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Final Application for a
Massachusetts Commonwealth Charter School
Submitted to the
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
by the Central Square Public Charter School Design Team
November 3, 2015
Information Sheet
p. 4 - 6
Certification Statement
p. 7
General Statement of Assurances
p. 8 - 10
Federal Statement of Assurance
p. 11
Executive Summary
p. 12 - 14
Part I: Charter School Mission, Vision, and Description of Community to be Served
p. 15 - 26
A. Mission Statement
B. Key Design Elements
C. Description of Community to be Served
Part II: How will the school demonstrate academic success?
Overview of Program Delivery
Curriculum and Instruction
Student Performance, Assessment, and Program Evaluation
Supports for Diverse Learners
Culture and Family Engagement
Part III: How will the school demonstrate organizational viability?
Governance Structure
Facilities and Student Transportation
School Finance
Action Plan
Part IV: Required Attachments
Draft Bylaws
Draft Recruitment and Retention Plan
Draft Enrollment Policy and Admission Application
Draft Student Application
Draft School Calendar
Draft Organizational Charts
Operating Budget: Projected Revenue, Expenditures, and Cash Flow
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
p. 15
p. 26 - 34
p. 35 - 50
p. 50 - 68
22 - 27
27 - 42
50 – 55
55 - 62
63 - 68
p. 68 - 94
68 - 70
70 – 78
79 – 87
87 – 88
88 – 92
92 – 94
p. 95 - 117
96 - 100
101 – 107
108 - 111
115 – 117
page 2
Part V: Required Attachments
Founding Group: Bios, Proposed Roles, and Resumes
Founding Group: Questionnaires
Curriculum Scope and Sequence: Grades 5 to 12
Big Picture Learning: Scope of School Support Services Contract
Impact of BPL’s Learning Model in Raising Student Performance
Logic Model
Letters of Commitment
Research References
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p. 118 - 279
119 - 182
183 – 243
244 – 256
257 – 260
261 – 266
267 – 269
270 – 274
275 – 279
page 3
Name of Proposed Charter School:
School Address (if known):
Central Square Public Charter School
38 Exchange Street, Lynn MA 01901
School Location (City/Town REQUIRED):
Lynn, Massachusetts
Primary Contact Person: Frank DeVito
Role or relationship of contact person to proposal: Proposed Chief Executive Officer
Address: 33 Breed Street
City: Lynn
State: MA
Daytime Tel: (617) 818 - 4939
Zip: 01902
Secondary Tel: (781) 753 - 0894
1. The proposed school will open in the fall of school year:
School Year
Grade Levels
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Fifth Year
Sixth Year
Seventh Year
5 - 10
5 - 11
5 - 12
 2016-2017
Total Student
2. Grade span at full enrollment: 5 – 12
3. Total student enrollment when fully expanded: 640
4. Age at entry for kindergarten, if applicable:
5. If applicable, the proposed Horace Mann charter school is:  New or  Conversion
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6. If applicable, the proposed type of Horace Mann charter school is:
 Horace Mann I  Horace Mann II  Horace Mann III
Questions #7-10 are for applications for a Commonwealth charter school ONLY.
7. If applicable, will this proposed Commonwealth school be a regional charter school?  Yes  No
If yes, list the school districts (including regional school districts) in the proposed region. Please
only list districts that are included in District Information on Enrollment Projections for New
Applications and Expansion Amendments at
when posted. (Use additional sheets if necessary.)
If no, please specify the district’s population as reported in the most recent United States census
estimate for the community the school intends to serve: 91,589.
The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall not approve a new Commonwealth charter
school in any community with a population of less than 30,000 as determined by the most recent United
States census estimate [available at], unless it is a regional charter school. (MGL
c. 71 § 89(i)(1).
8. For all proposed Commonwealth charter schools, list the districts that are contiguous with the
proposed school’s district or region. Please only list districts that are included in District Information
on Enrollment Projections for New Applications and Expansion Amendments at when posted. (Use additional sheets if
9. Will the proposed Commonwealth charter school serve a district where overall student
performance on the MCAS is in the lowest 10 percent, as designated in District Information on
Enrollment Projections for New Applications and Expansion Amendments or in any updated
analysis performed by the Department?  Yes  No
10. Will the proposed Commonwealth charter school serve a district or districts in which the 9
percent net school spending cap is, or could be, exceeded by 2015-2016 applications?  Yes  No
11. Have members of the applicant group previously submitted a prospectus or final application
that did not result in a charter?  Yes  No
If yes, is the present submission related in content to the previous application?  Yes  No
If yes, please indicate the name of the previous proposal and the year submitted.
Central Square
Central Square
12. Is the applicant group currently the board of trustees of an existing charter school?
 Yes  No
If answered YES, please explain why the group is not using the charter application designed for use
by a current board of trustees.
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13. Do members of the applicant group currently operate or are they employed by a private or
parochial school?  Yes  No
14. Are any members of the applicant group present or past members of a charter school board of
trustees, school committee, or other type of public governing body?  Yes  No
If yes, please indicate the person’s name; the charter school name and school location, or school
committee district; and dates of membership.
Frank DeVito
Chelsea School Committee
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
10/5/04 – 10/26/05
page 6
Proposed Charter School Name:
Central Square Public Charter School
Proposed School Location (City/Town):
38 Exchange Street, Lynn MA 01901
I hereby certify that the information submitted in this prospectus/application is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief and that this prospectus/application has been or is being sent to the
superintendent of each of the districts from which we expect to draw students and from any
contiguous districts. Further, I understand that, if awarded a charter, the proposed school shall be
open to all students on a space available basis, and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, creed, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability,
age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English language or a foreign
language, or academic achievement. I further understand that the information submitted in this
prospectus/application serves as an initial application for start-up assistance funding under the federal
Charter Schools Program grant. This is a true statement, made under the penalties of perjury.
Signature of
Authorized Person
November 3, 2015
(Please label the copy that has original signatures.)
Print/Type Name
Frank DeVito
33 Breed Street, Lynn, MA 01902
Daytime Phone
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page 7
As the authorized representative of the applicant group, I hereby certify under the penalties of
perjury that the information submitted in this application for a charter for Central Square Public
Charter School to be located at 38 Exchange Street, Lynn MA 01901 is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief; and further, I certify that, if awarded a charter, the school:
1. Will not charge tuition, fees, or other mandatory payments for attendance at the charter school,
for participation in required or elective courses, or for mandated services or programs (Mass. Gen.
Laws c. 71, § 89(m), and 603 CMR 1.03(3)).
2. Will not charge any public school for the use or replication of any part of their curriculum subject
to the prescriptions of any contract between the charter school and any third party provider
(Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, § 89(l)).
3. Will permit parents to enroll their children only voluntarily and not because they must send their
children to this school (The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title V,
Part B, Subpart 1 — Public Charter Schools Section 5210(1)(h)).
4. Will enroll any eligible student who submits a timely and complete application, unless the school
receives a greater number of applications than there are spaces for students. If the number of
application exceeds the spaces available, the school will hold a lottery in accordance with
Massachusetts charter laws and regulations (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71 § 89(n), and 603 CMR 1.05).
5. Will be open to all students, on a space available basis, and shall not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin, creed, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or
physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English
language or a foreign language, or academic achievement (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, § 89(m)).
6. Will be secular in its curriculum, programs, admissions, policies, governance, employment
practices, and operation in accordance with the federal and state constitutions and any other
relevant provisions of federal and state law.
7. Will comply with the federal Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972.
8. Will adhere to all applicable provisions of federal and state law relating to students with
disabilities including, but not limited to, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, section 504
of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and
chapter 71B of the Massachusetts General Laws.
9. Will adhere to all applicable provisions of federal and state law relating to students who are
English language learners including, but not limited to, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the
Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974, and chapter 71A of the Massachusetts General Laws.
10. Will comply with all other applicable federal and state law including, but not limited to, the
requirement to offer a school nutrition program (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 69, § 1 (c)).
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11. Will meet the performance standards and assessment requirements set by the Board of
Elementary and Secondary Education for all students in public schools including, but not limited
to, administering the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) (Mass. Gen.
Laws c. 71, § 89(v), and 603 CMR 1.04(3)(k)).
12. Will submit an annual report to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on or
before the required deadline (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71 § 89(jj)).
13. Will submit an accountability plan no later than the end of the first year of the school’s charter,
establishing specific five year performance objectives as specified in the state regulations (603
CMR 1.04 (3)(l)) and guidelines.
14. Will submit an annual independent audit to the Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education and the Office of the State Auditor no later than November 1st of every year, as
required by the charter school statute (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, § 89(jj), or at such other time as
designated in 603 CMR 1.08 (3)).
15. Will submit required enrollment data each March to the Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education by the required deadline (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, § 89(o), and 603 CMR
16. Will meet enrollment projections through demonstration of support for the proposed charter
school in the communities from which students would be likely to enroll (603 CMR 1.04(3)(c)).
17. Will operate in compliance with generally accepted government accounting principles (Mass.
Gen. Laws c. 71, § 89(jj)).
18. Will maintain financial records to meet the requirements of Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, § 89 and 603
CMR 1.00.
19. Will participate in the Massachusetts State Teachers’ Retirement System (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, §
20. Will employ individuals who either hold an appropriate license to teach in a public school in
Massachusetts or who will take and pass the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL)
within their first year of employment and meet all applicable staff requirements of the federal No
Child Left Behind Act (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71 § 89(ii), and 603 CMR 1.06(4)).
21. Will provide the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with written assurance that
a criminal background check has been performed, prior to their employment, on all employees of
the school who will have unsupervised contact with children (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, § 38R, and
603 CMR 1.04(7)(d)).
22. Will obtain and keep current all necessary permits, licenses, and certifications related to fire,
health, and safety within the building(s) and on school property (603 CMR 1.04(7)(e), 1.04(7)(f),
1.05(7)(g), and 1.05(7)(h)).
23. Will maintain uninterrupted necessary and appropriate insurance coverage (603 CMR 1.04(7)(h)).
24. Will submit to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education the names, home
addresses, and employment and educational histories of proposed new members of the school’s
board of trustees for approval prior to their service (603 CMR 1.06(1)(b)).
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25. Will ensure that every member of the school’s board of trustees shall meet all training as
required by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and any other requirements
by other state agencies, including the requirements under the Commonwealth’s open meeting
law and conflict of interest law (603 CMR 1.06).
26. Will ensure that all members of the school’s board of trustees file with the Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education, the State Ethics Commission, and the city or town clerk
where the charter school is located completed financial disclosure forms for the preceding
calendar year according to the schedule required by the Office of Charter Schools and School
Redesign (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, § 89(u)). The disclosure is in addition to the requirements of said
chapter 268A and a member of a board of trustees must also comply with the disclosure and
other requirements of said chapter 268A.
27. Will recognize, if applicable, an employee organization designated by the authorization cards of
50 percent of its employees in the appropriate bargaining unit as the exclusive representative of
all the employees in such unit for the purpose of collective bargaining (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, §
28. Will provide the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with a federal taxpayer
identification number issued solely to the charter school and all required information regarding a
bank account held solely in the name of the charter school (603 CMR 1.04(8)).
29. Will, in the event the board of trustees intends to procure substantially all educational services
for the charter school through a contract with another person or entity, submit such contract for
approval by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to provide for any necessary
revisions and approval prior to the beginning of the contract period (Mass. Gen. Laws c. 71, §
30. Will notify the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education immediately in writing of any
change in circumstances that may have a significant impact on the school’s ability to fulfill its
goals or missions as stated in its charter (603 CMR 1.08(11)).
31. Will submit in writing to the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education a request to
amend its charter if the school plans to make a change to its operations as defined in 603 CMR
Date November 3, 2015
Affiliation: Proposed Chief Executive Officer / Central Square Public Charter School
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These additional assurances are required to ensure compliance with requirements for the federal
Charter Schools Program grant:
Will annually provide the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education such information as may be required to determine if the charter school is
making satisfactory progress toward achieving objectives described in this application (The
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title V, Part B, Subpart 1 — Public
Charter Schools Section 5203(b)(3)).
2. Will cooperate with the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education in evaluating the program described in the application (The Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title V, Part B, Subpart 1 — Public Charter Schools
Section 5203(b)(3)).
3. Will provide other information and assurances as the U.S. Secretary of Education and the
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education may require (The Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title V, Part B, Subpart 1 — Public Charter Schools
Section 5203(b)(3)).
Date November 3, 2015
Affiliation: Proposed Chief Executive Officer / Central Square Public Charter School
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Central Square Public Charter School partners with families and communities to provide powerful
learning experiences that unleash students’ natural potential for creativity, innovation, collaboration
and social responsibility. Through integrated and project-based curricula anchored in authentic
experiences of social entrepreneurship, students develop the academic and social emotional
competencies to complete higher education, thrive in evolving economies, and seize opportunities
to be change agents in their communities. Named after the cultural and civic centers where
communities gather, Central Square serves as a hub for educational and social innovation.
This public school serves students in grades 5 to 12 and their families in the community of Lynn,
Massachusetts. Central Square is committed to educational equity and serves all students, including
English Language Learners, students with diverse mental/physical abilities, and at-risk youths.
Central Square Public Charter School will open in September of 2017 with 160 fifth and sixth graders
and expand by one grade level each year until maximum enrollment of 640 students by 2024.
Our innovative school model leverages research-based design elements that uniquely address the
needs of diverse student populations in under-resourced communities. Central Square integrates the
following five design elements: (1) Project-based Learning; (2) Community-based Learning; (3) Social
Entrepreneurship; (4) Social Emotional Learning; and (5) Arts and Movement.
Design Element #1: Project-based Learning
Project-based learning involves a year-round study where students work in teams to research real
issues that are affecting the Lynn community and develop viable solutions. This process involves
researching and analyzing the problem, designing and testing possible solutions, choosing the best
design based upon the best outcome, and sharing their results with civic authorities and professional
experts in the fields related to their projects. In the process students discover how the academic
disciplines interact and their real-world applications.
Design Element #2: Community-based Learning
The community becomes the classroom for students. The community becomes a partner and teacher
in their formation. Students come to love the assets of their community rather than seeing the
community through the deficit lens that is prevalent in public education. When students become
invested in their communities, they become more sensitive to social problems and more motivated
to be change agents. The curriculum becomes more authentic because it reflects the hopes and
aspirations of their community. Because the curriculum is so deeply connected to the community,
students can see themselves and the result is greater engagement and focus.
Design Element #3: Social Entrepreneurship
Our focus on social entrepreneurship not only serves as the educational structure to develop their
academic and social emotional competencies, but as the vehicle to inspire them to be change agents.
We define social entrepreneurship as the development of innovative and sustainable solutions to
pressing social problems. Social entrepreneurs seize opportunities to transform systems and focus on
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the assets of communities to leverage changes. They do not see the people they serve as passive
beneficiaries or as part of the problem, but as resources and collaborators in the change process. Social
entrepreneurs operate from the core belief that the best solutions unleash the human potential within
Design Element #4: Social Emotional Learning
Social emotional learning (SEL) focuses on helping students to develop a strong sense of identity, set
goals, build resiliency to overcome problems, and cultivate empathy to support constructive
relationships with adults and peers. SEL programming is based on the understanding that the best
learning emerges in the context of supportive relationships that make learning challenging,
engaging, and meaningful.
Design Element #5: Arts and Movement
One learning style does not fit all. Students need to interact with ideas and concepts in multiple ways
because they come to classrooms with particular gifts and learning preferences (linguistic,
kinesthetic, spatial, mathematical, and musical). True student-centered classrooms need to be
structured to honor students’ diverse ways of knowing the world and themselves. Our education
program immerses students in a knowing by doing model. Art is infused into academic subjects to
support student learning and social emotional development. Art activities include: painting, drawing,
models, sculptures, mixed media, music/vocals, drama/performance, and film/media. We define
movement as intentional physical activities built into daily classroom rituals and school program that
support cognitive and social emotional development: short exercise bursts, dance, creative sports, and
problem solving games. Classrooms become working studios where students have opportunities to
interact with and master essential academic concepts and skills through multi-sensory experiences.
The city of Lynn, located in the North Shore of Massachusetts, is a complex linguistic, social, and
cultural mosaic. A historically immigrant community, Lynn is one of the most racially and ethnically
diverse communities in the commonwealth. The community has a fascinating and compelling history
where it has blazed trails in economic, social, and technological innovations. Unfortunately, the city
also has a history of chronic racial and educational barriers that have kept segments of the
population from unleashing their true potential. Only 21.5% of Lynn residents have a bachelor’s
degree and only 14.2% have a graduate or professional degree. 16.2% have some college training but
no degree. Only 35% have a high school diploma or GED. Lynn has always found a way to reinvent
itself at challenging points in its history and the present educational and social conditions demand
The proposed opening of Central Square Public Charter School is not an indictment of the Lynn
Public School system (LPS). While LPS has pockets of innovation, the school system does not have
the integrated approach to student learning described in our school design. A stronger educational
system that offers diverse educational models and programs is essential for transforming the current
educational, economic, and social barriers in Lynn. Lynn has few educational options. KIPP Academy,
the sole charter school located in Lynn, has a waiting list of 200 students. The waiting list balloons to
700 students when including families that have applied to charter schools outside of Lynn.
Our founding team is a diverse and innovative group of professionals and parents who have strong
ties to the Lynn community. The proposed Chief Executive Officer has children in Lynn Public
Schools. We have a proposed board member who served as a Special Education teacher in Lynn and
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another who serves as the Engineering/Technology Program Leader for the Product Engineering
Center at GE Aviation in Lynn. Other proposed board members run college and educational programs
that serve Greater Lynn.
Since 2012 the founding group has conducted focus groups, individual interviews, and surveys of
Lynn parents. Members of the team have also communicated with Lynn parents using social media.
The following is a summary of the educational priorities of Lynn parents. Schools should:
 Provide the foundation for college and career readiness (economic viability)
 Engage students with challenging and relevant curriculum
 Connect student learning to the real world
 Honor students’ identities and cultures (embrace diversity)
 Support students in being agents of change in their community (active citizenship)
 Cultivate student creativity and health through regular access to art, music, and physical activity
 Provide an extended day program
 Support students with a range of health, cognitive, and social emotional challenges
 Involve parents as partners in their children’s education
 Provide a warm, safe, and welcoming school environment
Unfortunately the charter school movement is a source of deep division within Lynn, as it is in other
cities/towns in the Commonwealth and around the country. The labor movement in Lynn has a rich
history of advancing worker protection rights and pro-labor groups see the non-union structure of
most charter schools as an affront to educational and economic equity. The Lynn Public School
administration and School Committee have also taken a stand against charter schools because of
perceived inequities in student enrollment, retention, and funding.
As a way to bridge this divide, the founding group developed the following strategies:
 Equitable and Sustainable Working Conditions. Central Square operates within a 185 day schedule
where staff do not work more than 8 hours per day. This ensures that innovative practices are
sustainable and transferable to district schools.
 Encourage staff to unionize. We are exploring being one of the first Commonwealth Charter
Schools to unionize in Massachusetts in order to pioneer a model that integrates worker
protection rights with educational innovation. This strategy is closely aligned to our school
mission and vision to promote educational equity.
 Implement systematic scaling of effective practices across the district. The proposed Chief
Executive Officer is currently working on a project called the National Center for Scaling Up
Effective Schools (NCSU). The Center is a partnership of Vanderbilt University, North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, and Educational Development Center (EDC). The purpose of NCSU is to develop,
implement, and test new processes to scale up effective practices in secondary schools that
districts will be able to use within the context of their own goals and unique circumstances.
 Leverage the resources of the Big Picture Learning Network to scale innovative practices. Our
school support partner, Big Picture Learning, has pioneered educational innovation and equity for
over 20 years. They operate a school support network that works with districts to adapt
innovative practices to diverse school and community contexts.
 Establish a Lynn Compact or Lynn Educational Network. The cities of Boston and Lawrence have
successfully established an education compact where representatives from district, charter, and
private/religious schools come together on a regular basis to set goals and regularly assess how
they are working together to improve the educational outcomes for all students and families. The
compact provides the infrastructure for these city-wide collaborations and allows for the sharing
of innovative practices and resources.
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Central Square Public Charter School partners with families and communities to provide powerful
learning experiences that unleash students’ natural potential for creativity, innovation, collaboration
and social responsibility. Through integrated and project-based curricula anchored in authentic
experiences of social entrepreneurship, students develop the academic and social emotional
competencies to complete higher education, thrive in evolving economies, and seize opportunities
to be change agents in their communities. Named after the cultural and civic centers where
communities gather, Central Square serves as a hub for educational and social innovation.
This public school serves students in grades 5 to 12 and their families in the community of Lynn,
Massachusetts. Central Square is committed to educational equity and serves all students, including
English Language Learners, students with disabilities, and at-risk youths.
Educational Context: The Challenge
The economic collapse that began in 2007 was a wake-up call to every sector of society: business,
government, education, health and human services, and science and technology. While there was a
popular tendency to think of these sectors as operating as discreet entities, the financial collapse
reminded us that they were integrally connected. Understanding the events that led to the collapse
required policymakers and economists to engage in cross-disciplinary analyses where older economic
models were cast aside because they couldn’t explain or predict events as they were unfolding.
Public education in the 21st century is in a very similar situation. Our current education models need
to be redesigned for the kind of thinking and intellectual habits that an increasingly complex global
economy requires. In the report, Are They Ready to Work? Employer’s Perspectives on Basic
Knowledge and Applied Skills of New Entrants to the 21st Century Workforce (2006), a survey of 400
employers revealed that both high school and college graduates were strikingly unprepared for the
workplace in the 21st century. While employers lamented that a large percentage of graduates were
not proficient in basic skills such as reading, writing, and math, they were more concerned that
graduates could not adequately demonstrate critical thinking/problem solving, creativity/innovation,
and teamwork/collaboration. The report referred to these competencies as applied skills and
employers insisted that they trump basic knowledge and skills such as Reading Comprehension and
Mathematics (p. 9). This is not to say that basic skills are not essential, but if students cannot apply
these skills in real settings, they cannot thrive within an evolving global economy.
Economic and social inequities have led to deeper educational inequities. A new segregation has
emerged where students of color are taught in programs that emphasize basic skills and compliance
while their peers in affluent communities experience an education system that cultivates deeper
learning and creativity (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2015).
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Educational Philosophy: Principles of Powerful Learning
A growing body of research has documented the educational principles that are operative in high
performing schools that prepare diverse student populations for college and career readiness and
advance educational equity (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2015) (Big Picture Learning, 2015)
(Center on International Education Benchmarking, 2015). Our school program is organized around
the following principles of powerful learning:
 Focused and sustained inquiry leads to mastery of essential concepts and skills
 Learning is deeply connected to students’ identities, passions, and their local communities
 Students engage in hands-on learning experiences linked to college and career settings
 The purpose of education is for social change and creatively transforming unjust systems
 Students learn best in the context of supportive relationships with adults and peers
 Arts and movement are co-academic subjects that support intellectual and personal development
 Excellence requires a commitment to continuous improvement and personal resilience
Core Educational Values
Achieving our educational outcomes (college readiness, economic viability, and social change)
requires a school culture that daily advances the following core educational values: creativity,
innovation, collaboration, and social responsibility.
Creativity. Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is
characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make
connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions. According to
Bloom’s taxonomy, creativity is the highest cognitive skill (Krathwohl 2002) and cognitive
researchers have discovered that creative insights are based upon two cognitive operations that are
happening at the same time in different parts of the brain. In one operation, associative or divergent
thinking, thoughts are intuitive and explore an expansive range of possibilities. The other operation
is convergent thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize. Both operations need to be at play for
the creative process to emerge (Bowden, Jung-Beeman, Fleck, Kounios, 2005) (Runco, 2004).
Innovation. At the intersection of creativity and need is innovation. Innovation is the implementation
of a new or significantly improved product, service or process that creates value for a community
sector (business, education, government, health and human services). For example, Dr. Maria
Montessori noticed that students in Rome (especially those with special needs) struggled with
traditional classroom pedagogy. Through innovative thinking she developed a new approach where
students would be allowed to explore their individual pursuits and in the process arrive at a much
higher level of learning than their peers who were taught in traditional classrooms. Innovation is rthe
powerful application of a creative idea to address a real social problem and the ability to see it
through. Innovation involves developing a deep sense of resiliency because obstacles will be
encountered and mistakes will be made as a creative idea becomes reality.
Collaboration. Aristotle’s powerful insight, “the whole is more than the sum of its parts,”
(Metaphysics) is the core meaning of collaboration. The late Steve Jobs of Apple Computer stated in
a number of interviews that Apple products were possible only because his team believed in the
power of collaboration. Cognitive research supports this approach: new solutions, models, and
innovative ways of thinking usually happen among peer groups discussing and wrestling with
problems together (Dunbar 1995, 1999). Given the increasing complexity of the work place and our
social challenges, the synergy of collaboration will be an essential requirement for students as they
enter the 21st century economy.
Social Responsibility. Social responsibility is the emerging awareness that our actions and decisions
have ethical consequences. Discovering their power to be change agents within their families,
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schools, and communities is an essential developmental stage for adolescents (Berman 1993, 1997).
They try on and experiment with different roles as they interact with peers and adults. Cultivating an
ethic of compassion and a sense of responsibility to others is a critical step in their self-discovery.
Providing students with opportunities to exercise social responsibility is critical in helping them to
develop a sense of purpose and to discover their unique talents.
Educational Approach and School Design
Implementation of our educational principles and core values requires an innovative school model
that leverages research-based design elements that uniquely address the needs of diverse student
populations in under-resourced communities. Central Square integrates the following five design
elements: (1) Project-based Learning; (2) Community-based Learning; (3) Social Entrepreneurship; (4)
Social Emotional Learning; and (5) Arts and Movement.
Design Element #1: Project-based Learning
Project-based learning involves a year-round study where students work in teams to research real
issues that are affecting the Lynn community and develop viable solutions. This process involves
researching and analyzing the problem, designing and testing possible solutions, choosing the best
design based upon the best outcome, and sharing their results with civic authorities and professional
experts in the fields related to their projects. In the process students discover how the academic
disciplines interact and their real-world applications.
Design Element #2: Community-based Learning
The community becomes the classroom for students. The community becomes a partner and teacher
in their formation. Students come to love the assets of their community rather than seeing the
community through the deficit lens that is prevalent in public education. When students become
invested in their communities, they become more sensitive to social problems and more motivated
to be change agents. The curriculum becomes more authentic because it reflects the hopes and
aspirations of their community. Because the curriculum is so deeply connected to the community,
students can see themselves and the result is greater engagement and focus.
Design Element #3: Social Entrepreneurship
Our focus on social entrepreneurship not only serves as the educational structure to develop their
academic and social emotional competencies, but as the vehicle to inspire them to be change agents.
We define social entrepreneurship as the development of innovative and sustainable solutions to
pressing social problems. Social entrepreneurs seize opportunities to transform systems and focus on
the assets of communities to leverage changes. They do not see the people they serve as passive
beneficiaries or as part of the problem, but as resources and collaborators in the change process. Social
entrepreneurs operate from the core belief that the best solutions unleash the human potential within
communities (Bornstein, 2004) (Ashoka Innovators for the Public, 2012).
Design Element #4: Social Emotional Learning
Social emotional learning (SEL) focuses on helping students to develop a strong sense of identity, set
goals, build resiliency to overcome problems, and cultivate empathy to support constructive
relationships with adults and peers. SEL programming is based on the understanding that the best
learning emerges in the context of supportive relationships that make learning challenging,
engaging, and meaningful.
Design Element #5: Arts and Movement
One learning style does not fit all. Students need to interact with ideas and concepts in multiple ways
because they come to classrooms with particular gifts and learning preferences (linguistic,
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kinesthetic, spatial, mathematical, and musical). True student-centered classrooms need to be
structured to honor students’ diverse ways of knowing the world and themselves. Our education
program immerses students in a knowing by doing model. Art is infused into academic subjects to
support student learning and social emotional development. Art activities include: painting, drawing,
models, sculptures, mixed media, music/vocals, drama/performance, and film/media. We define
movement as intentional physical activities built into daily classroom rituals and school program that
support cognitive and social emotional development: short exercise bursts, dance, creative sports, and
problem solving games. Classrooms become working studios where students have opportunities to
interact with and master essential academic concepts and skills through multi-sensory experiences.
Structure of School Day and Year
Central Square operates within a yearly schedule of 185 days and a daily schedule of 8:30 am to 5:30
pm, Monday through Friday. The school day is organized into six blocks, 75 minutes per block. These
blocks include academic subjects linked to a project: Math Integration, English Language Arts
Integration, Social Studies Integration, and Science Integration. They also include co-academic
subjects linked to a project: Arts Integration and Movement Integration. The daily schedule includes
a 30 minute morning circle (advisory) at the beginning of the day and a 60 minute community lunch.
Students at the high school level participate in a full day internship once a week: 9th and 10th graders
on Tuesdays and 11th and 12th graders on Thursdays.
Student Goals: Essential Academic and Social Emotional Competencies
Central Square’s education program is best described as the MCF in action. Below are the essential
academic (A) and social emotional competencies (SE) students will develop:
Students will be able to:
 Conduct community research to identify and analyze a critical, local issue (A)
 Gather relevant information from a variety of sources, assess their credibility (A)
 Make strategic use of multi-media to translate information into visual and auditory forms (A)
 Explain how key academic concepts and skills were applied during research and analysis (A)
 Produce clear and coherent writing for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences (A)
 Engage in self-awareness to understand one’s thoughts, emotions, and areas for growth (A/SE)
Students will be able to:
 Construct explanations and design solutions to a real community problems (A)
 Create maps and illustrations to spatially represent observations and findings (A)
 Use evidence to support analysis and reflection (A)
 Accurately use a range of academic and domain specific vocabulary (A)
 Explain how key academic concepts and skills were applied while designing solutions (A)
 Engage in social awareness to empathize with others from diverse backgrounds (SE)
Students will be able to:
 Participate effectively in a range of discussions and collaborations with diverse partners regarding
key community issues and challenges (A/SE)
 Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement,
and justifying views with evidence and reasoning (A/SE)
 Work with peers to capitalize on individual and group strengths (SE)
 Regulate one’s thoughts and emotions in different situations, managing stress (SE)
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 Develop public speaking skills; present information, findings, and supporting evidence (A/SE)
Social Responsibility
Students will be able to:
 Increase civic efficacy and voice to make changes in the community (A/SE)
 Work with peers and adults to promote civil, democratic discussions and decision-making (A/SE)
 Express own ideas clearly while recognizing and building on others' ideas (A/SE)
 Transfer their learning to additional contexts and link critical reflection to action; critically assess
systems of power in the local community and larger world (A/SE)
 Sustain healthy relationships with diverse individual and groups and constructively manage
conflict (SE)
 Exercise persistence in achieving academic, personal, and community goals (A/SE)
Expanding Educational Options
Currently, Lynn families have few educational options. KIPP Academy, the sole charter school located
in Lynn, has a waiting list of 200 students. The waiting list balloons to 700 students when including
families that have applied to charter schools outside of Lynn.
Our innovative school design, a student-centered learning approach inspired by the Big Picture
Learning model, is not an option in Lynn. Our proposed CEO, a Lynn resident with children in Lynn
Public Schools, has over twenty-five years of experience in public education as a co-founder of
innovative schools in Chelsea, a school leader, a teacher, an educational consultant, and a non-profit
leader. He conducted a study of Lynn’s educational programs from 2012 to 2015. While Lynn has
pockets of innovation such as an afterschool STEM robotics initiative that targets the elementary
schools, the school system does not use an integrated approach to student learning outlined in our
school design. Innovations are typically afterschool programs or they tacked onto existing programs.
The study revealed that there were no cases where an innovation fundamentally changed a school’s
structure or system. Central Square would be the only school in Lynn that offers an integrated
approach to student learning.
Our Vision for the Future
In five years, Central Square Public Charter School will achieve the following benchmarks:
 Inclusive School Environment. Central Square will serve a diverse student population that includes
higher percentages of student with disabilities, low-income students, and ELL students than Lynn
Public Schools. Central Square will become a trusted educational institution within Lynn because
of the school’s commitment to educational equity and excellence.
 College and Career Readiness. Central Square students will be on track for 100% graduation rate.
Student will have outperformed the district and be close to the state average in MCAS/PARCC
assessments. Diverse student populations (Special Education, ELL, and High Need) will also
outperform the district and be close to the state average in MCAS/PARCC. Students’ project
learning plans and portfolios will reflect high quality and rigor. Central Square will also have
established a local and national model in how to use the arts and movement to support learning
and college/career readiness.
 Student Agency and Efficacy. Because social entrepreneurship is the heart of the learning
curricula, students will have contributed real and authentic solutions to pressing educational,
economic, and social issues. Stakeholders from various community sectors (government,
business, and health and human services) will report that students helped to improve the quality
of life within the city. Through project work and internships, students will be very visible in the city
and seen as leaders in their community.
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 Community Forums and Exhibitions. Because Central Square is a competency-based learning
environment, students will provide quarterly presentations of their project work through
community forums and exhibitions. Community and field experts will have the opportunity to
provide critical feedback.
 Family and Community Partnerships. Central Square will establish a local and national model in
how to leverage family and community resources within the city to support student learning and
to capitalize on student project ideas to make civic improvements.
 Democratic Governance. All stakeholders (staff, students, families, and community partners) will
have a voice in helping the school to realize its mission. This commitment to democratic
governance will contribute to high staff retention rates and higher engagement of families and
the community.
 Lynn Educational Compact. Central Square will work with the Lynn Public Schools to create an
educational compact (modeled after Boston and Lawrence) to expand educational options for
students in the city. This will involve scaling effective components of our school design
throughout the district and beyond.
Continuous Improvement: Assessing School and Community Outcomes
Central Square will use the PLAN/DO/STUDY/ACT (PDSA) approach to continuous improvement
(Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2015). This approach involves iterative
cycles where stakeholders conduct quarterly study (every 8-9 weeks) to determine whether specific
actions within our school program are resulting in desired outcomes and the adjustments that need
to be made. The following chart summarizes the types of proximal and distal data that various
stakeholders will review to determine the school’s success in achieving its mission.
Community partners
Lynn Public Schools /
Lynn Educational
 Enrollment percentages of students with disabilities and ELL students
 Performance/competency-based assessments (project portfolios)
 Standardized Assessments: Formative (ANET), ACCESS, MCAS/PARCC,
 Student performance measures (grades, attendance)
 Holistic classroom assessments (social emotional strengths / challenges)
 College enrollment / completion rates
 Civic engagement (voter registration, community involvement)
 Economic viability (employment, income, assets, job satisfaction)
 Staff retention rates
 Scaling of effective educational practices within Lynn Public Schools
Lynn, Massachusetts: Cultural Capital and Pioneering History
The city of Lynn, located in the North Shore of Massachusetts, is a complex linguistic, social, and
cultural mosaic. A historically immigrant community, Lynn is one of the most racially and ethnically
diverse communities in the commonwealth. Lynn’s demographic includes 54.5% White, 27.7% Latino,
11.1% Black, and 5.2% Asian (U.S. Census, 2010). Lynn’s student demographic is even more diverse: 22%
White, 53% Latino, 11.3% Black, and 9.8% Asian (ESE, 2014).
There is much to discover in Lynn. Boasting a unique physical landscape, the city borders the Atlantic
Ocean on the East and is the home of a 2,220 acre forest reserve, Lynn Woods, which has an array of
wetlands, ponds, trails, and other natural wonders. Any historian will tell you that Lynn has a
fascinating and compelling history that rivals other historical communities both within and outside
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Massachusetts. The following highlights some key events in the pioneering history of Lynn
(Massachusetts Historical Commission):
 Technological Innovation. In 1629, the first tannery in the U.S. is opened in Lynn. In 1888, the first
electric trolley in Massachusetts is established in Lynn. In 1912, the first airmail delivery in New
England is made from Saugus to Lynn. In 1942, the first American jet engine was built at the
General Electric plant in Lynn.
 Social Innovation. In 1847, Lynn resident and astronomer, Maria Mitchell, is the first woman
inducted into the Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1875, Lydia Pinkham is the first woman to
brand and mass advertise a product (Pinkham Vegetable Compound). In 1875, Mary Baker Eddy
gave her first talk in Lynn on Christian Science which would serve as the foundation of the
Christian Science Church.
Community Challenges
While Lynn has enjoyed a rich history, the city was not immune to the economic downturn that also
affected similar industrial powerhouses like Lowell, Lawrence, Fall River, and New Bedford. Lynn’s
median income is 1/3 the state average. Median household income has declined by 5% in the past 20
years while the median income statewide has increased by 10% (Salem which borders Lynn
experienced an increase of 20%). Between 2001 and 2009 Lynn lost 2,712 jobs—the manufacturing
sector accounted for more than half the job losses. The poverty level is almost twice that of the state
average and Lynn has one of the highest foreclosure rates in Massachusetts (Massachusetts
Department of Housing and Community Development, Lynn Community Profile).
Lynn’s economic and social challenges are mirrored in its educational status. Only 21.5% of Lynn
residents have a bachelor’s degree and only 14.2% have a graduate or professional degree. 16.2% have
some college training but no degree. Only 35% have a high school diploma or GED (U.S. Census 2010).
Need for Central Square Public Charter School
Lynn has always found a way to reinvent itself at challenging points in its history and the present
educational conditions demand reinvention. A stronger educational system that offers diverse
educational models and programs is essential for transforming the current educational, economic,
and social barriers in Lynn. As previously stated, Lynn has few educational options. KIPP Academy,
the sole charter school located in Lynn, has a waiting list of 200 students. The waiting list balloons to
700 students when including families that have applied to charter schools outside of Lynn.
Since 2012 the founding group has conducted focus groups, individual interviews, and surveys of
Lynn parents. Members of the team have also communicated with Lynn parents using social media.
The following is a summary of the educational priorities of Lynn parents. Schools should:
 Provide the foundation for college and career readiness (economic viability)
 Engage students with challenging and relevant curriculum
 Connect student learning to the real world
 Honor students’ identities and cultures (embrace diversity)
 Support students in being agents of change in their community (active citizenship)
 Cultivate student creativity and health through regular access to art, music, and physical activity
 Provide an extended day program
 Support students with a range of health, cognitive, and social emotional challenges
 Involve parents as partners in their children’s education
 Provide a warm, safe, and welcoming school environment
In response to these needs and challenges, we developed a logic model that outlined the following:
 WHY: A clear statement about why Central Square is needed
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 SITUATION: A description of the challenges in Lynn and needs of families
 INPUTS: School design elements that address these challenges and needs
 OUTPUTS: Specific actions to address needs and challenges (what we do) and the populations we
are serving (who we reach)
 OUTCOMES: Short, medium, and long term
 EVALUATION: Our primary method to measure student and community outcomes
A full description of the logic model can be found in Attachment 13.
Our school design was well received in the twenty-three information sessions held between 2012 and
2015 where we connected with over 800 families. Parents felt that the focus on project-based and
multi-modal learning would greatly benefit their children. Parents of children with disabilities
reported that our school design was the kind of school they were looking for but lamented that this
level of programming was not available in Lynn. They appreciated the extended school day and the
daily access to art, music, and physical activity. Parents were also impressed with the student
outcome data from Big Picture Learning (our school support partner) that revealed that students
who attended schools that used similar program practices, consistently scored higher than their
peers in standardized state assessments, had higher college enrollment and completion rates, and
had higher reports of career/job satisfaction (see Attachment 12, Impact of BPL’s Learning Model in
Raising Student Performance).
Founding Team’s Connection to Lynn Community
Our founding team is a diverse and innovative group of professionals and parents who have strong
ties to the Lynn community. The proposed Chief Executive Officer has children in Lynn Public
Schools. We have a proposed board member who served as a Special Education teacher in Lynn and
another who serves as the Engineering/Technology Program Leader for the Product Engineering
Center at GE Aviation in Lynn. Other proposed board members run college and educational programs
that serve Greater Lynn.
Projected Student Enrollment and School Expansion
Central Square will serve students in grades 5 to 12. The school will open in the fall of 2017 with 160
fifth and sixth graders (80 students per grade) and expand by one grade level each year until the
school reaches maximum enrollment of 640 students by 2024. We have chosen this grade span
because Lynn’s MCAS scores reveal that while students at the elementary level are scoring close to
the state average in Math, English, and Science, the gap widens beginning in grade 5 at the middle
and high school levels (ESE, 2014). Central Square Public Charter School believes that an innovative
educational program that targets the middle and high school grades ensures higher student
performance and builds the foundation for college and career readiness. KIPP Academy uses a similar
grade configuration and they have a documented history of success.
We anticipate our waiting list to be between 200 to 400 students based upon KIPP Academy’s
waiting list for their middle and high school programs.
Student Recruitment and Educational Equity
Since 2012 we have engaged families and Lynn community leaders through quarterly community
forums and social media. In November of 2014 we posted a school website that has received over
5,300 hits. We have received over 1,200 inquiries from families wishing to enroll their children. To
ensure that all families have full access to our school, we have developed a recruitment strategy that
involves cultivating relationships with Lynn-based community agencies that serve high need families
to ensure equity and access for all students: Bridgewell, Catholic Charities, Community Minority
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Cultural Center, Children’s Law Center, Family and Children Services, Lynn Community Health Center,
Lynn Housing Authority, Lynn Shelter Association, Operation Bootstrap, New American Center, and
local churches and places of worship.
Collaboration with Lynn Public Schools and Commitment to Scaling Effective Practices
Central Square’s educational model is not available in Lynn and the district has not pursued the
Horace Mann charter school model to advance the educational innovations described in our design.
Unfortunately the charter school movement is a source of deep division within Lynn, as it is in other
cities/towns in the Commonwealth and around the country. The labor movement in Lynn has a rich
history of advancing worker protection rights and pro-labor groups see the non-union structure of
most charter schools as an affront to educational and economic equity. The Lynn Public School (LPS)
administration and School Committee have also taken a stand against charter schools because of
perceived inequities in student enrollment, retention, and funding.
As a way to bridge this divide, the founding group developed the following strategies:
 Equitable and Sustainable Working Conditions. Central Square operates within a 185 day schedule
where staff do not work more than 8 hours per day. This ensures that innovate practices are
sustainable and transferable to district schools.
 Encourage staff to unionize. We are exploring being one of the first Commonwealth Charter
Schools to unionize in Massachusetts in order to pioneer a model that integrates worker
protection rights with educational innovation. This strategy is closely aligned to our school
mission and vision to promote educational equity.
 Implement systematic scaling of effective practices across the district. The proposed Chief
Executive Officer is currently working on a project called the National Center for Scaling Up
Effective Schools (NCSU). The Center is a partnership of Vanderbilt University, North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, and Educational Development Center (EDC). The purpose of NCSU is to develop,
implement, and test new processes to scale up effective practices in secondary schools that
districts will be able to use within the context of their own goals and unique circumstances. The
Center has successfully scaled innovative practices in Growth Mindsets in Texas and Social
Emotional Learning in Florida. Using a PLAN, DO, STUDY, ACT (PDSA) model, a district can engage
in an iterative cycle of testing and adapt innovative practices within different school contexts. The
lessons of NCSU in scaling effective practices will be applied to Lynn and other districts.
 Leverage the resources of the Big Picture Learning Network (BPL) to scale innovative practices. Our
school support partner, BPL, has pioneered educational innovation and equity for over 20 years.
They operate a school support network that works with districts to adapt innovative practices to
diverse school and community contexts.
 Establish a Lynn Compact or Lynn Educational Network. The cities of Boston and Lawrence have
successfully established an education compact where representatives from district, charter, and
private/religious schools come together on a regular basis to set goals and regularly assess how
they are working together to improve the educational outcomes for all students and families. The
compact provides the infrastructure for these city-wide collaborations and allows for the sharing
of innovative practices and resources.
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School Year
Grade Levels
Total Student
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
5 - 10
Year 6
5 - 11
Year 7
5 - 12
Projected Student Enrollment and Growth Strategy
Central Square Public Charter School will serve students in grades 5 to 12. The school will open in
September of 2017 with 160 fifth graders and sixth grade students and expand by one grade level
each year until the school reaches maximum capacity of 640 students by 2023. This growth strategy
is consistent with expansion models found in high performing charter schools (Zimmer, Gill, Booker,
Lavertu, Witte 2009). This growth plan is also very similar to KIPP Academy’s growth plan at the
middle and high school levels. This expansion approach allows for the creation of small learning
communities where staff can respond more effectively to the unique learning needs of each student.
Given the high demand for staff planning and collaboration that our education program requires, this
growth plan allows for the proper training and support of new staff.
In order to ensure educational equity, Central Square Public Charter School will allow enrollment at
ALL grade levels should there be student attrition. Our enrollment policy will not allow backfilling if a
student in the upper grades has left the school. After a study of the charter school waiting lists from
2012 to 2015, high numbers of Lynn students had applied for seats at each grade level from
elementary to high school. We are confident that enrollment numbers will be consistent across all
grade levels with an equitable enrollment policy that allows students to enter the school at each
grade level if attrition occurs.
Commitment to Recruiting and Enrolling Diverse Student Populations
Members of the founding team have deep personal and professional connections to the community
of Lynn. One of the hallmarks of our mission and education program is that we value family and
community partnerships as a critical vehicle in supporting powerful student learning and high
performance. Our goal is to reverse the perception in Lynn that charter schools are only interested in
high achieving students and systematically screen out ELL and Special Education students. This
perception was echoed in meetings founding team members had with community leaders and in
focus groups with families and students who graduated from Lynn Public Schools. Our Recruitment
and Retention Plan (see Attachment 2) demonstrates a deep commitment to recruit and support
students with disabilities, ELL students, and high need students. The proposed CEO has children with
IEPs in the Lynn Public Schools and two of our proposed board members are Special Education
teachers. We will be relying upon our extensive community network to identify struggling students
and families who could greatly benefit from our education model. Big Picture Learning will also be
offering technical support during the recruitment process (refer to the pre-operational section in
Attachment 11).
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Our Recruitment and Retention Plan (Attachment 2) represents a relentless commitment to recruit
students with disabilities, ELL students, and high need students. We will use the following
community relationships to identify struggling students and leverage support for high need families:
 Family and Children Services of Greater Lynn. This trusted community agency has worked
extensively to provide health and education services to struggling families. We hosted our first
focus groups at this agency and the plan is to host information sessions to support recruitment
efforts. We will provide translation services in Spanish and Khmer.
 Lynn Community Health Center. The health center connects high need families with
comprehensive health care. The health center will be a partner in providing wraparound services
to CENTRAL SQUARE students and their families, and our plan is to host information sessions at
the center. We will provide translation services in Spanish and Khmer.
 Community Minority Cultural Center. The mission of the Community Minority Cultural Center is to
promote multiculturalism, provide multicultural enrichment programs for all youths and adults so
that they may take pride in the achievements of all ethnic groups and races, disseminate
information regarding social services and economic opportunities, and provide a place where
persons of diverse cultures may meet, conduct programs, share experiences, and problem-solve
community challenges in the greater Lynn area.
 Lynn Parents Organizing for a Better Education. This parent group was established in Lynn to
serve as an advocacy arm for multilingual families. Their work focuses primarily upon educational
equity and improving services for ELL and Special Education students. Since they are well
connected to families who have ELL and Special Education students, our plan is to work with
them to identify students who could benefit from our program.
 New American Center. The center is a coalition of seven partner agencies that serve the refugee
and immigrant communities of Lynn. Our plan is to work with the center to identify high need
students and their families.
 Lynn Media Outlets. Lynn has several popular media outlets that can raise awareness about the
school. The Daily Item and Lynn Happens provides timely news in both electronically and in print.
The Lynn Community Access TV Channel is also a popular vehicle for Lynn news and can serve as an
effective vehicle to raise community awareness about the school.
 Lynn Church and Temple Network. Lynn has a number of churches and temples that work actively
with diverse populations in Lynn. Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church serves a large Latino community
and the Sanghikaram Vat Khmer is a Buddhist temple that serves large segments of the
Cambodian community. Design team members have attended various functions in churches and
temples across the city to raise awareness about the school. We will continue to network with
church and temple leaders to identify struggling students and their families.
For a full description of recruitment and community engagement activities, please refer to the Draft
Recruitment and Retention Plan (Attachment 2).
Enrollment Policy
Central Square Public Charter School is committed to serving a diverse student population because
we believe that the unique power of public education is that no student is turned away. While we
are committed to serving all students, we are particularly invested in serving students with
disabilities, ELL students, and high need students. Our plan is to collaborate with the Lynn Public
School district and community agencies to identify students who are not experiencing success within
district educational programs. Our hope is that our commitment to serve all students will help bridge
the political divide between charter schools and districts. The following is a brief review of our
admission process:
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 Grades for Admission. We will have a maximum enrollment of 80 students per grade level. As
previously stated, admission will begin in grade 5 and continue until grade 12. Students will be
allowed to enroll in the school at each grade level. This policy will ensure educational equity
because charter schools are consistently critiqued for backfilling student enrollment when
attrition occurs.
 Application and lottery deadlines. Student applications (see Attachment 4, Draft Student
Application Form) are due the second Tuesday of every February and the lottery is conducted the
Thursday of the same week. Our first set of student applications will be due by Tuesday, February
14, 2017 and the lottery will be held on Thursday, February 16, 2017.
 Lottery Coordination and ESE reporting. During the pre-operational year, the proposed CEO will be
responsible for compiling lottery applications and completing the Pre-Enrollment Report that
needs to be submitted to ESE by mid-March 2017. The February 16, 2017 lottery is slated to be
coordinated by the staff of the Community Minority Cultural Center and held at their Lynn office.
For a full description of the Draft Enrollment Policy, please refer to Attachment 3.
Educational Program and Evidence of Effectiveness for Diverse Learners
Central Square Public Charter School’s educational program implements and integrates the practices
of five design elements: (1) Project-based Learning; (2) Community-based Learning; (3) Social
Entrepreneurship; (4) Social Emotional Learning; and (5) Arts and Movement.
Project-based learning practices include:
 Integrated Learning Experiences. The academic and the co-academic subjects (arts and movement)
are organized to support students’ inquiry and learning experiences and to demonstrate crosscurricula connections and their applications. Each subject is labeled with the term integration to
emphasize that the core concepts and skills being studied are directly linked to a project. The
Roman numeral denotes developmental level. For example, Science at grade 5 becomes Science
Integration I, grade 6- Science Integration II, grade 7- Science Integration III, and grade 8- Science
Integration IV. This pattern then repeats itself at the high school level.
 Expanded Learning Time. Academic and co-academic classes are organized into six 75 minute
blocks to provide adequate time for students to engage in focused and sustained inquiry.
 Project teams. Students are organized into flexible project teams (4 to 5 members) over the course
of the year so that they can experience the synergy of collaboration to support their academic and
social emotional development.
 Competency or Performance-based Assessments. Students are required to demonstrate their
mastery of core concepts and skills during each phase of the project through portfolios and
Evidence of project-based learning improving student outcomes for diverse learners:
Improved performance in state administered assessments (Geier, Blumenfeld, Marx, Krajcik,
Fishman, Soloway, Clay-Chambers 2008)
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Higher attendance, retention, and college enrollment/completion rates (Strobel, Van Barneveld
Improved performance of struggling learners (Lynch, Kuipers, Pyke, Szesze 2005)
Supporting deeper mastery of math and science concepts and skills (National Clearinghouse for
Comprehensive School Reform 2004)
Improving college and career readiness, especially in STEM related fields (Walker, Leary 2008).
Community-based Learning practices include:
 Community Exploration. Because students will engage in year-round study of a community issue or
challenge, they make expeditions to community sites to conduct research. Grade-level teaching
staff are responsible for scheduling and coordinating these field visits. At the beginning of the
year, families are asked to sign an Expedition Permission Form that includes possible sites that
students will research.
 Tutoring and Mentoring Program. Community professionals and volunteers coach students in realworld application of academic and social emotional competencies and provide targeted support to
help students improve problem areas in their performance. This program occurs within classrooms
to ensure that support is monitored by staff and is aligned with academic and social emotional goals.
The Community Learning Director is responsible for the recruiting volunteers, conducting CORIs of
prospective tutors, and the training of tutors. The Community Learning Director is responsible for
co-developing a tutor schedule with prospective volunteers and notifies core academic teachers
and specialists when tutors will be available. Students who are performing below grade-level in
English or Math (based upon quarterly formative assessments and competency assessments in
their project learning plan) are given first priority for tutors. High need students, as determined by
RPM (Resilience Program Management-- a tiered academic and social emotional intervention
system) have the opportunity for one-on-one tutoring for 2 to 3 days a week for up to 2 to 3 hours
per week. As previously stated, tutoring occurs within integrated learning classes and is supervised
by core academic teachers and specialists.
 Internships. Students experience how learning happens in work place contexts and they come to
understand the links to their academic studies. Learning by doing is an essential component of our
school design and the hallmark of Big Picture Learning schools. Internships are one full day per
week beginning at the high school level. 9th and 10th graders do their internships on Tuesdays and
11th and 12th graders do them on Thursdays. The Community Learning Director is responsible for
arranging placements and recruiting community sectors (government, health and human services,
legal, science and technology, and for-profit/non-profit businesses) to participate in the internship
program. First priority is given to cultivating internship partnerships within Greater Lynn
organizations and businesses, but partnerships may also occur outside the city based upon
available sites and student demand. Placements are based upon the interests and passions of
students and a clear connection to the project focus of the year. Placement decisions are
determined by the student, his/her morning circle advisor (academic advisor), and site coordinator
at the internship site. The Community Learning Director creates a Community Learning Contract
that highlights the responsibilities of the student and the internship site. A student performance
evaluation is part of the internship program and the evaluation becomes a part of a student’s
Project Learning Plan (a comprehensive compendium of student performance that includes
competency-based, formative, and MCAS/PARCC data). The Community Learning Director is
responsible for checking in with sites to get updates about a student’s progress at the internship
site. If there are performance issues, the Community Learning Director convenes a meeting with
the morning circle advisor and site coordinator to problem-solve issues and to develop a plan to
improve student performance. Internships typically last a minimum of one semester and a
maximum of two semesters. The goal is to rotate students through a series of experiences from
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their 9th to 12th grade so that students are prepared to map out a possible career path that will
become part of their College and Career Plan, a prerequisite for graduation.
 Dual Enrollment College Program. Big Picture Learning has successfully implemented a
competency-based degree program called College for America. High school students typically earn
4 to 12 credits towards a bachelor program and in some cases earn an Associate degree by the time
they graduate from high school. Students will have the option of using their internship day to take
a college course at local New England colleges that participate in the program. Students typically
receive a substantial discount on college course costs or the tuition is fully paid by philanthropies.
Students would still be required to participate fully in the academic and co-academic program at
Central Square but the dual enrollment program provides both the cost-savings of earning college
credit and a college experience that will jumpstart their college and career plans. The Higher
Education Director will be responsible for coordinating the dual enrollment program.
Evidence of community-based learning improving student outcomes for diverse learners:
Increased student engagement and academic achievement (SEER 2006)
Improved performance on state assessments and decreased behavior problems (Hughes 2002)
Decreased drop-out rate, improved attendance and higher graduation rates (Hughes 2002)
Students with an adult mentor in school or at the workplace had higher attendance and GPA
(National Commission on Service Learning 2002)
Social Entrepreneurship practices include:
 Social Entrepreneur Mindsets. As students engage in project-based learning, they begin to
understand the ways that social entrepreneurs approach community challenges and adopt the
critical perspective that the community is not the problem but a partner in leveraging assets and
developing sustainable solutions. Students adopt the relentless approach of social entrepreneurs in
implementing their change strategy and the use of data to assess impact and to make adjustments.
 Mini-Learning Forums. Students present quarterly updates on the progress of their projects to
community leaders and field experts who provide critical feedback.
 Community Learning Forums. At the conclusion of each year, student teams will be required to
share their project work findings and solutions with a panel of parents, board members,
community members, and field specialists.
Evidence of social entrepreneurship projects improving student outcomes for diverse learners:
Y-PLAN (Youth-Plan, Learn, Act, Now), a social entrepreneurship program developed by the
University of California in Berkeley reports that students who participated in the program
demonstrated improved academic achievement and civic involvement when compared with their
peers (Center for Cities and Schools 2015)
Big Picture Learning (BPL) schools that typically have entrepreneur projects and internships as part
of their school programming consistently achieve significant gains in attendance and performance
on state and district academic assessments in essential skill areas, as well as dramatically reduce
dropout and suspension/expulsion rates, increase graduation rates, college acceptance,
matriculation, and persistence (Big Picture Learning 2015).
Social Emotional Learning practices include:
 Morning Circle. Students begin the first 30 minutes of the day in morning circle where they connect
with a staff member and a small group of 8 to 10 students. Morning circle has three goals: (1)
Provide a safe space where students can share their thoughts and feelings; (2) Help students to
focus on their academic and personal goals; and (3) Provide training in strategies to support
social/emotional development (i.e. resiliency training). The morning circle advisor is also the
primary point of contact for families and teachers of a student. If a teacher or parent has a
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question or concern, the morning circle advisor is responsible for connecting with parties to
resolve an issue. This ensures that there is clear and consistent communication being exchanged
between the school and families.
 Restorative Justice Program. Restorative Justice is a proactive disciplinary program that builds
community by empowering students to resolve conflicts and problem behaviors. This program is
explained in detail in Section 2/E.
 Continuous Learning (looping). Students are organized in grade-level cohorts (20 students per
cohort) where they work with the same group of teachers for four consecutive years. Each gradelevel cohort is called a Project Advisory. This structure is an essential component of our school
design and the hallmark of Big Picture schools. A growing body of research has documented that
students achieve greater levels of learning and achievement when transitions and disruptions are
minimized. This structure also allows for staff and students to develop deeper relationships where
students feel known as learners and their growth can be more closely monitored
 Resilience Program Management (RPM). Through RPM students have access to a comprehensive
system of academic and social emotional interventions to address their diverse needs and to build
resiliency to overcome challenges.
Evidence of social emotional learning improving student for diverse learners (Collaborative for
Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning 2015):
Improved academic performance: achievement scores an average of 11 percentile points higher
than students who did not receive SEL programming;
Improved attitudes and behaviors: greater motivation to learn, deeper commitment to school,
increased time devoted to schoolwork, and better classroom behavior;
Fewer negative behaviors: decreased disruptive class behavior, noncompliance, aggression,
delinquent acts, and disciplinary referrals; and
Reduced emotional distress: fewer reports of student depression, anxiety, stress, and social
Arts and movement practices include:
 Studio environment. Classrooms are structured as studio workspaces where students have
opportunities to experiment with ideas and concepts using multiple mediums.
 Arts and movement infusion. Through diverse art mediums (painting, drawing, models, music,
film/media, drama/performance) and movement strategies (exercise bursts, kinesthetic problemsolving games), students creatively explore, develop, and demonstrate their understanding of key
academic concepts and skills. Arts and movement teachers (or co-academic teachers) have
opportunities to co-teach with academic teachers to provide multisensory learning experiences. All
teachers use a Co-Teaching Protocol where each teacher is actively involved in facilitating learning
in the classroom, gathering data about student learning strengths/challenges, and managing
student behaviors and interactions. All teachers at the school are both content specialists and
generalists. This is an essential component of our school design and the hallmark of Big Picture
Learning Schools.
 Arts and movement integration. Students enjoy a daily immersion in an arts and movement
program. Each component occurs within 75 minute blocs. The arts include music, visual, and the
performance arts. Movement includes dance, creative sports, and problem-solving games.
Evidence of arts and movement improving student outcomes for diverse learners:
A national study of 25,000 middle and high school students found that students with high
engagement with the arts performed higher in state standardized assessments when compared
with students with low engagement with the arts (Catterall, 2002)
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Students who took 4 or more years of art course work had higher SAT scores than students who
had one half-year or less (Vaughn, 2002)
Students who participated in music or band scored at the highest math levels when compared with
their peers not involved in music (Catterall & Iwanaga, 2002)
School programs that integrated short bursts of physical activity into classrooms or where
students had at least one hour of daily physical activity revealed that students had improved
attention rates, higher academic scores, and improved classroom conduct (Center for Disease
Control and Prevention, 2010)
Structure of School Day and Year
Central Square operates within a yearly schedule of 185 days (36 weeks) and a mandatory daily
schedule of 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday (see Attachment 5 for the Draft School
Calendar). The total hours are 9 hours per day, 45 hours per week, and 1665 hours per year. The year
is divided into two 18 week semesters (or four 9 week quarters). The school day is organized into six
blocks, 75 minutes per block. These blocks include academic subjects linked to a project: Math
Integration, English Language Arts Integration, Social Studies Integration, and Science Integration.
They also include co-academic subjects linked to a project: Arts Integration and Movement
Integration. The daily schedule includes a 30 minute morning circle (advisory) at the beginning of the
day and a 60 minute community lunch. Students at the high school level participate in one full day
internship and/or college class once a week: 9th and 10th graders on Tuesdays and 11th and 12th graders
on Thursdays.
The following illustrates the schedules for middle and high school students.
Day & Time
8:30—9:00 AM
30 minutes
9:00—10:15 AM
75 minutes
10:15—11:30 AM
75 minutes
11:30—12:30 PM
60 minutes
12:30—1:45 PM
75 minutes
1:45—3:00 PM
75 minutes
3:00—4:15 PM
75 minutes
4:15—5:30 PM
75 minutes
Morning Circle
Morning Circle
Morning Circle
Morning Circle
Morning Circle
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Day & Time
8:30—9:00 AM
30 minutes
9:00—10:15 AM
75 minutes
10:15—11:30 AM
75 minutes
Morning Circle
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Morning Circle
College &
(Grades 9-10)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Integration I
Integration I
College &
(Grades 11-12)
Morning Circle
Integration I
Integration I
page 30
11:30—12:30 PM
60 minutes
12:30—1:45 PM
75 minutes
1:45—3:00 PM
75 minutes
3:00—4:15 PM
75 minutes
4:15—5:30 PM
75 minutes
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Integration I
College &
(Grades 9-10)
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Integration I
College &
(Grades 11-12)
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Integration I
Organization of Students and Teachers
Each grade level has 80 students and they are organized into four cohorts of 20 students. As
previously stated, each cohort is called a project advisory and has no more than 20 students. Each
project advisory is a small community and they work together to build a studio environment in each
of their classrooms. To minimize transitions and to support the studio environment, students do not
move from class to class but rather the teachers move (students do have regular breaks within their
classrooms where they have opportunities to move around or engage in structured movement).
Each of the grade level project advisories is assigned to a team of academic, co-academic teachers,
and specialist teachers (ELL and Special Education), and students remain with this team for four
consecutive years. This looping structure is consistent through middle school (grades 5 to 8) and
high school (grades 9 to 12). Morning circle scheduled at the beginning of the day (8:30 to 9:00 am)
operates within a similar structure. Each student is assigned to a morning circle advisor from a staff
member who works in their project advisory. Students stay with their morning circle advisor for four
consecutive years both at the middle and high school levels.
Co-Teaching Structure to Support Diverse Learners
Co-teaching opportunities are structured in four ways: Special Education inclusion, ELL inclusion,
Arts and Movement infusion and Apprentice Teacher program.
 Special Education Inclusion. A Learning Integration Specialist (Special Education Teacher) is
assigned to grade level project advisories of general and special education students to plan and coteach with the academic team to ensure that project-based learning modules are scaffolded
appropriately. Learning Specialists are NOT assistant teachers and they are not exclusively
responsible for special education students but they work with ALL students. They follow a Coteaching Protocol where each teacher is responsible for facilitating learning in the classroom,
collecting data about students strengths/challenges, and managing student behaviors and
interactions. Learning Specialists share a daily 75 minute planning period with academic teachers
and ELL specialists to ensure that planning and facilitation of classroom learning is consistent with
Universal Learning Design principles. This model is a hallmark of Big Picture Learning Schools and is
described in greater detail in Section II/D.
 ELL inclusion. In a similar fashion to the Co-teaching structure for Special Education students, an
ELL specialist is a assigned to mixed grade level project advisories of general and ELL students to
work with the academic team to ensure that project-based learning modules effectively integrate
Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) strategies. As previously discussed, all teachers follow a Coteaching Protocol to ensure that each teacher is facilitating learning, collecting data about student
strengths/challenges, and managing classroom behaviors and interactions. The ELL specialists
shares a daily common planning time of 75 minutes with both the academic teachers and learning
specialists. This ensures that lessons integrate appropriate SEI strategies. This model is described in
greater detail in Section II/D.
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 Arts and movement infusion. In addition to the arts and movement integration blocks that they
teach, co-academic teachers are assigned to an academic class for a two to three week rotating
periods where they support the academic teacher to infuse arts and movement into their subject
area. This model has been effectively implemented at the Conservatory Lab Charter School in
Boston where music teachers team with academic teachers to use music to help students to
master key concepts and skills.
