Table S2. Morphological characteristics of waterhole refugia (> 2 m deep) and other receiver station locations within the 113 km study reach number on map (see Figure 1) (deg) (deg) (km) length (>1 m deep sections) (km) 1 Kurmala -27.7875 149.9570 302.3 5.10 4.3 2 Waterhole 21 -27.797 149.895 294.8 0.3 2.8 3 Cooroora -27.7929 149.8640 290.9 3.25 2.9 4 Wallamba -27.8423 149.8130 280.0 3.00 2.4 5 Woods Huey US -27.8368 149.7910 276.7 3.8 3.3 5 Woods Huey DS -27.8346 149.7910 276.5 0.3 4.0 Waterhole 17 -27.8285 149.7390 270.03 0.80 1.8 Deepwater -27.8231 149.7290 267.3 0.88 1.7 Kelly's Crossing -27.8323 149.6820 260.3 0.1 1.1 6 Big Bend US -27.8860 149.6410 249.0 0.70 2.6 7 Big Bend DS -27.8913 149.6200 246.0 0.70 2.1 Waterhole 13 -27.8848 149.5910 240.3 0.4 2.3 8 Verena US -27.8935 149.5650 236.7 1.10 2.6 8 Verena DS -27.8963 149.5600 236.1 0.60 2.5 Farawell Ck -27.8907 149.5470 229.2 0.71 1.3 Waterhole10 -27.8930 149.4860 225.7 0.52 2.2 Rossmore -27.9136 149.4550 220.9 0.6 1.6 Clonmel -27.9136 149.4320 219.1 0.85 1.9 Waterhole 7 -27.9421 149.3950 212.6 1.5 3.0 10 name lat. long. distance AMTD max. depth (m) 11 Kooroon US -27.9521 149.3870 209.2 1.75 3.8 11 Kooroon DS -27.9605 149.3800 208.0 1.35 3.7 12 Rocky WH -27.9748 149.3380 201.8 0.60 2.3 13 Club Paradiso (US) -27.9795 149.3230 200.7 0.65 2.8 13 Club Paradiso (DS) -27.979 149.316 199.3 0.60 2.1 14 Waterhole 3 -27.9773 149.3060 199.04 0.36 2.7 Altonvale US -27.9716 149.2760 195.4 0.24 2.0 Altonvale DS -27.9718 149.2760 195.3 1.4 3.1 Hollymount Road -27.9701 149.2540 193.2 0.1 1.6 15 Table S3 Description of variables and correlations between variables considered for linear regression analyses. a) Explanatory variables considered for use in linear regression models describing fish movement responses variable abbreviated name description year Year Year when annual monitoring was started waterhole length Length Length of waterholes at cease-to-flow (m) waterhole depth Depth Depth of waterholes at cease-to-flow (m) event first peak level Peak.Level Maximum height of event at Flinton stream gauge (m) event peak level Peak.First Magnitude of first peak of an event (m) event duration Duration.gt0.5up Days the water level is raised by more than 0.5 m above cease-to-flow during a event height class Ht.Class Classes of flood heights (4) event rate of rise Slope.Rise Event rate of rise ( event rate of fall Slope.Fall Event rate of fall (positive value) ( month increment Month.Incr Count of months since beginning of flow season, where "0" is for September season progression Seas.Progression Progress into season 1=Oct&Nov, 2= Dec&Jan, 3=Feb+, 4= May+ (natural break event number Event Running count of events in season, up to 6 in 2008/9, or 2 in 2009/10. number preceding events Nr.Events.Bef Number of previous events water temperature Temp.5d Water temperature (oC) at Flinton stream gauge of preceding 5 days b) Variable correlation matrices used to remove redundant explanatory variables prior to linear regression modelling of golden perch movement responses 0 Dist.Avg 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.5 2.5 0.4 0.46 *** -0.23 -0.29 0.52*** -0.21 -0.00078 * 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 * -0.29 3 4 5 0.23 0.30 0.17 0.26 6 2 -0.0014 . 0 Density 4 WH.Bypassed.Avg x x Density Prop.Particip -0.33 * Density 0.5 1.5 2.5 *** 0.69 *** 0.69 *** 1.00 Density 1.6 10 20 30 40 . 50 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.19 0.26 -0.026 -0.20 0.11 0.22 -0.04 -0.18 0.8 1.0 . 0.27 0.22 . -0.27 Depth x 0 . -0.27 Length x 7 * . 6 Density *** 0.80 0.5 0.092 0.11 0.11 0.094 0.056 -0.27 0.13 -0.021 0.011 -0.028 0.047 -0.036 0.0057 -0.02 -0.085 -0.0016 -0.061 0.09 -0.06 -0.031 -0.077 -0.084 -0.0017 -0.061 0.089 -0.06 -0.03 -0.077 -0.23 -0.22 0.049 -0.38 ** *** 0.71 0.11 -0.32 * 0.55*** 0.4 Density 1.0 Persistence x Month.Incr *** 0.63 Density x 0.53*** *** 0.82 *** 0.82 4 *** 0.96 2 Density 6 Peak.Level x ** 0.45 0.55*** Density Peak.First x Density 40 Duration.gt0.5up 0.53*** *** -0.62 0.14 0 20 x Density Slope.Rise -0.35 0.048 Density 0.6 Slope.Fall -0.28 0.2 x * . 1.0 x 0.0 1.0 2.0 x Density 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Density Seas.Progression x 0 20 40 60 80 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 4 c) Variable correlation matrices used to remove redundant explanatory variables prior to linear regression modelling of eel-tailed catfish movement responses 6 8 1.0 2.0 3.0 0 Dist.Avg 10 15 5 0.50 * *** 0.66 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.2 -0.25 -0.25 -0.088 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 -0.088 5 6 7 0 0.32 . 