Dept. of Catechetical Services 6-13-2015 Prayer with Signs and Symbols of Baptism Oración con los Signos y Símbolos del Bautismo Sample use: For a catechetical session on the theme of baptism, the sacraments of initiation and/ or our baptismal promises. Uso: Sesión catequética con el tema del sacramento de bautismo, sacramentos de iniciación o nuestras promesas bautismales. Objective: To pray using the signs and symbols of baptism, incorporating Scripture, and bringing rite and ritual into the catechetical session. Objetivo: Rezar usando los signos y símbolos del bautismo, incorporando las Sagradas Escrituras, ritos y rituales en la sesión catequética. Materials Needed / Materiales Prayer table and prayer space / mesa o espacio de oración Cloth to cover prayer table Automatic candles / velas de batería Bibles Baptismal garment or white stole / vestimenta baptismal Shell or clear glass bowl with holy water Oil, like virgin olive oil CD player with music that is related to baptism o Ex: Song- CD: Eucharist We Give Thanks and Praise, Track n. 31 Agua de Vida/ Water of Life Cards that state the meaning of each of the symbols of baptism Instructions: Leader: Prior: 1. Modify the text of the cards if needed to make the language understandable to the age of the learner. 2. Assign or ask for volunteers that can read the cards (spiritual meaning and Scripture) and others than can bring forward to the prayer space each of the symbols of baptism. a. Water: shell or clear bowl with holy water b. Light: automatic candle c. White garment or white stole d. Chrism: virgin olive oil (explain that this oil is not consecrated vs. sacred chrism oil) 3. Distribute the text for the song that will be used. Note: it is preferable to ask the volunteer to find the passage in the Bible and to read from the Bible in order to encourage familiarity with the Bible and with finding passages. At the start of the prayer: 1. Invite students to gather around the prayer space 2. Tell the students that in today’s session we will talk about [baptism, sacraments of initiation, etc.]. Briefly explain what they will see and experience. You might need to go over the song before the prayer. 3. Depending on the learner’s age and level of understanding, ask appropriate introductory questions. Ex, for older and instructed learner: who knows what the matter and form of baptism are? 4. Invite those who have the cards for the symbols to begin reading. After reading the meaning of the symbol, the passage from Scripture is proclaimed and then another participant goes to the prayer space and brings forth that symbol. 5. Once the last symbol has been placed on the prayer space, the leader takes the shell or bowl with holy water and blesses the participant next to him or her with the sign of the cross. Then he/she passes the shell to the next participant. During this part, all can be singing Water of Life/Agua de Vida with the music playing in the background. After the prayer: 1. Debrief with the students and tie to the coming lesson. References: Matter and form of the sacraments: The sacrament of baptism: Symbols of Baptism / símbolos del Bautismo English Spanish Song Agua de Vida / Water of Life. Letra y música: Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante; Jaime Cortéz, ©1994 Handout: Text of the song taken from “Eucaristía Damos Gracias y Alabanza. Edición del Catequista”. ©2006. Macmillan/McGraw Hill. P. 243 1a. Water 1c. Water When water, a sign of new life, is poured at Baptism, sin is taken away and we are called to turn away from sin throughout our lives. “Whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14) 1b. Agua 1d. Agua Cuando el agua, signo de una nueva vida se nos derrama en el bautismo, se nos limpia del pecado. Estamos llamados a rechazar el pecado en nuestras vidas. 2a. Candle At baptism, a small candle for each child is lit from the Paschal candle. The priest says, “Receive the light of Christ.” The candle has two meanings: Christ as light of our lives and a sign that we are called to be light of the world. “pero el que beba del agua que yo le daré, nunca más volverá a tener sed. El agua que yo le daré se convertirá en él en manantial que brotará hasta la Vida eterna». (Jn 4:14) 2b. Vela En el bautismo, una pequeña vela se prende del cirio pascual. El sacerdote dice, ¨Recibe la luz de Cristo¨. La vela tiene dos significados: Es Cristo como luz que iluminará la vida del bautizado y es señal de que el bautizado tiene la misión de ser luz del mundo. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 5 2c. Candle “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (Jn 8:12) 3a. White Garment 2d. Vela “Yo soy la luz del mundo. El que me sigue no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la Vida». (Jn 8:12) 3b. La vestidura blanca At baptism, the church wraps new members in a white garment En le bautismo, nos envuelven which means that the newly en vestidura blanca, que baptized has put on Christ and significa que el bautizado se ha has risen with Christ. The color puesto a Jesucristo y ha white symbolizes the cleansing resucitado con Jesucristo. El of sin. color blanco representa que estamos limpios de pecado. 3c. White Garment 3d. La vestidura blanca “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothes yourselves with Christ.” (Galatians 3:27) “ya que todos ustedes, que fueron bautizados en Cristo, han sido revestidos de Cristo.” (Gálatas 3:27) E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 6 4a. Sacred Chrism Oil 4b. Crisma El crisma es oleo perfumado que se The Chrism Oil is rubbed on the crown or unte en la cabeza significando que forehead signifying that we are sealed with estamos sellados con los dones del the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Being baptized Espíritu Santo. El significado de esta into the anointed body of Christ, we are unción es que el nuevo cristiano called to be priest, by living a life of comparte con Cristo una triple prayer; to be prophet, by announcing the misión como profeta, rey y Word of God; and to be king, by leading sacerdote, los cuales eran ungidos with integrity. antiguamente. 