Appendix 1: Hydrologic Modeling The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Model was used to generate global energy and water balance data. The VIC model is a macro scale hydrology model operated on a gridcell basis. The model was run at a quarter degree spatial resolution for all drainage basins containing potential glacier runoff contribution. Temporally the model was run from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2008. Daily output was produced but the model was run at a 3-hour computation time step to aid in the determination of snow and energy balance variables. Quarter-degree daily precipitation, minimum and maximum temperatures, and wind drive the VIC model. Precipitation input data was sourced from the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) in the 50º S – 50º N latitude band (Huffman et al., 2007). Outside of this band, passive microwave-based daily precipitation from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) one decimal degree product was interpolated to quarter-degree using the inverse distance squared algorithm from Shepard (1984 – SYMAP) (Huffman et al., 2001). Temperature and wind data were sourced from the NCEP Reanalysis 2 dataset provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL/PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA website ( (Kanamitsu et al., 2002). Wind was interpolated from the Gaussian grid to the regular quarter degree grid using the SYMAP algorithm. The daily temperature minima and maxima were interpolated and adjusted using a pseudo-adiabatic lapse rate of 0.065º/1000m using the SYMAP algorithm and the Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation Project (GLOBE) digital elevation model (DEM). Global soil parameters were derived as described in Nijssen et al. (2001a) using the 2009 Harmonized World Soil Database and remaining structure-based parameters from Cosby et al. (1984). Calibration parameters (soil depths, baseflow partitioning into linear and non-linear flow, and baseflow velocities) were taken from Nijssen et al. (2001b) calibration over the global domain as a starting point. Global vegetation parameters were derived as in Su et al. (2005). A maximum of five elevation bands per grid cell were created with the GLOBE DEM. The VIC model does not include parameters for glaciers. For a correct modeling of gridcell water and energy balance, glaciers had to be mimicked within the existing VIC framework and snow model. Gridcells containing glaciers were identified using the combined Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) and Digital Chart of the World (DCW) glacier data described in the main text. For each gridcell containing glaciers, the fractional glacier area was used to create a modified snowpack area. The area of the glacier coverage and modified snowpack coverage does not exactly match due to VIC limitations. Although VIC is a flat-Earth model, each gridcell was divided into a maximum of five elevation bands. Each elevation band has values for elevation and fractional gridcell coverage; the average of the band’s elevations equal the gridcell average elevation. The assigned coverage of the modified snowpack overestimates the actual glacier area because snowpack modifications must be applied per whole elevation band. The modifications are applied to successive elevation bands until the modified elevation band area is greater than or equal to the true glacier area. The modified snowpack is located in the highest elevation bands (mountain glaciers) unless the total difference between the lowest and highest elevation band is less than 200 meters (valley or tidewater glaciers). The differentiation between mountain and tidewater glaciers using a 200-meter gridcell elevation difference is an assumption made based on the size of the gridcells. Snowpack modification to create glaciers was conducted by changing the snow water equivalent. A snow water equivalent value for the modified snowpack was set artificially high to ensure the snowpack never fully melted. Albedo of the “glacier” follows the default VIC calculation for snow albedo, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1956) empirical snow albedo decay curves. During the melt season, with little snowfall, the modified snowpack surface albedo decays to known glacier ice albedo values. The sustained artificial snow surface ensures more accurate modeling of energy fluxes, especially turbulent heat fluxes. The temperature of the modified snowpack, the modified snow surface, and the lowest soil temperature node were initially set to the average annual temperature to reduce iterative computations for normalizing gridcell variables. The initial soil moisture condition of gridcells with glacier coverage was set to saturated; non-glaciated gridcells were initially set to field capacity. The VIC model was run for a total of 22 years in water balance mode. In water balance mode the model attempts to close the total water balance for each gridcell. The meteorological forcings for the 22-year “spin-up” are the same 1998-2008, 11-year input dataset repeated. The spin-up is conducted in order to build water storage variables, e.g. soil moisture. Following the 22 year spin-up the model was run in energy balance mode with frozen soil calculations. In energy balance mode the model attempts to close the total water and total energy balances. Model output variables were checked for realistic values. Incoming shortwave radiation and net longwave radiation were compared to the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) dataset. Total runoff plus baseflow for each gridcell was compared to previously created runoff datasets to check for order of magnitude accuracy. Routing of the total runoff used the GLOBE DEM disaggregated to a quarter degree with all sinks filled. 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