DISABILITY STANDARDS FOR EDUCATION 2005 Stocktake of jurisdictional activities and resources June 2014 ISBN: 978-1-74361-680-2 (PDF) 978-1-74361-681-9 (DOCX) With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted all material presented in this document is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) licence. The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative Commons website (accessible using the links provided) as is the full legal code for the CC BY 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode) The document must be attributed as the Australian Government Department of Education Disability Standards for Education Stocktake June 2014. Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Scope of information................................................................................................................................................. 2 Disclaimer.................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Current activities and resources 4 1. National ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 2. Government education authorities ................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Australian Capital Territory: ACT Education and Training Directorate ........................................................ 8 2.2 New South Wales: NSW Department of Education and Communities ...................................................... 13 2.3 Northern Territory: NT Department of Education ..................................................................................... 28 2.4 Queensland: Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment ..................................... 29 2.5 South Australia: SA Department for Education and Child Development .................................................. 41 2.6 Tasmania: Tasmania Department of Education ........................................................................................ 47 2.7 Victoria: Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development ........................................ 50 2.8 Western Australia: WA Department of Education ........................................................................................ 54 3. Non-government education authorities ......................................................................................................... 58 3.1 Independent sector: Independent Schools Council of Australia ............................................................... 58 3.2 Catholic sector ........................................................................................................................................... 60 3.2.1 Catholic Education Commission of NSW ................................................................................................ 60 3.2.2 Catholic Education Office Northern Territory ........................................................................................ 62 3.2.3 Catholic Education Office South Australia.............................................................................................. 66 3.2.4 Queensland Catholic Education Commission ......................................................................................... 67 3.2.5 Tasmania Catholic Education Office ....................................................................................................... 68 4. Completed activities........................................................................................................................................ 69 4.1 Northern Territory Department of Education ............................................................................................... 69 4.2 Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment .............................................................. 70 4.3 Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development ...................................................... 71 1 Introduction Following the 2010 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards), Australian education ministers agreed to address the school related recommendations of the Review. Priorities include raising awareness of the Standards, providing better clarity about the provisions, and importantly for schools, developing guidance, training and tools for teachers to make necessary adjustments for students with disability. Purpose There are already resources and materials available that raise awareness of the Standards, which have been developed by jurisdictions as well as under the Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. In recognition of this activity, a stocktake was conducted of existing activities and resources that aim to promote awareness and provide guidance on the Standards. This is the first step towards developing an evidence bank of resources about the Standards. The stocktake is a point in time document that demonstrates the considerable range of material available to provide awareness and guidance on the Standards across jurisdictions. The stocktake will be used to identify gaps in relation to awareness and guidance material, with the next stage developing materials to address information gaps. Scope of information The first section outlines current activities at a national level and is followed by activities in jurisdictions including government and non-government education authorities. The scope of the information covered in the stocktake is outlined in Table 1. Completed activities in relation to the Standards are listed at the end of the stocktake. Table 1: Scope of information included in Stocktake of Jurisdictional Activities and Resources Item Description Resource name Type of resource for example training, information, publication, initiative or activity. Jurisdiction Government or organisation responsible. Location Where the activity is delivered, including multiple locations. Delivery agency Who is responsible for delivery; any partnering agencies. Funding source Where does funding come from; other funding sources. Duration When activities commenced, finished or are due to finish; is the activity short term/trial/ long term/ongoing. 2 Item Description Aims and description The purpose, rationale and main features of the activity. Participants Who is the activity targeting? Evidence base What is the evidence underpinning the activity and approach? Evaluation Will there be an evaluation and if so, when? Outcomes Outcomes including the usefulness of the resource for raising awareness or providing guidance in the future. Further information Links to information and contacts.* * Note: some website links provided by jurisdictions do not allow national participant access. For access to some resources and information you may need to contact the relevant education authority directly. Disclaimer Information contained in this stocktake was provided to the Australian Government by jurisdictions including state and territory government and non-government education authorities. The information was current as at June 2014. 3 Current activities and resources 1. National Table 2: National activities and resources - Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards for Education 2005 e-learning Item Description Resource name Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards) e-learning. Jurisdiction All states and territory education authorities and NSW Catholic Education Commission. Location National. Delivery agency University of Canberra in conjunction with jurisdictions. Funding source Jurisdictions are contributing to research and development costs, with assistance from the Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration Developed over 2012 – 2014. Aims and description The purpose of the e-learning resource is to improve participants’ capacity to meet their obligations under the DDA and the Disability Standards for Education. The resource is targeted to meet the different learning needs of key client groups (such as school teachers and administrative staff, educational leaders, and parents and caregivers) with a common core of content material. There will be eight courses designed to develop the participants’ practical skills and strategies to meet the requirements of the Standards through interactive, experiential learning and scenariobased problem solving. Participants The e-learning resource will have three modules aimed at frontline workers, educational leaders and parents and carers. All learning material provided within each element will be presented in eight courses targeting learners in different contexts: 1. Early Childhood – Prior to fulltime school 2. Early Childhood – School 3. Primary 4 Item Description 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Junior Secondary Senior Secondary Educational Leaders Parents and Community Education Assistants. Evidence base The Review of the Disability Standards for Education found that awareness of the Standards is patchy and inconsistent among educators. It was recommended a range of targeted information resources for education users and providers be developed to raise awareness and understanding of the Standards. Evaluation A client survey and an Impact Assessment of the e-learning resource will be conducted concurrently with the overarching evaluation of the MSSD initiative. This project will assess the impact of the Disability Standards for Education e-learning resource on the professional practice of school personnel. The project will explore how schools and school systems use the training and which methods prove most effective. Outcomes Project underway. Further information School staff should consult their local education authority about access to the e-learning resources; or access the Disability Standards for Education e-learning project website (http://dse.theeducationinstitute.edu.au/login/index.php). Table 3: National activities and resources - More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) Evaluation Item Description Resource name More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) Evaluation. Jurisdiction Australian Government Department of Education. Location All state and territory government and non-government education authorities. Delivery agency Phillips KPA for Department of Education. Funding source Department of Education. 5 Item Description Duration 2013-15. Aims and description The Department of Education has commissioned approximately 40 case studies spread across jurisdictions, outputs and locations. The case studies have two main purposes. Information sharing–providing a narrative of what is being achieved as a result of the MSSD initiative and the context in which it is occurring across each of the MSSD outputs, most particularly describing how the MSSD initiative is leading to effective practices in schools; and Evaluative–giving insights into the systems, processes and resources that have been deployed by education authorities to facilitate the rollout of the MSSD initiative in these settings. Participants Resources to be available to jurisdictions. Evidence base Assessing what has been achieved under MSSD and sharing examples to improve practice is a key component of the program. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes Project underway. Further information Further information is available from the Department of Education website (http://www.education.gov.au/evaluation-more-supportstudents-disabilities-initiative). 6 Table 4: National activities and resources - Australian Association of Special Education (AASE) – Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) Resources Item Description Resource name Australian Association of Special Education (AASE) – Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) Resources. Jurisdiction National Professional Association. Location Resources available on website for public. Have been used in all states and territories. Delivery agency Members of the Association and available to other parties. Funding source AASE provided funding for the production of the resources. Duration The resources were developed in 2010. Aims and description The resource was developed in order to encourage higher levels of understanding of and commitment to the application of the Disability Standards for Education. Participants Individual information kits have been prepared for classroom teachers, school principals, parents and primary caregivers and students. Evidence base N/A. Evaluation These resources will be revisited in light of the current work. Outcomes N/A. Further information Copies of the information kits are available at the AASE website (www.aase.edu.au). 