Batsheva De Rothschild Seminar Hydrocarbons Exploration

Batsheva De Rothschild Seminar
Hydrocarbons Exploration and Development in the Levant Offshore:
Perspectives and Challenges
April 28-30, 2013, Dan Caesarea Hotel, Israel
Held under the auspices of the national Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel and the Israel
Academy of Science and Humanities, this Batsheva seminar will be the first professional meeting in
Israel that focuses on the offshore upstream development.
On both a professional and personal level, we invite you to join us in Caesarea on April 28-30,
2013, and take an active part in the Batsheva De Rothschild Seminar as a sponsor/exhibitor. We are
certain that our partnership opportunities will correspond to your company’s goals and objectives!
Sponsorship Information:
There are a number of opportunities for sponsorship at the Batsheva De Rothschild Seminar,
including Platinum and Gold Sponsors and other commercial presentations. Each offer will enhance
your company’s exposure to the seminar audience.
Examples of Sponsorship Opportunities
Welcome Cocktail sponsorship
Sponsorship for technical tour and dinner
Sponsorship for lunch service or coffee break
Delegate bag with company trademarks and logos
Sponsorship Type
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
 Sponsor's greetings at the Seminar opening ceremony
 3 complimentary full registration to the seminar (includes luncheons
and coffee breaks)
 2 exhibition spaces (12sqm) in a preferred location in the exhibition hall
 1 full page color advertisement and logo in the Seminar program
 Logo on the Seminar’s signage
 Publicity in the Seminar bags (one A4 page insert).
 2 complimentary full registration to the seminar (includes luncheons
and coffee breaks)
 1 exhibition space (6sqm) in a preferred location in the exhibition hall
 1 full page color advertisement + logo in the Seminar program
 Logo on the seminar’s signage
 Publicity in the Seminar bags (one A4 page insert).
Welcome Cocktail
(Four available)
Technical tour
(Two available)
Lanyard Supporter
(One available)
Delegate bags
Coffee Break
Sponsorship / Beer
 On-stage greetings by a representative during the /welcome cocktail
 2 complimentary full registration to the seminar (includes luncheons
and coffee breaks)
 1 exhibition space (6sqm) in a preferred location in the exhibition hall
 Sponsor’s logo on invitations
 Sponsor’s logo on the event’s signage and stage setup.
 1 full page color advertisement + logo in the Seminar program
 Publicity in the Seminar bags (one A4 page insert).
$ 40,,,
per day
 Sponsorship of one of the seminar’s lunch including branding of the
lunch hall
 1 complimentary full registration to the seminar
 Sponsor’s logo on lunch vouchers and signage
 1 full page color advertisement + logo in the Seminar program
 Logo on the seminar’s signage
 Publicity in the Seminar bags (one A4 page insert).
$ 3,000
 Sponsorship of the seminar lanyards including printing of the
company’s logo (one color). The sponsor provides the branded
 1 complimentary full registration to the seminar
 1 full page color advertisement + logo on the seminar program
 Logo on the seminar’s signage
 Publicity in the seminar bags (one A4 page insert).
$ 4,000
 Sponsor’s logo on the bag chosen by the Organizing Committee to be
distributed to the seminar participants
 1 complimentary full registration to the seminar
 1 full page color advertisement + logo on the Seminar program
 Logo on the seminar’s signage
 Publicity in the seminar bags (one A4 page insert).
$ 3,000
per day
Sponsorship of the seminar technical tour (by invitation only).
Sponsor’s logo on the technical tour invitations
1 complimentary full registration
1 full page color advertisement + logo in the seminar program
Logo on the seminar’s signage
Publicity in the seminar bags (one A4 page insert).
Sponsorship of one coffee break
Sponsor’s signage and logo at the coffee break area
1 Complimentary full registration to the seminar
1 full page color advertisement + logo on the seminar program
Logo on the seminar’s signage
Publicity in the seminar bags (one A4 page insert).
Other sponsorship opportunities, not listed here, may be available. The Organizing Committee will be
glad to favorably consider any proposal for sponsorship of other Batsheva De Rothschild Seminar
activities, products and services.
* International companies who do not have any business or activity in Israel are exempt from VAT. Otherwise
full VAT (currently 17%) must be charged.
Exhibitor Package Information:
An exhibition space at the Batsheva De Rothschild Seminar will enhance your company's exposure to
potential customers, business partners, investors, etc., and will allow direct access to your
company/organization’s message, products and services. The exhibition is an integral part of the
Batsheva De Rothschild Seminar held at the Dan Caesarea Hotel, April 28-30, 2013.
To increase traffic to the exhibition area, posters and coffee breaks will take place in the same hall.
Strategically positioned spaces will enable you to maximize interaction with attendees and other
Why exhibit?
 An opportunity to promote your business and establish personal contacts with key leaders
of the global concrete field.
 Exposure to construction and infrastructure specialists from around the world.
 Excellent networking opportunity with the experts in the field.
Dan Caesarea Hotel – Caesarea, Israel
The hotel is surrounded by acres of private landscaped gardens, and reminders of Caesarea’s
historic past are scattered in all directions
April 28 to 29, 2013
Exhibitor Package Registration Information
Exhibitor Package Registration Fee: $USD 3,500
* International companies who do not have any business or activity in Israel are exempt from VAT. Otherwise
full VAT (currently 17%) must be charged.
