Westerner Days Fair Poultry Show July 17 & 18, 2015 2015 Fair Poultry Show Dates Juniors Show July 17th, 2015 Open Show July 18th, 2015 Entries Close July 6th, 2015 For poultry show information: Check out the Canadian Heritage Breeds Website for online entries and payment Enquires call Kyle Lawrence at (403) 347-0633 (home) or (403) 391-7854 (cell) or by email at heritagefarmerkyle@gmail.com Visit our website at: CanadianHeritageBreeds.com APA Poultry Show Juniors Show ~ July 17, 2015 Open Show ~ July 18, 2015 Egg Show ~ July 18, 2015 Enquires call Kyle Lawrence at (403) 347-0633 (home) or (403) 391-7854 (cell) or by email at heritagefarmerkyle@gmail.com Visit our website at: CanadianHeritageBreeds.com For general information about Westerner Days call the Westerner Park Event Line (403) 347-4767, Information Line (403) 343-7800 or visit their web page at westernerdays.ca JUDGE Ramona Trombley Welcome to the Westerner Days Poultry Show. CHB is excited to be working with the Westerner to host our annual summer show! 2015 Show will include: APA SANCTIONED OPEN SHOW –JULY 18TH EGG SHOW JUNIOR POULTRY SHOW – JULY 17TH We appreciate your support of CHB’s Westerner Days Poultry Show. If you have ideas to make it better for all of us, we encourage your input. Please take some time to speak with the show secretary or a committee member, write us a note or email us, so that we can continue to improve the show. 1. All entries must be RECEIVED by Wednesday, July 6th, 2015. All entries must be paid in full before judging starts. Payment will be accepted online or at the show before judging starts. 2. Entries are $3.00 each for the APA show. Junior Show entries $1.50 each. Entries will NOT be accepted at ringside. Egg/eggs entries can be entered as three or six eggs at $3.00/entry. Please specify if eggs are large, medium or small and if they are white, brown, tinted, coloured or dark brown. There will be different classes for the egg show. Painted or decorated eggs to be entered individually, one egg at a time. There is a Junior Division for the decorated/painted egg show. 3. Please make cheque payable to Canadian Heritage Breeds 4. All entries must include Class Numbers, Breed, Variety and Sex. 5. All N.S.F. cheques returned will result in an automatic $25.00 service charge. 6. In making an entry, the exhibitor agrees to be governed by the rules and regulations. 7. As a precaution, exhibitors are strongly urged to vaccinate poultry for I.L.T. using the LT-IVAX vaccine. 8. If Avian Influenza arrives in Alberta, the show will be cancelled. 9. All entries must be clean and healthy. The committee reserves the right to reject entries suffering from disease or shown in an unfit condition, and can order the removal of those entries at any time. 10. All entries must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor at least 30 days prior to the date of the show. 11. No one except the officials of the show will be allowed to handle the exhibit without the permission of the owner. Any exhibitor caught tampering with or in any way injuring exhibits of any competitor will be disqualified. 