4c. Sacred Chrism Oil “He has also put his seal upon us and given the Spirit in our hearts” (2 Corinthians 1:22) 4d. Crisma “nos ha marcado con su sello y ha puesto en nuestros corazones las primicias del Espíritu.” (2 Cor 1:22) E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 7 Becoming an Effective Storyteller 1. Preparation guidelines for telling Bible stories a. Study the Scripture passage: Learn the history and background. Answeri. Who? are people/ characters in the story ii. When? Time when it happened; historical circumstances, what time, the Testament iii. Where? Name the place and description of the place: big city, small town, where were the people: street, house, field, etc. iv. What happened? In a summary, brief, orderly, mention important eventsEven when using some already prepared material, you need to read and prepare the story from your own Bible. - Why? - The Word of God is inspired, but the narrative you find in, for example, a child’s a Bible may omit some important details or add details that are not in the Bible, or inaccurate in some parts. We need to know the story as it is in the Bible. You will need to adapt the narrative to the level of understanding of the students. v. God’s working in us: the story will move us to praying with it and to reflect its impact on our life vi. Use a commentary for your own personal deeper understanding. The St. Jerome Commentary b. Prepare beforehand (1 week before; develop creative ideas) i. Creativity: Develop a creative way to tell the story (props, drama, visuals, technology) 1) Be aware of the development of how to tell: 4 parts of the story: introduction, middle, top (pinnacle ), ending 2) Arouse interest: Start with a question: what would you do if someone gave you a lot of money? ... I'll tell you a story ... (do not describe the end)- Engage 3) Use creativity: visuals; as you tell the story, ask the children What the Prodigal son should have done at different points in the story (Prodigal Son) a) After he spends all his inheritance b) When he resorts to working caring for pigs c) When he regrets/ reflects his decisions d) When he returns home- ending ii. Search terms(vocabulary) that may be difficult for children to understand; explain difficult words according to the student's level iii. Learn the story by memory: know your plan beginning, middle and end-write your plan! iv. Have your own bible-tell a story of God's Word v. Select the story based on the student level 1) Avoid certain stories at different levels 2) Consider the length/ duration of the story 3) Allow children to internalize the story E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 8 A Sample Lesson Plan for presenting Sunday Reading Theme or Topic: Mark 10:46-52 Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus Goal or Focus: the sacrament of reconciliation heals us through forgiveness of sins Objectives: The student will Know that turning to God requires great trust, faith, courage and a personal desire Explain that God sent his Son to save us Recognize that God wants to be in relationship Materials: Prayer space: candle, crucifix, bible, stand, green cloth, holy water in bowl, blind fold cover; closing prayer, cards with alleluia and verse to proclaim before reading of the Gospel: Our Savior Jesus Christ destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel. Vocabulary: Cloak Jericho Rabunni Son of David- to call someone “son of David” was a special title for the one who was believed to be God’s Messiah, or savior of the people. Action Steps: 1. Engage: How do you think it feels to be blind? Can you imagine what you cannot see when you are blind? Was there a time in your life when you had to be courageous? What was it like? 2. Explore Say: We are going to learn about Jesus today. Did you know that Jesus is God’s Son? Because He is God’s Son, Jesus can do many special things. Today we will hear about one of the special things Jesus did. Explain the vocabulary words. Lead one child who will proclaim reading walk on a path with blind fold. What do you see? Bartimaeus was blind. A person who is blind cannot see. If you can’t see, how will you get to the Bible story area? Have some children process in with crucifix, battery operated battery, Bible and stand. “Sing Open My Eyes Lord” during procession. o Open My Eyes Lord” 1. Open my eyes Lord, Help me to see your face Open my eyes Lord, Help me to see. 2. Open my ears Lord, Help me to hear you voice Open my ears Lord, Help me to hear Children place all items on table covered with appropriate liturgical colored table cloth. Have each child sign themselves with holy water. Assign one child to hold up a sign the E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 9 word: Alleluia so all may join in song. Another will read the verse written on a card: Our Savior Jesus Christ destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel. Repeat singing Alleluia. Have proclaimer bow before the enthroned bible and then say the Gospel according to Mark. Children will sign with the proper sign to hear the word of God. Proclaimer ends with: this is the word of God and hearers respond: Thanks be to God. Ask children to have silent reflection. Assessment: Begin by saying: We heard the story of a blind man. He could not work so he would spend his time on the road begging. Then ask: 1. How did Bartimaeus know that Jesus was passing? 2. What do you think was happening in the crowd? 3. Do you think the crowd was trying to keep Bartimaeus away from Jesus? Why do you think the people wanted to silence him? 4. How did Bartimaeus catch Jesus’ attention? 5. Who does Bartimaeus say Jesus is? 6. When Bartimaeus calls out to Jesus, he calls him “son of David.” What might that mean? (For Bartimaeus who could not see, to give Jesus this special name meant that he was a man of great faith. He recognized that Jesus was the Savior and trusted that he could help him see.” 7. How did the crowd respond when Jesus called out to Jesus? 