OS Maps API Beta
User Guide
User Guide
Contact details ..................................................................................................................................2
Use of the product ............................................................................................................................2
Purpose and disclaimer .....................................................................................................................2
Copyright in this guide ...................................................................................................................... 3
Data copyright and other intellectual property rights ........................................................................ 3
Trademarks ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1
OS Maps API Beta introduction .............................................................................................. 4
WMTS explanation ...........................................................................................................................4
Zoom Stack composition ..................................................................................................................4
Strategi .......................................................................................................................................4
OS VectorMap District .................................................................................................................4
OS VectorMap Local ....................................................................................................................4
OS MasterMap Topography Layer ...............................................................................................4
Zoom Stack Styling........................................................................................................................... 5
Colours ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Fonts ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Consistency ................................................................................................................................. 5
Hillshading and contours ............................................................................................................. 5
Highly-detailed ............................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 2
Using the OS Maps API Beta ..................................................................................................6
GIS Clients ........................................................................................................................................6
QGIS ...........................................................................................................................................6
Web Map Clients ...............................................................................................................................6
Technical Specification ..................................................................................................................................8
Purpose of this specification and disclaimer ......................................................................................8
Copyright in this specification ...........................................................................................................8
Chapter 1
Overview ..............................................................................................................................9
OGC WMTS Specifications ................................................................................................................9
Chapter 2
Service Requests ................................................................................................................. 10
GetCapabilities ............................................................................................................................... 10
Service Identification ................................................................................................................. 10
Service Provider ........................................................................................................................ 10
Operations Metadata ................................................................................................................ 11
Contents.................................................................................................................................... 11
GetTile Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3
Zoom stack layers ............................................................................................................... 14
Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Layer Examples............................................................................................................................... 14
© Crown copyright Page 1 of 43
This user documentation is designed to provide an overview of the Ordnance Survey OS Maps API Beta giving
technical specifications and guidelines on how to optimally use the service. It assumes a general knowledge of
geographic information. If you find an error or omission in this guide, or otherwise wish to make a comment or
suggestion as to how we can improve the guide, please contact us at the address shown below under contact details
or complete the product and service performance report form at annexe A and return it to us.
Contact details
Our Customer Service Centre will be pleased to deal with your enquiries:
Customer Service Centre
Ordnance Survey
Adanac Drive
SO16 0AS
General enquiries (calls charged at local rate): +44 (0)3456 05 05 05
Dedicated Welsh Language HelpLine: 03456 05 05 04
Textphone (deaf and hard of hearing users only please): +44 (0)23 8005 6146
or visit the Ordnance Survey website at: www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk
This document has been screened in accordance with the requirements set out in Ordnance Survey's Equality scheme.
If you have difficulty reading this information in its current format and would like to find out how to access it in a
different format (Braille, large print, computer disk or in another language), please contact us on: +44 (0)3456 05 05
Use of the product
The terms and conditions upon which the product, including this guide, is made available to you and your
organisation are contained in the customer contract made between you and Ordnance Survey. If there is an
inconsistency between the terms of your customer contract and this guide, then the terms of your customer contract
prevail. If you or your organisation has not signed a valid current customer contract then you are not entitled to use
the product.
Purpose and disclaimer
This guide is provided for guidance only and does not constitute any warranty, representation, undertaking,
commitment or obligation (express or implied) about the product or its suitability for any particular or intended
purpose. Any warranties, representations, undertakings, commitments and obligations given by Ordnance Survey
about the product and/or its suitability for any particular or intended purpose are set out in your customer contract. It
is your responsibility to ensure that this product is suitable for your intended purpose.
Ordnance Survey does not accept any liability (whether for breach of contract, negligence or otherwise) for any loss
or liability you or any third party may suffer in relying on this guide and any guidance, suggestion, advice or
explanation provided in it. Any liability that Ordnance Survey has to you in relation to the product, its supply, use,
accuracy, data supplied, functionality or any other liability arising out of or in connection with the product is limited
as set out in your customer contract.
We may change the information in this guide at any time without notice.
We do not accept responsibility for the content of any third party websites referenced or accessed in or through this
guide, any contractual documentation, and/or the Ordnance Survey website.
