1d Lab TQ bank Aseptic

Lab 1 Test Bank
Aseptic Technique
A “negative pressure room” is one in which:
a. When you open the door, air moves out of the room
b. When you open the door, air moves into the room
c. Air does not circulate to keep out foreign contaminants
d. Hazmat suits with respirators are required because there is no air
True or false: Bio Safety Level Two (BS2) microbes are potentially pathogenic (cause disease)
a. True
b. False
The best way to transfer a bacterial inoculate is to use a (an):
Inoculation loop
Inoculation needle
Your fingers
Both A and B
True or false: The inoculation loops and needles cannot be sterilized after use and can thus
only be used once
Cultures in the lab can become contaminated from:
Surface contaminants
Airborne spores and living microorganisms
All of the above
True or false: Bacteria and other contaminants cannot fly
When a nurse is cleaning a wound, which technique is used?
Aseptic technique
Sterile technique
Culturing technique
Surgical technique
Aseptic technique, with regard to handling cultures is:
Equally as pure as sterile technique
More pure than sterile technique
Not as pure as sterile technique
Not an option when handling cultures
When undergoing surgery, the following technique is used:
Aseptic technique
Sterile technique
Culturing technique
Amicrobial technique
True or false: While cleaning a wound aseptically, you do not need to wear a gown or
A culture dish can be left open for a short time when viewing colonies of organisms.
For most bacterial cultures you will use this type of instrument to obtain an inoculum.
A. Test Tube
B. Bunsen Burner
C. Rack
D. Sterile Loop
An important part of Aseptic Technique is labeling. What is the correct information for your
tube or plate?
Date, Bacteria, Teacher
Time, Location, Class
Date, Bacteria, Name
Test Type, Lab Period, Name
Never grab the instrument by the handle
True False
To aid with the cooling of a loop, wave it around or blow on it until it is cool.
True False
When transferring cultures hold the tubes by the
Base in your dominant hand and the sterile loop in your non-dominant hand
Base in your non-dominant hand and the sterile loop in your dominant hand
Base in your dominant hand and never hold the sterile loop
Base and loop in your dominant hand only
When “flaming” a tube the angle should be at
A. 45° B. 90° C. 25°
D. 15°
Scoop of bacteria is known as the ______________ ?
A. Culture
B. Tube
C. Inoculum D. Variable
All necessary equipment should be placed out of arms reach for safety
True False
When preparing the Bunsen burner,
Adjust the yellow flame so that it disappears and only the blue flame is visible
Decrease the blue flame until a yellow cone of flame is seen near the tip
Adjust the blue flame until a an orange cone of flame is seen near the tip
Increase the yellow flame so that the blue flame completely disappears
Which of the following “general considerations” is FALSE:
a. It is important to tie hair back since it can easily contaminate your specimen
b. A common way to start a fire is to reach over the flame
c. It is okay to dump microbial suspension down the drain
d. Place test tubes in the rack when working at your table
If your lab coat catches fire, what should you immediately do?
a. Throw water on it
b. Take it off and use the rest of the coat to smother the flames
c. Call 911
d. Have someone use a paper towel to smother the flames
How do you know that the gas is turned all the way on?
a. The level is parallel with the rubber tubing
b. The level is turned down
c. The level is turned up
d. The level is perpendicular to the rubber tubing
Where should microbial suspension be thrown out?
a. In the normal trash can
b. In the sink
c. The lab technician will take care of it
d. Only in the discard area
Which of the following is TRUE in regards to the methods of applying an inoculum:
a. We will be using the same inoculating method for all our experiments
b. There are different techniques, thus is depends on what technique you will perform
c. It doesn’t matter what technique you utilize
d. Make sure you are using proper technique
e. Both a and d
f. None of the above
What is the purpose of streak plate?
a. To watch bacteria grow
b. To introduce a pure bacterial sample to a new plate
c. To grow contaminated bacteria
d. To store nutrient broth
When utilizing streak plate method, what is being done?
a. Spreading out the sample enough to facilitate the growth of the bacteria
b. Inoculating a dish with many species of bacteria
c. Putting nutrient broth inside the dish
d. Inoculating a dish with a virus
Which of the following “general considerations” is TRUE:
a. Don’t place pencils or pens in your working space
b. You don’t need to wear a lab coat
c. Don’t place a heated loop or glass rod into an alcohol dish
d. None of the above is true
Which of the following depicts the correct streak plate method:
B (Correct)
What type of container is used for a streak isolation?
