terms of reference.

Title of Assignment
Quality Education Consultancy
Basic Education and Gender Equality
Nairobi, Kenya
80 days within the period of six (6) months
Background and Justification
Since Education for All was launched in 1990, many governments have increased their efforts to meet
the educational needs of children and adults in their countries. In Eastern and Southern Africa,
progresses in education are evident especially in the increase in school enrollment: primary school
net enrollment rose from 70% for 2000-2004 to 87% for 2008-2011, and the number of out-of-school
children of primary school age declined from 17.6 million in 2000 to 11 million in 2012 (UIS). However,
the quality of education has remained poor and, accordingly, children’s learning achievements have
been limited. According to Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational
Quality (SACMEQ) III, only 62% of children attain minimum reading scores and only 33% achieve
minimum standards in mathematics1.
Learning is dependent on a number of key factors, such as the readiness of a child; the school
environment; gender and equity, teachers’ qualification, training, committment and motivation; the
availability and quality of teaching and learning materials; learning contents; language of instruction,
and engagement of parents and community.
Given the importance, UNICEF has increased its focus on quality and learning in its Strategic Plan
2014-2017: improved learning outcomes and equitable and inclusive education. In the Eastern and
Southern Africa region, UNICEF has developed Regional Priorities 2014-2017 to translate the global
Plan into the region. The Regional Priorities has five focus areas, including education, and education’s
central emphasis is about quality and learning. Accordingly, there is increased need for the UNICEF
Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) to provide technical support to Country Offices
in the areas related to quality and learning.
As part of its strategy, UNICEF ESARO has recently contracted the Australian Council for Educational
Research (ACER), an Autralian based education organization, to deliver a consultancy service for
improving quality education and children’s learning outcomes and effective practices in the Eastern
and Southern Africa region. More specifically, this consultancy is to: analyse existing data on student
learning outcomes; stocktake existing measurement systems, methodologies and initiatives; identify
and analyse effective practices in promoting learning outcomes of disadvantaged children in literacy
Countries that participated in Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality,
Project III: Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa,
Swaziland, Tanzania (Mainland), Tanzania (Zanzibar), Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
and numeracy in primary education; prepare a report of a publishable quality that includes the
following, and a presentation based on the main analysis points from the activities listed above; make
the presentation at the regional and country levels to governments,, UNICEF and other relevant
partners; develop guidance note to help the governments to focus on areas and measures to help
improve students’ learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy in primary education, based on
evidence based analysis, including advice on how to improve assessment systems and
methodologies; and develop recommendations for UNICEF both COs and RO on how to position itself
most effectively to promote enhanced learning in literacy and numeracy in primary education.
Most of the 21 UNICEF Country Offices (Cos) in the region are already supporting the Government
and working with other partners to improve the quality of education. The types of interventions,
focus areas, and resources allocated vary from one CO to another. In order to improve the knowledge
management function at the regional level, building upon the work which is being carried out by
ACER, ESARO has identified further steps to improve quality and learning in the region. The first step
is to review and compile the information on UNICEF experiences aimed to improve quality and
learning. Together with the evidence on good practices to be provided by ACER, this knowledge will
help us to understand where we are and strategise the future direction. The second step is to ensure
that methodologies, tools and guidance are available to help countries to improve quality and
learning. The third step is to build capacities of UNICEF, Governments and other partners to apply
most strategic methodologies, tools and guidance, and build the capacity for monitoring and
This consultancy is to support the ESARO BEGE to implement these steps. Specifically, the consultant,
under the supervision of the Regional Education Adviser, will review and analyse UNICEF ESA COs’
initiatives aimed to improve the quality of education and students’ learning outcomes, and develop
summaries of good practices, in order to promote sharing and learning between the COs. The
consultant will also assist the BEGE section to identify and make available proven methodologies,
tools and guidance to support COs to improve quality education. The consultant will also develop
draft policy briefs aimed to assist the COs in engaging their partners in the dialogue focusing on
quality and learning outcomes. Finally, the consultant will assist the Regional Education Adviser in
the BEGE’s ongoing work aimed to improve quality education and learning outcomes.
