Unity nwsltr May-Jun.. - Unity of Delray Beach

Hiring the Heavens
By the Reverend Nancy Norman
Many of you have become very clear about your
dreams and desires. You have written them down;
you have become aware of how and what your dream
feels like; you can
see your dream in
your mind’s eye and
are now in the
process of making
that dream become a
Often in our society,
we think we have to
do it all. More times
than not, we struggle,
strain, and force
things into being. It
is good to remember at this time an age old Truth,
“Whatever you do to realize your dream, you must
continue to do to keep it.” So, why not use spiritual
principles to make your dreams and desires a reality?
In that way, you are assured peace, happiness and
tranquility as your dreams become a continued part
of your life.
Joseph Campbell believed that when you followed
your bliss, the invisible hands of God were with you.
He said that, “. . . you place yourself on a kind of
track that has been there all the while waiting for you,
and the life that you ought to be living is the one you
are living. When you see that, you begin to meet
people who are in your field of bliss and they open
doors for you.” He went on to say, “Don’t be afraid,
and doors will open where you didn’t know they
were going to be.”
I believe in the invisible hands of God. I believe in
angels, heaven, and divine assistance. The Bible is
full of stories where divine assistance comes to guide
and comfort. An angel brought Elijah bread and
water while he was fleeing from Jezebel ― Divine
Assistance, the invisible hands of God. Angels gave
guidance to Joseph, instructing him in a dream to
marry Mary and name her baby Jesus ― Divine
Assistance, the invisible hands of God. Angelic help
can be a powerful encouragement. Paul and his
shipmates were caught in a horrible situation. He
faced being shipwrecked, an angel appeared to him
and assured him that not a life would be lost and he
would live ― Divine Assistance, the invisible hands
of God.
Angels are also known for protection. Daniel tells
the story of how the angel shut the mouth of the lion
when he was thrown into their den ― Divine
Assistance, the invisible hands of God. Peter found
himself in prison awaiting certain death. He was
guarded at all times and bound by chains. Suddenly
an angel appeared. A miracle began to take place.
White light filled his cell- the chains that bound him
fell to the ground. The angel guided him past the
guards and the iron gate opened by itself. They were
led to safety and then the angel disappeared ―
Divine Assistance, the invisible hands of God.
“He will give His angels charge over you to guard
you in all ways”- Psalms 91:11. You and I have the
same divine assistance, the same invisible hands of
God available to us. We can call upon our angels or
divine assistance to accomplish the many things that
we have to do. We are not alone; our angels are
God’s angels, poised and ready to answer our every
desire quickly, with ease and under grace.
Jean Slatter, author of Hiring the Heavens, tells us to
state clearly, with power and confidence what we
want accomplished. She claims that God, the
Universe, is waiting to respond at a blink of an eye.
Jean says that there are thousands of (see p.2)
Unity of Delray Beach Board of Directors
Minister and CEO
Nancy Norman
Kurt Bressner
Vice President
Don Horine
Joy Prouty
Scott Cornelius
Director and Director of Protocol
Gayl Brown
Gerry Meeks
Staff & Volunteers
Minister and CEO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Norman
Unity School Head of School . . . . . . . . . . Margo Cohen
Financial Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phil Seaman
Administrative Director, Financial Secretary,
Youth Education Director . . . . . . . . . . . . Laurie Durgan
Lessons in Living Director . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judith Carter
Minister and Counselor. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Melanie Schley
Logistics; Bookstore Manager. . . . . . . . . Hallie Hopper
Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . Kathleen Cronin
Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . Marilyn McElveen
Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herlinda Vera
Director of Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zack Coblens
Licensed Unity Teacher, Fellowship Greeter Coord.,
Chaplain Team Director . . . . . . . . .Madaline Lawrence
Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neil Mahoney
Director of Prayer Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elaine Vail
Director of Public Relations,
Newsletter Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brenda Robinson
Youth of Unity Sponsors. . . . . L. Durgan, Cal Boynton
Uniteen Consultant, S.E. Region Unity Youth Ministry;
Uniteen Co-sponsor; Youth Ed. Asst. .Ytonna Finnegan
Nursery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fran Costello, Lynn Leith
Head Ushers, 9:25. . Joanne & Brian Lithgow, Kris Lee
Head Ushers, 11. . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Reimers, Liz Shaw
Sound Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frank Hawkins
Cover photo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cara Gallo
Hiring the Heavens (continued from p.1)
unemployed angels waiting to go to work on our
behalf…So Call Forth Your Angels!
