Work experience procedues - Department of Education

Responsibility of:
Effective Date:
Next Review Date:
Target Audience:
School Operations
August 2012
August 2014
Government Schools
DoE File: 2012/0304
These procedures apply to the implementation of work experience programs conducted
by schools.
Coordinator means the school staff member nominated by the principal as the career
advisor/work experience coordinator to coordinate work experience for students
enrolled at their school.
Clearance Notice (Ochre Card) means the working with children clearance notice
required of any person over the age of 15 years who works or volunteers in ‘childrelated employment’ for more than 14 (consecutive or non-consecutive) days in a 12
month period unless a temporary exemption from having an Ochre Card has been
Host means a workplace hosting a work experience student(s).
School means a middle school or a senior secondary school.
School staff member means a member of a school’s teaching staff.
Workplace assessment means a risk assessment undertaken by a fully qualified
assessor through Participation and Pathways, and must be undertaken for structured
work placement delivered through a Vocational Education and Training in Schools
(VETiS) program.
Work experience means a school based educational program which enable students to
undertake short-term industry placements and is not the same as a structured work
placement undertaken by students enrolled in VETiS programs.
Workplace observation means the risk management process undertaken to determine
the suitability of the workplace for a student to attend for work experience, and is done
on a case by case basis considering the student’s age, maturity, experience, health,
and physical and intellectual ability.
Workplace supervisor means an adult employee(s) of the host employer assigned to
supervise a student undertaking work experience.
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DoE Work Experience Procedures
3.1 Principals
Principals have the overall responsibility for a school’s work experience
program although the principal will rely on the coordinator to develop and
implement work experience.
Careers advisors in schools will develop work experience programs for
approval by school principals.
Principals must ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the health and
safety of students on work experience. In summary this means that work
experience is implemented on the basis that necessary and reasonable steps
are taken to avoid foreseeable risk of loss or injury to students.
(iv) Amongst other things this requires a consideration of risk by the school of the
likelihood of injury occurring, the potential seriousness of the harm that could
occur and the measures that can reasonably be taken to mitigate potential
risks. Relevant factors for consideration include the student’s age, maturity,
experience, health, and physical and intellectual ability.
Principals may delegate the approval of placements for students 15 years
and older but only the principal may approve a placement for a 14 year old
3.2 Students
Students must be aware of their additional responsibilities while on work
experience in that they are not directly supervised by their teachers, and there will
also be expectations and requirements of them by the host in terms of their
conduct and behaviour.
3.3 Host workplace
Host workplaces also have a duty of care towards students which requires
that all reasonable steps are taken to avoid foreseeable risks of loss or injury
to students while on work experience and the coordinator must work closely
with all hosts to this end, both prior to and during placements.
The duty of care owed to students by a host does not change the
Department’s non-delegable duty of care to students while on work
4.1 The principal must appoint a coordinator who will be responsible to the principal
for all aspects of a school’s work experience program.
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Pre-placement requirements
All students must undertake an appropriate orientation program that
addresses issues relevant to their safety and wellbeing while on a placement.
For placements where the host is engaged in child-related employment the
coordinator must:
DoE Work Experience Procedures
require the host to confirm that each of its employees, and other
persons such as volunteers, engaged in child-related employment at its
workplace(s) holds a current Ochre Card or exemption under the Care
and Protection of Children Act;
require the host to confirm that it will not subsequently engage any
individual in child-related employment unless the individual holds a
current Ochre Card or exemption under the Care and Protection of
Children Act; and
ensure that students over the age of 15, who will be engaged in work
experience in child-related employment, hold a current Ochre Card or
The orientation program must make students aware of:
their roles, responsibilities and rights related to work health and safety
in the workplace;
procedures to follow if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable in the
workplace for any reason; and
any specific requirements of a particular workplace e.g. industrial safety
(iv) Adequate time must be allocated to cover the topics effectively and a proper
record kept of the students who have undertaken the orientation program.