0.63** 0.25 -0.088 4 0.60** 0.30 -0.25 3 0.36 . 0 Density WH.Bypassed.Avg x 1.0 *** 0.94 Density 10 15 5 0.30 3.0 x Density Prop.Particip 0.30 1.0 Density 2.0 Length x 0.30 *** 1.00 *** 1.00 *** 1.00 * 10 20 30 40 50 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 . *** 0.75 0.22 -0.38 *** 0.78 0.28 -0.41 * 0. 0.63** 0.32 -0.46 * 0 0. 0.03 0.51 0.00 4.7e-21 -5.1e-21 5.1e-21 8.1e-21 -4.5e-21 0 0.00 -6.2e-21 -6.7e-21 -6.7e-21 0.00 -2.9e-21 0 0.00 7.0e-21 -1.9e-20 -7.6e-21 6.0e-21 -3.3e-21 0 -0.29 -0.14 0.38 1.8 Density Depth x 1.2 Density 1.5 Persistence x Density Month.Incr x 0.50 * 0.45 Density 6 0. . 0.20 -0.40 0. 0.17 -0.31 0. 2 4 0.38 *** 0.87 *** 0.81 Peak.Level x . * 0.53** Density Peak.First x Density 40 Duration.gt0.5up -0.56** 0.28 0. 0 20 x -0 -0.18 1.0 x Density Slope.Rise -0 0.2 x Density 0.6 Slope.Fall 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Density Seas.Pr x 0 50 100 150 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 4 6 8 1.0 2.0 Table S4. Movement responses of tagged fish to individual flow events, (as characterised in Table 1). Figures for % vagile relate to the proportion of the living population of tagged fish that moved and those for % downstream relate to the proportion of the vagile element of the population that moved initially in a downstream direction. Mean distances are the average maximum distance individuals moved from their point of departure on the event. vagile (%) 1 event start date event class A3 1/11/2007 A4 A5 downstream (%) mean distance (km) golden perch eel-tailed catfish golden perch eel-tailed catfish golden perch eel-tailed catfish FPWF, large event 27 42 100 100 34.4 6.7 1/12/2007 large event 7 5 0 100 - 13.9 19/01/2008 small event 0 0 - - - - A6 4/02/2008 very large event 20 11 50 50 16.6 22.3 B1 5/09/2008 small event, primer 0 0 - - - - B2 22/09/2008 small event, primer 0 0 - - - - B3 21/11/2008 FPWF, large event 22 62 40 16.1 20.0 B4 8/12/2008 large event 36 9 35 50 23.6 10.2 B5 28/12/2008 large event 30 <1 43 0 16.9 14.0 B6 25/01/2009 large event 10 0 57 - 11.7 - B7 13/02/2009 large event 33 4 5 0 27.7 9.4 B8 19/05/2009 large event 16 9 36 50 20.9 30.3 C1 11/01/2010 small event, primer 0 0 - - - - C2 16/01/2010 small event 0 0 - - - - C3 11/02/2010 FPWF (late), very large event 28 33 31 20 25.2 38.6 Table S5. Classification of the flow regime of each waterway included in the meta-analysis of Radinger & Wolter (2014) to identify intermittent rivers, based upon the descriptions of the rivers in the source references. Waterway Au Sable River North Branch Countr Flow y regime US Perennial Source reference Description form source reference Shetter (1968) North Branch Au Sable. This stream arises from two small lakes, at an elevation of 1,286 feet. In its 33 miles to the Main Au Sable it drops over 200 feet, for a slope of 0.15%. The uppermost 5 miles (above Dam 2) receives warm surface water from lakes; below Dam 2 the stream receives groundwater Au Sable River South Branch US Perennial Shetter (1968) South Branch Au Sable This stream originates in Lake St. Helen (elevation about 1,150 feet) All streams are largely spring fed and flooding is light. Lake St. Helen, the source of the South Branch, is a warmwater lake, but water in the river cools as it flows downstream due to gradually increasing inputs of groundwater Au Sable Rivers and Hunt Creek US Perennial Shetter (1968) Hunt Creek. This stream arises from a spring at an elevation 1,080 feet above sea level. Beaver Creek US Perennial Hilderbrand and Beaver Creek is a Kershner 2000 first order stream in the Bear River Drainage, southeast Idaho, Climatic conditions at this altitude can be harsh, with anchor ice and over 2 m of snow cover in winter, overbank flows during the annual spring runoff, and low summer flow from droughts, but the stream remains perennial with stable groundwater driven base flows. Big Creek US Mostly Demissie et al. 2001 Perennial Big Creek has a greater magnitude of sustained low flows during dry periods, such that zero flows on the creek are uncommon Brushy Fork US Perennial Gatz & Adams 1994 Brushy Fork is third order as it flows through a mixture of open pastures and mixed hardwood forest before its confluence with Poplar Creek. Cahokia Creek US Perennial Alldredge et al. Cahokia Creek a (2011) fourth order direct tributary to the Mississippi River and is a typical prairie stream