University of Baghdad College of Administration and Economics

University of Baghdad
College of Administration and Economics
Department of Economics
Salah Mahdi Abbas
Assistant Lecturer
Assistant Professor
Dynamic input-output analysis to investigate equilibrium and un-equilibrium in the Iraq
The aim s of study is to establish a model for dynamic input-output to
investigate the equilibrium and un-equilibrium in the Iraq economic by using
input-output tables for the period (1976-1990). It has been included five five
chapters as well as an introduction and concussion .
Chapter one (with it s three sections ) represents the development of inputoutput tables and it’s relation with the economic equilibrium , and the inputoutput models. The second matrix and the processing of the data to be
suitable for such analysis. This chapter has been divided into three sections
which included the aggregation of input-output tables and the distribution of
the un a located inputs. One of these three sections is the preparation of the
capital stock matrix for Iraqi economic.
The third chapter concerned with the investigation of equilibrium and un
equilibrium fields in Iraqi economic by using four indications which are, the
added value, investment, and foreign trade. This chapter has been divided into
four sections.
The fourth chapter included finding and analysis the multipliers by using the
input-output model .This chapter were divided into three sections. The
analysis of multipliers output, income, and employment have been
accomplished in this chapter.
The development and equilibrium of Iraqi economic has been investigated in
chapter five which was divided into three sections. Section one concerned
with the implement gap while in the third section we calculate the influence of
the each of the final demand and the matrix of capital technical coefficient on
the production.
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