- Instituto de agrobiotecnología

Plan de Actuación 2010 2013
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Instituto de Agrobiotecnología
Instituto de Agrobiotecnología
General description ............................................................................................... 4
Identification Data................................................................................................................. 4
Participating Institutions ....................................................................................................... 4
Brief history ........................................................................................................................... 4
Structure................................................................................................................................ 5
SWOT ................................................................................................................... 7
Weaknesses ........................................................................................................................... 7
Threats................................................................................................................................. 10
Strengths ............................................................................................................................. 12
Opportunities ...................................................................................................................... 20
RA (Relational Analysis) ...................................................................................... 25
Competitor groups .............................................................................................................. 25
Collaborator groups ............................................................................................................ 32
Leading groups .................................................................................................................... 39
Selective Advantages .......................................................................................... 47
General Objectives .............................................................................................. 48
General Objectives, Goals? ................................................................................................. 48
Scientific objectives ............................................................................................................. 51
Knowledge Transfer objectives ........................................................................................... 56
Training objectives .............................................................................................................. 56
Outreach objectives ............................................................................................................ 57
Internationalisation objectives............................................................................................ 57
Common services objectives ............................................................................................... 57
Gender equality objectives ................................................................................................. 63
Quality programmes objectives .......................................................................................... 63
General Strategy ................................................................................................. 64
Summary ............................................................................................................................. 64
Strategy Analysis ................................................................................................................. 74
Outreach.............................................................................................................................. 76
Internationalisation ............................................................................................................. 76
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Quality Control Programmes............................................................................................... 76
Gender Equality ................................................................................................................... 77
Knowledge Transfer ............................................................................................................ 77
Estrategy on Research Lines ................................................................................ 78
Global actions ...................................................................................................................... 78
Staff actions ......................................................................................................................... 86
Equipment actions .............................................................................................................. 98
Estrategy on Services ........................................................................................ 115
Global actions .................................................................................................................... 115
Staff actions ....................................................................................................................... 120
Equipment actions ............................................................................................................ 127
Critical Analysis of Research Lines ..................................................................... 134
Critical Analysis of Services ............................................................................... 138
Progress Indicators (Quantitative objectives) .................................................... 144
Resources ......................................................................................................... 145
Requested Resources ........................................................................................................ 145
Assigned resources(Total) ................................................................................................. 163
Assigned resources (SCIENTIFIC) ....................................................................................... 164
Assigned resources (Management)................................................................................... 166
Staff .................................................................................................................. 167
Scientific personnel by type .............................................................................................. 167
Staff by payer organization ............................................................................................... 168
Funding by type/year ........................................................................................ 169
Article / Book chapters by impact...................................................................... 170
Knowledge Transfer .......................................................................................... 171
Training by type ................................................................................................ 172
Outreach........................................................................................................... 173
International scientific staff .............................................................................. 174
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Instituto de Agrobiotecnología
General description
Identification Data
Name : Instituto de Agrobiotecnología
Address: Carretera de Mutilva Baja, s/n. 31192-Mutilva Baja (Navarra)
Phones: 948 16 8000 (Switchboard)
948 16 8006 (Address)
948 16 8003 (Manager)
Director: Beatriz Amorena Zabalza - director.agrobiotecnologia@unavarra.es
Vicedirectors: Iñigo Lasa Uzcudun
Manager: Fernando Zaratiegui Labiano - gerente.agrobiotecnologia@unavarra.es
Web: http://www.agrobiotecnologia.es/es/
Govern mode: Steering Committee: CSIC-PUBLIC UNIVERSITY of NAVARRA.-GOVERNMENT of
Participating Institutions
Brief history
Date of creation: 1999-07-02
Who created it: César Nombela Cano (CSIC); Antonio Pérez Prados (UPNA).
Who was its first director: Pedro Mª Aparicio Tejo (Provisional Director); Javier Pozueta
Romero (Director).
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Goals: IdAB was created to be a high standard agrobiotechnology research center at the
regional and national levels, aiming to become international referent in the field of
Agrobiotechnology, with many implications in basic and applied research.
Extended description: In 1997, negotiations were initiated with the Public University of
Navarra (UPNA) and the Scientific Research Council (CSIC) in order to create a joint research
Centre. This is the first Centre where CSIC, the largest scientific research entity in the country,
is represented institutionally in Navarra. On July 2nd, 1999, the Rector of UPNA and the
President of CSIC signed a collaboration agreement for the constitution of a joint Centre, which
was initially named the Institute of Agrobiotechnology and Natural Resources (IARN).
Throughout 2000, and in an attempt to foster the field of Natural Resources, the Department
of Environmental Affairs in the Government of Navarra (GN) expressed its interest in joining
the IARN. As the Department of Natural Resources did not evolve in the Centre, it was later on
decided to restrict the activities of the Institute to the field of Agrobiotechnology and for this
reson the Institute's name changed to Institute of Agrobiotechnology (IdAB). Since the
laboratory facilities in the existing building were insufficient to fulfill the objectives, the
Technological Plan of the Government of Navarra (2000-2004) allotted funds for the expansion
of the Centre and construction of new laboratories and infrastructure. The building extension
was completed in April 2003 and both CSIC and UPNA provided further funding for the
construction and equipping of the new institute. The Centre has attracted researchers from
UPNA and CSIC, thus creating synergy between (which at that moment lacked representation
in this region) and UPNA scientists.
Description: There are 71 persons in this Institute: 67 persons belonging to the research Lines
(2 Lines: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health; and Biotechnology in Plants), 1 belonging
to the Support service for research and 3 belongling to the Management service.
There is a Steering Committee, involving the three Organisms that hold title to the Institute,
that appoints the director. Under his/her leadership there is a Board of the Institute. Also, the
Institute is organized and represented by a Scientific Board, including mainly staff scientists.
The management of the Institute is organized by the manager belonging to the staff of the
CSIC, and carried out in the offices of the management service, counting this service also on a
head of negociate from CSIC and an administrative officer of the University. The Support
service for research includes 1 permanent technician.
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1. Deficiency in scientific staff, specialized technicians, general management technicians and
chairman service personnel. Unstable and uncertain future for the employment of trainees and
other professionals.
2. Deficiency in particular equipments, structure and spaces. There is a need to adapt current
facilities to the current legislation on Biosafety for P2 microorganisms and Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMOs); and modify and build new greenhouses, spaces for storage of
material and freezers and for potential growth in personnel (laboratory and offices).
4. Need, in some teams of higher support for easy and faster transfer of results to known
enterprises and higher diffusion of research results to target enterprises.
5. Difficulties for the University staff scientists (50% of the Institute staff members) to meet
high scientific standards and productivity requirements while dedicating a substantial time to
research and teaching activities (low staff number and high number of teaching duties).
6. High cost of living in Pamplona in relation to wages, hampering attraction of foreign postdocs, technicians, etc. to the city and the Centre.
7. Difficulties to invite speakers for seminars due to the lack of financial assignment (by CSIC to
the Centre) of budget in the Chapter of Meetings and Lectures (code No. 296) and also due to
low number of specialized scientist in the Centre and University for these invitations.
8. The deficient training of some persons of the Centre in certain specific technological and
animal handling areas requires courses and specialization visits.
9. Low priority of some research areas for funding (for example, Agrobiology).
1. Scientific
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Main scientific problems strive in personnel needs.
Scientific staff and specialized technicians:
There are difficulties for the University staff scientists (about half of the Centre’ s staff
members) to meet high scientific standards and productivity requirements while dedicating a
substantial time to research and teaching activities (low staff number, high involvement in
teaching). Two of the group leaders have to combine research responsibilities with teaching at
the university. Taking into account the small size of the Public University of Navarra, the work
assigned is substantial.
There is job instability for the highly qualified researchers that are non-staff, however, a
substantial part of the research, formative, and innovative capacity of the team relies on these
Also, in the Centre the six scientific teams need to be consolidated to accomplish some of the
scientific objectives. More scientific staff and additional research/technology-involved
personnel are needed. The Centre does not have any specialized staff technician. The Centre
needs one specialized technician per research team, 3 technicians per Line, about 1 technician
per group of 10-12 persons, so there is a need of a total of 6 permanent specialized technicians
dedicated directly to research-technology activities. There is also a need for external services
and advice to approach HPLC-Mass spectrometry and array hybridization technologies.
Other personnel: Regarding personnel for General stock and laboratory management
(laboratory material cleansing/sterilization, general stock, Animal houses and Greenhouses),
the Centre is deficient in personnel dedicated to general stock and laboratory management.
There is only 1 permanent person in this area in the Centre, shared by two Lines, and the
number of non-permanent personnel varies, becoming inexistent in some periods. Therefore,
the Centre is in need of 3 permanent (1 staff for laboratory management and general stock, 1
staff for the mice and sheep animal houses and 1 staff for greenhouse and plant facilities) and
2 non-permanent persons (these two persons for General stock and laboratory management).
In the Chairman Service (management): There is 1 Chairman, and 2 administrative persons in
the Centre. The Centre needs personnel which would not only provide putative links and
contacts between teams and enterprises, but would do also the interviews, meetings with
enterprises, etc. (independently of the scientists) to carry out the targeting and transfer of
putative research applications to the business sector. There is deficient information supplied
to society on knowledge, of potential transfer to the industrial sector, generated by our
research activity that might benefit from it. Overall, this hampers transfer of knowledge.
Altogether, there is a deficiency in personnel for project Management (including European
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projects). Thus, to complement the present personnel, the Centre needs 1 person for project
Management (to be shared by both Lines). Similarly, the Centre has no persons for External
relationships, diffusion of results, news, visibility, advertisement and is also in need of higher
input information on external enterprise needs, support of easy and faster transfer of results
to enterprises and higher diffusion of research results to target enterprises. Thus, the Centre
needs 1 person for this. Thus, the total number of additional persons required in this service is
at least 1 person that would do both, project Management and External relationships.
2. Economic and Structural
Spaces: The Centre needs to adequate existing spaces: a) for offices of new staff members
and Doctors; b) for storage of material and freezers in the underground level.
The Centre also needs new greenhouses and new storage spaces. There is also a need for
insecticidal in vivo evaluation (of viral and bacterial strains) and for the in vitro culture of insect
Potential growth: it is foreseeable that by the end of the strategic-plan period the Institute
will have all the spaces filled and that a new building is required in the following strategic plan
to allow expansion. There is an area belonging to the University within the Institute zone
where the new building could be located (there is no need to acquire land for this purpose)
Safety: it is necessary to continuously adapt/supervise all the facilities to the Genetically
Modified Organisms (OMGs) legislation in order to meet the national-international
requirements of health and safety. Funding and dedication of the commission established for
these matters will be required for this.
Transfer of knowledge: As stated above, there are difficulties in finding personnel which
would not only provide putative links and contacts, but also do the interviews, meetings with
enterprises, etc. (independently of the scientists) to carry out the transfer of putative research
applications to the business sector. There is deficient information supplied to the society on
knowledge transfer of our research activity to the industrial sector that might benefit from it.
This results in deficient transfer of knowledge.
Equipment: The Centre relies on external services for Mass spectrometry-HPLC and array
hybridization due to the lack of equipment and qualified personnel for this technology. Besides
a new greenhouse for biologic insecticide experimentation, P2 adaptations of laboratories,
new office spaces and adaptation of underground level to optimize storage spaces, the Centre
needs: ultracentrifuge, Bioanalyzer, French-press, etc. (see pertinent section).
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Funding: The high cost of living in Pamplona, hampers the attraction of foreign post-docs,
technicians, etc. to the city. Salaries should be adapted at the institutional level (CSIC, UPNA,
etc.) accordingly to this standard of living.
Difficulties to invite speakers for seminars are often due to lack of budget assignment for this
purpose by the institution and low specialized scientist number in the Centre and University
for these invitations.
3. Social and labour
Unstable and uncertain future for the employment of trainees. The Centre has few job offer
opportunities. Contracting procedures are slow, not flexible and cannot be done in the Centre
but through CSIC or UPNA, following Centralized rules for hiring. Furthermore, there are very
few technicians. This is the situation in the Centre in the last few years: there is an extremely
low proportion of technicians in relation to scientists (one multi-purpose technician for 67
scientists). Thus, the number of technicians should increase in the Centre.
1. High level of competition inside the field by international groups dedicated to research
topics of the Centre. Also, the level of competition for new positions inside the Institute is
increasing and there is a loss of well trained scientists.
2. Decreased Agricultural-biotechnology research funding in some public and private entities
and enterprises, politics-dependent limitations in the public and private financial resources. EU
cuts down funding for several of the research subjects of the Centre.
3. More flexible and numerous job opportunities in competitor Centres for personnel (included
that trained in the Centre).
4. Inadequate evaluation of experimentation in the field of Agrobiotechnology. Journals
covering Entomology and Crop Protection, livestock infectious diseases, etc. have, in general,
low impact indexes, which may hamper the qualification of the research team and the
promotion of our researchers.
5. Complex and confusing regulations in Europe for plant-made pharmaceuticals (PMPs), which
may slow down development and marketing.
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6. Journals covering Entomology and Crop Protection, livestock infectious diseases, etc. have,
in general, low impact indexes, which may hamper the qualification of the research team and
the promotion of our researchers.
1. Scientific
The high level of competition inside the field by international groups dedicated to research
topics of the Centre is greatly increasing, being a big threat.
One possible threat is that policies at the local, national or international levels do not allow
funding of Agriculture-related research, specifically, Animal Health, Crop Protection and
Agrobiology projects. EU funding is minimal in these areas. If this goes on, a reorientation of
the research subjects of the Lines towards scientific objectives that can be funded would be
Some experiments involving plants and animals are of quality but slow and field-oriented
and thus they may be published in restricted-specialized research journals (low impact of the
field/low number of journals in the particular field). Thus, the number and impact factor of
scientific contributions in the field of Agrobiotechnology may be low compared with other
fields and this should be considered in the future evaluation of the Center’ s and personnel
scientific production.
2. Economic and Structural
- There is a need to habilitate space for the new members of the Center’ s teams that will be
consolidated to develop their capacities and initiate new research areas. This depends mainly
on external funding. Delay or denial of funding will impede progress and will undoubtedly
neutralize the initial advantage over potential competitors.
- Enterprises may not be interested in the research results corresponding to some of the
Centre’ s objectives, or compete with the Centre, so in this case they will not invest in the
- Granting agencies may not fund Agriculture-related research or Plant and Animal Health
research topics. Often this criterion is politics dependent. There is a weak support, by
European Commission, to fund Agrobiology and Animal Health projects (except some zoonosis,
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merging diseases or diseases representing a threat to humans) and to facilitate microbial
bioinsecticide registration. The bioinsecticide characteristics, different from those of chemical
insecticides, should meet different requirements for acceptance, as it occurs in the USA and
other Asian or Latin American countries, where funding interest on these issues is much
In sum:
- If funding, required to adequate/adapt/expand spaces, equipment, scientific and nonscientific personnel (see section on weaknesses.) and do research (project funding and
contracts with enterprises), is not available, the planned research will not be possible and
growth and yield will be much lower.
- If funding is mainly addressed to competitors, the Centre will not do the expected research.
- If one or more of the three organisms integrating the Centre (CSIC, UPNA and Government of
Navarra) ceases to actively fund the Centre, the expected activities will not be performed in
due time.
3, Social and labour
Personnel trained in the Centre or elsewhere may find more easily or in a more flexible
manner job opportunities in competitor Centres having higher hiring facilities and/or flexibility,
thus resulting in a loss of know-how and personnel at the IdAB.
There is an internal rivalry amongst the members of each Line and within teams for
putative available positions that would be provided.
The level of competition for new positions inside the Cetre is increasing with the
increasing availability of well trained scientists, some of which will not be contracted in the
Centre due to low availability of jobs
Low interest in European Commission on non zoonotic animal diseases during
economic crisis, while defending animal welfare, efficient production, healthy food and special
care about the transgression of cross-species barrier to avoid contagious disease transmission.
Complex and confusing regulations in Europe for plant-made pharmaceuticals (PMPs),
which may slow down development and marketing.
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1. Generation of high standard scientific contributions (publications in SCI journals, patents),
technology transfer, and graduate training, in the field of Biotechnology applied to
microorganisms, plants and animals; specifically in the areas of Animal and Plant Health
(Bacterial Biofilms, Animal Health infectious diseases, Microbial Bioinsecticides) and Plant
Biotechnology (Carbohydrate Metabolism and metabolic engineering of bacteria and plants;
Plant Agrobiotechnology using plants as Biofactories for the production of transgenic plants
and recombinant proteins; and Plant Physiology and Agrobiology, studying nitrogen and iron
metabolism and oxidative stress processes in plants).
2. Synergy and multi-discipline at different levels (biochemical, molecular, cellular and whole
3. Leading edge technological expertise in biotechnology applicable to microorganisms, plants
and animals, allowing work with complex genetic approaches.
4. Experience in development of microbial, plant and animal experimental models of relevance
in Microbial, Animal and Plant Heath and Plant Biotechnology.
5. Good funding level through participation in local, national, and international calls for
research projects through public and private entities.
6. Collaboration with national and international research centres, enterprises, local networks
and participation in scientific Committees, and editorial boards of SCI journals. International
recognition of teams integrating the Centre, in the areas of research, technology and transfer
to enterprises.
7. The Centre is integrated by two Lines and 6 teams, with synergy between them: The Line of
Animal and Plant Health is integrated by three teams: Bacterial Biofilms; Animal Health and
Microbial Bioinsecticides. Each team has a potential to grow and develop a Line on its own in
the future. Similarly, the Line of Plant Biotechnology is integrated by three teams:
Carbohydrate Metabolism; Plant Agrobiotechnology; and Plant Physiology and Agrobiology.
Each team has a potential to grow and develop the corresponding Line in the future.
1. Scientific and technologic
The Centre is integrated by two Lines: Animal and Plant Health and Pant Biotechnology, and
6 teams, with three teams per Line and synergy between them: The Line of Animal and Plant
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Health is integrated by three teams: Microbial Biofilms; Animal Health and Microbial
Bioinsecticides, all involved in health-related issues. Major goals of this Line are: a) to
understand Microbial Biofilms, and the identification of targets susceptible for development of
new drugs to combat biofilm associated infections; b) to contribute to the improvement of
Animal Health by understanding resistance to diseases and developing new therapeutic and
diagnostic approaches; and c) to understand the mechanisms governing the biological activity
and transmission of entomopathogens in order to develop novel Microbial Bioinsecticides that
can be implemented in Integrated Pest Management Programs.
Similarly, the Line of Plant Biotechnology has 3 teams studying: a) Carbohydrate Metabolism
and metabolic engineering of bacteria and plants and their implications in diagnosis, food,
physiology and energy; b) Plants as Biofactories for the production of transgenic plants and
recombinant proteins of pharmaceutical use; and c) Plant Physiology and Agrobiology, which
centres in nitrogen nutrition and iron metabolism and oxidative stress processes in plants, with
applications in food and other fields.
The Centre produces advanced research and generates significant knowledge according to the
different teams and objectives. The Centre is coherent and interactive, and approaches
important issues in the field of Agrobiotechnology. Publications are of high quality and belong
very often to the first quartile of SCI within the area of work. The Centre is involved in
collaborative research with different Centres in Spain and throughout the world, and
participates in single and coordinated, national and international projects. Besides, the Centre
produces patents and has a number of activities on technology transfer and collaboration with
enterprises. This is attained through agreements and collaborative projects, and programmes
of training and exchange of personnel.
Main general qualities of the Centre are:
a) the generation of high standard scientific publications (in SCI), patents, technology transfer,
and graduate training, in the fields of Biotechnology applied to microorganisms, plants and
b) high scientific throughput in the Lines of Animal and Plant Health and Plant Biotechnology;
c) synergy and multi-discipline approaches at different levels (biochemical, molecular, cellular
and whole organism);
d) innovative approaches and technologies.
The Institute has important know-how in the field of Agrobiotechnology, as shown in the
description below according to the corresponding Line specifications.
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- Line of Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health:
The Line of Animal and Plant Health has important specific strengths and know-how in the field
of Agrobiotechnology, as shown in the following description of strengths according to the
corresponding teams:
Team of Bacterial Biofilms
Experience on genetic manipulation of gram positive and gram negative bacteria, thus
permitting complex genetic approaches.
Experience of the research group on animal experimental models that, together with
genetic approaches, help to analyze the role of the biofilm in-vivo.
Recent incorporation of two Postdoctoral fellows (Jaione Valle and Alejandro Toledo),
who after carrying out their PhDs in this Group and a subsequent postdoctoral stay in the
Pasteur Institute as a UE grant holder (Jaione Valle) and EMBO grant holder (Alejandro
Toledo), have joined the group, contributing with the knowledge acquired during their
postdoctoral stay and thus increasing the critical mass of the group.
Wide knowledge of the research that is nowadays being carried out into bacterial
Good position of the Group within this research topic at the international sphere.
Good position of the Group within the manuscripts revision channels related to the
research field.
Team of Animal Health
Knowledge on design and evaluation of vaccines for bacteria and viruses.
Knowledge on immunogenetics, host immune response an immunological techniques.
Knowledge on approaches to determine the mechanisms of virulence and
pathogenicity in host-pathogen interactions in vitro and in laboratory and livestock animal
Knowledge on genetics of disease resistance, control and diagnosis, including the
development of new diagnostic and prophylactic tools based on molecular genetics and
International projection through collaborative links and scientific contributions
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Involvement in national and international systems for evaluation of projects and
scientific journals.
Collaboration with other teams of the institute, creating synergies.
Overall, the team on Animal Health has a know-how to study the innate genetic resistance to
infectious diseases in livestock species. The group has expertise in the design and evaluation of
new vaccines for livestock and human infectious diseases (bacterial and viral) using
biotechnological and immunological approaches. This team has a potential to develop new
diagnostic tools for infectious diseases, and to establish animal models for the study of
infectious diseases and virulence factors in humans and animal species.
Team of Microbial Bioinsecticides
Knowledge on molecular characterization of entomopathogenic viruses and bacteria.
Expertise in the determination of the insecticidal properties of entomopathogenic
viruses and bacteria under laboratory and field conditions.
Leadership on the development and implementation of microbial insecticides based on
baculoviruses and Bacillus thuringiensis to control lepidopteran pests.
Familiarity on the development of R+D projects in collaboration with companies and
on the transference of research results to the industry.
Internationality by way of collaboration with research teams from Europe and America
and scientific contributions.
Participation in the revision of scientific contributions for several international peer
reviewed journals.
Overall, the team of Microbial Bioinsecticides, although recently incorporated, has according
to previous data, experience in the molecular and insecticidal characterization of
entomopathogenic viruses and bacteria under laboratory and field conditions and the
possibilities to broaden this experience in other entomopathogens of economic importance.
The team has a leadership in the development and implementation of microbial bioinsecticides
based on baculoviruses to control lepidopteran pests.
- Line of Biotechnology in Plants:
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The Line of Plant Biotechnology has important strengths and know-how in the field of
Agrobiotechnology, as shown in the following description of strengths according to the teams
Team on Carbohydrate Biotechnology
The team has experience and is well positioned at the national level in metabolic
engineering of plants and bacteria, carbohydrate metabolism in plants and bacteria,
development of new models in plant physiology (especially involving the endocytic uptake of
nutrients in plants and new metabolic routes in bacteria and plants). The team has been
growing greatly and in a sustained manner in the last few years. The team is internationally
recognized. The models and results of the team are included in the main text books on plant
physiology and are being studied in the main universities from the United States, Europe and
Asia: the team combines youth and experience. The teams collaborates closely with research
national and international (Japan, the United States, Ireland, Argentine) teams and enterprises
of the area of agrobiotechnology. The team is multidisciplinary, with activities in the field of
microbial and plant biology, at the biochemical, molecular and cellular levels. The team is
international, including scientists from Slovakia, China, Morocco, Iran and Argentine. The team
has developed the channel for technology transfer.
Team on Plants as biofactories
The team:
Has experience in leading edge technology (plastid transformation) for the production
of transgenic plants and recombinant proteins (plants as biofactories) and plant-made
Is the Spanish leading laboratory in this field.
Produces high quality publications (most of them in the first quartile journals of the
Team on Plant Physiology and Agrobiology
The team has:
Experience in metabolic engineering of plants and bacteria, nitrogen and iron
metabolism in plants, oxidative processes in plants.
Know-how and current implications and collaborations with University and enterprises
on agro-food industries to develop sensors and nanosensors of interest in food technology.
Close interaction with firms to solve problems (applied research).
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Altogether, the scientific activities of the Centre are involved in solving different issues of
relevance in the field of Agricultural Sciences, using novel biotechnological approaches in
plants, microbes and animals in order to attempt the generation of scientific knowledge and
development of derived applications for technology transfer. The Centre, with its two Lines has
scientists and non-scientific personnel that work permanently very hard to attain jointly and
individually the scientific objectives of the strategic plan. According to the PCO (productivity by
accomplishment of objectives) classification within CSIC, the Centre not only accomplishes
100% of the PCO, but also surpasses largely the number of high quality publications and
private funds expected according to this strategic plan.
2. Economic and structural
The Institute of Agrobiotechnology (IdAB) is located in the Province of Navarra, in the
Campus de Arrosadía (Carretera de Mutilva, s/n. 31192 Mutilva Baja, Navarra) of the Public
University of Navarra (UPNA here on) and is supported by three Institutions: CSIC, UPNA and
Government of Navarra. The personnel belongs to CSIC and UPNA and can benefit from these
institutions. The Government of Navarra sponsors partially the research of the Centre through
a renewable contract-programme. The Centre’ s priorities are in agreement with the researchdevelopment priorities of the three institutions. In addition, the teams participate in the
regular competitive calls for funding. Concerning transfer of results, the Centre can use two
results-technology transfer offices: OTT (CSIC) and OTRI (UPNA).
The main financial sources of the Centre are: local Government of Navarra (Centreaddressed Contract programme and regular calls), national calls, international calls, and
enterprise-private funding. Moreover, the Centre is involved in a network of technological and
research Centres (RETECNA) created by the Government of Navarra, and participates in the
corresponding ongoing programme of the Navarra Agency of Innovation (ANAIN).
Concerning laboratory facilities, there are in the Centre plant facilities (greenhouse,
phytotrons, growth chambers), mice (P2 containment level) and sheep animal houses
(registration code number ES/31-2016-000002-CR-SU-US), as well as one P2 and one P3
containment level laboratory facilities. In these facilities, the Centre can develop the scientific
and technological tasks with some adaptations (see weaknesses). In the staff of the Centre,
there is qualified personnel to supervise radioactive and animal facilities (D category of the
current national Animal Welfare legislation) as well as greenhouse facilities. There is now an
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active ongoing commission and programme in the Institute to accomplish the conditions
required by legislation.
3. Social and labour
The Centre, specifically though its scientists, is present in different scientific lobbies and
Committees such as Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP) for evaluation of
national projects, Committees for job offers and structures, etc. in different Institutions (CSIC,
UPNA, CICYT, FIS, INIA, etc.). The Centre is also participating in: national and international
journal reviewing; programme coordination for projects, facilities, and personnel; and
elaboration of the local Strategic Regional Research Plan (Comunidad Foral de Navarra).
Furthermore, scientists currently evaluate a series of international journal articles of the area
of high scientific standards.
The personnel of the Centre can undertake potentially dangerous tasks under safety
conditions (it has P3 facilities, appropriate animal P2 facilities which are being built, and
radioactive facilities). There is an internally established Commission in the Centre in charge of
safety and adaptation of facilities according to national and International regulations.
