RSMG’s Murray-Darling Basin Optimisation Model Documentation Version: April 2010 RSMG School of Economics The University of Queensland St Lucia QLD 4078 Background to the Report The RSMG Murray-Darling Basin Optimisation Model is an integrated economic-hydrological model of resource use, farm production and externalities in the Murray Darling Basin (hereafter Basin). The model incorporates risk and uncertainty in water use decisions using a state-contingent approach, where allocation decisions reflects water availability under different states of nature and the available technological options to utilise water under different states of nature, such as drought, wet or normal years in relation to available water. This treatment of uncertainty enables the explicit representation of variability of both inputs such as water, capital and management, and the outputs in agricultural, environmental and urban uses as influenced by the states of nature. In this way the model can produce estimates of the expected benefits at a catchment and the whole of Basin level from a range of economic activities relating to water use. This is represented by a set of key commodities allocated optimally in meeting with a set of water availability and land use constraints. Key capabilities of the model include: Generation of baseline scenarios for land use, production value, and instream salinity consistent with historical experience; Scenario analysis for alternative assumptions on climate change, resource availability and policy objective settings; Demonstration of adaptability and resilience of agricultural enterprises in different regions by way of production systems that vary by state of nature; and Identification of potential sources of costs and benefits and their trade-offs for alternative resource use scenarios. The model was initially developed in 2004 by the Risk and Sustainable Management Group (hereafter RSMG) at the University of Queensland, funded the Australian Research Council (ARC) under ARC Federation Fellowships awarded to Professor John Quiggin (2003 and 2007). The conceptual basis of the modelling framework and its application has been subjected to international peer review. See for example Adamson, Mallawaarachchi and Quiggin (2007, 2009). This documentation aims to detail how the model is implemented and the data sources used. The model is constantly being updated and more recent versions may differ in both functionality and spatial disaggregation from the documentation provided in this document. Please consult the RSMG web site ( for developments. This report may be cited as: RSMG, 2010, RSMG’s Murray-Darling Model Documentation: Version April 2010, Risk and Sustainable Management Group, The University of Queensland, Brisbane. © RSMG, School of Economics, University of Queensland 2010 This work is copyright. The Copyright Act 1968 permits fair dealing for study, research, news reporting, criticism or review. Selected passages, tables or diagrams may be reproduced for such purposes provided acknowledgment of the source is included. Major extracts or the entire document may not be reproduced by any process without written permission from Professor John Quiggin. Risk and Sustainable Management Group School of Economics, University of Queensland St Lucia 4072 Telephone: +61 7 3346 9646 Facsimile: +61 7 3365 7299 Internet: Blog: Acronyms Acronym ABARE ABS ACT ARC BSMS EC GL GMB H Ha L MDBC ML NSW QLD RSMG SA SAMDB SDL SLA VIC Description Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Capital Territory Australian Research Council Basin Salinity Management Strategy Electrical conductivity is a measure of salinity concentration in water Giga-litre, is 1,000 ML of water Gross Margin Budgets High water use irrigation technology (e.g. flood irrigation) Hectare Low water use irrigation technology (e.g. drip irrigation) Murray Darling Basin Commission Mega-litre = 1 million litres of water New South Wales Queensland Risk and Sustainable Management Group South Australia South Australian Murray Darling Basin a catchment within the Basin Sustainable Diversion Limit Statistical Local Area Victoria Glossary Term Basin Basin Salinity Management Strategy Cap Conjunctive water use Conveyance loss Economic efficiency Economic value Environmental assets Environmental flow Gross Margin Budgets Gross Output Groundwater Inflows Description The Murray Darling Basin, that encompass parts of NSW, Queensland, South Australia, and Victoria, and the Australian Capital Territory. Establishes targets for the river salinity of each tributary valley and the Murray-Darling system An upper limit on the volume of water extracted for consumptive use from a waterway, catchment, basin, or aquifer Conjunctive water use refers to simultaneous use of surface water and groundwater to meet crop demand. Water evaporation and seepage from surface water sources and man-made water transportation facilities An activity is economically efficient if the resources used in that activity cannot be reallocated to produce a greater output. That means no one can be made better off without making someone worse off; and the output is produced at the least cost for all combinations of inputs and outputs. Net returns from a production system having accounted for capital and variable costs including operator labour. This includes water-dependent ecosystems, ecosystem services and sites with ecological significance A water regime provided within a river, wetland or estuary to improve or maintain ecosystems, where there are competing water uses and where flows are regulated Provide information about an activity employing a set of technologies and their related yields, variable production costs (water, labour, chemicals, and machinery) and returns based on indicative prices. Returns from a production system considering yield and price only. Water that is sourced