© Crown copyright Page 2 of 43
Copyright in this guide
This guide (including for the avoidance of doubt any mapping images reproduced herein), is © Crown copyright 2014.
All rights reserved.
Any part of this guide may be copied for use internally in your organisation or business so that you can use the
product for the purpose for which it is licensed to your organisation or business (but not otherwise).
No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (including electronically) for
commercial exploitation without the prior written consent of Ordnance Survey.
No part of this guide may be copied or incorporated in products, services or publications that you generate for
onward sale, or as free promotional or support materials, without the prior written consent of Ordnance Survey.
Data copyright and other intellectual property rights
The Crown (or, where applicable, Ordnance Survey’s suppliers) owns the intellectual property rights in Ordnance
Survey digital map data.
Full details of the terms and conditions under which Ordnance Survey digital map data may be processed and/or
manipulated or copied by a customer – whether or not for use on PCs or workstations or for making hard copies – are
available from the Customer Service Centre, please see contact details. You should check the terms and conditions
with us before using the data. It is also the responsibility of the holder of the digital map data to ensure that any
plotted or printed output contains the required copyright and database acknowledgements in a conspicuous position.
Ordnance Survey, the OS Symbol, OS MasterMap, OS VectorMap and Strategi are registered trademarks and
Integrated Transport Network is a trademark of Ordnance Survey, the national mapping authority of Great Britain.
Ordnance Survey acknowledges all other trademarks.
© Crown copyright Page 3 of 43
Chapter 1
OS Maps API Beta introduction
Ordnance Survey OS Maps API Beta is the beta service for a new web map tile service. The WMTS adheres to the
WMTS specifications created by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and is a combination of several Ordnance
Survey (OS) products such as OS MasterMap Topography and OS VectorMap Local. For the beta release, the layer
available will be a continuously styled raster zoom stack that seamlessly transitions from Strategi based mapping,
through OS VectorMap District and OS VectorMap Local based mapping, to OS MasterMap Topography layer. The
OS Maps API Beta can be accessed via this link:
WMTS explanation
A WMTS is a service that offers pre-rendered tiles to a user via a server. When the user is looking at an area larger
than a single tile, multiple tiles are returned and seamlessly joined together, producing a usable map. As a WMTS is
server-based and connected to via the internet, this offloads requirements such as updating and storing data from
the user to the service provider, allowing a quick and simple way of accessing multiple data products at varying
Zoom Stack composition
The WMTS beta offers access to two zoom stacks:
- Zoom Map Auto
- Zoom Map Tactical 27700
Zoom Map Auto is comprised of 14 raster layers, with the layers based on four Ordnance Survey products. Depending
on the scale that the map is being viewing at, what product the layer is based on will vary. The styling of the zoom
stack is consistent, allowing a seamless transition between products. The four products that the zoom stack is based
on is Strategi, OS VectorMap District, OS VectorMap Local and OS MasterMap Topography. Zoom Map Tactical
27700 is a newly designed zoom stack which utilises a new styling, as well as 2.5D buildings for OS MasterMap
Topography, however is based on the same underlying products that form Zoom Map Auto.
Strategi is digital vector data and is a representation of Ordnance Survey’s 1:250 000 scale graphic products. As such,
it is ideal for applications requiring an overview of generalised geographic information of England, Scotland and
Wales. It supports a wide range of applications, including planning or environmental analysis.
OS VectorMap District
OS VectorMap District is a mapping dataset designed to provide contextual mapping, with a recommended viewing
scale range of 1:15 000 to 1:30 000. The purpose of OS VectorMap District data is to support a wide range of customer
applications that utilise geographic information such as backdrop mapping, interactive web mapping and to display
business location.
OS VectorMap Local
OS VectorMap Local is a series of 5 km by 5 km tiles of simple vector GML data covering the whole of Great Britain
that has been designed for creating graphical mapping. The product can be used as mapping in its own right or can be
used to provide a flexible geographic context reference for customers’ overlay information. Applications and services
that OS VectorMap Local supports includes banking and insurance, land and property, consumer website services,
navigation products, cartographic representation and urban extents.
