6.G.2 What does it mean to use fractional edges? (Day 1) Domain: Geometry Big Idea (Cluster): Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume. Common Core Standards: 6.G.2 Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths by packing it with unit cubes of the appropriate unit fraction edge lengths, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths of the prism. Apply the formulas V=lwh and V = Bh to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems. Mathematical Practice(s): MP 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them MP 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively MP 3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others MP 5 Use appropriate tools strategically MP 6 Attend to precision MP 8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Content Objectives: Language Objectives: Students will be able to find the volume of a cube using fractional edge lengths. Write, justify and explain your strategy for solving for volume with rectangular prism using fractional edge lengths. Students will be able to recognize that the size of the packing cube will not change the volume of the given rectangular prism. Vocabulary: Area of the Base Cube Denominator Dimensions Edge Lengths Edges Prior Knowledge: Concepts students need to know Fractional Height Length Numerator Rectangular Prism Unit Cube Width Right Rectangular Prism Fraction multiplication Volume of Right Rectangular Prism formula with whole number edges (Grade 5 standard beginning 2014-2015) Cross-sections of rectangular prisms (Grade 5 standard beginning 2014-2015) 1 Edited 3/5/13 6.G.2 What does it mean to use fractional edges? (Day 1) Questions to Develop Mathematical Thinking: Common Misconceptions: Students may not recognize that the area of the base face has the same numerical value as the volume of the base layer. Emphasize that the base layer always has a height of 1. When would we use fractional edges? How come we get the same volume regardless of the size cubes we use? What is important to know about improper fractions and fractional edges? What strategies or formulas help you find the volume of a rectangular prism? How does your strategy for solving volume with whole number cubes help when packing with fractional edge cubes? Students may struggle to divide up the fractional edges into the fractional unit. Continuously encourage students to draw or build a model to understand packing with fractional edge cubes. Students need to be able to use both the standard algorithm for finding volume of a rectangular prism with any edge length and finding volume by packing with a set fractional length cube. ASSESSMENT: Observe student work and listen to student discussions for: Accurate solving of volume with whole number edges Accurate re-drawing of cube with ½-inch lengths and solving for volume with fractional edge Explanations of both strategies to solve for volume (V=lwh and V = Bh) Connections between volume with whole numbers and volume made by fractional edge cubes Use student responses on B1 as a formative assessment. District EOU Assessment MATERIALS: 1-2 Task Instructions per table Minimum of 55 Blocks per table INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN: Launch: (10 minutes) Warm - up On the board, draw two identical 2 inch x 2 inch x 2 inch rectangular prisms (cube). Label one with whole numbers. Ask students to copy both onto their paper. Find the volume of the whole number prism. Solution: V=8 in3 Ask students to consider what the prism would look like if you only had ½-inch blocks. Give students 2 minutes with their team to sketch out and determine the volume using ½-cubes. Have a whole class discussion. Look for teams that are able to show how many ½-inch blocks would fit along the length, width, and height. Solution: Four ½-inch blocks fit along the length, width, and height. This means 64 ½-inch cubes would fill the rectangular prism (cube). Therefore, V=4/2 x 4/2 x 4/2, V= 64/8 in3, V= 8in3) 2 Edited 3/5/13 6.G.2 What does it mean to use fractional edges? (Day 1) Explore: (30 minutes) Give students the task card and have them read directions as a team. Ask students what student actions both teacher and student should see and hear during the task. For example, we should see all students writing responses on their labsheet, drawing new box, and showing their work. We should hear all students checking their work, asking questions, and justifying their reasoning. Check in with tables throughout the activity. Move students towards formalizing their understanding with the goal of students summarizing different strategies to their classmates. When I observe students: Listen for student engagement in the task Check student work for accurate solving of volume with whole number edges (MP 6) Listen for students identifying multiple strategies to solving volume (MP 2 and MP 3) Listen and read student justifications of Leslie and Deb both solving for volume accurately (MP 3) Listen and read student explanations of both strategies to solve for volume (V=lwh and V = Bh) (MP 2 and MP 8) Watch for teams sticking together Listen for students making sense of packing with ½-inch cubes (MP 1) When students struggle to re-draw the box with fractional edges, ask students how fractions and whole numbers are the same if you have a specific fraction denominator like 1/2. Accurate re-drawing of cube with ½-inch lengths and solving for volume with fractional edge Questions to Develop Mathematical Thinking as you observe: Use “because” statements to explain how Leslie and Deborah could both be right? Tell me why the volume remains the same? How come it works to use fractional edges? What if I only had a 1 inch ruler and I had to find the volume of a dice? Would fractional measures make sense? When might we use fractional edges? How come we get the same volume regardless of the size cubes we use? What is important to know about improper fractions and fractional edges? What strategies or formulas help you find the volume of a rectangular prism? Solutions: A. Both Deb & Leslie are correct because they both each have an accurate strategy for solving volume of a rectangular prism. Deb’s strategy is more efficient and shows a solid understanding of layering the base area by height. Volume is 64 in3. B. 1. See student drawings. 2. 8/2 inch x 8/2 inch x 8/2 inch 3 Edited 3/5/13 6.G.2 What does it mean to use fractional edges? (Day 1) 3. 8x8x8 is 512 so, 512 ½-inch cubes would pack into the box. 4. The volume of one ½ - inch cube would be ½ x ½ x ½ which equals 1/8 in3. 5. The volume of the box is 512/8 in3 or 64 in3. The volume is staying the same since 8/2 x 8/2 x 8/2 = 512/8. The fraction 512/8 reduces to 64. Summarize: (10 minutes) Have students share out their evidence that Leslie or Deb’s strategy for solving for volume was accurate. Ask students, “Do you agree or disagree?” and “Why?” Primary focus of the summary is on B1. Have students share how they drew the ½-inch cubes into the 4x4x4 inch rectangular prism (cube). Then, have students share out their justification for the volumes being the same or different. Students need to recognize that the volume does not change when the unit used to measure or pack the figure changes. Students also need to recognize when using fractional length cubes that the numerator identifies how many of that fractional edge cubes will fit along the length, width and height. The denominator identifies the part of the whole. The future connections for students is the understanding that when they re-draw the original figure using ½inch cubes (8/2 x 8/2 x 8/2) that they can find the number of ½-inch cubes that will pack inside by multiplying 8x8x8. The volume of each fractional cube is ½ x ½ x ½ . Therefore, number of fractional cubes packed in figure multiplied by volume of one fractional cube equals volume of the whole figure. (8x8x8) x (1/2 x ½ x1/2) = 64 in3. Packing a rectangular prism with a fractional edge cube is an alternate strategy for finding volume of a rectangular prism besides V=lwh or V=Bh. Feedback for lesson improvement: 4 Edited 3/5/13