with a soapstone and silt substrate running through agricultural land. a fourth order direct tributary to the Mississippi River. However, Cahokia Creek was more variable than Big Creek in current velocity and depth. Canary Creek US Tidal Lotrich (1975) Canary Creek (a tidal creek) near Lewes, Delaware. It joins the Broadkill River near its mouth and then empties into Delaware Bay via Roosevelt Inlet. The creek is approximately 5 km long and subject to tidal influence its entire length. Candover Brook GB Perennial Solomon & The Candover Templeton (1976) Brook is a typical spring fed chalk stream, rising in the Hampshire Downs and flowing south to join the River Itchen at Alresford Chamberlain Creek US Perennial Schmetterling Chamberlain (2004) Creek is a second order, perennial tributary to the Blackfoot River Cowan Creek US Perennial Brown & Two tributaries Downhower (1982) of the Gallatin River, Gallatin Co., Montana. Both streams were predominately spring fed and flowed over patches of cobbles separated by areas of silty sand. Credit River CA Perennial Zimmer et al. The Credit River (2010) is one of the larger Lake Ontario tributaries in south central Ontario, draining an area of approximately 850 km2. It arises from a network of glacial spillways largely containing gravel deposits and flows for approximately 100 km south before entering Lake Ontario at Port Credit However, not all brown trout moved, perhaps because of abilities to exploit local temperature regimes associated with pools or groundwater input. Doyleston Drain NZ Regulated Burnet (1969) The Doyleston Drain, a small man made stream flowing into Lake Ellesmere Durant Creek US Regulated Skalski & Gilliam Durant Creek as (2000) it flows through the Durant Nature Park, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Durant Creek joins the Neuse River 4 km below the study area. The creek varied in depth from ;2 cm in the shallowest riffles to 1.5 m in the deepest pools and varied in width from 1 to 4 m. The substrate varied in size from sand to boulders to bedrock. The channel morphology was characterized by alternating riffle, run, and pool segments that averaged 10–15 m in length. East Fork Poplar Creek US Perennial Ryan & Loar (1988); 7.8 stream km Gatz & Adams reach above (1994) confluence with Poplar Creek originates from springs near Y-12 plant, supplemented by process water and flow is regulated by New Hope Pond and 22 ha retention pond. Annual discharge of 1.47 m/s borderend by hardwood forest, riffle-pool sequences with undercut banks, woody cover and substrates of rubble, gravel, sand and silt. Elbe CZ Perennial Kulišková et al. The river width in (2009) the area studied was 100–150 m, and the riverbanks have little aquatic vegetation and are reinforced with rocks and concrete. The water was up to 6 m. Across the whole study period, the average flow was 293 m3 s-1, with the maximum in winter (748 m3 s1 ) and the minimum in early autumn (79 m3 s1 ). Falogne Brook BE Perennial Ovidio et al. (2009) The Falogne brook is 6.9 km long tributary of the Fonds d’Oxhe stream, (Belgium). The stream morphology is natural with respect to bank structure, substrate and flow regime. The mean slope is 28.8%, In normal flow conditions, the mean width of the stream in the study area is 3.7 m and the mean depth is 15 cm. During large floods, sporadic manual measurements indicated that flow can reach 0.6 m3 s-1 Fujii River JP Perennial Natsumeda (2007) The Fujii River is a second order tributary of the Naka River in eastern Japan, which drains into the Pacific Ocean. Water depth averaged 9.1 cm in the riffles and 20.1 cm in the pools. Gibson Creek US Perennial Brown & Two tributaries Downhower (1982) of the Gallatin River, Gallatin Co., Montana. Both streams were predominately spring fed and flowed over patches of cobbles separated by areas of silty sand. Glomma NO Highly Heggenes et al. The Glomma regulated (2006) River in southeast Norway is a large, interconnected river–lake the system has been regulated by four hydropower related dams (1943–1979), all fitted with fish ladders, Grand Canal Grand River IE CA Highly Donnelly et al regulated (1998) Perennial Brown et al. (2001) Highly regulated Grand River between Elora and West Montrose, Ontario. A waterfall forms a natural barrier to upstream movement of fishes at Elora. The study area provided a variety of habitat types. The upper section runs through Elora Gorge, which is a high gradient (mean 5·3 m km_1) channel cut through a limestone