The work requires a highly technical person in this area and is expected to be completed within a
period of six (6) month period of time. ESARO has initiated the process to recruit a P4 Staff on
Education Quality, as there is no dedicated staff to focus on education quality and BEGE’s knowledge
management in the area of education quality remains limited. This consultancy is to carry out specific
tasks to improve BEGE’s knowledge management in education quality and deliver technical support
to COs under the close supervision of the Regional Education Adviser.
Scope of Work
1) Goal and Objective:
The goal of this consultancy is to strengthen the BEGE section’s capacity to strengthen its knowledge
management function and technical support to ESA COs in the area of quality education and learning.
Specifically, under the supervision of the Regional Education Adviser, the consultant, will review and
analyse UNICEF ESA COs’ initiatives aimed to improve the quality of education and students’ learning
outcomes, and develop summaries of good practices, in order to promote sharing and learning
between the COs. The consultant will also assist the BEGE section to identify proven methodologies,
tools and guidance, and make them available to COs to support their efforts to improve quality
education. The consultant will also develop draft technical briefs aimed to assist the COs in engaging
their partners in the dialogue focusing on quality and learning outcomes. Finally, the consultant will
assist the Regional Education Adviser in the BEGE’s ongoing work aimed to improve quality education
and learning outcomes.
2) Provide details/reference to AWP areas covered:
This assignment is part of the ESARO BEGE Annual work plan for 2015, 240R/AO/09/001/005/006,
specifically linked to the activity 006: quality and learning through promotion of best practices and
support to COs for system strengthening on teachers, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment. This is
part of the ESARO’s approved consultant plan.
3) Activities and Tasks:
Develop an inception report, outlining proposed methodology, and sources for data and
information to carry out the required tasks in the contract
 Discuss with the REA to understand the activities and tasks, requirements and
expectations of the assignment
 Review the work carried out and delivered by ACER, under UNICEF contract.
 Develop an inception report
Review and analyse existing initiatives supported by UNICEF Country Offices in Eastern
and Southern Africa on improvement of learning outcomes;
 Undertake a stocktaking exercise of ESAR Country Offices initiatives related to
quality education and improved learning outcomes.
 Analyse each initaitive, and develop recommendations for the relevant COs in
consultation with them.
 Develop 3 case studies, selected from the identified initiatives, that have proven
effective in improving quality education, students’ learning outcomes, and/or
improve the planning and monitoring systems that are effectively supporting the
improvement of education quality and learning.
 Prepare a report that encompasses the results of the stocktaking exercise, analysis
and recommendations, and case studies in a manner that is appropriate to share
with COs.
Identify and make available proven strategies, methodologies, tools and guidance to
support COs to improve quality education.
 Identify and review strategies, methodologies, tools and guidance that are proven
effective to have improved the quality of education and student learning outcomes.
Develop a menu of proven methodologies, tools and guidance to share with COs, so
that COs can be better informed of available resources and choose ones that are
most relevant in each context.
Assist the BEGE section in supporting selected COs in applying the proven
methodologies, tools and guidance to improve quality education and improved
learning outcomes.
Develop 3 technical briefs aimed to assist the COs in engaging their partners in the
dialogue focusing on quality and learning outcomes;
 Based on the review of the UNICEF ESA COs’ initiatives, and also the products
generated by ACER under UNICEF contract, develop 3 technical briefs to highlight
effective experiences and recommendations to assist COs to engage their partners in
dialogue to increase focus on education quality.
Assist the Regional Education Adviser in the BEGE’s ongoing work aimed to improve
quality education and learning outcomes;
 Review documents and provide comments on documents related to quality
education and learning, and provide comments
 Prepare a brief report to summarise documents reviewed and comments provided
4) Work relationships:
The consultant will closely work with UNICEF ESARO Regional Education Adviser and also interact
with BEGE’s Education Specialists. The Consultant will also communicate with UNICEF education
staff in the Country Offices.
5) Outputs/Deliverables:
Inception report (deliverable #1)
- outlining the methodology, sources,
references, and based on discussions with the
REA regarding the assignment as well as
products delivered by ACER.
