Section 14 - Structures - Ohio Department of Transportation

The Developer shall design and construct all structures within the Project limits in accordance with the
Contract Documents. Structures shall be designed and constructed for the Interim Condition and the
Future Condition, as defined in Section 1.4. Structures shall also conform to Section 16 (Aesthetics and
The Developer shall assign bridge numbers to all new bridges in accordance with BDM Section 102.5.
Governing regulations and supplemental specifications are listed in Section 1. For cases where American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Specifications conflict with ODOT
standards, ODOT standards shall take precedence. For structural components not addressed by the
standards listed in Section 1, other guidelines or specifications that reflect currently accepted industry
practice can be used if Approved by the Department.
The Developer may disregard all instructions to consult the Office of Structural Engineering in the ODOT
Bridge Design Manual (BDM).
14.2.1 Definition Of I-90 Viaduct Structures And Central Viaduct Structure
The I-90 Viaduct Structures are continuous bridges spanning over the Cuyahoga River valley from West
14th Street southbound to the GCRTA tracks, inclusively. The main span portion spans over Abbey
Avenue on the west and Canal Road on the east, and includes all spans in between. The remaining spans
are considered approach spans.
The westbound I-90 Viaduct Structure is being constructed in CCG1. The eastbound I-90 Viaduct
Structure shall be designed and constructed as part of CCG2. The I-90 Viaduct Structures will replace the
Central Viaduct Structure, defined as existing Bridge No. CUY-90-1524 (Structure File No. 1809393),
which carried I-90 eastbound and westbound traffic prior to the completion of the westbound I-90
Viaduct Structure.
14.2.2 Geometrics
The Developer shall design and construct new bridges in accordance with Table 14-1.
Page 14-1
Table 14-1: New Bridge Geometric Requirements
I-90 eastbound over Fairfield Avenue
West 14 Street on-ramp to I-90
eastbound over Tremont neighborhood
parking lot
Eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure
Width and Location of
14.5 feet
12.0 feet left and right
14.5 feet
4.0 feet left; 8.0 feet right
I-90 eastbound over Ontario Street
See Table 14-2 12.0 feet left; 12.0 feet
right for mainline I-90; 8
feet right for W. 14th
Street on-ramp and offramp to Ontario Street
15.5 feet
12.0 feet left and right
I-90 eastbound off-ramp to Ontario Street
15.5 feet
4.0 feet left; 8.0 feet right
15.5 feet
12.0 feet left; 10.0 feet
I-90 eastbound over E. 9 Street
The eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure shall comply with the minimum vertical clearance requirements
shown in Table 14-2.
Table 14-2: Eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure Vertical Clearance Requirements
Minimum Vertical Clearance
West 14th Street southbound
Abbey Avenue
Towpath Trail
Cuyahoga River
14.5 feet
14.5 feet
14.5 feet
100 feet above elevation 569.4
(NAVD88) for the 200-foot wide
navigation channel
23.0 feet
14.5 feet
23.0 feet
14.5 feet
15.5 feet
23.0 feet
Norfolk Southern Railroad
West 3rd Street
CSX Willow Industrial Track
Canal Road
Commercial Road
14.2.3 Bridge Renovations
Bridge renovations shall comply with the geometric requirements specified in Table 14-3.
Page 14-2
Table 14-3: Bridge Renovation Geometric Requirements
I-71 northbound and southbound over I-490 and ramps 15.5 feet
I-90 eastbound over Starkweather Avenue
14.5 feet
I-90 eastbound over Kenilworth Avenue
14.5 feet
I-90 eastbound and westbound over I-77 southbound
Not less than
Width and
Location of
5.25 feet left;
10.0 feet right
12.0 feet left
and right
12.0 feet left
and right
Minimum of
4.0 feet left
and right
The Developer shall replace the deck and raise the superstructure at Bridge Location No. 21. The deck
shall be made composite with the steel girders.
The Developer shall replace the superstructure and widen the bridge at Bridge Location Nos. 22 and 23.
Bridge Location No. 22 shall accommodate the I-90 eastbound on-ramp and mainline I-90 eastbound
(only on I-90 eastbound/I-71 northbound portion of bridge). Work on Bridge Location No. 23 shall be for
the I-90 eastbound portion only.
At Bridge Location No. 31, the Developer shall widen the bridge to accommodate the Interim Condition.
The median parapet shall be modified to transition into portable concrete barrier. This bridge will be
removed in CCG3, as the on-ramp to southbound I-77 will be constructed over I-90 as part of the Future
At Bridge Location Nos. 22 and 23, the design live load shall be HS25 for new superstructure members.
The design live load for other members of renovated bridges shall be in accordance with BDM Section
The Developer shall perform the following at Bridge Location Nos. 21, 22, and 23:
Replace approach slabs. Replace porous backfill with new porous backfill, filter fabric, and
drainage pipe behind abutments. Patch substructure concrete in accordance with C&MS 519 at
all locations where unsound concrete is present as determined by the IQF.