gorge with an abundant bedrock substratum. It has few backwaters or islands. The lower section has a lower gradient (mean 1·4 m km1 ), the channel is less confined, and the river flows in a wide open valley. This section has many islands and backwaters. Channel width is between 3 m (in some areas of Elora Gorge) and 100 m wide while at base flow. During floods, the river can be several hundred metres wide. Grote Nete BE Highly Geeraerts et al. The River Grote regulated (2007) Nete is a 60 km long small lowland with a drainage area of 730 km2. The upper part of the River Grote Nete has a strong meandering course while the middle and lower reach of the river is canalised and straightened. Six physical obstacles and four siphons fragment the main course of the Grote Nete. The study site was situated in the slow flowing middle reach of the river Guanapo River TT Perennial Gilliam & Fraser fourth order (2001) Guanapo River in the Northern Range Mountains of Trinidad, West Indies In the predator-absent zone fish were marked along a 150 m stretch of river, delimited up- and downstream by a section of fast riffles. The predator absent zone contained six pools with rock walls on one side and sand– gravel beach on the opposite side. The pools were separated by raised riffles, which included areas of still water, backwaters, and pools of alluvial substrates. Harkers Run US Perennial Mundahl & Harker's Run is Ingersoll (1983) typical of well oxygenated, hardwater streams in southwestern Ohio. Higashimata Stream JP Perennial Nakano et al. A mountain (1990) stream with pools separated by cascades or small waterfalls Hobo Creek US Perennial Bryant et al. (2009) Hobo Creek is a second order stream with gradients ranging from 2% in the lower reaches to about 15% in the higher reaches of the study section. The average width is about 1.5 m. The channel morphology in Hobo Creek is mainly controlled by bedrock. Channel form varies from reach to reach, with step pools in the higher gradient reaches and plane bed and pool riffle morphology in the lower gradient reaches. Hobo Creek is crossed by a bottomless, multiplate arch culvert located about 300 m from the stream’s mouth; the streambed is encompassed within the culvert structure. Conditions in the culvert match stream conditions near the culvert, and fish of all size scan move through the culvert unimpeded. Hobo Creek extends 2.5 km from origin to mouth. Discharge measurements ranged from 0.028 to 2.025 m3/s. Ichawaynochaway Creek US Perennial Freeman (1995) Ichawaynochawa y Creek is a major tributary to the Flint River in the Apalachicola River basin. I conducted this study in the lower, fifth order portion of Ichawaynochawa y Creek, the stream varies from approximately 30 m to 40 m wide, and from < 0.5 m to over 7 m deep (during low flow). Inabe River JP Perennial Natsumeda (1999) in an area of 2150 m2, 290 m stretch and 5.5-10.6 m wide in the upper reaches of the lnabe River, Mie Prefecture, central Japan. A weir, 4m in height, about 50m below the downstream end of the study reach, prevented the migration of fishes from the lower reaches. Channel unit habitats, raceways, pools and riffles. Although the stream discharge varied from 0.55 m3 s-1 in February to 2.12 m3 s-1 in May, there was no severe flood throughout the study period. Jack Creek US Perennial Gowan & Fausch Base flow (1996); Riley et al. (1992) Jadani Stream JP Perennial Nakamura et al. Jadani Stream, a and (2002) headwater regulated tributary of the Tedori River, central Japan The study reach has a dam with a sluice gate for hydroelectric generation. the lower Jadani Stream consist of only a little seepage passing under both dams, and discharge is low except during snow melt, the rainy season and after heavy rainfall. The stream has about an 8 m3 s-1 flow in the 3420 m reach above the dam (the free flowing section) and 3 m3 s-1 in the 1320 m reach below the dam (the regulated section) in the snow-melt and rainy seasons. In other seasons, flow is about 1 m3 s-1 in the freeflowing and 0.1 m3 s-1 in the regulated sections Kemijoki River FI Highly Nykänen et al. 600 km long regulated (2001) regulated River Kemijoki (catchment area 51 127 km2), which flows through northern Finland and discharges into the Bothnian Bay. There are seven hydropower plants in the main stem, and seven in the tributaries. Kleine Nete BE Highly Bruylants et al. The River Kleine regulated (1986); Nete is a small Geeraerts et al. lowland river. It (2007) is a 50 km long river with