow color, encased inside
a Chinese lantern like papery thin husk.
Health benefits of gooseberries
Gooseberries are low in calories; 100 g of fresh berries provide only 44 calories. As in
blackcurrants, they too have significantly high amounts of phenolic phytochemicals especially
flavones and anthocyanins . These compounds have been found to have numerous healthbenefiting effects against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases.
They have moderately well in anti-oxidant values.
The berries are moderate source of vitamin-C. 100 g of fresh berries provide 27.7 mcg or 46% of
daily-recommended intake values of vitamin C. Research studies have shown that consumption
of fruits rich in vitamin C helps body develop immunity against infectious agents and help
scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals from the body.
They have small amounts of vitamin A. 100 g berries has 290 IU or 10 % of RDA of this vitamin.
Vitamin A is required for maintaining integrity of mucus membranes and skin, and essential
component of visual cycle. In addition, consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamins and
flavonoid anti-oxidants has been found to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
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Fresh berries contain small amounts of essential vitamins such as pyridoxine (vitamin B-6),
pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), floats, and thiamin (vitamin B-1). Some of these vitamins are
essential in the sense that the body requires them for metabolism from external sources to
Furthermore, gooseberries contain adequate levels of minerals such as copper , calcium,
phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, and potassium.
*. Indian gooseberries (amla) are exceptionally rich in vitamin C. However, their anti-oxidant
properties come from other anti-oxidant compounds tannins (emblicanin, punigluconin)
43. Grape (Angur):
It is a member of the grape genus vitis (family Vitaceae) with about 60 species native to the
north temperate region, including variations that may be eaten as table fruit, dried to produse
raisins or crushed to make grape wine. In wine-making, Vitis vinifera is commonly used.
In North America, the grape is a woody vine climbing by means of tendrils (modified branches)
and when untrained often reaching a length of 17 meters, (56 ft) or more. In arid regions, it
may form an almost erect shrub. The leaves are alternate, palmately lobed and always twoedged. Small greenish flowers in, clusters, precede the fruit which varies in colour from almost
black to green, red and amber. Botanically the fruit is a berry more or less globular within juicy
pulp of which lie the seeds. In many varieties, the fruit is covered with a whitish powder bloom.
All grapes contain sugar (glucose and fructose) in varying quantities depending upon the
Grape culture or viticulture is nearly as old as man. Noah planted a vineyard. In Homer's time,
wine was a regular commodity among the Greeks. Pliny, the elder, described 91 varieties of
grapes, distinguished 50 kinds of wine and described vine training methods.
The mature fruit of all varieties may ferment into a kind of wine when crushed and most groups
can be dried or eaten fresh. But only a limited number of varieties produce standard or higher
quality wines, three varieties account for most of the raisins of commerce, only 15 to 20
varieties are grown extensively as table grapes.
Grape jelly is often made from grape juice both commercially and in the home. For grape jelly,
concern is the favoured variety. Raisins have been made for many centuries by drying suitable
varieties of grapes. Raisins have a sugar content of 66% to 72%.
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Grape contains a number of vitamins, iron and minerals. It is prescribed in acute constipation,
fevers, liver and stomach troubles. It is a tonic, rejuvenative and refresher.
Benefit and uses of Grapes:
*. Reducing platelet clumping and harmful blood clots
*. The grape juice diet, the blood vessels showed a greater ability to dilate and the LDL was
more resistant to oxidation, both reactions likely to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease
and heart attacks.
*. It also helps promote brain, skin and eye health.
*. Grape seeds extract is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory.
*. They are also thought to help improve blood flow and strengthen the blood vessels. This
increased blood circulation may help to strengthen and protect the heart.
*. Grapes are fairly good source of minerals like Calcium, Phosphorous and Iron. The juice is
mild laxative and acts as a stimulant to kidneys.
44. Grape-fruit or shaddock (Batabi lebu or jamburi):
It is a medium size chiefly sub-tropical tree of the Citrus family (Rutaceae) and it is an edible
fruit. The grape-fruit tree bears leathery, evergreen leaves and white flowers and often attains
a height of 30 ft. (9 mtrs) or more. Its globular fruit, rich in vitamins B and C, is a modified berry
known botanically as a hesperidium. It has a thick, smooth, pale yellow peel and a juicy acid.
The fruit 4 to 6 inches in diameter is the largest of the citrus fruits.
The fruit juice is a very effective remedy in acute constipation, arthritis, gout, sciatica, oedema,
and high blood pressure. Externally the fruit juice cures corns, skin diseases and freckles. The
fruit juice with milk is often prescribed for whitening the skin and softening of hands and feet.
The fruit is also given in vomiting, sea or travel sickness.
Dr. H. Harold Hume in his book 'Citrus fruits' has said that the grape-fruit juice is very helpful in
acute constipation, vomiting, travel sickness, gout, sciatica, arthritis and high blood pressure.
Benefit and uses of Grape-fruit or shaddock
*. High in vitamin C and potassium
*. A good source of folate, iron, calcium, and other minerals
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*. Grapefruit seed extract is a very good facial cleanser for general cleaning of oily skin and is
very helpful in fighting acne infections.
*. Grapefruit extra ordinary ability to perform both (internally and externally) against a wide
variety of known or unknown infections caused by viruses, bacteria, funguses and parasites
*. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice to your diet, really can aid weight loss.
*. Benefit of eating grapefruit is the high water content. Grapefruits are almost 90 percent
*. Grapefruit is Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiparasitic, Antiseptic
*. Grapefruit has been observed to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
45. Isabgul
Botanically it is known as Plant agoovata Forak. It is an almost stem less small herb, coveted
with dense or soft hairy growth. Leaves are 8 to 25 cm long and very narrow. Flowers are
minute. Seeds are boat shaped. The seeds of this plant constitute the drug. Isabgul is very
useful in acute constipation and in dysentery both amoebic and bacillary. It is also useful as a
soothing agent for mucous membranes. Isabgul is obtained by crushing the seeds and
separating the husk by winnowing. The embryo oil of seeds having 50% linoleic acid prevents
Benefit and uses of Isabgul
*. Isabgul is effective drug on diarrhoea, constipation, intestine heat, ulcer, gastritis, vomit, dry
cough & burning sensation during urine passage.
*. Isabgul treat the breaks kidney stone.
*. Isabgol is also used in piles, fissures and fistulas to bring down the burning sensation after
defecation. It also helps to prevent strain during defecation in those who are suffering from
cardiovascular diseases, hernia and pregnancy.
*. Help reduce risk of heart attack by decreasing serum cholesterol through proper excretion of
bile acids.
*. It is used for coughs and bronchitis, as a tea, tincture, or syrup. The broad-leaved varieties
are sometimes used as a leaf vegetable for salads, green sauce.
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46. Jasmine Plant: The most widely known characteristic of this herb regards its distinctive
smell. In order to extract 2.2 lb essence of jasmine it's necessary to use 2200 lb of fresh jasmine
flowers. Nevertheless, its considerable effects conducive to a both healthy physical state and a
state of mind are enough reasons to convince us that it's worth the effort. Description of
Jasmine Plant Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) is a flowery shrub containing white or yellow
flowers, native to Mediterranean countries (although there are a considerable number of
people that say it comes from India). The shrub has a ramified crown, angular green long twigs,
obtuse flowers and it is cultivated as a decorative plant (Jasminum fretticans), or for its
industrial and medicinal uses. The flowers can be small or large, white with a nice perfume that
increases in strength in the evening. Jasmine grows quickly. It can grow in the shade, but it
grows better in sunny and breezy areas. Widely known for its big consumption of jasmine tea,
the Chinese civilization drinks green tea during the spring and summer times as well as in
autumn and especially in winter, jasmine tea. This drinking tea habit appeared in the north and
north-east region of China. From jasmine flowers it is extracted the well-known and highly
expensive oil. The high cost is explained by the fact that in order to extract 2.2lb of jasmine
essence 2200lb of fresh flowers are needed. Nevertheless, its effects over an organism make
that process worthwhile. The herb has the power to eliminate the stress and depression, and it
can help regain self-confidence. The jasmine flowers are used in biotherapy and perfume
industry. Properties and benefits of Jasmine the fresh jasmine flowers contain a high amount of
etheric oil. Beside this oil, the flowers also contain benzilic acetate, linalcohol, benzilic alcohol,
indole and jasmon. All these substances confer jasmine aphrodisiac properties. Among other
properties of the jasmine flowers are: the improvement of digestion, adjuvant in the toxins
elimination and the loose of weight. They also help the acceleration of metabolism, they
improve the blood circulation and it is commonly known their aphrodisiac effect.
Mixtures and treatments: How can the flowers are used? In the simplest way possible: making
tea out of them! Other ways: macerated in oil or alcoholic extract. The tea can be used to treat
headaches, coughing and the macerate for rheumatism. In aromatherapy, the jasmine oil is
recommended for any kind of physical pain. It is also good advisable to have it around in case of
birth. Even more, it is a powerful antiseptic, sedative and tonic recommended for breathing
difficulties, coughing and nervous debility. It also calms any skin affliction and it can be used in
small amounts for calming pains. Jasmine tea the jasmine tea is known by the majority of
nutritionists as being an adjuvant in losing weight. The jasmine tea does not have any
energizing properties like the green tea, but it has sedative properties and it can regulate blood
circulation and arterial tension. The taste of one jasmine tea cup is sweet and combined with
green tea will offer powerful tonic and energetic results. Surely, it isn't one of the most
powerful aphrodisiacs, but the jasmine tea helps an organism relax and regain its strength in
the stress or physically and psychic overworking periods.
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Jasmine oil: The adepts of the aromatherapy use this jasmine oil in combination with drops of
ylang ylang oil. This mixture helps regaining the healthy state of mind and body. Warning It
isn't recommended to consume jasmine tea in big quantities, especially in cases of pregnancy. It
is also not recommended to consume jasmine tea on an empty stomach, to prevent causing
high acidity. After 5 pm it is best if the consumption of jasmine tea is ceased to prevent
47. Ladies finger flower has more medicinal value than the plain ladies finger vegetable. Ladies
finger is helpful in bringing sugar levels under control in a diabetic patient. For this purpose 10
numbers of ladies finger along with 20 numbers of cluster beans and 10 numbers of small
onions (sambar onions) are cut to small pieces. Eight glasses of water is added to these and
boiled. Reduce it to 2 glasses. Take one glass of this preparation in the morning and evening.
Regular intake for two to three days will bring the sugar to manageable levels.
Now for the medicinal uses of ladies finger flowers.
• Consumption of raw flower is said to strengthen the nerves.
• In case of gas in stomach, the flower is taken with jaggery.
• The ladies finger flowers in sesame oil and apply the oil on grazes and cuts. This will cure
them very rapidly.
• The flower is ground with Turkey berry to a fine paste. It is added to rice along with a little
ghee. This is an excellent natural deworming remedy. It helps in elimination of worms through
• Soak a couple of flowers in virgin coconut oil the previous night. Apply it on scalp and body
the next day morning and let it soak for 30 minutes. Follow it up with a warm water bath. This
helps in improving and maintaining good skin texture.
• The flowers are ground to a fine paste and added to tomato juice. This is an excellent remedy
to cool the body in hot summer.
• Ladies finger flowers are ground along with palm jaggery and taken in small marble size.
48. Lemon
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The Romans used this fruit for improving the taste of their culinary preparations. Today lemon
is well known not only as an aliment but also for its therapeutic properties. In aromatherapy,
essential lemon oil is used in treating hepatic affections.
Description The fruit of the tree named Citrus Limon originates in India. The Arabs were those
who have brought it later on to the area of the Mediterranean Sea. Starting with the 4th
century, the Romans started using this fruit for improving the taste of their foods. Today lemon
is well known not only as an aliment but also for its therapeutic properties. In aromatherapy,
essential lemon oil is used in treating hepatic affections. Because of its chemical composition especially because of its rich containment of vitamin C - lemon is also used successfully for
preparing products with cosmetic purpose.
Properties: Lemon juice - with 30% fruit- contains citric acid, calcium and potassium citrates,
glucides (glucose, fructose, sugar), mineral salts and oligo elements (iron, calcium, silicium,
phosphorus, manganese, copper), vitamins(B1, B2, B3, C, PP, A, carotene). All these compounds
help the body in its growing process. Citric acid, for example, stimulates the absorption of
calcium through the intestines (mineralization action), neutralizes the effect of uric acid and
reduces the gastric acidity. While vitamin C is richly contained by lemon, it has an anti-oxidizing
role, vitamin PP offers vascular protection. Also, vitamin C has an important role in the
synthesis of collagen in the tissues, cartilages and bones, also being anti-inflammatory.
Furthermore, through the contribution of vitamin C, the burning of fat is also accelerated. A
direct action of this is manifested through the fluidization of the blood - a process which does
not limit the coagulation of blood in case of injuries. Therefore, the blood circulates easier
though the blood vessels, becoming more fluid. We will now present the rest of the benefiting
effects produced by lemon consumption: strong antioxidant, bactericide, febrifuge, tonic for
the sympathetic nervous system, cardiac tonic, anti-gastric acid, diuretic, anti-rheumatic, antigout, anti-arthritic, sedative, anti-sclerotic, vein tonic, anti-scorbutic, depurative,
remineralizing, anti-anemia, stimulates gastro-hepatic and pancreatic secretions, haemostatic,
carminative, and vermifuge.
Treatments and mixtures Because of vitamin C in lemon, one can treat with great ease hepatic
or respiratory diseases, varix or even obesity.
Lemon juice: With its bactericide and antiseptic action, lemon juice activates the white cells
and strengthens the body's immunity. Pulmonary, intestinal or renal infections, infectious
maladies, febrile states, rheumatism, gout, hyperacidity, stomachal ulcerous, arteriosclerosis,
varix and capillary fragility, sanguine hyper-sliminess, hypertension, pulmonary and bone
tuberculosis, demineralization, growing deficiencies, convalescence, anemia, hepatic and
pancreatic insufficiency, hepatic congestions, bleeding, intestinal parasites, asthma, bronchitis,
influenza, colds and sinusitis are thus aimed at. The lemon juice diet usually starts with the daily
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consumption of the liquid obtained from 10 lemons and continues with the progressive
decreasing of the number of lemons through the period of four to five weeks. Lemon juice
drops can be placed in nostrils (repeatedly) for controlling colds and sinusitis. Lemon juice is
also helpful against dandruff if the scalp’s skin is massaged with it. This way, blood circulation is
intensified and the hair becomes shiny and healthy.
Used externally in cosmetic purposes, from lemon juice a numerous series of natural
remedies can be prepared for various problems. For example in case of greasy complexions, a
mixture of one teaspoon of lemon juice, one of grape juice and one of honey is recommended.
The paste is applied on the face and then removed after fifteen minutes. For fragile nails, the
following simple treatment can be used: for a few minutes, several times per day, the fingers
should be kept in lemon juice. Another remedy, for cuperosis, is based on mixing a white of an
egg (mixed until it becomes spume) with lemon juice. The result is locally spread on the
affected areas and this process is repeated up to 4 times a day.
Lemon based diuretic
In a bowl of hot water, lemon pieces are added. A tablespoon of
marjoram is then added. After maceration (the mixture is kept macerating for a period of one
night), it is filtered and consumed on an empty stomach. The diet can last for two or three
weeks, depending on necessity. For the best results, it is advisable to consult a physician.
Lemon rind oil: In aromatherapy, this oil has multiple uses: from circulatory diseases (anemia,
frost-bite, and varicosity) to digestive affections (diabetes, biliar lithiasis, and gastroenteritis),
diseases of the respiratory system (asthma and bronchitis), liver diseases, headaches and so on.
49. Liquorice (mulathe,mithi kathe, Jastimadhu)
Botanically it is called Glycyrrhiza glabra. It is a tall erect herb that may rise up to 1.5 m high.
Leaves are compound containing leafletsin 4 to 7 pairs. The flowers are like lilac, small the fruits
are 1.3 cm long, flat, densely covered all over with small spinous outgrowths. The rootstock
gives numerous additional roots. The plant is grown in Kashmir, Debra Dun, Delhi etc.
The dried roots and underground stems of this plant constitute the drug. Liquorice is a household remedy for coughs and cold, bronchitis, fevers, abdominal pains, consumption and
epilepsy. It is also given in urinary and kidney disorders. The powder or small pieces of the drug
are commonly taken with betel leaves. Liquorice is largely used in making syrup. It is also useful
in gastric or peptic ulcers.
Benefit and uses of Liquorice:
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*. The liquorice root as beneficial in the treatment of coughs, colds, and other bronchial
*. It is suggested for treatment of the spleen, liver and kidney. The use a liqorice preparation to
treat hepatitis
*. Creams containing whole liquorice can be used to treat Eczema, Psoriasis, and Herpes.
*. Liquorice is used in allopathic medicine as a treatment for peptic ulceration, a similar use to
its herbal use in gastritis and ulcers. It can be used in the relief of abdominal colic.
*. It is especially beneficial to smokers because of the anti-inflammatory action.
*. It can help fight inflammation, viruses, ulcers and even cancer.