7 2. Government education authorities 2.1 Australian Capital Territory: ACT Education and Training Directorate Table 5: ACT activities and resources – School-level Professional Learning Item Description Resource name School-level Professional Learning: Face-to-face in staff meetings. Jurisdiction ACT Government. Location Across ACT public schools. Delivery agency ACT Education and Training Directorate. Funding source ACT Government. Duration Long-term. Aims and description The Professional Learning sessions are delivered at schools and aim to raise awareness and understanding of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education in all ACT Public Schools. These sessions have been developed to support the implementation of the University of Canberra e-learning modules on the Disability Standards for Education. Sessions are delivered by an ACT Education and Training Directorate official from the Disability Education team. Participants School leaders and teachers across preschool, primary, secondary and senior secondary schools. Evidence base The Review of the Disability Standards for Education found that awareness of the Standards is patchy and inconsistent among educators. It was recommended that a range of targeted information resources for education users and providers be developed to raise awareness and understanding of the Standards. Evaluation Ongoing. Outcomes The resource has been useful for raising awareness of the DDA and the Disability Standards for Education in schools. 8 Item Description Further information Further information is available from the ACT Education and Training Directorate website (www.det.act.gov.au/). Table 6: ACT activities and resources – Disability Education Coordinators Item Description Resource name Disability Education Coordinators (DECOs). Jurisdiction ACT Government. Location Across ACT public schools. Delivery agency ACT Education and Training Directorate. Funding source The Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration MSSD funding provided over 2012-13. Aims and description Disability Education Coordinators (DECOs) are in all ACT Public Schools. Each Coordinator has responsibility for raising awareness about, and raising the profile of, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards) in schools. The Standards are the foundation for the work undertaken by Disability Education Coordinators. Participants DECOs work with school leaders and teachers in their preschool/primary, secondary and senior secondary school to assist with understanding the Standards. DECOs are trained by the Disability Education team in the ACT Education and Training Directorate. Evidence base Schools and teachers with direct access to a designated Coordinator are more likely to engage meaningfully with the DDA and the Standards The Review of the Standards found that awareness of the Standards is patchy and inconsistent among educators. It was recommended that a range of targeted information resources for education users and providers be developed to raise awareness 9 Item Description and understanding of the Standards. Evaluation Ongoing. Outcomes Greater success in raising awareness has been seen when the DECO is a member of the school leadership team, especially a Deputy Principal, rather than a classroom teacher. Further information Further information is available from the ACT Education and Training Directorate website (www.det.act.gov.au/). Table 7: ACT activities and resources – Individual Learning Plan training Item Description Resource name Individual Learning Plan Training. Jurisdiction ACT Government. Location Across ACT public schools. Delivery agency ACT Education and Training Directorate. Funding source ACT Government. Duration Long-term. Aims and description Professional learning about Individual Learning Plans is an integral part of making concrete links between the Disability Standards for Education and classroom practice. This professional learning is delivered by Disability Education Coordinators (DECOs) along with an ACT Education and Training Directorate official from the Disability Education team. The ACT Education and Training Disability Education team has developed a ‘train-the-trainer’ package for Term 3 2013. Participants School leaders and teachers across preschool, primary, secondary and senior secondary schools with responsibility for working with students and families in the formation of Individual Learning Plans. 10 Item Description Evidence base The Review of the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards) found that awareness of the Standards is patchy and inconsistent among educators. It was recommended that a range of targeted information resources for education users and providers be developed to raise awareness and understanding of the Standards. Evaluation Ongoing. Outcomes The resource has been useful for raising awareness of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Standards in schools. Further information Further information is available from the ACT Education and Training Directorate website (www.det.act.gov.au/). Table 8: ACT activities and resources – Online Training Ltd UK modules Item Description Resource name Online Training (OLT) Ltd UK modules. Jurisdiction ACT Government. Location Across ACT public schools. Delivery agency ACT Education and Training Directorate. Funding source ACT Government. Duration Long-term. Aims and description Online Training (OLT) modules deliver learning packages to build capacity in all teaching at ACT public schools. The modules improve teacher capacity to work with all students in the classroom and develop collaborative, support networks. OLT online modules are underpinned by the DDA and the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards) and cover Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Speech Language and Communication Needs, Managing Behaviour, Motor Coordination Difficulties, Hearing 11 Item Description Impairment, Visual Impairment, and Dyslexia. Participants School leaders and teachers across preschool, primary, secondary and senior secondary schools. Evidence base The Review of the Standards found that awareness of the Standards is patchy and inconsistent among educators. It was recommended that a range of targeted information resources for education users and providers be developed to raise awareness and understanding of the Standards. Evaluation Ongoing and built into the program. Outcomes The resource has been useful for raising awareness of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992(DDA) and the Standards in schools. Further information Further information is available from the ACT Education and Training Directorate website (www.det.act.gov.au/). 12 2.2 New South Wales: NSW Department of Education and Communities Table 9: NSW activities and resources – Every Student Every School: Learning and Support – professional learning modules Item Description Resource name Every Student Every School: Learning and Support – professional learning modules. Jurisdiction NSW Government. Location Statewide access for NSW Public Schools staff through the Department of Education and Communities intranet, delivered locally. Delivery agency NSW Department of Education and Communities. Funding source Development supported by NSW funding. Delivery is supported in 2012-2013 through additional assistance from the Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration Current and ongoing. Aims and description The Learning and Support modules are designed to provide induction and professional learning for a broad school audience. Their purpose is to enable all education staff in NSW public schools and support roles to develop and strengthen their understanding of the Learning and Support Framework being implemented across all NSW public schools through Every Student, Every School and to improve their capacity to meet their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards for Education. The following modules are currently available to schools and regions: Module 1: Learning and Support - Making a Difference Module 2: Learning and Support Teams Additional modules will be progressively made available to schools and regions to support the implementation of personalised learning and support and specific areas of professional learning relevant for teachers in learning and support roles. 13 Item Description Participants Education staff in schools and Educational Services teams supporting schools. Evidence base Students with disability and additional learning and support needs are enrolled in every NSW public school. Every Student, Every School is a NSW reform initiative designed to strengthen support for students with disability by establishing a Learning and Support framework in every NSW public school. A range of professional learning modules are being developed and implemented to support a wide range of teachers and support staff to better understand their obligations to students with disability and how to maximise school processes and resources to support students and their teachers. Evaluation Evaluation of the modules will occur at a local level based on attendance data and participants feedback. This will inform further updates of the modules. Outcomes The modules have assisted understanding of school leaders and staff about the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards) and school processes that support students with disability. They are complemented by e-learning on the Disability Standards for Education. Further information Further information is available from the NSW Department of Education and Communities website (www.dec.nsw.gov.au/aboutus/how-we-operate/national-partnerships/every-student-everyschool) 14 Table 10: NSW activities and resources – NSW model for delivering supported online learning (using online learning modules licensed from Online Training Ltd) Item Description Resource name NSW model for delivering supported online learning (using online learning modules licensed from Online Training Ltd). Jurisdiction NSW Government. Location Online access for NSW Public Schools statewide. Delivery agency NSW Department of Education and Communities in conjunction with Online Training Ltd (UK). Funding source NSW state funding, with enhanced access for NSW Public Schools staff through additional assistance from the More Support for Students with Disabilities initiative. Duration Current and ongoing. Aims and description The Department of Education and Communities (DEC) provides six courses developed and owned by Online Training. These online courses are delivered through a supported model of professional learning developed by the DEC. This model blends tutor led sessions for participant discussion, tutor led presentations and sharing of teaching resources with self-paced individual study. Teachers in NSW are accredited for their learning on passing the course in accordance with the (NSW) teaching standards by the NSW Institute of Teachers. To successfully complete one of the online courses participants are required to meet all of the agreed course requirements; attend tutor led sessions, study all of the course content, write SMART goals and interventions and complete a minimum of 10 forum contributions. Each of the current courses require around 20 hours of study to complete. Each course has four main elements: Understanding; Assessment for learning; Interventions; Case studies. The web-based format allows content to be presented in a variety of ways to accommodate different learning styles. There are also a number of interactive elements that support and encourage the learning process including animations, self-assessment exercises, online quizzes, video clips, online forums, printable resources and access to a range of related 15 Item Description websites. Courses currently available through the DEC are: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders Understanding and Managing Behaviour Understanding Motor Coordination Difficulties Inclusion of students with speech, language and communication needs Understanding Dyslexia and Significant Difficulties in Reading Understanding Hearing Loss The approaches to personalising teaching and learning and understanding students' needs is highly supportive of inclusive classroom and whole school practice. In addition the DEC model provides tutor led materials, discussions and presentations that directly address the DDA and the Standards, support participants' understanding of the Standards and how the course content can assist in providing reasonable adjustments through personalised learning and support. Participants The courses are designed for all those who support children and young people with disability and additional learning needs in educational contexts from early childhood through to Year 12. Evidence base Students with disability and additional learning and support needs are enrolled in every NSW public school. All teachers must have the capacity to deliver quality learning experiences to every student. The Online Training courses and DEC model provide a more flexible format for training delivery than traditional courses: allowing participants located across the state with diverse professional learning needs to access quality training, study together in an ICT suite, or from