Do you want a relationship? Employ the angel of
happy, loving, fun relationships to put you in the
right place at the right time to meet your perfect
mate. Would you like to see more success in your
business? Send the angels of success out to bring
new ideas, people, and circumstances to enhance
your business. The mark of success will be upon
you! Do you have visions of happy, loving, family
and friends? The family and friends angels have
been awaiting your call. Watch family and friends
become ever so close and loving. Is health a need at
this time.
The angels of life, health, vitality, strength are ever
so anxious to assist you. Call on them boldly and
with confidence. Become aware of the mighty
healing power within, as the angels touch your
mind, heart, and body with their healing activity.
Do you envision greater prosperity? Call upon the
angels of prosperity and watch things change. Send
out the angels of prosperity to generate more
income, creative ideas, ways to give, and avenues to
serve. These all help open the floodgates of plenty.
When “hiring the angels” do so boldly, confidently,
joyously and powerfully. Talk to your angels as
you would a friend. Tell them your deepest desires
and watch the miracles unfold in your life.
Moreover, do not forget to express your great
gratitude as the divine assistance God’s helping
hands begin and complete their assignment.
God has given his angels charge over us to guard,
protect, and bless us in all ways.
Class Thoughts
Power: Power
Color: Purple
Disciple: Philip
Body Location: Throat (Near the Thyroid
Idea: Power is the faculty, which enables us to
express dominion and mastery over our thoughts and
feelings, so that they might come to more clearly
reflect our spiritual nature and spiritual Source.
Whatever man decrees,
he releases within himself and within his world.
Divine Power is mine to control my thoughts.
The power of God is now
working through me.
Divine Power is mine to vitalize my body.
All power is now given to me
in mind, body, and affairs.
Divine Power is mine to experience success.
There is nothing to fear. Divine love prevails in
all weather conditions. The earth is blessed, and
harmony, order, and protection are assured.
-Daily Word
Power: Imagination
Color: Light Blue
Disciple: Bartholomew
Body Location: Pituitary Gland- Center of the
Idea: The imagination is a mind power that you
can begin using immediately! Through the imaging
power of the mind, we can begin to think in terms of
having, being, and experiencing present fulfillment.
All things work together for my good.
I imagine the best in all things.
I picture only the best for myself and others
My eyes are single to the good and my
whole body is filled with light.
I picture only the best for myself and others
My good is at hand and I gratefully receive it now.
I picture only the best for myself and others
There is nothing to fear. Divine love prevails in all
weather conditions. The earth is blessed, and
harmony, order and protection are assured.
-Daily Word
“Fill us now with the richness of spirit and purpose…God bless this church with
substance, so that success and prosperity are the order of every day.”
‒Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity
Lessons in Living
By Judith Carter
Our Unity students, for the fifth year, have
participated in the “Forgotten Soldier Collection.”
The Forgotten Soldiers Outreach, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to providing care
packages to our U.S. troops, for as long as they
are deployed.
Besides collecting many useful items and
writing notes of support to our soldiers, this year,
our students included prescription bottles. Each
prescription bottle was given a new label and was
filled with 12 affirmations.
Prescription for Hope & Happiness
Dosage: Take daily to renew positive thinking, optimism, attitude & faith.
Active Ingredients: Peace, love, hope & support from Unity School Students
Physician: God
The following are samples of affirmations written by Unity students.
 You inspire us with your courage.
 Hang on to your dreams, they will carry you back safely to the land where dreams come true.
