Mass Intentions - St. Anselm Parish

Dear Parishioners,
The 50th Anniversary of Saint Anselm School provides us with the opportunity to praise and thank
God for the many blessings God has bestowed upon our school. Saint Anselm School has been blessed
with the presence of the IHM Sisters and lay teachers whose Catholic faith and love for learning has been
the vehicle through which children have been educated. Saint Anselm School has been blessed by parents
who have chosen Catholic School Education for their children.
Historical records for Saint Anselm School note facts and figures. A history of Saint Anselm
School, like the one following this letter, records the rapid growth and need for classrooms that marked
the first fifteen years of Saint Anselm School. Yearbooks picture happenings and events which students,
faculty, and parents experienced in a given academic year. What could never be written is the history for
what has happened in the mind, heart, and soul of each student who ever attended school here. Our
records note that over 30,000 children have attended Saint Anselm School. In each and every student
who attended Saint Anselm School there is a history, a story that can be told about their educational
experience here.
It has been said that, “To teach is to touch a life forever.” Academic subjects taught in Saint
Anselm School have imparted knowledge causing minds and intellects to grow and expand. The solid
elementary education offered by Saint Anselm School has been the foundation upon which many have
been able to build upon with further education enabling them to develop the talents and skills which God
had given them. Hearts have been nurtured in the hallowed walls of our schools. Character has been
built. Souls, imbued with the living presence of the Holy Spirit, have been sanctified, graced and sent
forth into the world to live life in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Throughout its 50 years, Saint Anselm School
has educated students in an environment permeated with Gospel values.
May God be praised for all the good and marvelous growth that God enabled and empowered to
happen in Saint Anselm School.
Happy Anniversary Saint Anselm School,
Father Dunleavy
A History of Saint Anselm School
Saint Anselm Parish was founded on June 6, 1962. Archbishop John Krol appointed Father Edmond
Walsh to be the founding pastor. High on the list of priorities for the new parish was for a school to be built to
provide Catholic education for the children.
On October 3, 1962, Archbishop Krol gave approval to engage Peter and Paul Getz as architects. (The
present Church was meant to be a temporary church and converted into a gymnasium after a “permanent” church
was built on the corner of Dunks Ferry Road and Belgreen Road.) On December 26, 1962 McCullough & Howard
Co. were engaged for the construction of the School and Church building. The cost would be $551,488. Ground
breaking for the school occurred on January 6, 1963.
For the first eighteen months, until Saint Anselm Church opened, Saint Anselm parishioners worshipped in
the basement of Our Lady of Calvary Church. Saint Anselm’s 1200 children attended classes at Our Lady of
Calvary, Saint Christopher, Saint Matthew, Saint Jerome and Saint Dominic Schools.
Before the school even opened with twenty classrooms, it was too small and a new addition was needed
ASAP. On August 23, 1963, permission was given to contract with Slaw-Landis to make plans for an addition with
fourteen classrooms. A week before the school opened the following announcement appeared in the Parish
Bulletin: “Registration for our school has closed. We have just received permission to build an addition.” On
December 9, 1963, McCullough-Howard Co., Inc. with its bid of $238,760 was engaged as the builder for the
addition to the school.
Saint Anselm School opened on Friday, September 20, 1963, two days later than planned because of a labor
dispute. Mother Winifred Marie, IHM the first principal, and a faculty of four other Sisters, Servants of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary and sixteen lay teachers began classes for 1399 students. Note that 1399 students were
assigned to 20 classrooms making the average classroom size 70 students. On the first day of school, because of
torrential rain and mud, the children were brought into the unfinished church where they were assigned to their
classrooms and teachers.
With the opening of Saint Anselm School in September 1963, busses were needed for Saint Anselm School
children who were living in Normandy, Comly, Woodhaven, and Inglewood. Dominick Cipollini and his uncle
owned and operated a school bus company, C&C Transportation Company. Father Walsh contracted them to bus
Saint Anselm School children. Families paid a bus fee while the Parish paid $21 a day per bus for each of the five
busses that were used.