Exhibitor Package Registration Fee Includes:
1. 1 complimentary exhibitor pass (includes luncheons and coffee breaks)
2. 1 exhibition space measures 3x2 meters (6sqm space) including:
250 watts power supply
3. A table with two chairs
Important Note
A preferred location at the Exhibition will be offered to the sponsors of the Batsheva De
Rothschild Seminar. Assignment of space to exhibitors is based upon “first come first
served” system. The Seminar organizers will continue to receive applications and assign
exhibition space, as it remains available, until the seminar opening date.
In all cases, full payment of the exhibition/sponsorship fee, must be received prior to
seminar opening date.
During Exhibition opening hours, spaces must be attended by persons technically qualified
to explain and demonstrate the equipment or services displayed.
Shipment instructions will be sent to the exhibitors after registration
Safety & Insurance
The organizers are obliged to insure the orderly operation of the exhibition by all means at
their disposal.
All equipment used for display or demonstrations, must comply with local safety
Exhibitors may not place exhibits or furniture outside their allocated space.
Exhibitors are not allowed to distribute any sort of handouts such as brochures or
giveaways in the public areas of the hotel.
Exhibitors will refrain from obstructing aisles or entrances to other stands, and from making
noise or odors that may cause inconvenience to other exhibitors.
Transportation of exhibits and equipment to and from the exhibition area, and all setups
inside the stand, are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor.
Exhibitors are not allowed to take exhibits and equipment in or out of the stand, during
visiting hours. Furthermore - It is strictly forbidden to dismantle display materials and
equipment prior to the official closing time of the exhibition!
The organizers, although providing general basic security, are by no means responsible for theft or
damage to exhibitors' property. Exhibitors must maintain an adequate insurance policy with a
sufficient coverage for its property, employees, representatives and any visitors participating in the
exhibition against risk, loss and damage, of any kind whatsoever. It has been clarified that an
absence of such insurance policy or an invalidity of any such insurance policy shall neither derogate
in any manner, from the company's liabilities and responsibilities hereunder nor create a liability or
responsibility of such kind for Ortra or anyone on its behalf, and Ortra will not be liable, whether
financially or otherwise, towards any third party whatsoever in respect of any risk, loss and damage
incurred by any third party, including the company or anyone on its behalf.
Batsheva De Rothschild Exhibition
Limor Hameiri
Sales Manager Sponsorship & Exhibition, Ortra Ltd
+972.3.638 4458
Sponsorship & Exhibition Registration and Payment Policy:
Interested parties are requested to complete the enclosed “Sponsorship/Exhibition Application
Form” and return it to the Batsheva De Rothschild Seminar organizers, ORTRA Ltd.
Payments can be made by one of the following options:
Bank draft in Euro to ORTRA Ltd.
Wire transfer in USD to ORTRA Ltd, Bank Leumi, branch no. 616, 9 Hashlosha ST., Tel Aviv,
Israel. Account no. 59/99159, Swift code: LUMIILITTLV, IBAN: IL68 0106 1600 0000 9510 090.
Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Diners) in USD / EURO / NIS.
Payment will be made not later than 28 March, 2013.
Sponsorship & Exhibition Cancellation Policy:
Refund of sponsorship/exhibition registration fees will be made with a written notification of
cancellation to Ortra Ltd.
A non refundable deposit of $400 is required to confirm space for the exhibition. Written
notification of cancellation must be received in the ORTRA Ltd. office no later than March 1, 2013
to assure a 75% refund of the payment (less non-refundable deposit). Written notification of
cancellation must be received no later than March 31, 2013 to assure a 50% refund of the payment
(less non-refundable deposit). Payments received after April 1, 2013 will be non-refundable.
Please complete in clear block letters and return to:
Limor Hameiri, Tel: +972-3-638-4458; Fax: +972-3-638-4455;
We hereby apply for sponsorship and/or exhibition as specified below in the Batsheva De Rothschild
Seminar Caesarea, 2013
We hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as detailed in the sponsorship and exhibition
packages flyer.
Company’s Name _______________________________________
Company's ID Number _____________________________
Contact Person
Mailing Address
City and State
______________________________________ ZIP Code _________________________________________________
______________________________________ Tel
______________________________________ E-mail
The selected sponsorship package is _______________________________________________________________________
(Please specify the name and cost as listed in the Sponsorship and Exhibition Brochure).
We wish to be listed as (please detail in block letters): ______________________________________________________
Name of sponsorship manager _____________________________________________________________________________
 Exhibition floor space sized _____________________________
Total balance: US$ / Euro __________________ *Sponsors will have priority in space assignment
We will make payment no later than 28 March, 2013.
 Enclosed is a copy of the Bank Draft on the amount of US$ / Euro________________________ to: ORTRA Ltd.,
 Wire transfer in US$ / Euro to Bank Account. Details are - Ortra Ltd.: Bank Leumi (swift code
LUMIILITTLV), Branch no. 616, 9 Hashlosha ST., Tel-Aviv, Israel, Account no. 59/99159, IBAN: IL68 0106
1600 0000 9510 090.
 Please charge my credit card:
Card №: _______________________________Expiry date _________________CVV at the Back of the card ________
Amount in US$ / Euro_________________ Name of cardholder _______________________________________________
We have read, understood and agree to the Terms & Conditions specified in the General Information
Signature and Company stamp ________________________
Date ___________________________________