50. Mango (Aam)
Botanically it is known as Mangifera indica. It is a member of the cashew family (Anacardiacea),
one of the most important and widely cultivated fruits of the tropical world. The tree is
evergreen, often reaching 50 to 60 ft in height and attaining great age. Leaves are lanceolate,
up to 12 inches long; the flowers small, pinkish and fragrant, are borne in large terminal
The fruit varies greatly in size and character;" the smallest mangoes are no larger than plums,
while others may weigh 4 to 5 pds. Its form is oval, round, heart shaped, kidney shaped or long
and slender. Some varieties are beautifully coloured with shades of red and yellow, while
others are dull green. The single large seed is flattened, the flesh that surrounds it is yellow to
orange in colour, juicy, sweet and of delicious spicy flavour. Mangoes are a rich source of
vitamins A, C and D.
The unripe fruit is acidic, astringent and antiscorbutic; the ripe fruit is antiscorbutic, diuretic,
laxative, invigorating, fattening, and astringent. Sun dried slices of the unripe fruit are very
useful in scurvy. The fried skin of the unripe fruit is given with sugar in menorrhagia. The fruit
juice increases sexual vigour and sexual strength. It cures impotency. The ripe fruit is often used
as a sexual tonic.
Benefit and uses of Mango;
*. Mangoes are full packed with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants and contain like all fruits
very few proteins, fats and calories. They are perfect to replenish salts, vitamins and energy
after physical exercise.
*. It is a mineral packed chemical free food that has amazing benefits for our health.
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*. The mango-milk cure is an ideal treatment for loss of weight.
*. Mangoes are thought to help stop bleeding, to strengthen the heart, and to benefit the brain.
*. Taking Mango regularly makes the complexion fair and the skin soft and shining.
*. Feeding the powder of dried kernel of Mango seeds with fresh water cures the habit of
eating soil in kinds.
*. Dietary fiber has a protective effect against degenerative diseases, especially with regards to
the heart; may help prevent certain types of cancer, as well as lowering blood cholesterol
51. Marshmallow:
This sweet, mucilaginous herb has expectorant properties and also soothes and softens tissue ,
while controlling bacterial infections .
It contains mucilages (polysaccharides), which are mostly composed of galacturonic acid,
glucuronic acid, galactose, arabinose and rhamnose.
Therapeutic uses
*. Internal use
*. Marshmallow leaf is used internally to treat inflammation and ulceration of the digestive
tract, oral and pharyngeal mucosa with associated dry cough . It relieves irritation of the mucus
membranes of the mouth, throat and gastrointestinal tract and helps with respiratory
complaints including bronchitis and asthma.
*. The polysaccharides form a protective film over inflamed and irritated mucosal tissue.
*. The root is of value to treat cystitis and hiatus hernia.
*. External use
*. It is used externally for localized irritations, boils , abscesses , burns , sores , skin ulcers and
minor injuries.
*. It helps to minimize skin inflammatory processes and is therefore also useful for fighting any
skin degeneration, as well as cellular oxidation.
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*. It has very beneficial effects on skin problems and diseases and helps in healing wounds,
burns and irritation.
*. Marshmallow not only has good anti-inflammatory properties, but also seem to boost the
immunity at cellular level.
*. It also has an inhibitory effect in hyaluronidase , which is an enzymatic action in which the
hyaluronic acid and other muco-polysaccharides in the connective tissue are degraded.
*. An inhibition and reduction in hyaluronidase leads to better moisture levels in the skin as
well as boosting the dermal structure and improving wound healing processes, while at the
same time reducing skin aging and diminishing inflammation.
*. It can also be used in the final rinse-off water during washing your hair to help with
detangling and for nourishing the hair.
Safety precautions and warnings:
None noted, but absorption of other drugs may be slower, when taken simultaneously.
52. Melon is a product unique. Its main advantage relies in its self-sufficiency: it is possible and
it is necessary to eat melon without any seasonings and additives. You will enjoy magic taste
and aroma, and meantime your skin will be smooth and look younger, hair and nails - will
become stronger.
The list of everything that contains pulp of a melon can seem at first sight frightening: water,
sugar and starch, fibers, carbohydrates, food fibers, free organic acids, kalium, iron, vitamins C,
Р, В1, В2, carotene, a folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, honey, inositol, silicon …
Let’s try to understand. Silicon solitarily influences state of skin and hair, iron it is useful for
blood system, vitamin C strengthens nervous system and raises immunity. Carotene provides to
us with noble peach shade of skin, making it gentle and smooth.
In view of weight reduction melon juice in a combination with apple and tomato juice (in the
ratio 1:2:1) is also useful. In gloomy rainy days the melon can become a medicine for
melancholy - it really removes weariness, alarm and improves mood.
Melon juice is also curative. It helps at a cold, urolithic illness (it is recommended to drink
melon juice with parsley broth.
53.Milk Thistle: Botanic Name Silybum marianum Common Name Milk Thistle, Marian Thistle,
St Mary’s Thistle Family Compositae Parts Used Seed Habitat Dry and rocky waste places in
southern and western Europe, locally in North America.
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Constituents: Flavones (Silymarin comprised of silybin, silydianin, silychristin) Essential oils,
Bitter principle, Mucilage, Flavonoid (Quercetin,Tannins, Fixed Oil.
Actions: Cholagogue to Galactogogue, Demulcent, Regenerating and protecting liver cells
against liver toxins Glutathione deficiency corrector Applications Chronic liver disease Liver
rehabilitation after hepatitis Gall-bladder disease Alcohol, drug, dietary abuse Exposure to
chemicals that threaten normal liver function Poor milk production in feeding mothers to
Jaundice Varicose Veins Allergies associated with liver damage and Body Systems Digestive
(accessory organs to digestion), Reproductive, Cardio Vascular energetic promotes bowel
movements and relieves constipation. Stimulates the liver and gall bladder, breaks up
obstructions and promotes bowel movements. Choleretic, and chologogue lax2ative.4 Dosage1
- 4 gms dried seeds tds 3Liquid Extract 1:1 45% 1.5 – 3mls tds 6 Combinations.
54. Mint plant: Known from antiquity, mint is a herb with curative properties. It is also used in
the specific Arabian cuisine as a spice.
Description of Mint plant: Perennial herb, that spreads itself quickly, mint (Mentha piperita,
Mentha spicata) has small violet or purple-white flowers that bloom all over its growing period.
Depending on the type, the herb cans grow up to 60 or 90cm tall. A particularity of this herb is
represented by the "orange mint" that spreads a subtle orange perfume. Mint can be
cultivated in any area with a temperate-continental climate. It can multiply by dividing its roots
and can be planted anytime during its growing period. It tolerates sandy soil but needs to be
planted in a sunny place. It needs high quantities of water, especially if the soil is argillaceous.
Properties and benefits of Mint: Because of its active compounds contained, mint has
sedative, disinfectant and cicatrizing properties. It can be successfully used in gastro-intestinal
disorders; it helps the liver and calms indigestion. It contains menthol, menthone,
menthofuran, a-pinene, limonene, cardinene, acetic aldehide, isovaleriana, vitamin C and
antibiotic substances.
Treatments: Because of its menthol, mint has a very good action over the digestive system,
causing a small anesthesia of the gastric mucous membrane. It also stimulates digestion. Mint
can treat diarrhea, gastric fever or toxic infections. It stimulates the biliary secretion and helps
the digestion of fats. It is recommended in cases of asthma, bronchitis and the flu because of
its antispasmodic and sedative properties. Sinusitis can be treated with mint also, because
menthol is a vasodilatator of the nasal mucous membrane. It can be used as an inhalation in
small amounts as well as for chest massages. Mental fatigue, stress, depressive states and
headaches can be ameliorated if mint oil is applied over the temples and back head. Mint oil is
a powerful stimulant and tonic. Mint is recommended for the treatment of rheumatism, for
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disinfection of the oral pocket and in cases of ear inflammation. Due to the fact that it has an
antibacterial action it can cure acne and blackheads.
Mixtures: Mint can be used to make tea, mouth rinse or mint oil.
Mint tea: To make tea, you must boil one mint spoon of leaves in 200ml of water. The tea
must be drunk cold, three times a day. Mouth rinse is made out of 5g of mint oil dissolved in
95g of concentrate alcohol. This drink is refreshing, antiseptic and it can remove the unwanted
smell or taste. Mint oil mixed with hot water is used to treat the flu, laryngitis and hoarseness.
The product obtained from 5g of mint oil and 95g of alcohol can be used to treat rheumatic
pains and itches. Rheumatism can be treated also with mint baths, obtained by boiling 200g of
leaves in 3 liters of water and mixing the result with water at 37 degrees Celsius. Mint is also
used as spice in the Arab cuisine. For example, a Lebanese recipe - lebneh (mint yoghurt) - is
prepared by adding 2 or 3 green hashed mint leaves, 2 pieces of garlic and lemon juice in a cup
of yoghurt. Mint leaves can be used also in summer drinks. Boiled vegetables will look better if
they are decorated with mint leaves.
Caution: There are a few cautions regarding the use of mint oil: it is not recommended to use
mint oil during pregnancy and lactation or to apply it on babies' skin. For external use, the mint
oil must be diluted, no more than 30 drops of oil should be used in a skin cream.
55. Nutmeg spice nutrition facts: Wonderful, rich in fragrance nutmeg is one of the highly
prized spices known since antiquity for its aromatic, aphrodisiac, and curative properties.
Nutmegs are evergreen trees, native to the rain forest Indonesian Moluccas Island, also known
as the Spice Islands. Botanically, the plant belongs to Myristicaceae family and known as
Myristica fragrans. Several species grown all over the world other than Myristica species, such
as M. argentea, M.malabarica (Indian), and M. fatua, are rather similar to M. fragrans in
appearance, however have less intense flavor and aroma. Orange color mace is enveloping the
dried whole nutmegs. Nutmeg spice-grated section: This spice tree grows to about 50-60 feet in
height, is the source of nutmeg and mace, two valuable spices. The fruit, in fact, is a drupe,
which when fully ripen splits up to reveal single centrally placed oval shaped hard seed known
as "nutmeg". The seed is closely enveloped by crimson-red colored lacy or thread like arils
known as "mace". Processing Nutmeg tree yields up to three times in a year. Once harvested
from the tree, the outer coat or husk is removed. The aril, also known as "mace" is gently
peeled off from the outer surface of the kernel, flattened into strips, dried, and sold either as
whole strips or finely ground. The whole kernels are then sun-dried for several days to weeks,
or sometimes, more rapidly over a hot drier machine till the whole nutmeg rattle inside the
shell. The shell is then broken and inside shriveled nut is taken out. Finally nuts are dipped in
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lime water in order to prevent insect infestation and seed germination. Health benefits of
nutmeg and mace*.Nutmeg spice as well as mace contains many plant derived chemical
compounds that are known to have anti-oxidant, disease preventing and health promoting
properties.*.The spicy nut contains fixed oil trimyristin and many essential volatile oils such as
which gives sweet aromatic flavor to nutmeg like myristicin, elemicin, eugenol and afrole. The
other volatile oils are pinene, camphene, dipentene, cineole, linalool, sabinene, safrole,
terpeniol.*.The active principles in nutmeg have many therapeutic applications in many
traditional medicines as anti-fungal, anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, digestive and carminative
functions.*.This prized spice is a good source of minerals like copper, potassium, calcium,
manganese, iron, zinc and magnesium.
Potassium is in an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate
and blood pressure. Manganese and copper are used by the body as co-factors for the
antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Iron is essential for red blood cell production and as
a co-factor for cytochrome oxidases enzymes.*.It is also rich in many vital B-complex vitamins
including vitamin C, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A and many flavonoid anti-oxidants like
beta carotene and cryptoxanthins that are essential for optimum health. Nutmeg (Myristica
fragrans), Grounded form, Nutritional value per 100 g. Selection and storage In the stores, one
can get whole nutmeg as well as grounded powder. Whenever possible buy whole nuts instead
of powder form since often times it may adulterated with other inferior quality nutmeg verities.
Choose well sealed pack from the authentic brands from the reputable selling company which
includes date of package and expiry. Once at home, store the whole nuts as well as grounded
form in an airtight container and place cool, dark and dry place, where it can stay for several
months. Medicinal use*.Since ancient times this spicy nut and its oil were being used in many
Chinese and Indian traditional medicines for illnesses related to the nervous and digestive
systems. The compounds in this spice such as myristicin and elemicin have stimulant properties
on brain.*.Nutmeg oil contains eugenol and has been used in dentistry for toothache relief and
to offbeat bad breath.*.The oil is also used as a local massage to reduce muscular pain and
rheumatic pain of joints.*.Freshly prepared decoction with honey mix has been used to relief of
nausea, gastritis, indigestion ailments. Culinary uses both nutmeg as well as mace issue in
cooking recipes. Mace has delicate flavor and gives saffron-like orange-red color to the food
items. Whole nuts preferred over grounded form since it is rich in essential oils which gives
flavor and freshness to recipes. Here are some serving tips:*.Nutmeg and mace are being used
in sauces, soups, and in confectionary.*.Aromatic mace is especially used as a colorant and
flavoring agent in sweets, pie, cakes, donuts, etc.*.The spice is also being used as one of the
common ingredient in curry powder to marinate meat and vegetable dishes in many Asian
regions. Safety profile*.Consumption of nutmeg in large doses causes lack of concentration,
sweating, palpitations, body pain and in severe cases hallucination and delirium.*.In very small
doses it can be used safely in pregnancy and lactation.
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56. OLIVE: Botanic Name Olea europea Common Name Olive Family is Oleaceae.
Parts used: The oil of the fruit, leaves, bark. Habitats in Asia Minor and Syria. It is Cultivated in
Mediterranean countries, Chile and Peru, and South Australia.
Constituents: Benzoic acid & Mannite.
Actions: Leaves, Astringent, Antiseptic Febrifuge Tranquilliser, Nourishing, demulcent, Laxative,
Emollient, Cholagogue, Aperient, Anti-cholesterolaemic, Fever, Nervous tension and High
Application: Burns bruises, insect bites, sprains, pruritus to Hair tonic.
Ointment for rheumatic problems
Topically for joint, kidney and chest complaints
Dosage: Medium Dose (Leaf) High Dose (Oil) Combinations
57. Onion (Allium Cepa) was cultivated 6000 years BC in the Nile Valley. The onion contains Na,
K, Ca, P, Fe and small quantities of vitamins like A, B1, B2 and C. As a medicine it is
recommended raw because through boiling it loses a large part of its main actions.*.Intern: the
onion is an energizer. It is also useful for edemas, cirrhosis, pleurisy, and it has antiseptic
External: it is an active remedy for stomatitis, aphtha as it has a powerful effect on
staphylococcus. Therapeutic features: 1.Excess of uric acid: leave overnight two crushed onions,
until it is obtained a paste, in half a liter of boiled water. In the morning, filter and drink a cup of
this product with some lemon juice and sweeten with honey.2.Abcess, furuncle: for them to
grow mellow apply on the swollen parts ripe onion and hold for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this 4-5
times a day.3.Burns: for a slight burn applies on the wounded part a crushed onion mixed with
a pinch of salt.4.Diabetes: follow regular onion cures as it works on the pancreas. Consume raw
or cooked onion at all 3 meals, daily, for a week. Repeat the cure every 3 months.5.Diarrhea:
boil 200 grams of onion leaves for 10 minutes in a liter of water. Consume half a liter of the
obtained liquid daily.6.Edema: pass through the rasp 300 grams of raw onion, then mix it with
400 grams of honey and 600 grams of white wine. Stir and take 2-4 spoonfuls a
day.7.Hemorrhoids: cut the onion in two and wash it, let it cool off and apply on the painful
spot.8.Cough, bronchitis: boil 3 cut in half onions for 8-10 minutes in half a liter of water. Filter
and sweeten with honey, drink half a cup a day.9.Against freckles: massage the face with apple
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vinegar in which a crushed onion was left to macerate for 4 hours. It can also be used onion
juice mixed with warm water.
58. Orange (Kamala lebu)
It is a citrus fruit. It contains vitamin C in adequate quantities. The tree of the sweet orange
often grows to a height of 6 meters (20 ft.) and sometimes attains 10 meters (33 ft.). The broad,
glossy, evergreen leaves are medium sized and ovate. Flowers are very fragrant. Although the
usual shape of the sweet orange is round, certain varieties are greatly elongated and others
much flattened. The pulp of the sweet orange is agreeably acidulous and sweet, the peel is
comparatively smooth and oil glands are carved.
The fruit juice is an effective remedy for cough and cold, fever, scurvy, arthritis, rheumatism,
gout, hypertension, sun-stroke, heat-stroke, nervous debility and menorrhagia.
According to Dr. H. Harold Home, sweet orange juice acts as a mild laxative, and it is very
effective during cough and cold, fevers, general debility, dimness of vision, anemia, lassitude,
constipation, scurvy, and headache. It cures vomiting and checks car-sickness, It is very useful in
low blood pressure.
Benefit and uses of Orange:
*. Citrus or orange are believed to have medicinal properties that are helpful in the fight against
several diseases.
*. Oranges are eaten to allay fever and catarrh. The roasted pulp is prepared as a poultice for
skin diseases.