Additionally, there are three scientists in the Centre that participate in the safety Committee of
The Centre has flexible labour relationships. Personnel from different teams can use each
other facilities, equipment, and common research support services. This provides a symbiotic
There is an internal environment in the Centre that, together with the characteristics of
research and technology of the Centre’ s Lines make the Centre prone to the development of
new spin-offs.
The scientific activities of the IdAB are involved in solving different issues of relevance in the
field of Agricultural Sciences and society, using novel biotechnological approaches in plants,
microbes and animals in order to attempt the generation of scientific knowledge and
development of derived applications for technology transfer. In the Centre, there are cutting
edge approaches research and technological approaches of a great social concern. This makes
the Centre attractive at different levels. At the local level, the Line is involved in the three
priority poles of Navarra: Biotechnology, Energy and Nanotechnology. At the national and
international levels, these subjects are also a priority.
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The Centre has collaborated in the creation of two enterprises, collaborates with different
firms and is open to the generation of spin-offs. It is also open to national and international
collaborations. There are foreign scientists carrying out research in the Centre. Graduate
training is one of the main activities carried out in the Centre, leading to Master and Doctors
degree and technological specializations.
The Centre can take profit from the:
Need of biopharmaceuticals (including subunit vaccines for human and animal use),
which are increasingly growing worldwide and of the favourable social acceptance of
transgenic plants for biopharmaceutical use. Plant-made pharmaceuticals will undoubtedly
have a significant role as new and low-cost production system.
Growing social concern on the health dangers posed by pest residues present on food
and feed vegetable products. Increasing demands of products free of toxic chemical residues.
The development of microbial insecticides is nowadays an expanding research Line. Wide
social acceptance that microbial entomopathogen-based bioinsecticides constitute a real
alternative to chemical pesticides.
Increased interest in controlling infection spread, in animal and human health and
welfare, and avoidance of food from infected animals. Interest in development of new
vaccines and efficient diagnostic tools.
Growing concern in plant metabolism that may contribute to the field of energy and
avoidance of oxidative stress.
Funding available (if any) for new positions that will ensure the evolution of the
Institute as a unit and the different teams (each specifically involved in a major scientific
objective), their transformation into consolidated research Lines and the incorporation of new
Interactions between the personnel within the Centre and with personnel of the
University (UPNA and others), CSIC and other Centres.
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Exchanges with other entities by: a) forming Associate Units when appropriate; b)
using RETECNA networking for interactions with technological Centres; and c) working with
Concurrence of favourable circumstances in Navarra for symbiosis between academic,
agronomic, medical and pharmaceutical sectors and use structures, agencies and services
from other Organisms to transfer knowledge and for international contacts: a) of Navarra’ s
Government Agencies such as ANAIN for connections with Navarra’ s Government and other
research Centres, CEIN for funding practical/business ideas and AIN for industry related ideas;
and b) Use of two results-technology transfer offices: OTT of CSIC and OTRI of UPNA.
Possibility to transfer knowledge and technology, not only of interest to plants and
animals but also to humans (health and food related developments mainly) to society and
enterprises involved in Health, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Food, Energy and
1. Scientific
Different teams of the Centre have found new niches in scientific developments, that
guarantee funding. Accordingly, the Centre can contribute with new research issues and
original ideas to the advancement of science, technology and society.
The Centre can take profit of the needs for biopharmaceuticals (including subunit vaccines for
human and animal use), which are increasingly growing worldwide and of the favourable social
acceptance of transgenic plants for biopharmaceutical use. Plant-made pharmaceuticals will
undoubtedly have a significant role as new and low-cost production system.
Located in a University (UPNA) campus, the Centre can have access to the University students,
structures, equipment, courses, facilities and services (informatics, library, electron
microscopy, etc.). All this increases the possibility for the Centre to participate in local, national
and international lobbies and committees.
The collaborative, scientific and knowledge-transfer nature of the Centre is such that it brings
the opportunity to facilitate not only the interactions between teams of the same Line in the
Centre or between Lines of the Centre, but also the interactions among personnel of the
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Centre belonging to different institutions, and between personnel of the Centre and personnel
of the University (UPNA and other Universities), other CSIC Centres and other Organisms.
If the Centre succeeds in obtaining funding for new positions, this will ensure the evolution of
the different teams (each specifically involved in a major scientific objective), their
transformation into consolidated research Lines and the incorporation of new technologies.
The Centre has the possibility to optimize resources by exchanges with other entities by: a)
forming Associate Units when appropriate; b) using of RETECNA networking for interactions
with technological Centres; and c) collaborating with enterprises. Although limited, there are
laboratory facilities that may help to establish collaborative relationships with external
research groups, with the possibility to form Associate Units that can help to expand the
research scope of some of the teams involved in the development of different objectives. The
Centre belongs to the network RETECNA and several international lobbies. In Navarra,
RETECNA favours interactions between technological and Research Centres, with the
possibility to share equipment and participate for joint projects. Finally, the Centre carries out
collaborative work with enterprises, with joint venture developments.
The Institute has Experience in a) genetic and biotechnological techniques applicable to
microorganisms, plants and animals, allowing work with complex genetic approaches; and b)
development of microbial, plant and animal experimental models of relevance in Animal and
Plant heath and Plant Biotechnology. These tools are of interest inside and outside the
Institute. Different scientists from research Centres, universities and enterprises visit the
Institute to gain experience in these tools.
Thus, the Centre has several advantages:
It can take profit of the needs for biopharmaceuticals (including subunit vaccines for human
and animal use), which are increasingly growing worldwide and of the favourable social
acceptance of transgenic plants for biopharmaceutical use. Plant-made pharmaceuticals will
undoubtedly have a significant role as new and low-cost production system. There is growing
social concern on the health dangers posed by pest residues present on food and feed
vegetable products and increasing demand of products free of toxic chemical residues. The
development of microbial insecticides is nowadays an expanding research Line. There is wide
social acceptance that microbial entomopathogen-based bioinsecticides constitute a real
alternative to chemical pesticides. Also, there is increased interest in controlling infection
spread, in animal and human health and welfare, and avoidance of food from infected animals.
Similarly, there is interest in development of new vaccines and efficient diagnostic tools.
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Finally, there is growing concern in plant metabolism that may contribute to the field of energy
and avoidance of oxidative stress.
2. Economic and Structural
The Centre’ s maintenance is funded not only by CSIC but also by UPNA, so it counts on two
financial sources rather than one.
In addition to the regular competitive calls for funding, the Centre can participate in calls for
projects and personnel resources from CSIC, UPNA and Government of Navarra (since the
Institute takes part of these Organisms), because of its adequacy to the research-development
priorities of three institutions. Thus, the Centre can use two results-technology transfer offices:
The Centre can take profit of the concurrence of favourable circumstances in Navarra for
symbiosis between academic, agronomic, medical and pharmaceutical sectors and use
structures, agencies and services from other organisms to transfer knowledge and for
international contacts: a) of Navarra’ s Government Agencies such as ANAIN for connections
with Navarra’ s Government and other research Centres, CEIN for funding practical/business
ideas and AIN for industry related ideas. ANAIN helps the Centre in the promotion of: a)
technological transfer; b) collaboration between technological and research Centres and
enterprises (Euroinnova programme); and c) information exchange on project calls and
possible partners, including those favouring internationalization. Furthermore, the Centre has
the opportunity to apply for funding of new ideas of potential transferable results and
developments, the basis of new spin-offs, etc. This is coordinated by the Agency CEIN of the
Government of Navarra, funding some of these issues. Finally, AIN can help the industrial
connections of the Centre.
3. Social and labour
The Centre can transfer results and technology, not only of interest to plants and animals but
also to humans (health and food related developments mainly) and enterprises involved in
Health, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Food, Energy and Environment.
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The Centre can contribute to the development of Research and development, starting in
Navarra, as it is involved in the design and development of the corresponding programme and
in the RETECNA network. This network offers also the possibility of personnel exchange. At the
national and international levels the Centre interacts with other Centres and enterprises,
contributing to social transfer of results.
Since the Centre has UPNA and CSIC scientists and participates in a Biotechnology Master
programme offered by UPNA, it has the opportunity to meet, teach and form students in
Master and PhD programmes.
Personnel can apply to different Organisms (Government of Navarra, MEC, CSIC, etc.) for
fellowships, contracts or positions in the Centre, which can be managed not only through one
but through two alternative routes: CSIC and UPNA.
Some enterprises have found and new ones may find the Centre attractive to attempt their
own developments, as the centre is well equipped and scientists are well recognized and can
closely supervise work. This encourages the participation of the Centre and enterprises in joint
research programmes.
Furthermore, local Organizations belonging to the Government of Navarra, such as ANAIN, can
help the Centre by providing possible interactions with other partners and enterprises. Also
CEIN can help the Centre by funding and guidance in the first steps of enterprise formation
(spin-offs, etc.) and prototype developments.
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RA (Relational Analysis)
Competitor groups
Karolinska Institutet MTC
Institute: Karolinska Institutet MTC
Institution: Karolinska Institutet MTC
Address : Box 280 SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Web: http://ki.se/
10 Recent articles:
1. Simm R, Lusch A, Kader A, Andersson M, Römling U. Role of EAL-containing proteins in
multicellular behavior of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.
J Bacteriol. 2007 May;189(9):3613-23.
2. Rochon M, Römling U. Flagellin in combination with curli fimbriae elicits an immune
response in the gastrointestinal epithelial cell line HT-29.
Microbes Infect. 2006 Jul;8(8):2027-33.
3. Kader A, Simm R, Gerstel U, Morr M, Römling U. Hierarchical involvement of various GGDEF
domain proteins in rdar morphotype development of Salmonella enterica serovar
Typhimurium. Mol Microbiol. 2006 May;60(3):602-16.
4. Römling U, Amikam D.
Cyclic di-GMP as a second messenger.
Curr Opin Microbiol. 2006 Apr;9(2):218-28
5. Sriramulu DD, Nimtz M, Romling U. Proteome analysis reveals adaptation of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa to the cystic fibrosis lung environment.
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Proteomics. 2005 Sep;5(14):3712-21.
6. Römling U, Gomelsky M, Galperin MY. C-di-GMP: the dawning of a novel bacterial signalling
Mol Microbiol. 2005 Aug;57(3):629-39.
7. Simm R, Morr M, Kader A, Nimtz M, Römling U. GGDEF and EAL domains inversely regulate
cyclic di-GMP levels and transition from sessility to motility.
Mol Microbiol. 2004 Aug;53(4):1123-34.
8. Gerstel U, Römling U. Oxygen tension and nutrient starvation are major signals that regulate
agfD promoter activity and expression of the multicellular morphotype in Salmonella
Environ Microbiol. 2001 Oct;3(10):638-48.
9. Römling U. Genetic and phenotypic analysis of multicellular behavior in Salmonella
Methods Enzymol. 2001;336:48-59
10. Zogaj X, Nimtz M, Rohde M, Bokranz W, Römling U. The multicellular morphotypes of
Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli produce cellulose as the second component of
the extracellular matrix.
Mol Microbiol. 2001 Mar;39(6):1452-63
Dept. of Molecular Biology & Microbiology
Institute: Dept. of Molecular Biology & Microbiology
Institution: Univeristy of Central Florida
Address : 4000 Central Florida Blvd.. Orlando, Florida 32816-2364. U.S.A.
Web: http://daniell.ucf.edu/welcome
10 Recent articles:
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Instituto de Agrobiotecnología
1. Chebolu, S., Daniell, H. 2007. Stable expression of GAL/GALNAc lectin of Entamoeba
histolytica in transgenic chloroplast and immunogenicity in mice towards vaccine development
for amebiasis. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 5(2):230-239.
2. Ruhlman, T., Ahangari, R., Devine, A.L., Samsam, M., Daniell, H. 2007. Expression of cholera
toxin B-proinsulin fusion protein in lettuce and tobacco chloroplasts - oral administration
protects against development of insulitis in non-obese diabetic mice. Plant Biotechnology
Journal, 5(4):495-510.
3. Limaye, A., Koya, V., Samsam, M., Daniell, H. 2006. Receptor mediated oral delivery of a
bioencapsulated green fluorescent protein expressed in transgenic chloroplasts into the mouse
circulatory system. FASEB journal, 20(7):959-961.
4. Koya, V., Moayeri, M., Leppla, S.H., Daniell, H. 2005. Plant based vaccine: mice immunized
with chloroplast-derived anthrax protective antigen survive anthrax lethal toxin challenge.
Infection and Immunity, 73(12):8266-8274.
5. Kumar, S., Dhingra, A., Daniell, H. 2004. Manipulation of gene expression facilitates cotton
plastid transformation of cotton by somatic embryogenesis and maternal inheritance of
transgenes. Plant Molecular Biology, 56(2):203-216.
6. Verma, D., Daniell, H. 2007. Chloroplast vector systems for biotechnology applications. Plant
Physiology, 145(4):1129-1143
7. Hussein, H., Ruiz, O.N., Terry, N., Daniell, H. 2007. Phytoremediation of mercury and
organomercurials in chloroplast transgenic planys: Enhanced root uptake, translocation to
shoots and volatilization. Environmental Science and Technology , 41(24):8439-8446.
8. Arlen, P.A., Falconer, R., Cherukumilli, S., Cole, A., Cole, A.M., Oishi, K.K., Daniell, H. 2007.
Field production and functional evaluation of chloroplast-derived interferon alpha 2b. Plant
Biotechnology Journal, 5(4):511-525.
9. Daniell, H. 2007. Transgene containment via maternal inheritance. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 104(17):6879-6880.
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10. Chebolu, S., Daniell, H. 2007. Stable expression of GAL/GALNAc lectin of Entamoeba
histolytica in transgenic chloroplast and immunogenicity in mice towards vaccine development
for amebiasis. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 5(2):230-239.
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
Institute: Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
Institution: Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)
Address : P. O. Box 1470, 711 10 Heraklion, Greece
Web: http://www.imbb.forth.gr/
10 Recent articles:
1. Moschou PN, Sanmartin M, Andriopoulou AH, Rojo E, Sanchez-Serrano JJ, RoubelakisAngelakis KA.
Bridging the Gap between Plant and Mammalian Polyamine Catabolism: A Novel Peroxisomal
Polyamine Oxidase Responsible for a Full Back-Conversion Pathway in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol. 2008 Aug;147(4):1845-57
2. Moschou PN, Paschalidis KA, Delis ID, Andriopoulou AH, Lagiotis GD, Yakoumakis DI,
Roubelakis-Angelakis KA.
Spermidine exodus and oxidation in the apoplast induced by abiotic stress is responsible for
H2O2 signatures that direct tolerance responses in tobacco.
Plant Cell. 2008 Jun;20(6):1708-24
3. Moschou PN, Delis ID, Paschalidis KA, Roubelakis-Angelakis KA.
Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing polyamine oxidase are not able to cope with
oxidative burst generated by abiotic factors.
Physiol Plant. 2008 Jun;133(2):140-56.
4. Skopelitis DS, Paranychianakis NV, Kouvarakis A, Spyros A, Stephanou EG, RoubelakisAngelakis KA.
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The isoenzyme 7 of tobacco NAD(H)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase exhibits high
deaminating and low aminating activities in vivo.
Plant Physiol. 2007 Dec;145(4):1726-34
5. Skopelitis DS, Paranychianakis NV, Paschalidis KA, Pliakonis ED, Delis ID, Yakoumakis DI,
Kouvarakis A, Papadakis AK, Stephanou EG, Roubelakis-Angelakis KA.
Abiotic stress generates ROS that signal expression of anionic glutamate dehydrogenases to
form glutamate for proline synthesis in tobacco and grapevine.
Plant Cell. 2006 Oct;18(10):2767-81. Epub 2006 Oct 13.
PMID: 17041150 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
6. Paschalidis KA, Roubelakis-Angelakis KA.
Sites and regulation of polyamine catabolism in the tobacco plant. Correlations with cell
division/expansion, cell cycle progression, and vascular development.
Plant Physiol. 2005 Aug;138(4):2174-84. Epub 2005 Jul 22.
7. Paschalidis KA, Roubelakis-Angelakis KA.
Spatial and temporal distribution of polyamine levels and polyamine anabolism in different
organs/tissues of the tobacco plant. Correlations with age, cell division/expansion, and
Plant Physiol. 2005 May;138(1):142-52. Epub 2005 Apr 22.
8. Purnell MP, Skopelitis DS, Roubelakis-Angelakis KA, Botella JR.
Modulation of higher-plant NAD(H)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase activity in transgenic
tobacco via alteration of beta subunit levels.
Planta. 2005 Sep;222(1):167-80.
9. Papadakis AK, Roubelakis-Angelakis KA.
Polyamines inhibit NADPH oxidase-mediated superoxide generation and putrescine prevents
programmed cell death induced by polyamine oxidase-generated hydrogen peroxide.
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Planta. 2005 Apr;220(6):826-37
10. Paczek V, Dubois F, Sangwan R, Morot-Gaudry JF, Roubelakis-Angelakis KA, Hirel B.
Cellular and subcellular localisation of glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase in
grapes gives new insights on the regulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism.
Planta. 2002 Dec;216(2):245-54. Epub 2002 Aug 27.
Department of Phytopathology
Institute: Department of Phytopathology
Institution: Agricultural Service Center Palatinate (DLR Rheinpfalz)
Address : Breitenweg 71, 67435 Neustadt/Wstr., Germany
Web: http://www.dlr-rheinpfalz.rlp.de/
10 Recent articles:
1. REZAPANAH, M., SHOJAI-ESTABRAGH, S. HUBER, J. JEHLE, J. A. (2008). Molecular and
biological characterization of new isolates of Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) from Iran.
Journal of Pest Science (DOI 10.1007/s10340-008-0204-2).
2. EBERLE, H. E., ASSER-KAISER; S., SAYED, S. M, NGUYEN, H. T., JEHLE, J. A. (2008). Overcoming
the resistance of codling moth against conventional Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV-M)
by a new isolate CpGV-I12. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 98, 293-298.
Effects of transgenic corn and Cry1Ab toxin on the nematode C. elegans. Ecotoxicology and
Environmental Safety 70, 334-340.
REINEKE, A., ZEBITZ, C. P. W., HECKEL, D. G., HUBER, J., JEHLE, J. A. (2007). Rapid emergence of
baculovirus resistance in codling moth due to dominant, sex-linked inheritance. Science 318,
5. NGUYEN THU, H., JEHLE, J. A. (2007). Seasonal and tissue-specific expression of Cry1Ab in Bt
corn. Journal of Plant Disease and Protection 114, 82-87.
6. ARENDS, H. M., JEHLE, J. A. (2006). Sequence analysis and quantification of transposase
cDNAs of transposon TCp3.2 in Cydia pomonella larvae. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and
Physiology 63:135-145.
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7. EBERLE, K. E., JEHLE, J. A. (2006). Field resistance of codling moth against Cydia pomonella
granulovirus (CpGV) is autosomal and incompletely dominant inherited. Journal of
Invertebrate Pathology 93, 201-206.
8. JEHLE, J. A., LANGE, M., WANG, H., HU, Z.-H., WANG, Y., HAUSCHIILD, R. (2006). Molecular
identification and phylogentic analysis of baculoviruses of Lepidoptera. Virology 346,180-196.
9. Arends, H. M., Winstanley, D., Jehle, J. A. (2005). Virulence and competitiveness of Cydia
pomonella granulovirus mutants: Parameters that do not match. Journal of General Virology
86, 2731-2738.
10. CHENG, X.-W., CARNER, G. R., LANGE, M., JEHLE, J. A., ARIF, B. M. (2005). Biological and
molecular characterization of a multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus from Thysanoplusia
orichalcea (L.). (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 88, 126-35.
John Innes Centre
Institute: John Innes Centre
Institution: John Innes Centre
Address : Norwich Research Park, Colney Norwich, NR4 7UH, U.K.
Web: www.jic.ac.uk
10 Recent articles:
1. Smith, A.M. (2008) Prospects for increasing starch and sucrose yields for bioethanol
production. Plant J. 54, 546-558
2. Cevallos et al. (2007) Discovery of an amylose-free starch mutant in cassava (Manihot
esculenta Crantz). J. Agric. Food Chem. 55, 7469-7476
3. Smith, A.M., Stitt, M. (2007) Coordination of carbon suplí and plant growth. Plant Cell
Environ. 30, 1126-1149
4. Bieniawska et al. (2007) Análisis of the sucrose synthase gene family in Arabidopsis. Plant J.
49, 810-828
5. Zeeman et al. (2007) The diurnal metabolism of leaf starch. Biochem. J. 401, 13-28
6. Niittyla et al. (2006) Similar protein phosphatases control starch metabolism in plants and
glycogen metabolism in mammals. J. Biol. Chem. 281, 11815-11818
7. Yu et al. (2005) Alpha amylase is not required for breakdown of transitory starch in
Arabidopsis leaves. J. Biol.. Chem. 280, 9773-9779
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8. Smith et al. (2004) Diurnal changes in the transcriptome encoding enzymes of starch
metabolism provide evidence for both transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of
starch metabolism in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Physiol. 136, 2687-2699
9. Zeeman et al. (2004) Plastidial alpha-glucan phosphorylase is not required for starch
degradation in Arabidopsis leaves but has a role in the tolerance of abiotic stress. Plant Physiol.
135, 849-858
10. Bustos et al. (2004) Starch granule initiation is controlled by a heteromultimeric isoamylase
in potato tubers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 2215-2220
Collaborator groups
Unite de Genetique des Biofilms
Institute: Unite de Genetique des Biofilms
Institution: Institut Pasteur
Address : 25 rue du Dr. Roux, 75724 Paris CEDEX 15, France
Web: http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/unites/Ggb/
10 Recent articles:
1. Beloin C, Roux A, Ghigo JM. Escherichia coli biofilms.
Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2008;322:249-89. Review.
2. Valle J, Mabbett AN, Ulett GC, Toledo-Arana A, Wecker K, Totsika M, Schembri MA, Ghigo
JM, Beloin C. UpaG, a new member of the trimeric autotransporter family of adhesins in
uropathogenic Escherichia coli.
J Bacteriol. 2008 Jun;190(12):4147-61
3. Valle J, Da Re S, Schmid S, Skurnik D, D'Ari R, Ghigo JM.
The amino acid valine is secreted in continuous-flow bacterial biofilms.
J Bacteriol. 2008 Jan;190(1):264-74
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4. Roux A, Beloin C, Ghigo JM. Combined inactivation and expression strategy to study gene
function under physiological conditions: application to identification of new Escherichia coli
J Bacteriol. 2005 Feb;187(3):1001-13.
5. Beloin C, Ghigo JM. Finding gene-expression patterns in bacterial biofilms.
Trends Microbiol. 2005 Jan;13(1):16-9.
6. Beloin C, Valle J, Latour-Lambert P, Faure P, Kzreminski M, Balestrino D, Haagensen JA,
Molin S, Prensier G, Arbeille B, Ghigo JM. Global impact of mature biofilm lifestyle on
Escherichia coli K-12 gene expression.
Mol Microbiol. 2004 Feb;51(3):659-74.
7. Valle J, Toledo-Arana A, Berasain C, Ghigo JM, Amorena B, Penadés JR, Lasa I. SarA and not
sigmaB is essential for biofilm development by Staphylococcus aureus.
Mol Microbiol. 2003 May;48(4):1075-87.
8. Solano C, García B, Valle J, Berasain C, Ghigo JM, Gamazo C, Lasa I. Genetic analysis of
Salmonella enteritidis biofilm formation: critical role of cellulose.
Mol Microbiol. 2002 Feb;43(3):793-808.
9. Rossi MS, Fetherston JD, Létoffé S, Carniel E, Perry RD, Ghigo JM. Identification and
characterization of the hemophore-dependent heme acquisition system of Yersinia pestis.
Infect Immun. 2001 Nov;69(11):6707-17.
10. Ghigo JM. Natural conjugative plasmids induce bacterial biofilm development.
Nature. 2001 Jul 26;412(6845):442-5.
The Royal School of Veterinary Studies, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
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Instituto de Agrobiotecnología
Institute: The Royal School of Veterinary Studies, College of Medicine and Veterinary
Institution: University of Edinburgh
Address : Summerhall, Edinburgh EH9 1QH, UK
Web: http://www.vet.ed.ac.uk/
10 Recent articles:
1. McNeilly TN, Baker A, Brown JK, Collie D, Maclachlan G, Rhind SM, Harkiss GD.
Role of alveolar macrophages in respiratory transmission of Visna/Maedi virus.
J Virol. 2008;82(3):1526-36
2. Niesalla H, McNeilly TN, Ross M, Rhind SM, Harkiss GD.
Experimental infection of sheep with Visna/Maedi virus via the conjunctival space.
J Gen Virol. 2008;89(Pt 6):1329-37
3. Reina R, Glaria I, Benavides J, de Andrés X, Crespo H, Solano C, Pérez V, Luján L, Pérez MM,
Pérez de la Lastra JM, Rosati S, Blacklaws B, Harkiss G, de Andrés D, Amorena B.
Association of CD80 and CD86 expression levels with disease status of Visna/Maedi virus
infected sheep. Viral Immunol. 2007;20(4):609-22
4. Fraisier C, Arnarson H, Barbezange C, Andrésdŏttir V, Carrozza ML, De Andrés D, Tolari
F, Rosati S, Luján L, Pépin M, Amorena B, Harkiss G, Blacklaws B, Suzan-Monti M.
Expression of the gp150 Maedi Visna virus envelope precursor protein by mammalian
expression vectors. J Virol Methods. 2007;146(1-2):363-7
5. McNeilly TN, Tennant P, Luján L, Pérez M, Harkiss GD.
Differential infection efficiencies of peripheral lung and tracheal tissues in sheep infected with
Visna/Maedi virus via the respiratory tract.
J Gen Virol. 2007;88(Pt 2):670-9.
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6. McNeilly TN, Brown JK, Harkiss G.
Differential expression of cell surface markers by ovine respiratory tract dendritic cells.
J Histochem Cytochem. 2006;54(9):1021-30
7. González B, Reina R, García I, Andrés S, Glaria I, Alzueta M, Mora MI, Jugo BM, ArrietaAguirre I, de la Lastra JM, Rodríguez D, Rodríguez JR, Esteban M, Grilló MJ, Blacklaws BA,
Harkiss GD, Chebloune Y, Luján L, de Andrés D, Amorena B.
Mucosal immunization of sheep with a Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) env DNA vaccine protects
against early MVV productive infection. Vaccine. 2005;23(34):4342-52.
8. Peterhans E, Greenland T, Badiola J, Harkiss G, Bertoni G, Amorena B, Eliaszewicz M, Juste
RA, Krassnig R, Lafont JP, Lenihan P, Pétursson G, Pritchard G, Thorley J, Vitu C, Mornex JF,
Pépin M.
Routes of transmission and consequences of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) infection and
eradication schemes. Vet Res. 2004;35(3):257-74. Review.
9. de Andrés D, Klein D, Watt NJ, Berriatua E, Torsteinsdottir S, Blacklaws BA, Harkiss GD.
Diagnostic tests for small ruminant lentiviruses.
Vet Microbiol. 2005 Apr 25;107(1-2):49-62. Review.
PMID: 15795077 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
10. Blacklaws BA, Berriatua E, Torsteinsdottir S, Watt NJ, de Andres D, Klein D, Harkiss GD.
Transmission of small ruminant lentiviruses.