home or elsewhere at their own pace. Evaluation Extensive evaluative data is generated through individual participant and whole cohort responses to pre and post course questionnaires. This is ongoing. Outcomes More than 13,000 individuals in the NSW public school system have completed one or more course as at November 2013. The courses 16 Item Description and the delivery model rate continuously highly in terms of impact on extending knowledge, skills and confidence in supporting students with special needs. Further information Further information is available from the NSW Department of Education and Communities website (www.schools.nsw.edu.au/studentsupport/programs/disability.php). Table 11: NSW activities and resources – Classroom Teacher Program Item Description Resource name Classroom Teacher Program - modules from the unit series, Engaging all students in learning: students with special learning needs. Jurisdiction NSW Government. Location NSW Department of Education and Communities intranet. Delivery agency NSW Department of Education and Communities. Funding source NSW state funding. Duration Current and ongoing. Aims and description Each of the three modules below can be used by teachers in NSW public schools towards attainment and maintenance of their accreditation at Professional Competence/Proficient with the NSW Institute of Teachers. The purpose of the modules is to provide teachers with an understanding of how legislation and policy describe and underpin every teacher’s responsibility to provide education which meets the needs of students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties in NSW public schools. Module: Students with Special Education Needs: understanding legislation and policy. Module provides teachers with an understanding of how legislation and policy describe and underpin every teacher’s 17 Item Description responsibility to provide education which meets the needs of students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties in NSW public schools. Indicative duration: 3 hours. Module: Engaging students with special education needs: curriculum support and requirements K-6. Module provides teachers with an understanding of their responsibility to apply state legislation and DEC policy to their professional practice. Indicative duration: 4 hours. Module: Engaging students with special learning needs: curriculum supports and requirements Years 7-12. Module provides teachers with an understanding of NSW Board of Studies requirements and DEC policy for students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties and an understanding of every teacher’s responsibility to apply state legislation and DEC policy to their professional practice. Indicative duration: 4 hours (Focus of the module is on Life Skills curriculum content and outcomes). Participants In addition to early career teachers, teachers who may also find the course helpful include teachers: who have recently completed a retraining program or are new to teaching in NSW returning to the service after a period of absence or following a career change teaching outside their subject area working in a new school context. Evidence base The Classroom Teacher Program is a professional learning program designed for early career teachers to support them in demonstrating the standards at Professional Competence/Proficient to achieve and maintain accreditation. Evaluation Participants evaluate the individual modules upon completion. Outcomes Modules provide an introduction to teachers early in their careers about their obligations under legislation to meet the needs of students with disability and/or learning difficulties. 18 Item Description Further information Further information is available from the NSW Department of Education and Communities website (www.det.nsw.edu.au/proflearn/areas/qt/support.htm) Table 12: NSW activities and resources – Legal Issues Bulletins Item Description Resource name Legal Issues Bulletins. Jurisdiction NSW Government. Location NSW Department of Education and Communities website. Bulletins are available as PDF downloads. Delivery agency NSW Department of Education and Communities. Funding source N/A. Duration Current and ongoing. Bulletins are published on a regular basis. Aims and description Legal Issues Bulletins provide legal advice and guidance to NSW public schools, TAFE institutes and local area offices and state office staff on matters arising from the Department’s operations. They address a range of topics providing legal advice in respect of departmental policies, procedures or operational issues that have a legal complexion. Bulletin No 5: Student Discipline in Government Schools. Identifies factors to be taken into consideration when action is contemplated against a student with a disability. Identifies and provides links to: NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) Commonwealth Disability Standards for Education 2005 Provides explanations of obligations and definitions of disability including disability discrimination in the education context. Bulletin No 46: Legal issues concerning the administration of prescribed medications, health care procedures and medical 19 Item Description emergencies in schools and TAFE NSW. Provides links to DDA and the Standards. Application of legislation and obligations under the disability legislation is explained. Bulletin No 52: (November 2012) Legal rights and responsibilities to a government school student who is diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis. Identifies legal rights and obligations under discrimination legislation. Provides links to DDA and the Standards. Also provides a link to the Discrimination page on the Legal Services intranet website. Participants Legal Issues Bulletins are for the purposes of assisting officers of the NSW Department of Education and Communities in NSW public schools, TAFE Colleges and Institutes, local area offices and State Offices. The bulletins are made available publicly on the Department’s web site in the interests of openness and in keeping with the principles of the (NSW) Government Information (Public Access) Act. Evidence base New legislation and changes to existing legislation. The Bulletins also form a response by the directorate in the prevention of legal liability and risk reduction. They address emerging issues in schools and TAFE NSW. Evaluation Bulletins are reviewed and updated in accordance with changes to legislation. Outcomes The resources provide a ready reference for schools, TAFE NSW and education personnel. Further information Further information is available from the NSW Department of Education and Communities website (www.dec.nsw.gov.au/aboutus/information-access/legal-issues-bulletins) 20 Table 13: NSW activities and resources – Legal Services Directorate, Intranet webpage Item Description Resource name Legal Services Directorate, Intranet webpage – Disability Discrimination. Jurisdiction NSW Government. Location NSW Department of Education and Communities intranet/Legal Services Directorate. Delivery agency NSW Department of Education and Communities. Funding source N/A. Duration Current and ongoing. Aims and description The Department’s Legal Services’ intranet site provides DEC staff with a definition of disability discrimination in the education context. The site content answers the following questions: How is disability defined for the purpose of disability discrimination legislation? What is disability discrimination in the education context? What is direct discrimination? What is indirect discrimination? What are the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards)? What about the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977? In addition to direct links to the Standards and the AntiDiscrimination Board the site also provides DEC staff with a link to papers from a Discrimination Seminar for NSW Public Schools principals and regional leaders held in August 2012. Participants The Department of Education and Communities intranet is accessible to: Schools, TAFE Colleges and Institutes, NSW Public School offices. 21 Item Description Evidence base The intranet page addresses emerging issues in schools and informs schools and regions of key legislation that impact on their work. The question and answers on the intranet webpage are designed for all departmental personnel to increase awareness in the education context of the impact of discrimination and of our obligations under the legislation to all students. Evaluation Legal services will make modifications to the intranet page as a response to issues that arise in schools and changes to legislation. Outcomes The intranet webpage provides initial advice to all NSW public school personnel in relation to the legislation. It connects staff with useful links and contacts that will provide additional information. Further information N/A. Table 14: NSW activities and resources – Training activity – Supporting Students with Disability, A Legal and Policy Perspective Item Description Resource name Training activity – Supporting Students with Disability, A Legal and Policy Perspective. Jurisdiction NSW Government. Location By request to NSW Public Schools personnel. Delivery agency NSW Department of Education and Communities. Funding source N/A. Duration Current and ongoing. Aims and description The training activity Supporting Students with Disability, A Legal and Policy Perspective is a proactive strategy aimed at developing awareness and understanding, in schools and regions, of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education. It aims to empower schools in the 22 Item Description management of concerns raised in connection to this legislation. The activity enables participants to apply their learning through a series of case studies which emphasise the impact of disability and recognize the important role that the DDA and the Standards have in addressing that. The activity also addresses the following: Procedural fairness and empathy Collaboration with families Effective complaint handling Understanding the need to make reasonable adjustments Participants Staff in schools and Educational Services teams supporting schools. Training is upon request, targeting in particular, school executives, principal groups and Educational Services staff across metropolitan, rural and remote areas. Evidence base The training package is a response to a demand from schools and regions to gain greater depth of understanding of the DDA and the Standards and how these legislations apply in individual school settings. Evaluation Modifications to the training activity occur as a result of tailoring the activity to suit the participant’s needs at a particular time. Changes may also occur as a result of participant feedback. Outcomes Positive responses from participants to the training and continued requests for further training confirm the need across the state for targeted training such as this. Further information For further information contact Disability, Learning and Support, NSW Public Schools, at email disability.support@det.nsw.edu.au 23 Table 15: NSW activities and resources – Physical as anything.com Item Description Resource name Physical as anything.com Jurisdiction NSW Government. Location Online at www.physicalasanything.com.au/ Delivery agency NSW Department of Education and Communities in conjunction with NSW Health. Funding source NSW state funding. Duration Current and ongoing. Aims and description Physical as anything.com is a website that supports students with medical, developmental and psychological conditions and is written for teachers, schools, healthcare professionals, students and families. A joint initiative by the NSW Department of Education and Communities and NSW Health. The website provides detailed descriptions of more than 50 conditions affecting school-aged children and young people. Video clips, links to online resources, in addition to information and fact sheets, increase the applicability of the site. The site describes the educational implications of each condition and supports teachers to understand the needs of students in making or providing reasonable adjustment. All the information has been contributed by a panel of medical and educational experts. All the articles are peer-reviewed to ensure accuracy, reliability, currency and are endorsed by the NSW Department of Education and Communities and NSW Health. The website provides information on: Medical, developmental, psychological conditions of childhood and adolescence Implications of each condition for a student’s education Resources for teachers to assist in providing effective support to these students. 