Advisory Committee Effectiveness Matrix

Matrix of Advisory Committees Focus Areas:
 Guest speakers
o Personal Expertise
o Professionalism
o Future opportunities
 Volunteer in classroom
 1 on 1 student involvement
 Advisement on current job skills
 Subs for certified/non-certified
 Observe other teachers at different
 Work with & help assess students
on industry competencies
Curriculum/Course Advisement:
 Review
 Suggestions for changes
 Review performance standards
 Recommendations for “real life” lab
experiences for students
 Provide Occupational Analysis
o Recommendations for new
o Recommendations for
program improvement
o Recommendations for
program closure
 Suggestions for serving special
needs students
 Program planning
 Instructional materials suggestions
 Meetings
 Current trends/events in industry
 Post-secondary partners
Community Relations:
 Gain new advisory members
 Recommendation for new
 Report on community and business
input to SC staff
 Contact and connect with Donors
 Market/discuss the SC to
 Review safety of labs
community and business/industry
 Review & recommendation for
facility remodels, etc.
 Business networking
o Linked-in, Edmodo, etc.
 Fundraising
 Volunteer opportunities for
 Access to equipment (loans)
 Post-secondary partners
o Community service
o Service learning projects
 Tours of local businesses
Program/Staff/Student Local, State
and/or Nation Certification:
 Mock interviews
o Review resume’s/cover
 Industry association memberships
 Local/State/National conferences
o Electronic examples of
o Student involvement
resumes/cover letters
 Trade shows
 Internships/Job shadows
 Pre-Certification Testing
 Scholarships
 Feed instructors job leads for
 Instructor training (continuing
education) opportunities
 Post-secondary training options
 Local/State/National Competitions
o Judges
 Advisement of job requirements
 Mentorship
 Employment resources
*Advisory Involvement Indicators:
Focus Area 1: Classroom-Advisory Members will provide
support is a variety of ways annually within the classroom.
Members will provide evidence of their efforts by completing at
least 2 of the following:
Provide service as a guest speaker (i.e. personal industry
expertise, professionalism, future opportunities in industry)
Volunteered in the classroom as a teachers’ assistant
Gain necessary certification to substitute in the classroom
Substitute for Pro-Tech within the classroom
Volunteered as a 1 on 1 mentor for students
Provide support at year-end celebrations for program
Volunteer to help instructor assess students competency
Observe “like” programs in other schools and report back
Other ____________________________________
1-Below standard
3-Exceeds standard
Fewer than 2
measures of
Two measures of
More than 2
measures of
*Advisory Involvement Indicators:
Focus Area 2: Curriculum/Course Advisement-Members will
provide advisement in a variety of ways in regards to the program
curriculum. Members will provide evidence of their efforts by
competing at least 2 of the following:
Review current program curriculum and provide written
feedback on the course, including suggestions for changes and
Review performance standards for program and providing
written feedback on necessary changes and why.
Provide written recommendations for “real life” lab
experiences for students to better prepare them for the workforce
Provide written suggestions for serving special needs
students appropriate to the industry
Conduct an Occupational Analysis on program area and then
make written recommendations for:
Opening a new program
Improving current program
Closing current program
Provide input on annual program planning (Program of
Review and provide written suggestions for additional or
improved instructional materials
Provide current information to instructor regarding industry
changes, job opportunities, necessary skills need for employment
Visit post-secondary partners to determine best “next steps”
for students and report findings to advisory group.
Gain new Advisory Committee membership
Tour local businesses and provide written feedback on what
is happening in those businesses relevant to the program.
Review and provide feedback on Program of study**
Other ____________________________________
1-Below standard
Fewer than 2
measures of
3-Exceeds standard
Two measures of
More than 2
*Advisory Involvement Indicators:
Focus Area 3: Community relations-Members will provide a
positive message to the community and to business professionals
in regards to the Skills Center program. Members will provide
evidence of their efforts by completing at least 2 of the following:
Attend an industry meeting (virtual, email or face-to-face)
where the Skills Center program is the focus of discussion
Provide information on the happenings in the community as
it relates to the program and reporting that to Skills Center staff
Provide an opportunity to market the Skills Center program
to the community, businesses and local schools
Create business networking groups for outreach (i.e. linkedin, etc)
Provide volunteer opportunities for students (i.e. community
service, service learning, etc)
Contact former students in the industry to participate on
Advisory Committee
Other ____________________________________
1-Below standard
Fewer than 2
measures of
3-Exceeds standard
Two measures of
More than 2
measures of
*Advisory Involvement Indicators:
1-Below standard
Focus Area 4: Equipment/Facilities/Resources-Members will
provide advisement on equipment needs, facility updates, and
needed resources in regards to the Skills Center program.