a drainage area of 815 km2. The River Kleine Nete has been canalised and straightened to improve drainage of the valley. Five weirs and two siphons fragment the main course of the Kleine Nete. The study site was situated in the slow flowing middle reach of the river in between weirs Laarse Beek BE Regulated Knaepkens et al Laarse Beek (LB) (2004) - Hudy & (depth: 0.5 m– Shiflet (2009) 1.0 m; width: ±4 m basin of the river Scheldt (Belgium) Little Glazypeau Creek US Occasionall Smithson & Little Glazypeau y Johnston (1999) Creek is in the intermittent Ouachita Highlands of Arkansas. It is a low order stream with riffle–pool sequences. The substrate ranges from small cobble to boulders and the water is clear. During the dry season of late summer to winter, pools in Little Glazypeau Creek are connected by shallow riffles; however the study site was isolated upstream of pool 1 and downstream of pool 10 during the fall of 1995. Lower Steel Creek US Upstream Paller et al. (2005) L Lake (4.0 km2) Perennial - was constructed Downstrea in 1985 by m regulated impounding the middle reaches of Steel Creek. The watershed is relatively small, and reservoir water levels are maintained by pumping in water from the Savannah River. A minimum of about 0.3 m3 s-1 is discharged from the reservoir to maintain required minimum flows in Steel Creek, although greater discharges occur when watershed runoff is high. Main Au Sable River US Perennial Shetter (1968) North Branch Au Sable. This stream arises from two small lakes, at an elevation of 1,286 feet. In its 33 miles to the Main Au Sable it drops over 200 feet, for a slope of 0.15%. The uppermost5 miles (above Dam 2) receives warm surface water from lakes; below Dam 2 the stream receives groundwater Main Diamond US Perennial Rinne (1982) Main Diamond, in or near the Black Range Primitive Area in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico streams have mean flows of 0.3-4.0 ma/minute but are subject to drought and flooding Massie Creek US Perennial Brown (1961) Massie Creek flows south westerly through Clark and Greene Counties for 22 miles and joins the Little Miami River 4« miles north of Xenia. Its width and maximum depth at 40 survey pools along the lower 8 mile section averaged 38 and 2.6 feet, respectively, during low flow in the summer of 1956; and the mean daily discharge 4 miles above the mouth from October 1, 1952, to September30, 1957, was 38 cubic feet per second. A steep gorge carved in dolomite and limestone at Cedarville divides the creek into two distinct areas: one which flows through open farmland with gradients less than 10 feet per mile; and a second downstream which flows through wooded pastures in a rock and rubble stream bed with a gradient of approximately 18 feet per mile. A mill dam in the gorge 8«miles from the mouth isolates fish in the headwaters from populations downstream McKnight US Perennial Rinne (1982) McKnight creeks in or near the Black Range Primitive Area in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico streams have mean flows of 0.3-4.0 ma/minute but are subject to drought and flooding Middle Fork of Salmon River US Perennial Bjornn & Mallet Except for (1964) occasional narrow valleys both rivers flow through steep sided canyons. Water flow patterns are similar for both streams. There is high water in late March and April from melting of snow at the lower elevations and again in May and June from snow melting at higher elevations. Flows decrease in late June and remain low until the following March. Middle Level GB Highly Fickling & Lee Great Ouse regulated (1985) middle channel, a man made flood relief channel. Middle Severn GB Perennial Hunt & Jones The present (1974) investigation was carried out in the River Severn between Norton in Shropshire and Arley in Worcestershire Middle Snake River US Majority Perennial Munther (1970) Approximately 64 km (40 miles) of the middle Snake River (Figure 1). The upstream boundary of the study area was approximately 32 km (20 miles) above the mouth of the Salmon River, and the lower boundary was immediately downstream from the mouth of the Grande Ronde River. The river has many rapids interspersed with long stretches of deep slowmoving water. Other tributaries are either intermittent or have volumes less than 0 .14 ma/sec Missouri Rivers US Majority Perennial Funk (1957) the streams differed greatly in their physical characteristics from the swift, clear Ozark streams to the sluggish turbid prairie rivers. The Grand and