Colony PCR from bacteria 1. Add 100ul sterile milliQ water to either 0.5ml eppendorfs or a semi-skirted 96-well PCR plate. (DO NOT THROW THIS AWAY – store in fridge). 2. Use a pipette tip to pick a single colony and mix with the water. 3. Close tube or cover plate with foil seal and vortex or shake briefly. 4. Make up the following master mix (this mix is for 20 reactions): 5. 20ul 10x PCR buffer without MgCl2 164ul Sterile milliQ water 6ul 50mM MgCl2 4ul 10mM dNTPs 2ul Forward primer (100uM) 2ul Reverse primer (100uM) 1ul Taq DNA polymerase To each well in a semi-skirted 96-well PCR plate add 9ul master mix plus 1ul of the colony/water suspension. 6. PCR programme: 94oC 30 seconds 50oC 1 minute 72oC 1 min per kb 72oC 7 minutes 4o C 10 minutes 30 cycles 7. Add 5ul loading buffer to each reaction. 8. Run on a 1% gel at 100V for approx. 45 minutes.