Replace all curb, sidewalk, and slope protection that is cracked or damaged, as determined by
the IQF, under the bridges along the roadways being spanned within the I-90 Right-of-Way.
The following work shall be performed at Bridge Location No. 21:
Refurbish all bearings or replace them with new bearings of the same material and type.
Page 14-3
Remove and replace abutment backwalls to the top of the bearing seat.
Trim beam ends as needed to achieve a gap no smaller than 3 inches between beam ends and
Remove the bump plates at the rear abutment along girder lines E, F, and G.
Install steps to access abutment bearings.
Steps shall be capable of resisting a 400-pound proof load in direct pull. Steps shall be fabricated in
accordance with one of the following:
C&MS 711.13 with a depressed thread or 0.5-inch minimum cleat
C&MS 711.30 with a depressed thread or 0.5-inch minimum cleat
Friction-fit steps that comply with C&MS 711.31
The Developer shall perform the following at Bridge Location Nos. 22 and 23:
Replace bearings with elastomeric bearings.
Remove and replace pier caps with new pier caps supported by and continuous over both new
and existing columns.
Replace underpass lighting in accordance with Section 17.
At Bridge Location Nos. 22 and 23, the Developer shall either design and construct a conventional
abutment with a deck joint or convert the abutment to semi-integral. For conventional abutments, the
backwall shall be removed and replaced to the top of the bearing seat and the beam ends shall be
trimmed as needed to achieve a gap no smaller than 3 inches between beams ends and backwalls.
The Developer shall perform the following at Bridge Location No. 31:
Widen rear approach slab.
Remove and replace existing rear abutment backwall to top of bearing seat under new approach
Replace porous backfill with new porous backfill and filter fabric behind portion of rear
abutment where backwall is removed.
Place new porous backfill, filter fabric, and drainage pipe behind new portion of rear abutment.
Tie new drainage pipe into existing drainage pipe.
Cracked and damaged curb, sidewalk, and slope protection shall be replaced in segments delineated by
existing construction joints.
Where median barrier is modified at Bridge Location No. 31 to accommodate the Interim Condition, the
Developer shall provide a linear transition over a 20-foot minimum length to match the height of the
portable concrete barrier. A hinged connection shall be provided at all gaps between median parapet
sections and the portable concrete barrier.
Page 14-4
After removal of median barrier placed on the westbound I-90 Viaduct Structure to achieve the BiDirectional Condition, the Developer shall fill all anchor holes with grout and seal these areas with high
molecular weight methacrylate.
When raising structures, the adjustment in beam seat elevations shall be accomplished by steel shims if
the amount raised is 4 inches or less. If the structure is raised more than 4 inches, the bridge seat shall
be raised for its entire length by adding a reinforced concrete cap dowelled into the existing concrete.
Steel shims shall be painted after installation.
The Developer shall immediately cease all jacking operations and install supports if, during bridge
jacking operations, cracking of the concrete superstructure or other damage to the structure occurs.
All ends of cover plates and beam continuity welds with splice plates shall be retrofitted. Retrofits shall
not result in the bridge no longer satisfying minimum vertical clearance criteria.
Existing and new steel damaged due to rehabilitation work shall be repaired and painted with the OZEU
paint system per C&MS 514.
14.2.4 Bridge Removals
Bridge removal requirements shall apply to both total bridge removals and partial removals needed to
renovate bridges to remain.
The Developer shall remove bridges as specified in Table 14-4.
Table 14-4: CCG2 Bridge Removals
Bridge Location No.
Central Viaduct Structure
I-90 eastbound and westbound
I-90 westbound over East 9th Street
I-90 eastbound over East 9th Street
US 422 eastbound on-ramp to I-77 southbound over Ontario
US 422 eastbound and East 9th Street on-ramp to I-77
southbound over East 9th Street
I-77 northbound and southbound over East 14th Street (US
422 eastbound on-ramp portion only)
Norfolk Southern Railroad siding over GCRTA
The Developer shall be responsible for bridge removal in a sequence and manner that maintains the
stability of the remaining members until all members have been removed. The Developer shall maintain
Page 14-5
the stability of the structure under all conditions. The Developer shall remain solely responsible for all
aspects of safety, structural capacity, structural stability, applicable regulations, and permits associated
with bridge removal work.
The exit ramp constructed for eastbound I-90 traffic at the east end of the Central Viaduct Structure was
originally constructed with a shoring tower, which made the span over GCRTA railroad composite for
dead load. The Developer shall consider the original construction method for this exit ramp in
determining how this portion of the bridge will be removed.