24 Item Description Participants Physical as anything.com provides information to education personnel, parents and carers and healthcare professionals. Evidence base The website replaces previous hard copy manuals. It allows ready maintenance of up to date information and wider access. Evaluation Physical as anything.com is a dynamic site that responds to the needs of teachers, parents/carers and healthcare professionals as they provide support to students with disability and additional learning needs. It is regularly updated to reflect new understandings and knowledge in the education and medical fields. Outcomes The website supports ready access to reliable information about medical, developmental and psychological conditions and their implications for schooling for teachers, parents, allied health services and others. Further information For further information please visit the website www.physicalasanything.com.au or email Disability, Learning and Support, NSW Public Schools, at disability.support@det.nsw.edu.au. Table 16: NSW activities and resources – NSW Department of Education and Communities’ Disability Action Plan 2011-2015 Item Description Resource name NSW Department of Education and Communities’ Disability Action Plan 2011-2015. Jurisdiction NSW Government. Location Statewide – access via Department of Education and Communities’ website. Delivery agency NSW Department of Education and Communities. Funding source N/A. Duration Current plan is for 2011-2015. 25 Item Description Aims and description The Disability Action Plan is part of the NSW Department and Education and Communities’ strategy to better engage people with a disability. It covers the Department’s education provision in NSW public schools, TAFE NSW and Community and Migrant Education and related corporate functions. It sets out actions for continuous improvement over the five year period 2011-2015. The plan identifies objects of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and provides a definition of disability under the DDA. Participants The plan is applicable to all staff employed in NSW public schools, regions and state offices. It also applies to students who attend public schools and has implications for each school community parents, caregivers and other related professionals. Evidence base The development of the Disability Action Plan complies with the requirements of the NSW Disability Services Act 1993 (Section 9) and is consistent with the objectives of the Commonwealth DDA. Evaluation Progress against the Disability Action Plan is reported each year as part of the Department of Education and Communities’ Annual Report. The final phase of this Disability Action Plan will be the 2015 end-of-period review and report which will document the progress the Department has made towards the achievement of the outcomes in the plan and form the basis for developing the next five-year plan. Outcomes N/A. Further information Further information is available from the NSW Department’s website. Table 17: NSW activities and resources – National Disability Strategy – NSW Implementation Plan 2012-2014 Item Description Resource name National Disability Strategy NSW Implementation Plan 2012-2014 Jurisdiction NSW Government. Location NSW – access via NSW Family and Community Services website. 26 Item Description Delivery agency NSW government agencies, including the Department of Education and Communities. Funding source N/A. Duration Current plan is for 2012-2014. Aims and description The NSW Implementation Plan 2012-2014 is the NSW Government’s initial response to implementing the National Disability Strategy. The plan builds on existing NSW disability reforms and includes a range of new initiatives. The plan addresses the six policy areas included in the National Disability Strategy, including Learning and Skills. The plan identifies objects of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and provides a definition of disability under the Act. In relation to school education, the plan includes actions for improving support for students with disability in NSW Public Schools in line with the requirements of the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards). Participants The plan is applicable to all staff employed in NSW government agencies. It also applies to people with disability and their parents and carers in NSW, including school students. Evidence base The development of the NSW Implementation Plan 2012-2014 is consistent with the National Disability Strategy. It reflects a range of obligations to people with disability in NSW under international, national and state legislation, including the DDA. Evaluation Progress against the NSW Implementation Plan 2012-2014 will be monitored by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS). A consolidated NSW progress report will be published on the FACS website in 2014. Outcomes N/A. Further information Further information is available from the NSW ADHC website. 27 2.3 Northern Territory: NT Department of Education Table 18: NT activities and resources – Awareness Materials Item Description Resource name Awareness Materials (FAQ, parent brochure). Jurisdiction Northern Territory (NT) Government (School Support Services – Disability Services). Location Across the NT. Delivery agency Disability Services officers. Funding source N/A. Duration Available since 2008 to current. Aims and description As part of the rollout of the renewed Students with Disabilities policy in 2008/2009 awareness materials were developed with information about the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards) and Students with Disabilities policy. Participants Principals, special education teachers, classroom teachers, parents and carers. Evidence base N/A. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes Information about the Standards was provided to the various audiences across the NT. Materials were later available for Principals to provide information to staff. Further information The fact sheet about the Standards and brochure about the Students with Disabilities policy are available on the NT Department of Education website. 28 2.4 Queensland: Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment Table 19: Queensland activities and resources – Managing Learning for Diversity/ On the Same Page Professional Development Modules Item Description Resource name Managing Learning for Diversity/ On the Same Page Professional Development Modules. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location Hosted on the Department website. Delivery agency Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Funding source N/A. Duration Ongoing; requires updating to reflect current policies and initiatives. Aims and description These professional development modules highlight the legislative and policy influences on curriculum reform, renewal and leadership in the current context, as well as provide evidence informed educational and school approaches to building inclusive education practices for all students including students with disability. Participants All schools and curriculum leaders. Evidence base Based on evidence-based practice and good practice where evidence is not available. Evaluation Review/evaluation currently occurring. Outcomes N/A as currently being reviewed. Further information The professional development modules are available on the Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment website. 29 Table 20: Queensland activities and resources – Contemporary Practices: Students with Disabilities Item Description Resource name Contemporary Practices: Students with Disabilities. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location Hosted on the Department website – the Learning Place. Access is facilitated by departmental officers. Delivery agency Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Funding source User pays. Duration Annually. Aims and description This course focuses on improving program delivery to students with disability. Participants will be involved in developing inclusive practices for programming for and supporting students with disabilities in regular classrooms. Participants All schools and curriculum leaders. Evidence base Based on evidence-based practice and good practice where evidence is not available. Evaluation Feedback received from participants at the end of the course. Outcomes Evaluation data has been collected each semester and reports provided to regions. Course is very popular and a waiting list exists to cope with demand. Course modules are contemporary and interactive, providing extensive resources for ongoing learning. The course takes approximately 20 hours to complete and a certificate is provided after successful completion. The course offers professional development hours for teaching staff and is aligned to the Professional Standards for Teachers. Further information The course is available on the Learning Place website. 30 Table 21: Queensland activities and resources – Contemporary Practices: School to Post-School Transition for Students with Disabilities Item Description Resource name Contemporary Practices: School to Post-School Transition for Students with Disabilities. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location Hosted on departmental website – the Learning Place. Access is facilitated by departmental officers. Delivery agency Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Funding source User pays. Duration Annually. Aims and description This course provides structured, facilitated, online learning experiences focused on understanding and successfully managing the transition to life beyond school. The course seeks to examine and identify the quality teaching and learning practices that have a positive impact on students’ transition for school to post-school life. Participants Department of Education, Training and Employment and TAFE teachers, teacher aides, administrators and support staff. Evidence base Based on evidence-based practice and good practice where evidence is not available. The course has been developed as a direct result of the research project Quality Outcomes for Students with Disabilities: School to Post-School Transition. Evaluation Feedback received from participants at the end of the course. Outcomes Evaluation data has been collected each semester and reports provided to regions. Course is very popular and a waiting list exists to cope with demand. Course modules are contemporary and interactive, providing extensive resources for ongoing learning. The course takes approximately 20 hours to complete and a certificate is provided after successful completion. The course offers professional development hours for teaching 31 Item Description staff and is aligned to the Professional Standard for Teachers. Further information The course is available on the Learning Place website. Table 22: Queensland activities and resources – Diversity Training Program Item Description Resource name Diversity Training Program. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location Hosted on departmental website – the Learning Place. Access is facilitated by departmental officers. Delivery agency Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Funding source User pays. Duration Ongoing. Aims and description This program is designed to provide a solid foundation for building an inclusive workplace, where people are valued for their diverse cultures, experiences, knowledge and abilities. The following topics are covered: Anti-discrimination awareness Disability awareness Multicultural awareness (including Australian south Sea Islander cultural awareness) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness Women in leadership. Participants All staff. Evidence base Based on evidence-based practice and good practice where evidence is not available. Evaluation Feedback received from participants at the end of the course. 32 Item Description Outcomes Course modules are contemporary and interactive, providing extensive resources for ongoing learning. Each course takes approximately 60 minutes to complete and a certificate is provided after successful completion of each course assessment. The training modules offer professional development hours for teaching staff and are aligned to the Professional Standard for Teachers as well as the Capability Leadership Framework. Further information The course is available on the Learning Place website. Table 23: Queensland activities and resources – Online Training Australia Online Courses Item Description Resource name Online Training Australia Online Courses. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location Available online. Delivery agency Access online; tutor-led. Funding source Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration Ongoing. Licensed until 2017. Aims and description These courses are designed to provide professional learning for school leaders, teachers and support staff to improve the educational outcomes for students with disability and inform educators of their obligations under the DDA and DSE. The following courses are currently available: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Understanding dyslexia and significant difficulties with reading Understanding motor coordination difficulties Supporting learners with speech, language and communication needs 33 Item Description Participants All school staff. Evidence base Based on international evidence-based practice and research. Evaluation Feedback received from participants. Outcomes Course modules are contemporary and interactive, providing extensive resources for ongoing learning. Each course takes approximately 20 hours to complete and a certificate is provided after successful completion. The courses offer professional development hours for teaching staff and are aligned to the Professional Standard for Teachers. Further information Further information is available at: Inclusion Online (www.inclusiononline-aus.net/) The Department’s intranet available for employees. Table 24: Queensland activities and resources – Disability Service Plan Item Description Resource name Disability Service Plan. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location Available online. Delivery agency Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Funding source Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Duration Commenced in 2011; under review in 2014. Aims and description The Disability Service Plan outlines the Department’s commitments under the whole-of-government action plan. The plan includes actions for improving support for students in line with the requirements of the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards). 34 Item Description Participants All departmental staff. Evidence base The development of the plan is consistent with the Queensland response to the National Disability Strategy. It reflects a commitment to ensuring that the principles and requirements of relevant legislation including the Standards underpin the activities conducted in the department. Evaluation Annual reporting on progress with plan. Outcomes N/A – The Department’s Disability Services Plan is currently being reviewed. Further information N/A. Table 25: Queensland activities and resources – Quality Schools, Inclusive Leaders program Item Description Resource name Quality Schools, Inclusive Leaders program Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location This program is currently being delivered face to face. Program resources will be hosted on the Department’s website at the conclusion of face to face delivery. Delivery agency Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment representative and field expert Professor Loretta Giorcelli. Funding source Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment; and Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration Program commenced May 2013 with completion scheduled for July 2014. Aims and description A regionally based two day face to face professional development program related to enhancing the capability of school leaders in inclusive practice, understanding legal responsibilities and complex 35 Item Description case management. The training provides practical skills in goal setting, planning, implementing interventions and reviewing progress and effectiveness. Self-reflection of personal leadership practices is a key component of the program. Participants complete a 3-4 month action research project that will enhance an identified area of school inclusivity practices during which schools are supported by an Inclusive Education Mentor who provides encouragement and timely advice. The training package has been informed by current research and legislative requirements surrounding inclusivity in schools. Participants All principals and up to two members from each school leadership team. Evidence base Evidence-based practice and good practice where evidence is not available. The program has been developed as a direct result of a detailed needs analysis of school leaders. Evaluation Feedback will be received from participants. Program will be evaluated as part of the MSSD initiative. Outcomes This program has achieved above the National Partnership benchmarks and will be extended through the MSSD National Partnership phase 2. Further information Further information is available on the Department’s intranet available to employees. 36 Table 26: Queensland activities and resources – Teacher Aides Working with Students with Disabilities Online Courses Item Description Resource name Teacher Aides Working with Students with Disabilities Online Courses. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location Hosted on the Department’s website – the Learning Place. Delivery agency Access online – self-paced. Funding source Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment; and Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration On demand; ongoing. Aims and description The seven courses in this series are based on an original series of booklets Teacher Aides working with Students with Disabilities These courses are developed to be both a learning course, with alignment to Certificate IV in Education Support, and an ongoing available resource for teacher aides. The courses can be self-paced independent engagement or facilitated at a school for a group of teacher aides. The 6 disability specific courses have 3 modules within each course; include illustrations, photos, quizzes, reflection questions and vignettes of interviews with students and teacher aides. The courses provide the audience with an understanding of disability, the impact of impairment on learning and the adjustment for students to engage in learning on the same basis as their peers. The courses are written for teacher aides and reinforce the role and responsibility of teacher aides throughout the content. The Introduction course supports the induction needs of teacher aides, and introduces the audience to: students with disability; the role of teacher aides working with staff; working with students and understanding their ongoing professional learning requirements. Participants Teacher Aides. Evidence base Based on evidence-based practice, a literature review on the roles of teacher aides supporting students with disability and good 37 Item Description practice where evidence is not available. Evaluation Three courses – Teacher aides supporting students with intellectual disability, Teacher aides supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Teacher aides supporting students with disability Introduction have been piloted and evaluated. Courses on Physical Impairment, Vision Impairment, Hearing Impairment and Speech Language Impairment will be available from the start of Semester 2 2014. Outcomes Courses are interactive, providing clear understanding of disability suitable to the role of teacher aides. A certificate of successful completion is issued at the end of the course. The online courses have a participant survey as part of the course completion process. The evaluation survey is capturing the responses of participant and measuring participant perspectives on: pre and post course knowledge; relevance of course to role; and positive impact on professional practice. Further information Further information is available on the Department’s intranet available to employees. Table 27: Queensland activities and resources – Teacher Aides Supporting Students with Disabilities in the Senior Phase of Schooling Item Description Resource name Teacher Aides Supporting Students with Disabilities in the Senior Phase of Schooling. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location Delivered as a face to face workshop. Webconference is hosted on the Department’s website. Delivery agency Face 2 Face one day workshop, also developed into a series of web conferences for delivery over series of sessions. Funding source Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment; and Australian Government’s More Support for Students with 38 Item Description Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration Trained workshop providers within each region to respond to localised needs. Workshop will also be available through web conferencing as an on-demand series of workshops. Aims and description This one day interactive workshop explores the role of teacher aides supporting students in the senior phase of learning. This workshop provides content and interactive elements that support teacher aides working in this context to connect and share localised practices for students with disability in senior schooling and transition to post school programs. This workshop has been aligned to the Contemporary Practices: School to Post-School Transition for Students with Disabilities online course available. Participants Teacher Aides. Evidence base Based on evidence-based practice, a literature review on the roles of teacher aides supporting students with disability and good practice where evidence is not available. Evaluation Feedback from participants through pilot process prior to whole of state release. Outcomes Teacher aides are provided with relevant opportunity and information to further their skills and knowledge supporting students with disability in the senior phase. Further information Further information is available on the Department’s intranet available to employees. 39 Table 28: Queensland activities and resources – Supporting students with disability and understanding behaviour Item Description Resource name Supporting students with disability and understanding behaviour. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment. Location Hosted on departmental website. Delivery agency Delivered online via eBook. Funding source Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment; and Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration Ongoing. Aims and description This interactive resource will be available to support teacher aides in understanding behaviour and the role of teacher aides in supporting students with disability. It will support training and induction needs of teacher aides. Participants Teacher Aides. Evidence base Based on evidence-based practice, a literature review on the roles of teacher aides supporting students with disability and good practice where evidence is not available. Evaluation Feedback from participants through pilot process prior to whole of state release. Outcomes Teacher aides are provided with relevant opportunity and information to further their skills and knowledge supporting students with disability and understanding behaviour. Further information Further information is available on the Department’s intranet available to employees. 40 2.5 South Australia: SA Department for Education and Child Development Table 29: South Australian activities and resources – On the Same Basis Item Description Resource name On the Same Basis – implementing the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards for Education, 2007. Jurisdiction Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) South Australia. Location South Australia. Delivery agency DECD. Funding source DECD. Funded in 2004, launched in 2007, reprinted in 2008. Duration Completed; ongoing resource. Aims and description On the Same Basis was developed for education staff to assist understanding of the application of the Disability Standards for Education in SA schools. On the Same Basis assists in providing a more inclusive education for learners with disabilities. Participants Teachers and School Services Officers in SA schools. Evidence base The resource was underpinned by the UN Enable - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the DDA, and evidence based teaching practice literature. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes Feedback from participants at training days indicated that the resource was successful in raising the awareness of disability discrimination, the implications for inclusive programming and planning and provision of adjustments. Further information On the Same Basis is available online. 41 Table 30: South Australian activities and resources – Certificate IV in Education Support (Learning Difficulties and Disability) Item Description Resource name Certificate IV in Education Support (Learning Difficulties and Disability) - CHC41712. Jurisdiction Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) South Australia. Location Statewide - Department for Education and Child Development (DECD): face-to-face sessions and online delivery. Delivery agency DECD. Funding source Skills for All, DECD, User Pays. Duration January 2013 to January 2014. Aims and description The nationally recognised qualification Certificate IV in Education Support builds on the knowledge and skills of School Services Officers (SSOs) in facilitating effective learning and educational opportunities for children and students with learning difficulties and disability under broad supervision in DECD schools and preschools. The qualification consists of nine core and six elective competency standards (units) from the Community Services and Health Training Package. The core units are the general sets of skills required for working with students in DECD sites. The elective units cover the specific area of learning difficulties and disability. Key learning areas include: support the complex needs of students living with disability facilitate quality learning to meet individual needs support students with behaviours of concern support students with Autism Spectrum Disorder facilitate learning for students with speech/language needs. Certificate III in Education Support with a disability focus is in development for implementation in late 2013. 