A draft report on UNICEF initiatives (deliverable
- Prepare a draft report on UNICEF ESA COs’
initiatives to improve quality education,
learning and monitoring of education quality,
including analysis, and of 3 case studies.
Final report on UNICEF initaitives (deliverable
(Estimated # of
- 5 days
By the end
1st week
Schedule of
1st payment
15 days
5th week
2nd payment
5 days
8th week
3rd payment
- Prepare a final report on UNICEF ESA COs’
initiatives to improve quality education,
learning and monitoring of education quality,
including analysis, and of 3 case studies.
A menu of proven strategies, methodologies,
tools and guidance to improve quality
education and learning, and technical support
to selected COs in the application (deliverable
3 technical briefs highlighting evidences and
recommendations (deliverable #5)
A report to summarise documents reviewed
and comments provided concerning quality
education and learning (deliverable #6)
30 days
20th week
4th payment
10 days
22nd week
5th payment
15 days
26th week
6th payment
80 days
26 weeks
Payment Schedule
As presented in the table above, there will be 6 deliverables, linked to six (6) payments. Payment will
be made upon satisfactory deliverables.
Desired competencies, technical background and experience
Advanced university degree (Masters as a minimum) in Education, social sciences, and/or
international development with focus on education;
A minimum of 8 years of experience in research, analysis and/or providing technical advice to
government, and/or international development organizations in the area of education quality;
Updated knowledge on the experiences, initiatives, policies, and research studies pertaining to
quality education and learning
Experience in providing technical support to Governments in planning, implementing and
monitoring specific measures to improve the quality of education and students’ learning
outcomes would be a strong asset
Experience in learning assessment would be a strong asset;
Excellent networking and interpersonal skills required
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English required; skills in another UN
language desirable
Ability to work independently and respond to feedback in a timely and professional manner
Excellent organization skills, attention to detail, and ability to contribute to a team
Experience in ESAR region not required but would be an asset.
Administrative issues
The consultant will be provided administrative support to perform the tasks as per the TORs. Regular
meetings with the UNICEF ESARO BEGE, especially the supervisor of the consultancy, will be
organised, at least at the beginning of the consultancy, monthly and at the end of the consultancy.
If the consultant is based outside Nairobi at the time of the beginning and during the contract period,
UNICEF will cover the costs of 3 travels to Nairobi, including DSAs. The timing and duration of each
travel will be determined jointly by UNICEF ESARO BEGE and the consultant, based on the needs
assessment. The consultant will be expected to make 3 trips to selected ESA countries to assist
UNICEF COs. Details of the travels, including the countries, duration and specific requirements, will
be determined by UNICEF ESARO BEGE. The travels will be organised and financed by UNICEF ESARO
The consultant is expected to work from his/her base. In Nairobi, UNICEF ESARO will not provide
an office space to the consultant.
UNICEF ESARO BEGE, together with KCO HR and Admin, will provide support to the consultant to
arrange travels to Nairobi and to selected countries.
The consultant is expected to use his/her own computer.
As per UNICEF policy, payment is made against approved deliverables. No advance payment is
allowed unless in exceptional circumstances against bank guarantee, subject to a maximum of 30
per cent of the total contract value in cases where advance purchases, for example for supplies
or travel, may be necessary.
The candidate selected will be governed by and subject to UNICEF’s General Terms and
Conditions for individual contracts.
The area of quality education and improved learning outcomes is highly complex and specialized, and
there is a risk of producing a report that is too technical for policymakers to understand. Thus, as part
of the assignment, a policy brief is expected to be produced, targeting policymakers, to present
evidence-based benefits from the region.
How to Apply
Interested and suitable candidates should ensure that they forward their applications (a cover letter, CV, and
signed P11 form which can be downloaded at http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/P11.doc), quoting
the indicative fee range with reference: ESARO/SSA/BEGE/2015-007 by cob 02 March 2015 to:
The Human Resources Manager
UNICEF Kenya Country Office
Email address: kenyahrvacancies@unicef.org
Applications submitted without a fee/ rate will not be considered. Please note that only shortlisted candidates
will be contacted.
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male
candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to
apply to become a part of the organization.