 Apprentice Teacher Program. Our school will require professionals who have a deep knowledge of
our school design. In order to develop high quality staff, we will partner with Big Picture Learning
and local colleges and universities to develop an apprentice program that creates a pipeline to the
teaching profession. We will target diverse candidates, especially people of color from the Greater
Lynn region. This model is similar to the teacher fellowship model utilized by successful
Massachusetts charter schools such as Phoenix Charter Academy and Excel Charter Academy.
School Schedule for Teachers
All teachers teach or co-teach four classes per day, 75 minutes per class, for a total of 300 minutes/5
hours per day, 1500 minutes/25 hours per week. Each staff member has 75 minutes of planning per
day, for a total of 375 minutes/6.25 hours per week. Learning Specialists (Special Education teachers)
and ELL specialists have an additional 2.5 planning hours per week for administration of their
respective programs. All teachers work no more than 40 hours per week when combining teaching
responsibilities and planning. Staff are responsible for no more than 80 students (4 project
advisories/20 students per advisory) during the course of a day, week, or year.
Academic staff, including Learning Specialists (Special Education Teachers) and ELL teachers, arrive
at the school at 8:15 am and leave at 4:15 pm, Monday through Friday. Co-Academic staff (Arts and
Movement teachers) arrive at 10:15 am and leave at 5:45 pm, Monday through Friday. This flex
schedule allows teachers to have equitable and sustainable workloads and allows the school to
provide a high quality program at an efficient cost.
Below is a sample schedule for academic and co-academic teachers.
Day & Time
8:15—8:30 AM
15 minutes
8:30—9:00 AM
30 minutes
9:00—10:15 AM
75 minutes
10:15—11:30 AM
75 minutes
11:30—12:30 PM
60 minutes
12:30—1:45 PM
75 minutes
1:45—3:00 PM
75 minutes
3:00—4:15 PM
75 minutes
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Planning / PD
Integration I
Integration I
Planning / PD
Integration I
Integration I
Planning / PD
Integration I
Integration I
Planning / PD
Integration I
Integration I
Planning / PD
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Day & Time
8:15—8:30 AM
15 minutes
8:30—9:00 AM
30 minutes
9:00—10:15 AM
75 minutes
10:15—11:30 AM
75 minutes
11:30—12:30 PM
60 minutes
12:30—1:45 PM
75 minutes
1:45—3:00 PM
75 minutes
3:00—4:15 PM
75 minutes
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Arrival /
Morning Circle
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Integration I
Day & Time
10:15—11:30 AM
75 minutes
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Planning / PD
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Planning / PD
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Planning / PD
Integration I
Planning / PD
Integration I
Social Studies
Integration I
Planning / PD
11:30—12:30 PM
60 minutes
12:30—1:45 PM
75 minutes
1:45—3:00 PM
75 minutes
3:00—4:15 PM
75 minutes
4:15—5:30 PM
75 minutes
5:30—5:45 PM
15 minutes
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Planning / PD
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Planning / PD
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Planning / PD
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Planning / PD
Integration II
(Arts Infusion)
Planning / PD
Integration II
Integration II
Assist Dismissal
Integration II
Integration II
Assist Dismissal
Integration II
Integration II
Assist Dismissal
Integration II
Integration II
Assist Dismissal
Integration II
Integration II
Assist Dismissal
Summer Programs
Rather than hosting or providing a summer program, Central Square staff will work with families to
find summer programs that best match their children’s needs. This approach aligns with our mission
that the community is a partner in educating students. There are a range of college and work-based
programs that are available to Lynn students. Central Square staff would support matching students
with programs that best address their interests and their academic and social emotional needs.
Typical Student Day
Marta is in the 5th grade and at 8:30 am she arrives at the school and is welcomed with smiles and
hugs. In her morning circle, she pulls out her iPad to review her Project Learning Plan and reviews
the academic and social emotional goals she had established with her morning circle advisor. The
circle advisor then shifts to a conversation about resiliency and how they are using the strategies
from resiliency training to address issues/problems in their lives. Marta is eating a breakfast snack
(granola bars and an apple) as she participates in morning circle. She then goes to her Math
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Integration I class where the arts integration teacher works with Marta’s project team to design a
geometrical computer model that depicts the downtown buildings in Lynn and simulates the team’s
ideas to develop the area. In the process Marta is learning about geometrical graphing from her
Math Integration teacher who is fielding questions from the team about how to graph coordinates.
She enjoys a brief break where she chats with friends. Marta waits for ELA I Integration teacher to
enter the room (she likes the idea that her teachers move and not the students). In her ELA
Integration I class she is reviewing her interview notes with Lynn residents who shared how the
downtown area has changed over the past 30 years. She is responsible for writing a brief report that
highlights themes and concerns of residents in relationship to urban development in Lynn. Because
Marta is an ELL student, the ELL specialist who is co-teaching with the ELA Integration teacher
provides a graphic organizer to Marta to help organize her writing. Marta then goes to lunch and is
proud to see that her friend, Sobeida, is receiving an award from the Lynn Chamber of Commerce for
her idea about how to develop green spaces in Lynn. She then goes to her Science Integration I class
where she is learning about how local industries are affecting the environment and she begins
brainstorming with her project team ideas to improve the environmental quality of Lynn. Marta then
participates in Social Studies Integration I class where she is learning about how to become a
community advocate to advance her urban development plan. Her study of the philosophical
underpinnings of the American Revolution helps Marta to understand why community advocacy is
essential. The ELL teacher who is co-teaching with the Social Studies Integration teacher provides
supplementary reading materials to support Marta’s understanding of the history text. Social
Studies I then shifts to an Accelerated Learning Lab (ALL) where a local college student from Salem
State has volunteered to provide targeted tutoring in reading and writing. Marta then goes to her
Arts Integrated class where she is learning jazz vocals- part of a study of the African American music
scene that emerged in Lynn during urban redevelopment. Her day ends with Integrated Movement
class where she is learning Afro-Caribbean dance, a part of her study of how immigrant populations
affected the emerging art culture of downtown Lynn. After a long and productive day that ends at
5:30 pm, a school bus drives Marta and her peers safely home.
Typical Teacher Day
Jonathan arrives at 8:15 am to the smiles and hugs of staff and checks his iPad for any school
announcements. He learns that one of his students, Jaime, had a violent episode at home and he
makes note to check in with him at Morning Circle. Jonathan asks Jaime about the episode and asks
whether he was able to use any strategies from his resiliency training to manage the incident.
Jonathan shoots a quick message to a resiliency counselor about his morning session with Jaime.
Jonathan is excited about the media art project that he is doing with his 5th grade students in Social
Studies Integration I. Jonathan is working with Marina, the arts integration teacher who is showing
students how to film and edit videos of Lynn residents who are speaking about the history of urban
development in Lynn. This video will be presented to the mayor and leaders of community
organizations at Lynn City Hall. During Accelerated Learning Lab (ALL), Jonathan uses a writing
strategy from Readers and Writers Workshop (Collaborative Writing) to help a small group of three
students to improve their writing. During the team planning period, Jonathan meets with the ELL
and Learning (Special Education) specialists to discuss additional ways to improve the quality of
student writing. Jonathan brings a sample writing assignment from a struggling student and they
conduct a Looking at Student Work protocol. Jonathan is looking forward to implementing the
proposed writing strategies in his classroom. Jonathan’s day ends at 4:15 pm and happy to see that
the sun is still out.
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Project-based Learning Curriculum for Social Entrepreneurship
Central Square Public Charter School will implement a project-based learning curriculum design that
is an adaptation of Y-PLAN (Youth-Plan, Learn, Act, Now). Y-PLAN is a nationally recognized projectbased learning model that links student inquiry to authentic experiences of social entrepreneurship.
The University of California in Berkeley developed this approach as a way to engage students in city
planning and policy making in order to build students' knowledge and skills for college, career, and
citizenship while creating healthy, sustainable, and joyful communities (Center for Cities and Schools,
2015). This model has been implemented successfully in 75 schools across the country and around
the world, primarily in diverse and under-resourced communities: Detroit, New Orleans, New York
City (Bronx and Queens), Oakland, and Washington D.C. Students who participated in the program
demonstrated improved student outcomes and civic involvement when compared with their peers
(Center for Cities and Schools, 2015).
Our project-based learning model organizes the school year (36 weeks) into 5 modules:
 Module 1: Start-Up (6 weeks)
 Module 2: Deep Dive (10 weeks)
 Module 3: Design and Incubate (10 weeks)
 Module 4: Go Public (6 weeks)
 Module 5: Look Forward and Back (4 weeks)
Module 1: Start-Up
Module 1 (Start-Up) is approximately 6 weeks and the objective involves identifying the project
question and accomplishing the following actions:
 Self-Study. Students do an inventory of their interests, passions, fears, strengths, and areas where
they need to grow. They set academic and personal goals about what they want to accomplish
during the course of the year. Students will also produce an autobiography and will use multimedia to represent their life’s journey.
 Community Study. Students will do a study of the community using the lens of a social
entrepreneur. Five interrelated elements determine the quality of life within a community:
housing, transportation, public space, economic development, and schools/services. Students will
gather data to assess the status of Lynn in these five areas. This will include speaking with
community experts who will provide insights into these five elements. The focus of the community
study is to documents the assets and to identify key problems.
 Identify the Challenge/Project Question. After the community study, students will choose ONE
element for the focus of their project (housing, transportation, etc) and the primary challenge they
want to address in this element. They will also articulate the project question that will drive their
inquiry during the course of the year.
 Engage Community Partners and Stakeholders. A key step in the start-up phase is to determine
who will be served with this project and the key people, organizations, and governmental agencies
within the community who will assist in implementing the proposed solution. This will involve
official communication (letters) and face to face meetings.
 Project Roadmap. The roadmap outlines the key phases of the project and highlights the
benchmarks that students will need to keep in mind during each phase of their inquiry.
 Project Learning Plan. An essential step in the start-up phase is to have students co-create their
project learning plan. This plan documents the key academic and social emotional concepts and
skills that students will master during each phase of the project. The plan includes Math, English
Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science targets. Students will be required to regularly assess
their learning during each project phase.
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Module 2: Deep Dive
Module 2 (Deep Dive) is approximately 10 weeks and the objective is to conduct community action
research to understand local context and to begin to answer the project question. The key actions to
be accomplished are:
 Map the Neighborhood. Mapping the neighborhood(s) affected by the identified challenge is a city
planner’s strategy in understanding an issue.
 Site Analysis. Students collect data on city areas impacted by the challenge. This includes
demographic, historical, and scientific data collection. Site analysis also includes the mapping of
assets that could possibly lead to a solution
 Conduct Surveys and Interviews. Students develop and administer surveys that help them collect
community perspectives on the challenge. Students also develop and conduct interviews with
community members who are impacted by the challenge and/or could offer ideas for potential
 Consult with Field Experts. Students consult with field experts to help them understand possible
root causes for the project problem or challenge and to provide feedback on student collected
data to determine whether students have fully captured the data sets that will help them to
understand the problem in a deep way.
 Tell the Story. Students spend time sifting and analyzing the data collected from the neighborhood
mapping, site analysis, and surveys/interviews. Using a multimedia approach, they tell the story of
what is happening in the community in relation to the challenge.
Module 3: Design and Incubate
Module 3 (Design and Incubate) is approximately 10 weeks and the objective is to brainstorm
possible solutions and to develop and test models that will lead to a sustainable solution. The key
actions to be accomplished are:
 Virtual Urban Tour. To gather ideas and best practices to address the project question, students
investigate the systems of other cities across the country and the world. Students document their
research through visual images, narratives, and reports.
 Solution Mapping. Students create visual maps that represent possible solutions, the steps
required to implement the solutions, and how the steps directly or indirectly address the project
question. These maps are vetted with field experts who provide critical feedback on the logic of
the design and whether the implementation ideas are achievable. Students are expected to
generate multiple iterations of their solution maps based upon feedback.
 Model Design. Based upon their solution mapping, students design a model that outlines the key
strategies to address the problem, the resources (human and material) required to implement the
strategies, and the cost associated with the implementation of the strategies.
 Test the Model. Students conduct small scale experiments and/or simulations to test the design
model. Available impact data is collected and adjustments to the model are made based upon
 Incubate the Model. Students begin to network with like-minded organizations, governmental
agencies, and universities to build human and material capital to support the implementation of
the model or to provide critical feedback to further refine it. This step includes the development of
a business plan and a policy memo of how the proposed solution improves existing systems.
Module 4: Go Public
Module 4 (Go Public) is approximately 6 weeks and the objective is to strategize how to present a
solution that is clear and compelling to key partners, stakeholders, and the larger community. The
key actions to be accomplished are:
 Communication Plan. Students develop a plan of how they will engage key stakeholders and
partners and the larger community. This plan will document the journey that student had
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undertaken to develop a solution. Students will choose which multimedia platform to use to
present their research, findings, and how their solution will be branded.
 Community Learning Forums. Students organize community learning forums where they will be
able to share their proposed solutions with key stakeholders and partners. The audience will
include key government officials, agencies, community organizations, colleges/universities, and
 Network Forums. There are networks of social entrepreneurs where students can present solutions
for addressing community issues. These include the Y-Plan Conference and conferences that are
hosted by community organizations and college/universities.
Module 5: Look Forward and Back
Module 5 (Look Forward and Back) is approximately 4 weeks and the objective is to reflect on
lessons learned and to strategize next steps. The key actions to be accomplished are:
 Self-Study. At the beginning of the school year, students had created a self-study where they
identified their strengths and areas for growth. They also wrote an autobiography. At this stage
students are reflecting upon how the project changed them and their new learning about
themselves and their community. Students revisit their goals and assess their progress. They can
also set new goals based upon their learning.
 Project Learning Plan. Students revisit their project learning plan to assess whether they have
mastered the key academic concepts and skills that the project required. Students identify
strengths, areas for growth, and develop an action plan of how they will improve.
 Project Portfolio. The project portfolio is an essential way for students to document their learning
and their journey through the course of the year. An assessment of their project portfolio is a key
step as they review and revise their project learning plan.
 Thank you Letters. Students will write thank you letters to all the mentors, field experts,
community partners, and stakeholders who helped them during the course of the year.
 Action Planning. Students will begin to strategize the next steps in the project and how they want
to follow-up with partners to determine that whether solutions are being implemented or the
results of implementation.
Case Study illustration of Curriculum: MetWest High School, Oakland
MetWest High School, a Big Picture Learning School in Oakland California, successfully implemented
the Y-PLAN curriculum design during the 2014-15 school year. In the summer of 2014, students from
an 11th grade class identified transportation as one of the most critical issues they wanted to improve
in their community. Students were important stakeholders who relied daily on public transportation
to go to and from school, home, internships, and other extracurricular activities.
Students researched solutions to improve bus service for their client, AC Transit, the public transit
agency serving the San Francisco Bay Area's Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
During the Fall 2014 semester, students created questionnaires to survey riders along five different
bus routes. Throughout the project, the students conducted community research including site
mapping, observations, and interviews to collect community input on how to improve service and
more equitably serve all Oakland residents without increasing costs. Students analyzed surveys,
interviews, and conducted further research to create evidence-based solutions to improve bus
service along key routes. Students crafted policy memos outlining their recommendations.
Students created professional PowerPoint presentations to Go Public with a purpose. They
presented their final recommendations to a panel of AC Transit staff, board members, educators,
and other community stakeholders. Students engaged in reciprocal dialogue and answered critical
questions with the panel and audience that included family, friends, and other community members.
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Students reflected on their Y-PLAN experience, and wrote letters to Stephen Newhouse
(representative from AC Transit) describing lingering questions and next-steps. Based on the
presentations, transportation planners will use this information as part of their written report during
the first phase of the COA. Students will work with Stephen Newhouse to follow up and provide
feedback on this proposal in the second round of community meetings. (Center for Cities and
Schools, 2015)
Developmental Approach to Project-based Learning
Each grade level (grades 5 to 12) is organized into four cohorts or project advisories of 20 students.
Within each project advisory there are five project teams of 4 to 5 students. Structure and choice is
based upon the developmental needs of students. Project choices and differentiation expand as
students advance in their grade levels.
 Grades 5-6. All grade level project advisories and project teams engage in ONE year long project.
Students choose one focus area among the city elements (housing, transportation, economic
development, school/services, open spaces)
 Grades 7-8. Up to TWO year long projects would be happening simultaneously because each
project advisory would have a choice among two possible projects. For example, project advisory A
chooses transportation, project advisory B- housing, project advisory C- transportation, and project
advisory D- housing. The project teams within each project advisory would do the same project.
 Grades 9-10. Up to FOUR year long projects would be happening simultaneously because each
project advisory would have a choice among four possible projects. For example, project advisory
A chooses economic development, project advisory B- housing, project advisory C- transportation,
and project advisory D- housing. The project teams within each class/cohort would do the same
 Grades 11-12. Up to EIGHT year long projects would be happening simultaneously because each
project team (4 to 5 students) would choose among one of eight possible projects. For example, in
one project advisory, project team 1 chooses transportation, project team 2- housing, project team
3- economic development, and project team 4- open spaces. This pattern repeats itself in the
remaining three project advisories.
Curriculum Scope and Sequence
Our curriculum design emphasizes the main features of MCF: focus, coherence, application, and
college/career readiness. The annual social entrepreneur project becomes the lens through which
students master the content standards. For example, if the year-long focus for 5th grade project
advisories was working with the Lynn Housing Authority to create an affordable housing plan,
teachers would need to identify the standards that would be addressed during each module. In the
5th grade English standards, students need to read and write in a variety of genres. Student can read
technical reports that describe the housing situation in Lynn, and biographies and stories that
describe the plight of homeless or economically disadvantaged families. In the 5th grade science
standards, students are required to study about the impact of industrialization on the environment
and populations. Students can study the environmental impact of urban blight and its effect upon
the physical health of families. The 5th grade Math standards focus on graphing coordinates on a
plane, students can graph the areas of Lynn that have high rates of foreclosures and abandoned
rental properties. The 5th grade Social Studies standards focus upon the emergence of market
economies, students can study the evolution of the local economy in Lynn and how it mirrors the
economic and social systems both within and outside the United States. Through project-based
learning, teachers are not only covering the standards but providing new opportunities for students to
think about the standards. This approach is an essential component of our school design and a
hallmark of Big Picture Learning schools. The evidence backs this approach: Big Picture Learning
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Schools consistently outperform their host districts and are either close or exceed state averages in
state standardized assessments (insert attachment reference).
The curriculum charts below are organized into power standards to reflect the essential
competencies that Central Square Public Charter School students will master at each grade level.
Grade 5
Grade 5
Grade 5
Algebraic Thinking Power Standards (ATPS)
ATPS.1. Write and interpret numerical expressions.
ATPS.2. Analyze patterns and relationships.
Number and Operations Power Standards (NOPS)
NOPS.1. Understand the place value system.
NOPS.2. Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and
with decimals to hundredths.
NOPS.3. Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and
subtract fractions.
NOPS.4. Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions.
NOPS.5. Gain familiarity with concepts of positive and negative
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately from a text
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how key ideas are supported by details or evidence
RPS.4. Compare and contrast key points of information
RPS.5. Understand a writer’s point of view and multiple
perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Define powers associated different levels of government:
federal, state, local
PAPS.2. Explain the structure of local government
PAPS.3. Understand the links of American democracy to Ancient
Greece and the emergence of town hall meetings
PAPS.4. Explain the purpose of government as outlined in the
Declaration of Independence
PAPS.5. Understand the development of the Constitution of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Understand the links between American democracy and
Ancient Greece
PBPS.1. Explain the emergence of educational institutions (i.e.
Harvard University)
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Understand the cultures, beliefs, and religious/political
systems of native peoples in North, Central, and South America
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Measurement and Data Power Standards (MDPS)
MDPS.1. Convert like measurement units within a given
measurement system.
MDPS.2. Represent and interpret data.
MDPS.3. Geometric measurement: Understand concepts of
volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition.
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world
and mathematical problems.
GPS.2. Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on
their properties.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Use proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understands word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
CLPS.2. Explain the positive and negative impacts of European
Expansion and exploration
CLPS.3. Understand the development of slavery in North America
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Understand different types of maps: geographical,
topographical, and political
IPEPS.2. Understand the evolution of maps
IPEPS.3. Interpret a range of charts and graphs related to
historical narratives and demographics
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Define entrepreneur and social entrepreneur
EDEPS.2. Understand development of supply and demand
EDEPS.3. Explain the emergence of maritime economy in colonial
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Understand inventions associated with European
expansion and Massachusetts Maritime commerce
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Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 6
Physical Sciences (PSPS)
PSPS.1. Use a model of matter as made of particles too small to
be seen to explain common phenomena involving gasses, phase
changes between gas and liquid
PSPS.2. Measure and graph the weights of substances before and
after a reaction or phase change to provide evidence that
regardless of the type of change that occurs when heating,
cooling or combining substances, the total weight of matter is
PSPS.3. Conduct an experiment to determine whether the mixing
of two or more substances results in new substances with new
PSPS.4. Demonstrate that the gravitational force exerted by Earth
on objects is directed toward the Earth’s center
PSPS.5. Use a model to describe that the food animals digest:
contains energy that was once energy from the sun, and provides
energy and materials for body repair, growth, motion, body
warmth, and reproduction
Life Sciences (LSPS)
LSPS.1. Explain processes where air, water, and energy from sun
produces sugar and plant material (photosynthesis)
LSPS.2. Develop a food web that demonstrates relationships
between animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria in consumption and
decomposition and the recycling dynamic within soil
Ratios and Proportional Relationships Power Standards (RPPS)
RPRPS.1. Understand ratio concepts and use proportional
reasoning to solve problems.
Number System Power Standards (NSPS)
NSPS.1. Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.
NSPS.2. Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find
common factors and multiples.
NSPS.3. Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to
the system of rational numbers.
Expressions and Equations Power Standards (EEPS)
EEPS.1. Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic
to algebraic expressions.
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately and cite evidence to support analysis
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how a central idea or theme is developed
RPS.4. Compare and contrast different types of text (literary,
informational, and technical)
RPS.5. Understand the development of a writer’s point of view
and multiple perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, and technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Understand the emergence of modern nations in Africa,
Asia, Europe, and Middle East
PAPS.2. Describe the tensions between indigenous peoples and
emerging nations
PAPS.3. Describe and compare the roles and status of women in
different nations and continents
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
LSPS.3. Design a composter and determine what contributes to
accelerated decomposition
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Create a model that shows the earth’s relationship to
the sun, moon, and stars
ESSPS.2. Explain experience of night and day and the shadow
patterns of the sun during different parts of the day and changes
in the position of the sun, moon, and constellations during the
course of a day, month, and year
ESSPS.3. Describe the water cycle in the geosphere, biosphere,
hydrosphere, and atmosphere through evaporation,
precipitation, surface runoff, condensation, transpiration, and
ESSPS.4. Describe and graph the amounts and percentages of salt
water in the ocean; fresh water in lakes, rivers, and ground
water; and fresh water frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps to
provide evidence about the availability of fresh water in Earth’s
ESSPS.5. Strategize ways to reduce negative impact on
environment by changing agricultural, industrial, and community
ESSPS.6. Develop model to reduce impurities in water and find
ways to improve model
EEPS.2. Reason about and solve one-variable equations and
EEPS.3. Represent and analyze quantitative relationships
between dependent and independent variables.
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving
area, surface area, and volume.
Statistics and Probability (SPPS)
SPPS.1. Develop understanding of statistical variability.
SPPS.2. Summarize and describe distributions.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Use proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understands word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
CLPS.4. Describe the ethnic and religious groups in the Middle
CLPS.5. Understand the cultures, beliefs, and religious/political
systems of peoples in Asia
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Interpret geographical information from maps and charts
IPEPS.2. Understand the domain specific words related to
page 40
PBPS.1. Compare and contrast the range of values, systems, and
beliefs among peoples in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Middle East
PBPS.2. Understand the asset and deficit lenses used to compare
nations and peoples
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Understand the cultures, beliefs, and religious/political
systems of peoples in Africa
CLPS.2. Explain how modern Africa became independent nations
CLPS.3. Understand the cultures, beliefs, and religious/political
systems of peoples in the Middle East
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 7
Physical Sciences (PSPS)
PSPS.1. Conduct an experiment using exothermic and
endothermic reactions to explain that the type and concentration
of the reacting substances affects the amount of thermal energy
released or absorbed
PSPS.2. Use a model of matter to explain that density is the
amount of matter (mass) in a given volume. Measure the mass
and volume of regular and irregular shaped objects and calculate
their density
PSPS.3. Conduct an experiment to show that many materials are
mixtures of pure substances that can be separated into the
component pure substances
PSPS.4. Demonstrate that gravitational interactions are attractive
and are only noticeable when one or both of the objects have a
very large mass
PSPS.5. Use diagrams of a simple wave to explain that a wave has
a repeating pattern with a specific amplitude, frequency and
PSPS.6. Use diagrams and other models to show that both light
rays and mechanical waves are reflected, absorbed, or
transmitted through various materials
PSPS.7. Present qualitative scientific and technical information to
support the claim that digitized signals (sent as wave pulses
representing 0s and 1s) can be used to encode and transmit
Life Sciences (LSPS)
LSPS.1. Provide evidence that organisms are made of cells
LSPS.2. Develop a model to describe the ways parts of cells
contribute to key cellular functions of obtaining nutrients and
water from its environment, disposing of waste, and producing
energy: a. the nucleus contains genetic information (DNA) which
regulates a cell’s activities; b. chloroplasts are the site of
photosynthesis which produces necessary glucose and oxygen; c.
mitochondria facilitate cellular respiration (energy production); d.
vacuoles store materials, including water, nutrients and waste; e.
the cell membrane is a protective barrier that enables nutrients
to enter the cell and wastes to be expelled; and f. the cell wall
provides structural support to some types of cells
Ratios and Proportional Relationships Power Standards (RPPS)
RPRPS.1. Analyze proportional relationships and use them to
solve real-world and mathematical problems.
Number System Power Standards (NSPS)
NSPS.1. Apply and extend previous understandings of operations
with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational
Expressions and Equations Power Standards (EEPS)
EEPS.1. Use properties of operations to generate equivalent
EEPS.2. Solve real-life and mathematical problems using
numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately and cite evidence to support analysis
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how a central idea or theme is developed
RPS.4. Compare and contrast different types of text (literary,
informational, and technical)
RPS.5. Understand the development of a writer’s point of view
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
IPEPS.3. Understand and compare economic valuations on maps
and charts (per capita income, GNP)
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Understand the key elements of a market economy
EDEPS.2. Explain the development of currency
EDEPS.3. Understand the emergence of economies in Africa, Asia,
Europe, and Middle East
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Understand the technology associated with developing
LSPS.3. Analyze and interpret evidence from the fossil record to
infer patterns of environmental change resulting in extinction and
changes to life forms throughout the history of the Earth
LSPS.4. Demonstrate using anatomical structures to support
evolutionary relationships among and between fossil organisms
and modern organisms. Include evidence showing that: a. some
organisms have similar traits with similar functions because they
were inherited from a common ancestor, b. some organisms have
similar traits that serve similar functions because they live in
similar environments, and c. some organisms have traits
inherited from common ancestors that no longer serve their
original function because over time, their environments have
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Develop and a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to
explain the causes of lunar phases and eclipses of the sun and
ESSPS.2. Analyze and interpret rock layers and index fossils to
determine the relative ages of rock formations. Explain that these
sources of evidence, along with radiometric dating, are used to
construct the geologic time scale of Earth’s history
ESSPS.3. Use graphical displays to illustrate that the Earth and its
solar system are part of the Milky Way galaxy, which is one of
billions of galaxies in the universe
ESSPS.4. Analyze and interpret maps showing the distribution of
fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures to
provide evidence that Earth’s plates have moved great distances,
collided, and spread apart
Engineering, Technology and Science Applications (ETSA)
ETSA.1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem
with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution. Include
potential impacts on people and the natural environment that
may limit possible solutions
ETSA.2. Create visual representations of solutions to a design
problem. Accurately interpret and apply scale and proportion to
visual representations
ETSA.3. Select appropriate materials based on specific properties
needed in the construction of a solution
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and
describe the relationships between them.
GPS.2. Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle
measure, area, surface area, and volume.
Statistics and Probability Power Standards (SPPS)
SPPS.1. Use random sampling to draw inferences about a
SPPS.2. Draw informal comparative inferences about two
SPPS.3. Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and
evaluate probability models.
clarity and understanding.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
page 41
and multiple perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, and technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
Grade 7
Grade 7
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Define city-state, dynasty, kingdom, empire, republic,
separation of powers, civic duty, rule of law, and military.
PAPS.2. Describe the emergence of the Roman Republic and its
contribution to the development of democratic principles,
including separation of powers, rule of law, representative
government, and the notion of civic duty.
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Explain the emergence of polytheism in Mesopotamia
and Egypt
PBPS.2. Describe the principles of justice within the rules of
PBPS.3. Describe the emergence of monotheism in Jewish culture
PBPS.4. Describe the myths associated with Greek culture
PBPS.5. Explain the emergence of Christianity and its influence
upon societies
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Explain how the emergence of agriculture led to the
development of societies and civilizations
CLPS.2. Describe the key characteristics of a civilization
Physical Sciences (PSPS)
PSPS.1. Describe the effect of distance and magnitude of electric
charge and current on the size of electromagnetic forces
PSPS.2. Use scientific evidence to argue that fields exist between
objects with mass, between magnetic objects, and between
electrically charged objects that exert force on each other even
though the objects are not in contact
PSPS.3. Construct and interpret data and graphs to describe the
relationships among kinetic energy, mass, and speed of an object
PSPS.4. Apply scientific principles of energy and heat transfer to
design, construct, and test a device to minimize or maximize
thermal energy transfer
PSPS.5. Determine the relationships among the energy
transferred, how well the type of matter retains or radiates heat,
the mass, and the change in the average kinetic energy of the
particles as measured by the temperature of the sample
PSPS.6. Describe the relationship between kinetic and potential
energy and describe conversions from one form to another
Life Sciences (LSPS)
LSPS.1. Provide evidence that the body systems interact to carry
out key body functions, including providing nutrients and oxygen
to cells, removing carbon dioxide and waste from cells and the
body, controlling body motion/activity and coordination, and
protecting the body
LSPS.2. Explain, based on evidence, how characteristic animal
behaviors as well as specialized plant structures increase the
probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants
LSPS.3. Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the
effects of periods of abundant and scarce resources on the
growth of organisms and the number of organisms (size of
populations) in an ecosystem
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Use proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understand word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
CLPS.3. Explain the impact of writing (alphabet in Mesopotamia
and hieroglyphics in Egypt) upon civilizations and societies
CLPS.4. Describe the impact of the Greek and Roman alphabet
upon our current use of language (science, math)
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Describe how the earth’s evolution and climate changes
contributed to the emergence of life
IPEPS.2. Explain the impact of having civilization located near
waterways (Egypt, Greece, Rome)
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Explain economic concepts such as supply and demand,
bartering, and monetary exchange
EDEPS.3. Describe the impact of Rome’s invention of a standard
of currency upon western economy
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Explain the impact of the invention of the calendar and
papyrus in Egypt
TIPS.2. Describe the impact Roman inventions and technology:
aqueducts, roads, bridges, central heating, and sanitation
LSPS.6. Analyze data to provide evidence that disruptions (natural
or human-made) to any physical or biological component of an
ecosystem can lead to shifts in all its populations
LSPS.7. Evaluate competing design solutions for protecting an
ecosystem. Discuss benefits and limitations of each design
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Develop a model to explain how the energy of the sun
and Earth’s gravity drive the cycling of water, including changes
of state, as it moves through multiple pathways in Earth’s
ESSPS.2. Interpret data to explain that the Earth’s mineral, fossil
fuel, and groundwater resources are unevenly distributed as a
result of geologic processes
ESSPS.3. Obtain and communicate information on how data from
past geologic events are analyzed for patterns and used to
forecast the location and likelihood of future catastrophic events
ESSPS.4. Provide evidence that human activities and technologies
can be engineered to mitigate the negative impact of increases in
human population and per capita consumption of natural
resources on the environment
Engineering, Technology and Science Applications (ETSA)
ETSA.1. Compare the benefits and drawbacks of four different
communication systems: radio, television, print, and internet
ETSA.2. Research how transportation systems are designed to
move people and goods using a variety of vehicles and devices.
Identify and describe subsystems of a transportation vehicle,
including structural, propulsion, guidance, suspension, and
control subsystems
ETSA.3. Show how the components of a structural system work
together to serve a structural function or maintain and
environment for a particular human use. Provide examples of
physical structures and relate their design to their intended use
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Grade 8
Grade 8
Grade 8
Grade 8
LSPS.4. Describe how relationships among and between
organisms in an ecosystem can be competitive, predatory,
parasitic, and mutually beneficial and that these interactions are
found across multiple ecosystems
LSPS.5. Develop a model to describe the cycling of matter among
living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem including through the
process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Number System Power Standards (NSPS)
NSPS.1. Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and
approximate them by rational numbers.
Expressions and Equations Power Standards (EEPS)
EEPS.1. Work with radicals and integer exponents.
EEPS.1. Understand the connections between proportional
relationships, lines, and linear equations.
EEPS.1. Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of
simultaneous linear equations.
Functions Power Standards (FPS)
FPS.1. Define, evaluate, and compare functions.
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately and cite evidence to support analysis
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how a central idea or theme is developed
RPS.4. Compare and contrast different types of text (literary,
informational, and technical)
RPS.5. Understand the development of a writer’s point of view
and multiple perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, and technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
Students are able to:
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Describe the emergence of Islam and its impact upon the
relationship between government and religion
PAPS.2. Explain the emergence of feudalism and private property
PAPS.3. Describe the importance and impact of medieval English
legal and constitutional history (Habeas Corpus, Magna Carta)
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Explain the impact of Islamic science, philosophy, math,
and architecture upon western and eastern civilizations
PBPS.2. Describe how the Enlightenment influenced our current
understanding of the nature and role of government
PBPS.3. Describe the role of religion and philosophies in shaping
social class in Chinese, Japanese, and Hindu societies
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Explain the influence of Christianity upon culture and
CLPS.2. Describe the impact of the Renaissance upon art,
literature, architecture, and philosophies
CLPS.3. Describe the origins and effects of the Protestant
Physical Sciences (PSPS)
PSPS.1. Analyze and interpret data on the properties of
substances before and after the substances interact to determine
if a chemical reaction has occurred
PSPS.2. Develop a model that describes and predicts changes in
particle motion, relative spatial arrangement, temperature, and
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
ETSA.4. Use the concept of systems engineering to: a. analyze
how components of a transportation, structural or
communication system work together or affect each other, and b.
model the inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback of a
technological system
FPS.2. Use functions to model relationships between quantities.
Geometry (GPS)
GPS.1. Understand congruence and similarity using physical
models, transparencies, or geometry software.
GPS.2. Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
GPS.3. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving
volume of cylinders, cones and spheres.
Statistics and Probability Power Standards (SPPS)
SSPS.1. Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Uses proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understands word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
CLPS.4. Explain how the Scientific Revolution changed our beliefs
about the universe
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Explain the impact of physical environment in the
development of African, Asian, European, and Islamic civilizations
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Explain the importance of the trade routes that
connected Europe and the Middle East to Asia and the roles of
the Mongols in establishing these trade routes
EDEPS.2. Describe the social and economic impact of plagues in
EDEPS.3. Explain the emergence and impact of modern banking
EDEPS.4. Describe the impact of European expansion
EDEPS.5. Describe the economies of the African empires
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Describe the impact of technology upon the spread of the
Scientific Revolution
TIPS.2. Describe the scientific and technological achievements
within Islamic and Asian societies
LSPS.7. Communicate information about artificial selection, or the
ways in which humans have changed the inheritance of desired
traits in organisms
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun system to
explain the cyclical pattern of seasons, which includes the Earth’s
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state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or
PSPS.3. Use a model to explain that substances are rearranged
during a chemical reaction to form new molecules with new
properties. Explain that the atoms present in the reactants are all
present in the products and thus the total number of atoms is
PSPS.4. Develop a model that demonstrates Newton’s third law
involving the motion of two colliding objects
Life Sciences (LSPS)
LSPS.1. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for
how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of
LSPS.2. Describe that food molecules, including carbohydrates,
proteins and fats, are broken down and rearranged through
chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth
and/or release of energy
LSPS.3. Use a model to describe that structural changes to genes
(mutations) may or may not result in changes to proteins, and if
there are changes to proteins there may be harmful, beneficial,
or neutral changes to traits
LSPS.4. Use a model to describe that structural changes to genes
(mutations) may or may not result in changes to proteins, and if
there are changes to proteins there may be harmful, beneficial,
or neutral changes to traits
LSPS.5. Communicate through writing and in diagrams that
chromosomes contain many distinct genes, and that each
chromosome pair contains two alleles that can be the same or
different from each other. Illustrate that each gene holds the
instructions for the production of specific proteins, which in turn
affects the traits of an individual
LSPS.6. Explain the mechanism of natural selection, in which
genetic variations of some traits in a population increase some
individuals’ likelihood of surviving and reproducing in a changing
environment. Provide evidence that natural selection occurs over
many generations
tilt and differential intensity of sunlight on different areas of
Earth across the year
ESSPS.2. Explain the role of gravity in ocean tides, the orbital
motions of plANets, their moons, and asteroids in the solar
ESSPS.3. Use a model to illustrate that energy from the Earth’s
interior drives convection which cycles Earth’s crust leading to
melting, crystallization, weathering and deformation of large rock
formations, including generation of ocean sea floor at ridges,
submergence of ocean sea floor at trenches, mountain building
and active volcanic chains
ESSPS.4. Interpret basic weather data to identify patterns in air
mass interactions and the relationship of those patterns to
ESSPS.5. Describe how interactions involving the ocean affect
weather and climate on a regional scale, including the influence
of the ocean temperature as mediated by energy input from the
sun and energy loss due to evaporation or redistribution via
ocean currents
ESSPS.6. Examine and interpret data to describe the role that
human activities have played in causing the rise in global
temperatures over the past century
Engineering, Technology and Science Applications (ETSA)
ETSA.1. Recognize that materials maintain their composition
under various kinds of physical processing; however, some
material properties may change if a process changes the
particulate structure of a material
ETSA.2. Describe how a product can be created using basic
processes in manufacturing systems, including forming,
separating, conditioning, assembling, finishing, quality control,
and safety
ETSA.3. Recognize that processes that transform materials into
products can be controlled by humans or by computers
Curriculum Development and Review
Curriculum development during the pre-operational period (March 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) and
operational period (July 1, 2017- ongoing) will occur in three phases:
 Phase 1: Community Partner Development (March 1 to June 30, 2016). Upon reward of the charter,
the Chief Executive Officer will be responsible for identifying community partners who will support
planning and implementation of our project-based curriculum. Since our curriculum requires
engaging students in authentic experiences of social entrepreneurship, the community partners
will be essential in helping to identify possible project ideas and provide support to students
throughout the scope of the project. By June 30, 2016, at least three project proposals will be
developed and a lead partner will be identified for each project.
 Phase 2: Project Module Planning (July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017). The Chief Executive Officer will
convene a working team of at least 8 prospective teachers that represent the academic subjects
(Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies), co-academic subjects (Art and Movement), and diverse
learning support (Special Education and ELL specialists). The working team will be responsible for
developing the project modules for the three proposed project ideas and the Special Education
and ELL scaffolds within each project. Project modules will be developed for both grades 5 and 6
for a total of SIX project modules (3 project modules per grade level). Big Picture Learning (BPL)
will provide technical assistance during this phase to ensure that the project modules reflect
cohesion, relevance, and rigor.
 Phase 3: Ongoing Module Planning (July 1, 2017 – ongoing). During the course of the year, staff will
dedicate at least one planning period per week (75 minutes) to begin generating and mapping
ideas for possible projects that could be implemented the following year. The Community Learning
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Director would be responsible for helping to establish the key partner relationships to support
project-based learning modules. During the summer months, July to August, each grade level team
would be responsible for formalizing the project-based learning plan into a written curriculum. The
principal is responsible for final approval of all project-based curricula.
Ongoing review and assessment of the curriculum would occur in three ways:
 Team Planning Meetings. Teachers will commit a minimum of one planning meeting per week (75
minutes) to review data to determine the efficacy of our approach and to make adjustments. We
will be partnering with the Achievement Network (ANET) to support our data management and
analysis system. PDSA (Plan/Do/Study/Act) will be the primary vehicle to guide continuous
improvement. Data sources will include project portfolios, formative assessments, classroom
observations, and standardized assessments.
 School Leadership Team. A representative body of staff, the school principal, parents, community
members, and students will meet for 90 minutes once per month to address issues related to
school programming. Data review and analysis will be a key responsibility of this team.
 Board Meetings. The Chief Executive Officer and the board will do a quarterly review of school data
to determine the impact of the curriculum on key student outcomes.
Class Size and Learning Environment
Each grade level has 80 students and they are organized into four project advisories (four cohorts of
20 students). Classes have no more than 20 students. Each project advisory is a small community and
they work together to build a studio environment in each of their classrooms. To minimize
transitions and to support the studio environment, students do not move from class to class but
rather teaching staff move (students do have regular breaks within their classrooms where they
have opportunities to move around or engage in structured movement). Each of the grade level
project advisories is assigned to a team of academic and co-academic teachers and students remain
with this team for four consecutive years at the middle (grades 5 to 8) and high school (grades 9 to
Technology to Support Education Program
Central Square has contracted Central Source to help develop and manage our technology systems.
We are in the process of developing a long-range technology plan that is flexible and responsive to
our education program. This plan also ensures that we invest in technology infrastructure that is cost
efficient and does not require expensive upkeep and maintenance. Technology will have two
essential purposes:
 Assistive technologies. Technology that supports universal design for learning for students with
disabilities (i.e. screen readers) and programs that build literacy and numeracy competencies.
 Integrated technologies. Technology serves an essential role to support our project-based learning
modules: research, reports, innovation designs, solution models, and multi-media presentations.
Core Instructional Practices for Diverse Learners
Central Square will use research-based instructional practices that best serve diverse learners and are
the hallmark of high performing schools (Deeper Learning 2015) (Center on International Education
Benchmarking 2015) (DeVito, 2006) (National Center on Universal Design for Learning, 2015). These
are the instructional approaches that are the foundation of our project-based learning model and are
prevalent in Big Picture Learning schools. These practices include:
 Universal Design for Learning. Universal Learning Design (UDL) is a research-based instructional
approach that honors the range of capacities and disabilities that students bring to the classroom
and serves as the foundation of an inclusive learning environment (one of the hallmarks of our
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school mission). UDL proposes that learning and assessment should be structured around three
principles. First, providing multiple means of representation (including visual and audio supports for
accessing content knowledge). Second, providing multiple means of expression (using multi-modal
approaches to competency-based assessments). Third, providing multiple means of engagement
(scaffolding learning to address the unique needs and interests of students). Scaffolds include:
Modeling- Students effectively learn a new strategy and/or skill through teacher demonstration or
explicit instruction; Shared Practice- students have ample opportunity to practice strategy in a
variety of contexts with the help of the teacher; Guided Practice- students effectively work with
each other to practice a strategy; and Independent Practice- students have the opportunity to work
alone. Our arts and movement integrated program (including art and movement infusion in the
content areas) is a powerful vehicle to implement UDL principles. As previously stated,
Conservatory Charter School and Big Picture Learning schools that use a similar UDL model has
seen consistent gains in their state assessment data—especially for their subgroups.
 Sheltered Content Instruction. The majority of students will come from families where English is not
their native language. Project-based learning will require ALL teachers to integrate sheltered
content instruction into their daily practice. Sheltered content instruction will include: (1) Design
and Plan- content and language objectives are accessible and supplementary materials are available
to support student learning; (2) Build background knowledge—academic concepts are explicitly
linked to students’ backgrounds and previous learning, and key vocabulary is emphasized using
multi-modal approaches such as visual and auditory cues; (3) Build comprehension—teacher uses
language structures (simple sentences, clearly enunciated words, simple directions) and body
language/gestures to ensure comprehension and uses concept-building strategies (visual cues,
modeled/shared/guided/ independent practice); (4) Interactions—students have the opportunity to
discuss concepts with peers and wait-time is consistently built into classroom routines; (5) Practice
and Application—students have opportunities to consistently apply concepts and language using
reading, writing, and listening strategies (see Reading and Writing Workshop below); (6) Lesson
delivery—learning is appropriately paced and learning is active and student-centered (7) Review
and Assessment—teachers consistently use a variety of ways to assess student comprehension and
mastery of learning (conferring, check-ins, competency-based assessments).
 Reading and Writing Workshop. Every teacher is a reading and writing teacher. Students need to
read and write in a variety of contexts where they must master how a particular discipline uses
specific language domains. For example, students in Science Integration classes would need to
learn how to read a scientific journal or to write a lab report. EVERY teacher will use the following
structure to support reading and writing in their integrated learning classrooms: Mini-Lesson- a 10
to 15 minute introduction into a particular reading or writing strategy that supports the projectlearning in the classroom; Project work time—for 45 to 50 minutes students work on their project
utilizing the particular reading and writing strategy; and Project sharing—5 to 10 minutes where
students update other students on their projects and how they used a particular strategy. Teachers
would provide daily practice for students to use a common set of reading and writing strategies.
Reading comprehension strategies include: activating prior knowledge, determining important
ideas, inferring, asking questions, creating visual images, using context clues and etymology for
vocabulary building, decoding with assistive technologies, and retelling or synthesizing. Writing
strategies include: graphic organizers, planners, concept-webs, grammar and syntax correction
protocols, collaborative revising and editing process, and note-taking organizers. Both reading and
writing would use the ULD scaffold of visual and audio supports and modeled, shared, guided, and
independent practice.
 Teacher as coach and facilitator. Project-based learning requires teachers to redefine their roles.
Rather than being the source of student learning, they become the facilitator of student learning.
Being coach and facilitator requires the following: (1) Design and plan- teachers co-construct the
project with students to ensure that each module addresses grade-level academic standards,
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students’ interests/passions, provides student choice, and is clearly linked to college and career
contexts; (2) Manage learning- Teachers work with students to organize tasks and schedules, set
checkpoints, benchmarks and deadlines, find and use resources, create multiple options for
demonstrating knowledge, and arrange public demonstration of learning and competencies; (3)
Scaffold learning- as stated earlier, the teacher uses UDL, Sheltered Content Instruction, and
Reading/Writing workshop to support student mastery and demonstration of learning; (4) Assess
learning- teachers are constantly conferring with individual students and project teams to assess
student learning needs and they rely upon competency-based assessments in students’ project
learning plans to monitor their growth.
 Students as agents of their own learning. Student agency of their own learning would be
structured through the consistent use of higher order thinking strategies, authentic student
discourse, and social entrepreneur mindset. Teachers provide consistent opportunities for student
to use higher order thinking to pose insightful questions, synthesize critical information,
hypothesize, recognize alternatives and bias, seek multiple perspectives, make judgments based
upon credible evidence, and apply their understanding to new situations, problems and texts.
Through authentic student discourse, students would have powerful conversations with other
students around important questions/topics/problems using a variety of formats: pair/share, small
group, and student led conferences. The conversation has three features: (1) Related to academic
concepts—all students demonstrate their ability to engage in explicit talk on a critical concept
related to that subject area and/or an important issue in the world. Students draw connections to
other subjects and substantive real world issues. (2) Student-led—the sharing of ideas is not
scripted or controlled by the teacher. Students share their ideas and build upon the thoughts of
others. (3) Building collective understanding of concepts—discussion helps every student to
understand and wrestle with topics to build collective understanding of essential concepts. A social
entrepreneur mindset is a variation on the growth mindset learning model popularized by
psychologist Carol Dweck. A social entrepreneur mindset not only advocates that everyone has the
capacity to overcome personal learning or performance deficits but adds an ethical component to
growth mindsets. A social entrepreneur mindset not only recognizes the assets within oneself to
overcome challenges but sees the assets within a community to overcome systemic problems. A
person with a social entrepreneur mindset is relentless is leveraging community assets to
overcome a systemic problem with creative and innovative solutions. A social entrepreneur
mindset ensures that students not only exercise persistence in their own learning but exercise
persistence in civic action.
Resiliency Program Management (RPM): Building Academic and Social Emotional Resiliency
Building student resiliency to overcome academic and social/emotional challenges will be a hallmark
of Central Square. We expect that students will have a wide range of academic and social emotional
challenges. Based upon a review of Lynn’s student performance data, we expect a significant
percentage of our incoming student population to be performing below grade-level in reading,
writing, and math. We also expect a number of students who will have social/emotional challenges
based upon conversations with mental health professionals who work with Lynn youth. Our projectbased learning model is a powerful vehicle to support student learning because of its emphasis on
contextualized/personalized learning and the requirement that students collaborate in project
teams. However, we recognize that building student’s academic and social/emotional resiliency will
require additional support systems.
Central Square will use Resiliency Program Management (RPM) to provide additional support to
struggling students. RPM is and asset-based approach that provides targeted academic and
social/emotional interventions that are research-based and build upon students’ unique strengths.
RPM operates in three levels that emphasize whole-group, small group, and individualized
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interventions. A growing body of research has documented a clear link between academic learning
and social emotional learning. RPM is an integrated system that addressed both academic and social
emotional needs within an integrated approach. The following is a description of each component of
 Intake Evaluation. We will use an intake evaluation to determine the level of intervention that
students require. The intervention level is based upon real time analysis of student performance
measures. A student support team comprised of the school principal, learning specialist, ELL
specialist, resiliency counselor, and a core integration teacher will be responsible for analyzing the
data on a quarterly interval. We will be partnering with ANET to identify and analyze essential
formative assessment data to include into project learning plans and PEAR (Program in Education,
Afterschool, and Resiliency), a joint initiative between Harvard University and McLean Hospital to
administer assessment tools that measure students’ social/emotional development and its impact
on student learning.
 RPM I: Core Instructional Practices for Diverse Learners / Morning Circle. Project-based learning will
serve as the primary vehicle to support student learning needs. The core instructional practices for
diverse learners that are integral to project-based learning emphasize engaging students using
multiple learning modalities, flexible grouping, contextualized (authentic) learning experiences,
critical thinking/problem-solving, and emphasizing literacy and numeracy across the content areas.
To support both their academic and social/emotional development, students will have Morning
Circle (30 minutes per day) where they connect with a Central Square staff member about personal
or academic issues and receive explicit training about resiliency strategies.
 RPM II: Targeted Instructional Scaffolds / Accelerated Learning Labs (ALL) / Resiliency Counseling. If
a student is performing below grade level in their integrated academic classes or has
social/emotional challenges that are affecting academic performance, they will receive two
additional levels of support. First, a Learning Specialist (Special Education teacher) and ELL
specialists will problem-solve with Academic and Co-Academic Integration teachers to adjust
scaffolded curricula and instruction to better support student learning. This adjustment is noted in
a student’s project learning plan. If the issue is social/emotional, a student resiliency counselor will
work with classroom teachers to structure scaffolds that will support social/emotional
development. The second level of support is provided through the tutoring and mentoring
program. Struggling students will have the opportunity to receive targeted tutoring to address
gaps in their performance. This program occurs within students’ classrooms to ensure that tutoring
and mentoring are aligned with the work of student projects and is under the supervision of the
academic teacher. These tutoring sessions are called Accelerated Learning Labs (ALL) and they are
integrated within academic classes twice to three times per week (2 to 3 hours per week).
Students would be required to receive tutoring and mentoring for a minimum of twice per week
within their integrated academic classes. The workshop structure of integrated academic classes
allows for tutoring to occur during project work time and ensures that the tutoring is clearly linked
to academic and social emotional learning goals. If a student requires additional social/emotional
help, resiliency counselors will run support groups once per week during the community lunch
period (60 minutes in length).
 RPMIII: Intensive Individual Support / Clinical Referral. Students who have been determined to
require RPM III services will receive one-on-one tutoring twice per week within their integration
classes. Students who require intensive social/emotional support will have access to clinical
support services. We are currently exploring a partnership with the Lynn Community Health Center
to provide clinical support services and to connect students and families to the Lynn’s extensive
health and human services network. Students who require intensive academic support will receive
one-on-one tutoring within their integrated academic classes, two to three times per week (2 to 3
per hours week). This model has been successfully implemented across the Massachusetts Charter
and Big Picture Learning networks.
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Professional Development
Professional development at Central Square is structured in five ways:
 Annual Professional Development Plan. The Chief Executive Officer, principals, and representative
staff will develop an annual school-wide professional development plan grounded in yearly
instructional priorities. These priorities emerge from a thoughtful analysis of student performance
data and trends. ANet will provide technical assistance in analyzing student achievement trends
and developing school-wide priorities.
 Professional development embedded in school day. Teachers, administrators, and support staff see
daily team meetings (teachers have 75 minutes of team planning per day) as an important source
of professional development and they will engage in the following activities: Looking at student
and teacher work (LASW and LATW), Classroom Studies (peer observations), data analysis to
support continuous improvement (PDSA), curriculum mapping, inquiry groups, ongoing ELL
training, ongoing Special Education training, and project module planning that integrates UDL and
Sheltered Instruction.
 Big Bang Conference and the Central Square Summer Institute. Staff will participate in two intensive
summer trainings. The first will be BPL’s annual Big Bang Conference where school staff from
across the BPL network are immersed in Big Pictures’ strategies to effectively develop and execute
project-based curricula and to create a school culture committed to excellence. BPL will also
facilitate the Central Square Summer Institute where staff will have the opportunity to develop and
finalize project modules and to receive training in Resiliency Program Management (RPM). PEAR
will also facilitate sessions during the institute to train Central Square staff in strategies to build
student resiliency.
 School-based Coaching. BPL will also provide monthly coaching and professional development to
staff to ensure deep implementation of Central Square’s educational program and vision. ANET will
provide ongoing coaching on the effective use of data to guide continuous improvement. The ELL
specialist and Learning Specialist at each grade level will provide ELL provide ongoing support and
coaching to academic and co-academic staff.
Teacher Evaluation
Teachers will be supported through an evaluation system that celebrates their strengths and
provides a clear plan to address areas for improvement. The principal will be responsible for
implementing the evaluation system. The teacher evaluation system will have four components:
 Self-Study. Teachers will identify two or three goals related to how they will improve their teaching
practice. These goals will be aligned to school-wide instructional priorities. In the plan teachers
specify measures for success and the strategies to realize their goals.
 Professional Learning Portfolio. Teachers will compile an annual portfolio that provides evidence
that they are effectively implementing their professional learning plans. The portfolio has three
components: (1) A two-page written reflection on how they have progressed in achieving their
goals; (2) Lesson plans or student work that documents progress in achieving goals; (3) Written
feedback by colleagues.
 Formal observations. The principal will conduct quarterly formal observations of each teacher.
 Professional Learning Plan. The self-study, professional learning portfolio, and formal observations
will form the basis of a teacher’s professional learning plan for the following year. Central Square
will use and adapted version of the BPL Educator Performance Rubrics for Equity and Excellence. The
rating system will be the following:
 Emerging / Level 1: Teacher is beginning to demonstrates practice/skill
 Evolving / Level 2: Teacher sometimes demonstrates core practice/skill
 Expanding / Level 3: Teacher consistently demonstrates core practice/skill
 Excelling / Level 4: Teacher demonstrates core practice/skill at high levels
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Teachers are required to perform at level 3 (expanding) or higher in each performance category. In
case of serious performance issues, a teacher will be required to have quarterly check-ins with the
principal regarding their professional learning plan. If a teacher’s performance continues to falter,
this can serve as grounds for termination.
Academic and Social Emotional Competencies (Exit Standards)
Central Square will use a competency-based assessment system. Competencies are structured in
relation to the school’s core educational values:
 Creativity: Making unique connections across concepts/ideas and constructing diverse expressions
 Innovation: Applying a creative idea to a problem and developing a viable solution
 Collaboration: Working with others to create a synergy that will yield high performance
 Social Responsibility: Understanding the ethical implications of knowledge and solutions
Students will develop the following academic (A) and social emotional competencies (SE):
Creativity. Students will be able to:
 Conduct community research to identify and analyze a critical, local issue (A)
 Gather relevant information from a variety of sources, assess the credibility (A)
 Make strategic use of multi-media to translate information into visual form (A)
 Explain how key academic concepts and skills were applied during research and analysis (A)
 Produce clear and coherent writing for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences (A)
 Engage in self-awareness to understand one’s thoughts, emotions, and areas for growth (A/SE)
Innovation. Students will be able to:
 Construct explanations and design solutions to a real community problems (A)
 Create maps and illustrations to spatially represent observations and findings (A)
 Use evidence to support analysis and reflection (A)
 Accurately use a range of academic and domain specific vocabulary (A)
 Explain how key academic concepts and skills were applied while designing solutions (A)
 Engage in social awareness to empathize with others from diverse backgrounds (SE)
Collaboration. Students will be able to:
 Participate effectively in a range of discussions and collaborations with diverse partners regarding
key community issues and challenges (A/SE)
 Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement,
and justifying views with evidence and reasoning (A/SE)
 Work with peers to capitalize on individual and group strengths (SE)
 Regulate one’s thoughts and emotions in different situations, managing stress (SE)
 Develop public speaking skills; present information, findings, and supporting evidence (A/SE)
Social Responsibility. Students will be able to:
 Increase civic efficacy and voice to make changes in the community (A/SE)
 Work with peers and adults to promote civil, democratic discussions and decision-making (A/SE)
 Express own ideas clearly while recognizing and building on others' ideas (A/SE)
 Transfer their learning to additional contexts and link critical reflection to action; critically assess
systems of power in the local community and larger world (A/SE)
 Sustain healthy relationships with diverse individual and groups and constructively manage conflict
 Exercise persistence in achieving academic, personal, and community goals (A/SE)
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Competency Scale
Students’ academic and social emotional competencies will be assessed on a four-point growth scale
that emphasizes the four “E”s of learning development:
 Emerging / Level 1 / Grade D: Student is beginning to demonstrate core concepts/skills
 Evolving / Level 2 / Grade C: Student sometimes demonstrates core concepts/skills
 Expanding / Level 3 / Grade B: Student consistently demonstrates core concepts/skills
 Excelling / Level 4 / Grade A: Student demonstrates core concepts/skills at high levels
Grade-Level Competencies or Performance Standards
The chart below is a sample framework of competencies for grade 5 in Math, Science, ELA, and Social
Studies. For each core value and learning focus area, students will be assessed in the four-point
growth scale (Emerging 1, Evolving 2, Expanding 3, and Excelling 4).
Uses measurement and
mathematical expressions
(fractions) to analyze a problem
Can express Geometrical
thinking (two-dimensional
objects) in diverse ways (art,
music, performing arts)
Can chart possible solutions on
graphs to solve problem(s) in
the community.
Makes connections
between/among key
Scientific concepts:
properties of matter, force,
energy, ecosystems,
development of stars,
plANets, and Engineering.
Can express scientific
concepts in diverse ways (art,
music, performing arts)
Practices creating Algebraic
expression (fractions) and
charting Geometrical design
with peers and offers/receives
constructive feedback.
Works with peers to chart
possible solutions to
community problems.
Uses Algebraic and Geometric
expressions to chart
demographic data related to
community issues.
Displays analysis and charts to
field experts and members of
the community.
Makes connections
between/among Algebraic
expressions (fractions).
Can design models to
understand problems and test
possible solutions.
Practices the Scientific method
with peers and offers/receives
constructive feedback.
Develops sustainable
solution(s) to problems in the
community and leverages
community resources to
address problem.
Works with peers to develop
sustainable solutions using
tested models
Uses key scientific concepts
(properties of matter, force,
energy, ecosystems) to
understand problems in the
Presents analysis, findings,
and proposed solutions to
field experts and community
Makes connections
between/among key Social
Studies concepts:
Emergence of Democracy,
impact of American and
European expansion, and
impact of new technologies
and economies (banking,
stock market)
Analyzes community problems
based upon a deep
understanding of the
community’s history.
Practices democratic principles
within the school, with his
peers, and offers/receives
constructive feedback.
Develops sustainable solutions
by leveraging resources in
different social sectors:
business, government, health
and human services.
Works with peers to chart
historical evolution of
community in relation to an
identified problem.
Uses key social studies
concepts to understand
problems in the community
(democratic principles, impact
of globalization and
Can express social studies
concepts in diverse ways
(art, music, performing arts)
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Presents analysis, findings,
and proposed solutions to
field experts and community
page 51
Makes connections
between/among key ideas
and is able to analyze points
of view, draw inferences,
and compare/contrast.
Analyzes community problems
by reading a variety of texts to
understand different
viewpoints in relation to the
Practices reading and writing
with peers using a variety of
texts related to community
problems (stories, plays,
dramas, information texts).
Can express ideas using
diverse texts: stories, plays,
poems, and informational
Produces a variety of texts
(narrative, poems, dramas,
informational) that proposes
possible solutions
Works with peers to generate
writing that promotes possible
Practices writing and
presenting in public forums to
raise awareness about
community problems.
Presents analysis, findings,
and proposed solutions to
field experts and community
members in diverse ways.
Grade-level Promotion Standards
Central Square is committed to preparing each student for higher education and full participation in
a global economy. To change the culture of just getting by or passing, students are only allowed to be
promoted when they achieve a grade of B (Level 3/Excelling) or above in their school program. The chart
below describes what students are expected to achieve at each grade-level.
 2 semesters of integrated coursework in Math, ELA, Social Studies, and Science (performing Level 3/ Expanding
or above)
 Completing and presenting a project portfolio that is assessed at Level 3/Expanding or above
 2 semesters of co-academic coursework in arts and movement (performing Level 3/Expanding or above)
2 semester of higher education/career exploration (internship/college class) or social service (HS level)
Graduation Promotion Standards
Central Square believes in the genius of each student. The promotion standards described below
reflect a collective commitment to excellence. As also reflected in our grade-level standards, students
are only allowed to graduate when they achieve a grade of B (Level 3 / Expanding) or above in their
school program.
 8 semesters of academic coursework in Math, ELA, Social Studies, and Science (performing Level 3 / Expanding
or above)
 Completing and presenting a graduation portfolio that is assessed at level 3/Expanding or above
 Passing MCAS/PARCC
 A College and Career Plan that documents college/university enrollment and a financial aid plan (HS level)
 8 semesters of co-academic coursework in arts and movement (performing level 3/Expanding or above)
8 semesters of college/career exploration (internship/college class) or social service (HS level)
Data Assessment System
The chart below summarizes the proximal and distal data to track student progress:
 Performance/competency-based assessments (project portfolios)
 Formative Assessments in Math and ELA: ANET
 Standardized Assessments: ACCESS, MCAS/PARCC, PSAT/SAT
 Student performance measures (grades, attendance)
 Holistic classroom assessments to measure social emotional assets and challenges (PEAR)
 College enrollment / completion rates
 Civic engagement (voter registration, community involvement)
 Economic viability (employment, income, assets, reports of job satisfaction)
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Each student will have a Project Learning Plan (PLP) that describes academic and social emotional
strengths and areas for growth. The PLP includes the following: (1) Morning Circle journal that
provides a daily reflections on goals and progress towards achieving those goals; (2) Formative
Assessment (ANet), (3) Standardized Assessments (ACCESS, MCAS/PARCC, PSAT/SAT), and (4)
Performance/Competency-based assessments generated during project advisories.
Approach to Homework
A growing body of research has revealed that homework can have a negative or positive impact
based upon its purpose, academic supports, and developmental appropriateness (Cooper, Robinson,
Patall, 2006). Homework will be structured in the following ways at the middle and high school
 Middle School (grades 5 to 8). The primary purpose of homework at the middle school level is
engaging families in the learning of their children. Project-based modules will include ways that
students can involve their families in their learning. Strategies include interviews, creating a family
biography, using family photos to document their living histories. Rigorous academic work is not
assigned at home because many families in Lynn do not have the resources or time to support their
children. One of the primary findings in homework studies is that families in more affluent
communities pay for an extended day or private tutoring. Central Square will bridge this gap by
providing an extended day and tutoring support that is structured into the school day (during
project advisories), minimizing inequities and creating less stress on low-income families.
 High School (grades 9 to 12). The primary purpose of homework will be to help students to become
independent learners as they prepare for post-secondary education. Homework will focus on the
kind of activities that they will be expected to complete in college (i.e. research reports related to
their project). Because students will be participating in internships/dual college enrollment at the
high school level, they will have access to a network of resources. The job of the morning circle
advisor and the Community Learning Director is to connect students to available resources in the
community that can support their growth as an independent learner.