When the school bells rang in September of 1964, the faculty had grown to include eight sisters and
eighteen lay teachers. In June of 1965, summer vacations began with a school population of 1662. Enrollment in
September increased to 1875 students. In 1968, Saint Anselm School had the second highest enrollment in the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
In 1966, Saint Martha Parish was established. In 1967, Saint Martha Parish opened their school. While
some of Saint Anselm students became members of Saint Martha Parish, there was still a need for more classrooms
here. In 1969, the enrollment soared to 2050 students and forty faculty members, twenty-four of whom were IHM
In the fall of 1968, Father Kowal began to address the overcrowding in the school by inviting Archdiocesan
officials to visit Saint Anselm Parish and School.
On March 3, 1969, Father Kowal requested permission to build the School Annex. Permission was
granted. On June 3, 1969, Peter and Paul Getz were hired as architects. On July 28, 1969, McCullough-Howard
Co., Inc. were hired to build the Annex School building. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia agreed to loan $240,000
to Saint Anselm Parish. Groundbreaking for the Annex took place unceremoniously. The Annex School Building
opened with nine classrooms in September 1970. Seventh and eighth grade students became the first occupants. In
September 2006, the Annex School Building was no longer needed for classrooms. The entire school population
could be housed in the main school.
During the 1969-1970 school year, the ballooning enrollment compelled Father Kowal to ask Saint Dominic
School and Saint Martha School for classroom space until the Annex School was completed. Three fifth grade
classes were bused to Saint Martha School while one fifth grade class attended Saint Dominic School.
Although there were thirty-four classrooms in the main school plus an additional nine classrooms in the
Annex School building, more classrooms were still needed. In 1972 it was again necessary to make some decisions
regarding the lack of classroom space. By September of 1972, the school faculty consisted of twenty-one sisters,
thirty-one lay teachers, a full time librarian, speech teacher and counselor. The enrollment had jumped to 2200
students. It was at that time that the fourth grade was bused to Holy Providence School, (Mercedes Hall), the only
remaining building of what was once the complex that made up Holy Providence School. Holy Providence School
was once a boarding school for black children operated by the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament on the grounds of
their Motherhouse. Fourth grade students continued to attend class at Holy Providence School until the close of
the school year in 1979. Beginning in September 1979, all children would attend classes in Saint Anselm School
By 1980, the parish had taken root and the school population had stabilized. However, the rapid growth
and expansion had left a large debt. A debt of $705,000 needed to be paid. Recognizing that $200,000 of that debt
was due to educational expenses, the finance committee established the first tuition policy. Each family would be
asked to pay $150 per child not to exceed $300. Additionally, they were to pledge $7.00 a week in the Sunday
Throughout its first fifty years, Saint Anselm Parish had always been comprised of about 3000 families. In
1988, the total number of parishioners was 12,953. In 2012, the total number of parishioners was 8,192. What
changed during these years was the number of school age children. Houses and families which were once homes for
two, four, six children, etc. had become empty nests. In 1971, there were 2200 children in grades one through
eight. This significant demographic change in the school age population was reflected in the declining enrollment
in Saint Anselm School.
During the 2013-2014 50th Anniversary year of Saint Anselm School, there are 326 children in grades one
through eight, plus 28 Kindergarten students, plus 28 Pre K 4 year old students. During the 2013-2014 academic
year, there are 219 students enrolled in CCD Levels 1 thru 7.
Principals – Saint Anselm School
Mother Winifred Marie, IHM
Sister Marie Jean, IHM
Sister Anita Miriam, IHM
Sister Maria Auxilia, IHM
Sister Joseph Regina, IHM
Sister Helen Marita, IHM
Sister M. Eloise Gallagher, IHM
Sister M. Seraphine Livolsi, IHM
Sister Honora Marie Johnson IHM
Mrs. Geraldine Murphy
1963 – 1969
1969 – 1971
1971 – 1976
1976 – 1979
1979 – 1984
1984 – 1985
1985 – 1990
1990 – 2000
2000 – 2001
2001 - Present
In Saint Anselm School, we believe that:
Catholic education illuminates and enriches a student’s knowledge of God, life, and culture.
By living and learning in a faith community, students become caring and concerned members of the whole human
Catholic education, through prayer, worship, and social action, helps young people grow in service to God,
Church, the community, and one another.
High expectations with attainable goals combined with a positive caring environment challenge students to reach
their individual potential.
Every student is unique and has inherent worth which must be developed in different ways and at different times.
School is part of a lifelong learning process leading to new knowledge and personal growth.
School shares responsibility and partnership with the family, the parish, and the faculty and administration who
are invested in Catholic education.