A. Flask
B. Petri dish
C. test tube
D. bowl
How many quadrants are marked on the bottom?
A. 5
C. 2
B. 3
D. 4
Which item is not used for a streak isolation?
A. Loop
D. Bunsen burner
B. Cotton swab
E. None of the above
C. agar
F. all of the above
What degree do you incubate the plate when checking for pathogenic bacteria?
A. 96.8 F
C. 62 F
B. 33 C
D. 37C
How long do you incubate the plate?
A. 36 h
B. 72 h
In what motion do you streak the plate?
A. Circular
B. Back and forth
C. 1h
D. 24 h
C. poking motion
D. zig zag
E. None of the above
How do you inoculate an agar slant with a loop?
A. Place the loop all the way to bottom of slant
B. Place loop straight up the slant
C. Zig zag the streak as you bring up the loop
D. All of the above
In which direction is the petri dish rotated?
A. Counter clockwise
C. clockwise
B. It is not rotated
D. upside down
How do you sterilize the loop?
A. In a microwave
B. Soak it in alcohol
C. In distilled water
D. Over a Bunsen burner
For each streak in each quadrant of the petri dish, the loop should be __________
A. Waved around
B. Sterilized
C. Cooled
D. Placed in ice
E. B & C
F. None of the above
Place loop on the ________________________ of the dish and tap it on the agar to make sure it
is _________________________.
A. Bottom, hard
B. Inside, pliable
C. Inside edge, cool
D. Top, cool
Uninoculated, pellicle, sediment, turbidity, flocculent are examples of what type of growth
A. Grown patterns on slants
B. Growth patterns in broths
Why are incubating plates stored upside down?
A. Plates are not stored upside down.
B. To prevent condensation.
C. It allows the auger to fall to the bottom to prevent air from escaping.
D. It stops water from dripping onto the culture, which can ruin it.
E. Both B and D
When describing the morphology of a colony, the terms “convex”, “flat”, and “growth into
medium” are classifications of what?
A. Pigmentation
B. Configuration
C. Margin
D. Elevation
When describing the morphology of a colony, the terms “smooth”, “erose”, and “rhizoid” are
classifications of what?
A. Pigmentation
B. Configuration
C. Margin
D. Elevation
What are the purposes of using aseptic technique?
a) Prevent contamination of cultures
b) Prevent contamination of environment
c) Prevent infection of personnel
d) Maintain sterile conditions
e) A, B, and C are correct
ab) A, B, C, and D are correct
What part of the Bunsen burner flame is used to sterilize a loop?
a) Tip of yellow flame
b) Base of yellow flame
c) Tip of blue cone
d) Tip of red flame
Match the following grown pattern slants with their appropriate classification.
Echinulate (spiny)
Effuse (spreading)
To retrieve a sample from a culture tube with an inoculating loop, the cap of the tube is
a) Removed and held in one’s teeth
b) Removed and held with the little fingers of the loop hand
c) Removed with the fingers of the loop hand and placed in the fingers of the tube hand
d) Removed with the fingers of the loop hand and placed on the lab bench
e) Any of these methods can be used.
When transferring an organism from a liquid media, what is used to obtain the organism?
a) Loop
b) Needle
c) Pipette
d) Syringe
e) Both (a) and (b) can be used
Which of the following is in the correct order?
a) Place organism on slide, heat fix, air dry, stain
b) Place organism on slide, blot dry, heat fix, stain
c) Place organism on slide, air dry, heat fix, stain
d) Place organism on slide, heat fix, stain, air dry
What is the purpose for doing a capsule stain? ________________________________
To outline a capsule for viewing
You should always shake a tube of culture broth before removing a sample. Why?
a. It stuns the bacteria so they are temporarily non-motile during the transfer.
b. It enrages the bacteria so they attack and cling to the inoculating loop.
c. It disperses bacteria that might otherwise have sunk to the bottom of the tube.
d. all of the above are good reasons to shake a tube of broth.
e. Actually, you should never shake a tube of broth.
After melting an agar tube pour into a Petri dish, why do we allow it to cool down before
a) The organisms would die during a streak for isolation procedure
b) Too much condensation would form on the inside of the lid
c) It is too hot to handle and work with
d) All of the above
e) Both (b) and (c) are true