12. The judge shall have power to withhold awards at his/her discretion and will be instructed to the effect that no award is to be given unless the exhibit is worthy. The judge’s decision is final. 13. Leg band information is not required for the Poultry. 14. You may make substitutions within class provided the class and section remains the same as the original entry. 15. All specimens must be exhibited in their natural condition except for: All Old English Games, Modern Games and American Games Cocks and Cockerels large and bantam must be dubbed. - Canada Geese, Mallard Ducks, Wood Duck and Mandarin Ducks can be pinioned. 16. The latest revised American Standard of Perfection and American Bantam Standard shall be the guide in all Poultry Entries judged. 17. All Poultry, Waterfowl, Turkeys, Guinea Fowl and Eggs open and juniors must be caged by 9:00 AM (Jr Show Friday July 17, Open Show July 18). Judging will start at 9;00 AM. 18. Move-out for exhibitors is 6:00 PM. 19. Admission and Parking Passes will be available to exibitors, through CHB. Show Classes CODES FOR SECTIONS FOR CLASSES C=COCK; OLD MALE; OLD DRAKE; OLD TOM; OLD GANDER H=HEN; OLD FEMALE; OLD DUCK; OLD HEN; OLD GOOSE K=COCKEREL; YOUNG MALE; YOUNG DRAKE; YOUNG TOM; YOUNG GANDER (1 YEAR OLD OR LESS) P=PULLET; YOUNG FEMALE; YOUNG DUCK; YOUNG HEN; YOUNG GOOSE (1 YEAR OR LESS) A.C.= ANY COLOR A.O.C.= ANY OTHER COLOR A.O.V.= ANY OTHER VARIETY A.V. = ANY VARIETY S.C.= SINGLE COMB R.C.= ROSE COMB JUNIOR/YOUTH CLASSES Exhibitors 16 years of age or less. There is a separate junior division. Junior entries cannot compete in the open classes. JSL. Standard Land Fowl JBL. Bantam Land Fowl JSW. Standard Waterfowl JBW. Bantam Waterfowl STANDARD CHICKENS AMERICAN 1. CHANTECLER WHITE 2. CHANTECLER PARTRIDGE 3. CHANTECLER A.O.C. 4. BUCKEYES 5. DOMINIQUE 6. JERSEY GIANT A.C. 7. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 8. PLYMOUTH ROCK BARRED 9. PLYMOUTH ROCK WHITE 10. PLYMOUTH ROCK A.O.C. 11. RHODE ISLAND REDS 12. WYANDOTTE WHITE 13. WYANDOTTE SILVER LACED 14. WYANDOTTE A.O.C. 15. A.O.V. AMERICAN ASIATIC 21. BRAHMA LIGHT 22. BRAHMA DARK 23. BRAHMA BUFF 24. COCHIN BLACK 25. COCHIN WHITE 26. COCHIN PARTRIDGE 27. COCHIN A.O.C. 28. LANGSHAN BLACK 29. LANGSHAN WHITE ENGLISH 31. AUSTRALORP 32. CORNISH WHITE 33. CORNISH DARK 34. CORNISH A.O.C. 35. DORKING A.C. 36. ORPINGTON BUFF 37. ORPINGTON A.O.C. 38. SUSSEX A.C. 39. A.O.V. ENGLISH MEDITERRANEAN 41. ANDALUSIANS 42. ANCONAS 43. LEGHORN A.O.V. 44. LEGHORN S.C. DARK BROWN 45. LEGHORN S.C. LIGHT BROWN 46. LEGHORN S.C. WHITE 47. LEGHORN S.C. BLACK 48. LEGHORN S.C. BUFF 49. LEGHORN R.C. DARK BROWN 50. LEGHORN R.C. LIGHT BROWN 51. LEGHORN R.C. WHITE 52. WHITE FACED BLACK SPANISH 53. MINORCA S.C. BLACK 54. MINORCA R.C. BLACK 55. MINORCA S.C. WHITE 56. MINORCA R.C. WHITE 57. MINORCA S.C. BUFF 58. A.O.V. MEDITERRANEAN CONTINENTAL 61. CAMPINE A.C. 62. CREVECOEUR 63. FAVEROLLE A.C. 64. HOUDANS A.C. 65. HAMBURG SILVER SPANGLED 66. HAMBURG A.O.C. 67. LA FLECHE 