Vet Microbiol. 2004 Jul 14;101(3):199-208. Review.
PMID: 15223124 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Department of Genetics
Institute: Department of Genetics
Institution: University of Valencia
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Address : Dr. Moliner 50, 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain.
Web: http://www.uv.es/castellano/
10 Recent articles:
1.Herrero, S., Ansems, M., Van Oers, M.M., Vlak, J.M., Bakker, P.L. y de Maagd, R.A. (2007).
REPAT, a new family of proteins induced by bacterial toxins and baculovirus infection in
Spodoptera exigua. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 37, 1109-1118.
2.Ibargutxi, M.A., Estela, A., Ferré, J. y Caballero, P. (2006). Use of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins
for control of the cotton pest Earias insulana (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 72, 437-442.
3.Avilla, C., González-Zamora, J.E. y Ferré, J. (2006). La ingeniería genética y su aplicación a la
protección del algodón frente al ataque de insectos. PHYTOMA España 175, 34-41.
4.Rodrigo-Simón, A., de Maagd, R.A., Avilla, C., Bakker, P.L., Molthoff, J., González-Zamora, J.E.
y Ferré, J. (2006). Lack of detrimental effects of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins on the insect
predator Chrysoperla carnea: a toxicological, histopathological, and biochemical analysis.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72, 1595-1603.
5.González-Cabrera, J., Farinós, G.P., Caccia, S., Díaz-Mendoza, M., Castañera, P., Leonardi,
M.G., Giordana, B. y Ferré, J. (2006). Toxicity and mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry
proteins in the Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebvre). Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 72, 2594-2600.
6.Ruiz de Escudero, I., Estela, A., Porcar, M., Martínez, C., Oguiza, J.A., Escriche, B., Ferré, J. y
Caballero, P. (2006). Molecular and insecticidal characterization of a Cry1I protein toxic to
insects of the families Noctuidae, Tortricidae, Plutellidae, and Chysomelidae. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 72, 4796-4804.
7.Hernández, C.S. y Ferré, J. (2006). Pair-wise combination of toxin genes in transgenic crops:
the risk of cross-resistance development. OILB wprs Bulletin 29, 79-83.
8.Rodrigo-Simón, A. y Ferré, J. (2006). A microscopic approach to determine the impact of
Bacillus thuringiensis Cry proteins on non-target organisms: Lack of Cry1Ac binding to
Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) midgut epithelial cells. OILB wprs Bulletin 29, 125-128.
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9.Hernández, C.S., Andrew, R., Bel, Y. y Ferré, J. (2005). Isolation and toxicity of Bacillus
thuringiensis from potato-growing areas in Bolivia. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 88, 8-16.
10.Ferré, J., González-Cabrera, J., Escriche, B. y Herrero, S. (2005). Manejo de la resistencia a
las proteínas insecticidas de Bacillus thuringiensis. PHYTOMA España 173, 85-88.
IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center
Institute: IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center
Institution: University of Florida
Address : 700 Experiment Station Road, Lake Alfred, FL 33850. U.S.A.
Web: http://www.lal.ufl.edu/crec_websites/plant_physiology/index.htm
10 Recent articles:
1. Etxeberria, E., Baroja-Fernández, E., Muñoz, F.J., Pozueta-Romero, J. (2005) Sucrose
inducible endocytosis as a primary mechanism of nutrient uptake in heterotrophic plant cells.
Plant Cell Physiol. 46, 474-481
2. Etxeberria, E., González, P., Tomlinson, P., Pozueta-Romero, J. (2005) Existence of two
parallel mechanisms for glucose uptake in heterotrophic plant cells. J. Exp. Bot. 56, 1905-1912
3. Muñoz, F.J., Baroja-Fernández, E., Morán-Zorzano, M.T., Viale, A.M., Etxeberria, E., AlonsoCasajús, N., Pozueta-Romero, J. (2005) Sucrose synthase controls the intracellular levels of
ADPglucose linked to transitory starch biosynthesis in source leaves. Plant Cell Physiol. 46,
4. Muñoz, F.J., Morán-Zorzano, M.T., Alonso-Casajús, N., Baroja-Fernández, E., Etxeberria, E.,
Pozueta-Romero, J. (2006) New enzymes, new pathways and an alternative view on starch
biosynthesis in both photosynthetic and heterotrophic tissues of plants. Biocatal.
Biotransformation 24, 63-76
5. Baroja-Fernández, E., Etxeberria, E., Muñoz, F.J., Morán-Zorzano, M.T., Alonso-Casajús, N.,
González, P., Pozueta-Romero, J. (2006) An important pool of sucrose linked to starch
biosynthesis is taken up by endocytosis in heterotrophic cells. Plant Cell Physiol. 47, 447-456
6. Etxeberria, E., González, P., Pozueta-Romero, J. (2007) Mannitol enhanced fluid-phase
endocitosis in storage parenchyma cells of celery (Apium graveolens) petiols. Am. J. Botany 94,
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7. Etxeberria, E., González, P., Pozueta-Romero, J. (2007) Fluid phase endocitosis in Citrus juice
cells is independent from vacuolar pH and inhibited by chlorpromazine, a PI-3 kinase and
clathrin-mediated endocitosis inhibitor. J. Horticult. Sci. Biotechnol. 82, 900-907
8. Pozueta-Romero, J., González, P., Etxeberria, E, Pozueta-Romero, J. (2008) The hyperbolic
and linear phases of the sucrose accumulation curve in turnip storage cells denote carriermediated and fluid phase endocytic transport, respectively. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133, 612618
Departamento de Biotecnología
Institute: Departamento de Biotecnología
Institution: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)
Address : Crta. de la Coruña, km. 7,5 28040 - Madrid (España)
Web: http://www.inia.es/inia/
10 Recent articles:
1. F. Gil, E. Reitor, M. Pérez-Filgueira and J. M. Escribano. Translational fusions to the
tetramerization domain of protein p53 facilitates the accumulation of a peptide vaccine in
transgenic plants. J. Biotechnol. 128, 512-518. 2007
2. Gil F, Titarenko E, Terrada E, Arcalis E, and Escribano JM. Successful oral prime-immunization
with VP60 from rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus produced in transgenic plants using
different fusion strategies. Plant. Biotechnol. J. 4, 135-143. 2006
3. Wigdorovitz A, Mozgovoj M, Dus Santos MJ, Parreño V, Gómez C, Pérez-Filgueira DM, Trono
KG, Ríos RD, Franzone PM, Fernández F, Carrillo C, Escribano JM, and Borca MV. Protective
lactogenic immunity conferred by a peptide bovine rotavirus edible vaccine produced in
transgenic plants. J. Gen. Virol 85, 1825-1832. 2004
4. M. Perez-Filgueira, P. Resino, I. Angulo, M.G. Barderas,J. Barcena and J.M. Escribano.
Development of a low-cost, insect larvae-derived recombinant subunit vaccine against RHDV
Virology 364:422-430. 2007
5. M. Perez- Filgueira, F. Gonzalez, C. Gallardo, P. Resino., Esther Blanco and J.M. Escribano.
Optimization and validation of recombinant serological tests for African swine fever diagnosis
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based on the p30 protein produced in Trichoplusia ni larvae. J. Clin. Microbiol. 44, 3114-3121.
Leading groups
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Institute: Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Institution: Harvard Medical School
Address : 200 Longwood Avenue ,Boston, MA 02115. U.S.A.
Web: http://hms.harvard.edu/public/news/directory.html
10 Recent articles:
1. Earl AM, Losick R, Kolter R. Ecology and genomics of Bacillus subtilis.
Trends Microbiol. 2008 Jun;16(6):269-75.
2. Vlamakis H, Aguilar C, Losick R, Kolter R. Control of cell fate by the formation of an
architecturally complex bacterial community.
Genes Dev. 2008 Apr 1;22(7):945-53.
3. Chai Y, Chu F, Kolter R, Losick R. Bistability and biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis.
Mol Microbiol. 2008 Jan;67(2):254-63. Epub 2007 Nov 28.
4. Lemon KP, Higgins DE, Kolter R. Flagellar motility is critical for Listeria monocytogenes
biofilm formation.
J Bacteriol. 2007 Jun;189(12):4418-24. Epub 2007 Apr 6.
5. Branda SS, Chu F, Kearns DB, Losick R, Kolter R. A major protein component of the Bacillus
subtilis biofilm matrix.
Mol Microbiol. 2006 Feb;59(4):1229-38.
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6. Zambrano MM, Kolter R.
Mycobacterial biofilms: a greasy way to hold it together.
Cell. 2005 Dec 2;123(5):762-4.
7. Reguera G, Kolter R. Virulence and the environment: a novel role for Vibrio cholerae toxincoregulated pili in biofilm formation on chitin.
J Bacteriol. 2005 May;187(10):3551-5.
8. Branda SS, Vik S, Friedman L, Kolter R. Biofilms: the matrix revisited.
Trends Microbiol. 2005 Jan;13(1):20-6. Review.
9. Hogan DA, Vik A, Kolter R. A Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing molecule influences
Candida albicans morphology.
Mol Microbiol. 2004 Dec;54(5):1212-23.
10. Branda SS, González-Pastor JE, Dervyn E, Ehrlich SD, Losick R, Kolter R. Genes involved in
formation of structured multicellular communities by Bacillus subtilis.
J Bacteriol. 2004 Jun;186(12):3970-9
Centre d’ Immunologie Marseille-Luminy (CIML)
Institute: Centre d’ Immunologie Marseille-Luminy (CIML)
Institution: Université de la Méditerranée
Address : Parc Scientifique et Technologique de Luminy - Case 906 13009 Marseille, France
Web: http://www.ciml.univ-mrs.fr/Institut/About_Ciml.htm
10 Recent articles:
1. González D, Grilló MJ, De Miguel MJ, Ali T, Arce-Gorvel V, Delrue RM, Conde-Alvarez R,
Muñoz P, López-Goñi I, Iriarte M, Marín CM, Weintraub A, Widmalm G, Zygmunt M, Letesson
JJ, Gorvel JP, Blasco JM, Moriyón I.
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Brucellosis vaccines: assessment of Brucella melitensis lipopolysaccharide rough mutants
defective in core and O-polysaccharide synthesis and export.
PLoS ONE. 2008 Jul 23;3(7):e2760.
2. Raoult D, Drancourt M, Azza S, Nappez C, Guieu R, Rolain JM, Fourquet P, Campagna B, La
Scola B, Mege JL, Mansuelle P, Lechevalier E, Berland Y, Gorvel JP, Renesto P.
Nanobacteria are mineralo fetuin complexes.
PLoS Pathog. 2008;4(2):e41.
3. Salcedo SP, Marchesini MI, Lelouard H, Fugier E, Jolly G, Balor S, Muller A, Lapaque N,
Demaria O, Alexopoulou L, Comerci DJ, Ugalde RA, Pierre P, Gorvel JP.
Brucella control of dendritic cell maturation is dependent on the TIR-containing protein Btp1.
PLoS Pathog. 2008;4(2):e21.
4. Dumont A, Schroeder N, Gorvel JP, Méresse S.
Analysis of kinesin accumulation on Salmonella-containing vacuoles.
Methods Mol Biol. 2007;394:275-87.
5. Fugier E, Pappas G, Gorvel JP.
Virulence factors in brucellosis: implications for aetiopathogenesis and treatment.
Expert Rev Mol Med. 2007;9(35):1-10. Review.
6. Gorvel JP.
Microbiology. Bacterial bushwacking through a microtubule jungle.
Science. 2006;314(5801):931-2
7. Deiwick J, Salcedo SP, Boucrot E, Gilliland SM, Henry T, Petermann N, Waterman SR, Gorvel
JP, Holden DW, Méresse S.
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The translocated Salmonella effector proteins SseF and SseG interact and are required to
establish an intracellular replication niche.
Infect Immun. 2006;74(12):6965-72
8. Conde-Alvarez R, Grilló MJ, Salcedo SP, de Miguel MJ, Fugier E, Gorvel JP, Moriyón I, Iriarte
Synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, a typical eukaryotic phospholipid, is necessary for full
virulence of the intracellular bacterial parasite Brucella abortus.
Cell Microbiol. 2006;8(8):1322-35.
9. Henry T, Couillault C, Rockenfeller P, Boucrot E, Dumont A, Schroeder N, Hermant A, Knodler
LA, Lecine P, Steele-Mortimer O, Borg JP, Gorvel JP, Méresse S.
The Salmonella effector protein PipB2 is a linker for kinesin-1.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006;103(36):13497-502
10. Renesto P, Abergel C, Decloquement P, Moinier D, Azza S, Ogata H, Fourquet P, Gorvel JP,
Claverie JM.
Mimivirus giant particles incorporate a large fraction of anonymous and unique gene products.
J Virol. 2006;80(23):11678-85
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Oxford
Institute: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Oxford
Institution: Natural Environment Research Council
Address : Mnasfield Road, OX1 3SR, Oxford, United Kingdom
Web: http://www.ceh.ac.uk/sites/oxford.html
10 Recent articles:
1. Thomas, C.J., Brown, H.L., Hawes, C.R., Lee, B. Y.,Min, M.-K., Linda A. King, L.A. and Possee,
R.D. (1998). Localisation of a baculovirus-induced chitinase in the insect cell endoplasmic
reticulum. J. Virol. 72, 10207-10212.
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2. Saville, G.P., Thomas, C.J., Possee, R.D., and King, L.A. (2002). Partial redistribution of the
Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus chitinase in virus-infected cells accompanies
mutation of the carboxy-terminal KDEL ER-retention motif. Journal of General Virology 83,
3. Burden, J.P., Nixon, C.P., Hodgkinson, Possee, R.D., Sait, S.M., King, L.A. and Hails, R.S.
(2003). Covert infections as a mechanism for long term persistence of baculoviruses. Ecology
Letters 6, 524-531.
4 .Patmanidi, A., Possee, R.D. and King, L.A. (2003). Formation of P10 tubular structures during
AcMNPV infection depends on the integrity of host-cell microtubules. Virology 317, 308-320.
5. Saville, G.P., Patmanidi, A.L., Possee, R.D. and King, L.A. (2004). Deletion of the Autographa
californica nucleopolyhedrovirus chitinase KDEL motif and in vitro and in vivo analysis of the
modified virus. Journal of General Virology 85, 821-831.
6. Graham, R.I., Tyne, W.I., Possee, R.D., Sait, S.M. and Hails, R.S. (2004). Genetically variable
nucleopolyhedroviruses isolated from spatially separate populations of the winter moth
Operophtera brumata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in Orkney. Journal of Invertebrate
Pathology 87, 29-38.
7. Robert I. Graham, Shujing Rao, Robert D. Possee, Steven M. Sait, Peter P.C. Mertens and
Rosemary S. Hails (2006). Detection and characterisation of three novel species of reovirus
(Reoviridae), isolated from geographically separate populations of the winter moth
Operophtera brumata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) on Orkney. Journal of Invertebrate
Pathology 91, 79-87
8 .Kelly, B.J., Chapple, S., King, L.A. and Possee, R.D. (2006). Dual mutations in the Autographa
californica nucleopolyhedrovirus FP-25 and p35 genes result in plasma-membrane blebbing in
Trichoplusia ni cells. Journal of General Virology 87, 531-536.
9. Burden, J.P., et al., (2006). Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of persistent
baculovirus infections in populations of the cabbage moth (Mamestra brassicae) within the
British Isles . Archive of Virology, 2006. 151, 635-649.
10. Hitchman, R.B., Hodgson, D.J., King, L.A., Hails, R.S., Cory, J.S. and Possee, R.D. (2007). Host
mediated selection of pathogen genotypes as a mechanism for the maintenance of baculovirus
diversity in the field. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 94, 153-162.
Department of Genetics ,Waksman Institute
Institute: Department of Genetics ,Waksman Institute
Institution: Rutgers University
Address : Piscataway. NJ 08854-0759 (USA)
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Web: http://waksman.rutgers.edu/Waks/Maliga/maliga.html
10 Recent articles:
1. Svab, Z. and Maliga, P. (2007) Exceptional transmission of plastids and mitochondria from
the transplastomic pollen parent and its impact on transgene containment. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 104: 7003-7008,
2. Kittiwongwattana, C., Lutz K., Clark, M. and Maliga, P. (2007) Plastid marker gene excision by
the phiC31 phage site-specific recombinase. Plant Mol. Biol. 64: 137-143
3. Tungsuchat, T., Kuroda, H., Narangajavana, J. and Maliga, P. (2006) Gene activation in
plastids by the CRE site-specific recombinase. Plant Mol. Biol. 61(4-5): 711-718.
4. Chakrabarti, S.K., Lutz, K.A., Lertwirijawong, B., Svab, Z. and Maliga, P. (2006) Expression of
the cry9Aa2 Bt gene in tobacco chloroplasts confers extreme resistance to potato tuber moth.
Transgenic Research 15: 485-492.
5. Tregoning JS, Clare S, Bowe F, Edwards L, Fairweather N, Qazi O, Nixon PJ, Maliga P, Dougan
G, Hussell T. (2005) Protection against tetanus toxin using a plant-based vaccine. Eur J
Immunol. 35(4):1320-6.
Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences
Institute: Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences
Institution: University of Manitoba
Address : Winnipeg, MB, Canada - R3T 2N2
Web: http://www.umanitoba.ca/afs/Plant_Science/jobs/accomplishments.html
10 Recent articles:
1. Igamberdiev AU, Hill RD.
Plant Mitochondrial Function During Anaerobiosis.
Ann Bot (Lond). 2008 Jun 26. [Epub ahead of print]
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2. Hebelstrup KH, Østergaard-Jensen E, Hill RD.
Bioimaging techniques for subcellular localization of plant hemoglobins and measurement of
hemoglobin-dependent nitric oxide scavenging in planta.
Methods Enzymol. 2008;437:595-604. Review.
3. Igamberdiev AU, Hill RD.
Purification of class 1 plant hemoglobins and examination of their functional properties.
Methods Enzymol. 2008;436:379-91.
4. Razem FA, Hill RD.
Hydrogen peroxide affects abscisic acid binding to ABAP1 in barley aleurones.
Biochem Cell Biol. 2007 Oct;85(5):628-37.
5 Hebelstrup KH, Igamberdiev AU, Hill RD.
Metabolic effects of hemoglobin gene expression in plants.
Gene. 2007 Aug 15;398(1-2):86-93. Epub 2007 May 3. Review.
6. Stoimenova M, Igamberdiev AU, Gupta KJ, Hill RD.
Nitrite-driven anaerobic ATP synthesis in barley and rice root mitochondria.
Planta. 2007 Jul;226(2):465-74. Epub 2007 Mar 1.
7 Razem FA, Baron K, Hill RD.
Turning on gibberellin and abscisic acid signaling.
Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2006 Oct;9(5):454-9. Epub 2006 Jul 25. Review.
8. Bykova NV, Igamberdiev AU, Ens W, Hill RD.
Identification of an intermolecular disulfide bond in barley hemoglobin.
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Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Aug 18;347(1):301-9. Epub 2006 Jun 22.
9. Razem FA, El-Kereamy A, Abrams SR, Hill RD.
The RNA-binding protein FCA is an abscisic acid receptor.
Nature. 2006 Jan 19;439(7074):290-4.
10. Igamberdiev AU, Bykova NV, Hill RD.
Nitric oxide scavenging by barley hemoglobin is facilitated by a monodehydroascorbate
reductase-mediated ascorbate reduction of methemoglobin.
Planta. 2006 Apr;223(5):1033-40. Epub 2005 Dec 8
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Instituto de Agrobiotecnología
Selective Advantages
Download document
The Centre is well recognised, as it yields solid research, high standard scientific production
and significant contribution to knowledge on Agrobiotechnology.
The Centre collaborates with prestigious Centres and Universities; participates, leads and
coordinates research projects in the fields of Biochemistry, Agrobiotechnology, Energy and
The Centre represents a combination of Agricultural, Health, Food, and Environment-Energy
Sciences, allowing a novel scientific and Biotechnology technological output using bacteria,
plants and animals.
The Centre participates in a Master in Biotechnology, Doctoral programme, and collaborates
with enterprises for science and technology transfer.
The Centre is sponsored by three institutions (CSIC, UPNA and Navarra’ s Government) and can
profit from their advantages.
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Instituto de Agrobiotecnología
General Objectives
General Objectives, Goals?
Be internationally recognized in the Centre’ s Agrobiotechnology fields: Biotechnology in
Plants and Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health.
Be a referent at regional, national and/or international levels
Become strong in research and innovation
Become strong in technological output
Become more visible
Become a leader Centre in training quality on Agrobiotechnology research and
The general objectives can be also defined and classified according to:
Scientific objectives
1. Generate a high throughput of knowledge and technology of quality.
2. Be an internationally recognized referent Line in the fields of Bacterial Biofilms, Animal
Health and Microbial Bioinsecticides. Be an internationally recognized referent Line in the
fields of Carbohydrate Metabolism, Transgenic Plants as biofactories for Biopharmaceuticals
(Plant Agrobiotechnology) and Plant Physiology and Agrobiology, investigating oxidative
processes and iron and nitrogen metabolism.
3. Generate the climate and means for scientists/inventor’ s to carry out original
4. Generate high standard publications (in journals of the first quartile of SCI) and
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5. Collaborate with national and international research centres, enterprises, maintaining a
good funding level through participation in local, national, and international calls for research
projects through public and private Organisms.
6. Participate in local and international networks, scientific Committees and editorial boards
of SCI journals.
7. Optimize the use of agencies and services from different organisms: a) of (Navarra’ s
Government Agencies such as ANAIN) for connections with Navarra’ s Government and other
research Centres.
8. Increase interaction and synergy between the teams within the Line, other teams of the
Centre, with personnel of the University (UPNA and others), CSIC and other Centres.
9. Optimize research facilities by sharing structures and resources and by exchanges with other
entities: a) forming Associate Units (when possible); b) using RETECNA networking for
interactions with technological Centres; and c) working with enterprise.
Scientific objectives of the Centre depending on funding from Entities are:
1. Consolidate the teams and research in the Centre and overcome the deficiency in scientific
staff, specialized technicians, general management technicians. Prepare the Centre for future
split of the two lines into a total of six consolidated Lines.
2. Overcome structural and equipment deficiencies to facilitate scientific developments: Apply
for funding for equipment and structures such as a new greenhouse for plant-bioinsecticide
experimentation and P2 laboratory adaptations.
3. Work for adjustment of salaries to the cost of living in the city, to attract foreign post-docs,
technicians, etc.
Objectives on transfer of knowledge
1. Create and consolidate links between the Centre and collaborator Centres and enterprises
or Departments of Agriculture, giving priority to the transfer of knowledge through
collaborative projects, advisory-consulting activities and personnel exchange.
2. Search for a quick access of the scientist to enterprises and the corresponding subjects of
3. Search for a quick access of the enterprise to scientists and their transferable results.
4. Transfer results to the industrial sector.
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Educational objectives
1. Educate graduate students in Master’ s and Doctor’ s programmes.
2. Capacitate in the institute personnel in specializations relevant to the Center and society.
3. Facilitate young scientists the temporary training in other high standard Centres and
enterprises and vice versa.
Diffusion objectives
1. Participate in brain-storm seminar sessions periodically in the Centre.
2. Facilitate the scientist a higher involvement in Conferences, lectures outside the Centre, etc.
3. Promote in open-door sessions in the Centre.
Internationalization objectives
1. Participate in international collaborative programmes and projects.
2. Exchange personnel with high standard Centres and receive foreign or external students and
scientists (short and prolonged).
3. Participate in Journal reviewing, editorial boards, international Committees, Workshops,
Conferences, etc.
Gender equality objectives
Offer equal opportunities to women and men and avoid sex-linked selection.
Quality programme objectives
1. Diminish risks and implement good-laboratory-practices within different teams and at the
Line’ s level.
2. Improve facility conditions by adapting them according to the research subject and to
national and international quality rules.
3. Inform the incoming personnel about the safety work conditions and courses that could help
to form them in this area.
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Scientific objectives
The Centre aims at solving different issues in the field of Biotechnology in Animal and Plant
Health and Biotechnology in Plants. The Centre will evolve and attempt to split into 6
consolidated Lines, one per team. The specific scientific objectives are described according to
the scientific issues proposed by each Line and the different teams involved, as shown in the
sections below.
In the field of Microbial Biofilms the objective is to gain insight into:
1. The molecular mechanisms that regulate biofilm formation of gram positive and gram
negative bacteria.
2. The identification of common and particular elements involved in the biofilm formation
process of different bacteria.
3. The environmental factors that regulate biofilm formation.
4. The composition of the biofilm matrix.
5. The specific properties that the biofilm confers to the bacteria that reside inside it.
6. The contribution of the elements of the biofilm to the process of bacterial infection.
7. The contribution of the elements of the biofilm to bacterial survival in the environment.
8. The mechanisms of both the inhibition of biofilm formation and dispersion of biofilms
already formed.
Once this knowledge is acquired, the ultimate objective would be:
9. The development of strategies that would allow us to modulate biofilm formation and to
design new drugs able to either degrade the biofilm matrix or destroy pathogenic bacteria
inside the biofilm.
10. Consolidate the team and all the research areas in which it is involved
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11. Consolidate collaborations with other teams of the Centre and external Institutions and
In the field of Animal Health the objectives, mainly focusing on livestock species, are to:
1. Understand mechanisms of resistance to infectious diseases caused by bacteria (zoonotic
species such as Listeria, Salmonella, Brucella) and viruses affecting humans and livestock
species. the microbial virulence and pathogenicity in livestock species.
2. Design and evaluate new generation vaccines against bacteria (zoonotic species such as
Listeria, Salmonella, Brucella) and viruses, searching for targets of innate immunity and
modulation of adaptive immunity.
3. Develop new diagnostic methods of interest in molecular epidemiology and control of
infectious livestock pathogens, including bacteria (zoonotic species such as Listeria,
Salmonella, Brucella) and viruses affecting humans and livestock species.
4. Establish animal models for the study of infectious diseases caused by bacteria (zoonotic
species such as Listeria, Salmonella, Brucella) and viruses affecting humans and livestock
These objectives involve specifically:
1. The identification of the pahogen genetic sequences involved in microbial tropism and
pathogenesis at the cellular, tissue, organ and host levels.
The identification of innate response genes involved in resistance/susceptibility to
infections and disease development.
The identification of adaptive immunity traits associated with protection against
4. The development of animal models for studying virulence factors and immune response in
viral and bacterial infections of human and livestock species.
The development of protective vaccines against livestock (and human) infections.
6. The development of new diagnostic tools against livestock/food infections.
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This knowledge will contribute to the understanding of the virulence and pathogenicity
mechanisms involved in bacterial and viral infections; and will provide diagnostic and
prophylactic tools to prevent infection spread in livestock, and tools for the study of animal
and human diseases. These objectives require concomitant structural objectives:
Consolidation of the team and research areas in which it is involved
Maintenance and initiation of collaborations with other teams of the Institute, external
Institutions and enterprises.
In the field of Microbial Bioinsecticides the general scientific aim is to gain insight into the
genetics, biology and molecular ecology of viruses and microbial entomopathogens infectious
for insects of agricultural and forest importance. The specific objectives are focused on:
Identification of microbial agents with novel insecticidal properties.
Infection factors involved in pathogenicity, virulence and host range of
Molecular factors involved in the horizontal and vertical transmission of baculoviruses.
Molecular ecology of natural populations of entomopathogens and their hosts.