OS MasterMap Topography Layer
OS MasterMap is the most detailed, current and comprehensive map dataset of Great Britain. The Topography Layer
contains features that appear in the landscape, such as buildings, fields, fences, land, water and roads, as well as
administrative boundaries. The Topography Layer contains over 425 million features.
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Zoom Stack Styling
The service currently provides two layers, each consistently styled zoom stacks, which allows for a seamless
transition between layers and is ideal for backdrop mapping in a digital environment. The styles used by the service
are in line with Ordnance Survey cartographic design principles:
The colour palette used in the consistent zoom stack is based on the Ordnance Survey backdrop map style and can be
found in OS VectorMap raster products. Each colour on the map has a logical place in the visual hierarchy in order to
bring the most important features on the map being to the forefront. The pastel colours allow any data overlaid to be
easily viewed, creating a clear visual hierarchy.
The font used offers greater legibility, especially on mobile devices, and has a semi-transparent halo around labels,
allowing them to blend seamlessly into the various colours sat behind them whilst maintaining their readability.
The zoom stack provides seamless transitions between zoom levels allowing for a smoother user experience. The
zoom stack is derived from four OS mapping products, therefore enabling a smooth transition between the products
was a priority.
Hillshading and contours
To give an indication of height, a subtle hillshade and contours have been added to the zoom stack. This allows the
user to have a useful way of determining the general terrain of an area, and to more accurately determine heights.
When the zoom stack reaches street level, detail is provided from OS VectorMap Local and OSMM Topography
Layer, making the zoom stack the most detailed, consistently captured web map of Great Britain. Details include
real-world objects such as back fences, paths, schools, post offices, coastal rock, airport runaways and railway
© Crown copyright Page 5 of 43
Chapter 2
Using the OS Maps API Beta
The OS Maps API Beta zoom stack is designed so that it can be easily integrated into GIS clients such as ArcMap and
QGIS, and web map libraries such as OpenLayers and Leaflet.
GIS Clients
With Esri ArcMap, from version 10.1 onwards, support for WMTS is included. To create the WMTS connection,
choose “add data” and in the drop down navigation menu, select “GIS Servers”. Once this has been selected, choose
“Add WMTS Server”. From the new window that appears, enter in the WMTS URL into the URL input field. Then click
on the “Get Layers” button and this will connect to the service. Select “OK” to exit the window. This will have created
a WMTS connection that is selectable from the GIS Servers collection in the “Add Data” menu.
To add the WMTS as a layer within ArcMap, from the GIS Servers collection, choose the OS Maps API Beta and click
“add”. The service will now be loaded into ArcMap as a layer. Please note that the initial viewport location and scale
will have an impact on the location and layer loaded from the WMTS. These instructions are based on ArcMap version
QGIS versions 2.0.1 onwards support WMTS. To add the OS OS Maps API Beta as a layer in QGIS, from the toolbar
select the globe icon labelled “Add WMS/WMTS Layer”. In the new window, click on “New” from the top menu. In the
name input field, enter in what you want the connection to be called. In the URL input field, enter in the URL for the
WMTS. Once this is done, click “OK”.
To add the new connection as a layer within QGIS, select the WMTS from the drop down menu on the “Add Layer(s)
from a WM(T)S Server” window, with the connection having the name that was input earlier. Click on “Connect” and
choose the layer from the WMTS you would like to add to the viewport. These instructions are based on QGIS version
Web Map Clients
The OS OS Maps API Beta can be utilised through web map clients such as OpenLayers and Leaflet. When utilising
web-based mapping libraries, certain considerations have to be made, such as the projections that the library
supports as the WMTS Beta only supports British National Gird (ESPG:27700) .
© Crown copyright Page 6 of 43
OS Maps API Beta
Technical Specification
© Crown copyright Page 7 of 43
Purpose of this specification and disclaimer
This is the technical specification (hereafter referred to as the specification) applicable to the OS OS Maps API Beta,
(hereafter referred to as the product), which is referred to in the Framework Direct Licence, Specific Use Framework
Partner Licence or your other customer contract for the product.
Copyright in this specification
This specification, (including for the avoidance of doubt any mapping images reproduced herein), is
© Crown copyright 2012. All rights reserved.
