Important Due Dates
 Unit IV FRQ’s completed and scored, Due Jan 15/16
 Unit IV Test Reflection Paper with Signature Due Jan 20/21
 Unit V Key Terms, Definitions and Examples, Due Jan
 Adopted Countries Unit V, Due Feb. 5/6
 Unit V FRQ, Feb. 9/10
 Unit V Exam, Feb. 11/12
 15/16 Test Reflection Signature; Unit V Key Terms and
Examples; Vocab Matching Quiz over Key Terms
 20/21 Read and take notes on pages 325-328 and 342-343
 22/23 Read and take notes on pages 333-337; Quiz
 26/27 Read and take notes on pages 329-332; Quiz
 28/29 Read and take notes on pages 338-342 and the
Commercial Ag Article; Quiz
 30/2 Read and take notes on pages 344-348
 Feb 3/4 Unit V Adopted Countries Sheet; Quiz
Jan 15 (R) &
16 (W)
Jan. 20 (R) &
21 (W)
Jan. 22 (R) &
23 (W)
Introduction to Agriculture
Due: Scored FRQ’s following directions in class (use highlighter
to mark points; write the total # of points on top of each FRQ)
 Go over Unit IV Exam and complete Test Reflection
 Students will be able to go over the Fall semester final
 Read “Cheat Sheet” over Unit V
 View “Guns, Germs, and Steel Episode 1 Out of Eden” and
complete a viewing guide. If you are absent you will need to
complete this at home. Go to www.youtube.com and search
for the title. The episode is approx. 56 minute long. Viewing
guide due Jan. 22/23
Handout: Agriculture “Cheat Sheet”
Handout: Guns, Germs, and Steel viewing guide
HW: Test Reflection Signature; Unit V Key Terms and Examples;
Vocab Matching Quiz over Key Terms
Origins, 1st Agricultural Revolution
Due: Signed Unit IV Test Reflection
Unit V Key Terms and Examples
Quiz over Vocabulary Matching Key Terms
Handout: “Worst Mistake” Article
Handout: 1st Agricultural Revolution
HW: Read and Take Notes 325-328; 342-343
Von Thunen Model; 2nd Agricultural Revolution
Due: Notes 325-328; 342-343
Handout: Second Agricultural Revolution
Handout: Von Thunen
HW: Read and Take Notes 333-337; Quiz
Jan. 26 (R) &
27 (W)
Jan. 28 (R) &
29 (W)
Jan. 30 (R) &
Feb. 2 (W)
Feb. 3 (R) &
4 (W)
Feb. 5 (R) &
6 (W)
Agricultural Regions Today; Subsistence Agriculture
Due: Notes 333-337
Quiz over notes 325-328; 333-337
Handout: Agricultural Regions
HW: Read and Take Notes 329-332; Quiz
3rd Agricultural Revolution-Green and Gene Revolution
Due: Notes 329-332
Quiz over Von Thunen and Agricultural Regions
HW: Read and Take Notes 338-342 ; Commercial Ag Article; Quiz
Commercial Agriculture
Due: Notes 338-342; Commercial Ag Article
Quiz over Green and Gene Revolutions
Handout: Agriculture Political Cartoons
HW: Read and Take Notes 344-348
Impacts of and Responses to Agriculture
Due: Notes on 344-348
HW: Unit V Adopted Countries Sheet; Quiz
Unit V Mind Mapping
Due: Unit V Adopted Countries Sheet
Quiz over Impacts of and Responses to Agriculture
Feb. 9 (R) &
Unit V FRQ’s
10 (W)
Feb. 11 (R) &
Unit V Test
12 (W)
HW: Read and Take Notes pages 230-236
**Subject to Change…especially with Snow Days!