Genetic structure of wild-type baculovirus populations.
Functional importance of individual genotypes as components of wild-type
Design of novel bioinsecticides and development of biocontrol strategies against
agricultural and forest pests.
Consolidation of the team and all the research areas in which it is involved.
Maintenance and consolidation of collaborations with external Institutions and
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In the field of Carbohydrate Metabolism the scientific objectives are:
1. To study the molecular bases involved in the endocytic uptake of sucrose necessary for
starch synthesis.
2. To gain insights into the metabolism of bacterial glycogen.
3. To gain insights into the metabolism of starch: Study of the proteins implicated in
ADPglucose metabolism (transporters, ADPG-phosphorylase, sucrose synthase, ASPPs, etc):
production of plants with high starch contents.
4. To study the connection between the glucose metabolism and the secondary metabolism:
production of plants with a high antioxidant activity.
5. To become an international reference in the field of carbohydrate metabolism in plants and
6. To consolidate the team and all the research areas in which it is involved, including the new
ones (endocytosis and vesicular traffic of sucrose and connection between carbohydrate
metabolism and secondary metabolism).
7. To consolidate collaborations with external Institutions and enterprises such as Iden (Drs.
Alonso-Casajús y Morán-Zorzano), Univ. Rosario (Dr. Alejandro Viale), Univ. Niigata (Dr.
Toshiaki Mitsui), Univ. Florida (Dr. Ed Etxeberria), Univ. Mainooth (Dr. Phil Dix), Univ. Sevilla
(Drs. Jose María Romero and Angel Mérida).
In the field of Plant Agrobiotechnology the scientific objectives are aimed at:
1. Production of biopharmaceutical proteins in transgenic plants by plastid transformation.
2. Production of vaccines in transgenic plants.
3. Development of plastid transformation systems for new species.
4. Production of cellulases in chloroplasts (to be used in the synthesis of bioethanol).
5. Expression of EDA (Fibronectin Extra Domain A) in tobacco chloroplasts for recombinant
protein production and expression of antigens fused to EDA for vaccination purposes.
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6. Over-expression of plastidial thioredoxins in tobacco and potato chloroplasts. Study of
tobacco plastidial thioredoxins as modulators of recombinant protein expression in transgenic
7. Expression of antigens fused to virus-like particles of the human papillomavirus (eg. HIV
epitopes or human oncogenes) in tobacco chloroplasts for vaccination purposes.
8. Expression of cellulases in tobacco chloroplasts for improvement of bioethanol production
from lignocellulosic material.
9. Development of a method for plastid transformation of grapevine.
10. Consolidation of the team and establishment of cooperative research with other teams of
the Centre and external institutions.
In the field of Agrobiology and Plant Physiology the scientific objectives are aimed:
1.- To ascertain the role of C skeletons in the stress associated to ammonium nutrition, which
can help to understand this kind of nutritional stress.
2.- To gain knowledge about the urea pathway in plants in relation to source of N for the plant.
This path is manly unknown in plants and it may have an essential role in N metabolism.
3.- To establish mechanisms of haemoglobin protection from self oxidation (antioxidant
protection) in the cytosol of the different types of legume nodules, as well as, characterize its
role in the Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) homeostasis.
4.- To establish the role of Iron in the free radical production during plant stress in a iron rich
tissue like are the legume nodules.
5.- To use new knowledge in association with Biotechnological and nanotechnological firms to
generate Innovative applications.
6.- To consolidate the team and all the research areas in which it is involved.
7.- To consolidate collaborations with other teams of the Centre and external Institutions and
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Knowledge Transfer objectives
The Centre will:
1. Transfer knowledge generated in the Centre to enterprises by collaboration contracts. Look
for enterprises interested in the patents and developments (diagnostic tools) generated by the
teams of Bacterial Biofilms, Animal Health, Microbial Bioinsecticides, Carbohydrate
Metabolism, Plant Agrobiotechnology and Plant Physiology and Agrobiology. In particular,
continue/consolidate the collaboration with the companies Iden and “Plant Bioproducts”, the
former for developments of the team on Carbohydrate Metabolism and the latter for the
development of new strategies for the production of cellulases in chloroplasts in the team of
Biotechnology in Plants. Also to exploit and consolidate the association with agro-food and
nano-technology firms in applied projects, which are already engaged by the group of Plant
Physiology and Agrobiology.
2. Increase the output of patentable results. Produce patents in the teams. Microbial biofilms
and Animal Health teams: diagnostic, theraputic and prophylactic tools. Microbial
bioinsecticides: molecular and insecticidal characterization of several baculovirus species and
Strains of Bacillus thuringiensis against plant insects. Try to try to license patents to companies
and look for enterprises interested in the patent “Plastidial Thiorrdoxin: sobreexpresion and
biotecnological applications. P200801935 Mingo-Castel AM, Farran I and Sanz-Barrio R.
3. Use three main channels for transfer of knowledge and technology (CSIC, UPNA,
Government of Navarra). Use CEIN for funding practical/business ideas and AIN for industry
related ideas; and b) Use of two results-technology transfer offices: OTT of CSIC, OTRI of UPNA.
Increase collaboration with enterprises.
3. Use the Department of Innovation, enterprise and Employment of the Government of
Navarra, which has a map on the technologic offer and demand in the agricultural-enterprise
field and has been established through the Agency ANAIN.
Training objectives
1. Actively ensure high quality technical and scientific training. For this, the Centre will:
2. Promote meetings within teams weekly and train personnel for seminar presentations ad
scientific discussions.
3. Educate students in Master’ s and Doctor’ s programmes, direct and produce the
corresponding thesis.
4. Promote external relationships that allow young scientists in each team to have a temporary
training in other high standard Centres and enterprises and train students from abroad in the
5. Promote a collaborative attitude at the team and Line and Centre levels.
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Outreach objectives
The Centre will:
1. Involve the teams in the diffusion of activities of the Centre during the open-door sessions
and in meetings of Committees that scientists belong to.
2. Encourage scientists from outside/inside the Centre to give Conferences, lectures and
3. Favour inter-team and extra-team discussions in the periodic seminar sessions of the Centre.
4. Participate in National and international, Conferences, Meetings, Workshops, Committees
and lectures at different levels (from field-oriented professionals and advertising panels to
high science forums), increasing the visibility of the Centre at the national an international
levels. When possible, organize these events and encourage invited speaker lectures.
5. Publish in high quality and impact SCI journals and in diffusion journals, books and/or
Internationalisation objectives
1. The Centre will gain international visibility through the participation in/organization of
international congresses (if possible as invited lecturer), workshops or scientific meetings; the
participation in European or international projects, networks (RETECNA, etc.), concerted and
COST Actions, bilateral agreements, committees, and journal article evaluation boards. Doing
this, staff scientists will have an easy access to international projects (help with the
corresponding fund administration and economic report preparation will be attempted).
2. The Centre will facilitate the channels on information and personnel exchanges with
laboratories abroad.
3. The Centre will offer the facilities for celebrating and organizing international Committee
meetings, Workshops, Conferences, seminars, etc.
4. The Centre will incorporate foreign students and visitor scientists.
5. The Centre will maintain and establish new collaborations with Centres and enterprises from
abroad. In particular, the teams of the Centre will collaborate with international groups in
relation to the fields where the scientific teams are involved (see sections on Relational
analysis: 5 collaborators, 5 competitors and 5 referents; and on both Lines’ qualitative
Common services objectives
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The Institute of Agrobiotechnology (IdAB) is a Centre of joint sponsorship, created by the
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and
the Government of Navarra. During its first years of operation, from 1999 until 2003, the
service work was achieved with temporary human resources. From 2003 on, the manager post
was consolidated by CSIC. The growth experienced by the Centre during the 2003-2008 period
(there are now 71 persons in the Centre) has led to major shortcomings in the service, despite
the fact that in 2008 one of the requests was fulfilled by the incorporation of a Negotiate Chief
As of today, the team consists of the manager, a head of negotiates and one administrative
officer, the latter belonging to the Public University of Navarra. Thus, the staff of management
belongs to the CSIC or UPNA. The space used by the service (three offices) is considered
sufficient for the staff that currently conducts work. In addition, the office occupied by the
head of negotiated has the capacity to accommodate the person who is sought for project
management and public relations in this section.
The distribution of work generated has been very polarized because this is a joint-institution
Centre. The lack of legal independence of the Centre requires the use, for ordinary budgets,
investments and projects of two alternative routes, very different administration-wise:
through the CSIC or UPNA. The confluence of three institutions at the Centre creates, in terms
of management, coordination problems and legal confusion. In terms of coordination,
although it is easier to undertake works and investments through co-financing, the
implementation process is more complex. At the legal level, the absence of a legal own identity
deprives the Centre of opportunities to be agile, since the proposals, budgets and job offers
require the dependence on the channels and policies of any of the two partners (CSIC or
The involvement of the third institution in the Institute (Government of Navarra) is
materialized through research projects which usually are managed through the Public
University of Navarra. Relationsips of this Service with UPNA, in terms of economic
management, ordinary research projects and recruitment, are implemented through the UPNA
administrative person at the Centre (which to the effect of this Strategic Plan, has been
integrated into the Manager-Chairman Service).
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The manager has the responsibility to control and supervise the Service and Centre in the
corresponding tasks and makes decisions of great importance. Moreover, many of the
relationships with the CSIC (economic management, personnel, etc.) are carried out by the
This polarization of labour of the service has created many problems in the absence of one of
the team members (if on sick leave, vacation, and so on).
With the incorporation in April 2008 of the head of negotiated, it is intended to overcome this
problem by training of this person in the working procedures of both institutions to enable him
to make up for the absence of the other members of the management team.
The remuneration of the head of the Service (the manager) has become a major problem. The
Institute belongs from a few years ago till now to the Category B, but this has not resulted in
an improvement in wage. This is a serious problem, since the manager’ s gross pay is similar to
that of a UPNA chief of negotiate. Contacts were established with the CSIC and the University
but have been unsuccessful.
This low level of wages is a threat to the service because local businesses offer better working
conditions for qualified personnel, such that they allow survival in an expensive city like
This is a problem extended to other Services such as the Research-Support-Service too.
The specific training in management is another major challenge. There is no course or seminar
on preparation on some management topics; the manager must acquire knowledge from
others or central CSIC managers. The educational problem is complex, taking into account the
wide range of issues for the service management. These shortcomings have been repeatedly
communicated to CSIC without having taken any action. CSIC, as an institution that seeks to be
a landmark European science, cannot afford to have some managers with lack of preparation.
There are training sections where the situation is particularly difficult. This is the case of the
management of research projects in general and European projects in particular, whose
economic justification is very complex, especially if the preparation for management is
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minimal. This would require special training in management taking into account the relevance
of these projects in recent years.
Since early 2007, various entities related to science and innovation at national or international
levels and, very intensively, at the autonomous region of Navarra, seek for information and
participation of the Centre in the forums that have been created (Euroinnova, Innovation Park,
etc.). This work requires attendance at meetings on a regular basis, reporting and other tasks
that require a significant dedication at the expense of time devoted to management. The
benefits of this work are evident but there remains finding the right person and funding to
carry these tasks forward.
Similarly, there are no personnel specifically dedicated to external relationships, increase of
the Centre’ s visibility, redaction of Centre’ s leaflets, relationships with enterprises, diffusionadvertisement activities, updating the website, etc.
- Improved management of the service and its working procedures
- Establishment of communication channels with streamlined departments involved in the
management of individual institutions.
- Strengthening the management team by adding a person that would be aproject manager
and would also undertake public relations and publicity tasks of the Institute.
As to the specific strategy of this service the following objectives are proposed:
Global Objective: Boosting the service.
Objectives on staff:
1) Incorporation of one person who contributes to the project management and external
relations and publicity for the Institute.
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2) Increasing the wage of the manager in line with the level of the Centre and standard of
living of the city to which the Centre belongs.
Objectives of equipment: partial replacement of computer equipment.
The service to support research is an exclusively internal Centre’ s service intended to facilitate
and optimize the work of different research groups at the IdAB. This service is not offered to
external agents and therefore there are no economic data associated with the service. Its
global functions are:
• Cleaning and sterilizing laboratory material and equipment (dirty or contaminated),
preparing boxes of tips, and so on.
• Preparation of stock solutions and culture media.
• Coordination and maintenance of equipment in common use: laminar flow cabins,
autoclaves, pH meter, scales, and so on.
• Management of orders for consumable items commonly used.
• Management of the greenhouse and Phytotrons: control of the correct operation of the
facility, preparation of irrigation solutions, substrates, grafting, pest and disease control,
cleaning of facilities, and so on.
• Support for the installation of livestock and laboratory animals: sheep and mouse feeding,
cleaning and disinfection of the vessels; feeding of animals, cleaning and disinfecting cages.
Staff belonging to the service. There are officially two posts: one staff (present) and a
laboratory assistant for cleaning and sterilization (not covered by any person due to low salary
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in relation to the city cost of living). Periodically, there are contracts involving biannual
practices (I3P program) in this service that cooperate with the permanent staff. However, the
current situation (October 2008) the service is that a single person (official laboratory) must
perform all tasks. The assistant post is vacant due to structural issues of centralized
recruitment system that now exists: little interest in working in small towns, does not match
salary and standard of living in this city and competition for technical personnel from others
research centres (CIMA, University of Navarra, CIB-Biogune). Therefore, it is unlikely that this
post will be covered unless the salary increases. Consequently, the service is currently in
critical situation and in urgent need of technical assistance for minimally operating. There are
no other technicians in the Centre.
Thus, the number of technicians and Support-Research Service personnel should increase in
the Centre.
Facilities. The service has two laboratories (one on each floor) fully equipped for the normal
development of duties: several autoclaves, stoves, dishwashers, laminar flow cabin,
distilled/purified water production system, and so on.
Aim. We intend to consolidate the service in order to maintaining the tasks listed above. The
drastic reduction of benefits offered due to lack of personnel is causing a delay in the normal
course of research in the different teams (6 teams). Routine tasks hitherto performed by
technical staff must be assumed by qualified scientific personnel. This is a loss of efficiency and
productivity in the medium and long term, which will adversely affect the Centre if we fail to
revive the service needed to support research. The situation is especially serious because in
the year 2008 two new research groups have been incorporated to IdAB, with the consequent
demand for general services. In parallel, the department of research support has been
weakened and is now a single person in it.
Demand of human resources necessary to carry out the mission in this Service: It is imperative
to create 3 permanent posts of laboratory technicians in 2010 for this Service: 1 staff for
laboratory management and general stock, 1 staff for the mice and sheep animal houses; and
1 staff for greenhouse and Phytotron facilities) and 2 non-permanent persons (these two
persons for General stock and laboratory management with trainee contract). These
technicians will be altogether organically under the direction of the staff laboratory technician
of the Centre.
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tory technician of the Centre.
Gender equality objectives
The objectives of the Centre are to:
1. Distribute personnel (fellowships, job offers, activities, committees, etc.) according to
qualification rather than gender or status (married vs. single, etc.).
2. Facilitate the equal right of qualified women and men to decision-making tasks.
3. Actively insure the presence of qualified women in Committees, research teams, service
unit, technicians, etc.
Quality programmes objectives
The Centre will:
1. Adapt current facilities to the current legislation on Biosafety for P2 microorganisms and
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs); and modify and build new greenhouses, spaces for
storage of material and freezers, for potential growth in personnel.
2. Facilitate the personnel to get trained in courses on GMOs, animal and plant
experimentation work, in order to meet the safety conditions required for qualification
according to the Ministry of Education.
3. Continue maintaining the “quality mention” obtained for the Doctorate’ s programme in
which the Institute participates. Try to obtain the “quality mention” for the Master’ s
programme in which the Institute participates.
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General Strategy
Download document
Main scientific focus will be on Agrobiotechnology. The general strategy of the Centre for this
period will be to accomplish and promote at the different the levels:
Hard scientific work
Transfer of knowledge
High quality (and if possible, excellence)
Synergies between teams inside and outside the Centre
Training within and outside the Centre
Service to the scientific community
Adaptation of structural, equipment and personnel resources to needs
Work for getting financial support and human resources
Feelings of team and Centre
Extra-personal input in addition to task assignment, and
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Joy at work.
In the Centre, with two main lines (Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health; and Plant
Biotechnology), the strategy involves:
Undertaking new experimental approaches
Applying and developing new methodologies
Consolidating and establishing new collaborative links at the regional, national and
international levels.
Regarding new incorporations, the two new teams just incorporated to the Centre (Microbial
Bioinsecticides; and Plant Physiology and Agrobiology) will generate results in the Centre and
collaborate with other teams. New scientists will become staff members. The Associate Unit
(University of the Basque Country) will expectedly become a reality.
The Centre will promote the evolution of the different Lines and teams. The General strategy
of the Centre, according to the research subjects and research Lines and teams is described
In the Centre, with two main Lines (Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health and
Biotechnology in Plants) may have in this period an Associate Unit (University of the Basque
Country). There will be no teams disappearing or new teams in this Centre that we can foresee
during this Strategic Plan. This is applicable to the 2 Lines of the Centre:
The Line of Biotechnology in Plant and Animal Health is integrated by three teams whose
major areas of research are: Microbial Biofilms, Animal Health and Microbial Bioinsecticides.
The team of Microbial Bioinsecticides has just been incorporated to the Centre. There will be
no other new teams in this Line that we can foresee during this Strategic Plan. The goal of the
Line is to progressively consolidate these teams so that eventually each of them evolves into
one differentiated Line in the field of Biotechnology in Plant and Animal Health.
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The Line of Biotechnology in Plants is integrated by three teams whose major areas of research
are: Carbohydrate metabolism, Plant Agrobiotechnology (plants as biofactories), and Plant
Physiology and Agrobiology (oxidative processes and nitrogen and iron metabolism). The team
of Plant Physiology and Agrobiology has just been incorporated to the Centre. There will be no
teams disappearing or other new teams in this Line that we can foresee during this Strategic
Plan. The goal of the Line is to progressively consolidate these teams so that eventually each of
them evolves into one differentiated Line in the field of Plant Biotechnology.
This Line has a general strategy that can be summarized according to different issues and
teams as indicated below.
New experimental approaches
Research using cell cultures; Complex genomic analysis; Regulation mediated by regulatory
RNAs; Research on biofilm formation by microorganisms classified as P3.
Resistance to infectious diseases caused by bacteria (zoonotic species such as Listeria,
Salmonella, Brucella) and viruses affecting humans and livestock species; innate immunity
receptor-targeting for vaccine development; new immunological, cellular and animal models
for vaccine development; Use of iRNA for regulating gene expression involved in pathogenesis.
New diagnostic development based in nanosensors.
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Generation of results will be of immediate implementation in Crop Protection. In the field of
baculovirus based microbial insecticides, baculovirus vertical transmission studies. Expression
and use of B. thuringiensis proteins secreted during the vegetative phase of the bacteria. In
both cases, new molecular approaches are required to achieve the proposed aims.
New methodology
HPLC-Mass spectrometry, Tilling-Arrays.
iRNA technology; lentiviral vectors for the study of lentiviral restriction; peptide-based immune
diagnosis, nanosensors based in immune and genetic systems.
Most of the experiments performed at the beginning of this research were based on
conventional techniques in the field of Agricultural Entomology and Insect Pathology.
Throughout the years, several experimental techniques in Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology have been progressively introduced, which have outstandingly favoured the
development of this research line. This strategy will be implemented in this strategic plan.
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The team aims to maintain the existent collaborations and initiate new collaborations with
groups involved in: protein crystallography (Felix Goñi, University of Basque Country),
proteomics (Juan Antonio Lopez, CNIC), genomic platforms (Carmen Buchrieser, Institute
Pasteur) and regulatory RNAs (Pascale Romby, CNRS-IBMC, Strasbourg).
The team aims to maintain the existing collaborations and initiate new collaborations with
groups involved in: protein/peptide-based immune diagnosis (Dr. S. Rosati, University of
Turin); lentiviral tropism (Dr. V. Andrésdóttir, University of Reykjavik) lentiviral restriction (Dr.
Greg Towers, University College London); innate immunity (Dr. B. Jugo, University of the
Basque Country); and Veterinary Pathology (Drs. L. Lujan and J.J. Badiola, University of
Zaragoza; Drs. J.F. García Marín and V. Pérez, University of León; Drs. E. Berriatua and A.
Contreras, Univ. of Murcia; and Drs. R. Juste and E. Minguijón, NEIKER, Basque Government).
For the development of some novel experimental approaches (e.g. expression and use
of B. thuringiensis secreted proteins) collaborations with Dr. Iñigo Lasa research team, at the
IdAB, may be very beneficial. In other instances (e.g. comparative genomic analysis of
baculovirus genotypes involved in vertical transmission), collaborations with Dr. Elisabeth
Herniou (Imperial College, London, UK) and Prof. Robert. D. Possee, Oxford, UK, may be very
New incorporations
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We expect to consolidate JAE postdoctoral contracts that already exist in the group, initially
within the JAE senior program and finally as two new staff scientists (CT) and two postdoctoral
JAE contracts. In sum from CSIC: 2 CT: 1-2012, 1-2013; 2 JAE senior: 1-2010, 1-2011; 2 JAE doc:
1-2011, 1-2013.
Member(s) (1-2 of the 3 staff scientists) of the team are expected to finish their contribution
(due to retirement and/or transfer) by the end of this strategic plan period. The team is
productive and has personnel trained to become staff scientists and technicians in order to
reach consolidation. The team is asking for: one JAE postdoctoral contract in 2012 and two JAE
seniors in 2010 and 2011. Both JAE seniors will aim at CT in 2011 and 2013. We also expect 2
TS in 2010 and 2011, respectively. In sum, from CSIC: 2 CT 1-2011, 1-2013; 2 TS, 1-2010, 12011, 1 JAE Doc 1-2012; and 2 JAE senior, 1-2010 1-2011.
We expect to be able to incorporate 1-2 new researchers to our team as permanent staff as
well as new Postdoctoral contracts. The latter may be funded by the different public calls for
Postdoctoral positions open in the period 2010-2013 or by research projects resources
obtained from the administrations or private companies. In addition, we hope to employ a
technician with the task to support the different research duties. In sum from CSIC: 1 CT: 12012; 1 AL: 1-2010; 2 JAE-Doc: 1-2010, 1-2011; 2 JAE-Pre: 1-2010, 1-2012.
This Line has a general strategy that can be summarized according to different issues and
teams, as indicated below.
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New experimental approaches and New technologies
Focusing on “omics” (transcriptomics y metabolomics); Focusing on confocal microscopy and
cell biology; Connection between secondary metabolism and cell biology with carbohydrate
Known controversies on the use of transgenic plants and its derivatives for food and nutrition
in Europe should only have minor effects when plants are used as biofactories for the
production of added value proteins, such as biopharmaceuticals, subunit vaccines or enzymes
for industrial use.
New approaches comprise construction of vectors harbouring transgenes of interest for
plastid transformation of tobacco leaves by particle bombardment. After molecular
characterization of transgenic plants (at DNA and protein levels), recombinant protein will be
extracted, purified and assayed for bioactivity or enzymatic activity (for cellulases and related
enzymes). In the case of vaccines, immunization of mice by the intraperitoneal or oral route
and analysis of the humoral and cellular responses will be performed.
An especially relevant strength is the technology of chloroplast transformation, plant tissue
culture and plant transformation. As a new methodology, we aim at the transformation of
grapevine: a new specific vector for this species will be constructed. Parameters of the gene
gun (helium pressure, target distance, particle size, etc.) will be assayed as well as type of
explants (leaf, callus, cellular suspension, etc.) and marker selection (antibiotics streptomycin,
spectinomycin or hygromycin).
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New experimental approaches: Overall emissions of gaseous nitrogen in plants; Study of free N
radicals and establishment of new biomarkers; Research under modified atmospheres
(anaerobic); Study of markers for improved efficiency in the use of the N in plants; Develop
skills for the use of new instrumentation and experimentation in nanotechnology research.
Consolidation of collaborations with Iden (Drs. Alonso-Casajús y Morán-Zorzano), Univ. Rosario
(Dr. Alejandro Viale), Univ. Niigata (Dr. Toshiaki Mitsui), Univ. Florida (Dr. Ed Etxeberria), Univ.
Mainooth (Dr. Phil Dix), Univ. Sevilla (Drs. José María Romero and Angel Mérida)
Collaboration with Drs. Jesús Prieto and Carmen Berasain of Centro de Investigación Médica
Aplicada (CIMA), Pamplona; Dr. José Angel M. Escribano, Departamento de Biotecnología,
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Madrid; the spinoff “Plant Bioproducts” (Madrid); and Dr. Marina Clemente, CONICET, Buenos Aires,
Collaboration with the research group of UPV/EHU (Drs. Gonzalez-Murua, Gonzalez-Moro,
Becerril, Plazaola, Hernandez), with the group at the University of Lisbon, Portugal (Drs.
Martins-Loucao, and Cruz), the Autonomous University of the state of Morelos, Mexico (Dr.
Arredondo-Peter), University of Paris XI, France (Dr. Vidal) and University of Manitoba, Canada
(Dr. Hill).
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- New incorporations
A new CT, and incorporations that guarantee the present composition of personnel not
belonging to the staff of the team (4-5 post-docs, 4-5 pre-docs y 4-5 technicians). In sum, from
CSIC: 1 CT: 1-2011; 2 JAE doc: 1-2010, 1-2012; 2 JAE pre: 1-2011. 1-2013.
One CT, one R&C, one J&C, two postdoctoral fellows and one pre-doctoral fellow. In sum,
from CSIC, 1 CT: 1-2013;1 JAE senior:1-2010, 1TS: 1-2010; 2 TM: 1-2011, 1-2012; 2 JAE pre: 12010, 1-2012.
One CT, one R&C, one J&C, two postdoctoral fellows and two pre-doctoral fellow and one JAE
TECH.. In sum, from CSIC, In sum, from CSIC, 1 CT: 1-2013; 2 JAE senior 1-2010,1-2011, 2 JAE
DOC: 1-2010, 1-2012; 1 JAE tec: 1-2010; 1 JAE Predoc. 1-2012.
Dissemination activities of the Centre (both Lines)
The teams will carry out dissemination activities by:
Publication of original research papers in international journals with high SCI impact within the
corresponding fields, participation in Conferences, Congresses, Workshops, Seminars, talks on
research activities and results at local, national and international levels. Communication-to and
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presence-in press and other media for display of relevant scientific-technologic findings.
Patent applications.
Human and financial resources of the Centre (both Lines)
The teams will apply for:
Public research-technology in different calls for projects (Gobierno de Navarra, Plan
Nacional, UE, etc.);
Collaboration contracts with Agrobiotechnology enterprises;
Human resources and scientific personnel fellowships and contracts through different
private and public calls (technicians from Government of Navarra, pre-doctoral fellowships
from UPNA/CSIC/GN, post-doctoral Ramón-y-Cajal and I3P contracts). Recruitment of qualified
graduate students.
In the Centre, the six scientific teams need to be consolidated Lines, but to accomplish some
of the scientific objectives, more scientific staff and additional research/technology-involved
personnel are needed, as indicated in this strategic plan. The Centre does not have any
specialized staff technician for about 70 people (13 staff scientists). The Centre needs one
specialized technician per research team: (3 technicians per main Line, about 1 technician per
group of 10-12 persons). Thus, there is a need of a total of 6 permanent specialized technicians
dedicated directly to research-technology activities.
