Student Policy Manual INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY POLICY MANUAL Table of Contents Page 3 Decision Point Meeting Review, Evaluation and Notification Policies/Protocols: Initial Teacher Education Program (TEP) Page 4 Initial Teacher Education Program (TEP): Cohort Admission & Maximum Enrollment Policy Page 5 Completion Policy: Teacher Education Program (TEP) Page 6 Confidentiality Page 7 Informal Evaluation of Teacher Dispositions & Fitness for the Teaching Profession Policy Page 8 Dress Code for Field Experience & Student Teaching Page 9 Course Repetition Policy: Teacher Education Program (TEP) Page 10 Universal Precautions Training Page 11 Student Teaching Eligibility – State-Mandated Test Policy Page 12 CPR-Heimlich Maneuver-AED Certification Requirement Page 13 Criminal History Background Check Policy Page 14 Criminal Background Check Procedure Page 15 Criminal Background Check Application Instructions Page 16 Program Dismissal Policy: Teacher Education Program (TEP) Page 17 Remediation Policy: Teacher Education Program (TEP) Page 18 Special Needs Disclosure Page 19 Teacher Candidate Grievance/Appeal Policy Page 20 Utilization of E-mail 2 Decision Point Meeting Review, Evaluation and Notification Policies/Protocols: Initial Teacher Education Program (TEP) The purpose of initial TEP Decision Point meetings is to review the performance and progress of all TEP candidates, where relevant knowledge, skills, and dispositions are concerned. Decision Point meetings also allow School of Education faculty to monitor candidate growth relative to the state and national standards which guide the initial TEP. Decision Point meetings also provide a vehicle for informing candidates of their program performance, progress and status. Additionally, Decision Point meetings allow faculty to monitor, aggregate and analyze candidate performance data, to inform decisions regarding program level strengths, weaknesses, changes, improvements, etc. Decision Point meetings are convened and chaired by the School of Education’s Assistant Dean for Assessment and Accreditation. Decision Point meetings are convened at least once per semester. It is the responsibility of the Assistant Dean to schedule and organize all initial TEP Decision Point meetings. The Assistant Dean is responsible for soliciting from TEP faculty and advisors data related to candidate performance, and with assistance from the School of Education’s data manager preparing that data (which will include but is not limited to, Fitness for Teaching, TEAR, transcripts, course specific performance issues, field evaluations, advising recommendations, Teacher preparation exam scores and summaries, etc.) for discussion and action. At least once each semester, the performance and progress of each active initial TEP candidate will be reviewed during a Decision Point meeting. As a result of that review, candidate program status is determined to be either: In Good Standing: The candidate has met all relevant TEP requirements, as outlined in the Metastandards Rubric, Program Planning Guides, and other TEP evaluation instruments. Candidates who remain in good standing may or may not be informed of their status in writing. Candidates whose program status changes as a result of a Decision Point review will be informed of that change in writing. Not in Good Standing: The candidate has failed to meet one or more program requirements. Candidates judged not in good standing will be notified in writing of their status. This notification will include the reasons or issues which explain or caused this status; actions, requirements, remedial experiences, etc. which the candidate should undertake to address specific issues, weaknesses, etc.; and a reasonable and specific date by which these issues, etc. must be satisfactorily resolved. Candidates whose program status remains not in good standing for an extended period of time, or who demonstrate continuous lack of progress or poor performance, risk dismissal from the TEP. (See also TEP Coursework Repetition Policy.) Candidates who wish to appeal a Decision Point review/decision may do so by contacting the Dean of the School of Education in writing. Approved November 2004 Revised September 2010 Revised May 2013 3 Initial Teacher Education Program (TEP) Cohort Admission & Maximum Enrollment Policy Completed TEP applications must be submitted directly to the School of Education office, during regular business hours. The date and time of receipt of initial TEP applications will be logged, and applications will be processed in the order received. Applications submitted by U.S. mail will be logged on the date they are delivered to the School. A complete TEP application will contain: TEP application form with all necessary and required information State-mandated test report documenting passing scores or acceptable alternative Evidence that all pre-professional courses have been completed or are currently in progress Expanded Criminal Background Check on file in the School of Education Office Initial TEP application will be processed in a timely manner, and students who meet all initial TEP admission requirements will be notified of the admission decision following the next scheduled Decision Point meeting. Initial TEP cohort maximum enrollment is 30 students. When a cohort reaches maximum enrollment, students subsequently admitted to a program will be assigned a place in the next available cohort and/or placed on a waiting list, in the order of admission. Contact School of Education Initial TEP Advisors: LaShawna Williams Carlos Zapata School of Education Office Phone: 765 455 9441 Location: KO 172 (Main Building) Revised October 2011; June 2012; May 2013 4 Completion