Professional Development to Support Use of Data
Central Square has partnered with ANet to provide the following support:
 Formative assessments for grades 6 to 12 in Math and English Language Arts, designed in-house
and aligned to the Common Core. These assessments are administered and analyzed quarterly.
 Online platform (myANet) and instructional resources that supplement ANet’s assessments by
providing teachers with tools to address student needs surfaced by assessment data.
 Coaching to help teachers effectively use ANet’s assessments and online resources to improve
student learning in their classrooms and build the capacity and skills of teachers and school
 Professional development and network membership that grants teachers and school leaders
access to best practices of schools and systems across ANet’s national network.
BPL will provide technical assistance to ensure that our performance/competency-based
assessments (project portfolios) reflect focus, relevance, and rigor are clearly aligned to the MCF
standards outlined in our curriculum scope and sequence.
PEAR will use a train-the-trainer’s model to train staff in how to use holistic assessments to measure
students’ social emotional competencies.
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Strategic Use of Data: Continuous Improvement Model
Central Square will use the PLAN/DO/STUDY/ACT (PDSA) approach to continuous improvement the
primary model to collect and analyze data (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching,
2015). This approach involves iterative cycles where school staff and stakeholders conduct quarterly
study (every 8-9 weeks) to determine whether specific actions within our school program are
resulting in desired outcomes and the adjustments that need to be made to support improvements
in student performance. PDSA occurs at three levels:
 Team Planning Meetings. Teachers will commit a minimum of one planning meeting per week (75
minutes) to review data to determine the efficacy of our approach and to make adjustments. Data
sources will include project portfolios, formative assessments, classroom observations, and
standardized assessments.
 School Leadership Team. A representative body of staff, the school principal, parents, community
members, and students will meet for 90 minutes once per month to address issues related to
school programming. Data review and analysis will be a key responsibility of this team.
 Board Meetings. The Chief Executive Officer and the board will do a quarterly review of school data
to determine the impact of the curriculum on key student outcomes.
The Chief Executive Office and middle and high school principals are responsible for overseeing the
continuous improvement model. ANET will assist in the planning and facilitation of these meetings.
Coordination and Supervision of Data System
The Chief Executive Officer and middle and high school principals will be responsible for overseeing
the school’s data assessment system. During year one, the Finance and Operations Director will be
responsible for managing the data assessment system. In future years, the Higher Education Director
will be responsible for managing the data system, including tracking longitudinal data outcomes
(college enrollment/completion, career placements, and reported job satisfaction). Big Picture
Learning is a pioneer in tracing longitudinal student data and we will rely upon their technical
assistance to set up data tracking systems.
Reporting Student Progress
Students, families, board members, school staff, and community partners will be well-informed of
students’ progress in achieving learning goals. Communication will occur in the following ways:
 Student-led family conferences. Every quarter students will share their progress in the presence of
their family and teachers. Students will be coached in how to reflect upon and discuss their
 Project Learning Plans. The Project Learning Plan is a comprehensive portfolio of student
assessment data: Formative assessment data (ANet), standardized assessment (ACCESS,
MCAS/PARCC, PSAT/SAT), and performance/competency-based assessments generated from a
student project portfolio. This data provides the journey of a student’s learning.
 Project review panels. At the conclusion of each year, student teams will be required to share their
project work with a panel of parents, board members, community members, and field specialists.
 Graduation Portfolio review panels. Students will be required to demonstrate their mastery of core
concepts and skills at the conclusion of each year by sharing evidence of their work with families,
board members, community members, and teachers.
 Academic Reports. Every quarter teachers will provide a written report on student progress. These
reports will be shared within student-led family conferences.
 Annual Report. This document is published annually and details students’ progress and the
school’s performance in relationship to its Accountability Plan. This is a public document and will
be shared with ESE, board members, families, students, and community partners.
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 Accountability Plan. The Chief Executive Officer will provide quarterly reports to the board in
relation to the school’s progress in realizing its Accountability Plan
 Website and Social Media. Using the medium of social entrepreneurs, the school will maximize the
use of media to report student progress.
 Morning circle. Students will have daily morning meetings with a Central Square staff member to
discuss their academic progress and to problem-solve issues related to their performance.
English Language Learners
Our school mission explicitly states a commitment to serving ALL students and promoting
educational equity. Creating an inclusive school environment that serves diverse populations,
especially students from families where English is not the primary language, is the primary feature of
our school design. Our inclusive school design for linguistically diverse student populations is based
upon four primary beliefs (Miramontes, Nadeau, Commins, 1997):
 The primary language, developed in the contexts of social interaction, is fundamental to the
thinking, learning, and identity of every child. Schools routinely ask students to check their
linguistic and cultural identities at the door. Central Square uses a number of approaches to ensure
that student’s culture and identities are an integral part of their education program. For example,
the first module of the year-long Social Entrepreneur project always asks students to write their
biographies and to find creative ways to express their life stories and histories (visual art, multimedia).
 Bilingualism is a cognitive, social, and economic asset for all people, and schools play a critical role in
developing full academic bilingualism. At Central Square bilingualism is an asset rather a deficit.
Students have opportunities to use their bilingualism within their academic program. For example,
Social Entrepreneur projects always require community research to determine the needs and
assets of the community. Students have the opportunity to conduct interviews of diverse
populations within Lynn using their native languages.
 Schools can make a positive and significant difference for students when educators account for the
complex interaction of language, culture, and context, and decisions are made within a coherent
educational framework. The structure of the school program and teacher planning reflects a
commitment to educational coherence. For example, ELL specialists have daily opportunities (75
minutes per day) to plan with Integrated Learning (academic) teachers and Learning Specialists.
This ensures that project modules are appropriately scaffolded to address the needs of all
 Individuals will need to function in a multicultural society. Students’ knowledge of their own culture
as wells as the culture of others is important not only to their school performance but to their
overall success. ELL students are routinely isolated from their peers in well-intentioned educational
approaches that attempt to protect them from jarring, English-speaking classroom environments.
The problem is that isolating ELL students sends a message to the whole school community that
being a speaker of a language other than English is a problem. Integrating ELL students from the
outset sends the message that their culture and language are assets within the school community.
This inclusive environment also prepares them for college and career settings where
multiculturalism is not the exception but the norm.
Inclusive Educational Model: Sheltered Content Instruction
In an ideal world, our school design would use a dual-language approach where students would be
able to study essential concepts and skills in their home language and English. However, our
resources cannot accommodate this approach because Lynn has a student demographic where
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there are 49 languages spoken at home. To accommodate the linguistic and cultural diversity of our
student population, we have chosen an inclusive educational model that integrates Sheltered
Content Instruction into all phases of the project-based learning modules. Sheltered Content
Instruction has the following components:
 Design and Plan. Content and language objectives are accessible and supplementary materials are
available to support student learning.
 Build background knowledge. Academic concepts are explicitly linked to students’ backgrounds
and previous learning, and key vocabulary is emphasized using multi-modal approaches such as
visual and auditory cues.
 Build comprehension. Teachers use language structures (simple sentences, clearly enunciated
words, simple directions) and body language/gestures to ensure comprehension and use conceptbuilding strategies (visual cues, modeled/shared/guided/independent practice).
 Interactions. Students have the opportunity to discuss concepts with peers and wait-time is
consistently built into classroom routines.
 Practice and Application. Students have opportunities to consistently apply concepts and language
using reading, writing, and listening strategies.
 Lesson delivery. Learning is appropriately paced and learning is active and student-centered
 Review and Assessment. Teachers consistently use a variety of ways to assess student
comprehension and mastery of learning (conferring, check-ins, competency-based assessments).
Specialized Support for English Proficiency Levels
Central Square students receive additional supports based upon their English proficiency levels. The
following is a breakdown of support based upon English proficiency levels:
 Levels 1 to 3. Students receive up to 3 hours a week of direct English instruction by ELL teachers
during Accelerated Learning Labs. As previously stated, Accelerated Learning Labs are built into
project time (integrated learning classes) to address gaps in student performance.
 Levels 4 to 5. Students receive up to 1 to 2.5 hours a week of direct instruction by either ELL teacher
or an Integrated Learning teacher during Accelerated Learning Labs.
Co-Teaching Model to Support Inclusive Learning Environment
Central Square defines inclusive learning environment in relation to ELL students as full participation
in the school program and establishing bilingualism or multilingualism as an asset rather than as a
deficit. Our co-teaching model is the primary way to structure learning experiences to ensure that
ALL students have FULL access to the curriculum. As previously stated, ELL specialists, Learning
Specialists (Special Education teachers) and the integrated learning specialists (academic teachers)
are required to meet daily during their 75 minute planning period to ensure that project modules are
scaffolded using Sheltered Content Instruction. They also provide opportunities for teachers to make
decision about how they will coordinate their roles in the classroom. All teaching staff are required
to follow a Co-teaching Protocol where each teacher is responsible for facilitating learning in the
classroom, collecting data about students strengths/challenges, and managing student behaviors
and interactions.
ELL Assessment, Programming, Staffing, Professional Development, and Evaluation
The following describes key features of our ELL assessment process, programming, staffing,
professional development and evaluation:
 In-take Evaluation. Each grade level has two ELL specialists (2 FTE). Both will be responsible for
administering a Home Language Survey to all incoming students to determine language(s) spoken
at home and possible English language supports a student may need. The ELL specialist team will
also be responsible for either reviewing or administering ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and
Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners). The ELL specialists will
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convene a meeting of the Morning Circle Advisor, an integrated learning teacher, and Student
Support Director to review the results and develop an ELL Learning Plan that becomes part of a
student’s Project Learning Plan: a comprehensive portfolio of student data- formative assessments,
standardized assessments, and performance/competency-based assessments. This plan outlines
the specific supports that an ELL student will require within their integrated learning (academic)
 Communication with families. The morning circle advisor is responsible for coordinating
communication with families and to make sure that they know their rights under federal and state
law and to monitor progress.
 ELL Programming. Our ELL program is a inclusive model where two learning specialists are assigned
to a grade-level cohort of 80 students or 4 project advisories (20 students per advisory). ELL
students are equally distributed among the 4 project advisories. We anticipate 14 ELL students per
grade level based upon Lynn Public School’s ELL demographic of 17.5% (ESE 2014). As previously
stated, we will use a Co-Teaching Protocol where each teacher is responsible for facilitating learning
in the classroom, collecting data about students strengths/challenges, and managing student
behaviors and interactions. The ELL specialists will work with the integrated learning teachers to
ensure that ELL students are receiving the appropriate scaffolds within each project-based learning
module. ELL specialists will have daily opportunities to plan with academic teachers during the 75
minute planning periods. ELL specialists will fully participate in the development of annual projectbased learning modules to ensure that the modules are aligned to WIDA standards and
instructional materials reflect Sheltered Content scaffolding.
 ELL Staffing and Responsibilities. Based upon student demographics in the Lynn Public School
system (17.5% of students require ELL services), we are projecting that we will need two ELL
specialists (2 FTE) per grade level. Each will receive an annual salary of $55,000 and receive a 2%
cost of living increase per year. Because of our emphasis that program decisions need to be made
by teaching staff that are closest to students, we will not have an ELL Education Director. Rather,
each grade level team (consisting of two ELL specialists) will be responsible for coordinating
program administration, curricular planning with integrated learning staff, and co-teaching
responsibilities with integrated learning staff (academic teachers). The chart below provides a
breakdown of the responsibilities. Each ELL Specialist has 2.5 hours per week for program
administration, 6.25 hours per week for planning with Integrated Learning Teachers, and 22.5
hours per week to co-teach integrated learning classes (academic classes). Additional staffing in
subsequent years will depend on ELL enrollment numbers.
ELL Learning Specialists
$55,000 per teacher (2% cost of living
increase after year 1)
Program Administration (.06 FTE per
Learning Specialist or 2.5 hours per week)
Co-planning with Integrated Learning
Teachers ( .16 FTE or 6.25 hours per week)
Co-teaching responsibilities with
Integrated Learning Teachers (.56 FTE per
teacher or 22.5 hours per week)
10 FTE
12 FTE
.24 FTE
.36 FTE
.48 FTE
.60 FTE
.72 FTE
.64 FTE
.96 FTE
1.28 FTE
1.6 FTE
1.92 FTE
2.24 FTE
3.36 FTE
4.48 FTE
5.6 FTE
6.72 FTE
 ELL Position Qualifications. The ideal candidate would have an ELL/ESL license or meet the
requirements of being highly qualified. The candidate would have experience in both Sheltered
English Instruction (SEI) and Sheltered Content Instruction (SCI). Our preference will be for
ESL/ELL educators who have served diverse student populations in project-based learning settings.
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Big Picture Learning will provide assistance in identifying highly qualified ELL/ESL teachers. We will
also use our Apprentice Teacher Program to create a pipeline of highly qualified candidates from
the Greater Lynn area to serve as staff for our program.
 Professional Development. ELL specialists will be responsible for participating in RETELL trainings
offered through ESE. The ELL specialist team at each grade level will be responsible for sharing
their learning and training integrated learning staff in RETELL during common planning periods and
the Central Square Summer Institute. One of the primary goals of professional development is to
ensure that all teaching staff have SEI endorsement.
 ELL Program Evaluation. Using the PDSA process of data collection and analysis, grade level ELL
specialists, integrated learning teachers, and the principal will be responsible for reviewing student
data on a quarterly basis. They will review student project learning plans that consist of formative
assessments (ANET), standardized data (ACCESS, MCAS/PARCC) and performance/competencybased assessments.
Special Education
Creating an inclusive school environment for all students that promotes educational equity is an
essential focus within our mission statement. Our inclusive school design is based upon the model
developed at the William T. Henderson Elementary Inclusion School (formerly known as the Patrick
O’Hearn Elementary School), a Boston Public School in Dorchester with a diverse student
demographic and a rich history of building an inclusive school culture. An inclusive school design is
also the predominant approach within Big Picture Learning schools across their national network.
Our inclusive school design for students with disabilities is based upon three core beliefs:
 Students with disabilities are not problems to be solved but are valued members of the school
community and community at large. Unfortunately students with disabilities are routinely
devalued because of their disability, are physically separated from their peers and are typically
relegated to the basement or isolated wings of school buildings. Students with disabilities at
Central Square will have FULL participation within the school program along with their peers.
 Negative impact of student disability is minimized within a least restrictive learning environment.
Building an inclusive school culture means moving beyond compliance to federal and state
regulations, and cultivating a school culture where ALL teachers are responsible for students with
 Educating students with disabilities is central to our mission of serving ALL students and is reflected
in all dimensions of our school design. The structure of our school design reflects a commitment to
serving students with disabilities. Integrated Learning Teachers (academic teachers) have daily
opportunities (75 minutes per day) to plan and problem-solve student challenges with learning
specialists (Special Education teachers).
Universal Design for Learning
Our school program reflects a universally designed school where our curricular, instructional, and
collaborative/governing approaches assume that students with disabilities will be participating in all
aspects of our school program (Hehir, Katzman, 2012). As previously stated, Universal Design for
Learning (UDL) is a central focus of our instructional approach. UDL principles are based upon
neuroscience and the interaction of three brain networks:
 Recognition Networks or the WHAT of Learning. Essential concepts and competencies should be
presented to students in multiple and flexible ways, allowing ALL students to access the curricula.
We have three primary strategies for providing multiple access to key concepts and strategies: (1)
Art and Movement Infusion or Learning by Art and Movement allows students to learn concepts
through visual cues and representations and through motor movements; (2) Reading and Writing
Workshop provides multiple scaffolds to access information (concept/mind maps, graphic
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organizers, story boards); and (3) Assistive technologies- use of video, closed caption, reading
computer programs and SMART phone apps.
 Strategic Networks or the HOW of Learning. Students should have multiple ways to demonstrate
what they know and are able to do. We have two primary strategies for providing multiple ways to
demonstrate learning: (1) Competency-based assessments—students have multiple ways to
demonstrate their learning (multi-media projects, art and graphic design projects, and music and
performance arts); (2) Assistive technologies such as writing programs and augmentative and
alternative communication devices.
 Affective Networks or the WHY of Learning. Students need to be engaged in multiple ways and
reflect their interests and passions. We have three primary strategies for students to be engaged in
multiple ways: (1) Project-based learning allows for structured choice based upon interests and
passions; (2) Readers and Writer’s Workshop provides consistent variation in the way the classroom
is structured- modeled, shared, guided, and independent practice; and (3) Art and Movement
Infusion or Learning by Art and Movement provides engaging ways for students to interact with
essential concepts.
Co-Teaching Model to Support Inclusion
Central Square defines inclusion as full participation in the school program and minimizing the negative
impact of student disabilities. Our co-teaching model is the primary way to structure learning
experiences to ensure that ALL students have FULL access to the curriculum. As previously stated,
learning specialists (special education teachers) and the integrated learning specialists (academic
teachers) are required to meet daily during their 75 minute planning period to ensure that project
modules are scaffolded using UDL. They also provide opportunities for teachers to make decision
about how they will coordinate their roles in the classroom. All teaching staff are required to follow a
Co-teaching Protocol where each teacher is responsible for facilitating learning in the classroom,
collecting data about students strengths/challenges, and managing student behaviors and
Assessment, Programming, Staffing, Professional Development, and Evaluation
The following describes key features of our Special Education assessment process, programming,
staffing, professional development and evaluation:
 In-take Evaluation. Each grade level has two learning specialists or Special Education teachers (2
FTE). Both will be responsible for coordinating an intake assessment of students who are coming
from a school with an IEP or have been recommended for review by the morning circle advisor
who is responsible for reporting review requests from any of the following: a student, his/her
family, grade-level integrated learning team (academic team), the learning specialist team, and the
ELL specialist team. The Learning Specialists convene a Learning Intervention Study Team (LIST)
consisting of the morning circle advisor, an academic teacher, and the Student Support Director to
determine whether a student requires Special Education services. LIST reviews the project learning
plan that documents four types of data: (1) Formative assessment data (ANET), (2) Standardized
test data (MCAS/PARCC, ACCESS), (3) Performance/competency-based assessments, and (4) Social
emotional assessments (PEAR’s HCA assessment). After analysis of available data, LIST determines
whether a student requires RPM (a tiered intervention system) and/or special education services.
 Individualized Learning Plan (IEP). If a student is found to have a disability and requires special
education services, LIST will work with the student and his/her family to develop an IEP that
addresses academic and social emotional learning needs. The morning circle advisor is responsible
for communicating with families and to coordinate meetings to develop and review IEPs. Each
grade-level team of Learning Specialists is responsible for working with the integrated learning
team to conduct a quarterly review of IEP plans and to co-plan weekly project module lessons to
ensure that UDL scaffolds are clearly aligned to a student’s IEP.
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 Communication with families. The morning circle advisor is responsible for coordinating
communication with families and to make sure that they know their rights under federal and state
law and to monitor progress.
 Special Education Programming. Special Education program is an inclusion model where two
learning specialists are assigned to a grade-level cohort of 80 students or 4 project advisories (20
students per advisory). We anticipate 14 Special Education students per grade level based upon
Lynn Public School’s Special Education demographic of 16.4% (ESE 2014). These students are
equally distributed among the four project advisories. As previously stated, we will use a CoTeaching Protocol where each teacher is responsible for facilitating learning in the classroom,
collecting data about students strengths/challenges, and managing student behaviors and
interactions. Learning specialists will have daily opportunities to plan with academic teachers
during the 75 minute planning periods. Learning specialists will fully participate in the development
of project-based learning modules to ensure that the modules reflect the appropriate UDL
scaffolding and are clearly aligned to the IEP.
 Special Education Staffing and Responsibilities. Based upon student demographics in the Lynn
Public School system (16.4% of students require Special Education services), we are projecting that
we will need two Learning specialists (2 FTE) per grade level. Each will receive an annual salary of
$55,000 and receive a 2% cost of living increase per year. Because of our emphasis that program
decisions need to be made by teaching staff that are closest to students, grade level teachers will
share program administration duties. Each grade level team (consisting of two Learning specialists)
will be responsible for coordinating program administration, curricular planning with integrated
learning staff, and co-teaching responsibilities with integrated learning staff (academic teachers).
The chart below provides a breakdown of the responsibilities. Each Learning Specialist has 2.5
hours per week for program administration, 6.25 hours per week for planning with Integrated
Learning Teachers, and 22.5 hours per week to co-teach integrated learning classes (academic
classes). Additional staffing in subsequent years will depend on Special Education enrollment
numbers. Students who are assessed at the high need category will have a one-on-one Learning
Tutor (paraprofessional). Please note that we have not yet identified the number of learning tutors
that we will need for our Special Education program. We made the initial decision to prioritize the
hiring of highly qualified Learning Specialists. We have built in a reserve in our budget over the next
five for learning tutors based upon student needs.
Learning Specialists (Special Education
$55,000 per teacher (2% cost of living
increase after year 1)
Program Administration (.06 FTE per
Learning Specialist or 2.5 hours per week)
Co-planning with Integrated Learning
Teachers ( .16 FTE or 6.25 hours per week)
Co-teaching responsibilities with
Integrated Learning Teachers (.56 FTE per
teacher or 22.5 hours per week)
10 FTE
12 FTE
.24 FTE
.36 FTE
.48 FTE
.60 FTE
.72 FTE
.64 FTE
.96 FTE
1.28 FTE
1.6 FTE
1.92 FTE
2.24 FTE
3.36 FTE
4.48 FTE
5.6 FTE
6.72 FTE
 Special Education Qualifications. The ideal candidate would be certified as a Teacher of Moderate
Special Needs or meet the requirements of being highly qualified. The candidate should have
experience in reading and writing instruction, building literacy and numeracy skills within the
content areas, and working with diverse populations. Our preference will be for educators who
have served students with disabilities in project-based learning settings. Big Picture Learning will
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provide assistance in identifying highly qualified teachers of students with disabilities. We will also
use our Apprentice Teacher Program to create a pipeline of highly qualified candidates from the
Greater Lynn area to serve as staff for our program.
 Specialized Support Services. Licensed service providers such as autism specialists, occupational
therapists, psychologists, physical therapists, teachers of the visually impaired, orientation and
mobility specialists, translators for the deaf, speech and language pathologists will be hired or
contracted with as needed. Our plan is to participate in the Massachusetts Charter School
Network’s Special Education Cooperative where a regional team of charter schools share the costs
for contracted services.
 Professional Development. Learning specialists will be responsible for participating in Special
Education trainings offered through ESE. The Learning specialist team at each grade level will be
responsible for sharing their learning and training academic staff during 75 minute common
planning periods and the Central Square Summer Institute.
 Special Education Program Evaluation. Using the PDSA process of data collection and analysis,
grade level Learning specialists, integrated learning teachers, and the principal will be responsible
for reviewing student data on a quarterly basis. They will review student project learning plans that
consist of formative assessments (ANET), standardized data (ACCESS, MCAS/PARCC) and
performance/competency-based assessments.
Accountability Plan Development
During pre-operational phase, the proposed Chief Executive Office will work with the board chair to
develop the Accountability Plan. The CEO will be responsible for gathering student performance
data and conducting an analysis to determine the strategic actions that will leverage the desired
impact stated in the goals. After the draft of the Accountability Plan is submitted to the Charter
School Office in June 2017, the board of trustees will review the plan for final approval in August of
During the first year of the school’s operation, the CEO, the School Leadership Team consisting of
representatives from the Integrated Learning Directors team, ELL specialist team, Learning Specialist
team, Student Support Director, parents, students, and community stakeholders will be responsible
for gathering and analyzing performance data during the course of the year (using the Continuous
Improvement Model of Plan, Do, Study Act) to determine the school’s progress in achieving the
plan’s objectives. The CEO is responsible for overseeing the monitoring process and updates the
board quarterly on progress towards meeting the plan’s objectives.
Draft Accountability Plan Objectives
The following is our draft Accountability Plan Objectives for the three focus areas of the plan:
Academic Success, Organizational Viability, and Faithfulness to Charter.
Objective 1: Each year 100% of students will achieve at least level 3 or above in their project-based
learning (competency/performance) assessments.
This objective will be assessed through Central Square’s scoring rubric that measures creativity,
innovation, collaboration and social responsibility within each core integration class of ELA, Math,
Science, and Social Studies. The Project Learning Portfolio documents students’ progress towards
mastering core competencies.
Objective 2: In MCAS/PARCC assessments, 20% of students will move from the Proficient to Advanced
Level, 40% of students will move from the Needs Improvement Level to the Proficient Level, 20% will
move from the Warning/Failing Level to the Needs Improvement Level.
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This objective will be assessed through the MCAS/PARCC assessment and formative assessments
Objective 3: 100% of students will successfully complete middle school and be promoted to high
This objective will be assessed through the Project Learning Plan that includes formative data
(ANET), standardized data (MCAS/PARCC, ACCESS), and competency/performance-based products
produced through project work.
Objective 1: Central Square will maintain efficient, equitable, and transparent financial systems and
This objective will be assessed in three ways: (1) Monthly financial statements that reflect monthly
cash reserves equal to two months of operating expenses and a line of credit equal to two months of
operating expenses; (2) The annual financial audit will reveal no deficiencies; (3) Surveys will report
that at least 85% of staff and school trustees believe that the school’s financial practices are efficient,
equitable, and transparent.
Objective 2: Central Square will maintain a staff retention rate of no less than 85%.
This objective will be assessed in three ways: (1) An annual analysis of staffing patterns; (2) Surveys
of staff to determine job satisfaction; (3) Exit interviews with staff that choose to leave the school.
Objective 3: Central Square will conduct fundraising efforts to raise revenue at least 55% above the
ESE calculated per pupil expenditure.
This objective will be assessed in three ways: (1) Achieving projected revenue goals for private
foundation grants; (2) Achieving projected revenue goals for corporate giving; (3) Achieving annual
school sponsored fundraising goals.
Objective 1: Students at Central Square will produce project work that has real impact in the Lynn
This objective will be assessed in two ways: (1) Surveys of Lynn community leaders revealing that
students project work had real impact in addressing community challenges; (2) Data (quantitative
and qualitative) documenting individuals or families impacted by project work.
Objective 2: Students at Central Square will produce high quality project work that demonstrates
college and career readiness.
This objective will be assessed in three ways: (1) Analysis of portfolio feedback from professionals
who participate in project portfolio review panels; (2) Student performance in MCAS/PARCC
assessments; (3) Performance/Competency-based assessments in their Project Learning Plan.
Objective 3: Central Square staff will be involved in scaling best practices in Lynn and beyond using
the Continuous Improvement Model developed by the Carnegie Institute for the Advancement of
Teaching and the Educational Development Center (EDC)
This objective will be assessed in three ways: (1) Frequency of site visits by staff from Lynn Public
Schools and public schools beyond the district; (2) CEO involved in hosting Communities of Practice
where district and charter school problem-solve issues and identify innovative solutions; (3)
Frequency of staff presenting in local, state, and national conferences.
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Five Elements of School Culture
Big Picture Learning (BPL) describes school culture as not a means to an end but an end in itself (Big
Picture Learning, 2015). Central Square will build a school culture based upon the five elements of
culture that are essential in BPL:
 Democratic Governance. Staff, students, and community partners exercise democratic decisionmaking through the selection and co-creation of projects-based curricula. For students this
selection happens within their project teams and for staff, they are responsible for development
project-based learning modules during their formal planning time and during the summer months.
The School Leadership Team (SCL) is a representative body of staff, students, parents, and
community partners that meet once per month to discuss issues related to school programming.
 Focus on relationships and communication. The structure of the school day and year supports
positive teacher/student and student/student relationship. Students participate in Morning Circle
where they immediately connect with an adult and small group of students to share their goals,
passions, challenges, and plans to overcome their challenges. Teachers loop with their students for
two consecutive years to ensure that they are well known. Students and staff also enjoy a one-hour
lunch that builds a sense community within the school.
 Proactive behavioral system. The school to prison pipeline is well documented: Students of color
have the highest rates of referrals and suspensions, and they are most likely to be incarcerated
when they leave school. Central Square uses proactive strategies to engage students in positive
behaviors that lead to personal and professional success. The Restorative Justice program is a
student-centered discipline program that helps students to reflect upon their behavior and to see
how their behavior positively and negatively impacts the school community. The program has
dramatically decreased discipline referrals and incidents in diverse communities such as Oakland
(Oakland Unified School District 2014). A number of BPL schools have implemented this program
with great results: improved students attendance, low incident rates, and low suspension and
expulsion rates (Big Picture Learning 2015). We will also use Resilience Program Management (RPM)
as another key strategy in supporting students to develop their social emotional competencies and
to manage issues that would lead to negative behaviors. PEAR has successfully implemented the
Holistic Student Assessment (HSA): an asset-based assessment that clearly identifies students’
strengths and potential barriers to learning. PEAR will train staff in how to administer this
assessment and to manage behaviors in the classroom based upon students’ profile results. The
Student Support Team (SST) consisting of the Student Support Director and resiliency counselors
will also provide ongoing support to staff in proactive disciplinary approaches and systems.
 Social Entrepreneurial Mindsets. Our project-based modules are a key behavioral strategy to help
students to adopt the relentless spirit of Social Entrepreneurs in achieving their desired goals and
outcomes for their community: persistence, boldness, courage, creativity, flexibility, and the
tenacity to never give up projects to change unjust systems.
 Relentless Reflection and Excellence. Our focus on academic and social emotional competencies
prepares students to be reflective about their learning and to be relentless in strategizing ways to
improve their performance. Students’ Project Learning Plans (PLP) is our primary way for students
to assess and track their strengths and areas for growth. Project Learning plans include formative
assessments (ANet), standardized assessments (MCAS/PARC, SAT/PSAT, ACCESS), and
performance/competency-based assessments based upon their portfolio of project work. Our
tutoring, mentoring, and internship programs help students to understand what it takes to excel in
a particular field and to create a roadmap of what they need to do to achieve their personal and
professional goals.
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Community Commitments to build a Social Entrepreneurial School Culture
Our school-wide norms or community commitments support a social entrepreneurial school culture
and are not simply found in a student or teacher handbook but are clearly imprinted in every facet of
our school program. These community commitments are:
BE REAL: Respectfully voice what you need to be successful
BE PRESENT: Come prepared and on time to do the task at hand
BE EXCELLENT: Bring your “A game” in all your words and actions
BE COURAGEOUS: Push yourself to take risks and to persevere
BE COMPASSIONATE: Love and support the people around you
Student Discipline: Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice is the heart of our approach to student discipline and aligns well to our
educational design and our core values to support students to be creative, innovative, collaborative,
and socially responsible. Within the context of student discipline, restorative justice has three goals:
 Accountability. Restorative justice strategies provide opportunities for wrongdoers to be
accountable to those they have harmed, and enable them to repair the harm they caused to the
extent possible.
 School Safety. Restorative justice recognizes the need to keep the community safe through
strategies that build relationships and empower both students and staff in the community to take
responsibility for the well-being of its members.
 Social Emotional Competency Development. Restorative justice seeks to increase the social
emotional competencies of those who have harmed others, address underlying factors that lead to
negative student behavior, and build on strengths and assets of each student.
The chart below outlines the difference between traditional discipline that emphasizes a punitive
approach and a restorative justice that focuses upon building social emotional competencies.
Misbehavior is defined by breaking rules or letting the
teacher/administrator down.
Focus is on what happened and establishing blame or
Adversarial relationship and process. Includes an
authority figure with the power to decide on penalty,
in conflict with wrongdoer
Imposition of pain or unpleasantness to punish and
Misbehavior is defined as harm (emotional/mental/
physical) done to one person/group by another
Focus on problem-solving by expressing feelings and needs
and exploring how to address problems in the future
Dialogue and negotiation, everyone involved in the
communication and cooperation with each other
Attention to the rules and adherence to due process
Conflict/wrongdoing represented as impersonal and
abstract; individual vs. school.
One social injury compounded by another
School community as spectators, represented by
member of staff dealing with the situation; those
directly affected uninvolved and powerless.
Accountability defined in terms of receiving
Restitution as means of restoring both parties, the goal
being reconciliation and acknowledging responsibility for
Attention to relationships and achievement of mutually
desire outcomes
Conflict/wrongdoing recognized as interpersonal conflicts
with opportunity for learning
Focus on repair of social injury/damage
School community involved in facilitating restoration;
those affected taken into consideration; empowerment
Accountability defined as understanding impact of actions,
taking responsibility for choices and suggesting ways to
repair harm.
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There are a number of ways to implement restorative justice practices but the approaches that have
been most effective in Big Picture Learning Schools that serve a student demographic similar to Lynn
is a combination of restorative circles and mediation.
 Restorative Circles. Restorative circles would occur within project advisories and morning circles.
Restorative circles focus on four strategies: (1) Modeling- students and staff model what positive
behaviors look, sound, and feel like; (2) Problem-solving- through role play or structured
discussions, students brainstorm and identify solutions to problem behaviors; (3) Building
communication skills- students learn how to communicate what they need and how to engage
other in constructive dialogue; (4) Building community- students play an active role in creating a
safe, caring, and trusting environment that supports the development of social emotional
competencies. The Student Support Director and resiliency counselors would be responsible for
coordinating restorative circles and training Central Square staff in how to facilitate circles.
 Mediation. Mediation typically occurs for more serious behavior problems involving two or more
students. A trained mediator would work with students through a step-by-step process that
includes helping students and/or staff to understand the problem, the harm that was inflicted to
parties involved, and constructive solutions. One of the primary goals is to avoid escalation of the
conflict and to find long-term solutions. The Student Support Director and resiliency counselors
would be responsible for facilitating mediation sessions. In the case of criminal behavior such as a
student bringing a weapon to school, additional people are involved: principal, morning circle
advisor, parents/guardians, local and state authorities.
The chart below describes how problem behaviors will be addressed through Restorative Justice
Fighting/ Causing physical harm/ bullying
Bringing/using weapons on school premises
Carrying and/or selling of illegal substances
Classroom disruptions/excessive talking
Conduct detrimental to school environment/culture
(verbal/emotional abuse, disrespectful behavior)
Violating dress code
Excessive school tardiness/ absences
Vandalism/destruction of school property
Unauthorized use of electronic items
Mediation. Principal, morning circle advisor,
parents/guardians, and local and state authorities involved
in mediation session. Student is removed from school until
re-entry plan is developed.
Mediation. Local and state authorities may be involved
depending upon severity of problem.
Restorative circles
Restorative circles and mediation
Restorative circles
Restorative circles and mediation
Restorative Circles and Mediation
Restorative circles
Suspension and Expulsion Policies
We will also not use suspension or expulsion as modes of punishment because we believe that
students need to be in school to address problematic behaviors that undermine their academic and
personal success. The exception would be school safety issues (i.e. carrying a weapon) where a
student would need to be removed from school in compliance with state and federal laws. As stated
in the chart above, the student, his/her parent/guardian, the morning circle advisor, principal,
Student Support Director, and local/state authorities would need to develop a Re-Entry Plan that
addressed the issue within a specified time period. Expulsion would only be an option if incarceration
was required by state and federal law.
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Orientation of Staff, Students, and Families
Central Square will use the following strategies in orient staff, students, and families in the mission
and culture of the school:
 Staff. The Central Square Summer Institute is the primary vehicle where staff will be immersed in
the mission and culture of the school. During year one, we will use a train-the-trainer approach
where Big Picture Learning School design consultants will train the Student Support Director,
resiliency counselors, and teaching staff in the mission, instructional design, and student discipline
practices (restorative justice). In subsequent years, staff will be involved in the training of new
staff under the direction of Big Picture Learning. During the course of the school year, the Student
Support Director and resiliency counselor will be responsible for the ongoing training of staff in
restorative justice practices such as restorative circles and mediation.
 Students. The opening two weeks of school will be dedicated to orienting students in the mission
and culture of the school. Morning circle advisors will work closely with their advisees to review
school-wide expectations around academic and social emotional competencies. The first module in
the project advisories is dedicated towards building a sense of community and role playing the
positive behaviors that are expected of all staff and students.
 Parents. After a parent/guardian enrolls his/her child at the school, teachers will conduct home
visits where they will orient families in the mission and culture of the school. They will bring
translated copies of student handbooks that outline the collective expectations that we have of
students, staff, families, and community members. During the pre-operational year, the proposed
CEO and Student Support Director will conduct the home visits.
Family Partnerships and Outreach
In our mission statement we express a commitment to partner with families in their child’s
education. We believe that this partnership is one of the primary levers to ensure that students
experience personal and academic success. We will use the following practices to support and
cultivate partnerships with families:
 Morning Circle Advisor. The morning circle advisor is the primary teacher that communicates with
as student’s family. This ensures that communication is clear and consistent between home and
 Tutoring and mentoring program. Parents and community members have opportunities to provide
tutoring and mentoring support to students. This program happens within academic and coacademic classrooms to ensure that all tutoring and mentoring activities are clearly aligned to the
school’s mission and goals.
 Student-led family conferences. Every quarter students will share their progress in the presence of
their family and teachers. Students will be coached in how to reflect upon and discuss their
 Mini-Learning Forums. Every quarter student teams will be required to share their project work
with a panel of parents, board members, community members, and field specialists. Families and
community members have the opportunity to learn about students’ learning and to provide
constructive feedback.
 Community Learning Forums. Community Learning Forums are culminating end of the year
presentations and exhibitions of students’ project work.
 School Leadership Team (SLT). The SLT is a democratic body of staff, parents, students, board
members, and community partners that convenes monthly to review the school’s progress in
realizing its mission and vision. These meetings will involve a regular review analysis of student
performance data that will lead to recommendations for improvements.
 Family and Community Education Program. There is a clear link between parents’ education levels
and student performance (U.S. Department of Education 2012, indicators 12 and 13). Students of
more highly educated parents had higher average scores in reading and math assessments. The
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Family and Community Education Program (FCEP) will provide an evening of educational
experiences for students’ parents and community members that mirror the day program. ESOL
classes and Higher Education / Career Planning: English instruction is offered in levels one through
four with the goal of providing contextual learning (language skills that prepare students for higher
education and the workplace). Family Literacy and Advocacy: Strategies for helping parents to
support their children’s learning at home and training in how to be advocates for their children.
Financial literacy and Social Entrepreneurship: Learning the basics of banking, college savings,
budgeting, and starting a business. Citizenship classes and civic engagement: Support in becoming
United States’ citizens and opportunities to participate in social service projects. GED preparation:
contextualized academic study that prepares families and community members for the GED exam.
FCEP will run Monday through Thursday, 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Please note that this program is not
included in our school budget since the plan is to partner with a Lynn community agency to provide
this service.
Community Partnerships
We are currently exploring partnerships with well-trusted community organizations to support our
school program. Please note that the organizations listed below have not committed to collaborating
with our school but they represent potential partners based upon our school design:
 RAW Art Works. For over 20 years RAW Art Works has used a wide range of media (paint, film,
fabrics) and art therapies to support students’ creative and social/emotional development. Our
hope is to partner with RAW Art Works to support our Arts integration and infusion programming.
 Lynn Community Health Center. Our plan is to leverage the extensive network of health and human
services within Lynn to support our students and their families. Lynn Community Health Center
could provide medical services to supplement our school nurse and clinical counseling services to
supplement our resiliency counseling program.
 Food Project. A national model of engaging students in personal and social change through
sustainable agriculture. They will support our nutrition program and could serve as a partner for
our project-based learning modules.
 GE’s Early Career Development programs. These programs based out of GE in Lynn provide intense
technical and leadership training to the early career engineers. We are exploring a potential
partnership where recent college graduates who are enrolled in these program can serve as tutors
and mentors for students.
 Operation Bootstrap. This agency provides ESOL, Adult Education, GED, Citizenship, and Financial
Literacy classes that are contextualized and mirror the emphasis of contextualized learning
advocated in our educational model. Operation Bootstrap also spearheads the Lynn Reads Literacy
Campaign where they provide workshops in schools to support family literacy.
Community Partnerships to Support Our Project-based Learning Model
The primary reason we are proposing to open our school in September of 2017 is that we need the
planning year to not only develop our project-based learning modules but to formalize project
partnerships with community organizations and city government agencies. Because charter schools
are a polarizing issue within Lynn, a number of organizations do not want to formally partner with us
because of the potential for political backlash. They would welcome a formal partnership once our
school is formally approved.
Comprehensive Health and Nutrition Program
Our movement integration program provides 75 minutes of formal daily exercise that consists of
dance and creative sports. Movement is also infused into students’ academic classes through
structured movement bursts and kinesthetic approaches to support their learning.
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All students have access to resiliency counseling through Resilience Program Management (RPM). A
school nurse will be onsite to provide necessary medical attention. We are exploring a partnership
with Lynn Community Health Center to provide additional medical and clinical services for high need
students and their families.
High performing schools in Latin America, Europe, and Asia allow one to two hours for lunch (Center
on International Education Benchmarking 2015). They realize that lunch is an essential way of
teaching students how to develop healthy eating habits. Eating lunch together also has a critical role
in creating a sense of community and giving students the space for healthy social and emotional
development. Staff and students will enjoy a full hour for community lunch. Our plan is to provide
students the highest quality snacks and meals. Students will receive a breakfast snack during
Morning Circle at 8:30 am, a full meal during Community Lunch at 11:30 am, and an afternoon snack
at 3:00 pm. We are exploring a possible relationship with the Food Project, a non-profit organization
located in Lynn that is committed to sustainable agriculture and the procurement of high quality
foods for schools and communities. We will also explore contracts with vendors who can provide a
diverse array of healthy foods.
In addition to providing students with healthy meals, our goal is to follow the successful model of
Boston Public Schools to provide free meals to every student. We will be working with corporate
partners to help fund the nutritional program.
Formation of the Design Team
In May of 2012, a diverse group of professionals with deep connections to the Lynn community met
for the first time to discuss their vision for a new charter school in Lynn. The team was convened by
Frank DeVito, a Lynn resident with children in Lynn Public Schools. For over twenty years Frank has
been committed to systemic educational reform as a teacher, school leader, and education
consultant. Since 2007 he has served as the CEO of the Fenix Center for Innovative Schools, a nonprofit organization that works with schools and districts to develop and sustain innovative programs.
Frank had a dream to create a lab school that could exemplify best practices and serve as a catalyst
for systemic changes in public education. He recruited individuals who were invested in Lynn and
were involved in innovative professional projects that spanned education, art, technology, science,
health/human services, media/communications, and business/finance. Dr. Irene Porro, the proposed
board chair, was also instrumental in recruiting individuals who worked in a wide range of
professional fields and who were particularly committed to the Lynn community.
Design Team Planning
The Central Square design team had two phases of planning:
Phase 1: May 2012 to February 2014. The design team met one evening per month for 90 minutes to
develop and refine the school’s mission, vision, and educational model. The group was relatively
large and included prospective employees, board members, and advisors.
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Phase 2: March 2014 to present. After unsuccessful attempts to land a charter during the 2012-13 and
2013-14 charter application cycles, we made a decision not to submit an application for the 2014-15
cycle. We chose to invest an extended period of time reviewing the feedback from the charter
school office and further developing our school model. The process involved visiting Big Picture
Schools and high performing Massachusetts Charter Schools where elements of our model had been
successfully implemented. Rather than convening meetings of all the members of the design team to
review the revised iterations of the school model, we decided that prospective board members
would be responsible for reviewing and approving parts of our charter application. Our rationale was
that this exercise would help build the capacity of the board to oversee the school. Board meetings
during this phase were scheduled on a quarterly basis and lasted 90 minutes. The Food Project in
Lynn allowed us to use their conference space for board meetings.
The Writing Process
Frank DeVito served as the primary writer of the proposal. The writing process involved drafts of
each part of the proposal being circulated by e-mail. Design team members responded in formal
meetings, by e-mail, phone calls, or informal meetings. The team developed a work plan that
outlined when sections would be developed, revised, and finalized.
Founding Group’s Bios, Proposed Roles, and Areas of Expertise
Expanded biographies, statements of commitment, questionnaires, and resumes of each design
team member can be found in Attachment 8. The following is a brief review of members’ bios,
proposed roles, and areas of expertise.
Irene Porro. Proposed role: Board Chair. Areas of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Management, Development,
Fundraising, Elementary/Secondary Education, Math/STEM Education.
Irene is from Italy and is the Director of the Christa McAuliffe Center for Integrated Science Learning at
Framingham State University. Previously Irene served as the Outreach Programs Officer at the MIT Office of
Engineering Outreach Programs that provides underserved and underrepresented youth with multiple entry points
to academic and professional careers in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
Previously, she served as the Director of the Education and Outreach Group of the MIT Kavli Institute for
Astrophysics and Space Research. In all her educational projects, she implements an interdisciplinary approach to
learning that includes science, math, technology, the performing arts and history.
Maria Perez. Proposed role: Trustee. Areas of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Management, Community
Advocacy, and Special Education.
Maria is an immigrant and has lived in the city of Lynn for 35 years, where she has been active in the public arena.
Maria understands the plight of immigrants and the importance of the role that education plays in the lives of
immigrant children. She currently is a professor at Salem State University. She advocates a multisensory and
multimodal approach to education one which includes: social entrepreneurship, social- emotional well-being, arts
integration, music, movement, innovation, collaboration, and creativity. She has worked in the Malden Public
Schools as an Occupational Therapist for the past seven years, with the emphasis on teaching, coaching, and
functioning as a resource to teachers and parents. She is a single mother who raised three daughters and is a first
generation college graduate.
Lee Dillon. Proposed role: Trustee. Areas of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Management, Mechanical
Engineering, Corporate Training, Workforce development.
Lee Dillon is the Engineering/Technology Program Leader for the Product Engineering Center at GE Aviation in
Lynn, MA. She manages two hundred early career Edison engineers through a customized development program
designed to provide focused career planning, rotational assignments, technical training and leadership education.
In addition, she also manages sixty-five mid-career Capstone Engineers through a development program focused
on building technical depth and breadth, enhancing business acumen and leadership skills.
Darryl Williams. Proposed role: Trustee. Areas of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Higher Education,
Management, School Governance, STEM Education
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Darryl is the Associate Dean for Recruitment, Retention, and Community Engagement and the Director of Center
for STEM Diversity at Tufts’ School of Engineering. Previously he served as a Program Director for the National
Science Foundation in the Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) where he was
charged to support the enhancement of K-16 engineering education. He was the lead program director for the
Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program, a program which supports projects
that engage participants in authentic, contextual experiences that reflect the nature of STEM and ICT careers.
Susan Solimine. Proposed role: Trustee. Areas of Expertise: Community Service, Fundraising, Finance/Business,
Management, Human Resources, Nursing/Healthcare
Susan is a Lynn resident and serves as the Executive Director for the Lynn Shore and Atlantic Rest Homes in Lynn.
She is from a family that has deep roots in the Lynn business and philanthropic community. In addition to
managing the daily operations of two rest home facilities, she is a registered RN and provides medical and
psychiatric care for each of the 55 residents.
Christina Stohl. Proposed role: Trustee. Areas of Expertise: Special Education, Educational Leadership, School
Christina is a former Lynn special education teacher who now serves as a mathematics special educator and
program coordinator for Masconomet Regional High School. Before she entered education, Christina was a
professional dancer and choreographer. She is committed to equitable schools and authentic learning for all.
Christina advocates for special education students and their families while supporting students' complex problem
solving and critical thinking, communication skills, team-building collaboration, and perseverance. She supports
strong student voice, student choice and passion, managed risk-taking, and vigorous experiences through
inquiry/constructivism, multiple intelligences, and interdisciplinary learning.
Paul Lukez. Proposed role: Trustee. Areas of Expertise: Architecture, Real Estate, Finance/Business, Fundraising,
Management, Human Resources, School Improvement, Blended/Virtual Education, School Improvement,
Community Service
Paul is an architect in Somerville, Massachusetts. Over the last twenty years, Paul has been engaged in teaching,
research, and practice. He is the recipient of numerous academic and professional honors, and his work has been
recognized by editors of local, regional and (inter)national publications. Paul Lukez taught most recently as a
(visiting) professor at the Rhode Island School of Design, MIT and Washington University.
Frank DeVito. Proposed role: Chief Executive Officer. Areas of Expertise: Educational Leadership,
Finance/Business, Management, Secondary Education, School Improvement, ELL Education, Human Resources,
Development, Fundraising, and School Governance
Frank is a second generation Honduran and Italian American and a Lynn resident since 2005. He serves as the
Chief Executive Officer of the CENTRAL SQUARE Center for Innovative Schools, an education consulting agency
committed to designing and sustaining innovative and high performing school programs. He also serves as an
Educational Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the Educational Development Center. Previously, he served as the
Director of Turning Points, a national middle school reform program located at the Center for Collaborative
Education in Boston. As a teacher and headmaster In the Chelsea Public Schools, he co-founded two innovative
high schools for at-risk students that utilized project-based curricula and assessments that were linked to
professional internships.
(1) Governance Structure
The board of trustees serves as the primary vision-keepers for the school and exercise educational,
fiscal, and legal oversight to ensure that the school is accountable to its charter. The board is
responsible for the following:
 Selection, support, and evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer who reports directly to the board
 Strategic planning and policy development
 Financial and legal management
 Serving as ambassadors to the public
 Monitoring educational outcomes based upon a regular review of data
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 Monitoring progress in implementing the School’s Accountability Plan
Officer of the Board
The board of trustees will have one officer: Board Chair. The board chair is responsible for the
 Plan board agendas. The chair develops the agenda, ensures that the board is honoring openmeeting laws where the dates, times, and location of board meetings is properly posted with
proper advanced notice, and makes sure that meetings are focused and engaging and not a
laundry list of items.
 Strategic planning. The chair helps to identify annual goals and benchmarks to determine whether
educational, fiscal, legal, and human resource goals have been achieved.
 Oversee board committees. The chair is responsible for appointing members to standing
committees and to ensure that each committee is executing its duties and communicating properly
with the board.
 Hiring and Evaluation. The chair coordinates the hiring and evaluation of the CEO and leads the
annual evaluation of the board’s performance.
 Ethic of Excellence. The chair serves as a model of the school’s core value: creativity, innovation,
collaboration, and social responsibility. The chair works to create a high performing school board
that supports advances the school mission.
 Succession Plan. If the board chair needs to resign for any reason, the chair will convene the board
to nominate successors. The chair oversees the nomination and vetting of candidates.
Board Committees
To support the educational, financial, and legal responsibilities of the board, Central Square will have
the following standing committees:
 Development: Focuses on advising development efforts at the school (grant-writing, fundraising)
and supports the Development and Communication Director in establishing annual development
 Finance: Focuses on the fiscal health of the school; develops annual budget in collaboration with
the Finance and Operations Director, CEO, and Central Source (contracted provider for finance
management support); meets with auditor to oversee the auditing process, works with the
Finance and Operations Director and Central Source to provide monthly updates to Board on
current expenses and revenue streams.
 Governance: Focuses on the recruitment of trustees, the evaluation of the Board, and interfaces
with the School Leadership team to ensure that the board is honoring the perspectives and
priorities of stakeholders (students, family, staff, community partners) in advancing the school
 Strategy: Focuses on the expansion of the school design (creating a network of schools), supports
the scaling of effective school practices within Greater Lynn and beyond, and interfaces with the
advisory board to ensure that Central Square is using the most effective educational, governing,
financial, and legal systems, and strategies to improve staff retention.
Ex-Officio Board Members
Central Square Public Charter School will have a deep commitment to shared-leadership where every
staff member, student, parent, and community partner has a voice to ensure that the school is
honoring its mission and vision. In order to honor the voices of key stakeholders, the following
stakeholders will be ex-officio members of the board:
 Chief Executive Officer
 Middle and High School Principals
 2 teachers (1 middle and 1 high school)
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 2 students (1 middle and 1 high school)
 2 parents (1 middle and 1 high school)
 2 community partner representatives
Ex-officio members will rotate on a yearly basis with the exception of the Chief Executive Officer and
the Middle and High School principals.
Advisory Board
To ensure that Central Square Public Charter School is using the most effective educational,
governing, financial, and legal systems, the school will have an Advisory Board of experts who are
leaders in their field. The advisory board will interface with the board’s strategy committee to
support healthy operating systems and the expansion of the school model. The following is a brief
review of advisory members’ bios and areas of expertise.
Andrew Frishman. Areas of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Fundraising, Management, Secondary Education,
School Improvement, School Governance, and Finance/Business, Special Education, English Language Learners,
Blended Virtual Learning, Community Service
Andrew is the Executive Director of Big Picture Learning. He recently completed his doctorate in Education
Leadership Program (EdLD) at Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Harvard Kennedy School, and Harvard
Business School. From 2002-2006, Andrew was an advisor at The Met High School in Providence, RI, the “mother
ship” of the Big Picture Learning Network. In 2007, he joined the fledgling Met Sacramento High School, worked
with its first graduating class, and became the school’s first “Learning Through Internship Coordinator.” Andrew
has supported the expansion of the Big Picture Network in a variety of capacities, helping to launch schools across
the United States as well as internationally.
Cynthia Marie. Areas of Expertise: Finance/Business, School Governance, School Improvement, Fundraising, Real
Estate, Community Service
Cynthia is the founder and owner of Central Source, Inc, a charter school business management consulting
company. Before starting her company in 2011, Cynthia was the Director of Finance and Administration at the
Benjamin Banneker Charter School and the Business Manager for Conservatory Lab Charter School- both current
clients. She has over twenty years of professional business management experience in both the private and public
sector and earned a Masters Degree in Business Management from Cambridge College in 2004.
Ilene Kantrov. Areas of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Fundraising, Management, Secondary Education, School
Improvement, School Governance, and Finance/Business, Special Education, English Language Learners, Blended
Virtual Learning
As Director of Pathways to College and Careers (PCC) at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), Ilene Kantrov
oversees a staff of over 25 curriculum, technology, professional development, technical assistance, and research
experts whose mission is to develop and support programs that promote the intellectual and career development
of learners to prepare the next generation of leaders and the workforce of the future. Her work over the past 15
years has focused on preparing high school students for success through innovative programs that use project- and
inquiry-based approaches to develop academic and 21st century knowledge and skills and that promote
partnerships between schools, industry, higher education, and communities. Dr. Kantrov’s areas of knowledge and
expertise include integration of academic and career education; multiple pathways to college and careers; inquiryand project-based learning; teaching and assessing 21st century skills; uses of technology to support student and
teacher learning; and employer and community engagement in education.
Robert McLaughlin. Areas of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Fundraising, Management, Secondary Education,
School Improvement, School Governance, and Finance/Business, Special Education, English Language Learners,
Blended Virtual Learning, Community Service
Robert McLaughlin is the Director of Leadership for Innovation at the Educational Development Center (ED). For
more than 30 years, Robert McLaughlin has led innovative school reform initiatives at the local, state, and national
levels. He brings expertise in educational technology, assistive technology, educational policy, teacher
development, and strategies to close digital divides. At EDC, McLaughlin leads a team of curriculum, technology,
professional development, capacity-building, and research experts who seek to promote innovative and effective
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approaches to supporting systemic school improvement. Their work includes strengthening educational
leadership, enhancing STEM education, and ensuring equitable access to high-quality educational experiences and
digital tools that enhance teaching and learning.
Eliza Fabillar. Area of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Fundraising, Management, Secondary Education, School
Improvement, School Governance, and Finance/Business, Special Education, English Language Learners, Blended
Virtual Learning, Community Service
Eliza Fabillar is senior project director at Education Development Center, Inc. She brings almost 20 years
experience in education, and more specifically in high school reform, systems change, professional development,
instructional design, practitioner research, and educational equity. Currently, she directs the District Level Systems
Change initiative across several New England districts with the aim of advancing student-centered learning and
bridging systems change with continuous improvement processes. Previously, she was lead facilitator with The
National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools, where she worked with researchers and district teams to design,
pilot, implement, and scale up innovations focused on increasing student ownership and responsibility for their
academic learning. Fabillar has expertise in instructional design, developing engaging learning experiences for both
adults and youth. She co-developed numerous curriculum projects that have been disseminated nationwide. These
projects focus on preparing students for college and careers, empowering them to be active citizens in a
democratic society, and building their critical thinking and literacy skills.
Anne Wang. Areas of Expertise: Social Emotional Learning, Research and Evaluation, Educational Leadership,
Fundraising, Management, Secondary Education, and School Improvement, Community Service
Anne Wang is committed to positive approaches to the academic and social-emotional development of children
and youth. She develops products and provides technical assistance for the IES National Research and
Development Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools and the Nellie Mae District Level Systems Change Initiative. In
the 11 years that Dr. Wang has been at EDC, she has conducted and overseen evaluation activities for several
projects and training and technical assistance centers, bringing her experience in research design, survey
development, and statistics to create evaluation tools, develop evaluations, and design technical assistance
databases. She has also created tools and trainings to help schools and programs implement social-emotional
learning and positive school discipline strategies, as well as conduct needs and resource assessments, strategic
planning, sustainability planning, evaluation planning, and communications and marketing.
Jessica Juliuson. Areas of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Fundraising, Management, Secondary Education,
School Improvement, Curriculum and Assessment Design, Community Service
Jessica Juliuson specializes in supporting districts and schools in making systemic changes to ensure students
acquire the skills and knowledge they need to become invested, effective participants in democratic society. To
this work, she brings more than 20 years of experience in advancing innovations in instructional design and teacher
development that enhance students’ learning, improve their academic achievement, and prepare them for college
and careers. Juliuson plays a key role in the Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL) initiative’s efforts to Transform
Teaching and Learning, Transform the High School Experience, and Transform Business and Civic Engagement. As a
member of an EDC team that supports a national network of NGL communities, she manages professional
development for a wide network of STEM academies while coordinating team externships that strengthen
collaboration between schools and local communities and industries. She develops and supports virtual and face to
face learning communities which support teachers in integrating rigorous academic and career education, and
collaborates with school teams to facilitate change using user-centered design principles and processes.
Candace Brooks. Area of Expertise: Product Design, Visual Arts, Human-Centered Approaches to Problem-Solving,
Community Service
Candace Brooks is a Training and Technical Assistance Associate and in-house expert on design thinking and
innovation. She contributes over 10 years experience as a product design researcher and strategist, with 9 years of
experience as an adjunct professor teaching the design process, design thinking, design principles, human factors
and research methodologies. She has trained and coached teachers, district leaders, university staff and collegelevel students in the use of design research methods as an effective tool for innovative problem solving. She has
facilitated school-based teams, developed curriculum for professional development and online courses, acted as a
technical assistant and has presented to teachers and school administrators on the benefits of using the design
process and design thinking in school change efforts. Her training at the Institute of Design at the Illinois Institute
of Technology has helped her to hone an effective human-centered approach to problem solving.
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Draft Bylaws
A copy of the Draft Bylaws can be found in Attachment 1.
(2) Roles and Responsibilities
The board oversees the following:
 Selection, support, and evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer. The board establishes clear
criteria and protocols for the hiring and annual evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer who
reports directly to the board. Compensation is set annually based upon mutual agreement of
performance-based measures. The board also ensures that the Chief Executive Officer has the
proper supports to execute her/his responsibilities.
 Strategic planning and policy development. The board monitors student performance trends and
establishes the strategic direction to ensure that the school is functioning effectively in relation to
its stated goals. The board also regularly updates school policies to ensure that the school is
effectively fulfilling its mission over time.
 Financial and legal management. The board ensures the fiscal health of the school through the
review, approval, and monitoring of the annual budget. Members are expected to actively
participate in fundraising efforts to improve and sustain the quality of the school’s program. The
board also monitors whether the school is doing the proper filing of all legal and regulatory
 Ambassadors to the public. The board is expected to actively promote the mission and vision of
the school to the local and global communities. Members are expected to cultivate relationships
with stakeholders and to respond openly to questions or concerns.
 Monitoring of educational outcomes. The board regularly monitors student outcomes as described
in the school’s data system.
 Monitoring of the Accountability Plan. The board monitors progress towards the achievement of
the stated objectives in the Accountability Plan.
Board Actions
Since 2012, the board has discussed and come to consensus on the following core components of our
school design:
 The board formally adopted the school mission in May of 2012
 The board formally approved Frank DeVito as the proposed CEO in June of 2012
 The board formally approved the budget in the 2012, 2013, and 2015 charter application
 The board formally approved Irene Porro as board chair in March 2015
 The board formally approved the new iteration of our school design elements in May 2015
Sample future board actions will include the following:
 Approval of two additional board members in March of 2016
 Development and approval of the School Accountability Plan for FY2018;
 Review and approval of the revised school budget FY2018 following charter approval
 Conduct the annual evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer;
Role Distinctions for Curriculum, Personnel, Budget Allocation, and Vendor Selections
The Chief Executive Officer will be responsible for decisions related to curriculum, personnel, budget
allocation, and vendor selections. The board will be responsible for monitoring student outcomes,
adherence to policies outlined in our bylaws and staff and student handbook. They will also monitor
cash flow and the proper functioning of financial, legal, and reporting systems.
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Board Processes for Effective Communication, Decision-making, and Oversight
The board will establish the following processes to support effective communication, decisionmaking, and oversight:
 Board Calendar. The board will honor open-meeting laws by publishing a board calendar at the
beginning of the school year. This calendar will not only be shared on our school website but in
community media outlets such as Lynn Happens.
 Open communication and dialogue. As previously stated, Central Square has included ex-officio
members that represent diverse stakeholders (students, families, staff, and community partners).
This strategy will emphasize our approach to school leadership. We will also use communication
protocols that emphasize deep listening and participation.
 Decision-making. The development of our charter application represented a commitment to
consensus-building. The decision-making processes outlined in our Draft Bylaws (see Attachment 1)
demonstrated a commitment to reach consensus before a majority vote is formally conducted.
 Complaints and Ethics Violations. Our bylaws outline the reporting structure for complaints and
ethics violations. The process emphasizes transparency and accountability.
(3) Policy Development
As previously stated, Central Square will have a deep commitment to shared-leadership where every
staff member, student, parent, and community partner has a voice to ensure that the school is
honoring its mission and program. To facilitate shared leadership and to provide structures where
members of the school community can have a voice in development or revisions of policies:
 Ex-Officio Board Membership. The board will have ex-officio membership from diverse
stakeholders: students, families, staff, and community partners
 School Leadership Team (FLT). The SLT is a democratic body of staff, parents, students, board
members, and community partners that convenes monthly to review the school’s progress in
realizing its mission. These meeting encourage open dialogue about how the school is achieving
academic and social emotional outcomes. This body interfaces with the Governing Committee of
the board that oversees the governing process of the school to ensure that stakeholders have a
voice in the school’s operation and success.
Another mechanism for policy development will be family and community satisfaction focus groups
and surveys. High performing schools in the Big Picture network are diligent about collecting data
about stakeholder satisfaction, and we will adopt this approach in collecting important data about
student, parent, and community partner satisfaction. This data will be analyzed at the school and
board levels to ensure that our education program is addressing the needs of the Lynn community.
(4) Board Sustainability
Recruitment and Selection of Board Members
Board members were and will be recruited based upon the following criteria:
 Diversity-- members reflect student demographics and ideally have roots in the Greater Lynn
community or their professional work is connected to Lynn;
 Addresses a specific area of expertise that would support a high functioning board
 A passion for urban education and social justice
At the present time we are vetting two additional candidates for the board. We were not able to
complete the vetting and approval process before the submission of the final application because we
wanted to exercise due diligence. Our two candidates have extensive experience in business/finance
and law.
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The governance committee will be responsible for the recruitment and vetting of future board
members. The governing committee identifies areas of need and coordinates searches. Resumes of
potential candidates are circulated by e-mail and representatives of the governing committee
interviews prospective board members. After the candidate is vetted by the governing committee,
they are asked to attend a board meeting where they are formally introduced. Board members
discuss the strengths and challenges of a candidate and they make a final vote to confirm
membership. Future board members would have expertise in the following areas: Finance, Law,
Secondary Education, Governance/Leadership, Management, Special Education, ELL Education,
Higher Education, and Community Development.
Board Training and Orientation
The board will participate in an annual training and board retreat to ensure that members are clear
about their roles and responsibilities. During the application process the Massachusetts Charter Public
Association connected us with a trainer who will prepare our board for the interview process with
the state. We anticipate that we can use the resources of the network to support board trainings.
The governing committee will be responsible for orientation and training of new board members.
This orientation will include site visits to the school and participation in ESE sponsored board
Board Evaluation
The governing committee under the direction of the board chair will be responsible for the board
evaluation. The evaluation will involve the following process:
 Student Outcomes and Board Actions. The board will review student outcomes and board actions
over the course of the year (using the Continuous Improvement Model of PLAN/DO/STUDY/ACT) to
determine if the board was responsive in improving student outcomes.
