History Rubric Performance Task Part 2 – Argumentative Report Criteria / Level Purpose, Focus & Organization: How well did the writer state his/her thesis & maintain focus? How well did the writer address the alternate & opposing claims? How well did the claims and ideas logically flow? How effective are the introduction & conclusion for the purpose? Advanced 4 The response is fully sustained & is consistently & purposely focused: Thesis is clearly stated, focused, & has a strongly maintained position that addresses the prompt; Alternate or opposing claims are clearly developed; Logical progression of claims and ideas from beginning to end Effective introduction and conclusion for purpose Proficient 3 The response is adequately sustained & generally focused: Thesis is clear & position is mostly maintained, though some loosely related material may be present; Alternate or opposing claims are acknowledged but not clearly developed; Adequate progression of claims and ideas from beginning to end Adequate introduction and conclusion for purpose Nearing Proficient 2 The response is somewhat sustained & may have a minor drift in focus: Thesis may be clearly focused on the selected position but is insufficiently sustained; Alternate or opposing claims are missing; Uneven progression of claims and ideas from beginning to end Introduction and conclusion, if present, are weak or inappropriate for purpose Novice/Emerging 1 The response may be related to the purpose but may provide little or no focus: Thesis is vague or missing and may drift from the assigned focus; Alternate or opposing claims are missing; Position may be confusing or ambiguous in relation to the claims and ideas Missing introduction and conclusion Unacceptable Insufficient, unreadable, incoherent, off-topic, or off-purpose writing. Use of Documents: How well did the student use documents in the support of the thesis and claims? How accurately & effectively did the writer cite evidence from the provided documents? The response provides thorough and convincing support/evidence with accurate citation: Use of documents is substantial, accurate and interwoven throughout the essay Evidence is consistently & correctly cited in MLA format; The response provides adequate support/evidence with citation: Documents are used to accurately support the thesis and claims Evidence is mostly cited, although sources may be incorrectly cited The response provides uneven, cursory support/evidence with attempted citation: Documents are weakly applied and limited in number Citations are inconsistently used The response provides minimal support/evidence with no citation: No documents are used to support the thesis and claims Citations are not used Insufficient, unreadable, incoherent, off-topic, or off-purpose writing. Historical Analysis: How well did the writer use outside historical information to contextualize the documents and support the thesis and/or claims? How historically accurate is the writer’s use of the evidence? How accurately did the writer analyze the usefulness of the documents? The response achieves substantial depth of analysis that is specific and relevant: Writer uses relevant and substantial outside information/historical facts to support the thesis and claims. Contains no significant factual errors or misrepresentation of information Usefulness of the documents to the historical argument is persuasively addressed The response achieves some depth and specificity, but at times explains rather than critically analyzes the evidence: Writer uses some relevant and substantial outside information/historical facts to support the thesis and claims May contain minor factual errors that do not seriously detract from the quality of the essay Usefulness of documents to the historical argument is sometimes addressed The response achieves little depth and is informative rather than argumentative: Writer uses minimal outside information/ historical facts to support the thesis and claims May contain major factual or interpretive errors Usefulness of documents to the historical argument is not directly addressed The response provides no analysis and/or limited information: Uses no outside information/historical facts to support the thesis and claims. Contains numerous factual or interpretive errors both major and minor Usefulness of any documents to the historical argument is ignored Insufficient, unreadable, incoherent, off-topic, or off-purpose writing. Language and Conventions: How well did the writer express ideas using precise language & vocabulary appropriate to the purpose of the essay? How well did the writer follow rules of sentence structure, usage, punctuation, spelling & capitalization? How well did the writer use a variety of transitions to connect ideas? The response effectively expresses ideas with precise language, conventions and transitions. Language is accurate and appropriate for the purpose Response demonstrates command of conventions Consistent use of a variety of transitional strategies to clarify the relationships between & among ideas; The response adequately expresses ideas using a mixture of precise and general language, conventions and transitions Language is mostly accurate and appropriate for the purpose Response mostly demonstrates command of conventions Adequate use of transitional strategies with some variety to clarify the relationships between & among ideas; The response expresses ideas, uses conventions, and uses transitions in a simplistic, vague, or confusing manner. Language is informal and/or general Response demonstrates partial command of conventions; some rereading may be required Inconsistent use of transitional strategies and/or little variety; The expression of ideas is vague, lacks clarity, conventions, transitions and is confusing Language is inappropriate or fails to communicate an awareness of purpose; Errors are frequent and severe and meaning is obscured Few or no transitional strategies are evident; Insufficient, unreadable, incoherent, off-topic, or off-purpose writing. Social Studies Performance Task Rubric Part 1. Kalispell, MT: Kalispell Public School District. Summer 2013. Updated 5/20/2014 Created with reference to Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. “Grade 11 Performance Task Sample Item.” 2012. http://sampleitems.smarterbalanced.org/itempreview/sbac/ELA.htm# Web. 10/15/12.