8. What does Jesus say to Bartimaeus? How do you think Jesus regarded Bartimaeus? (i.e. welcoming, loving, asks others to bring him to him, willing to help him “what do you want me to do for you”.) 9. How do you think Bartimaeus felt when he was healed? 10. What did Bartimaeus do after being healed? What do you think he spent doing the rest of his life? State: The Church believes that when we have the courage to ask Jesus for help, he will heal us. Jesus assures us that when we respond to his call in faith we will experience healing and “see” things in a new way. Jesus was giving the man much more than physical sight; he gave him the gift of faith, which allowed him to “see” in a new way. Bartimaeus could see Jesus clearly and becomes His follower. We learned that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus tells him that he is saved because of his faith. God always gives us the opportunity to be in relationship with Him. [Catechist develops doctrinal presentation in this part] 3. Behavior. Help the students think how to apply the theme to their own lives. Example: 1. Reflect: Prayer: Let’s spend some time contemplating the kindness of Jesus. Imagine he is walking by. What are some of the things that are troubling you? Do you need His help in something? What would you call him? What would you ask him? Would you have the courage to change? What would he say to you? In what ways have you heard Jesus calling you? 2. Is Jesus calling me to something? What? 4. Decision / Respond. Help the students make a resolution that applies the passage to their lives. It can be in conversation or in prayer. This week what can you do to be in God’s loving friendship? What or who needs our attention and help now? How might I respond to Jesus’ call? E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 10 Ex: this week I will pray to be open to the call of Jesus. Or, this week I will be courageous by acting in a loving manner towards… Reinforcement activities: Worksheet: Blind Bartimaeus Jesus is Calling you. (From Celebrating the Lectionary for Primary Grades 2015-2016, p. 52). o Distribute paper and coloring materials, and ask the children to draw pictures of Jesus. Allow them to be creative. When the children have finished drawing, tell them to each draw at least one speech bubble coming out of Jesus’ mouth, recalling the phrase from the Gospel: “Jesus is calling you.” How might Jesus be calling you? What would he say or ask? Optional: those that want to show their drawings to the class, may do so. Closing prayer: One child reads: Jesus, I want to see. Let me see the world as a sign of your power and goodness. Let me see people who are poor and hungry. Let me see how I can help people. Let me see how people have helped me. Let me see how much you love me. Above all let me see you. Amen. At home activity Celebrating the Lectionary for Primary Grades 2015-2016, p. 53-54. “This Gospel helps us to remember to have the courage to ask for help. From time to time, every family has difficult things to get through. Have a discussion with your family members about a time when those in your family needed great courage to get through hard times. How did they act to change their lives, and how did they listen to God’s call throughout the experience? How did someone in your family experience healing? Pray together that your family may always seek to find God in all experiences, especially during challenging ones.” Conversation Questions: 1) what do your family members teach you about having courage? Are there any stories about courageous things family members did that help you feel courageous? 2) how does your family listen for Jesus’ call? What is Jesus asking your family to do?” Sometimes we ignore people that need our help and sometimes we ignore the sad things that are happening around us. As a family, spend some time talking together about the story of Bartimaeus. Jesus can give us new sight to see things differently and to be disciples and love others. Discuss how everyone might be better disciples. What or who needs our attention now? How might each of us respond to Jesus’ call? Adapted lesson plan from LTP.Celebrating the Lectionary 2012-13 for Intermediate Grades and LTP Celebrating the Lectionary for Primary Grades 2015-2016, p. 50-54. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 11 E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 12 Catechist……………………………… Level……………………. Date…………………… Topic/ Class title ...The prodigal son………… Book; Chapter……………………… GOAL: The sacrament of RECONCILIATION IS the path to the Father’s House. We will transmit the message of God’s mercy to the children in a way that will be carried with them for life. This catechesis class will provoke in the child – perhaps many more years later – the desire to come back to the Father. OBJECTIVES: THE STUDENT WILL LEARN That Jesus shows us the immense love that God the Father has for his children That God always forgives and receives with open arms That God always invites us to have a relationship with Him To Appreciate the importance of forgiveness DEVELOPMENT OF THE CLASS 1. PREPARATION BEFORE ARRIVING TO CLASS Materials the figures and symbols of history- paper puppets Scripture Readings Lucas 15:15-32 Copies for the activity: strips of prayers to put the events of the youngest Child in sequence Audio visual: Portrait of the prodigal son work of Rembrandt; YouTube Prodigal Son (Prodigal Son in minute 5:30) 2. ORDER OF THE DAY Opening Activity: Prayer Prayer includes the celebration of the Word (can be from the Lectionary) and cards with parts of the liturgy: alleluia and verse, gospel response Motivation Activity: Questions for the children Today we will work with the parable of the prodigal son (Lucas 15: 11-32). The parables are stories of real life that teach us a moral or spiritual truth. In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus, among other things, teaches us the consequences of a rebellious child who asked his father for his inheritance and squandered it. When he ran out of money and was left without friends, he returned home and apologized to his father. Here we see a loving father, willing to forgive his repentant son. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 13 New Words – explanation of words that the catechized should know to understand the Scripture in the catechetical presentation Parable Squander/waste Inheritance Repent Explanation a. First read the bible. Allow a child to proclaim. Use gestures of the liturgy: signal before hearing the Word. Sing Alleluia, the responsorial and the response at the end of the reading. b. Include a momento of silence c. Repeat the passage in your own words with reverence d. Ask the children questions to determine if they understood: What was requested of the Father? Who requested it? Why? What happened to the youngest child? Did the youngest child solve his problems? What did he decide to do? What happened when he arrived home? What did the older brother say about his brother’s return? How would you feel if you were the father? How do you feel when someone offends you? Who loves us when we make mistakes? Should we forgive others? Which words would you express if you do something wrong? What should we do when someone asks us for forgiveness? Application to Everyday Life Application to EVERYDAY LIFE: The parable of the “prodigal son” shows us the relationship between God and each one of us. Each individual is like the youngest child who receives his inheritance (life, the world that God made, family, etc.) and spends it on bad activities (hatred, greed, war, etc.) The truth is that God, as the father of the parable, always waits, with open arms, ready to forgive us and restore us to his family. During this week: When we commit sin, do we give joy or sadness to God?... (We give him sadness). Therefore, when we do bad deeds during the week, what is to come? What should we do right away? (We ask for forgiveness, and change our life). Good will cheer and embrace us. If they wish they can repeat the words of the prodigal son when they ask forgiveness for their sins: "Father, I have sinned against you and against heaven". i.htm Conclusion E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 14 During the last moments of the class, reflect on what they have learned from the parable. It is important to give emphasis to the key points, that we are all as the younger son, rebellious, away from our “house”; that God is like the father that was waiting for you every day, with open arms to receive you and forgive you; that we sometimes are like the older brother who does not want to forgive, which is selfish. Ask them if God showed them something in their lives that He wants to transform in them. Finish in prayer: We pray loving Lord to forgive us for our failures. Help us to be good children. Singing: The Joy of Forgiveness. 3. EVALUATION Activity: Let the children put the story in sequence using the activity attached here. Give them no more than 2 minutes to get organized. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 15 The Parable of the Prodigal Son Luke 15:15-32 Materials needed: Glue Paper Bag Picture of prodigal son Glue and Scissors set of questions Directions: Make a copy of the graphic. Cut along lines and then glue to both sides of a brown bag. Have questions printed and then placed inside bag. After you have read the Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15: 15-32), re-tell the story in your own words and discuss it, have children sit around in a circle. Pass the brown bag with questions or scenarios around. Each child will take a card, read the question or scenario and then provide a response to whatever card they draw from the bag. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 16 The Parable of the prodigal son (Lucas 15:15-32) Make copies of these phrases. Cut the phrases into strips and then place them on top of a box. Choose 14 children and direct them to take one of the strips. Ask them to put the prayer in the correct sequence according to the story. Each one reads his prayer in sequence to tell the parable. The younger son asks the father for his part of the inheritance. The father divides the inheritance between his two sons. The youngest son moves away with his money. The youngest son spends all his nights partying. The youngest son spends all his money. The youngest son has nothing; he is poor. The youngest son gets a job taking care of pigs. The youngest son is dying of hunger. The youngest son decides to return home. The father welcomes the youngest son when he returns home. The father instructs the servants to bring sandals, new clothes and bring a ring to his son. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 17 The father throws a party because his youngest son has returned home. The oldest son asks what is going on. The oldest son is angry with his father. The father says to the oldest son that he loves him very much and that he must also be happy that the youngest son has returned. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 18 Oh my God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 19 and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In His Name, my God, have mercy. Amen. 1. Make a copy of this prayer first so that students may have a key to check their work. Primero imprima una copia de esta oración – 2 páginas para que sirva como una clave para revisar si la orden de la oración está en propia secuencia. 2. Print copies on cardstock. Cut each strip. Have students sequence the prayer in correct order. Make several copies so that students can work at a study station at the same time. It is recommended making copies in different colored paper of this 2 page document. Imprima copias en papel “cardstock” de varios colores. Recuerde que necesita 2 páginas de cada color. Corte cada tira. Deje que los estudiantes pongan las tiras en propia secuencia. Varios estudiantes pueden trabajar a la misma vez. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 20 The readings on God’s infinite love and forgiveness Read each of the Scripture readings in Column A. Look at all the verses in Column B. Match the Scripture with the correct verse. Write the corresponding number in the blank. COLUMN A 1. Matthew 3:1--12 COLUMN B ____Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep 2. Luke 19:1--10 ____Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. 3. John 8:1--11 ____The Son of Man has come to seek out and save what was lost. 4. Luke 15:1-10 ____Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. 5. Exodus 20: 1-21 ____Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. 6. 1 John 4: 7-21 ____….but showing love down to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments. 7. Matthew 5: 1-12 ____Go and sin no more. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 21 The readings on God’s infinite love and forgiveness- Answer Key Read each of the Scripture readings in Column A. Look at all the verses in Column B. Match the Scripture with the correct verse. Write the corresponding number in the blank. COLUMN A 1. Matthew 3:1--12 2. Luke 19:1--10 3. John 8:1--11 4. Luke 15:1-10 COLUMN B 4. Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep 6. Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. 2. The Son of Man has come to seek out and save what was lost 7. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. 5. Exodus 20: 1-21 1. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. 6. 1John 4: 7-21 5. ….but showing love down to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments 3. Go and sin no more. 7. Matthew 5: 1-12 E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 22 Door Hanger. Act of Contrition and the Prodigal Son Using a thematic image, print double-sided on colored cardstock. Parents and children can decorate the door hanger together. The child can hang on a door and the family can pray the Act of Contrition each evening. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 23 The Prodigal Son (Luke 15) E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 24 Act of Contrition My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 25 El Hijo Pródigo (Lucas 15) E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 26 Acto de Contrición O Dios mío, de todo corazón me arrepiento de haberte ofendido. Al elegir el mal y omitir el bien, he pecado contra ti, a quien amo sobre todos las cosas. Propongo firmemente, con tu ayuda, hacer penitencia, no volver a pecar y evitar todo lo que me conduce al pecado. Nuestro salvador Jesucristo sufrió y murió por nosotros. En su Nombre, Señor ten piedad de mí. Amén. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 27 The Last Super Supplies for this Center I. Bible II. Art: Design a banner Glue Felt: white for host; gold for chalice; green for borders ; shiny stones for holder; glue, dowel rod held by green felt strips; string or chalice Directions I. Gospel Reading: Please first read the Lord’s Supper- Matthew 26:26-29 II. Art: Banner 1. Trace a circle (host) using the white pattern. 2. Cut out circle for host. Use glittery glue or use a marker to trace a cross on the host. 3. Take the larger circle pattern for the chalice and trace on gold felt. Draw a line across the top as indicated in the dotted line and cut off this part for base. Cut a zigzag border using green felt or color of your choice. Cut 5 strips of green felt to hold dowel rod. Take an off white felt rectangle for the banner. Take the large gold chalice top and set on off white felt. Place 3 gemstones on the stem. Place the gold felt base and place below gemstones. Now glue them down. 8. Write the words with the large marker- The Body and Blood of Christ. 9. Glue zig zag strip at the bottom of the banner. Write the date of your First Communion. 10. Fold in half 5 strips of green felt at the top of the banner. The off white felt should be between each strip. Glue strips down. 11. Run a dowel into loops. Tie cord to ends on dowel. 12. You can make and cut letters from felt that spell your name and glue to the top of banner. 4. 5. 6. 7. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 28 Use websites like the following to make word search puzzles: Use sitios webs como el siguiente para crear pupiletras. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 29 El Sacramento de Reconciliación M A M A N D A M I E N T O S N ABSOLUCIÓN AMOROSO CONCIENCIA CONFESIONAL CONFESIÓN CONTRICIÓN CONVERSIÓN EXAMEN JESÚS O I R P V E N I A L L M C D Ó N V S U R Y Y N X A L S O E D N Ó E E C O E T N Y A P N T R N N I J R M D O O C T T C O E Z Ó K S A I I I R N R A I D P A I I X R S C A G I O M E R P Q C E S E E M O S O M O N E E U U C F E E V T R J Y R C C C MANDAMIENTOS MISERICORDIOSO MORTAL OVEJA PADRE PECADO PENITENCIA PERDÓN E L N Z N F E N E D E O I A A O O P T X Z N I O K I S A S D C S O A A N T O O C V O Ú X O X B C O N T R I C I Ó N S S F G A N Ó I C A N A S B G W O S A I C N E T I N E P A D R E L PRODIGO SACERDOTE SACRAMENTO SANACIÓN TRISTEZA VENIAL ZAQUEO E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 30 Diocese of Dallas 31 Sacrament of Reconciliation C S S E N E V I G R O F C E N O A P P S O J S E X C O C L O N B R E L I I C T O M N A U I F S I A N T N M E W T E O E H U A I T A I D S L S S N P R N C N S U T E V I D S E I T J T M N L D I E O N O O N C A N T O I I P E C O F S O I S W N D C E I U N R F Q V A M V E N M S A X H T A M O C X E B G G L H X C N V E R S I O N E E R F Y L S U E A H C C A Z V D N Z F P A R D O N A L A T R O M R J E S U S O I F R A Z S E R O K L E P V Y Z T Z Q Z P ABSOLUTION CONFESSIONAL CONVERSION FORGIVENESS MORTAL PRIEST SIN M T B COMMANDMENTS CONSCIENCE EXAMINATION JESUS PARDON PRODIGAL VENIAL CONFESSION CONTRITION FATHER MERCIFUL PENANCE SHEEP ZACCHAEUS Created by Puzzlemaker at E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 31 Diocese of Dallas 32 Source: Intermediate The Celebration of the Christian Mystery - CCC 1345-55 The Parts of the Mass TEACHER-DIRECTED ACTIVITY Materials: flashcards, (see last page) chalk, chalkboard Purpose: To increase students’ understanding of the various elements in the Eucharistic celebration. Game I Directions Make two columns on the chalkboard, labeling one “A” and the other “B”. In each column write the following words, but list them in different order in each column: Homily Gathering Intercessions Penitential Rite Eucharistic Prayer Second Reading Liturgy of the Eucharist Rite of Peace Liturgy of the Word First Reading Offertory Preface Acclamation Memorial Acclamation Profession of Faith Divide the class into two teams, A and B. Place chalk near each column. Say: Two students, one from each team, will come up to the board at a time. I will read a clue from one of these cards, and you will try to identify which part of the Mass I’m describing. The first one to circle the correct answer wins a point for his team. The team with the most points at the end is the winner. Be sure not to get excited and shout out the answer from your seats, or your team will lose the point. We’ll take turns, so that for each clue, two different students will come up to the board. After the game, tell the students that while the Liturgy has undergone changes over the years, the principal elements and order of the celebration have been the same since the first century! Read to them paragraph 1345 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 32 Diocese of Dallas 33 Game II Follow same directions as in Game I except, instead of using cards, read from a missalette one of the prayers from a part of the Mass and have team members try to identify to which part of the Mass it belongs. Silent Activity Shuffle one set of the cards. Have student sort the cards into proper order. Homily After the Gospel reading, the priest or deacon gives a teaching about the Scriptures and encouragement to the people to put God’s word into practice. Intercessions Just before we prepare for the Eucharist, we pray for the needs of the Church and the world. Eucharistic Prayer The summit, or peak, of the celebration, in which we give thanks to God, we ask his blessing on the gifts of bread and wine, and with the words of consecration Christ becomes sacramentally present under the appearances of bread and wine. Liturgy of the Eucharist This section of the Mass includes the Preparation of the Gifts, the Lord’s Prayer, the Breaking of the Bread, and Communion. Liturgy of the Word This follows the “Glory to God” prayer and includes readings from the Scripture. Offertory The bread and wine are brought to the altar, and contributions to the church and for the poor are collected from those assembled. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 33 Diocese of Dallas 34 Memorial Acclamation This prayer, spoken by the people during the Eucharistic Prayer, is a remembrance of Jesus’ death, Resurrection, and promise of his return. Gathering Christians come together in one place to worship God and receive Christ in the Eucharist. This time is often celebrated with a song. Penitential Rite Before we listen to the Word of God, we make a prayer to confess our sins and ask the Lord’s mercy. Second Reading This is from one of the New Testament Epistles. Used with permission from Ignatius Press, 100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Ellen Rossini. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 34 Diocese of Dallas 35 Homily Eucharistic Prayer After the Gospel reading, the priest or deacon gives a teaching about the Scriptures and encouragement to the people to put God’s word into practice. The summit, or peak, of the celebration, in which we give thanks to God, we ask his blessing on the gifts of bread and wine, and with the words of consecration Christ becomes sacramentally present under the appearances of bread and wine. Liturgy of the Eucharist Liturgy of the Word This section of the Mass includes the This follows the “Glory to God” prayer and Preparation of the Gifts, the Lord’s Prayer, includes readings from the Scripture. the Breaking of the Bread, and Communion. Offertory Memorial Acclamation The bread and wine are brought to the This prayer, spoken by the people during altar, and contributions to the church and the Eucharistic Prayer, is a remembrance for the poor are collected from those of Jesus’ death, Resurrection, and promise assembled. of his return. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 35 Diocese of Dallas 36 Gathering Penitential Rite Christians come together in one place to Before we listen to the Word of God, we worship God and receive Christ in the make a prayer to confess our sins and ask Eucharist. This time is often celebrated the Lord’s mercy. with a song. Second Reading Rite of Peace This is from one of the New Testament Epistles. The priest begins this with the words, “Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I give to you.” Preface Acclamation Profession of Faith Usually known as the “Holy, Holy, Holy”, this prayer of praise and thanksgiving comes at the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer. We say the words of the Nicene Creed, which begins, “We believe in one God.” E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 36 Diocese of Dallas 37 First Reading This comes from the Old Testament, the Acts of the Apostles, or Revelation. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 37 Diocese of Dallas 38 First Eucharist Altar/Dining Table Activity Facilitator tells the group: There are a number of items in front of us that are used on the altar in the church. You may remember some of them from Church Search. I will read a card with the description, and I would like you to help us decide which item the card represents. On your paper there are two columns. The things on the left are what we usually place on the altar. The things on the right are what you might put on your family dinner table. Working with your parents, match the item on the left side that has a similar use as that on the right side of the paper. For example, at home you can put a table cloth on your dinner table. At church, you can put an altar cloth on the altar. These two things are a match, and you can draw a line between them. (leader uses a sample paper to illustrate) Supplies: Instruction cards Altar cloth, corporal, purificator, chalice, paten, cruets, sacramentary, chasuble Table cloth ,placemat, napkin, cup, plate, pitcher, meal prayer card, apron Papers with matching exercise Pencils Index cards with Altar Item labeled on one side and description on the other side. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 38 Diocese of Dallas 39 First Eucharist Altar/Dining Table Activity Draw a line between items that are similar: from the item on an altar to a similar item on a family dinner table. Things on an Altar Things on the Table Altar cloth Meal prayer card Corporal Apron Purificator Pitcher Chalice Table cloth Paten Cup Cruets Place mat Roman Missal Plate Chasuble Napkin E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 39 Diocese of Dallas 40 Draw a line between items that are similar: from the item on an altar to a similar item on a family dinner table. Things on an Altar Things on the Table Altar cloth Meal prayer card Corporal Apron Purificator Pitcher Chalice Table cloth Paten Cup Cruets Place mat Roman Missal Plate Chasuble Napkin E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 40 Diocese of Dallas 41 E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 41 Diocese of Dallas 42 “Our God is Here” song and movement Our God is Here Here in this time Here in this place Here we are standing face to face Here in our hearts Here in our lives Our God is here And we cry Holy! Holy! Holy Are you We cry Holy! Holy! Holy! And true Amen we do believe our God is here Our God is here Here for the broken Here for the strong Here in this temple we belong Here in our hearts Here in our lives Our God is here And we cry Holy! Holy! Holy! Are you We cry Holy! Holy! Holy! And true Amen do we believe our God is here Our God is here E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 42 Diocese of Dallas 43 E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 43 Diocese of Dallas 44 E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 44 Diocese of Dallas 45 Resource Links / Enlaces Parent Resources Use liturgical catechesis to reinforce Catholic identity Bilingual Music ( many others available) Bread of Life from Heaven by Marty Haugen (GIA) Gather # 943 Song of the body of Christ by Davis Hass ( GIA) Gather #924 bilingual Music for Celebration Metzdorff Jo-Ann .“Collaborating on Music for the First Communion Liturgy.” Pastoral Liturgy. March- April 2014. onLiturgy.pdf Reconciliation English Return to God by Marty Haugen (LTP) Rise Up and Sing ( OCP) “In this Reconciliation” by Janet Vogt #37 “Zaccheus” by Jack Miffleton (for use in class) Eucharist ( just a few) Plan with the Dir. Of Music Ministry “Holy Table, Holy Bread” by Carey Landry “As We Gather at the Table” by Jack Miffleton “We are the Church” by Christopher Walker E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 45 Diocese of Dallas 46 “These Are Our Gifts” by Janet Vogt “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” “All Creatures of Our God and King”; Oh Criaturas del Señor “Jesus Forgive Us” ( short line) by Christopher Walker You Tube Sacrament of the Eucharist 1. How we receive ( All levels) 2. The Eucharist ( Level 2) 3. My First Communion (May 2011) 4. Feeding 5000 You Tube Sacrament of Reconciliation 1. Zacchaeus 2. The Parable of The Lost Sheep Animation 3. Beginners Bible For Kids Prodigal Son 4. Sacraments 101: Penance (why we confess) Older kids 5. English First Reconciliation 6. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Explained Other Useful Resources Catholic Iphone or IPad app for kids Catholic Kids E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 46 Diocese of Dallas 47 en español Cultivando la fe en el hogar Spanish Parent Resources Español Parent Session ( Bilingual) Eucharist Retreat Parent handout “El papel de los padres de familia en la formación litúrgica de los hijos” Parent Handout on theology of Eucharist Music (favor de consultar con el director del ministerio de música) Reconciliación “Hoy Vuelvo de Lejos: por Carmelo Erdozáin. Flor y Canto #539 “La alegría del perdón” por Cesareo Gabarain Flor y Canto # 545 YouTube- Spanish Sacramento de la Eucaristía 1. Dibujos animados sobre el sacramento de la primera comunión (17:29) 2. Las partes de la misa 3. La Eucaristía - Breve explicación para niños 7. English First Reconciliation E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 47 Diocese of Dallas 48 8. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Explained You Tube Sacramento de Reconcilación 1. Cómo hacer una buena confesión (brotherfrancisonline) 2. El Padre Pio y el Sacramento de la Confesión / Dibujos animados 3. Zaqueo 4. La Parabola de la Oveja Perdida 5. Parábolas Para Niños - "El Hijo Pródigo" Music In this Reconciliation Forgive us Lord, forgive us Lord, forgive our sins, forgive our deeds Forgive our words Forgive our hearts, With loved pour out, forgive us Lord. Perdóname; Dios celestial Porque te ofendí, perdóname Mi corazón transfórmalo Con tu amor, llénalo. Gathering Song for LOW Come and join the circle, Come and take my hand. Come and join the circle, come and be my friend. Gather round and see what the world can be. Come and join the circle, Come and share God’s Word with me. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 48 Diocese of Dallas 49 Ideas for Engaging Students Turn and Talk This technique is very effective in getting children to verbalize and internalize their learning. It also eliminates the problem of several students always answering the questions while others stay quiet. 1. Pose a question, i.e. “What do you think the important message is in the Story of the Prodigal son?” 2. Tell the students to “turn and talk”! 3. Students turn to the person next to them and ask/discuss the question, so the whole class is discussing in pairs. 4. Teach students to be polite. If you see that some on doesn’t have a talking partner, ask them to join you (a discussion with 3 is OK). You will need to practice! 5. You may want to assign “turn and talk” partners to make it easier. 