ELGIN ACADEMY - STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2012-2013 Leading learning for all our futures Our Shared Vision for Elgin Academy At Elgin Academy, through the pursuit of excellence in learning & teaching, and by providing strong, effective leadership at all levels, we are preparing our learners for the future. With learners, staff, parents and the wider community enjoying very positive, respectful relationships and working together, we provide a curriculum which will give our learners the knowledge, skills and digital ability to be healthy, global citizens and succeed in a modern world. We provide a happy, safe, friendly and inclusive environment in which to learn and work, whilst fostering a resilient, ‘can-do’ ethos. Through a wide range of enjoyable, challenging and motivating experiences, learners and staff work together to realise the potential of everyone in the school. A common theme for the 2012-2013 Strategic Improvement Plan is improved motivation leading to excellence in learning & teaching What do we want to do? IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY What will be different in a year’s time? OUTCOMES 1. Improved motivation through development of the curriculum 1.1 Ongoing development of S3 Students will reach the end of the curriculum broad general phase at the end of S3 having experienced a curriculum which addresses the 7 principles of curriculum design and which prepares them for the Senior Phase. 1.2 Development of new Courses will have been developed courses for National 4 and ready for delivery to new S4 at start of National 5 new timetable in June 2013. 1.3 Development of consistent approach across the school to the delivery of literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing 1.4 Ongoing development and review of the structure of the curriculum 1.5 Ongoing enhancement of P7-S1 curricular transition. How will we do it? Who will do it? Dates? IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY How will we evaluate monitor? MEASURING SUCCESS and Departments prepare and deliver courses on an ongoing basis throughout S3. (PTs) Curriculum Steering Group will have overview (AW/KG) Departments will be asked to review their new S3 courses. Student views will be gathered. S3 Profile. Learning visits. Departments prepare courses on an ongoing basis through out 2012-13. Two additional inservice days will provide dedicated time for course development. Possibility of additional development days for departments on a ‘bidding’ basis. PTs/SLT have overview through link arrangements. (PTs/SLT) Learners experience a commonality of Implementation of new strategy, led by three approach to the delivery of Es and Os whole-school co-ordinators (FM/KS/KG), with in these three areas. Delivery of Lit / support of relevant School Improvement Groups. Num/ HWB is improved as a result. SLT have overview. (DB) New courses ready to deliver to new S4 for 2013-14 timetable. SLT audit of link departments. The evolving curriculum will be Curriculum Steering Group will have overview. meeting the needs of learners through any amendments needed following evaluation. Improved Knowledge of P5 – S3 GLOW page updated curriculum by Departments/ASG and Learning Visits to ASG and ASG to visit EA incorporation where appropriate to Staff development S1-3 course development (TD) Audit of existing curriculum. Surveys of staff / pupils / parents. Learning visits. Student views will be gathered. Audit against Es & Os in relevant areas. Learning Visits, Focus groups Sampling of student work in primary and secondary school (moderation) 2. Improved motivation through supporting learners 2.1 Development and S3 students will reach the end of the implementation of S3 Profile broad general phase with a clear picture of their own strengths and areas for improvement, preparing themselves for the transition to the Senior Phase. 2.2 Development of structure An inclusive structure has been to support all learners developed to allow every learner the opportunity to achieve his/her level. Profiling group will plan this short term S3 pilot Key lead departments will implement Work with ASG for long term vision. “Supporting Learners” SIG will consult on possible structures for supporting learners, with necessary changes in place ready for the start of the 2013-14 session (GD) 2.3 Autism-friendly The school will have moved closer to School Improvement Group continues to work Accreditation full autism-friendly accreditation, towards accreditation, deploying a variety of meaning that we are fully able to strategies. support youngsters on the autistic spectrum. 3. Improved motivation leading to improved attainment & achievement 3.1 Project designed to Improved motivation across all Appointment of Acting Whole School post to work promote improved motivation students, leading to improved on issues of motivation, tracking, monitoring and amongst all students attainment and achievement. attainment. (DB) Review and redevelopment of merits system. Leadership programme for students and staff, leading to establishment of set of values for the school. (TD) 4. Improved motivation through the development of global citizenship 4.1 Development of links with The ‘global citizenship’ aspect of the Global Citizenship SIG will devise strategies to schools in Africa, China, France new shared vision for the school is enhance and improve existing links with and Germany. addressed, with students appreciating Mzomhle in South Africa, Haihe High School in the relevance of their learning to their Tianjin, China, and exploration of establishing a future in a global context. link with a school in France. International Week to be enhanced to focus on these three countries. (DB/AW) 5. Improved motivation through enhanced quality improvement procedures 5.1 Implementation of revised Improved policy and procedures will Short-term SIG established to revise policy and policy and procedures on quality have a positive effect on the work of procedures. This will include a review of current improvement / self-evaluation the school, leading to improved tracking and monitoring procedures. New policy attainment & achievement in place for start of new ‘annual cycle’ in September 2012. (DB/KG)) 6. Improved motivation through improved learning and teaching 6.1 Ongoing focus on the Effective questioning embedded Peer observation to take place within improvement of learning & Begin focus on feedback departments then spread to whole school Staff teaching Development sessions Learning visits Sampling of e-portfolios E-portfolios to be measured against Data Learning Visits Student focus groups Agreed structure in place. Ongoing evaluation via More of the criteria for accreditation are achieved. Audit of opinion amongst learners, parents and staff. Ongoing review. Surveys. Attainment & achievement data in subsequent years. Ongoing review Surveys. Audit of curriculum. New policy & procedures reviewed on an ongoing basis. Surveys. Analysis of attainment and achievement data in subsequent years. Learning Visits Data – Attainment ASG Learning Rounds Pupil council