Transforming Teaching & Learning through High-Impact Practices Award Program for Departments In a foundational article published by the AAC&U in 2008, George Kuh described high-impact practices as those that encourage active learning and student engagement. According to Kuh, these practices work best when students have opportunities to engage in high-impact practices early in their careers (in introductory and GE-level courses) and towards the end of their careers within their majors (available at: The Division of Academic Affairs therefore is pleased to announce the High Impact Practices Award Program. Awards of $10,000 each will be awarded to departments with promising or demonstrated high-impact practices associated with assessment. Departments/programs are invited to submit proposals for awards for: Promising High Impact Practices (HIPs) that have been implemented as a result of documented student learning outcomes assessments; Positive and documented results of HIPs that derived from student learning outcomes assessment findings The purpose of this award program is to recognize outstanding contributions to educational effectiveness using internationally recognized best practices. Applications must address the ways in which assessment at the program level has resulted in the introduction of high-impact practices within the curriculum OR how student learning outcomes assessment has documented positive results of already incorporated HIPS. Awards will be $10,000 to departments Proposals will be reviewed by the Steering Committee of the Program Review and Assessment Council TIMELINE: May 6, 2015 Announcement of award program September 7, 2015 Proposals due in electronic form to Sharlene Sayegh ( Deadline is 11:59PM September 2015 Review of proposals by the Steering Committee of the Program Assessment Review Council. September 18, 2015 Announcement of awards – Departments receiving awards will be notified by email and will be publicly posted on the campus assessment website Transforming Teaching & Learning through High-Impact Practices Award Program for Departments Proposal Cover Sheet Please complete this Proposal Cover Sheet for the award program to which you are applying. Contact Name Department Phone E-mail AWARD PROGRAM (CHECK ONE) Program I: Promising High-Impact General Education Courses Practices resulting from recent SLO assessment lower division upper division Academic Programs lower division upper division graduate Approximate number of students enrolled per academic year: ______________________ General Education Courses Program II: Documented High-Impact Practices demonstrated through SLO assessment lower division upper division Academic Programs lower division upper division graduate Approximate number of students enrolled per academic year: Statement of Commitment ______________________ If we receive an award through this program, we will comply with all requirements as described in this request for proposals. Department Chair Signature Date The Dean is aware of the proposal and supports its submission. Dean Signature Date Transforming Teaching & Learning through High-Impact Practices Award Program for Departments Narrative Statement In your application narrative, please address the following questions: 1. Explain the process of student learning outcomes (SLO) assessment in the department. Please include relevant assessment reports related to the high impact practice covered by this award. 2. Please respond to the relevant question below: PROGRAM 1 applicants only: Explain the rationale for implementing a high-impact practice based on previous SLO assessment. PROGRAM 2 applicants only: Explain the process of assessing of the high-impact practice your program has implemented. How has it positively contributed to teaching and learning in the department? Discussion of assessment process must also document gains in course completion rates or other relevant metrics of student success as a result of adoption of high-impact practices. 3. How does the department plan to use the prize money to further develop high-impact practices? Discuss the methods by which the department plans further to assess the effectiveness of the high-impact practice. Note: all follow up assessment process must also document gains in course completion rates or other relevant metrics of student success as a result of adoption of high-impact practices. Submit an electronic copy of the application to Dr. Sharlene Sayegh, Director of Program Review and Assessment ( Note "HIPS Award Application" in the subject line of the email. Transforming Teaching & Learning through High-Impact Practices Award Program for Departments Award Rubric On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 3 (highest) rate the application's response to each section of the narrative. 1 Explanation of HIP and use in curriculum Explanation of assessment as reported to the VPAA Explanation of implementation / assessment with prize money Total Score (out of 9 possible points): _______ Reviewer Comments: Recommend ____ / Not recommended at this time____ 2 3