Verification of HIPAA compliance in workflows

Verification of policy compliance in workflows.
The Workflow Privacy Modeling Language (WPML) is a modeling language aimed for multi aspect design
of information systems in the paradigm of the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The set of concepts
describing system functionality is extended with organization and deployment aspects to allow for
verification of multiple aspects of the system and generation of executable system and deployment
instructions. The modeling language is provided with model interpreters to verify model correctness
using the structural semantics approach, and HIPAA compliance checker facilitating the rules encoded in
Language description:
The primary aspect of the WPML named Workflow is used to describe the data producers and
consumers represented as Services and data passed between them represented as Messages. Services in
the workflow are described using the external Web Service Definition Language documents specified in
the WSDL attribute.
Messages in the workflow model represent the data transferred between the services. Messages define
the structure of the data using predefined basic types and custom compound types. Additionally,
message models carry semantic information about the data using the set of attributes {To, From, About,
Type, Purpose, ReplyTo, ConsentedBy, Belief}.
Messages and services are composed using two types of associations: SendMessage and
ReceiveMessage. The first is used to describe creation of the Message by a Service. The second denotes
consumption of the Message by a Service. An example workflow model is presented in figure 1.
Figure 1 Simple producer consumer workflow model
A “producer” service creates “token” message which is consumed by the “consumer” service.
The design of the workflows is unconstrained and creation of cyclic message flows is allowed as shown
in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Cyclic workflow model
Description of inter-organizational workflows requires abstractions to describe the relations between
the communicating entities. In the Business Relations aspect services are bound to organizational units
represented as Entities using the association Entity Mapping. This association represents the
information about responsibilities of the organization for data producers and consumers, and
transitively for the exchanged data.
Figure 3 Organization model
Figure 3 presents a simple organization model with two entities “ACME USA” and “ACME International”
that are responsible for services “Producer” and “Consumer”. The Business relationship association
carries additional information in the attribute purpose, which specifies what the objectives of the given
relationship are. The Entity objects are described with the role attribute which allows specifying the role
played by a given entity.Finally, the Deployment aspect is used to specify the deployment and network
connectivity. In this aspect new object Node represents the platform on which services are deployed.
The binding between the services and the nodes is represented using the Deployment association, and
network connectivity is modeled using the Network Connection association. Currently nodes do not
contain any additional information; however we plan on adding more details for describing the
deployment process. The network connection contain Boolean value secure used to specify if the
connection used between the nodes is secured (for example using SSL, VPN, the implementation details
are irrelevant for this level of abstraction). An example network model is shown in the figure 4. The
“Producer” service is deployed to “ACME Server” and the “Consumer” service is deployed to “ACME
Client”. The nodes are connected using unsecure connection.
Figure 4 Deployment model
Example Model with privacy and security policies
The workflow model presented in Figure 5 represents a system used for monitoring patients outside of
the hospitals. In this scenario two services are used to monitor patient vital signs: N800 web client and
N800 sensor data collection service. The two services send out the data web service vitals and sensor
vitals to the respective data gateway services – web service data gateway and sensor data gateway.
Gateway services process the data and send processed information patient vitals to the service
responsible for storing the information Data Access Object. The stored patient data may be accessed by
the patient monitoring service CPM runtime environment using the message exchange: patient data
request, collected patient information. The retrieved information is used to generate the
recommendations for the patient sent in the recommendations for patient message. The model
represents one more sub-workflow that may be initiated by the patient monitoring service which is
denoted by the exchange of the messages assistance request and assistance response between the CPM
runtime environment and Clinical Specialist.
Figure 5 Workflow model for the outpatient monitoring scenario
In figure 5 details of the message objects are not visible, however their attributes are set to reflect the
carried information – for example the web service vitals message attributes are set as follows:
{To=OutpatientServiceProvider, From=patient, About=patient, Type=PHI, Purpose=null, ReplyTo=null,
ConsentedB=null, Belief=null}. This attributes will allow for the verification of the compliance of the
messages exchanged in the workflow with the HIPAA rules and additional policies defined in the model.
The organization model represents the business relations between the entities and in the model
depicted in figure 6 we specify roles played by the entities and purpose of the relationships. The patient
entity has the following values of attributes {role=individual;adult} and this information is used for
checking the HIPAA compliance of the workflows. The description of remaining objects is omitted for
Figure 6 Organization model for the example scenario
The deployment information is presented in the deployment aspect of the model. The example system
is deployed onto multiple nodes connected in a network. The network in the example is not fully
connected which reflects the network architecture with un-trusted client (ClientTablet), de-militarized
zone gateway (WebService Server), and nodes on the internal network (DBServer, PhysicianPC,
Consultant PC).