from below the earth’s surface. The surface water that reaches the river Inter-Basin Water Transfers Murray Darling Basin Cap Reflow States of nature Statistical Local Area Total Returns generated from seasonal runoff from rainfall, specific to a catchment or area. Water that is transferred into the Basin from another water source, such as the transfers from the Snowy River to the MurrayMurrumbidgee system. The water extraction limits established by the MDBC for water that can be diverted from the rivers for consumptive use. The amount of water that returns to the stream network once it has been utilised for irrigation purposes. A mutually exclusive set of possible descriptions of the states of the world (e.g., drought, normal and wet states of runoff) A spatial unit used to collect and disseminate statistical information. Return from a production system not including adjustments for operator wages and labour costs. Introduction The RSMG Murray-Darling Basin Model optimises water, land, labour and capital use to maximise economic returns from irrigation under uncertainty. The model follows a directed flow network of water resources based on the hydrological structure of the Basin. The model is designed to simulate the benefits of water use at a catchment level, by accounting for the tradeoffs between different water users. The relationship between irrigated production and instream salinity in the Basin is also represented in the model. The model described here is derived from an updated version on the state contingent Murray-Darling Basin Model documented in Adamson, Mallawaarachchi and Quiggin (2007 and2009). The model has been developed in two platforms: General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS) ( Microsoft Excel using Risk Solver Platform ( This approach has provided a quality assurance framework to ensure that the models interpret, collate and process the data in a consistent manner. There are two principal ways of optimising the model: Sequential – where the model optimises water use for each catchment sequentially in order of the hydrological flow structure. This does not allow for trade between catchments, and upstream resource use and activities are made without regard for downstream opportunity costs. Global – where the model optimises water use for the Basin as a whole. Here the global optimum maximises returns for the entire Basin taking account of upstreamdownstream interactions in water use and salinity. Earlier versions of the model have been used to undertake a wide range of analysis. Previously commissioned outputs from the model are outlined in Error! Reference source not found.. These reports are not available at the RSMG web site apart from the Garnaut Contribution ( This report has been divided into the following segments: An introduction into the state-contingent approach to risk and uncertainty Model assumptions and data used; Rationale behind State Contingent Approach to Risk and Uncertainty State Contingent Approach to Risk & Uncertainty In most models risk and uncertainty is simply dealt with in a stochastic framework. That has the tendency to discount the extremities of climate variability on production choice and thereby assumes that producers do not respond to changes in state of nature by altering the inputs to produce alternative sets of outputs that are feasible and profitable within their means. If we consider for example, that wheat produced in a wet state of nature is the same as wheat produced in a drought we have effectively ignored the influence of variety, screenings, protein and moisture levels which influence the price received. Recent developments in state contingent analysis is due to Chambers and Quiggin (Chambers & Quiggin 2000) who re-examined the foundations described by Arrow (1953) and Debreu (1959). It suggests that decision makers actively respond to states of nature, by altering the inputs to influence the final output, based on past experiences and knowledge in order to meet their objective function. The benefits of a state contingent approach is that it allows for production and decision maker uncertainty to be treated separately Rasmussen (2006). This division removes the blurring of ambiguity found in other decision support systems where production and management inefficiency cannot be separated O'Donnell & Griffiths (2006). Suggested Further Reading Chambers, R. G., Quiggin, J., 2000, Uncertainty, Production, Choice and Agency: The State – Contingent Approach, Cambridge University Press, New York Rasmussen, S 2003, 'Criteria for optimal production under uncertainty. The state-contingent approach', Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 447-76. O'Donnell, CJ & Griffiths, WE 2006, 'Estimating State-Contingent Production Frontiers', The American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 249-66. Model Design Objective Function = Maximise the weighted average economic return from irrigation use across the three states of nature Constraints Global model Water availability Adelaide salinity target Water use caps (Regional) Operator labour Irrigation area Sequential model Water availability End of Valley salinity targets Water use caps (Catchment) Operator labour Irrigation area Notes:lll Economic Return =( Gross Return – Operator Labour – Capital Costs ) + Water Use Value Assumptions Data Gross Return =and (Yield * Price) – Variable costs (including casual labour) Conjunctive Water Supply= Runoff+ Ground Water + Inter-Basin Water Transfers States of nature The model uses the state contingent approach to reduce the uncertainty surrounding water availability. This is done by explicitly representing inflow variability as states of nature. In this model three states of nature are used to represent normal, drought and wet years. The states of nature are defined by their probability of occurrence. For the purpose