Policy: Teacher Education Program (TEP) Students must complete their program of study within seven years of the date of formal admission into any of the Teacher Education Programs (i.e., elementary or secondary) at Indiana University Kokomo. Students may not apply to their program any Education courses (regardless of the level, 100-400) completed over ten years prior to admission into TEP. Approved May 2007 5 Confidentiality Under the Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment), P12 students have specific rights associated with confidentiality. Schools are obligated to safeguard those rights. In permitting practica students and student teachers entry into the classroom, host schools entrust the practica student and student teacher with some of the responsibility for safeguarding those rights. Therefore, it is imperative that all practica students and student teachers understand and appreciate the importance of maintaining student confidentiality. For this reason and for ethical reasons, any information which could be used to identify a student (including name, parent’s occupation, specific characteristics, uncommon disabilities, birth date, Social Security Number, relationship to individuals within the school or community, publicly known accomplishments or activities, etc.) must be carefully omitted in any conversation with anyone other than the cooperating teacher or principal. It is the responsibility of the practica student and student teacher to omit identifying information when participating in group discussions in practica-related classes or the student teaching seminar or in any other conversational situations. Discussion of P12 students with friends and/or relatives is discouraged. Practica experiences involving specific students should not be discussed in public places where they may be overheard by someone who could glean information from the discussion (e.g., in restaurants, stores, etc). Student records must always be maintained with strict adherence to confidentiality guidelines. If access to student records is deemed appropriate by school representatives, student teachers must keep the information therein absolutely confidential. Any practica student or student teacher notes, journals, course work or other forms of documentation and data gathering must also maintain the confidentiality of the P12 students. Photocopies of student work, individualized educational programs (IEPs), etc., to be used by the practica student or student teacher for course related purposes must have all identifying information blacked out with a permanent black marker. Approved August 2006 6 Informal Evaluation of Teacher Dispositions It is also important to note that embedded in our Unit Assessment System (UAS) is an informal evaluation of teacher candidate dispositions. Although most faculty and instructors within the School of Education do not use the rubric within the daily administration of course content, there is a system in place to attend to those individuals whose conduct is inappropriate or unprofessional. Behaviors such as attendance, academic honesty, integrity, etc. are monitored throughout the program. Many professors include such items within the course grade. Education faculty may also use the Fitness for the Teaching Profession Policy (see policy below) if such behaviors require closer scrutiny and/or review by the School of Education. A Fitness Report initiated by a faculty member is written documentation as to dispositional concerns. All Fitness Reports on teacher candidates are subject to evaluation through the Teacher Education Admission and Retention Policy (TEAR) and/or at School of Education Decision Point meetings. It is critical for the teacher candidates to adhere to the individual and professional code of ethics and conduct embodied in the Professional Dispositions Policy in order to participate in field practica or student teach in P-12 classrooms. As a result, the Dean of Education reserves the right to prevent a candidate’s entry into a school system if the situation warrants. Approved January 7, 2008; Revised May 15, 2010; Revised October 2011 Fitness for the Teaching Profession Policy A system is in place that is used by faculty to identify and report severe problems/behaviors exhibited by students in university classes/field experiences prior to and after admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) at Indiana University Kokomo. It is critical for teacher candidates to demonstrate and adhere to professional and dispositional skills in order to progress through the teacher certification programs (i.e., responsibility, communication, social relationships, ethics, etc.). Students who are reported two or more times for failure to meet Fitness for the Teaching Profession criteria may be subject to a hearing with the Teacher Education Admission and Retention (TEAR) Committee. The TEAR Committee will recommend to the Dean of Education appropriate action. The Dean of Education will make the final decision and the student will be notified in writing. January 2011; May 2013 7 Dress Code for Field Experience & Student Teaching As a student and guest in a public school, you need to present a professional appearance in order to reflect your transition from college student to educator. When attending field experiences and student teaching, conservative dress helps you establish authority and professionalism. Your dress should reflect modesty and should not draw attention to you or distract students. Considering comfort and ease of movement is also important when choosing your clothes and shoes. To help you dress in your best interest, the following dress code has been developed: ___You are responsible for knowing and following