 Focus group and surveys. The governing committee will conduct focus groups and surveys of exofficio members of the board and representative stakeholders to determine stakeholder’s views
about the effectiveness of the board.
 Systems Audit. The board will review financial data from the annual audit to determine how
effectively the board exercised fiscal and legal oversight.
(6) School Support Contract (Proven Provider)
Big Picture Learning
We are excited about our partnership with Big Picture Learning (BPL) who will be our school support
organization or proven provider. BPL is a non-profit educational organization that has a rich history
of developing and sustaining innovative, rigorous, and high performing schools. For over 20 years
BPL has remained a leading pioneer of real-world learning, personalized learning, and project-based
learning, and its educational model has a track record of dramatically raising the achievement levels
of diverse youths in under-resourced communities. BPL’s legacy includes over 50 schools in 18 states
currently serving over 9,000 students, as well as “sister” organizations and networks rapidly
expanding internationally. BPL’s educational core values center on the belief that hands-on projects,
internships, and experiential learning allows students to advance knowledge and skill development
in a manner best suited to individual learning styles. BPL schools consistently achieve significant
gains in attendance and performance on state and district academic assessments in essential skill
areas, as well as dramatically reducing dropout and suspension/expulsion rates, increasing
graduation rates, and increasing college acceptance, matriculation, and persistence in comparison to
similar populations in other similar schools.
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The Central Square Design Team approached Big Picture Learning in March of 2013 to explore a
proven provider partnership. A draft of the charter prospectus was submitted to BPL’s new school
development team and there was mutual agreement that a partnership could yield a powerful
synergy. Members of the design team visited Big Picture’s flagship school, the MET, in Rhode Island
and attended the Senior Thesis Conference where students presented their culminating projects for
graduation. Our proposed CEO, Frank DeVito, attended the Big Picture Leadership Conference in
Oakland, California where the theme was leadership for educational equity and excellence. The most
impressive quality of BPL is that they do not believe in a cookie-cutter approach to new school
development. They take great lengths to understand the unique features of a community and
provide customized support.
Big Picture Learning will provide intensive support to Central Square over the term of its five-year
charter. The following is an overview of key areas of support:
 School, Program, and Curriculum Designs. BPL will provide assistance in creating school,
program, and curriculum designs, including adaptations of the BPL school organizational
structures (e.g., rooms and spaces, school calendar and schedules, and staffing), school budget
development, program development (e.g., daily schedule, organization of advisories, integration
of LTI – Learning through Internship), and curriculum development (e.g., standards alignment,
instructional strategies, and assessment).
 Parent, Business, and Community Engagement Programs. BPL will assist Central Square
developing descriptive materials and presentations regarding the proposed new BPL school.
These materials and presentations will be customized to specific audiences.
 Staff Selection. BPL will assist in developing position descriptions, recruitment activities, and
selection criteria and processes.
 Principal Training/Coaching. BPL will develop and provide education, training, and support
services for the Chief Executive Office (and subsequent school leaders) during the planning year
and continued coaching during the first five years the school is open.
 Staff Training/Coaching. BPL will develop and provide education, training, and support services
for the Central Square project advisors and staff. Trainings will include project-based learning,
restorative justice practices, instructional practices for diverse populations (Special Education and
ELL), and the development of competency-based assessments and rubrics.
Please refer to Attachment 11 for a full description of BPL’s Scope of Services Contract.
(7) Programmatic Relationship with Other Organizations
To support the successful launch and operation of Central Square Public Charter School, we have
partnered with the following organizations: ANET (the Achievement Network), PEAR (Program in
Education, Afterschool, and Resiliency), Central Source, and HR Knowledge. Please see Attachment
14 for Letters of Commitment.
ANet (the Achievement Network)
Contact: Lindsey Steinmetz Haldeman, Executive Director / Eastern Massachusetts
Address: 225 Friend Street, Suite 704, Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617.725.0000
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ANet is supporting the development, administration, and analysis of ELA and Math formative
assessments. They have agreed to help us develop a formative assessment system that
complements our competency-based project portfolio system. They will provide onsite coaching and
help us to launch our data platform.
PEAR (Program in Education, Afterschool, and Resiliency)
Contact: Dr. Gil Noam, Director
Address: PEAR Mailstop 320, McLean Hospital 115, Mill Street, Belmont, MA 02478
Phone: 617-484-0466
PEAR is supporting us in using holistic student assessments (HSA) to determine the social emotional
competencies of students and its potential impact on student learning.
Central Source
Contact: Cynthia Marie, Principal Consultant
Address: 477 Riverside Avenue, Medford, MA 02155
Phone: 617.453.4240
Central Source will provide ongoing technical assistance in setting up and monitoring our financial
and technology systems.
HR Knowledge
Contact: Ken Bettenhauser, President
Address: 15 Berkshire Road, Suite B, Mansfield, MA 02048
Phone: 508.339.1300 x251
HR Knowledge will provide human resource support.
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(1) School Management Structure
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Rationale for Our Management Structure
The founding team did an extensive review of successful charter school management models across
the country and developed a management structure that emphasized the following four features:
 Focus. Delegating responsibility of fiscal and operational oversight to a CEO and administrative
team allows principals and staff to focus upon the school’s academic and social emotional
 Collaboration. The management structure is organized by teams to ensure that the right people
are involved in making the right decisions.
 Expansion. Our goal is to replicate the Central Square model in other urban cities and districts.
This management configuration allows for replication and network expansion.
 Impact. This structure facilitates accountability and ensures that staff are provided the proper
support and supervision to do their best work.
Reporting Structure
The Chief Executive Officer will report directly to the Board of Trustees and is responsible for
overseeing the day to day operations of the school’s educational, fiscal, and legal systems. The
Executive Leadership Team consisting of the Middle and High School Principals, Finance and
Operations Director, Higher Education Director, and the Communications and Development Director
reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer.
The Integrated Learning Teachers (Academic and Co-Academic Teachers), ELL Specialists, Learning
Specialists (Special Education Teachers), Student Support Directors, and Community Learning
Directors, report directly to the Middle and High School Principals.
Apprentice teachers report directly to the Integrated Learning Teachers. Resiliency Counselors and
school nurses report to the Director of Student Support, and Community partners and volunteers
report directly to the Community Learning Director.
(2) School Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
Chief Executive Officer
While the board of trustees serves as the vision-keepers, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) serves as
the primary vision-executor and is entrusted with educational, fiscal, and legal oversight to ensure
that the school is living the charter on a daily basis. The CEO reports directly to the board of trustees
and is responsible for the following:
 Selection, support, and evaluation of the Executive Leadership Team. The CEO establishes clear
criteria and protocols for the hiring and evaluation of Executive Leadership Team comprised of the
Middle and High School Principals, Finance and Operations Director, Communications and
Development Director, and the Higher Education Director. Compensation is set annually based
upon mutual agreement of performance-based measures. The CEO also ensures that each member
of the Executive Team has the proper supports to exercise her/his responsibilities.
 Creating a social entrepreneurial culture committed to creativity, innovation, collaboration, and
social responsibility. The CEO works with the Executive Team to ensure that the team is walkingthe-talk in relation to the school’s mission and vision. The CEO provides structured opportunities
for Executive Leadership Team members to engage in personal and professional growth.
 Strategic planning and policy development. The CEO facilitates the strategic planning process in
conjunction with the board and coordinates revisions to school policies.
 Financial and legal management. The CEO oversees the effective operation of the school’s
financial systems and is the primary architect of the annual budget in collaboration with the
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Executive Leadership Team. The CEO is also responsible for cultivating relationships with
corporate and individual donors and foundations, in order to establish new funding streams to
improve or sustain the quality of the school’s program. The CEO oversees the proper filing of all
legal and regulatory documents.
 External relations (ambassador to the public). The CEO serves as the primary ambassador for the
school and engages every sector of the local and global communities in the school’s mission and
vision. The CEO also advances the school’s innovative design in school reform circles and serves as
an advocate for its replication in different contexts.
 Ex officio member of the board of trustees. The CEO will work with the Board Chair to assist in the
planning and preparation of board agendas and serve as an Ex-officio member of the board of
Executive Leadership Team: Roles and Responsibilities
The Executive Leadership Team is the heart of the school’s leadership and oversees all the daily
aspects of the school’s functions. The Executive Leadership Team reports to the CEO and their
responsibilities include the following:
 Middle and High School Principals: Oversee all aspects of the educational program and is
responsible for the hiring, support (professional development), and evaluation of school staff.
 Finance and Operations Director: Oversees all fiscal, human resource, infrastructure, and data
 Communications and Development Director: Oversees all external communication and efforts to
find new funding streams to improve or sustain the quality of school programming.
 Higher Education Director: Oversees all strategies to engage families and students in higher
education exploration and planning, responsible for the alumni network and the tracking of
longitudinal data about the impact of the school’s program on students’ lives over time.
Program Leadership
The Student Support Directors and the Community Learning Directors report to the Middle and High
School principals and are responsible for the following:
 Student Support Directors. They oversee RPM (tiered academic and social emotional
interventions), Morning Circles, and the Student Discipline Program (Restorative Justice). They
support and supervise the resiliency counselors. They update staff on all developments concerning
ESE social/emotional student policy and training opportunities.
 Community Learning Directors. They oversee all aspects of the school’s programming related to
forging community partnerships that support students and their families: community partners for
Social Entrepreneur projects, mentoring of students, internship placements and monitoring,
tutoring from professionals and college/university students to support Accelerated Learning Labs.
Selection of the Chief Executive Officer and Principal
When Frank DeVito convened the design team in May of 2012, he was charged with developing an
organizational chart as part of the process in developing the prospectus. During the summer of 2012,
the organizational chart was vetted and the design team unanimously agreed to appoint Frank as
Chief Executive Officer. The sentiment among the founding team was that Frank had a unique blend
of professional experiences and skill sets to serve as an outstanding CEO. For over twenty years
Frank has served as an educator and leader in public education. In the Chelsea Public Schools, he cofounded two innovative high schools for at-risk students that utilized project-based curricula and
assessments that were linked to professional internships (local Boston hospitals, universities, law
offices, and community/government agencies). As both a teacher and a school leader, he inspired
Chelsea students to graduate and move on to higher education. Because of his bilingual and
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bicultural background (Honduran and Italian), Frank understands the issues and challenges that
ethnically/racially diverse students and their families confront daily.
Recognizing the need for national school reform, Frank then served as Director of Turning Points, a
nationally recognized middle school reform program, based at the Center for Collaborative
Education in Boston. Under his leadership Turning Points created a practical approach to improving
teaching and learning and a comprehensive vision of how to create partnerships with families and
communities to support student learning and achievement. He supervised a national network of
middle schools. Presently, Frank serves as the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the CENTRAL
SQUARE Center for Innovative Schools, an education consulting agency committed to designing and
sustaining innovative school programs.
Frank serves on the team of the National Center for Scaling Effective Schools (NCSU) responsible for
supporting the incubation and scaling of innovative practices within schools and districts that are
deeply connected to their unique contexts. The Center is a partnership of Vanderbilt University,
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Educational Development Center (EDC). Frank also works on the
Nellie Mae District Level Systems Change (DLSC) team, responsible for supporting DLSC districts in
building a culture of continuous quality improvement and results orientation. This project involves
shifting the focus of education leaders and teachers to a paradigm and mindset of innovation,
learning, research, problem solving, and effective practice adoption to be able to respond to the
evolving needs of students.
During year one of the school’s operation, Mr. DeVito will serve as CEO and principal. The middle
principal will be hired during year 2 and the high school principal during year 4. During the hiring
process for school principals, we will be looking for the following qualifications:
 Strong vision for educational equity and excellence
 Experience in project-based learning environments
 Demonstrated capacity in building a positive school culture
 Communicates effectively with staff, students, families, and stakeholders
 Demonstrated experience in managing staff and providing instructional leadership
Evaluation of Middle and High School Principals
Principals will be supported through an evaluation system that celebrates their strengths and
provides a clear plan to address areas for improvement. The CEO will be responsible for
implementing the evaluation system for administrators. The evaluation system will have four
 Self-Study. Principals will identify two or three goals related to how they will improve their
leadership practice. These goals will be aligned to school-wide instructional priorities and student
outcomes goals. In the plan principals specify measures for success and the strategies to realize
their goals.
 Professional Learning Portfolio. Principals will compile an annual portfolio that provides evidence
that they are effectively implementing their professional learning plans. The portfolio has three
components: (1) A two-page written reflection on how they have progressed in achieving their
goals; (2) Documents that provide evidence of progress in achieving goals; (3) Written feedback by
 Formal observations. The CEO will conduct quarterly formal observations of principals as they
engage in their daily work.
 Professional Learning Plan. The self-study, professional learning portfolio, and formal observations
will form the basis of a principal’s professional learning plan for the following year. Central Square
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will use and adapted version of the BPL Principal Performance Rubrics for Equity and Excellence. The
rating system will be the following:
 Emerging / Level 1: Principal is beginning to demonstrates practice/skill
 Evolving / Level 2: Principal sometimes demonstrates core practice/skill
 Expanding / Level 3: Principal consistently demonstrates core practice/skill
 Excelling / Level 4: Principal demonstrates core practice/skill at high levels
Principals are required to perform at level 3 (expanding) or higher in each performance category. In
case of serious performance issues, a principal will be required to have quarterly check-ins with the
CEO regarding their professional learning plan. If a principal’s performance continues to falter, this
can serve as grounds for termination.
Recruitment and Retention of Executive Leadership Team
The recruitment and retention of the Executive Leadership team that consists of the Chief Executive
Officer, Middle and High School principals, Higher Education Director, Communications and
Development Director, and the Finance and Operation Director will be critical for the success of the
school. Recruitment and retention will occur through two primary strategies:
 Strategy Committee. The strategy committee is one of the standing committees within the board
of trustees and one of its functions is to strategize ways to recruit and retain effective leaders. This
committee will investigate the practices of other schools that have a track record of retaining
leaders and scaling these practices within the school.
 Big Picture Learning. BPL has an extensive leadership network and they have a high rate of
retention. School leaders from around the network have already made inquiries about Central
Square and we anticipate that the next principal will be a leader within the Big Picture Learning
(3) Human Resources
Ideal Teaching Candidates
The ideal teaching candidate would have five attributes:
 Reflects the diversity of the student population in the Greater Lynn Community. Our plan is to work
with local colleges to identify diverse individual with the potential of serving as exemplary
teachers. Our goal is that the Apprentice Teacher program described in Part II will create a pipeline
to the teaching profession, especially among Latinos and diverse populations. Rather than having
paraprofessionals, apprentice teachers would provide assistance to our teachers and be immersed
in the profession. We will explore relationships with local colleges to provide course-credit and
master certification degrees.
 Experience in project-based learning. We will tap into Big Picture Learning’s vast network to
identify highly qualified individuals who have experience in project-based learning. The Apprentice
Teacher program will also be a vehicle to develop outstanding teaching staff.
 Strong content knowledge and willingness to be a generalist. Our academic program connects
students and staff to how professionals use math, English, social studies, science, and art in the
real world. Having strong content knowledge is a critical prerequisite for a prospective teaching
candidate. An even more critical quality is a teacher’s willingness to be a generalist because they
will be asked to support students outside their specific content domains (i.e. Sheltered Content
Instruction, Reader and Writer’s Workshop, and UDL).
 Passion for urban education and social justice. Prospective candidates would need to demonstrate
that they are invested in changing inequitable systems and providing the kind of support to urban
students that will empower them to complete higher education, be economically viable, and serve
as change agents in their communities.
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 A deep value for the power of collaboration. We are not interested in highly qualified teachers who
are simply invested in their own classrooms. The ideal candidate is a team player who values the
power of collaboration and believes that collaboration is the key strategy in creating a school
culture committed to innovation and high performance.
Typical Teaching Program
The following are key features of the teaching staff’s professional responsibilities:
 Arrival / Check-In. Staff are expected to arrive at 8:15 am and after checking into the main office,
they will check their iPADS to check for important announcements, and student/ family updates.
Communication among staff will happen in a paperless environment. Co-Academic teachers arrive
at 10:15 am.
 Morning Circle. Each teacher is assigned 8 to 10 students. They are responsible for checking-in with
these students, discussing academic and personal goals for the day and week, and/or providing a
specific training (i.e. anti-bullying, resiliency training). Morning Circle is 30 minutes per day, 8:30
am to 9:00 am. Co-Academic teaching staff do not have advisories since they arrive at 10:15 am.
 Teaching Responsibilities. Each teacher will be assigned no more than 80 students during the
course of the school year. She/he will teach four sections of classes (or four project advisories): 75
minutes per period and 20 students per class. It should be noted that while each class has 20
students, up to four additional teachers can be in a class at any time (Arts Integration Teacher, ELL
specialist, Learning Specialist, Apprentice teacher). Teachers will become experts in one level of
integrated coursework per year. For example, a teacher may teach Math Integration I but they will
not be responsible for Math Integration II, III, or IV during the same year. This ensures that
teachers’ energies are not dispersed as they plan and teach integrated coursework. They will loop
with their students for four consecutive years within the middle and high school programs.
 Co-Teaching Model. All teachers will be required to participate in the Co-Teaching model. This
model involves following a Co-teaching protocol where all teachers share responsibility for
students. Co-teaching will typically involve integrated learning teachers partnering with ELL
specialists, learning specialists, and Co-academic teachers (arts integration and movement
integration) to provide a powerful and engaging learning experience for students.
 School Discipline (Restorative Justice Program). Teachers will be required to implement restorative
justice circles or participate in mediation to support the school’s discipline program.
 Community Lunch. Teachers are expected to eat with students twice per week. This is an essential
time to cultivate a sense of community among students and staff. Lunch period is 60 minutes
 Accelerated Learning Labs. Two to three times per week, 45 minutes per session, teachers will be
responsible for assisting in Accelerated Learning Labs within integrated learning classes. The
purpose of Accelerated Lab is to provide targeted tutoring in areas where student need support
(reading, writing, or Math).
 Team Planning. Each teacher has 75 minutes of planning time per day. The expectation is that this
time is used to plan with colleagues since our integrated learning model requires extensive
collaborative planning among teachers. This period is also an opportunity for embedded
professional development where staff can engage in Looking at Student and Teacher Work
(LASW/LATW), data analysis, and planning with ELL and Learning Specialists.
 Dismissal. Dismissal for Academic teachers and specialists is 4:15 and Co-academic teachers is 5:45
Working Conditions, Advancement, and Retention
Project-based learning is a very difficult educational model to implement because it requires
extensive planning, content expertise, and staff collaboration. Retaining highly qualified staff is
critical to the success of Central Square’s educational program. We will use the following practices
to retain highly qualified staff:
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 Competitive Salary and Benefits. The school will offer a competitive salary and benefit package
that is comparable with other schools in Greater Lynn. Our current average staff salary is $55,000
and this was based upon average salaries for school staff in Greater Lynn. The salary will offer a
generous annual wage increase that is well above the 2 to 4% cost of living adjustment. Staff will
also enjoy a generous benefit package that offers a comprehensive health plan (medical and
dental) and 403 (b) retirement plan options. Central Square will have a transparent salary schedule
that takes into account the nature of the position and years of experience. See the Finance section
(E) for an estimated salary scale for teachers and administrators.
 Daily Team Planning and Weekly Professional Development. One of the primary reasons why
teachers leave a school or the profession is that they don’t have structured time to engage in the
type of professional development that will nurture and support their passion for teaching. Our
schedule give teachers 75 minutes per day to engage in team planning, and structured time for
meaningful and relevant professional development.
 Comprehensive Student Support. Many times teachers are not equipped with the resources to
manage students’ social/emotional challenges. The school will have full time Student Support
Directors and resiliency counselors who can help manage struggling students. They will also
provide ongoing training to staff in how to manage problematic behaviors in the classroom. As
previously stated, Central Square is instituting a student resiliency model (developed by PEAR) that
helps students to overcome social/emotional challenges.
 A School Schedule that Supports Collaboration and High Performance. There are too many
instances when school schedules will undermine student and staff performances. Short academic
periods with a lot of transitions have students and staff racing from class to class. Lunch periods
lead to daily indigestion because their span is usually 20 to 30 minutes. The school schedule at
Central Square allows for longer instructional periods to support project-based learning (75
minutes per class), fewer transitions, longer breaks, and a full hour for lunch (see Part II/Section E
for a full description of the school schedule). This is the kind of schedule that one will find in elite
private schools that have high staff retention rates.
 Equitable and Manageable Teaching Responsibilities. Another factor that will drive teachers away
from a school or from the teaching profession is excessive teaching responsibilities. Multiple preps
and large teacher to student ratios usually lead to low student performance and teacher burnout.
At Central Square, a teacher has one grade-level prep, and she/he is responsible for four sections of
classes (75 minutes per class / 5 hours per day). A teacher is responsible for no more than 80
students during the course of a day or year (the ratio in many schools is 100 to 125). The co-teaching
model also ensures that a teacher is not alone in the classroom. Classrooms can have up to five coteachers at any given time: Integrated learning (academic) teacher, Apprentice teacher, ELL
Specialist, Learning Specialist, and Arts Integration Specialist. This structure also supports equity
because the school structure allows arts integration specialists, ELL specialists, and Learning
Specialists to be fully integrated into general education classes.
 Opportunities for Shared Leadership and Democratic Decision-making. Just as student choice
empowers students as learners, staff choice empowers staff to be their best selves both personally
and professionally. The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a structure that allows staff to participate
in the governance of the school. This body actively interfaces with the governing board to ensure
that the school proactively meets the needs of students, families, staff, and community partners.
Teacher representatives also have the opportunity to serve as Ex-Officio members of the board of
 Charter School Teachers’ Union. Most charters schools offer one-year contracts where teachers
can be dismissed at will. While on surface this policy safeguards the school from underperforming
teachers, the policy can potentially hamper the retention of highly qualified staff that are looking
for job security and are sometimes lured away by other districts that can offer professional status.
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Central Square teachers will have the opportunity to organize in a Union that among other roles,
will establish a system of due process for teachers.
 Diversity Initiative. As previously stated, Central is committed to hiring a diverse staff that reflects
Lynn’s student demographic. Currently, the staff composition for Lynn Public Schools is 90% White
(Lynn’s Staffing Data by Race 2012-13, ESE Website). We believe that recruiting and retaining highly
qualified staff will be based upon prospective candidates knowing that the Central Square staff is
actually diverse. As previously stated in the Apprentice Teacher Program description, our intent is
to create a pipeline to the teaching profession among diverse populations that live in Lynn.
 Advancement Opportunities. We anticipate that in the coming years, principals and executive
leaders will come from the teaching staff.
Staffing Chart: Five-Year Projection
Chief Executive Officer
Middle School Principal
High School Principal
Finance and Operations Director
Communications & Development Director
Higher Education Director
Office Manager
Integrated Learning Teachers
ELL/ESL Teachers
Learning Specialist Teachers (Special Ed)
14 FTE
22 FTE
21 FTE
33 FTE
28 FTE
44 FTE
35 FTE
10 FTE
10 FTE
55 FTE
42 FTE
12 FTE
12 FTE
66 FTE
Student Support Director
Resiliency Counselor
Community Learning Director
11 FTE
Instructional Staff
Student Support
22 FTE
26 FTE
33 FTE
41 FTE
44 FTE
54 FTE
55 FTE
70 FTE
66 FTE
11 FTE
85 FTE
Administrative Staffing
As previously stated, the administrative structure frees principals to focus upon managing the
educational program while the CEO focuses upon financial, infrastructure, and legal management. In
the first year of the school’s start-up phase, the CEO will serve as the principal and the Executive
Team will include the Director of Finance and Operations. By year two, the middle school principal
will be hired and the high school principal by year four. The full Executive Leadership team will be in
place by year four. During the bridge years, the Communications and Development Director will be
hired by year 3. An office manager will be hired by year 2.
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Instructional Staffing
The instructional staffing pattern is based upon two priorities: First, lowering the teacher to student
ratio (teachers are responsible for no more than 80 students per year) and second, teachers are only
responsible for one grade-level prep. For example, a 5th grade Math teacher is only responsible for
Math Integration I for the whole year. He/she would never have an additional Math prep. This
strategy ensures that teachers have the time to properly plan their module lessons. The integrated
learning teachers at each grade-level consist of four academic teachers and three co-academic
teachers. The ELL staffing pattern assumes that 17.5% of the student populations will require ELL
services (this figure is based upon the district average). The Learning Specialists staffing pattern
assumes that 16.4% of the student population will require special needs services.
Student Support Staffing
The student support staffing pattern ensures that resiliency counselors will have no more than 80
students in their individual caseloads. We will have one Student Support Director (1 FTE) during the
middle school phase and then when the school expands into the high school level, an additional
director (1 FTE) will be hired for the high school. The pattern is the same for the Community Learning
Director, an additional director (1 FTE) will be hired when the school expands to the high school level.
The Community Director for the middle school will be hired during year 3. A school nurse will be hired
for the middle school during year one and one additional nurse for the high school during year four
Since 2012, the founding team has been researching potential sites for the school. One of our board
members, Paul Lukez, the founder and president of an award winning architectural firm in
Somerville, MA, has generously provided resources to complete building studies of potential sites.
During the search, we had five criteria:
 Urban renewal. We wanted our school to be part of an urban renewal movement in Lynn. We
actively looked for commercial buildings near the downtown area so that a school committed to
social entrepreneurship would walk the talk of its mission.
 Community Partnerships. Since one of the hallmarks of the school’s mission is to partner with the
community to provide powerful educational experiences for students, we wanted a building that
was physically near potential community partnerships.
 Financial feasibility. We looked for spaces that would not take an excessive investment to bring to
code and ADA compliance.
 Inspiring space. We wanted a space that did not look like a school but provided students a window
into what their lives could look like if they pursued innovative college and career settings. We
borrowed this idea from High Tech High in San Diego and Big Picture Schools around the country
have found creative ways to use space to inspire students.
 Size accommodation. We calculated that we would need 85 to 100 sq. ft. per student. With a
middle school size of 320 students, we would need 27,200 to 32,00 sq. ft.
Our proposed school space is 38 Exchange Street, Lynn MA 01901. This iconic building that housed
the headquarters of the Lynn Daily Item is in the heart of Central Square in Lynn. The building was
recently sold at auction to a developer who is very interested in leasing the space to us. Because the
school does not open until September of 2017, this would give us 16 months to complete a
renovation and bring the building to code.
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The building is 34,735 square feet with five floors and an annex building. The building would
accommodate the middle school (85 to 100 sq ft per student) depending upon the exact net square
footage. The physical space supports the studio environment that we want to create for students:
large windows with natural light and tall ceilings. The preliminary architectural design would involve
the following:
 Floor 1: A common area for students that would also include 4 administrative offices, 2
conference rooms, and a nurse’s office.
 Floor 2: Grade 5 project advisory studios (4 total) including art and movement studios rooms (2
 Floor 3: Grade 6 project advisory studios (4 total) including art and movement studios rooms (2
 Floor 4: Grade 7 project advisory studios (4 total) including art and movement studios rooms (2
 Floor 5: Grade 8 project advisory studios (4 total) including art and movement studios rooms (2
 The annex space could serve as transitional space for Grade 9 until a space is located for the high
 The basement space could be used for sports activities. It’s not part of the square footage but it
has very tall ceilings and open space.
This description is only a preliminary sketch of how the space could be used. Our architect and board
trustee, Paul Lukez, will be working with the developer to construct a renovation plan that would
address our school program needs and bring the building to code and ADA compliance.
We are currently working with the developer and investment groups to finance the renovation costs.
In our budget we allocated $14 per square foot for the space. This allocation combines the lease cost
$12 per square foot with the renovation cost of $2.00 per square foot. The developer will share the
additional costs for renovations- approximately $4 additional dollars per square foot. The financing
and lease terms will be finalized after the approval of our charter.
Student Transportation
Since our school schedule aligns closely with Lynn Public Schools (the exception is that we open a
week earlier because our school calendar includes 5 additional days of school), our plan is to use the
Lynn Public Schools’ transportation system. When students enter high school, the school will
purchase MBTA passes for students traveling to internships and/or colleges outside the city.
We will follow LPS and state guidelines for bus eligibility and transportation requirements for
students with IEPs or 504 plans. As previously stated, the facility will be in compliance with all ADA
requirements and people with physical challenges will have full access to the school.
(1) Fiscal Management
The Chief Executive Officer, the Finance and Operations Director, and a representative of the Finance
Committee will be responsible for oversight of the school’s financial systems. The proposed Chief
Executive Officer, Frank DeVito, has been a non-profit leader for 9 years and has extensive
experience in developing and monitoring accounting systems. Central Source and Big Picture
Learning will assist Central Square in the hiring of a highly qualified Finance and Operations Director.
The Finance and Operations Director with the technical assistance of Central Source, will prepare
monthly financial statements and year-end forecasts to be reviewed by the CEO and a representative
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of the finance committee. The Finance and Operations Director with the assistance of Central
Source will coordinate and oversee organizational audits and preparation of federal and state filings.
The board finance committee will review monthly financial statements, budget variances, and yearend forecasts, and present the financial reports to the full board at each board meeting. The board
will set annual budget guidelines to be followed in preparing the annual operating budget, such as
reserves for fluctuation in tuition rate and student enrollment. The board will select the CPA firm to
perform the annual audited statements. The board finance committee will discuss internal controls
and policies, finance staffing, cash management, and ways to improve ongoing financial monitoring
by the board.
(2) Operating Budget and Budget Narrative
Budget Development
The Central Square design team approached Central Source, a well trusted business management
organization within the Massachusetts Charter School network, to help develop a projected five-year
budget that was reviewed and approved by the board. The budget was developed using the pro
forma data of our estimated staffing and student projections and our school programming design.
Because Central Source helps to develop charter school budgets across the network, we were able
to use real numbers in our projections. Central Source will continue to provide financial management
support during the application and pre-operational phases and when the school commences
Projected Operating Budget
Please refer to Attachment 7 for the Projected Operating Budget. The budget includes the Preoperational Phase (March 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) and five years of the schools operation (FY2018,
2019, 2020, 2021, 2022).
Pre-Operational Narrative
The Pre-Operational Budget reflects zero income and zero expenses because CSP funding was not
available. We were notified by the Charter Office that we would be eligible for CSP funding in the
next charter cycle if ESE received an award. If we are granted a charter, we will apply for available
grants. The following is a list of grants that we will pursue upon award of the charter:
 The NewSchools Venture Fund has just launched a program for educational entrepreneurs
interested in starting a network of charter schools that focuses upon student centered learning
and social emotional development. Presently, charter school team recipients would be awarded
$100,000 for pre-operational period and $400,000 over the first two years of the school’s
 Lauren Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs, has launched a nationwide competition called the
Super School Challenge where five innovative school designs will be awarded $50 million dollars
over a period of five years.
 If available, we will apply for the next round of CSP Funds for Non-SEAs
If we were able to land start-up or planning grants, we would invest in the following:
 .5 FTE Chief Executive Officer to oversee school planning, staff hiring, student recruitment, and
community engagement
 Stipends for prospective staff to participate in project planning sessions and professional
 Contract Big Picture Learning for school planning support and professional development
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 Costs associated with preparing the physical plant for school operation
 Costs associated with student recruitment and community engagement
As previously stated, our pre-operational budget reflects zero expense and zero income because we
presently do not have access to pre-operational funds.
Revenue Narrative
A tuition rate of $12,500 per pupil was calculated based on the FY16 projected average for Lynn. It
should be noted that the projected average per pupil is $12,976. However, a more conservative
tuition rate of $12,500 was used. The tuition is projected to increase annually at a rate of 2.5% and is
based on the average increase for the last three years.
The federal grant of $136,000 is based upon the anticipated federal entitlement funds we will receive
because of our student population composition: $40,000 for Special Education and $96,000 for Title
I and II. The government grant increases annually based upon our projected enrollment growth.
Private grants were set conservatively at $50,000 for year one and they go up annually by $25,000.
The Chief Executive Officer will oversee fundraising and a Development and Communications
Director will be hired in year 3 to provide fundraising support. The financial projections for private
foundation funds are based upon our partnership with Big Picture Learning because they are
connected to a vast network of private foundations. Our proposed CEO, Frank DeVito and our board
chair, Dr. Irene Porro, have extensive experience in foundation grant writing. A number of proposed
board members have also been very successful in raising revenue for professional projects.
We also anticipate substantial contributions from corporate partners. Central Square has the
advantage of being located in a city that is the home of both large and small businesses. The
proposed CEO has begun conversations with the North Shore Workforce Investment Board (WIB) to
be connected to potential corporate partners who are invested in workforce development
initiatives. The North Shore WIB supports education projects in similar ways that the Boston PIC
(Private Industry Council) supports the Boston Public Schools. In the coming months, we will also
explore potential partnerships through the Lynn Chamber of Commerce and the North Shore Latino
Business Association. Our focus on social entrepreneurship has caught the attention of
Massachusetts corporations involved in the Green Industry. We have begun to tap into this vast
network of corporate donors.
Nutrition revenue is $115,200 in year one and increases by 66% in subsequent years. This rate is based
enrollment projections and student demographic data (eligibility for free and reduced lunch).
Expenditures Narrative
The administration salary was set based upon a salary structure of $100,000 for the CEO in year one.
The Director of Finance and Operations will also be hired in year 1 with an annual salary of $55,000.
The middle school principal will be hired in year 2 and the high school principal in year 4 with an
average salary of $80,000. The director of communications and development will be hired at year 3
with an annual salary of $55,000 and the director of higher education will be hired at year 4 with an
annual salary of $55,000. All administrative salaries increase by 2% annually. Salaries were
competitively set based upon the Massachusetts Charter Public School’s Compensation Survey (201415).
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The average teacher salary of $55,000 was calculated using the 2014-2015 Massachusetts Charter
Public School Compensation Survey and the average teacher salary reported by Lynn Public Schools
(ESE, 2014). Salaries increase annually by 2%.
The average salary for student support staffing was also set at $55,000. Student support personnel
include the Student Support Director (hired year one) and a high school director hired during year 4.
Two resiliency counselors are hired during year 2 and staffing increases by 1 FTE until full enrollment.
Student support salaries increase by 2% annually.
The average rates used for taxes and fringe for all staff were 2.5% and 7.5%, respectively.
Under Administrative Costs, Professional services include the following: $12,500
(accounting/auditing), $10,000 (legal/auditing), $30,000 for business and financing (Central Source),
$10,000 for human resources (HR Knowledge), and $28,000 for IT services (Central Source). These
contracted services increase annually by 1.5%.
Professional services to support instruction include: $75,000 annually for years 1 to 3 (Big Picture
Learning) and $30,000 year 4 and beyond; $8000 year 1 for formative data support and training
(ANET), $30,000 years 2 and 3, and $8000 annually year 4 and beyond; and $5000 annually for
training in social emotional strategies and assessment (PEAR).
Administration costs also include: $20,000 (Information Technology and Management), $10,000
(Office Supplies and Materials), $1,000 (Professional development, Administrative/Board), $8000 for
dues, licenses, and subscriptions, $5000 for recruitment/advertising, and $5000 for fundraising.
These administrative costs increase by 1.5% annually.
Contracted instructional services are estimated services to support our special education population
based upon our projected student enrollment. These include speech, hearing, motor and
occupational therapy. The project service expenses are: year 1- $28,000, year 2- 42,000, year 356,000, year 4- 70,000, and year 5- 61,250. These figures were based upon special education
programs in the network that provide a full inclusion model and contract services using the charter
school Special Education Cooperative (schools sharing FTE of specialists).
Instructional Services includes instructional technology in the classroom: $13,000-year 1, $8,500- year
2, $10,150-year 3, $10,302- year 4, and $10,457 year. These figures were based upon providing students
with low-cost and maintenance Google chrome books or a low cost alternative to support student
project work and assessments. Instructional services also includes: supplies and materials- $20,000,
professional development- $7000, testing and assessment- $7,500, field trips- $2000, and
instructional furniture and equipment- $20,000 year 1 and $10,000 in year 2 with a 1.5% increase in
subsequent years.
Student Services include health services- $5,000. We are looking into the cost effectiveness of having
a school nurse as opposed to contracting an agency to provide health services. The cost of
contracting health services increases by 1.5% annually. Currently we are planning to use Lynn Public
School’s transportation system since we will follow the same calendar year. Food service costs are
estimated at $144,000 for year 1, $216,000- year 2, $288,00- year 3, $360,000- year 4, and $432,000
year-5. These food costs were developed based upon the average to contract vendors to provide
breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Costs for family nights and community forums are $5,000 a
piece for year one and increase 1.5% in subsequent years.
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Costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the school plant were based upon current
commercial real estate figures. The current average to lease a commercial space in Lynn is $14 per
square foot. Our plan is to lease space that is 85 square feet per student. The year 1 lease amount is
$190,400 (160 students X 85 square feet X $14.00). The projected lease cost for years 1 to 5 is based
upon a fixed five year lease and uses the same lease formula as described for year 1. Utilities in year 1
are projected to be $16.653. Year 1 utilities and subsequent years are calculated at a cost of $2.50 per
square foot. Network and communication equipment is $10,547 (calculated at $2.00 per square foot).
Maintenance of building and grounds is $34,000 at a cost of $2.50 per square feet. Costs associated
with utilities, networking, and maintenance of building and grounds increases annually at 1.5%.
The Contingency Fund is $21,640 for year 1, $48,696 for year 2, $126,662 for year 3, $287,525 for year 4
and $328,574 for year 5
Cash Flow Projections
Monthly per pupil payments is estimated at $166,687. Including private grants, the monthly income is
$182,167. The cash flow has two consecutive months of surplus ($127,710) during the months of
August and July that balances the deficit of $23,470 from September to June.
Finalize professional development plan for staff
Identify private foundation funding for school support &
professional development
Approve and sign Big Picture contract for scope of services
Approve and sign contract for PEAR
Approve and sign contract for Charles McCrea & Associates
Conduct recruitment outreach at Family & Children Services
Office of Greater Lynn (FCS)
Conduct recruitment outreach at New American Center
Conduct recruitment outreach at Operation Bootstrap
Work with BPL to develop promotional materials and website
File pre-enrollment report
File projected enrollment data for FY2015 for low income,
special education, and limited English proficient students
File the draft Enrollment policy to Charter Office for ESE
File the draft Recruitment and Retention policy to Charter
Office for ESE approval.
Final due date for applications
Conduct lottery
Follow-up with prospective families
Give orientation to students and families
Submit a draft CORI Policy to the Charter Office for review
Apply for access to Criminal Offender Record Information
(CORI) through the CORI Support Services Unit at the
Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information
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Services. .
Submit performance evaluation criteria and evaluation plans
for the school leader, school administrators, noninstructional staff, and teachers to Charter Office for review.
Submit proposed professional development plan for school
administrators and teachers to Charter Office.
Complete recruitment and hire of highly qualified teachers
Submit to charter office for review Special Education and ELL
Conduct CORI checks on all school staff and volunteers
Notify charter office of CORI checks that have been
Submit to Charter Office the list of all highly qualified
teachers hired and for teachers who are not certified, an
action plan to attain certification
Submit architectural plan to Developer
Bid contract services for school renovation work
Submit construction permits and inspectional requests to
City of Lynn inspectional services
Sign facility lease for 38 Exchange Street
Submit to Charter Office copy of lease agreement
Submit to Charter Office confirmation letter that school is
programmatically accessible to physically handicapped
Submit current Certificate of Occupancy to Charter Office.
Submit current Fire Inspection Certificate to Charter Office.
Submit current Building Safety Inspection Certificate to the
Charter Office.
Submit current Health Inspection and/or Health Permit to
the Charter Office.
Submit current Asbestos Inspection Report and Management
Plan to the Charter Office.
Complete Board recruitment so that minimum membership
requirements are met as stated in school’s bylaws
File financial disclosure forms with the Charter Office
Submit to Charter Office new board members materials not
included in original application, including financial disclosure
form (if applicable)
Submit draft bylaws to Charter Office for approval
Submit draft of Accountability Plan to Charter Office for
Submit board-approved final Accountability Plan to Charter
Submit the school’s School Wellness Policy to the Charter
Create a contract between school and Lynn Community
Health Center for a school nurse to be stationed at the
school. Contract should also include clinical services for
students suffering from severe social/emotional challenges
Submit to the Charter Office a School Health Plan and
Medications Administration Plan
Approve and sign contract with PEAR to administer
social/emotional assessments and train staff in student
resiliency model
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Identify community partners to support wellness at the
Identify prospective college/university partners that can
provide student tutors
Submit a W-9 form; a Terms and Conditions form; an EFT
form; a Standard Contract Form and a Contractor Authorized
Signatory Listing to ESE’s Grants management Unit with
original signatures.
Ensure that the procurement officer of any charter school
participates in the Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing
Official Program
Submit the school’s Board of Trustees approved fiscal
policies and procedures to the CSO for review of the required
procurement policies.
Update and revise budget summaries for the first three years
after chartering as well as create a detailed cash flow
projection for the first year of operation.
Submit the school’s revised budgets and the cash flow
projection for the first year of operation to the CSO.
Obtain Board of Trustee approval of the school’s revised
budget for the first year of operation.
Submit evidence of insurance coverage to the Charter Office.
Contract financial auditor
Submit to Charter office draft of school schedule and
calendar for review
Identify vendors for procurement of school materials
Create comprehensive plan of all infrastructure needs
(technology, furniture, classroom materials)
Submit the draft code of conduct and student handbook to
Charter office for review
Submit draft of Staff Handbook to Charter Office for review
Establish school meal contract with food vendor
Establish transportation contract with either city
transportation department or private bus company
Submit the Transportation Services Plan to the Charter Office
for review
Ensure that school is fully equipped with necessary
infrastructure (technology, furniture, classroom materials)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 94
Part IV: Required Attachments
Draft Bylaws
Draft Recruitment and Retention Plan
Draft Enrollment Policy and Admission Application
Draft Student Application
Draft School Calendar
Draft Organizational Charts
Operating Budget: Projected Revenue, Expenditures, and Cash Flow
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
p. 95 - 117
96 - 100
101 – 107
108 - 111
115 – 117
page 95
1.1 Charter. The name and purposes of Central Square Public Charter School (“CENTRAL SQUARE”), a
public school chartered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (per order of MGL Chapter 71,
Section 89), shall be as set forth in its Charter, which Charter is granted by the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (“ESE”) and which may be
amended from time to time. The Charter is hereby made a part of these By-Laws, and the powers of
CENTRAL SQUARE and of its Board of Trustees, and all matters concerning the conduct and
regulation of the affairs of CENTRAL SQUARE, shall be subject to such provisions in regard thereto, if
any, as are set forth in the Charter. In the event of any inconsistency between the Charter and these
By-Laws, the Charter shall be controlling.
1.2 Mission. Central Square Public Charter School partners with families and communities to provide
powerful learning experiences that unleash students’ natural potential for creativity, innovation,
collaboration and social responsibility. Through integrated and project-based curricula anchored in
authentic experiences of social entrepreneurship, students develop the academic and social
emotional competencies to complete higher education, thrive in evolving economies, and seize
opportunities to be change agents in their communities. Named after the cultural and civic centers
where communities gather, Central Square serves as a hub for educational and social innovation.
This public school serves students in grades 5 to 12 and their families in the community of Lynn,
Massachusetts. Central Square is committed to educational equity and serves all students, including
English Language Learners, students with diverse mental/physical abilities, and at-risk youths.
1.2 Location. The principal office of the CENTRAL SQUARE shall be located at 38 Exchange Street,
Lynn, MA 01901 when the charter is granted. Until that time, members of the Founding Group shall
coordinate all start-up activities.
1.3 Fiscal Year. Except as from time to time otherwise determined by the Trustees of CENTRAL
SQUARE, the fiscal year of CENTRAL SQUARE shall end on the last day of June in each year.
2.1 Powers. The Board of Trustees is a public entity and holds the charter from the state of
The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that the school and the members of the Board of
a. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations;
b. Ensure that the school is an academic success, is a viable organization and is faithful to the
mission as stated in the charter;
c. Determines general school policies, in compliance with state and federal laws,
d. Oversees the financial affairs of the school through a finance subcommittee and approves
the annual budget; and
e. Earns charter renewal every five years
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The Board of Trustees shall oversee the affairs of CENTRAL SQUARE and shall exercise all of the
powers of CENTRAL SQUARE, except as otherwise provided by law, by the Charter, or by these ByLaws. Trustees shall serve the school with duty, loyalty and care. The Board of Trustees shall not
comprise a majority membership in any other organization such that it would affect the governance
The Board of Trustees reserves to itself exclusively the power to:
a. Purchase, sell, or lease real property,
b. Establish, execute and modify investment policies,
c. Appoint or remove the Chief Executive Officer, and
d. Delegate, from time to time, powers to the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with these
By-Laws except as otherwise provided by law or by the Charter and,
e. Determine and approve general school policies, in compliance with state and federal law.
2.2 Number of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall consist of not less than seven nor more than
fifteen individuals (excluding ex-officio and honorary members) beginning at the time of ESE’s
approval of the charter. Individual members are considered special, unpaid employees of the state.
2.3 Term of Office of Trustees. The term of office of a trustee shall be three years or until his or her
successor is elected and qualified. Terms of office shall be staggered and each group shall be as
nearly equal in number as possible. A trustee may serve for two consecutive terms and shall be
eligible for reelection to the Board after a one-year hiatus or at the pleasure of the Board, if longer
terms are desired.
2.4 Election of Trustees. Trustees shall be elected by the Board of Trustees at any meeting of the
Board of Trustees. A prospective trustee is voted upon by all members of the Board of Trustees. A
majority vote is required for the election of a new Trustee. Only full, volunteer Trustees may vote,
not ex-officio members. A trustee elected to fill an unexpired term shall have tenure only to the end
of that term.
2.5 Resignation and Removal. Any Trustee may resign by delivering a written resignation to the
Chair, as defined herein, or to CENTRAL SQUARE at its principal office. Any Trustee may be removed
from office with or without cause by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees then in office.
Only members of the Board of Trustees may select and / or remove members of the Board of
2.6 Statement of Non-Discrimination. The Board of Trustees shall not discriminate against potential
members on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, sex, sexual orientation, national
origin, religion, marital status, or non-disqualifying handicap or metal condition.
3.1 Open Meeting Law. All meetings of the Trustees shall be conducted in accordance with Section
23B of Chapter 39 of the Massachusetts General Laws (the “M.G.L.”), as amended from time to time,
or any successor statute. Except as otherwise permitted by such Section 23B,
(a) no quorum of the Board of Trustees shall meet in private for the purpose of deciding on or
deliberating toward a decision on any matter and
(b) no executive session shall be held until:
(i) the Board of Trustees shall have first convened in an open session for which notice shall have
been given in accordance with law,
(ii) a majority of the Trustees at such meeting shall have voted to go into executive session,
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(iii) the vote of each trustee shall have been recorded on a roll call vote and entered into the
minutes, and
(iv) the Chair (or other person presiding over the meeting) shall have cited the purpose of the
executive session and shall have stated whether or not the Board of Trustees shall reconvene after
the executive session. Executive sessions may be held only for purposes permitted by law.
3.2 Regular and Special Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees may be held at such
times as the Board of Trustees may determine, at least four times annually. In addition, the Board of
Trustees will hold an annual meeting each October.
Special meetings may be called by the Chair at any time or his or her designee following a written
application of two or more voting members of the Board of Trustees. All members must attend the
meetings in person for the purpose of a vote or quorum. Trustees may participate or vote
electronically if arrangements have been made with the chair and/or clerk.
3.3 Quorum. A majority of the Trustees then in office shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number
may, without further notice, adjourn the meeting to any other time. At any meeting of Trustees at
which a quorum is present, the vote of a majority of those Trustees physically present shall decide
any matter including the adoption of new members, unless the Charter, these By-Laws, or any
applicable law requires a different vote.
3.4 Notice of Meetings. Public notice of meetings shall be given as required by the law pertaining to
the open meetings of governmental bodies. Notice of the date, time, and place of all regular and
special meetings of the Trustees shall be given to each Trustee by the Clerk or, in case of absence, by
the officer or one of the Trustees calling the meeting. Such notice shall be given to each Trustee in
person, by mail or by telephone, or electronic mail sent to such Trustee's usual business or home
address at least seven (7) days in advance, unless shorter notice is adequate under the
3.5 Documentation. The Board Chair shall appoint one meeting attendee to record all actions of
every meeting, the time, date, location of the meeting, the persons present and absent from the
meeting and any other business of the meeting. Meeting minutes shall be adopted in compliance
with M.G.L Chapter 30a Section 11a1/2. All documentation, including formal votes of the Board of
Trustees shall be kept on file in the administrative offices of the location of the Academy upon
4.1 Numbers and Qualifications. The officers of the Academy shall be a Chair, if any, as the Board of
Trustees may determine. An individual may hold more than one office at the same time.
The Chief Executive Officer facilitates the meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Board Chair is
responsible for planning the meeting agenda with the Chief Executive Officer. The Board Chair
works with the Chief Executive Officer on a regular basis to oversee the management of CENTRAL
A board representative chairs the finance committee and oversees the financial records of CENTRAL
SQUARE. During CENTRAL SQUARE’S inaugural year, the finance subcommittee will meet semimonthly with the Chief Executive Officer and the Finance and Operations Director. In all other years,
the finance committee will meet at least quarterly.
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4.2 Election and Tenure. The Chair shall be elected annually by the Board of Trustees at the annual
meeting. Officers shall carry out the duties set forth for each position in the CENTRAL SQUARE
charter. Other officers, if any, may be elected by the Board of Trustees at any time. If the office of
Chair becomes vacant, the Trustees shall elect a successor. Each position has a limit of three years
and is renewable with the approval of the whole Board.
4.3 Other Officers. Other officers shall have such duties and powers as may be designated from time
to time by the trustees.
5.l Appointment and Duties. The Board of Trustees shall annually appoint such standing committees
and task forces as the Board may deem proper and prescribe their membership, powers, and duties.
The Board of Trustees, or the Chair acting under the authority of the Board, may appoint such other
boards and committees as the Board may deem necessary.
5.2 Standing Committees. Standing committees of the Board may include but are not limited to the
Finance Committee and the Development Committee. Each Committee member shall hold office for
one year and until a new Committee member is appointed. The Board of Trustees shall define the
purposes, duties and particular powers of each committee and task force, and approve these by way
of a formal vote. The Chief Executive Officer will attend all standing committee meetings and task
5.3 The Development Committee. The Development Committee shall include not less than two
trustees, and the Chair shall appoint its Chair. The Development Committee shall be responsible for
overseeing planning, implementing, and monitoring all fundraising programs. The Development
Committee shall assist in the advancement of CENTRAL SQUARE to all its constituencies.
5.4 The Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall include not less than two trustees, and the
Chair shall appoint its Chair. The Finance Committee shall oversee the long term financial picture and
monthly forecasts for CENTRAL SQUARE.
6.1 Selection. The Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed and/or removed, if necessary, by the
Board of Trustees, shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees and shall receive such
compensation as the Board may direct. The Board of Trustees shall conduct an annual review of the
Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Trustees does not select, appoint or evaluate any other staff
except for the Chief Executive Officer.
6.2 Duties. The Chief Executive Officer shall carry out the policies established by the Board of
Trustees and shall be directly responsible to the Board of Trustees. The Chief Executive Officer shall
have general management of the educational and administrative operations of CENTRAL SQUARE
and shall prescribe and direct the course of study, the discipline to be observed, the assessment of
student performance, and shall be responsible for all required reporting to the state of
Massachusetts. The Chief Executive Officer shall prepare an annual budget for submission to the
Board. The Chief Executive Officer shall employ and discharge all CENTRAL SQUARE personnel,
prescribe their duties and terms of office, shall set their salaries within the minimum and maximum
limits established by the Board of Trustees, and shall conduct annual reviews of all CENTRAL SQUARE
personnel. The Chief Executive Officer is an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees. The Board of
Trustees relies on the Chief Executive Officer to make all operational and managerial decisions and
shall not exercise managerial powers over the operations of the school.
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7.1 Compensation. No Trustee or officer shall receive any compensation for services rendered as a
trustee or officer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Trustee or officer may receive reasonable
compensation for services rendered as an employee or subcontractor of the Academy and any
Trustee or officer may, if authorized by the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of Trustees, be
reimbursed for necessary expenses, including travel expenses, reasonably incurred by the Trustee or
officer in the performance of duties as a trustee or officer. Any Trustee must make full disclosure to
other members of the Board of any compensation received.
7.2 Liability. The Board of Trustees shall protect its members from being held personally liable for
any debt, liability, or obligation to the school.
8.1 Execution of Instruments. All contracts, deeds, leases, bonds, notes, checks, drafts and other
instruments authorized to be executed by an officer of CENTRAL SQUARE on its behalf shall be
signed by one or both of the Chief Executive Officer or the Treasurer except as the Trustees may
generally or in particular cases otherwise determine.
8.2 Corporate Records. The records of all meetings of trustees, the names and addresses of the
Trustees and officers of CENTRAL SQUARE, and the originals or attested copies of the Charter and
the By-Laws of CENTRAL SQUARE shall be kept in the Commonwealth at the principal office of the
CENTRAL SQUAR, but such corporate records need not all be kept in the same office.
9.1 Amending Bylaws. These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed, or new By-Laws may be
adopted, by an affirmative vote of a majority of Trustees then in office, at any annual meeting of the
Trustees or special meeting of the Trustees. All amendments are subject to approval by the
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education before the amendment can take
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Name of School: Central Square Public Charter School Date: October 22, 2015
Recruitment Plan
A. Describe the school’s general recruitment activities, i.e. those intended to reach all students.
General Recruitment Activities
List recruitment activities undertaken each year which apply to all students.
Family and Children Services of Greater Lynn. This trusted community agency has worked extensively to
provide health and education services to struggling families. We will host four information sessions per
year to support recruitment efforts. We will provide translation services in Spanish and Khmer.
Lynn Community Health Center. The health center connects high need families with comprehensive
health care. The health center will be a partner in providing wraparound services to Central Square
students and their families, and our plan is to host four information sessions at the center. We will
provide translation services in Spanish and Khmer.
New American Center. The center is a coalition of seven partner agencies that serve the refugee and
immigrant communities of Lynn. Our plan is to work with the center to identify high need students and
their families.
Lynn Parents Organizing for a Better Education. This parent group was established recently in Lynn to
serve as an advocacy arm for multilingual families. Their work focuses primarily upon educational equity
and improving services for ELL and Special Education students. Since they are well connected to families
who have ELL and Special Education students, our plan is to work with them to identify students who
could benefit from our program.
Lynn Church and Temple Network. Lynn has a number of churches and temples that work actively with
diverse populations in Lynn. Saint Joseph’s serves a large Latino community and the Sanghikaram Vat
Khmer is a Buddhist temple that serves large segments of the Cambodian community. Design team
members have attended various functions in churches and temples across the city to raise awareness
about the school. We will continue to network with church and temple leaders to identify struggling
students and their families.
Lynn Media Outlets. Lynn has several popular media outlets that can raise awareness about the school.
The Daily Item and Lynn Happens provide timely news in both electronically and in print. The Lynn
Community Access TV Channel is also a popular vehicle for Lynn news and can serve as an effective
vehicle to raise community awareness about the school.
Student Shadow Days. The school will arrange quarterly student shadow days to give prospective
students and families a clear idea of what the school’s program looks, sounds, and feels like.
Add additional rows as necessary.
B. List the goals and strategies the school will implement during the upcoming school year to attract and
enroll specific groups of students in order to promote a student population that reflects the
demographics of the school’s sending district(s). Create specific goals and strategies for each of the
following categories. Do not repeat strategies. Each group should have its own specific and deliberate
Special education students
Limited English-proficient students
Students eligible for free lunch
Students eligible for reduced price lunch
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page 101
E. Students who are sub-proficient (as determined by a previous score of “Needs
Improvement” or “Warning/Failing” on the mathematics or English language arts
examinations of the MCAS for the previous two years)
F. Students at risk of dropping out of school
G. Students who have dropped out of school
H. Other subgroups of students who should be targeted to eliminate the achievement gap
Recruitment Plan – Goals and Strategies
List goals and strategies for recruitment activities for each demographic group.
GOAL: To recruit a special education student population that is equal to or
Demographic Group:
exceeds Lynn Public School’s population of 16.4%.
A. Special education students
Demographic Group:
B. Limited English-proficient
Demographic Group:
C. Students eligible for free
1. Create promotional videos that demonstrate to families how projectbased learning is an effective model to serve Special Education students.
Videos can be looped in Lynn Community’s Access Channel.
2. Host school information sessions at Lynn Community Health Center that
target families with students that require special needs services.
3. Principal and Learning Specialist Director will reach out to special
education departments of Lynn’s elementary schools to establish a
pipeline to Central Square.
GOAL: To recruit an ELL student population that is equal to or exceeds Lynn
Public School’s population of 17.5%.
4. Host In
1. Create promotional videos that demonstrate to families how projectbased learning is an effective model for ELL students. Videos can be
looped in Lynn Community’s Access Channel. Videos are available in
Spanish and Khmer.
2. Host school information sessions at churches and community centers
that serve ELL populations: New American Center, Saint Joseph’s Parish,
and Sanghikaram Vat Khmer Buddhist temple. Sessions will be
conducted in Spanish and Khmer.
3. Principal and ELL Director will reach out to the ELL departments of Lynn’s
elementary schools to establish a pipeline to Central Square.
GOAL: To recruit a student population eligible for free lunch that is equal
to or exceeds Lynn Public School’s population of 74.4%.
1. Host school information sessions at the Lynn Housing Authority and
Neighborhood Development.
2. Host school information sessions at Family and Children Services of
Greater Lynn. Sessions will be conducted in Spanish and Khmer.
3. Principal and Student Support Director will reach out to Lynn elementary
schools that have a high percentage of students eligible for free lunch to
establish a pipeline to Central Square.
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Demographic Group:
D. Students eligible for
reduced price lunch
Demographic Group:
E. Students who are subproficient
Demographic Group:
F. Students at risk of dropping
out of school
Demographic Group:
G. Students who have dropped
out of school
GOAL: To recruit a student population eligible for reduced lunch that is
equal to or exceeds Lynn Public School’s population of 8.2%.
1. Host school information sessions at the Lynn Housing Authority and
Neighborhood Development.
2. Host school information sessions at Family and Children Services of
Greater Lynn. Sessions will be conducted in Spanish and Khmer.
3. Principal and Student Support Director will reach out to Lynn elementary
schools that have a high percentage of students eligible for free lunch to
establish a pipeline to Central Square.
GOAL: To recruit a Lynn Public School 4th grade student population that
scored in the Warning/Failing Category (ELA-21%, Math-15%) and the
Needs Improvement Category (ELA-45%, Math 51%).
1. The CEO will meet with the Lynn superintendent and data manager to
provide a comprehensive list of students who are scoring sub-proficient
and the Student Support Director will be responsible for reaching out to
2. Principal will arrange Student Shadow Days where students and families
can experience first-hand how project-based learning can support
significant academic improvement
3. Student Support Director will follow-up with families to address any
additional questions or concerns.
GOAL: To recruit an at-risk or high needs student population that is equal
to or exceeds Lynn Public School’s population of 86.2%.
1. Principal and Student Support Director will cultivate relationships DYS
and DCS to identify at-risk Lynn students and families.
2. Principal and Student Support Director will cultivate relationships with
probation officers to identify at-risk Lynn youths.
3. Principal and Student Support Director will cultivate relationships with
Lynn community organizations that are connected to at-risk youths
(Horizons for Children, Catholic Charities, and Youth Works).
GOAL: To recruit students who have dropped out of school by connecting
to Lynn school department, government, and community agencies who are
tracking their whereabouts.
1. Principal and student support director will meet with Lynn public
school’s data manager to identify students who have dropped out.
2. Principal and Student Support Director will cultivate relationships with
probation officers to identify at-risk Lynn youths.
3. Principal and Student Support Director will cultivate relationships with
Lynn community organizations that are connected to youth who have
dropped out of school (Horizons for Children, Catholic Charities, and
Youth Works).
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page 103
II. Retention Plan
Identify the retention goals and strategies the school will implement during the upcoming school year to
maximize the number of students who successfully complete all school requirements and to prevent
students from dropping out. The retention plan may include activities that address the needs of all
students in the school, but must be designed to impact the target groups identified above.
Overall Student Retention Goal
Annual goal for student
retention (percentage):
Central Square Public Charter School will meet or outperform Lynn Public
School’s student retention rate of 91.3%
Retention Plan Goals and Strategies -- List goals and strategies for retention activities for each of the
target groups A through H
Demographic Group:
A. Special education
Demographic Group:
B. Limited Englishproficient students
Student Support Team Monitoring. A student support team comprised of
the principal, Learning Specialist, ELL specialist, resiliency counselor, and a
core integration teacher will conduct quarterly reviews of (MCAS/PARCC,
formative assessments, portfolio assessments) to determine a student’s
progress in meeting their IEP plan and/or make adjustments.
Inclusion Model. Our primary goal is that students with special needs have
full access to the general education curriculum. In the full inclusion model,
a student with an IEP will have 100% participation in the regular education
program where a learning specialist provides in class support. We will use
a co-teaching model (a learning specialist paired with a core academic
teacher) to ensure that student with IEPs have full access to the regular
education curriculum. Students with more severe disabilities will have
access to additional supports: occupational, motor, speech and language
therapists, counselors, and clinicians.
Project-based learning and Universal Design for Learning. Our curriculum
and instructional model is the most powerful vehicle for student retention.
Students will work in teams to research real issues that are affecting the
Lynn community and develop viable solutions. This process involves
researching and analyzing the problem, designing and testing possible
solutions, choosing the best design based upon the best outcome, and
sharing their results with civic authorities and professional experts in the
fields related to their work. Through project-based learning students will
discover how the disciplines interact and their real-world applications as
they practice the core values of creativity, innovation, collaboration, and
social responsibility on a daily basis.
Accelerated Learning Lab. They will also continue to receive an additional
2 to 3 hours of ALL (Accelerated Learning Lab) support, three times per
week, during the Extended Learning program.
ELL Learning Plan. The ELL Director will work with core content teachers
and the families of ELL students to develop an ELL Learning Plan that
outlines the academic program and supports for ELL students. This plan
will be updated quarterly to ensure that services are timely and relevant.
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ELL Programming. The goal of our ELL programming is to minimize
separating students from their peers because the general education
program utilizes best practices in ELL instruction. Students in Levels 1 and
2 will participate in 75% of the general education programming and receive
75 minutes of daily ESL instruction during the ELA Integration periods. The
ELL Director will work closely with core integration teachers to ensure that
the WIDA standards (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment) are
integrated into the general education curriculum. Level 1 and 2 students
will also receive an additional 75 minutes of ESL instruction, four times per
week, during the Extended Learning program. The ELL specialists will
provide additional in class support when students attend their integrated
studies in Math, Social Studies, and Science. This will involve a co-teaching
model to ensure that ELL students have access to the core curriculum.
Students in levels 3 and 4 will participate in 100% of the general education
curriculum and receive in class support from the ELL specialists.
Project-based learning. Our curriculum and instructional model is the most
powerful vehicle for student retention. Students will work in teams to
research real issues that are affecting the Lynn community and develop
viable solutions. This process involves researching and analyzing the
problem, designing and testing possible solutions, choosing the best design
based upon the best outcome, and sharing their results with civic
authorities and professional experts in the fields related to their work.
Through project-based learning students will discover how the disciplines
interact and their real-world applications as they practice the core values
of creativity, innovation, collaboration, and social responsibility on a daily
Demographic Groups:
C/D. Students eligible for
free or reduced price
Resilience Program Management (RPM). We will use a universal screening
process to determine the level of intervention that students require. The
intervention level is based upon real time analysis of student performance
measures (attendance, PARCC, and formative assessments). Tier I will
focus on core instructional practices that best serve diverse learners.
Students will have morning circle (30 minutes at the beginning of each day)
where they connect with a Central Square staff member about personal or
academic issues and receive explicit training around resiliency. Tier II will
provide additional support for students performing below grade level in
ELA or Math. Struggling students will have the opportunity to participate
in Accelerated Learning Labs (ALL) that provide intensive tutoring in either
Math or Literacy using research-based practices that emphasize learning in
multiple modalities (kinesthetic, linguistic, mathematical, spatial, and
musical). In Tier III, students will receive intensive one-on-one tutoring
during ALL. Students requiring Tier III services would also have access to
clinical support services. We anticipate taking advantage of the health and
human service sector in Lynn to provide optimal support for students and
their families.