*. Essential oils are volatile oils obtained from the citrus fruits peel´s sacks. They are used by the
food industry to give flavor to drinks and foods. They are also a component for the
pharmaceutical industry for the preparation of medicines and soaps, perfumes and other
cosmetics, as well as for home cleaning products.
*. Orange juice is antiseptic, anti-bilious and hemostatic.
*. Orange make a mustard vinaigrette with syrup, mustard, vinegar and olive oil.
*. The strength & quality of the oils are outstanding, & they create a noticeable & genuine
difference to a treatment. As a practitioner dealing with Sports Injuries, Stress Management,
and muscular-Skeletal problems, the range of Peeled Orange massage oils gives excellent cover
for a whole spectrum of client problems”
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
*. Orange juice and grapefruit juice are high in flavonoids, folate, and vitamin C, leading them
to be potentially beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease. Orange juice promotes
decrease in cholesterol.
59. Papaya (Papita or penpe)
Botanically it is known as Carica papaya. The fruit contains vitamin A, B, C. It is tonic, stomachic,
stimulant, laxative, digestive, and rejuvenative. Ripe fruit is very useful in digestive disorders
and if taken regularly, it cures all sorts of stomach troubles. The unripe fruit is also stomachic
and digestive. The unripe fruit is prescribed in stomach troubles, jaundice, and gastritis and liver
The papaya is a tropical melon-like fruit which grows in clusters. The tree grows to a height of
20 feet which is drowned by a tuft of leaves on long footstalks. The ripe fruit is yellowish orange
and resembles a cantaloupe. It may be 4 to 20 inches long and weigh 1 to 10 pounds. It has a
thick rind, fleshy pulp and many small black seeds.
It has a sweetish taste and is very rich in vitamins A, B and C. The juice of the papaya contains
papain, a protein splitting enzyme used as a meat tenderizer.
Marcopolo credited the fruit with saving the lives of his sailors when they were attacked with
scurvy. Vasco-da-Gama called papaya as the golden tree of life. Magellan regarded it as a
valuable article of diet. Many of the ancient explorers found that the natives could tenderize
tough meat or fowl by wrapping it in green papaya leaves overnight before cooking.
Some-times the juice or slices of unripe fruit were simply rubbed over the meat which served as
a great meat tenderizer.
Richard Lucas in his book 'Nature's medicines' has said that the golden ripe papaya is generally
recognized as a valuable health food. It is an excellent source of vitamins B and G. The green
fruit is often stewed or baked and used as a substitute for squash. The unripe fruit as well as
other parts of the plant contain a powerful protein digesting enzyme called pepsin which
greatly resembles pepsin in its digestive action.
The crude papain of commerce is obtained by slashing the green fruits while they are still in the
trees. The natural papain enzymes extracted from the unripe papaya melon has been
extensively used in medicine industry and also as a meat tenderizer. It is also made into tablets
and sold as a valuable aid for protein digestion. Everyone knows that as we grow older, the
secretion of the natural juices in our bodies often declines causing incomplete digestion. This
can result in gas, bloating, heartburn and stomach discomfort. These unpleasant symptoms
may also occur among younger people whose digestion is disturbed, by a sense of hurry,
frustration, stress and strain. Papaya enzyme tablets aid in digesting the proteins of eggs, milk,
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meat, beans, and similar food products. Papain is also valued as an active blood clotting agent
and has been employed to arrest bleeding. It is also very useful in destroying intestinal worms.
Dr. M. Krigg in his book 'Green Medicines' has said that the ripe fruit is stomachic, appetizer,
and digestive; it is given in piles and enlarged liver; the ripe fruit is eaten regularly for habitual
constipation and chronic diarrhoea. The juice being an irritant is applied to swelling to prevent
suppuration and to corns, warts, pimples, horny excretions of the skin and other skin diseases;
the juice used as a cosmetic removes freckles and makes the skin smooth and delicate. A paste
of the seeds is applied to skin diseases like ringworm.
Dr. S.J. Singh in his book 'Practical Naturopathy' has described papaya fruit as very useful in
chronic diarrhoea; it is made into a curry and eaten by women to stimulate secretion of milk
after childbirth. Slices of unripe fruit rubbed on the ringworm once daily is believed to cure it.
The ripe fruit eaten regularly corrects habitual constipation, bleeding piles and dyspepsia. The
leaves dipped in hot water or warmed over fire are applied to painful parts for relief from
nervous pains. Bruised leaves applied as poultice are said to reduce elephantoid growths.
Benefit and uses of Papaya:
*. The papaya not only for food, but also for healing wounds, for supporting a weak liver, for
healing constipation, against worms and parasites, for healing inflammation and skin problems
and even for treating cancer.
*. The papaya contains a lot of minerals like Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium and is the
most alkaline fruit.
*. Papaya contains vitamin A which accelerates the formation of new cells, it protects the
external layers of the skin, and vitamin c is an anti-oxidant, and builds capillary strength,
protein the skin can be benefited with improved smoothness, softness, and resiliency.
*. Green papaya may increase nutrient absorption and help to create a healthier intestinal
*. Green papaya has also been used for over acidity or borderline ulcers as less stomach acid is
required for digestion when abundant enzymes are ingested.
*. Papaya is good for many digestive disorders and is excellent for improving poor digestion. It
has also been recommended as part of the treatment for cancer. Therapeutically it can often be
combined with pine apple juice in which there is another important enzyme, bromelain.
60. Parsley
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Parsley is an erect, biennial or short lived perennial herb. It is rich in ascorbic acid and hence is a
good blood cleanser. The herb has a fleshy aromatic tap root and dark green shiny leaves which
rise from a short stem. There are two groups of parsley. One group is with plain leaves and the
other with curled leaves, commonly known as moss curled.
Parsley consist of moisture 74.6percent, protein 5.9 percent, fat 1.0 percent, minerals 3.2
percent, fiber 1.8 percent and carbohydrates 13.5 percent per100 grams of edible portion. Its
mineral and vitamin contents are calcium, iron, phosphorus, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin,
niacin and vitamin C.
The herb contains a glucoside apiin and an essential oil which contain apiol. The fruits contain
Botanical Name: Petroselinum crispum
Indian Name: Prajmoda
Health Benefits of Parsley
Below are some of the medicinal properties of parsley:
- It aids digestion and helps prevent the formation of gas within the stomach and intestines. It is
a valuable remedy for indigestion. A couple of springs of the fresh herb or a quarter teaspoon
of the dried herb can be taken with a glass of water in this condition. As fresh parsley is
sometimes rather tough, it should be well masticated.
- The elements in parsley help to maintain the blood vessels, particularly the capillaries and
arterial system, in a healthy condition, it is thus very useful in high blood pressure. It may be
taken as a beverage by simmering it gently in water for a few minutes, several times daily.
- The herb is also beneficial for the genitor urinary tract, being of great assistance in the calculi
of the kidneys and bladder, albuminuria, nephritis and other kidney troubles. It has been used
as an effective for remedy for dropsy.
- Parsley is a valuable remedy for scanty menstruation. It also assists in the regularization of the
monthly periods. This action is due to the presence of apiol, a constituent of the female sex
hormone – estrogen. Cramps as a result of menstrual irregularities are relieved and frequently
corrected by the regular use of parsley juice, especially when combined with beet, carrot and
cucumber juices.
- Bruised parsley is good as an application to the bites and stings of insects. Likewise, it is
beneficial when applied on bruised and inflamed joints. It is a most cleansing suppuration when
applied to open wounds.
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- Raw parsley juice, mixed with carrot juice, is useful in all ailments connected with the eyes and
the optic nerves. It is good for weak eyes, ulceration of the cornea, cataracts, conjunctivitis and
opthalmia or sluggishness of the pupil.
- It is a useful remedy for bad breath. Boil 2 cups of water with coarsely chopped parsley springs
and 2 or 3 whole cloves or a quarter tablespoon ground cloves. The mixture has to be stirred
frequently while cooling. It is then strained and can be used as a mouthwash or gargle several
times a day.
- It has also useful in the treatment of boils. It should be steeped in boiled water till it is soft and
juicy. It can be applied to the boils when comfortably hot and wrapped with clean muslin or
Uses of Parsley:
It can be added to salads and soups. Uncooked parsley is palatable and easy to digest when
used by itself of cooked with other green vegetable like cabbage or roots. It can also be dried
and used. Parsley can be taken as a beverage, simmering it gently for a few minutes and
partaking of the water.
Raw parsley juice is an extremely potent remedy. It should never be taken in quantities
exceeding 60 ml at a time.
61. Pea-nut or groundnut (China-badam, moom phali)
It is not a tree nut but the pod orlegume of Arachis hypogaea which has the peculiar habit of
ripening underground. It is a concentrated food. Peanuts have more protein, minerals and
vitamins than beef liver; more fat than heavy cream; and more calories than sugar.
The plant is an annual ranging from an erect or bunch form 450 to 600 millimeters (18 to 24
inches) high with short branches spreading to a runner that lies close to the soil. The stems and
branches are sturdy and hairy; leaves are pinnately composed with two pairs of leaflets. The
flowers are borne in the axils of the leaves. The peanut is grown mainly for its edible oil (badam
tel) except in the U.S. where it is produced for grinding into peanut butter, for roasted salted
nuts and for use in candy and bakery products. A small percentage of the U.S. crop is crushed
for oil. The tops of the plants after the pods are removed are fed as hay.
Peanut is very effective in curing impotency. It gives sexual vigour and sexual strength.
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Benefit and uses of Pea-nut or groundnut
*. Peanuts are a rich source of proteins (roughly 30 grams per cup after roasting) and
Monounsaturated fat
*. Peanut oil and olive oil — were superior to low — fat diets for heart health. The presence of
peanuts, peanut oil and peanut butter in the diet reduced the risk of heart disease by 21 per
Green peas nutrition facts
Starchy, sweet and succulent green peas or garden peas are one of the ancient cultivated
vegetable grown for their nutritious green pods. Peas are probably originated in the subHimalayan plains of north-west India. Now, they are one of larger commercial crops grown all
over the temperate and semi-tropical regions.
Botanically, pea plant is a herbaceous vine. It belongs to the family of Fabaceae of the genus,
Pisum . Scientific name: Pisum sativum. Some of common names include english peas, sweet
peas, garden peas, pease ...etc.
Pea is a very rapid-growing annual plant requires trellis as support for growth. It flourishes well
in well drained sandy soil with adequate moisture and cool weather conditions. Short stalked
green pods which appear during late winter or spring. The pods measure about 2-3 inches long,
swollen or compressed, straight or slightly curved, filled with single row of 2-10 light green
color smooth edible seeds.
Pea tendrils are also edible. They are tender top shoots of young pea plants, have similar pea
taste and favored in cooking as well in salads.
Snow peas or sugar snap peas are different species of peas where the whole immature green
pods are eaten.
62. Peas are one of the most nutritious leguminous vegetable, rich in health benefiting phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants.
Peas are relatively low in calories when compared with beans, and cowpeas. 100 g of green
peas provide only 81 calories, contain good amount of soluble and insoluble fiber but contains
no cholesterol.
Fresh pea pods are excellent source of folic acid. 100 g provides 65 mcg or 16% of
recommended daily levels of floats. Folates are B-complex vitamins required for DNA synthesis
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inside the cell. Well established research studies suggest that adequate folate rich foods in
expectant mothers would help prevent neural tube defects in the newborn babies.
Fresh green peas are very good in ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Contain 40 mcg/100 g or 67% of
daily requirement of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful natural water-soluble anti-oxidant.
Vegetables rich in this vitamin helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and
scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.
Peas contain phytosterols especially ß-sitosterol . Studies suggest that vegetables like legumes,
fruits and cereals rich in plant sterols help lower cholesterol levels in the body.
Garden peas are also good in vitamin K . 100 g of fresh leaves contain about 24.8 mcg or about
21% of daily requirement of vitamin K-1 (phylloquinone). Vitamin K has found to have potential
role in bone mass building function by promoting osteo-trophic activity in the bone. It also has
established role in Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
*. Fresh green peas also contain adequate amounts of anti-oxidants flavonoids such as
carotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin as well as vitamin-A (provide 765 IU or 25.5% of RDA per 100
g). Vitamin A is essential nutrient which is required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes
and skin and is also essential for vision. Consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps to
protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
In addition to folates, peas are also good in many other essential B-complex vitamins such as
pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin, and pyridoxine. Furthermore, they are rich source of many
minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese.
See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:
Green peas (Pisum sativum),
fresh, raw, Nutrition value per 100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
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Energy 81 Kcal 4%
Carbohydrates 14.45 g 11%
Protein 5.42 g 10%
Total Fat 0.40 g 2%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 5.1 g 13%
Folates 65 µg 16%
Niacin 2.090 mg 13%
Pantothenic acid 0.104 mg 2%
Pyridoxine 0.169 mg 13%
Riboflavin 0.132 mg 10%
Thiamin 0.266 mg 22%
Vitamin A 765 IU 25.5%
Vitamin C 40 mg 67%
Vitamin E 0.13 mg 1%
Vitamin K 24.8 µg 21%
Sodium 5 mg <1%
Potassium 244 mg 5%
Calcium 25 mg 2.5%
Copper 0.176 mg 20%
Iron 1.47 mg 18%
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Magnesium 33 mg 8%
Manganese 0.410 mg 18%
Selenium 1.8 µg 3%
Zinc 1.24 mg 11%
Carotene-ß 449 µg -Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 µg -Lutein-zeaxanthin 2477 µg -Selection and storage
Fresh green peas in a market:
Green peas are winter crops. Fresh green peas are readily available from December till April.
However dry seeds or products of seeds like split peas, flour...are made available in the markets
all around the year.
While shopping for green peas look for fresh pods that are full, heavy in hands and brimming
with seeds. Avoid those with wrinkled surface or over-matured, yellow colored pods.
Peas are best eaten immediately after their harvest since the sugar content in the seeds rapidly
converted in to starch. If you have to store at all, then place them inside the vegetable
compartment of home refrigerator set with high relative humidity where they keep fresh for 23 days.
Preparation and serving methods
Green peas sautéed with oil Garlic, onion.
Trim away the stalk and thin fiber along suture line. Split open the outer coat to release round
green seeds.
Here are some serving tips:
Peas mix well with other vegetables like potato, carrot, beets, onion, artichokes …etc in the
preparation of wide variety of dishes.
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Pea soup is a flavorful side-dish.
Green peas are common ingredient in winter season dishes in Indian-subcontinent. Ample
quantities of fresh green peas are added in mouth-watering recipes like Aaloo- mutter, mutterpaneer, mutter-gajjar... etc with added spices, garlic , coriander leaves , onions , and tomato .
63. Pomegranate (anaar)
It is a fruit of Punica granatum, a bush or small tree. The plant may attain 5 or 7 meters (16 or
23 ft.) in height, has elliptic to lance shaped bright green leaves and handsome auxiliary orangered flowers borne toward the ends of the bracelets. The fruit is the size of a large orange
obscurely six-sided with a smooth, leathery skin that ranges from brownish yellow to red;
within it is divided into several chambers containing many thin, transparent vesicles or reddish
juicy pulp each surrounding an angular and elongated seed. It is said, 'Eat pomegranate for it
purges the system of envy and hatred. 'Though the pomegranate grows in a wide range of
climates, good fruit is produced only where cool temperature and dry atmosphere accompany
the ripening period.
The fruit contains vitamins B and C along with citric acid. The acid saccharine juice from the
fresh fruit is of great value in dyspepsia and also forms an excellent cooling beverage in cases of
fevers and sickness, quenching thirst. The syrup prepared from the fruit is also a cooling drink
and very useful in all sorts of bilious complaints. The fruit juice mixed with clove or cinnamon is
prescribed in acute bronchitis, sore throat and typhoid. It is also used in uterine ulcers and
uterine disorders. A fluid extract of the fresh bark is also useful in expelling worms. The flower
juice is sometimes used as snuff in nose bleeding. The fruit juice with honey is sometimes given
in loss of memory. The fruit juice increases memory and for this reason, it is very useful for
Benefit and uses of pomegranate juice:
*. The juice of the fresh leaves and young fruit is given in dysentery.
*. A paste of the leaves is locally used in conjunctivas.
*. The root-bark is given as a febrifuge in fevers. The fruit juice quenches thirst and acts as
cooling agent.
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*. Dried pomegranate root juice with milk is prescribed in spleen enlargement, and general
*. The flower buds are given in acute cases of leucorrhoea, diarrhoea and dysentery.
*. A sherbet of the ripe fruit is given in typhoid fever, gastric and asthmatic fevers.
*. The fruit juice is highly effective in urinary disorders.
*. The fruit juice is highly effective in reducing high blood pressure.
*. The fruit juice with honey is an age-old remedy for loss of memory.
*. Dried powdered root mixed with lime water is prescribed for expelling worms.
*. The rind of the fruit is known as dalim chhal and this is very useful in intermittent fever,
diarrhoea and dysentery.
*. The flower juice is often prescribed in nose-bleeding to be taken as snuff.
Potatoes are the tubers of the potato plant. They are the second most used food- in the world.