your school district’s dress code. In addition to your district’s code, Indiana University Kokomo dress code requires professional dress. Our dress code is based on good judgment about clean clothes, neat hairstyles, and acceptable hygiene. If a difference in dress codes between your district’s code and the IU Kokomo School of Education code exists, follow the more conservative guidelines. If you are not sure about the acceptability of a garment, check with your instructor or university supervisor or don’t wear it. ___The following are prohibited for all students attending field experiences and student teaching: Jeans, tshirts, tight fitting clothes or clothes which fit poorly and/or draw attention, visible undergarments, caps or hats indoors, tennis/athletic shoes, flip flops or sports sandals, piercings other than conservative earrings. Unusually colored hair may not be worn and all tattoos must be covered. ___These additional guidelines apply for women: Skirt and dress length should allow you to bend and move without undue exposure. Garments should not be so low, loose or tight that they are revealing. Your midriff should not be exposed. Tops and/or hip huggers that expose the waist, back or chest when bending or leaning are not allowed. You should not wear leggings, pantsuits of t-shirt material, nor crisscross or spaghetti straps. ___These additional guidelines apply for men: Shirts and pants should cover the waist, back, and chest. No tank tops will be allowed. Additional requirements, such as belt and/or tie, may be imposed at the discretion of the instructor. ___Consequences of inappropriate dress are severe. Students will be asked to return home and change, and the time missed will count as an absence from field experience or student teaching. A second offense will lead to automatic dismissal from the field experience or student teaching. ___If the school has casual dress on Fridays or for field trips, students may wear appropriately fitted school logo T-shirts (school of assignment or IU Kokomo T-shirts only) and casual clothes acceptable for the public school casual days. The other dress code guidelines still apply. ___Some schools may have more informal or casual dress. However, IU Kokomo students must follow the policy adopted by the IU Kokomo School of Education, as outlined in this policy. Approved September 8, 2010 8 Course Repetition Policy: Teacher Education Program (TEP) Students pursuing initial teacher education licensure—in elementary or secondary education—at Indiana University Kokomo must complete a series of Education (EDUC) courses. Students must successfully complete all EDUC courses with a grade of C+ or higher. In the event a grade of C+ or higher is not received, students may be eligible to repeat the course. Students may repeat the same EDUC course only once and may repeat a total of only two EDUC courses throughout their program of study. Additionally, a student who withdraws from a course after the automatic grade of “W” published date for the semester and has not demonstrated satisfactory performance in that course is also subject to the course repetition policy. This course repetition policy applies to all EDUC courses, even if a student chooses to transfer to another program within the School of Education. Please note that Student Teaching is separate from this repetition policy (see Student Teaching Removal Policy in the Field Experience and Student Teaching Handbook). Revised October 2010 Approved May 2007 9 Universal Precautions Training Universal Precautions Training will be required prior to beginning the Teacher Education Program (TEP). During the Teacher Education Program Orientation, you will receive instruction from a qualified medical practitioner on specific Universal Precautions procedures you must follow to protect yourself and the students you will interact with. Evidence of successfully completing the Universal Precautions training will be logged into the School of Education (SoE) database. If you fail to attend the TEP Orientation, you must make your own arrangements for such training and then provide evidence of completing Universal Precautions Training before beginning any field experience. You will not be permitted to undertake any field experiences without such documentation being provided to the SoE Office. 10 Student Teaching Eligibility – State-Mandated Tests Policy Statement A passing score on the relevant State-Mandated test(s) is one of the requirements for a student to be eligible for student teaching. Teacher candidates planning to student teach must have passed the required State-Mandated tests and have scores verified no later than one week prior to the start date of student teaching. The School of Education at IU Kokomo may not receive official score reports until 3 to 4 weeks after the testing date. Approved 12-3-07; Revised 10-14-10; 11-18-11; 6-25-12; May 2013 11 CPR-Heimlich Maneuver-AED Certification Requirement In accordance with Indiana Code 20-28-5-3(c), all teacher candidates are required to complete CPR-Heimlich Maneuver-AED training before being recommended for initial licensure. The School of Education will provide an opportunity for this training during the semester of student teaching. Students that do not complete the training or show proof of completion will not be recommended for initial licensure by Indiana University Kokomo. ______________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Code 20-28-5(c) Per IC 20-28-5-3(c), applicants applying for an initial teaching license must have successfully completed training in: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation that includes a test demonstration on a mannequin, removing a foreign body causing an