 Angels are watching over you, guiding you and protecting you. Our prayers are with you too!
 You are a hero with a big heart. Thank you for being brave enough to stand up and serve.
We honor the greatness in you and know that you make a difference in our world. Consider yourself
Our hope and prayer is that as they receive these packages, they know that they are loved, appreciated, and
definitely not forgotten.
In love of all of the children everywhere,
Judith Carter
The How To’s of Prayer & Meditation
A New Class for June/July
The cry of the disciples to the Master, “Lord teach us to pray,” can be heard today. As we travel through
life, there are times when we long for the comforting communion with God.
We are told throughout the Bible to pray without ceasing and often wonder what that means or how it looks.
Prayer is a way of forming a permanent attitude and connection with our loving, giving Father-Mother God.
Prayer is talking to God, and meditation is listening to God.
Dates: Thursday, June 6 through Thursday, July 7
Times: Morning Class: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Evening Class:
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall
Taught by:
Nancy Norman
Ongoing Events
9:25 a.m.
11 a.m.
9:25 a.m.
9:25 a.m.
11 a.m.
9:25 & 11 a.m.
12 p.m.
6 p.m.
10 a.m.
Family Worship Service
Worship Service
Sunday School
Youth of Unity
Infant care
First Sun. of the month
Men of Unity: May speaker:
Author and Viet Nam veteran Allen Sells
Prayer Meeting
5:30 p.m.
Second Wed. of month, Dinner with Hallie
6:30-7 p.m.
Healing Prayer & Meditation Service
7 a.m.
12:15 p.m
5-6:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
Prosperity Coffee
Prosperity Lunch
Hatha Yoga
First Fri. of month, Entertaining Your Spirit
Movie Night (Hiatus June through August)
We are auditioning classic rock singers May 17 & 19
For our July 8 Old Time Rock ‘n Roll Concert
Do you personally know some great professional singers? Or someone with an outstanding professional quality
voice? Maybe it’s YOU! Those auditioning need to come prepared with two songs from any year during
the 1940s through the 1970s with a rock or rock ballad beat. Songs will be sung without accompaniment, a
Capella, unless you sing and play an instrument at the same time, you may accompany yourself. Microphone
available. Our next Old Time Rock ‘n Roll Concert will be Friday evening, July 8. Our judges will
include several of our 2010 performers. You must register by email or phone to reserve your audition slot either
day. Tues., May 17, or Thurs., May 19, 7 to 9 p.m in the church Sanctuary. Please register for an audition
via Brenda Robinson at brenda515@comcast.net or call 561-742-2121.
(We ask that there be no audience except the judges for these evenings.)
A Prayer from God to You
By Laurie Durgan
Shhhhh, listen….slow down, look around and take a
deep breath. Feel the beating of your heart, and just
think to yourself, “God
loves me so much!” That’s
a prayer! You can pray to
God without saying a word
or using your voice. Words
can be put together to make
a beautiful prayer, but what
makes a prayer beautiful is
not your words but your
feelings, your thoughts of
God. Prayer is a time to
remember that we are
God’s children. Prayer is a time to “be” with God.
Did you know that God prays to you all day long?
God wants to “be” with you too. God’s prayer to you
can be heard, felt, seen, even smelled and tasted. It’s
true! God is sending you amazing messages of love,
courage, peace and beauty all day long. God speaks a
language that everyone in the Universe can understand…
we always know and feel God’s prayer when we slow
down and get quiet, when we take a minute to just
remember God.
God’s prayer to you is felt in the cozy hugs of your
mom and dad, and in the kind encouraging words of
your teacher and coach. God prays to you in the
awesome beauty of the ocean and the song of a cardinal.
God prays to you in the friends that you have and the fun
you share. God prays to you as your dog or cat runs to
greet you. God prays to you as you bite a delicious juicy
piece of watermelon and as you smell a sweet flower.
God prays to you in the quiet of the night when you
are saying your prayers. God is praying to you all day
long and saying “I love you!”
