Intro and Constitution Unit Guide AP Gov. Intro and

AP GOV 2015-2016
Introduction and Constitution Unit
Learning Objectives: Introduction
1. Distinguish among the fundamental concepts of government, politics, and public policy.
2. Describe the basic concept of the policy making system.
3. Describe the three contemporary theories of American Democracy: pluralism, Elitism, and
The Constitution
1. Explain why the Constitution is sometimes called the Higher Law.
2. Compare European thought of Hobbes, Locke, and Montesquieu to that of Hamilton, Jefferson,
and Madison.
3. Explain how the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation laid the groundwork for the
4. Evaluate how the Constitutional convention dealt with issues of equality.
5. Summarize the major compromises of the Constitutional Convention.
6. Describe the major issues between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists in the debate over
7. Discuss how the Constitution changes, both formally and informally, reshaping the Madisonian
Important terms and Concepts
o Direct
o Indirect
Pluralism and Hyper-Pluralism
Policy Making
US Constitution and Articles of Confederation
o Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Bill of Rights
Policy making
Checks and Balances
Separation of Powers
Shay’s Rebellion
Federalist 10 and 51
Virginia, NJ plans and Great Compromise
Elastic Clause
Enumerated and Reserved Powers
Feds and Anti-Feds
3/5 Compromise
Formal and Informal amending of Constitution
Judicial Review
AP GOV 2015-2016
o Marbury V. Madison
Declaration of Independence
Jefferson = Locke
Madison = Montesquieu
Hamilton = Hobbes
Discussion Questions:
Text pages 5-14
1. Why is government necessary? What should government do?
2. What were some of the framers concerns about direct democracy?
Text Pages 15-17
1. While majority rule is a fundamental concept of American culture there are several arguments
against the concept of a purely majoritarian form of democracy. What are some of them?
2. What are some arguments supporting elitism? What are some problems with elitism?
3. How do proponents of Pluralist theory see politics functioning?
4. What are some dangers inherent in pluralism?
Text pages 18-20
1. How did the definition of liberal change over time?
2. Your text describes two dimensions of modern conservatism. What are they and what might be
some current examples?
3. Describe the paradox of libertarian views as defined by your text. Do you agree with the book’s
definition? Are Libertarian’s views truly extreme?
AP GOV 2015-2016
Text pages 36-38
1. What were some problems with the Articles of Confederation and what consequences did they
2. What was Shay’s Rebellion about and how did it lead to the Constitutional Convention?
Text Pages 39-44
1. How would you characterize the delegates to the Convention?
2. What were the major arguments of the various factions at the Convention?
3. What types of compromises were made in order to secure passage of the Constitution?
Text pages 47-49
1. Explain the Madisonian argument in support of the Constitution
2. How did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagree on their idea of governmental power?
AP GOV 2015-2016
Text pages 53-58
1. Name and explain the two formal ways the Constitution can be amended
2. Name and explain three ways the Constitution can be informally amended