Other personnel (Services):
Support of research service: Regarding the personnel for General stock and laboratory
management (laboratory material cleansing/sterilization, general stock, Animal houses and
Greenhouses), the Centre is deficient in personnel dedicated to general stock and laboratory
management. As stated above, there is only 1 permanent person in this area in the Centre,
shared by two Lines, and the number of non-permanent personnel varies, becoming inexistent
in some periods. Therefore, the Centre should have 3 permanent (1 staff for laboratory
management and general stock, 1 staff for the mice and sheep animal houses; and 1 staff for
greenhouse and plant facilities) and 2 non-permanent persons (these two persons for General
stock and laboratory management).
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In the Chairman Service (management): There is 1 Chairman, and 2 administrative persons.
However, there is a deficiency in personnel for project Management (including European
projects). Thus, to complement the present personnel, the Centre needs 1 person (part time)
for project Management (to be shared by both Lines). Similarly, the Centre has no persons for
External relationships, diffusion of results, news, visibility, advertisement and is also in need of
higher input information on external enterprise needs, support for easy and faster transfer of
results to known enterprises and higher diffusion of research results to target enterprises.
Thus, the Centre needs 1 person (part time) for External relationships. Thus, the total number
of additional persons required in this service is at least 1 person (full time) that would do both,
project Management and External relationships.
Strategy Analysis
At the IdAB, the research Lines and teams perform modern molecular biology techniques.
Many of these can be applied in the frame of the new experimental approaches and
methodologies undertaken for the development of the Centre’ s general strategy. This will be
of use to strengthen the leading position of the Institute Lines and teams. The availability of
structures to carry out molecular biology and microbial, plant and animal experimental work is
an advantage of the IdAB from which our research strategy will be benefited. The strategy of
the Centre will exploit the strengths of the Centre, allowing a:
Generation of high standard publications (in journals of the first quartile of SCI),
patents, technology transfer, and graduate training.
Consolidation of teams and increase in the number of technicians.
Good funding level through participation in local, national, and international calls for
research projects through public and private entities.
Collaboration within the Centre (creation of synergy between teams and Lines and
optimization of resources common to the different teams) and with regional, national and
international research centres, enterprises, local networks and participation in scientific
Committees, and in editorial boards of SCI journals.
Increased visibility and internationality.
Enhanced and consolidated multidiscipline approaches at the IdAB in the field of
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This strategy will alleviate the weaknesses of the Centre, becoming a more liable funding
target. Taking into account that the Centre is a novel institute, it has a low number of staff
members and especially there are very few technicians (one technician for 67 scientists; of
these, 30 are Doctors and 12 staff scientists). This is the situation in the Centre in the last few
years: there is an extremely low proportion of technicians in relation to scientists.
Thus, the number of qualified research technicians, support-research service technicians and
chairman service personnel should increase in the Centre and the consolidating possibilities of
the personnel of the group and recruitment of good scientists should increase; and then, the
enthusiasm of such personnel for their work should also augment together with the needs for
equipment and space adequacy.
The proposed strategy will protect the Centre from threats so that:
Granting agencies and enterprises on Agricultural research gain interest in funding the
Job opportunities increase, while diminishing the loss of trained personnel for
incorporation into competitor Centres (included that trained in the Centre).
Science tasks are feasible.
The number and impact factor of scientific contributions increase.
Therefore, the availability of funding and personnel will alleviate the:
Deficiency in scientific staff, in specialized technicians, in general management
technicians and chairman service personnel.
Deficiency in structure and space adequacy: Current space is enough for the groups
established, but there is a need to adapt current facilities to the current legislation on
Biosafety for P2 microorganisms and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs); and modify and
build new greenhouses, spaces for storage of material and freezers, and laboratories and
offices for growth in personnel.
Expensive-city and low-salary derived problems.
This strategy takes profit of the opportunities of the Centre such as:
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Growth and increased production through interactions between personnel of the
Centre and personnel of the University (UPNA and others), CSIC and other Centres.
Optimization of resources from private and public funding at the local (Government of
Navarra), national and international levels. Possibility to compete for grants, job offers,
contracts, etc.
Participation in collaborative agreements with other countries; exchanges and
collaborations within the Centre and with other entities, including: a) those allowing the
formation of Associate Units, when appropriate; b) RETECNA networking for interactions with
technological Centres; and c) working with enterprises.
Usage of structures, agencies and services from other organisms: a) Navarra’ s
Government Agencies such as ANAIN for connections with Navarra’ s Government and other
research Centres, CEIN for funding practical/business ideas and AIN for industry related ideas;
and b) two results-technology transfer offices: OTT of CSIC and OTRI of UPNA.
Download document
1. Participate in brain-storm seminar sessions periodically in the Centre.
2. Facilitate the scientist a higher involvement in Conferences, lectures outside the Centre, etc.
3. Promote in open-door sessions in the Centre.
Download document
1. Participate in international collaborative programmes and projects.
2. Exchange personnel with high standard Centres and receive foreign or external students and
scientists (short and prolonged).
3. Participate in Journal reviewing, editorial boards, international Committees, Workshops,
Conferences, etc.
Quality Control Programmes
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1. Diminish risks and implement good-laboratory-practices within different teams and at the
Line’ s level.
2. Improve facility conditions by adapting them according to the research subject and to
national and international quality rules.
3. Inform the incoming personnel about the safety work conditions and courses that could help
to form them in this area.
Gender Equality
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Offer equal opportunities to women and men and avoid sex-linked selection.
Knowledge Transfer
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Estrategy on Research Lines
Global actions
Biotechnology in Plants
Action to execute: Bolster Priority: 1
This Line has a general strategy that can be summarized according to different issues
and teams, as indicated below.
New experimental approaches and technologies
Focusing on “omics” (transcriptomics y metabolomics); Focusing on confocal microscopy and
cell biology; Connection between secondary metabolism and cell biology with carbohydrate
Known controversies on the use of transgenic plants and its derivatives for food and nutrition
in Europe should only have minor effects when plants are used as biofactories for the
production of added value proteins, such as biopharmaceuticals, subunit vaccines or enzymes
for industrial use.
New approaches comprise construction of vectors harbouring transgenes of interest for plastid
transformation of tobacco leaves by particle bombardment. After molecular characterization
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of transgenic plants (at DNA and protein levels), recombinant protein will be extracted,
purified and assayed for bioactivity or enzymatic activity (for cellulases and related enzymes).
In the case of vaccines, immunization of mice by the intraperitoneal or oral route and analysis
of the humoral and cellular responses will be performed.
An especially relevant technology is chloroplast transformation, plant tissue culture and plant
transformation. As a new methodology, we aim at the transformation of grapevine: a new
specific vector for this species will be constructed. Parameters of the gene gun (helium
pressure, target distance, particle size, etc.) will be assayed as well as type of explants (leaf,
callus, cellular suspension, etc.) and marker selection (antibiotics streptomycin, spectinomycin
or hygromycin).
New experimental approaches: Overall emissions of gaseous nitrogen in plants; Study of free N
radicals and establishment of new biomarkers; Research under modified atmospheres
(anaerobic); Study of markers for improved efficiency in the use of the N in plants; Develop
skills for the use of new instrumentation and experimentation in nanotechnology research.
Consolidation of collaborations with Iden ( Dras. Alonso-Casajús y Morán-Zorzano), Univ.
Rosario (Dr. Alejandro Viale), Univ. Niigata (Dr. Toshiaki Mitsui), Univ. Florida (Dr. Ed
Etxeberria), Univ. Mainooth (Dr. Phil Dix), Univ. Sevilla (Dres. José María Romero and Angel
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Collaboration with Drs. Jesús Prieto and Carmen Berasain of Centro de Investigación Médica
Aplicada (CIMA), Pamplona; Dr. José Angel M. Escribano, Departamento de Biotecnología,
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Madrid; the spinoff “Plant Bioproducts” (Madrid); and Dr. Marina Clemente, CONICET, Buenos Aires,
Collaboration with the research group of UPV/EHU (Drs. Gonzalez-Murua, Gonzalez-Moro,
Becerril, Plazaola, Hernandez), with the group at the University of Lisbon, Portugal (Drs.
Martins-Loucao, and Cruz), the Autonomous University of the state of Morelos, Mexico (Dr.
Arredondo-Peter), University of Paris XI, France (Dr. Vidal) and University of Manitoba, Canada
(Dr. Hill).
- New incorporations (expected form CSIC through this Strategic Plan)
A new CT, and incorporations that guarantee the present composition of personnel not
belonging to the staff of the team (4-5 post-docs, 4-5 pre-docs y 4-5 technicians). In sum, from
CSIC: 1 CT: 1-2011; 2 JAE doc: 1-2010, 1-2012; 2 JAE pre: 1-2011. 1-2013
One CT, one R&C, one J&C, two postdoctoral fellows and one pre-doctoral fellow. In sum,
from CSIC, 2 CT: 1-2010, 1-2013; 1TS: 1-2010; 2 TM: 1-2011, 1-2012; 1 JAE senior: 1-2010; 2
JAE pre: 1-2010, 1-2012
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One CT, one R&C, one J&C, two postdoctoral fellows and two pre-doctoral fellow and one JAE
Tech. In sum, from CSIC, In sum, from CSIC, 1 CT: 1-2013; 2 JAE senior 1-2010,1-2011, 2 JAE
DOC: 1-2010, 1-2012;1 JAE Predoc. 2012; 1 JAE tec: 2010.
Dissemination activities
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY - AGROBIOLOGY will carry out dissemination activities by: Publication of
original research papers in international journals with high SCI impact within the
corresponding fields, participation in Conferences, Congresses, Workshops, Seminars, talks on
research activities and results at local, national and international levels. Communication-to and
presence-in press and other media for display of relevant scientific-technologic findings.
Patent applications.
Human and financial resources
PHYSIOLOGY AND AGROBIOLOGY will make different applications for public project calls
(Gobierno de Navarra, Plan Nacional and UE); Collaboration contracts with Agrobiotechnology
enterprises; Human resources through different public calls (technicians from Gobierno de
Navarra, pre-doctoral fellowships from UPNA/CSIC/GN, post-doctoral Ramón y Cajal and I3P
contracts); Recruitment of qualified graduate students. In sum, the Line will look for funding of
research-technology and personnel in different calls.
Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Action to execute: Bolster Priority: 1
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The Line has established a general strategy that can be summarized according to
different issues and teams as indicated below.
New experimental approaches
Research using cell cultures; Complex genomic analysis; Regulation mediated by
regulatory RNAs; Research on biofilm formation by microorganisms classified as P3.
Disease resistance and viral restriction in livestock involving host genes; innate
immunity receptor-targeting for vaccine development; Genetic regulation of tropism in animal
microorganisms; new immunological, cellular and animal models for vaccine development; Use
of iRNA for regulating gene expression involved in virulence/pathogenesis.
Generation of results will be of immediate implementation in Crop Protection. In the
field of baculovirus based microbial insecticides, baculovirus vertical transmission studies.
Expression and use of B. thuringiensis proteins secreted during the vegetative phase of the
bacteria. In both cases, new molecular approaches are required to achieve the proposed aims.
New methodology
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HPLC-Mass spectrometry, Tilling-Arrays.
iRNA technology; lentiviral vectors for the study of lentiviral restriction; peptide-based
immune diagnosis, nanosensors based in immune and genetic systems.
Most of the experiments performed at the beginning of this research were based on
conventional techniques in the field of Agricultural Entomology and Insect Pathology.
Throughout the years, several experimental techniques in Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology were progressively introduced, which have outstandingly favoured the
development of this research line. This strategy will be implemented in this strategic plan.
The team aims to maintain the existent collaborations and to initiate new
collaborations with groups involved in: protein crystallography (Felix Goñi, University of
Basque Country), proteomics (Juan Antonio Lopez, CNIC), genomic platforms (Carmen
Buchrieser, Institute Pasteur) and regulatory RNAs (Pascale Romby, CNRS-IBMC, Strasbourg).
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The team aims to maintain the existing collaborations and to initiate new
collaborations with groups involved in: protein/peptide-based immune diagnosis (Dr. S. Rosati,
University of Turin); lentiviral tropism (Dr. V. Andrésdóttir, University of Reykjavik) lentiviral
restriction (Dr. Greg Towers, University College London); innate immunity (Dr. B. Jugo,
University of the Basque Country); and Veterinary Pathology (Drs. L. Lujan and J.J. Badiola,
University of Zaragoza; Drs. J.F. García Marín and V. Pérez, University of León; Drs. E. Berriatua
and A. Contreras, Univ. of Murcia; and Drs. R. Juste and E. Minguijón, NEIKER, Basque
For the development of some novel experimental approaches (e.g. expression and use
of B. thuringiensis secreted proteins) collaborations with Dr. Iñigo Lasa research team, at the
IdAB, may be very beneficial. For other instances (e.g. comparative genomic analysis of
baculovirus genotypes involved in vertical transmission), collaborations with Dr. Elisabeth
Herniou (Imperial College, London, UK) and Prof. Robert. D. Possee, Oxford, UK, may be very
New incorporations (expected from CSIC through this Strategic Plan)
We expect to consolidate JAE postdoctoral contracts that already exist in the group,
initially within the JAE senior program and finally as two new staff scientists (CT) and two
postdoctoral JAE contracts. In sum from CSIC: 2 CT: 1-2012, 1-2013; 2 JAE senior: 1-2010, 12011; 2 JAE doc: 1-2011, 1-2013.
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Member(s) (1-2 of the 3 staff scientists) of the team are expected to finish their
contribution (due to retirement and/or transfer) by the end of this strategic plan period. The
team is productive and has personnel trained to become staff scientists and technicians in
order to reach consolidation. The team is asking for: one JAE postdoctoral contract in 2012 and
two JAE seniors in 2010 and 2011. Both JAE seniors will aim at CT in 2011 and 2013. We also
expect 2 TS in 2010 and 2011, respectively. In sum, from CSIC: 2 CT 1-2011, 1-2013; 2 TS, 12010, 1-2011, 1 JAE Doc 1-2012; and 2 JAE senior, 1-2010 1-2011.
We expect to be able to incorporate 1-2 new researchers to our team as permanent
staff as well as new Postdoctoral contracts. The latter may be funded by the different public
calls for Postdoctoral positions open in the period 2010-2013 or by research projects resources
obtained from the administrations or private companies. In addition, we hope to employ a
technician with the task to support the different research duties. In sum from CSIC: 1 CT: 12012 ; 1 AL: 1-2010 ;2 JAE senior: 1-2010, 1-2012; 2 JAE-Doc: 1-2010, 1-2011 ; 3 JAE-Pre: 12010, 1-2011, 1-2012.
Dissemination activities
will carry out dissemination activities by:
Publication of original research papers in international journals with high SCI impact within the
corresponding fields, participation in Conferences, Congresses, Workshops, Seminars, talks on
research activities and results at local, national and international levels; Communication-to and
presence-in press and other media for display of relevant scientific-technologic findings; and
Patent applications.
Human and financial resources
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The team will continue raising financial resources that are similar or higher than the present
ones. The team will continue recruiting students that have outstanding grades and research
vocation for the doctoral thesis.
The team will participate in calls for funding of research-technology and personnel at local,
national, international, public and private levels.
The team will participate in calls for funding of research-technology and personnel at local,
national, international, public and private levels.
Overall Line funding: The main budget for the 2010-2013 Strategic Plan is expected to be
raised from competitive National (CICYT, PETRI, etc.) and Regional (Gobierno de Navarra)
Projects and also from contracts with the industry. We will also try to rise funding from the EU
framework programs or other International funding programs (CYTED, bilateral collaborations,
etc.). The hiring of human resources will be done through the National (e.g. Ramón-y-Cajal,
Juan de la Cierva, etc.) and International (e.g. Marie Curie) programs open in the mentioned
period. In sum, the Line will apply for financial resources of Public and private calls (personnel,
equipment, research funding).
Staff actions
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Biotechnology in Plants
This document has two sections. The first one is an introduction describing the teams, Line and
type of research being done, so that the needs of different equipments are evident. The
second part involves the resources asked to CSIC (this part is organized in Line personnel vs.
The Line of Biotechnology in Plants involves the following actions:
Undertaking new experimental approaches
Applying and developing new methodologies
Consolidating and establishing new collaborative links at the regional, national and
international levels.
Regarding new incorporations, the new team just incorporated to the Centre (Plant Physiology
and Agrobiology) will generate results in the Centre and collaborate with other teams. New
scientists will become staff members. The Associate Unit (University of the Basque Country)
will expectedly become a reality. There will be no teams disappearing or new teams in this
Centre that we can foresee during this Strategic Plan.
The Line of Biotechnology in Plants is integrated by three teams whose major areas of research
are: Carbohydrate metabolism, Plant Agrobiotechnology (plants as biofactories), and Plant
Physiology and Agrobiology (oxidative processes and nitrogen and iron metabolism). The team
of Plant Physiology and Agrobiology has just been incorporated to the Centre. The goal of the
Line is to progressively consolidate these teams so that eventually each of them evolves into
one differentiated Line in the field of Plant Biotechnology.
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This Line has a general strategy that can be summarized according to different issues and
teams, as indicated below.
New experimental approaches and technologies
Focusing on “omics” (transcriptomics y metabolomics); Focusing on confocal microscopy and
cell biology; Connection between secondary metabolism and cell biology with carbohydrate
Known controversies on the use of transgenic plants and its derivatives for food and nutrition
in Europe should only have minor effects when plants are used as biofactories for the
production of added value proteins, such as biopharmaceuticals, subunit vaccines or enzymes
for industrial use.
New approaches comprise construction of vectors harbouring transgenes of interest for
plastid transformation of tobacco leaves by particle bombardment. After molecular
characterization of transgenic plants (at DNA and protein levels), recombinant protein will be
extracted, purified and assayed for bioactivity or enzymatic activity (for cellulases and related
enzymes). In the case of vaccines, immunization of mice by the intraperitoneal or oral route
and analysis of the humoral and cellular responses will be performed.
An especially relevant strength is the technology of chloroplast transformation, plant tissue
culture and plant transformation. As a new methodology, we aim at the transformation of
grapevine: a new specific vector for this species will be constructed. Parameters of the gene
gun (helium pressure, target distance, particle size, etc.) will be assayed as well as type of
explants (leaf, callus, cellular suspension, etc.) and marker selection (antibiotics streptomycin,
spectinomycin or hygromycin).
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New experimental approaches: Overall emissions of gaseous nitrogen in plants; Study of free N
radicals and establishment of new biomarkers; Research under modified atmospheres
(anaerobic); Study of markers for improved efficiency in the use of the N in plants; Develop
skills for the use of new instrumentation and experimentation in nanotechnology research.
Consolidation of collaborations with Iden (Drs. Alonso-Casajús y Morán-Zorzano), Univ. Rosario
(Dr. Alejandro Viale), Univ. Niigata (Dr. Toshiaki Mitsui), Univ. Florida (Dr. Ed Etxeberria), Univ.
Mainooth (Dr. Phil Dix), Univ. Sevilla (Drs. José María Romero and Angel Mérida).
Collaboration with Drs. Jesús Prieto and Carmen Berasain of Centro de Investigación Médica
Aplicada (CIMA), Pamplona; Dr. José Angel M. Escribano, Departamento de Biotecnología,
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Madrid; the spinoff “Plant Bioproducts” (Madrid); and Dr. Marina Clemente, CONICET, Buenos Aires,
Collaboration with the research group of UPV/EHU (Drs. Gonzalez-Murua, Gonzalez-Moro,
Becerril, Plazaola, Hernandez), with the group at the University of Lisbon, Portugal (Drs.
Martins-Loucao, and Cruz), the Autonomous University of the state of Morelos, Mexico (Dr.
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Arredondo-Peter), University of Paris XI, France (Dr. Vidal) and University of Manitoba, Canada
(Dr. Hill).
Dissemination activities of the Line
The teams will carry out dissemination activities by: Publication of original research
papers in international journals with high SCI impact within the corresponding fields,
participation in Conferences, Congresses, Workshops, Seminars, talks on research activities
and results at local, national and international levels. Communication-to and presence-in press
and other media for display of relevant scientific-technologic findings. Patent applications.
Human and financial resources of the Centre (both Lines)
The teams will apply for:
Public research-technology in different calls for projects (Gobierno de Navarra, Plan
Nacional, UE, etc.);
Collaboration contracts with Agrobiotechnology enterprises;
Human resources and scientific personnel fellowships and contracts through different
private and public calls (technicians from Government of Navarra, pre-doctoral fellowships
from UPNA/CSIC/GN, post-doctoral Ramón-y-Cajal and I3P contracts). Recruitment of qualified
graduate students.
However, to accomplish the tasks and undertake the approaches shown above, the Line
requires the resources from CSIC indicated in the following sections.
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In the Centre, the six scientific teams need to be consolidated Lines, but to accomplish some of
the scientific objectives, more scientific staff is needed.
The New incorporations expected from CSIC through this Strategic Plan in order to approach
the strategies indicated above are:
A new CT, and incorporations that guarantee the present composition of personnel not
belonging to the staff of the team (4-5 post-docs, 4-5 pre-docs y 4-5 technicians). In sum, from
CSIC: 1 CT: 1-2011; 2 JAE doc: 1-2010, 1-2012; 2 JAE pre: 1-2011, 1-2013.
One CT, one R&C, one J&C, two postdoctoral fellows and one pre-doctoral fellow. In sum,
from CSIC, 1 CT: 1-2013; 1 JAE senior: 1-2010, 1TS: 1-2010; 2 TM: 1-2011, 1-2012; 2 JAE pre: 12010, 1-2012.
One CT, one R&C, one J&C, two postdoctoral fellows and two pre-doctoral fellow and one JAE
TECH.. In sum, from CSIC, In sum, from CSIC, 1 CT: 1-2013; 2 JAE senior 1-2010,1-2011, 2 JAE
DOC: 1-2010, 1-2012; 1 JAE tec: 1-2010; 1 JAE Predoc. 1-2012.
Additional research/technology-involved personnel are needed, as indicated in this strategic
plan. The Centre does not have any specialized staff technician for about 70 people (13 staff
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scientists). The Centre needs one specialized technician per research team: (3 technicians per
main Line, about 1 technician per group of 10-12 persons). Thus, there is a need of a total of 6
permanent specialized technicians dedicated directly to research-technology activities.
3 Científico Titular: 1-2011, 2-2013.
1 Titulado Superior: 1-2010.
2 Titulado Medio:
1-2011, 1-2012.
3 JAE Senior:
2-2010, 1-2011.
4 JAE Doc.:
2-2010, 2-2012.
5 JAE Pre.:
1-2010, 1-2011, 2-2012, 1-2013.
1 JAE Tec.:
Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
This document has two sections. The first one is an introduction describing the teams, Line and
type of research being done, so that the needs of different equipments are evident. The
second part involves the resources asked to CSIC (this part is organized in Lines vs. Services;
and in each case, in personnel vs. equipment).
In the Line of Biotechnology in Plants, the strategy involves:
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Undertaking new experimental approaches
Applying and developing new methodologies
Consolidating and establishing new collaborative links at the regional, national and
international levels.
The Line of Biotechnology in Plant and Animal Health is integrated by three teams whose
major areas of research are: Microbial Biofilms, Animal Health and Microbial Bioinsecticides.
The team of Microbial Bioinsecticides has just been incorporated to the Centre.
The goal of the Line is to progressively consolidate these teams so that eventually each of
them evolves into one differentiated Line in the field of Plant Biotechnology.
The General strategy of the Line, according to the research subjects and teams is described
New experimental approaches
Research using cell cultures; Complex genomic analysis; Regulation mediated by regulatory
RNAs; Research on biofilm formation by microorganisms classified as P3.
Disease resistance and viral restriction in livestock involving host genes; innate immunity
receptor-targeting for vaccine development; Genetic regulation of tropism in animal
microorganisms; new immunological, cellular and animal models for vaccine development; Use
of iRNA for regulating gene expression involved in virulence/pathogenesis.
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Generation of results will be of immediate implementation in Crop Protection. In the field of
baculovirus based microbial insecticides, baculovirus vertical transmission studies. Expression
and use of B. thuringiensis proteins secreted during the vegetative phase of the bacteria. In
both cases, new molecular approaches are required to achieve the proposed aims.
New methodology
HPLC-Mass spectrometry, Tilling-Arrays.
iRNA technology; lentiviral vectors for the study of lentiviral restriction; peptide-based immune
diagnosis, nanosensors based in immune and genetic systems.
Most of the experiments performed at the beginning of this research were based on
conventional techniques in the field of Agricultural Entomology and Insect Pathology.
Throughout the years, several experimental techniques in Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology have been progressively introduced, which have outstandingly favoured the
development of this research line. This strategy will be implemented in this strategic plan.
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The team aims to maintain the existent collaborations and initiate new collaborations with
groups involved in: protein crystallography (Felix Goñi, University of Basque Country),
proteomics (Juan Antonio Lopez, CNIC), genomic platforms (Carmen Buchrieser, Institute
Pasteur) and regulatory RNAs (Pascale Romby, CNRS-IBMC, Strasbourg).
The team aims to maintain the existing collaborations and initiate new collaborations with
groups involved in: protein/peptide-based immune diagnosis (Dr. S. Rosati, University of
Turin); lentiviral tropism (Dr. V. Andrésdóttir, University of Reykjavik) lentiviral restriction (Dr.
Greg Towers, University College London); innate immunity (Dr. B. Jugo, University of the
Basque Country); and Veterinary Pathology (Drs. L. Lujan and J.J. Badiola, University of
Zaragoza; Drs. J.F. García Marín and V. Pérez, University of León; Drs. E. Berriatua and A.
Contreras, Univ. of Murcia; and Drs. R. Juste and E. Minguijón, NEIKER, Basque Government).
For the development of some novel experimental approaches (e.g. expression and use of B.
thuringiensis secreted proteins) collaborations with Dr. Iñigo Lasa research team, at the IdAB,
may be very beneficial. In other instances (e.g. comparative genomic analysis of baculovirus
genotypes involved in vertical transmission), collaborations with Dr. Elisabeth Herniou
(Imperial College, London, UK) and Prof. Robert. D. Possee, Oxford, UK, may be very
Dissemination activities of the Centre (both Lines)
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The teams will carry out dissemination activities by:
Publication of original research papers in international journals with high SCI impact within the
corresponding fields, participation in Conferences, Congresses, Workshops, Seminars, talks on
research activities and results at local, national and international levels. Communication-to and
presence-in press and other media for display of relevant scientific-technologic findings.
Patent applications.
Human and financial resources of the Lentre (shared by both Lines)
The teams will apply for:
Public research-technology in different calls for projects (Gobierno de Navarra, Plan
Nacional, UE, etc.);
Collaboration contracts with Agrobiotechnology enterprises;
Human resources and scientific personnel fellowships and contracts through different
private and public calls (technicians from Government of Navarra, pre-doctoral fellowships
from UPNA/CSIC/GN, post-doctoral Ramón-y-Cajal and I3P contracts). Recruitment of qualified
graduate students.
However to accomplish the tasks and the strategies, the Line needs also from CSIC the
resources indicated in the following sections.
In the Centre, the six scientific teams need to be consolidated Lines, but to accomplish some of
the scientific objectives, more scientific staff is needed.
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New incorporations
We expect to consolidate JAE postdoctoral contracts that already exist in the group, initially
within the JAE senior program and finally as two new staff scientists (CT) and two postdoctoral
JAE contracts. In sum from CSIC: 2 CT: 1-2012, 1-2013; 2 JAE senior: 1-2010, 1-2011; 2 JAE doc:
1-2011, 1-2013.