Where the principal is not satisfied that a student has properly completed the
orientation program then the student should not participate in a placement
until such time as they have done so. If a decision is to be made to not allow
a student to participate in a placement then they and/or their parent(s) must
be given an opportunity to have input before a final decision is made.
(vi) The orientation program must include discussion of matters relating to the
student’s experiences in the workplace.
(vii) The principal must exercise reasonable judgement in deciding if it is
necessary to conduct a workplace observation of the host. This may be
determined based on any prior knowledge of the workplace and the activities
conducted by the workplace.
(viii) Schools can access a SharePoint database, where all workplace
assessments for work structured placements are required to be entered, as
part of their work experience workplace observations and to inform decision
making in risk minimisation. To gain access, or for further information, email
(ix) If a significant level of risk is identified by workplace observation, the principal
must, depending on the level of risk identified, place appropriate limits on the
placements. Such limits must be clearly communicated in writing and
accepted by the host, the student and their parent(s).
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Risks must always be assessed in light of the maturity level and ability of a
student and the likely educational benefits and outcomes for the student and
where the level of risk cannot be justified in terms of the desired educational
outcomes then a student must not be placed with a particular host.
DoE Work Experience Procedures
(xi) Students must not be placed with or remain with a host if there is reason to
believe that:
the student cannot be appropriately supervised at all times;
the student has not had a workplace induction by the workplace
appropriate industry/ business documentation including any legislative
requirements have not been approved;
the host does not hold adequate insurance policies or arrangements;
the student will be selling or delivering door to door;
the student will be involved with explosives or demolition activities,
working at heights or in confined spaces;
the student will be required to operate powered mobile plant e.g. motor
bikes, tractors, 4WDs;
the student is under the age of 18 years and will be required to serve
the student will be required to operate on or travel by air;
the student will be required to operate or be a passenger in any
the student will be required to work underwater using snorkeling or
SCUBA equipment; or
the student will be required to work on actual mine sites, whether above
or below ground, gas plants and abattoirs. Students may be placed with
hosts engaged in these industries provided they do not have access to
the actual sites – for example office or other ancillary work associated
with such industries may be considered.
(xii) Placements should generally not be outside of normal operating hours for
that industry or on a weekend or during school holidays. However, where a
principal considers it appropriate to do so then they may make special
arrangements for an individual student provided any additional risks are
identified and satisfactorily addressed. Students 14 years of age should only
work between 6am and 6pm on school days.
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Procedures for approving placements
Northern Territory Government self-insurance arrangements are contingent
upon the host workplace observing all policy and procedures. Principals must
be satisfied that the school’s work experience program is planned and
conducted accordingly.
Students should only undertake an interstate placement in exceptional
circumstances – for example where an interstate host may be more
geographically proximate and suitable than a Northern Territory host.
The School Work Experience Application Form (the form) must be fully
completed for all placements.
DoE Work Experience Procedures
(iv) A placement must not commence unless the form is completed and signed
by all parties and approved by the school principal or delegate.
Where the principal considers it necessary to undertake a workplace
observation then this must be conducted before a placement commences.
(vi) Factors to be considered include but are not limited to:
Occupational Health and Safety compliance;
workplace induction/training program;
suitability of supervisor(s) for student;
staff awareness of a work experience student to be on the premises;
clean and tidy workplace;
potential hazards and procedures to mitigate against same;
compliant emergency signs and exits;
host evacuation plan and procedures;
fire extinguisher compliance;
first aid kit available; and
accessible and appropriate amenities.
During work experience placement
The principal must ensure that a school staff member:
contacts the host on the first day of a placement to check whether the
student has arrived, and to attend to any issues arising;
attend all local placements at least once to monitor student progress and
each student must be contacted during such a visit;
further visits must be made where an issue has been raised by either the
host or the student;
(iv) where travel time or another relevant factor precludes an actual visit then a
student and the host may be contacted by telephone. However, it is essential
that an arrangement is made to allow the student privacy in the workplace in
order that they may have a full and frank discussion with the school staff
member about their placement. If the school staff member has any concerns
arising out of such contact they must take appropriate action, including
making a visit if considered necessary; and
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placements must be discontinued immediately if an issue which may
compromise the safety or wellbeing of a student cannot be satisfactorily
DoE Work Experience Procedures
Action required following placement
The principal must ensure that a school member:
contacts the host to ensure that the Student Evaluation Form is properly
contacts or visits the host to follow up and discuss any possible employment
opportunities available for the student; and
debrief the student on the work experience placement and ensure that
relevant information is taken into account in determining whether a host is
appropriate for future placements.