of this model it has been assumed that the probability of a normal year is 0.5, a drought year is 0.2, and a wet year is 0.3 (Table 1). These assumptions are based on historical records confirmed through personal correspondence with the Murray Darling Basin Commission in July 2007. State contingent production is explicitly modelled. This allows a model to illustrate how producers effectively use their inputs to maximise the return on their asset base taking into account the highly variable nature of water availability. The model stipulates that producers are highly adaptive and responsive to climatic events and will alter their inputs to maximise their overall net return on resources. Water inflows, salt loads, and the inputs and outputs of production system vary by state of nature (Table 1). Time frame The model has an annual time frame, but represents a medium term outlook. This means that the model optimises the weighted average of the net economic returns associated with each state of nature. Spatial representation The model represents 19 Catchment Management Regions (CMR) as well as Adelaide and Flows to the Sea. These CMR’s are adjusted from Natural Resource Management Regions (NRM) to improve the structure of modelled flows through the Basin. The 16 NRM regions within the Basin has been disaggregated to 19 CMRs. NRM regions are based on catchments bioregions, as well as state boundaries, and were established in agreements between Commonwealth, state and territory governments in 2004 (Australian Government Land and Coasts 2010). The modifications from NRM regions include: Queensland Border Rivers and Maranoa Balonne represented seperately based on river basin boundaries; Western and SAMDB adjusted to fit within the borders of the Basin; ACT assimilated into the Murrumbidgee catchment; and the Murray catchment disaggregated into three parts, based on SLA boundaries, to facilitate the modelling of water sharing between NSW and Victoria. Adelaide is modeled to account for water quality. The Flows to Sea provides a proxy for environmental flows reaching the Coorong. Flow Structure The Basin is represented as a directed network of flow. It is simplistic in hydrology terms due to the large spatial scale. The flow structure links the CMR units based on the hydrological connection of rivers and the movement of surface water, illustrated in Figure 1. Northern Territory Western Australia South Australia Queensland New South Wales Victoria Adelaide Flows to Sea Figure 1 Direction of flows Catchment and Total flows In each CMR the catchment flow of water is calculated from runoff flows, groundwater and inter-basin transfers. Catchment flowk…k21 = runoffk + groundwaterk + transfersk Estimations of average runoff for each CMR are adapted from MDBC (2003) and ABS (2008). Runoff is state contingent to represent variable nature of water availability. For each state of nature a proportion of average runoff is assigned based on variability over the entire Basin (MDBC 2009). The runoff of a ‘Normal’ state is 100 percent of average runoff, the ‘Drought’ state is 60 percent, and the ‘Wet’ is 120 percent. While runoff is state contingent, the quantity of groundwater and transfers in each catchment is assumed to be constant. In the model groundwater sources contribute a total of 1,228 GL of water to the system. Inter-Basin transfers from the Snowy River to the Murrumbidgee, Murray 1 and North East catchments provide a total of 1,118 GL of water to the system. This data has been adapted from MDBC (2003) and ABS (2008). Catchment inflows for a normal year, groundwater, and inter-basin are shown in Table 2. Conveyance loss Conveyance loss is represented as a percentage loss to the water flowing through the basin, based on data from MDBC (2003, 2006) water resource fact sheets. The percentage conveyance loss is catchment specific, and it is considered to be constant over all states of nature (Table 2). Net flow in a CMR is subject to the conveyance loss in the system. The net flow of a catchment is the maximum water that is available for use. Water use is subtracted from the net water use, and the remaining is the residual flow. Net flowks = Catchment flowks *(1 - Conveyance lossks %) + (Σ Upstream Residual Flow(k…)s )*(1 - Conveyance lossks %) Net flow for downstream catchments is the sum of catchment flow and the residual flow of any upstream catchments, based on the flow structure in Table 2. Residual flow from upstream is also subject to the conveyance loss of each catchment it passes through. Water Use Water use is determined through the optimisation of land use to maximise economic returns. This model assumes that irrigation water cannot be fully contained on farm and that a proportion of the water makes its way back to the water supply as reflow. The proportion of reflow from irrigation is state contingent, 30 percent in a ‘Normal’ year, 10 percent in a ‘Drought’ and 40 percent in a ‘Wet’, and is assumed to be constant across the Basin. This assumption simulates the practice of overwatering to drive salts away from the root zones that accumulate in drought times. Net water use takes into account reflow from irrigation. Net water use = Water use * (1- Reflowks %) Once net water use is calculated for a catchment it is subtracted from the net flow. Residual flowk = Net flowks - Net water use Constraint Water use is subject to physical and administrative constraints. Firstly, water use in each catchment is constrained by the availability of water, where water use cannot exceed the net flow. Water Use < Net Flowks Secondly water use is constrained by a cap in each CMR for irrigation and urban water use. The surface water cap is based on the MDBC Cap, and data is adapted from MDBC Water Use reports (various MDBC publications listed in References). The cap on water for irrigation is 13,231 GL for the Basin and includes