During removal of the Central Viaduct Structure, the Developer shall maintain a vertical clearance of 96
feet above the Cuyahoga River level at all times for the entire width between the bulkhead walls. All
navigation devices required by the United States Coast Guard for the Central Viaduct Structure shall be
provided and maintained by the Developer until the truss span over the river has been completely
A barge-mounted crane in the river may be used to remove portions of the bridge. Barges shall be clear
of the navigation channel when not in use.
At a minimum, the Central Viaduct Structure shall be removed to 2 feet below the existing or final grade,
whichever is at a lower elevation. The Developer shall also completely remove the sheet piling, tiebacks,
and dead-man sheeting placed longitudinally to the Central Viaduct Structure approximately centered
next to the second existing pier north of Abbey Avenue.
The Developer shall prepare demolition plans for the removal of bridges in accordance with C&MS
501.05. Demolition plans shall demonstrate the feasibility of all operations proposed to safely remove
bridges and shall include the following:
Details for all temporary supports and falsework
Detailed procedures and plans for the protection of traffic adjacent to and under the bridge,
including vehicular, pedestrian, railroad, and boat traffic
Details for all devices and structures necessary to ensure such protection
For the Central Viaduct Structure, the demolition plan shall include the following:
Description of and design computations for temporary structures (if used)
Methods of demolition
Location and type of equipment
Sequence of removal
Pick points on members
Sizes of pieces removed
Hauling method
Location of hauling equipment
Page 14-6
Structural analysis of the bridge demonstrating that the bridge will remain structurally sound
and stable during all phases of removal operations
For bridges being removed over or immediately adjacent to railways, the demolition plans shall indicate
the method of protection for the track structure.
The use of explosives is not allowed. Headache balls are not allowed for demolition of bridge
substructures west of Abbey Avenue. Deck concrete shall be removed only by lift methods west of
Abbey Avenue.
Headache balls and hoe-rams shall not be used for partial removals needed to renovate bridges.
Chipping hammers shall not be heavier than the nominal 90-pound class, except where used to remove
concrete within 18 inches of substructure portions to be preserved, where the weight of the hammer
shall not be more than 35 pounds. Pneumatic hammers shall not be placed in direct contact with
reinforcing steel to be retained in a renovated structure.
The Developer shall sawcut the boundaries of concrete removals a minimum depth of 1 inch, except for
the following specific locations noted for Bridge Location No. 31. At Bridge Location No. 31, the
Developer shall sawcut full-depth all boundaries of concrete removals at the wingwall and longitudinal
boundaries at the approach slab that will not be located in the shoulder.
No debris shall be allowed to fall onto railway property or the Cuyahoga River. No staging of equipment
or material is allowed on Railroad property without the express written permission of the Railroad.
Sandstone blocks and brick pavers being stored under the Central Viaduct Structure shall be protected
from damage during bridge removal operations.
No materials or equipment shall be stored on the Central Viaduct Structure prior to or during removal of
the structure.
Before construction equipment is mobilized over or operated on Bridge Location No. 35, the Developer
shall analyze the capacity of the bridge to ensure it is structurally adequate for all loads induced by the
At Bridge Location No. 34, the east abutment shall remain. The Developer shall place a barrier between
the guardrail and the barrier for southbound I-77.
14.2.5 Structure Type Requirements And Limitations
The following superstructure types are allowed:
Steel I-beam or I-girder
Prestressed concrete bulb-tee or I-girder
Concrete slab without voids
Page 14-7
Structure types shall be in accordance with Table 14-5 for the listed bridges.
Table 14-5: Bridge Superstructure Types
Bridge Location No.
Superstructure Type
I-90 Viaduct Structure
Eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure
Steel girder
West 14 Street on-ramp to I-90
Steel girder
I-90 eastbound over Ontario Street
Steel girder
I-90 eastbound off-ramp to Ontario Street
Steel girder
The main span portion of the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure shall be designed and constructed with
five steel girders that satisfy the aesthetic requirements specified in Appendix AE-01 (Aesthetic Detail
Requirements). All other beam and girder bridges shall have a minimum of four stringer lines.
Prestressed concrete box beams and truss type bridges are not allowed.
Fracture-critical members and non-redundant superstructure designs are prohibited.
For the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure, a three-dimensional model shall be used to determine the
load distribution to the framing system.
The eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure shall be designed and constructed such that deck repairs and
replacement can be accomplished while maintaining three 11-foot traffic lanes and a 2-foot shoulder on
each side of the eastbound bridge. Girders shall be designed as non-composite when the concrete deck
does not extend across the full width of the top flange.
The Developer shall design temporary support points at each substructure of the eastbound I-90 Viaduct
Structure. Temporary support points shall be clearly identified in the Design Documents. Temporary
support points shall be designed for dead load only during bearing replacement operations.