obstruction in an airway, and the Heimlich Maneuver; and beginning July 1, 2011, the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED); and hold a valid certification in each of these procedures from either the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association or other providers as approved by the department. An initial teaching license is the first license issued to an applicant, regardless of content area or setting. Beginning July 1, 2012, the requirements above must be met for all license and permit renewals. Substitute teacher permits and educational interpreter permits are exempt. CPR-Heimlich Maneuver training may be delivered primarily on-line, but it must include a “hands-on” training/demonstration component with a mannequin. Approved Providers American Heart Association American Red Cross American Safety & Health Institute MEDIC First Aid Emergency Care and Safety Institute CPR Solutions, Inc. 12 Criminal History Background Checks Policy Effective November 1, 2009, all students enrolled in any School of Education initial teacher education program (TEP) course, or pre-TEP course, are required to have a valid expanded criminal history check on file, prior to participation in any field experience that includes direct or indirect contact with P-12 students. Explanatory Notes Indiana Code 20-26-5-10 mandates all school corporations to adopt and administer a policy requiring expanded criminal history checks for all corporation employees, effective July 1, 2009. This requirement does not extend to university students who enter P-12 buildings as a course required field experience. Nonetheless, the majority of central Indiana school corporations have adopted policies that require all university students to provide criminal background checks (either limited or expanded) as a condition of placement in any school in the corporation. All pre-TEP and TEP courses will require some degree of involvement in a P-12 school. TEP students therefore must obtain an expanded criminal history check as early as possible in their program of studies. To facilitate this requirement, and also for the sake of simplicity and consistency, the School of Education has entered into an agreement with, a private background check service which allows students to purchase their own criminal history check, which then can be readily accessed by the School, students and P-12 schools in a secure virtual environment. All TEP students are required to have an expanded criminal history check on file with this service. The expanded criminal history checks available through are in compliance with the definition of “expanded criminal history check” included in the Indiana Code. Specifically, the background check will include a search of all Indiana county records in which the subject of the search has resided, a search of records maintained by counties and other governmental agencies in other states in which the subject has resided, and a check of the national sex offender registry maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice. Students will receive from a badge which verifies compliance with the expanded criminal history check, and which can be presented to P-12 school personnel who wish to review the check. (The badge will include information for accessing the check online.) The School of Education will continue its practice of monitoring all criminal history checks provided by students, and will inform P-12 school personnel of any checks which reveal criminal activities and records. If a cooperating school corporation rejects a student for any field placement, the student will be required to meet with the Dean of Education or the Associate Dean of Education. At that time, the School of Education administrator may refer the case to the Teacher Education Admission and Retention Committee (TEAR) where a recommendation on the case will be forwarded by the Associate Dean to the Dean of Education. Students are required to see the Associate Dean of Education if any violations occur after the initial expanded criminal background check is completed. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to expulsion from the Teacher Education Program. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with School of Education faculty and advisors immediately if they have any questions or concerns about this policy. Adopted November, 2009; Revised October 2011 13 Indiana University Kokomo School of Education Criminal Background Check Procedure Education students are required to complete an expanded criminal background check upon entry into an initial field experience. A completed criminal background check is a requirement before beginning Preprofessional coursework and admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). The Director of Field Placement, upon gaining approval from school corporations for field placements each semester, will notify school administration of any reported violations. School corporations will notify the Director as to subsequent approvals in question. Students who are not approved will be reported to the Dean of Education or the Associate Dean of Education for possible Teacher Education Admission Retention (TEAR) Committee hearings. Final decisions on subsequent placement requests or termination Pre-TEP or TEP will be made by the Dean of Education. Education students are required to immediately notify the Associate Dean of Education of any violations occurring after the initial expanded criminal background check. Student teachers may be required by the host school corporation to complete a second criminal background check upon entry into student teaching. October 2010; Revised October 2011 14 rou Check ----------Student Instructions--------Indiana University- Education (Kokomo) The above organization has chosen as an approved source for background checks. About is a background check service that allows students to purchase their own background check. The results of a background are posted to the web site in a secure, tamperproof environment, where the student, as well as organizations can view the background check. To order your background check from, please follow the instructions below. Instructions 1. Go to and click on "Students." 