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L) constitute a very old food, used by people in America, before
Christopher Columbus discovered it. It seems to be that old Incas already consumed it
habitually. From there it was carried to Europe, although it took quite a long period to be
adopted as a food, since the plant was toxic and it was thought that the consumption of the
potatoes could cause illnesses equally. It didn't generalize until the XVII century, because the
shortage of foods that reigned during this time forced to make use of it.
Indeed the potato plant is toxic. It contains an alkaloid named solanine ( C45H73NO15) that
appears in all the external parts of the plant (leaves, stems , flowers and fruits) and also in the
tender buds of the tubers when they germinate. The ingestion of the plant produces
gastrointestinal, hepatic and heart damages that can be , in case that the ingestion is high,
It is one the vegetables that contains more starch, a product with emollient properties,
soothing the skin. This property makes that the potato or its juice can be used in external use to
combat the stomach problems, since it has antacid properties.( Just peel several potatoes and
mash them. Filter the juice with a cloth and take half cup twice a day) the same preparation is
considered appropriate to combat the hepatic problems.
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Equally, in external use, the same liquid can be applied as an ointment on the areas of the
aching body to combat the pain , to reduce the inflammations or to heal the wounds, being
interesting in cases of blows, black eyes , twists, bladders, burns , included sunburns , frostbites
, scars , etc. Also apply the slices of peeled potato on the part of the affected body. A poultice
made with raw grated potato can be used for treating hematomas
Very common homemade remedies are the placement of slices of peeled fresh potato on a
solar burn, on the tired or aching eyes, conjunctivitis , tired eyes , swollen eyes , cataracts ,
styes or on chilblains . In a same way this treatment can be applied on the aching articulations
affected by rheumatism in order to calm the pain.( arthritis or osteoarthritis ) Potatoes can also
be used to make skin masks to treat acne .
The plant that presents a bigger content in starch is the exotic durian ( Durio zibethinus L ), a
tree of the bombaceae family that is cultivated in Indonesia and Malaysia with a very distinctive
fruit considering its size that can achieve 25 cm and whose roasted seeds are eaten as if they
were chestnuts. Other plants with a great richness are tapioca ( Manihot esculenta ), rice (
Oryza sativa L ) or mango ( Mangifera L. indica ) or chestnut ( Castanea sativa )
Given the possible toxicity of the raw potato, the homemade elaboration of medicinal products
with raw potato is dissuaded, especially those of internal use.
A detail of the potato plant, with the flowers the fruit and the leaves. The fruit, contrary to the
tubers, is toxic, the same as the flowers and the leaves.
Apart from these considerations that always compels us to use this food cooked, we should
think that the tubers of the potato plant , the potatoes, constitute a very appropriate food that
should habitually be present in our meals . They are very rich in potassium, component that is
very good to combat high blood pressure for its vasodilator and diuretic properties . Equally it
has been proved to be a good help in the treatment of the depression and especially very
interesting to those people who present rheumatic problems, gout , acidosis, cystitis
(inflammation of the urinary bladder ), prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate ) or lithiasis
(formation of calculus). Nevertheless one has to keep in mind that its use makes us eliminate a
lot of water so that people with hypotension problems or renal affections should use
cautiously. Equally, considering it has a big amount of carbohydrates, people with problems of
obesity and diabetics should not abuse of its consumption.
Eating potatoes favors a gentle dream and they help to calm the spasms and cramps, exercising
a sedative function of the organism. Equally it is very useful to alleviate cough, when this has a
nervous origin.
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They are rich in vitamin C with ant scorbutic and detoxifying properties, although, since this
vitamin is located under the skin, many of it gets lost after cooking. It contains calcium and
phosphorous and smaller quantities of beta carotenes whose properties were already
highlighted in the study of the carrot. But, they are especially rich in carbohydrates that are,
together with sugar, the energy source for the correct working of our body. For a correct
assimilation of all these properties should be taken boiled, or steamed cooked. Always use a
slow cooking that avoids the destruction of the vitamin C to the minimum level. It is very
appropriate to drink the liquid resulting from boiling potatoes because most of the minerals are
found in it. It is not appropriate to combine it with other starchy foods as legumes, cereals,
bread or pastas, to avoid that whose meal presents too many calories. The best combination is
potatoes with other vegetables.
Many of the alimentary properties of this food are in the skin. Whenever possible they should
be cooked without peeling them, keeping in mind that this should only be done in case of
potatoes recently harvested, also called new potatoes. A good form of preparing them is baking
them during 20 minutes with the skin, after having cleaned them appropriately or cooks them
roasted in the oven, with some drops of oil. Other recommended combinations are the
following ones:
- Puree of potatoes and carrots.
- Potatoes and onion.
- Potatoes with cauliflower and onion.
- Potatoes grated in the oven with aromatic herbs, especially parsley, basil or oregano.
Composition of potatoes per 100 g
Boiled without skin and with salt
77,4 g
65 g
Energy Kcal
156 g
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0,10 g
5,9 g
20 g
24 g
328 mg
326 mg
241 mg
23 mg
40 mg
64 mg
20 mg
17 mg
8 mg
6 mg
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Vitamin C
7,4 mg
9,8 mg
Vitamin A
0 IU
0 IU
Vitamin B 6
0.26 mg
0,25 mg
1,3 mg
1,7 mg
Folic acid
9 mg
12 mg
Source: USDA Nutrient Data Base
Conservation of potatoes:
To maintain their alimentary properties in good state they should be stored under certain
conditions. The main conditions to keep in mind when conserving the potatoes are the
following ones:
- Not to pile them too much to avoid them to germinate. The heaps should never overcome a
height of 50 cm.
- To maintain them inside a fresh temperature.
- To provide them a good ventilation,
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- To avoid storing them in a totally dark place, a fact which would make them germinate,
neither they should be placed in full light. The best thing is to provide them a certain degree of
- Those that are in not well state should be removed to avoid them to ruin the rest.
65. PUMPKIN Because of its delicious and perfumed taste, the pumpkin is a favorite for many
people. It is a vegetable with many uses: used as a basis for food, an ingredient for sweets and
medicine, pumpkin is well known because of Halloween, when it is carved in the shape of a face
and lit with candles to banish evil spirits. Description Being an annual, herbaceous plant,
cultivated for its fruit, flowers and seeds, pumpkin has a flexible and climbing stem. Its leaves
are big, heart shaped, with well marked nerves. Its flowers are yellow and pulpy. The fruit can
be oval or spherical, of a green or intense orange color. The fruit’s pulp is of a yellowish-orange
color, dense with a sweet taste.
Properties: Having a yellowish-orange color, pumpkin is rich in anti-oxidants and betacarotene. Beta-carotene is a vitamin that can be converted by the body into vitamin A. This
helps the body in its process of regeneration, slowing down the aging process. Pumpkin pulp
contains vitamins, especially pro-vitamin A, vitamins E and C, salts and minerals, carbon
hydrates, and proteids. The seeds contain oil, proteids, resines and enzymes with antihelmintic
properties. The pumpkin’s core contains lecithin, tyrosine, peporesine, phosphorus and
vitamins B and A.
Pumpkin seeds contain the strongest therapeutic effects. These help in
eliminating intestinal parasites, cleaning blood vessels, adjusting cholesterol level and
stimulating kidney activity. In treating cancer, leukemia, sclerosis, or various diseases which
are hard to cure, pumpkin seeds have an energizing role. Pumpkin oil extracted from the seeds
is recommended for reducing excess cholesterol. Pumpkin offers protection against heart
diseases by containing antioxidants. The vegetable has a laxative action, being useful in case of
dyspepsia and constipation. Fried pumpkin is healthy for those who suffer from heart diseases.
Pumpkin juice is indicated for ulcer and high acidity. It has to be drunk three times a day, half
an hour before meals. It is also useful in cases of insomnia, having sedative properties.
Pumpkin is also indicated in cases of hormonal disorders or adolescent behavior, menopause
disorder, intestinal parasites or sexual hyper-excitability. In external use, pumpkin is
recommended for treating burns, inflammations and abscesses. It softens the skin and
diminishes the inflammatory processes of mucous. In case of insect stinging, cataplasms of
crushed pulps can be used. These cataplasms are changed daily until healing is complete. A
number of hydrating and anti-wrinkle creams contain pumpkin. Mixtures Pumpkin can be
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eaten either fried or under the form of a pie, raw and shaven in tomato, pickle or cauliflower
salads or in soups. Before preparing them for food, pumpkins have to be cut and cleared of
seeds. If fried, before inserting them into the hot oven, they can be anointed with olive oil, salt
and pepper. They can be filled with cheese paste or rice and mushrooms. Under the form of
seed decoct, it is used for eliminating intestinal parasites. 1 kg of pumpkin seeds is divided into
10 portions (100g for 10 days). Each portion along with the hulls are added into a mincing
machine. The seeds are minced 5-6 times with the machine. They are mixed with300-400 ml of
savory tea. They are kept to macerate for 24 hours, and then filtered through gauze. The
obtained liquid is divided into 3 equal portions, for 1 day (morning, noon and evening, 1/2 h
before meals). The treatment lasts 10 days followed by 10 days of pause. If needed, the
treatment is then repeated. As a juice, it is used in treating cancer and vascular diseases. For
constipations and colitis, pumpkin is boiled. This way, 500 g of boiled core is grinded, added to
the remaining boiled water and the mixture is homogenized. This brew is consumed in one day,
in two portions.
Warning Many of the pumpkin cake recipes are rich in cholesterol because they need an
increased amount of eggs. This is why it is better for a substitute to be found which contains
less cholesterol or to use fewer eggs.
66. Quince: It is a fruit of the genus Cydonia of the Rose family (Rosaceae). The much branched
small trees have entire leaves with small stipules and bear large, solitary white or pink flowers
like those of the pear or apple but with leafy calyx lobes and a many-celled ovary, in each cell of
which are numerous horizontal ovules. The fruits may be round and flattened or somewhat
pear-shaped. The common quince is usually grown in Iran, Turkey, Greece and Crimea. The
Japanese quince has been widely used as an ornamental shrub in gardens particularly before
the leaves open fully in late winter and early spring. Some of the small shrubs bear large, green,
fragrant fruits that are inedible in the fresh state but have been used in making preserves. The
fruits are golden yellow in colour and the flesh takes on a pink colour when cooked giving an
attractive colour to jellies and conserves. The fruit has a strong aroma and in the raw state is
astringent but it makes excellent preserves and is often used to give flavour and sharpness to
stewed or baked apples.
Benefit and uses of Quince.*.Quince are a good source of Vitamin A, fiber, and iron.*.Due to
their high pectin content, they are popular for use in jams, jellies, and preserves.*.Wine and
cider can be made from the quince fruit. The wine reputed to benefit asthma sufferers.*.A
quince diet high in fiber prevents coronary heart disease. Eating fruits high in the soluble fiber
pectin has also been linked with reduced cholesterol levels, which protects against
atherosclerosis.*.Quinces used the digestion and prepared them frequently along with
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meats.*.Quince syrup prepared from the fruit may be used as a grateful addition to drinks in
sickness, especially in looseness of the bowels, which it is said to restrain by its
astringency.*.Quince fruit has been shown to contain healthy minerals such as potassium,
potash, and phosphorus, and is high in Vitamins C and B2.
67. Radishes (mooli) have been effective when used as a medicinal food for liver disorders.
They contain a variety of sulfur-based chemicals that increase the flow of bile. Therefore, they
help to maintain a healthy gall bladder and liver, and improve digestion. Fresh radish roots
contain a larger amount of vitamin C than cooked radish roots. Radishes and their greens
provide an excellent source of vitamin C. Radish leaves contain almost six times more vitamin
content than root. These are also a good source of calcium. Red Globes also offer a very good
source of the trace mineral molybdenum and are a good source of potassium and folic acid.
68. RICE besides being a major source of dietary energy constitutes a natural medicine used
mainly as a popular remedy.
Antidiarrheic: The broth of boiled rice has been used from old times to stop the diarrhea. The
“water of rice" seats the belly and stops the diarrhea. This is what has led to the false belief that
the rice grain is astringent and people who have problems in discharging the bowel do not have
to eat rice.
- Antigastritic and demulcent: Rice is very rich in starch. The starch, mixed with water, has
demulcent properties. Demulcent components are the ones that protect the internal mucous or
the external skin. The rice water has demulcent properties, able to smooth the irritated
stomach; that is why it is very suitable in case of gastritis or stomach ache.
Stopping the diarrhoea: Water of rice?
Rice, specially the whole version, is rich in fibers, which facilitates the intestinal transit.
However, if we prepare a “water of rice” we will secure the opposite effect. In order to prepare
this remedy we would boil rice with water in a proportion of a part of rice and 3 of water,
during 15 minutes. After boiling, let it cool, strain it and drink the liquid. (Optionally a spoonful
of flour of rice by cup can be given him to the patient) This preparation is especially interesting
for small children who are very prone to undergo diarrheas produced by intestinal infections.
Besides stopping the diarrhea, the “water of rice” will help to rehydrate the small ones.
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This same preparation this very used in the ayurvédica medicine of India, to not only fight the
diarrhoea, but also in cases of fever, inflammations of the internal causes by contaminated or
irritating products (disentería), difficult or painful urination (disuria), etc.
To fight dehydration and heat strokes.
It would be used to cut the diarrhea, to clear the thirst and to hydrate the organism in the days
of much heat. Take two or three glasses in a day.
Rice is an aid to lose weight
- Against the excess of liquids of the organism: the potassium wealth of the whole rice turns out
to be very suitable to eliminate water. We know that the potassium resists sodium and
contributes to the elimination of leftover liquids of the organism. This can be interesting in a
series of corporal problems:
*. Obesity: A rich diet in whole rice can be perfectly recommendable for those people who have
an excess of weight and decide to be on a diet. In this case they must consider the caloric
properties of rice and not to add in its diet those foods that have many calories. Rice, in this
sense, combines very well with other vegetal foods, especially vegetables, like beans and lentils
that complement it providing those amino acids that this cereal does not have.
*. Edemas: Equally interesting is this food in the elimination of edemas , those serous
accumulations that appear in the ankles, the neck, or the extremities.
*. Hypertension: When water is eliminated, the arterial pressure is reduced.
*. Diseases of the kidneys: The elimination of liquids supposes a aid for the kidneys because
they do not have to work in excess. Therefore, rice can be a wonderful ally in the treatment of
diseases of the kidneys.
*. Diabetes: Rice helps to eliminate water and, at the same time, it releases glucose in a
moderate and constant way, which allows to stabilize the sugar levels in the blood, being very
useful for people who have diabetes.
Rice contributes to diminish the cholesterol and prevents the formation of kidney stones
Cholesterol: The presence of gamna-oryzanol in whole rice ensures that the ingestion of this
cereal can become an aid to reduce the cholesterol levels (LDL) in the blood; it will increase
cholesterol HDL and diminish the triglycerides. Anyway, those people who have high
cholesterol levels (over 200 mg) should better resort to complements than contain this
principle (see more information) or eat red yeast rice.
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Kidney stones: Studies carried out in Japan demonstrated that the daily ingestion of a pair of
spoonfuls of rice bran helps to eliminate and prevent the formation of kidney stones. These
properties appear because of the presence of fitates and fític acid, elements that inhibit
absorption of calcium. These same properties are counter-productive in those people who need
to assimilate more calcium of the normal, in which case the habitual ingestion of this
complement is not advisable. (More information on calcium)
In external use, rice helps to cure problems of the skin.
Diaper dermatitis: The crushed and dry starch of rice constitutes a good anti-inflammatory and
astringent, able to absorb the humidity and to diminish the pruritus and the inflammation of
the baby in the diaper dermatitis. This powder constitutes a natural alternative to talc powders.
(Apply rice dust, on sale in pharmacies and herbalist's shops, on the inflamed zone, after the
change of diapers) (Powder of rice can be made at home by crushing it with a grinder)
More information about rice in the listing above
This material is for informational purposes only.
69. Rose
Rosa gallica is also known as French rose or Provins rose and Rosa rugosa is known as Japanese,
Ramanas, hedgehog and tomato rose.
Description of the herb rose
All roses are deciduous scrubs with fragrant flowers ranging from white to deep red in color.
Parts used:
The flower petals are used.
It is an astringent, toning and aromatic herb which helps to control bacterial infections and
promotes healing.
Therapeutic uses
*. Internal use
*. Gallica is used for colds, bronchial infections, diarrhea, depression and lethargy and in
Ayurvedic medicine for circulatory congestion and menstrual complaints.
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*. Rugosa is used for stimulating the liver, menstrual complaints, poor appetite and improving
*. External use
*. Gallica is used for sore throats, eye irritations, minor injuries and skin problems.
*. It contains anthocyanocides, which have remarkable anti-elastase properties (prevents the
elastin in the skin to degrade) and also have a capillary blood vessels strengthening function.
*. The sugars contained have important skin hydration action and help to tone the skin.
*. It furthermore has astringent properties which helps with reducing puffiness, edema and has
a slight tightening effect.