The Developer shall use the traffic data in Table 14-6 for fatigue calculations:
Table 14-6: I-71 and I-90 Traffic Data
Current ADT Design Year
(ADT 2035)
Truck (24Hour B & C)
Northbound I-71 over I-490 and Ramps
Southbound I-71 over I-490 and Ramps
Page 14-8
Current ADT Design Year
(ADT 2035)
Truck (24Hour B & C)
Eastbound I-90 over Starkweather, Kenilworth, 64,000
Fairfield, and Abbey Avenues
Eastbound I-90 on-ramp over Tremont neighborhood 7,300
parking lot
Eastbound I-90 over Cuyahoga River Valley
Eastbound I-90 over Ontario Street
Eastbound I-90 off-ramp over Ontario Street
Eastbound I-90 over E. 9 Street and I-77 Southbound 45,000
Westbound I-90 over E. 9th Street and I-77 48,000
Southbound Ramps
14.2.6 Foundations
Bridge foundations shall conform to provisions of Section 9 (Geotechnical), in addition to the
requirements of this Section 14.
Drilled shafts shall be socketed into bedrock a minimum depth of 1.5 times the drilled shaft diameter.
Skin friction capacity provided by the top 2 feet of the drilled shaft rock socket shall be neglected. Drilled
shaft friction capacity provided by soil shall be neglected for bridge foundations.
All drilled shafts, including demonstration shafts and production shafts, shall be tested with crosshole
sonic logging (CSL) and thermal integrity profiling (TIP) procedures as specified in Appendix GE-02
(Drilled Shaft Testing).
For drilled shafts, the minimum clear distance between longitudinal and lateral reinforcement shall not
be less than five times the maximum aggregate size.
Drilled shafts shall not be installed on the Project until after successful construction of at least one
demonstration drilled shaft as specified in Appendix GE-03 (Demonstration Drilled Shafts).
A substructure foundation with less than four drilled shafts shall be considered non-redundant. A 20percent capacity reduction factor shall be applied to each drilled shaft when less than four drilled shafts
are constructed in an individual substructure foundation.
Drilled shafts are required for bridge foundations constructed between Abbey Avenue and the Cuyahoga
River, due to grading in the west slope region between Abbey Avenue and the Cuyahoga River, as
described in Section 9. The tops of foundations located between Abbey Avenue and the Cuyahoga River
shall be a minimum of 1 foot below finished grade.
Page 14-9
Construction of foundations in the west slope shall not occur until the excavation of the west slope as
described in Section 9 is complete.
Spread footings are not allowed for any bridge foundation.
Underreams or belled shafts are not allowed.
Augercast piles and continuous flight auger (CFA) piles are not allowed.
Timber piles are not allowed for any permanent structure.
Open-ended pipe piles are not allowed.
For pile foundations, the Developer shall perform a driveability analysis using the wave equation
method to select the pile driving impact hammer required for installing the piles to the required
ultimate bearing value, without damaging the piles. The Developer shall use a hammer that will achieve
the required ultimate bearing value for the pile and large enough to permit a dynamic load test to verify
that the ultimate bearing capacity shown on the Design Documents can be achieved. Dynamic load
testing of piles shall be performed with the same hammer used during installation of piles.
For pile sizes included in the BDM, the ultimate bearing values for piles not driven to refusal on bedrock
shall not be greater than the tabulated values listed in BDM Section
Downdrag loads shall be included in the design of bridges in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications Article 3.11.8.
14.2.7 Substructures
All substructures shall be cast-in-place concrete.
Except as noted for the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure, all new substructures and substructure
widenings, including retaining walls in front of substructures, shall align with adjacent substructures
supporting westbound I-90. This provision does not apply to the following:
Bridge Location No. 24, where the alignment of the substructures and retaining walls shall be
adjusted to follow the alignment of Fairfield Avenue
Bridge Location No. 25, where a pier may be placed in the Tremont neighborhood parking lot
required in accordance with Section 12 (Roadway)
For the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure, a pier shall be located in the west bank of the Cuyahoga River
that aligns with Pier No. 4 of the westbound I-90 Viaduct Structure. All other substructure locations shall
be aligned with the substructure locations of the westbound I-90 Viaduct Structure as much as possible.
All Work for the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure shall be performed by the Developer to minimize the
impact on the existing stabilization structure and monitoring system located in the west slope of the
Page 14-10
Cuyahoga River. At a minimum, all Work shall be performed without reducing the structural capacity of
the stabilization structure. The measured force and moment in each tie-beam impacted by the Work
shall be resisted by new members installed prior to removing existing members such that the measured
force and moment resisted by each of the remaining tie-beams is not increased. The Developer shall
prepare a Stabilization Structure Mitigation Plan identifying all impacts to the existing stabilization
structure and the Developer’s solution for addressing these impacts.
