EXSS 1011 D01 – Winter 2012 Instructor: Allys M. Swanson Academic Program: Exercise and Sport Science Phone: 651-690-6710 Room: Fontbonne ADS Time: T 3:25-6:15 Second seven weeks Saint Catherine University Exercise and Sport Science Department EXSS 1011 D01 Walk Jog Run Winter 2012 2nd seven weeks Instructor: Allys Swanson Office: Butler Center 102A Phone: 651.690.6710 e-mail: amswanson@stkate.edu Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10:30-12:00 or by appointment Department Administrative Assistant: Mary Galvin x 8789 Text: Rosato, Frank. Walking and Jogging. 5th ed. www.Wadsworth.com ISBN 0-53451762-9 Class Meeting time: 3:25-6:15 T second seven weeks (March 27 through May 8) Class Meeting location: Fontbonne Aerobic Dance Studio We will always begin and end our class in this area. Class activities will also include using the weight room, campus outdoor areas, the surrounding neighborhood, Mississippi River walking/jogging path, the indoor cardiovascular area in the Butler Center, and bikes for spinning in the ADS. Lockers: Please show your student ID at the front desk for a key. Lockers are available on a daily use basis. Course Objectives: To improve cardiovascular fitness through walking, jogging and/or running. To learn lifetime cardiovascular fitness principles and practice their application through walking, jogging and running activities, strength training and flexibility exercises. To learn the principles of conditioning, injury prevention, safety tips, exercise program design, and biomechanics as they relate specifically to walking, jogging and running. To learn how to design a personal fitness program that incorporates goal setting, microcycle organizaton, and long-term gradual progression and periodization. Each student will improve their cardiovascular fitness as measured by a pre and post fitness assessment. Each student will improve their knowledge and understanding of cardiovascular training as measured on the written examination. Each student will design and experience a personal fitness program that incorporates goal setting, microcycle organization and long-term gradual progression and periodization as measured through class participation, outside of class workouts, and designing a personal fitness program. In addition, each student will become aware of lifetime fitness experiences through walking, jogging, and or running programs and opportunities through class discussions, selected web sites, and selected article reviews. Student responsibilities: Dress for activity and be prepared to go outdoors. Bring a water bottle and small towel to class. Each class will include a short lecture/discussion Q and A session, warm-up, stretching, aerobic activity appropriate to your personal goals, strength training, stretching, cool-down and wrap-up of concepts and techniques. Outside assignments include readings, individual workout, exercise log and your written personal exercise program. Course Calendar Tuesday, March 27 Course overview, “walk and talk” orientation. Read chapters 1,2 and 3. Flexibility and strength exercises Individual workout 2 X week minimum. Weekly activity log is due at the beginning of each class. See class handout Tuesday, April 3 Walking and jogging prevention and treatment of injuries, continuous training programs, add strength training and stretching exercises. Read chapter 4 and 5 Individual workout 2 X week. Weekly log due. One “map my run” due. Tuesday, April 10 Class workout Read chapter 6 Individual workout 2 X week Take Home Test distributed. Weekly log due. Tuesday, April 17 Class workout, review log, Rockport walk test or other C-V test Individual workout 2 X week. Weekly log due. Read Chapter 7 Tuesday, April 24 Read Chapters 8 Discuss web sites of interest Individual workout 2 X week Review take home test. Weelky log due. Tuesday, May 1 Take home test due. Class workout Individual workout 2 X week. Weekly log due. Fitness assessment testing available Discuss Melpomene Walk/Run event Tuesday, May 8 Last class wrap-up of course work Review of websites, running events, new equipment Return test. Discuss summer plans and lifelong learning of healthy life style choices that include walking and jogging. Grading: 400 points total 40% class participation and attendance (1 excused absence only). 160 pts. Total. Each class and appropriate participation is worth 22.8 pts. 30% Take home test is worth 120 pts. Late tests without a valid excuse will not be accepted. 30% workout log is worth 120 pts. Workout logs are due at the beginning of each class. Each workout log is worth 20 pts each. Late assignments will not be accepted. It is my hope that you will exercise and work out appropriately in each class. Wear proper shoes and socks, bring jackets or sweatshirts as needed, bring water as needed, and be prepared to go outdoors whenever the weather permits. Each class will include warm-up exercises, an appropriate aerobic workout session and cool down exercises. I know you will enjoy this class. When the course is over you will feel more fit and have made many new friends. The learning you do in this class is intended to provide you with knowledge and experiences that you can continue to build on for the rest of your life. ENJOY!!! Specific points for each letter grade will be presented in class.