The wheat molecular markers Ta1-FFT, Ta6-SFT and TaWIVRV assayed on Roche LightCycler 480 using High-Resolution Melting analysis Marker Primer sequence 5’-----3’ Length of SNP alleles Tm MgCl2 Pre-melt Post-melt Temperature (NCBI sequence) (forward/reverse) fragment (Berkut/Krichauff) (oC) (mM) slider (oC) slider (oC) shift (oC) Ta1-FFT AGGCATCCTTCCGCATCAAC 212 bp TT/TC, TC/CC 60 2.0 82-84 93-94 1 (AB088409.1) ATCGTGGCAGAAGTGCGTTC Ta6-SFT AATGAAGCTCTTGCATCTCATCAGT 203 bp G/A, T/C, A/G, 65 3.0 76-77 84-85 5 (AB029887.1) CCACCCAAACTATATCGATTCTACG TaWIVRV TGCTCGACGGTGAGGATCTAT 62 3.0 87-88 92-93 5 (AF069309.1) GGGCCAAGAGCTTGATTAATTG -----/CAGTA 275 bp G/C, T/C, T/C, G/A, G/A, T/C The wheat molecular markers Ta1-FFT, Ta6-SFT and TaWIVRV (from left to right): (A) Fragments amplified from Berkut, Krichauff and nulli-tetra lines of Chinese Spring N7AT7B, N7BT7A, N7DT7A; (B) High-resolution melting profiles for gene amplicons from Berkut (in red), Krichauff (in green), Berkut/Krichauff doubled haploid lines. Berkut alleles are in red, Krichauff alleles in blue and Berkut/Krichauff heterozygote alleles are in green. The upper chart shows the normalized temperature-shifted melting curves, and the lower chart shows the difference curves using Berkut’s melt profiles as the baselines. 1000 300 200 100 Relative signal difference Relative signal (%) B Temperature (oC) N7DT7A N7BT7A N7AT7B Krichauff Berkut N7DT7A Ta.WIVRV N7BT7A N7AT7B Krichauff Berkut N7DT7A Ta6-SFT N7BT7A N7AT7B Berkut 2000 Krichauff Ta1-FFT A The wheat molecular markers Ta1-FFT, Ta6-SFT and TaWIVRV (from left to right): Highresolution melting profiles for gene amplicons from wheat varieties from diverse origins. The upper chart shows the normalized temperature-shifted melting curves, and the lower chart shows the difference curves using Berkut’s melt profiles as the baselines. Lines with Berkut-like alleles are in red. Lines with Krichauff-like alleles are in blue. Lines with rare alleles are in other colours. Ta6-SFT Relative signal difference Relative signal (%) Ta1-FFT Temperature (oC) Ta.WIVRV The wheat molecular marker Ta1-SST: (A) Fragments amplified from Berkut, Krichauff, Berkut/Krichauff heterozygote, Berkut/Krichauff doubled haploid lines, Chinese Spring and group-7 nulli-tetra lines, and (B) Sequence structure of fragments amplified from Berkut and Krichauff and intron-exon structure of the wheat 1-SST gene. Exons are indicated by filled Berkut/Krichauff doubled haploid lines N7AT7D Berkut Krichauff Heterozygote A Chinese Spring N7AT7B N7BT7A boxes and introns by solid lines. Numbers represent lengths of exons and introns. 2000 2.0 kb 1.8 kb 1800 1.6 kb 1600 B 1400 271 1231 Berkut (1843 bp) Stowaway-like insertion 341 156 271 1041 341 Krichauff (1653 bp) 406 Wheat 1-SST gene (3326 bp) 161 146 872 1030 702 9 Primer AB029888-15F Primer AB029888-19R (1304-23 bp) (2963-82 bp) BATAVIA BEYROUTH 1 PELADA SALAMANCA 10 LA PREVISION CLUBHEAD DALMATIA 2 SAPPORO AMC 61 WYLAH Chara Samnyt16 Kukri Sokoll Westonia Samnyt16 RAC875-2 Tasman Excalibur Krichauff Cranbrook YITPI W63 ELLISON AKADARUMA SALONICA 17 ALTAR W43A OLYMPIC SMYRNA 13 GLUYAS EARLY IRAN 158 KEFENG BATAVIA NW19A KATYIL MOROCCO 21 AMC 106 SAPPORO DALMATIA 2 CLUBHEAD LA PREVISION SALAMANCA 10 W58 W145 W49A INDIA 259 PUNJAB 7 ASURE BUGDAY W75 REES SION TUNIS 24 H 501 ROGUE IN BLE DU OASI YANGMAI 3 GABO T. AESTIVUM SSP SPAE NW96A AMC 512 KANDAHARY W45B WARREN KOPARA 73 H 1287 SATURNO GIZA 139 H 1160 AMC 125 H 865 ARNHEM MOLDOVA D.E.S. 0043 HERMITAGE KARIZIK SURHAK JUBILEJNYJ BOWERBIRD QAL 2000 NW99A AMC 83 VERANOPOLIS BANKS BELADI 42 FRONTANA BOUNTY DRYSDALE MOROCCO 59 KIRAN INSIGNIA SEVILLE 22 W216 W143 INDIA 211 (?) W139A H45 ALLORA RELIN PERSIA 80 VARNA 6 AMC 136 BEYROUTH 1 PELADA AMC 53 MOROCCO 16 RUFUS AMC 61 BANKS LERMA ROJO PORTUGAL 102 1.0 PUMAFEN 1.2 WYLAH kb 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 Berkut The wheat molecular marker Ta1-SST: Fragments amplified from wheat varieties from diverse origins (more details in Supplemental file 1).