Figure 7 Deployment model with policy annotations
With all the information in the model one can define the system policies that will be represented as the
structural constraints. The policies that will be applied to all the systems build in the domain should be
injected into the domain description generated from the metamodel. The policies specific for a given
instance should be introduced in the models in form of annotations. The presented example is a latter
case – the textual representation of the policies is visible in the Figure 7 underneath the deployment
The policies used in the model are following the convention introduced in {EJackson structural
semantics} and described in {JWernerMothis2008}. The policies are as follows:
1. Messages containing protected health information may be sent only over secure network
2. Messages containing protected health information may be sent only between the entities
that have the contractual agreement
The first rule has the following representation in the syntax
no_entity_connection(E1,E2,R) :- R = entityconnection(_,E1,E2), (E1\==E2), \+
entityconnection(X,E1,E2),\+ entityconnection(X,E2,E1).
malform(message(M),R) :- message(M),sendmessage(MF,S1,M),
receivemessage(MF2,M,S2), entitymapping(EM1,S1,E1),
The rule uses an auxiliary symbol no_entity_connection which is deduced from the terms generated
from the models. This helper rule is used to show model correctness by
The second rule is encoded as follows:
networkconnected(M1,M2,NC) :- networkconnection(NC,M1,M2); networkconnection(NC,M2,M1).
insecure_link(M,R) :- R = secure(NC,'insecure network connection'), sendmessage(MF,S1,M),type(M,X),
(X=='phi'), receivemessage(MF2,M,S2),deploymentconnection(DC1,S1,M1),
deploymentconnection(DC2,S2,M2), networkconnected(M1,M2,NC), secure(NC,Y), (Y == 'false').
malform(message(M),R) :- insecure_link(M,R).
The second rule use two helper symbols networkconnected and insecure_link that are then used in the
malform rule.
Model verification
To describe the policies for the workflows we have to generate the domain description using the
structural semantics approach. To generate the domain definition one has to use the Prolog Domain
Generator Interpreter available for the MetaGME metamodels. The first required step is to use the
MetaGME MetaInterpreter to generate the domain definition, register it in the system and create the
auxiliary files. Following that step one needs to invoke the domain generator interpreter and point it to
the domain definition file (the auxiliary .xmp file). This step generates the domain definition in prolog.
Modeling concepts are translated to set of terms and rules over them representing the structure of the
modeling language. This definition will be used as a base to define policies applied to workflow models
and verify the model correctness (in general, the logical representation of a domain allows for defining
any constraints over the models in the domain). After registering the domain specific language and
generating the logic definition of a domain designer can build the models in the domain and specify
policies in form of domain constraints. We demonstrate the workflow development process on the
example drawn from the clinical information systems domain. In the example we build a model of the
outpatient monitoring system with non-trivial deployment and organization models and annotate the
models with the structural constraints representing security and privacy policies. Additionally we
demonstrate how the given model may be verified against the set of HIPAA rules encoded in Prolog and
how the development tools suggest the changes to the model to make it conformant the rules.
Evaluation of the policies is performed using following steps:
Model is translated to set of terms in Prolog
Domain definition is loaded from the file generated from the language definition model
Model specific policies taken from the model annotations are injected into the domain
Logical representation of the model is verified against a set of rules defining the domain
using the Prolog solver, and the model is deemed correct if no symbols denoting that model
stating incorrectness may be derived.
Figure 8 Results of stuctural constraints validation
The tool for model verification and the results for presented model are shown in the figure 8. The result
of verification shows that model violate constraints: there are messages sent between the services over
the insecure links. The model verification fails on the first rule presented above – protected health
information is sent over insecure links. To fix this violation, model designer has to modify the network
diagram and modify the network association attributes to {secure=true}. The organization model
contains all the required associations between entities, consequently the second rule is never violated.
The introduction of the data metainformation in terms of attributes of messages, allows for the
automated HIPAA compliance checking using the HIPAA policy encoding in Prolog.
Figure 9 Results of verification of HIPAA compliance
Stanford University representation of HIPAA privacy rule in Prolog
Jackson E.K., Sztipanovits J.: Towards a Formal Foundation for Domain Specific Modeling Languages,
Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT’06), Seoul,
South Korea, October 2006.
Werner J., Malin B, Lee Y., Ledeczi A, Sztipanovits J. "Integration of Clinical Workflows with Privacy
Policies on a Common Semantic Platform", 2nd International Workshop on Model-Based Design of
Trustworthy Health Information Systems (MOTHIS 2008), Toulouse, France, September 2008.