Osage Rivers are prairie streams with headwaters subject to wide fluctuations in volume of flow. At the middle station the Grand River is of moderate size, and for a prairie stream, of relatively stable flow. At the Lower Salt River station the size of the stream and other physical conditions are similar to those at the Middle Grand River. The Middle Salt River is rather small, but deep water is abundant, and flooding seldom occurs. Mole River GB Perennial Stott (1967) The River Mole rises to the south west of Crawley In this part of its course the river meanders in a series of riffles and pools, the depth varying from about 0.3 m to over 20 m at some of the bends. Its width is 4.6-9.1 m but it is restricted in summer, in some places severely. The average summer flow is about 1-4 m3 s-1 but it can rise quickly during rainy spells and flows of about 40 m3 s-1 occurred during this investigation. Motupiko River NZ Perennial Young et al. (2010) The Motupiko accept River drains a during 344 km2 severe catchment and drought joins the Motueka River 55 km upstream from the sea. The river has an annual mean flow of 5.2 m3 s-1 and median flow of 2.5 m3 s-1. The wetted channel width at low flow ranges from 6 to 18 m. The mean annual low flow is 0.5 m3 s-1, but during severe droughts there is no surface flow in the reach upstream of the confluence with the Motueka River. Nantahala River US Perennial Lamphere (2005) Due to their headwater position, high flow periods were brief and relatively mild and periods of drought were buffered by groundwater inputs Nidd GB Regulated Lucas & Batley The River Nidd is (1996) a tributary of the Yorkshire Ouse. Average daily flow is approximately 8 m3 s-1. There are three small reservoirs at the top of the river which partially regulate flow North Fork Cache la Poudre River US Perennial Gowan & Fausch Base flow (1996) - Riley et al. (1992) North Fork Little Snake River US Perennial Young (1996) Colorado River cutthroat trout were studied in three tributaries and two reaches (divided by a human-made barrier) of the main stem North Fork Little Snake River in south central Wyoming Human activities have isolated parts of the watershed. A weir constructed in 1977 to prevent invasion of non-native trout into the main stem 9 km below the mouth of Harrison Creek is the lowermost barrier, and water diversions, constructed in the 1960s and 1980s, block fish passage in both directions on every perennial tributary Patuxent River US Tidal Mansueti (1961) The study was concentrated in the tidal waters of the Patuxent River estuary Pine Creek US Intermittent Grant & Maslin Pine Creek, a - small tributary to (1999) downstrea the Sacramento m of study River in Tehama site Co., which originates in the Sierra Nevada foothills and drains a watershed of 5,850 ha. A concrete diversion dam at the upstream end of the study site created a 2 m rise in elevation. During dry periods, the dam was occasionally used to divert a fraction of stream flow (<0.05 m3 s-1) to an irrigation pond,. Pine Creek was intermittent less than 1 km downstream of the study site, and the study reach was isolated from the Sacramento River during base discharge, which persisted from June 1991 through December 1991. High flows usually occur between October and April in Pine Creek, and high discharges are typical from January through March. Relief Channel GB Highly Fickling & Lee Great Ouse Relief regulated (1985) Ghannel, a man made flood relief channel. River Elbe DE Perennial Winter & Fredrich In the River Elbe, (2003) a 1091 km long lowland river with a free flowing stretch of 590 km River Frome GB Perennial Mann (1980) The River Frome, Dorset, typical of the lower reaches of its river almost down to the tidal limit; the Frome site was representative of approximately 20 km of main river The Frome study area comprised three zones: approximately 2 km of main river channel, 1 km of mill stream, and five small side channels. The side channels formed the chief spawning areas for the pike, although the other areas were also used, especially in 1976 when the channels became dry. The discharge in the Frome varied between 1.5 and 3.0 m3 s-1 during the summer and 1.6 to 20 m3 s-1 during the winter River Gudenå DK Regulated Koed et al. (2000) The 158 km long River Gudenaa has a mean annual discharge of 40 m3 s-1. The 36·5 km study area extended from the river mouth to a grid across the river just downstream from a hydropower station, which upstream migrating pikeperch cannot pass. River