The use of the Discipline With Purpose Program in our school provides a foundation for the development of
knowledge, life skills, and abilities that enable students to make informed and responsible choices in life.
Self-esteem is an integral part of every student’s development so the faculty and administration show by example
that each student is loved and is a loving person with dignity and worth.
A safe and nurturing environment facilitates ethical, social, moral, emotional, and intellectual growth in our
Respect and acceptance of cultural diversity are essential in order to prepare our students for the world in which
they will live and work.
Commitment to continuous improvement and willingness to change by the faculty and administration are essential
in maintaining the quality of education in our school.
Prayer + Fasting + Almsgiving (Works of Charity)
Traditionally, a good Lenten program consists of doing some form of prayer, fasting, almsgiving
(work of charity) on each and every day of Lent. To prepare for Lent and before deciding on what
prayer, fasting, and almsgiving you will do, spend some quiet time in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to
help you identify where you need new life (Easter) to flower, spring within you this year. Take a close
look at your life and ask the Holy Spirit to help you see what is weak, defective, and sinful in you.
Aware of this, choose some form of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (work of charity) to do each day of
Lent. Your Lenten program will be the means through which God will be at work healing, forgiving,
restoring, and making right whatever has become weak, defective or sinful in you. Through your
Lenten discipline of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (work of charity) God’s grace will enable new love,
faith and goodness to come to life in you.
Parish opportunities for prayer, fasting and almsgiving are listed below.
To remind you to be faithful to your Lenten program of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving,
woodchips will be distributed next Sunday. Keep the woodchip in your pocket or someplace where you
can see it every day. On the Wednesday of Holy Week, there will be an evening prayer service during
which the woodchips will be nailed to the cross.
Being made of wood, the woodchips remind us of the wooden cross of Christ. The cross was
heavy and difficult for Jesus to carry but he willingly did so in order that forgiveness of sin and new
life would be possible. Our Lenten program of prayer, fasting and almsgiving for forty days of Lent
may be hard and difficult but believe that, in it, Jesus will be at work causing Easter and new life to
happen within you.
Ash Wednesday:
Masses - 6:30 AM (Church)
8:30 AM
7:00 PM
Ashes will be distributed during the Masses
Prayer Service & Ashes 11:30 AM 4:00 PM
Daily Masses:
6:30 AM (Chapel) & 8:30 AM (Church) Monday thru Friday
8:00 AM
3:30 – 4:30 PM
Parish Communal Lenten Penance Service – Monday, April 14, 7:00 PM
Stations of the Cross: 7:00 PM
1:00 PM
Friday evenings: March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, 18
School Thursdays March 6, 20;
Friday, March 14
Wednesday, March 26
Eucharistic Adoration: Mondays 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM – IHM Chapel – Spirituality Center
Mondays 6:50 PM – IHM Chapel
Rosary Monday thru Friday – 8:00 AM; Monday evenings – 6:30 PM (Chapel); Saturday – 7:30 AM
Divine Mercy
Miraculous Medal Novena
3:00 PM – IHM Chapel
Saturday Mornings following the 8:00 AM Mass
Church Visit & Prayer Church is opened daily (Monday – Friday) for prayer from 7:45 AM – 4:00 PM.
Please use the front center door to enter the Church.
Fasting and external penitential practices are accompanied by an inner attitude of conversion.
One goes without food and applies physical discipline to “chastise one’s own soul” (Lev. 16:31), to
humble oneself before God (Dan. 9:3) and/or to prepare oneself for an encounter with God.
The Church urges all Catholics to voluntarily choose acts of penance on all days of Lent. The minimal obligations
Ash Wednesday & Good Friday:
days of fast and abstinence
Fridays in Lent:
days of abstinence
all Catholics over 18 years and under 59 years.
Abstinence: all over 14 years
Fasting, an ancient practice common to all world religions is a proven way to awaken the spiritual senses in
a body dulled by satisfaction. Voluntary fasting, even for short periods, reminds us that hunger is not an idea but
a visceral assault on our most basic human instinct to survive. Wealth, it has been said, “is the power to eat”
whenever and whatever you wish. Fasting interrupts this security momentarily and brings us into solidarity with
those millions who fast involuntarily in a world where feast and famine are neighbors, often in the same city.