2. In the Package Code box, enter package code: IA30 3. Select a method of payment: Visa, MasterCard or money order. Once your order is submitted, you will receive a password via email to view the results of your background check. The results will be available in approximately 48-72 hours. Notes Phone: (888) 666-7788 15 Program Dismissal Policy: Teacher Education Program (TEP) Students pursuing initial teacher education licensure in the School of Education at Indiana University Kokomo who are subsequently dismissed from any of the licensure/degree programs —elementary or secondary education—are not eligible to enter into any of the other teacher education licensure/degree programs at Indiana University Kokomo. Approved May 2007 16 Remediation Policy: Teacher Education Program (TEP) Teacher candidates who are currently enrolled in the program are expected to meet requirements identified in each licensure program. These program requirements if not met will lead to remediation dependent on the requirement category. GPA For all candidates there are minimum standards for content and pedagogical course specified in the program guide. If a candidate fails to meet the specified GPA, or obtains a grade lower than C+ in any professional education course, the course will not be applied to the individual’s program. Ramifications of this are stipulated in the student handbook and within other School policies (see Course Repetition Policy). There is no specific remediation for a course that has not met the minimum standard and candidates are expected to discuss improvement strategies with the individual faculty member. Competency in the Field Many classes have individual field components that are tied to course grades and therefore a failed field experience may lead to a class grade below the minimum of C+. However in some cases, the class may be completed with a C+ or above; however, the field component may still be below minimum standards. In this situation each candidate will be evaluated individually and remediation will take place based on the candidate’s individual needs. Candidates who are unable to meet the minimum standard in a field experience assigned to a class may be required to repeat the field experience or simply be flagged through the Fitness for the Teaching Profession policy. (See Disposition Policy and Fitness for the Teaching Profession.) Dispositions Candidates whose dispositions fall below the standards as stipulated in the Fitness for the Teaching Profession Policy are subject to the same remediation as candidates who fail to meet Metastandards expectations. Again, these are individually developed and based on the candidate’s individual needs and program standards. Revised May 2013 17 Special Needs Disclosure Any student with a documented disability (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must schedule an appointment with the Coordinator of Career and Accessibility (765-455-9301; and meet with the instructor regarding the necessary accommodations. Verification of a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act is required prior to accommodations being granted. All discussions will remain confidential. Approved August 2006 Field Experience Placement Policy Field Experience and Student Teaching placements are all made with public school corporations that are members of the Center for Educational Partnership working in conjunction with the School of Education at Indiana University Kokomo to provide learning experiences for students. All students are prohibited from acting on their own behalf or for another student to arrange a field experience placement or student teaching placement with any school or their personnel. All placements are made through the Director of Student Teaching and Field Experiences and the designated individual assigned by each CEP member to coordinate all of the details and legalities of each placement. Adopted June 11, 2013 18 Teacher Candidate Grievance/Appeal Policy If a teacher candidate in any of the initial teacher education programs in the School of Education believes his/her Decision Point evaluation is biased, inaccurate, or has been unfairly reviewed, he/she may request an appeal, in writing, with the Office of the Dean of Education within 30 days of receiving the Decision Point Letter. The Dean of Education will conduct a review and address the problem as the situation warrants. Students should also be aware that there is an Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct [The Code: Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct: Indiana University]. Procedures for administering the Code at Indiana University Kokomo can be found at Approved December 2007 Revised May 2013 19 Utilization of Email The School of Education considers email to be an appropriate mechanism for official communication with IU students unless otherwise prohibited by law. In accordance with IU Kokomo policy (Use of Email as Official Correspondence with Students, dated 12 January 2004), School faculty and staff reserve the right to send official communications to students by email with the full expectation that students will receive, read, and respond to these email messages in a timely fashion. Approved August 2006 20