Gwyddon GB Perennial Harcup et al. (1984) 6 km in length the Gwyddon rises at 474 m on the moorland of Mynydd Maen and falls quickly to reach a deep, steep sided valley planted with conifers. The banks however are lined with deciduous scrub. Stream widths range from 0.4 m upstream to 4.5 m downstream. Pools are small and shallow, generally less than 40 cm deep. In its lower reaches the river is impounded to form a small industrial reservoir Slow to rise and fall the mean daily flow for the study period was 0.20 m3 s-1 (range 0.04-2.48 m3 s-1. River Måna NO Highly Heggenes et al. In the regulated regulated (2007) River Mana, Norway, the downstream 4 km (to Lake Tinnsjø) are uniformly channelised, while the upstream 4 km (to Dale dam) consist of natural river bed. All flow is diverted at the upstream dam (Dale). The remaining flow in the River Mana is, therefore, extremely low compared with natural historical flow (about 50 m3 s-1). It is interrupted by irregular and unpredictable peak flows of variable duration, related to the water manipulations of the power plants. River Ourthe BE Perennial Baras (1998) River Ourthe (main tributary of the R. Meuse in Belgium) River Roding GB Perennial Bolland et al. (2009) The River Roding exhibits a flow regime typical of a small temperate lowland river, with low summer flows and highly variable winter flows. Flow rises rapidly in response to substantial rainfall in the catchment. River Spree DE Perennial Fredrich et al. The lowland but highly (2003) River Spree, altered southeast of Berlin, has been greatly affected by hydraulic engineering. Gravel has been used to strengthen the weak river bank. The current speed and the water flow vary little so the width and depth of the river are uniform, although there are some deeper holes. The 32 km long section of river used for tracking experiments is bordered upstream by a weir, which is impassable for fishes almost all year round, and downstream by Lake Dameritz. Weir regulation prevents flooding, but sometimes results in sudden drops in water level, which are potentially threatening to fish eggs and fry. River Thames GB Perennial Williams (1965) The 4.2 km (2.6 mile) stretch of river chosen lay between Caversham and Sonning locks. The width of the river varied from 40 to 80 m and the mean depth at the centre was approximately 3 m, the maximum not exceeding 5 m. The river is canalized and turbid and, in winter, fast flowing. In summer the flow is much reduced and a fine layer of silt collects on the flints which form the main river bed River Vecht NL Highly Winter & Fredrich In the River regulated (2003) Vecht, a 190 km long highly regulated river with six weirs and fishways in the Dutch section River Vesdre BE Highly Geeraerts et al. The River Vesdre regulated (2007) is a 72 km long upland river and is part of the Meuse basin (sub basin: 702 km2) Twenty-nine physical obstacles fragment the main course of the River Vesdre. The study site was situated in the lower reach of the river in between obstacles Rivers Thames/Mole GB Perennial Stott (1961) The river meanders in a series of riffles and pools, the depth varying from about 0.3 m to over 20 m at some of the bends. Its width is 4.6-9.1 m but it is restricted in summer. The average summer flow is about 1.4 m3 s-1 but it can rise quickly during rainy spells and flows of about 40 m3 s1 occurred during this investigation. Roanoke River US Perennial Roberts & North Fork and Angermeier (2007) South Fork Roanoke Rivers drain Ridge and Valley and Blue Ridge physiographies in Montgomery and Floyd counties, VA, USA. These upland streams exhibit distinct, alternating riffle pool mesohabitat sequences Salina Creek US Perennial Rasmussen (2010) Salina Creek is a third order stream Average annual stream flow during the study was 4.9 m3 s-1, High flows are primarily driven by spring runoff, with peak flows (approximately 19.5 m3 s-1) occurring during May and June. Many portions of the stream are channelized and straightened or have been modified by the addition of large culverts that pass beneath the interstate Savannah River US Regulated Paller et al. (2005) L Lake (4.0 km2) was constructed in 1985 by impounding the middle reaches of Steel Creek. The watershed is relatively small, and reservoir water levels are maintained by pumping in water from the Savannah River. A minimum of about 0.3 m3 s-1 is discharged from the reservoir to maintain required minimum flows in Steel Creek, although greater discharges occur when