Fasting reminds the strong that hunger and poverty are the worst forms of violence against the weak, an insult to
human dignity and an affront to basic fairness in our world.
For Christians, a real Lenten fast this year is a chance to recover spiritual resources that have lain fallow
and unused. Prayer and fasting are good for the body and soul, and offer a chance to recapture the meaning of
Jesus’ words, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied”.
+ ALMSGIVING (Works of Charity) +
To sacrifice – to do without so that others may have – is the spirit at the core of Christian
sacrifice. Jesus sacrificed his life that we might have the fullness of life. The poor or people in need
could use those extra coins or dollars that are saved because of a light meal or candy-less day or
tobacco-free or alcohol-free Lent. Poor boxes are located at the entrances inside the Church. Monies
received in the Poor Box are used by our Saint Vincent de Paul Society which responds to the needs of
people in our community.
Lenten Coin Folders: Monies saved through Lenten sacrifice may be placed in the Lenten Coin Folders. This
money will benefit Saint Anselm School. Parishioners are asked to designate their Lenten
sacrifice monies to our school.
Poor boxes: Monies received in the Poor Box are used by our Saint Vincent de Paul Society which responds to
the needs of people in our community.
Catholic Charities Appeal: Your generous, sacrificial gift to the 2014 Catholic Charities Appeal will support the
Catholic Church’s commitment to the poor, needy, and vulnerable in our midst.
Look what is being offered for your spiritual enrichment!
Breaking Open the Word (Bible Study)
Reflection & Discussion
on the current week’s
Sunday readings
Saturday Mornings 8:30 AM
Spirituality Center or CCD Room
Parish Library
may be borrowed.
Open after all
weekend Masses.
40 Hours
March 9, 10, 11
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
Evening Service
7:00 PM
40 Hours – Eucharistic Exposition
Sunday – Monday – Tuesday March 9, 10, 11
Our Annual 40 Hours Eucharistic Exposition will be held next week. The Eucharist will be in Exposition
from 9:00 AM until the Evening Prayer Service beginning at 7:00 PM. The Homilist for the evening prayer
service will be: Father Michael Speziale who teaches at Archbishop Ryan High School.
20th Century Saints
Are you looking to do a little something extra for Lent? Join Father Friel as we explore the lives
& impact of some of the greatest saints of modern times:
Wednesday, March 19th
Pier Giorgio Frassati, Andre Bessette, & Maximilian Kolbe
Monday, March 24
Teresa Benedicta, Katherine Drexel, & Gianna
Tuesday, April 1st
Padre Pio, Josemaría Escrivá, & Teresa of Calcutta
Thursday, April 10
Saints of the 21st Century
A Survey of the Not-Yet-Canonized
Likely Saints of the Future!
We will meet at 7 PM in the Spirituality Center. Come once, twice, or every week!
*****Highly Recommended*****
Men’s Spirituality Conference
Saturday, March 15th
St. Joseph University
Hagen Arena
Tickets - $50 (includes lunch)
Special student rate of $25 for middle school, high school and university students!
The men of our parish are invited to join Catholic Men throughout the Archdiocese for this annual
Conference. Join us for an inspiring time of faith and sharing. For additional information, or to register,
please visit the website at
Mass Schedule
Sunday, March 2
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
Deceased Members of
St. Anselm Memorial Society \
The People of St. Anselm Parish
St. Anselm School, 50th Anniversary
Monday, March 3
6:30 AM
8:30 AM
Rose Brock r/b Bill Stabler
Msgr. Raymond Teller, 17th Anniversary
6:30 AM
8:30 AM
James Kilcur r/b Carl & Eileen Hiller
Rev. Joseph Bowen r/b Ceil Brown
6:30 AM
8:30 AM
7:00 PM
Carl Hiller, III r/b Mom, Dad, Terry & Katie
Louis F. Panepresso r/b His Wife & Family
Robert Griess r/b Rita Fritz
Tuesday, March 4
Wednesday, March 5
Thursday, March 6
6:30 AM
8:30 AM
