Approved March 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes of the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) Board of Managers, for Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 6:00 the office of the CRWD, 1410 Energy Park Dr., Suite 4, St. Paul, MN 55108. Regular Meeting Minutes I. Call to Order at 6:03p.m. (Vice President Mary Texer) A) Attendance Mary Texer Mike Thienes Shirley Reider Jim Mogen, Ramsey County Attorney (Absent w/notice Managers Jones and Collins) Others Present Mark Doneux, CRWD Anna Eleria, CRWD Forrest Kelley, CRWD Melissa Baker, CRWD Bob Fossum, CRWD Michelle Sylvander, CRWD Public Attendees Ted McCaslin, CAC Observer Ted Shannon, HDR Engineering Mike Trossen, TWP Architects Start meeting at Motion 13-024 B) Review, Amendments and Approval of the Agenda Motion 13-024: The Board adopted the Agenda as amended. Texer/Reider Unanimously approved II. Public Comment – There were no public comments. III. Permit Applications – A) Permit # 13-004 Episcopal Homes (Kelley) Mr. Kelley reviewed Permit # 13-004 Episcopal Homes. Mr. Kelley said the applicant is Episcopal Homes. Mr. Kelley said the permit is for the expansion of the existing Senior Housing and Care Facility. The applicable rules are Storm water Management (Rule C), Flood Control (Rule D), and Erosion Control (Rule F). This project has 6.32 Acres of disturbed area, an unknown area of impervious surface. Mr. Kelley said the staff recommendation is to approve the permit with 8 conditions. Motion 13-025: Approve Permit 13-004 Episcopal Homes with 8 conditions: 1. Receipt of surety and recorded maintenance agreement. 2. Remove the geotextile filter fabric from the bottom of the infiltration system. Use fabric only on top and sides. 3. Clarify amount of new and reconstructed impervious area. The CRWD volume retention calculation is based on both new and reconstructed impervious area, not the increase in impervious area. 4. Provide pretreatment for runoff prior to discharge into the infiltration system. Tees or elbows in the sump catch basins upstream of the infiltration chamber will improve collection of floatable material and solids in the sumps, thereby extending the longevity of the infiltration chamber. 5. Lower the infiltration chamber outlet from 194.5 to 193.2 so the retained water depth will infiltrate within 48 hours. Resubmit calculations to document rate control is satisfied. 6. Provide roof plans to support the storage and outlet devices listed in the HydroCAD model. 1 7. Revise HydroCAD model or plans to correspond: sheet C-4 notes a 10-inch orifice outlet for the East Underground while the HydroCAD model notes an 8-inch orifice. 8. Add structure details to the plan set per sheet C-4: a. Structures OL Skimmer 4 and Overflow Riser 8 state “see detail”. b. The notes for infiltration chamber state, “See detail for overflow baffle and riser.” Texer/Reider Unanimously approved B) Permit # 13-005 St. Albans Park Mr. Kelley reviewed Permit # 13-005 St. Albans Park. Mr. Kelley said the applicant is Twin Cities Housing and Development Corporation and the project is for landscaping and exterior improvements to existing multifamily residential housing located near Selby and Dale. The applicable rules are Storm water Management (Rule C), Flood Control (Rule D), and Erosion Control (Rule F). The project has 1.5 Acres of disturbed area and 0.73 Acres of impervious surface. Mr. Kelley said the staff recommendation is to table the permit with 4 conditions. Motion 13-026: Table Permit # 13-005 St. Albans Park with 4 conditions: 1. Receipt of $3,650 surety and recorded maintenance agreement. 2. Revise HydroCAD model a. Route drainage areas 10P and 7P to underground System D. b. Increase stage/storage relationship for Systems A, B and C so the storage range is not exceeded. c. Add 40% voids for System C. 3. Remove geotextile from the bottom of the infiltration areas. 4. Provide documentation from the MPCA that infiltration of storm water is acceptable on this site. Thienes/Reider Unanimously approved C) Permit # 13-007 Metro State Science Education Center Mr. Kelley reviewed Permit # 13-007 Metro State Science Education Center. Mr. Kelley said the applicant is Metropolitan State University and the project is for the construction of a new science education center located at 626 East 6th Street in Saint Paul. The applicable rules are Storm water Management (Rule C), Flood Control (Rule D), and Erosion Control (Rule F). The project has 1 Acre of disturbed area and 0.64 Acres of impervious surface. Mr. Kelley said the staff recommendation is to table the permit with six conditions. Motion 13-027: Table permit # 13-007 Metro State Science Education Center with 6 conditions: 1. Revise calculations and/or modeling software to account for complicated hydraulics present in the design. Additional detail is needed to ensure overflows are properly planned and stabilized from erosion. Structures that require additional detail: a. STMH 203 b. Overflow from Basins 1 and 4 c. Wyes to each of the four basins d. STMH 302 2. Identify the emergency overflow discharge location for Basins 1 and 4. A separate device in HydroCAD may be necessary for each overflow. 3. Remove topsoil from the planting medium and specify 80% sand, 20% compost mix 4. Justify that discharge from the 4” orifice will not by-pass the rim of STMH 302. Consider a piped connection rather than the free discharge currently proposed. 5. Provide additional detail for the four-foot wide area on the surface of the infiltration trench. 6. Increase the three-inch orifice to four inches. Orifice sizes less than four inches are maintenance concerns. 