Member(s) (1-2 of the 3 staff scientists) of the team are expected to finish their contribution
(due to retirement and/or transfer) by the end of this strategic plan period. The team is
productive and has personnel trained to become staff scientists and technicians in order to
reach consolidation. The team is asking for: one JAE postdoctoral contract in 2012 and two JAE
seniors in 2010 and 2011. Both JAE seniors will aim at CT in 2011 and 2013. We also expect 2
TS in 2010 and 2011, respectively. In sum, from CSIC: 2 CT 1-2011, 1-2013; 2 TS, 1-2010, 12011, 1 JAE Doc 1-2012; and 2 JAE senior, 1-2010 1-2011.
We expect to be able to incorporate 1-2 new researchers to our team as permanent staff as
well as new Postdoctoral contracts. The latter may be funded by the different public calls for
Postdoctoral positions open in the period 2010-2013 or by research projects resources
obtained from the administrations or private companies. In addition, we hope to employ a
technician with the task to support the different research duties. In sum from CSIC: 1 CT: 12012; 1 AL: 1-2010; 2 JAE-Doc: 1-2010, 1-2011; 2 JAE-Pre: 1-2010, 1-2012.
Additional research/technology-involved personnel are needed, as indicated in this strategic
plan. The Centre does not have any specialized staff technician for about 70 people (13 staff
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scientists). The Line needs one specialized technician per research team: (3 technicians per
main Line, about 1 technician per group of 10-12 persons). Thus, there is a need of a total of 3
permanent specialized technicians dedicated directly to research-technology activities.
5 Científico Titular: 1-2011, 2-2012, 2-2013.
2 Titulado Superior: 1-2010, 1-2011.
1 Ayudante Laborat.:1-2010.
6 JAE Senior:
3-2010, 2-2011, 1-2012.
5 JAE Doc.:
1-2010, 2-2011, 1-2012, 1-2013.
3 JAE Pre.:
1-2010, 1-2011, 1-2012.
Equipment actions
Biotechnology in Plants
Action to execute: Increase Priority: 1
This document has two sections. The first one is an introduction describing the teams, Line and
type of research being done, so that the needs of different equipments are evident. The
second part involves the resources asked to CSIC (this part is organized in Line personnel vs.
The Line of Biotechnology in Plants involves the following actions:
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Undertaking new experimental approaches
Applying and developing new methodologies
Consolidating and establishing new collaborative links at the regional, national and
international levels.
Regarding new incorporations, the new team just incorporated to the Centre (Plant Physiology
and Agrobiology) will generate results in the Centre and collaborate with other teams. New
scientists will become staff members. The Associate Unit (University of the Basque Country)
will expectedly become a reality. There will be no teams disappearing or new teams in this
Centre that we can foresee during this Strategic Plan.
The Line of Biotechnology in Plants is integrated by three teams whose major areas of research
are: Carbohydrate metabolism, Plant Agrobiotechnology (plants as biofactories), and Plant
Physiology and Agrobiology (oxidative processes and nitrogen and iron metabolism). The team
of Plant Physiology and Agrobiology has just been incorporated to the Centre. The goal of the
Line is to progressively consolidate these teams so that eventually each of them evolves into
one differentiated Line in the field of Plant Biotechnology.
This Line has a general strategy that can be summarized according to different issues and
teams, as indicated below.
New experimental approaches and technologies
Focusing on “omics” (transcriptomics y metabolomics); Focusing on confocal microscopy and
cell biology; Connection between secondary metabolism and cell biology with carbohydrate
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Known controversies on the use of transgenic plants and its derivatives for food and nutrition
in Europe should only have minor effects when plants are used as biofactories for the
production of added value proteins, such as biopharmaceuticals, subunit vaccines or enzymes
for industrial use.
New approaches comprise construction of vectors harbouring transgenes of interest for
plastid transformation of tobacco leaves by particle bombardment. After molecular
characterization of transgenic plants (at DNA and protein levels), recombinant protein will be
extracted, purified and assayed for bioactivity or enzymatic activity (for cellulases and related
enzymes). In the case of vaccines, immunization of mice by the intraperitoneal or oral route
and analysis of the humoral and cellular responses will be performed.
An especially relevant strength is the technology of chloroplast transformation, plant tissue
culture and plant transformation. As a new methodology, we aim at the transformation of
grapevine: a new specific vector for this species will be constructed. Parameters of the gene
gun (helium pressure, target distance, particle size, etc.) will be assayed as well as type of
explants (leaf, callus, cellular suspension, etc.) and marker selection (antibiotics streptomycin,
spectinomycin or hygromycin).
New experimental approaches: Overall emissions of gaseous nitrogen in plants; Study of free N
radicals and establishment of new biomarkers; Research under modified atmospheres
(anaerobic); Study of markers for improved efficiency in the use of the N in plants; Develop
skills for the use of new instrumentation and experimentation in nanotechnology research.
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Consolidation of collaborations with Iden (Drs. Alonso-Casajús y Morán-Zorzano), Univ. Rosario
(Dr. Alejandro Viale), Univ. Niigata (Dr. Toshiaki Mitsui), Univ. Florida (Dr. Ed Etxeberria), Univ.
Mainooth (Dr. Phil Dix), Univ. Sevilla (Drs. José María Romero and Angel Mérida).
Collaboration with Drs. Jesús Prieto and Carmen Berasain of Centro de Investigación Médica
Aplicada (CIMA), Pamplona; Dr. José Angel M. Escribano, Departamento de Biotecnología,
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Madrid; the spinoff “Plant Bioproducts” (Madrid); and Dr. Marina Clemente, CONICET, Buenos Aires,
Collaboration with the research group of UPV/EHU (Drs. Gonzalez-Murua, Gonzalez-Moro,
Becerril, Plazaola, Hernandez), with the group at the University of Lisbon, Portugal (Drs.
Martins-Loucao, and Cruz), the Autonomous University of the state of Morelos, Mexico (Dr.
Arredondo-Peter), University of Paris XI, France (Dr. Vidal) and University of Manitoba, Canada
(Dr. Hill).
Dissemination activities of the Line
The teams will carry out dissemination activities by: Publication of original research
papers in international journals with high SCI impact within the corresponding fields,
participation in Conferences, Congresses, Workshops, Seminars, talks on research activities
and results at local, national and international levels. Communication-to and presence-in press
and other media for display of relevant scientific-technologic findings. Patent applications.
Human and financial resources of the Centre (both Lines)
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The teams will apply for:
Public research-technology in different calls for projects (Gobierno de Navarra, Plan
Nacional, UE, etc.);
Collaboration contracts with Agrobiotechnology enterprises;
Human resources and scientific personnel fellowships and contracts through different
private and public calls (technicians from Government of Navarra, pre-doctoral fellowships
from UPNA/CSIC/GN, post-doctoral Ramón-y-Cajal and I3P contracts). Recruitment of qualified
graduate students.
However, to accomplish the tasks and undertake the approaches shown above, the Line
requires the resources from CSIC indicated in the following sections.
YEAR 2010:
Amount: 175,000 €
Research Line involved: Plant Biotechnology
Brief justification: The incorporation of new members and new teams to the Line of Plant
Biotechnology generates the necessity of more spaces for plant cultivation. To settle this
problem, enlargement of the existing green house of the Centre is considered the best option
to optimise both budget and spaces.
Amount: 11,000 €
Research Line involved: Plant Biotechnology
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Brief justification: This apparatus is frequently used by most of researches of the Centre and
only one spectrophotometer is currently available in the Centre. Acquisition of a new one in
this Line (about 30 scientists per equipment) is needed, in anticipation to an eventual userelated breakdown of the existing one.
YEAR 2011:
Amount: 315,000 €
Research Line involved: Plant Biotechnology
Brief justification: A first generation confocal microscope D-Eclipse C1 from NIKON (Japan)
equipped only for basic functions was incorporated to the Centre seven years ago. This
apparatus has become obsolete (some parts are not available either for repair in the case of
breakdowns or for improving the current functions) and has important technical limitations
(i.e. low speed of the system or fine tuning of the laser intensity; impossibility to modulate
laser activities) that limit significantly the technical quality of Carbohydrates Metabolism group
work. The confocal microscope proposed here does not have these limitations and has
standard and basic functions currently offered by medium-type standard confocal systems.
Amount: 34,000 €
Research Line involved: Plant Biotechnology
Brief justification: The determinations of nitrogenous emissions to the atmosphere by plants
are considered a loss from nitrogen nutrition, which may have different physiological
implications. This new equipment will allow to the Plant Physiology and Agrobiology to
measure different N emissions form plants at appropriate levels, improving the quality of our
YEAR 2012:
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Amount: 12,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Plants
Brief justification: The research Line on antioxidants often works with haemoglobin, which
binds oxygen reversibly, and with other antioxidant proteins. This cabinet will allow working in
atmospheric controlled conditions and the application of hypoxia (or other gas conditions) to
plants, tissue lines, and solutions, with a reduced production of oxygen free radicals.
Amount: 30,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Plants
Brief justification: This is a basic multi-use analyser which enables colorimetric and fluorimetric
assays for a high range of enzymes and small metabolites. This is a highly used apparatus
which justifies its order.
YEAR 2013:
Amount: 115,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Plants
Brief justification: The starch granule is a complex structure with hierarchical order composed
of two distinct types of glucose polymer; amylose, comprising largely unbranched alpha-(1,4)linked glucan chains, and amylopectin, a larger, highly branched glucan polymer typically
constituting about 75% of the granule mass, produced by the formation of alpha-(1-6)-linkages
between adjoining straight glucan chains. Because of its unique physicochemical properties,
the use of starch is very attractive in the food, paper, bioplastic and biofuel industries. In this
respect, degree of polymerization, branching degree and chain length distribution of starch are
important parameters of industrial interest. Analyses of these parameters are normally carried
out using fluorophore-assisted capillary electrophoresis. Glucans are first derivatized with 8amino-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonic acid (APTS) and separation and quantification of APTS-coupled
glucans are carried out on a P/ACE system equipped with a laser-induced fluorescence system
using an argon ion laser using this equipment (the excitation wavelength is 488 nm, and the
fluorescence is emitted at 520 nm).
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Amount: 95,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Plants
Brief justification: There is an FPLC chromatograph currently used in the Centre allows protein
analysis, but it has become obsolete because there are no repair pieces and the working
conditions are of a relatively low pressure (compared with the equipment to be acquired),
which results in a low quality of sample. Thus, the new equipment is needed, as it will improve
sample quality and will allow the advancement of research.
Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Action to execute: Increase Priority: 1
This document has two sections. The first one is an introduction describing the teams, Line and
type of research being done, so that the needs of different equipments are evident. The
second part involves the resources asked to CSIC (this part is organized in Lines vs. Services;
and in each case, in personnel vs. equipment).
In the Line of Biotechnology in Plants, the strategy involves:
Undertaking new experimental approaches
Applying and developing new methodologies
Consolidating and establishing new collaborative links at the regional, national and
international levels.
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The Line of Biotechnology in Plant and Animal Health is integrated by three teams whose
major areas of research are: Microbial Biofilms, Animal Health and Microbial Bioinsecticides.
The team of Microbial Bioinsecticides has just been incorporated to the Centre.
The goal of the Line is to progressively consolidate these teams so that eventually each of
them evolves into one differentiated Line in the field of Plant Biotechnology.
The General strategy of the Line, according to the research subjects and teams is described
New experimental approaches
Research using cell cultures; Complex genomic analysis; Regulation mediated by regulatory
RNAs; Research on biofilm formation by microorganisms classified as P3.
Disease resistance and viral restriction in livestock involving host genes; innate immunity
receptor-targeting for vaccine development; Genetic regulation of tropism in animal
microorganisms; new immunological, cellular and animal models for vaccine development; Use
of iRNA for regulating gene expression involved in virulence/pathogenesis.
Generation of results will be of immediate implementation in Crop Protection. In the field of
baculovirus based microbial insecticides, baculovirus vertical transmission studies. Expression
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and use of B. thuringiensis proteins secreted during the vegetative phase of the bacteria. In
both cases, new molecular approaches are required to achieve the proposed aims.
New methodology
HPLC-Mass spectrometry, Tilling-Arrays.
iRNA technology; lentiviral vectors for the study of lentiviral restriction; peptide-based immune
diagnosis, nanosensors based in immune and genetic systems.
Most of the experiments performed at the beginning of this research were based on
conventional techniques in the field of Agricultural Entomology and Insect Pathology.
Throughout the years, several experimental techniques in Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology have been progressively introduced, which have outstandingly favoured the
development of this research line. This strategy will be implemented in this strategic plan.
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The team aims to maintain the existent collaborations and initiate new collaborations with
groups involved in: protein crystallography (Felix Goñi, University of Basque Country),
proteomics (Juan Antonio Lopez, CNIC), genomic platforms (Carmen Buchrieser, Institute
Pasteur) and regulatory RNAs (Pascale Romby, CNRS-IBMC, Strasbourg).
The team aims to maintain the existing collaborations and initiate new collaborations with
groups involved in: protein/peptide-based immune diagnosis (Dr. S. Rosati, University of
Turin); lentiviral tropism (Dr. V. Andrésdóttir, University of Reykjavik) lentiviral restriction (Dr.
Greg Towers, University College London); innate immunity (Dr. B. Jugo, University of the
Basque Country); and Veterinary Pathology (Drs. L. Lujan and J.J. Badiola, University of
Zaragoza; Drs. J.F. García Marín and V. Pérez, University of León; Drs. E. Berriatua and A.
Contreras, Univ. of Murcia; and Drs. R. Juste and E. Minguijón, NEIKER, Basque Government).
For the development of some novel experimental approaches (e.g. expression and use of B.
thuringiensis secreted proteins) collaborations with Dr. Iñigo Lasa research team, at the IdAB,
may be very beneficial. In other instances (e.g. comparative genomic analysis of baculovirus
genotypes involved in vertical transmission), collaborations with Dr. Elisabeth Herniou
(Imperial College, London, UK) and Prof. Robert. D. Possee, Oxford, UK, may be very
Dissemination activities of the Centre (both Lines)
The teams will carry out dissemination activities by:
Publication of original research papers in international journals with high SCI impact within the
corresponding fields, participation in Conferences, Congresses, Workshops, Seminars, talks on
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research activities and results at local, national and international levels. Communication-to and
presence-in press and other media for display of relevant scientific-technologic findings.
Patent applications.
Human and financial resources of the Lentre (shared by both Lines)
The teams will apply for:
Public research-technology in different calls for projects (Gobierno de Navarra, Plan
Nacional, UE, etc.);
Collaboration contracts with Agrobiotechnology enterprises;
Human resources and scientific personnel fellowships and contracts through different
private and public calls (technicians from Government of Navarra, pre-doctoral fellowships
from UPNA/CSIC/GN, post-doctoral Ramón-y-Cajal and I3P contracts). Recruitment of qualified
graduate students.
However to accomplish the tasks and the strategies, the Line needs also from CSIC the
resources indicated in the following sections.
In the Centre, the six scientific teams need to be consolidated Lines, but to accomplish some of
the scientific objectives, more scientific staff is needed.
New incorporations
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We expect to consolidate JAE postdoctoral contracts that already exist in the group, initially
within the JAE senior program and finally as two new staff scientists (CT) and two postdoctoral
JAE contracts. In sum from CSIC: 2 CT: 1-2012, 1-2013; 2 JAE senior: 1-2010, 1-2011; 2 JAE doc:
1-2011, 1-2013.
Member(s) (1-2 of the 3 staff scientists) of the team are expected to finish their contribution
(due to retirement and/or transfer) by the end of this strategic plan period. The team is
productive and has personnel trained to become staff scientists and technicians in order to
reach consolidation. The team is asking for: one JAE postdoctoral contract in 2012 and two JAE
seniors in 2010 and 2011. Both JAE seniors will aim at CT in 2011 and 2013. We also expect 2
TS in 2010 and 2011, respectively. In sum, from CSIC: 2 CT 1-2011, 1-2013; 2 TS, 1-2010, 12011, 1 JAE Doc 1-2012; and 2 JAE senior, 1-2010 1-2011.
We expect to be able to incorporate 1-2 new researchers to our team as permanent staff as
well as new Postdoctoral contracts. The latter may be funded by the different public calls for
Postdoctoral positions open in the period 2010-2013 or by research projects resources
obtained from the administrations or private companies. In addition, we hope to employ a
technician with the task to support the different research duties. In sum from CSIC: 1 CT: 12012; 1 AL: 1-2010; 2 JAE-Doc: 1-2010, 1-2011; 2 JAE-Pre: 1-2010, 1-2012.
Additional research/technology-involved personnel are needed, as indicated in this strategic
plan. The Centre does not have any specialized staff technician for about 70 people (13 staff
scientists). The Line needs one specialized technician per research team: (3 technicians per
main Line, about 1 technician per group of 10-12 persons). Thus, there is a need of a total of 3
permanent specialized technicians dedicated directly to research-technology activities.
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YEAR 2010:
Amount: 85,000 €
Research Line involved: both Lines, Plant Biotechnology and Biotechnology in Animal and Plant
Brief justification: In the second floor of the Centre, a room of around 100 m2 is not being used
at present, since it lacks of lab and office facilities. This room is the only space in the Centre
available to locate new members or research groups recently incorporated to the Centre.
Amount: 100,000 €
Research Line involved: both Lines, Plant Biotechnology and Biotechnology in Animal and Plant
Brief justification: There is in the Centre an obsolete ultracentrifuge apparatus (Kontron) that
has been intensively used by all of research teams of the Centre. In the last years, this
apparatus breaks down frequently and some pieces are not available anymore to repair the
equipment. Thus, we consider essential to anticipate the replacement of the ultracentrifuge.
Amount: 11,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: The Microbial Biofilms group is analysing the gene expression patterns of
bacteria in biofilm formation conditions by different methods including microarrays. A critical
step before microarray hybridisation is the RNA quality. Since the amounts of RNA extracted
from biofilm samples are very low, equipment such as Agilent Bioanalyzer is required. This
machine is able to qualitatively and quantitatively measure RNA, DNA and protein samples
using very small amounts of the sample.
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Amount: 14,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: The Potter Tower is used for administrating accurate volumes and
concentrations of insecticides and bioinsecticides, by means of precision pulverizations in
laboratory conditions. This is very important to the Microbial Bioinsecticides group, in order to
establish lethal doses of insecticides in experimental insect models and, then, to extrapolate
the results to field conditions.
Amount: 15,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: Cell sorter based on paramagnetic beads is an innovative machine that
allows a quick and effective cellular separation from animal tissues, with a high degree of
purity of the cellular type selected. This apparatus is very important for performing immunity
studies in the Animal Health group in the context of both new-vaccine evaluation and infection
studies in animal models. There are no cell sorter machines in the Centre that allow cell
YEAR 2011:
Amount: 12,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: This apparatus is frequently used by most researches of the Centre and only
one spectrophotometer is currently available in the Centre. Anticipation to an eventual
breakdown of the existing one should be considered and acquisition of new one to the P2 cell
culture facilities is essential for a better accomplishment of biosafety work conditions of both
Animal Health and Microbial Biofilms research groups.
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Amount: 20,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: This apparatus is continuously used by most of researches of the Centre.
Anticipation to an eventual breakdown of the existing ones should be considered and
acquisition of new one to the P2 facilities will be of good help for a better accomplishment of
biosafety work conditions of both Animal Health and Microbial Biofilms research groups.
YEAR 2012:
Amount: 100,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: Interactions plant-insect should be evaluated apart from other plant
experiments. The Microbial Bioinsecticide group (recently incorporated to the Centre) needs a
green house to carry out the experimental work. These facilities would avoid interference with
the experiments of other teams.
Amount: 135,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: Animal Health group is working on developing new vaccines against several
microorganisms and its subsequent evaluation in animal models. Also, other teams of the
Centre use mice for experimental work. Last year, one of the conventional labs well equipped
for research purposes of the Centre was habilitated provisionally, with minimal investment for
animal housing, and officially registered as experimental animal facilities for mouse/rat
experiments (registration code: ES/31-2016-000002-CR-SU-US). However, this conventional lab
should be used (in the future) to locate new personnel of the Centre and, thus, an animal
house accomplishing with the current international recommendations on animal care and
welfare should be built.
Amount: 15,000 €
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Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: Only one -80ºC freezer is currently available for the Animal Health team.
Thus, a new freezer is required in order to anticipate more space required for keeping cell
cultures, microorganisms, recombinant proteins, serum and tissue samples, etc.
Amount: 22,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: The analysis of protein activity, protein interactions and regulatory
networks, as well as the development of vaccines based on recombinant proteins, requires the
availability of purified proteins. In the process of protein purification, large amounts of
bacterial cultures are handled, and a FRENCH Press is essential to efficiently lyse bacterial
samples, to obtain lysates as staring material for good quality protein purification.
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Estrategy on Services
Global actions
Action to execute: Bolster Priority: 1
The Institute of Agrobiotechnology (IdAB) is a Centre of joint sponsorship, created by the
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and
the Government of Navarra. During its first years of operation, from 1999 until 2003, the
service work was achieved with temporary human resources. From 2003 on, the manager post
was consolidated by CSIC. The growth experienced by the Centre during the 2003-2008 period
(there are now 71 persons in the Centre) has led to major shortcomings in the service, despite
the fact that in 2008 one of the requests was fulfilled by the incorporation of a Negotiate Chief
As of today, the team consists of the manager, a chief negotiator and one administrative
person, the latter belonging to the Public University of Navarra. Thus, the staff of management
belongs to the CSIC or UPNA. The space used by the service (three offices) is considered
sufficient for the staff that currently conducts work. In addition, the office occupied by the
head of negotiated has the capacity to accommodate the person who is sought for project
management and public relations in this section.
The distribution of work generated has been very polarized because this is a joint-institution
Centre. The lack of legal independence of the Centre requires the use, for ordinary budgets,
investments and projects of two alternative routes, very different administration-wise:
through the CSIC or UPNA. The confluence of three institutions at the Centre creates, in terms
of management, coordination problems and legal confusion. In terms of coordination,
although it is easier to undertake works and investments through co-financing, the
implementation process is more complex. At the legal level, the absence of a legal own identity
deprives the Centre of opportunities to be agile, since the proposals, budgets and job offers
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require the dependence on the channels and policies of any of the two partners (CSIC or
The involvement of the third institution in the Institute (Government of Navarra) is
materialized through research projects which usually are managed through the Public
University of Navarra. Relationsips of this Service with UPNA, in terms of economic
management, ordinary research projects and recruitment, are implemented through the UPNA
administrative person at the Centre (which to the effect of this Strategic Plan, has been
integrated into the Manager-Chairman Service).
The manager has the responsibility to control and supervise the Service and Centre in the
corresponding tasks and makes decisions of great importance. Moreover, many of the
relationships with the CSIC (economic management, personnel, etc.) are carried out by the
This polarization of labour of the service has created many problems in the absence of one of
the team members (if on sick leave, vacation, and so on).
With the incorporation in April 2008 of the head of negotiate, it is intended to overcome this
problem by training of this person in the working procedures of both institutions to enable him
to make up for the absence of the other members of the management team.
The remuneration of the head of the Service (the manager) has become a major problem. The
Institute belongs from a few years ago till now to the Category B, but this has not resulted in
an improvement in wage. This is a serious problem, since the manager’ s gross pay is similar to
that of a UPNA chief of negotiate. Contacts were established with the CSIC and the University
but have been unsuccessful.
This low level of wages is a threat to the service because local businesses offer better working
conditions for qualified personnel, such that they allow survival in an expensive city like
This is a problem extended to other Services such as the Research-Support-Service too.
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The specific training in management is another major challenge. There is no course or seminar
on preparation on some management topics; the manager must acquire knowledge from
others or central CSIC managers. The educational problem is complex, taking into account the
wide range of issues for the service management. These shortcomings have been repeatedly
communicated to CSIC without having taken any action. CSIC, as an institution that seeks to be
a landmark European science, cannot afford to have some managers with lack of preparation.
There are training sections where the situation is particularly difficult. This is the case of the
management of research projects in general and European projects in particular, whose
economic justification is very complex, especially if the preparation for management is
minimal. This would require special training in management taking into account the relevance
of these projects in recent years.
Since early 2007, various entities related to science and innovation at national or international
levels and, very intensively, at the autonomous region of Navarra, seek for information and
participation of the Centre in the forums that have been created (Euroinnova, Innovation Park,
etc.). This work requires attendance at meetings on a regular basis, reporting and other tasks
that require a significant dedication at the expense of time devoted to management. The
benefits of this work are evident but there remains finding the right person and funding to
carry these tasks forward.
Similarly, there are no personnel specifically dedicated to external relationships, increase of
the Centre’ s visibility, redaction of Centre’ s leaflets, relationships with enterprises, diffusionadvertisement activities, updating the website, etc.
- Improved management of the service and its working procedures
- Establishment of communication channels with streamlined departments involved in the
management of individual institutions.
- Strengthening the management team by adding a person that would be aproject manager
and would also undertake public relations and publicity tasks of the Institute.
As to the specific strategy of this service the following objectives are proposed:
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Global Objective: Boosting the service.
Objectives on staff:
1) Incorporation of one person who contributes to the project management and external
relations and publicity for the Institute.
2) Increasing the wage of the manager in line with the level of the Centre and standard of
living of the city to which the Centre belongs.
Objectives of equipment: partial replacement of computer equipment.
Support for research
Action to execute: Bolster Priority: 1
The service to support research is an exclusively internal Centre’ s service intended to facilitate
and optimize the work of different research groups at the IdAB. This service is not offered to
external agents and therefore there are no economic data associated with the service. Its
global functions are:
• Cleaning and sterilizing laboratory material and equipment (dirty or contaminated),
preparing boxes of tips, and so on.
• Preparation of stock solutions and culture media.
• Coordination and maintenance of equipment in common use: laminar flow cabins,
autoclaves, pH meter, scales, and so on.
• Management of orders for consumable items commonly used.
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• Management of the greenhouse and Phytotrons: control of the correct operation of the
facility, preparation of irrigation solutions, substrates, grafting, pest and disease control,
cleaning of facilities, and so on.
• Support for the installation of livestock and laboratory animals: sheep and mouse feeding,
cleaning and disinfection of the vessels; feeding of animals, cleaning and disinfecting cages.
Staff belonging to the service.- There are officially two posts: one staff (present) and a
laboratory assistant for cleaning and sterilization (not covered by any person due to low salary
in relation to the city cost of living). Periodically, there are contracts involving biannual
practices (I3P program) in this service that cooperate with the permanent staff. However, the
current situation (October 2008) the service is that a single person (official laboratory) must
perform all tasks. The assistant post is vacant due to structural issues of centralized
recruitment system that now exists: little interest in working in small towns, does not match
salary and standard of living in this city and competition for technical personnel from others
research centres (CIMA, University of Navarra, CIB-Biogune). Therefore, it is unlikely that this
post will be covered unless the salary increases. Consequently, the service is currently in
critical situation and in urgent need of technical assistance for minimally operating. There are
no other technicians in the Centre. Thus, the number of technicians and Support-Research
Service personnel should increase in the Centre.
Facilities.- The service has two laboratories (one on each floor) fully equipped for the normal
development of duties: several autoclaves, stoves, dishwashers, laminar flow cabin,
distilled/purified water production system, and so on.