Substructure locations shall adhere to the restrictions shown in Appendix RW-01 (Right-Of-Way Map)
and LD-05 (Clearance Envelopes).
Beam seat pedestals are not allowed, except as required for the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure to
satisfy the requirements of Appendix AE-01 (Aesthetic Detail Requirements).
Cap and column piers shall have a minimum of three columns per unit. This provision does not apply to
the following:
Piers supporting only the main span portion of the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure
The pier supporting the main span portion and east approach spans of the eastbound I-90
Viaduct Structure
Bridge Location No. 25
The faces of pier footings shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the back face of dock walls. If dock wall
tie-backs are placed through the pier substructure or pier foundations, the tiebacks shall be placed in
non-grouted ducts.
Hollow piers shall have all internal forms removed. The bottom of voids for hollow piers shall not extend
below the ground line.
Abutments behind MSE walls shall be supported by deep foundations.
The limitations specified in BDM Section 205.8 for integral design and BDM Section 205.9 for semiintegral design shall be considered maximums for both steel and concrete superstructures.
Railway crash walls shall have a minimum height of 10 feet above the top of rail, except where a pier is
located within 12 feet of the centerline of tracks, and in that instance, the minimum height shall be 12
feet above the top of rail. The crash wall shall be at least 2.5 feet thick. For a cap and column pier, the
face of the wall shall extend 12 inches beyond the face of the columns on the track side. The crash wall
shall be anchored to the footings and columns.
Porous backfill shall be placed in 6-inch maximum lifts.
Page 14-11
14.2.8 Superstructure
The following superstructures shall be designed with an operational importance load modifier equal to
1.05 (See Section S1.3.5 of the 2007 ODOT BDM):
Eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure
Bridge Location No. 24
Bridge Location No. 26
Bridge Location No. 30
The Developer shall comply with Article of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications in
their design.
For the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure, expansion joints are only allowed at the following locations:
Ends of the bridge
Between the main span portion of the bridge and the approach spans
All joints shall be sealed from bridge deck surface drainage. Open-type joints that accept bridge deck
surface drainage, such as finger joints, are not allowed.
The Developer shall prepare framing plans for the east approach spans of the eastbound I-90 Viaduct
Structure and Bridge Location No. 31. Framing plans shall demonstrate the Developer’s approach to
addressing the geometric challenges at these locations and shall include the following:
Beam/stringer spacing
Crossframe/diaphragm locations
Field splice locations
Expansion joint locations
Bearing locations and types
The Developer is responsible for fit-up and erection of structural steel members. The Developer shall
shop assemble structural steel members in accordance with C&MS 513.24.
Design haunch shall be a minimum of 2 inches over the entire width of the flange, excluding the splice
plates. Negative design haunches over splice plates are prohibited.
A longitudinal field weld web splice will be allowed for the main span portion of the I-90 Viaduct
Structure. Welding shall be in accordance with C&MS 513.21. Field testing of the weld shall be in
accordance with C&MS 513.25 A. An Approved organic zinc primer compatible with the inorganic zinc
primer will be acceptable for the portion of the web not shop painted or damaged due to welding.
Page 14-12
For haunched girders, the corner between the flat bottom flange bearing seat area and the curved
section of the bottom flange shall be detailed as two plates with a full penetration weld. Skewed
crossframes at intermediate support points are prohibited.
For the steel ductility requirements of AASHTO LRFD Article, the design haunch shall not be
included in the determination of Dp and Dt.
Prestressed, post-tensioned concrete I-beams shall have a minimum web thickness of 8 inches.
For prestressed members without post-tensioning, approximate methods to determine time-dependent
losses utilizing AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Eq. shall be used.
Except for the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure, all new bridges shall use elastomeric bearings.
Elastomeric bearings shall be designed based on a selected durometer of either 50 or 60. Field welding
of a beam or girder to the bearing load plate shall be controlled so the temperature to which the
elastomer is subjected does not exceed 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pot-type bearings, disc-type bearings, and spherical-type bearings shall be designed in accordance with
the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and constructed in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Construction Specifications, except that the out-of-flatness value between the bearing seat and
masonry plate shall not exceed the lesser of 0.005 inches per inch or 0.125 inches.
All new structural steel shall be painted with the Department’s IZEU coating system, per C&MS 514.
Sign supports attached to the fascia of overpass bridges are prohibited.
Overhead sign structures placed on the main span portion of the I-90 Viaduct Structure shall be placed
within 25 feet of the knuckle of the delta girder.
Utilities shall not be suspended below the bottom of the bridge superstructure or attached on the
outboard side of bridge superstructures.
Utilities shall not be hung from bridge decks.
14.2.9 Deck
All bridge decks shall be full-depth, cast-in-place concrete. Full-depth, precast concrete deck panels are
not allowed.