Any part of this specification may be copied for use internally in your organisation or business so that you can use
OS OnDemand for the purpose for which it is licensed to your organisation or business (but not otherwise).
No part of this specification may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (including electronically)
for commercial exploitation without the prior written consent of Ordnance Survey.
No part of this specification may be copied or incorporated in products, services or publications that you generate for
onward sale, or as free promotional or support materials, without the prior written consent of Ordnance Survey.
© Crown copyright Page 8 of 43
Chapter 1
This documentation describes how to access and use the OS Maps API Beta web map tile service (WMTS)
beta API. The OS Maps API Beta WMTS adheres to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) WMTS standards
and currently uses HTTP KVP encoding. The URL for the service is:
The service is designed for quick and simple access to multiple Ordnance Survey products such as Ordnance
Survey Master Map Topography and OS VectorMap Local in raster format. The zoom stack provided by the
service is projected in British National Grid (ESPG:27700). Either a getTile request or ZXY request can be made
to the service, using the endpoints:
All requests to the service have to be appended with the value of “apikey=” followed by the API key supplied
to the customer.
OGC WMTS Specifications
This document does not attempt to provide a detailed description of the WMTS specification. Instead it is
intended to guide users in making appropriate requests to the service, while outlining service-specific features
such as styling and layers accessible. The full OGC WMTS specification can be found here:
© Crown copyright Page 9 of 43
Chapter 2
Service Requests
The OS Maps API Beta supports two requests to the service:
The requests to the service follow the OGC WMTS specification with service specific information detailed in
this chapter.
A GetCapabilities request to the service will return an XML document that describes the features of the
service. Such a request can be seen below:
The XML document returned contains the expected OGC WMTS metadata including Service Identification,
Service Provider, Operations Metadata and Contents.
Service Identification
Service identification provides information about the service such as the title, service type, version, fees and
<ows:Title>OS Maps API Beta</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Compatible Web Map Tile
Service (WMTS)</ows:Abstract>
<ows:ServiceType>OGC WMTS</ows:ServiceType>
Service Provider
Service provider contains information about the provider of the WMTS service, including the organisation
name, product website and service contact, which further contains information with regard to the service
contact. An extract is shown below with a full excerpt available in Annex A:
<ows:ProviderName>Ordnance Survey</ows:ProviderName>
<ows:IndividualName>Ian Holt</ows:IndividualName>
<ows:PositionName>Product Manager</ows:PositionName>
<ows:Voice> +44 (0)2380055619</ows:Voice>
© Crown copyright Page 10 of 43
Operations Metadata
Operations metadata provides information about the operations that the service provides, such as GetTile
and GetCapabilities, and the values allowed, such as KVP. An extract is shown below with a full excerpt
available in Annex A:
<ows:Operation name="GetCapabilities">
<ows:Get xlink:href="http://gwccluster2env.elasticbeanstalk.com//service/wmts?">
<ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
Contents provides information on the contents of the service, such as layers available, layer formants, tile
matrix sets with scale denominator and tile sizing, and other information relevant to the contents of the
service. An extract is shown below with a full excerpt available in Annex A:
<ows:Title>Merged Layers Stack</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Prototype B2B Stack</ows:Abstract>
<ows:Identifier>B2B ZoomMap</ows:Identifier>
<Style isDefault="true">
GetTile Parameters
The GetTile parameter follows the OGC WMTS request structure specification for mandatory and optional
parameters :
service (char)
The service that is being accessed.
© Crown copyright Page 11 of 43
Valid Values: “WMTS”
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
request (char)
The type of request being made to the service.
Valid Values: “GetTile”
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
version (char)
The version number of the service.
Valid Values: “1.0.0”
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
layer (char)
The layer that will be accessed by the service.
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
style (bool)
The styling of the service.
Valid Values: “true”
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
format (char)
The format of the returned tile. Future format support will include jpeg, gif and png8 formats.
Valid Values: “image/png”
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
tileMatrixSet (char)
The coordinate reference system (CRS) for the tile returned by the service. Future CRS support will include
EPSG:4326, EPSG:4258, EPSG:900913.