*. Aromatherapy and essential oil use
*. The essential oil is extracted from Rosa damascena and has a very wide range of effects and
*. Damask rose oil soothes and harmonizes the mind and helps with depression, anger, grief,
fear, nervous tension and stress and at the same time addresses sexuality, self-nurturing, self
esteem and dealing with emotional problems.
*. It is most helpful for poor circulation and heart problems, which would include heart
palpitations, arrhythmia, as well as high blood pressure and is also used to boost the liver and
gall bladder.
*. For the respiratory system, Damask rose oil assists in cases of asthma, coughs and hay fever,
and in the digestive system for liver congestion and nausea.
*. Rose Otto oil has a clearing, cleansing, regulating and purifying effect on the female sex
organs and can be used for regulating and balancing hormones, irregular menstruation,
functional infertility, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, uterine bleeding and other uterine disorders,
while having a general toning effect on the uterus.
*. On the skin, it is most effective for moisturizing and hydrating the skin while having a general
stimulant and antiseptic action which is good for all skin types, but especially so for dry, mature
and irritated skin. It is used to repair broken capillaries, inflammation, as well as skin redness
and is useful in eczema and herpes. Rose water can be used for conjunctivitis.
*. The therapeutic properties of damask rose oil are antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic,
antispasmodic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, choleretic, cicatrisant, depurative,
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emmenagogue, haemostatic, hepatic, laxative, nervous system sedative, stomachic and a tonic
for the heart, liver, stomach and uterus.
70. Saffron contains many plant derived chemical compounds that are known to have antioxidant, disease preventing and health promoting properties.
The flower stigma are composed of many essential volatile oils but the most important being
safranal , which gives saffron its distinct hay-like flavor. Other volatile oils in saffron are cineole,
phenethenol, pinene, borneol, geraniol, limonene, p-cymene, linalool, terpinen-4-oil, etc.
This spice has many non-volatile active components; the most important of them is α-crocin , a
carotenoid compound, which gives the stigmas their characteristic golden yellow color. It also
contains other carotenoids including zeaxanthin, lycopene, α- and β-carotenes. These are
important antioxidants that helps protect body from oxidant-induced stress, cancers, infections
and acts as immune modulators.
The active components in saffron have many therapeutic applications in many traditional
medicines as antiseptic, antidepressant, anti-oxidant, digestive, anti-convulsant.
This novel spice is a good source of minerals like copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron,
selenium, zinc and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids
that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese and copper are used by the body
as co-factors for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Iron is essential for red blood
cell production and as a co-factor for cytochrome oxidases enzymes.
It is also rich in many vital vitamins including vitamin A, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin-C
that are essential for optimum health.
Medicinal uses
The active components presenting saffron have many therapeutic applications in many
traditional medicines since long time ago as anti-spasmodic, carminative, and diaphoretic.
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Research studies have shown that, safranal , a volatile oil found in the spice, has antioxidant,
cytotoxicity towards cancer cells, anticonvulsant and antidepressant properties.
Αlfa-crocin, a carotenoid compound, which gives the spice its characteristic golden yellow color,
has anti-oxidant, anti-depressant, and anti-cancer properties.
See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:
Saffron (Crocus sativus),
Nutritional value per 100 g:
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 310 Kcal 15.5%
Carbohydrates 65.37 g 50%
Protein 11.43 g 21%
Total Fat 5.85 g 29%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 3.9 g 10%
Folates 93 mcg 23%
Niacin 1.46 mg 9%
Pyridoxine 1.010 mg 77%
Riboflavin 0.267 mg 20%
Vitamin A 530 IU 18%
Vitamin C 80.8 mg 135%
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Sodium 148 mg 10%
Potassium 1724 mg 37%
Calcium 111 mg 11%
Copper 0.328 mg 37%
Iron 11.10 mg 139%
Magnesium 264 mg 66%
Manganese 28.408 mg 1235%
Phosphorus 252 mg 36%
Selenium 5.6 mcg 10%
Zinc 1.09 mg 10%
Selection and storage
Fresh saffron is available in the special spice markets. Try to buy dried whole stigma instead of
powdered saffron since oftentimes it may adulterated. Choose well-sealed pack from the
authentic selling company, which includes date of package and date of expiry.
Fresh spice should feature bright orange-yellow hue and each thread like stigma measuring 2 to
4cm in length. Avoid inferior quality product featuring grey color streaks or light spots on the
stigma. This spice has characteristic pungent bitter-honey taste with pleasant aroma.
Store in closed box and keep it in cool dark place away from the light since light rays oxidizes
the pigments in saffron and offsets its flavor.
Culinary uses
Just a pinch of fresh saffron is enough to enhance the flavor and color the entire recipe.
There are several methods to use it in the kitchen. Whole stigma can be added directly to the
preparations, or oftentimes, the stigma are grounded and powdered using traditional hand mill
and added to the recipes. In the third method, a pinch of saffron is added to a cup of hot water,
steep; add this water to the recipes.
Here are some serving tips:
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Saffron stigmas have been used as flavoring base and coloring agent in both food and drinks in
Mediterranean, Asian cuisines.
It has been in use in the preparation of sweet dishes in many Indian, Pakistani, and Central
Asian countries. It is also used as a color and flavoring base in the preparation of ice creams,
cakes and drinks.
Safety profile
High doses of saffron can cat as uterine stimulant and in severe cases can cause miscarriage.
Therefore, pregnant woman may be advised to avoid it in their dishes.
71. Sandalwood:
It is a small, graceful shrub/tree with part parasitic feeding habits with yellow to maroon
flowers. It has fragrant wood.
Parts used:
The heartwood is used, as well as the essential oil extracted from it.
It is considered a cooling and calming aromatic herb, with astringent, antispasmodic, digestive,
diuretic, analgesic and antiseptic properties. Sandalwood oil is extremely expensive, although a
variety of cheaper sandalwood essential oil is also on the market.
Therapeutic uses
*. Internal use
*. Internally, sandalwood can be used for disorders of the genital and urinary tract, stomach
and digestive problems, as well as for fever and sunstroke.
*. It is also used to treat dizziness as well as general chest complaints.
*. In traditional medicine it is used for infections of the lower urinary tract, including cystitis and
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*. External use
*. Sandalwood is most useful in skin disorders.
*. Aromatherapy and essential oil use
*. It is wonderfully relaxing, reducing confusion and balancing the mind. In the body it acts on
the genito-urinary tract and eases chronic infections.
*. It helps to clear up catarrh, as well as a dry cough and boosts the digestive system, especially
helpful in diarrhea.
*. On the skin, sandalwood essential oil helps to moisturize and hydrate ageing, dry or flaky
skin, relieving itching and inflammation and its astringent action balances oily skin conditions.
*. It has antiphlogistic, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, carminative, astringent, diuretic, emollient,
expectorant, sedative and tonic properties.
Safety precautions and warnings:
None noted, but take note that sandalwood essential oil has a very persistent fragrance and
should be used sparingly for that reason.
72. Senna is a shrubby herb with feathery, lance-like leaflets with yellow to tawny-yellow
flowers, followed by straight pods.
Parts used
The leaves, as well as the pods are used.
This tea-like smelling herb has stimulant and irritating laxative properties, as well as cooling and
anti-bacterial properties.
It contains several dianthrone glycosides (including sennosides A and B), anthraquinone
glycosides, mucilage and flavonoids.
Therapeutic uses
It is used to treat acute constipation and is useful after anal-rectal surgery, or with very painful
hemorrhoids, as it ensures soft stools and easy bowel movements.
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Safety precautions and warnings:
The leaves may cause contact dermatitis and the internal use is contra-indicated in pregnancy,
colitis, as well as spastic constipation. It should also NOT be used for chronic constipation.
The excessive and continuous use of senna can cause laxative dependency and may also cause
nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain and may also lead to inflammation of the gastrointestinal
73. Soy plant: Soy is a leguminous plant, known and used as human food source for 5000 years,
first in China, then in the Far East. Researches made about this plant indicate that soy can heal
any health related problem.
Description of Soy plant: Soy comes from the latin Glycine max. It is an annual plant, cultivated
for its seeds and buds.
Properties: and benefits of Soy plant Soy is an aliment which contains proteins, iron, and
vitamin C and is at the same time a rich source of fibers. Soy also contains isoflavonoids. The
plant is also an excellent source of albumin, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and
vitamin E. Treatments: Soy can be used in many types of food, being the basis for a number of
totally or partially vegetarian diets. Soy has the power of healing many health problems, from
reducing arterial pressure to maximizing the memory capacity of the human brain. The plant
can also reduce the negative effects of menopause, calm hot flashes and blushing. Studies
revealed the qualities of this aliment; it reduces the level of cholesterol and reduces
hypertension. Soy prevents the development of cancerous cells in some areas of the body. In
osteoporosis, soy maintains the bone density and strengthens the immune system. Soy based
foods are recommended for those suffering from diabetes since it controls the glycemia level.
Also, it reduces inflammations. In healthy diets, soy is a substitute for aliments rich in saturated
fats and cholesterol. In the body, we have healthy bacteria which are necessary for a good
digestion and for a good functioning of the umanitary system in the fight against infections.
Probiotics can be found in some unpasteurized and fermented soy products. These contain
healthy bacteria and offer them protection against stomachal acids and other harmful bacteria
which can destroy them. Soy eases anxiety symptoms. The plant is also used in treating obesity,
against neuron degeneration or for improving the antioxidant status. Because it contains many
fibers, soy reduces the apparitional chances of renal or colon cancer. Soy beans have the quality
of protecting against the development of prostate and mammary cancer. Soy also contains
lecithin, a substance which is essential for the good functioning of the brain. It also prevents the
deposing of grease in the blood on the walls of the blood vessels, controls adenoma and has
antioxidant properties. Nutritionists recommend a daily share of 40-60 g of proteins from soy
which can be taken from 1-1.5 l of soy milk or 150 g of tofu.
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Mixtures: Soy milk can be obtained from soy beans which are kept for many hours in water,
after which are crushed and then warmed. Soy milk is a product which can easily replace cow's
milk, especially in the case of people who are allergic to cow's milk or who are lactose
intolerant. Soy milk holds all the plant's properties, plus bringing an important share of
vitamins, calcium and vegetal fat. From soy milk and the fine soy paste remaining after its
extraction, a great number of diets can be prepared such as: cheese, meatballs, pudding, icecream, pate, yogurt, kefir, various creams, chocolate, soup, steak, salamy, mayonnaise, cookies,
bread etc.
Warning Some ingredients from soy can be risk factors when taken in larger quantities,
especially in the case of children. It is preferred that the diet of pregnant women, those who
lactate, as well as the diets of babies who are only a few months old, not to contain soy or
foods derived from soy.
74. Spinach (palak, Spinacia oleracea) is an annual plant originating in the Middle East - more
precisely from Afghanistan and Turkistan. Some assign its origin to the land of Persia - presently
Iran. Long ago, the Arabians used it against throat and lung affections. In the 8th century,
spinach was grown in Spain and France and in the 11th century it reached Sicily. In present
time, the herb has become much appreciated because, according to research, fresh spinach
leaves are anticancerogenic. It is a very renowned plant for its rich iron content. The iron that is
contained in spinach (in its natural state) is very good for young children because when
administrated at a pharmacy, it can easily be overdosed. Little do most known that apart from
minerals and vitamins, spinach also contains oxalic acid - a substance that inhibits the
absorption of calcium into the body. Properties and benefits of Spinach: Spinach contains an
impressive range of active substances which are indispensable to the body. In its structure we
find mineral salts (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc,
manganese, iodine, copper), vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, PP, E, K, folic acid, vitamin A), chlorophyll,
amino acids such as arginine and lysine, but also lipids, protides, glucdes and fibers. With only
17 calories, 100 grams of spinach supplies the body with 5 mg of iron, 500 mg of potassium, 170
mg of calcium, 23 mg of vitamin C, 2 mg of vitamin E, 150 micrograms of folic acid, 3500
micrograms of beta-carotene and 7 grams of alimentary fibers. Because of this, an alimentary
diet which contains spinach, leads to the strengthening of the body. The magnesium contained
in spinach helps prevent diabetes; iodine helps treat skin diseases and strengthens the immune
system; vitamin K contributes to bone resistance; vitamin B improves cerebral activity, helps in
maintaining the firmness of the skin and controls insomnia; potassium stimulates the cardiac
muscle; beta-carotene prevents sight problems and sulfur increases hair attractiveness.
Alimentary fibers, vitamins and minerals contained make spinach a good depurative and
detoxifier. The toxins originating in nourishments that are rich in fat and proteins of animal
origin are thus eliminated quickly. At the same time, alimentary fibers prevent constipation and
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colon cancer. They interact with the absorption of fat and adjust the level of cholesterol in the
body. Moreover, spinach can help eliminate intestinal parasites. All of these are sufficient
reasons to start a diet based on spinach or at least for introducing it more often into everyday
nourishment. By being nutritive, tonifying, mineralizing, calming for the nervous system and
also a good coagulant, spinach benefits growth. Mixtures and treatments
Spinach is
recommended by nutritionists especially for convalescents, asthenics (both those suffering
from physical asthenia and those with nervous asthenia) children, rachitic, elder people and for
pregnant women also because the plant is efficient in the process of regenerating epidermis.
Also, spring asthenia caused by deficiency of minerals and vitamins is successfully controlled
through the consumption of spinach. Because of its properties, it is also recommended in the
fight against cardiac affections, arterial hypertension, high blood sliminess, renal affections,
atony of the urinary bladder, cystitis, diabetes, gout, renal insufficiency, obesity and also acne,
abscess, psoriasis, burns, eczemas, wounds. Further on we shall present a few simple
treatments using this plant, while observing that only the consumption of spinach in its raw
state will keep all its elements active. Spinach juice It is said that administering 0.5 l of juice
per day can cure even the most severe cases of constipation. However, one fresh glass of
spinach juice, drunk in the morning, is also good for nervous depressions and fatigue. Spinach
juice helps in the process of recovery of diseased organs, helps with duodenal ulcer, pernicious
anemia, weakness, convulsions, deficiencies of the suprarenal glands or of the thyroid gland,
low and high blood pressure, gum bleeding, limb inflammations, headaches, migraines,
furunculosis, dental abscesses etc. To obtain the juice, spinach is placed in the meat chopping
machine and afterwards the juice is collected.
Spinach infusion: The infusion is useful for increasing diuresis in kidney or bladder diseases.
This mixture is obtained by pouring a cup of boiled water on one teaspoon of crushed spinach
leaves. The infusion is kept covered for 15 minutes. After filtering it, it is to be consumed in
doses of two cups per day. Spinach cataplasms can calm burns. The leaves are soaked in boiling
olive or soybean oil and they are fastened with a bandage on the affected areas. It is
recommended to apply two or three cataplasms during the day. Also in external use, to obtain a
healthy hair, the following receipt can be used: boil 125g of fresh spinach in 500ml of water for
15-20 minutes. The cataplasm is applied when the mixture has cooled down through a light
massage of the scalp. After approximately an hour, the hair is washed.
Warning: The consumption of spinach is not indicated for people who suffer from hepatitis,
rheumatism, gastric and intestinal inflammations, or for people who are on a diet without salt.
Those who confront themselves with hepatic affections should only consume it moderately because of the oxalic acid that it contains.
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75. Sweet potato:
Sweet potato, not only is just sweet to your taste buds but also good for your cardiovascular
health. This starchy root vegetable is rich source of flavonoid anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals,
and dietary fiber that are essential for optimal health.
Botanically, this tuber belongs to the family of Convolvulaceae , and named botanically as
Ipomoea batatas.
It is grown throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions. The crop requires just
sufficient water and attention for their cultivation. The tuberous root has oblong/elongated
shape with tapering ends and has smooth outer skin whose color ranges from red, purple,
brown, and white, depending up on the variety. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes should not be confused with yams , another starchy root commonly grown in
Western Africa. Yams are indeed larger in size that can grow up to120 pounds in weight and up
to 2 meters in length. Yams are the tropical crops and never grow where the temperature dips
below 68 degrees F. Important differentiating features that distinguish sweet potatoes from
yams are:
Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are dicotyledonous, relatively smaller and possess very thin
Whereas, yams are monocotyledons, larger, features thick, rough, dark brown to pink skin
depending up on cultivar type.
Internally, it has starchy flesh which, depending upon the pigments concentration, ranges from
white through yellow, orange, and purple.
Boniatos, also known as Cuban sweet potatoes, feature dry, starchy flesh underneath the
reddish brown skin. They have mildly sweet flavor and coked in a similar way like potatoes.
Sweet potato leaves (top greens) are also edible; in fact, the greens contain more nutrients and
dietary fiber than some green leafy vegetables like spinach (for example, 100 g sweet potato
leaves provide 1028 IU of vitamin A).
Health benefits of Sweet potato
Sweet potato is one of the average calorie starch food (provide just 90 cal/100 g vs
70calories/100 g of potato). The tuber, however, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol; but
is rich source of dietary fiber, anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
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Its calorie content mainly comes from starch, a complex carbohydrate. Starch raises the blood
sugar levels slowly on comparison to simple sugars and therefore, recommended as a healthy
food supplement even in diabetes.