both surface and ground water. It is assumed that the cap on groundwater is equal to the quantity of groundwater available. The cap ‘other’ (or urban water) is 403 GL, and is reflective of the population in each CMR. This is based on MDBC 2006, Water resource fact sheet. Water Use < Capks Water quality The model uses salinity as a proxy for water quality. The salinity level is determined by natural salt loads and mobilization, stream flow, salt caused by reflow and mitigation activities. Natural salt load data is based on MDBC Salinity Reports. The natural salt load is state contingent. It is assumed that 60 percent of the ‘Normal’ salt load is mobilised in the ‘Drought’ state and 130 percent is again mobilised in the ‘Wet’ state (Table 1). This represents natural conditions where low rainfall periods do not mobilise the salt in the soil profile. The natural salt load data for a normal state is shown in Table 2. Salinity level depends on the stream flow. A higher stream flow reduces salinity as a given amount of salt is diluted within a greater volume of water. The salinity is measured in electronic connectivity (EC). Catchment Salinity in EC= (Cumulative salt load (T)/ Cumulative flow (ML)) / 0.64 We assume that the reflow mobilises salt load that are captured in irrigated soils. The parameter that controls the amount of salt carried by the reflow is Theta. It assumes that salt mobilisation from reflow is 0.04 in Normal and Wet states, and lower (0.03) in Drought states. The theta value is applied to the upstream water use. Subsequently, the salt carried by reflow is state contingent. Theta is state contingent (Table 1). Salt from reflow = Reflow * Theta Salt mitigation schemes are assumed to extract 480,000 tonnes per annum of salt from the system. The location and quantity of salt removed is shown in Table 2, based on data MDBC 2007. Constraint Activities in the sequential model are constrained by catchment specific ‘End of Valley Targets’ and safe drinking water recommendations for Adelaide (MDBC 2001, 2005). These targets reflect the maximum salt load allowed to be occurring at the end of a catchment before the flow enters the next. Table 2 documents the catchment salinity targets as assumed in the model. The water quality in the global model is only constrained by Adelaide’s End of Valley Target of 800 EC. Previous versions of the model incorporated crop salinity thresholds and damage slopes of crop yields as constrains to salinity carried in the system. We are currently investigating the use of both approaches, salinity thresholds for crops and ‘End of Valley Targets’ as constraints to salinity in the model. Land Area Agricultural land and water use in each region is modelled by a representative farmer with agricultural land area Lk. Average farm size data for each commodity in each of the catchments were adjusted from ABS 2001. Table 3 shows the data assumptions used for farm sizes within the CMRs. The model uses irrigation production area data derived from the 2000-01 production season, as it is considered the last ‘normal’ year and this data was derived from ABS (2002) data at the SLA level. This data is aggregated to CMR level using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. In order to allow growth and development in all regions the model allows the total irrigated area to be expanded by up to 70 per cent, and specifically for high value activities such as horticulture by up to 45 per cent. Constraints The area dedicated to horticulture in any catchment must be less than equal to the horticultural constraint in that area. The total area dedicated to irrigation in any region must be less than the total area available in that region. The operator labour to undertake the irrigation activity mix in a region, is less than the total amount of labour available. Production Systems 23 Production systems are included in the model based on land use practices. The rationale for the use of production systems is to reflect the adaptability of agricultural producers to alternate land use decisions subject to the availability of water in the states of nature. By using production systems we are able to incorporate crop rotations as well as monocropping of some commodities. Production systems are state contingent, and commodities, inputs, and outputs may vary depending on the state of nature. Table 4 outlines the 23 production systems and their state contingent commodities. Flexible production systems change commodities grown by state of nature. For example Wheat/Rice produces dryland wheat in the normal and dry state, and rice in the wet state. Perennial production systems such as dairy and horticultural crops do not change commodities, but incur higher costs or yield losses to maintain their crop based on input availability. Some horticultural crops are classified as either “high” or “low” technology. “High” employs highly efficient irrigation technology in the production process, and “low” employs less efficient irrigation technology. The use of high technology is usually associated with higher cost of inputs. Crop rotations can affect the yields of the crops. It is assumed that in the Wheat/Legume production system that the wheat yield benefits from the rotation compared to monocropped wheat by 10% in normal years. Gross margin budget data Gross margin budgets provide about input and output costs and quantities associated with farming activities. Gross margins refer to the total income, less the variable costs incurred in the enterprise. Overhead cost, such as rates, insurance, administration, and permanent labor are excluded from gross margins. Production costs and yields are based on data from 398 GMBs. The data from the GMBs is outlined in Table 5. Where possible, commodity and production system data is obtained from each CMR, however when this is not possible the closest match is applied