Project-based learning. Our curriculum and instructional model is the most
powerful vehicle for student retention. Students will work in teams to
research real issues that are affecting the Lynn community and develop
viable solutions. This process involves researching and analyzing the
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 105
problem, designing and testing possible solutions, choosing the best design
based upon the best outcome, and sharing their results with civic
authorities and professional experts in the fields related to their work.
Through project-based learning students will discover how the disciplines
interact and their real-world applications as they practice the core values
of creativity, innovation, collaboration, and social responsibility on a daily
Demographic Group:
E. Students who are subproficient
Demographic Group:
Resilience Program Management. We will use a universal screening
process to determine the level of intervention that students require. The
intervention level is based upon real time analysis of student performance
measures (attendance, PARCC, and formative assessments). Tier I will
focus on core instructional practices that best serve diverse learners
Students will have morning circle (30 minutes at the beginning of each day)
where they connect with a CENTRAL SQUARE staff member about personal
or academic issues and receive explicit training around resiliency. Tier II
will provide additional support for students performing below grade level
in ELA or Math. Struggling students will have the opportunity to
participate in Accelerated Learning Labs (ALL) that provide intensive
tutoring in either Math or Literacy using research-based practices that
emphasize learning in multiple modalities (kinesthetic, linguistic,
mathematical, spatial, and musical). In Tier III, students will receive
intensive one-on-one tutoring and homework help in the Extended
Learning Program, 75 minute sessions, four times per week. Students
requiring Tier III services would also have access to clinical support
services. We anticipate taking advantage of the health and human service
sector in Lynn to provide optimal support for students and their families.
Project-based learning. Our curriculum and instructional model is the most
powerful vehicle for student retention. Students will work in teams to
research real issues that are affecting the Lynn community and develop
viable solutions. This process involves researching and analyzing the
problem, designing and testing possible solutions, choosing the best design
based upon the best outcome, and sharing their results with civic
authorities and professional experts in the fields related to their work.
Through project-based learning students will discover how the disciplines
interact and their real-world applications as they practice the core values
of creativity, innovation, collaboration, and social responsibility on a daily
Resilience Program Management (RPM). We will use a universal screening
process to determine the level of intervention that students require. The
F. Students at risk of
intervention level is based upon real time analysis of student performance
dropping out of school
measures (attendance, PARCC, and formative assessments). Tier I will
focus on core instructional practices that best serve diverse learners.
Students will have morning circle (30 minutes at the beginning of each day)
where they connect with a Central Square staff member about personal or
academic issues and receive explicit training around resiliency. Tier II will
provide additional support for students performing below grade level in
ELA or Math. Struggling students will have the opportunity to participate
in Accelerated Learning Labs (ALL) that provide intensive tutoring in either
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 106
Math or Literacy using research-based practices that emphasize learning in
multiple modalities (kinesthetic, linguistic, mathematical, spatial, and
musical). In Tier III, students will receive intensive one-on-one tutoring
during ALL. Students requiring Tier III services would also have access to
clinical support services. We anticipate taking advantage of the health and
human service sector in Lynn to provide optimal support for students and
their families.
Project-based learning. Our curriculum and instructional model is the most
powerful vehicle for student retention. Students will work in teams to
research real issues that are affecting the Lynn community and develop
viable solutions. This process involves researching and analyzing the
problem, designing and testing possible solutions, choosing the best design
based upon the best outcome, and sharing their results with civic
authorities and professional experts in the fields related to their work.
Through project-based learning students will discover how the disciplines
interact and their real-world applications as they practice the core values
of creativity, innovation, collaboration, and social responsibility on a daily
Demographic Group:
G. Students who have
dropped out of school
Resilience Program Management (RPM). We will use a universal screening
process to determine the level of intervention that students require. The
intervention level is based upon real time analysis of student performance
measures (attendance, PARCC, and formative assessments). Tier I will
focus on core instructional practices that best serve diverse learners.
Students will have morning circle (30 minutes at the beginning of each day)
where they connect with a Central Square staff member about personal or
academic issues and receive explicit training around resiliency. Tier II will
provide additional support for students performing below grade level in
ELA or Math. Struggling students will have the opportunity to participate
in Accelerated Learning Labs (ALL) that provide intensive tutoring in either
Math or Literacy using research-based practices that emphasize learning in
multiple modalities (kinesthetic, linguistic, mathematical, spatial, and
musical). In Tier III, students will receive intensive one-on-one tutoring
during ALL. Students requiring Tier III services would also have access to
clinical support services. We anticipate taking advantage of the health and
human service sector in Lynn to provide optimal support for students and
their families.
Project-based learning. Our curriculum and instructional model is the most
powerful vehicle for student retention. Students will work in teams to
research real issues that are affecting the Lynn community and develop
viable solutions. This process involves researching and analyzing the
problem, designing and testing possible solutions, choosing the best design
based upon the best outcome, and sharing their results with civic
authorities and professional experts in the fields related to their work.
Through project-based learning students will discover how the disciplines
interact and their real-world applications as they practice the core values
of creativity, innovation, collaboration, and social responsibility on a daily
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page 107
Central Square serves students in grades 5-12, and enrolls new students at each grade level. The
enrollment process is conducted annually, beginning in March, in accordance with the
Massachusetts state laws and regulations (MGL c. 71, Section 89 (m); 603 CMR 1.00). Following
Massachusetts law (M.G.L. Chapter 71, Section 89(m); 603 CMR 1.06(1), Central Square does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation,
mental or physical disability, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English
language or in a foreign language, or prior academic achievement when recruiting or admitting
students. Central Square will implement a Student Recruitment and Retention Plan as outlined in
M.G.L Chapter 71, Section 89(f); CMR 603 1.05(f).
Central Square conducts four application sessions each year. Application deadlines will be advertised
to all constituencies at least one month prior to the lottery date. All applicants will be notified in
writing or by a phone call that their applications were received. The deadline for accepting applicants
will be determined for each enrollment period at least one month prior to the lottery date.
A. A prospective student must be a resident of Massachusetts at the time they submit the
application and be able to demonstrate proof of residency- see page 4 (except in the case of
homeless students).
B. Central Square does not require potential students or their families to attend interviews or
informational meetings as a condition of enrollment (613 CMR 1.06(2)).
C. Central Square does not administer tests to potential applicants or predicate enrollment on
results for any test of ability achievement (602 CMR 1.06(2)).
A. Central Square gives public notice of all application deadlines at least one month in advance
of its multiple lotteries throughout the year (4 times per year). In addition, letters are mailed
home and parent/ guardians are contacted regarding the final date for all students offered
enrollment to accept enrollment.
B. Applicants who do not meet the eligibility requirements will be contacted by phone by
Central Square staff to discuss alternative options for the student. All application materials
will be translated as necessary; at a minimum, applications will be translated from English
into Spanish or Khmer.
C. All information requested in the application, such as language spoken at home or
race/ethnicity, is not intended and will not be used to discriminate (M.G.L. Chapter 71, Section
89(m); 603 CMR 1.06(2)).
D. It is requested that applicants and adult supporters sign an acceptance-of-enrollment form.
E. The student must sign the application stating that he or she understands the expectations of
the school.
F. The parent/guardian of the applicant is asked to sign the application stating that s/he
understands the student’s obligations to the school. All students who do not meet the above
requirements will be asked to attend a separate enrollment meeting with a Central Square
staff member to help all parties understand the required documentation for enrollment.
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page 108
Enrollment will not be withheld because paperwork was not filed. Central Square will make
every attempt to help students and families to file the proper enrollment documentation.
G. Central Square does not disclose any student information without the written consent of a
parent/ guardian/ or student over 18 years old. Central Square will provide a consent form for
students and parents to allow or deny disclosure of student information (M.G.L. Chapter 71,
Section 89(g)).
H. Upon request, Central Square will provide the names and addresses of students to a third
party mail house for mailings unless the parent requests that the school withhold their child’s
information. (M.G.L. Chapter 71, Section 89(g)).
A. Annually, Central Square will hold lotteries when the number of applications exceeds the
number of spaces in the school at the time the lottery is held (4 different times per year).
Students drawn first have the first opportunity to enroll in the school. Central Square will
give at least one week of notice prior to each enrollment lottery (603 CMR 1.06(6)).
B. Central Square’s lottery is conducted in public in the school building (603 CMR 1.06(6)). A
community member unaffiliated with Central Square draws numbers at random at all
lotteries (603 CMR 1.06 (6)). Siblings (resident and non-resident) of enrolled students are
given preference for admission over non-siblings.
C. Residents of Lynn have priority (over non-residents) seats in the school (MGL Chapter 71,
Section 89(m); 603 CMR 1.06 (4) (a)).
D. Each name will be given a lottery number, assigned in order, starting with number 1. The
parent or guardian of each student will be informed of his or her lottery number in advance
of the drawing to ensure the transparency and fairness of the process. Preference will be
given to students with a legal address in Lynn, Massachusetts. If there are fewer applicants
from the region than seats, all local applicants will be enrolled, and applicants from other
districts will be drawn by the lottery. After the enrollment capacity is reached, the drawing
will continue and the students above the capacity will be placed on the waiting list in the
order they were drawn taking into account sibling and resident preference (603 CMR
E. Students who are accepted will be sent an acceptance letter. If letters are not signed and
returned in 10 days, a Central Square staff will follow up on the phone and/or with a home
visit for these prospective students. Per Massachusetts state law, those students for whom
enrollment in the school would cause the sending district to exceed the tuition cap may not
be offered admission but will remain on the waiting list. In addition, for those students to
whom the preceding policy applies but who are also siblings of students currently in
attendance at the school the state may pay the child’s tuition, subject to appropriation
(M.G.L. Chapter 71, Section 89(i); 603 CMR 1.06(4) (e)).
F. If the signed acceptance letter is not returned by the last day of that enrollment period (10
days from lottery) which all students are notified of, the student is removed from the
enrollment list. Central Square will notify the Department of Education with names of
enrolled students in accordance with state regulations.
G. If the principal enrollment process fails to produce an adequate number of enrolled students,
the lottery process may be repeated if a waiting list does not exist. The required lottery
process will be strictly followed, including public notification and deadlines (603 CMR
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 109
A. If a student stops attending the Central Square or declines admission, the next available
student on the waitlist for that grade will be offered admission until the vacant seat is filled
(M.G.L. Chapter 71, Section 89(n).
B. No student will be admitted ahead of other eligible students on the waiting list unless said
student is either a sibling of a previously enrolled student or a resident of Lynn (603 CMR
C. Applicants on the waiting list will be called within twenty four hours of the lottery and will be
informed of their number on the waiting list. The waiting list will be updated – in writing and
via phone calls – with regard to their position on the waiting list after the lottery until the end
of the first quarter after the Central Square’s enrollment period. A student will have two
weeks to confirm interest in enrolling; otherwise the student will be removed from the
waiting list. After the first quarter, all remaining students on the waiting list will be called
and informed of their position on the waiting list. Students who wish to remain on the
waiting list will be rolled over into the first lottery for the subsequent enrollment period,
including from year to year. Calls are made each quarter to all students who remain on the
waiting list. Students will have 2 weeks to confirm that they are still interested in enrollment.
D. In the event that a seat becomes available either due to an acceptance letter not being
returned, a student who has declined an offer, or due to attrition during the first quarter
after the Central Square’s opening, the seat will be offered to the first student on the waiting
list. The student will be contacted by a Central Square staff member by phone. Any
prospective student will have two weeks to respond. If no response is received, the next
student on the list will be offered the seat.
E. Central Square will maintain accurate records of its waitlist, which contains the names, home
addresses, telephone numbers, and grade levels of students who entered the lottery but did
not gain admission (603 CMR 1.06(f)).
F. When a student stops attending the school for any reason, Central Square will attempt to fill
vacant seats up to February 15th, all grades are included. Central Square has scheduled
enrollment periods at 3rd and 4th quarter (after February 15th) (603 CMR 1.06(d)).
A. Required admission documents include:
1. Application form (which does not require dual parent/guardian signatures)
2. Proof of residency (except for homeless students) – acceptable forms are: a parent’s
driver’s license or any utility bill such as a phone, cable or electric bill, which indicates that
the family receives mail at the address provided to the school. In instances where families
do not receive bills to their home, (e.g., they live with a relative or friend), the school will
accept some substitutions on a case-by-case basis. For example, a student might be asked
to provide a paycheck stub, and general mail with that address.
3. A Home Language Survey
4. A Free and Reduced Price Lunch Form
5. Permanent transcripts from any former school(s).
6. A Publication and Media release Form.
7. A Record Release Form.
8. Other student’s records, (e.g. health records and Individualized Education Plan from the
previous school.)
B. All required medical forms include:
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 110
1. Massachusetts School Health Record. This form must contain the following: a record of a
physical exam within the twelve months prior to the start of the school year; up-to-date
immunizations; screening for vision, hearing, and scoliosis. If necessary, the Student
Support Director or resiliency counselor will assist students with setting up and attending
clinic appointments at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
2. Authorization for Dispensing Medication in School Form signed by a physician
accompanied by a letter from the student’s parent/guardian explaining the procedure for
administering medication if the parent or guardian chooses for the student to receive
medication in school.
3. Physician Information Release Form with physician contact information.
4. Emergency Medical Treatment Release Form. This form, which must be signed by a
parent/guardian, gives the school permission to provide for emergency medical treatment
in the event that a parent/guardian cannot be reached. No child will be allowed to enter
school if the school does not have this form on file.
C. All forms must be returned to the school prior to the enrollment deadline for each
enrollment period in order for a student to attend Central Square. Enrollment will not be
withheld because paperwork was not filed. Central Square will make every attempt to help
students and families to file the proper enrollment documentation.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 111
Grades 5 & 6 Lottery Application for School Year 2017-18
Please mail or hand-deliver completed lottery application by 5:00 pm on Tueday, February 14, 2017 at 33 Breed Street,
Lynn, MA 01902. For more information please contact Frank DeVito at 781.599.2121 or
*Please complete ALL FIELDS on this application and write your information clearly
Student’s Name
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Gender (Please Circle One)
Boy / Girl
Student’s Current School
Current Grade
In September of 2016, will the student be entering grade 6? (Please Circle One)
Yes / No
Does the student have a brother or sister who is also entering the lottery? (Please Circle One) Yes / No
If YES, what is the sibling’s name and Grade?
Name of parent / guardian
Relationship to student applicant
(Please Circle One)
Number / Street / Apartment
Home Telephone
City / State / Zip Code
Best way to contact you
I understand that names are drawn at random during the lottery to fill the open seats for the incoming 5th grade class. After
names for available seats have been drawn, the remaining names will be placed in order on a waiting list. I confirm that the
information I have provided is true and factual. I understand that any incorrect or falsified information may result in
disqualification from the lottery. I agree that after the lottery has taken place, Central Square Public Charter School may
confidentially obtain student records pertaining to academic performance measures, student support services, and educational
placements. This information will in no way influence the student’s position in the lottery. I understand that Central Square Public
Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, sex, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or
mental/physical disability.
Signature of parent or guardian
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*Central Square Public Charter School operates in a 185 day schedule with 5 additional days
scheduled in case of snows days
During the 2017-18 school year, the school year begins on Monday, August 28th and ends on Tuesday,
July 26th. If there are no snows days, the school year ends of Wednesday, June 20th.
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page 114
Operating Budget: Projected Revenues and Expenditures [Required for Prospectus and Final Application]
Central Square Public Charter School
Charter School:
Pre-Operational Period
Per Pupil Tuition
Student Enrollment
Facility Size (square footage)
Cost per square foot
Staff FTE: (1.0 FTE = 40 hours
E1. Administrative (Professional)
E2. Administrative (Support/Clerical)
E3. Instructional: Teachers
E4. Instructional: Other (Professional)
E5. Instructional: Paraprofessionals
E6. Instructional: Salaries - Support/Clerical
E7. Other Student Services
E8. Operation and Maintenance of Plant
Staff FTE:
Grants - State
Grants - Federal
Grants - Private
Nutrition Funding - State & Federal
Program Fees
Contributions, in-kind
Contributions, in-cash
Investment Income
Transportation Reimbursements
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
page 115
Salaries - Administrative (Professional)
Salaries - Administrative (Support/Clerical)
Other Professional Services
Information Management and Technology
Office Supplies and Materials
Professional Development, Administrative/Board
Dues, Licenses, and Subscriptions
Travel expenses for staff/Board
Bank Charges - Current (Short Term)
Purchased Management Services
Instructional Services
Salaries - Teachers
Salaries - Other (Professional)
Salaries - Paraprofessionals
Salaries - Support/Clerical
Contracted Services, Instructional
Instructional Technology in Classrooms
Instructional Supplies & Materials
Testing & Assessment
Professional Development, Instructional
Dues, Licenses, and Subscriptions
Staff Stipends in addition to base salary
Purchased Management Services
Field Trips
Instructional Furniture & Equipment
Other Student Services
Salaries - Other Student Services
Health Services
Student Transportation (to and from school)
Food Services
Athletic Services
Purchased Management Services
Family Support
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page 116
Operation and Maintenance of Plant
Salaries - Operation and Maintenance of Plant
Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds
Maintenance of Equipment
Rental/Lease of Buildings & Grounds
Rental/Lease of Equipment
Capital Debt Service
Acquisition of Capital Equipment
Purchased Management Services
Networking & Communication
Fixed Charges
Payroll taxes
Fringe Benefits
Insurance (non-employee)
Purchased Management Services
Community Services (Including Dissemination)
Dissemination Activities
Civic Activities
Contingency Fund
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 117
Part V: Required Attachments
Founding Group: Bios, Proposed Roles, and Resumes
Founding Group: Questionnaires
Curriculum Scope and Sequence: Grades 5 to 12
Big Picture Learning: Scope of School Support Services Contract
Impact of BPL’s Learning Model in Raising Student Performance
Logic Model
Letters of Commitment
Research References
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
p. 118 - 279
119 - 182
183 – 243
244 – 256
257 – 260
261 – 266
267 – 269
270 – 274
275 – 279
page 118
Design Team Member: Irene Porro
Proposed role: Board Chair
Irene’s professional experience spans a wide range, from being a member of interdisciplinary
research teams, to directing the creation and implementation of educational programs for youth and
professional development for teachers, to leading a national working group to promote policy and
research to connect out-of school time efforts and STEM workforce development.
Irene is the director of the Christa McAuliffe Center for Integrated Science Learning that engages
students in hands-on science and provides professional development opportunities for math and
science teachers. Previously, Irene was the Director of the Education and Outreach Group of the MIT
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research (MKI) for eleven years, and during that period
she designed and managed innovative science education programs for both K-12 students and adults.
For these programs, she successfully brought together groups of committed science, education and
business organizations that share diverse and complementary expertise. Such diverse expertise was
needed for the creation of job opportunities where youth 15-19 years old were able to lead sciencebased projects and develop actual products for dissemination to larger communities.
Through her work with youth programs, Irene specialized in and advocated for the education of
urban underserved teenagers, through traditional education paths but also by researching and
implementing alternative paths to both education and employment opportunities. In developing
new educational programs, she especially focused on matching the need of the youth populations
her programs served with the creative and extremely diverse employment market where STEM skills
are required.
Her interest in the field of science education is the product of a passion for science and a strong
interest in the cognitive and emotional development of young people, especially adolescents and
young adults. The main objective of the science learning initiatives that she directed over the years
has been to promote science literacy and STEM skills as elements of a well-rounded education young
people need to become productive members of civic society.
Irene obtained a Ph.D. in Space Science and Technology from the University of Padua in 1996. Her
research work focused on ground and space-based stellar interferometry and was carried out during
a three-year fellowship at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. In her early academic
career she attended, first a student and then teaching assistant, the International Space University, a
multidisciplinary program in space related disciplines, where she nourished and developed her
interdisciplinary approach to science.
Design Team Member: Lee Dillon
Proposed role: Trustee
Lee Dillon is the Engineering/Technology Program Leader for the Product Engineering Center at GE
Aviation in Lynn. She manages two hundred early career Edison engineers through a customized
development program designed to provide focused career planning, rotational assignments,
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 119
technical training and leadership education. In addition, she also manages sixty-five mid-career
Capstone Engineers through a development program focused on building technical depth and
breadth, enhancing business acumen and leadership skills.
In addition, Lee has led the GE Women’s Network Boston Sub-Hub. The mission of the Women’s
network is to foster the development, promotion and retention of women in technology and
commercial roles at GE Aviation. Lee was one of the initial organizers of the 2011 GE/MIT Girls
Summer day camp for Lynn public middle school girls designed to foster an interest in science and
technology. In addition, Lee is a board member of the Tufts University Diversity Council. Lee received
a BS in Mechanical Engineering at Tufts University in 1984 and she joined GE Aviation as an Edison
Engineer in 1984.
Design Team Member: Darryl Williams
Proposed Role: Trustee
Science has always been an integral part of Darryl's life which led him to pursue undergraduate and
doctoral studies in chemical engineering. Shortly after completing his doctorate, he served as an NIH
Postdoctoral Fellow in pediatric cardiology research at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Bench
science could not match his love for advocacy, and in 2006, he became the Executive Director of
iPRAXIS, a Philadelphia based nonprofit organization that engages underrepresented communities in
science and technology through education and entrepreneurship. He was instrumental in developing
strategies for the deployment of volunteer practicing scientists and engineers (Scienteers) into
classrooms throughout the School District of Philadelphia to motivate students to pursue STEMrelated careers. Darryl's commitment to science and engineering continues to translate into the
development and implementation of strategies for enhancing STEM related initiatives, including
facilitating the STEM learning process using engineering design principles.
As such, he served as a Program Director for the National Science Foundation in the Division of
Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) where he was charged to support the
enhancement of K-16 engineering education. He was the lead program director for the Innovative
Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program, a program which supports
projects that engage participants in authentic, contextual experiences that reflect the nature of
STEM and ICT careers. In addition to ITEST, his portfolio also included projects from Discovery
Research K-12 (DR K12), and National Robotics Initiative (NRI). Darryl worked across NSF directorates
in support of engineering education as it relates to developing engineering curricular frameworks for
K-16, attracting and retaining students in engineering, and advancing engineering careers through
lifelong learning. Currently, Darryl is Associate Dean for Recruitment, Retention, and Community
Engagement and the Director of Center for STEM Diversity at Tufts’ School of Engineering.
Design Team Member: Susan Solimine
Proposed Role: Trustee
Susan is a Lynn resident and serves as the Executive Director for the Lynn Shore and Atlantic Rest
Homes in Lynn. She is from a family that has deep roots in the Lynn business and philanthropic
community. In addition to managing the daily operations of two rest home facilities, she is a
registered RN and provides medical and psychiatric care for each of the 55 residents.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 120
Design Team Member: Christina Stohl
Proposed Role: Trustee
Christina is a former Lynn special education teacher who now serves as a mathematics special
educator and program coordinator for Masconomet Regional High School. Before she entered
education, Christina was a professional dancer and choreographer. She is committed to equitable
schools and authentic learning for all. Christina advocates for special education students and their
families while supporting students' complex problem solving and critical thinking, communication
skills, team-building collaboration, and perseverance. She supports strong student voice, student
choice and passion, managed risk-taking, and vigorous experiences through inquiry/constructivism,
multiple intelligences, and interdisciplinary learning.
Design Team Member: Paul Lukez
Proposed role: Trustee
Paul is an architect in Somerville, Massachusetts with a Master of Architecture degree from the
Massachusetts institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Environmental Design from Miami
University, Ohio. Over the last twenty years, Paul has been engaged in teaching, research, and
practice. This multi-faceted professional track gave rise to the release of Suburban Transformations
(Princeton Architectural Press, October 2007). This book proposes strategies and processes for
transforming suburbs into more sustainable environments, with a unique identity strongly linked to
the landscape. Paul Lukez’s active practice is engaged in both architectural and urban design in the
US and Asia. In all project types, special attention is directed towards the design process and the
craft of building. Paul Lukez has worked for nationally and internationally recognized architectural
firms such as S.O.M. / Chicago, William Rawn Associates, Arrowstreet Inc., and Wallace Floyd. He is
the recipient of numerous academic and professional honors, and his work has been recognized by
editors of local, regional and (inter)national publications. Paul Lukez taught most recently as a
(visiting) professor at the Rhode Island School of Design, MIT and Washington University.
Design Team Member: Maria Perez
Proposed role: Trustee
Dr. Maria Perez is a recent graduate of the Johnson and Wales University Doctorate of Educational
Leadership program. Her focus and concentration has been the study of the relationship between
principal leadership and school climate. She has worked in the Malden Public Schools as an
Occupational Therapist for the past seven years, with the emphasis on teaching, coaching, and
functioning as a resource to teachers and parents. She is a single mother who raised three daughters
and is a first generation college graduate. She is an immigrant and has lived in the city of Lynn for 35
years, where she has been active in the public arena. Maria understands the plight of immigrants and
the importance of the role that education plays in the lives of immigrant children. She advocates a
multisensory/multimodal approach to education one which includes: social entrepreneurship, socialemotional well-being, arts integration, music, movement, innovation, collaboration, and creativity.
Currently Maria serves as a professor at Salem State University.
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Design Team Member: Frank DeVito
Proposed Role: Chief Executive Officer
Frank believes in the education of the heart and the mind. For over twenty years Frank has served as
an educator and leader in public education. In the Chelsea Public Schools, he co-founded two
innovative high schools for at-risk students that utilized project-based curricula and assessments that
were linked to professional internships (local Boston hospitals, universities, law offices, and
community/government agencies). As both a teacher and a school leader, he inspired Chelsea
students to graduate and move on to higher education. Because of his bilingual and bicultural
background (Honduran and Italian), Frank understands the issues and challenges that
ethnically/racially diverse students and their families confront daily.
Recognizing the need for national school reform, Frank then served as Director of Turning Points, a
nationally recognized middle school reform program, based at the Center for Collaborative
Education in Boston. Under his leadership Turning Points created a practical approach to improving
teaching and learning and a comprehensive vision of how to create partnerships with families and
communities to support student learning and achievement. He supervised a national network of
middle schools. Presently, Frank serves as the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the CENTRAL
SQUARE Center for Innovative Schools, an education consulting agency committed to designing and
sustaining innovative school programs.
Frank serves on the team of the National Center for Scaling Effective Schools (NCSU) responsible for
supporting the incubation and scaling of innovative practices within schools and districts that are
deeply connected to their unique contexts. The Center is a partnership of Vanderbilt University,
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Educational Development Center (EDC). Frank also works on the
Nellie Mae District Level Systems Change (DLSC) team, responsible for supporting DLSC districts in
building a culture of continuous quality improvement and results orientation. This project involves
shifting the focus of education leaders and teachers to a paradigm and mindset of innovation,
learning, research, problem solving, and effective practice adoption to be able to respond to the
evolving needs of students.
Design Team Member: Andrew Frishman
Proposed role: Advisory Board Member
Andrew is the Co-Executive Director of Big Picture Learning. He recently completed his doctorate in
the Education Leadership Program (EdLD) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard
Kennedy School, and Harvard Business School.
From 2002-2006, Andrew was an advisor at The Met High School in Providence, RI, the “mother
ship” of the Big Picture Learning Network. In 2007, he joined the fledgling Met Sacramento High
School, worked with its first graduating class, and became the school’s first “Learning Through
Internship Coordinator.” Andrew has supported the expansion of the Big Picture Network in a
variety of capacities, helping to launch schools across the United States as well as internationally.
Along the way, Andrew has melded experiences from an MAT, an administrative credential focused
on urban schools, and a Health Leadership Program, into a belief that education is a crucial
determinant of public health outcomes and community well-being. He seeks collaboration in support
of the iterative replication and adoption of adaptive pedagogical innovations. Andrew’s goal is to
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eliminate “because we’ve always done it this way” thinking, create vibrant novel educational
institutions, raise expectations, and improve student outcomes.
Design Team Member: Cynthia Marie
Proposed role: Advisory Board Member
Cynthia is the founder and owner of Central Source, Inc, a charter school business management
consulting company. Before starting her company in 2011, Cynthia was the Director of Finance and
Administration at the Benjamin Banneker Charter School and the Business Manager for Conservatory
Lab Charter School- both current clients. She has over twenty years of professional business
management experience in both the private and public sector and earned a Masters Degree in Business
Management from Cambridge College in 2004.
Design Team Member: Ilene Kantrov
Proposed role: Advisory Board Member
As Director of Pathways to College and Careers (PCC) at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC),
Ilene Kantrov oversees a staff of over 25 curriculum, technology, professional development,
technical assistance, and research experts whose mission is to develop and support programs that
promote the intellectual and career development of learners to prepare the next generation of
leaders and the workforce of the future. Her work over the past 15 years has focused on preparing
high school students for success through innovative programs that use project- and inquiry-based
approaches to develop academic and 21st century knowledge and skills and that promote
partnerships between schools, industry, higher education, and communities. Dr. Kantrov’s areas of
knowledge and expertise include integration of academic and career education; multiple pathways
to college and careers; inquiry- and project-based learning; teaching and assessing 21st century skills;
uses of technology to support student and teacher learning; and employer and community
engagement in education. She serves as the Senior Project Director for EDC’s work with Ford Next
Generation Learning, a collaborative community-driven approach to transforming education to
prepare a new generation of young people who will graduate from high school ready for college,
careers, and life. Dr. Kantrov also serves as a senior advisor on projects supported by the Amgen
Foundation, Philadelphia Academies, Inc. and the Philadelphia Youth Network, the Nellie Mae
Education Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. She previously led teams that
developed curriculum and professional learning opportunities for The James Irvine Foundation’s
Linked Learning initiative. Dr. Kantrov is the author of two white papers published in 2014:
Opportunities and Challenges in Secondary Career and Technical Education (based on an EDC national
survey of CTE educators and interviews with state CTE leaders) and Externships and Beyond: WorkBased Learning for Teachers as a Promising Strategy for Increasing the Relevance of Secondary
Education. Her article “New CTE Model Is a Plus for Schools and Students” appeared in the March
2015 issue of Phi Delta Kappan.
Design Team Member: Robert McLaughlin
Proposed role: Advisory Board Member
Robert McLaughlin is the Director of Leadership for Innovation at the Educational Development
Center (ED). For more than 30 years, Robert McLaughlin has led innovative school reform initiatives
at the local, state, and national levels. He brings expertise in educational technology, assistive
technology, educational policy, teacher development, and strategies to close digital divides.
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At EDC, McLaughlin leads a team of curriculum, technology, professional development, capacitybuilding, and research experts who seek to promote innovative and effective approaches to
supporting systemic school improvement. Their work includes strengthening educational leadership,
enhancing STEM education, and ensuring equitable access to high-quality educational experiences
and digital tools that enhance teaching and learning.
Prior to joining EDC, McLaughlin served as administrator for the New Hampshire Department of
Education’s Professional Educator Preparation Program Approval system. He also founded the
National Institute for Community Innovations, a socially responsible business committed to fostering
educational equity.
McLaughlin holds an MS in Urban Economics and Policy Analysis from Southern Illinois UniversityEdwardsville and a PhD in Educational Policy and Leadership from Ohio State University.
Design Team Member: Eliza Fabillar
Proposed role: Advisory Board Member
Eliza P. Fabillar is senior project director at Education Development Center, Inc. She brings almost 20
years experience in education, and more specifically in high school reform, systems change,
professional development, instructional design, practitioner research, and educational equity.
Currently, she directs the District Level Systems Change initiative across several New England
districts with the aim of advancing student-centered learning and bridging systems change with
continuous improvement processes. Previously, she was lead facilitator with The National Center for
Scaling Up Effective Schools, where she worked with researchers and district teams to design, pilot,
implement, and scale up innovations focused on increasing student ownership and responsibility for
their academic learning. Fabillar has expertise in instructional design, developing engaging learning
experiences for both adults and youth. She co-developed numerous curriculum projects that have
been disseminated nationwide. These projects focus on preparing students for college and careers,
empowering them to be active citizens in a democratic society, and building their critical thinking
and literacy skills. Fabillar designs and conducts professional development to help teachers
implement inquiry- and problem-based approaches to teaching and learning. She provides technical
assistance to districts, working collaboratively on strategic planning and school improvement plans.
Before joining EDC, Fabillar was education Co-Director at the Center for Media and
Learning/American Social History Project of the City University of New York, where she oversaw a
number of school-university-community partnerships, and served as a mentor for social studies,
English language arts, and art teachers at several high schools. She has taught adult education and
graduate education courses. Fabillar received a BA from City University of New York and an MA in
cultural anthropology and education from Columbia University.
Design Team Member: Anne Wang
Proposed role: Advisory Board Member
Anne Wang is committed to positive approaches to the academic and social-emotional development
of children and youth. She develops products and provides technical assistance for the IES National
Research and Development Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools and the Nellie Mae District Level
Systems Change Initiative. In the 11 years that Dr. Wang has been at EDC, she has conducted and
overseen evaluation activities for several projects and training and technical assistance centers,
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bringing her experience in research design, survey development, and statistics to create evaluation
tools, develop evaluations, and design technical assistance databases. She has also created tools
and trainings to help schools and programs implement social-emotional learning and positive school
discipline strategies, as well as conduct needs and resource assessments, strategic planning,
sustainability planning, evaluation planning, and communications and marketing. She has helped
local programs develop logic models and evaluation plans, create evaluation tools, develop data
collection systems, and analyze data, toward the goal of achieving evidence-based status. She has a
Ph.D. in social psychology from Harvard University.
Design team member: Jessica Juliuson
Proposed role: Advisory Board Member
Jessica Juliuson specializes in supporting districts and schools in making systemic changes to ensure
students acquire the skills and knowledge they need to become invested, effective participants in
democratic society. To this work, she brings more than 20 years of experience in advancing
innovations in instructional design and teacher development that enhance students’ learning,
improve their academic achievement, and prepare them for college and careers.
Juliuson plays a key role in the Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL) initiative’s efforts to Transform
Teaching and Learning, Transform the High School Experience, and Transform Business and Civic
Engagement. As a member of an EDC team that supports a national network of NGL communities,
she manages professional development for a wide network of STEM academies while coordinating
team externships that strengthen collaboration between schools and local communities and
industries. She develops and supports virtual and face to face learning communities which support
teachers in integrating rigorous academic and career education, and collaborates with school teams
to facilitate change using user-centered design principles and processes.
As the lead writer for the Law and Justice program, Juliuson co-developed an innovative curriculum
that engages and empowers students through authentic projects based on issues of power,
fairness, and equity. Recently, she also co-developed a curriculum to support scaling up effective
practices in high schools as a member of the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools.
Juliuson has collaborated with ConnectEd California, the California Department of Education, the
California State Bar Association, and Calamari Educational Productions. She has also worked with
Philadelphia Academies, Inc. to support the development and sustainability of wall-to-wall academies
in Philadelphia, and is a co-developer of the Innovators’ Institute, a unique fellowship model for
Philadelphia partners to collaborate across organizations for youth empowerment. She is a member
of the National School Reform Faculty and a trained Critical Friends Group coach.
Prior to joining EDC, Juliuson worked as a whole school change coach in the Boston Public Schools.
As a consultant for several other large urban school districts, she partnered with leaders and
educators to align curriculum, build professional learning communities, support the use of data to
improve instruction, and develop strategic plans. Earlier in her career, she was a high school social
studies and law teacher and provided technical assistance and coaching to Grade K–12 teachers and
administrators. Juliuson received a BA in History from Hamilton College and an MA in Teaching from
the University of New Hampshire.
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Design Team Member: Candace Brooks
Proposed Role: Advisory Board Member
Candace Brooks is a Training and Technical Assistance Associate at the Educational Development
Center (EDC) and in-house expert on design thinking and innovation. She contributes over 10 years
experience as a product design researcher and strategist, with 9 years of experience as an adjunct
professor teaching the design process, design thinking, design principles, human factors and
research methodologies. She has trained and coached teachers, district leaders, university staff and
college-level students in the use of design research methods as an effective tool for innovative
problem solving. She has facilitated school-based teams, developed curriculum for professional
development and online courses, acted as a technical assistant and has presented to teachers and
school administrators on the benefits of using the design process and design thinking in school
change efforts. Her training at the Institute of Design at the Illinois Institute of Technology has
helped her to hone an effective human-centered approach to problem solving.
Candace’s project work at EDC covers a broad range of topics – investigating whether there is a
connection between the study of visual arts and a high level of special thinking in geometry, scaling
up effective practices in high schools, fostering cross-district learning and communities of practice,
developing an innovation institute for youth practitioners, developing an online course featuring one
of the country’s most important collections of American Art.
Prior to coming to EDC, Candace worked as a product design researcher and strategy consultant with
clients such as Steelcase, Bose, Staples, CVS, Proctor and Gamble, Kimberly-Clark and Brandeis
Candace holds a B.A. in psychology from Boston University, a B.F.A. in industrial design from the
Massachusetts College of Art and Design and an MDes for human-centered product design from the
Institute of Design at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
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University of Padova
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Ph.D. in Space Science and Technology
Padova, Italy
Cambridge, Massachusetts
University of Torino
Laurea in Physics (equivalent to master’s degree): Magna cum Laude.
Torino, Italy
2014 – pres
Framingham State University
Framingham, Massachusetts
Christa McAuliffe Center for Integrated Science Learning
Develop science education programs designed to engage students in the STEM fields.
Provide professional development opportunities for teachers of Math and Science.
Organize and coordinate internal and external communications strategies.
Create and implement standardized systems for programmatic logistics, budgeting and evaluation.
Lead the submission of written reports and proposals for current and prospective funders.
2011 – 2014
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
MIT School of Engineering
Manager of Operations and New Initiatives
Develop and coordinate evaluation processes for science and engineering programs.
Organize and coordinate internal and external communications strategies
Create and implement standardized systems for programmatic logistics, budgeting and evaluation.
Lead the submission of written reports and proposals for current and prospective funders.
Assist the Executive Director with investigating the need and feasibility of developing new enrichment
opportunities for students, parents, and program instructors.
2007 – 2011
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
Public Education and Communications Officer
Director of the Education and Outreach Group
Designer, developer and coordinator of formal and informal science education initiatives with MKI lead
or participation
Supervisor of 5 full time staff and up to 5 part-time interns
Instructor in the facilitation of science and math activities for after-school professionals
Grant proposal writer
Organizer of professional conference
Presenter at professional conferences in formal and informal science education, learning in out-ofschool time (with STEM focus), astronomy
Co-founder and leader of national working group to promote STEM programming
MKI liaison with MIT press office and news agencies
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Guest science lecturer for non-science majors courses
Science speaker for initiatives in support of public engagement with science
2000 – 2007
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
Education and Public Outreach Scientist
Designer and coordinator of teacher professional development programs and outreach initiatives in
collaboration with the Boston Museum of Science, associated with NASA missions: Chandra X-Ray
Observatory, and High Energy Transient Explorer
Responsible for the Education and Public Outreach program of the IOTA project at the Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory
Instructor in the facilitation of science and math activities for after-school professionals
Supervisor of 1 full time staff and up to 2 part-time interns
Grant proposal writer
Presenter at professional conferences in formal and informal science education, astronomy
Guest science lecturer for non-science majors courses
2000 – 2001
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Education and Public Outreach Scientist
Coordinator for the Education and Public Outreach program for the Infrared Optical Telescope Array
(IOTA) project
Developer and facilitator of teacher professional development activities
1999 – 2000
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Visiting Scientist
Supported the instrument design and scientific operation of the IOTA project
Optical design, interferometry observations on Mt. Hopkins, Arizona, analysis of interferometry data
Part-time coordinator for IOTA education and outreach program
1997 – 1999
Max-Planck Institute für Astronomie
Heidelberg, Germany
Post Doctoral Fellow
Analysis via computer simulation of the effects of atmospheric turbulence on mid-infrared visibility
measurements with the Mid-Infrared Interferometric Instrument for the Very Large Telescope
Interferometer (European Southern Observatory)
1992 – 1993
International Space University
Summer Teaching Assistant
Assisted faculty in the Space Physical Science Department
1992 – 1993
Istituto Virgilio (High School)
Mathematics and Physics Teacher
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Huntsville, Alabama
Torino, Italy
page 128
NASA: 20 awards, total amount awarded $700,000
National Science Foundation: 2 awards, total amount awarded $2,218,000
Massachusetts Cultural Council (Co-PI): 1 award, total amount awarded $53,000
Science for the Public: Member of the Board of Directors, since 2009
Catalyst Collaborative @ MIT: Member of the Advisory Board, since 2008
American Association for the Advancement of Science: Member, since 2008
MIT School of Science’s Infinite Mile Awards: Award recipient in 2009
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University: Bunting Fellow 1999-2000
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory: Predoctoral Fellow, 1994-1997
International Space University: Alumna (Japan 1992, United States 1993)
Management for Excellence – Management and Leadership Development at MIT
Managing for Excellence is a program to develop experienced managers’ strengths in managing
individuals and groups. Individuals who participate in this program:
Identify the behaviors and competencies that exemplify managerial excellence
Describe the impact of managerial excellence on individual staff, a work group, and department
Create and implement strategies that advance a group’s work in support of MIT’s mission
Manage a work group for optimal effectiveness
2009 - pres.
Co-Founder and Leader of the Older Youth Consortium
This professional working group focuses on out-of-school time programming in science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM) for teenage youth as an integral and fundamental component of the
continuum of efforts to promote both STEM engagement and careers choices among young people. The
objective of the Consortium is to inform policy and research projects and to promote best practices for
STEM programming for youth 14 and older.
Host and Organizer of "Older Youth & Science in Out-of-School Time" Conference
70 professionals, representing more than 30 organizations that work with high-school age youth,
attended the conference. Conference participants discussed existing practices and proposed new
strategies to effectively engage older youth from underserved groups in science learning and skill
developing initiatives. One of the outcomes of the conference supported the formation of a professional
working group to promote policy, research and programming initiatives for older youth in science.
Funded by National Science Foundation, Informal Science Education program.
2006 - 2011
PI, Designer and Director for the Youth Astronomy Apprenticeship program (YAA)
YAA is an out-of-school time initiative that uses an apprenticeship model to promote science learning
among urban teenage students and their communities. One of the primary goals of YAA is to broaden
the awareness of science education as an effective way to promote overall youth development and to
lead to competitive professional opportunities. The program includes 3-month training for YAA
instructors and professional development sessions for after-school instructors and professional
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astronomers focused on the implementation of inquiry-based skills, strategies for student-driven
learning, foundations of positive youth development, astronomy and physics content, the use of
software tool for digital imaging, and interpretation of scientific data. Program developed in
collaboration with science educators at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Timothy
Smith Network, a network of 40 plus community-based technology centers in Boston. Funded by
National Science Foundation, Informal Science Education program.
2006 - 2011
Co-Director and Curriculum Designer for Kids Capture their Universe (KCU)
KCU is an astronomy project for middle-school students. The program was developed in collaboration
with the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Citizen Schools (a nation-wide after-school
initiatives with headquarters in Boston). In KCU children develop a portfolio of astronomical images they
have taken and processed with the MicroObservatory online telescopes and then organize the
processed images into a public astrophotography exhibit. The program includes professional
development sessions for after-school instructors and professional astronomers focused on the
implementation of inquiry-based skills, strategies for student-driven learning, the use of software tool
for digital imaging, and interpretation of scientific data. Project funded by NASA Space Science EPO
program, Chandra X-ray Observatory mission.
2005 – 2009
Designer, Director and Instructor for the Chandra Astrophysics Institute (CAI)
CAI is a yearlong research program in x-ray astrophysics for high school students from populations
underrepresented in science. The goal of the institute is to enable participants to use their own
observations to engage in model building, testing and revising as practicing scientists do. To this end,
participants are first introduced to professional software tools for the analysis of Chandra data. Then
students, working in small groups, use these tools to conduct authentic research in x-ray astronomy.
Project funded by NASA Space Science EPO program, Chandra X-ray Observatory mission.
2004 – 2005
Co-Developer, Director and Instructor for Astrobiology Course
A 14-week program for Middle and High School Science Educators – in collaboration with Cambridge
Public Schools and Harvard-Smithsonian scientists: the goal of the program is to increase teachers' own
understanding of key topics in the field of astrobiology and to provide a practical context in which
science can be taught with an interdisciplinary approach. A highly integrated science, astrobiology offers
a rich venue for life science, physical science, and earth and space science teachers to engage students
with intriguing questions and ideas that introduce them to scientific inquiry out of curiosity. As an
integral part of the program, teachers work together to identify the science content learning standards
in the Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework that they will be able
to address with the proposed set of astrobiology activities. Project funded by NASA Space Science EPO
program, Astrobiology Institute.
Designer, Director and Facilitator for the After-School Astronomy Project (ASAP)
In collaboration with science educators at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Timothy
Smith Network: youth in out-of-school time programs reinforce learning in physics and space science
through activities that also develop students' computer skills. The ASAP investigations stimulate youth’s
discussions on the appearance and origins of the objects we see in the sky, about the forces that shape
our universe and about our place in the universe. Students conduct their own explorations of the night
sky using MicroObservatory, a network of educational ground-based telescopes that can be controlled
over the Internet. Project funded by NASA Space Science EPO program, Chandra X-ray Observatory
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Co-Developer, Director and Instructor for the HETE Summer Institute
The HETE Institute is a Space Science Program for Secondary School Teachers created in collaboration
with the Cambridge Public Schools. A one-week education program designed to increase teachers’
understanding of the structure and evolution of the universe. The activities, lectures, and events for this
institute are framed by three overarching questions: How does the development of new technologies to
collect data in all regions of the electromagnetic spectrum contribute to our understanding of the origin,
structure and evolution of the universe? 2. How does the principle of universal gravitation help to
explain the architecture of the universe? 3. How does the life cycle of a star exemplify conservation of
mass and energy in the universe? Project funded by NASA Space Science EPO program, HETE mission.
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Porro I., “Youth Astronomy Apprenticeship:
Addressing STEM Underrepresentation as a
Human Capability Realization Issue” Spectrum,
Newsletter of the American Astronomical
Society, 2011.
Porro I., “Insights on Engaging Older Youth in
STEM Learning Experiences,” white paper for
ITEST Conference Event – Defining an
Afterschool Research Agenda, St. Paul, June 911 2010.
Porro I., “Making the Case for Quality Science
Programming for Older Youth in Out-of-School
Time,” ASP Conference Series, Science
Education and Outreach: Forging a Path to the
Future, 2009.
Porro I., Dussault M., Reinfeld E., “After-School
Astronomy: From the Basement to the Roof
Top!,” ASP Conference Series, “Science
Education and Outreach: Forging a Path to the
Future,” 2009.
Foutz S., Hall M., Porro I., Wenger A., “Youth as
Science Consumers and Facilitators:
Continuums of Participation,” Panel Session,
ASTC Conference, 2009.
Sakimoto P. J., Luckey V., Landsberg R.H.,
Hawkins L., Porro I. “Building an IYA Legacy for
Underserved Communities,” ASP Conference
Series, p. 68, Vol. 400, 2008.
Porro I., Dini V., Prol T., "Youth Astronomy
Apprenticeship (YAA): An Initiative to Promote
Science Learning Among Urban Youth and Their
Communities,” ASP, Conference Series, p. 187,
Vol. 389, 2007.
Krishnamurthi, A., Porro, I., “Astronomy AfterSchool Programs: Effective Pathways to
Success.” ASP Conference Series, Vol. 389, “EPO
and a Changing World: Creating Linkages and
Expanding Partnerships,” 2007.
Traub W.A., Porro I.L., “True Learning Is All
About Making The Connections - An
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Astrobiology Course For Secondary School
Teachers,” ASP’s 117th Annual Meeting, 2005.
Porro, I., “Enlarging the STEM pipeline working
with youth-serving organizations,” Bulletin of
the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 37,
p.1416, 2005.
Monnier, J. D., Millan-Gabet, R., Tuthill, P. G.,
Traub, W. A., Carleton, N. P.,
Coudé du Foresto, V., Danchi, W. C.,
Lacasse, M. G., Morel, S., Perrin, G., Porro, I. L.,
Schloerb, F. P., Townes, C.H., “High-Resolution
Imaging of Dust Shells by Using Keck Aperture
Masking and the IOTA Interferometer,”
Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 605, pp. 436-461,
Monnier, J. D., Traub, W. A., Schloerb, F. P.,
Millan-Gabet, R., Berger, J.-P., Pedretti, E.,
Carleton, N. P., Kraus, S., Lacasse, M. G.,
Brewer, M., Ragland, S., Ahearn, A.,
Coldwell, C., Haguenauer, P., Kern, P.,
Labeye, P., Lagny, L., Malbet, F., Malin, D.,
Maymounkov, P., Morel, S., Papaliolios, C.,
Perraut, K., Pearlman, M., Porro, I. L.,
Schanen, I., Souccar, K., Torres, G., Wallace, G.,
“First Results with the IOTA3 Imaging
Interferometer: The Spectroscopic Binaries λ
Virginis and WR 140,” Astrophysical Journal,
Vol. 602, pp. L57-L60, 2004.
Porro I.L., Berkefeld Th., Leinert Ch.,
“Simulation of the effects of atmospheric
turbulence on mid-infrared visibility
measurements with MIDI-VLTI,” Applied Optics,
Vol. 39 No. 10, 2000.
Porro I.L., Traub W.A., Carleton N.P., “Effect of
telescope alignment on a stellar
interferometer”, Applied Optics, Vol. 38 No. 28,
Traub W.A., Carleton N.P., Porro I.L., “A search
technique for plANets in nearby binary stars
using a ground-based interferometer,” Journal
of Geophysical Research, 101, E4, 1996.
page 132
20 Woodcrest Road Boxford, MA 01921
GE Aviation, Lynn, MA, February 2011 – Present
Engineering/Technology Program Leader - Product Engineering Center- Turbo machinery design and
analysis for military and commercial engine applications
Edison and Capstone Engineering Program Leader
Managed two hundred early career Edison Engineers through a customized development
program designed to provide focused career planning, rotational assignments, technical
training and leadership education. Effectively negotiated Edison Engineer assignment rotations
while maintaining department headcount. Achieved a 96% preference rate and reduced early
career attrition rate by 40%. Received the Lynn Professional Development Society Mentor
Award and a GE Aviation Engagement Award.
Managed sixty-five Mid-Career Capstone Engineers through a developmental program
focused on building technical depth and breadth, enhancing business acumen and
leadership skills.
Co-Leader for GE Aviation Lynn Women’s Network affinity group. Effectively led a team of
eleven sub- committees to provide the Lynn site with leadership engagement, work/life balance,
best practice sharing, technology and mentorship events. Coordinated the initial 2011 STEM
GE/MIT Girls summer day camp for Lynn, Massachusetts middle school girls to foster an interest
in science and technology.
GE Aviation, Lynn, Massachusetts 01905, July 2010 – February 2011
Operations Support- Product Engineering Center
Senior Engineer
Established process improvements for GE’s Passport Mechanical Systems and Low Pressure
Turbine Team. GE’s Passport is an ultra-long range business aircraft application. Managed a
$10M budget and program critical path plan resulting in SPI= 0.95 and CPI=0.92.
Successfully authored and received United States Government approval for an engineering
military global license. Led a cross-functional team to improve the global landscape for the
Product Engineering Center. Identified key improvements to the license process to reduce the
cycle time by four months. Received the Product Engineering Center’s “All Star” Award.
Championed Edison Engineering Program process improvements for the Lynn Product
Engineering Center as the Lynn site focal. Received the 2011 GE Aviation Lynn Professional
Development Society’s Mentor Award.
GE Aviation, Lynn Massachusetts, July 2009 – July 2010
Military Systems Engineering
Senior Systems Integrator
Coordinated the TF34- BRU High Pressure Turbine module upgrade. The TF34 is a military
turbofan engine used on the A-10 Thunderbolt II. Successfully led design and analysis teams to
update the High Pressure Turbine module with a bolted rotor design. Negotiated with the
GE Aviation, Lynn Massachusetts, September 2005 – July 2009
Rotating Parts Center of Excellence- Life Management
Senior Engineer
Successfully led and managed $2.6M Korean Helicopter Program Design to Life Program. Led
Samsung/Techwin engineers to complete policy reviews for the Compressor, Gas Generator
Turbine and Low Pressure Turbine modules. Mentored Global Engineers through technical
fracture mechanics, low cycle fatigue analysis and program management skills. Received a GE
Aviation Engineering Recognition Day award nomination.
Effectively managed and led cross-functional teams supporting multiple commercial and
military engine life improvement programs. Authored certification and qualification reports
presented to the Federal Aviation Administration.
Belcan Engineering, Lynn Massachusetts, April 2003 – September 2005
Senior Engineer
Coordinated a High Pressure Compressor root cause failure investigation. Conducted 3D
ANSYS modal analysis and successfully reported findings to GE Aviation leadership.
Stay at Home, Boxford, Massachusetts, December 1992 – April 2003
 Paused my career with GE Aviation to care for my four children during the early
development years.
GE Aviation, Lynn Massachusetts, September 1984 – December 1992
Early Career
1986-1992: Lead Engineer: Rotating Parts Center of Excellence
Performed 2D and 3D ANSYS finite element stress analysis for rotating compressor and turbine
components included in military and commercial engine applications. Implemented the first
auto-mesh process for finite element stress analysis. Received GE Aviation’s Young Engineer
Award nomination.
1984-1986: Edison Engineer
Successfully completed a 2 year entry level engineering development and training program.
Completed three rotational assignments in aircraft engine performance, hardware design and
stress analysis.
1983-1983: Summer Intern: Heat Transfer
Performed finite difference method heat transfer analysis on turbine rotor components.
Central Square Public Charter School / Prospectus
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May 1984
Medford, MA
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Dean’s List
Program Management, Six Sigma, Green Belt Certification, Stress Analysis, Finite Element Analysis,
ANSYS, Heat Transfer, Fracture Mechanics, Low Cycle Fatigue Analysis, Aeromechanics, Systems
Engineering, Operations, Career Planning, Mentor, Affinity Group Leader
GE Aviation- Lynn, MA- Women’s Network- Boston Sub-Hub- Advisory Board Counsel
Tufts University- Medford, Massachusetts- Diversity Council Board Member
Masconomet Regional High School- Topsfield Massachusetts- Engineering Day GE Aviation
Central Square Public Charter School / Prospectus
page 135
29 Kingston St.
Somerville, MA 01244
(240) 381-7399 Ph.D.
Ph.D Chem. Engineering, Univ. of Maryland, College Park July 04
M.S. Chem. Engineering, Univ. of Maryland, College Park May 01
B.S. Chem. Engineering, Hampton University, Hampton, VA May 99
2013-present: Associate Dean, School of Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA
Administer efforts across the School of Engineering related to recruitment, retention, and
community engagement (both internal and external); build strategic partnerships across academia,
industry, government, and K-12 institutions to create supportive infrastructure for innovate
engineering education; initiate and lead efforts for broadening participation of underrepresented
groups in engineering-related disciplines.
Direct the Center for STEM Diversity (CSD), which coordinates programming related to broadening
participation in STEM across the university at large for both undergraduate and graduate schools;
lead research, evaluation, and dissemination of program models developed by the CSD; co-facilitate
university-wide efforts to develop and sustain a diverse and inclusive learning community.
2009-2013: Program Director, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
Managed programs for area of critical importance, K-12 engineering education, across EHR (DR K-12,
ITEST, ATE, National Robotics Initiative) that bridge the complex nature of research on STEM
teaching and learning, formal and informal learning environments, and workforce development.
Lead ITEST coordinator, program supported by H-1B visa that involves a unique collaboration with
OAD and budget analysts, requiring an advanced analysis of the portfolio and coordination with
other NSF cyberlearning and infrastructure programs as it relates to issues concerning broadening
participation in ICT and STEM workforce development.
Initiated synergy across NSF directorates (EHR and ENG) involving developing strategies for pipeline
development and outreach efforts to build capacity at both majority and minority serving
institutions (MSIs), in addition to collaborating with lead ERC program directors and Industry Liaison
Officers (ILOs) to cultivate and nurture "innovation ecosystems".
Established new strategic international relationships by serving on several working groups in Europe,
Middle East, and Asia to build program and research capacity in engineering education as it relates
to developing engineering curricular frameworks for K-16, attracting and retaining students in
engineering, and advancing engineering careers through lifelong learning.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 136
2008-2009: Consultant, STEM Technologies LLC, Philadelphia, PA
Developed strategies for the improvement and/or building of effective formal K-12 science,
technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs (e.g. alt cert programs, recruiting STEM
professionals, developing communities of practice).
Organized and documented a standards-based high school biotechnology curriculum for
implementation in the School District of Philadelphia via the Philadelphia Academies, Inc.
Co-designed informal science curricular units for the Chemical Heritage Foundation's new museum
to facilitate a pre-visit and post visit experience for high school students.
Incorporated engineering design principles into middle grade teacher training workshops to
enhance teacher proficiency in problem-based learning and use of inquiry.
Broadened capacity by leveraging partnerships between industry, academia, and the community at
large to strengthen and build STEM learning networks.
Clients included the Philadelphia Education Fund, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia
Biotechnology and Life Sciences Institute, Drexel University (Dept. of Academic Advising, Retention,
and Diversity), and the Philadelphia Academies.
National Science Foundation (NSF) merit reviewer for Discovery Research K-12 (DR K12), a program
under the Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings.
2006-2008: Executive Director, iPRAXIS, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
Built a network of 100 volunteer practicing scientists (“Scienteers”) from industry and academia that
served as science fair mentors for 300 middle grade students in several West Philadelphia schools.
Co-directed the UPenn Graduate School of Education (GSE) NSF Academies for Young Scientists
(AYS) program: responsibilities included overseeing program implementation, assistance with
program research/evaluation, and developing and teaching curricular modules in biotechnology,
biomimicry, and engineering design for urban middle grade students and teachers.
Developed key partnerships with School District of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Zoo, Drexel
University, University of Pennsylvania, Science Center, Wistar Institute, Science Leadership
Academy, Franklin Institute, and the George Washington Carver Science Fair to leverage resources
for the enhancement of iPRAXIS programs.
Built evaluation tools to assess impact of iPRAXIS programs on volunteers and partner schools.
Served as an NSF merit reviewer for Discovery Research K-12 (DR K12), a program under the Division
of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings.
2005-2009: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Drexel University School of Public Health
Coordinated graduate level research experience for class of Masters of Public Health (MPH) students
in the Department of Community Health and Prevention focused on cancer disparities and
Developed evaluation tools to extract information from underserved populations concerning basic
knowledge about health and prevention.
Advised four MPH students in community-based practicum that led to survey analyses of over 300
Philadelphia 6-12 grade students and the development of a professionally filmed documentary.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 137
2004-2006 NIH Research Fellow, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (Pediatric Cardiology Research
Characterized the efficacy of biodegradable, magnetic nanoparticle uptake in various mammalian
cell cultures in vitro.
Formulated studies of localized delivery of magnetic nanoparticle-loaded cells to stents (in vitro)
exposed to external magnetic field gradients.
Co-developed a system for targeting and sequestering magnetic nanoparticles undergoing various
flow conditions to optimize localization.
Expanded knowledge of the modification of inorganic nanoparticles for therapeutic delivery
US Patent #20090216320- Magnetic Gradient Targeting and Sequestering of Therapeutic
Formulations and Therapeutic Systems
"Up and Coming" ScienceMaker 2011 - The History Makers' ScienceMakers Project
NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award 2004-2006
Sloan Foundation Engineering Fellowship, 2001-2004
Dept. of Education GAANN Fellowship, 2003-2004
GEM (National Consortium for Minorities in Engineering and Science) Fellowship, 1999-2002
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
GEM Alumni Association
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
PRESENTATIONS (lead author underlined)
Williams, D. N., Borrego, M. “Engineering in K-12: Preparing the Future U.S. STEM Workforce”, ISMTEC
2013, Bangkok, Thailand, 01/13.
Williams, D.N. “U.S. National Robotics Initiative”, LACCEI 2012, Medellin, Colombia, 07/12.
Williams, D.N., Gottfried, M.A. “Student Factors Predicting STEM College Major Choice and Subsequent
Career Entrance”, ACS Spring National Meeting, 03/10.
Williams, D.N., Kumar, R., Womack, C., “Bridging from STEM Fundamentals to Career Readiness in
Biotechnology”, NSTA National Meeting, 03/10.
Yoon, S.A., Chessler, M., Williams, D.N., Flicker, J., Dunham, S. (2009, April). “Challenges of Science
Learning Across Multiple Contexts.” NARST 2009 Annual Conference, 4/19/09.
Williams, D.N., Chorny, M., Yellen, B.B., Fishbein, I., Friedman, G., Levy, R.J. "Magnetic Nanoparticle
Mediated Gene and Cell Delivery”, ASGT 8th Annual Meeting, 6/4/05.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 138
Williams, D.N., Pulliam Holoman, T.R., Ehrman, S.T., Wilson, O.C., Jr. “Cellular Response to
Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles”, AIChE Fall National Meeting, 11/20/03.
Williams, D.N., Pulliam Holoman, T.R., Ehrman, S.T., Wilson, O.C., Jr. “Surface modified magnetite
nanoparticles for biological applications”, ACS Fall National Meeting, 09/08/03.
Williams, D.N., Pulliam Holoman, T.R., Ehrman, S.T., “Nanoparticles and Biological Cells: Understanding
the Perplexing Relationship”, AIChE Fall National Meeting, 11/8/02.
Williams, D.N., Pulliam Holoman, T.R., Ehrman, S.T., “Nanoparticles and Biological Cells: Understanding
the Perplexing Relationship”, United Engineering Foundation Conference: Nanoparticles and
Nanostructures through Vapor Phase Synthesis, Barga, Italy, 6/16-21/02.
Williams, D.N., Pulliam Holoman, T.R., Ehrman, S.T., “Characterization of Microbial Cell Membrane and
Nanoparticle Interactions”, ACS Spring National Meeting, 4/3-5/01.
Williams, D. N., Wilson, Jr., O. C., Gugsa, A., Ehrman, S. H. and Anderson, W. A. (in progress). Gum Arabic
Modified Magnetic Nanoparticle Interactions with Prostate Carcinoma Cells.
Gottfried, M.A, Williams, D.N., (in press, Education Policy Analysis Archives). STEM club participation and
STEM schooling outcomes.
Yoon, S.A., Van Schooneveld, J., Chessler, M., Lei, L. and Williams, D.N. (submitted, Journal of Learning
Sciences). The Application of a Systems Design Model for the Educational Improvement of an Informal
Science Learning Project.
Williams, D.N., Gottfriend, M.A. Who Chooses the E in STEM? Proceedings of Engineering Education
2010: Inspiring the Next Generation of Engineers, paper 34, Birmingham, UK.
Polyak, B., Fishbein, I., Chorny, M., Alferiev, I., Williams, D.N., Yellen, B.B., Friedman, G., and Levy, R.J.
“High field gradient targeting of magnetic nanoparticle-loaded endothelial cells to the surfaces of steel
stents”, PNAS, 105 (2008), pg. 698-703.
Williams, D.N., Gold, K., Pulliam Holoman, T.R., Ehrman, S.T., Wilson, O.C., Jr. “Surface modification of
magnetic nanoparticles using Gum Arabic”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 8 (2006), pg. 749-753.
Williams, D.N., Pulliam Holoman, T.R., Ehrman, S.T., “Evaluation of Microbial Growth Response to
Inorganic Nanoparticles”, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 4:3 (2006), pg. 1-8
Koh, I., Williams, D.N., Cipriano, B.H., Ehrman, S.H., Pulliam Holoman, T.R., L.J. Martinez-Miranda,
“Interactions between magnetic nanoparticles and Escherichia coli: An X-ray scattering study”, Journal
of Applied Physics, 97 (2005), 084310-1 - 084310-5.
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page 139
27 Michael Road, Lynn, MA 01904
My nursing career started at the age of 14 when I became employed at the former Lynn Public
Medical Center as a tray girl. There I learned how important it was to care for people with
kindness and compassion. My first professional job out of college was at Duke University Medical
Center on the trauma transplant nurse. My passion for caring for the injured and those facing
major surgery enhanced my desire to become a certified Emergency Room Nurse. I worked in the
emergency rooms until1996 when my role at Lynn Shore became a full time job and my children
were becoming more involved in school and extra-curricular activities. First at Lynn Shore in 1993
and then at Atlantic in 1998, I have been instrumental in developing a quality of care for the
residents that has allowed them to remain vibrant members of our community. I work closely with
local agencies to support this program.
Executive Director for Lynn Shore and Atlantic Rest Homes since 2010
Administrator of Lynn Shore Rest Home 1993 until 2010
Administrator of Atlantic Rest Home 1998 until 2010
First as administrator then as the executive director I am responsible for the daily operations of
both facilities. I work closely with the Board of Directors to enable the best quality of care that we
can provide within our budget. As a RN, 1 am also responsible for the medical and psychiatric care
that each of the 55 residents receive. I review all care plans and medications as well as working
closely with the doctors that care for our residents.