Marie Amato r/b Marianne Amato
Friday, March 7
6:30 AM
8:30 AM
Francis Vera r/b Luis Vera
Saturday, March 8
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Raymond Buber r/b Kathy Brett
George Fudala
r/b Donna Boothman & Family
Sunday, March 9
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
Veronica Tevis r/b Joe & Maggi Tevis
The People of St. Anselm Parish
Irene Kolos r/b Jim & Janet Anderson
Sunday Collection – February 23, 2014
Grade School Students
High School Students
$ 344.47
Pray For Our Sick…
Master Sgt. John Agger son of John & Maureen Agger
Lorraine Apice, wife of Edward Apice
Dave Baldwin, son-in-law of Chris DiMezzo
Jen Barr, daughter-in-law of Margie & Jerry Barr
Harry Brecker, husband of Peg Brecker
Peggy Ann Brecker, daughter of Harry & Peg Brecker
John Bradley, husband of Doris Bradley
Ian Butterly, friend of Beverly Geist
Tina Calderaro, friend of Kathy Zaremski
John Carr, brother of Robert Carr
Margaret & Mark Citrino
Rachelle Crume, niece of Ann Finocchiaro
Michael DiMauro, brother of Carmella Morris
Freda Dolhansky, wife of Bill Dolhansky
Joey Dougherty, brother of Debbie Peruso
Mary Dormans, mother-in-law of Thomas Hofstaedter
Bill Eckert, husband of Barbara Eckert
Ralph Gariano, husband of Helene Gariano
Cassy Giardina, aunt of Melissa Freer & Bob Dougherty
Nicki Goodwin, friend of Bill & Lauren Love
Cathy Grebe, wife of Larry Grebe
Carol Grimes, mother of Melissa Baker Moore
Michelle Hannigan, friend of Maddie Seiger
Ed Lafferty, husband of Peg Lafferty
Nicholas Lamina, son of Joseph & Carol Lamina
John Leonetti, husband of Diane Leonetti
Marie Macready, mother of Joyce Macready
Erin Martin, granddaughter of Tom & Anita Murphy
Nora Mastyl, sister of Kathy Nice
Jeanne McDonough, aunt of Ann Grippo
Bernice & Larry McElwain, friends of Joseph Melnyk
Mickey Melnyk, wife of Joe Melnyk
Dan Nugent, relative of Denise McReynolds
Bonnie Oldham, sister of Mary Ellen Lowery
Maggie Oleszczyk, sister of Kathy Zaremski
Dorothy Pembroke, mother of James Pembroke
Marc Petrasso, friend of Denise McReynolds
Jake Phillips, cousin of Ann Finocchiaro
Relatives of The Tarquin Pirolli Family
Art Rausch, husband of Judy Rausch
Mike Roman, husband of Joan Roman
Jean Schwartz, friend of Trudy Fisher
Marion Smith, wife of Walter Smith
Margaret Sweeney, niece of Beverly Geist
Betty Beck Tierney, sister of Rita Vaxner
Bud Triebl, father of Richard Triebl
Dorothy Walsh, mother of Marge Walsh
Edward Woehlcke, husband of Donna Woehlcke
Second Collection – February 23, 2014
Care of Aging & Infirm Priests
$ 2,538.00
Pray For Our Deceased…
Marilyn Konieczny, mother of John Konieczny
Second Collection Today
Building & Grounds
February 23, 2014
Melanie Rose, daughter of Juan Fernandez and
Marilyn Rodriguez
First Friday Movie Night
Friday, March 7th @ 6:30 PM
IHM Spirituality Center
Weekly Schedule
Sunday, March 2
5:00 PM
SCRIP Sales – Room B
Liturgy of the Word for Children (K-4)
50th Anniversary Mass
St. Anselm School
Followed by a luncheon & Open House
AA Meeting – Room B
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament
First Penance Party – Parish Hall
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Rosary & Benediction – Chapel
AA Meeting – Room B
Cub Scouts’ Mtg. – Parish Hall
CYO Board Meeting – OLV
Legion of Mary – Spirituality Center
9:15 AM
2:30 PM
6:45 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
SCRIP Sales – Room B
Mass – Delaware Valley Veteran’s Home
CCD Classes
Prayer Group
AA Meeting – Room B
Ladies’ of St. Anselm General Mtg.
…Parish Hall
CCD Faculty Meeting
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
Monday, March 3
Starring John Wayne & Maureen
O’Hara, The Quiet Man tells the story of former
fighter Sean Thornton, whose brother-in-law
tests his cool. The first American feature to be
filmed in Ireland’s picturesque countryside, this
classic tale is thoroughly imbued with the Celtic
The movie will be shown on our big
screen in the IHM Spirituality Center. Come
enjoy this fun film!
