Full Name: Faris Naji Aboud Al-Hady
Sure Name :Al-Libawi
Date and Place of Birth :1962- Babylon
Nationality : IRAQI
Marital Status :Married
Number of Children :Five
Language Experienced :English
E. mail : faris_ alhady@yahoo.com
Mobile: +9647808310801
Ph. D. (Reproductive Physiology), Baghdad University, College of
Science (1997).
M. Sc. (Animal Physiology), Baghdad University, College of
Science (1989).
B. Sc. (Biology) Salah Alden University, College of Science (1983).
Scientific Position : Professor.
Under-graduate teaching: Pollution, Physiology, Histology, Micro
technique, Embryology and Pathological examination.
Post-graduate: Histology, Reproductive physiology, Endocrinology,
Animal physiology and Infertility.
Practical experience in Embryo research and infertility treatment
center for 2 years
Research: Human Sperm activation combined with artificial
insemination of infertile patients
♦Assistant Dean of College of Science, Babylon University (2003-up to
♦Vice President for Scientific affairs, Babylon University (25/10/2007 up
Published Papers:
1- The effects of some antiandrogens of adults and prepuberty of male
Albino mice. (1991).IRAQI J. of Science Vol. 32, (4)
2- The effects of new four antiandrogens on the efficacy of fertility of
male Albino mice Third technology research Conf. (1992).
3- Effect of some antiandrogens in spermatogenesis stages in Albino mice.
(1993).IRAQI J. Vet. Med., Vol. 17
4- The fertility of male Albino mice treated by antiandrogens before born.
(1996).IRAQI J. of Science, Vol. 37( 2).
5- Sperm parameters in different splits of the seminal fluid ejaculation.
(1999). J. of Babylon University, Vol. 4(3).
6- Use of human follicular fluid for in vitro sperm activation of infertile
patients.( 2005)J. of Babylon University, Vol. 10(3) :826-832.
7- A study of cyproterone acetate effect on Albino male mice fertility. J.
of Women education. (2000).Vol. 11( 3).
8- Treatment of immunologically infertile semen by using centrifugation
double layer technique for in vitro sperm activation in sperm
intrauterine transfer (SIUT) program. (2000). IRAQI Fertility Society,
First Scientific Conf. Poster session.
9- Statistic study of infertility rate in the Furat Awsate region. (2002). J. of
Babylon University, Vol. 7( 3).
10. Effect of HMG on in vitro sperm activation of asthenospermic
patients. (2005).J. Of Karbala University, Vol. 3 .
11. The physiological role of PGF2α in human sperm parameters. (2005).J .
of Karbala University, Vol. 3
12. Effect of different Caffeine concentrations on sperm parameters of
asthenospermic patients. (2005).Medical J. Of Babylon, Vol.2(1).
13. The effect of three different media on in vitro sperm activation of
asthenospermic patients. (2005). J. of Karbala University, Vol.3 .
14. A comparative study in vitro sperm activation techniques of
oligospermic patients. (2006). Medical J. of Babylon Vol.3 (1-2), p: 5668.
15- Effects of semen aging on sperm parameters and protein
concentration of Normospermic and Asthenospermic patients.
(2006). Kufa Medical Journal Vol.9 (2): 329-337.
16- Effects of Sustanone on sperm activation of fresh and aged semen samples
in vitro. (2006). Kufa Medical Journal Vol.9 (2): 315- 321.
17- The level of Reactive Oxygen Species in fresh and aged Asthenospermic,
Leukocytospermic and Normospermic semen specimens. (2006). Al-Qadisiya
Journal of Vet. Medicine Vol.5(2): 42-48.
18-Cytogenetic study for Azoospermic, Oligozoospermic and
Asthenozoospermic human semen samples. (2006).:J.of Babylon University,
Vol.14(2): 62-70.
19- The effect of H2O2 and some Antioxidants on Human sperm parameters
in vitro. Accepted in J. of Babylon University (2007).
20- Alkaline Phosphatase activity in Fresh and Aging semen samples of fertile
and asthenospermic patients. J. of Babylon University,(2007), Vol.14(4):
21- The effect of Aldomet drug on the weight of the testicular epididymis
weight and sperm parameters of Mus musculus L. (2007) J. of Babylon
University, Vol.14(4):90-96.
22- A Diagnostic Study of Some Causes of Male Infertility in Kurdistan
Region of Iraq.(2008). J. of Babylon University.Vol.16(1) :638-647.
23- Effect of Antiandrogen (Flutamide) on some Virilization Characters of
Male Parturated from Treated Female Rats during various gestation time.
(2008). J. of Babylon University.Vol.16 (1):118-122.
24- The effect of HgCl2 on body weight, reproductive organs weight and
Sperm parameters of male Albino mice.(2008). J. of Babylon University.
25- The effect of Aldomet drug on the Sertoli cells,Leydig`s cells and
Seminiferous tubules diameters of Mus musculus L. (2008). J. of Babylon
University, Vol.16(1):690-694.
26-Study of nonspecific cellular immune function ( Leucocytospermia ) on
Asthenozoospermic, oligozoospermic and azoospermic infertile patients.
(2008) Accepted in Medical J. of Babylon.
27-Treatment Options for Negative Postcoital Test in Cervical Factor
Infertility. (2009) Accepted in Medical J. of Babylon.
28- In vitro Human Sperm Activation by Using Progestrone Medroxy-Acetate
(2009). Accepted in Medical J. of Babylon.
Post- graduate supervision:
Ph. D. Thesis
1-Specific antisperm antibodies and seminal plasma protein in infertile
2-Effect antiandrogen( Flutamide) on male reproductive system and
other organs in Rats.
3-The effect of free radicals and antioxidents on sperm parameters of
infertile patients.
4- Diagnosis of Male Infertility Factors of infertile patients in
5- The effect of Cyproteron Acetate on male reproductive system of Rats.
6- The effect of extract of Euphorbia helioscopia L. on male Rat fertility
M. Sc. Thesis supervision
A comparative study in vitro sperm activation techniques of
oligozoospermic and asthenozoospermic patients.
A study of the effect of some exogenous hormones on sperm in vitro
activation of asthenozoospermic patients.
A study of the effect of some substances on sperm in vitro activation of
asthenozoospermic patients.
A study of the effect of human semen sample aging on sperm
parameters in fresh sample and androgenic treated sample.
A study of chromosomal abnormalities in Azoospermic and
asthenospermic patients.
The effect of cadmium on sperm parameters in Rabbits.
Sperm parameters in Diabetic rabbits.
The effect of HgCl on sperm parameters in Albino mice.
Effect of aldomet on some tissue organs of male reproductive system in
Albino mice.
The diagnosis of infertility causes for unexplained infertility.