Emergency Room Staff Nurse
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, July 1991 until September 1996
Emergency Room Staff Nurse
Wake County Medical Center, Raleigh, NC Spring 1986 until July 1991
Staff Nurse and Assistant Nurse Manager
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC August 1982 until Spring 1986
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH 1982
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 140
25 Prospect Avenue, Swampscott, MA 01907
Special Educator, Special Education Program Coordinator, Co-chair NEASC Committee, Masconomet
Regional High School, Topsfield, MA (2010 - present)
Math Special Educator, Sub-Separate Placement, Lynn Classical High School, Lynn, Ma (2009 - 2010)
Math and English LD Special Educator, grades 9 and 12, Lynn Vocational Technical Institute, Lynn,
MA (2008 - 2009)
Math and English Resource, grades 9-12 CDC Alternative High School, Lynn, MA (2004 - 2008)
5th Grade Resource, Lynn School District, Lynn, MA (2002 - 2004)
Professional License: Special Education Moderate Needs 5-12 (2013)
Initial License: Principal/Assistant Principal 9-12 (2011)
Literacy in Mathematics. Keynote Presentation. Professional Development, Masconomet Regional High
School (2012)
Inquiry in the Classroom (2010). Published Research. #ED509645
SAT Math Prep, North Shore Community College, Lynn, MA (2006 - 2008)
Mentor, Youth Astronomy Apprenticeships (2007) and Chandra Astrophysics Institute (2005 - 2006),
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
Founder, Director, Choreographer, Company Teacher, Lead Dancer. New England Dance Ensemble, Inc.
(1981 - 2003)
Awarded choreographic intensive with Mark Morris (1992)
Co-Host, Swampscott Profiles, public access TV (1985 - 1987)
Writer, Contemporary Dance News, Boston dance journal. (1978 - 1980)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 141
Composed integrated, interdisciplinary multiple intelligences inquiry/constructivist Understanding by
Design units of study and specific lesson plans for special education high school mathematics classrooms
(2008 - present)
Masconomet Website Development,
Invented and presented Beowulf Bingo, © mnemonic, multiple intelligences inquiry/constructivist
Candidate, Doctor of Education. Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Concentration, College
of Professional Studies, Northeastern University, Boston, MA (2012 - present)
Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Education Leadership, Salem State College, Salem, MA.
Highest Honors (2010)
Masters Degree, Special Education Moderate Needs 5-12, Salem State College, Salem, MA. Highest
Honors (2007)
Post-Masters Mathematics and Curriculum Graduate Courses, Salem State College, Salem, MA (2007 2008)
Astrophysics and Astrobiology Classes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA (2005 - 2007)
Bachelor of Arts, English, Salem State College, Salem, MA (1977)
Dance Major, Boston Conservatory of Music, Boston, MA (1974 - 1975)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 142
20 Parrott Street
Lynn, MA 01902
2015, Ed. D in Educational Leadership, Johnson & Wales University, Providence, RI
2008, BS/MS Occupational Therapy, Salem State University, Salem, MA
COTA/Occupational Therapist / Haven Health Rehabilitation Center in Chelsea MA, 2003-2008. Administered
occupational therapy evaluations and treatments, with collaboration of other disciplines as part of a
comprehensive plan of care. Trained, developed, and implemented holistic treatment protocols which met the
needs, abilities, and environment of patients and their families.
Occupational Therapist / Malden Public Schools, 2008– 2015. Building & Instructional Leader, Salemwood
Elementary School: Directed and implemented Climate Committee-School wide initiative to foster a Positive
Culture of Learning. Conducted Professional Development for faculty-Hand Writing Without Tears, Movement &
Learning Connection. Responsible for developing IEPs, leading IEP meetings, planning and developing lesson
plans. Developed treatment approaches to meet individual student needs and meet IEP requirements.
Supervised and instructed support staff; facilitated, and trained teachers regarding social emotional support
strategies. Produced Publisher Newsletters for parents and colleagues as a mean of community engagement and
family/faculty learning support. Member of partnerships in community engagement programs: Cairn Hill Inc.
Educational Collaborative -Waldorf Inspired After School Program
Professor of Occupational Therapy / Salem State University, 2015– present. Teach coursework related to
occupational therapy in Special Education settings.
Perez, M.P. (2015). An Analytical Study of School Climate and Principal Leadership. (Doctoral Dissertation).
Salem State University, Lifelong Learning: Capturing Occupational Therapy Throughout the Essence of Time (2008).
Salemwood Elementary School, Movement & Learning Connection, Handwriting Without Tears Workshop.
Mentor for Salem State College Mentor Program, 2007-2008
Chair person for the class of 2008- directed and implemented school wide OT Conference, 2005-2008
Teaching adult classes and mentoring adults in a non-profit, 2000-Present
Women's conference speaker, topics include: history, educational, inspirational, 2009-Present
Current Board member of Ideal Health Care Systems Inc., 2013-Present
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 143
Board member of the nonprofit afterschool Program Cairn Hill Inc. Educational Collaborative, 2012-2013
Guest speaker at Tufts College to the students of the 2008 Master’s Occupational Therapy
Program, 2008
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 144
1310 Broadway #104
Somerville, MA 02144
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
School of Architecture and Planning
Master of Architecture
AIA School Medal for Top Student
Goody Prize for Best Thesis in the Building Arts.
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Bachelor of Environmental Design
Paul Lukez Architecture, Somerville, MA, Principal, 1992- Present
William Rawn Associates, Boston, MA
Skidmore, Owings, Merrill LLP, Chicago, IL
Arrowstreet, Cambridge, MA
Wallace Floyd, Boston, MA
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
Assistant Professor of Architectural Design, Spring 2013,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Assistant Professor of Architectural Design, 1999 - 2006
Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Visiting Professor of Architectural Design, 2009-2010
Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI
Visiting Professor of Architectural Design, Spring 2011,
Instructor of Architectural Design, 1990 - 1999
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Visiting Assistant Professor of Architectural Design, 1996 - 1997
Boston Architectural Center, Boston, MA
Instructor of Architectural Design 1988 – 1990
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 145
Transforming the Mid-Polis, Southeast University
Press, China, Expected Release Date: 2013
“Transforming Paris: ‘Le Grand Paris 2030’ as a PostKyoto Metropolis.” WorldChanging (Website Blog),
July 31, 2009.
Urban Edges Transformed: Time-Based Architecture,
TU-Delft, Summer 2009.
Invited as Guest Editor. Contributors include
MVRDV, Ken Yeang, Urbanus, Portzamparc and
“How to Save Our Suburbs.” The Boston Globe,
March 22, 2009.
“Connecting Waterfront to Transit.” Urban Land,
January, 2009.
“Changing How we Build the Suburbs can Bolster
National Security.” Naples Daily News,
September 28, 2008.
“Suburban Transformations.” Urban Land, May
Interview for “The New Suburbia.” FLYP, April 2008.
“Past, Present and Future ‘Futures.’ Symposium:
Planning for a New Provincial Capital in Chungnam,
Korea, January 2008.
Suburban Transformations, Princeton Architectural
Press, 2007.
"Transforming Beijing's Northeast Rail Corridor: A
Microcosm of China's Changing Urban Condition."
World Architecture / Tsinghua University. March
2005, pp. 17 - 19.
Stein, Jeffrey. “Innovative Architecture Specialty of
the House Restaurant.” Banker & Tradesman,
January 12, 2003.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
“The Architect Who Saved the Day, or How Details
Improve Stock Plans.” Fine Homebuilding. April
“Private Residence: Newton, Massachusetts.” Visual
Architecture, Fall 2001.
Vitullo, Rick. “Setting Boundaries.” Residential
Architect, August 2001.
“Urban Design Award: North End Traces.”
Architecture Boston: The Year In Review, Summer
“Private Residence: Lexington, Massachusetts.”
Visual Architecture, Spring 2001.
Ravgaila, Gail, Sarah Susanka. “When Less Is More.”
The Boston Globe Magazine, April 8, 2001.
Campbell, Robert. “Jazzing up a Cookie-Cutter
House.” The Boston Globe, Life at Home Section,
January 4, 2001.
Susanka, Sarah. “A House In Harmony.” Creating
the Not-So-Big-House, Taunton Press, October 2001.
“Private Residence, Massachusetts.” Visual
Architecture, Spring 2000.
Talarico, Wendy. “The Open Kitchen as Theater.”
Architectural Record, September 1999.
“Monsoon Restaurant.” Visual Architecture, Fall
King, Paul. “Upscale Asian dining storms into New
England with Monsoon.” National Restaurant News,
June 21, 1999.
Ravgiala, Gail. “Arts & Crafts.” The Boston Globe
Magazine, May 16, 1999.
“Creating Partnerships for Rebuilding Communities.”
Boston Business Journal, January 23, 1998.
page 146
“Lowell’s Moody Street Project.” Banker and
Tradesman, June 9, 1997.
Southeast University. Nanjing, China. March 2010.
“The Mid-Polis Transformed“
Architectural Design: Library Builders, June 1997.
University of Hartford. Hartford, CT. February 18,
2010. “Suburban Transformations”
“Architekturburo in Boston, USA.” Detail, March
Needham Envisions a Sustainable. Needham, MA.
October 19, 2009. “Fixing the Suburbs”
“The Rolling Bridge Initiative.” Theory / Praxis, 1995.
Savannah College of Art and Design. Savannah,
Georgia. May 2009. “Edges Transformed”
“Rolling Bridge Initiative.” Architectural Design:
Architecture of Transportation #109, Sept 1994.
University of Utah. Salt Lake City. March 2009.
“Urban Edges”
“Kenmore Square.” Places, September 1993.
“Time and Space Between.” The Space Between,
September 1992.
“Traces of the Artery.” Where We Are (Conference
Proceedings), April 1992.
New Concepts in Housing: Support in the
Netherlands (80-page booklet – 3,000 copies).
Network, 1986. (Sponsored by SAR at TH Eindhoven,
The Netherlands).
“Academic Encounters.” Progressive Architecture,
March 1985.
Action Speaks. Rhode Island, Public Forum and
Panel. October 28, 2009. “Can the Suburbs be Fixed”
BSA Exploring Design Lecture Series, Public Lecture.
Boston, MA. March 2008. “Transforming the
Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, Georgia.
Spring 2008. “Sprawling Atlanta”
Build Boston. Boston, MA. Fall 2008. “Redesigning
the Suburbs”
Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. Fall 2008.
“Transformation as a Design Process” Presentation
to Urban Design Studio
Roger Williams University. Bristol, RI, April 20, 2011
“Transforming the Mid-Polis”
Education for an Open Architecture. Muncie, IN. Fall
2008. Keynote Speaker: “Open Design Process”
Urban Land Institute Lecture. Boston, MA, February
15, 2011 “Urban(e) Village Development in and
around Boston”
Alfred W. French III Lecture. Naples, FL. Fall 2008.
“Can our suburbs be saved? Searching for new urban
form in a post petroleum era”
Hangzhou International Design Forum. Hangzhou,
China. April 29-30, 2010. Keynote Speaker: “The
Contemporary Chinese City - Seeking an Identity”
A Suburban World Conference. Reston, VA. Spring
2008. “Global Transformations”
Northeastern University. Boston, MA. April 11, 2010.
Open Classroom Series”
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Mass Impact Cities & Climate Change Symposium.
Cambridge, MA. Spring 2008. “Suburban Surfaces
and Impact on Climate Change”
page 147
Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain.
Fall 2007. “Transformations in Suburban Design”
Washington University. St. Louis, MO. Fall 2007.
“Suburban Transformations’
North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC. Fall
2007. “Suburban Transformations”
Zhejiang University. Hangzhou, China. Fall 2006.
“Boston-Hangzhou: Sister Cities”
Hong Kong University. Hong Kong, PRC. Fall 2005.
“Transforming Topographies – Harbors and Cities
Technical University of Bari. Trani, Italy. Spring 2005.
“Spatial Temporal Typologies”
Tsinghua University. Beijing, China. Spring 2004.
“Advanced International Housing Concepts”
Technical University Delft. Delft, The Netherlands.
Fall 2003. “Erasmus Studio”
Harvard University Graduate School of Design.
Cambridge, MA. December 2002. “Ecology in
Architecture Series/ Suburban Transformations”
Design Excellence Award / Western Massachusetts,
Graham Residence, 2005
Housing Award, NY AIA / Boston Society of
Architects, Glass-Walsh House, 2004
Interior Design Award, Boston Society of Architects,
Indigo Restaurant, 2004
Dead Malls Competition, LA Forum, Finalist, 2003
Urban Design Award, North End Traces, Boston
Society of Architects, Special Citation, 2002
Charles / MGH Subway Station Competition,
Honorable Mention, Co-recipient with Steven J.
Beaucher, 1998
New England / AIA Awards, Moody Street Housing,
Lowell, MA, 1995
NAHB Awards / Renaissance 95, Sherry Tea House,
Grand Prize, 1995
Graham Foundation, “Investigating, Integrating
Housing, Education, and Mentorship Programs,”
Co-recipient with Akhtar Badshah, 1993
BSA Unbuilt Architecture Award, Guimaca Mission
Retreat, Guimaca, Honduras 2012
Young Architects, Selected for Progressive
Architecture Issue on “Young Architects,” July 1993
FAIA, American Institute of Architects, Fellowship
Award, 2011
American Perspectivists, Donald Schmitt Juror’s
Award, Juror’s Prize for outstanding rendering,
Traces of the Artery-Navy Yard Drawing, 1992
Jinhua Invited Competition, Large Cultural and MultiUse Urban Design Project, Jinhua, China, 2010
Zoushan Invited Competition, Large 22 HA CBD,
Master Plan, 2009
Edge as Center, International Urban Design Ideas
Competition. One of four top prize winners.
Somerville, MA, 2006
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Boston “Visions” Competition, Second Place Award,
Urban design proposal for the Central Artery entitled
“Urban Palimpsest,” 1988
Seattle’s “Four in One” Competition, Second Place,
A proposal for prototypical housing and urban
design models,
page 148
33 Breed Street
Lynn, MA 01902
Phone: (617) 818 – 4939
Doctoral Studies in Developmental Education: Administration, Literacy, and Policy
Title VII Fellowship Recipient
1994 - 1999
Master of Educational Philosophy: Critical Learning Theory and Hermeneutics
1989 - 1991
Master of Theology (Candidate for Roman Catholic Priesthood)
Recipient of Full Scholarship from the Archdiocese of Boston
1987 - 1989
Bachelor of Liberal Arts
Double Major: Philosophy and Social Sciences
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
1983 - 1987
Educational Entrepreneur in Residence / School Innovation Strategist
Serve on the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools (NSCU) team to support school
systems to incubate innovative practices and adapt practices for replication throughout schools
and districts.
Provide onsite and virtual support to schools and districts in the continuous improvement
process of Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA)
Plan and facilitate School Innovation and Design Team (SIDT) meetings and District Innovation
and Design Team (DIDT) meetings to support the incubation, sustaining, and scaling of effective
Serve on the Nellie Mae District Level Systems Change (DLSC) team, responsible for supporting DLSC
districts in building a culture of continuous quality improvement and results orientation.
Founder / Chief Executive Officer / School Innovation and Program Developer
2014- Present
2007- Present
Founded a non-profit education agency committed to collaborating with families, educators,
and community partners to design and sustain innovative and high performing Pre-K to 12
schools and community-based youth and adult education programs
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 149
Provide onsite technical assistance to school and districts to institute Professional Learning
Communities (PLCs) to implement and sustain innovative school practices
Provide school-based coaching and professional development to urban public and private
schools in the following areas: district/network/school improvement planning, school redesign
projects, leadership development, family/community partnerships, backward design and
unit/lesson planning, curriculum mapping, differentiated instruction, best practices for English
Language Learners, accelerated literacy and math instruction, and teaming practices (looking at
student and teacher work)
Conduct district and school reviews in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education to support comprehensive or targeted improvements and
to create a data warehouse of best instructional and leadership practices
Provide national and international networking support to schools to share best practices or
problem-solve issues around student learning and achievement
Support new school design projects (public charter schools): drafting charter application, design
team and board recruitment and training, curriculum development, leadership recruitment and
training, and budget and facilities management
Interim Executive Director
Provided strategic leadership to a youth and adult education center to improve the college and
career readiness of Latino students
Created a work environment that was compassionate, collaborative, equitable, mission-driven,
fun, high-performing, and supported the personal and professional learning of staff
Assessed the effectiveness of existing programs and developed assessment systems that could
track impact.
Researched and explored new and innovative program models to improve higher education and
career readiness for diverse learners
Contributed in making La Vida a trusted household name in the community of Lynn and
cultivated partnerships with families, Lynn schools (public and private), colleges/universities,
government offices, and community agencies
Expanded and diversified funding streams through foundation grants, corporate sponsors,
federal and state contracts, and fundraising activities. Minimized and eliminated costs to
students and families. Instituted budget management practices that were efficient, transparent,
and supported La Vida’s mission
Ensured that the physical space was aesthetically pleasing, clean, functional, and honored
students and their families. Maintained and updated technology systems
Director of Turning Points / School Development Coach
March-June 2011
Collaborated with school staffs in New England, New York, and Los Angeles to implement wholeschool reform based upon the principles and practices of Turning Points (a research model for
effective middle schooling and the Pilot School model (an education model that advances
autonomy in governance, budgeting, curriculum, and teaching)
Directed development and implementation of best math and literacy models for the middle
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 150
Provided coaching and professional development in the areas of educational equity, school
leadership, teaming, literacy, curriculum mapping, second-language learning, effective
partnerships with parents/communities, and best teaching practices
Worked with district and school administrators to develop and implement school improvement
Teacher / Headmaster
Co founded Bridge School, first "school within a school" in Chelsea that combined a project
based curriculum with integrated courses
Facilitated staff meetings dealing with curricular planning, student support services, and school
Developed and taught interdisciplinary courses in American Studies and Humanities that
integrated Language Arts and Social Sciences
Piloted and co taught an Environmental Studies course that combined Biology, Chemistry, and
Social Science
Infused into the city curriculum thematic units and projects that helped students understand
their community and personal histories. Students coordinated: a voter registration project
targeting minorities; an election forum where candidates for the 1994 Chelsea city wide
elections responded to questions from the community and discussed their campaign pledges; a
health fair in conjunction with Massachusetts General Hospital that educated the community
about immunization schedules and preventative medicine
Collaborated with School to Work coordinator to develop curricular ties between work-¬based
learning and school based learning
Organized teams of students to participate in the annual Mock Trial Competition, a program
sponsored by the Massachusetts Bar Association that teaches students about the judicial system
Coordinated the Model United Nations Program, utilizing simulations to teach students about
the United Nations and pressing global issues
Collaborated with school business and grant managers to finance courses and projects
Established a Teacher Mentoring program that provided a support network for new teachers
Founded the Pathway program, a competency-based curriculum, that helped students who had
dropped out of high school to earn diplomas as part of the Next Century Schools initiative
Participated in restructuring of Chelsea High School to create "schools within a school" based
upon the success of the Pathway model
Coordinated mentoring program for Pathway students
Directed Academy of Educators program, designed to introduce students to careers in
education, bioscience, medicine, and law
Teacher / Director
Summer 1999
Directed an orientation program for incoming freshmen that combined a theater arts and
Science program with cultural trips to Boston and local colleges
Teacher / Director
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Summers 1994 - 98
page 151
Co authored grant proposal outlining program that would introduce students to computer
technologies and biosciences through applied environmental projects in Chelsea and the
surrounding communities.
Coordinated curricula implementation and budgeting process.
Teacher / Advisor
Conducted college preparatory courses in Latin American History and U.S. History for Chelsea
Teacher / Advisor
Summer 1992
Directed Exploring Our National Parks program combining hiking expeditions to national parks
with study of nature conservation
Graduate Assistant / Academic Advisor
Summer 1993
Devised and implemented study strategies for struggling and learning disabled student athletes
Planned and conducted tutorial sessions in Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages
Summers 1990 - 91
Teacher / Advisor
 Taught college preparatory courses in Philosophy and Sociology for Chelsea youths
Developing a book on the need for new direction in school reform called: Beyond School
Reform: A Practical Guide for Creating and Sustaining Innovative Schools
Presented strand seminars on effective teaching practices in a Turning Points schools at the
2003, 2004, and 2005 Turning Points National Summer Institutes
Presented workshops on differentiated instruction, literacy, and second language learning at the
New England Turning Points summer institutes, 2000-2002
Presented workshop at 2002 National Urban Middle School Conference entitled, “Creating
Powerful Thinkers, Readers, and Writers in Urban Schools”
Co authored and presented paper at 1996 NABE Conference (National Association for Bilingual
Education), entitled, "School to Work: Implications for Bilingual/Bicultural Students," published
by the Education Development Center
Co authored presentation on integrated courses and projects for the 1996 Coalition of Essential
Schools Conference
Proficient in Spanish, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese
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Education coaching and professional development in effective leadership and management,
best teaching and assessment practices, adolescent and adult literacy, targeted interventions in
Literacy and ELL, and family and community partnerships
Strategic Planning and Grant writing
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14 Perry Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
(401) 743-8136
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2014
 Doctorate of Education Leadership (EdLD)
 Coursework at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Kennedy School of
Government & Public Policy, Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School, Harvard
Graduate School of Design
 Project work, site visits and consultation in Providence, Boston, New Orleans, Detroit,
SF Bay Area
 Awarded Gordon Ambach Fellowship (Summer 2012) – served at Massachusetts
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Division for Accountability,
Partnerships, & Assistance in Center for Targeted Assistance. Implemented district
turnaround plan in Lawrence Public Schools with state-appointed Superintendent
Receiver’s leadership team
 4/2013 Student Research Conference Roundtable Presentation (w/Eva Mejia, Vaishali
Dharmadhikari) “Scaling Innovations Through Networks”
University of Southern California, State Capital Center, Sacramento, CA, 2010
 Health Leadership Program of the Sierra Health Foundation
 Curriculum delivered by USC School of Policy, Planning & Development, Marshall School of
California State University, Sacramento, CA, 2008
 Administrative Credential, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies – Urban Cohort
 Field Study Plan - Improving the Administration of the Internship Program at the Met
Brown University, Providence, RI, 2002
 Master of Arts in Teaching, secondary education. Biology and General Science certifications
 Co-designed Brown Environmental Leadership Lab (BELL), a pre-college summer program
Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, 1997
 Bachelor of Arts, Biology major, emphasis in Chemistry
 Varsity Squash captain, 1997 Division III NCAA National Champions
Big Picture Learning, Providence, RI, 2013 - Present
Co-Executive Director
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Manage and facilitate high-level projects, partnerships and organizational knowledge
Support and collaborate with national and site staff on local and regional initiatives
Design and create organizational infrastructure necessary to attain bottom line goals
Maintain Big Picture Learning as an influential voice in the national discourse on education
Big Picture Learning, Providence, RI, 2004 - 2013
Network Support Consultant, Trainer, School Coach
 Coach and train Big Picture school principals and staff
 Design, lead, and facilitate workshops on elements of Big Picture Learning
 Support development of Internship Program coordination within and across the Big Picture
 Visit Big Picture schools in the United States and the Netherlands to share best practices
 Host and coordinate educator and media visits to The Met (Providence) and The Met
The Met Sacramento High School, Sacramento, CA, 2007 - 2011
Internship Coordinator, Administrator (Advisor, College Transition Counselor – 2007)
 Supervised student Internship Program; matched students to real-world learning
 Developed and maintained partnerships with mentors from local businesses and non-profit
 Assisted principal and staff with development of school mission, vision, and administration
 School Advisory Board of Directors (2007-2011), Secretary (2007-2009)
 Founding Board Member of “Foundation for College and Career Readiness” 501(c)(3) nonprofit org.
 Supported students through college application and post-high school planning processes
Capital Public Radio, Sacramento, CA Jan - June 2008
Associate Producer/Intern – Insight Talk Program
 Assisted in producing in-depth interview program focusing on issues facing the Sacramento
 Researched topics/segments; prepared synopses of background information and questions for
 Identified and contacted possible guests; coordinated logistics and follow up from the show
Brown University, Providence, RI, Fall 2005
Adjunct Professor – Department of Education
 Taught Methods of Teaching, a course for Master of Arts in Teaching candidates
 Supervised and mentored degree candidates during student teaching
The Met High School, Providence, RI, 2002 - 2006
Advisor/Teacher (grades 9-12)
 Led advisory class of 15 diverse urban students throughout their high school career
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Worked with students, parents, mentors, and staff to develop individualized learning plans
Scaffolded internship projects to reflect students’ unique interests, background, learning style
Developed close, long-term relationships; provided counseling, conflict management, referrals
Teacher/Neuroscientist Partnership Award (Society for Neuroscience national conference ’05)
Organized and supervised student trip to Nicaragua to compare educational systems and culture
Hackley School, Tarrytown, NY 1999 - 2001
Teacher of Chemistry, Life Science (grades 7-8)
 Co-designed and implemented integrated curriculum for Life and Physical Science in Middle
 Recognized in administrative evaluation as “Outstanding Instructor” 2000-2001
 Served as Boarding Associate: supervised 30 girls and boys in grades 8-12
 Served as Advisor; high school varsity boys squash coach; middle school softball and tennis
Renbrook School, West Hartford, CT
1997 - 1999
Teacher of Honors Biology, Pre-Algebra, Earth Science (grades 6-9)
 Grade 9 advisor, varsity tennis coach, varsity girls soccer coach, advisor to chess and skateboard
 Initiated Math-O-Rama (weekly challenge puzzle) and hosted game-show-style assemblies
Exploration Summer Program, Wellesley, MA Summer ’96 ’98 ’99
 Resident Director for 140 grade 8-9 students; trained in crisis management and disciplinary
 Supervised staff of 16 Resident Advisors; led field trips, activities, athletics, discussion groups
 Instructor: designed curriculum and taught courses in Aquatic Biology and Experimental Science
National Forest Service, Mono Lake Scenic Area, CA
Summer ’94 ’95
 Led interpretive programs on ecology and natural history; assisted with Visitor Center staff
 Assisted with invertebrate ecology research studies with Prof. David Herbst, UC Santa Barbara
PALS Program, Andover, MA Summer ’92 ’93 ’97
 Designed and taught creative math, natural sciences, computer, reading, and writing
enrichment activities for students in grades 6-8; worked with groups, tutored individuals, led
field trips
ATRAVES Board of Directors , Nicaragua
2007 - Present
 Secretary of Nicaraguan/American international nonprofit association working to support
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collaborative, creative, small-scale, locally controlled initiatives in development, education,
health and social justice
Initiate and support fund raising efforts; mobilize our network to become a powerful support
Create and maintain an international network of people in solidarity with Nicaraguan
NCLB highly qualified teacher of Science (Biology)
CA Certificate of Eligibility for the Administrative Services Credential
CA Clear Single-Subject Biology Teaching Credential
CA Clear Cross-cultural, Language and Academic Development Credential
RI Teaching Credentials, Secondary Education – Biology & General Science
Spanish fluency, computer-proficient, engaging public speaker and presenter
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21 Howard Street ● Easton, MA 02375 ● ● 508-272-2378
Business Manager
Finance ● HR/Payroll ● Compliance ● Operations● Technology
Master of Management ●GPA 3.9 ● Cambridge College, Massachusetts
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology ● Cambridge College
Accounting ●GPA 4.0 ● Northeastern University, Massachusetts
Computer Applications
QuickBooks, Great Plains Dynamics , ADP Payroll, Paychex, SAP, Batch master (ERP), Parts and Vendors
(MRP), Sales Logix (CRM), Microsoft Office Suite, Advanced Excel, Crystal Reports, Symantec Endpoint ,
Backup Exec, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2003 Server, Rediker.
Central Source Inc.
(Business Management Services for Public Charter Schools)
President / CEO
Selected Achievements:
 Oversee the business management of multiple Massachusetts Charter schools.
 Consult with over twenty (20) Massachusetts Charter schools on various administrative issues.
 Manage a staff comprised of a Vice President of Technology, a Director of Accounting &
Finance, and four (4) Business Managers
 Maintain strategic relationships with key vendors and associations.
Benjamin Banneker Charter School, Boston, MA
Current Client
(Public Charter School)
Director of Finance & Administration
Selected Achievements:
 Established written Fiscal policies and procedures and implemented Best Practices for the
Finance and Administration Departments.
 Completed an A-133 audit free of deficiencies for the first time in the school’s history.
 Improved Employee Benefits program, including enrollment corrections with an overall savings
of approximately $100,000.
 Established the Foundation as a separate entity from the school.
Conservatory Lab Charter School, Boston, MA
Current Client
(Public Charter School)
Business Manager
Selected Achievements:
 Implemented a new financial system that meets internal and external reporting requirements
for both the school and foundation.
 Accurately completed all state and federal reporting requirements within required timelines.
Developed the CLCS employee handbook and established written policies and procedures for all
business management related functions. (Attendance, Meals Program, Front desk, etc.).
Repaired wireless network, relocated server to proper conditions, implemented daily backups,
installed antivirus software, updated active directory, updated phone system, replaced old
copier with a multifunction machine for increased functionality and cost savings.
Alpha Chemical Services Inc., Stoughton, MA
(Chemical manufacturer)
(Also from 1989-1996)
Office Operations Manager
Selected Achievements:
 Upgraded technology to support a new ERP solution and financial software package. This
implementation increased our overall efficiency, improved customer relations, tremendously
reduced overhead, and provided a solid foundation for growth.
 Negotiated price reductions in raw materials and containers for a combined savings of over
Allied Advertising, LLC, Boston, MA
(Nationwide motion picture advertising firm.)
Office \ Technology Manager
Selected Achievements:
 While providing office and technology management for 24 locations nationwide I successfully
reduced overhead by $275,000 annually.
 Assumed accounting manager’s responsibilities on a temporary basis and took the necessary
steps to improve the overall department.
Vality Technology Inc., Boston, MA
(International Software Company)
Office Manager \ Systems Administrator
Selected Achievements:
 Promoted to Systems Administrator from Office Manager within six months of hire and saved
the company over $250,000, in addition to quickly learning the technical skills needed to work
in the information technology field.
 Organized the IT department and achieved software compliance.
IBC Corporation, Easton, MA
(Local aluminum manufacturer)
Purchasing \ Accounts Payable
Selected Achievements:
 Sourced, selected and consolidated vendors for increased buying power, quality and reliability
with an overall cost savings of $100,000 in less than six months.
 While successfully managing the purchasing and accounts payable department I was asked to
take a leadership role in the Great Plains Dynamics software implementation.
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Director, Pathways to College and Careers
Learning and Teaching Division
Education Development Center, Inc.
43 Foundry Avenue
Waltham, MA 02453
Education Development Center (EDC), Inc.,
2009–Present Director, Pathways to College and Careers, Learning and Teaching Division. Dr. Kantrov
oversees a staff of over 25 curriculum, technology, professional development, technical assistance, and
research experts whose mission is to develop and support programs that promote the intellectual and
career development of learners to prepare the next generation of leaders and the workforce of the
future. Her work over the past decade has focused on preparing high school students for college and
careers through innovative programs that use project- and inquiry-based approaches to develop
academic and 21st century knowledge and skills and that promote partnerships between schools,
industry, higher education, and communities. Much of Dr. Kantrov’s work focuses on translating
research into practice and engaging educators in learning communities that encourage and support
them to reflect on and improve their practice. Her areas of knowledge and expertise include integration
of academic and career education; multiple pathways to college and careers; inquiry- and project-based
learning; teaching and assessing 21st century skills; uses of technology to support student and teacher
learning; and employer and community engagement in education. Projects within the Pathways to
College and Careers program that she oversees are funded by the National Science Foundation
(including the NSF ITEST Learning Resource Center) and a number of private foundations and
corporations. She has presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research
Association, National Career Academy Coalition, the Association for Career and Technical Education,
Synergy, the National Tech Prep Network, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,
and the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education.
1998–2009: Director, Center for Educational Resources and Outreach. Dr. Kantrov oversaw a staff of
curriculum, technology, training, and research experts, whose mission was to improve the quality of
resources and information available to educators, students, parents, and the public. She served as Senior
Project Director of the Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies (Ford PAS) project and oversaw a
subcontract from Mathematica Policy Research for a US Department of Education IES-funded project to
integrate additional mathematics instruction into Ford PAS curriculum materials focused on business
entrepreneurship. She also directed the design of integrated units in mathematics, science, social studies,
and English language arts, with accompanying teacher professional development, for the James Irvine
Foundation-funded Digital/Media/Arts curriculum. Dr. Kantrov also led the development of guides to
standards-based middle-grades mathematics, science, and English language arts curricula.
1981–1998: Managing Director and Project Director, Center for Learning, Teaching, and Technology. Dr.
Kantrov worked with the NSF-funded K–12 Mathematics Curriculum Center to conceive a series of papers
on key issues in mathematics education and wrote a paper that synthesized research on student
assessment. She developed and directed a series of projects that created video and print cases focused on
frameworks, standards, and curriculum designed for teachers’ professional development and developed
resources for use by school districts engaged in curriculum reform.
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Kantrov, I. (2015). New CTE model is a plus for schools and students. Phi Delta Kappan Vol. 96, No. 6,
March, pp. 27-32.
Kantrov, I., and Wyatt, A. (2014). A continuum of work-based professional learning experiences. Invited
presentation, Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) annual conference, Nashville, TN,
November 2014.
Kantrov, I. (2014). Externships and beyond: Work-based learning for teachers as a promising strategy for
increasing the relevance of secondary education. Waltham, MA: Education Development Center.
Kantrov, I. (2014). Revisiting the CTE landscape: How Ford NGL Fits in. Presentation, Power of the
Network: Ford Next Generation Learning National Conference. Louisville, KY, October 2014.
Kantrov, I. (2014). Opportunities and challenges in secondary career and technical education. Invited
presentation, Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Policy Seminar, Washington, DC,
March 2014.
Kantrov, I. (2014). Opportunities and challenges in secondary career and technical education. Waltham,
MA: Education Development Center, Inc.
Kantrov, I., and Searcy, D. (2012). “Digital/Media/Arts: Building Foundations in Art and Design.” National
Academy Foundation NAF Next Conference. Washington, DC.
Kantrov, I. (2011). Technology for student-centered learning. Invited presentation, Nellie Mae Education
Foundation District-Level Systems Change Learning Institute, Burlington, MA, July 2011.
Kantrov, I., and Hergert, L. (2010). Curriculum as a tool for meaningful project-based learning. Ford PAS
Next Generation Learning Thought Leader Series.
Kantrov, I., and Garcia, D. (2010). Professional development to support inquiry- and project-based
learning. Presentation, National Career Academy Coalition conference, Austin, TX, November 2010.
Kantrov, I., and Moustris, C. (2010). Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies: Engaging and challenging
curriculum for career academies. Presentation, Educating for Careers Conference, Anaheim, CA, March
Fabillar, E., and Kantrov, I. (March 2010). Law and Justice program. Presentation, Educating for Careers
Conference, Anaheim, CA.
Kantrov, I., and Fabillar, E. (November 2009). Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies: Curriculum
resources for engaging and challenging students. Presentation, National Career Academy Coalition
conference, Philadelphia.
Kantrov, I. (2009). Teaching and assessing 21st century skills: Preparing students to succeed in
postsecondary education, the workplace, and the global community. Panel, American Educational
Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, San Diego, April 2009.
Kantrov, I., and Sommers, K. (2006). Embracing core business processes, academic attainment, and
workplace readiness. Presentation, National Tech Prep Network conference, Dallas, November 2006.
Moeller, B., Dubitsky, B., Meier, E., and Kantrov, I. (2006). Designing and using video case studies for
professional development on inclusion in elementary mathematics classrooms. Presentation as part of
a symposium, Use of Videocases in Mathematics Teacher Development: What are we learning?,
American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, San Francisco, April 2006.
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Kantrov, I., and Lewis, R. (July 2006). The changing landscape of teaching and learning: The Ford
Partnership for Advanced Studies. Presentation, Synergy 06: Continuing Our Journey Toward 21st
Century Education in the U.S., Boston.
Kantrov, I., and Pfarr, M. (2005). Ford PAS: A common body of knowledge and skills for multiple career
fields. Presentation, Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) annual conference, Kansas
City, December 2005.
Goldsmith, L. T., Kantrov, I., and Pasquale, M. (November 2001). Choosing and constructing academically
excellent curriculum. Presentation, National Middle School Association Annual Conference,
Washington DC.
Goldsmith, L. T., Kantrov, I., and Pasquale, M. (November 2001). Standards-based curriculum: Don’t try
reform without it. Invited School Reform Seminar hosted by the Program for Student Achievement,
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, New York City.
Kantrov, I., Goldsmith, L. T., and Ciardi, M.R. (2001). Guiding curriculum decisions for middle-grades
language arts. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Kantrov, I., and Goldsmith, L. T. (2001). Guiding curriculum decisions for middle-grades mathematics.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Zubrowski, B., Pasquale, M., Santamaria Makang, D., Kantrov, I., Goldsmith, L. T., and Berns, B. B. (2001).
Guiding curriculum decisions for middle-grades science. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Goldsmith, L. T., and Kantrov, I. (2000). Evaluating middle grades curricula for high standards of learning
and performance. NASSP Bulletin Vol. 84, No. 615, April, pp. 30-39.
Kantrov, I. (2000). Assessing students’ mathematics learning. Part of the series, Issues in Mathematics
Education. Newton, MA: The K-12 Mathematics Curriculum Center, 2000.
Kantrov, I., and Miller, B. (1999). Analysis of cases and their uses in university and professional
development settings. Mini-course, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual
Meeting, Montreal, April 1999.
Miller, B., and Kantrov, I., eds. (1998). A casebook on school reform. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Miller, B., and Kantrov, I. (1998). A guide to facilitating cases in education. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Miller, B., and Kantrov, I. (1998). Case facilitation as a teaching strategy in university and professional
development settings. Professional Development and Training Presession. American Educational
Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, April 1998.
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2014: Invited participant, Career Academy National Policy Discussion. Cosponsored by the College and
Career Academy Support Network (UC Berkeley), National Career Academy Coalition, and American
Youth Policy Forum. October 2014.
2000–present: Led teams that have created innovative curriculum materials and professional
development programs, including online learning, to support integration of rigorous academic content
with career-related knowledge and skills. The quality of these programs has been recognized by the
National Governors Association, the Hewlett Foundation, the US Chamber of Commerce, the California
Department of Education, the Center for Energy Workforce Development, and the James Irvine
Foundation, among others.
2000–present: Invited to present at events sponsored by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Edna
McConnell Clark Foundation, and New Leaders for New Schools, and at annual meetings of the National
Academy Foundation, National Career Academy Coalition, Association for Career and Technical
Education, Synergy, National Tech Prep Network, and the Educating for Careers Conference in California.
2011–2012: Member, National Career Academy Coalition Working Group on Academy Standards and
Assessments, which explored development of a validated assessment of college and career readiness
and guides for good practices in research and evaluation of career academies and pathways.
2010–2012: Member, Advisory Committee to the College and Career Academy Support Network,
University of California-Berkeley, which designed an evaluation tool for a curriculum database for career
2010: Invited to consult with MPR Associates in the preparation of a September 2010 report for the
National Institute for Literacy entitled Integrating Curriculum: Lessons for Adult Education from Career
and Technical Education.
2009: Invited expert, Race to the Top (RTTT) / State STEM conference, which brought together teams
from 31 states along with various experts to discuss the RTTT competitive grant fund and the role of
STEM education as an anchor for education system innovation.
2008–present: Participant, National Career Academy Conversation, consisting of leaders in the career
academy community, which meets three times a year to address issues of policy and practice relevant to
improving high school education for college and careers.
2007–2011: NSF National Visiting Committee for Making Learning Real with Problem-Based Case
Learning, Advanced Technological Education program, Nashville State Community College and WGBH.
University of Chicago, B.A., 1970
Tufts University, M.A., 1975
Tufts University, Ph.D., 1980
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145 Broadway
Concord, New Hampshire 03301
 Supporting effective educators through policy development and implementation: Administer
evaluation and approval of educator preparation programs in New Hampshire.
 Scaling teacher education reform nationwide: As chair (2011-2015) of the Association of Teacher
Educators’ (ATE) national commission on technology and the future of teacher education, conceived
and lead efforts to infuse instructional technology, digital opportunity resources, and the “habit of
mind” to tap online research resources on best practice, into educator preparation. Was named cochair in February 2014 of ATE’s new presidential task force on providing digital resources for
professional growth, as the vehicle for remaking this national association for the digital age.
 Promoting STEM education: During 1992-98, served as co-director of the US Department of
Education-funded Eisenhower Regional Consortium for Math and Science Education Reform for the
northeast and islands region. Conceived and co-chair the National Eisenhower Clearinghouse and
Consortia’s equity task force which produced and nationally disseminated in 1996 a cd-rom and webbased compendium of exemplary free professional development materials supporting equity in STEM
 Experience supporting innovation: Co-chair of the Association of Teacher Educators’ national
commission on technology and the future of teacher education which conceived the invitational
National Summit on Redefining Teacher Education for Digital Age Learners held in December 2009
( Chaired the steering committee that conceived and led the first
annual NH Summit on Redefining Educator Development for 21st Century Learners held in May 2010
( These efforts launched sustained nationwide and statewide conversations
among the full array of education stakeholders on how to address the challenges of 21st century
learners (diversity, cognition and tech-savvyness), skills, and learning environments. The NH summit
led to formation of the nation’s only statewide network of teacher educators committed to
proactively embracing preparation program accountability and transformation.
 Supporting scale-up: In addition to directing the Eisenhower consortium which supported
dissemination and implementation of promising and proven STEM innovation across 9 states and US
territories, during 1998-2003 secured funding for and led the USDOE-funded $10 million technology
innovation challenge grant project, the “Virtual Professional Development School Consortium”, which
assisted 30 PDS partnerships in low and moderate income communities across 9 states to infuse
technology into K12 STEM instruction and preservice and inservice educator development via faceto- face, hybrid and online means.
 Fluency reviewing budgets: Developed and administered $10 million for the tech grant project, $9
million for the Eisenhower consortium, and over $5 million in preparing tomorrow’s teachers to use
technology (PT3) catalyst grant project funds.
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September 2014 – present Director, Leadership for Learning Innovation, Education Development
Center, Waltham MA
 Provide leadership for 40 project directors and staff engaged in research, development, technical
assistance, policy analysis and professional development in support of leadership development,
systemic school improvement, improved learning opportunities and results in STEM education, and
social justice, for this international nonprofit.
2009 – 2014, Administrator, Professional Educator Preparation Program Approval, NH Department of
Education, Concord NH.
 Completely redesigned the state’s policies, criteria and processes for preparation program review
and approval, to elicit sustained intrinsically motivated engagement of teacher educators in utilizing
evidence for rigorous candidate assessment and continuous program improvement.
 Revised materials and provide training for institutions of higher education and program reviewers to
assess educator preparation programs keyed to the new program approval standards.
 Provide support to the NH Professional Standards Board, in development of certification standards
for all endorsement areas and revision of state regulations governing preparation program approval
criteria and processes in response to the challenges of 21st century learners, skills and learning
 Invited to review proposals to the U.S. Department of Education’s programs for supporting effective
educator development (SEED) and investing in innovation (I3) grants.
2013 – present, Adjunct graduate professor for New England College’s doctoral program in
educational leadership core courses in reforming educational practice and recreating educational
2010 – present, Adjunct graduate instructor for Granite State College in advanced assistive
technologies, using technology to teach social studies, and capstone undergraduate course in social
2012 – present, Executive Director, MC Squared, a newly re-formed nonprofit: Bow, New Hampshire
 Founded MC Squared anew (see, committed to fostering educational equity;
conducting research and development of innovations in educational reform and education
technology that improve students’ learning results, learning opportunities, and learning climate.
Supervise all facets of operations, strategic planning, and development. Oversee development of
online learning tools for use in online professional development, instruction, collaboration,
mentoring and dissemination. Assist educational organizations to secure federal, corporate and
foundation support for innovation in P12 and teacher education.
 Mobilized leading technology firms (including Apple, Comcast, Dell, GovConnection and promethean)
and leaders of NH’s 15 institutions of higher education with educator preparation programs to
engage P12 and teacher educators statewide in identifying priorities for improving their students’
learning climate, opportunities and results as the key driver for identifying relevant effective
technologies for incorporation into technology planning and integration (see
2008 Acting Chair, Associate Professor, Education Division, Rivier College: Nashua, NH.
Developed an innovative doctoral program in educational leadership and learning, the college’s first
doctoral degree program, and New Hampshire’s first doctoral program in educational leadership,
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based on research on best practices in critical dimensions of educational leadership known to
contribute to improving student learning results.
1998-2008 Founder and Executive Director, MC Squared and the National Institute for Community
Innovations (NICI); Montpelier, Vermont.
 In 1998 founded and led NICI, a socially responsible business committed to fostering educational
equity; NICI conducted research and development of innovations in educational reform and
education technology that improve students’ learning results, learning opportunities, and learning
climate. Supervised all facets of operations, strategic planning, and development. Oversaw
development of online learning tools for use in online professional development, instruction,
collaboration, mentoring and dissemination.
 In 1998 also created and directed MC Squared, a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation committed to
fostering educational equity, as a sister organization to NICI. MC Squared assisted leaders of national
associations and educational reform networks to identify and implement educational innovations,
learning technologies, and knowledge management systems that enable continuous improvement in
learning opportunities, learning climate and learning results..
 Conceived and chaired committee developing ISTE’s 1st and 2nd International Leadership Summits on
Learning Technology Development, Research and Dissemination, in June 2007 in Atlanta and in June
2008 in San Antonio, in which leaders from major national and international associations in education
(Aspira, Association of Teacher Educators, European Council of International Schools, National
Education Association, National Staff Development Council, and the National Alliance of Black School
Educators) identify their member educators’ priorities for improving professional practice and
student learning. Leaders in technology R & D (e.g., ISTE, Software and Information Industry
Association, and ED) showcase effective technologies targeted to these priorities and promote new R
& D to develop validated technologies keyed to unmet priorities.
 Obtained federal funding to collaborate with the National Staff Development Council to form a
national panel to revise NSDC’s national staff development standards to reflect e-learning challenges
and opportunities. I served on the panel. The panel’s work led to joint publication by NICI and NSDC
of E-Learning for Educators: Implementing the Staff Development Standards.
 Founded and for several years chaired two special interest groups for the International Society for
Technology in Education – on Digital Equity and on Innovative Learning Technologies.
 Obtained PT3 grant and co-directed four-year $1.3 million initiative to infuse technology into the
preparation programs of the Urban Educator Corps, which together prepare over 20% of the nation’s
future urban K12 educators.
Co-Director October 1995 – 1998. Eisenhower Regional Alliance for Mathematics and Science
Education Reform, TERC, Montpelier, Vermont. Secured $1.5 million/year ED funding for and led this
Eisenhower regional consortium, fostering systemic local reform in STEM education across New
England, New York, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
Co-Director October 1992 - May 1995. Eisenhower Regional Alliance for Mathematics and Science
Education Reform, The College Board, Montpelier, Vermont. Secured $1.5 million/year ED funding
for and led this Eisenhower regional consortium, fostering systemic local reform in STEM education
across New England, New York, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Co-led this consortium in
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collaboration with leaders from the Education Development Center, Educational Testing Service,
Regional Education Laboratory for the Northeast and Islands, and TERC. Formed and facilitated the
region’s nine statewide action teams comprised of key state leaders in P12 and postsecondary STE
educational policy, research and practice, to ensure this federally funded consortium responded
transparently to the most pressing, widely shared priorities of the region’s educators.
(Founding) Director, 1989-1992. Vermont Workplace Education Program, Vermont Department of
Education, Montpelier VT.
Interim Principal and Full-time teacher for combined 7th-8th grade self-contained class, February - June
1990. Lowell School (K-8), Lowell VT. Received temporary release from the VT DOE to serve as
interim full-time teacher and principal.
Professor of business and community development, 1988-1990. Goddard College, Plainfield VT.
Ohio State University Postdoctoral Fellow. Served as Research Associate, 1987-1988. Commission on
Interprofessional Education and Practice, Ohio State University, Columbus OH. Awarded Ohio State
University Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Designed and conducted all phases of quantitative and
qualitative research to assess the impact of the Commission’s state and national efforts to foster
sustained inter-professional collaboration among practitioners and pre-professional educators in the
helping professions.
Finance Manager and Planner, 1983-1985. Information Technology ADSC, College Park MD.
Woodrow Wilson Administrative Fellow. Served as Planning Analyst, 1982-1983. Bowie State College,
Bowie MD. Awarded one-year Administrative Fellowship from the Woodrow Wilson National
Fellowship Foundation, to serve as administrator with Bowie State College, a historically black
Woodrow Wilson Administrative Fellow, Summer 1982. Fort Berthold Community College, New Town
ND. Awarded summer Administrative Fellowship to assist Fort Berthold Community College, a
tribally controlled institution on a North Dakota reservation, to create a community development
corporation to launch community-owned enterprises in tandem with new academic and vocational
education programs.
VISTA Volunteer and Assistant Academic Dean (1979-1980), Long Range Planner and Development
Officer (1980-1981). Fort Berthold Community College, New Town ND. Taught all GED subjects as
well as journalism for the tribal government’s newspaper staff. Authored all grant proposals for the
tribally controlled college on this Native American reservation.
Ph. D., Educational Policy and Leadership, 1987. Ohio State University. Completed entire doctoral
program in 22 months while holding both a half-time graduate research assistantship and a quartertime graduate research assistantship. Awarded University Fellowship, full-tuition scholarship and
Kellogg Foundation funding to support doctoral research. Received the university’s Ramseyer Award
for dissertation excellence. Received the university’s Hohly Award for excellence in educational
M.S., Urban Economics and Policy Analysis, 1982. Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Received
the university’s 1982 Leo Cohen Memorial Award for academic excellence and commitment to urban
management. Received full tuition scholarship and research assistantship to attend Master’s
program. As 50% research assistant for St. Louis Schools’ School Partnership Program, developed
curricula for business-cultural institution-education initiatives in the city schools for this school
desegregation program.
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Graduate Research Fellowship, 1977-1978. University of Chicago Awarded one-year full-tuition
scholarship and fellowship to serve as Research Fellow at University of Chicago’s Community and
Family Study Center, conducting quantitative and demographic studies for United Nations
commissioned studies.
B.A., Sociology, 1977. Denison University, Granville, Ohio
 Co-editor, Teacher Education Frameworks: Standards and Accreditation; and Co-Editor, State Policy;
in Redefining Teacher Education for Digital Age Learners (2013), Association of Teacher Educators:
Alexandria VA.
 McLaughlin, R. “Jeremy”, in Faces of Learning: 50 Powerful Stories of What Works in Education (Feb
2011), by
 McLaughlin, R., “Briefing Paper on State Policy Challenges”, November 2009, available at Paper prepared for participants in the national
invitational summit on redefining teacher education for digital age learners, a gathered held in
December 2009 in Austin, TX.
 McLaughlin, R. “Six poems” in Rivier College’s blind peer reviewed online journal, InSight: Rivier
Academic Journal, Fall 2009.
 McLaughlin, R. “Three poems” in Rivier College’s blind peer reviewed online journal, InSight: Rivier
Academic Journal, Spring 2009.
 McLaughlin, R. “Four Poems” in Rivier College’s blind peer reviewed online journal, InSight: Rivier
Academic Journal, Volume 4, Number 2, Fall 2008 (see
 Pittman, J., McLaughlin, R. and Bracey, B. (2008), “Value-added Use of Digital Tools for Individuals
and Communities”, in International Handbook of Technology in Teacher Education, Paris, France:
 Publisher of Wallace, J. (2005). Digital Equity Toolkit. National Institute for Community Innovations:
Montpelier, Vermont:
 Searson, M., Halverson, B., McLaughlin, R., Cazan, C., DeMarle, A., Foreman, J., Benton, P., Zibit, M.,
Gibson, D., & Sprague, D. (2005). Let’s Play: The role and value of games and simulations in
education!, Part 1. In C. Crawford, D. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. McFerrin, J. Price & R. Weber
(Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International
Conference 2005 (pp. 2089-2091). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
 Knapp, M., Kurowski, B., Gibson, D., Dexter, S., & McLaughlin, R. (2004). Grounded Metadata. World
Conference on E-Learning in Corp., Govt., Health., & Higher Ed. 2004(1), 2491-2498. [Online].
 McLaughlin, R. “Strengthening Local Capacity to Build Digital Equity in Education” in Toward Digital
Equity: Challenges of Bridging the Educational Digital Divide, edited by Paul Resta and Gwen
Solomon; Allyn & Bacon. (2002).
 Co-publisher, Killion, J. E-Learning For Educators (2001). National Staff Development Council and
National Institute for Community Innovations, Montpelier, Vermont.
 McLaughlin, R. (Ed.), E=MC2: Equity is More Than Coping With Change, Equity Handbook, (1999).
New Hampshire Department of Education. Concord, NH..
 McLaughlin, R., “Improving Teacher Preparation to Employ Technology” (Fall 1998) in Hands-On!,
TERC: Cambridge, MA.
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 Co-Chair, National Eisenhower Equity Task Force, which created the book-length publication on cdrom, Making Schools Work for Every Child: Equity in Math and Science Education (1998), national
distribution via cd-rom and via Web site ( Eisenhower National Clearinghouse,
Columbus OH.
 McLaughlin, R. (Ed.), Systemic Evaluation Forum Proceedings, (1997), Education Alliance Press, Brown
University: Providence, RI..
 McLaughlin, R., “The Evaluation Food Chain” in Systemic Evaluation Forum Proceedings,
(1997),Robert T. McLaughlin (ed.), Education Alliance Press, Brown University, Providence, RI.
 Contributing Author for quarterly newsletter, Alliance Access, Eisenhower Regional Alliance for
Mathematics and Science Education Reform, Cambridge MA.
 McLaughlin, R. and Crowley, “The Rutland Collaborative: Committing to Change” in Leading and
Learning: Vermont’s Journal of Educational Change, (February 1993), Governor’s Institutes of
Vermont, Stowe VT.
 Cunningham, L. and McLaughlin, R., “What Should be Done in Continuing Professional Education
about Societal Problems That Are Interprofessional in Nature?” Chapter in Visions for the Future of
Continuing Professional Education Ronald M. Cevero, John F. Azzaretto et al (eds.), (1990) University
of Georgia, Athens GA.
 McLaughlin, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of the First National Leadership Symposium on Interprofessional
Education and Practice, (1987), National Consortium on Interprofessional Education and Practice,
Ohio State University, Columbus OH.
 McLaughlin, R., Making Connections in the Heartland: An Educator’s Case Study of a Local Business
Retention and Expansion Program, (1987), dissertation, Ohio State University, Columbus OH.
 Keynote presenter, “Innovative Strategies for Infusing Essential Learning Technology Resources into
Educator Development”, 5th NH Ed Tech Symposium, Concord NH, February 2015
 Invited presenter, “The Habit of Mind: Engaging Educators in Utilizing Evidence-Based Practice to
Improve Their Students’ Learning Opportunities, Engagement and Results”, double session, NH
National Education Association annual conference, Bow NH October 2014
 Invited presenter, “Ensuring equitable home access to broadband and computers for low-income
students and families”, NH Broadband Conference, Concord NH May 2014.
 Keynote presenter, “Reclaiming Ownership of the Profession: The Habit of Mind to Utilize Research
to Transform Practice and Student Learning”, Habit of Mind Summit, Manchester NH April 2014.
 Keynote presenter, “Digital Opportunity Challenges, Resources and Strategies”, the Digital
Opportunity Symposium, Manchester NH October 2013.
 Chair, featured panel, “Mobilizing the nation’s teacher educators to embrace and own preparation
program accountability and transformation for the digital age”, Association of Teacher Educators’
annual summer conference, Washington DC, August 2013.
 “Accessing Research on Best Practice: Developing the habit of Mind”, Association of Teacher
Educators’ annual summer conference, Washington DC, August 2013.
 “Digital Opportunity Initiatives: Closing the Digital Divide at Home for the Nation’s Low-Income
Children”, Association of Teacher Educators’ annual summer conference, Washington DC, August
 Convener and organizer, semi-annual NH Ed Tech Symposium for the New Hampshire IHE Network,
Concord NH, August 2013.
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 Co-presenter for invited presentation with Audrey Rogers, “Integrating Technology into Educator
Preparation in the Digital Age”, New Hampshire Institution of Higher Education Network. Keene NH
July 2013,
 “Digital Opportunity Consortium: Closing the Digital Divide”, New Hampshire School Library Media
Association annual conference, Whitefield, NH, May 2013.
 “Developing the ‘Habit of Mind’ in Educators to Use Research databases to Inform Professional
Practice”, New Hampshire School Library Media Association annual conference, Whitefield, NH, May
 Featured panelist, “Mobilizing the Nation’s Teacher Educators to Embrace Preparation Program
Accountability and transformation”, Association of Teacher Educators’ annual conference, Atlanta GA
February 2013.
 “Digital Opportunity Resources for the Nation’s Low-Income Students and Their Educators and
families”, Association of Teacher Educators’ annual conference, Atlanta GA February 2013.
 Keynote speaker, “Technology and the Transformation of Educator Preparation in New Hampshire”,
New Hampshire Symposium on Education Technology. Merrimack NH February 2013.
 Invited speaker, “New Rules Governing Preparation Program Approval”, the New Hampshire IHE
Network, during the NHDOE conference on The Changing World of teaching and Learning, Keene NH,
July 2012.
 Invited speaker, “Assistive Technologies: Transforming learning Opportunities for Children with
Special Needs”, annual NH NEA Conference for New Educators, Pembroke NH, April 2012.
 Featured panelist, “State Policies that Promote Innovation in Teacher Education”, annual winter
conference, Association of Teacher Educators, San Antonio TX, February 2012.
 Invited speaker, conducted two workshops on “Using Assistive Technology to Reach All Learners”, NH
National Education Association’s annual conference, Penacook NH, October 2011.
 Invited speaker, “Assistive Technologies for Students with Special Needs and their Educators”, NH
Association for Special Education Administrators annual conference, Church Landing NH, August
 “Engaging the Least Tech-Savvy Faculty in Leading Technology Integration”, Annual summer
conference Association of Teacher Educators, Philadelphia PA, August 2011.
 Panel moderator, “New Hampshire Summit: Transforming Educator Development in Tough Times”,
annual Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference in Manchester NH, December 2010.
 Co-presenter, “New Hampshire Summit: The Uphill and Downhill of Educational Change”, annual
Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference in Manchester NH, December 2010
 Keynote address, “Reclaiming Ownership of Standards-Based Reform”, annual conference of the
Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators in Harrisburg PA, October 27, 2010.
 Member of featured panel on “Transforming Educator Development for 21st Century Learners”,
Association of Teacher Educators’ annual summer conference in Kansas City, MO, August 2010.
 Member of featured panel on “Redefining Teacher Education for Digital Age Learners, Association of
Teacher Educators’ annual winter conference in Chicago, IL, February 2010.
 “Digital Equity: Improving Students’ Equitable Access to Learning Technology Resources”, workshop,
New England Opportunity Association’s 33rd annual conference, New Castle New Hampshire, March
 “Digital Libraries: Fostering Access to High Quality Academic Resources for Educators and Learners”,
Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Dallas Texas, February 2009.
 “Strategies for Engaging Non-Tech Savvy Educators in using Library and Learning Technology
Resources”, European Council of International Schools, Berlin Germany, February 2008.
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 “Minimizing Academic database and hardware Costs Through Global Collaboration”, European
Council of International Schools, Berlin Germany, February 2008.
 “Emerging Educational Technologies”, ISTE Podcast # 1, International Society for Technology in
Education”, Bailey, K., McLaughlin, R., Serim, F. Thornburg, D. and Williams, B. November 29, 2007.
 Keynote, “Obstacles to Responsive Learning Technology R & D and Dissemination”, 1st Annual
International Leadership Summit on Learning Technology, Research and Dissemination, International
Society for Technology in Education Annual Conference, Atlanta GA, June 2007.
 Featured Panelist, “Trends and Issues of ICT Teacher Education”, Annual Association of Teacher
Educators Conference, Atlanta, GA, February 2006.
 “Digital Equity Resources”, Annual TRIO Technology Conference, San Juan, PR, December 2005.
 Invited speaker, “Exemplary Digital Mathematics and Science Resources for Instruction and
Professional Development”, TRIO Annual Conference, Washington DC, September 2005.
 “The National Science Digital Library: Exemplary Digital Resources for Mathematics and Science
Education”, Association for Teacher Educators Summer Conference, Bismarck, ND, August 2005.
 “Digital Library Resources for Staff Development and Instruction”, European Council of International
Schools Librarians triennial conference, Prague, Czech Republic, March 2005.
 Invited plenary presentation, “Digital Equity Strategies and Resources in Teacher Preparation”, U.S.
Department of Education Annual Conference for the Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to use
Technology Program, Phoenix, AZ, March 2005.
 “Exemplary Staff Development Resources for School Improvement”, European Council of
International Schools annual conference, Nice, France, November 2004.
 Invited presentation, “Knowledge Management Technologies for Urban Educational Reform”, Urban
Teacher Education Network Conference, Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, KS, November 2004.
 Invited presentation, “Assessing Learning Outcomes in the Online Learning Environment”, Blackboard
Conference, Washington DC, March 2004.
 Invited presentation, “Developing a National System for Educational Reform”, International
Conference for Innovation in Higher Education, Kiev, Ukraine, May 2003.
 “International Virtual Library Co-op”, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
Annual Conference, Nashville TN, March 2003.
 Keynote, “The State of Our Consortium”. Fifth Annual PDS Team Conference, Rhode Island College,
Providence RI, March 17, 2003.
 Digital Equity Toolkit. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International
Conference 2002(1), 394-394. [Online]. Available:
 Keynote, “Challenges, Questions, Accomplishments and Dreams”, 2nd Annual PDS Team Conference,
Rhode Island College, June 23, 2000.
 Invited presenter, “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Education Technology”, National Panel, Western
Regional Conference, North Central Regional Education Laboratory, May 22, 2000, Denver, CO.
Association of Teacher Educators’ Presidential Award for Service
New Hampshire School Library Media Association Impact Award
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 Co-Chair, Association of Teacher Educators’ presidential task force on providing resources for
professional growth in the digital age
 Founder, Co-Chair, Digital Opportunity Consortium (
 Chair, Association of Teacher Educators’ national commission on technology and the future of
teacher education
 Member, State Education Technology Directors Association
 Member, National Association of State Educational Media Professionals
 Member, board of directors, New Hampshire Learning Forward
 NHDOE Liaison to the New Hampshire School Library Media Association board of directors
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Columbia University of New York
City University of New York
(The Graduate Center CUNY BA
Cultural Anthropology and
M.A., 1995
Cultural Anthropology
B.A., 1990
Education Development Center, Inc., Senior Project Director, Learning and Teaching Division,
Pathways to College and Careers
Engage in grant writing, proposal development, strategic planning, budget oversight, supervision of
staff, and program management. Serve as project director or lead facilitator for the following projects.
District Level Systems Change (January 2015-present)
Lead a team of technical assistance providers. Work with seven school districts in New England to
advance student-centered teaching and learning in high schools. Support school faculty and
administration and district central office personnel to build a culture of continuous improvement.
Facilitate processes to align initiatives and policies across central office, schools, and classrooms and to
promote systems change. Provide the following services to districts: collaborative learning institutes,
one-on-one on-site technical assistance, research-based capacity building toolkit, and cross-district
communities of practice.
National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools (2011-present)
Develop and implement a professional development toolkit for school and district teams to manage the
design, implementation, improvement, and scale-up of interventions. Build capacity of school and
district teams to test and refine programs and practices in high schools through Plan/Do/Study/Act
cycles. Support district partners in developing plans for the scale up of effective practices with greater
depth and breadth throughout the district. Facilitate sharing of learning and best practices in districts
and across sites. Collaborate with researchers to help educators bridge research and practice.
Cross-District Learning Initiative (2012-2014)
Work with seven school districts in New England to support cross-district communities of practice.
Develop and facilitate face-to-face and online activities and events for high school and district personnel
that focus on the following topics: blended learning, performance assessment, and leadership and
culture. Support districts in sharing best practices and lessons learned tied to designing and
implementing student-centered practices.
Linked Learning: Professional Development and Curriculum Initiatives (2008-2012)
Engage in collaboration with partner organizations to support the integration of academic and career
readiness across pathway programs, academies, and high schools in a state. Design and provide
professional development to support project-based approaches and integrate the teaching of core skills
(critical thinking, literacy, teamwork) across disciplines. Develop two curricula for specific career fields.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
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Take part in a community of practice with the state department of education, organizational partners,
and district teams focused on using innovative curricula as a tool to support school improvement.
