Webquest Pacific Northwest Volcanoes

Pacific North West Volcano Web-quest
Volcanoes: Background information
1. Watch this short video on general volcano structure. Pay attention to the different types of
eruptions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgktM2luLok Write your own description of the
following structures:
a. Magma chamber
b. Vent
c. Crater
d. Lahar (the mudflow – tell how these form)
2. There are three types of volcanoes. Use this link to match the description with the type of cone.
a. Name the volcano is made of sheets of thin lava that spill out relatively gently. This is still an
eruption but compared to the violent eruptions of cinder cones, they’re not very tall. The layers of
lava accumulate until a very broad-based, relatively flat cone forms.
b. Name the volcano that is made from piles of ash, cinder and tephra. These formed when thick
magma were ejected into the air, cooled and fell into a pile (the cone).
c. Name the type of volcano that is a combination of the other two. There are both thin lava sheets
that spill out as well as violent eruptions that drop ash forming layers within large cones.
3. Watch this video to show the thin lava flows of the Hawaiin islands.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2014/nov/13/hawaii-kilauea-volcano-lava-pahoavideo Knowing this is thin lava, what type of volcano would you say this is?
4. This video shows what a violent eruption looks like. Krakatoa is a composite or shield cone but
the video shows the violent eruption of a cinder cone. Watch the first 2.5 minutes of the video
then write two sentences telling how this eruption of thick lava is different from Hawaii’s thin
lava. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrEIT66oPqU
5. Lava is not the part of the eruption that is the most dangerous. pyroclastic flows are. Watch this
video and tell five things you’ve learned about pyroclastic flows.
6. Just how hot is lava? Fast forward to about seven minutes in to see the can of coke
demonstrations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CBnqZkascs
7. Read this information and write down how hot lava can be. http://www.livescience.com/32643how-hot-is-lava.html
8. http://www.eruditiononline.co.uk/experimentation/article.php?id=2106 Use this link to see what
a volcanic plug is. Scroll down the page a bit to see the diagram that shows volcanic plugs.
Describe what a volcanic plug is.
9. The link shows a 3-d view of Mount Saint Helens. In Washington. Spin the picture to see the
volcanic plug in the center. http://www.fullscreen360.com/st-helens
Pacific North West Volcanoes
10. Add these volcanoes to map on your picture page: Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Hood, Crater lake, Newberry
Crater, Mt. Ranier . Use this link to find their location:
11. This link shows local volcanoes seismicity in the last thirty days. Go back to the map and put a star
next to the volcanoes that have been active in the last thirty days. https://pnsn.org/volcanoes
Mount Hood
12. Use this link to answer the next set of questions about Mount Hood.
a. When did Mount Hood last erupt?
b. What is a lava dome? Circle the lava dome on the picture page
c. What does the USGS say about Mount Hood and pyroclastic
d. What does the site tell you about Mount Hood’s lahars?
e. Who named the Sandy River and why did they name it that?
f. On your picture page, explain the picture on the right.
13. This brief article was in the Oregonian in March 2015. From it, list signs that Mount
Hood is indeed an active volcano that could erupt.
14. This article explains how Mount Hood could go active. Write two or three sentences
that summarize the article. (What are the most important things you think the
reader should take away from the article.)
Volcanic Plugs (Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach, Beacon Rock in the Columbia)
Mount Saint Helens
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrEIT66oPqU Krakatoa Eruption