Table 6. The data was adjusted for inflation, all costs of production and commodity prices are in2008 values. In the model we considered the commodities sheep and beef based on GMB data available from the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) (2008b). The Dry Sheep Equivalent (DSE) was used to compare sheep and beef enterprises and carrying capacities for pasture types. Separate from sheep and beef production we included irrigated pasture as a feeding method. Variable costs for fertilizer, herbicide and irrigation as well at machinery hours were taken from Spray Irrigated Lucerne GMB (NSW DPI 1999). We assumed that using irrigated pasture feed will make other fodder feeding redundant. The optimum stocking rates vary with climate, enterprise, management and risk. We use regional stocking rates for irrigated pasture recommended as by the NSW DPI (2008.a). Production inputs and costs Variable costs per hectare are compiled from GMB data sets. Included are hired labour costs, chemical costs, contractor costs, machinery costs, and other variable costs. The hired labour costs are a product of the labour hours and the casual labour rate, fixed at $15.5 based on …source. The total variable costs from the GMBs are assumed to be for a ‘Normal’ year. Adjustment cost per hectare represent the costs associated with adjusting to a ‘Drought’ and ‘Wet’ state of nature. Variable costs = Chemical costs + Contractor costs + Machinery costs + Labour costs + State contingent adjustment cost Fixed costs per hectare include water costs, operator labour costs, and the annualised repayment rate for capital divided by the average production system farm size for each catchment. The water cost is the product of the water requirement and the water price. The water requirement for each commodity is state contingent. The water multiplier (Table 7) for each state of nature is applied to the water per hectare needed for each commodity (based on GMBs). Water price is a constant, set to $25/ML, and has no impact on commodity selection. This assumption is based on… The operator labour cost is the product of machinery hours required per hectare by state of nature (Table 7) and the operator labour rate, which is set at $25 per hour. This assumption is based on… The model allows the use of capital costs to be included in the analysis. Because the model is solved on an annual basis, the process of capital investment is modelled as an annuity representing the amortised value of the capital costs over the lifespan of the development activity. The This provides the flexibility to permit the modelling of a range of pricing rules for capital, and to allow the imposition of appropriate constraints on adjustment, to derive both short run and long run solutions. The farm establishment costs and costs of required equipment and their recovery periods were obtained by production system, from a range of sources. The adapted capital costs as used in the model are shown in Table 7. Fixed costs = water cost + operator labour cost + annualised capital payments The data is adjusted for inflation and all costs of production and commodity prices are in 2008 values. The interest rate in this model was assumed to be 7 percent per annum, and capital costs are settled annually using a fixed repayment structure. Total costs = Variable costs + Fixed costs Yield and commodity price The state contingent yield for each commodity is the product of the GMB yield and the yield multiplier presented in Table 7. For a single commodity production system the yield is taken directly from the GMB yield data for each catchment. For multiple commodity production systems the yield is a weighted average between the commodities, based on the proportion of production. For example in a normal year the Sheep-Wheat production system has a proportion of 50% sheep and 50% wheat. Multiple commodity yield per hectare is calculated as: Yieldmulti = (Yield1*Prop1 + Yield2*Prop2)* YieldMultiplier The prices of commodities are based on the commodity prices shown in Table 8. For single commodity production systems the price is taken directly from the commodity price sheet for all catchments. For multiple commodity production systems the price depends on the proportional combined yield of the system. Multiple commodity price per hectare is calculated as: Pricemulti = (Yield1*Price1*Prop1 + Yield2*Price2*Prop2)/ Yieldmulti Return per hectare The return per hectare is state contingent, based on the commodity, yield, price and costs as calculated earlier. The return can be defined as: Return per hectare = Yield * Price - Costs The return per hectare for production systems by catchment for each state of nature is shown in Table 9, Table 10 & Table 11. Table 1 Summary of Basin wide state contingent assumptions State probability of occurrence Inflow Reflow Salt mobilisation Theta Normal Drought Wet 0.5 0.2 0.3 1 0.3 1 0.04 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.03 1.2 0.4 1.3 0.04 Table 2 Summary Catchment Assumptions Catchment Flow Structure Runoff (GL) Ground Water (GL) Water Transfer (GL) Total Water (GL) Conveyance Loss Cap Other (GL) Surface Cap (GL) Total Irrigation Cap (GL) Salt Raw (T) Condamine Border Rivers QLD Warrego Paroo Namoi Central West Maranoa Balonne Border Rivers Gwydir +Condamine + QBRivers +Warrego-Paroo +Namoi +Central West +Maranoa-Balonne +Condamine(Res) +BRGwydir +QBRivers(Res) +Western +Warrego-Paroo(Res) +Namoi(Res) +Central West(Res) +Maranoa-Balonne(Res) +BRGwydir(Res) +Lachlan +Murrumbidgee +North East +Murray 1 +Goulburn Broken + ½(North East(Res) +Murray 1(Res)) +Murray 2 + ½(North East(Res) +Murray 1(Res)) + North Central + ½(Goulburn Broken(Res) +Murray 2(Res)) + Murray 3 + ½(Goulburn Broken(Res)+Murray 2(Res)) +Mallee + ½(North Central(Res) +Murray 3(Res) + Lachlan(Res) +Murrumbidgee(Res)) +LMDB + ½(North Central(Res) +Murray 