Construction of the TRF reference database Samples for cloning were chosen based on the diversity of terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) produced in the MboI digest. A subset of samples from each field site or soil inoculum source was combined and a single clone library constructed per site (field experiment) or soil inoculum source (greenhouse experiment). The samples were chosen such that all unique TRFs of a site/soil source were represented in the subset. For the field experiment, ten samples were selected from each site and the PCR amplicons pooled for cloning. For the greenhouse experiment, six samples were selected from each site and their PCR amplicons combined into a single cloning reaction per site. The chosen samples were separately reamplified using their respective PCR protocols and untagged AML1-AML2 primers. The pooled PCR amplicons were separated by electrophoresis on a 1.5% agarose gel and purified from excised bands using the Promega Wizard SV Gel and PCR clean-up system. The purified PCR products were ligated into the pGEM-T Easy Vector and cloned into JM109 High Efficiency Competent Cells using the pGEM-T Easy Vector System. The transformed cells were plated onto LB/Amp plates and grown overnight at 37°C. 50-60 colonies of recombinant cells, per library (= site or soil source) were isolated and plated onto new LB/Amp plates and grown overnight at 37C. Colonies were then propagated in liquid LB/Amp overnight at room temperature to produce plasmid template for RFLP analysis. The inserts of 3.2 ul of frozen cell culture, using 5U of Taq polymerase, were re-amplified in 40ul PCR reactions with 1X reaction buffer, 2 mM MgCl, 400 uM of each dNTP and 0.4 uM of the M13F-M13R primers using the following thermal cycling program: 94°C for 7 min, followed by 24 cycles of 94°C for 35 s, 55°C for 45 s, and 72°C for 3 min, ended by a final extension period of 72°C for 3 min. The M13 PCR product of each clone was digested with MboI and the restriction fragments visualized on a 1.5% agarose gel. Each unique pattern was given an identifier and clones were scored accordingly. Twenty four clones were chosen based on their RFLP patterns per site or soil source from each experiment, for sequencing, totaling in 288 clones (=24*5 + 24*7). Multiple clones of unique banding patterns were sequenced from each site or soil source within experiments. The M13 PCR products from clones selected for sequencing were purified using the EZNA(96) Omega PCR purification kit. The purified PCR products were sent for unidirectional sequencing with the AML2 primer to the Georgia Genomics Facility. The sequence electropherograms were corrected, trimmed, and compared against the public databases, using the BLASTN similarity search algorithm. Glomeromycota sequence was assigned to virtual taxa (VT) using BLAST by comparison to the MaarjAM database (Öpik et al. 2010). Only 4 of the 288 sequenced clones (1.3%) resulted in non-AMF sequences. 35 unique VT of AMF were identified among the 288 sequenced clones. A total of 96 clones were chosen for bidirectional sequencing with the vector primers T7 promoter and SP6 based upon their VT assignment, in order to include the entire PCR amplicon. M13 PCR product from all different VT from each site or soil source were bidirectionally sequenced at least once. Also included were the three clones of non-AMF origin. Full length sequences were aligned, corrected, and trimmed so the fragment was flanked by the AML1 and AML2 primers. Three samples did not yield usable sequences. The program Trifle (Junier et al. 2008) was used to perform in silico digests of the final 93 clone sequences with enzymes readily available through New England Biolabs. Suitable enzymes were those differentiating among VT by the produced terminal fragments (TRF). Three suitable enzymes were identified; MboI, HinfI and TfiI. Double end-labeled PCR products of the primers AML1-FAM and AML2-NED of each of the 96 clones were digested with these three enzymes and submitted for fragment analysis on an ABI3730xl with the internal size standard ROX1000. A few clones did not yield readable TRF peaks for all six combinations of forward and reverse fragments produced by the three enzymes. The combination of MboI and TfiI yielded the best discrimination among VT. We detected 37 unique TRF patterns among the 86 clones for which we had full length sequences and complete TRFLP profiles. From these empirical fragment patterns, a combined TRFLP reference database was created for the AMF taxa present across all sites (Supplemental Table 1 and Supplemental Figure 1 for a methods flowchart). VT represented by multiple TRF patterns were entered into the database twice (Supplemental Table 1). The virtual taxa identified in MaarjAM do not necessarily line up to currently recognized AMF species – some VT include multiple species, while some species include multiple VT. In addition, the phylogenetic relationships between VT are unclear, since these distinctions were made using only a portion of the 18S rRNA gene region. Krüger et al. (2012) provided a better resolved phylogeny of the AMF using consensus sequences across the full length SSU region from 76 vouchered species. In order to measure phylogenetic community structure more accurately, we used the RAxML Evolutionary Placement Algorithm (Berger et al. 2011) to determine the most likely placement of each of our 800 bp cloned sequences on the reference tree created, using Krüger et al. (2012)’s sequence alignment. Using this approach, our cloned sequences represented 17 distinct AMF species. 