AOC HQ GENERATOR FOLLOW-UP REVIEW AOC Headquarters Location 455 GOLDEN GATE San Francisco, CA 95102 SWO 1047078 PREPARED FOR THE FACILITY MANAGEMENT UNIT Revision 0 16 November 2009 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page ii Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management CONTENTS PROJECT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 1 TECHNICAL EVALUATION FROM 16 JULY 2009 REPORT ............................................................................. 2 RESPONSES TO INQUIRIES ............................................................................................................................. 4 ATTACHMENT 1: PROPOSED SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM & PANEL SCHEDULES .......................................... 5 ATTACHMENT 2: PROPOSED SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................... 9 ATTACHMENT 3: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - VFLA/GLASS MAT BATTERY TUTORAL ........................ 10 ATTACHMENT 4: CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE SECTION 608 ........................................................................... 13 ATTACHMENT 5: PLANNING PACKAGE COST WORKSHEET ..................................................................... 14 ATTACHMENT 6: POWERWARE QUOTE ....................................................................................................... 15 AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page iii Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management PROJECT OVERVIEW The AOC headquarters offices are located in the State Office Building located at 455 Golden Gate, in San Francisco. There is an existing mothballed 156.3 kVA generator which could be utilized for emergency power generation. An evaluation was completed and a report was issued on 2 July 2009. Several meetings have occurred and have resulted in the following inquiry/request for additional information. The questions/directions are as follows; Reselect the battery using a Eaton Powerware 9390 Series with AGM battery technology to accommodate existing AOC PO funding sources Locate the battery in a basement location with the number and size of existing and new conduits runs to the third floor and basement transfer switch Resized the battery to not to exceed 65 KVA and or 49.9 Gallons of stored battery acid to minimized physical size and hazardous materials regulatory requirements. Provide the type of AGM battery, number of AGM batteries and the physical external dimensions of the entire UPS unit Provide the estimated total weight of the batteries and supporting structure for installation on a finished, housekeeping pad in the basement telephone location Provide a tentative elapse time schedule including 3 week DGS plan check review after a decision is made to proceed with project Provide a estimated cost to install o New, resized UPS battery unit o Rigging cost to off load and transport UPS battery units and support frame structure o Exclude the cost to purchase the battery in the estimate. o Housekeeping pad o New electrical conduit runs o Replace and or upsizing of existing electrical conduits o Electrical Grounding of UPS o Seismic tie-downs/restrains o Regulatory exhaust requirements for ventilation and excess heat generation o UPS/Transfer/Generator Commissioning costs o Required wiring to interconnect the UPS system to establish UPS/Generator/IS Network connectivity. o Third party plan check cost o FPE Peer review of the entire design AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 1 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management TECHNICAL EVALUATION FROM THE 14 JULY 2009 REPORT There is a 156.3 kVA Generator located on the roof of 350 McAllister. It is an Onan Model 125FGEA, Serial Number J970657328, Spec 91256K. The generator appears to be well maintained and the case heaters are operational. The Generator is protected by a 480 volt, 225 amp, 3 phase breaker. The breaker is wired and wire is running in a down feed conduit. The breaker is open (in the off position). There is a fuel storage tank located in the same equipment penthouse as the generator. In the basement of 350 McAllister there is an Onan Transfer Switch. Model UT 225, Serial I970648357, Spec 13581J. The Transfer Switch is also wired from the Main Distribution Panel and the generator and feeds a local panel, Panel # REHBB, a 480 volt, 225 amp, 3 phase panel. The control toggle switch for the Transfer Switch is in the off position making the Transfer Switch inoperable. There is an existing 2 ½” Conduit day lighting above the transfer switch and runs to the 3rd floor of the AOC Building (455 Golden Gate). AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 2 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management Located on the third floor of the State Building is the AOC Server Room. The Server Room has an existing Uninterruptible Power System (UPS), System: Balanced Power, Model 65, Serial No. EQ252ZBA08. The system appears to be operating correctly and the associated battery cabinet was in good condition and the batteries showed no sign of damage from overcharging or high heat. Based on observed needs and projected needs the following table represents the potential usage/load on the generator: Location Basement Basement 1st Floor 1st Floor 3rd Floor 3rd Floor 5th Floor 5th Floor AOC Server Rm AOC Server Rm Supreme Court Appellate Court Use Phone Switch HVAC IDF HVAC IDF HVAC IDF HVAC Racks Racks Racks Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 2 2 Volt 120 460 208 Amps 60 7.8 30 Phase 1 3 1 208 30 1 208 30 1 120 208 120 20 30 20 1 1 1 Racks 2 120 20 36.9 * 1000* 3.4 /12000 = Tonnage to Cool Loads 10 1 Subtotal Load at Server Room 80% handle load Tons Total Load on Generator AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 3 kW 7.2 6.2 6.2 3.8 6.2 3.8 6.2 3.8 24.0 12.5 4.8 4.8 46.1 36.9 15.7 95.9 kW Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 4 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management RESPONSES TO INQUIRIES/QUESTIONS/DIRECTIVES Reselect the battery using a Eaton Powerware 9390 Series with AGM battery technology to accommodate existing AOC PO funding sources See attached quotation Locate the battery in a basement location with the number and size of existing and new conduits runs to the third floor and basement transfer switch The existing 2 ½” conduit will be utilized to run the 120/208 conductors to the (e) Server Room Panel. New 1 ¼” conduits (2) will be required. The first will run to the basement Telco Room and the second will run to the 3 rd Floor IDF Room. Both of these conduits will carry 480 volt conductors. Resized the battery to not to exceed 65 KVA and or 49.9 Gallons of stored battery acid to minimized physical size and hazardous materials regulatory requirements. A 60KVA Powerware 9390-80 UPS has been specified. The total volume of electrolyte is 48.2 gallons. Provide the type of AGM battery, number of AGM batteries and the physical external dimensions of the entire UPS unit A E39 Battery has been specified. 40 batteries will be required. The battery cabinet measures 42.7” wide by 31.6” deep and is 73” tall. The UPS unit is 18.9” wide by 31.6” deep and is 73” tall. Provide the estimated total weight of the batteries and supporting structure for installation on a finished, housekeeping pad in the basement telephone location. The weight of the total package is 4,500 pounds. Provide a tentative elapse time schedule including 3 week DGS plan check review after a decision is made to proceed with project See attached schedule Provide a estimated cost to install See attached Planning Package Cost Worksheet o New, resized UPS battery unit o Rigging cost to off load and transport UPS battery units and support frame structure o Exclude the cost to purchase the battery in the estimate. o Housekeeping pad o New electrical conduit runs o Replace and or upsizing of existing electrical conduits o Electrical Grounding of UPS o Seismic tie-downs/restrains o Regulatory exhaust requirements for ventilation and excess heat generation See Attachment 4 for CFC Section 608 o UPS/Transfer/Generator Commissioning costs o Required wiring to interconnect the UPS system to establish UPS/Generator/IS Network connectivity. o Third party plan check cost o FPE Peer review of the entire design AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 5 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management ATTACHMENT 1: PROPOSED SINGLE LINE DRAWING & PANEL SCHEDULES AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 6 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 7 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 8 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 9 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management ATTACHMENT 2: PROPOSED SCHEDULE AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 10 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management ATTACHMENT 3: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION What is a VFLA Battery? What is a Glass Mat Battery? VRLA stands for valve-regulated lead-acid and is the designation for low-maintenance lead-acid rechargeable batteries. Because of their construction, VRLA batteries do not require regular addition of water to the cells. VRLA batteries are commonly further classified as: Absorbent glass mat battery Gel battery These batteries are often colloquially called sealed lead-acid batteries, but they always include a safety pressure relief valve. As opposed to vented (also called flooded) batteries, a VRLA cannot spill its elecrolyte if it is inverted. Because VRLA batteries use much less electrolyte (battery acid) than traditional lead-acid batteries, they are also occasionally referred to as an "acid-starved" design. The name "valve regulated" does not wholly describe the technology; these are really "recombinant" batteries, which means that the oxygen evolved at the positive plates will largely recombine with the hydrogen ready to evolve on the negative plates, creating water—thus preventing water loss. The valve is strictly a safety feature in case the rate of hydrogen evolution becomes dangerously high. One result of this design is a much higher ratio of power to "floorspace" than large, flooded type battery systems; another is a high-rate power capacity, though of relatively short duration. As a result, VRLA batteries are frequently employed in UPS (uninterruptible power supply) or other high-rate applications. Long duration applications such as telecommunications are not as well-suited to VRLA batteries, as there are other, more applicable battery designs available. Construction These batteries have a pressure relief valve which will activate when the battery is recharged at high voltage (typically greater than 2.30 volts per cell, a 12 volt battery has 6 cells). Valve activation allows some of the active material to escape thus decreasing the overall capacity of the battery. The lids (covers) typically have gas diffusers built into them that allow safe dispersal of any excess hydrogen that may be formed during overcharge. They are not permanently sealed, but are maintenance free; and they can be oriented in any manner, unlike normal lead-acid batteries which must be kept upright to avoid acid spills and to keep the plates' orientation vertical. At high currents, electrolysis of water occurs, expelling hydrogen and oxygen gas through the battery's valves. Care must be taken to prevent short circuits and rapid charging. Charging with a constant voltage (called the float charge