Ch 22 Lesson 2

Ch 22
Lesson 2 Harmful Effects of Alcohol Use
*Statistics confirm that drinking alcohol is a high-risk behavior*
*effects of alcohol are different for each individual; factors that influence the onset of these effects are:
 Body size and gender
o A small person feels the effects of the same amount of alcohol faster than a large
person does
o In general, alcohol moves into the bloodstream faster in females
 Food
o Food in the stomach slows down the passage of alcohol into the bloodstream
 Amount and rate of intake
o As the amount of alcohol consumed increases, the level of alcohol in the bloodstream
also rises
o When a person drinks alcohol faster than the liver can break it down, intoxication
Short Term Effects of Alcohol:
 Nervous system
o Brain- becomes less able to control the body. Movement, speech, and vision may be
o Memory- thought processes are disorganized, memory and concentration are dulled
o Judgment- judgment is altered and coordination is impaired
 Cardiovascular System
o Heart- with low intake alcohol causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure;
higher intake heart rate and blood pressure decrease and heart rhythm becomes
o Blood vessels- alcohol causes the blood vessels to expand; the increased surface area of
the blood vessels allows body heat to escape and the body’s temperature to drop
 Digestive System
o Stomach- some alcohol passes quickly from the stomach into the bloodstream; stomach
acid production increases and often results in nausea and vomiting
o Liver- toxic chemicals are released as the live metabolizes alcohol; these chemicals
cause inflammation and scaring
o Kidneys- alcohol causes the kidneys to increase urine output which can lead to
 Respiratory System
o Lungs- Carbon dioxide formed by the liver is released from the body through the lungs
o Breathing- alcohol depresses nerves that control involuntary functions such as
breathing; if excessive amount of alcohol is consumed, breathing may slow, become
irregular or stop
Alcohol and Drug Interactions:
 Interactions between medications and alcohol can lead to illness, injury and even death
o Factor in about ¼ of all emergency room admissions
How this works pg. 569
Typical alcohol-drug interactions:
 Alcohol may slow down the drug’s absorption by the body; increases the length
of time that the alcohol or drug is in the body and increases the risk of harmful
side effects
 Frequent drinking may increase the number of metabolizing enzymes in the
body, causes meds to be broken down faster than normal
 Metabolizing enzymes can change meds into chemicals that can damage the
liver or other organs
 Alcohol can increase the effect of some drugs
Driving Under the Influence:
 Drinking alcohol impairs vision, reaction time, and coordination—this mix could be deadly
 DWI/DUI is the leading cause of death among teens
 A person is intoxicated when their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is over the states legal
o BAC- the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as a percentage
o Ranges from 0.1-0.08 from state to state
Medical research has found that drinking of any sort:
o Slows reflexes
o Reduces a person’s ability to judge distances and speeds
o Increases risk-taking behaviors
o Reduces a person’s concentration while increasing forgetfulness
Consequences of DUI:
 When stopped for drinking and driving , officer will administer a field sobriety test
 Consequences for a teen caught may include:
o Harm to the driver and others
o Severely restricted driving privileges or immediate confiscation of license
o Alcohol-related injuries, property damage, and death
o Living with regret and remorse from these consequences
o Loss of parental trust and respect
o Arrest, jail time, court appearances, and a heavy fine or bail
o A police record and possible lawsuit
o Higher insurance rates
Binge Drinking
 Serious problem among young people
 Binge drinking- drinking five or more alcoholic drinking at one sitting
 Especially dangerous because it is possible to consume a fatal dose of alcohol and can cause
Alcohol Poisoning
 Very dangerous can be deadly
 Alcohol poisoning- a sever and potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose
 Shuts down involuntary actions such as breathing and the gag reflex that prevents choking
 Fatal dose eventually stops these involuntary actions
 Choke on own vomit
Effects of alcohol poisoning
 Passing out is a common effect of drinking too much
 Alcohol does not stop entering the person’s blood stream even when passed out
 It is not safe to assume a person is okay just because they are “sleeping it off”
 Symptoms indicate:
o Mental confusion, stupor, coma, inability to be roused, vomiting, and seizures
o Slow respiration- 10 seconds between breaths or fewer than 8 breaths a minute
o Irregular heart beats
o Hypothermia, or low body temp
o Severe dehydration from vomiting