Are you listening? Are you looking, touching,
smelling and tasting the incredible goodness of God in
your life? Think about it. Shhh, listen, slow down, look
around and take a deep breath. Now, remember you are
a beautiful child of God. Nothing is impossible for you.
God’s love is within you and all around you. Be with
God. God’s love can never ever leave you. You are
God’s treasure.
God is reminding you of these truths all day long.
Remember, you are treasured by me too!
Miss Laurie
Hello dear Parents
Our Sunday School has special celebrations planned for you and your children for Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 8;
and for Father’s Day on Sunday, June 19. Please watch the Sunday bulletin for more information!
God is Healing You Now
By Mary L. Kupferle
God is healing you now! It is
occurring at this very moment
whether you know it or not.
You need not have some
mystical experience. You need
not feel any unusual physical
sensation. You need not even be
aware of how it is happening,
you need only to relax, to let go,
and to be assured that it is being
If you are facing a healing
challenge of any kind, you can
be sure God's healing power
will see you through. Indeed, it
is happening at this instant. God
is healing you now! Whether
you are in your home, hospital,
office, bus, plane or car, God's
great love is there, healing you
now. Whether you have a lot of
spiritual understanding or a
little, whether you are old or
young in physical years,
whether you have a great deal
of faith or little, you can grasp
these few words: God is healing
me now. They can bring you
into a realization that will lead
you into total healing, total
rebirth and total change of your
life experience for good.
… God can and does work
through anyone or anything in
an infinite variety of ways and
means to help, bless and heal
His children. You need not
question, reason or seek out the
ways. He will open them up to
you, at the right time and
appropriate moment, for He is
already at work within every
detail of your life, bringing
about healing in every aspect.
If your heart is downcast about
yourself or a loved one, know
that God is healing you now,
that God is healing your dear
one now. Decree and affirm this
consistently and faithfully, and
you will be placing yourself in a
receptive attitude, readying
yourself in a receptive attitude,
readying yourself to receive. If
you are plagued by doubts and
fears, and if negative thoughts
fill your mind, use the words
God is healing me now as a
rudder to keep your mind turned
around in the direction of His
presence and power …
… If you become discouraged,
thinking that healing will never
come, if you see little sign of
progress, quietly realize that
God's continuous healing power
is at work beyond your ability
to judge. Do not reason or
compare or try to figure it all
out. Instead, deliberately trust
that in every moment and in
every detail, God is there,
guiding, helping, seeing you
through to total healing.
… Knowing that it is the Father
who dwells within you who
does the work, you can leave
the outworking to Him,
regardless of whether the
healing is for mind, body,
relationships or any of your
affairs. God knows the ways
and means to bring the right
results. Because things are in
the process of healing, you will
gladly cooperate and accept His
guidance. Your prayers will
have a new spirit of release
within them as you inwardly
become more aware that in
every moment, in every
circumstance, in every situation,
in every development, in every
outworking, God is healing,
healing, healing!
I have seen the healing of all
kinds of conditions. For every
healing in my own life or in the
lives of others, I have seen just
as many ways these healings
have come. The ways of
answered prayer for healing are
as infinite as God is infinite.
Healings have occurred in every
kind of environment, through
silent prayer or audible, through
strong decrees and gentle,
sometimes in church services
and sometimes in hospitals,
regardless of the religious
affiliation or lack of it or the
manner of prayer. The ways of
God and His healing power
transcend our concepts. There is
no limit to the healing power of
God or to the reach of the
healing touch and presence of
Jesus Christ.
No matter what any person may
say of the impossibilities of
healing, all things are possible
with God. To acknowledge with
praise and thanksgiving: God is
healing me now, is to let the
healing begin to flow. Now is
the time to believe it for
yourself. God is healing you
Friday, May 6, 7 p.m. ELSA & FRED - Last Movie Night until September
Gentle, restrained song-at-twilight love story in which a buttoned-up Madrid widower (Manuel
Alexandre) finds his horizons widened when he falls for his elegant but unconventional new
neighbor (China Zorrilla). Though its central dynamic of attracted opposites is familiar, director
and co-writer Marcos Carnevale's "carpe diem" comedy, which also features Blanca Portillo as
the reticent Romeo's controlling daughter, is kept rolling by the verve of its veteran leads.