14 of these matches were to named species, while three were to clades determined by Krüger et al. (2012) to represent as-yetunnamed species. In this case, clones matching to the same species occasionally produced different TRFLP patterns. When creating the TRFLP database, species were entered multiple times as necessary to represent all possible TRFLP patterns (see Supplemental Table 2). References Berger SA, Krompass D, Stamatakis A (2011) Performance, accuracy, and web server for evolutionary placement of short sequence reads under maximum likelihood. Systematic Biology 60, 291-302. Junier P, Junier T, Witzel K (2008) TRiFLe, a Program for In Silico Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis with User-Defined Sequence Sets. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74, 6452-5456. Krüger M, Krüger C, Walker C, Stockinger H, Schüßler A (2012) Phylogenetic reference data for systematics and phylotaxonomy of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from phylum to species level. New Phytologist 193, 970-984. Öpik M, Vanatoa A, Vanatoa E, et al. (2010) The online database MaarjAM reveals global and ecosystemic distribution patterns in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota). New Phytologist 188, 223-241. # of Virtual MboF MboR TfilF TfilR clones Taxon 36 520 50 61 405 1 48 178 109 359 52 2 44 520 50 61 688 1 44 520 50 760 748 1 193 520 109 61 52 6 56 317 109 61 52 2 56 421 109 61 52 1 56 418 50 61 688 1 74 178 109 61 52 2 61 660 50 61 271 3 62 370 50 61 271 1 222 178 50 410 271 4 222 178 50 496 271 4 222 178 109 710 52 1 136 178 50 359 271 2 166 520 50 410 271 1 239 660 109 61 52 5 238 222 50 760 748 1 84 495 50 359 405 1 113 178 50 359 405 14 115 178 50 61 405 1 204 317 50 760 748 2 159 317 50 496 271 1 204 131 50 410 358 1 204 317 50 410 358 5 214 317 50 359 405 1 219 495 50 410 358 1 219 660 50 359 358 3 69 178 50 359 358 2 74 178 50 410 358 4 63 178 50 359 748 1 64 178 50 330 271 1 326 178 50 760 748 5 222 50 61 52 1 222 50 61 688 1 222 50 61 688 2 Species as identified by RAxML EPA Acaulospora cavernata Acaulospora longula Acaulospora spinosa Acaulospora spinosa Claroideoglomus claroideum Claroideoglomus etunicatum Claroideoglomus etunicatum Claroideoglomus species Claroideoglomus species Diversispora epigaea Diversispora species Glomus indicum Glomus indicum Glomus indicum Glomus iranicum Glomus iranicum Paraglomus brasilianum Paraglomus occultum Rhizophagus clarus Rhizophagus irregularis Rhizophagus irregularis Rhizophagus irregularis Rhizophagus species Rhizophagus species Rhizophagus species Rhizophagus species Rhizophagus species Rhizophagus species Sclerocystis sinuosa Sclerocystis sinuosa Septoglomus africanum Septoglomus africanum Septoglomus africanum non-AM fungus non-AM fungus plant Table S1. TRFLP reference database. Each unique observed terminal restriction fragment pattern detected among 86 bidirectionally sequenced clones is listed, with the number of clones producing that pattern, the best matching virtual taxa as determined by BLAST search against the MaarjAM database for that sequence group, and phylogenetic species assignment to the Krüger et al. (2012) reference tree. Table S2. Linear models of AMF richness and phylogenetic diversity in the field experiment with highly leveraged P.pumila populations excluded. A. Uninvaded P. pumila population (Vermillion River Observatory) excluded # of Species A. Uninvaded P. pumila population (Vermillion River Observatory) excluded Site History Host Population History Host Population History2 Site History*Pop History A. petiolata Removal Treatment Site History*Removal Trt Pop History*Removal Trt Pop History2*Removal Trt Site History*Pop History*Removal Trt Initial Seedling Size Total Fluorescence B. Longest invaded P. pumila population (Black Rock Forest) excluded Site History Host Population History Host Population History2 Site History*Pop History A. petiolata Removal Treatment Site History*Removal Trt Pop History*Removal Trt Pop History2*Removal Trt Site History*Pop History*Removal Trt Initial Seedling Size Total Fluorescence Faith's PD F 0.14 4.60 P 0.716 0.042 F 0.03 3.21 P 0.873 0.085 1.12 1.39 0.31 0.07 7.71 0.30 0.25 0.58 0.79 0.010 1.05 3.03 0.09 0.23 12.05 0.315 0.094 0.773 0.633 0.002 0.31 1.66 0.42 23.82 0.578 0.209 0.522 <.0001 0.74 0.398 3.43 0.076 3.63 0.068 33.13 <.0001 2.03 0.167 1.03 0.320 0.19 0.664 0.61 0.442 3.62 0.069 0.13 0.720 2.90 0.102 1.47 0.236 0.00 0.979 0.64 0.432 20.81 <0.0001 4.17 0.052 0.60 0.445 0.18 0.672 0.87 0.360 4.67 0.041 0.07 0.794 6.29 0.019 3.70 0.066 0.33 0.574 5.73 0.025 28.97 <.0001 Fig. S1. Flowchart of the methodological procedure for the creation of the TRFLP Database Fig. S2 Species richness (A,B) or phylogenetic diversity (C,D) of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Pilea pumila roots plotted against the P. pumila population’s history of coexistence with A. petiolata in the field experiment, with either the uninvaded population (VRO, A,C) or longest invaded population (BRF, B, D) excluded . Each symbol is the average of all replicates in a given host population*A. petiolata removal treatment combination (average of five field sites with a mean of 3 replicates per site, for a total of ~15 replicates per population). Solid symbols and solid line = A. petiolata at ambient levels; Open symbols and dashed line = all A. petiolata individuals weeded out of the 1 m2 study plots.