Metal stay-in-place deck forms are not allowed, except for the following structures:
Main span portion of the I-90 Viaduct Structure
East approach spans of the I-90 Viaduct Structure for the span over the GCRTA only
Bridge Location No. 31
Page 14-13
Stay-in-place forms shall be galvanized. Except as needed for installation using screws, the Developer
shall not cut or drill stay-in-place forms after being shop-galvanized.
The flutes of stay-in-place forms shall be filled with concrete. Synthetic materials such as expanded
polystyrene are not allowed for filling the flutes. Removable deck form work shall be used for a distance
of 5 feet on both sides of all deck expansion joints and scuppers.
Precast concrete deck forms (panels) are not allowed. Bituminous wearing surfaces are not allowed for
permanent bridge deck construction.
The Developer shall seal all monolithic deck construction joints in accordance with C&MS 511.19.
Approach Slabs
Approach slabs shall be used for all bridges on the Project.
For the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure, approach slab lengths shall be 50 feet measured along the
roadway baseline. The thickness of the slab and size of the reinforcing steel shall be based on an
approach slab length of 30 feet per ODOT SCD AS-1-81. The number and length of bars shall be modified
as needed for a 50-foot length.
The unclassified excavation beneath approach slabs shall be in accordance with C&MS 503, except that
the backfill material shall conform to C&MS 703.17 and meet the compaction requirements of C&MS
304.05. In addition, the backfill material shall be placed and compacted in 6-inch maximum lifts.
Joints separating moment slabs and approach slabs, and intermediate expansion and contraction joints
in moment slabs, shall be sealed with a precompressed expansion joint filler in accordance with
Appendix ST-01 (Structures Project Provisions, Precompressed Foam Joint).
Except as noted, barriers on the outside deck edges shall be 42 inches high, straight face deflector type
per ODOT SCD SBR-1-99. At the following locations, barriers on the outside deck edges shall conform to
the Texas Department of Transportation Type T80HT Traffic Rail (TL-5 Rating) using the elliptical tube
with rail details (not the rectangular pipe rail details) in accordance with Appendix ST-03 (Texas Type HT
The eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure
Bridge Location No. 25
The metal railing and supports for the Type T80HT Traffic Rail shall be hot-dip galvanized and powder
coated (including appropriate surface preparation). The tube rail shall be tied into the structure
grounding system.
Page 14-14
Bridge deck median barriers shall match approach roadway median barriers. Barriers and sidewalks shall
not be included as part of the cross-section for calculation of structural capacity.
Slip forming is not allowed for concrete barrier on bridges, moment slabs, or retaining walls.
Parapet reinforcing steel shall be cast into the bridge deck and approach slabs.
Drainage System
The allowable spread of flow shall be as calculated in the ODOT Location and Design Manual.
Deck surface drainage shall be collected in a closed system off the end of all bridges, except at the
following locations, where deck drains are allowed:
Bridge Location No. 21
The eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure
At Bridge Location No. 21, the location of new free fall scuppers shall not be placed closer to the
roadways below the bridge than currently existing scuppers.
Over-the-side drainage is not allowed, except at the following location:
Bridge Location No. 31
Where over-the-side drainage is allowed, the drainage area shall be limited to the deck area behind the
barrier on the outside edge of the deck. The Developer shall provide a stilling basin and outlet where
over-the-side drainage will fall, in accordance with Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 14.
Bridge deck drainage systems shall conform to the following:
Deck drainage shall be collected at the gutter lines (toe of parapet) by scuppers.
The shoulder cross-slope shall not exceed 4 percent or the slope of the adjacent lane, whichever
is greater.
Transverse deck drains are not allowed.
Welding of scuppers, downspouts, or drainage supports is not allowed in tension areas of main
steel members.
Conduit enclosed in substructures is not allowed.
The conduit shall have sufficient slope to maintain a minimum velocity of 3 feet per second and
shall not be sloped less than 15 degrees. Provide the steepest slopes possible while satisfying all
other Contract requirements.
The bridge deck drainage system for the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure shall conform to the
requirements of ST-01 (Structures Project Provisions, Specification for Bridge Deck Drainage System) and
the following:
Page 14-15
The minimum allowable conduit diameter is 14 inches
Vertical conduit runs to the ground drainage system shall only be located at piers.
All bridge drainage inlets/scuppers shall be located within 20 feet of a substructure unit or the
knuckle of the delta girder.
Vertical conduit from the superstructure shall flow into a drain pan attached to the
Vertical conduit runs to the ground drainage system shall consist of closed conduit, except at
drain pans attached to substructures, overflow points, and a free fall of 2 feet above the ground.
The drainage shall be controlled at the point of discharge (i.e., bottom of the vertical conduit) by
permanent features that completely contain the discharge and prevent erosion to the adjacent
ground, while discharging up to the 25-year design storm.
