Documentation of my complex spreadsheet for

Jason Intas 20247968
Documentation of my complex spreadsheet for assignment 1 (first
Main Menu system(p2)
Drop down boxes
Jason Intas 20247968
Multiple worksheets ( with links) and cell linkage
here I have multiple worksheets: sales, income and expenses sheets which are all linked in some way
you can notice this by the formulae used, to represent the linkage between the two tables. Here you can
see in the formulae the word “income!” which means information from the income table is being used
in another sheet which in this case is the expenses table and so clarifies the linkage between the two.
The manager of the business would use these multiple worksheets to assess the stats given and would
be used as an overview to see the progress the business are making thought out the year and the future,
which can help them determine their next move for the company
Jason Intas 20247968
Two step process
I have also a plethora of complex formulae in my spreadsheet as shown as there is a two step process
here where I am multiplying a segment of data by a percentage increase rate in the table and this also
shows table linkage where it says “sales!”.
Large data sets
Jason Intas 20247968
These are large data sets, as they are mapped with formulae and displaying a large set of valid,
calculated data
The manager of the business would use these multiple worksheets to assess the stats given and would
be used as an overview to see the progress the business are making thought out the year and the future,
which can help them determine their next move for the company they can also be used to display
calculations made and can be edited for the company and can help if they were to alter something in
the spreadsheet and see if it would help them In the long term or not and are very handy as it keeps
data in order and al connected.
Jason Intas 20247968
Cell Linkage
This is an example of cell
linkage in my spreadsheet
as two cells have been formulated together to
make one total.
Data validation
here is an example of data validation in my
spreadsheet, here iam only allowing a text
length of a minimum of 1- 20 in this category
and returns this prompt to me when I type the
exceeded amount of text, this can be used
sensitive parts of the business if valid data need
to be entered and has to be specific and is handy
tool for security reasons.
Jason Intas 20247968
Named ranges (P3, second draft)
This is a named range this is where individual set of data are named and referenced by a certain name or
word this would be used for the spreadsheet creators so for the users convenience when looking
through the spreadsheet quickly looking for certain parts of data easy and fast which is a simple but
efficient tool this would be used by the assessor to assess the data to see if all the appropriate data is
located in the spreadsheet for observation.
Ways of file sharing
This is a way of file sharing and can be used to distribute data around a organisation by members of staff
and colleagues so that certain colleagues can implement data in to the spreadsheet and contribute their
information and findings into one complete spreadsheet.
Jason Intas 20247968
Track changes
Track changes are way of telling the spreadsheet user when data has been edited and data has been
edited due to the highlighted purple box as before it was 8500 now it is 9000 and the spreadsheet has
notified me of that change, this can be used in a organisation so if anyone types in any invalid
information that has created the database to collapse they can use track change to look at what has
been edited so that they can re-edit the edited information and fix the initial problem.
Jason Intas 20247968
Absolute references
Relative references are cells that relate to one cell all the one way down a set of data all the way down
this row this same cell is locked into place with the dollar sign and the formula Is automatically copied
throughout. So my formula is =sum(K22*M$20) the cell m20 is locked all the way down the cell. This can
be used in large data sets in tables that need to be moved around quite frequently from one
spreadsheet to another.
Relative references
This can be used in a large data set that isn’t moved around and is in a fixed position because when data
is moved/ copied the data changes with it and is very inconvenient if it connected to data somewhere
else. As when formulas are made, and you press enter it is registered as the cell below or across.
Jason Intas 20247968
IF functions
This is the formula that creates an IF function where returns one result if the value is true, but returns
another result if the value is false. And so I have made an IF function relevant to the assignment where if
it is a more than $247,000 it records it as “above target” however if it is less than $247,000 it records it
as “below target” and can be used in business, so for example if a certain money target needs to be met
by a sale this function can be used and works; if it meets a certain criteria or is higher than it is “above
target” otherwise, anything lower than the target gets registered as “below target”
Built – in functions
these are examples of Built-In functions by excel that SUM, AVERAGE and MAX
and can be used to create a summary/outline of certain data in a spreadsheet
for example the average of each monthly sale and yearly sales and also revenue.
Also sum is important for adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying values so
to construct a effective spreadsheet. And is used in industry to make it easier for
the manager to see the progress in which he has either made or not made in his
10 | P a g e
Jason Intas 20247968