Programs: 1. Law and Justice and 2. Digital Media Arts
Lead a team of curriculum developers in designing and piloting high school courses that prepare
students for college and a range of careers. Engage in an iterative design approach with feedback cycles
that involved teachers, students, and community partners. Develop models for integrating literacy
strategies into the curriculum. Provide guidance on integrated units that bridge math, science, social
studies, and English language arts with application to career fields. Design and deliver professional
development activities that use curricula as a tool to advance teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge
and develop their skills in integrating academics and career readiness skills.
Ford Next Generation Learning (2005-2008)
Design and facilitate a blended model of professional development for secondary school educators and
coaches nationwide, including summer institutes, moderated forums, interactive Webinars, and school
based study groups. Professional development focused on improving instructional practice, teacher
inquiry, adaptation of effective curriculum, and reflection. Develop and facilitate a 7-week online
teacher course entitled Inquiry in the 21st Century Classroom that incorporates the analysis of classroom
video and student work to help teachers examine student thinking. Design and implement a model for
the training of professional development providers. Facilitate the sharing of lessons learned from
action/practitioner research.
Center for Media and Learning/American Social History Project, City University of New York
Education Co-Director (2000-2004)
Direct various New York City-based education programs including school-college-community
partnerships, teacher professional development programs, school reform initiatives, and curriculum
development projects. Develop and cultivate partnerships with the NYC Department of Education, CUNY
colleges, museums, new small schools, and other organizations. Contribute to the direction and
functioning of the Center and engage in grant-writing and strategic planning. Served as vice president of
the Board of ASHP, Inc. for two years.
Program Coordinator and Teacher Mentor (1995-2000)
Coordinate several education programs and provide technical assistance and professional development
to high schools. Serve as a teacher mentor for social studies, humanities, and English language arts
teachers in several schools, which involved lesson-planning, team teaching, classroom observations,
working with students on projects, serving as liaison with school administrators, conducting study
groups, and mentoring educators on interdisciplinary, student-centered, and inquiry teaching.
Selected Programs at cml/cuny
Students at the Center
Serve as a mentor and technical assistance provider for several high schools in New York City. The
initiative was a whole school reform effort focused on student-centered approaches to teaching and
learning. Collaborate with other mentors/coaches and partner organizations, including the National
Writing Project, Teachers College, and Youth Communications. Engaged in and facilitated sessions for
cross-school and cross-district activities.
Making Connections
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Contribute to the development of a curriculum for high school social studies and English language arts
teachers that focused on interdisciplinary teaching and learning and multicultural education. Develop
and implement a citywide professional development program that supported inquiry-based teaching
and the implementation of innovative curriculum. Implement the program in a range of schools,
including sites that were part of the low-performing district. Co-facilitated a team of teacher leaders and
CUNY faculty partners.
Center for Worker Education, New York, NY (1994-1996)
Adult Educator and Staff Developer
Simon & Schuster, New York, NY (1992-1994)
Managing Editor and previously Editorial Assistant
Fabillar, Eliza, “Summary of a Literature Review on Implementation, Systems Change, and Continuous
Improvement,” Education Development Center, Inc, September 2015.
Student Engagement and Youth Empowerment: Using the Law and Justice Curriculum as a Tool and
Approach to Transform Justice Systems. Panel presentation at the Comparative and International
Education Society Annual Conference, March 2015.
Revisiting the Core Elements of Our Capacity Building Framework for Scaling School Reforms: Lessons
from the Field. Panel presentation at the University Council for Educational Administration, November
King, Cheryl L., Fabillar, Eliza, et al (2013). “Designing Innovations for Implementation at Scale: An
Emerging Framework for Increasing System Capacity.” Education Development Center, Inc.
Law and Justice (2012). Two-year high school curriculum and teacher guide. Focused on knowledge and
skills relevant for college and careers in the legal and criminal justice systems, and for active citizenry,
includes integration of literacy strategies.
Fabillar, Eliza (2010). “Key Features of Professional Development.” Education Development Center, Inc.
Teaching and Assessing 21st Century Skills: Preparing Students for Success in Postsecondary Education,
the Workplace, and the Global Community. Presentation at the American Educational Research
Association Annual Conference, 2009.
Critical Inquiry and Collaborative Professional Development. Presentation at the Innovations in
Collaboration: A School-University Model to Enhance History Teaching, K-16 Conference, Jointly cosponsored by the Organization of American Historians, American Historical Assoc., National Council of
Social Studies, Alexandria, VA, June 2003.
Teaching and Learning in the Socially Responsive Classroom. Presentation at Bank Street College of
Education Annual Social Studies Conference, New York, NY, May 2002.
Fabillar, Eliza with Cynthia Jones, “Interdisciplinary Connections: Teacher and Student Empowerment
through Social History, Critical Pedagogy, and Collaboration," Radical Teacher, Fall 2002.
Interdisciplinary Methods: Using Primary Documents in the Humanities Classroom, Presentation at
Teachers College of Columbia University, Metropolitan School Study Council, New York, NY, November
Literacy Building and the Great Migration, Presentation at Coalition of Essential Schools Annual
Conference, Washington, DC, May 2000.
Pinguel, Baltazar, Fabillar, Eliza, et al (1998). The Philippines. In Wei, Debbie (ed.), Resistance in
Paradise: Rethinking 100 Years of U.S. Involvement in the Caribbean and the Pacific, Philadelphia School
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
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Learning Together: Professional Development and the New Media Classroom. Presentation at
Envisioning The Future: The Classroom of the 21st Century Convening, National Endowment for the
Humanities, Washington, DC, September 1997.
Fabillar, Eliza, “Communities in Contemporary America: Power, Opposition, and the Struggle for SelfIdentity,” Chicago Anthropology Exchange, Winter 1996.
Selected professional development activities for educators and school and district administrators
Summer Institutes, Yearlong Workshops, and Online Courses on the following topics:
Implementing the Plan-Do-Study-Act Method for Continuous Improvement
Developing and Scaling Up Effective Practices
Understanding and Managing Change
The Role of Questions in Promoting Student Engagement and Learning
Fostering Critical Thinking: Student Inquiry in the Classroom
Performance Assessment: Analyzing Student Work to Inform Instruction and Advance Student Learning
Student Engagement: Preparing Students to be Active Citizens in a Democratic Society
Facilitating Online Professional Development
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
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131 Cambridge Rd
Woburn, MA 01801
(781) 454-7984,
University of New Hampshire, Secondary Education and History, MAT, 1993
Hamilton College, European History, BA, 1991
Senior Training and Technical Assistance Associate, Education Development Center, Waltham, MA
March 2009 - present
Professional development manager and implementation coach, Ford Next Generation Learning (Ford
 Lead designer and facilitator of professional development for the Ford STEM Academy network,
currently in Louisville, KY; Volusia County, FL; Detroit, MI; and Cleveland, OH. Professional
development and support is based on use of design principles to identify and address user
needs; supports Next Generation Science Standards; reinforces best practices in STEM; supports
integration and application of academic and career technical education (CTE) skills and content;
and supports virtual learning networks.
 Coach instructional and administrative leaders in multiple states to develop internal capacity to
plan for and manage school and district transformation efforts. Build local capacity to engage in
strategic and tactical planning for multi-year projects.
 Serve on Ford NGL National Leadership Council to conceptualize and develop resources for
systemic community and school reform on a national scale.
 Support Ford NGL National Superintendents’ Council in conceptualizing and pursuing a national
transformation and advocacy agenda.
Designer and facilitator, Philadelphia Innovators Institute (i2)
 Co-design and facilitate cross-city leadership development fellowship program for adult learners
to support development of change projects to empower local youth; partners include
Philadelphia Academies Inc., Philadelphia Youth Network, and the Philadelphia Public School
 Develop user-centered virtual and face-to-face experiences for program fellows to plan, test,
and pilot change projects using a blended learning model.
 Establish and support partnerships across school and community organizations and develop
advisory boards with expertise in issues of national significance.
Instructional design and implementation specialist, National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools
 Co-designed curriculum based on design principles and processes for district and high school
teams in Fort Worth, TX and Broward County, FL in partnership with Vanderbilt University.
Program supported local design, piloting using PDSA test cycles, and implementation of
innovations for scaling up effective practices.
 Planned and facilitated face to face and virtual district team meetings for educators to build
local capacity to address persistent problems of practice using design principles and processes.
 Maintained and supported a multi-school online professional learning community.
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Lead curriculum writer, Law and Justice curriculum project
 Collaborated on development of a law and law enforcement-focused high school curriculum for
California public high school academies.
 Planned, researched and wrote inquiry-based curriculum including co-development of a literacy
toolkit for career-themed academies aligned to national and state standards.
 Developed and co-facilitated professional development institutes for high school teachers,
administrators, industry professionals, and post-secondary teachers and leaders.
 Assisted with national outreach and dissemination efforts.
Learning Design Consultant, Independent, June 2014
Collaborated with the Innovation Institute at the University of West Florida to develop a user-centered
design process to address client and university needs.
 Responsible for development of conceptual framework for branded university innovation design
process (IDEA).
 Designed professional development for university department leaders to gain initial familiarity
and practice with the IDEA framework.
Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, Independent Consultant, Woburn, MA, 2003-2009
Independent consultant assisting New England school districts with curriculum alignment and using data
to improve instruction.
 Planned and facilitated half-day and full-day sessions with grade level teacher teams to support
alignment of K-12 curricula and assessments with state and national standards in all subject
areas. Provided follow-up individual coaching as requested.
 Provided professional development on data-informed instruction for K-12 teachers and
administrators in all subject areas.
 Collaborated with district administrators on strategic planning and alignment with state and
federal mandates.
 Assisted teachers with interpreting student data and designing data-based action plans.
Curriculum Specialist, Mass Networks Education Partnership, Allston, MA, 2002-2003
Assisted Massachusetts school district teams with curriculum alignment and district-wide strategic
 Facilitated grade-span K-12 teacher teams to align curriculum and assessments with
Massachusetts curriculum frameworks in Science, English Language Arts, and Mathematics.
 Facilitated diverse teacher teams and provided on-site coaching and technical assistance in
urban and suburban school districts in extended curriculum work, development of follow-up
plans, and district-wide professional development.
 Provided leadership and individual coaching for district administrators in aligning resources with
district goals and writing grant applications aligned to those goals.
 Developed and provided support services for school districts in managing requirements of
federal No Child Left Behind Act.
New England Regional Turning Points Associate, Center for Collaborative Education (CCE), Boston, MA,
Served as a whole-school change coach in four urban middle schools within the Boston Public Schools
 Worked with principals and teacher leadership teams to develop short-and long-term
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 178
instructional goals and action plans aligned with district expectations.
Facilitated teachers and administrators in using protocols to look collaboratively at student work
and data.
Trained, facilitated and supported teacher leadership teams to serve as instructional leaders
within their schools as well as to participate in and facilitate data-based decision making.
Coordinated regional workshops and conferences for schools within the Turning Points network.
Social Studies and Humanities Teacher, Souhegan High School, Amherst, NH, 1992-2000
Among first teaching staff hired for the start-up year of Souhegan High School, a member of the
Coalition of Essential Schools.
 Developed interdisciplinary curriculum and assessment tools for heterogeneously grouped
students with multiple learning needs, including English language learners and students
requiring facilitated communication.
 Mentored students through culminating Senior Project experience and led 9-12 students in daily
 Coordinated work within the district to help schools meet curricular goals and target teaching
strategies to existing assessment tools.
 Planned and facilitated meetings and provided staff development for teachers and
Intro to Design Thinking for Educators: Foundations of Innovation. Henry Ford Learning Institute (HFLI),
Detroit, MI.
National School Reform Faculty (NSRF) Coaches’ Training. Trained Critical Friends group coach.
“Innovating for Transformation: The Philadelphia Innovators’ Institute.” Ford Next Generation Learning
National Conference. Louisville, KY (October 2014).
“Building Bridges: The Ford NGL STEM Academy Collaborative Learning Externship.” National Career
Academy Coalition (NCAC) National Conference. Arlington, VA (October 2014).
“Focus on Teaching: Realistic, Targeted, Human Support.” Learning and Teaching Division blog,
Education Development Center (posted June 18, 2013).
“Civics, Youth, and the Legal Landscape.” New England Regional Council for the Social Studies.
Sturbridge, MA (April 10, 2013).
“Bridging the Gap: Tools for Connecting Students, Schools, and Communities.” National Coalition of
Career Academies. Nashville, TN (November 2012).
“Teaching Law and Justice: Professional Development Institute.” State Bar of California. San Francisco,
CA (July 24-29, 2011).
“Teaching Law and Justice: Professional Development Institute.” University of the Pacific, McGeorge
School of Law. Sacramento, CA (July 20-23, 2010).
Law and Justice. Two yearlong project- and inquiry-based courses for high school and postsecondary
focusing on issues of equity, power, and civic engagement.
Fischer-Mueller, J. and Forbush, J. “Examining the Role of a CFG Coach.” NSRF Winter Conference. Los
Angeles, CA (February 2000).
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 179
Candace Brooks
85 Bristol Road
Medford, MA 02155
e |
m | 773-412-0686
MDes Human–Centered Product Design, 2004
Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
BFA Industrial Design, 2000
Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA
BA Psychology, 1985
Boston University, Boston, MA
Education Development Center, Waltham, MA
Training and Technical Assistance Associate, 2014 - Present
Research Assistant, Waltham, MA 2010 - 2014
MassCAN (The Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network)
MassCAN is a collaborative partnership between statewide organizations and school districts to bring
computer science to students K-12 in Massachusetts. Responsible for connecting school-level teachers
to appropriate partner organizations and resources.
Innovators’ Institute - Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
The development team designed an institute on innovation for cross-organization youth practitioners to
develop innovative projects to empower students whether in or out of a school setting. The project
centers on innovation design, change management and personalized coaching. Responsible for
facilitation of innovation design sessions, creation of the online community space, and coaching.
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, AR
Part of development team that create an online course and digital content for rural high school students
introducing them to the American art collection at Crystal Bridges and the workings of museums. The
project won the 2015 Muse Award which recognizes innovation, creativity, education, inclusiveness, and
scholarship in digital media.
Equity Leadership Summit The Equity Forum (internal EDC event).
Responsible for managing a team of 8 in conceptualization and planning of the first ever forum to
introduce the broad range of project work happening at EDC to local individuals and organizations
engaged in equity in education.
New Approaches to Urban Districts, Cross-District Learning
Part of the development team which designed and facilitated a number of face-to-face meetings and
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 180
webinars for 7 selected school districts. The group was divided into three communities of practice
focused on blended learning, changing mindsets and performance assessments.
National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools
Responsible for conceptualization, planning, executing and facilitating professional development for
teachers, assistant principals and district level employees. Planned and facilitated design charrette
workshops for Broward County, FL and Fort Worth, TX as a way to teach design thinking to district and
school personnel.
Can Visual Arts Learning Improve Geometric Reasoning?
The project sought to identify whether and to what degree there is a relationship between training in
visual arts and learning in geometry for high school students. Responsible for data collection, data
cleaning, and project coordination.
Brandeis University, Research & Project Strategist and Consultant, Waltham, MA 2010
 Designed and conducted a research study to assess how the Brandeis University community uses the
4-year old Goldfarb Library Information Commons.
 Identified several key themes that could lead to improved internal work flow and improved customer
service across the service points for the next iteration of the Information Commons.
Ximedica, Research & Project Strategist and Consultant, Providence, RI 2007 - 2011
 Created activity analysis maps, frameworks and scenarios to communicate the user experience to
 client teams.
 Discovered consumer insight patterns from client research and created research directives based on
human factors for ongoing research activities.
 Designed and conducted a 10-month research project, created new business strategy which
uncovered several new product line opportunities for a Fortune 100 client.
Procter & Gamble, Global Oral Care R&D, Research Consultant, Needham, MA 2008
 Conducted in-depth interview sessions with research participants.
 Worked with the brushing research team to analyze data and identify key research insights.
 Prepared research summary documents for the brushing research team.
Bose Corporation, Customer Experience Research, Framingham, MA 2006
 Created the design research capability for the New Ventures Group and Materials Science Research
 Designed and conducted research activities for a technologically innovative product.
 Spearheaded the restructuring of the stage-gate process to include a broader and substantial use of
design research in the product development process.
Insight Product Development, User Research, Chicago, IL 2004
 Conducted research which uncovered insights that identified and framed opportunity areas for a new
 product line.
 Examined customer purchasing behavior and identified ways to improve the shopping experience.
Steelcase, Inc., User Research, Grand Rapids, MI 2004
 Designed and conducted a usability study to validate prototype efficacy.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 181
 Translated research insights into specific and actionable recommendations that informed further
 design development.
Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA
Adjunct Faculty - Industrial Design and Art Education, 2006 - Present
Assistant Professor Industrial Design department, full-time, 1-year contract academic year 2009
Courses taught:
Industrial Design 2006 - Present
• Design Principles (Sophomores)
• Industrial Design 4 (Seniors)
• Degree Project: Research (Seniors)
• Human Factors: Ergonomics (Sophomores)
• Portfolio and Professional Practice (Juniors)
Art Education 2009 - 2011
• Interdisciplinary Portfolio II (all class levels)
 Connecting Advances in Learning Research and Teacher Practice: A Conference about
Teacher Education. Teacher’s College, Columbia University, New York, NY (7/2012)
 Colleges of the Fenway, Teaching and Learning Conference 2009 (10/2009)
Effective Assessment: Tool for the Classroom and Beyond
 Harvard Graduate School of Education, Project Zero Classroom (7/2009)
Project Zero is an institute, which explores the best practices for teaching and learning.
Participants learn how to help students develop creative and critical thinking skills and develop
assessment tools which further students’ understanding.
Ford Next Generation Learning – Power of the Network: Sharing, Caring, and Daring
2014 Conference (10/2014).
Presented our work describing the development of the Innovators’ Institute - Philadelphia. Conducted a
design charrette to demonstrate the type of activities that the i2 Fellows completed.
NERCOMP (Northeast Regional Computing Program) Usability in Libraries and Beyond (11/2009).
Presented a talk on how college-level library and IT professionals could utilize user-centered thinking
and methods as a way to provide a more useful and cohesive collection of services to their constituents
whether they are students, faculty or community members.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 182
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 183
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Irene Porro
Framingham State University / Director of the Christa
McAuliffe Center for Integrated Science Learning
PhD in Space Science and Technology, University of Padua
Masters in Physics, University of Torino
Arlington, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
I have known Frank DeVito, proposed CEO for Central Square Public Charter School, for many years.
Frank and I often discussed education and education reform issues and I was a recipient of the original
invitation to be part of the school design team. Starting in Summer 2012 I have been actively involved
in long conversations with Frank and other team members that provided the core elements of the
Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 184
I am deeply committed to promote quality education for all our children, especially those from
underprivileged backgrounds, English language learners, and those who struggle in traditional school
settings. For the last 15 years I have been fulfilling this commitment by creating educational programs,
both in informal and formal education settings, for middle and high school students and teachers.
As a science educator and program director I worked with Boston, Cambridge, Lynn and Lawrence
Public School teachers and students. I learned from both of these groups that academic success is
always the result of a concerted effort, not just the outcome of the implementation of a particular
curriculum or the action of an especially talented teacher. The students’ socio-emotional status as well
as the practical and emotional support provided to teachers, the culture and climate of the learning
environment, and the effective implementation of quality curricula are all critical elements in providing
all children, not just a few, with the best resources to succeed academically.
For example, many of the urban youth I worked with over the years communicated to me that they
were interested in science, and potentially in a career in science, technology or engineering. However,
when questioned further, they often remarked that they were not interested in math. Adolescents
often express “lack of interest” in an activity to actually hide their perceived inability to carry out that
activity. Indeed, the math preparation of my students was often not appropriate to their grade level.
What is worst though is that a majority of my students were also not aware, and did not understand,
that they needed to master the “math language” to be able to succeed not just in science, technology
and engineering but also in many non-STEM fields such as business for example. By proclaiming
themselves “not interested” in math, and by not pursuing it beyond an elementary level, they were
actually undermining their own future. Still, most of my students did successfully graduate from high
For the past 15 years I focused my efforts to create opportunities for quality science learning in out-ofschool time, specifically aimed to reach out to urban middle and high-school age youth. I believe that
the out-of-school hours are often an untapped resource in the education of urban youth, especially the
older ones. Quality educational experiences that complement and strengthen the learning that occurs
during the regular school hours can make a meaningful difference in the life of urban youth. My choice
to work with teenage youth is rooted in a deep interest in the learning and developmental process of
adolescents and young adults, specifically those from underserved communities. Because of their
socio-economic status these youth are often at an academic disadvantage that leads to low academic
performance. Low academic performance, combined with a lack of social capital and status, severely
handicaps their chances to enter and succeed in post-secondary education.
Central Square Public Charter School represents for me the opportunity to combine my strong
commitment to social justice and my desire to promote quality education for all through a new
approach to learning that engages young people everywhere and at any time. Central Square’s projectbased and student-center learning approach allows students to gradually develop a new learning
mentality and make them life-long learners. Finally, the school gives me the opportunity to share my
skills, knowledge and expertise in project-based learning, integrated learning and program
management to serve as chair of the board.
Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 185
Presently I am the Director of the Christa McAuliffe Center for Integrated Science Learning at
Framingham State University. Much of my work involves Science training and support to public school
teachers and providing Science experiences for public school students. Project-based learning is at the
heart of our approach in introducing students to the field of science. The goal of the program is to
create a pipeline for minority students to the STEM fields.
Previously, I was the Director of the Education and Outreach Group of the MIT Kavli Institute for
Astrophysics and Space Research (MKI) for eleven years (2000-2011). During that period I designed and
managed innovative project based-learning programs for youth, professional development programs
for teachers, and science outreach initiatives. In my work with youth programs I specialized in and
advocated for the education of urban underserved teenagers. I did this by supporting youth through
traditional education paths but also by researching and implementing alternative paths to both
education and employment opportunities. In developing new educational programs, I especially
focused on matching the needs of the youth populations our programs served with the creative and
extremely diverse employment market where STEM skills are required. The programs I directed served
youth from underserved communities in Boston, Cambridge, Lynn and Lawrence Public Schools (such as
J. Burke HS, English HS, The Engineering School, in Boston; Lynn Classical, Lynn English and Lynn VoTech in Lynn, several of the middle schools in Boston where the Citizen Schools program operates etc.).
The urban population we reached out with our programs was extremely diverse, including large
contingents of Cape Verdean and Somali students in addition to African-American, Hispanic, Asian and
Caucasian youth. Close to 50% of our students (including high school students) were English Language
Learners and close to 90% of them are first generation college students. A first gen student myself, an
immigrant and a person who speaks English as a second language, I naturally connected with my
students, sharing with them both my struggles and my successes in academic and professional
contexts. I also developed a considerable experience in recognizing signs of emotional discomfort and a
range of possible mental health issues suffered by a significant number of our students. Emotional and
mental health issues are often linked to the difficult socio-economic conditions of the youth’s families
and sometimes with traumatic experiences suffered during childhood (several of my students were in
foster care and often lived with multiple families over time; several also experienced the violent death
of a family member or friend by age 16). My role has been to bring the issue to the attention of the
youth and/or family (some teenagers were dismissed by their family members if thought to have
mental health problems) and provide contact information to either school counselors/nurses or directly
to medical facilities. I always personally followed up with each one of these youth to make sure they
were being taken care, while they continued to regularly attend our programs.
During my years at MKI I worked with middle and high-school science master teachers (from the
Boston, Cambridge, Lynn and Lawrence Public Schools) to create teacher professional development
initiatives for formal and informal science educators. By practicing the implementation of scientific
inquiry and argumentation among themselves, teachers realized that their students needed to develop
and practice analytical thinking, logic and good communication skills in both English and the
mathematical language. I am building on this experience as I actively contribute to the discussion on
the Next Generation Science Standards, in particular their focus on integrated learning and on the
connection with the Mathematics and English Language Arts Common Core State Standards.
Finally, to run the MKI out-of-school time programs I relied on the collaboration of young college
graduate as instructors. I was responsible for the training of the instructors, both directly and by
engaging experts in the field of science education, positive youth development and project-base
learning. I am pleased to note that four of six of these instructors moved on to careers in physics
education (Raleigh Public Schools, NC, and Baltimore Public Schools), math education (New York City
Public Schools) and graduate school in physics education at Tufts University.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 186
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
I would serve as chair of the board of trustees. I anticipate being on the board for a minimum of 3 years
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 187
PROJECT-BASED LEARNING: The programs I created and directed while at MKI (and currently at the
Christa McAuliffe Center) are all an implementation of project-based learning. In the apprenticeship
models we developed for both middle and high school students, it is not enough for the apprentice to
learn science: the goal is to create a product that meaningfully illustrates the acquired knowledge and
skills and then to share the product with peers and public audiences. The integrating content for our
apprenticeships included theatre (script-writing and performance, in collaboration with Central Square
Theater), museum exhibit (design and creation, in collaboration with Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics), plANetarium shows (production, also maintenance of a portable plANetarium, in
collaboration with Museum of Science), use and maintenance of technology, photography,
communication and marketing.
LEADERSHIP: For these programs, I successfully brought together groups of committed science,
education and business organizations that share diverse and complementary expertise. Being a
relatively small team, it was fundamental for our group to develop strategic collaborations for the
implementation of effective and ambitious programs. Capitalizing on the resources and strengths of
our partners, I led several initiatives to make quality science education learning available to urban
students. Developing and implementing the MKI Education and Outreach mission and programs
allowed me to cultivate important management and leadership skills and to deepen my experience in
supervising and mentoring junior staff. Over the years the staff I directly managed grew from one to six
full time people. We also benefitted from the support of half-dozen interns every year, and from the
periodic collaboration of MIT faculty, researchers and students.
ASSESSMENT: An important objective of my current evaluation work at the Office of Engineering
Outreach Programs (OEOP, MIT School of Engineering) is to support OEOP programs in its effort to
increase diversity in STEM fields. To successfully navigate college education and professional
environments, young people need skills that make them competitive both among their peers and in the
adult world. These skills include ability to communicate effectively beyond their peer groups, analyze
complex information from multiple sources, write or present well-reasoned arguments, and develop
solutions to interdisciplinary problems. In this context, I use data driven assessment from OEOP
programs to encourage instructors to reflect on their own practices. My goal is to help them identify
areas of improvement in their pedagogical approach for them to effectively engage all program
participants independently of their current academic proficiency.
GRANT WRITING/FUNDRAISING: I have been successful in applying for and managing federal grants.
While at MKI, most of my projects have been funded through grants by NASA (20 grants, for a total of
$700,000) and the National Science Foundation (2 grants, for a total of $2,218,000). All these projects
were developed in collaboration with researchers and faculty at MIT and Harvard. For my current work
at the OEOP, I am responsible for the preparation of a wide range of proposals, most of them to
foundations and corporations. I also regularly serve on review panels for NSF, NASA and MA DOE
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 188
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
As a member of the board I would be required by law to report any unethical behavior. We would
follow a process outlined in our bylaws to address unethical behavior.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Early Childhood/Elementary
Secondary Education
Educational Leadership
School Improvement
Blended/Virtual Education
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public School
Models (ELT, Innovation Schools,
Magnet or Pilot Schools)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Special Education
English Language Learner
Human Resources
School Governance
Real Estate
page 189
JULY 14, 2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 190
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Lee Dillon
GE Aviation, Engineering and Technology Program Leader
Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering / Tufts
Boxford, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
Irene Porro. I met Irene at a Tufts University Diversity Council Board meeting in 2012.
Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
As a long time employee of GE Aviation in Lynn, I wanted to be part of project to improve educational
opportunities for the students of Lynn. As a professional engineer leading GE training programs, I bring
a real world perspective to support the mission and vision of the school.
Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
I have represented GE Aviation at Masconomet Regional High School's Engineering Day. I have also
provided college application services to high school students in Greater Lynn.
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
I would serve as a trustee of the board and anticipate serving for at least 3 years. At the present, Irene
Porro is the sole officer we have appointed (she will serve as board chair). Officers will be determined
at a later time.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
As a 20 year employee of GE Aviation, innovation, leadership skills and career development have been
a key focus. My current role at GE is Technology Excellence Leader. I assist early, mid and experienced
engineers with their technical and professional growth. My experience with cutting edge technology
and career tools will serve as an asset to the school since the mission of Central Square is to provide
students with real, hands-on project experiences.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 191
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
As a public official, I am mandated to report any wrong doing. We would follow our board bylaws to
address any unethical behavior.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Early Childhood/Elementary
Secondary Education
Educational Leadership
School Improvement
Blended/Virtual Education
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public School
Models (ELT, Innovation Schools,
Magnet or Pilot Schools)
Special Education
English Language Learner
Human Resources
School Governance
Real Estate
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 192
JULY 5, 2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 193
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Darryl N. Williams
Tufts University, Associate Dean, School of Engineering
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Maryland
MS in Chemical Engineering, University of Maryland
BS in Chemical Engineering, Hampton University
Somerville, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
I came to learn about the proposed school through a member of the design team, Irene Porro. She and
I share mutual interest in STEM education, and during a meeting over coffee she wanted to know if I
would consider joining the founding board given my expertise and experience.
2. Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
I wish to serve on the board because I want to have a direct relationship with a school that focuses on
building student proficiency in STEM, and one that is thinking out of the box to do so. The guiding
principles of the school resonate with my interests in creating learning environments that cultivate
student innovation, particularly for those who are from underrepresented groups with limited access
and resources. I am serving as a board trustee where my expertise and skill sets are most useful.
3. Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
My professional experience has entailed nonprofit management with direct work in primary and
secondary schools in economically challenged communities in urban school districts (i.e. Philadelphia
and Washington, DC). I have developed and implemented STEM education programming that worked
with both teachers and students by engaging them in problem-based learning using engineering design
principles to facilitate math and science learning in formal and informal settings. I also served as a
consultant to the Philadelphia Academies where I was responsible for organizing and documenting a
new high school biotechnology curriculum. On a national level, I have supported STEM education
through my work as a former program director for the National Science Foundation, where I was
responible for funding a number of K-12 engineering education projects. I am currently the director of
The Center for STEM Diversity at Tufts which aims to recruit and retain underrepresented students in
undergraduate and graduate science and engineering disciplines.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 194
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
If the charter were granted, I would work with the board to identify and secure resources. I would lend
my skills and expertise to help with developing grant proposals, particularly those targeting support
from federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation or US Department of Education.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
I am currently an associate dean for the School of Engineering at Tufts, and my role is to focus on
recruitment, retention, and community engagement for the entire engineering school. From this
perspective, I would be instrumental in developing an effective student selection process for Central
Square, as well as working with the board and school administration to implement strategies that aim
to retain and graduate our students. In addition, I will work with the design team to embed robust
community engagement into the curriculum and overall ethos of the school.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 195
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
As a trustee, accountability is one of my primary responsibilities. I am required to report unethical
behavior and help execute the process for addressing this behavior through our bylaws.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Early Childhood/Elementary
Secondary Education
Educational Leadership
School Improvement
Blended/Virtual Education
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public School
Models (ELT, Innovation Schools,
Magnet or Pilot Schools)
Special Education
English Language Learner
Human Resources
School Governance
Real Estate
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 196
JULY 13, 2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 197
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Christina Stohl
Present Employer and Job Title
Masconomet Regional High School
Masconomet Regional School District
Special Educator/Program Coordinator
Candidate ABD, Doctor of Education.
Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
College of Professional Studies, Northeastern University,
Boston, MA (2012 - present)
Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Education
Leadership, Salem State College, Salem, MA. Highest Honors
Masters Degree, Special Education Moderate Needs 5-12,
Salem State College, Salem, MA. Highest Honors (2007)
Education/Professional Training
Post-Masters Mathematics and Curriculum Graduate
Courses, Salem State College, Salem, MA (2007 - 2008)
Astrophysics and Astrobiology Classes for Teachers,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA (2005 2007)
Bachelor of Arts, English, Salem State College, Salem, MA
Dance Major, Boston Conservatory of Music, Boston, MA
(1974 - 1975)
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Swampscott, MA 01907
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 198
Dr. Irene Porro, Central Square Public Charter School Board Member, informed me about the proposed
Central Square Public Charter School because she knows of my commitment to equality in our country
and equity in our schools.
As an educator, I support equitable education that provides depth rather than breadth of
understanding. I support pedagogy that engages complex problem solving and critical thinking skills
that are useful for each and every student’s lifelong learning and active role in the community and our
society as they become responsible citizens in our 21st century democracy. I support authentic
pedagogy and assessment within inclusionary settings through project-based and product-based
curriculum offered with personalization and differentiation. I support authentic student achievement
that is creative and innovative as well as timely, noteworthy, and purposeful. I am delighted to be a
part of this educational transformation and the Central Square Public Charter School Team
Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
I wish to serve on the Central Square Public Charter School Board of Trustees because I believe, as a
visionary, informed, and experienced educator, I can be an effective change agent. Likewise, I believe in
the vision and mission of the Central Square Public Charter School and I wish to add my voice in
developing authentic student achievement for all.
I am a visionary public school educator committed to equitable schools and authentic learning for all. I
bring my talents and experience as an educator of thirteen years and as a past dancer, company
founder and director, and choreographer to my work as a mathematics special educator and program
coordinator, professional development creator, and strong advocate for all students as world class
Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 199
Co-Chair NEASC Committee. Masconomet Regional High School. Visiting Committee fall of 2014.
Teacher Voice - Christina Stohl. Facilitated closed Facebook Group. Professionals engage in dialogue
and reflection, brainstorm and share ideas, and collaborate on the concepts of teaming, mentoring, and
teacher leadership and student voice to engender school change. (July 2014 - present).
Literacy in Mathematics. Keynote Presentation. Professional Development, Masconomet Regional High
School (2012)
Inquiry in the Classroom (2010). Published Research. #ED509645
Literacy in Mathematics. Keynote Presentation. Professional Development, Masconomet Regional High
School (2012)
SAT Math Prep, North Shore Community College, Lynn, MA (2006 - 2008)
Mentor, Youth Astronomy Apprenticeships (2007) and Chandra Astrophysics Institute (2005 - 2006),
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
Composed integrated, interdisciplinary multiple intelligences inquiry/constructivist Understanding by
Design units of study and specific lesson plans for special education high school mathematics
classrooms (2008 - present)
Masconomet Website Development,
Invented and presented Beowulf Bingo, © mnemonic, multiple intelligences inquiry/constructivist
Founder, Director, Choreographer, Company Teacher, Lead Dancer. New England Dance Ensemble, Inc.
(1981 - 2003)
Awarded choreographic intensive with Mark Morris (1992)
Co-Host, Swampscott Profiles, Public Access TV (1985 - 1987)
Writer, Contemporary Dance News, Boston dance journal. (1978 - 1980)
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 200
As a board member of the Central Square Public Charter School, I anticipate serving for as long as
required for the successful launch and first five years of this public charter school. I do not anticipate
holding an office on the board, but will consider if so nominated.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
I am a career-changer, who literally felt a calling to teach in the urban schools. After my first year of
substituting in Lynn, Massachusetts, found myself hired as a special educator in the city. I taught for
eight years in the Lynn Public School District. In a span of thirteen years teaching in the public schools, I
earned a Masters, my CAGS, and am currently ABD as I am working towards completing my thesis for
my Doctorate of Education in the Concentration of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership at
Northeastern University. I now teach at Masconomet Regional High School where I am a special
educator, program coordinator, and the co-chair of the NEASC Committee. I believe in the potential of
all students’ rigorous learning and social entrepreneurship through a shared, collaborative, equitable
educational purpose. I advocate for students and their families while supporting students' complex
problem solving and critical thinking, communication skills, team-building collaboration, and
perseverance. I support strong student voice, student choice and passion, risk-taking mistakes, and
vigorous experiences through project-based learning, inquiry/constructivism, multiple intelligences,
and an interdisciplinary connection. I support student learning that is innovative, creative,
and entrepreneurial through volunteer service and internships with a relationship to the community,
our country, and the plANet as a whole.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 201
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
7. Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
9. Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
I would report unethical behavior to the board chair and CEO. We would follow our board bylaws to
address any unethical behaviors.
10. [Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Early Childhood/Elementary
Secondary Education
Educational Leadership
School Improvement
Blended/Virtual Education
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public School
Models (ELT, Innovation Schools,
Magnet or Pilot Schools)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Special Education
English Language Learner
Human Resources
School Governance
Real Estate
page 202
JULY 3, 2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 203
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Susan Solimine
Atlantic and Lynn Shore Rest Homes, Executive Director
BA Science and Nursing
Saint Anselm's College
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
I heard about the school from Frank DeVito.
Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
I am interested in serving on the board because education is important to the future of our city and
world. My family has been a part of Lynn for generations and I have witnessed the power of education
in helping families to live productive lives. I believe in the school’s program because as a parent, this
school would have greatly benefited my daughter. She is brilliant but the system was not set up to
ensure her success. She would have thrived in this kind of school. Many parents in Lynn feel the same.
Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
I have not worked directly with public education in the past, but I have experience working with private
school organizations. As a tax payer in Lynn, I am very interested in seeing quality public education.
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
I anticipate serving as a trustee for 3 years. We are in the process of appointing officers. I would
consider an office if nominated.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
I am currently the Executive Director of two non-profit residential homes in Lynn serving 55 elderly
and mental ill adults from our community. I have extensive experience in budgeting, fundraising,
governance, management, and human resources. As an RN, I would also bring a medical background.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 204
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
We would follow our charter bylaws to address unethical behaviors. As a trustee, I am a mandatory
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Early Childhood/Elementary
Secondary Education
Educational Leadership
School Improvement
Blended/Virtual Education
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public School
Models (ELT, Innovation Schools,
Magnet or Pilot Schools)
Special Education
English Language Learner
Human Resources
School Governance
Real Estate
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 205
JULY 17, 2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 206
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Paul Lukez
Paul Lukez Architecture, Inc / President
Master of Architecture, MIT
Bachelor of Environmental Design, Miami University of Ohio
Lexington, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
Several years ago, l met Frank DeVito, one of the founders of Central Square Public Charter School. In
2012, he invited me to be part of an effort to start a charter school.
2. Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
I believe in Central Square Public Charter School and its mission. In addition, having had the
opportunity to work with founding members over the last few years, I believe in the founders and their
commitment to meeting the future challenges in implementing the vision.
3. Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
As a professor with twenty of years experience in teaching, research and community outreach, I have
been involved in multiple efforts to work with communities and helping them improve educational
opportunities for children, teenagers and young adults.
Most recently, I have been involved in multiple projects in a community in Honduras, including a
memorial, community center, small school house, clinic, and church / campus. Besides providing the
design work (pro-bono) for these projects, I have raised monies for construction. In addition, I have
given many public lectures to community groups on my research and writing which identifies strategies
for creating more sustainable suburban and urban environments.
4. If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 207
I have three specific sets of interests and qualifications related to this proposal. First, as an architect
with over 30 years experience, I can guide the board in making important decisions about space needs,
as well as design and construction issues. Secondly, as an educator with over 20 years experiences, I
believe that I will be able to serve as critic and another voice in helping to review the school's
pedagogy. Third, as a business owner, I understand the importance of budget and human resource
management where I can help guide the school.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 208
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
At the present time I do not have a financial stake in the school. There is a possibility that my company
will be contracted to design the school space.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
As a public agent of the state, I would be morally compelled to report unethical behavior. We would
manage board transgressions through our bylaws.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
My company may be contracted to design the school space.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Early Childhood/Elementary
Secondary Education
Educational Leadership
School Improvement
Blended/Virtual Education
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public School
Models (ELT, Innovation Schools,
Magnet or Pilot Schools)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Special Education
English Language Learner
Human Resources
School Governance
Real Estate
page 209
JULY 22, 2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 210
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Frank DeVito
Educational Development Center / Educational Entrepreneur
in Residence and School Innovation Specialist
Fenix Center for Innovative Schools / Chief Executive Officer
Boston University / Doctoral Studies in Development
Education, Administration, Policy, Culture, and Language
Boston College / Masters Studies in Educational Philosophy
Gregorian University (Rome, Italy) / Masters Studies in
Saint John's Seminary / BA in Philosophy and Social Sciences
Educational Development Center
CENTRAL SQUARE Center for Innovative Schools
Center for Collaborative Education
Lynn, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
When I established the Fenix Center for Innovative School in 2007, a non-profit organization that works
with schools and districts to develop and sustain innovative programs. I wanted to create a lab school
that could exemplify best practices and serve as a catalyst for change in public education. I convened
the team in May of 2012 to begin the work of designing this school.
Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
Central Square Public Charter School is an intersection of my personal and professional passions: social
justice and educational equity. I would serve as the school’s Chief Executive Officer.
Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 211
My commitment to public education began in 1991 when I was hired by Chelsea Public Schools to cofound a project-based learning school for at-risk high school students who had dropped out of school or
who had a history of academic failure. The program was called the Pathway School and this experience
served as the foundation of my belief in project-based learning. I served as a history teacher at the
school, and I was responsible for designing projects where students would solve real problems in the
community and had to demonstrate that they had mastered specific competencies in Math, Science,
History, and English. In 1994, the Chelsea administration asked me to co-found a school for students
who were struggling in the transition from middle to high school. The program was called the Bridge
School and I served as both a history teacher and headmaster. The highlight of this experience was that
Chelsea students were involved in the drafting of the new government charter when the city was
exiting from state receivership. In 1999 I was hired by the Center of Collaborative Education to serve as
a school change coach and Director of Turning Points, a national middle school reform model that
supports the development of high performing middle schools. I served in this position for seven years
before I founded the Fenix Center for Innovative Schools in 2007. I am happy to say that many of my
students have gone on to live productive lives and some even serve as school principals and teachers in
Chelsea Public Schools and Boston Public Schools.
Most recently I serve on the team of the National Center for Scaling Effective Schools (NCSU)
responsible for supporting the incubation and scaling of innovative practices within schools and
districts that are deeply connected to their unique contexts. I also work on the Nellie Mae District Level
Systems Change (DLSC) team, responsible for supporting DLSC districts in building a culture of
continuous quality improvement and results orientation. This project involves shifting the focus of
education leaders and teachers to a paradigm and mindset of innovation, learning, research, problem
solving, and effective practice adoption to be able to respond to the evolving needs of students.
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
I would serve as the Chief Executive Officer of Central Square Public Charter School.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 212
With over 25 years of experience in public education, I have developed a unique skill set that includes
the following:
NEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT AND REDESIGN. I have been involved in two school start-ups as a
teacher and headmaster for Chelsea Public Schools. As the director of Turning Points at the Center for
Collaborative Education (CCE), I was involved in the first Commonwealth Pilot School conversions (the
precursor to Innovation Schools).
DISTRICT REDESIGN AND SCALING EFFECTIVE PRACTICES. I serve on the team of the National Center for
Scaling Effective Schools (NCSU) responsible for supporting the incubation and scaling of innovative
practices within schools and districts that are deeply connected to their unique contexts. I also work on
the Nellie Mae District Level Systems Change (DLSC) team, responsible for supporting DLSC districts in
building a culture of continuous quality improvement and results orientation. This project involves
shifting the focus of education leaders and teachers to a paradigm and mindset of innovation, learning,
research, problem solving, and effective practice adoption to be able to respond to the evolving needs
of students.
CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN. I have worked with staff in Boston, Chelsea, Fall River,
Holyoke, Fall River, Los Angeles, Lynn, and New York City in the development of project-based curricula
and developing effective literacy intervention models.
ELL PROGRAM DESIGN. I was contracted by ESE to identify best practices of schools and districts who
were successfully serving ELL students.
EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. I served as a headmaster for the Bridge School at Chelsea High School and
I have served as a leadership coach for CCE and within my current capacity as CEO of Fenix Center for
Innovative Schools (Fenix CIS)
ASSESSMENT. I was contracted by the ESE Office of Accountability and Assistance to do reviews of
levels 3 and 4 districts.
BUDGET AND HUMAN RESOURCE. As the Director of Turning Points, I was responsible for a National
Network of 107 schools where I was responsible for budgeting and staffing of the national office at CCE
and local regional offices in 15 states. I was responsible for new coach orientation and the ongoing
training and evaluation of coaches.
DEVELOPMENT (GRANTWRITING AND FUNDRAISING): I have raised over $3 million in grant writing to
support the Turning Points Network.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 213
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
I would have a financial interest since I am the proposed Chief Executive Officer.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
Because I would serve as an agent of the state, I am mandated to report any unethical behavior. Our
board bylaws would outline the process for dealing with unethical board members.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Early Childhood/Elementary
Secondary Education
Educational Leadership
School Improvement
Blended/Virtual Education
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public School
Models (ELT, Innovation Schools,
Magnet or Pilot Schools)
Special Education
English Language Learner
Human Resources
School Governance
Real Estate
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 214
JULY 22, 2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 215
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Dr. Maria Pia Perez
Salem State University, Professor
Doctorate in Educational Leadership / Johnson and Wales
Bachelors and Masters in Occupational Therapy / Salem State
Lynn, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
I became aware of this proposed endeavor through a process of networking. I have been actively
involved in another nonprofit educational collaborative, Cairn Hill Inc. Educational Collaborative in the
city of Malden where I have worked as an Occupational Therapist for seven years. Through pursuing of
my own educational development and growth, I was introduced to this newly found organization, when
their vision was only an idea. I have served on their board and was one of their initial board members.
I was introduced to Frank DeVito when he was a guest speaker in an educational forum sponsored by
Cairn Hill. After learning about Central Square Public Charter school, I saw the similarities and
connections between Central Square and Cairn Hill. Both of these entities vision and mission is to assist
the underserved population in an urban community. Having served on Cairn Hill’s board and
understanding the similar vision and mission, it only made sense to make the connection between the
two entities. Cairn Hill is an arts based enrichment afterschool program which employs Waldorf
inspired teaching methods into the students’ academic day. I see many similarities between Central
Square’s commitment to project-based learning and some of the principles that are central to Waldorf
I am an occupational therapist by trade and understand the importance and value of using a
multisensory approach to teaching; one which employs, innovation, creativity, movement, arts, music,
and student engagement as a means of providing a powerful learning experience. This new school
proposal aligns very nicely by providing opportunities for students to practice and adequately
demonstrate critical thinking/problem solving, creativity/innovation, and teamwork/collaboration
through project-based learning. This method of teaching encourages student engagement which we
know from the research increases understanding and learning.
2. Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 216
I came to this country as a young girl and can identify with immigrant’s struggles and how immigrant
parents may need additional support to help educate their children in a new and foreign country.
Having experienced various in-school and after school enrichment programs, I understand their value
and their impact. It was in an afterschool enrichment program where I learned the love of academia.
As an educational practitioner I recognize the critical role of education in the inner city and especially
the role it can play in the lives of the immigrant population in the city of Lynn. I have lived in Lynn for 35
years and comprehend the importance of rising up the next generation to be life-long learners who can
think for themselves; one whom Robert Sternberg (2008) calls “expert” citizens who are active and
engaged citizens of the world in which they live. This new school proposal will attempt to accomplish
this vision.
3. Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
I have worked in education for a total of 11 years in which time I have been actively involved on various
boards. I have served on for profit and non-profit educational boards, private and public in nature.
Currently I am serving on a for profit board. This too is a new endeavor; my desire is to see people seize
opportunities that come their way and reach their dreams and fulfill their passions. This entity is in the
city of Lynn as well and is targeted to this urban community.
My scholarly and research interests include: leadership (principal, educational leadership,
climate/culture), historical (American history, the 20th Century), growth and maturity, mentoring,
childhood development, and current events (social justice, civics). I recently completed my dissertation
which is entitled, An Analytical Study of School Climate and Principal Leadership. My focus centered on
leadership styles and behaviors and their influence on school climate/culture. As Schwahn and Spady
(2010) assert, “Who you are is how you lead”. The results of this study identified that supportive,
approachable, shared leadership, and visionary behaviors elicit a higher than average open climate
index. The resulting environment is exemplified by respect and engagement, autonomy and
recognition, collaboration and innovation, socialization and personalization.
Peter Drucker advocates the question to ask is “not what can I achieve, but what can I contribute”? My
contributions include: board affiliations, serving as a trustee and board member of various non-profit
educational organizations and for a new health care organization.
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
Presently I plan to serve as a trustee of the board. I would consider an office after conversations with
the board.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
I have extensive experience in Special Education programming and I am excited about our Special
Education model that advocates full inclusion and engages students in a multisensory approach. I also
serve on a number of non-profit and for-profit boards where I have experience in board oversight of
budget and programming. Recently I completed my doctorate in education leadership. I understand the
type of leadership required to advance the school’s mission.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 217
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
My understanding is that I am a mandated reporter since I serve as a board trustee. I would work with
the board to resolve any issues related to ethics through the process described in our board bylaws.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Early Childhood/Elementary
Secondary Education
Educational Leadership
School Improvement
Blended/Virtual Education
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public School
Models (ELT, Innovation Schools,
Magnet or Pilot Schools)
Special Education
English Language Learner
Human Resources
School Governance
Real Estate
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 218
JULY 15, 2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 219
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Dr. Andrew Frishman
Big Picture Learning, Co-Executive Director
(see attached resume)
Yes, (please see attached resume and please note that the
Met Sacramento is a Charter School)
Cambridge, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
In 2013 Frank DeVito reached out to the leadership team of Big Picture Learning to explore the
possibility of collaborating in the school's design and I was introduced to him. I met with him in Lynn
shortly after and was inspired by his visionary leadership.
2. Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
After meeting with Frank in 2013, I was very impressed by his initial description of the school and
observed close alignment and deep resonance with the core Big Picture Learning distinguishers and
design. As a long time Massachusetts resident I am excited about the possibility of helping to support
the spread of Big Picture Learning approach in the Commonwealth. I believe that as educators and
education leaders, we must continue to work to transform schools into educational environments
where students have the opportunity to engage in learning that is relevant to their unique individual
interests and goals. And we must intentionally forge relationships between students, families,
educators and members of the community. Secondary schools in particular have an incumbent
responsibility to support ALL students in developing into self-reflective, positive, productive, citizens
with deeply rooted connections. This new school will offer exactly these sort of transformational
learning experiences and I am passionately committed to spreading this approach.
3. Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
(see attached resume)
4. If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 220
I would serve as on the school’s advisory board. It will be my pleasure to draw on my prior experience
working with schools across the Big Picture Learning network and beyond, to support this school’s
launch and development as a board member. I would anticipate playing a leadership role on the
pedagogy/instructional design/curriculum work of the board.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
(see attached resume) and as a representative member of the board from the proposed Proven
Provider organization I would be a strong asset in bolstering the fidelity of implementation of its
pedagogical approach.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 221
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
I am a salaried employee of Big Picture Learning which is the "proven provider" which has been
identified in the charter application. It is likely that if the charter is approved, the school would contract
with Big Picture Learning to provide a variety of support services. Beyond my standard salary from Big
Picture Learning, I do not anticipate any sort of financial remuneration.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
I would follow state and federal regulations, including procedures outlined in the board’s bylaws.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Special Education
English Language
Learner Education
Educational Leadership X
Secondary Education
Human Resources
School Governance
School Improvement
Real Estate
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public
School Models (ELT,
Innovation Schools, Magnet
or Pilot Schools)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 222
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 223
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Cynthia Marie
Central Source, Inc.
North Eastern University / BA in Accounting
Cambridge College / MA in Management
Please see resume
Easton, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
I met Frank DeVito at the Massachusetts Charter Public Network meeting of CEO/CFO’s. We met
several times after our initial meeting
Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
I find the school mission very compelling. Personally I would have thrived in this system. I’ve always
appreciated very practical approaches to learning and Central Square is very hands-on and realitybased. Students will be more college and career ready because they’re working on real project. I also
love the focus on the arts and movement—students need these types of activities to keep them
engage, motivated and ready to learn.
Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
Please see my resume. I have extensive experience in the charter network supporting business and
financial systems.
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
I am honored to serve on the advisory board. My company, Central Source, will also provide financial
and technology support for the school
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
Please refer to my resume. At the present time my role is to provide financial systems support to the
Finance and Operations Director, the CEO, and the board of trustees.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 224
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
My company will have a contract to provide financial and technology systems report if the school is
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
The school’s bylaws lay out a process and I would follow it.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Special Education
English Language
Learner Education
Educational Leadership
Secondary Education
Human Resources
School Governance
School Improvement
Real Estate
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public
School Models (ELT,
Innovation Schools, Magnet
or Pilot Schools)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 225
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 226
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Ilene Kantrov
Education Development Center, Inc. Director, Pathways to
College and Careers, Learning and Teaching Division
B.A., University of Chicago; M.A. and Ph.D., Tufts University
Provide support through my employment to a network of 26
Ford Next Generation Learning communities across the U.S.
that work with school districts to transform secondary
education; also have worked over the past 34 years with a
variety of schools and districts nationwide.
Lexington, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
Through my EDC colleague Frank DeVito
2. Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
I am inspired by the vision for this school and would like to do everything in my power to help it to
3. Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
I have spent the past 34 years working to improve public education, particularly middle and high
schools, with a focus on making learning more engaging and relevant to young people, and
empowering them through mastery of a combination of academic, career, and 21 st century knowledge,
skills, and dispositions. I have led development of and coauthored guides to quality middle grades
curriculum in English, mathematics, and science (published by Heinemann) that illustrate how middle
grades instruction can best combine academic excellence, equity, and developmental appropriateness.
I have led the development of high school curricula that integrate academic and career education with
a focus on a number of disciplines, including digital media arts, law and justice, business, design, and
biotechnology. While I have not been directly involved in Lynn, I have supported schools around the
country that resemble Lynn in their demographics, and through the work I have done with Ford Next
Generation Learning have seen how approaches similar to those embodied in the Central Square design
can result in improvements in student achievement, graduation rates, and success in postsecondary
education, with particular positive impact on underrepresented minorities and English Language
Learners. Through several current initiatives that are part of my group at EDC, as well as some past local
work, I have also become involved in efforts that are rooted in Massachusetts (and other New England
states), so I am well acquainted with the particular context in which Central Square will operate. In
addition, I have experience in use of technology to support learning, including online and blended
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 227
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
As an Advisory Board Member, I would provide advice based on my broad experience with secondary
school transformation, identify instructional and other resources for school leaders and educators,
connect the school staff to others around the state and country with relevant experience, and help to
identify other supports to help ensure the school and its students are successful.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
The focus of the Central Square design on empowering youth through social entrepreneurship is well
aligned with the approach of a number of the high schools that I have gotten to know and helped to
support over the past 15 years. I am deeply acquainted both with successful strategies and with the
kinds of challenges encountered by educators trying to “swim upstream” in an environment that still
privileges outdated and ineffective educational practices. I will be in a position to connect Central
Square leaders and educators with counterparts across the U.S. who have faced similar challenges and
have devised successful strategies to address them, with a focus on student empowerment. My
experience with Ford NGL may have particular relevance in identifying ways to fully engage the broader
community in the success of the schools and its students.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 228
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
I would follow the procedures outlined the in the school’s bylaws.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Special Education
English Language
Learner Education
Educational Leadership
Secondary Education
Human Resources
School Governance
School Improvement
Real Estate
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public
School Models (ELT,
Innovation Schools, Magnet
or Pilot Schools)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 229
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 230
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Robert T. McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Director, Leadership for Learning Innovation, The Education
Development Center
Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership
Present: administrator for EDC, international nonprofit R & D
for educational innovation and reform; past experience in
K12 and higher education and state education agencies is
extensive (see resume)
Framingham MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
Through a respected colleague, Frank DeVito
Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
Because I believe in the mission of and need for the proposed new school and in the integrity, vision
and leadership expertise that Frank DeVito will bring to this school’s formation and success.
Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
I co-chair the Association of Teacher Educators’ presidential task force for providing resources for
professional growth in the digital age, for several years co-chaired ATE’s national commission on
technology and the future of teacher education, and conceived and co-chair the National Collaborative
for Digital Equity.
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
Will serve as member of the school’s advisory board.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
I’ve been active for over two decades at the national level in conceiving and sustaining initiatives
assisting schools and colleges of education to lead local efforts to close the digital divide at home, in
the classroom and in the community for low-income learners (cf.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 231
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
No, not applicable.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interesting
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
No, not applicable.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
No, not applicable.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
I would bring this to the attention of the school administration and, if needed, to the attention of the
school board and then, if needed, state education agency. Adhering to the board’s bylaws.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Special Education
English Language
Learner Education
Educational Leadership
Secondary Education
Human Resources
School Governance
School Improvement
Real Estate
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public
School Models (ELT,
Other: Digital equity
Innovation Schools, Magnet
or Pilot Schools)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 232
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 233
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Eliza Fabillar
Education Development Center, Inc., Senior Project Director
M.A. in cultural anthropology and education
Center for Media and Learning, City University of New York,
employee and Board member
Boston, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
My colleague, Frank DeVito
Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
I believe in the mission and vision of the school and think I can contribute my expertise to the start-up
and sustainability of the school.
Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
I have worked to advance educational equity in New York City public schools, which includes a diverse
student population. I have experience in developing student-centered curriculum that has been
implemented in public high schools nationwide, including one that focused on fostering civic
engagement. I played lead roles as designer and facilitator of professional development programs in
several New England urban districts that helped public school educators and administrators prepare all
students for college and careers.
If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
I would serve as a member of the founding board. I would ensure that the local public voice is
represented, promote policies that support high quality rigorous practices, work with multiple
stakeholder to improve student achievement, and serve as a thought partner.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
I would serve on the school’s advisory board
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 234
I posses experience in strategic planning, including system alignment of practices, policies, and
structures; program implementation, capacity building, continuous improvement, as well as schoolcommunity partnerships. I also have solid experience in implementing project and community-based
learning and interdisciplinary teaching in schools. I have worked with schools and districts around
building a collaborative culture of innovation and problem solving. All of these relevant experiences
allow me to help the school bridge student outcomes and system outcomes in meaningful ways.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
Check and confirm school and district policies around the matter; if appropriate, meet with the person
to understand the facts; and meet with the board to problem solve and determine solutions.
My understanding is that the school’s bylaws describe the proper procedure and I would follow this
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Special Education
X Fundraising
English Language
Learner Education
X Educational Leadership
X Secondary Education
Human Resources
School Governance
X Management
X School Improvement
Real Estate
Charter Schools
X Blended/Virtual Education
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 235
X Other Innovative Public
School Models (ELT,
Innovation Schools, Magnet
or Pilot Schools)
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 236
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Jessica F. Juliuson
EDC Inc.
Senior Training and Technical Assistance Associate
University of New Hampshire, Secondary Education and
History, MAT, 1993
Hamilton College, European History, BA, 1991
Social Studies and Humanities Teacher, Souhegan High
School, Amherst, NH, 1992-2000
Woburn, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
1. How did you become aware of the proposed school?
I have been a colleague of Frank DeVito’s since 2000, when we worked together at the Center
for Collaborative Education. I have followed the proposed school’s development with great
interest over the years and am excited to see it coming to fruition.
2. Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
Frank and I have often discussed our respective educational philosophies and what kind of
structures best support the kind of teaching and learning helps students become lifelong
learners. As experienced practitioners and coaches, we are well aware of the kinds of
roadblocks that hinder true transformation of classrooms and communities, and I think we
are equipped to both plan for and sustain a school through the multitude of contextual
difficulties that public schools encounter. I believe this school has the potential to be a model
for others of how the synthesis of school and community can make learning practical,
relevant, meaningful and real – and sometimes you have to demonstrate how it can be done
before others are willing to follow suit. I would like to be part of showing that this model can
work in practice, not just on paper. I feel like it is time to do more than say, “I wish this school
existed” – it is time to help make it real.
3. Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your
commitment to public education and serving your targeted community.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 237
I became a teacher because I hated school as a student, and wanted to be part of making it
different for others. As a member of a start-up school in the Coalition of Essential Schools
network, I had the opportunity to learn the nuts and bolts of how to plan a new kind of
learning – based on questions, linking kids to community through projects, developing high
expectations for all students – not just the select few. I have never left the realm of public
education, and have devoted my entire professional life to school transformation and building
bridges between schools and the communities they serve. Most recently, as professional
development manager for a national network of STEM Academies, I have focused on
supporting teachers to develop an understanding of the world of work through externship
experiences and business partner roundtables, developing interdisciplinary projects that
integrate academic and CTE content. I have also provided support and resources for
superintendents, high school leaders, teachers, and business and community partners to
collaborate on strategic planning efforts so they can create and maintain a shared vision that’s
survives the churn of leadership change. I have been lucky enough to work with districts as
diverse as Louisville, KY and Detroit, MI; as large and small as Nashville, TN and Pittsfield, NH.
The common denominator for each of these places is context – without being strongly defined
by and connected to their community, they cannot succeed.
4. If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community?
How long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed
school, or a partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such
as chair person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school
leader, administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to
be provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
I would serve on the advisory board.
5. Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community
will support the implementation of the proposed school.
I think my experience with district- and school-level strategic planning as well as my expertise
in planning and providing professional development will be useful in guiding the efforts of
school leadership. I can assist the school’s leadership in reflecting on progress towards their
stated goals and outcomes, documenting and analyzing evidence of impact, and considering
efforts to plan for scale. I can also be helpful in guiding planning efforts for effective
embedded professional learning experiences for staff to empower and prepare them to lead
students in social entrepreneurship experiences.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 238
6. Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is
disfavored by members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s)
affiliated with the proposed educational management organization or school support
organization, if applicable. Indicate the individual(s) and describe the nature of the
relationship(s) if one exists.
Not applicable.
7. Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial
interest in the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school
support organization, if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or
provide service to the proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible
leasing or selling of any real property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the
proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Not applicable.
8. Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services,
or any other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company
proposing to contract or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
9. Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed
board was acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
I would refer to the school’s bylaws and federal/state regulations.
10. [Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations
which may give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you
to discharge the duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best
interest of the school? If yes, please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the
State Ethics Commission ( about how conflict of interest law
applies to their situation.
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Special Education
English Language
Learner Education
X Educational Leadership
X Secondary Education
Human Resources
School Governance
X Management
X School Improvement
Real Estate
Charter Schools
X Other Innovative Public
School Models (ELT,
X Other: Integration of CTE
Innovation Schools, Magnet
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 239
or Pilot Schools)
OCTOBER 11,2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 240
*Please submit a current resume with this form. *
Present Employer and Job Title
Education/Professional Training
Candace Brooks
Education Development Center, Training and Technical
Assistance Associate
Illinois Institute of Technology, Institute of Design
Human-Centered Product Design, MDes 2004
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Industrial Design, BFA 2000
Boston University
Psychology, BA 1985
Past or Present Employment by, or Board
Membership in a Charter School, Public School
District, Higher Education Institution,
Educational Management Organization, or
School Support Organization
Town of Residence
Education Development Center
Adjunct Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Medford, MA
Please answer each question as fully as possible.
How did you become aware of the proposed school?
I currently work with Frank DeVito at Education Development Center (EDC) and we have talked about
new models of school design over a number of months.
2. Why do you serve as a member of this founding group?
My interest in serving on the board is to have the opportunity to work with a group of people
dedicated to not just the idea of school change, but those driven to implementing real and actionable
ideas for largely underserved students.
3. Provide specific examples of past actions that you have taken that demonstrate your commitment to
public education and serving your targeted community.
I have not worked directly in the public secondary school system; however, I have been an adjunct
professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) for the past 9 years. MassArt is part of
the University of Massachusetts system. While the demographics of MassArt are different from the
Lynn, I am committed to creating excellent public educational opportunities for students.
4. If a charter were granted, what anticipated role would you play within the school community? How
long do you anticipate serving as a member of the board, an employee of the proposed school, or a
partner organization?
 If a proposed board member, name the anticipated office you would hold if any, e.g. such as chair
person or treasurer.
 If a proposed school employee, name the anticipated position you would hold, e.g. school leader,
administrator, or teacher.
 If a proposed partner for contracted services, describe the scope of anticipated services to be
provided to the school and your anticipated involvement if chartered.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 241
If a charter were granted, I would serve on the school’s advisory board. I would be excited to bring my
human-centered design and prototyping approach to aspects of the school design that would benefit
from an iterative design process. That is, using a design approach at the different levels of the school
system. As conceived, there may be aspects of the current design that my need to be re-designed once
the school is up and running. The design process and a human-centered approach would be invaluable
in finding a number of solutions. Design thinking can lead to more innovative solutions that are outside
of the box rather than typical and uninspired ideas.
Describe how your unique qualifications and anticipated role within the school community will support
the implementation of the proposed school.