Valid Values: “EPSG:27700”
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
tileMatrix (char)
The zoom level for the requested tile set.
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
tileRow (int)
The requested row of the called tile.
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
tileCole (int)
The requested column of the called tile.
Multiplicity: 1
Use: Mandatory
An example URL for a GetTile request can be found below:
© Crown copyright Page 12 of 43
T=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYER=Zoom Map
© Crown copyright Page 13 of 43
Chapter 3
Zoom stack layers
The zoom stack is based on four Ordnance Survey products: OSMM Topography, OS VectorMap Local, OS
VectorMap District and Strategi with consistent map styling between all layers. The layers and datasets used
in the service can be found below:
Zoom Map Stack
Strategi + Contours (Terrain 50)
Strategi + Contours (Terrain 50)
Strategi + Contours (Terrain 50)
Strategi + Contours (Terrain 50)
VMD + Contours (Terrain 50)
VMD + Contours (Terrain 50)
VMD + Contours (Terrain 50)
VML + Contour (Terrain 5)
VML + Contour (Terrain 5)
MM Topo
MM Topo
MM Topo
Layer Examples
© Crown copyright Page 14 of 43
Strategi Styling
VectorMap District Styling
© Crown copyright Page 15 of 43
VectorMap Local Styling
OSMM Topography Styling
© Crown copyright Page 16 of 43
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a glossary of terms used in the definition of products, services,
licensing and other terms and conditions for Ordnance Survey products.
Where terms refer to other terms within the glossary, they are connected by means of hyperlink to the
relevant entries.
Application programming interface.
Any item of information packaged in a vector feature.
attribute set
A group of attributes that can legitimately and logically be used together. Each feature type uses a particular
attribute set.
A distinctive mark; an inscribed letter; one of a set of writing symbols.
The agreement that a customer has for access to Ordnance Survey products and services.
A line on a map that represents vertical elevation of terrain.
coordinate reference system
The term used for the definition that allows each spatial position to be stated as a coordinate The only
coordinate reference system currently used in OS MasterMap is the British National Grid.
coordinate transformation
A computational process of converting an image or map from one coordinate system to another.
The sole legal right to print or publish a work. Crown Copyright subsists in all Ordnance Survey publications
for a 50-year period, from the end of the year in which they were first published, by virtue of the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988.
An organisation or individual that makes use of Ordnance Survey’s data supply facilities. This includes both
direct sales customers of Ordnance Survey as well as customers of Licensed Partners. It does not include
anyone, or any organisation, that has access to Ordnance Survey material without charge.
A representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalised manner suitable for communication,
interpretation or processing.
data format
A specification that defines the order in which data is stored or a description of the way data is held in a file or
data quality
Attributes of a dataset that define its suitability for a particular purpose, such as completeness, positional
accuracy, currency and so on.
© Crown copyright Page 17 of 43
An identifiable set of data that share common characteristics and that are managed as a subset of the data
within a database.
data structure
The defined logical arrangement of data as used by a system for data management; a representation of a data
model in computer form.
definitive name
The actual name of a feature as shown on the map.
delivery mechanism
The method of supply of data to a customer (for example, offline and online).
descriptive group
Attribute with descriptive information about the feature.
descriptive name
A name describing a real-world object or feature (for example, ‘School’) as shown on the 1:10 000 Scale Raster
descriptive text
Descriptive text is defined within OS MasterMap Topography Layer as a generic name given to a feature
where a distinctive name does not apply; for example, ‘drain’, ‘boundary post’ or ‘car park’. Where the
function or purpose of some features are not clear, it is possible that they will be described with both a
distinctive and descriptive name, for example, ‘Sandy Lane (Track)’ or ‘Old Thatched House (PH)’.
descriptive term
Attribute with descriptive information about the feature.
Data that is expressed as numbers (digits) in computer-readable form.
distinctive name
A text feature that form(s) a name that distinguishes it from other text features of the same type, for
example, Millbrook School.
distinctive text
Distinctive text is defined within OS MasterMap Topography Layer as a name given to a feature or place to
distinguish it from other features or places of a similar nature, for example, ‘River Avon’, ‘Hill Lane Surgery’,
‘Leeds’ or ‘New Forest’.
dots per inch (dpi)
The resolution, or fineness, of a raster image.