watershed runoff is high. Seven Mile Creek US Perennial Breen et al. (2009) Seven Mile Creek is a second order stream in Michigan. Flow is highly stable due to extensive groundwater inputs Shope Fork US Perennial Petty & Grossman Shope Fork is a (2004) fourth order tributary of Coweeta Creek, The study period included years of: (i) above average flow1994, (ii) average flow-1996, and (iii) below average flow1995. The longterm annual (n ¼ 55 years) mean daily flow for Shope Fork is 0.243 m3 s-1. Kolmogrov– Smirnov tests indicated that flows differed significantly in each year of the study The critical difference in flow characteristics among years was the high frequency (>90%) of flows less than the long-term annual mean discharge (0.23 m3 s-1) in 1995. Smith Creek US Perennial Hudy & Shiflet Smith Creek is a (2009) third order stream pool– riffle stream with an average gradient of 1.74%, and an average wetted width of 7.1 m. The summer drop in the hydrograph (wetted width was similar; average depth decreased) South Branch NZ Perennial Burnet (1969) The South Branch is a tributary of the Waimakariri River; it is a spring fed stream, South Diamond US Intermittent Rinne (1982) South Diamond, in or near the Black Range Primitive Area in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico streams have mean flows of 0.3-4.0 ma/minute but are subject to drought and flooding Creek becomes intermittent annually within the area studied St Johns River US Perennial Moody (1960) The St. Johns River, which originates from rainfall over marshy areas, is fresh at its source. More than 100 km downstream ancient marine deposits begin to contribute salt to the water. Steenputbeek BE Perennial Knaepkens et al Steenputbeek (2004) - Hudy & (SPB) (depth: 0.1 Shiflet (2009) m–0.4 m; width: ±1 m) basin of the river Scheldt (Belgium) Thomas Fork US Perennial Schrank & Rahel Thomas Fork (2006) mainstem and three major tributaries: Huff, Little Muddy, and Coal Creeks. Climate in this drainage consists of cold, snowy winters and hot, dry summers. Stream flows within 0.5 km of each study reach were lower in 2000 relative to 1999. Within the study area, there were no barriers to fish movement, and thus, fish were free to move among tributaries and the mainstem Thomas Fork. Trout Creek US Perennial McCleave (1964) The portion of Trout Creek studied is about 5.6 air km northeast of Belgrade, Montana. This creek originates mostly from springs Trysilelva River lower part NO Perennial Heggenes et al. The free-flowing (2006) river system the Trysilelva River There are no barriers to fish movements among the three upstream sites. Between these three sites and the fourth lowermost site is a dam fitted with a fish ladder Tverrelva River NO Perennial Hesthagen (1988) The Tverrelva River drains into the River Ternsvikelva about 1 km from the sea. Predominantly of riffle areas 10-30 cm deep. The average width of the Tverrelva River is 3 - 4 m Upper Salmon River US Perennial Bjornn & Mallet Except for (1964) occasional narrow valleys both rivers flow through steep sided canyons. Water flow patterns are similar for both streams. There is high water in late March and April from melting of snow at the lower elevations and again in May and June from snow melting at higher elevations. Flows decrease in late June and remain low until the following March. Upper Steel Creek US Upstream Paller et al. (2005) L Lake (4.0 km2) Perennial - was constructed Downstrea in 1985 by m regulated impounding the middle reaches of Steel Creek. The watershed is relatively small, and reservoir water levels are maintained by pumping in water from the Savannah River. A minimum of about 0.3 m3 s-1 is discharged from the reservoir to maintain required minimum flows in Steel Creek, although greater discharges occur when watershed runoff is high. Vallvidrera Creek ES Intermittent Aparicio & Sostoa Vallvidrera Creek during , a first order summer (1999) tributary of the River Llobregat, about 4 km in length and 1·60 m mean stream width (range 0·50–5·20 m). Average annual precipitation in the area is 630 mm and the stream flow usually ranges between 10 and 40 m3 s-1. High flows normally occur in spring, with decreasing flows throughout summer leading to some stretches of the stream becoming isolated pools. Flows increase in autumn when sudden flash floods are frequent. References for Table S5 Alldredge P., Gutierrez M., Duvernell D., Schaefer J., Brunkow P. & Matamoros W. 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