Tuesday, March 4
8:15 PM
Wednesday, March 5
Ash Wednesday
Masses 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM
11:30 AM
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:15 PM
Prayer Service – Distribution of Ashes
Prayer Service – Distribution of Ashes
AA Meeting – Room B
St. Vincent DePaul Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr.
AA Meeting – Room B
Thursday, March 6
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Senior Citizens’ Meeting – OLV
Stations of the Cross – Grades 5-8
AA Meeting – Room B
SCRIP Sales – Room B
Pastoral Council Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr.
Boy Scouts’ Mtg. – Parish Hall
Choir Practice – Music Room
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
AA Meeting – Room B
Movie Night – Spirituality Ctr.
Stations of the Cross
All high school age youth (current 8th
graders through graduating seniors) are invited
to join us for our 7th annual summer youth
conference at Franciscan University in
Steubenville, Ohio. We were able to reserve 25
spots for our parish.
Please register at the Parish Center with a
$50.00 deposit (checks payable to “St. Anselm
Youth”). If you would like to sponsor (or
partially sponsor) a student, please contact
Father Friel.
Dates: June 20-22, 2014
Cost: $185 (all inclusive)
Friday, March 7
Saturday, March 8
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
4:30 PM
7:00 PM
Breaking Open the Word – CCD Room
Pre-Cana – Spirituality Ctr.
AA Meeting – Room B
SCRIP Sales – Room B
Night at the Races – Parish Hall
Ladies of Saint Anselm General Meeting
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 @ 7:30 PM
We will meet in the Parish Hall on the first
Tuesday this month!
Saint Anselm Home & School presents…
Vincentian Message…
Saturday, March 8, 2014
7:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Individual tickets - $15.00
2 Tickets - $25.00
Reserved table of 10 - $100.00
Horses are $10.00 each
Price includes food, beer, wine & soda.
There will be horse races, card games & games
of chance!
Tickets & horses may be purchased at the Parish
Center or you may call Rose, 215-605-7133 or
Jim, 267-304-5656.
Jesus tells us that our heavenly Father knows all
that we need, and so we need to let tomorrow
take care of itself as today has troubles enough of
its own.
In the month of January, through your gifts, the
Society of St. Vincent DePaul was able to assist
32 families, providing $1,325 in food, and $1,553
for utility and rent bills, etc. Thank you.
“Celtic Spirituality”
March 7-9, 2014
Mother Boniface Spirituality Center
CYO Ice Skating
This event, originally scheduled for Sunday,
February 9th has been rescheduled for Sunday,
March 9th from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. If you have
purchased tickets and are unable to attend on
March 9th, please call Jennifer, 267-980-8237.
Tickets will be available until March 5th. The
price is $10.00 each (includes skate rental).
Ladies of Saint Anselm
Easter Candy Sale!
Our annual Candy Sale is underway. Brochures
have been distributed to our school students.
Additional brochures are available in the Parish
Center. Orders, with payment, are due by
Thursday, March 13th.
Pick-up will be
Wednesday, April 9th between 3:00 & 6:00 PM in
Room A.
Thank you for your continued
Join us at 3501 Solly Avenue for a weekend
retreat. Carmel Boyle, an Irish singer, recording
artist and retreat presenter will invite us to pray
with Celtic themes through song and reflections.
This symbolic pilgrimage will visit the sacred
places of your soul’s journey as we reflect on the
inspiration of St. Patrick and St. Bridget in the
company of the Trinity. The fee is $160 (includes
a $40.00 non-refundable deposit). Please call
267-350-1830 or 267-350-1831 for more
information or to register.
“Rachel’s Vineyard is at the Heart of the Church”
March 7, 8 & 9th
Rachel’s Vineyard retreats are for anyone
hurting from the spiritual and emotional pain of
an abortion.
The weekend will help you
experience the mercy and compassion of God;
grieve your loss; and forgive yourself and others.
The retreat is at the Spirituality Center in
Frazer, PA. Call 215-906-6337. All contacts are
Maltese Room
2049 Bristol Pike
Saturday, March 15th
8:00 PM – Midnight
$35.00 per person
(Must be 21 to attend)
Ticket price includes open bar, full dinner
buffet, dessert & DJ
Call Margie Caputo, 267-265-4333 for tickets.