Strategy.- We intend to consolidate the service in order to maintaining the tasks listed above.
The drastic reduction of benefits offered due to lack of personnel is causing a delay in the
normal course of research in the different teams (6 teams). Routine tasks hitherto performed
by technical staff must be assumed by qualified scientific personnel. This is a loss of efficiency
and productivity in the medium and long term, which will adversely affect the Centre if we fail
to revive the service needed to support research. The situation is especially serious because in
the year 2008 two new research groups have been incorporated to IdAB, with the consequent
demand for general services. In parallel, the department of research support has been
weakened and is now a single person in it.
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Demand of human resources necessary to carry out the mission in this Service.- It is imperative
to create 3 permanent posts of laboratory technicians in 2010 for this Service: 1 staff for
laboratory management and general stock, 1 staff for the mice and sheep animal houses; and
1 staff for greenhouse and Phytotron facilities) and 2 non-permanent persons (these two
persons for General stock and laboratory management with trainee contract). These
technicians will be altogether organically under the direction of the staff laboratory technician
of the Centre.
Equipment.- There is a need to purchase an autoclave for sterilization purposes.
Staff actions
The Institute of Agrobiotechnology (IdAB) is a Centre of joint sponsorship, created by the
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and
the Government of Navarra. During its first years of operation, from 1999 until 2003, the
service work was achieved with temporary human resources. From 2003 on, the manager post
was consolidated by CSIC.
The growth experienced by the Centre during the 2003-2008 period (there are now 71 persons
in the Centre) has led to major shortcomings in the service, despite the fact that in 2008 one of
the requests was fulfilled by the incorporation of a head of negotiated N-18.
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As of today, the team consists of the manager, a head of negotiated and one administrative
officer, the latter belonging to the Public University of Navarra. Thus, the staff of management
belongs to the CSIC or UPNA. The space used by the service (three offices) is considered
sufficient for the staff that currently conducts work. In addition, the office occupied by the
head of negotiate has the capacity to accommodate the person who is sought for project
management and public relations in this section.
The distribution of work generated has been very polarized because this is a joint-institution
Centre. The lack of legal independence of the Centre requires the use, for ordinary budgets,
investments and projects of two alternative routes, very different administration-wise:
through the CSIC or UPNA. The confluence of three institutions at the Centre creates, in terms
of management, coordination problems and legal confusion. In terms of coordination,
although it is easier to undertake works and investments through co-financing, the
implementation process is more complex. At the legal level, the absence of a legal own identity
deprives the Centre of opportunities to be agile, since the proposals, budgets and job offers
require the dependence on the channels and policies of any of the two partners (CSIC or
The involvement of the third institution in the Institute (Government of Navarra) is
materialized through research projects which usually are managed through the Public
University of Navarra. Relationships of this Service with UPNA, in terms of economic
management, ordinary research projects and recruitment, are implemented through the UPNA
administrative person at the Centre (which to the effect of this Strategic Plan, has been
integrated into the Manager-Chairman Service).
The manager has the responsibility to control and supervise the Service and Centre in the
corresponding tasks and makes decisions of great importance.
Moreover, many of the relationships with the CSIC (economic management, personnel, etc.)
are carried out by the manager.
This polarization of labour of the service has created many problems in the absence of one of
the team members (if on sick leave, vacation, and so on).
With the incorporation in April 2008 of the head of negotiated, it is intended to overcome this
problem by training of this person in the working procedures of both institutions to enable him
to make up for the absence of the other members of the management team.
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The remuneration of the head of the Service (the manager) has become a major problem. The
Institute belongs from a few years ago till now to the Category B, but this has not resulted in
an improvement in wage. This is a serious problem, since the manager’ s gross pay is similar to
that of a UPNA head of negotiate. Contacts were established with the CSIC and the University
but have been unsuccessful.
This low level of wages is a threat to the service because local businesses offer better working
conditions for qualified personnel, such that they allow survival in an expensive city like
This is a problem extended to other Services such as the Research-Support-Service too.
The specific training in management is another major challenge. There is no course or seminar
on preparation on some management topics; the manager must acquire knowledge from
others or central CSIC managers. The educational problem is complex, taking into account the
wide range of issues for the service management. These shortcomings have been repeatedly
communicated to CSIC without having taken any action. CSIC, as an institution that seeks to be
a landmark European science, cannot afford to have some managers with lack of preparation.
There are training sections where the situation is particularly difficult. This is the case of the
management of research projects in general and European projects in particular, whose
economic justification is very complex, especially if the preparation for management is
minimal. This would require special training in management taking into account the relevance
of these projects in recent years.
Since early 2007, various entities related to science and innovation at national or international
levels and, very intensively, at the autonomous region of Navarra, seek for information and
participation of the Centre in the forums that have been created (Euroinnova, Innovation Park,
etc.). This work requires attendance at meetings on a regular basis, reporting and other tasks
that require a significant dedication at the expense of time devoted to management. The
benefits of this work are evident but there remains finding the right person and funding to
carry these tasks forward.
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Similarly, there are no personnel specifically dedicated to external relationships, increase of
the Centre’ s visibility, redaction of Centre’ s leaflets, relationships with enterprises, diffusionadvertisement activities, updating the website, etc.
Concerning human resources, the Management service is in charge of:
- The documents and arrangements needed for incorporation, contracting and expelling of the
personnel of the Centre, including those of social security.
- Selection (together with the Support of research service) of personnel of the Services of the
- Supervision and arrangement of vacation periods of the personnel of the Centre.
- Updating the website.
- Supporting the Director of the Centre in the elaboration of annual reports (or other) required
by the three Institutions involved in the Centre.
- Supporting the director in external relations.
- Supporting the Director in solving human issues coming from the personnel of the Centre.
- Doing the secretarial work of the Centre and of the Steering Committee of the Centre.
Concerning the project management, the Project Management service gives support to
researchers to help them with the financial and administrative procedures in all research
activities funded through public calls, contracts with companies or with Administration.
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The Project Management service is in charge contracts with external institutions and
enterprises; and of: purchase of perishable material, purchase and maintenance of equipment
used by the different teams, adaptations of laboratory and building facilities, and so on. This
service is in charge of the particular accounting of these purchases as well as the general
accounting of the Centre. This service contributes largely to make the annual and long term
- Improved management of the service and its working procedures.
- Establishment of communication channels with streamlined departments involved in the
management of individual institutions.
- Strengthening the management team by: a) adding a person that would be a project manager
and would also undertake public relations and publicity tasks of the Institute; and b) increasing
the Manager's salary to the level corresponding to a "B" Institute.
- Detection of outreach opportunities (calls for projects, grants, etc.).
- Significant improvement in project management, especially the Europeans.
As to the specific strategy of this service the following objectives are proposed:
Global Objective: Boosting the service.
Objectives on staff:
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A) Incorporation of one person who contributes to the project management and external
relations and publicity for the Institute. In sum, the Centre will ask form CSIC the following: 1
TS (management);
B) Increasing the wage of the manager in line with the level of the Centre and standard of
living of the city to which the Centre belongs.
Support for research
The service to support research is an exclusively internal Center’ s service intended to facilitate
and optimize the work of different research groups at the IdAB (about 70 scientists). This
service is not offered to external agents and therefore there are no economic data associated
with the service. Its global functions are:
1. Cleaning and sterilizing laboratory material and equipment (dirty or contaminated),
preparing boxes of tips, and so on.
Preparation of stock solutions and culture media.
Coordination and maintenance of equipment in common use: laminar flow cabinets,
autoclaves, pH meter, scales, and so on.
Management of orders for consumable items commonly used.
Management of the greenhouse and Phytotrons: control of the correct operation of
the facility, preparation of irrigation solutions, substrates, grafting, pest and disease control,
cleaning of facilities, and so on.
Support for the facilities of livestock and laboratory animals: sheep and mouse feeding,
cleaning and disinfection of the vessels; feeding of animals, cleaning and disinfecting cages.
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Staff belonging to the service. There are officially two posts: one staff (present) and a
laboratory assistant for cleaning and sterilization (not covered by any person due to low salary
in relation to the city cost of living). Periodically, there are contracts involving biannual
practices (I3P program) in this service that cooperate with the permanent staff. However, the
current situation (October 2008) the service is that a single person (official laboratory) from
the University must perform all tasks. The assistant post is vacant due to structural issues of
centralized recruitment system that now exists: little interest in working in small towns, does
not match salary and standard of living in this city and competition for technical personnel
from others research centres (CIMA, University of Navarra, CIB-Biogune). Therefore, it is
unlikely that this post will be covered unless the salary increases. Consequently, the service is
currently in critical situation and in urgent need of technical assistance for minimally
operating. There are no other technicians in the Centre.
Thus, the number of technicians and Support-Research Service personnel should increase in
the Centre.
Facilities. The service has two laboratories (one on each floor) fully equipped for the normal
development of duties: several autoclaves, stoves, dishwashers, laminar flow cabin,
distilled/purified water production system, and so on.
Aim. We intend to consolidate the service in order to maintaining the tasks listed above. The
drastic reduction of benefits offered due to lack of personnel is causing a delay in the normal
course of research in the different teams (6 teams). Routine tasks hitherto performed by
technical staff must be assumed by qualified scientific personnel. This is a loss of efficiency and
productivity in the medium and long term, which will adversely affect the Centre if we fail to
revive the service needed to support research. The situation is especially critical because in the
year 2008 two new research groups have been incorporated to IdAB, with the consequent
demand for general services. In parallel, the department of research support has been
weakened and is now a single person in it.
Specific strategy and objective of this service: Boosting the service to make research more
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It is imperative to create two permanent posts of laboratory technicians in 2010 for this
Service: 1 staff for the mice and sheep animal houses; and 1 staff for greenhouse and
Phytotron facilities) and 2 non-permanent persons (these two persons for General stock and
laboratory management with trainee contract). These technicians will be altogether organically
under the direction of the staff laboratory technician of the Centre. In sum, the following
personnel are asked from CSIC:
A) Incorporation from CSIC of the following staff: 2 AL (plant and animal profiles, respectively):
1-2010, 1-2011;
B) Incorporation of 8 JAE-Tec (2 new per year, I3P practice or similar): 2-2010, 2-2011, 2-2012,
Equipment actions
Action to execute: Increase Priority: 1
The Institute of Agrobiotechnology (IdAB) is a Centre of joint sponsorship, created by the
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and
the Government of Navarra. During its first years of operation, from 1999 until 2003, the
service work was achieved with temporary human resources. From 2003 on, the manager post
was consolidated by CSIC.
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The growth experienced by the Centre during the 2003-2008 period (there are now 71 persons
in the Centre) has led to major shortcomings in the service, despite the fact that in 2008 one of
the requests was fulfilled by the incorporation of a head of negotiated N-18.
As of today, the team consists of the manager, a head of negotiated and one administrative
officer, the latter belonging to the Public University of Navarra. Thus, the staff of management
belongs to the CSIC or UPNA. The space used by the service (three offices) is considered
sufficient for the staff that currently conducts work. In addition, the office occupied by the
head of negotiate has the capacity to accommodate the person who is sought for project
management and public relations in this section.
The distribution of work generated has been very polarized because this is a joint-institution
Centre. The lack of legal independence of the Centre requires the use, for ordinary budgets,
investments and projects of two alternative routes, very different administration-wise:
through the CSIC or UPNA. The confluence of three institutions at the Centre creates, in terms
of management, coordination problems and legal confusion. In terms of coordination,
although it is easier to undertake works and investments through co-financing, the
implementation process is more complex. At the legal level, the absence of a legal own identity
deprives the Centre of opportunities to be agile, since the proposals, budgets and job offers
require the dependence on the channels and policies of any of the two partners (CSIC or
The involvement of the third institution in the Institute (Government of Navarra) is
materialized through research projects which usually are managed through the Public
University of Navarra. Relationships of this Service with UPNA, in terms of economic
management, ordinary research projects and recruitment, are implemented through the UPNA
administrative person at the Centre (which to the effect of this Strategic Plan, has been
integrated into the Manager-Chairman Service).
The manager has the responsibility to control and supervise the Service and Centre in the
corresponding tasks and makes decisions of great importance.
Moreover, many of the relationships with the CSIC (economic management, personnel, etc.)
are carried out by the manager.
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This polarization of labour of the service has created many problems in the absence of one of
the team members (if on sick leave, vacation, and so on).
With the incorporation in April 2008 of the head of negotiated, it is intended to overcome this
problem by training of this person in the working procedures of both institutions to enable him
to make up for the absence of the other members of the management team.
The remuneration of the head of the Service (the manager) has become a major problem. The
Institute belongs from a few years ago till now to the Category B, but this has not resulted in
an improvement in wage. This is a serious problem, since the manager’ s gross pay is similar to
that of a UPNA head of negotiate. Contacts were established with the CSIC and the University
but have been unsuccessful.
This low level of wages is a threat to the service because local businesses offer better working
conditions for qualified personnel, such that they allow survival in an expensive city like
This is a problem extended to other Services such as the Research-Support-Service too.
The specific training in management is another major challenge. There is no course or seminar
on preparation on some management topics; the manager must acquire knowledge from
others or central CSIC managers. The educational problem is complex, taking into account the
wide range of issues for the service management. These shortcomings have been repeatedly
communicated to CSIC without having taken any action. CSIC, as an institution that seeks to be
a landmark European science, cannot afford to have some managers with lack of preparation.
There are training sections where the situation is particularly difficult. This is the case of the
management of research projects in general and European projects in particular, whose
economic justification is very complex, especially if the preparation for management is
minimal. This would require special training in management taking into account the relevance
of these projects in recent years.
Since early 2007, various entities related to science and innovation at national or international
levels and, very intensively, at the autonomous region of Navarra, seek for information and
participation of the Centre in the forums that have been created (Euroinnova, Innovation Park,
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etc.). This work requires attendance at meetings on a regular basis, reporting and other tasks
that require a significant dedication at the expense of time devoted to management. The
benefits of this work are evident but there remains finding the right person and funding to
carry these tasks forward.
Similarly, there are no personnel specifically dedicated to external relationships, increase of
the Centre’ s visibility, redaction of Centre’ s leaflets, relationships with enterprises, diffusionadvertisement activities, updating the website, etc.
Concerning human resources, the Management service is in charge of:
- The documents and arrangements needed for incorporation, contracting and expelling of the
personnel of the Centre, including those of social security.
- Selection (together with the Support of research service) of personnel of the Services of the
- Supervision and arrangement of vacation periods of the personnel of the Centre.
- Updating the website.
- Supporting the Director of the Centre in the elaboration of annual reports (or other) required
by the three Institutions involved in the Centre.
- Supporting the director in external relations.
- Supporting the Director in solving human issues coming from the personnel of the Centre.
- Doing the secretarial work of the Centre and of the Steering Committee of the Centre.
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Concerning the project management, the Project Management service gives support to
researchers to help them with the financial and administrative procedures in all research
activities funded through public calls, contracts with companies or with Administration.
The Project Management service is in charge contracts with external institutions and
enterprises; and of: purchase of perishable material, purchase and maintenance of equipment
used by the different teams, adaptations of laboratory and building facilities, and so on. This
service is in charge of the particular accounting of these purchases as well as the general
accounting of the Centre. This service contributes largely to make the annual and long term
- Improved management of the service and its working procedures.
- Establishment of communication channels with streamlined departments involved in the
management of individual institutions.
- Strengthening the management team by: a) adding a person that would be a project manager
and would also undertake public relations and publicity tasks of the Institute; and b) increasing
the Manager's salary to the level corresponding to a "B" Institute.
- Detection of outreach opportunities (calls for projects, grants, etc.).
- Significant improvement in project management, especially the Europeans.
As to the specific strategy of this service the following objectives are proposed:
Global Objective: Boosting the service
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Objectives of equipment: partial replacement of computer equipment. There is a need to
purchase 4 computers, 1500 € each, 2 in 2010 and 2 in 2011; also there is a need to purchase 1
printer in 2010. So the total expense will be 4000 € in 2010 and 3000 € in 2011.
Support for research
Action to execute: Increase Priority: 1
The service to support research is an exclusively internal Center’ s service intended to facilitate
and optimize the work of different research groups at the IdAB (about 70 scientists). This
service is not offered to external agents and therefore there are no economic data associated
with the service. Its global functions are:
1. Cleaning and sterilizing laboratory material and equipment (dirty or contaminated),
preparing boxes of tips, and so on.
Preparation of stock solutions and culture media.
Coordination and maintenance of equipment in common use: laminar flow cabinets,
autoclaves, pH meter, scales, and so on.
Management of orders for consumable items commonly used.
Management of the greenhouse and Phytotrons: control of the correct operation of
the facility, preparation of irrigation solutions, substrates, grafting, pest and disease control,
cleaning of facilities, and so on.
Support for the facilities of livestock and laboratory animals: sheep and mouse feeding,
cleaning and disinfection of the vessels; feeding of animals, cleaning and disinfecting cages.
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Facilities. The service has two laboratories (one on each floor) fully equipped for the normal
development of duties: several autoclaves, stoves, dishwashers, laminar flow cabin,
distilled/purified water production system, and so on.
Purchase of an autoclave for sterilizing perishable material of the Centre (1-2011): 20000 €.
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Critical Analysis of Research Lines
Biotechnology in Plants
Status: Consolidated
Justification: The scientific activities of the IdAB are involved in solving different issues of
relevance in the field of Agricultural Sciences, using novel biotechnological approaches in
plants, microbes and animals in order to attempt the generation of scientific knowledge and
development of derived applications for technology transfer. There are two major research
Lines in the IdAB Centre: a) Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health; and b) Biotechnology in
In the Line of Plant Biotechnology, there are three teams and includes 7 staff scientists,
distributed according to the following three main objectives: a) to investigate Carbohydrate
Metabolism, including starch and glycogen metabolism in plants and bacteria, respectively,
and more recently the areas of endocytic sucrose take-up and connection between
carbohydrate and secondary metabolism; and implications of the findings in diagnosis,
physiology and energy (3 staff members); b) in the field of Plant Agrobiotechnology to develop
plants that could be used as Biofactories for the production of biopharmaceutical proteins (this
is the only group in Spain working in molecular farming with plastid transformation
technology) (2 staff members, one of which will be over 65 at the end of this plan); and c) in
the area of Plant Physiology and Agrobiology to gain knowledge in plant nitrogen and iron
metabolism and to understand oxidative processes, the production of free radicals and
antioxidants biotechnology; and to generate the corresponding applications (2 staff members).
The Line can be considered consolidated because there are at present 7 staff scientists in the
Line and solid research is being continuously produced. However, each of the 3 teams
individually considered is in the process of expansion and, as such, need consolidation. The
Centre is determined to evolve according to each of the objectives-specialties so that they
become progressively one Line per team.
The research Line is involved in different national and European projects, and publishing more
manuscripts in international journals than expected according to team sizes, mainly in journals
of the first quartile within the corresponding area. Results presented in different national and
international congresses have received several awards. Teams of the Line are involved in the
evaluation circuits of research manuscripts on the corresponding research area of the main
international journals.
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The Line and objectives carried out in the Centre represent novel approaches in research and
technology. This makes the Line attractive at different levels. At the local level, the Centre is
involved in the three priority poles of Navarra: Biotechnology, Energy and Nanotechnology. At
the national and international levels, these subjects are also a first priority.
However, there is only 1 technician in the whole Centre (71 persons). This is the situation in
the Centre in the last few years: there is an extremely low proportion of technicians in relation
to scientists (1 multi-purpose technician, 67 scientists). Thus, the number of technicians should
increase in the Line. This means that more technicians are needed before the Line is really
considered consolidated.
The research Line was started over 10 years ago and, although it may be considered
consolidated in terms of scientific production, transfer and research training capacity, the
research team personnel is still unstable, teams have very few staff members and cannot be
considered consolidated to reach the goals pursued in the long term. Furthermore, one of the
teams (working on Plant Physiology and Agrobiology) has very recently been incorporated to
the Centre. Thus, the Line needs more staff personnel to evolve according to each of these
three objectives-specialties so that they become progressively one Line per present team.
Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Status: Consolidated
Justification: The scientific activities of the IdAB are involved in solving different issues of
relevance in the field of Agricultural Sciences, using novel biotechnological approaches in
plants, microbes and animals in order to attempt the generation of scientific knowledge and
development of derived applications for technology transfer. There are two major research
Lines in the IdAB Centre: a) Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health; and b) Plant
The main objectives of the Line of Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health (5 staff scientists)
are: a) to understand Microbial Biofilms, and identify targets susceptible for development of
new drugs to combat biofilm associated infections (1 staff member); b) to contribute to the
improvement of Animal Health by gaining knowledge in host-pathogen relationship,
potentiating resistance to diseases and developing new therapeutic and diagnostic approaches
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(3 staff members, one of which retires at the end of this plan and another one may be
transferred to another Centre); and c) to produce Microbial Bioinsecticides in order to avoid
insect parasite invasion in Plants by means of the Identification and characterization of virus
and microbial entomopathogens for baculovirus-based bioinsecticide development (1 staff
This three-team Line can be considered consolidated because there are at present 5 staff
scientists and solid research is being continuously produced. However, each of the teams
individually considered are in the process of expansion and the corresponding teams, as such,
need consolidation. The Line is determined to evolve according to each of these three
objectives-specialties so that they become progressively one Line per team.
The Line is involved in different national and European projects, and publishing more
manuscripts in international journals than expected according to team sizes, mainly in journals
of the first quartile within the corresponding area. Results presented in different national and
international congresses have received several awards. Teams of the Line are involved in the
evaluation circuits of research manuscripts on the corresponding research area of the main
international journals.
The Line and objectives carried out represent novel approaches in research and technology.
This makes the Line attractive at different levels. At the local level, the Line is involved in the
three priority poles of Navarra: Biotechnology, Health and Nanotechnology. At the national
and international levels, these subjects are also a first priority.
However, there is only 1 technician in the whole Centre (71 persons). This is the situation in
the Centre in the last few years: there is an extremely low proportion of technicians in relation
to scientists (1 multi-purpose technician, 67 scientists). Thus, the number of technicians should
increase in the Line. This means that more technicians are needed before the Line is really
considered consolidated.
The research Line was started over 10 years ago and, although it may be considered
consolidated in terms of scientific production, transfer and research training capacity, the
research team personnel is still unstable, teams have very few staff members and cannot be
considered consolidated to reach the goals pursued in the long term. Furthermore, one of the
teams (working on Bioinsecticides) has very recently been incorporated to the Centre. Thus,
the Line needs more staff personnel to evolve according to each of these three objectivesspecialties so that they become progressively one Line per present team.
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Critical Analysis of Services
Status: Consolidated
Justification: The Institute of Agrobiotechnology (IdAB) is a Centre of joint sponsorship,
created by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Public University of
Navarra (UPNA) and the Government of Navarra. During its first years of operation, from 1999
until 2003, the service work was achieved with temporary human resources. From 2003 on,
the manager post was consolidated by CSIC.
The growth experienced by the Centre during the 2003-2008 period (there are now 71 persons
in the Centre) has led to major shortcomings in the service, despite the fact that in 2008 one of
the requests was fulfilled by the incorporation of a head of negotiated N-18.
As of today, the team consists of the manager, a head of negotiated and one administrative
officer, the latter belonging to the Public University of Navarra. Thus, the staff of management
belongs to the CSIC or UPNA. The space used by the service (three offices) is considered
sufficient for the staff that currently conducts work. In addition, the office occupied by the
head of negotiate has the capacity to accommodate the person who is sought for project
management and public relations in this section.
The distribution of work generated has been very polarized because this is a joint-institution
Centre. The lack of legal independence of the Centre requires the use, for ordinary budgets,
investments and projects of two alternative routes, very different administration-wise:
through the CSIC or UPNA. The confluence of three institutions at the Centre creates, in terms
of management, coordination problems and legal confusion. In terms of coordination,
although it is easier to undertake works and investments through co-financing, the
implementation process is more complex. At the legal level, the absence of a legal own identity
deprives the Centre of opportunities to be agile, since the proposals, budgets and job offers
require the dependence on the channels and policies of any of the two partners (CSIC or
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The involvement of the third institution in the Institute (Government of Navarra) is
materialized through research projects which usually are managed through the Public
University of Navarra. Relationships of this Service with UPNA, in terms of economic
management, ordinary research projects and recruitment, are implemented through the UPNA
administrative person at the Centre (which to the effect of this Strategic Plan, has been
integrated into the Manager-Chairman Service).
The manager has the responsibility to control and supervise the Service and Centre in the
corresponding tasks and makes decisions of great importance.
Moreover, many of the relationships with the CSIC (economic management, personnel, etc.)
are carried out by the manager.
This polarization of labour of the service has created many problems in the absence of one of
the team members (if on sick leave, vacation, and so on).
With the incorporation in April 2008 of the head of negotiated, it is intended to overcome this
problem by training of this person in the working procedures of both institutions to enable him
to make up for the absence of the other members of the management team.
The remuneration of the head of the Service (the manager) has become a major problem. The
Institute belongs from a few years ago till now to the Category B, but this has not resulted in
an improvement in wage. This is a serious problem, since the manager’ s gross pay is similar to
that of a UPNA head of negotiate. Contacts were established with the CSIC and the University
but have been unsuccessful.
This low level of wages is a threat to the service because local businesses offer better working
conditions for qualified personnel, such that they allow survival in an expensive city like
This is a problem extended to other Services such as the Research-Support-Service too.
The specific training in management is another major challenge. There is no course or seminar
on preparation on some management topics; the manager must acquire knowledge from
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others or central CSIC managers. The educational problem is complex, taking into account the
wide range of issues for the service management. These shortcomings have been repeatedly
communicated to CSIC without having taken any action. CSIC, as an institution that seeks to be
a landmark European science, cannot afford to have some managers with lack of preparation.
There are training sections where the situation is particularly difficult. This is the case of the
management of research projects in general and European projects in particular, whose
economic justification is very complex, especially if the preparation for management is
minimal. This would require special training in management taking into account the relevance
of these projects in recent years.
Since early 2007, various entities related to science and innovation at national or international
levels and, very intensively, at the autonomous region of Navarra, seek for information and
participation of the Centre in the forums that have been created (Euroinnova, Innovation Park,
etc.). This work requires attendance at meetings on a regular basis, reporting and other tasks
that require a significant dedication at the expense of time devoted to management. The
benefits of this work are evident but there remains finding the right person and funding to
carry these tasks forward.
Similarly, there are no personnel specifically dedicated to external relationships, increase of
the Centre’ s visibility, redaction of Centre’ s leaflets, relationships with enterprises, diffusionadvertisement activities, updating the website, etc.
This service needs:
- Improved management of the service and its working procedures
- Establishment of communication channels with streamlined departments involved in the
management of individual institutions.
- Strengthening the management team by adding a person that would be a project manager
and would also undertake public relations and publicity tasks of the Institute.
As to the specific strategy of this service the following objectives are proposed:
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Global Objective: Boosting the service.
Objectives on staff:
A) Incorporation of one person who contributes to the project management and external
relations and publicity for the Institute.
In sum, the Centre will ask form CSIC the following: 1 TS (management): 1-2010; 2 AL (plant
and animal profiles, respectively): 1-2010, 1-2011; 8 JAE-Tec (I3P practices): 2-2010, 2-2011, 22012, 2-2013.
B) Increasing the wage of the manager in line with the level of the Centre and standard of
living of the city to which the Centre belongs.
