Lindsay Stenovec, MS, RD Family & Child Feeding Consultation Questionnaire Parent Contact Information Name DOB Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone Employer Address Occupation Email City State Sex Smart Phone? F M F No Fax Zip Code The best way to contact me is by (please circle all that apply): Mail Email Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone I prefer that you contact me during: AM PM Days: S M T W TR F S Hours: Child’s Information (list all children if applicable) Name Yes M Fax DOB Sex Grade in school: Family Health History Any history of chronic disease(s) and/ or condition(s)? Please circle or bold all that apply and indicate family member in reference to child (i.e. grandparent, parent, aunt, sibling). Type II Diabetes Gestational Diabetes Kidney Failure High Cholesterol Heart Disease Gastrointestinal Disorder (IBD, IBS, Celiac, etc…) High Blood Pressure Other, please explain. Child’s Health History Any history of chronic disease(s) and/ or condition(s)? Please circle or bold all that apply. Type II Diabetes Date diagnosed: Type I Diabetes Date diagnosed: Kidney Disorder Date diagnosed: Blood Pressure, Heart or Cholesterol Disorder Date diagnosed: Other, please explain. Digestive Disorder Date diagnosed: Feeding Disorder: Date Diagnosed: Child’s Weight History Current Weight_____________ Stature for Age Percentile_________ Weight for Age Percentile________ BMI for Age Percentile _________ Weight for Stature Percentile _______ Please attempt to collect growth chart records from child’s physician. Lindsay Stenovec, MS, RD Family & Child Feeding Consultation Questionnaire Has your child recently increased or decreased in weight? Have his or her growth chart percentiles changed? In your opinion, does your child display any eating habits that might be disordered? Any history of eating disorders in your family? Medications and Supplements Please list all medications and dosage your child is currently taking: 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. Please list all supplements and dosage you child is currently taking: (this includes vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, etc…) 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. Parent’s Perception of Child’s Experience with Food & Exercise Please list any surgeries or medical procedures that you feel may have affected your child’s diet, lifestyle or ability to move: 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you ever been advised by your physician to What special diet was it? place your child on a special diet? Yes No What was it like for you to provide the special diet? Lindsay Stenovec, MS, RD Family & Child Feeding Consultation Questionnaire What was this like for your child to be on the special diet? Does your child have any food allergies or intolerances? Yes No If yes, please specify. Have you ever seen a dietitian or nutritionist for you or your child? If so, please describe your experience. What concerns do you have about your child’s weight, health, eating, and/or movement? What concerns does your child have about his/her weight, health, eating, and/or movement? Does your child know you are here today? If so, how has he/she responded to this? How do you rate your child’s health? How would you rate your child’s self esteem? Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent Good Fair Poor How confident is your child with eating? How confident is your child with moving? (Not Confident)1 2 3 4 5 (Very Confident) (Not Confident)1 2 3 4 5 (Very Confident) Please list other health practitioners your child is currently seeing i.e. pediatric physician, OB/GYN (if relevant), therapist, psychiatrist, holistic health practitioner, physical therapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist: Lindsay Stenovec, MS, RD Family & Child Feeding Consultation Questionnaire Eating & Movement What types of food does your child enjoy? Not enjoy? What types of movement does your child enjoy? What other activities does your child enjoy? Lindsay Stenovec, MS, RD Family & Child Feeding Consultation Questionnaire Parent Lifestyle History and Assessment Marital Status Single Married Please list number of children and ages: Any pregnancy complications? # of Pregnancies ____________________ Please list any surgeries or medical procedures that have affected your diet or lifestyle: 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you ever been advised by your physician to What special diet was it? follow a special diet? Yes No What changes were you able to make? Have you ever seen a dietitian or nutritionist? If so, please describe your experience. Please list other health practitioners you are currently seeing i.e. primary care, OB/GYN (if relevant), therapist, psychiatrist, holistic health practitioner: Lindsay Stenovec, MS, RD Family & Child Feeding Consultation Questionnaire Lifestyle History and Assessment How do you rate your health? Excellent Good Fair Poor If applicable, how do you rate your family’s health? Excellent Good Fair Poor How confident are you in feeding yourself? How Confident are you in feeding your family? (Not Confident)1 2 3 4 5 (Very Confident) (Not Confident)1 2 3 4 5 (Very Confident) Have you ever been on a diet? If yes, please list all. 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. Are you currently exercising? If yes, please specify. Do you have any food allergies or intolerances? Yes No If yes, please specify. Nutrition Consultation Expectations What do you hope to accomplish with our visit? What are your expectations? How can I help you to meet your needs? Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. I look forward to meeting with you!