68. LAKENVELDERS 69. W/C BLACK POLISH NON-BEARDED 70. POLISH NON-BEARDED A.C. 71. POLISH BEARDED A.C. 72. WELSUMMERS 73. BARNEVELDERS 74. MARANS COPPER BLACK 75. MARANS A.O.C ANY OTHER STANDARD BREEDS (AOSB) 81. MODERN GAME A.C. 82. OLD ENGLISH GAME A.C. 83. SUMATRA 84. MALAY A.C. 85. CUBALAYA A.C. 86. PHOENIX A.C. 87. YOKOHAMA A.C. 88. ASEELS A.C. 89. SHAMO 90. SULTANS 100. FRIZZLE 101. NAKED NECK 102. ARAUCANA 103. AMERAUCANA BANTAM CHICKENS MODERN GAME 106. BIRCHEN 107. RED PYLE 108. BROWN RED 109. A.O.C. OLD ENGLISH GAME 111. BLACK 112. BLACK BREASTED RED 113. WHITE 114. GOLDEN DUCKWING 115. SILVER DUCKWING 116. BRASSY BACK 117. RED PYLE 118. SPANGLED 119. WHEATEN 120. BLUE REDS 121. CRELE 122. A.O.C. AMERICAN GAME 125. BLACK 126. BLACK BREASTED RED 127. BLUE 128. RED PYLE 129. BROWN RED 130. AOC SINGLE COMB CLEAN LEG (SCCL) 131. PHOENIX 132. JAPANESE 133. LEGHORN WHITE 134. LEGHORN LIGHT BROWN 135. LEGHORN A.O.C. 136. PLYMOUTH ROCK BARRED 137. PLYMOUTH ROCK WHITE 138. SUSSEX A.C. 139. BARNEVELDER 140. WELSUMMER 141. NAKED NECK A.C. 142. NEW HAMPSHIRE 143. PHOENIX 144. ORPINGTON BUFF 145. ORPINGTON A.C. 146. RHODE ISLAND REDS 147. LAKENVELDERS 148. MINORCAS A.C. 149. DUTCH LIGHT BROWN (L/B) 150. DUTCH BLUE CREAM L/B 151. DUTCH CREAM L/B 152. DUTCH A.O.C. ROSE COMB CLEAN LEG (RCCL) 171. ANTWERP BELGIAN A.O.C. 172. ANTWERP BELGIAN QUAIL 172. ANTWERP BELGIAN BLACK 173. ROSECOMB BLACK 174. ROSECOMB BLUE 175. ROSECOMB A.O.C. 176. HAMBURG SILVER SPANGLED 177. HAMBURG A.O.C. 178. LEGHORN WHITE 179. LEGHORN LIGHT BROWN 180. LEGHORN A.O.C. 181. RHODE ISLAND REDS 182. SEBRIGHTS GOLDEN 183. SEBRIGHTS SILVER 184. WYANDOTTE BLACK 185. WYANDOTTE PARTRIDGE 186. WYANDOTTE WHITE 187. WYANDOTTE SILVER LACED 188. WYANDOTTE A.O.C. 189. A.O.V. RCCL ANY OTHER COMB CLEAN LEG (AOCCL) 200. POLISH N/B W/C BLACK. 201. POLISH BEARDED A.C. 203. POLISH NON-BEARDED A.O.C. 204. CHANTECLER A.C. 205. CORNISH WHITE 206. CORNISH DARK 207. CORNISH A.O.C. 208. AMERAUCANA A.C. 209. ARAUCANA A.C. 210. HOUDANS 211. CREVECEOUR 212. SUMATRA 213. A.O.V AOCCL FEATHER LEGGED 221. BOOTED NON-BEARDED A.O.C 222. BOOTED BEARDED 223. FRIZZLE A.C. 224. FAVEROLLE A.C. 225. BRAHMA LIGHT 228. COCHIN BLACK 229. COCHIN WHITE 230. COCHIN BLUE 231. COCHIN A.O.C. 232. LANGSHAN A.C. 233. SULTAN 234. SILKIE BEARDED A.O.C. 235. SILKIE BEARDED BLACK 236. SILKIE BEARDED WHITE 237. SILKIE NON-BEARDED A.O.C. 238. SILKIE NON-BEARDED BLACK 239. SILKIE NON-BEARDED WHITE 240. A.O.V. FEATHER LEGGED WATERFOWL HEAVY DUCKS MEDIUM DUCKS LIGHT DUCKS 251. PEKIN 252. AYLESBURY 253. ROUEN 254. MUSCOVY A.C. 255. SAXONY 259. APPLEYARD 256. CRESTED 257. SWEDISH 258. BUFF 259. CAYUGA 261. RUNNER WHITE 262. RUNNER 263. RUNNER GREY 264. RUNNER FAWN & WHITE 265. RUNNER A.O.C. 266. KHAKI CAMPBELL 267. MAGPIE A.C. 268. WELSH HARLEQUIN A.C. BANTAM DUCKS 271. CALL GREY 272. CALL WHITE 273. CALL SNOWY 274. CALL A.O.C 275. EAST INDIE 276. MALLARD 277. MANDARIN 278. WOOD GEESE HEAVY MEDIUM LIGHT 281. TOULOSE A.C. 282. EMBDEN 283. AFRICAN A.C. 285. AMERICAN BUFF 286. PILGRIM 287. POMERANIAN 288. SEBASTOPOL 289. TUFTED ROMAN 290. CHINESE BROWN 291.CHINESE WHITE TURKEYS 301. BRONZE 302. NARRAGANSETT 303. WHITE HOLLLAND 304. BLACK 305. SLATE 306. BOURBON RED 307. BELTSVILLE SMALL WHITE 308. ROYAL PALM GUINEA FOWL 311. PEARL 312. LAVENDER 313. WHITE EGG SHOW On your entry, please specify if you are entering three or six eggs for classes 350 through 365. Single egg entries are accepted for classes 366 and 367. 