Weather and Me Common Core State Standards: K.W.6 With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. K.W.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. K.L.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts. K-ESS2-1. Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. What essential questions will be considered? Students will understand that… How does weather affect your daily life? • • • Students will know… • how to use weather vocabulary terms • • correctly: meteorologist, forecast, temperature, sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy how to describe the typical weather in each season what a meteorologist is, what he/she does, and what tools he/she uses Weather is constantly changing Weather affects daily lives in many ways: clothing, activities, equipment/accessories, transportation Temperatures are related to seasonal weather A weather forecast/report helps people prepare for daily life Students will be able to… identify different types of weather observe and record weather conditions identify the four seasons evaluate weather conditions to determine appropriate clothing read a thermometer create a weather forecast Performance Tasks: Students will observe and record daily weather via a Smart Notebook graph, class calendar, and individual calendar binder weather graphs. Students will read, within 10 degrees, the temperature on a thermometer. Students will choose a location using Weather Underground and create and produce a weather report, using student-made props and multi-media, to include the weather type shown, clothing and activities associated with that weather. Other Evidence: Individual weather graph in student calendar binder. Completion of activity for seasons, clothing and thermometer reading at with printed certificate. Student evaluation of weather report and collaborative work rubric. Teacher evaluation of weather report and collaborative work rubric. Student PBL reflection chart Sequence of teaching and learning experiences (engage, develop and demonstrate the desired understandings) Prior Knowledge: Students will need a good understanding of how to navigate the internet and use a variety of software programs and apps. They will also need a good understanding of seasons. Session 1. Whole class introduction to weather. Complete class K-W-L Chart. Introduce weather song by Harry Kindergarten. Review 4 seasons. Session 2. In small groups, students will brainstorm, using Popplet, weather types and descriptors based on using 5 senses for each (i.e.: sunny – hot, sun, bright; snowy – white, snow, ice, bright, cold). Save these for later use. Session 3. Class goes outside to observe local weather conditions. Introduce weather graphs and model using Smart Board. Students complete individual graphs in binder. Session 4. Class observes weather conditions and using Color, Draw, Paint , students will paint a picture depicting the day’s weather. Session 5. In small groups, revisit Popplet activity. Each group will select one type of weather and add to Popplet how that weather affects their daily activities, including what they wear and do. Each group will also complete the following sentence frame: “When it is (type of weather), we wear (type of clothing) and can (type of activity). View Elmo’s World Weather. Session 6. Introduce meteorologist via video at Class brainstorm, using Smart Board, duties and tools of a meteorologist. Session 7. Students will produce a talking meteorologist, using a photo or clipart and Chatterpix, who will discuss his/her job and/or a tool that is used. Session 8. Students will learn more in depth about using a thermometer. Students view Reading a Thermometer. Then they will make a paper thermometer to practice reading temperatures. Session 9. Students will take assessment for seasons/weather, appropriate clothing for weather, and thermometer reading at Session 10. Go to Intellicast Radar Maps. Students will observe the animated radar maps and discuss their observations. Highlight that most weather moves left to right (west to east); students will make predictions about tomorrow’s weather. Session 11. Visit from meteorologist and discussion. (If not available to come to school, then possible Skype interview.) Session 12. Students will begin weather reports in small groups. Teacher will share components needed (on rubric). Session 13. Each group will go to Weather Underground and choose a location. They will determine what weather type is depicted in the photo. They will need discuss what will be needed for the weather and what activities can be done. Then each group will select technology tool/app to create their report. (i.e.: Prezi, Google Slides, Chatterpix). Session 14 – 15 Project work days Session 17. Completion of student weather report rubric and begin sharing projects. Session 18. Share projects with class and completion of student PBL reflection chart. Other resources to be used for differentiation/intervention/reteaching: Franklin and Friends: Franklin’s Weather Fun Franklin’s Forecast Seasons and Weather!-science/id420472804?mt=8 Sid the Science Kid videos Sid the Science Kid Weather Wheel (dress Gerald for the weather) Weather Weathercaster Weather Wiz Kids Weather for Kids