42 Item Description Participants DECD School Services Officers (SSOs), Early Childhood Workers (ECWs), Aboriginal Community Education Officers (ACEOs), and Government Services Employees (GSEs) who meet course eligibility criteria. Evidence base The qualification is aligned to DECD strategic directions by building the capacity of SSOs to work effectively under the direction of a teacher to ensure positive learning and educational outcomes for children and students with learning difficulties and disability. Evaluation Feedback from course participants is collected at the completion of each key learning area to inform future direction and practice. Industry reference validation is provided throughout the duration of the program including feedback from Student, Aboriginal and Family Services: Special Education team to ensure the program uses current policies, strategies and practices. School leadership has the opportunity to provide ongoing feedback. End of program evaluation is completed for industry and internal compliance purposes. Outcomes The increase in demand to provide professional development opportunities for SSOs continues. In its first year of delivery, the learning outcomes include a focus on the Disability Standards for Education and DECD guidelines for implementation (‘On the Same Basis’). Further information Further information is available from the DECD website. Schools can contact DECD Registered Training Organisations for information. 43 Table 31: South Australian activities and resources – The Students with Disabilities Policy - Publication Item Description Resource name The Students with Disabilities Policy - Publication. Jurisdiction Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) South Australia. Location DECD website; print version distributed to all schools. Delivery agency DECD. Funding source N/A. Duration Document is located on the DECD website. Aims and description The Students with Disabilities Policy (2006) is based on the legislative requirements specified in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards). The key aspects of implementing this policy are within the framework of the following education standards: enrolment participation curriculum development, accreditation and delivery student support services harassment and victimisation. Participants All Department staff members. Evidence base The policy outlines the responsibilities of all Departmental personnel to provide an appropriate curriculum and to ensure effective delivery of services and support to students with disabilities. The policy is aligned to and reinforce, the DDA and the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards). The policy statement addresses the following principles: 44 Item Description inclusive schooling and valuing diversity promoting individual strengths and needs maintaining a knowledgeable and highly skilled workforce the development of positive early and timely intervention fostering partnership with learners, family / carers and advocates connections with complementary and coordinated services equity in resource allocation local responsibility and decision making. Evaluation No evaluation. The Policy -was due for revision in 2013. Outcomes A highly useful resource. Further information The document is available on the DECD website. 45 Table 32: South Australian activities and resources – LitCon Special National Partnership Item Description Resource name LitCon Special National Partnership. Jurisdiction Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) South Australia. Location Gordon Education Centre, Mount Gambier. Delivery agency DECD. Funding source Funded in 2012 through the National Partnerships. Duration N/A. Aims and description LitCon Special is a comprehensive literacy planning, assessment and reporting tool for teachers of students with intellectual and or significant cognitive disabilities. The continuum is directly linked to and is integral with the student’s Negotiated Education Plan (NEP)and to a school’s reporting format. Participants Teachers and site leaders. Evidence base N/A. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes Feedback from sites has been very positive with many using as a means to developing SMART ER Goals for the student NEP. Further information N/A. 46 2.6 Tasmania: Tasmania Department of Education Table 33: Tasmanian activities and resources – Getting Started: A guide for teachers of students with disabilities in regular school Item Description Resource name Getting Started: A guide for teachers of students with disabilities in a mainstream school setting. Jurisdiction Department of Education – Tasmania. Location Printed resources are available to all schools. Provided to teachers. Delivery agency Resources are shared with classroom teachers by support staff at the beginning of each school year and as required. Funding source Resources were produced in 2006. Duration Available for distribution until current stocks depleted. Aims and description Booklet and DVD to provide guidance and direction to classroom teachers who have limited or no experience of teaching students with disabilities. Topics covered include: The student; Teaching and Learning; The school – organisational. This resource has been well utilised and very well received throughout the state. Some copies were provided on request to other jurisdictions. Participants Classroom teachers and in school staff. Evidence base Collaborative action research of Inclusive Curriculum Project 2005/6. Evaluation Resource has been well utilised and sourced by staff. Outcomes N/A. Further information Further information - Ms Colleen Crawford phone 03 6212 3534. 47 Table 34: Tasmanian activities and resources – Power Point Presentation for Educational Leaders Item Description Resource name Power Point Presentation for Educational Leaders. Jurisdiction Department of Education – Tasmania. Location This has been developed and used statewide with Principals and Principal Network Leaders. Delivery agency Manager State Support Service. Funding source N/A. Duration Developed in 2012. Aims and description To highlight the responsibilities of all schools and raise awareness of Principals in preparation for the release for the online units that will be available in 2013. Participants Principals, School Leaders and Senior Staff. Evidence base N/A. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes The resource has raised an awareness of the responsibilities of all schools and school leaders. Further information Further information is available from Ms Lynne James on phone 03 6212 3534. 48 Table 35: Tasmanian activities and resources – Empowering Diversity in our Schools Item Description Resource name Empowering Diversity in our Schools – Professional Learning Unit for School Leaders and Aspiring Leaders. Jurisdiction Department of Education – Tasmania. Location This six day unit was developed in 2012 and delivered in Hobart. It is offered in the North of the state in 2013. Delivery agency Professional Learning Institute – Department of Education Tasmania. Funding source Department of Education Tasmania; and Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration June – September 2013. Aims and description Is a research inquiry based professional learning program addressing specific issues related to students at risk of not achieving due to disability. Participants Staff who are in leadership roles or aspiring to undertake school leadership into the future. Evidence base Based on the work of Theoharis, Ainscow & Giangreco in inclusive education for children with special educational needs. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes Participants are required to undertake an inquiry relating to leadership in their local context and to articulate implication of the Disability Standards for Education in their school contexts. Further information Further information is available from Ms Lynne James on phone 03 6212 3534. 49 2.7 Victoria: Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Table 36: Victorian activities and resources – Equal Opportunity (EO) and Disability Discrimination Law: Presentation Item Description Resource name Equal Opportunity (EO) and Disability Discrimination Law: Presentation for principals, assistant principals, regional disabilities officers and regional school support staff, addressing the Victorian EO Act and the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards). Jurisdiction Victoria. Location Various: Delivered across Victoria at leadership and regional fora. Delivery agency Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD), Legal Division. Funding source N/A. Duration Ongoing. Aims and description The DEECD Legal Division provides a presentation on key legislation to be delivered to large groups of principals, assistant principals and education support staff upon request. The presentation provides training on the obligations of educational providers under the Equal Opportunity Act (Vic), the DDA, and the Disability Standards for Education. Presentations have been provided to regional principal forums, state principal association meetings and at other principal training forums. Material is also available for school leaders on the Department’s website, including legal bulletins that address specific issues related to disability law and schools. Participants While targeted at Principals and school leadership positions, the presentations have been provided to school staff, regional disabilities officers and allied health school support officers. Evidence base The presentation provides the opportunity for the Legal Division to strengthen school’s understanding and knowledge about their obligations under the relevant Acts and the Disability Standards for 50 Item Description Education. Evaluation N/A – ongoing. Outcomes Improved understanding and knowledge by attendees. Further information Further information is available from Mr Alan Wilson (Manager, Disabilities and Additional Needs) on phone 03 9637 2106. Table 37: Victorian activities and resources – Overview of the legal framework including the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards) for regional school disability support staff: A series of professional learning workshops Item Description Resource name Overview of the legal framework including the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards) for regional school disability support staff: A series of professional learning workshops by the Victorian Equal Opportunities Human Rights Commission. Jurisdiction Victoria. Location Melbourne. Delivery agency Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD). Funding source N/A. Duration A two day program. Aims and description DEECD and the Victorian Equal Opportunities Human Rights Commission developed and delivered this professional development program for the Department’s regional disability coordinators. The content of the presentation covered: role and functions of the VEOHRC the legal framework around discrimination and disability reasonable adjustments 51 Item Description liability and the positive duty the law as an advocacy tool. Participants Regional disability coordinators are DEECD staff based in regional offices that are responsible for providing support and advice to schools and parents and carers. Evidence base The presentation included participation by the DEECD Legal Division through their contribution to the discussion and content in relation to school’s obligations under the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards). Evaluation Feedback evaluation was strongly positive about the content, materials and the strengthen understanding across the two agencies of their shared commitments. Outcomes Regional disabilities coordinators who attended the sessions had a strengthened understanding of the program’s content and ability to support schools in relation to the matters covered. Further information Further information is available from Mr Alan Wilson (Manager, Disabilities and Additional Needs) on phone 03 9637 2106. 