Record keeping
Records must be kept by the school that will:
permit the identification of the type and frequency of work experience
placements and the number and year level of participating students;
show that all of the requirements of these Procedures and the
Work Experience Policy have been fully complied with; and
show that all accidents and injuries were properly dealt with in accordance
with school and departmental requirements.
During a placement students must:
comply with reasonable directions given by their supervisor;
display the expected behaviour;
if necessary reiterate to the host any medical conditions or other special
needs that may affect their placement; and
(iv) take necessary care for their own health and safety and take care that their
actions do not adversely affect the health or safety of other persons in the
Parents/guardians are responsible for:
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ensuring appropriate travel arrangements to and from the host;
organising and meeting the costs of any accommodation required; and
giving their consent to the placement by signing the form.
DoE Work Experience Procedures
5.1 Prior to a placement
The host will:
conduct a workplace induction with the student on safe workplace practices
to ensure risks to the health and safety of the student are minimised;
undertake to ensure that the privacy of students is protected and that
information provided about students is treated confidentially and only used
for purposes directly related to the placement;
inform staff when a placement will commence and end and what their
involvement will be;
(iv) make it clear to staff that students are not employees and that students will
have limited knowledge and experience of workplaces and must at all times
be treated in accordance with their age experience and abilities;
discuss any special student requirements with appropriate staff and in doing
so require staff to ensure that a student’s privacy is protected and that
confidential information is not unnecessarily disclosed;
(vi) provide a range of opportunities for students to work shadow employees that
will give students an insight into as many aspects of the workplace as
(vii) appoint a workplace supervisor and a back-up supervisor in case the
workplace supervisor is away;
(viii) discuss and determine which employee(s) the student will work shadow with
all staff involved;
(ix) organise work space for the student; and
ensure that, for the full period of the work experience, all persons engaged in
in child-related employment will hold a current Ochre Card or an exemption
from holding an Ochre Card issued pursuant the Care and Protection of
Children Act.
The workplace supervisor must:
meet and greet the student on their first day;
conduct a workplace induction;
discuss the types of tasks that a student will be expected to do;
(iv) introduce the student to any supervisors and co-workers as appropriate;
ensure that the student is appropriately supervised at all times;
(vi) monitor the student’s progress and discuss with the school staff member on
their visit;
(vii) conduct ongoing monitoring of risks and hazards to ensure the health and
safety of the student;
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DoE Work Experience Procedures
(viii) sign the time sheet/record of work sheet daily;
(ix) give feedback to both the student and the school as necessary;
inform the school of any unexplained student absences as a matter of
(xi) ensure that a person engaged in child-related employment who ceases to
hold a current Ochre Card or an exemption issued pursuant to the
Care and Protection of Children Act has no contact with the work experience
student, and, that the school is immediately notified.
(xii) not engage an individual in child-related employment unless the individual
holds a current Ochre Card or current exemption under the Care and
Protection of Children Act; and
(xiii) ensure that during a placement a student is not paid to perform any duties for
the host.
5.2 Following placement
The workplace supervisor will:
discuss the work experience placement with the student to identify possible
employment pathways.
complete the host workplace evaluation form and return to school.
Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
Work Experience Policy
Recording and Reporting Student Injuries Policy and Guidelines
School Work Experience Application Form
Orientation Program Record
Student Evaluation Form
(iv) Requirements of a Host Workplace
Care and Protection of Children Act (NT)
Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011(NT)
Anti-Discrimination Act (NT)
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