voltage; 2.26 V per cell for a lead-acid chemistry) can cause a rapid initial current, so therefore it is suggested to begin with a constant current, using constant voltage only for the final portion of the charging. However, the float charge voltage should not be exceeded by much for typical usage, so the switch between the two modes typically occurs when the float voltage is needed to sustain the charging current through the battery's internal resistance (as per Ohm's Law). The easiest way to implement this is to use a constant voltage device with a current limiter. AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 11 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management Comparison with flooded lead-acid cells Compared with flooded lead-acid cells, VRLA batteries offer several advantages. The battery can be mounted in any position, since the valves only operate on over pressure faults. Since the battery system is designed to be recombinant and eliminate the emission of gases on overcharge, room ventilation requirements are reduced and no acid fume is emitted during normal operation. The volume of free electrolyte that could be released on damage to the case or venting is very small. There is no need (nor possibility) to check the level of electrolyte or to top up water lost due to electrolysis, reducing inspection and maintenance. Absorbent glass mat (AGM) Absorbent glass mat (AGM) is a class of VRLA battery in which the electrolyte is absorbed into a mat of fine glass fibers. The plates in an AGM battery may be flat like a wet cell lead-acid battery in a rectangular case. In cylindrical AGMs, the plates are thin and wound, like most consumer disposable and rechargeable cells, into spirals so they are also sometimes referred to as spiral wound. Their unique (for lead acid chemistries) construction also allows for the lead in their plates to be purer as they no longer need to support their own weight as in traditional cells. Their internal resistance is lower than traditional cells due to plate proximity and the pure lead plates have lower resistivity, they handle higher temperatures better, and self discharge more slowly. Their specific power is very good and they can be charged and discharged quite rapidly, however their specific energy tends to be lower than traditional flooded batteries. They are often used in high performance electric vehicles due to their high power density. Gel battery A gel battery A gel battery (also known as a "gel cell") is a VRLA battery with a gelified electrolyte; the sulfuric acid is mixed with a silica fume, which makes the resulting mass gel-like and immobile. Unlike a traditional wet-cell leadacid battery, these batteries do not need to be kept upright (though they cannot be charged inverted). In addition, gel batteries virtually eliminate the electrolyte evaporation, spillage (and subsequent corrosion issues) common to the wet-cell battery, and boast greater resistance to extreme temperatures, shock, and vibration. These batteries are often colloquially referred to as sealed lead-acid (SLA) batteries due to their non-leaking containers, but they are not completely sealed; the valve regulation system allows for gas to be expelled. Chemically they are the same as wet (non-sealed) batteries except that the antimony in the lead plates is replaced by calcium. This preserves the mechanical characteristics but renders the construction far less prone to gassing. The battery type is often referred to as a lead-calcium battery. AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 12 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management Applications Many modern motorcycles on the market utilize AGM or factory-sealed AGM batteries for the combined benefits of reduced likelihood of acid-spilling during accidents, and for packaging reasons (lighter, smaller battery to do the same job; the battery can be installed at an odd angle if needed for the design of the motorcycle). Due to the higher manufacturing costs compared with flooded lead acid batteries, AGM technology is currently being used on premium vehicles. As vehicles become heavier and equipped with greater electronic devices such as navigation, stability control, and premium stereos, AGM batteries are being employed to lower vehicle weight and provide better electrical reliability compared with flooded lead acid batteries. AGM batteries are routinely chosen for remote sensors such as ice monitoring stations in the Arctic. AGM batteries due to their lack of free electrolyte will not crack and leak in these cold environments. Gel cell batteries are used extensively in power wheelchairs, as the extremely low gas and acid output makes them much safer for indoor use. References 1. David Linden, Thomas B. Reddy (ed). Handbook Of Batteries 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002 ISBN 0-07-135978-8, Chapter 24 2. M.S. Clark LEADANTIMONY, LEAD-CALCIUM, LEAD-SELENIUM, VRLA, NI-CD. WHAT’S IN A NAME?, Battcon 2009 paper discussing types of battery systems, page 12-6 3. Donald G. Fink and H. Wayne Beaty, Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Eleventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978, ISBN 0-07020974-X page 11-116 4. AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 13 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management ATTACHMENT 4: CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 608 AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 14 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management ATTACHMENT 5: COST WORKSHEET AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 15 Administrative Office of the Courts Office of Court Construction and Management ATTACHMENT 6: UPS QUOTATION AOC Headquarters Generator Follow-Up Revision 0, 16 November 2009 Page 16