The tuber is excellent source of flavonoid phenolic compounds such as beta-carotene and
vitamin A (100 g tuber provides 14187 IU of vitamin A and 8509 mcg of β-carotene) . The value
is one of the highest among root vegetables category. These compounds are powerful natural
antioxidants. Vitamin A is also required by the body to maintain integrity of healthy mucus
membranes and skin. It is also vital nutrient for vision. Consumption of natural vegetables and
fruits rich in flavonoids helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
The tubers are packed with many essential vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5),
pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), and thiamin (vitamin B-1), niacin, and riboflavin. These vitamins are
essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish. These
vitamins function as co-factors for various enzymes during metabolism.
Sweet potato provides good amount of vital minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium,
manganese, and potassium that are very essential for enzyme, protein, and carbohydrate
Sweet potato leaves are indeed more nutritious than tuber. Weight per weight, 100 g of fresh
leaves contain more iron, vitamin C, folates, vitamin K, and potassium but less sodium than the
See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:
Sweet potatoes ( Ipomoea batatas ), raw,
Nutrition value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 86 Kcal 4%
Carbohydrates 20.12 g 15.5%
Protein 1.6 g 3%
Total Fat 0.05 g <0.5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
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Dietary Fiber 3 g 8%
Folates 11 µg 3%
Niacin 0.557 mg 3.5%
Pantothenic acid 0.80 mg 16%
Pyridoxine 0.209 mg 15%
Riboflavin 0.061 mg 5.5%
Thiamin 0.078 mg 6.5%
Vitamin A 14187 IU 473%
Vitamin C 2.4 mg 4%
Vitamin E 0.26 mg 2%
Vitamin K 1.8 µg 1.5%
Sodium 55 mg 3.5%
Potassium 337 mg 7%
Calcium 30 mg 3%
Iron 0.61 mg 7.5%
Magnesium 25 mg 6%
Manganese 0.258 mg 11%
Phosphorus 47 mg 7%
Zinc 0.30 mg 3%
Carotene-α 7 µg --
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Carotene-ß 8509 µg -Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 µg -Selection and storage
Although sweet potato leaves are being eaten in some parts of the world, the root that is the
toast of sweet potato lovers. In the store, buy fresh tubers with intact smooth skin and firm to
woody consistency. Go for organic varieties for best taste and nutrition levels.
Avoid soft, flabby, or wilted roots. In addition, sprouting make them loose flavor.
Wash them in clean running water to remove sand and soil. They should be stored in a cool,
dark, and well-ventilated place.
Preparation and serving methods
To prepare, wash the root in coldwater. It can be eaten raw with skin. However, for baking
preparations, its skin may be peeled off before or after cooked.
Here are some serving tips:
Fresh sweet potatoes can be eaten raw.
Baking in water with a pinch of salt would give rich taste to them. Peel off the skin before
Camote, sweet potato known in the Latin world, is used extensively in the Mexican cuisine.
Camote cue, where in the tuber deep fried and caramelized with brown sugar, is a popular
street food in the Philippines.
It sweet flesh used in soups, curries, stews, and in confectionary to make cakes, pie...etc.
The tuber also used to prepare different kinds of baby foods.
Sweet potato chips are enjoyed as favorite snacks.
Safety profile
Sweet potatoes contain oxalic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in some vegetables
that may crystallize as oxalate stones in the urinary tract in some people.
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It is, therefore, individuals with known history of oxalate urinary tract stones may have to avoid
eating them. Adequate intake of water is therefore advised to maintain normal urine output in
these individuals to minimize stone risk.
76. Tamarind (Imli, tentul)
Tamarind is botanically known as Tamarindi indica. It is also known as 'Jamdutika'. Chemically it
contains vitamin C, tartaric acid, polysaccharide and oxalic acid. It is a tonic, carminative,
laxative, digestive, febrifuge, refrigerant and antiseptic. It is very useful in habitual alcoholic
intoxication, dhatura poisoning, bilious vomiting, febrile disorders and dysentery. The tender
leaves and flowers are eaten as vegetable which are very cooling and antibilious; their
decoction is given to children as an anthelmintic; it is also useful in jaundice. A, poultice of the
fresh leaves is locally applied over inflammatory swelling of ankles and joints, sprains, boils,
sore eyes and scabies. The pulp of the fruit is stimulant to the liver and cures digestive
disorders. It is also very useful in curing burning sensation of the hands and feet during autumn
and spring seasons.
Tamarinds are largely used in Indian cookery in curries, salads and chutney. They contain
vitamin C and are very useful in preventing and curing scurvy. The pulp of the ripe fruit is used
in acute constipation and liver disorders like jaundice. The powdered seeds are given in
dysentery. They are also applied locally for contracting the vaginal passage.
Dr. C.C. Thakur in his book 'Introduction to Ayurveda' has said that sweet tarmarind subsides
pitta (bile). It is an appetizer, digestive, stimulant to the liver, stomachic, good for heart and
satisfies thirst. It is also good for retention of semen. It cures acidity, digestive disorders,
dysentery, stomach troubles, arthritis, and all sorts of pains.
The pulp of the ripe fruit is very useful in sun-stroke, heat-stroke, bilious fevers, alcoholic
intoxication, dhatura poisoning, vomiting, car-sickness and travel sickness.
Tamarind is very useful in alcoholic intoxication, dhatura poisoning, sun-stroke, heat-stroke,
allergy, loss of memory, bilious vomiting and bilious disorders.
Dr. S.K. Jain in his book 'Medicinal Plants' has said that the pulp of the ripe fruit is generally
given in bilous fevers, vomiting, alcoholic intoxication, acute constipation, sun-stroke, and heatstroke. It has got laxative properties. Its infusion in water forms a very refreshing drink in
summer days.
Benefit and uses of Tamarind:
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*. The tamarind pulp, leaves, and bark also have medical applications. Tamarind uses in herbal
tea for reducing malaria fever. Due to its medicinal value, tamarind is used as an Ayurvedic
Medicine for gastric and/or digestion problems.
*. Tamarind is used most frequently in tamarind juice, which is a natural coolant for the body
and enjoyed by many during these hot Caribbean days.
*. The pulp is used for making sauces, curries and beverages. It cures dysentery and boils on
human skin. A preparation from the seed is useful for sizing cotton, woolens and jute fabrics
and dying silk. The seed oil serves as a varnish for toys, dolls, idols.
*. Tamarind is used in cases of gingivitis and asthma and eye inflammations; and lotions and
poultices made from the bark are applied on open sores and caterpillar rashes.
*. The tamarind powdered seeds are made into a paste for drawing boils and, with or without
cumin seeds and palm sugar, are prescribed for chronic diarrhea and dysentery.
*. The leaves are sometimes used in sub acid infusions, and a decoction is said to destroy
worms in children, and is also useful for jaundice, and externally as a wash for sore eyes and
*. Tamarind pulp, being rich in vitamin C, is valuable in preventing and curing scurvy. It is
significant that tamarind does not lose its antiscorbutic property on drying as in case of other
fruits and vegetables.
*. Tamarind crushed with water and made into a poultice, the leaves are applied on inflamed
joints and ankles. It reduces swelling and pain.
77. Thymus vulgaris (Thyme) Botanic Name Thymus vulgaris Common Name Garden Thyme,
saatar and saathar Common Thyme(Grieve) Constituents Volatile oil (thymol, borneol, pinene,
linalool, carvacrol, cymol)
Thyme is a common herb used in culinary dishes. It has been used for centuries to treat
respiratory conditions such as whooping cough. It often draws the attention of bees and gives
honey a distinctive flavor. Thyme has many medicinal uses that go beyond the delicious flavor it
gives to food. Actions; Expectorant/Antiseptic/Tonic/Antispasmodic/Anti-parasitic: Thyme is
primarily used as a culinary herb. It also is used commonly to treat respiratory infections. Upper
respiratory: Thyme can help to make coughs more productive and aid in respiratory treatment.
It is also an antiseptic that helps to fight infection. Tonic: Thyme is used to help give the
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immune system a boost and promote overall good health. Muscles: Thyme can relieve muscle
pain when applied externally.
Skin: Thyme can be used to treat scabies, lice, and thrush. Parasites: Thyme can be used to
treat intestinal worms. Description: Thyme is a shrub that grows about 18 inches tall. It has
green leaves and pink flowers. Thyme is native to Europe, but is grown all over the world. The
aerial parts are picked in the summer. Dosage: As a tincture, apply 40 drops 3 times daily for
vaginal thrush. As a syrup, take 20 ml 3 times daily for cough. As an infusion, take 50 ml 3 times
daily for colds. As an essential oil, dilute and apply to skin affected by scabies. Safety: Do not
use thyme essential oil internally. Do not use the essential oil in any way if you are pregnant.
Consult your health care provider before beginning use of any herb.
78. Tomato is a fruit of a cultivated plant belonging to the species Lycopersicum esculentum of
the Nightshade family (Solanaceae) except for the tiny current tomato. Tomato plants are
generally many branched, spreading 24 to 72 inches and recumbent when fruiting but a few
forms are compact and upright. Leaves are more or less hairy, strong odorous, pinnately
compound, up to 18 inches long. The flowers are yellow, 2 centimeters across, pendant and
clustered. Fruits vary in diameter from half to 3 inches or more; they are usually red, scarlet or
yellow; they vary in shape from almost spherical through oval and elongated to pear shaped.
The fruit is soft, succulent, berry red or yellow in colour, containing two to many cells of small
seeds surrounded by jelly-like pulp. It is used raw in salads, served as a cooked vegetable, and
used as an ingredient of various prepared dishes and pickles.
The tomato is a New World plant. It is a major crop in India, used fresh or canned for making a
variety of sauces.
Since the plant requires warm weather and much sunlight, it is grown chiefly in hothouses in
Great Britain and northern Europe. Tomatoes are the richest of all foods in vitamins. They are
very rich in all three important vitamins like A, B and C while most vegetables are deficient in
one or more. It is the most wonderful and effective blood cleanser known to man. It is
rejuvenative, stomachic, stimulant, digestive and tonic. Unripe or half-ripe fruits are very
effective in stomach disorders, liver troubles and spleen disorders. But excessive consumption
may retard sexual desire. This is the main difficulty.
Naturopathy' has described the tomato as very rich in food minerals which help to keep the
blood alkaline and this maintain a high resistance to disease. It is very rich, in iron and potash
salts. Tomatoes stimulate liver and are good in dyspepsia, diarrhoea and, dysentery. It is purely
a stomach and liver tonic.
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Dr. C. C. Thakur in his book 'Introduction to Ayurveda' has said that it improves the digestive
system and cures chronic diseases of the stomach. It is a blood purifier, cures anaemia, piles,
liver troubles and chronic fever.
Dr. Amarnath Ghai has said that tomatoes all essential minerals, vitamin A, thiamine and
vitamin C. These are used in salads, soups, ketchup, sauces and curries. It is an important
protective food. Vitamin C of tomatoes is not destroyed by heat and therefore they are
practically valuable for all sorts of stomach and liver troubles.
Dr. G. S. Verma in his book 'Miracles of fruits' has written that tomato is a sort of fruit and
should better be taken uncooked. It is a nervine tonic and purifier of blood. It removes
constipation and strengthens teeth. It is easily digestible and as such, it is recommended as a
good diet for invalids and especially in fevers, diabetes and after long fasts. Being a rich source
of vitamin A, it is a dependable preventive against eye troubles. It also contains a good amount
of vitamin C and is a very effective preventive and curative of scurvy. It is also very good for
stomach disorders. It contains not only vitamins A, B, C and G but also other minerals like iron,
calcium, sulphur and potassium.
Benefit and uses of tomato:
Several medical books and journals have described medicinal uses of tomato. These are
enumerated as under for ready reference:
*. Tomato juice keeps the blood stream alkaline and thus maintains a high resistance to
It is very rich in iron and potash salts.
*. Half-ripe tomatoes offer an excellent remedy in all sorts of liver troubles. Tomatoes stimulate
torpid liver and are very good for dyspepsia, diarrhoea and dysentery.
*. Being a rich source of vitamin A, it is a dependable preventive against eye troubles.
*. Tomato is a nervine tonic. It is very useful in all sorts of nervous disorders.
*. As it is a rich source of vitamin C, it is very valuable in scurvy.
*. Half ripe tomatoes are very valuable in summer diarrhoea. But it should be taken with
musumbi (lime) juice.
*. It is also very effective in dysentery. But it should be taken with garlic and musumbi (lime)
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*. Half-ripe tomatoes are very useful in hot summer months as it prevents sun-stroke or heatstroke.
*. Tomatoes are usually effective in heartburn, flatulence or indigestion.
*. Half-ripe tomatoes are usually given in dyspepsia.
79.Turmeric (haldi) Part used: Rhizome .Active Constituents:Curcumin.3-5.4%, volatile oil 4-14%
(turmerone, atlantone, zingiberone), sugars, resins, protein, vitamins (Vit C), minerals.
Actions: *Anti-inflammatory (both volatile oil & curcumin – acute inflame) .Anti-platelet
.Hypocholesterolaemic, hepatoprotective & choleretic.Antioxidant(Increases Phase II liver
detoxification) Anticarcinogenic .Antimicrobial Carminative.
Indications: Arthritis & inflammatory disorders.
Cancer – prevention & Rx (Hypercholesterolemia Atherosclerosis .Liver & GB disorders
.Cholelithiasis, GIT dysbiosis .Irritable Bowel Syndrome .Poultice: sprains, muscular pain,
inflamed joints with slaked lime Caution: High doses may damage GIT mucosa (100mg/kg body
Turnips are nutritious root vegetables popularly sought after in variety of cuisines across
Europe, Asia, and Eastern American regions. This cool season veggie belongs to the broad
Brassicaceae family that also includes cabbage , kale, Brussels sprouts etc. The roots have been
cultivated as staple food during ancient Greek and Roman periods. Although this bulbous root
that is widely eaten; it is its top fresh greens that are more nutritious; several times richer in
vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.
80. Turnip: Scientific name: Brassica rapa (Rapifera Group).
Small young turnips or “baby turnips” are called when the roots harvested early and they are
eaten raw in salads. Baby turnips are delicate and sweeter; as they age, their taste becomes
stronger and their texture becomes firm and woody.
Rutabaga, another root vegetable, is closely related to turnips. Rutabagas are larger, more
round, mostly have yellow colored flesh and sweeter than turnips.
Health benefits of turnips:
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Turnips are very low calorie root vegetables; contains only 28 calories per 100 g. However, they
are very good source of anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber.
Fresh roots are indeed one of the vegetables rich in vitamin C; provide about 21mg or 35% of
DRA of vitamin C per 100 g. Vitamin-C is a powerful water-soluble anti-oxidant required by the
body for synthesis of collagen. It also helps body scavenge harmful free radicals, prevents from
cancers, inflammation, and helps boost immunity.
Turnip greens are the storehouse of many vital nutrients, in fact several times than the roots.
The greens are very rich in antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C, carotenoids xanthins and
lutein. In addition, the greens are excellent source of vitamin K.
Top greens are also very good source of B-complex group of vitamins such as folates, riboflavin,
pyridoxine, pantothenic acid and thiamin.
Fresh greens are also excellent sources of important minerals like calcium, copper, iron and
See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:
Turnips ( Brassica rapa (Rapifera Group) ), Fresh, raw,
Nutrition Value per 100 g,
(Source: USDA National Nutrient database)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 28 Kcal 1.5%
Carbohydrates 6.43 g 5%
Protein 0.90 g 1.5%
Total Fat 0.10 g <1%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 1.8 g 5%
Folates 15 mcg 4%
Niacin 0.400 mg 2.5%
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Pantothenic acid 0.200 mg 4%
Pyridoxine 0.090 mg 7%
Riboflavin 0.030 mg 2.5%
Thiamin 0.040 mg 4%
Vitamin A 0 IU 0%
Vitamin C 21 mg 35%
Vitamin E 0.03 mg <1%
Vitamin K 0.1 mcg <1%
Sodium 39 mg 2.5%
Potassium 233 mg 5%
Calcium 30 mg 3%
Copper 0.085 mg 9%
Iron 0.30 mg 4%
Magnesium 11 mg 2.5%
Manganese 0.134 mg 6%
Zinc 0.27 mg 2%
Carotene-ß 0 mcg -Carotene-α 0 mcg -Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 mcg -Selection and storage
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Turnips are available year around; however, fresh roots are abundant from October through
March. At maturity, they are usually two to three inches in diameter and weigh between 60 to
250 g.
This root vegetable usually sold bunched or topped. In the markets look for fresh roots that are
small, firm, round and impart delicate sweet flavor. Avoid larger as well as over matured roots
as they are woody in textured and excess in fiber that makes dishes unappetizing.
Once at home, remove the top greens as they rob nutrients of the roots. The roots can be
stored for few weeks at low temperatures (32° to 35° F) and high relative humidity (95 percent
or above). Use top greens as early as possible as they lose nutrients rather quickly.
Preparation and serving methods:
Both root and top greens are used for cooking. Wash roots in cold running water in order to
remove soil and any fungicide residues from the surface. Trim the top and bottom ends of the
vegetable. Peeling may not be necessary if roots are young; however, over matured turnips will
have tough skin that should be removed.