Objectives of equipment: partial replacement of computer equipment. There is a need to
purchase 4 computers, 1500 € each, 2 in 2010 and 2 in 2011; also there is a need to purchase 1
printer in 2010. So the total expense will be 4000 € in 2010 and 3000 € in 2011.
Support for research
Status: Consolidated
Justification: The service to support research is an exclusively internal Center’ s service
intended to facilitate and optimize the work of different research groups at the IdAB. This
service is not offered to external agents and therefore there are no economic data associated
with the service. Its global functions are:
• Cleaning and sterilizing laboratory material and equipment (dirty or contaminated),
preparing boxes of tips, and so on.
• Preparation of stock solutions and culture media.
• Coordination and maintenance of equipment in common use: laminar flow cabinets,
autoclaves, pH meter, scales, and so on.
• Management of orders for consumable items commonly used.
• Management of the greenhouse and Phytotrons: control of the correct operation of the
facility, preparation of irrigation solutions, substrates, grafting, pest and disease control,
cleaning of facilities, and so on.
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• Support for the installation of livestock and laboratory animals: sheep and mouse feeding,
cleaning and disinfection of the vessels; feeding of animals, cleaning and disinfecting cages.
Staff belonging to the service.- There are officially two posts: one staff (present) and a
laboratory assistant for cleaning and sterilization (not covered by any person due to low salary
in relation to the city cost of living). Periodically, there are contracts involving biannual
practices (I3P program) in this service that cooperate with the permanent staff. However, the
current situation (October 2008) the service is that a single person (official laboratory) must
perform all tasks. The assistant post is vacant due to structural issues of centralized
recruitment system that now exists: little interest in working in small towns, does not match
salary and standard of living in this city and competition for technical personnel from others
research centres (CIMA, University of Navarra, CIB-Biogune). Therefore, it is unlikely that this
post will be covered unless the salary increases. Consequently, the service is currently in
critical situation and in urgent need of technical assistance for minimally operating. There are
no other technicians in the Centre.
Thus, the number of technicians and Support-Research Service personnel should increase in
the Centre.
Facilities.- The service has two laboratories (one on each floor) fully equipped for the normal
development of duties: several autoclaves, stoves, dishwashers, laminar flow cabin,
distilled/purified water production system, and so on.
This service needs:
To consolidate the service in order to maintaining the tasks listed above. The drastic reduction
of benefits offered due to lack of personnel is causing a delay in the normal course of research
in the different teams (6 teams). Routine tasks hitherto performed by technical staff must be
assumed by qualified scientific personnel. This is a loss of efficiency and productivity in the
medium and long term, which will adversely affect the Centre if we fail to revive the service
needed to support research. The situation is especially serious because in the year 2008 two
new research groups have been incorporated to IdAB, with the consequent demand for
general services. In parallel, the department of research support has been weakened and is
now a single person in it.
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Demand of human resources necessary to carry out the mission in this Service.- It is imperative
to create three permanent posts of laboratory technicians in 2010 for this Service: 1 staff for
laboratory management and general stock, 1 staff for the mice and sheep animal houses; and
1 staff for greenhouse and Phytotron facilities) and 2 non-permanent persons (these two
persons for General stock and laboratory management with trainee contract).
These technicians will be altogether organically under the direction of the staff laboratory
technician of the Centre.
The Centre will ask form CSIC the following: 2 AL (plant and animal profiles, respectively): 12010, 1-2011; 8 JAE-Tec (I3P practices): 2-2010, 2-2011, 2-2012, 2-2013.
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Progress Indicators (Quantitative objectives)
Article / Book
chapters (number)
Congress (number)
Full books (number)
Knowledge Transfer
Training (number)
Outreach (number)
I+D Contract
HIGH Percentil
Percentil 50-75
LOW Percentil
HIGH Percentil
Percentil 50-75
LOW Percentil
HIGH Percentil
Percentil 50-75
LOW Percentil
priority patents
Licensed priority
Foreign staff
scientific articles
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Requested Resources
Human resources
Higher Scientific
Financial resources
Justification: This document has two sections. The first one is an introduction describing the
Lines, teams and type of research being done, so that the needs of different equipments are
evident. The second part involves the resources asked to CSIC (this part is organized in Lines vs.
Services; and in each case, in personnel vs. equipment).
In the Centre, with two main Lines (Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health; and
Biotechnology in Plants), the strategy involves:
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• Undertaking new experimental approaches
• Applying and developing new methodologies
• Consolidating and establishing new collaborative links at the regional, national and
international levels.
Regarding new incorporations, the two new teams just incorporated to the Centre (Microbial
Bioinsecticides; and Plant Physiology and Agrobiology) will generate results in the Centre and
collaborate with other teams. New scientists will become staff members. The Associate Unit
(University of the Basque Country) will expectedly become a reality.
The Centre will promote the evolution of the different Lines and teams. The General strategy
of the Centre, according to the research subjects and research Lines and teams is described
There will be no teams disappearing or new teams in this Centre that we can foresee during
this Strategic Plan. This is applicable to the 2 Lines of the Centre:
The Line of Biotechnology in Plant and Animal Health is integrated by three teams whose
major areas of research are: Microbial Biofilms, Animal Health and Microbial Bioinsecticides.
The team of Microbial Bioinsecticides has just been incorporated to the Centre. The goal of the
Line is to progressively consolidate these teams so that eventually each of them evolves into
one differentiated Line in the field of Biotechnology in Plant and Animal Health.
The Line of Biotechnology in Plants is integrated by three teams whose major areas of research
are: Carbohydrate metabolism, Plant Agrobiotechnology (plants as biofactories), and Plant
Physiology and Agrobiology (oxidative processes and nitrogen and iron metabolism). The team
of Plant Physiology and Agrobiology has just been incorporated to the Centre. There will be no
teams disappearing or other new teams in this Line that we can foresee during this Strategic
Plan. The goal of the Line is to progressively consolidate these teams so that eventually each of
them evolves into one differentiated Line in the field of Plant Biotechnology.
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This Line has a general strategy that can be summarized according to different issues and
teams as indicated below.
- New experimental approaches
Research using cell cultures; Complex genomic analysis; Regulation mediated by regulatory
RNAs; Research on biofilm formation by microorganisms classified as P3.
Disease resistance and viral restriction in livestock involving host genes; innate immunity
receptor-targeting for vaccine development; Genetic regulation of tropism in animal
microorganisms; new immunological, cellular and animal models for vaccine development; Use
of iRNA for regulating gene expression involved in virulence/pathogenesis.
Generation of results will be of immediate implementation in Crop Protection. In the field of
baculovirus based microbial insecticides, baculovirus vertical transmission studies. Expression
and use of B. thuringiensis proteins secreted during the vegetative phase of the bacteria. In
both cases, new molecular approaches are required to achieve the proposed aims.
- New methodology
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HPLC-Mass spectrometry, Tilling-Arrays.
iRNA technology; lentiviral vectors for the study of lentiviral restriction; peptide-based immune
diagnosis, nanosensors based in immune and genetic systems.
Most of the experiments performed at the beginning of this research were based on
conventional techniques in the field of Agricultural Entomology and Insect Pathology.
Throughout the years, several experimental techniques in Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology have been progressively introduced, which have outstandingly favoured the
development of this research line. This strategy will be implemented in this strategic plan.
- Collaborations
The team aims to maintain the existent collaborations and initiate new collaborations with
groups involved in: protein crystallography (Felix Goñi, University of Basque Country),
proteomics (Juan Antonio Lopez, CNIC), genomic platforms (Carmen Buchrieser, Institute
Pasteur) and regulatory RNAs (Pascale Romby, CNRS-IBMC, Strasbourg).
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The team aims to maintain the existing collaborations and initiate new collaborations with
groups involved in: protein/peptide-based immune diagnosis (Dr. S. Rosati, University of
Turin); lentiviral tropism (Dr. V. Andrésdóttir, University of Reykjavik) lentiviral restriction
(Dr. Greg Towers, University College London); innate immunity (Dr. B. Jugo, University of the
Basque Country); and Veterinary Pathology (Drs. L. Lujan and J.J. Badiola, University of
Zaragoza; Drs. J.F. GarcÃ-a MarÃ-n and V. Pérez, University of León; Drs. E. Berriatua and A.
Contreras, Univ. of Murcia; and Drs. R. Juste and E. Minguijón, NEIKER, Basque Government).
For the development of some novel experimental approaches (e.g. expression and use of B.
thuringiensis secreted proteins) collaborations with Dr. Iñigo Lasa research team, at the IdAB,
may be very beneficial. In other instances (e.g. comparative genomic analysis of baculovirus
genotypes involved in vertical transmission), collaborations with Dr. Elisabeth Herniou
(Imperial College, London, UK) and Prof. Robert. D. Possee, Oxford, UK, may be very
- New incorporations
We expect to consolidate JAE postdoctoral contracts that already exist in the group, initially
within the JAE senior program and finally as two new staff scientists (CT) and two postdoctoral
JAE contracts. In sum from CSIC: 2 CT: 1-2012, 1-2013; 2 JAE senior: 1-2010, 1-2011; 2 JAE doc:
1-2011, 1-2013.
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Member(s) (1-2 of the 3 staff scientists) of the team are expected to finish their contribution
(due to retirement and/or transfer) by the end of this strategic plan period. The team is
productive and has personnel trained to become staff scientists and technicians in order to
reach consolidation. The team is asking for: one JAE postdoctoral contract in 2012 and two JAE
seniors in 2010 and 2011. Both JAE seniors will aim at CT in 2011 and 2013. We also expect 2
TS in 2010 and 2011, respectively. In sum, from CSIC: 2 CT 1-2011, 1-2013; 2 TS, 1-2010, 12011, 1 JAE Doc 1-2012; and 2 JAE senior, 1-2010 1-2011.
We expect to be able to incorporate 1-2 new researchers to our team as permanent staff as
well as new Postdoctoral contracts. The latter may be funded by the different public calls for
Postdoctoral positions open in the period 2010-2013 or by research projects resources
obtained from the administrations or private companies. In addition, we hope to employ a
technician with the task to support the different research duties. In sum from CSIC: 1 CT: 12012; 1 AL: 1-2010; 2 JAE-Doc: 1-2010, 1-2011; 2 JAE-Pre: 1-2010, 1-2012.
This Line has a general strategy that can be summarized according to different issues and
teams, as indicated below.
- New experimental approaches and New technologies
Focusing on “omics” (transcriptomics y metabolomics); Focusing on confocal microscopy
and cell biology; Connection between secondary metabolism and cell biology with
carbohydrate metabolism.
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Known controversies on the use of transgenic plants and its derivatives for food and nutrition
in Europe should only have minor effects when plants are used as biofactories for the
production of added value proteins, such as biopharmaceuticals, subunit vaccines or enzymes
for industrial use.
New approaches comprise construction of vectors harbouring transgenes of interest for plastid
transformation of tobacco leaves by particle bombardment. After molecular characterization
of transgenic plants (at DNA and protein levels), recombinant protein will be extracted,
purified and assayed for bioactivity or enzymatic activity (for cellulases and related enzymes).
In the case of vaccines, immunization of mice by the intraperitoneal or oral route and analysis
of the humoral and cellular responses will be performed.
An especially relevant strength is the technology of chloroplast transformation, plant tissue
culture and plant transformation. As a new methodology, we aim at the transformation of
grapevine: a new specific vector for this species will be constructed. Parameters of the gene
gun (helium pressure, target distance, particle size, etc.) will be assayed as well as type of
explants (leaf, callus, cellular suspension, etc.) and marker selection (antibiotics streptomycin,
spectinomycin or hygromycin).
New experimental approaches: Overall emissions of gaseous nitrogen in plants; Study of free N
radicals and establishment of new biomarkers; Research under modified atmospheres
(anaerobic); Study of markers for improved efficiency in the use of the N in plants; Develop
skills for the use of new instrumentation and experimentation in nanotechnology research.
- Collaborations
Consolidation of collaborations with Iden (Drs. Alonso-Casajús y Morán-Zorzano), Univ.
Rosario (Dr. Alejandro Viale), Univ. Niigata (Dr. Toshiaki Mitsui), Univ. Florida (Dr. Ed
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Etxeberria), Univ. Mainooth (Dr. Phil Dix), Univ. Sevilla (Drs. José MarÃ-a Romero and Angel
Collaboration with Drs. Jesús Prieto and Carmen Berasain of Centro de Investigación
Médica Aplicada (CIMA), Pamplona; Dr. José Angel M. Escribano, Departamento de
BiotecnologÃ-a, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y TecnologÃ-a Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)
Madrid; the spin-off “Plant Bioproducts” (Madrid); and Dr. Marina Clemente, CONICET,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Collaboration with the research group of UPV/EHU (Drs. Gonzalez-Murua, Gonzalez-Moro,
Becerril, Plazaola, Hernandez), with the group at the University of Lisbon, Portugal (Drs.
Martins-Loucao, and Cruz), the Autonomous University of the state of Morelos, Mexico (Dr.
Arredondo-Peter), University of Paris XI, France (Dr. Vidal) and University of Manitoba, Canada
(Dr. Hill).
- New incorporations (expected from CSIC through this Strategic Plan)
A new CT, and incorporations that guarantee the present composition of personnel not
belonging to the staff of the team (4-5 post-docs, 4-5 pre-docs y 4-5 technicians). In sum, from
CSIC: 1 CT: 1-2011; 2 JAE doc: 1-2010, 1-2012; 2 JAE pre: 1-2011, 1-2013.
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One CT, one R&C, one J&C, two postdoctoral fellows and one pre-doctoral fellow. In sum, from
CSIC, 1 CT: 1-2013; 1 JAE senior: 1-2010, 1TS: 1-2010; 2 TM: 1-2011, 1-2012; 2 JAE pre: 1-2010,
One CT, one R&C, one J&C, two postdoctoral fellows and two pre-doctoral fellow and one JAE
TECH.. In sum, from CSIC, In sum, from CSIC, 1 CT: 1-2013; 2 JAE senior 1-2010,1-2011, 2 JAE
DOC: 1-2010, 1-2012; 1 JAE tec: 1-2010; 1 JAE Predoc. 1-2012.
- Dissemination activities of the Centre (both Lines)
The teams will carry out dissemination activities by:
Publication of original research papers in international journals with high SCI impact within the
corresponding fields, participation in Conferences, Congresses, Workshops, Seminars, talks on
research activities and results at local, national and international levels. Communication-to and
presence-in press and other media for display of relevant scientific-technologic findings.
Patent applications.
- Human and financial resources of the Centre (both Lines)
Besides the personnel and equipment expected from CSIC, the teams will apply for:
• Public research-technology in different calls for projects (Gobierno de Navarra, Plan
Nacional, UE, etc.);
• Collaboration contracts with Agrobiotechnology enterprises;
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• Human resources and scientific personnel fellowships and contracts through different
private and public calls (technicians from Government of Navarra, pre-doctoral fellowships
from UPNA/CSIC/GN, post-doctoral Ramón-y-Cajal and I3P contracts). Recruitment of
qualified graduate students.
In the Centre, the six scientific teams need to be consolidated Lines, but to accomplish some of
the scientific objectives, more scientific staff is needed.
Additional research/technology-involved personnel are needed, as indicated in this strategic
plan. The Centre does not have any specialized staff technician for about 70 people (13 staff
scientists). The Centre needs one specialized technician per research team: (3 technicians per
main Line, about 1 technician per group of 10-12 persons). Thus, there is a need of a total of 6
permanent specialized technicians dedicated directly to research-technology activities.
8 CientÃ-fico Titular: 2-2011, 2-2012, 4-2013.
3Titulado Superior: 2-2010, 1-2011.
2 Titulado Medio: 1-2011, 1-2012.
1 Ayudante Laborat.:1-2010.
9 JAE Senior: 5-2010, 3-2011, 1-2012
9 JAE Doc.: 3-2010, 2-2011, 3-2012, 1-2013
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8 JAE Pre.: 2-2010, 2-2011, 3-2012, 1-2013.
1 JAE Tec.: 1-2010.
YEAR 2010:
Amount: 85,000 €
Research Line involved: both Lines, Plant Biotechnology and Biotechnology in Animal and Plant
Brief justification: In the second floor of the Centre, a room of around 100 m2 is not being used
at present, since it lacks of lab and office facilities. This room is the only space in the Centre
available to locate new members or research groups recently incorporated to the Centre.
Amount: 175,000 €
Research Line involved: Plant Biotechnology
Brief justification: The incorporation of new members and new teams to the Line of Plant
Biotechnology generates the necessity of more spaces for plant cultivation. To settle this
problem, enlargement of the existing green house of the Centre is considered the best option
to optimise both budget and spaces.
Amount: 100,000 €
Research Line involved: both Lines, Plant Biotechnology and Biotechnology in Animal and Plant
Brief justification: There is in the Centre an obsolete ultracentrifuge apparatus (Kontron) that
has been intensively used by all of research teams of the Centre. In the last years, this
apparatus breaks down frequently and some pieces are not available anymore to repair the
equipment. Thus, we consider essential to anticipate the replacement of the ultracentrifuge.
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Amount: 11,000 €
Research Line involved: Plant Biotechnology
Brief justification: This apparatus is frequently used by most of researches of the Centre and
only one spectrophotometer is currently available in the Centre. Acquisition of a new one in
this Line (about 30 scientists per equipment) is needed, in anticipation to an eventual userelated breakdown of the existing one.
Amount: 11,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: The Microbial Biofilms group is analysing the gene expression patterns of
bacteria in biofilm formation conditions by different methods including microarrays. A critical
step before microarray hybridisation is the RNA quality. Since the amounts of RNA extracted
from biofilm samples are very low, equipment such as Agilent Bioanalyzer is required. This
machine is able to qualitatively and quantitatively measure RNA, DNA and protein samples
using very small amounts of the sample.
Amount: 14,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: The Potter Tower is used for administrating accurate volumes and
concentrations of insecticides and bioinsecticides, by means of precision pulverizations in
laboratory conditions. This is very important to the Microbial Bioinsecticides group, in order to
establish lethal doses of insecticides in experimental insect models and, then, to extrapolate
the results to field conditions.
Amount: 15,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
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Brief justification: Cell sorter based on paramagnetic beads is an innovative machine that
allows a quick and effective cellular separation from animal tissues, with a high degree of
purity of the cellular type selected. This apparatus is very important for performing immunity
studies in the Animal Health group in the context of both new-vaccine evaluation and infection
studies in animal models. There are no cell sorter machines in the Centre that allow cell
YEAR 2011:
Amount: 315,000 €
Research Line involved: Plant Biotechnology
Brief justification: A first generation confocal microscope D-Eclipse C1 from NIKON (Japan)
equipped only for basic functions was incorporated to the Centre seven years ago. This
apparatus has become obsolete (some parts are not available either for repair in the case of
breakdowns or for improving the current functions) and has important technical limitations
(i.e. low speed of the system or fine tuning of the laser intensity; impossibility to modulate
laser activities) that limit significantly the technical quality of Carbohydrates Metabolism group
work. The confocal microscope proposed here does not have these limitations and has
standard and basic functions currently offered by medium-type standard confocal systems.
Amount: 12,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: This apparatus is frequently used by most researches of the Centre and only
one spectrophotometer is currently available in the Centre. Anticipation to an eventual
breakdown of the existing one should be considered and acquisition of new one to the P2 cell
culture facilities is essential for a better accomplishment of biosafety work conditions of both
Animal Health and Microbial Biofilms research groups.
Amount: 20,000 €
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Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: This apparatus is continuously used by most of researches of the Centre.
Anticipation to an eventual breakdown of the existing ones should be considered and
acquisition of new one to the P2 facilities will be of good help for a better accomplishment of
biosafety work conditions of both Animal Health and Microbial Biofilms research groups.
Amount: 34,000 €
Research Line involved: Plant Biotechnology
Brief justification: The determinations of nitrogenous emissions to the atmosphere by plants
are considered a loss from nitrogen nutrition, which may have different physiological
implications. This new equipment will allow to the Plant Physiology and Agrobiology to
measure different N emissions form plants at appropriate levels, improving the quality of our
YEAR 2012:
Amount: 100,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: Interactions plant-insect should be evaluated apart from other plant
experiments. The Microbial Bioinsecticide group (recently incorporated to the Centre) needs a
green house to carry out the experimental work. These facilities would avoid interference with
the experiments of other teams.
Amount: 135,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: Animal Health group is working on developing new vaccines against several
microorganisms and its subsequent evaluation in animal models. Also, other teams of the
Centre use mice for experimental work. Last year, one of the conventional labs well equipped
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for research purposes of the Centre was habilitated provisionally, with minimal investment for
animal housing, and officially registered as experimental animal facilities for mouse/rat
experiments (registration code: ES/31-2016-000002-CR-SU-US). However, this conventional lab
should be used (in the future) to locate new personnel of the Centre and, thus, an animal
house accomplishing with the current international recommendations on animal care and
welfare should be built.
Amount: 15,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: Only one -80ºC freezer is currently available for the Animal Health team.
Thus, a new freezer is required in order to anticipate more space required for keeping cell
cultures, microorganisms, recombinant proteins, serum and tissue samples, etc.
Amount: 22,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Animal and Plant Health
Brief justification: The analysis of protein activity, protein interactions and regulatory
networks, as well as the development of vaccines based on recombinant proteins, requires the
availability of purified proteins. In the process of protein purification, large amounts of
bacterial cultures are handled, and a FRENCH Press is essential to efficiently lyse bacterial
samples, to obtain lysates as staring material for good quality protein purification.
Amount: 12,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Plants
Brief justification: The research Line on antioxidants often works with haemoglobin, which
binds oxygen reversibly, and with other antioxidant proteins. This cabinet will allow working in
atmospheric controlled conditions and the application of hypoxia (or other gas conditions) to
plants, tissue lines, and solutions, with a reduced production of oxygen free radicals.
Amount: 30,000 €
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Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Plants
Brief justification: This is a basic multi-use analyser which enables colorimetric and fluorimetric
assays for a high range of enzymes and small metabolites. This is a highly used apparatus
which justifies its order.
YEAR 2013:
Amount: 115,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Plants
Brief justification: The starch granule is a complex structure with hierarchical order composed
of two distinct types of glucose polymer; amylose, comprising largely unbranched alpha-(1,4)linked glucan chains, and amylopectin, a larger, highly branched glucan polymer typically
constituting about 75% of the granule mass, produced by the formation of alpha-(1-6)-linkages
between adjoining straight glucan chains. Because of its unique physicochemical properties,
the use of starch is very attractive in the food, paper, bioplastic and biofuel industries. In this
respect, degree of polymerization, branching degree and chain length distribution of starch are
important parameters of industrial interest. Analyses of these parameters are normally carried
out using fluorophore-assisted capillary electrophoresis. Glucans are first derivatized with 8amino-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonic acid (APTS) and separation and quantification of APTS-coupled
glucans are carried out on a P/ACE system equipped with a laser-induced fluorescence system
using an argon ion laser using this equipment (the excitation wavelength is 488 nm, and the
fluorescence is emitted at 520 nm).
Amount: 95,000 €
Research Line involved: Biotechnology in Plants
Brief justification: There is an FPLC chromatograph currently used in the Centre allows protein
analysis, but it has become obsolete because there are no repair pieces and the working
conditions are of a relatively low pressure (compared with the equipment to be acquired),
which results in a low quality of sample. Thus, the new equipment is needed, as it will improve
sample quality and will allow the advancement of research.
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Regarding the personnel for General stock and laboratory management (laboratory material
cleansing/sterilization, general stock, Animal houses and Greenhouses), the Centre is deficient
in personnel dedicated to general stock and laboratory management. As stated above, there is
only 1 permanent person in this area in the Centre, shared by two Lines, and the number of
non-permanent personnel varies, becoming inexistent in some periods. Therefore, the Centre
should have 3 permanent (1 staff for laboratory management and general stock, 1 staff for the
mice and sheep animal houses; and 1 staff for greenhouse and plant facilities) and 2 nonpermanent persons (these two persons for General stock and laboratory management).
In the Chairman Service (management): There is 1 Chairman, and 2 administrative persons.
However, there is a deficiency in personnel for project Management (including European
projects). Thus, to complement the present personnel, the Centre needs 1 person (part time)
for project Management (to be shared by both Lines). Similarly, the Centre has no persons for
External relationships, diffusion of results, news, visibility, advertisement and is also in need of
higher input information on external enterprise needs, support for easy and faster transfer of
results to known enterprises and higher diffusion of research results to target enterprises.
Thus, the Centre needs 1 person (part time) for External relationships. Thus, the total number
of additional persons required in this service is at least 1 person (full time) that would do both,
project Management and External relationships.
A) Incorporation of one person who contributes to the project management and external
relations and publicity for the Institute.
In sum, the Centre will ask form CSIC the following: 1 TS (management): 1-2010; 2 AL (plant
and animal profiles, respectively): 1-2010, 1-2011; 8 JAE-Tec (I3P practices): 2-2010, 2-2011, 22012, 2-2013.
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B) Increasing the wage of the manager in line with the level of the Centre and standard of
living of the city to which the Centre belongs.
Partial replacement of computer equipment. There is a need to purchase 4 computers, 1500
€ each, 2 in 2010 and 2 in 2011; also there is a need to purchase 1 printer in 2010. So the
total equipment expense in the Management service will be 4000 € in 2010 and 3000 € in
2011. Also, there is a need of an autoclave in the Support service, to be purchased in 2011
(20,000 €).
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Assigned resources(Total)
Human resources
Higher Scientific
Financial resources
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Assigned resources (SCIENTIFIC)
Human resources
Higher Scientific
Financial resources
Los criterios seguidos han sido:
-Tamaño del Centro (10%)
-Indicadores señalados en la Tabla (fondos competitivos e ISisHigh/inv/año, precio de
artÃ-culo y resultados en transferencia, si bién esta ultima no se pudo sopesar bien por
información errónea y desordenada en el output para algunos centros) 40%
-Evaluación y recomendación de paneles.40%-30%
-Aceptación sugerencias comisión en cambios de programa e indicadores 10%
-Apuestas del área: Centros bolster propios, nuevos centros mixtos, disciplina ganaderÃ-a,
conservación de la distribución territorial, muy importante en Ciencias Agrarias para
permanecer ligada al Sistema Productivo.
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En nuestros paneles se consideró Bolster>Consolidate>Mantein, tal proponia en el impreso
de evaluación. En el caso de Redisign, se ha tenido en cuenta la evaluación de las lÃ-neas y el
seguimiento en el rediseño de las sugerencias del panel y comisión de área.
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Assigned resources (Management)
Human resources
Higher Scientific
Financial resources
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Scientific personnel by type
Scientific Civil
Scientific Hired
Research Scientist
Tenured Scientist
Full University
0 (0%)
1 (100%)
1 (100%)
2 (100%)
1 (33%)
4 (100%)
0 (0%)
2 (67%)
0 (0%)
2 (100%)
3 (100%)
4 (100%)
2 (100%)
0 (0%)
2 (100%)
2 (67%)
9 (33%)
0 (0%)
8 (44%)
28 (44%)
1 (33%)
18 (67%)
4 (100%)
10 (56%)
36 (56%)
3 (100%)
27 (100%)
4 (100%)
18 (100%)
64 (100%)
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Staff by payer organization
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Funding by type/year
National Plan
YEARS : 2003-2007
National Plan
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Article / Book chapters by impact
Not assigned
Not assigned
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Knowledge Transfer
Requested patents
Licensed patents
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Training by type
Courses (hours)
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Instituto de Agrobiotecnología
International scientific staff
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