Exercise Descriptions

1 DB Bench Press
1) Lay on back with feet in the air; hips and knees are both at 90-degrees
2) Squeeze a 4lb MB between knees
3) Hold ONE DB on either end and perform a bench press
Pull Ups w/ Trunk Rotation
1) Use the rotating handles preferably with a neutral grip
2) Pull Up until shoulders are in between elbows and wrists
3) Twist torso like a tube is surrounding it; meaning focus on twisting your navel
4) Pull Up and twist to one side and then release down
5) Pull up and twist to the other side and release down, step 4 and 5 equal two reps
Angled KB Overhead Press
1) Stand with knees and waist both bent to about 30-degrees
2) Hold a KB with both hands and press it overhead at the same angle of the upper body
3) Be sure to contract the core and pull the navel in to support the lower back as you raise the KB
Light Band Ws
1) Use the orange superbands on the Power Racks
2) Wrap around one of the posts of the rack and grab each end with either hand
3) Keep the hands at shoulder height with elbows bent to 90-degrees (making a W with the arms)
4) Starting with light tension in the band, squeeze the scapulae together while rotating the hands
5) Reps should be smooth but quick, in a perturbation type of motion
Double Arm DB Snatch
1) Hold a DB in each hand with a neutral grip
2) Hinge at the hips so the upper body bends toward the ground with a flat back
3) Push hips forward and propel DBs overhead and catch with DBs still in a neutral position
Box Squat
1) Use the technique boxes so that you make a sitting area that allows your thighs to get parallel to
the floor
2) With the resistance on your back, hinge your hips backwards and sit down on the box keeping
your chest and head upright with back flat
3) Drive your heels in to the ground and stand up keep your head high, chest out, and back flat
4) Finish with a forceful extension of your hips
KB Bottoms Up Reverse Lunge
1) Hold a KB overhead in one arm with the bottom of the KB up in the air with a neutral grip
2) Set your shoulder tightly by squeezing your scapulae together and depressing it slightly
3) Step Back with the same side leg of the hand holding the KB (eg…Right hand holds KB, step back
with right leg and vice versa)
4) Stay upright and on balance
5) Do not alternate legs during the set, do the whole set with the same leg and then switch
Resisted Bench Hip Lift
1) Start with feet flat on the floor and upper back resting on a flat bench
2) Set resistance on your lap (straight bar, DB, KB, Weight Plate, etc…)
3) Lower your hips to try and touch the floor and then raise your hips (pushing thru your heels)
until your shoulders, hips and knees form a straight line
Power Pivot Rotation
This is the torso rotation attachment on the Power Racks
KB Side Swing
1) Hold a KB with both hands in front of your body
2) Hinge your hips and swing the KB up in front of you
3) As the KB swings downward, rotate your shoulders so the KB moves to the outside of your hip
a. When swinging to the outside of your right hip, your shoulders will turn to the right,
your left foot will rotate so the heel comes off the ground and flares to the outside, your
right leg will act as a post to stabilize and spin on
b. Vice versa for swinging it to the outside of your left hip
4) When swinging the KB back up again, rotate the heel back in to the ground hard and rotate
shoulders back to forward facing to swing the KB up in front of you again
5) Repeat on the other side
6) Swinging to one side equates to one rep
Dynamax Figure 8 Throw
Do on both sides, same exercise as they have done before
Turkish Get Up
Here is a video link to watch the demonstration. Too much information to write down:
Pistol Jump Squat
1) This is a one leg exercise holding the trx straps in your hands
2) Assume a one leg stance with foot not on the ground pointed out in front
3) Hinge your hips behind you to lower your body so that your hamstring touches your calf
4) Keep your foot flat on the ground and the leg suspended in the air straight
5) Chest should be up with back flat
6) Start the ascent by driving thru the heel in to the ground and jumping up in to the air as high as
you can
7) Land and return your body to balance before starting the next rep
Picture of a pistol squat position, just substitute the trx straps in
their hands and a jump from this position
1-arm rotation row
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJKx0Mv3V3Y
TRX Push Ups
Self Explanatory, but hands in the handles and lower the body to be as parallel to the ground as possible
TRX mountain climbers
Crossover Row
1) On the DAPS units, face the unit and grasp the handle of the right column in the left hand and
vice versa
2) Keep a strong and balanced position and uncross arms by abducting the arms transversely
3) End the exercise by squeezing the shoulder blades together
4) Do a set each with the handles at knee height, chest height and above the head
Cable Torque Rotation
Same exercise as they have done in the past
Squat and Press on the DAPS
1) Face the unit with the handles at the lowest setting; use the long straped handles
2) Start in a standing position with the handles held at shoulder height
3) Hinge the hips and squat down keeping the chest up, head high and back flat
4) Stop when the thighs are parallel to the ground, then drive thru the heels and extend the hips
forcefully to stand back up
5) As you stand up, press the handles up overhead
Squat with Resistance Band
1) Use the power racks and the band pegs
2) Put the closed end of the loops around the band pegs and stretch it up over the sleeves of the
bar. Put the bands as close to the sleeve as you can
3) You may use weight plates as resistance with this exercise
4) