Mrs. Bowden

ACS SENIOR Survival Calendar
____ Early December, Jostens order due to Mr. Hofacker
____ First week in March, Senior Yearbook Picture and baby pictures due to Mrs. Cobaugh
____ Last week in March, Senior Parent Meeting
____ Beginning the 2nd week in April, Senior cap and gown picture will be taken in
Mr. Bowden’s room 266, 12:00 pm; $15 cash to Mrs. Bowden. This picture is displayed at the
graduation reception.
____ Last week in April “Formal Senior Picture” for Graduation ceremony turned in to Mr. Hofacker
____ First week in May , Senior Ad due to Mrs. Cobaugh- information to be mailed to senior parents
in April
____ Monday three weeks prior to Graduation, Senior Skip Day (money due the Friday before)
(This is usually the last Monday in April or the first Monday in May)
____ First week in May, photos for senior video due to Mr. Hofacker (played at graduation)
____ Week prior to graduation, review /final exam week for seniors
____ Thursday and Friday prior to graduation, Senior Exams
____ Friday prior to Graduation, Reception $20- $25 (to pay for refreshments and decorations) CASH
Mrs. Wells
____ Friday prior to graduation, FINAL DAY OF SCHOOL! Senior check-out form completed and
turned in to the Secondary Office
____ Monday prior to graduation, Senior Breakfast reservation and payment made to the High School
office; checks payable to ACS- Info about the amount will follow
____ Tuesday prior to Graduation, Graduation Video (optional) – $15 with order form to high school
office, checks payable to ABT
____ Graduation Day:
 8:00 am Senior Breakfast
 10:30 am practice (ABT auditorium)
 6:30 pm ready for ceremony (Graduation dress: Girls - dress or skirt that is within the
ACS dress code guidelines, dark blue or black shoes; Boys- dark dress pants, dark shoes,
dark socks, light shirt, dark tie)
Reception to follow in the Big Gym (Graduation Reception sponsored, organized, decorated,
and set up by the senior parents; served and cleaned up by the juniors and junior parents)