Argentine/Spanish in Spanish with English subtitles. Some material may not be suitable for
 Summer film night hiatus during June/July/August. Join us again Friday, September 9, at 7
p.m. for CANVAS –a beautiful film tribute to the power of love over severe illness. With Marcia
Gay Harden and Joe Pantoliano. See preview of CANVAS here: http://youtu.be/Xi6ohZCwj2M
Featured in the Bookstore. . . Selected by Hallie Hopper
Greg Mortenson is co-author of the #1
NY Times Best Seller Three Cups of
Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote
Peace, One School At A Time. It
recounts the journey that led
Mortenson from a failed 1993 attempt
to climb Pakistan’s K2, the world’s
second highest mountain, to
successfully establish schools in some
of the most remote regions of
Afghanistan and Pakistan. By
replacing guns with pencils, rhetoric
with reading, Mortenson combines his
unique background with his intimate
knowledge of the developing world to
promote peace with books, not bombs,
and successfully bring education and
hope to remote communities in central
Asia. Three Cups of Tea is at once an
unforgettable adventure and the
inspiring true story of how one man
really is changing the world—one
school at a time.
Three Cups of Tea has also been
adapted and updated for young
readers of all ages. The Young
Readers edition, Three Cups of Tea:
One Man’s Journey to Change the
World…One Child at a Time includes
new photos and illustrations, as well
as a special interview by Greg’s
twelve-year-old daughter, Amira, who
has traveled with her father as an
advocate for the Pennies for Peace
program. Listen to the Wind, the
children’s book, is told in the voice of
Korphe’s children, and illuminates the
humanity and culture of a relevant,
distant part of the world while sharing
a riveting example of how one person
can change thousands of lives. See
www.threecupsoftea.com for more
Stones into Schools: Promoting
Peace through Education in
Afghanistan and Pakistan. In this
Sunday, May 1, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
dramatic first-person narrative, Greg
Mortenson picks up where Three Cups
of Tea left off in 2003, recounting his
relentless, ongoing efforts to establish
schools for girls in Afghanistan; his
extensive work in Azad Kashmir and
Pakistan after a massive earthquake
hit the region in 2005; and the unique
ways he has built relationships with
Islamic clerics, militia commanders,
and tribal leaders even as he was
dodging shootouts with feuding
Afghan warlords and surviving an
eight-day armed abduction by the
Taliban. He shares for the first time
his broader vision to promote peace
through education and literacy, as
well as touching on military matters,
Islam, and women—all woven
together with the many rich personal
stories of the people who have been
involved in this remarkable twodecade humanitarian effort.
Prayer Magic Time
The Duchess of Doodle™, writer/artist Karen Jean Leventhal, is back with another whimsical and colorful
serendipitous afternoon of fun and frivolity. This time, it is a guided creative enterprise to manifest your
prayerful intentions through your original concept of "Prayer Magic!" - a.k.a. prayer sticks, wands, books,
albums, tiles, pillows, scarves, pictures, plates, bowls, trays, cups, cards, folders, notebooks, book marks,
hats, tassels, magnets, ornaments, etc. etc. (of every shape and size!) Be Bold. Be Dramatic. Be Enthusiastic. Be Colorful. Be You!
So bring along a box, bag, suitcase, carton or trunkload of sticks, poles, books, fabric, pillows, lamp shades, hats, ribbons, tiles,
colored yarns, jewelry, stickers, glue, beads, letters, shells and strings, shoelaces, feathers, bells, bottles, belts and bows, and of course
"magic" markers. Mother Teresa said, "Do small things with great love." Please call the church office by April 25 to register.
The workshop will be held in Mary Kupferle Fellowship Hall. Love offering.