ANNEX 3 - YEAR PLAN 2010-2011 SUBJECT: LANGUAGE B GRADE: Third TEACHER: Renata Lleras, Luz Aida Fonseca. BIMESTER/ UNIT Making decisions CONTENT Subject and verb agreement Third person in simple present, phonics, basic prepositions, relative clauses. SKILL LEVELS OL-L: Ss listen for a specific purpose in a variety of situations. Ss recognize different forms of grammar. OL-S: Ss work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations. Ss organize thoughts and feelings before they verbalize their thinking. Ss use oral language appropriately and confidently. Ss begin to paraphrase and summarize. VL-V: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss realize that visual information reflects and contributes to the understanding of purposes. Ss identify aspects of body language in dramatic presentations. Ss relate personal experiences to the meaning of a selected movie, text or picture. VL-P: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss design posters and charts using shapes and colors. Ss prepare visual presentations. Ss relate personal experiences to the meaning of a selected movie, text or picture. WL-R: Ss read a variety of books of their choice, rented at school’s library. Ss use reference books, and dictionaries. Ss know when and how to use the internet in order to inquiry. WL-W: Ss write summaries and essays of one paragraph with main idea and three supporting details. Ss organize ideas in a logical sequence. Ss review and correct their texts to improve their own writing with teacher’s guidance. RESOURCES Role plays Reading plan book BEATTY, Ken. Theseus and the Minotaur, Penguin active reading level 1, Pearson Longman. Reading book Imagine that. Scott Foresman. Addison Wesley, 2000. The following stories. 1. TEAGUE, Mark. How I spent my summer vacation. P.17 2. DEWEY, Ariane. Pecos Bill. P.39 3. COOPER, Martha. Born to rope. P.73 Movies: Finding Nemo, and Shrek third listening exercises, posters, markers. Reading messages 2nd bim. Reading Realistic vs, fantastic, like + ing, to +purpose (in order to). Simple past, phonics, numbers and positions. OL-L: Ss listen for a specific purpose in a variety of situations. Ss recognize the use of language for a variety of personal purposes. Ss appreciate figurative language of their own culture. OL-S: Ss use the vocabulary listed at the beginning of each story in the summaries and essays written in class. Ss work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations. Ss defend a point of view. Ss organize thoughts and feelings before they verbalize their thinking. Ss use oral language appropriately and confidently. Ss begin to paraphrase and summarize. VL-V: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss reflect on why others may perceive the images differently. Ss analyze and make inferences about the intention of the message. Ss recognize and name familiar visual texts and explain why they are or are not effective, for example, logos, signs, advertising, etc. VL-P: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss recognize and name familiar visual texts and explain why they are or are not effective, for example, logos, signs, advertising, etc. Ss analyze and make inferences about the intention of the message WL-R: Ss read a variety of books for pleasure, instruction or information. Ss use reference books, and dictionaries. Ss know when and how to use the internet in order to inquiry. Ss distinguish between fiction and non-fiction. WL-W: Ss write using different types of structures and styles according to the purpose of the writing. Ss organize ideas in a logical sequence. Ss review and correct their texts to improve their own writing with teacher’s guidance. OL–L: Ss listen appreciatively and responsively, presenting their own Worksheets Role plays Reading plan book The Crown, Reading book Imagine that, Movie (Titanic), Videos about old and new commercial advertisements. listening exercises, posters, markers. Worksheets Role plays messages point of view and respecting the views of others. Ss recognize the use of language for a variety of personal purposes. Ss recognize different forms of grammar. Ss appreciate figurative language of their own culture. OL-S: Ss use a range of specific vocabulary in different situations. Ss recognize and apply the use of language for a variety of personal purposes. Ss work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations. Ss defend a point of view. Ss organize thoughts and feelings before they verbalize their thinking. Ss use oral language appropriately and confidently. Ss begin to paraphrase and summarize. VL-V: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss reflect on why others may perceive the images differently. Ss analyze and make inferences about the intention of the message. Ss recognize and name familiar visual texts and explain why they are or are not effective, for example, logos, signs, advertising, etc. VL-P: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss realize that visual information reflects and contributes to the understanding of purposes. Ss recognize and name familiar visual texts and explain why they are or are not effective, for example, logos, signs, advertising, etc. WL-R: Ss read a variety of books for pleasure, instruction or information. Ss use reference books, and dictionaries. Ss know when and how to use the internet in order to inquiry. WL-W: Ss write using different types of structures and styles according to the purpose of the writing. Ss organize ideas in a logical sequence. Ss review and correct their texts to improve their own writing with teacher’s guidance. Reading plan book The Crown, Reading book Imagine that, Movie Sharkslayer listening exercises, posters, markers. Working together Simple past (negative and interrogative), irregular verbs, cause and effect, sequence of events. Ss select vocabulary and supporting details to achieve desired effects. Ss realize that writers ask questions of themselves and identify ways to improve their writing, for example, “Is this what I meant to say?”, “is it interesting/relevant?” OL–L: Ss listen appreciatively and responsively, presenting their own point of view and respecting the views of others. Ss recognize different forms of grammar. OL-S: Ss use a range of specific vocabulary in different situations. Ss work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations. Ss defend a point of view. Ss organize thoughts and feelings before they verbalize their thinking. Ss use oral language appropriately and confidently. Ss begin to paraphrase and summarize. VL-V: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss reflect on why others may perceive the images differently. Ss realize that visual information reflects and contributes to the understanding of purposes. VL-P: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss create visual texts and explain why they are or are not effective, for example, logos, signs, advertising, etc. WL-R: Ss read a variety of books for pleasure, instruction or information. Ss use reference books, and dictionaries. Ss know when and how to use the internet in order to inquiry. Ss understand that stories have a plot, identify the main idea, discuss and outline the sequence of events leading to the final outcome. WL-W: Ss write using different types of structures and styles according to the purpose of the writing. Ss organize ideas in a logical sequence. Ss review and correct their texts to improve their own writing with teacher’s guidance. Worksheets Role plays Reading plan book Anne of Green Gables, Reading book Imagine that, Movie Pursuit of Happiness, listening exercises, posters, markers. Working together, Technology, before and now Describing facts, authors purpose, modal verbs, phonics Writing an essay (2 parr) Description in writing with facts of past and present events Ss create graphic organizers. OL-L: Ss listen for a specific purpose in a variety of situations. Ss use language to explain, inquire and compare. OL-S: Ss use a range of specific vocabulary in different situations. Ss work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations. Ss defend a point of view. Ss use language to explain, inquire and compare. Ss use oral language appropriately and confidently. Ss paraphrase and summarize. VL-V: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss reflect on why others may perceive the images differently. Ss realize that visual information reflects and contributes to the understanding of purposes. Ss identify aspects of body language in dramatic presentations. VL-P: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss realize that visual information reflects and contributes to the understanding of purposes. Ss create visual texts and explain why they are or are not effective, for example, logos, signs, advertising, etc. WL-R: Ss read a variety of books for pleasure, instruction or information. Ss use reference books, and dictionaries. Ss know when and how to use the internet in order to inquiry. Ss recognize the author’s purpose, for example, to inform, entertain, persuade, instruct, etc. WL-W: Ss write using different types of structures and styles according to the purpose of the writing. Ss organize ideas in a logical sequence. Ss review and correct their texts to improve their own writing with teacher’s guidance. Ss create graphic organizers and Mind Maps (R). Ss use appropriate punctuation to support meaning. Ss use appropriate punctuation to Worksheets Role plays Reading plan book Anne of Green Gables, Reading book Imagine that, Movie Number Nine, listening exercises, posters, markers. Energy in movement Story elements, plot, character setting, comparatives and superlatives, phonics Writing an essay (4 parr) support meaning. Ss work independently to produce written work that is legible and well presented, written either by hand or in digital format. OL-L: Ss listen for a specific purpose in a variety of situations. Ss use language to explain, inquire and compare. OL-S: Ss use a range of specific vocabulary in different situations. Ss work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations. Ss defend a point of view. Ss use language to explain, inquire and compare. Ss use oral language appropriately and confidently. Ss paraphrase and summarize. VL-V: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss reflect on why others may perceive the images differently. Ss identify aspects of body language in dramatic presentations. Ss relate personal experiences to the meaning of a selected movie, text or picture. VL-P: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss design posters and charts using shapes and colors. Ss prepare visual presentations. Ss relate personal experiences to the meaning of a selected movie, text or picture. WL-R: Ss read a variety of books for pleasure, instruction or information. Ss use reference books, and dictionaries. Ss know when and how to use the internet in order to inquiry. Ss understand that stories have a plot, identify the main idea, discuss and outline the sequence of events leading to the final outcome. Ss identify relevant and useful information. Ss show empathy for characters and recognize author’s purpose. WL-W: Ss write using different types of structures and styles according to the purpose of the writing. Ss organize ideas in a logical sequence. Worksheets Role plays Reading plan book Call of the Wild, Reading book Imagine that, Movie Earth, listening exercises, posters, markers. Life sphere Future (will) Reported speech Six parragraph essay Ss review and correct their texts to improve their own writing with teacher’s guidance. Ss use appropriate punctuation to support meaning. Ss work independently to produce written work that is legible and well presented, written either by hand or in digital format. OL-L: Ss listen for a specific purpose in a variety of situations. Ss use language to explain, inquire and compare. Ss recognize different forms of grammar. OL-S: Ss use a range of specific vocabulary in different situations. Ss work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations. Ss defend a point of view. Ss use language to explain, inquire and compare. Ss use oral language appropriately and confidently. Ss paraphrase and summarize. VL-V: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss identify aspects of body language in dramatic presentations. Ss relate personal experiences to the meaning of a selected movie, text or picture. VL-P: Ss view, respond to and describe visual information, communicating understanding in oral, written and visual form. Ss design posters and charts using shapes and colors. Ss prepare visual presentations. Ss relate personal experiences to the meaning of a selected movie, text or picture. WL-R: Ss read a variety of books for pleasure, instruction or information. Ss use reference books, and dictionaries. Ss know when and how to use the internet in order to inquiry. Ss identify relevant and useful information. Ss show empathy for characters and recognize author’s purpose. WL-W: Ss write using different types of structures and styles according to the purpose of the writing. Ss organize ideas in a logical sequence. Worksheets Role plays Reading plan book Call of the Wild, Reading book Imagine that, Movie Genesis, listening exercises, posters, markers. Ss review and correct their texts to improve their own writing with teacher’s guidance. Ss use appropriate punctuation to support meaning. Ss work independently to produce written work that is legible and well presented, written either by hand or in digital format. GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE AREA: (Copy from OCC Language Scope and sequence)