81. Walnut (Akhrot)
It s a deciduous tree of the genus Juglans family Juglandaceae, native to North and South
America, southern Europe, Asia and the West Indies. Black walnut trees are valuable timber
trees that produce edible nuts. A black walnut tree is about30 meters, tall and about 60 to 90
centimeters in diameter. The nut contains a sweet, oily seed and is enclosed in a yellow green
hairy husk. The dark, fine-grained wood of English and black, walnut is used for furniture,
paneling and gunstocks. The fruit is very rich in vitamin C, it is very useful in heartburn, colic,
and dysentery. It removes impotency.
Benefit and uses of Walnut:
Walnuts are a high-energy food, rich in oil, vitamins and minerals.
Walnut kernels are good for heart, blood system and improve health. Benefits of walnut eating
have been observed in the form of lowering cholesterol.
Walnuts used in a variety of sweet and savoury recipes including cakes and breads and are
especially good with cheeses.
. Walnuts used in Cuba as an herb decoction in bath water to treat various skin diseases of
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. Walnut use as a cancer therapy drug, in addition to having many other biological effects:
. Black Walnuts were used as a kidney tonic, which makes sense as they consider the brain to be
governed by the kidneys.
*. Walnut contains rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin E and fatty acids, Walnut Oil is a most often used
in cosmetic formulations as an active principal or carrier oil.
*. Walnut Oil is a good source of O merga-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, as well as ALA (alpha
linolenic acid). It has good moisturizing, anti-aging and regenerative properties.
82.Water-melon (Tarbuj)It is a trailing fleshy vine of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), native to
tropical Asia but grown in many warm countries for its edible fruit. It has solitary yellow flowers
7.5 to 10 centimeters (3 to 4 inches). wide; hairy oval leaves that are heart shaped at the base
and a melon-shaped or cucumber shaped fruit 20 to 38 centimeters (8 to 15 inches) long. Each
green fruit has whitish waxy covering and contains fat, white seeds about half inch long. Watermelon juice is a very favourite and refreshing drink in hot summer months. It subsides pitta,
keeps the body cool and calm. It prevents sun-stroke and heat-stroke. It is a tonic, digestive and
Benefit and uses of Water-melon: Watermelon contains is 90% water, 50 calories, and vitamin
C, has just a trace of fat without cholesterol. Watermelon is not only great on a hot summer
day, this delectable thirst-quencher may also help quench the inflammation that contributes to
conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis. Most benefit of
watermelon is that it contains high levels of lycopene an antioxidant that may help the body
fight cancer and prevent disease*.Watermelon is fat free, nutritionally low in calories and
considered an ideal diet food, and is high in energy, making it a great energy
boost.*.Watermelon contains no cholesterol of dietary significance and only a small amount of
fat. It is an important source of potassium and may micronutrients.
83. Wheat: Wheat, originating from south-western Asia, is a term defining the herbs from the
Triticum genus. In the world it ranks second after corn at the number of farms which grow
wheat. In ancient times, wheat grains were eaten raw, later they were fried or boiled in water
under the form of flat cakes. More recently it became a main aliment in the occidental culture,
being today used for preparing numerous types of food.
Description of Wheat plant: There are numerous types of wheat: winter wheat, summer wheat
and common wheat. Winter wheat is seeded in fall, being cultivated in Mediterranean and
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temperate climates. Summer wheat is seeded in spring, it cannot bear low temperatures.
Common wheat is cultivated at higher latitudes; it is the mainly used in the baking of bread.
Properties and benefits of Wheat: Wheat contains mineral salts, catalytic elements, calcium,
magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, silicon, zinc, manganese, cobalt, copper,
iodide, arsenic, vitamins A, B, E, K, D, PP, and ferments. Thus, wheat is the base for
Treatment: Cornered wheat is administered in states of demineralization, anemia, asthenia,
growth, rachitis, tuberculosis, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is also recommended in sterility.
Germinated wheat contains 2 or 3 times more vitamin B than common wheat. This way, the
germinated seeds are used for treating gastro-intestinal and cardiovascular maladies, skin
diseases or hepatic and breathing affections. It also has the property of balancing the body
weight. A 3-6 month diet is used for more serious diseases and for people suffering from
demineralization. The daily dosage is 3-6 tablespoons for adults and 1-3 for children,
administered before meals. For babies, powdered wheat seeds are administered, added to
their milk bottle, mixed with other cereals, milk, honey, fruit juices or food. Wheat is useful
fighting against cholesterol, because it contains fat essential acids which prevent the forming
on blood vessels' walls. As an alternative method it is also good against cancer. Mixtures Green
wheat juice Green wheat juice is obtained like this: the wheat is cut with scissors, as close to its
base as possible. The blades are washed and added into a centrifuge. The remaining weeds are
thrown away and the liquid is added into the centrifuge again. It is administered like this: one
20 ml glass or 1-2 teaspoons before one of the main meals. The green wheat juice has a strong
detoxifying effect on the body, which is why it has to be consumed on an empty stomach.
Green wheat can also be consumed in various combinations: green wheat along with beet and
carrots is prepared from 3 carrots, half a red beet and 50 g of green wheat. The beet and
carrots are peeled, cut into small cubes, put into the centrifuge and transformed into juice. The
green wheat is added at the end. Another combination is green wheat with pineapple: half of
the pineapple fruit is peeled and put into the mixer and then combined with the green wheat.
Warning: The germinated wheat is not indicated for people with an excess of estrogen
hormones in their bodies.
84. Wormwood plant: Wormwood is a rustic herb. The whole herb is 60 - 120cm tall and has a
grey-white color. The leaves are divided into long lobs. The flowers are light-yellow and they
have a powerful perfume due to the etheric oil they contain. It blooms from July to September.
It is highly spread in Eurasia and the Middle East and it grows on dry and uncultivated lands.
Only the leaves and the high stalks are used for medical purposes. The leaves must be picked
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before blooming, in May - June, and the flowers in July - August, when the blooming is
complete. Drying must be done in the shade, in dry and breezy places.
Properties and benefits of Wormwood plant:
Wormwood contains absinthine, bitterish
glucose, absinthol, tannin, chlorophyll and malic acid. The essence contains thujone,
tanacetone, azulene and cadinene (which increase the muscular tonus and activates over the
areas where the epileptic crises appear). It also contains vitamins B6 and C. it is a powerful
tonic, antiseptic, antidiarrheic, antipyretic and it regulates the menstruation. Treatments:
Because it is a digestive tonic, wormwood increases bile secretion when it is administrated as
infusion. If it is administrated as powder (0.5 - 2g in honey or sugar) it helps the human body
reduce fever. Infusion is also good against belly worms and oxiuris. For intestinal worms, the
wormwood tincture is recommended to be administrated in 9 days long cures. The bitter
compounds and volatile oil components have an excitant action over gastric secretion, they are
anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic. Wormwood increase diuresis and can be used as a
laxative. Internally, wormwood is recommended for the treatment of liver insufficiency, kidney
oedema, anemia and absence of the menstrual cycle. It is also good for anxiety and gout and it
is generally good for all the diseases that involve the retention of water in tissues. Wormwood
is a good cicatrizing. The infusion can be used to treat ulcerations and the oil can be applied on
wounds. Externally it is also used to treat hemorrhoids and vaginitis.
Mixtures: The infusion is prepared out of one spoon of herb boiled in 250ml of water. It must
be drunk cold before each primary meal and because of its bitter taste it can be sweetened
with honey or sugar. The tincture is recommended for gastritis, anorexia, asthenia, fever, flu,
pneumonia, intoxications and infections with Giardia. It can be prepared from 25g of mashed
herb macerated in 120ml of 75o alcohol for 8 days. One spoon of tincture dissolved in 100ml of
water must be administrated 3 or 4 times a day. The flowered heads are used to make
"absinthe" and some liqueurs and vermouths. Wormwood is occasionally used as a spice.
Caution: Its consumption is not recommended for pregnant women or in cases of acute
intestinal disorders. The wormwood treatment must not be prolonged because it can cause
digestive and neural disorders. The wormwood mixtures must be administrated only when
they are needed and overdoses can cause headaches and inflammations on the gastric mucous
membrane. Wormwood powder can be irritant, which is why it is recommended to use a
protection mask when dealing with the herb.
85. Zucchini (geeha toori) is a fruit that belongs to the family of gourd. Zucchini, a small summer
squash, is botanically a fruit. However, in gastronomic terms, it is considered to be a vegetable.
Though you can avail zucchini throughout the year, the best ones appear during late spring.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Most of you must have savored the taste of Zucchini squash, available in markets round the
year. I know…you must be licking your tongue remembering its sweet, tangy flavor. Leaves
aside its good taste, have you ever given a thought to the nutritional value of this cucumber-like
fruit? No? Then, let us tell you that this cylindrical-shaped fruit has many nutritional benefits. At
the same time, it is low on calories. In fact, one medium-sized zucchini has just 25 calories in it,
making it an ideal stomach-filler for those trying to lose weight. If you want to explore the
nutritional value and health benefits of zucchini, go through the lines that follow.
Nutritional Value in Zucchini
Given below is the amount of nutrients present in 135 gm, raw zucchini:
*. Calories: 17
*. Protein: 1.4 gm
*. Carbohydrate: 3.6 gm
*. Total Fat: 0.17 gm
*. Fiber: 1.5 gm
*. Vitamin C: 11 mg
Health Benefits of Zucchini
*. Zucchini helps cure asthma, as it contains Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and has
anti-inflammatory properties.
*. The vegetable is known to help prevent diseases like scurvy and bruising, caused by the
deficiency of vitamin C.
*. Regular intake of zucchini effectively lowers high homocysteine levels in the human body.
*. The vegetable can help prevents risk of having multiple sclerosis (MS).
*. Zucchinis have high water content (over 95%), high nutritious value and contain a very low
amount of calories, so they make the perfect snack item for people on diet.
*. The vegetable contains useful amounts of folate, potassium, and vitamin A, necessary for
proper functioning of the human body.
*. Zucchini contains Vitamin C and lutein, both of which are known to be good for the eyes.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
*. The vegetable is a good source of vitamin B6, riboflavin, manganese and a lot of other
*. Eating zucchini is known to help the body in supporting the arrangement of capillaries.
*. Regular consumption of the vegetable can help protect the body against colon cancer.
*. Zucchini is believed to be beneficial in preventing heart disease and related symptoms, such
as high cholesterol.
*. The rind of zucchini contains the nutrient beta-carotene, which is known to be full of
antioxidant properties and thus, helps protect cells against oxidation damage.
*. The vegetable proves to be a good source of magnesium and phosphorus, the nutrients
essential for building and maintaining healthy bones.
*. Zucchini is rich in vitamin C, another powerful antioxidant that can provide protection against
cardiovascular disease.
Chapter 7
Panacea therapy
Panacea therapy is designed by Dr Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD in alternative medicines Colombo.
Panacea therapy is a branch of nature cure. It consists of some medicines resembling with
ancient therapy of India (Ayurveda) with scientific evidences that eradicates the factors which
disturb healing power of body for example free radicals, heavy metals, acidosis, impairment of
blood circulation etc. Products of Panacea therapy are organic and inorganic natural and
nutritional ingredients. Main ingredient of panacea therapy is sulfur which is valuable from old
ages. Panacea therapy consists of medicines of oral and injective form.
Main injections of panacea therapy are Panacea K, panacea Cr and panacea mg. Panacea K and
Panacea mg are also available in oral form. Panacea Cal and panacea S and Panacea bile and
other medicines are also available in oral form.
Some Points for Panacea therapy
(Philosophy: Enhance healing power of body to combat diseases.
01. Give ORS in the case of vomiting, diarrhea, excess sweat, fever and dehydration.
02. Use restricted diet (diet in the diseases of acidic origin)
03. As Panacea therapy enhances immunity symptoms of disease may boost for some days.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
04. Patient may experience fever, shivering, dysnea or body pain during Panacea therapy. This
is due to blocked blood vessels, normal reaction of imbalanced body chemicals and gases.
05. Period of relapsing of diseases depends upon condition of disease as acute, sub acute and
06. In Panacea therapy patient is treated basis upon his condition not according disease. Such
as hypertension, heart rate, oxygen saturation level etc.
07. Dose of medicine should low in the case of severe disease and high in common diseases.
This is because of hyper-reaction between medicine and high level of body chemicals such as
SGPT, URIC ACID, heavy metals etc
08. Side effects of medicine are of temporary and usually do not leave permanent bad effect.
09. If any medicine causes fever or other afflicting effect on the body do not use it continuously
but with adequate intervals.
10. Some allopathic medicines like cortisone may deactivate or slow action of medicines of
panacea therapy.
11. Electrolytes, Minerals and vitamins may be used along with panacea therapy.
12. In the case of hyper reaction between medicine and body chemicals, if patient suffers from
un-tolerable symptoms cortisone or other necessary allopathic medicine may be used in
emergency. However these medicines reduce outcome of permanent relief.
13. Some allopathic medicines like metronidazole along with panacea therapy increase the
percentage of recovery.
Many doctors in USA prefer use of alternative medicine along with complementary medicine.
14. Other tools of naturopathy like fasting, exercise, heat etc are also useful along with Panacea
15. Detoxify body with panacea therapy, herbal medicine, diet and other tools.
17. Do not stop ways of detoxification induced by body nature.
E.g. Diarrhea, Vomiting, sweating, fever etc
But detoxify body through methods mentioned above in 27 numbers and also replace fluid,
electrolyte or blood if necessary
18. Use all relevant medical instruments, devices and tests for diagnosis of disease.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
19. All subjects of medical are helpful for proper diagnosis and treatment of diseases
E.g. Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology etc
20. Oxymeter and quantum magnetic resonance analyzer may be helpful in diagnosis and
treatment but these tools are not for clinical conclusion.
Some main Naturopathic medicines
Inj Panacea mg
Medical science has proved that "The root of all diseases is acidosis.
"Acidosis is a condition in which there is an excess of acidic moleculesin the body. This can
occur as a result of overproduction, under excretion, or both. With overproduction, the body
makes too much acid. This can occur in sepsis, a life-threatening widespread infection in which
the body makes too much lactic acid. With under excretion, the body is unable to rid itself of
excess acid. This can occur in renal failure and various lung diseases. A healthy body maintains
adequate alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands. When excess acids (acidosis) must be
neutralized, our alkaline reserves are depleted, leaving the body in a weakened condition.
Every day we wage our own private war against molds, yeasts, bacteria, viruses and fungi. By
using antibiotics as the first line of defensewe have encouraged the development of more
powerful deadly bugs and bacteria.
Our immune systems are becoming weaker and over-taxed in this war.
Therefore it possible to cure all diseases with a medicine, if we would be successful to cut off
root of all diseasesand that is acidic toxification. Dr. Theodore Baroody says essentially the
same thing:
"The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come
from the same root cause. That is too much tissue acid waste in the body and that is acidic
toxification (a). Approximately 95% of people in this culture experience a state of acidity; that
is, their bodies contain an excess of hydrogen ions, and their blood pH is lower than 7.45.
Because of poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of
waste products, such as di acetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic,acetic, butyric, and hepatic acids.
According to Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of Alkalize or Die, acid wastes attack joints, tissues,
muscles, organs, and glands causing minor to major dysfunctions. He asserts that avoiding
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
disease and maintaining vitality, as we age, requires the maintenance of an alkaline
environment through out the body which is virtually impossible to accomplish in our high-tech,
high-stress, toxic society.
Too much acid in the body robs the oxygen of blood (because acid reacts with protein), and due
to deprivation of oxygen; cells dies and organs do not work properly and metabolism (e) slows
because oxygen is very necessary for the life of cells. If low level of oxygen lasts for much time it
my cause heart failure, renal failure, diabetes, cirrhosis of liver and many other serous diseases.
Inj Panacea mg deactivates free radicals (d) that may damage tissues.
Panacea mg is composed of megnessium and sulphur (j).
Megnesium: magnesium is cofactor of 300 enzymes. Conditions that occur during pregnancy
called pre-eclampsia or eclampsia magnesium must be given intravenously (by IV).
A type of irregular heart beat called torsades de pointes. Magnesium must be given
intravenously (by IV).
Magnesium isPossibly Effective for:
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Taking magnesium seems to relieve symptoms of PMS including
mood changes and bloating in some women. Taking magnesium by mouth also seems to
prevent premenstrual migraine.
Weak bones (osteoporosis):There is evidence that suggests taking magnesium might prevent
bone loss in older women who have osteoporosis. There is also evidence that taking estrogen
along with magnesium plus calcium and a multivitamin supplement daily increases bone
strength better than estrogen alone in older women.
Preventing type 2 diabetes in overweight, middle-aged women, when magnesium is obtained
from foods. More evidence is needed to know if magnesium helps treat diabetes.
Diseases of heart valves (mitral valveprolapse). Taking magnesium seems to reduce symptoms
of mitral valve prolapse in people with low magnesium levels in their blood.
High cholesterol: There is some evidence that taking magnesium small decreases in low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) and total cholesterol levels, and small increases in high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) levels.
Chest pain (angina) due to artery disease: Taking magnesium seems to reduce pain attacks in
people withcoronary artery disease.