3(Res) + Lachlan(Res) +Murrumbidgee(Res) +Western(Res) +SAMDB +LMDB(Res) + Mallee(Res) + SAMDB(Res) + SAMDB(Res) – Adelaide Extractions 735 726 407 833 1,656 1,260 1,496 68 9 12 243 92 68 156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 803 735 419 1,076 1,748 1,328 1,652 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.1 5 5 4 10 21 0 1 240 200 35 325 577 200 660 308 209 47 568 669 268 816 7,035 7,818 1,672 67,452 33,647 7,035 7,891 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 44 577 577 0 0 1,054 4,184 2,000 1,500 132 224 28 0 0 550 284 284 1,186 4,958 2,312 1,784 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 10 50 72 55 453 2,311 92 70 585 2,535 120 70 115,819 160,000 91,065 20,000 0 0 0 0 4,597 49 0 4,646 0.1 45 2,000 2,049 120,000 0 500 30 0 530 0.1 0 910 940 910 0 2,762 16 0 2,778 0.3 40 1,627 1,643 50,000 25,952 113 49 0 162 0.1 0 670 719 670 0 0 13 0 13 0.0 0 200 213 20,431 36,954 106 9 0 115 0.0 47 126 135 20,091 188,20 132 0 0 24,061 30 0 0 1,228 0 0 0 1,118 162 0 0 26,407 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 409 524 206 0 12,003 554 206 0 13,231 57,909 229,54 0 0 480,65 Western Lachlan Murrumbidgee North East Murray 1 Goulburn Broken Murray 2 North Central Murray 3 Mallee Lower Murray Darling SA MDB Adelaide Coorong TOTAL 789,445 Salt Mitigatio (T) Table 3 Catchment Production System Average Farm Size CMAs Condamine Border Rivers QLD Warrego Paroo Namoi Central West Maranoa Balonne Border Rivers Gwydir Western Lachlan Murrumbidgee North East Murray 1 Goulburn Broken Murray 2 North Central Murray 3 Mallee Lower Murray Darling SA MDB CitrusH CitrusL Grapes Stone FruitH Stone FruitL Pome Fruit Vegetables Cotton Rice Wheat Dairy -H Dairy -L Sheep/ Wheat Beef Sheep 40 40 45 40 40 40 40 3,000 400 500 277 278 600 600 600 40 40 45 40 40 40 40 3,000 0 500 277 278 600 600 600 0 40 40 0 40 40 45 45 45 0 40 40 0 40 40 0 40 40 40 40 40 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 400 400 500 500 500 277 277 324 278 278 325 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 40 40 45 40 40 40 40 3,000 0 500 277 278 600 600 600 40 40 40 20 20 20 40 40 40 20 20 20 45 45 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 20 20 20 40 40 40 20 20 20 40 40 40 20 20 20 40 40 40 20 20 20 3,000 3,000 3,000 500 0 500 0 0 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 300 500 277 277 324 342 173 215 278 278 325 342 173 215 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 20 20 20 20 30 20 20 20 20 30 45 45 45 45 45 20 20 20 20 30 20 20 20 20 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 500 0 500 0 400 400 400 400 400 300 500 300 500 300 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 20 20 20 20 45 45 20 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 300 300 0 0 300 300 215 400 215 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 Table 4 Production system commodity by state of nature Production System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Citrus-H Citrus-L Grapes Stone Fruit-H Stone Fruit-L Pome Fruit Vegetables Cotton Flex Cotton Fixed Cotton/Chickpea Dryland Cotton Rice PSN 13 Dryland Wheat 14 15 Wheat Wheat Legume 16 17 18 Sorghum Oilseeds Sheep Wheat 19 20 21 22 23 Dairy-H Dairy-L Beef Sheep Dryland Commodity Normal Citrus Citrus Grapes Stone Fruit Stone Fruit Pome Fruit Vegetables Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Rice 33% Wheat 67% Veg 10% Wheat Commodity Dry Citrus Citrus Grapes Stone Fruit Stone Fruit Pome Fruit Vegetables Cotton Cotton Chickpea Cotton Rice 33% Wheat 67% Wheat Wheat 50% Legume 50% Sorghum Oilseeds Fat Lamb 50% Wheat 50% Dairy Dairy Beef Fat Lambs Dryland Wheat Wheat 110% Wheat Sorghum Oilseeds Fat Lamb 90% Wheat 10% Dairy Dairy Beef Fat Lambs Dryland Commodity Wet Citrus Citrus Grapes Stone Fruit Stone Fruit Pome Fruit Vegetables Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Rice 33% Wheat 67% Veg 15% Rice 33% Wheat 67% Veg 15% Wheat Wheat 40% Legume 70% Sorghum Oilseeds Fat Lamb 30% Wheat 70% Dairy Dairy Beef Fat Lambs Dryland Table 5 GMB Data Column Yield Price Labour Lab. Chg. Tractor Hr Water Req Water Price Chemicals Contractor Machinery OVC VC Excl. Water Description Average yield per hectare of the commodity in the respective CRM Average real price of the commodity in the respective CRM Average number of work hours per hectare for hired labour Average real hired labour costs per hour Average number of machinery hours per hectare Average water volume (in ML) required per hectare Price per ML – currently ignored Average real costs per hectare of total chemicals required Average real costs per hectare for contractors Average real costs of machinery per hectare Average real other variable costs per hectare Total variable costs per hectare excluding water costs Table 6 GMA data availability by Catchment CMAs CitrusH Condamine CitrusL Grapes 1998 1998 Border Rivers QLD Warrego Paroo Namoi Central West Maranoa Balonne Border Rivers Gwydir Western Lachlan Murrumbidgee Stone FruitH Stone FruitL Pome Fruit Vegetables Cotton Irr Cotton Dry 2000 2002 2003 2000 1999 2007 2004 Wheat Legumes Sorghum Oilseeds Other Grains 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002-03 2002 2002 200203 2002 2008 1999 2003 1999 1999 2003 2001 2003 2001 2003 2003 2007 Goulburn Broken Murray 2 North Central 2006 2006 2006 1999 1999 1999 Dairy -H Dairy -L Beef 2004 2004 2007 2004 2003 2008 2004 2004 2007 2004 2003 2008 2002 2002 2002 North East Murray 1 Murray 3 Mallee Lower Murray Darling SA MDB Wheat Dry 2002 200307 2003 Rice 2002-03 2004 2002 2004 2003 2003 2003 2004 2003 2003 2003 2007 200107 200307 2002-07 200307 2003-07 2003 2003 2008 2008 S 2 2 2 2 200307 2006 2 2008 200608 200608 2006-08 2006-08 2006-08 200608 2 2 2 2003 2008 2003 2008 2008 2008 2008 2 Table 7 Production System Price and Multipliers by State of Nature Commodity A Price Citrus-H Citrus-L Grapes Stone Fruit-H