Special Education Department Chair Effectiveness Domain 1

Special Education Department Chair Effectiveness
Domain 1: Purposeful Planning and Preparation
The High School Special Education Department Chair uses data to plan, set annual student goals, organize, and manage an effective special
education program and department at the high school level. Possible examples of evidence are listed when appropriate.
Highly Effective
1.1 Demonstrating
The Special Education
The Special Education
knowledge of current
Department chair’s
Department chair’s
trends in special
knowledge of special
knowledge of special
education is exemplary;
education is apparent;
information is willingly
information is shared
shared with all department
with all department
members on current
members on current
research/best practices in the research/best practices
classroom as well as legal
in the classroom as well
guidelines/updates; the
as legal
department chair is highly
guidelines/updates when
regarded as an expert by
asked; the department
chair is regarded as an
expert by colleagues.
1.2 Demonstrating
The Special Education
The Special Education
knowledge of the
department chair is deeply
department chair is
school’s goals and levels
familiar with the school’s
familiar with the school’s
of teacher skill in
goals, works to shape its
goals, works to shape its
delivering special
future direction, and actively future direction when
seeks information from
asked, and seeks
administrators and teachers; information from
assists the administration in
administrators and
collecting, analyzing and
teachers; assists the
interpreting student data to
administration in
evaluate program
collecting, analyzing and
interpreting student data
to evaluate program
1.3 Establishing goals for
the special education
department and program
appropriate to the high
school and its students
and teachers
1.4 Demonstrating
knowledge of resources,
both within and beyond
the school district
1.5 Establishing
programs and services for
students who have
completed four years of
high school and are on
their way to earning a
certificate of completion
The Special Education
department chair sets goals
for the department and
school that are highly
appropriate to the needs of
the students and staff. They
have been developed with
the lots of input from
teachers and administrators.
The Special Education
department chair sets
goals for the department
and school that are
appropriate to the needs
of the students and staff.
They have been
developed with the input
of teachers and
The Special Education
The Special Education
Department Chair actively
Department Chair seeks
seeks out new resources
out new resources from
from a wide range of sources a wide range of sources
to problem solve students’
to problem solve
needs; will always be the
students’ needs; will be
liaison when outside agencies the liaison when outside
are involved (JDC, ACT).
agencies are involved
The Special Education
The Special Education
Department Chair frequently Department Chair meets
meets or requests meetings
with outside agencies
with outside agencies
involved with providing
involved with providing
vocational activities for
vocational activities for CG
CG students who are
students who are between
between the ages of 18 –
the ages of 18 – 22.
High School Special Education Department Chair Effectiveness
Domain 2: Delivery of Special Education Services
The high school Special Education Department Chair provides professional input in developing appropriate IEPs for all special education
Highly Effective
2.1 Follows laws, rules
Demonstrates extensive Demonstrates thorough
and policies adhering to
knowledge of special
knowledge of special
Article 7 and provides
education laws and
education laws and
guidance in the writing
procedures. Oversees
procedures. Oversees
of IEPs, behavior plans
and ensures compliance compliance with all
and Functional Behavior with all procedural
procedural timelines and
timelines and
2.2 Monitors the IEP
Ensures IEPs are
Ensures IEPs are
creation/writing process thorough yet concise,
thorough, well-written
for department
well-written and include and include appropriate
appropriate goals and
goals and benchmarks.
benchmarks that
uniquely address
student needs.
2.3 Ensures all
Uses a language parents Creates a welcoming
participants understand
can understand and
environment in which
the IEP process and
creates an inviting
parents feel they are
respects input and
environment in which all participants in the IEP
team members feel they process.
are active participants.
2.4 Provides
Orchestrates high
Organizes aligned,
quality, professional
ongoing training and
learning opportunities
coaching opportunities
based on staff needs.
that build instructional
Professional learning is
proficiency. Professional
ongoing and relevant to
learning is occasionally
the school improvement relevant to the school
improvement process.
2.5 Creates an
environment of trust and
2.6 Collaborates with all
parties to resolve
In relationships with all
teachers (general and special
education), administrators,
special education assistants
and parents, the Special
Education Department Chair:
In relationships with all
teachers (general and special
education), administrators,
special education assistants
and parents, the Special
Education Department Chair:
respectfully and
proactively; is sensitive
to others’ perspectives;
is transparent about
how and why decisions
were made whenever
respectfully; is sensitive
to others’ perspectives;
ensures that others
know how and why key
decisions are being
Is effective in resolving
conflicts in ways so that
appropriate disputeall parties feel positive
resolution skills.
about the resolution.
2.7 Uses assessment
Creates a robust,
Creates a researchdata to be sure all
research-based plan of
based plan of action for
students are fulfilling
action for improving
improving student
graduation requirements student achievement;
and/or transition goals
encourages dept.
encourages dept.
for life after high school
members to consistently members to monitor
monitor student success student success and
and proactively address
address students who
students who are offare off-track;. uses data
track;. consults current
to diagnose department
best practices in
strengths and
developing short- and
long-term plans to
address diagnosed
department weaknesses.
High School Special Education Department Chair Effectiveness
Domain 3: Effective Leadership and Collaboration: The Special Education Department Chair will provide the leadership needed to ensure the
achievement of all students:
3.1 Demonstrates flexibility
and responsiveness
3.2 Contribute to school
3.3 Collaborate with peers
3.4 Advocate for student
Continually seeking ways to
improve the special
education services and
program at the high school
in response to student,
parent, administrative or
teacher input and needs.
Seek out leadership roles;
go above and beyond in
dedication time for
students and co-workers;
Actively participates in the
hiring, training and
assigning of certified and
classified personnel.
Goes above and beyond in
seeking out opportunities
to collaborate; coaches
peers through difficult
situations and follows-up:
acts as an active participant
in case conferences of
incoming, as well as
existing, special education
Display commitment to the
education of all students;
proposes creative changes
to ensure student success.
Occasionally seeks ways to
improve the special
education services and
program at the high school
in response to student,
parent, administrative or
teacher input and needs.
Accepts leadership roles
when asked; does what is
required regarding time for
students and co-workers.
Participates in the hiring,
training, and assigning of
certified or classified
personnel when necessary.
Goes above and beyond in
seeking out opportunities
to collaborate; coaches
peers through difficult
situations and follows-up:
acts as an active participant
in case conferences of
incoming, as well as
existing, special education
Displays commitment to
the education of all
students; offers creative
changes to ensure student
success when appropriate.
3.5 Engage Families in
student learning
Strives to form
relationships in which
parents are given ample
opportunity to participate
in their child’s case
conferences; is available to
address parent/guardian
concerns in a timely and
positive manner.
Creates an atmosphere
where parents have
moments to participate in
their child’s case
conferences; addresses
parent/guardian concerns
in a timely and positive