Essay #3 – Score

Handout #4B Unmarked Anchors
6th and 7th Grade Anchor Essays
Essay #1 – Score:
no! water bottles shouldn’t be banned!
Both tap water and bottled water are different. why? because tap water is not filtered enough as bottled water. If
bottled water and sink, tap water were the same then why do people spend money? that’s another question they can run to
the store after a long Jog and need some water, they might buy 10 water bottle packs from the store if they arnt by the sink
or are going somewhere. there are very good reasons for both situations. Once in a while peoples water goes out or
something unhealthy got in the water. there’s many reasons to have and not have bottled water. I wouldn’tsay bottled
water was better because it’s Just filtered sink water. Why do people drink bottled water? there worried about tap
watersafety they also like the taste it’s a complicated matter. in my own opinion I think water bottles taste better than tap
water are way more convenute. bottled water should NOT be banned, what will we drink when the water runs out or has
Handout #4B Unmarked Anchors
Essay # 5– Score:
Many people that bottled water is beneficial to the community because of its convenience. However, this
convenience comes at a price. If not disposed of properly plastic bottles can kill many plants and animals. Plastic bottles
should be banned. They need to be banned because they’re harming the environment and wasting resources.
To begin with, bottled water should be banned because they harm the environment. The article states that most
plastic bottles “wind up in landfills, where they will sit for hundreds of years, leaching harmful chemicals into the ground
and contaminating – get this – the water supply.” This matters because if you do not dispose of bottles correctly you can
seriously harm many innocent citizens. Also the text states that “it’s likely that the water flowing from your tap has been
more thoroughly tested than what you are guzzling from a bottle.” This shows that most tap water is cleaner and healthier
than the water that bottled water companies are sending out. With this said, many people still believe that because they are
able to be recycled there is no problem with bottled water harming the environment. This is true; however, only 30% of all
plastic bottles are recycled.
Also, bottled water should be banned because it is wasting resources. The line graph shows that bottled water
consumption is at an all-time high. This means that we are wasting more plastic than ever before and this number will
keep rising until we run out. Also, the text states that “2.7 million tons of plastic are used to make plastic water bottles
every year “ and that the crude oil in the plastic “could power about 1 million cars for a year.” This matters because with
an alternate power source, we would be able to slow the use of fossil fuels like gasoline. Even with the above evidence,
many people still prefer bottled water. According to the pie chart 35% of people use bottled water as a substitute for other
beverages. While it is a good thing they are drinking water, it’s a bad thing they are using plastic bottles. Instead of plastic
bottles they should use a reusable water bottle.
All in all, the above evidence states that bottled water should be banned. Plastic bottles should be banned for
reasons like, that they harm the environment and that they waste resources. Banning bottled water will help the
environment flourish and keep many people healthy.
Handout #4B Unmarked Anchors
Essay #2 – Score:
Do you buy a lot of bottled water? I bet you do! But is bottled water really better them just plain ole’ tap water?
Or are we just wasting our money and funning the environment? I believe our plain old tap water is better tasting and
First of all, Source 1 says “But even waters bottled from springs and streams aren’t necessarily better than the
water you can get from your kitchen sink. “Every year, Americans buy around 30 billion bottles of water. Why pay so
much more money a year when you can just use your kitchen sink! Plus, it’s likely that the water flowing from your tap
has been more thoroughly tested than what you are guzzling from a bottle Thats because most cities are required to
regularly test tap water to make sure it doesn’t contain dangerous germs or chemicals. Bottled water companies dont have
to test as rigorously.
Also, in Source 1 it says, “The other environmental concern is with what happens to those bottles later. They are
not biodegradable, and though they can be recycled, only about 30 percent of them are “The rest go to landfills, releases
harmful chemicals into the group and contaminating. THE WATER SUPPLY. So bottled waters arent proved to be safer,
taste better, and the cause harm to our water supply eventually. For 780 million people around the world drinking from tap
or distilled water is a life or death necessity. Even though banning bottled water could increase the consumption of sugary
beverages, like soda or sweet teas, which are contributary to americas problem with obesity. Would you rather be a little
overweight? or die? Also banning bottle water could increase the use of reusable water bottels. Where it is still able to go
around everyone you go with you.
In this essay, there was the argument “should bottled water be banned? And this essay agrees that it should be
Handout #4B Unmarked Anchors
Essay #4 – Score:
Imagine completing your first public 5k run, you’re exausted, sweating, and thirsty most of all. As you walk to
the cooler and reach for the water, there’s none, how would your react? Thus, bottled water shouldn’t be banned and keep
in stores and vending machines. Bottled water not being banned will give others the benifit of the companies producing
bottled water not to test as much as the city tap, and the banning of bottled water will improve the obesity rate. Americans
rarely get a chance of banning items, don’t let bottled water be one.
To support one’s claim about this subject; the bottled water companies don’t have to check the water safety as
frequently as a large city or miniscule town. As the article states, most cities have to test tap water on a regular basis so it
doesn’t contain pathogens or harmful chemicals. Though cities have to regularly check tap water, banning bottled water
will also improve obesity rates. The article states that if bottled water were to be banned, then Americans would go to
sugary beverages such as sweat tea and sodas. On the graph in figure two also states that about 47% of people consume
bottled water for the substitute of other beverages. Don’t let these companies go out of business, or fail the people the
consume this beverage.
Although there are positive effects to this side, there is a negative effect. Though we can decrease the obesity
rates, there is a problem with the decomposing bottles contaminating the water supply, however this doesn’t mean
Americans should ban bottled waters. The article states about 30% of bottles get recycled, therefore we should increase
recycling rates and make recycling a must. People, as Americans should be proud and thankful that they get clean
refreshing water, for some cannot afford or get a hold of clean water. Just beacause 70% of people don’t recycle doesn’t
mean bottled water should be banned, that is laziness.
In conclusion, water bottles shouldn’t be banned, for the help decrease the obesity rate and it is safer than tap
water in cities and towns. The rest of the 70% of people should recycle, even if it is a miniscule amount, the least they
should do is help the cause. Don’t help improve obesity rates, lets try to keep the country healthy, and joyful.
Handout #4B Unmarked Anchors
Essay #3 – Score:
Everyone has an opinion when it comes to should water bottles be banned. Bottled water should be banned.
Bottled water doesn’t really go anywhere to help the Earth. Also bottled water really isn’t safer to drink then tap.
Although in the U.S., banning water bottles could increase the consumption of sugary beverages, like soda or sweet teas,
which are contributing to America’s problem with obesity. On the other hand, reusable water bottles are widely available.
Maybe more Americans would start using them if bottled water wasn’t an option.
Bottled water doesn’t go anywhere to help the Earth. In text, “Is Bottled Water Really Better?” “They are not
biodegradable and though they can be recycled, only 30 percent of them are. The rest wind up in landfills, where they will
sit for hundreds of years, leaching harmful chemicals into the ground and contaminating.” Therefore water bottles could
cause the Earth to become very dirty and gross.
Bottled water isn’t really safer then tap water. In the text, “Is Bottled Water Really Better?” “In taste tests tap
water often often beats them. Plus, it’s likely that the water flowing from your tap has been more throughly tasted than
what are guzzling from your water bottle.“ In result you can probably become sicker from drinking bottled water rather
then from tap.
In conclusion water bottles will destroy the Earth. Making the Earth unbarable to live in and just un-healthy.
Bottled water needs to be discarded and people need to start drinking tap as it is available. Bottled water should not be
funded and tap water should be what people drink more often.