2 Reider/Thienes Unanimously approved IV. Special Reports No Special Reports were given. V. Action Items A) Minutes of the February 6, 2013, Regular meeting (VanPatten) Manager Texer requested approval of the February 6, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes. Motion 13-028: Approve Minutes of the February 6, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes with correction, Jim Mogen was in attendance. Thienes/Reider Unanimously approved B) Accounts Payable/Receivables for January 2013, (Doneux) Enclosed are the Accounts Payable/Receivable and the Administrative/Program Budget Reports for the Month of January 2013. Issues Summary of Accounts Payable/Receivable Report: Summary of Preliminary Budget Report: Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable $ 164,073.42 $ 42,446.00 Administrative Budget Program Budget Project Budget Capital Improvement Budget TOTAL $ 38,840.65 $ 48,369.33 $ 8,386.07 $ 99,976.18 $ 164,073.42 December 2012 Expenses January 2013 Expenses TOTAL $ 66,228.38 $ 97,845.04 $ 164,073.42 Motion 13-029: Approve January 2013 Accounts Payable/Receivable and January Budget Report and direct Treasurer and Board President to endorse and disperse checks for these payments. Thienes/Reider Unanimously approved C) Bid for Villa Park Wetland Restoration Project, (Fossum) Mr. Fossum reviewed bids for the Villa Park Wetland Restoration Project opened on Friday, February 1, 2013. The lowest apparent responsible bidder was Frattalone Companies, Inc. Following bid opening several submittals were reviewed including similar project experience, resources and subcontractors and other documentation that demonstrate their ability to successfully complete the project. HDR Engineering has determined that Frattalone Companies, Inc. is a responsible, qualified bidder per the bidding documents for the project. 3 Mr. Fossum and the CRWD staff have reviewed the costs associated with the bid additive with Roseville and recommend rejecting the bid additive and awarding the base bid only. Mr. Fossum reviewed the recommendation with the Managers. Motion 13-030: Award the bid for Villa Park Wetland Restoration Project. 1) Award the based bid and reject the bid additive for the Villa Park Wetland Restoration Project to Frattalone Companies, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $1,201,342.40. 2) Authorize the Board President and Administrator to execute a Notice of Award and an Agreement to Frattalone Companies, Inc. for the Villa Park Wetland Restoration Project subject to the review and approval of the Ramsey County Attorney. Authorize Administrator to execute change orders not to exceed 5% or $60,000 in aggregate. Reider/Thienes Unanimously approved D) City of Saint Paul Storm water Management Program, (Eleria) As required by the municipal separate storm sewer (MS4) permit reissued to the City of Saint Paul in January 2011, the City of Saint Paul must develop, implement and enforce a Storm water Management Program (SWMP) that is designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, protect water quality, and satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act. The SWMP is an enforceable document that describes in detail all activities related to the City’s program for the management of storm water. MN Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has reviewed the enclosed draft City SWMP and made a preliminary determination to approve it. It is now available for public comment until February 25, 2013. CRWD staff have conducted a comprehensive review of the draft SWMP and compared it to the requirements of the City’s MS4 permit and previous CRWD comment letters on the City’s permit. Enclosed are a draft CRWD comment letter and detailed comment memo for the Board’s consideration. The draft letter outlines the significant, overarching issues and comments on the SWMP while the memo describes in detail the issues and recommendations for improving the SWMP. At the Board meeting, CRWD staff will describe the significant issues and recommended changes on the City’s SWMP and seek the Board’s approval to submit the documents to MPCA. Motion 13-031: Approve the comment letter and detailed comment memo on the City of Saint Paul’s draft Storm water Management Program and direct Administrator to sign the comment letter. Reider/Thienes Unanimously approved VI. Unfinished Business A) Impervious Surfaces Dataset (Baker) CRWD has an existing impervious surfaces GIS dataset. However, it was developed 12 years ago and is missing many features including some major roadways and streets, alleys, driveways, sidewalks, pathways, and recreational facilities. Because of the usefulness of an updated impervious surfaces dataset across many of CRWD’s programs and projects, CRWD hired Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) in January 2011 to conduct an impervious surfaces pilot project. The project aimed to develop a methodology for creation of a District wide impervious surfaces dataset and determine if there were differences in amounts of impervious surfaces within two pilot areas. SEH quoted a 4 cost of $110,000 to further refine the model and create a District dataset with basic post processing and polygon refinement to help improve the accuracy the dataset. The District did not pursue any further development of the dataset. Ms. Baker noted, this spring, Ramsey County will be conducting an aerial imagery flight and update of its physical features (the last flight and update occurred in 2009). At the request of the RCGIS User Group, the creation of an impervious surfaces dataset was