Tissue Level of Organization MLP English

AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP)
Nursing Program
Tissue Level of Organization
Start/Finish Time
Performance: Describe the origin, structure, function, and location of each of the principal types of
The student will be presented a powerpoint presentation by the instructor and will have
all necessary references made available to him/her.
The student will be expected to describe the below information included within the
teaching points to the instructor at the end of the lesson and in a written exam.
1. Define the types of tissues and their origins.
Describe the cell junctions functions and
Describe the general features of epithelial
Describe the important and prominent
characteristics of connective tissue.
Describe an epithelial membrane general
Describe the three types of muscle tissue.
Describe the general structural features and
functions of the two types of cells in nervous
Describe the cellular requirements of tissue
repair to restaure homeostatis.
Discuss the effect of aging on tissues.
10. Describe disorders of epithelial and
connective tissues.
11. Define medical terminology associated with
Interactive Lecture
Instructor and Print (including PowerPoint Presentation)
Knowledge Lesson
Type of Lesson:
Power point handouts.
End of Lesson Test: None
Instructional Time: 400
Tortora, Grabowski: Principles of Anatomy and
Physiology, 9th Edition. Chapter 4.
Signature of Standards Officer
AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP)
Nursing Program
Tissue Level of Organization
Allocated Time:
5 Minutes
You have had previous lectures on anatomy and physiology during the Combat
medic course, this lecture will built upon what you have already learned.
This chapter explores the organization of cells into tissues. The origin,
structure, function, and location of each of the principal types of tissues are
examined. Attention is also given to extracellular materials, cell junctions,
exocrine glands, and mucous, serous, and synovial membranes. Medical
studies of tissues, Marfan syndrome, and adhesions are described as Clinical
Applications related to tissues. Tissue repair is discussed as a homeostatic
mechanism. The chapter concludes with a discussion of autoimmune diseases
as homeostatic disorders of tissue
Nurses work in different health care setting so it is important to gain an
understainding of this subject as it will apply to clinical setting.
This is the fourth chapter on anatomy and physiology.
You will be presented the subject in a lecture format and will be tested using a
written exam at a later date.
Control Statement:
If you have any questions during the lesson please feel free to ask.
1. Teaching Point: Define the types of tissues and their origins.
Allocated Time:
We will now go over the types of tissues and their origins.
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
1. Define the relation of the cellular level to the major structures of tissues that endow
tissues with distinct properties.
2. Describe how the tissue level of organization is utilized by pathologists when examining
organ biopsies.
3. Classify the tissues of the body into four major types.
4. Describe the type of tissues derived from the three embryonic germ layers.
5. Describe the use of biopsy to remove living material for microscopic examination.
AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP)
Nursing Program
Tissue Level of Organization
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
2. Teaching Point: Describe the cell junctions functions and kinds.
Allocated Time:
We will now go over the cell junctions functions and kinds.
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
6. Describe the three functions of cell junctions.
7. Describe the five most important kinds of cell junctions.
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
3. Teaching Point: Describe the general features of epithelial tissue.
Allocated Time:
We will now go over the general features of epithelial tissue.
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
Describe the general features of epithelial tissue and give examples of functions in
organs in which they reside.
9. Mention that epithelial tissue is divided into two types: covering and lining epithelium
and by glandular epithelium.
Covering and Lining Epithelium
10. Note that the tissue structure is directly related to the job it has in an organ.
11. Define the terminology that indicates the types of cell layering.
12. Relate the terms for the variety of cell shapes with their appearance and general
13. Considering the layers and cell shapes in combination, outline the classification of
covering and lining epithelium.
Simple Epithelium
14. Illustrate the structure of the different simple epithelial tissues in addition to showing
histological representations and examples of organs that contain them.
Stratified Epithelium
AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP)
Nursing Program
Tissue Level of Organization
15. Illustrate the structures of the different stratified and transition epithelial tissues in
addition to showing histological representations and examples of organs that contain
16. Discuss the value of Pap smears.
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
17. Illustrate the structures of the different pseudostratified epithelial tissues in addition to
showing histological representations and examples of organs that contain them.
Glandular Epithelium
18. Define a gland and distinguish between exocrine and endocrine glands.
Structural Classification of Exocrine Glands
19. Indicate how structural classification is based on numbers of associated cells and describe
the single type of unicellular gland.
Functional Classification of Exocrine Glands
20. Show how functional classification is related to the mode used by the cells to deliver their
secretory products.
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
4. Teaching Point: Describe the important and prominent characteristics of connective tissue.
Allocated Time:
We will now go over the important and prominent characteristics of connective
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
21. Describe the important and prominent characteristics of connective tissue.
General Features of Connective Tissue
22. Describe the three basic elements of connective tissue.
Connective Tissue Cells
23. Discuss the cells that compose connective tissue in terms of origin, function, and
AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP)
Nursing Program
Tissue Level of Organization
Connective Tissue Matrix
24. Describe the factors of a connective tissue matrix that bestow specific properties required
in the various organs.
Ground Substance
25. Name the chemical components of ground substance and how each is responsible for
differing physical consistencies of connective tissues.
26. Identify the different constituents of collage, elastic, and reticular fibers, as well as the
alternate structures and mechanical properties of each used in specific organs.
27. Discuss Marfan syndrome and the abnormal development of elastic fibers.
Classification of Connective Tissue
28. Describe the features employed to classify the range of connective tissues and the major
29. Note the origins and unique nature of some embryonic connective tissues.
Types Of Mature Connective Tissue
30. Discuss the three features of mature connective tissue.
Loose Connective Tissue
31. List the structure, function, and location of loose connective tissue.
32. Discuss liposuction in terms of the connective tissue involved, locations, and possible
Dense Connective Tissue
33. List the structure, function, and location of dense connective tissue.
34. List the structure, function, and location of cartilage connective tissue.
35. Discuss cartilage growth and repair.
36. Explain how tissue engineering has allowed scientists to grow new tissues in the
laboratory for replacement of damaged tissues in the body.
Bone Tissue
37. List the structure, function, and location of bone connective tissue.
Blood Tissue
AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP)
Nursing Program
Tissue Level of Organization
38. List the structure, function, and location of blood connective tissue.
39. List the structure, function, and location of lymph tissue.
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
5. Teaching Point: Describe an epithelial membrane general structure.
Allocated Time:
We will now go over the epithelial membrane general structure.
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
40. Describe an epithelial membrane general structure.
41. Distinguish between an epithelial and a synovial membrane.
Epithelial Membranes
Mucous Membranes
42. List the location and function of mucous membranes.
Serous Membranes
43. List the location and function of serous membranes.
Synovial Membranes
44. List the location and function of synovial membranes.
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
6. Teaching Point: Describe the three types of muscle tissue.
Allocated Time:
We will now go over the three types of muscle tissue.
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP)
Nursing Program
Tissue Level of Organization
45. Contrast the three types of muscle tissue with regard to external appearance and internal
structure, organs of location, modes of control, nature of contraction, and function.
7. Teaching Point: Describe the general structural features and functions of the two types of cells in
nervous tissues.
Allocated Time:
We will now go over the general structural features and functions of the
two types of cells in nervous tissues.
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
45. Describe the general structural features and functions of the two types of cells in nervous
46. Discuss the new technology called tissue engineering.
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
8. Teaching Point: Describe the cellular requirements of tissue repair to restaure homeostatis.
Allocated Time:
will now go over the cellular requirements of tissue repair to restaure
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
48. Examine the cellular requirements of tissue repair and distinguish between tissues
that are and are not capable of regeneration.
49. Compare the different processes that occur between repair of minor versus serious
tissue damage.
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
9. Teaching Point: Discuss the effect of aging on tissues
Allocated Time:
We will now go over the effect of aging on tissues cell and aging process.
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP)
Nursing Program
Tissue Level of Organization
52. Discuss the effect of aging on tissues.
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
10. Teaching Point: Describe disorders of epithelial and connective tissues.
Allocated Time:
We will now go over the disorders of epithelial and connective tissues
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
53. Describe disorders of epithelial and connective tissues.
Sjogren's Syndrome
54. Discuss the symptoms of Sjogren's Syndrome.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
55. Discuss the signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
11. Teaching Point: Define medical terminology.
Allocated Time:
We will now go over some of the medical terminology.
Learner Participation:
Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes.
Skill Lesson
Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts.
Learning Support:
56. Define medical terminology associated with tissues.
Knowledge Lesson:
Skill Lesson:
Check on Learning
In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class.
In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill.
AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP)
Nursing Program
Tissue Level of Organization
Allocated Time:
Test Questions or
Test Key:
0 Minutes
You will tested on this subject at a later date.
You will be expected to review and study the material taught in this section in
order to pass the associated written test. If you have difficulty with the material
please see me so we can review together.
Allocated Time:
5 Minutes
Review and re-emphasize the difficult Teaching Points below.
Define the types of tissues and their origins.
Describe the cell junctions functions and kinds.
Describe the general features of epithelial tissue.
Describe the important and prominent characteristics of connective
Describe an epithelial membrane general structure.
Describe the three types of muscle tissue.
Describe the general structural features and functions of the two types of
cells in nervous tissues.
Describe the cellular requirements of tissue repair to restaure
Discuss the effect of aging on tissues.
Describe disorders of epithelial and connective tissues.
Define medical terminology associated with tissues.
Closing Statement:
Nurses work in different health care setting so it is important to gain an
understainding of this subject as it will apply to clinical setting.
You will be able to utilize this information taught today in all clinical settings.