Members will provide evidence of their efforts by completing at
least 2 of the following:
Review current program technology/equipment and provide
written recommendations on needs/updates, including suggestions
for changes and why.**
Provide donations (monetary or equipment) to improve
Fewer than 2
learning environment
measures of
Provide a written review of safety measures in labs and
provide recommendations**
Provide written recommendations for facility
updates/remodels to maintain current industry standard
Create opportunities to raise funds for programs
Provide instructors access to borrow equipment for
Seek out opportunities to visit post-secondary programs to
learn about their facilities
Review program budget and provide instructors with
Other ____________________________________
3-Exceeds standard
Two measures of
More than 2
measures of
*Advisory Involvement Indicators:
Focus Area 5: Pre-Employment-Members will provide
advisement on employment in regards to students in the Skills
Center program. Members will provide evidence of their efforts
by completing at least 2 of the following:
Performed mock interviews for students
Review and provide feedback on student resumes and cover
Provide electronic examples of industry appropriate resumes
and cover letters
Provided scholarship $ for students for post-secondary
Provided opportunities for students to gain internships or job
shadow opportunities in the industry
Advise students and instructors of industry job requirements
Advise students on “next steps” in regard to post-secondary
schooling & employment options/opportunities
Provide mentorship opportunities for students at worksite
Provide employment resources for students
Other ____________________________________
1-Below standard
Fewer than 2
measures of
3-Exceeds standard
Two measures of
More than 2
measures of
*Advisory Involvement Indicators:
1-Below standard
Focus Area 6: Program/Staff/Student local, state, and nation
certification- Members will provide advisement on certification in
regards to the Skills Center program, its’ students and its’ staff.
Members will provide evidence of their efforts by completing at
least 2 of the following:
As a member of a state &/or national industry associations,
act as liaison to the program providing information and resources
Fewer than 2
from the association
measures of
Provide information on as well as opportunities to be
involved at local, state, and/or national conferences
Provide information and access to local trade shows
Advise instructors of appropriate continue education to help
improve or meet previous recommendations**
Invite instructors to participate in industry trainings
Create opportunities for student competition
Volunteer as a judge for local or state competitions
Other ____________________________________
*Advisory Involvement Indicators:
Focus Area 7: Membership- Advisory Committee members are
active in providing service and/or resources through the Advisory
Committee Involvement Indicators rubric.
1-Below standard
75% or less of
members met
standard of
through the
3-Exceeds standard
Two measures of
More than 2
measures of
85% or more of
members met
standard of
through the
3-Exceeds standard
95% or more of
members met
standard of
through the
*Advisory Involvement Indicators (Rubric): Each member of the advisory committee will provide evidence of completing at least 2
involvement indicators from each focus area by year-end.
Start of Year:
 At the beginning of each school year, each Instructor with the help of their Advisory Committee will meet to develop a
Program of Work based on program goals. This will provide focus for the committee for the year, allow for sub-committees to
be determined and provide a timeline for completion of the program goals.
Year End:
 Evidence will be collected by the Skills Center Program Instructor, placed in a notebook and evaluated by committee members
at the conclusion of each school year using the Advisory Involvement Indicators rubric. This must be done at a face-to-face
o At the year-end meeting, the Advisory Involvement Indicators rubric will be used to develop Program Goals using the
Program of Work Worksheet for the next school year.
o Instructors and members will use the rubric to determine the continuation of focus areas and to identify new focus areas
for the next school year.
o Once the committee has evaluated the annual program-of-work for the current year, the Advisory Involvement
Indicators rubric has been completed, and all evidence has been compiled, all documents will be placed in their
program notebook and turned into their program supervisor for final review.
o All reviews, evidence and completed rubrics will be kept in a notebook in the front office for auditing purposes.
**Program Renewal: These are indicated areas that must be completed during Program Renewal cycle. Specific recommendation
forms are to be used and would be completed in addition to other program focused involvement indicators.
Meetings are defined as:
 Face-to-face
 On-line:
o Email
o Linked-in
o Facebook
o Edmodo
o Go-to Meeting
o Text Message
o Other __________________________________
 Phone
o Phone-conferencing