The conduit system shall be designed to overflow before the deck floods.
The maximum allowable conduit bend angle is 45 degrees.
Cleanouts shall be provided immediately upstream of each bend, on vertical downspouts
accessible from the ground, and at the end of each horizontal segment.
Material Properties
Concrete for all structures shall be designated as QC/QA Concrete and shall satisfy the requirements of
C&MS 455.
The use of fly ash is prohibited for mass concrete elements.
The design concrete compressive strengths listed in the ODOT BDM shall be considered minimum
values. The maximum design concrete compressive strengths as specified in Standard Bridge Drawing
PSID-1-99 shall not apply.
Lightweight concrete shall not be used for cast-in-place concrete decks or overlays.
All coarse aggregate shall have an absorption of 1 percent or greater as defined by ASTM C127. This
requirement shall be included as a note in the Released for Construction Plans.
Sealing Of Concrete Surfaces
Concrete surfaces shall be sealed with an epoxy-urethane sealer.
For prestressed bulb-tees, the limits of sealing shall be as specified for prestressed concrete beams per
ODOT BDM Figure 302.1.4.3-1.
Except for Bridge Location No. 24, the Developer shall seal the bottom surface and vertical surfaces of
the bottom flange for interior prestressed concrete I-beams and bulb-tees.
Page 14-16
For steel beams and steel I-girders, the limits of sealing shall be per ODOT BDM Figure 302.1.4.3-2,
except that the limits of sealing for the underside of the deck overhang shall extend to the flange of the
fascia beam or girder.
Bridge Load Ratings
All bridges shall be load-rated per Section 900 of the ODOT BDM, with the following clarifications and
Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) shall be used for bridges designed following Load and
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) procedures.
Load Factor Rating (LFR) shall be used for bridges designed following Load Factor Design (LFD)
The bridge load rating shall be based on the Interim Condition.
The Developer shall provide a rating manual for any bridge type that is not compatible with
BARS-PC or AASHTO Virtis software. The rating manual shall include a Microsoft Excelcompatible spreadsheet in electronic format to load-rate the bridge for future permit vehicles
(e.g., overweight or superload vehicles). The spreadsheet shall be capable of performing the
analysis with the permit vehicle isolated and included with legal loads. Such vehicles may weigh
up to 600,000 pounds, have as many as 25 axles with two to eight tires per axle, and have a
width of 20 feet and a length of 200 feet.
Each bridge load rating submission shall include the computer files in electronic format.
At Bridge Location No. 21, the bridge load rating report requirement may be waived upon
request by the Developer, if the Developer’s design sufficiently corresponds with the
Department’s preliminary design work, at the sole discretion of the Department.
In CCG1, retaining walls were constructed to retain the embankment around certain bridge abutments.
Where new bridges are being designed and constructed adjacent to such bridge locations, the retaining
walls shall be continued in front of the new bridge abutments except as noted for the eastbound I-90
Viaduct Structure and Bridge Location No. 30. The retaining wall type shall be the same as that of the
adjacent wall. Segments of the existing walls parallel with the I-90 alignment and between I-90 bridges
shall be abandoned and left in place.
At the forward abutment of the eastbound I-90 Viaduct Structure, the Developer shall design and
construct one of the following:
A retaining wall of the same type as that of the adjacent wall in front of the abutment
An abutment that aligns with the existing retaining wall in front of the abutment
At Retaining Wall H supporting eastbound I-90 and the rear abutment of Bridge Location No. 30, the
retaining wall types shall be as follows:
Page 14-17
Cast-in-place cantilever wall, soil nail wall, soldier pile wall, or secant wall (adjacent drilled
shafts) for the portion of the wall parallel to I-90
MSE wall for the portion of the wall parallel to E. 9th Street
At Retaining Wall 1 supporting the entrance ramp embankment and rear abutment of Bridge Location
No. 25, an MSE wall type shall be used.
At Bridge Location No. 24 where new MSE walls abut existing MSE walls, a vertical concrete coping shall
be constructed at the interface.
Cast-in-place concrete facings are required for soil nail walls, soldier pile walls, and secant walls. Cast-inplace concrete facings shall have a minimum thickness of 6 inches.
All coarse aggregate shall have an absorption of 1 percent or greater as defined per ASTM C127. This
requirement shall be included as a note in the Released for Construction Plans.
The Developer shall not use timber for permanent retaining walls.
Modular block walls are not allowed for walls greater than 3 feet of total overall wall height, except as
noted for Walls C and 3. Wall C shall use Redi-Rock, limestone finish units produced by a licensed
manufacturer. Wall 3 shall be constructed as specified in Appendix GE-01 (West Slope Grading Plans).
MSE walls with modular block facings are prohibited.