52 Table 38: Victorian activities and resources – DEECD guidelines Item Description Resource name Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) Guidelines and Student Support Group (SSG) Guidelines: guidance on the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005. Jurisdiction Victoria. Location Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) Guidelines and Student Support Group (SSG) Guidelines. Delivery agency Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD). Funding source N/A. Duration Ongoing. Aims and description The PSD and the SSG Guidelines each provide advice to schools related to supplementary funding applications and school responsibilities for students with disabilities. Within the PSD and the SSG guidelines is explicit advice about the requirements set out in the Disability Standards for Education. Participants Targeted to all schools and parents. Evidence base While the Guidelines are intended to provide specific advice related to the PSD, the information covered in relation to the DDA and the Disability Standards for Education extends to all students with disabilities. The guidelines are available to both schools and the broader public. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes Ongoing. Further information Further information is available from Mr Alan Wilson (Manager, Disabilities and Additional Needs) on phone 03 9637 2106. 53 2.8 Western Australia: WA Department of Education Table 39: WA activities and resources – Building Inclusive Classrooms Item Description Resource name Building Inclusive Classrooms. Jurisdiction Western Australia. Location Statewide. Delivery agency Department of Education. Funding source WA Treasury. Duration Ongoing. Aims and description The strategy was designed to embed the principles detailed in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards). It used evidence based classroom practice to support classroom teachers to develop, implement and monitor learning plans for individual and groups of students with disabilities or learning difficulties and build the capacity of school communities. The strategy was based on four principles: Inclusive education Legislation and policy Building the capacity of local school communities Planning for the future. Participants Classroom teachers. Evidence base The strategy was based on current research regarding learning, teaching and assessment in the area of inclusive education with all professional learning presented using the principles of adult and cooperative learning. 54 Item Description Evaluation Action learning 2007 – 2008. Outcomes The professional learning tools and resources are still available and used state-wide by schools and student support services to maintain the understandings and practices developed during the implementation period. Further information Further information is available from Mr John Brigg on email (John. Brigg@education.wa.edu.au). Table 40: WA activities and resources – Building Inclusive Classrooms – Learning Support Coordinators Item Description Resource name Building Inclusive Schools – Learning Support Coordinators. Jurisdiction Western Australia. Location Statewide. Delivery agency Department of Education. Funding source WA Treasury. Duration Ongoing. Aims and description Learning Support Coordinators (LSC) were provided to every public school as part of the Building Inclusive Classrooms (BIC) strategy. LSCs were appointed from existing staff. During the BIC implementation phase they were provided with an initial 12 days of professional learning in their first two years. The role of the LSC includes: supporting the strengthening of inclusive school cultures facilitation of school based Learning Support Teams consultation and collaboration with teachers in regard to meeting the educational need of students with disabilities and learning difficulties 55 Item Description modelling effective teaching and supporting classroom teachers who have students requiring significant teaching and learning adjustments coordinating support services for teachers. Participants Teachers. Evidence base The strategy was based on current research regarding learning, teaching and assessment in the area of inclusive education with all professional learning presented using the principles of adult and cooperative learning. Evaluation Action learning research focused on the development of Learning Support Teams. Outcomes Approximately 50 per cent of schools have maintained Learning Support Coordinators in their role supporting teachers and schools to provide inclusive education. Further information Further information is available from Mr John Brigg on email (John. Brigg@education.wa.edu.au). Table 41: WA activities and resources – Building Inclusive Classrooms Item Description Resource name Building Inclusive Schools. Jurisdiction Western Australia. Location Statewide. Delivery agency Department of Education. Funding source Department of Education. Duration Ongoing. Aims and description The strategy was designed to embed the principles detailed in the DDA 1992 and the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the 56 Item Description Standards) within the educational values and practice framework across all public schools. The strategy was based on four principles: Inclusive education Legislation and policy Building the capacity of local school communities Planning for the future. Participants District Directors, Senior Psychologists, Student Services Directorate and Aboriginal Directorate personnel, school administrators and other education leaders. Evidence base The strategy was based on current research regarding learning, teaching and assessment in the area of inclusive education with all professional learning presented using the principles of adult and cooperative learning. Aims centred on raising awareness of changing societal expectations and legal obligations and acceptance of the diversity of students, employees, parents, caregivers and community members in environments that are free of discrimination, abuse or exploitation. Evaluation Annual reports regarding the implementation strategies and impact on teaching practice were conducted. Outcomes The professional learning tools and resources are still available and used statewide by schools and student support services to maintain the understandings and practices developed during the implementation period. Further information Further information is available from Mr John Brigg on email (John. Brigg@education.wa.edu.au). 57 3. Non-government education authorities 3.1 Independent sector: Independent Schools Council of Australia Table 42: Independent sector activities and resources Item Description Resource name Professional Learning opportunities; consultancies; planning meetings; communication documents. Jurisdiction Independent sector. Location Individual student consultancies Individual Schools on request or as part of a school plan Sector based Professional Learning Opportunities – in particular leadership courses; courses for school registrars; course for middle management; Specifically designed courses -Learning Support personnel- e.g. Universal Design; Individual Planning Process; Disability Legislation etc. Leadership Centre courses More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) Leadership Courses Schools participating in the MSSD initiative and School Governance advice – policies; guidelines updates regarding legislation; briefings. Delivery agency Association of Independent Schools (AIS). Funding source The Australian Government’s MSSD initiative; fee for service Professional Learning; AIS membership funds. Duration This varies according to target group and purpose e.g. 45 minutes at a staff meeting allocated to a sustained course with ongoing consultancy support. Aims and description To provide sector-specific information and advice which include case law, case studies and practical examples to support a consistent and accurate interpretation and application of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the DDA) and the the Standards. The aim is that independent schools are made aware of 58 Item Description their responsibilities and obligations under disability legislation and measures of compliance. To increase awareness and build capacity in school leaders and teachers, to support students with disabilities and to plan strategically for the future. The terms associated with the legislation are explained with multiple examples provided to allow for a breadth and depth of understanding. These terms include direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, reasonable adjustment, unjustifiable hardship, consultation and on the same basis. The legislated process of individual planning and consultation is detailed. Each Standard is specifically addressed as well as other areas such as the development of Health care plans; privacy legislation; duty of care; managing challenging behaviour; and the complaints process. The face to face component is essential to the quality of the information, advice and guidance offered. It is critical that discussion is led by persons with specific knowledge, experience and expertise in the legislation, school aged students with disabilities and context of independent schools so that participants have the opportunity to ask questions, clarify and refine their understanding, knowledge and application of the legislation. Schools are supported with the provision of expertise in specific areas including mental health, challenging behaviour, assistive technologies, transitions, post school opportunities. Participants Independent schools, Independent School Leaders (including Principals, Deputies, Heads of School, Curriculum Leaders and Learning Support Coordinators), Independent School Educators (including teachers, Learning Support Teachers, Support Staff / Teacher Assistants & Allied Health Professionals), AIS staff. Evidence base Legislation; Australian Human Rights Commission Case Law; Specific Legal Advice; Australian Human Rights Commission. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes N/A. Further information AIS in each state and territory. 59 3.2 Catholic sector 3.2.1 Catholic Education Commission of NSW Table 43: Catholic Education Commission of NSW activities and resources Item Description Resource name Catholic Education Commission of NSW (CECNSW) Module; Individual Planning. Jurisdiction CECNSW. Location CECNSW website. Delivery agency CECNSW. Funding source CECNSW. Duration Completed: Ready for use (Descriptors for levels of adjustment will be uploaded as soon as final notification is given by the Department of Education). Aims and description One hour training module has been delivered to assist educators to understand how to collaborate with all parties, as required by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and Disability Standards for Education so that teachers will be able to confidently plan for all students identifying levels of adjustment in collaboration with the students and their parents and carers. CECNSW is also participating in the development of the University of Canberra e-learning resource. Participants School communities who will be engaged in identifying appropriate adjustments in collaboration with the student, teachers, leadership and parents. Evidence base DDA and Disability Standards for Education. Evaluation The module has an in built survey for completion. Outcomes This module has just been completed. This resource will assist awareness and provide guidance for school communities in understanding the planning process under the DDA and in understanding how to decide what level of adjustment 60 Item Description is required for individual students. Further information Further information is available from Ms Geraldine Gray on email (gerry.gray@cecnsw.catholic.edu.au). 61 3.2.2 Catholic Education Office Northern Territory Table 44: Catholic Education Office Northern Territory activities and resources – Inclusion Online – Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviour Item Description Resource name Inclusion Online - Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviour. Jurisdiction Northern Territory. Location Northern Territory schools and Catholic Education Office NT. Delivery agency Catholic Education Northern Territory in collaboration with Independent Schools Association and Department of Education and Children Services NT (DECS). Funding source DECS NT funds the access to the online resources and each sector provides course tutors. In Catholic Education, this is funded by the Inclusion Support Services budget, National Partnership (SSNP) budget, and More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) budget, and the Australian Government Quality Teacher Program (AGQTP) budget. Duration Commenced 2009 - ongoing with the number of courses increasing. Aims and description To provide professional learning for teachers and support staff who are working with students with disabilities around Disability Standards for Education, best practice in Inclusion Support and setting SMART goals for specific students. The rationale is that the educators who work directly with the students are the ones who need to know the Disability Standards of Education, understand their responsibilities and develop skills and understanding of Disabilities, inclusion practices and setting goals. Participants Classroom teachers, learning support staff, school and system management. Evidence base All theory and practice presented on the website, researched and only those with a strong evidence base are included on the website. 