Stone Fruit-L Pome Fruit Vegetables Cotton Flex Cotton Fixed Cotton/Chickpea Dryland Cotton Rice PSN Dryland Wheat Wheat Wheat Legume Sorghum Oilseeds Sheep Wheat Dairy-H Dairy-L Beef Sheep Dryland $600 $600 $950 $1,600 $1,600 $1,300 $720 $620 $620 $620 $620 $295 $210 $210 $280 $185 $380 $92 $0.35 $0.35 $60 $45 $50 Normal All 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Price Yield $600 $600 $950 $1,600 $1,600 $1,300 $720 $620 $620 $300 $620 $223 $210 $210 $231 $185 $380 $52 $0 $0 $60 $45 $0 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.0 Dry Water 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Adjustment Cost $ $20 $0 $20 $20 $0 $20 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50 $300 $300 $20 $20 1.0 Price Yield $600 $600 $950 $1,600 $1,600 $1,300 $720 $620 $620 $620 $620 $331 $331 $210 $319 $185 $380 $125 $0 $0 $60 $45 $65 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 Wet Water 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 Adjustment Cost $ $20 $100 $20 $20 $100 $20 $0 $100 $0 $100 $100 $100 $100 $50 $0 $100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10 $15 1.0 Table 8 Commodity Price Data raw Commodities Citrus Grapes Stone Fruit Pome Fruit Vegetables Cotton Rice Wheat Grain Legume Dairy Fat Lambs Beef Sorghum Oilseeds Chickpea Timber Carbon Adelaide Dryland Normal Dry $600 $950 $1,600 $1,300 $720 $620 $250 $210 $350 $0.35 $45 $60 $185 $380 $300 $31 $25 $500 $50 Wet $600 $950 $1,600 $1,300 $720 $620 $250 $210 $350 $0.35 $45 $60 $185 $380 $300 $31 $25 $1,500 $0 Unit $600 $950 $1,600 $1,300 $720 $620 $250 $210 $350 $0.35 $45 $60 $185 $380 $300 $31 $25 $500 $65 T T T T T Bale + seed T T T Litre $/DSE $/DSE T T T M3 T ML HA Table 9 Return per hectare Normal CMAs Condamine Border Rivers QLD Warrego Paroo Namoi Central West Maranoa Balonne Border Rivers Gwydir Western Lachlan Murrumbidgee North East Murray 1 Goulburn Broken Murray 2 North Central Murray 3 Mallee Lower Murray Darling SA MDB CitrusH CitrusL Grapes Stone FruitH Stone Fruit-L Pome Fruit Cotton Flex Veg Cotton Fixed Cotton/ Chickpea Dryland Cotton Rice PSN Dryland Wheat Wheat Wheat Legume Sorghum Oilseeds Sheep Wheat -$4 $351 $186 $501 $316 -$275 -$753 Dairy-H -$3,820 -$3,764 $614 -$15,098 $1,965 -$4,856 $791 $1,166 $859 $1,166 $500 $550 -$3,820 -$3,764 -$5,672 -$15,098 $1,965 $2,346 -$687 $952 $678 $952 $500 $0 -$4 $351 $252 $501 $310 -$275 -$753 $0 $0 -$3,319 $0 $0 $0 -$687 $1,059 $769 $1,059 $500 -$4 $351 $218 $501 $269 -$275 -$785 -$3,820 $4,972 -$3,764 $5,141 $4,314 $4,314 -$23,373 -$16,714 $1,965 $1,965 -$4,856 -$1,944 $8,783 $5,030 $2,517 $1,091 $2,004 $790 $2,517 $1,091 $726 $726 $0 $550 $461 -$89 -$53 $257 $118 $173 -$353 $291 $291 $135 $45 -$321 -$428 -$913 -$660 -$3,820 -$3,764 -$3,319 -$4,856 -$4,856 -$4,856 -$687 $953 $678 $953 $500 $0 -$4 $351 $247 $501 $310 -$275 -$803 -$3,820 $6,154 $6,154 $4,417 -$5,496 $3,649 -$3,764 $6,449 $6,500 $4,770 -$5,439 $3,918 $4,314 $4,314 $4,314 $4,314 $4,314 $4,314 -$23,373 -$16,714 -$5,552 -$14,446 -$14,446 -$14,446 $1,965 $1,965 $3,965 $289 $289 $289 $2,346 -$4,856 $2,346 $671 $671 -$8,485 $8,783 $5,030 $1,277 -$440 -$440 -$440 $1,092 -$334 -$410 $563 $0 -$983 $789 -$423 -$489 $255 $0 -$983 $1,092 -$334 -$410 $563 $0 -$983 $726 $726 $726 $248 $0 -$983 -$40 $23 -$40 $58 -$157 $58 $257 $276 $118 $358 $110 $258 $211 $250 -$130 $257 $9 $120 $291 $291 $314 $336 -$439 $336 $211 $25 -$42 -$130 -$247 -$130 -$321 -$326 -$348 -$180 -$198 -$85 -$873 -$299 -$749 -$1,079 $648 $1,108 $3,649 $3,649 $3,649 $3,649 $4,766 $3,918 $3,918 $3,918 $3,918 $5,035 $520 $2,243 $4,756 $2,243 $2,243 -$14,446 -$6,531 -$14,446 -$14,446 -$10,330 -$1,056 -$6,531 $1,619 $289 $1,406 -$382 -$6,531 -$13,459 -$6,531 $671 -$2,355 -$440 -$440 -$440 $4,560 $0 $563 $0 $563 $0 $0 $255 $0 $255 $0 $0 $563 $0 $563 $0 $0 $248 $0 $248 $0 $0 $0 $511 $737 $564 $558 $550 $681 $233 $558 $943 -$157 $58 -$157 $58 -$157 $110 $258 $24 $258 $530 $48 $120 $19 $120 $303 -$439 $336 $218 $336 $218 -$247 -$130 $55 -$130 -$247 -$200 -$147 -$239 -$275 $9 $327 $320 $113 $177 -$19 $4,417 $3,649 $4,678 $2,532 $2,243 $5,798 -$11,836 -$14,446 $1,406 -$6,909 -$6,531 $671 -$440 $9,502 -$545 -$1,365 -$739 -$1,365 -$545 -$1,365 -$134 -$1,365 $0 $0 -$157 -$157 $110 $110 -$27 $9 $218 -$439 -$247 -$247 -$240 -$201 -$2,267 $515 Table 10 Return per hectare Dry CMAs Condamine Border Rivers QLD Warrego Paroo Namoi Central West Maranoa Balonne Border Rivers Gwydir Western Lachlan Murrumbidgee North East Murray 1 Goulburn Broken Murray 2 North Central Murray 3 Mallee Lower Murray Darling SA MDB Grapes -$831 Stone FruitH -$21,106 Stone Fruit-L -$1,680 Pome Fruit -$4,876 Veg $4,741 Cotton Flex $500 Cotton Fixed $859 Cotton/ Chickpea -$528 Dryland Cotton $107 Rice PSN -$550 Dryland Wheat -$161 Wheat $141 Wheat Legume $534 Sorghum $205 Oilseeds $88 Sheep Wheat -$695 DairyH -$1,210 Dairy-L -$1,199 -$3,764 $0 -$3,764 $3,217 -$7,117 -$4,764 $2,377 $2,377 -$21,106 -$20 -$29,153 -$23,720 -$1,680 $0 -$1,680 -$1,680 -$3,303 -$20 -$4,876 -$7,164 $4,741 $9,596 $4,741 $4,741 $500 $500 $726 $726 $678 $769 $2,004 $790 -$393 -$462 -$520 -$1,391 $107 $107 $298 $298 $0 $0 -$550 -$152 -$161 -$161 -$247 -$204 $141 $141 $26 -$92 $534 $534 $442 $277 $205 $205 $39 $39 $82 $41 -$57 -$153 -$695 -$695 -$704 -$771 -$1,210 -$1,151 -$1,362 -$1,121 -$1,199 -$1,106 -$1,361 -$1,119 -$3,840 -$3,764 -$4,764 -$4,876 -$4,856 -$4,876 $4,741 $500 $678 -$404 $107 $0 -$161 $141 $534 $205 $82 -$695 -$1,201 -$1,197 -$3,840 $2,435 $2,435 $697 -$5,516 $83 -$3,764 $4,394 $4,445 $2,715 -$5,439 $1,948 $2,377 $2,377 $2,377 $2,377 $2,377 $2,377 -$29,153 -$23,720 -$10,692 -$20,546 -$20,546 -$20,546 -$1,680 -$1,680 $320 -$3,355 -$3,355 -$3,355 -$3,303 -$4,876 -$3,303 -$4,978 -$4,978 -$13,804 $4,741 $4,741 $4,741 $3,066 $3,066 $3,066 $726 $726 $726 $248 $0 -$983 $789 -$423 -$489 $255 $0 -$983 -$439 -$376 -$932 -$947 $0 -$983 $298 $298 $298 -$180 $0 -$983 $0 $0 -$98 -$29 -$138 -$108 -$199 -$147 -$199 -$131 -$317 -$131 $26 $45 -$92 $106 -$116 $16 $442 $463 $277 $565 $289 $448 $39 $39 $31 $21 -$439 $21 -$17 -$127 -$255 -$358 -$475 -$358 -$704 -$728 -$627 -$527 -$456 -$279 -$1,324 -$808 -$1,197 -$1,533 -$34 $426 -$1,321 -$865 -$1,194 -$1,012 -$510 $591 $83 $83 $83 $83 $1,200 $1,948 $1,948 $1,948 $1,948 $3,065 -$1,210 $513 $3,026 $513 $513 -$20,546 -$6,551 -$20,546 -$20,546 -$16,430 -$4,608 -$6,531 -$2,117 -$3,355 -$2,239 -$6,902 -$6,551 -$17,578 -$6,551 -$4,978 $4,182 $3,066 $3,066 $3,066 $5,066 $0 $248 $0 $248 $0 $0 $255 $0 $255 $0 $0 -$1,110 $0 -$1,110 $0 $0 -$180 $0 -$180 $0 -$550 -$15 -$352 -$108 -$301 -$317 -$131 -$317 -$131 -$317 -$116 $16 -$194 $16 $220 $289 $448 $191 $448 $798 -$439 $21 -$96 $21 -$96 -$475 -$358 -$161 -$358 -$475 -$460 -$391 -$464 -$621 -$418 -$277 -$279 -$470 -$406 -$591 -$284 -$107 -$474 -$234 -$596 $697 $83 $2,623 $562 $513 $4,337 -$17,456 -$20,546 -$2,239 -$9,665 -$6,551 -$4,978 $3,066 $3,066 -$134 -$1,365 -$739 -$1,365 -$1,484 -$1,365 -$562 -$1,365 $0 $0 -$317 -$317 -$116 -$116 $289 $289 -$96 -$439 -$475 -$475 -$532 -$460 -$2,567 $10 -$2,765 -$238 CitrusH -$3,840 CitrusL -$3,764 -$3,840 -$20 -$3,840 $1,489 Table 11 Return per hectare Wet CMAs Condamine Border Rivers QLD Warrego Paroo Namoi Central West Maranoa Balonne Border Rivers Gwydir Western Lachlan Murrumbidgee North East Murray 1 Goulburn Broken Murray 2 North Central Murray 3 Mallee Lower Murray Darling SA MDB Grapes $3,419 Stone FruitH -$9,148 Stone Fruit-L $9,122 Pome Fruit -$4,876 Veg -$15,122 Cotton Flex $1,066 Cotton Fixed $859 Cotton/ Chickpea $1,066 Dryland Cotton $499 Rice PSN -$650 Dryland Wheat -$650 Wheat $399 Wheat Legume $124 Sorghum $529 Oilseeds $430 Sheep Wheat -$90 Dairy-H -$15 -$3,864 -$2,867 -$9,148 $9,122 $13,549 -$15,122 $852 $678 $852 $285 -$100 -$100 $399 $220 $529 $424 -$90 -$15 -$20 -$3,840 $8,391 -$100 -$3,864 $8,850 -$514 $8,097 $8,097 -$20 -$17,658 -$9,757 -$100 $9,122 $9,122 -$20 -$4,876 $8,401 -$10,266 -$15,122 -$15,122 $959 $2,417 $991 $769 $2,004 $790 $959 $2,417 $991 $392 $1,671 $384 -$100 -$650 $687 -$100 -$650 $363 $399 $305 $146 $171 $104 -$575 $529 $303 $303 $383 $232 $143 -$90 -$155 -$281 -$452 -$227 $86 -$3,840 -$3,864 -$514 -$4,876 -$4,956 -$4,876 -$15,122 $853 $678 $853 $285 -$100 -$100 $399 $212 $529 $424 -$90 -$378 -$3,840 $9,809 $9,809 $8,059 -$5,516 $7,137 -$3,864 $10,420 $10,471 $8,730 -$5,539 $7,708 $8,097 $8,097 $8,097 $8,097 $8,097 $8,097 -$17,658 -$9,757 -$469 -$8,401 -$8,401 -$8,401 $9,122 $9,122 $11,122 $7,447 $7,447 $7,447 $13,549 -$4,876 $13,549 $11,874 $11,874 $2,057 -$15,122 -$15,122 -$15,122 -$16,797 -$16,797 -$16,797 $992 -$434 -$510 $463 -$100 -$1,083 $789 -$423 -$489 $255 $0 -$983 $992 -$434 -$510 $463 -$100 -$1,083 $381 -$903 -$1,005 -$208 -$100 -$1,083 -$100 -$100 $742 $996 $804 $803 -$100 -$100 $413 $646 $472 $468 $305 $324 $146 $415 $154 $311 $163 $216 -$244 $210 -$38 $44 $303 $303 $330 $356 -$539 $356 $325 $101 $64 -$16 -$133 -$16 -$155 -$150 -$233 -$31 -$94 -$13 -$174 $679 -$65 -$351 $2,522 $2,982 $7,137 $7,137 $7,137 $7,137 $8,254 $7,708 $7,708 $7,708 $7,708 $8,824 $3,886 $5,612 $8,129 $5,612 $5,612 -$8,401 -$6,551 -$8,401 -$8,401 -$4,285 $5,918 -$6,631 $8,957 $7,447 $8,564 $12,568 -$6,551 -$5,321 -$6,551 $11,874 -$15,680 -$16,797 -$16,797 -$16,797 -$13,797 -$100 $463 -$100 $463 -$100 $0 $255 $0 $255 $0 -$100 $463 -$100 $463 -$100 -$100 -$208 -$100 -$208 -$100 -$650 $941 $449 $803 $1,304 -$650 $592 $145 $468 $952 $154 $311 $66 $311 $616 $24 $44 $19 $44 $185 -$539 $356 $238 $356 $238 -$133 -$16 $164 -$16 -$133 -$96 -$50 -$151 -$127 $198 $1,809 $1,771 $1,488 $1,545 $1,296 $8,059 $8,640 $5,612 -$6,273 $8,564 -$6,551 -$16,797 -$645 -$645 -$1,229 -$100 -$100 $154 -$86 $238 -$133 -$120 -$2,267 $7,137 $6,322 $8,628 -$8,401 -$1,547 $11,874 -$16,797 -$1,465 -$739 $1,365 -$1,465 -$1,465 -$100 -$100 $154 -$38 -$539 -$133 -$96 $1,494 CitrusH -$3,840 CitrusL -$3,864 -$3,840 D Limitations of the model The limitations of the model include: Changes in long term prices and costs are not considered; The use of a static simulation approach - the unit of time is a year. There would be advantages in disaggregating time to represent seasonality in the use and supply of water; The need for further spatial disaggregation of the basin scale; Environmental assets such as wetlands located along the river systems are not accounted for simplistically in this model. All environmental assets are modelled within a catchment with the exception of the Coorong which is explicitly modelled ; Lack and age of some commodity production data for each of the regions; Changes in dam release rules are not considered; and Changes in long term water supply are not considered. Altering inflows and their reliability due to climate change scenarios can be simulated using this model; however, it is not a focus of the analysis for this project. A detailed list of all sources of data and adjusted data used in this model is provided in the Bibliography. Australian Government Land and Coasts 2010, What is a Natural Resource Management region? Chambers, RG & Quiggin, J 2000, Uncertainty, production, choice, and agency : the state-contingent approach, Cambridge University Press, New York. MDBC 2001, Basin Salinity Management Strategy 2001-2015, Murray Darling Basin Commission, Canberra. —— 2005, Basin Salinity Management Strategy Operational Protocols, Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra. O'Donnell, CJ & Griffiths, WE 2006, 'Estimating State-Contingent Production Frontiers', The American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 249-66. Rasmussen, S 2006, 'Optimizing Production under Uncertainty: Generalization of the StateContingent Approach and comparison with the EV Model', Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Food and Resource Economic Institute, Unit of Economics Working papers FOI 3, < king%20papers/2006/5.pdf.ashx >.