Vitamin D, micro-nutritional deficiencies and poor diet: prevention

Vitamin D, micro-nutritional deficiencies and poor diet: prevention and effects of
Wim Janssens
Search strategy
Pubmed was searched using the following search criteria: (‘Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
disease’ OR ‘Emphysema’ OR ‘COPD’) and (‘Nutrients’ OR ‘antioxidant’ OR ‘retinoid’ OR
‘vitamin’ OR ‘vitamin D’ OR ‘deficiency’) and (‘diet’ or ‘intervention’ or ‘prevention’). We
limited our search to human studies and English language. Additional retrieval from
systematic reviews and frequently cited papers from reviews. 43 papers were selected.
Vitamin D and calcium intake
Vitamin D may have an important anti-inflammatory potential in different respiratory diseases
(1). Most population-based studies which explored cross-sectional associations between
serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (25-OHD) and pulmonary function, found strong
relationships with FEV1, FVC and Peak Expiratory Flow rate (2-4). Conflicting evidence has
been reported on relationship between 25-OHD and FEV1/FVC ratio, lung function decline as
well as with respiratory tract infections (2;5-7). In COPD cohorts, 25-OHD levels are
correlating with disease severity and deficiency (25-OHD <20ng/ml) may occur in
approximately 75% of the more severe stages (GOLD III and IV) (8;9). Again, conflicting
evidence is found on relationships with exacerbations frequency (10-12). One randomized
controlled trial could not demonstrate benefits of supplementation on exacerbation frequency
in severe COPD patients with exception of the most deficient subgroup (13). Overall,
evidence for non-calcemic anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D in COPD is limited and
recommendations on minimal daily intake - together with calcium intake - are and should be
only based on its proven skeletal effects in the general population (14-17). In addition,
different meta-analyses have shown a significant effect of vitamin D supplementation of fall
reduction in elderly (18-20). Whether this is directly related to an increase in muscle strength
or rather to neuromuscular control is still not clear (21;21-24). Similarly, it remains to be
shown whether these benefits of vitamin D and calcium supplementation are also true for
COPD patients. So far, one intervention trial showed mild additional benefits of vitamin D
supplementation on top of training program in COPD(25), but these data need to be confirmed
with other studies.
Micro-nutritional deficiencies and poor diet
Oxidative stress has a key role in the pathogenesis of COPD (26). Different large populationbased studies have associated a low dietary intake of anti-oxidant vitamins (vitamin C, E, A,
carotene) or higher intake of oxidative nitrogens, with impaired pulmonary function,
increased lung function decline, increased risk of COPD and readmission (27-34). Similar
effects have been attributed to wine and resveratrol intake (35). Two recent studies also report
that relationships with lung function are not only determined by food intake but directly
correlate with anti-oxidant levels in the serum, thereby highlighting its potential mechanism
(36-38). Together, most epidemiological evidence strongly suggest that a prudent dietary
pattern (rich in fresh vegetables, fruit, oily fish, wine and cereals, the so-called
‘Mediterranean diet’) may protect against COPD especially in smokers(39). A recent post-hoc
analysis in 38000 subjects of the Women’s Health Study, a randomized controlled trial with
600 IU of vitamin E every other day, found a 10% reduction in the risk of incident lung
disease (40). When it comes to benefits of micronutrient supplementation in COPD patients,
only small studies are available reporting no or limited benefits (39;41-43). Therefore, dietary
interventions in the management of COPD should target a healthy pattern with sufficient fruit
and vegetables intake. At this stage insufficient evidence is supporting the intake of high
doses of single supplements.
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