Kidney stones: Taking magnesium seems to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Hearing loss in people exposed to loud noise. Taking magnesium seems to prevent hearing loss
in individuals exposed to loud noise.
Metabolic syndrome (a condition thatincreases risk for diabetes and heart disease). People with
low serum magnesium levels are 6-7 times more likely to have metabolic syndrome than people
with normal magnesium levels. Higher magnesium intake from diet and supplements is linked
with a 27% lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome in healthy women and a 31% lower
risk in healthy young adults.
Preventing stroke. There is some evidence that getting more magnesium from the diet might
decrease the risk of stroke in men. Megnessium Possibly Effective when given intravenously (by
IV) by a healthcare provider for...
Cluster headaches.
Migraine headaches.
Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).
Asthma attacks.
Nerve pain caused by cancer.
Pain after a hysterectomy.
A lung disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
High blood pressure (hypertension).
Magnesium seems to help relax muscles.
Sulphur (b)works as detoxificant (i)
Inj Panacea mg detoxifies acid wastes and toxins produced by poor metabolism, virus or
Panacea mg loses hydrogen ions from blood and adds oxygen. Elevated level of oxygen in blood
enhances process of combustion or oxidation (i) resulting in the regression of atherosclerotic
plaques and fat accumulated in blood vessels and cardiac valves.
Panacea treats leading causes of high risk diseases obesity and acidosis. It helps to regulate
body Ph on normal ranges.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Main indications: Pre eclepsea, tachycardia, hypertension, high cholesterole, angina, heart
failure, acidosis, dysmetabolic syndrome,chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, kidney stone,
kidney failure, peptic uler disease, preventing brain stroke and type 2 diabetes in over weight,
osteoporosis, wounds and cancer and hepatitis of any type.
Usual dose of adults is 2ml to 5ml in single or divided doses per day.
Route of administration: This injection is used intravenously only.
Side-effects: inj Panacea mg has no major side effect; it may cause hypotension, dizziness,
headache, sweating, flushing and fever (h).
Contra-indications: Panacea is contra-indicated in patients with open ulcer, esophageal varices,
CLD or having any tendency of bleeding, severe hypotension and severe anaemea.
Inj Panacea k
Injection Panacea K detoxifies body systems and boost immunity. Medical science has proved
that "The root of all diseases is acidosis "Acidosis is a condition in which there is an excess of
acidic molecules in the body. This can occur as a result of overproduction, under excretion, or
both. With overproduction, the body makes too much acid. This can occur in sepsis, a lifethreatening widespread infection in which the body makes too much lactic acid. With under
excretion, the body is unable to rid itself of excess acid. This can occur in renal failure and
various lung diseases. A healthy body maintains adequate alkaline reserves to meet emergency
demands. When excess acids (acidosis) are neutralized, our alkaline reserves are depleted,
leaving the body in a weakened condition.
Every day we wage our own private war against molds, yeasts, bacteria, viruses and fungi. By
using antibiotics as the first line of defense we have encouraged the development of more
powerful deadly bugs and bacteria.
Our immune systems are becoming weaker and over-taxed in this war.
Therefore it possible to cure all diseases with a medicine, if we would be successful to cut off
root of all diseases and that is acidic toxification. Dr. Theodore A. Baroody says essentially the
same thing:
The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come
from the same root cause. That is too much tissue acid waste in the body and that is acidic
toxification (a). Approximately 95% of people in this culture experience a state of acidity; that
is, their bodies contain an excess of hydrogen ions, and their blood pH is lower than 7.45.
Because of poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
waste products, such as di acetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic, acetic, butyric, and hepatic
According to Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of Alkalize or Die, acid wastes attack joints, tissues,
muscles, organs, and glands causing minor to major dysfunctions. He asserts that avoiding
disease and maintaining vitality, as we age, requires the maintenance of an alkaline
environment through out the body which is virtually impossible to accomplish in our high-tech,
high-stress, toxic society.
Too much acid in the body robs the oxygen of blood, and due to deprivation of oxygen; cells
dies and organs do not work properly and metabolism (e) slows because oxygen is very
necessary for the life of cells. If low level of oxygen lasts for much time it may cause blockage of
blood vessel, hypertension, heart failure, renal failure, diabetes, cirrhosis of liver and many
other serous diseases.
Panacea k is composed of natural salts potassium nitrate, sodium chloride and sulphur.
Potassium nitrate is often found in vegetables growing in the ground, but only in trace
amounts. Potassium Nitrate is used as diuretic from old ages. Bacterea converts Potassium
nitrate into potassium nitrite in intestines.
Potassium nitrite contains oxy-anions that deactivate hydronium ions or cations.
Sulphur (b) works as detoxificant; reduces the toxicity of the body as well of potassium nitrate
and potassium nitrite making medicine safe and efficasive.
Panacea K may deactivate much type of free radicals and treats many types of cancer.
Research links Free Radicals (d) with a variety of degenerative diseases, ranging from arthritis,
circulatory diseases and emphysema to asthma, allergies and eczema. Panacea k is magic bullet
because it treats above than 90 percent of all diseases.
This medicine also cures many other serous ailments. In intravenous injection form Panacea k
treats heart failure, kidney failure, hypoxic condition and other diseases caused by acidosis and
free radicals.
Panacea detoxifies acid wastes and toxins produced by poor metabolism, virus or bacteria.
That is why it may treat viral and other types of hepatitis and most of renal diseases including
renal failure.
Panacea loses hydrogen ions from blood and adds oxygen. Sulphur present in panacea
regulates and controls the process of oxidation due to its reducing property. This is also
fantastic medicine for those who want to be smart without strict dieting.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Panacea treats leading causes of high risk diseases obesity and acidosis. It helps to regulate
body Ph on normal ranges. It treats heart burn and other acid related disorders. It also treats
dysurea, oligourea and hydronephrosis. It also treats benign tumours and treats many type of
cancer. We know that cancer needs an acidic and low oxygen environment to survive and
flourish. Panacea k oxygenates and revives body cells and produces vital energy.
It is also preventive medicine for acidosis, diabetes, brain stroke, heart attack and many kidney
diseases. Panacea k is also found an excellent medicine for rehabiliation of disables due to brain
stroke or heart attack.
Body has his own healing power and that is interrupted by toxification.
When a medicine detoxifies body systems and destroys aging factors; healing power of body is
Dosage is selected according body weight of patient and severity of disease. Usual dose of
adults is 2ml to 5 ml in single or divided doses per day.
Route of administration: This injection is used intravenously and orally.
Side-effects: Panacea k may cause dizziness, headache, sweating and flushing. It can irritate the
gastrointestinal tract creating problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. In rare cases, chronic
exposure can cause methemoglobinemia, irregular breathing, convulsions and coma. Chronic
exposure to potassium nitrate can cause anemea.
and fever (g).
Contra-indications: Panacea is contra-indicated in patients with open ulcer, esophageal varices
or having any tendency of bleeding and infants, pregnancy and lactation.
Inj Panacea Cr
Panacea Cr injection prevents and treats atherosclerosis and gives relief from ischemic heart
disease, cerebrovascular accident and other vascular diseases.
Ischemic heart disease may cause angina pectoris and mayocardial infarction. Brain stroke may
cause paralysis of one or more organs.
Heart attack and brain stroke are diseases those cause economic loss,disabilities and even
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
If low level of oxygen lasts for much time it may cause blockage of blood vessel, hypertension,
heart failure and many other serous diseases.
Panacea Cr is composed of natural salts potassium nitrate, Potassium chromate and sulphur.
Potassium Nitrate is used as diuretic from old ages.Bacterea converts Potassium nitrate into
potassium nitrite in intestines. Potassium nitrite contains oxy-anions that deactivate hydronium
ions or cations.
Sulphur (a) works as detoxificant; reduces the toxicity of the body as well of potassium nitrate
and potassium nitrite making medicine safe and efficasive.
Potassium chromate (b) is oxidant that reduces hydrogen level and promotes oxygen level in
the blood. In intravenous injection form cures hypertension, cerebrovascular, cardiovascular
and other vascular diseases caused by atherosclerosis. Angina pain develops if part of your
heart muscle does not get as much blood and oxygen as it needs. It is usually caused by
narrowing of coronary arteries due to a build-up of a fatty substance called atheroma. The
narrowing makes it more difficult for blood to flow to your heart muscle. Atherosclerosis is
degeneration of blood vessels. The damaged blood vessels impair the blood flow. They can also
rupture causing a bleeding or be clogged by a blood clot that shuts out the blood flow and
causes tissue damage. These things can occur in the brain, causing a stroke, in the heart causing
mayocardial infarction or in the kidneys with renal failure as a consequence.
The role of nitrates in the prevention and Treatment of angina is established. Panacea relaxes
blood vessels in our body (causing them to widen) and this reduces the strain on heart, making
it easier for heart to pump blood and increases oxygen saturation. It also relaxes and widens
the coronary arteries which increase the flow of blood to heart muscle.
Panacea Cr loses hydrogen ions from blood and adds oxygen. Elevated level of oxygen in blood
enhances process of combustion or oxidation (i) resulting in the regression of atherosclerotic
plaques and fat accumulated in blood vessels and cardiac valves. Sulphur present in panacea
regulates and controls the process of oxidation due to its reducing property
Panacea Cr treats leading causes of high risk diseases obesity and acidosis. Panacea Cr
oxygenates and revives body cells and produces vital energy.
It is also preventive medicine for acidosis, diabetes, brain stroke, heart attack and many kidney
diseases. Panacea Cr is also found an excellent medicine for rehabiliation of disables due to
brain stroke or heart attack.
Dosage is selected according body weight of patient and severity of disease. Usual dose of
adults is 5ml to 10ml in single or divided doses per day.
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Naturopathy, Nature cure & Panacea therapy
Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Route of administration: This injection is used intravenously and orally.
Side-effects: Panacea k may cause dizziness, headache, sweating and flushing. It can irritate the
gastrointestinal tract creating problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. In rare cases, chronic
exposure can cause methemoglobinemia, irregular breathing, convulsions and coma. Chronic
exposure to potassium nitrate can cause anemea.
and fever (g).
Contra-indications: Panacea is contra-indicated in patients with open ulcer, esophageal varices
or having any tendency of bleeding and infants, pregnancy and lactation.
(a)_The Sulphur mineral is an amazing mineral that has a historical reputation for curing many
ailments and alleviating the symtoms of many condtions. In third place behind calcium and
phosphorus, Sulphur is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Every single living cell
inside the body contains an element of Sulphur and it is also a component of amino acids which
are seen as the building blocks of the body.
Sulphur has a reputation as being the body's beautifying mineral. Another reason for this claim
to fame probably has to do with the fact that Sulphur is in keratin which keeps hair, fingernails
and skin strong and healthy. Sulphur also plays a significant role in the production of collagen,
skin's best ally. Collagen is actually present in the skin's connective tissues and these tissues
help maintain the skin's elasticity. Collagen also helps wounds heal better and faster.
Sulphur is also involved in cellular respiration, which in simple terms means it helps the cells
use oxygen efficiently. The end results of this bodily function are improved cell activity and
brain function.
Sulphur helps the body rid itself of toxins which is why it's known as a detoxifier. That's
important becauseover time, toxins can build up inside the body and cause the immune system
to weaken, or create an overall feeling of lethargy or even impair the body's own built-in
cleansing system, the kidneys and liver. When the body is detoxified, it feels rejuvenated.
Sulphur has many anti aging properties and it helps relieve the symptoms associated with age
related conditions such as arthritis. Sulphur has been used to relieve thesymptoms of skin
conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, diaper rash, hemorrhoids, dry scalp and acne.
Sulphur also plays a very key role in the metabolism of several important B-vitamins including
B-1, B-5 and Biotin.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Deficiency may include skin problems or disorders, muscle pain, nerve disorders, circulatory
trouble, arthritis, inflammation, damages resulting from free radicals, stress, infection,
constipation and wrinkles.
(It is well known that oxidation caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a major cause of
cellular damage and death and has been implicated in cancer, neuro degenerative, and
cardiovascular diseases. Small-molecule antioxidants containing sulfur and selenium can
ameliorate oxidative damage, and cells employ multiple antioxidant mechanisms to prevent
this cellular damage. However, current research has focused mainly on clinical, epidemiological,
and in vivo studies with little emphasis on the antioxidant mechanisms responsible for
observed sulfur antioxidant activities. In addition, the antioxidant properties of sulfur
compounds are commonly compared to selenium antioxidant properties; however, sulfur and
selenium antioxidant activities can be quite distinct, with each utilizing different antioxidant
mechanisms to prevent oxidative cellular damage. In the present review, we discuss the
antioxidant activities of sulfur and selenium compounds, focusing on several antioxidant
mechanisms, including ROS scavenging, glutathione peroxidase, and metal-binding antioxidant
mechanisms. Findings of several recent clinical, epidemiological, and in vivo studies highlight
the need for future studies that specifically focus on the chemical mechanisms of sulfur and
selenium antioxidant behavior.PMID:19548119[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
(b)The effect of intraperitoneal injections of potassium chromate on prevention and regression
of atherosclerosis was observed in New Zealand White rabbits. In rabbits fed a 1% cholesterol
diet for 90 days, potassium chromate injection was not associated with a significant difference
in weight, serum cholesterol, total cholesterol content per 8.5 cm aorta, cholesterol content
per gram of aorta or percent intima covered with plaque compared to controls. Similarly,
significant differences were not seen in rabbits fed a 1% cholesterol diet for 90 days followed by
60 days of potassium chromate or distilled water injections and a standard diet. These results
are in keeping with recent studies suggesting a more limited role for chromium in a variety of
lipid-related disorders.
PMID 3947421 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Full text: Elsevier Science
The action of chromium on serum lipids and on atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits.
The effect of chromium on cholesterol-induced atherosclerosisin rabbits.
The effect of chromium on established atherosclerotic plaquesin rabbits.
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
Chromium and cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis in rabbits.
Cholesterol mobilization and regression of atheroma in cholesterol-fed rabbits induced by large
unilamellar vesicles.
Blood with a pH value of 7.45 contains 64.9% more oxygen than blood with a pH value of 7.30.
If hydrogen ions (hydronium) concentrations are greater than hydroxide, the solution is an acid.
If the hydroxide concentration is higher, than the hydrogen ions (hydronium) concentration is
lower; then the solution is a base.
Calculating hydronium ion concentration can be as simple as knowing the pH of your solution.
American scientist, Elmer Granton MD, reports in the Journal of Holistic Medicine:
When Free Radicals in living tissues exceed safe levels, the result is cell destruction, malignant
mutation, tumor growth, damage to enzymes and inflammation. These are manifested clinically
as age-related, chronic degenerative diseases.
(Each uncontrolled Free Radical has a potential to multiply a million-fold when functioning
properly. (Free Radicals are not harmful at all these are vital in the body a 셲 energy production
processes and are hence essential to every activity of life from movement and growth to the
resistance of disease and infection and the transmission of nervous impulses.)
Metabolism occurs where, in an effort to balance its electrical charge, a free radical grabs an
electron from another molecule. Hence, when an electron is removed from one molecule (or
oxidized) and added to another (or reduced), energy is created. Energy is produced in minute
structures within the cell called mitochondria. The energy is then stored in enzymes called ATP
and is ready for release as required. Accumulation of toxic waste products in the cells, a
reduction of electrical potential, a decline in vitality, an inability to repair itself effectively and a
reduction in the efficiency of the immune system.
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(A simpler example can be seen in the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen, which is a
commonly used reaction in rocket engines:
2H 2 + O 2 =2H 2 O+heat
The result is simply water vapor)
(According new research fever renders immunity to the body.
A new study adds more reason to why our bodies employ fevers as a defense against sickness.
Researchers from Roswell Park Cancer Institute found that a higher body temperature can help
our immune systems to work better and harder against infected cells. The finding was
published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology.
"Having a fever might be uncomfortable, but this research report and several others are
showing that having a fever is part of an effective immune response," John Wherry, Ph.D.,
deputy editor of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, said in a statement.
Before, researchers thought that fevers worked by hindering dangerous microbes from
multiplying, Wherry said.
But "this new work also suggests that the immune system might be temporarily enhanced
functionally when our temperatures rise with fever," he said in the statement, though he noted
that the finding should only prompt people to reconsider how they treat mild fevers and not
fevers that are dangerously high.
The secret is in a kind of immune cell, or lymphocyte, called a CD8+ cytotoxic T-cell. This kind of
lymphocyte is able to destroy cells infected with viruses and even tumor cells, researchers said.
Researchers found that a higher body temperature (like one achieved in a fever) raises the
number of these CD8+ cytotoxic T-cells, which means a greater body response against
The process of oxidation in the human body damages cell membranes and other structures
including cellular proteins, lipids and DNA. When oxygen is metabolised, it creates 'free radicals'
which steal electrons from other molecules, causing damage. The body can cope with some
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Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Gorar PhD alternative medicines) Colombo.
free radicals and needs them to function effectively. However, an overload of free radicals has
been linked to certain diseases, including heart disease, liver disease and some cancers.
Oxidation can be accelerated by stress, cigarette smoking, alcohol, sunlight, pollution and other
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