SC 70 Action Items 2

17.1. Action Item 62-1: T-X Acquisition Plan. SC requested to be updated on the T-X
Acquisition Plan annually. US will brief update at SC 71. (Ref. SC 62 Minutes 5.1.-5.1.4.) (OPR:
17.X.Action Item 66-9: MOU Amendment Initiation. The SC tasked the SC Secretary to execute
the initiation of the conformed Amendment 6 for national staffing as outlined in the ENJJPT
Directive 45-1 and as per the needs of the SC. The SC Secretary will distribute US version of
Amendment 6 by 1 April 2015. (Ref. SC 69Minutes 16.4; SC 68 15.1-15.6.) (OPR: SC Secretary)
17.X. Action Item 69-1: ENJJPT Wing CC Approval of IP Extensions. The PRS reviewed the list
and accepted the extensions. The PRS feels there is no longer a need to review and approve
extensions at the PRS/SC level, and approval should reside with the ENJJPT Wing Commander. The
SC asked each nation staff the proposal to grant the ENJJPT Wing CC the authority to approve IP
extensions. (Ref PRS Report, 12.4.; PRS Minutes 4.1.-4.4.) (OPR: All nations)
17.X. Action Item 69-2: ENJJPT Wing PO Fighter Pilot Guidance Review. The following: 1)
Manning Issue: The SC tasked the ENJJPT WING to identify the impacts involved with the
enrollment of non-fighters into the ENJJPT Program. 2) Strategy Issue: The SC tasked the US to
present the strategy for future T-X training. (Ref. PRS Report, 12.11.1.) (OPR: ENJJPT Wing and
17.X. Action Item 69-3: ENJJPT WING Facility Projects. The SC approved all six facility
projects. The SC Tasked the ENJJPT Wing to develop a plan to accomplish the paint shed project.
(Ref. PRS Report, 12.12.1.-12.12.5.) (OPR: ENJJPT Wing)
17.X. Action Item 69-4: PO Change 3, 17th Edition Distribution. The SC tasked 1) Changes to be
sent to nations for approval, if required. 2) Upon approval of the nations, the SC Secretary will
distribute changes as Change 3 to the 17th Edition. (Ref. AI 68-5; Ref. PRS Report, 12.13.2.) (OPR:
SC Secretary)
17.X. Action Item 69-5: IP Work Hour Study Implementation Review. The SC tasked the
ENJJPT Wing to provide the SC an update on the SNR’s efforts to decrease the work week hours to
45 hours, including SNRs COAs and first results. (Ref. PRS Report, 12.13.4.) (OPR: ENJJPT
17.X. Action Item 69-6: ENJJPT Reorganization Concept. SC 68: The ENJJPT Wing CC will
reevaluate the reorganization proposal and investigate whether the change would be possible without
additional manning (SC 68); SC 69: The SC tasked the ENJJPT Wing to review the STURON option.
(Ref. PRS Report, 12.13.5.) (OPR: ENJJPT Wing).
17.X. Action Item 69-7: BIT Proposal. The SC tasked the ENJJPT Wing to develop a BIT proposal
together with the SNRs for SC 70. (Ref. PRS Report 12.14.) (OPR: ENJJPT Wing)
17.X. Action Item 69-8: FY16 ENJJPT Dorm Room Renovation Cost Breakout Update. The
SC tasked the ENJJPT Wing to breakout the cost for a revised ENJJPT Dorm Room Renovation
project. (Ref. SC 68 Minutes 12.12.16.; SC 68 AI 68-1.) (OPR: ENJJPT Wing)
17.X. Action Item 69-9: FY16 ENJJPT Dorm Room Renovation Timeline. SC 68: See AI 68-2.
SC 69: The SC tasked the US to provide a timeline for the ENJJPT Dorm Room Renovation project
pending approval by the SC. (Ref. SC 68 Minutes 12.12.17.) (OPR: US)
17.X. Action Item 69-10: SC Chairman Candidates. The SC Chairman asked the nations to
submit nominees for the next SC Chairman by the end of July 2015. SC secretary will distribute the
nominees’ résumés to the nations. The election will be conducted during the next SC meeting in BE.
(Ref. SC 69 Minutes 16.3.) (OPR: All nations)
17.X. Action Item 70-X: MOU Amendment 7 Initiation (Romania Accession). The SC tasked the SC
Secretary to execute the initiation of the Amendment 7 for national staffing as outlined in the ENJJPT
Directive 45-1 and as per the needs of the SC. The SC Secretary will distribute US version of
Amendment 6 by 1 April 2015. (Ref. SC 69Minutes 16.4; SC 68 15.1-15.6.) (OPR: SC Secretary)
17.X. Action Item 62-1: T-X Acquisition Plan. SC requested to be updated on the T-X
Acquisition Plan annually. US will brief update at SC 71. (Ref. SC 62 Minutes 5.1.-5.1.4.) (OPR:
17.X. Action Item 70-X: T-X Future Training Strategy. Manning Issue: The SC tasked the US to
present the strategy for future T-X training. (Ref. PRS Report, 12.11.1.) (OPR: ENJJPT Wing and
17.X. Action Item 70-X: FY17 T-6 Surfaces Repair Project. FY17 T-Runway/Taxiway Surfaces
Repair Addition Project and Action Item 69-9 ENJJPT Dorm Room Renovation Topic. FLS unable to
resolve this issue until further information is received concerning the definition between MilCon and
Facilities, Sustainment, Reutilization and Modernization (O&M). The SC to task US to provide clear
definitions and references of MilCon and Facilities, Sustainment, Reutilization and Modernization
(O&M) prior to Pre-FLS meeting in January 2016. (OPR: US)
17.X. Action Item 70-X(PO 18th Edition): The SC tasked the SC Secretary to staff the revised draft of
PO 18TH Edition be submitted to the nations for staffing IAW MOU Section 7, PO Section 8. (Ref. FLS
Report 5.1.3.) (OPR: US)
17.X. Action Item 70-X: ENJJPT Financial Update (Aging Fleet Cost): SC task US to provide details
on aging fleet cost and provide details as referenced in Item 6.7. (Ref. FLS Report 6.11.3)
17.X. Action Item 70-X: ENJJPT Funding Synchronization Timeline. (Ref. AI 69-9 and AI 69-8).
The SC tasked the US to provide a recommended timeline that synchronizes fleet modification and
infrastructure cost. .
pending approval by the SC. (Ref. SC 68 Minutes 12.12.17.) (OPR: US)
17.X. Action Item 70-X BIT Proposal. The SC tasked ENJJPT Wing to add the BIT proposal into draft
PO 18TH. (AI). (OPR: ENJJPT Wing)
6.7. Action 70-X: FY17 T-6 Runway/Taxiway Surfaces Repair Addition Project and Action Item 69-9
ENJJPT Dorm Room Renovation Timeline. FLS unable to resolve this issue until further information is
received concerning the definition between MilCon and Facilities, Sustainment, Reutilization and
Modernization (O&M). The SC to task US to provide clear definitions and references of MilCon and
Facilities, Sustainment, Reutilization and Modernization (O&M) prior to Pre-FLS meeting in January
2016. (OPR: US)