Utilities shall not be placed within the reinforced soil mass of MSE walls, with the exception of
roadway/storm drainage systems in Type B conduits in accordance with ODOT L&D Volume 2, Section
1002.3.2. Utilities shall be encased in casing pipe per BDM Section 301.7.
Drainage for overland flow shall be provided at the top of retaining walls preventing water from flowing
across vertical faces of walls.
For retaining wall foundations, the Developer is not required to socket drilled shaft foundations into
bedrock. Drilled shaft friction capacity provided by soil is allowed for retaining wall foundations.
Slip forming is not allowed for concrete barrier on top of retaining walls or moment slabs.
Fall protection consisting of black, vinyl-coated, chain-link fence shall be installed on top of retaining
walls accessible to pedestrians or maintenance personnel.
14.3.1 Cuyahoga River Bulkhead Walls
Steel sheet pile vertical bulkhead walls shall comply with Section 5 (Environmental Commitments). The
Developer shall comply with City of Cleveland City Ordinance, Title XI – Port Control, Chapter 573 for
design criteria and requirements, and Chapter 575 for dock line alignment. Design of sheet pile bulkhead
shall be coordinated with Section 9 (Geotechnical).
Page 14-18
The Developer shall provide a procedure in the Design Documents for replacement of all tiebacks
without requiring temporary support or shoring of the bulkhead walls. The procedure shall not include
any modifications to the steel sheet pile members other than that needed to anchor new tiebacks.
All tiebacks shall be galvanized. Alternative methods of corrosion protection may be submitted to the
Department for Approval.
Cranes, crane pads, outriggers, and stored materials 60,000 pounds or more gross weight are prohibited
within 25 feet of the bulkhead walls.
14.3.2 Green Bulkheads
The Developer shall construct two green bulkhead additions to provide larval fish habitats along the
Cuyahoga River. The additions shall serve as pocket habitats. Green bulkhead additions shall be within
Project Right-of-Way on the Cuyahoga River and outside the footprint of the new structure. The green
bulkhead additions shall be located on the east bank of the Cuyahoga River within the limits of the new
bulkhead construction. The green bulkhead additions shall be designed to be self-sustainable and
require minimal maintenance. The Developer shall consult and incorporate the recommendations of an
environmental professional experienced in wetland plantings for design of the pocket habitat with
respect to plantings and issues related to establishing a functional habitat.
General scope of work includes:
Remove shoreline material from behind the wall as follows:
o Excavate to a depth approximately 10 feet below the top of the bulkhead. The
excavation shall extend for 10 feet behind the wall at approximately the same depth.
o Beyond the first 10 feet behind the wall, the excavation shall follow a 1.5:1 (H:V)
maximum slope until existing grade is met.
Provide geotextile fabric along the bottom of the excavated section.
Place a clean soil layer (4 to 6 inches thick) immediately landward of the waterside bulkhead
Place a gravel fill layer over the new soil layer.
Cut vertical slots in the webs of the wall along the entire length of the excavated area to
accommodate habitat access to the excavated area. Vertical slots shall be approximately 4
inches wide. The top of the slots shall be no more than 3 inches below the OHWM. The bottom
of the slots shall be 6 inches above the top of the newly placed soil layer.
Install aquatic plantings to provide cover for the fish and aid in increasing dissolved oxygen
Each green bulkhead addition shall be 20 to 25 feet wide (measured perpendicular to the bulkhead), and
the entire length of work, including grading, along the wall shall be 60 feet for each pocket habitat.
Pocket habitats shall be separated by at least 50 feet.
Page 14-19
Bulkhead wall anchors shall not be placed within the pocket habitats.
For additional reference information, the Developer may contact the Cuyahoga RAP Executive Director:
Cuyahoga RAP Executive Director
1299 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114
Attn: Jane Goodman
216-241-2414 x610
The Developer shall design and construct a permanent canopy over the Towpath Trail in accordance
with Appendix ST-14 (Towpath Trail Canopy).
Unless otherwise indicated, all deliverables shall be submitted in both electronic format and hardcopy
format. Acceptable electronic formats include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe Acrobat (.PDF)
files, unless otherwise indicated. At a minimum, the Developer shall submit the following to the
Number of Copies
Submittal Schedule
Demolition Plans
60 days before
construction for Central
Viaduct Structure, 50
days before construction
for other bridges with
railroad involvement,
and 7 days before
construction otherwise
Drilled Shaft
Installation Plan
Submit prior to
construction of any
demonstration drilled
Stabilization Structure
Mitigation Plan
Submit prior to
performing any work
that would impact the
Page 14-20
Number of Copies
Submittal Schedule
existing stabilization
Framing Plans
Submit prior to any
interim design
submittals for each
Buildable Unit
Bridge Load Rating
Submit each report
with the final design
submittal for each
Bridge Load Rating
Submit each manual
with the Released for
Construction design
submittal for each
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