350. Large White 351. Medium White 352. Small White 355. Large Brown 356. Medium Brown 357. Small Brown 358. Large Coloured (green, blue) 359. Medium Coloured (green, blue) 360. Small Coloured (green, blue) 361. Large Tinted 362. Medium Tinted 363. Small Tinted 364. Large Dark Brown 365. Medium Dark Brown 366. Painted/Decorated 367. JUNIOR Painted/Decorated ENTRY FORM – MUST BE RECEIVED BY JULY 6, 2015 Westerner Days Poultry Show Show Location: Stockmen’s Pavilion at Westerner Park, 4847A 19th Street, Red Deer, AB Show Date: July 17th for Junior Show / July 18th for Open Show and Egg Show. Birds must be caged by 9 AM. Move-out is 6 PM. EXHIBITOR INFORMATION: If exhibitor is a Junior and will be showing in Junior classes, please check here: ___ Name (first/last): Mailing Address: ____________________________________ Home Phone: _______________ ____________________________________ Mobile: _____________________ ____________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________ Please use one form per exhibitor. Please list one bird per line. If you are entering an exhibit which does not have a class listed in this program, please specify on the entry form and classes will be created as necessary. Be sure to indicate Large or Bantam, Bearded/Non-Bearded, etc. as part of the description. Egg entries; please specify if you are entering three eggs or six eggs. Ex. Ex. Class # 2 JBL Breed Chantecler Large Fowl Silkie Bantam Variety Partridge White Bearded Sex K H Class Fee 3.00 1.50 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Make cheques payable to: Canadian Heritage Breeds Mail to: 4831 53 Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 2E7 Fees This Page: $_______________ + Fees Page 2: $_______________ Total Fees: $_______________ Page 2 Please use one form per exhibitor. Please list one bird per line. If you are entering an exhibit which does not have a class listed in this program, please specify on the entry form and classes will be created as necessary. Be sure to indicate Large or Bantam, Bearded/Non-Bearded, etc. as part of the description. Egg entries; please specify if you are entering three eggs or six eggs Class # Breed Variety Sex Class Fee 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Make cheques payable to: Canadian Heritage Breeds Mail to: 4831 53 Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 2E7 Total Fees Page 2: (record on Page 1) $_______________ For poultry show enquiries, email Kyle Lawrence at heritagefarmerkyle@gmail.com or call (403) 391-7854 Entries and payments are also taken online through the Canadian Heritage Breeds Website: CanadianHeritageBreeds.com