See rectangular coordinates.
The process of converting information to a computer-readable form, for example, digitising maps.
A scientific organisation that compiled and disseminated the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Set, a widely-used
database of Earth ellipsoids, geodetic datums, geographic and projected coordinate systems and units of
© Crown copyright Page 18 of 43
A geographic entity such as a building or stream, either taken from a map or surveyed directly from the real
world. Can be a point/symbol, text or line.
feature code
A numerical feature code (a five-digit integer) assigned to each feature with OS MasterMap Topography
Layer. This feature code is wholly determined by the feature type, the descriptive group(s) and the descriptive
feature type
A high-level grouping of features that are treated in a similar way, for example, TopographicPoint features.
The specified arrangement of data, for example, the layout of a printed document, the arrangement of the
parts of a computer instruction or the arrangement of data in a record.
Generalisation is the task of deriving maps or geographic information products at a smaller scale, starting with
more detailed existing mapping or source data. It involves exaggerating those aspects that are important for a
particular purpose and scale and removing irrelevant detail that would clutter the product and confuse the user.
A bitmap image format that was introduced in 1987. The format supports up to 8 bits per pixel thus allowing a
single image to reference a palette of up to 256 distinct colours.
Shadows drawn on a map to represent the effect lighting has on terrain of varying elevation.
An identifier that is primarily intended to provide unique and unambiguous feature identification for the
purposes of exchanging feature-based information between computer systems, or associating data within a
computer system.
indefinite detail
Indefinite detail is defined as those physical features that are significantly important and have an outline that
is either liable to change or not defined precisely by any surveyable feature; for example, vegetation limits or
man-made slopes. The nature of vegetation is shown, except for trees and scrub (bushes, brambles and
undergrowth) growing in permanent water. Indefinite detail is not surveyed precisely. The accuracy of survey
is related to the degree of definition on the ground.
inferred links
Line features representing inferences about the real world rather than topographic statements of fact. These
sensibly subdivide certain types of polygon feature where there is no appropriate topographic detail. They are
normally used to:
 divide road sections;
 separate individual garden plots in residential areas where no dividing fence, hedge or wall exists;
 close junctions between roads and car parks or hard-standing areas; and
 close fields that have simple breaks in the hedge or wall rather than gates.
An image named after the Joint Photographic Experts Group, it uses a lossy compression format. It is
designed for compressing a full colour or greyscale images of natural, real-world scenes and works well on
photographs. It is the de facto standard for photographs on the web.
© Crown copyright Page 19 of 43
Licensed Partner
Any organisation that has entered into a formal licence agreement with Ordnance Survey to market map
information or to incorporate map data with their application or service.
The straight line segment between two given points.
map scale
The ratio between the extent of a feature on the map and its extent on the ground, normally expressed as a
representative fraction, for example, 1:1 250, 1:50 000 and so on.
Graphical or textual information about the content, quality, condition, origins and characteristics of data.
National Grid
A unique referencing system that can be applied to all Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain at all scales. It
provides an unambiguous spatial reference for any place or entity in Great Britain.
See rectangular coordinates.
object-based data
Data in which one whole feature or a collection of whole features represents one real-world object, for
example, a building or land parcel.
The zero point in a system of rectangular coordinates.
A single point represented by a square.
A bitmap image format and video codec that employs lossless data compression.
A bitmap image format and video codec that employs lossless data compression, in 8 bit.
A pair of coordinates.
point feature
A feature representing a real-world object. The geometry of a point feature is a single point (a pair of
coordinates) with optional size and orientation.
raster data
Attribute data expressed as an array of pixels, with spatial position implicit in the ordering of the pixels.
real-world object
The real-world feature represented by a feature, for example, a building, a fence, a wood.
rectangular coordinates
Also known as x-y coordinates and as eastings and northings. These are two-dimensional coordinates that
measure the position of any point relative to an arbitrary origin on a plane surface (for example, a map
projection, a digitising table or a computer screen).
A set of items that can be arranged into a sequence according to a rule.
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The use of symbols.
Tags are unique numbers that are used for identifying specific information in TIFF files, for example, image
width, image length, bits per sample, photo interpretation and resolution.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
A uniform syntax constructed from a compact string of characters to identify resources on the Internet. More
commonly referred to as a web page address.
Extensible Markup Language. A flexible way to create common information formats and share both the
format and the data on the Internet, Intranets and elsewhere. XML is extensible because, unlike HTML, the
markup tags are unlimited and self-defining. XML is a simpler and easier-to-use subset of the Standard
Generalised Markup Language (SGML), the standard for how to create a document structure.
vector data
Positional data in the form of coordinates of the ends of line segments, points, text positions and polygons
and capable of attribution.
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WMTS Beta GetCapabilities XML
This annexe contains the GetCapabilities response from the service in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Capabilities xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0"
<ows:Title>OS Maps API Beta</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Compatible Web Map Tile
Service (WMTS)</ows:Abstract>
<ows:ServiceType>OGC WMTS</ows:ServiceType>
<ows:ProviderName>Ordnance Survey</ows:ProviderName>
<ows:IndividualName>Ian Holt</ows:IndividualName>
<ows:PositionName>Product Manager</ows:PositionName>
<ows:Voice> +44 (0)2380055619</ows:Voice>
<ows:DeliveryPoint>4 Adanac Drive</ows:DeliveryPoint>
<ows:PostalCode>SO16 0AS</ows:PostalCode>
<ows:Country>Great Britain</ows:Country>
<ows:Operation name="GetCapabilities">
<ows:Get xlink:href="http://gwccluster2env.elasticbeanstalk.com//service/wmts?">
<ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
© Crown copyright Page 22 of 43
<ows:Operation name="GetTile">
<ows:Get xlink:href="http://gwccluster2env.elasticbeanstalk.com//service/wmts?">
<ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
<ows:Operation name="GetFeatureInfo">
<ows:Get xlink:href="http://gwccluster2env.elasticbeanstalk.com//service/wmts?">
<ows:Constraint name="GetEncoding">
<ows:Title>Merged Layers Stack</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Prototype B2B Stack</ows:Abstract>
<ows:Identifier>B2B ZoomMap</ows:Identifier>
<Style isDefault="true">
<ows:Title>B2C Layers Stack</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Prototype Consumer Stack</ows:Abstract>
<ows:Identifier>B2C ZoomMap</ows:Identifier>
<Style isDefault="true">
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<ows:Title>Tactical Stack</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Beta Zoom Stack</ows:Abstract>
<ows:Identifier>Zoom Map Auto</ows:Identifier>
<Style isDefault="true">
<ows:Title>Raster Layers Stack</ows:Title>
<ows:Abstract>Traditional Ordnance Survey Leeisure
<ows:Identifier>Raster ZoomMap</ows:Identifier>
<Style isDefault="true">
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 50.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 50.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 50.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 50.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 50.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
© Crown copyright Page 31 of 43
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 50.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 50.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 50.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 946.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 498.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 274.0</TopLeftCorner>
© Crown copyright Page 32 of 43
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 162.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 106.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-10.0 78.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
© Crown copyright Page 33 of 43
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
© Crown copyright Page 34 of 43
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
© Crown copyright Page 35 of 43
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1376256.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1376256.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1376256.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1347584.0</TopLeftCorner>
© Crown copyright Page 36 of 43
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1347584.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1347584.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1344000.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1344000.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1344000.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1344000.0</TopLeftCorner>
© Crown copyright Page 37 of 43
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1344000.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1344000.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1344000.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1344000.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8650878.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8536190.0</TopLeftCorner>
© Crown copyright Page 38 of 43
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8536190.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8536190.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8536190.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8529022.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8525438.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8525438.0</TopLeftCorner>
© Crown copyright Page 39 of 43
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8525438.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8524990.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8524766.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8524766.0</TopLeftCorner>
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8524766.0</TopLeftCorner>
© Crown copyright Page 40 of 43
<ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore
assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
<TopLeftCorner>-626172.0 8524738.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>90.0 -180.0</TopLeftCorner>
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