62 Item Description Evaluation Ongoing evaluation as part of the courses, reviewed by DECS on a 12 monthly basis to inform the continuation/extension of the training. Outcomes Although ongoing, the feedback indicates that teaching and support staff are more confident working with SWD's, setting appropriate goals for them and supporting them to achieve intended outcomes. Feedback often indicates that students have met or surpassed goals set for them, contributing to staff confidence to continue the cycle. An unintended outcome is that participating staff are more confident to ask for assistance and offer assistance to others. Each term we have an increased number of staff undertaking the course due to the positive feedback from colleagues. Further information Further information is available online. Table 45: Catholic Education Office Northern Territory activities and resources – Inclusion Online – Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders Item Description Resource name Inclusion Online - Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders. Jurisdiction Northern Territory. Location Northern Territory schools and at Catholic Education Office NT. Delivery agency Catholic Education Northern Territory in collaboration with Independent Schools Association and Department of Education and Children Services NT (DECS). Funding source DECS NT funds the access to the online resources and each sector provides course tutors. In Catholic Education, this is funded by the Inclusion Support Services budget, National Partnership (SSNP) budget, and More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) budget, and the AGQTP budget. 63 Item Description Duration Commenced 2009 - ongoing with the number of courses increasing. Aims and description To provide professional learning for teachers and support staff who are working with students with disabilities around Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards), best practice in inclusion support and setting SMART goals for specific students. The rationale is that the educators who work directly with the students are the ones who need to know the Disability Standards of Education, understand their responsibilities and develop skills and understanding of disabilities, inclusion practices and setting goals. Participants Classroom teachers, learning support staff, school and system management. Evidence base All theory and practice presented on the website, researched and only those with a strong evidence base are included on the website. Evaluation Ongoing evaluation as part of the courses, reviewed by DECS on a 12 monthly basis to inform the continuation/extension of the training. Outcomes Although ongoing, the feedback indicates that teaching and support staff are more confident working with SWD's, setting appropriate goals for them and supporting them to achieve intended outcomes. Feedback often indicates that students have met or surpassed goals set for them, contributing to staff confidence to continue the cycle. An unintended outcome is that participating staff are more confident to ask for assistance and offer assistance to others. Each term we have an increased number of staff undertaking the course due to the positive feedback from colleagues. Further information Further information is available online. 64 Table 46: Catholic Education Office Northern Territory activities and resources – Learning Platform Item Description Resource name Catholic Education NT Learning Platform collection: Inclusion Support Services. Jurisdiction Catholic Education NT. Location Catholic Education NT Learning Platform. Delivery agency Catholic Education NT. Funding source Catholic Education NT’s Inclusion Support Services budget, from SWD funds and NT government funds for students with disabilities. Duration Commenced 2012. Aims and description This site is used as a repository of policy, procedures and resources. Professional learning presentations to school leaders, Inclusion Support Coordinators and teachers refer to materials located on the site re the Disability Standards for Education. The rationale is to establish a central and accessible repository of resources for educators including principals, Inclusion Support Coordinators, and educators who work directly with students with disabilities on the Disability Standards for Education, understand their responsibilities and develop skills and understanding of Disabilities, inclusion practices and setting goals. Participants Classroom teachers, learning support staff, school and system management. Evidence base Legislative requirements. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes This is a newly developed collection of resources using Catholic Education NT’s Learning Platform Further information Further information is available online. 65 3.2.3 Catholic Education Office South Australia Table 47: Catholic Education Office South Australia Territory activities and resources Item Description Resource name Professional learning. Jurisdiction Catholic Education SA (CESA). Location Various locations. Delivery agency Special Education Team (as part of their work). Funding source N/A. Duration Ongoing professional learning across the sector. Aims and description N/A; there is not a specific project, however one key objective of the Special Education Program is to continue to develop awareness and understanding of the Disability Standards for Education. Participants School leaders, Special Education Coordinators/Key Teachers in schools, teachers in schools and Education Support Officers (ESOs). Evidence base No formal evidence base. Anecdotal information: increased use of adjustments by schools and requests for professional learning in the area of the Standards and specifically adjustments. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes N/A. Further information All Catholic schools were provided with a copy of the resource titled On the Same Basis in 2008. CESA utilises the Department of Education and Child Development (DECD) resource On the Same Basis as a resource for schools. The updated CESA Enrolment and Support Process (2011) has hyperlinks to the On the Same Basis resource. In 2013 a 2 hour workshop was presented by a legal officer from CEO on the Disability Standards for Education. A power-point was developed for the workshop. The workshop was attended by 80 school based special education coordinators, some deputy 66 Item Description principals and principals. Consultants from the Special Education team work with individual schools and as part of the professional learning provide information regarding the Disability Standards for Education. Early Career Teachers are provided with an overview as part of a session led by the Special Education Team. This occurs on an annual basis. New school leaders are provided with information on the Disability Standards for Education as part of a 1 hour workshop presentation on Special Education. 3.2.4 Queensland Catholic Education Commission Table 48: Queensland Catholic Education Commission activities and resources Item Description Resource name Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards) training package. Jurisdiction Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC). Location Queensland. Delivery agency QCEC. Funding source Australian Government’s More Support for Students with Disabilities (MSSD) initiative. Duration 2013-14. Aims and description Brisbane Catholic Education has developed a resource with funds from MSSD. The resource is online for their staff but they have provided the first three DVDs to each Catholic authority in the state. Completion of Phase 1 of the training package consisting of three videos: Overview of the Disability Standards, Enrolment and Consultation including Support material were ready for the beginning of the 2013 school year. The rest of the package is still under development and will be shared with all authorities when 67 Item Description completed. It will be updated as needed. It is expected that other school authorities will adapt this resource to meet the needs of their staff. Participants This training package has been distributed to all Queensland dioceses as well as Religious Institute schools and Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ). The resource has also been shared with Independent Schools Queensland. Evidence base Review highlighted the need for more information to be made available to the sector on the Standards. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes The Training package has been adopted by a number of the Catholic schooling authorities and has been used as part of the professional learning with staff. Requests for Phase 1 training package have also come from the tertiary sector. Further information N/A. 3.2.5 Tasmania Catholic Education Office The Catholic sector in Tasmania does not have any resources specifically developed by Catholic Education Office. Information on the Standards is drawn from existing resources such as the Australian Association for Special Education (AASE) website and from the South Australia Department of Education. 68 4. Completed activities 4.1 Northern Territory Department of Education Table 49: NT Department of Education – completed activity/resource Item Description Resource name PowerPoint presentations: Diversity, Inclusion and Participation. Jurisdiction NT Government (School Support Services – Disability Services). Location Across NT. Delivery agency Disability Services officers. Funding source N/A. Duration During 2009. Aims and description As part of the rollout of the new renewed Students with Disabilities policy in 2008/2009 power point presentations were developed with information about the Disability Standards For Education 2005 (the Standards). Participants Principals, special education teachers, classroom teachers, parents. Evidence base N/A. Evaluation N/A. Outcomes Information about the Standards was provided to the various audiences across the NT. Materials were later available for Principals to provide information to staff. Further information Further information is available on the NT Department of Education website. 69 4.2 Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment Table 50: Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment – completed activity/resource Item Description Resource name Gateway to Education Adjustments. Jurisdiction Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE). Location Online. Delivery agency DETE. Funding source DETE. Duration Commenced Term 4 2008; finished Term 4 2012. Aims and description The Gateway to Education Adjustments was designed to be a portal of information for teachers and specialist staff working with students with disability. The Blackboard Community had exemplars of current practice for planning, teaching, assessing and reporting for students with disability. Participants Teachers and specialist staff working with students with disability. Evidence base This was a series of practical resources to support schools in catering for students with disability, including a section on relevant policy and legislative requirements. Evaluation Activity complete. Original evaluation was a pilot with feedback from stakeholders. Outcomes N/A. Further information N/A. 70 4.3 Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Table 51: Victorian activities and resources – forum and web based resource Item Description Resource name Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – A presentation forum and a related web based resource Jurisdiction Victoria. Location Online. Delivery agency Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD). Funding source N/A. Duration On line Resource ceased 2012 with introduction of DSE on line modules as part of MSSD NP Aims and description DEECD delivered a highly successful Disability Standards for Education professional learning forum in 2006. The forum was attended by a range of representatives from all education sectors including Department central and regional teams. An on line resource was made available after the forum and remained opened to 2012 when it was removed. Participants Teachers and support staff Evidence base The presentation provided the opportunity for the Legal Division to outline school’s obligations under the Standards. Attendees were also able to ask the presenter questions in relation to this area of law. Evaluation N/A Outcomes Over 2000 unique users visited the site Further information Further information is available from Mr Alan Wilson (Manager, Disabilities and Additional Needs) on phone 03 9637 2106. 71