My expertise is in the design process, design thinking and a human-centered approach to problem
solving. I have 10 years of experience studying people, their needs, desires, values and their latent
needs using ethnographic research methods. By understanding people and their environments, better
systems can be designed to support the needs, desires and values of the ‘user’. Depending on the
problem, the user can be the students, teachers, parents, administrators, staff or community business
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family knows generally, and/or is disfavored by
members of the proposed board, proposed school employee(s), or individual(s) affiliated with the
proposed educational management organization or school support organization, if applicable. Indicate
the individual(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s) if one exists.
Please indicate if you or an immediate member of your family has or may have a financial interest in
the proposed school; proposed educational management organization or school support organization,
if applicable; or individual(s) or any other company that may contract or provide service to the
proposed school, if applicable. Please include employment, the possible leasing or selling of any real
property, and the purchase of equipment or services for the proposed school. If yes, please explain.
Have or will you or any member of your immediate family receive funds, gifts, loans, services, or any
other benefit for any purpose from the proposed school, or any other company proposing to contract
or provide services to the proposed school? If yes, please explain.
Describe what you would do if you believed one or more members of the school’s proposed board was
acting unethically or not in the best interests of the school.
It is imperative that the actions of the board be ethical at all times. If one board member is engaged in
unethical practices, I would be required by law to address the issue according to our bylaws.
[Proposed board members ONLY] To the best of your knowledge, are there any situations which may
give the appearance of a conflict of interest or that would make it difficult for you to discharge the
duties of a board member and make decisions that are solely in the best interest of the school? If yes,
please explain briefly. Individuals are encouraged to contact the State Ethics Commission
( about how conflict of interest law applies to their situation.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 242
Please indicate in which areas you possess professional expertise:
Community Service
Special Education
English Language
Learner Education
Educational Leadership
Secondary Education
Human Resources
School Governance
School Improvement
Real Estate
Charter Schools
Other Innovative Public
School Models (ELT,
Other: Design Thinking
Innovation Schools, Magnet
or Pilot Schools)
25 OCTOBER 2015
Original Signature Required
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 243
Grade 5
Grade 5
Grade 5
Algebraic Thinking Power Standards (ATPS)
ATPS.1. Write and interpret numerical expressions.
ATPS.2. Analyze patterns and relationships.
Number and Operations Power Standards (NOPS)
NOPS.1. Understand the place value system.
NOPS.2. Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and
with decimals to hundredths.
NOPS.3. Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and
subtract fractions.
NOPS.4. Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions.
NOPS.5. Gain familiarity with concepts of positive and negative
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately from a text
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how key ideas are supported by details or evidence
RPS.4. Compare and contrast key points of information
RPS.5. Understand a writer’s point of view and multiple
perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Define powers associated different levels of government:
federal, state, local
PAPS.2. Explain the structure of local government
PAPS.3. Understand the links of American democracy to Ancient
Greece and the emergence of town hall meetings
PAPS.4. Explain the purpose of government as outlined in the
Declaration of Independence
PAPS.5. Understand the development of the Constitution of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Understand the links between American democracy and
Ancient Greece
PBPS.1. Explain the emergence of educational institutions (i.e.
Harvard University)
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Understand the cultures, beliefs, and religious/political
systems of native peoples in North, Central, and South America
Measurement and Data Power Standards (MDPS)
MDPS.1. Convert like measurement units within a given
measurement system.
MDPS.2. Represent and interpret data.
MDPS.3. Geometric measurement: Understand concepts of
volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition.
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world
and mathematical problems.
GPS.2. Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on
their properties.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Use proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understands word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
CLPS.2. Explain the positive and negative impacts of European
Expansion and exploration
CLPS.3. Understand the development of slavery in North America
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Understand different types of maps: geographical,
topographical, and political
IPEPS.2. Understand the evolution of maps
IPEPS.3. Interpret a range of charts and graphs related to
historical narratives and demographics
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Define entrepreneur and social entrepreneur
EDEPS.2. Understand development of supply and demand
EDEPS.3. Explain the emergence of maritime economy in colonial
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Understand inventions associated with European
expansion and Massachusetts Maritime commerce
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 6
Physical Sciences (PSPS)
PSPS.1. Use a model of matter as made of particles too small to
be seen to explain common phenomena involving gasses, phase
changes between gas and liquid
PSPS.2. Measure and graph the weights of substances before and
after a reaction or phase change to provide evidence that
regardless of the type of change that occurs when heating,
cooling or combining substances, the total weight of matter is
PSPS.3. Conduct an experiment to determine whether the mixing
of two or more substances results in new substances with new
PSPS.4. Demonstrate that the gravitational force exerted by Earth
on objects is directed toward the Earth’s center
PSPS.5. Use a model to describe that the food animals digest:
contains energy that was once energy from the sun, and provides
energy and materials for body repair, growth, motion, body
warmth, and reproduction
Life Sciences (LSPS)
LSPS.1. Explain processes where air, water, and energy from sun
produces sugar and plant material (photosynthesis)
LSPS.2. Develop a food web that demonstrates relationships
between animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria in consumption and
decomposition and the recycling dynamic within soil
Ratios and Proportional Relationships Power Standards (RPPS)
RPRPS.1. Understand ratio concepts and use proportional
reasoning to solve problems.
Number System Power Standards (NSPS)
NSPS.1. Apply and extend previous understandings of
multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.
NSPS.2. Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find
common factors and multiples.
NSPS.3. Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to
the system of rational numbers.
Expressions and Equations Power Standards (EEPS)
EEPS.1. Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic
to algebraic expressions.
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately and cite evidence to support analysis
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how a central idea or theme is developed
RPS.4. Compare and contrast different types of text (literary,
informational, and technical)
RPS.5. Understand the development of a writer’s point of view
and multiple perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, and technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
LSPS.3. Design a composter and determine what contributes to
accelerated decomposition
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Create a model that shows the earth’s relationship to
the sun, moon, and stars
ESSPS.2. Explain experience of night and day and the shadow
patterns of the sun during different parts of the day and changes
in the position of the sun, moon, and constellations during the
course of a day, month, and year
ESSPS.3. Describe the water cycle in the geosphere, biosphere,
hydrosphere, and atmosphere through evaporation,
precipitation, surface runoff, condensation, transpiration, and
ESSPS.4. Describe and graph the amounts and percentages of salt
water in the ocean; fresh water in lakes, rivers, and ground
water; and fresh water frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps to
provide evidence about the availability of fresh water in Earth’s
ESSPS.5. Strategize ways to reduce negative impact on
environment by changing agricultural, industrial, and community
ESSPS.6. Develop model to reduce impurities in water and find
ways to improve model
EEPS.2. Reason about and solve one-variable equations and
EEPS.3. Represent and analyze quantitative relationships
between dependent and independent variables.
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving
area, surface area, and volume.
Statistics and Probability (SPPS)
SPPS.1. Develop understanding of statistical variability.
SPPS.2. Summarize and describe distributions.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Use proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understands word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
page 245
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 7
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Understand the emergence of modern nations in Africa,
Asia, Europe, and Middle East
PAPS.2. Describe the tensions between indigenous peoples and
emerging nations
PAPS.3. Describe and compare the roles and status of women in
different nations and continents
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Compare and contrast the range of values, systems, and
beliefs among peoples in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Middle East
PBPS.2. Understand the asset and deficit lenses used to compare
nations and peoples
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Understand the cultures, beliefs, and religious/political
systems of peoples in Africa
CLPS.2. Explain how modern Africa became independent nations
CLPS.3. Understand the cultures, beliefs, and religious/political
systems of peoples in the Middle East
Physical Sciences (PSPS)
PSPS.1. Conduct an experiment using exothermic and
endothermic reactions to explain that the type and concentration
of the reacting substances affects the amount of thermal energy
released or absorbed
PSPS.2. Use a model of matter to explain that density is the
amount of matter (mass) in a given volume. Measure the mass
and volume of regular and irregular shaped objects and calculate
their density
PSPS.3. Conduct an experiment to show that many materials are
mixtures of pure substances that can be separated into the
component pure substances
PSPS.4. Demonstrate that gravitational interactions are attractive
and are only noticeable when one or both of the objects have a
very large mass
PSPS.5. Use diagrams of a simple wave to explain that a wave has
a repeating pattern with a specific amplitude, frequency and
PSPS.6. Use diagrams and other models to show that both light
rays and mechanical waves are reflected, absorbed, or
transmitted through various materials
PSPS.7. Present qualitative scientific and technical information to
support the claim that digitized signals (sent as wave pulses
representing 0s and 1s) can be used to encode and transmit
Life Sciences (LSPS)
LSPS.1. Provide evidence that organisms are made of cells
LSPS.2. Develop a model to describe the ways parts of cells
contribute to key cellular functions of obtaining nutrients and
water from its environment, disposing of waste, and producing
energy: a. the nucleus contains genetic information (DNA) which
regulates a cell’s activities; b. chloroplasts are the site of
photosynthesis which produces necessary glucose and oxygen; c.
mitochondria facilitate cellular respiration (energy production); d.
vacuoles store materials, including water, nutrients and waste; e.
the cell membrane is a protective barrier that enables nutrients
to enter the cell and wastes to be expelled; and f. the cell wall
provides structural support to some types of cells
Ratios and Proportional Relationships Power Standards (RPPS)
RPRPS.1. Analyze proportional relationships and use them to
solve real-world and mathematical problems.
Number System Power Standards (NSPS)
NSPS.1. Apply and extend previous understandings of operations
with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational
Expressions and Equations Power Standards (EEPS)
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
CLPS.4. Describe the ethnic and religious groups in the Middle
CLPS.5. Understand the cultures, beliefs, and religious/political
systems of peoples in Asia
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Interpret geographical information from maps and charts
IPEPS.2. Understand the domain specific words related to
IPEPS.3. Understand and compare economic valuations on maps
and charts (per capita income, GNP)
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Understand the key elements of a market economy
EDEPS.2. Explain the development of currency
EDEPS.3. Understand the emergence of economies in Africa, Asia,
Europe, and Middle East
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Understand the technology associated with developing
LSPS.3. Analyze and interpret evidence from the fossil record to
infer patterns of environmental change resulting in extinction and
changes to life forms throughout the history of the Earth
LSPS.4. Demonstrate using anatomical structures to support
evolutionary relationships among and between fossil organisms
and modern organisms. Include evidence showing that: a. some
organisms have similar traits with similar functions because they
were inherited from a common ancestor, b. some organisms have
similar traits that serve similar functions because they live in
similar environments, and c. some organisms have traits
inherited from common ancestors that no longer serve their
original function because over time, their environments have
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Develop and a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to
explain the causes of lunar phases and eclipses of the sun and
ESSPS.2. Analyze and interpret rock layers and index fossils to
determine the relative ages of rock formations. Explain that these
sources of evidence, along with radiometric dating, are used to
construct the geologic time scale of Earth’s history
ESSPS.3. Use graphical displays to illustrate that the Earth and its
solar system are part of the Milky Way galaxy, which is one of
billions of galaxies in the universe
ESSPS.4. Analyze and interpret maps showing the distribution of
fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures to
provide evidence that Earth’s plates have moved great distances,
collided, and spread apart
Engineering, Technology and Science Applications (ETSA)
ETSA.1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem
with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution. Include
potential impacts on people and the natural environment that
may limit possible solutions
ETSA.2. Create visual representations of solutions to a design
problem. Accurately interpret and apply scale and proportion to
visual representations
ETSA.3. Select appropriate materials based on specific properties
needed in the construction of a solution
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and
describe the relationships between them.
GPS.2. Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle
measure, area, surface area, and volume.
Statistics and Probability Power Standards (SPPS)
SPPS.1. Use random sampling to draw inferences about a
page 246
Grade 7
Grade 7
Grade 7
EEPS.1. Use properties of operations to generate equivalent
EEPS.2. Solve real-life and mathematical problems using
numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
SPPS.2. Draw informal comparative inferences about two
SPPS.3. Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and
evaluate probability models.
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately and cite evidence to support analysis
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how a central idea or theme is developed
RPS.4. Compare and contrast different types of text (literary,
informational, and technical)
RPS.5. Understand the development of a writer’s point of view
and multiple perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, and technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Use proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understand word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
CLPS.3. Explain the impact of writing (alphabet in Mesopotamia
and hieroglyphics in Egypt) upon civilizations and societies
CLPS.4. Describe the impact of the Greek and Roman alphabet
upon our current use of language (science, math)
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Describe how the earth’s evolution and climate changes
contributed to the emergence of life
IPEPS.2. Explain the impact of having civilization located near
waterways (Egypt, Greece, Rome)
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Explain economic concepts such as supply and demand,
bartering, and monetary exchange
EDEPS.3. Describe the impact of Rome’s invention of a standard
of currency upon western economy
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Explain the impact of the invention of the calendar and
papyrus in Egypt
TIPS.2. Describe the impact Roman inventions and technology:
aqueducts, roads, bridges, central heating, and sanitation
LSPS.6. Analyze data to provide evidence that disruptions (natural
or human-made) to any physical or biological component of an
ecosystem can lead to shifts in all its populations
LSPS.7. Evaluate competing design solutions for protecting an
ecosystem. Discuss benefits and limitations of each design
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Develop a model to explain how the energy of the sun
and Earth’s gravity drive the cycling of water, including changes
of state, as it moves through multiple pathways in Earth’s
ESSPS.2. Interpret data to explain that the Earth’s mineral, fossil
fuel, and groundwater resources are unevenly distributed as a
result of geologic processes
ESSPS.3. Obtain and communicate information on how data from
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Define city-state, dynasty, kingdom, empire, republic,
separation of powers, civic duty, rule of law, and military.
PAPS.2. Describe the emergence of the Roman Republic and its
contribution to the development of democratic principles,
including separation of powers, rule of law, representative
government, and the notion of civic duty.
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Explain the emergence of polytheism in Mesopotamia
and Egypt
PBPS.2. Describe the principles of justice within the rules of
PBPS.3. Describe the emergence of monotheism in Jewish culture
PBPS.4. Describe the myths associated with Greek culture
PBPS.5. Explain the emergence of Christianity and its influence
upon societies
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Explain how the emergence of agriculture led to the
development of societies and civilizations
CLPS.2. Describe the key characteristics of a civilization
Physical Sciences (PSPS)
PSPS.1. Describe the effect of distance and magnitude of electric
charge and current on the size of electromagnetic forces
PSPS.2. Use scientific evidence to argue that fields exist between
objects with mass, between magnetic objects, and between
electrically charged objects that exert force on each other even
though the objects are not in contact
PSPS.3. Construct and interpret data and graphs to describe the
relationships among kinetic energy, mass, and speed of an object
PSPS.4. Apply scientific principles of energy and heat transfer to
design, construct, and test a device to minimize or maximize
thermal energy transfer
PSPS.5. Determine the relationships among the energy
transferred, how well the type of matter retains or radiates heat,
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Grade 8
Grade 8
the mass, and the change in the average kinetic energy of the
particles as measured by the temperature of the sample
PSPS.6. Describe the relationship between kinetic and potential
energy and describe conversions from one form to another
Life Sciences (LSPS)
LSPS.1. Provide evidence that the body systems interact to carry
out key body functions, including providing nutrients and oxygen
to cells, removing carbon dioxide and waste from cells and the
body, controlling body motion/activity and coordination, and
protecting the body
LSPS.2. Explain, based on evidence, how characteristic animal
behaviors as well as specialized plant structures increase the
probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants
LSPS.3. Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the
effects of periods of abundant and scarce resources on the
growth of organisms and the number of organisms (size of
populations) in an ecosystem
LSPS.4. Describe how relationships among and between
organisms in an ecosystem can be competitive, predatory,
parasitic, and mutually beneficial and that these interactions are
found across multiple ecosystems
LSPS.5. Develop a model to describe the cycling of matter among
living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem including through the
process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Number System Power Standards (NSPS)
NSPS.1. Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and
approximate them by rational numbers.
Expressions and Equations Power Standards (EEPS)
EEPS.1. Work with radicals and integer exponents.
EEPS.1. Understand the connections between proportional
relationships, lines, and linear equations.
EEPS.1. Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of
simultaneous linear equations.
Functions Power Standards (FPS)
FPS.1. Define, evaluate, and compare functions.
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately and cite evidence to support analysis
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how a central idea or theme is developed
RPS.4. Compare and contrast different types of text (literary,
informational, and technical)
RPS.5. Understand the development of a writer’s point of view
and multiple perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, and technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
Students are able to:
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
past geologic events are analyzed for patterns and used to
forecast the location and likelihood of future catastrophic events
ESSPS.4. Provide evidence that human activities and technologies
can be engineered to mitigate the negative impact of increases in
human population and per capita consumption of natural
resources on the environment
Engineering, Technology and Science Applications (ETSA)
ETSA.1. Compare the benefits and drawbacks of four different
communication systems: radio, television, print, and internet
ETSA.2. Research how transportation systems are designed to
move people and goods using a variety of vehicles and devices.
Identify and describe subsystems of a transportation vehicle,
including structural, propulsion, guidance, suspension, and
control subsystems
ETSA.3. Show how the components of a structural system work
together to serve a structural function or maintain and
environment for a particular human use. Provide examples of
physical structures and relate their design to their intended use
ETSA.4. Use the concept of systems engineering to: a. analyze
how components of a transportation, structural or
communication system work together or affect each other, and b.
model the inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback of a
technological system
FPS.2. Use functions to model relationships between quantities.
Geometry (GPS)
GPS.1. Understand congruence and similarity using physical
models, transparencies, or geometry software.
GPS.2. Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
GPS.3. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving
volume of cylinders, cones and spheres.
Statistics and Probability Power Standards (SPPS)
SSPS.1. Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Uses proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understands word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
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Grade 8
Grade 8
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Describe the emergence of Islam and its impact upon the
relationship between government and religion
PAPS.2. Explain the emergence of feudalism and private property
PAPS.3. Describe the importance and impact of medieval English
legal and constitutional history (Habeas Corpus, Magna Carta)
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Explain the impact of Islamic science, philosophy, math,
and architecture upon western and eastern civilizations
PBPS.2. Describe how the Enlightenment influenced our current
understanding of the nature and role of government
PBPS.3. Describe the role of religion and philosophies in shaping
social class in Chinese, Japanese, and Hindu societies
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Explain the influence of Christianity upon culture and
CLPS.2. Describe the impact of the Renaissance upon art,
literature, architecture, and philosophies
CLPS.3. Describe the origins and effects of the Protestant
Physical Sciences (PSPS)
PSPS.1. Analyze and interpret data on the properties of
substances before and after the substances interact to determine
if a chemical reaction has occurred
PSPS.2. Develop a model that describes and predicts changes in
particle motion, relative spatial arrangement, temperature, and
state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or
PSPS.3. Use a model to explain that substances are rearranged
during a chemical reaction to form new molecules with new
properties. Explain that the atoms present in the reactants are all
present in the products and thus the total number of atoms is
PSPS.4. Develop a model that demonstrates Newton’s third law
involving the motion of two colliding objects
Life Sciences (LSPS)
LSPS.1. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for
how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of
LSPS.2. Describe that food molecules, including carbohydrates,
proteins and fats, are broken down and rearranged through
chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth
and/or release of energy
LSPS.3. Use a model to describe that structural changes to genes
(mutations) may or may not result in changes to proteins, and if
there are changes to proteins there may be harmful, beneficial,
or neutral changes to traits
LSPS.4. Use a model to describe that structural changes to genes
(mutations) may or may not result in changes to proteins, and if
there are changes to proteins there may be harmful, beneficial,
or neutral changes to traits
LSPS.5. Communicate through writing and in diagrams that
chromosomes contain many distinct genes, and that each
chromosome pair contains two alleles that can be the same or
different from each other. Illustrate that each gene holds the
instructions for the production of specific proteins, which in turn
affects the traits of an individual
LSPS.6. Explain the mechanism of natural selection, in which
genetic variations of some traits in a population increase some
individuals’ likelihood of surviving and reproducing in a changing
environment. Provide evidence that natural selection occurs over
many generations
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
CLPS.4. Explain how the Scientific Revolution changed our beliefs
about the universe
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Explain the impact of physical environment in the
development of African, Asian, European, and Islamic civilizations
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Explain the importance of the trade routes that
connected Europe and the Middle East to Asia and the roles of
the Mongols in establishing these trade routes
EDEPS.2. Describe the social and economic impact of plagues in
EDEPS.3. Explain the emergence and impact of modern banking
EDEPS.4. Describe the impact of European expansion
EDEPS.5. Describe the economies of the African empires
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Describe the impact of technology upon the spread of the
Scientific Revolution
TIPS.2. Describe the scientific and technological achievements
within Islamic and Asian societies
LSPS.7. Communicate information about artificial selection, or the
ways in which humans have changed the inheritance of desired
traits in organisms
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun system to
explain the cyclical pattern of seasons, which includes the Earth’s
tilt and differential intensity of sunlight on different areas of
Earth across the year
ESSPS.2. Explain the role of gravity in ocean tides, the orbital
motions of plANets, their moons, and asteroids in the solar
ESSPS.3. Use a model to illustrate that energy from the Earth’s
interior drives convection which cycles Earth’s crust leading to
melting, crystallization, weathering and deformation of large rock
formations, including generation of ocean sea floor at ridges,
submergence of ocean sea floor at trenches, mountain building
and active volcanic chains
ESSPS.4. Interpret basic weather data to identify patterns in air
mass interactions and the relationship of those patterns to
ESSPS.5. Describe how interactions involving the ocean affect
weather and climate on a regional scale, including the influence
of the ocean temperature as mediated by energy input from the
sun and energy loss due to evaporation or redistribution via
ocean currents
ESSPS.6. Examine and interpret data to describe the role that
human activities have played in causing the rise in global
temperatures over the past century
Engineering, Technology and Science Applications (ETSA)
ETSA.1. Recognize that materials maintain their composition
under various kinds of physical processing; however, some
material properties may change if a process changes the
particulate structure of a material
ETSA.2. Describe how a product can be created using basic
processes in manufacturing systems, including forming,
separating, conditioning, assembling, finishing, quality control,
and safety
ETSA.3. Recognize that processes that transform materials into
products can be controlled by humans or by computers
page 249
Grade 9
Grade 9
Number and Quantity Power Standards (NQPS)
NQPS.1. Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems.
Algebra Power Standards (APS)
APS.1. Interpret the structure of expressions.
APS.2. Create equations that describe numbers or relationships.
APS.3. Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning
and explain the reasoning.
APS.4. Solve equations and inequalities in one variable.
APS.5. Solve systems of equations.
APS.6. Represent and solve equations and inequalities
Functions Power Standards (FPS)
FPS.1. Understand the concept of a function and use function
FPS.2. Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the
FPS.3. Analyze functions using different representations.
FPS.4. Build a function that models a relationship between two
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately from a text
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how key ideas are supported by details or evidence
RPS.4. Compare and contrast key points of information
RPS.5. Understand a writer’s point of view and multiple
perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
FPS.5. Build new functions from existing functions.
FPS.5. Construct and compare linear, quadratic, and exponential
models and solve problems.
FPS.6. Interpret expressions for functions in terms of the situation
they model.
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Experiment with transformations in the plane.
GPS.2. Understand congruence in terms of rigid motions.
GPS.3. Make geometric constructions.
GPS.4. Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems
Statistics and Probability Power Standards (SPPS)
SPPS.1. Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single
count or measurement variable.
SPPS.2. Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two
categorical and quantitative variables.
SPPS.3. Interpret linear models.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Use proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understands word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
page 250
Grade 9
Grade 9
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Explain the influence of Greek and Roman government
upon the American political system
PAPS.2. Describe the key components of the American political
system: federalism, separation of powers, shared powers, checks
and balances, and individual rights
PAPS.3. Compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities of
federal, state, and local governments
PAPS.4. Explain the functions of political parties in federal, state,
and local governments
PAPS.5. Describe the key components of local government in
Massachusetts and its functions: school committees, town
meetings, boards of selectmen, mayors, and city councils
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Describe the influence of Locke and Montesquieu upon
the American political system
PBPS.2. Explain the development and impact of the Declaration
of Independence
PBPS.3. Describe the debate in the development of the U.S.
Constitution (Federalist vs. Ant-Federalist)
PBPS.4. Explain the development and impact of the Bill of Rights
and its origins in the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights
PBPS.5. Explain the significance and impact of Lincoln’s
Emancipation Proclamation
PBPS.6. Describe the goals and effects of the Women’s suffrage
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Describe the causes and impact of Westward Expansion
CLPS.2. Explain how cultural and economic differences led to the
Civil War
CLPS.3. Explain the policies and consequences of Reconstruction
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Explain the role of slavery in shaping the American
economic and social order
IPEPS.3. Describe the impact of Westward expansion and the
transportation revolution
IPEPS.3. Explain the influence of the Transcendentalist movement
(Thoreau, Emerson) in our current views of the environment
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Explain the economic developments that led to the
American Revolution (shift from feudalism to private property)
EDEPS.2. Compare and contrast the economic systems in the
North and South that led to the civil war
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Explain the impact of the Transportation Revolution
(canals, roads, bridges, turnpikes, steamboats, and railroads)
upon the development of the American economy
TIPS.2. Describe how the growth of industrial technology in the
North led to the Civil War
Physics (PPS)
PPS.1. Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second
law of motion is a mathematical model describing motion and
change in motion (acceleration) of objects with mass when acted
on by a net force. Use free-body force diagrams and algebraic
expressions representing Newton’s laws of motion to predict
changes to velocity and acceleration for an object moving in one
dimension in various situations
PPS.2. Use mathematical representations to show that the total
momentum of a system of interacting objects moving in one
dimension is conserved when there is no net force on the system
PPS.3. Apply scientific principles of motion and momentum to
design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on
a macroscopic object during a collision
Biology (BPS)
BPS.1. Explain that genes are regions in the DNA that code for
proteins, which carry out the essential functions of life. Construct
a model of transcription and translation to explain the roles of
DNA and RNA in coding the instructions for polypeptides, which
make up proteins. Explain that different classes of proteins
regulate and carry out the essential functions of life
BPS.2. Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical
organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions
within animals. Use the model to illustrate that: a. different types
of cells contain different sets of proteins which enables the cells
to perform specific functions; b. specialized cells work together to
form specialized tissues, which in turn join to form specialized
organs; and c. specialized organs work together to form the body
systems that coordinate to carry out the essential functions of life
BPS.3. Explain why the cell cycle is necessary for the growth,
maintenance, and repair of multicellular organisms. Model the
major events of the cell cycle, including cell growth, DNA
replication, preparation for division, separation of chromosomes,
and separation of cell contents
BPS.4. Use a model to illustrate how photosynthesis uses light
energy to transform carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and
chemical energy stored in the bonds of glucose and other
BPS.5. Use a model to illustrate that aerobic cellular respiration is
a chemical process whereby the bonds of food molecules and
oxygen molecules are broken and new bonds form resulting in
new compounds and a net transfer of energy. Contrast this
process to anaerobic cellular respiration and compare the
amount of energy released in each process
BPS.6. Explain how the structure of DNA, including its spiral shape
and paired nucleotides, is related to its function of storing and
transmitting hereditary information
BPS.7. Research and communicate information about features of
virus and bacteria reproduction and adaptation to explain their
ability to survive in a wide variety of environments
Chemistry (CPS)
CPS.1. Communicate scientific and technical information about
the molecular-level structures of different materials to justify
why particular classes of substances have specific properties that
are useful in the functioning of designed materials
CPS.2. Construct a model to explain the process by which solutes
dissolve in solvents, particularly water, and predict how
intermolecular forces affect solubility
CPS.3. Communicate a qualitative explanation based on kineticmolecular theory for why one variable in the combined gas law
changes when another is varied. Using kinetic-molecular theory,
explain the behavior of gases and the relationship between
pressure and volume (Boyle’s law), volume and temperature
(Charles’s law), and pressure and temperature (Gay-Lussac’s law).
Use the combined gas law to determine changes in pressure,
volume, and temperature
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Develop a model to illustrate the changes in the
composition of the nucleus of the atom and the energy released
or absorbed during the processes of fission, fusion, and
radioactive decay
ESSPS.2. Explain that the life span of the sun over approximately
10 billion years is a function of nuclear fusion in its core
Technology and Engineering (TEPS)
TEPS.1. Analyze a major global challenge to specify a design
problem that can be improved. Determine necessary qualitative
and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions, including
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any requirements set by society
Grade 10
Grade 10
Grade 10
Number and Quantity Power Standards (NQPS)
NQPS.1. Extend the properties of exponents to rational
NQPS.2. Use properties of rational and irrational numbers.
NQPS.3. Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers.
NQPS.4. Use complex numbers in polynomial identities and
Algebra Power Standards (APS)
APS.1. Interpret the structure of expressions.
APS.2. Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems.
APS.3. Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials.
APS.4. Create equations that describe numbers or relationships.
APS.5. Solve equations and inequalities in one variable.
APS.6. Solve systems of equations.
Functions Power Standards (FPS)
FPS.1. Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the
FPS.2. Analyze functions using different representations.
FPS.3. Build a function that models a relationship between two
FPS.4. Build new functions from existing functions.
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately and cite evidence to support analysis
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how a central idea or theme is developed
RPS.4. Compare and contrast different types of text (literary,
informational, and technical)
RPS.5. Understand the development of a writer’s point of view
and multiple perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, and technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Describe how economic abuses and the Great Depression
led to emergence of new government policies and agencies:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Securities and Exchange
Commission, Social Security Act, Fair Labor Law Act, Federal
Reserve Act
PAPS.2. Explain the causes and consequences of WWWI and
PAPS.3. Describe the emergence and impact of the Cold War
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Explain the struggles of African American for basic civil
rights (W.B. Dubois) and the emergence of NAACP
PBPS.2. Explain the ideas associated with Social Darwinism and its
impact upon the American economic and social orders
PBPS.3. Describe the fundamental tenets of Marxism, Socialism,
Communism, and Capitalism and their impact on the world stage
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Describe the causes and impact of immigration in the late
19th and early 20th century
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
FPS.5. Construct and compare linear, quadratic and exponential
models and solve problems.
FPS.6. Prove and apply trigonometric identities.
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Prove geometric theorems.
GPS.2. Understand similarity in terms of similarity
GPS.3. Define trigonometric ratios and solve problems involving
right triangles.
GPS.4. Understand and apply theorems about circles.
GPS.5. Find arc lengths and areas of sectors of circles
GPS.6. Translate between the geometric description and the
equation for a conic section.
GPS.7. Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems
GPS.8. Explain volume formulas and use them to solve problems.
Statistics and Probability Power Standards (SPPS)
SPPS.1. Understand independence and conditional probability
and use them to interpret data.
SPPS.3. Use the rules of probability to compute probabilities of
compound events in a uniform probability model.
SPPS.4. Use probability to evaluate outcomes of decisions
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Use proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understands word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Explain the impact of industrialization urbanization and
the environment
IPEPS.2. Describe the impact of expanded home ownership in
post WWII
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Describe the social and economic impact of the
Industrial Revolution
EDEPS.2. Explain the impact of industrialization and urbanization
on the environment
EDEPS.3. Explain the emergence of social reforms (unions, child
labor laws)
EDEPS.4. Describe how social reforms developed locally in
EDEPS.5. Explain the emergence of the modern banking system
EDEPS.6. Explain the causes and impact of the Global (Great)
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
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Grade 10
Grade 11
CLPS.2. Explain the expansion of the suburbs during post-WWII
CLPS.3. Describe the expanded role of the media in shaping
beliefs and culture
CLPS.4. Describe the movement and impact of the Civil Rights
CLPS.5. Describe the causes and consequences of the women’s
equal rights movement
PPS.1. Use mathematical representations of Newton’s Law of
Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law to both qualitatively and
quantitatively describe and predict the effects of gravitational
and electrostatic forces between objects
PPS.2. Provide evidence that an electric current can produce a
magnetic field and that a changing magnetic field can produce an
electric current
PPS.3. Analyze simple arrangements of electrical components in
both series and parallel circuits. Use appropriate instruments to
measure the voltage across and current through a resistor. Use
Ohm’s Law to determine the resistance in a circuit when given
the voltage and current
Biology (BPS)
BPS.1. Use mathematical representations to support explanations
that biotic and abiotic factors affect biodiversity, including
genetic diversity within a population and species diversity within
an ecosystem
BPS.2. Use a mathematical model to describe the transfer of
energy from one trophic level to another. Explain how the
inefficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels affects the
relative number of organisms that can be supported at each
trophic level and necessitates a constant input of energy from
sunlight or inorganic compounds from the environment. Explain
that atoms, including elements of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and
nitrogen, are conserved even as matter is broken down,
recombined, and recycled by organisms in ecosystems
BPS.3. Use a model that illustrates the roles of photosynthesis,
cellular respiration, decomposition, and combustion to explain
the cycling of carbon in its various forms among the biosphere,
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere
BPS.4. Analyze direct and indirect effects of human activities on
biodiversity and ecosystem health, specifically habitat
fragmentation, introduction of non-native or invasive species,
overharvesting, pollution, and climate change. Evaluate and
refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on
biodiversity and ecosystem health
Chemistry (CPS)
CPS.1. Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative
properties of main group elements, including ionization energy
and relative sizes of atoms and ions, based on the patterns of
electrons in the outermost energy level of each element. Use the
patterns of valence electron configurations and Coulomb’s law to
explain and predict trends in ionization energies, relative sizes of
atoms and ions, and reactivity of pure elements
Number and Quantity Power Standards (NQPS)
NQPS.1. Use complex numbers in polynomial identities and
Algebra Power Standards (APS)
APS.1. Interpret the structure of expressions.
APS.2. Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems.
APS.3. Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials.
APS.4. Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of
APS.5. Use polynomial identities to solve problems
APS.6. Rewrite rational expressions.
APS.7. Create equations that describe numbers or relationships.
APS.8. Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
TIPS.1. Describe the roles of entrepreneurs and inventors in
changing American society: Edison, Bell, Carnegie, Chase,
Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt
TIPS.2. Explain the impact of new sources of energy (coal and oil)
and new technology (steam engine, electricity)
TIPS.3. Describe the impact of the technological and information
revolutions of the mid 20th century to the early 21st century
CPS.2. Use the periodic table model to predict and design simple
combination reactions that result in two main classes of binary
compounds, ionic and molecular. Account for chemical changes
in terms of charge redistribution
CPS.3. Cite evidence to relate physical properties of substances at
the bulk scale to spatial arrangements, movement, and strength
of electrostatic forces among ions, small molecules, or regions of
large molecules in the substances. Make arguments to account
for how intermolecular interactions are determined by atomic
composition and molecular geometry, and for how ions or small
molecules arrange into two major types of three-dimensional
crystal structures: atom/ionic networks or molecular crystals
CPS.4. . Develop a model to illustrate the energy transferred
during an exothermic or endothermic chemical reaction based on
the bond energy difference between bonds broken (absorption of
energy) and bonds formed (release of energy)
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESPS.1. Describe the astronomical evidence for the Big Bang
theory, including the red shift of light from the motion of distant
galaxies as an indication that the universe is currently expanding,
the cosmic microwave background as the remnant radiation from
the Big Bang, and the observed composition of ordinary matter of
the universe, primarily found in stars and interstellar gases, which
matches that predicted by the Big Bang theory
ESPS.2. Communicate that stars, through nuclear fusion over
their life cycle, produce elements from Helium to Iron and release
energy that eventually reaches Earth in the form of radiation
ESPS.3. Use Kepler’s Laws to predict the motion of orbiting
objects in the solar system. Describe how orbits may change due
to the gravitational effects from, or collisions with, other objects
in the solar system
ESPS.4. Evaluate evidence of the past and current movements of
continental and oceanic crust, the theory of plate tectonics, and
relative densities of oceanic and continental rocks to explain why
continental rocks are generally much older than rocks of the
ocean floor
Technology and Engineering (TEPS)
TEPS.1. Break a complex real-world problem into smaller, more
manageable problems that each can be solved using scientific
and engineering principles
FPS.3. Build a function that models a relationship between two
FPS.4. Build new functions from existing functions.
FPS.5. Construct and compare linear, quadratic, and exponential
models and solve problems.
FPS.6. Extend the domain of trigonometric functions using the
unit circle.
FPS.7. Model periodic phenomena with trigonometric functions.
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Apply trigonometry to general triangles.
GPS.2. Visualize relationships between two-dimensional and
three-dimensional objects.
GPS.3. Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations.
page 253
and explain the reasoning.
APS.9. Represent and solve equations and inequalities
Functions Power Standards (FPS)
FPS.1. Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the
FPS.2. Analyze functions using different representations.
Grade 11
Grade 11
Grade 11
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately and cite evidence to support analysis
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how a central idea or theme is developed
RPS.4. Compare and contrast different types of text (literary,
informational, and technical)
RPS.5. Understand the development of a writer’s point of view
and multiple perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, and technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Describe the emergence of Islam and its impact upon the
relationship between government and religion
PAPS.2. Explain the emergence of feudalism and private property
PAPS.3. Describe the importance and impact of medieval English
legal and constitutional history (Habeas Corpus, Magna Carta)
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Explain the impact of Islamic science, philosophy, math,
and architecture upon western and eastern civilizations
PBPS.2. Describe how the Enlightenment influenced our current
understanding of the nature and role of government
PBPS.3. Describe the role of religion and philosophies in shaping
social class in Chinese, Japanese, and Hindu societies
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Explain the influence of Christianity upon culture and
CLPS.2. Describe the impact of the Renaissance upon art,
literature, architecture, and philosophies
CLPS.3. Describe the origins and effects of the Protestant
Physics (PPS)
PPS.1. Use algebraic expressions and the principle of energy
conservation to calculate the change in energy of one component
of a system when the change in energy of the other
component(s) of the system, as well as the total energy of the
system including any energy entering or leaving the system, is
known. Identify any transformations from one form of energy to
another, including thermal, kinetic, gravitational, magnetic, or
electrical energy, in the system
PPS.2. Design and evaluate a device that works within given
constraints to convert one form of energy into another form of
PPS.3. Provide evidence that when two objects of different
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
Statistics and Probability Power Standards (SPPS)
SSPS.1. Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single
count or measurement variable.
SSPS.2. Understand and evaluate random processes underlying
statistical experiments.
SSPS.3. Make inferences and justify conclusions from sample
surveys, experiments, and observational studies.
SSPS.4. Use probability to evaluate outcomes of decisions.
clarity and understanding.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Use proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understand word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
CLPS.4. Explain how the Scientific Revolution changed our beliefs
about the universe
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Explain the impact of physical environment in the
development of African, Asian, European, and Islamic civilizations
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Explain the importance of the trade routes that
connected Europe and the Middle East to Asia and the roles of
the Mongols in establishing these trade routes
EDEPS.2. Describe the social and economic impact of plagues in
EDEPS.3. Explain the emergence and impact of modern banking
EDEPS.4. Describe the impact of European expansion
EDEPS.5. Describe the economies of the African empires
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Describe the impact of technology upon the development
and spread of the Scientific Revolution
TIPS.2. Describe the scientific and technological achievements
within Islamic and Asian societies
Chemistry (CPS)
CPS.1. Construct an explanation based on collision theory for why
varying conditions influence the rate of a chemical reaction or a
dissolving process. Design and test ways to alter various
conditions to influence (slow down or accelerate) rates of
processes (chemical reactions or dissolving) as they occur
CPS.2. Design ways to control the extent of a reaction at
equilibrium (relative amount of products to reactants) by altering
various conditions using Le Chatelier’s principle. Make arguments
based on collision theory to account for how altering conditions
would affect the forward and reverse rates of the reaction until a
new equilibrium is established
CPS.3. Use mathematical representations and provide
page 254
temperature are in thermal contact within a closed system, the
transfer of thermal energy results in thermal equilibrium, or a
more uniform energy distribution among the objects (second law
of thermodynamics) and that temperature changes at thermal
equilibrium depend on the specific heat values of the two
Biology (BPS)
BPS.1. Ask questions to clarify relationships about how DNA in
the form of chromosomes is passed from parents to offspring
through the processes of meiosis and fertilization in sexual
BPS.2. Make and defend a claim based on evidence that
inheritable genetic variations may result from: a. new genetic
combinations through meiosis; b. mutations that occur during
replication; and/or c. mutations caused by environmental factors.
Recognize that in general, only mutations that occur in gametes
can be passed to offspring
Grade 12
Grade 12
Grade 12
Number and Quantity Power Standards (NQPS)
NQPS.1. Represent and model with vector quantities.
NQPS.2. Perform operations on matrices and use matrices in
Algebra Power Standards (APS)
APS.1. Use polynomials identities to solve problems.
APS.2. Solve systems of equations.
Functions Power Standards (FPS)
FPS.1. Extend the domain of trigonometric functions using the
unit circle.
FPS.2. Model periodic phenomena with trigonometric functions.
FPS.3. Prove and apply trigonometric identities.
Geometry Power Standards (GPS)
GPS.1. Apply trigonometry to general triangles.
Reading Power Standards (RPS)
RPS.1. Quote accurately and cite evidence to support analysis
RPS.2. Infer and summarize key points of information
RPS.3. Explain how a central idea or theme is developed
RPS.4. Compare and contrast different types of text (literary,
informational, and technical)
RPS.5. Understand the development of a writer’s point of view
and multiple perspectives within a text
RPS.6. Understand a range of texts: literary (stories, dramas,
poetry), informational texts, and technical reports
RPS.7. Explain the meaning of domain specific words in academic
and college/career settings
RPS.8. Use word analysis strategies to decode and understand
RPS.9. Read with fluency and accuracy to support comprehension
Writing Power Standards (WPS)
Students are able to:
WPS.1. Write in a range of texts and genres: literary, narratives,
poems, informational, technical reports
WPS.2. Write in clear and coherent ways where ideas are logically
introduced and connected
WPS.4. Paraphrase and summarize key points of information
WPS.5. Expand key ideas and points using details to support
clarity and understanding
Power and Authority Power Standards (PAPS)
PAPS.1. Describe the development and goals of nationalist
movements in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East
PAPS.2. Explain the establishment of the state of Israel and its
impact upon relationships in the Middle East
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
experimental evidence to support the claim that atoms, and
therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction. Use
the mole concept and proportional relationships to predict the
quantities (masses or moles) of specific reactants or products
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Use a model based on evidence of Earth’s interior to
describe the cycling of matter by thermal convection
ESSPS.2. Use a model to describe how variations in the flow of
energy into and out of Earth’s systems result in changes in
ESSPS.3. Use a model to describe the gradual atmospheric and
climatic changes due to carbon capture and oxygen release by
plants and due to increased carbon dioxide generation through
human activity
Technology and Engineering (TEPS)
TEPS.1. Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem
based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a
range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, aesthetics
and maintenance, as well as social, cultural, and environmental
GPS.2. Understand and apply theorems about circles.
GPS.3. Translate between the geometric description and the
equation for a conic section.
GPS.4. Explain volume formulas and use them to solve problems.
GPS.5. Visualize relationships between two-dimensional and
three-dimensional objects.
GPS.6. Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations.
Statistics and Probability Power Standards (SPPS)
SPPS.1. Interpret linear models.
SPPS.2. Make inferences and justify conclusions from sample
surveys, experiments, and observational studies.
SPPS.3. Use the rules of probability to compute probabilities of
compound events in a uniform probability model.
SPPS.4. Calculate expected values and use them to solve
SPPS.5. Use probability to evaluate outcomes of decisions.
WPS.6. Cite evidence when proposing an argument or position
WPS.7. Use domain appropriate words for academic and
college/career contexts
WPS.8. Conduct research to build knowledge around a subject or
WPS.9. Demonstrate awareness of the audience
WPS.10. Use the writing process (drafting, editing, revising,
WPS.11. Use technology to support the writing process
Standard English Power Standards (SEPS)
SEPS.1. Uses proper rules of grammar when speaking and writing
SEPS.2. Understands word relationships: antonyms/synonyms,
figurative language, similes/metaphors
SEPS.3. Speaks and writes appropriately in different contexts:
informal, academic, and public domain
Communication Power Standards (CPS)
CPS.1. Build upon ideas of others when engaged in a range of
individual and group discussions
CPS.2. Honor rules of discussions to build collective
understanding of a topic or question
CPS.3. Pose questions that clarifies and deepens thinking
CPS.4. Use multimedia to express ideas and evidence in clear and
compelling ways
CLPS.2. Explain the ongoing struggle to address institutional
racism both within the United States and around the world
Interaction of Peoples with Environments Power Standards
IPEPS.1. Describe the events that led to the creation of the
page 255
Grade 12
PAPS.3. Describe causes and the impact of the fall of Soviet
communism in Eastern Europe
PAPS.4. Explain the reasons for the fall of apartheid in South
PAPS.5. Explain the formal process of how a bill becomes a law
and define the terms initiative and referendum
PAPS.6. Research the platforms of political parties and candidates
for state or local government and explain how citizens in the
United States participate in public elections as voters and
supporters of candidates for public office
PAPS.7. Summarize and explain the impact of key decisions by
the Supreme Court
Philosophies and Beliefs Power Standards (PBPS)
PBPS.1. Use a variety of sources, including newspapers and
internet web sites, to identify current state and local legislative
issues and examine the influence on the legislative process of
political parties, interest groups, grass roots organizations,
lobbyists, public opinion, the news media, and individual voters
PBPS.2. Examine the different forces that influence U.S. foreign
policy, including business and labor organizations, interest
groups, public opinion, and ethnic and religious organizations
Cultures and Languages Power Standards (CLPS)
CLPS.1. Describe the causes and impact of the immigration
movement in the U.S. during the late 20th to early 21st centuries
Environmental Protection Agency
Emerging and Developing Economies Power Standards (EDEPS)
EDEPS.1. Define aggregate supply and demand, Gross Domestic
Product (GDP), economic growth,
unemployment, and inflation
EDEPS.2. Explain how Gross Domestic Product (GDP), economic
growth, unemployment, and inflation are calculated.
EDEPS.3. Explain the role of banks and other financial institutions
in the economy of the United States.
EDEPS.4. Research and monitor financial investments such as
stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
EDEPS.5. Compare and contrast the following forms of business
organization: sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation.
Technology & Innovation Power Standards (TIPS)
TIPS.1. Describe how the work of scientists in the 20th century
impacted society: Einstein/Theory of Relativity), Salk/polio
vaccine, Watson/human genome project
TIPS.2. Explain the impact of the space exploration program
established under Kennedy and its evolution to the present
TIPS.3. Describe the impact of communication technology and
social media upon societies
Physics (PPS)
PPS.1. Use mathematical representations to support a claim
regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and
speed of waves traveling in various media. Recognize that
electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space
PPS.2. Evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind the
idea that electromagnetic radiation can be described either by a
wave model or a particle model, and that for explaining
reflection, refraction, resonance, interference, diffraction, and
the photoelectric effect
PPS.3. Communicate technical information about how some
technological devices use the principles of wave behavior and
wave interactions with matter to transmit and capture
information and energy
Biology (BPS)
BPS.1. Construct an explanation based on evidence that the
process of evolution by natural selection occurs in a population
when the following conditions are met: (1) more offspring are
produced than can be supported by the environment, (2) there is
heritable variation among individuals, and (3) some of these
variations lead to differential fitness among individuals as some
individuals are better able to compete for limited resources than
others. The result is the proliferation of those individuals with
advantageous heritable traits that are better able to survive and
reproduce in the environment
BPS.2. Evaluate evidence that demonstrates how changes in
environmental conditions may result in the emergence of new
species over generations and/or the extinction of other species,
and that these processes may occur at different rates depending
on the conditions
Chemistry (CPS)
CPS.1. Use an oxidation-reduction reaction model to predict
products of reactions given the reactants, and to communicate
the reaction models using a representation that shows electron
transfer (redox). Use periodic properties of elements, an electron
distribution model and the periodic table model to design
substances that could be used in devices that produce electricity
via oxidation-reduction reactions
CPS.2. Construct an argument to show differences in the atomic
composition and molecular geometry of substances that allow for
identification, detection, and separation of substances in a
CPS.3. Combine period patterns and Coulomb’s law with
observational data about ionic substances versus molecular
substances to develop a predictive model for ionic versus
covalent bonding in binary structures
CPS.4. Analyze data of the conductivity of pure water versus
different solutions of water with another substance dissolved in it
to make a claim about the nature of the molecules of the
dissolved substances
Earth and Space Sciences (ESSPS)
ESSPS.1. Evaluate competing design solutions for minimizing
impacts of developing and using energy and mineral resources,
and conserving and recycling those resources, based on
economic, social, and environmental cost-benefit ratios
ESSPS.2. Illustrate relationships among management of natural
resources, the sustainability of human populations, and
ESSPS.3. Analyze results from global climate models to describe
how forecasts are made of the current rate of global or regional
climate change and associated future impacts to Earth systems
Technology and Engineering (TEPS)
TEPS.1. Use a computer simulation to model the impact of a
proposed solution to a complex real-world problem that has
numerous criteria and constraints on the interactions within and
between systems relevant to the problem
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
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Central Square Public Charter School
Draft Big Picture School Support Plan
This plan addresses the professional development support plan for the Fenix Charter School/Big
Picture Learning partnership. This plan assumes the following:
 School, Program, and Curriculum Designs. BPL will provide assistance in creating school,
program, and curriculum designs, including adaptations of the BPL school organizational
structures (e.g., rooms and spaces, school calendar and schedules, and staffing), school budget
development, program development (e.g., daily schedule, organization of advisories, integration
of LTI – Learning through Internship), and curriculum development (e.g., standards alignment,
instructional strategies, and assessment).
 Parent, Business, and Community Engagement Programs. BPL will assist Central Square
developing descriptive materials and presentations regarding the proposed new BPL school.
These materials and presentations will be customized to specific audiences.
 Staff Selection. BPL will assist in developing position descriptions, recruitment activities, and
selection criteria and processes.
 Principal Training/Coaching. BPL will develop and provide education, training, and support
services for the Chief Executive Office (and subsequent school leaders) during the planning year
and continued coaching during the first five years the school is open.
 Staff Training/Coaching. BPL will develop and provide education, training, and support services
for the Central Square project advisors and staff. Trainings will include project-based learning,
restorative justice practices, instructional practices for diverse populations (Special Education and
ELL), and the development of competency-based assessments and rubrics.
Planning Year - $25,000 (March 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017)
 August - Big Bang Attendance for Principal and up to 3 additional attendees. Big Bang is our
national summer training conference. Includes travel to Providence, RI, hotel, conference
registration and materials.
 February - Attendance at our annual principal conference for up to two participants.
 Sept-June – 15 days of principal coaching and support (on-site, Skype, email, phone) for
training and education. Determine some elements to be introduced during the 2014-2015
school year and school visits to other BPL schools.
 Data collection and management – establish base-line student achievement measures;
develop new assessment tools and new data management system.
 Design training materials and implementation materials for 2014-2015 school year.
 Big Picture Knowledge Works and Big Picture materials for all planning staff team members.
 Monthly Network newsletter, network support and engagement.
Central Square Public Charter School / Prospectus
page 257
1st Year Open- $75,000
 August – Big Bang Attendance for thirteen attendees.
 February – Attendance at our annual principal conference for two participants.
 Sept-June – 40 days of coaching support (on-site, Skype, email, phone) for training and
education. School visits to other BPL schools.
 Support data collection and management of new assessment tools and data management
 Big Picture Knowledge Works and Big picture materials for all staff and students.
 Monthly Network newsletter, network support and engagement.
2nd Year Open - $75,000
 August – Big Bang attendance for twenty attendees (includes travel, hotel & conference)
 February – Attendance at our annual principal conference for two participants.
 Sept-June – 25 days of coaching support (on-site, Skype, email, phone) for training and
education. School visits to other BPL schools.
 Big Picture Knowledge Works and Big Picture materials for staff and students.
 Monthly Network newsletter, network support and engagement.
3rd Year Open - $75,000
 August – Big Bang attendance for twelve attendees (includes travel, hotel & conference)
 February – Attendance at our annual principal conference for two participants.
 Sept-June – 15 days of coaching support (on-site, Skype, email, phone) for training and
education. School visits to other BPL schools.
 Big Picture Knowledge Works and Big Picture materials for staff and students.
 Monthly Network newsletter, network support and engagement.
 BPL Peer Review on Big Picture Distinguishers
4th Year Open - $30,000
 August – Big Bang attendance for twelve attendees (includes travel, hotel & conference)
 February – Attendance at our annual principal conference for two participants.
 Sept-June – 7 days of coaching support (on-site, Skype, email, phone) for training and
education. School visits to other BPL schools.
 Big Picture Knowledge Works and Big Picture materials for staff and students.
 Monthly Network newsletter, network support and engagement.
 BPL Peer Review on Big Picture Distinguishers
5th Year Open - $30,000
 August – Big Bang attendance for twelve attendees (includes travel, hotel & conference)
 February – Attendance at our annual principal conference for two participants.
 Sept-June – 7 days of coaching support (on-site, Skype, email, phone) for training and
education. School visits to other BPL schools.
 Big Picture Knowledge Works and Big Picture materials for staff and students.
 Monthly Network newsletter, network support and engagement.
 BPL Peer Review on Big Picture Distinguishers
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 258
Sample month-by-month support:
 Big Bang attendance for two advisors and one principal. Big Bang is our national summer
training conference that will provide some training and support for opening your school,
connect you with other BP principals and advisors for additional peer support.
 Help school plan and implement home visits and family engagement activities.
 Professional Development Focus: school culture, grade-level expectations, interest
exploration, family engagement, advisory culture, project development and learning goals,
advisor organizational strategies and planning for one-on-one meetings, interest exploration,
curriculum/thematic unit outline and developing individualized learning plans with students..
 Monthly Network News from Big Picture, monthly Learning Through Interests Coordinator
network call. Weekly principal coaching call.
 Professional Development Focus: school culture, grade-level expectations, interest
exploration, exhibitions, and project development.
 Site visit to other Big Picture schools for instructional coaches.
 Monthly Network News from Big Picture, monthly Learning Through Interests Coordinator
network call. Weekly principal coaching call.
 Professional Development Focus: school culture, grade-level expectations, narratives,
learning plans, project development.
 Site visit to another school for one principals/staff group.
 Monthly Network News from Big Picture, monthly Learning Through Interests Coordinator
network call. Weekly principal coaching call.
 Professional Development Focus: school culture, grade-level expectations, narratives,
learning plans, project development.
 Monthly Network News from Big Picture, monthly Learning Through Interests Coordinator
network call. Weekly principal coaching call.
 Professional Development Focus: school culture, grade-level expectations, internships,
project development, begin discussions about student and staff recruiting.
 Monthly Network News from Big Picture, monthly Learning Through Interests Coordinator
network call. Weekly principal coaching call.
 Help plan and implement family engagement activity.
 Mid-year narrative reports to school/board. Mid-year school self-evaluation.
 Professional Development Focus: school culture, grade-level expectations, project
development, student recruitment & staff recruitment.
 Site visit to another BP school for instructional coaches.
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
page 259
Monthly Network News from Big Picture, monthly Learning Through Interests Coordinator
network call. Weekly principal coaching call.
Principal Retreat/Conference.
 Professional Development Focus: school culture, grade-level expectations, learning plans,
 Site visit to another BP school for principal/staff.
 Monthly Network News from Big Picture, monthly Learning Through Interests Coordinator
network call. Weekly principal coaching call.
April :
 Professional Development Focus: school culture, grade-level expectations, summer
opportunities and plans for students.
 Help plan and implement family engagement activity.
 Monthly Network News from Big Picture, monthly Learning Through Interests Coordinator
network call. Weekly principal coaching call.
 Participate in network-wide peer reviews as part of a review team.
Professional Development Focus: school culture, grade-level expectations, summer
opportunities and plans for students, initial planning for next year.
On-site peer review from network principals – three teams,
Monthly Network News from Big Picture, monthly Learning Through Interests Coordinator
network call. Weekly principal coaching call.
Year-end reflection, summer and following school year planning. Design summer
professional development for staff and rookie camp for students.
Final narrative report to district, year-end self evaluation and plan for upcoming school year.
Weekly principal coaching call.
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A stronger educational system that offers diverse educational models and programs is essential for transforming the current educational, economic, and
social barriers in Lynn.
Lynn has a history of chronic racial and educational barriers that have kept segments of the population from unleashing their true potential. Only 21.5% of
Lynn residents have a bachelor’s degree and only 14.2% have a graduate or professional degree. 16.2% have some college training but no degree. Only 35%
have a high school diploma or GED. Personal meetings, focus groups, and community forums reveal that they want the following from an education
 Provides the foundation for college and career readiness (economic viability)
 Engages students with challenging and relevant curriculum
 Connects student learning to the real world
 Honors their identities and cultures (embraces diversity)
 Supports students in being agents of change in their community (active citizenship)
 Cultivates creativity and health through regular access to art, music, and movement
 Provides an extended day program
Supports students with a range of health and social emotional challenges
What we invest
What we do
Who we reach
 Integrated studies
 Sustained focus on
year-long project
 Studio environment
 Competency-based
 Students from
diverse socioeconomic
 English Language
 Special Education
 Range of academic
 At-risk students
 Community
 Expert mentoring
and tutoring
 Job shadowing and
 Diverse students
that typically do not
see their culture or
background included
in curricula
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
 Students’ portfolios
reflect deep learning
and mastery of
 Diverse student
populations (ELL,
Special Education,
Low/High income, Atrisk) experience
 Student projects
reflect appreciation
and commitment to
 Students work with
 High levels of
students score at
proficient and
advanced levels in
 Completion of
middle and high
 College and Career
 Completion of
college and beyond
 Demonstrated
success in the workforce
 Internships
 Community
involved in planning
implementation of
 Students become
change agents
 Educational, social,
and economic
conditions improve
page 267
 Community
members who offer
mentoring support
 For-profit and nonprofit businesses in
various sectors
service, educational,
 Entrepreneurial
(Growth) Mindsets
 Community-based
Learning Forums
 Exhibitions
 Students and
families struggling
for economic
 For-profit and nonprofit businesses
 Field experts
 Community
members and
Social Emotional
 Morning Circles
 Continuous Learning
 Community Lunch
 Resilience Program
Management (RPM)
 Resiliency Training
 Restorative Justice
 At-risk students
 For-profit and nonprofit businesses
 Field experts
 Community
members and
Arts and Movement
 Daily arts and
movement program
 Integrated arts to
support diverse
 Diverse learners
 At-risk students
Central Square Public Charter School / Final Application
mentors to build upon
strengths and address
problem areas in
 Students see
community as partner
in change process
 Project portfolios
demonstrate that
students understand
and can apply key
 Students engaged in
improvement process
through mentor
 Students learn selfregulation and focus
 Students engage in
goal-setting and action
planning to improve
problem areas in their
academic and social
 Portfolio work and
exhibitions reflect
creative self-discovery
 Creative problem-
curricula and
 Community
 School and district
forges partnership
that advances
educational equity
and innovation
 Social
partner with school
and serve as
 Local and national
exhibitions of
students solutions
to local problems
 For-profit and nonprofit businesses
finance students
college education
 Older students
mentor younger
 Empowered to
build and sustain a
warm and high
performing school
 Students serve as
 Use social
mindsets to
complete college
and flourish
 Graduation
portfolio work
reflects high quality
work and creative
 Active community
members in
advancing arts and
page 268
 Report personal
and professional
satisfaction with
their lives
 Serve as alumni
learning instruction
 Ensemble music to
solving becomes a
daily part of their
 Student engage in
daily health rituals
and innovative
 Some students
opportunities in
arts and music
 Personal and
success reflects a
creative and
Carnegie Model for Continuous Improvement: PLAN, DO, STUDY, ACT (PDSA). PDSA different levels of school functioning: board, education program,
and partnership.
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October 19, 2015
Commissioner Mitchell Chester
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148-4906
Dear Commissioner Chester,
On behalf of PEAR (Program in Education, Afterschool, and Resiliency), at McLean Hospital and
Harvard Medical School, I am happy to submit a letter of support on behalf of Central Square Public
Charter School to become a Commonwealth Charter School. After reviewing the school plan, I was
impressed with the way that the school integrates real-world learning with social/emotional support.
This school design has the potential to be a model to schools and districts that serve a similar
demographic to that of Lynn.
My team at PEAR is looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with Central Square Public Charter
School. PEAR's mission is to create and foster school and afterschool settings in which all young
people can be successful. Dedicated to the whole child; the whole day; the whole year, PEAR
continuously integrates research, theory, and practice for lasting connections between youth
development, school reform, and mental health. PEAR creates and fosters evidence-based
innovations so that increasingly young people can learn, dream, and thrive. PEAR is a joint initiative
between Harvard University and McLean hospital. Since I founded PEAR in 1999, we have expanded
services to Boston schools and our model has been replicated across the country.
PEAR has developed and hosts a variety of assessment tools used to measure success in classrooms
and across healthy youth development. Our goal is to train Central Square staff in the effective use
of these tools to support students’ academic, social, and emotional growth.
I very much recommend that you grant a Commonwealth Charter to Central Square Public Charter
School. I am excited to support the development of this school and see many opportunities for
further collaboration once chartered. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact
me at (617) 484 – 2730.
Dr. Gil Noam
Director, Program in Education, Afterschool and Resiliency
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October 26, 2015
Commissioner Mitchell Chester
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148-4906
Dear Commissioner Chester,
The Achievement Network (ANET) is please to submit a letter of support for Central Square Public
Charter School in their process of becoming a Commonwealth Charter School. Having reviewed
Central Square’s prospectus, we are confident that the school’s focus on project-based and
community-based learning will enable students to form deep understandings of the content and
connect the content to the world and their communities.
ANET is excited to partner with Central Square Public Charter School in the coming years. ANet
works alongside school leadership teams to strengthen their school-wide practice and culture of
using standards and achievement data to get breakthrough results. ANet will provide an integrated
set of tools, professional development and leadership coaching to help the school implement a high
quality teaching and learning cycle. ANet’s formative assessments in math and ELA are aligned to
Common Core standards, and these assessments will help define the rigor of the standards and
provide actionable data for Central Square teachers to design instructional interventions. This data is
supplemented with instructional resource provided on our online platform, MyANet. Since teachers
will have weekly common planning time, we are confident that the school has the structures in place
to deepen their understanding of the standards, plan for strong instruction and reflect on data
connected to instructional priorities. ANet will provide individualized coaching to the school to help
school leaders implement a strong teaching and learning cycle.
As a on a nonprofit, ANet’s goals are the same as schools’: help educators build stronger practice and
help students learn. ANet work with over 725 partner school across 10 regions, and we are uniquely
positioned to share resources and best practices from schools across the country. We use the power
of our network to help our schools improve student learning.
ANet strongly supports Central Square Public Charter School, and we recommend that the school be
granted a Commonwealth Charter. We are excited to partner with Central Square, and we look
forward to being a part of the innovative work they will be doing.
Lindsay Steinmetz Haldeman
Executive Director, Eastern Massachusetts
Achievement Network
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October 23, 2015
Commissioner Mitchell Chester
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148-4906
Dear Commissioner Chester,
Central Source is excited about our partnership with Central Square Public Charter School. We
believe that Central Square has an innovative model that will make learning relevant and engaging
for all students.
We are looking forward to working with Central Square Public Charter School to set up a very
effective financial system that will support the goals of their program. We will support the school
with the following services:
Written Policies and Procedures
Accounting System Setup
Strategic Planning
Budget Preparation and Analysis
Financial Reporting Design
Routine Bookkeeping
Monthly Closing and Reporting
Grants Management
Foundation Management
Audit Preparation and End of Year Reporting
We will also work closely with the school to set up their technology systems. Our IT Leadership team
has a combined 50(+) years of experience in IT and Educational Leadership space. This combined
with top level engineers and end user support technicians enables Central Source to provide
comprehensive Information Technology Services.
We highly recommend the charter school model they are proposing, and we look forward to a longterm collaboration as they serve the students and families of the Commonwealth.
Cynthia Marie
Founder and Owner
Central Source, Inc
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October 15, 2015
Commissioner Mitchell Chester
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148-4906
Dear Commissioner Chester,
With great pleasure I am recommending that Central Square Public Charter School be granted a
Commonwealth Charter. I am very impressed with the school design and leadership. I am confident
that the students and families of Lynn will greatly benefit from such an innovative school program.
HR Knowledge will be providing human resource support to Central Square Public Charter School.
We are a strong and trusted presence within the Massachusetts Charter Network, and we offer an
array of human resource services based upon the unique needs of schools. Like Central Square’s
educational design, we offer an integrated human resource system that supports the needs and
priorities of schools.
We look forward to customizing a human resource support plan for Central Square when the school
is awarded its charter.
Ken Bettenhauser
Founder and President
HR Solutions
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