Host families are needed for several
international students who would like to attend
Archbishop Ryan Catholic High School for the
upcoming semester. These F-1 visa students
speak English, have medical insurance, and have
their own pocket money for personal expenses.
Host families provide room and board and
receive a generous monthly hosting stipend. For
more information, please contact Lydia
Colarusso at 610-428-7824.
Do you know how to recognize the warning signs
of a stroke? If you or someone you know is
experiencing any of the below symptoms, call 911
right away. It is important to seek medical
treatment immediately.
Sudden Numbness
Difficulty Speaking
Severe Dizziness
Loss of Coordination
Sudden Loss of Vision
Sudden Intense Headache
Brief Loss of Consciousness
Register today for the Stroke, Vascular & Heart
Rhythm package, which includes four
screenings: carotid artery, abdominal aortic
aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease and atrial
fibrillation. In order to register for this event
and to receive a $10 discount off any package
priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or
In addition, please take just three minutes to
learn more about Life Line Screening by
watching this short three-minute video:
Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage!
The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help
for struggling marriages. It gives you the chance
to rediscover yourself and your spouse. Tens of
thousands of couples headed for divorce have
successfully saved their marriages by attending a
Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions
that follow it. Retrouvaille is not just a social
gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way
to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship
in your marriage.
The next program begins on the weekend of
April 25-27 at the Family Life Center in
Malvern, PA. For more information, or to
register for the upcoming weekend, visit or call 1-800-4702230. All inquiries are strictly confidential.
Breaking Open the Sunday Scripture
Resumes March 8th
…will be renewed Saturday morning, March 8th
following the 8:00 AM Saturday Morning Mass.
We will meet CCD Room (future meetings will be
in the Spirituality Center).
Father John
Fitzgerald is looking forward to seeing and
sharing with you once again the Word of God.
Saint Anselm Church
12670 Dunks Ferry Road
Philadelphia, PA 19154
Parish Center
Parish Website:
School Website:
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 March 2014
Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM
Sunday 8:00; 10:00 AM; 12:00 Noon
6:30 AM & 8:30 AM Monday thru Friday
8:00 AM Saturday
Monday thru Thursday
8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Reverend Thomas J. Dunleavy.……………..Pastor.…………….....ext. #11…………
Reverend David M. Friel.…………………....Parochial Vicar……..ext. #14…………
Reverend John E. Fitzgerald ……………….Resident……………...ext. #23…………
Deacon Gerald J. Whartenby ………………Pastoral Associate......ext. #12…………
Deacon Dennis P. Warner.…………………..Pastoral Associate…..ext. #17…………..deacon.warner@
Mrs. Geraldine Murphy……………………..Principal…………………………………
Mrs. Diane Leonetti..………………………..Director of Music…...ext. #29…………...dleonetti@
Mr. Dennis Mueller..………………………...Religious Education...ext. #15…………..dmueller@
Mrs. Theresa Grillo..………………………...Business Manager..…ext. #13…………..tgrillo@
Mrs. Kathleen Zaremski..…………………...Parish Secretary…….ext. #16…………
Mrs. Joanne Jackson………………………...Receptionist………….ext. #10.………....jjackson@
Mrs. Ronnie Harkins ………………………..Receptionist….............ext. #10….……...rharkins@
Baptisms are every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Parents are asked
to call the Parish Center and speak with the Priest or
Deacon who is on call and who will assist them in
registering their child for Baptism. The Church assists the
parents by offering instruction on the meaning,
importance, and responsibilities of the sacrament of
Baptism. A Pre-Jordan Baptismal Program for helping
parents prepare for the spiritual birth of their child is held
on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Spirituality
Center following the Noon Mass.
Couples planning to marry are asked to contact a Parish
priest to make arrangements for a wedding.
3:30-4:30 PM
Divine Mercy
Eucharistic Exposition
Legion of Mary
Charismatic Prayer Mtg.
Stations of the Cross
Miraculous Medal Novena
Breaking Open the Word
8:00 AM Daily
6:30 PM Monday
3:00 PM Monday (Chapel)
9:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Monday - Chapel
6:50 PM Monday (Chapel)
7:00 PM Monday
7:00 PM Tuesday
7:00 PM Friday
8:00 AM Mass Saturday
8:30 AM Saturday