6. After students discuss for 1-2 minutes, give a signal and everyone stops talking. Ask several students to share what he/she and his/her partner came up with. 7. Use often! Table Talk This technique allows for several points of view, ideas in a discussion. It helps build community, and helps students realize that everyone’s contribution is valuable. 1. Present a question, problem to be solved, or situation, i.e. “What could we do as a class to help with the Food Pantry stock shortage?” 2. Assign someone at each table to ask the question or present the situation to the group. 3. Optional: have someone be the “recorder” to write group members’ responses. 4. Choose someone who will share their group’s answer with the class at the end. 5. Practice taking turns speaking and validating other people’s responses by saying “I agree because…..”, “I don’t agree because….” “What if….”, etc. 6. Give table groups sufficient time to discuss, analyze, solve. 7. Give a signal to bring groups back together as a class. 8. Ask each table to present their answers. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 49 Diocese of Dallas 50 Learning Stations As an alternative to teaching whole class, you may want to split students into groups, where each teacher is leading a different “station.” This gives students the attention they often seek, and makes teaching more manageable for the catechists. After a given time period (approx. 15-20 minutes), students switch to the next station. For example: Teacher #1 - Reads text pages to students, or has students take turn reading the text. Discuss readings and answer questions. Teacher #2 - Works with students on a craft or a skit Teacher #3 - Practices prayers or says the rosary If you only have 2 teachers, one group can be reading or working on an activity independently. Make sure you designate adequate space for each station activity. Use VBS or other Song/Move Videos Music is a good motivator, and many of the videos we have allow for movement. Please use them as often as you like. Once students are familiar with the movements and songs, they will join in and have fun while praising God (and the Adults will have fun too!) Response Boards We have plenty of response boards (small white boards that look like a paddle) for students to use, along with dry erase markers and erasers. These can be utilized in many ways. Use them for short responses, use them for yes and no questions (write yes on one side, no on the other), or they can be used to write or draw when paper is not necessary. You can use them for reviews or “quizzes”, or be creative and think of your own ideas (or ask students for their ideas!) Games There is a list of items available for games in your “Children’s Religious Education Guide and Policies.” Be sure you are relating the games to something the children are learning in class. Be creative and have fun! E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 50 Diocese of Dallas 51 Tic Tac Toe A simple way to review concepts is to play tic tac toe on the board as a class. Draw a tic tac toe board. Divide the class into two teams; one will be X’s, the other O’s. Ask the first team a question. If they can answer (you can ask individuals or the whole team), they get to put an X anywhere they want on the board. Then ask the other team a question. If they get it correct, they put an O on the board, and so on. Play until one team gets “tic tac toe, three in a row.” They are the winners. Go Outside If the weather is nice you are certainly welcome to take your children outside to the courtyard or to the Prayer Garden to read or do an activity. Please leave a note on your door to let us know where you have gone, and make sure children are supervised at all times. Go to the Church or Chapel (ask parish leader when this is appropriate for your parish. Policies vary.) You may bring your students to the Church or Chapel at any time. However, if Maintenance is busy cleaning or setting up the Church, you may want to go to the Chapel, and vice versa. Children must be quiet and respectful when they are visiting either sacred place. Once again, please leave a note on the door to let us parish staff know where you have gone, and make sure students are supervised at all times. Act It Out Children enjoy acting out stories. We have costumes that you can request to make your skits more fun. Have children act out Bible stories, relevant situations (i.e. making good choices), or vocabulary words. Word Fun (you can use white response boards for many of these ideas) Have a spelling bee with vocabulary (Catholic Faith Words). Read a definition and have students choose which word it is Read or write a sentence with a blank, and fill in with the correct word Play Pictionary, where a student is given a word, and has a time limit to draw clues on the board while his/her team tries to guess the word Name a Catholic Faith word and see how many times you can find it in the chapter Name a Catholic Faith Word and see who can find it in the glossary first Give students a word and have them colorfully illustrate it E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 51 Diocese of Dallas 52 WEBSITES The St. Ann (Coppell) website catechist page has many resources, including games and icebreakers, tips, policies, and emergency procedures. The Our Sunday Visitor Alive in Christ (our new curriculum) website has many features, including Catechist Training and Lesson Planning. To sign in, click on Register, and use your catechist manual ISBN number on the back of the manual. Catholic has articles, games, activities and resources for teaching our Catholic faith to children. The Catholic Toolbox has activities, worksheets, puzzles and resources for catechists/teachers/parents. The Catholic Icing website has fun activities and crafts for elementary aged children. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops websites is a wonderful resource for prayers, Mass readings, and current Catholic issues. The Diocese of Dallas website has good information about events, issues, and guidelines for our own diocese. E & R Catechist Presentation; June 2015; Dept. of Catechetical Services 52