included as an optional item in the County’s RFP for this work. The vendor chosen by the County, had a cost of development of a County-wide dataset at approximately $138,000. This is a significant cost decrease from the 2009 vendor proposal which was over $200,000. Assuming the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the dataset is complete and the User Group chooses to pursue its development; the funding responsibility falls onto the User Group and its member organizations and will need to be in place by the User Group’s next meeting on March 14 th. If created, this dataset would be available to all User Group members. If no action is approved, the next possible collaborative opportunity for its creation would not occur until 2016. CRWD benefits from this arrangement as it will not be responsible for the full cost of development of the dataset and will not be restricted to data solely within the watershed. Additionally, maintenance of the dataset will be completed by the County and future updates may be incorporated into subsequent aerial flights conducted by the County. It is anticipated that staff will present a request for funding and approval of a letter of support, to the Board at the March 6th Regular Board Meeting. B) 2013 City of Falcon Heights Street Project Update (Fossum) Mr. Fossum reviewed at the last meeting the opportunity of installing BMP’s to help prevent flooding at the City of Falcon Heights. There is currently flooding in Curtis Pond, CRWD has $120,000 budgeted for this project. At the March 6th meeting Mr. Fossum would like to propose a budget amendment to reallocate the funds from the Curtis Pond project to Falcon Heights Street Reconstruction Project. C) Trillium Nature Sanctuary Update (Fossum) No update at this time. D) CCLRT Update (Eleria) No update at this time. E) 2013 CIP Financing Update (Doneux) The Board of Managers adopted a Final 2013 Budget and Levy at the December 19, 2012 meeting. Staff and the Board have been working on a major Capital Improvement Program. One different feature in the 2013 Capital Improvement Program is the inclusion of bond revenue to meet the District’s financing needs. Based on my analysis of the CIP cash flow, the District needs to receive bond sale proceeds in the month of April but no later than May to maintain a reasonable fund balance and meet our project obligations. Administrator Donuex stated he met with the District’s Bond Counsel and Financial Planner and will update the Board on the progress of setting up the Bond sale. There is also the issue of finalizing our 2013 CIP project list and budget. Two projects have come up that, based on the Board’s discretion, may require an increase in the Bond sale. The first project is the McCarron’s Sub watershed project where current estimates exceed the budget. The Lower town Stadium is the other potential project that the District may consider supporting. Currently there is no estimate of the “above and beyond” storm water improvements for the Lower town Stadium project. Administrator Donuex referred to the enclosed Ehlers Bond Options Analysis, for $1,800,000, $2,000,000 and $2,200,000 bond sales. The average annual debt service for each is approximately $120,000, $134,000 and $146,000 respectively. 5 Administrator Doneux reviewed the enclosed budget worksheet and the Ehlers analysis for your information and will review and discuss the information on each of them. VII. General Information A) CAC Update (Texer) B) Manager Texer noted the items discussed at the February 13th CAC meeting. Those items included: 1) Lake McCarrons, 2) Stop the Rain Drain, 3) Permit program update, 4) Master Water Steward Program C) Administrator’s Report (Doneux) Administrator Doneux gave the administrator’s Report and noted the following events and announcements: A Board workshop will take place on Wednesday, March 6th at 4:00. The meeting will allow some time to hear from department heads, review 2012 projects, and update on 2013 planned projects. Administrator Approved Agreements 1) 2) Board Authorized Consultant Services Agreement with Wenck Associates to conduct statistical analysis of CRWD’s lake data - $14,360.00 Contract Purchase Agreement with Minnesota Native Landscapes for $6,984.79 for 2013 RSVP Rain Garden plants. General updates including recent and upcoming meetings and events 1) Office Manager Position - Michelle Sylvander started on February 11th. Michelle was hired through the Jeane Thorne agency to temporarily fill in the Office Manager position for the next couple of months to get through the year-end financials, 2012 audit and to provide general administrative support. Michelle has worked in several Office Management positions and has experience in accounting. Michelle and her family live in Lino Lakes where she was instrumental in getting a neighborhood park built. 2) Upcoming events and meetings a) b) c) d) e) Como Community Council Sunday Series, Sunday, February 17th, North Dale Rec Center Board Workshop with City of St Paul Department Heads, 4:00 PM, Wednesday, March 6, 2013. Next Board Meeting, Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Meeting with St. Paul Parks and Recreation Director regarding Como Storm water Plan, February 25th Ramsey County Collaboration of Water Entities, Tuesday, March 5th VIII. Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Regular Meeting Agenda Review IX. Adjournment – Motion 13-032 Motion to adjourn. Texer/Thienes Unanimously approved The meeting was adjourned at 7:01p.m. Respectfully submitted Michelle Sylvander 6 W:\04 Board of Managers\Minutes\2013\Board Meeting Minutes template.docx 7