C O U R S E S C H E D U L E C H A N G E S ( A d d / D r o p ) EPOK Fall 2015 名前(Name): 学生番号(Student ID): ◎ Course changes can be made only by submitting this form to; Associate Professor, Junko OBAYASHI (room C309) by 16:00 October 26th (Mon) Professor, Mariko UZUKA (room 302) by 16:00 October 26th (Mon). □ Add: 1) 2) 3) □ Drop: 1) 2) 3) ◎ Fill in the final course schedule on the back of the sheet for confirmation. □ Approval: Advisor’s signature: Date: C O U R S E S C H E D U L E C H A N G E S ( A d d / D r o p ) EPOK Fall 2015 名前 (Name): 学生番号 (Student No. ) ☆Japanese Language Course ■:Foreign students only □:EPOK course and Reg. course students Monday ☆ Japanese 2 ☆ Japanese 4 ☆ Japanese 6 ☆ Japanese 3 ☆ Japanese 5 ☆ Japanese 1 ☆ Japanese 3 ☆ Japanese 5 1 8.4010.10 2 10.2511.55 Tuesday ☆ Japanese 6 Wednesday ☆ ☆ ☆ Japanese 2 Japanese 4 Japanese 6 The Cutting Edge of Agricultural Sciences ☆ Japanese 1 ☆ Japanese 3 ☆ Japanese 5 Thursday Friday ☆ Japanese 2 ☆ Japanese 4 ☆ Japanese 6 ☆ Japanese 2 ☆ Japanese 4 ☆ Japanese 1 ☆ Japanese 3 ☆ Japanese 5 □ Intercultural communication ☆ Japanese 1 ☆ Extensive Reading Expanding CrossCultural Language and Communicative Skills 2 through easy English and Japanese 3 12.452.15 4 2.30-4.00 5 4.15-5.45 Intensive course ☆ Intermediate Grammar 2 ☆ Reading and Writing 1 ☆ Japanese through News and Magazine Articles ☆ Japanese 7 (Writing B) ☆ Reading and Writing 2 Family and Gender in Contemporary Japan Japanese 7 (Reading B) ☆ Intermediate Kanji and Vocabulary Japanese Pop Culture ☆ Japanese 7 (Listening B) Chado: Mind and Practice ■ Study of Japan1(日本事情) Study of Japan2(地域文化演習) - Chado: Mind and Practice -Study of Japan -Study of Okayama Seminar for Intercultural Communication: Theory and Practice ☆ Reading and Writing 1 ☆ Intermediate Grammar 1 ☆ Media Literacy ☆ Reading and Writing 2 ☆ Study of Okayama Japanese studies ☆ Japanese 7 (Speaking B) Materialism in Japan and the West Transnational mobility and Multiculturalism in Japan Intercultural ■ Study of Deep Kyoto Communication Ⅱ Cool Japan Plus Japan’s Modernization and Wars & Peace (Spring Course) ※ -Location: see each syllabus. -English Language Assistant and Cultural Informant (tba) Subject Subject’s No. ※Please check □, if applicable or if you want to enrol for: □ If wish to take or audit non-EPOK classes, write the details:→ □ English Language Assistant and Cultural Informant □ Independent Study: -Independent Study (tba) Lecturer Academic advisor approval: Day Period Take or Audit Date: / /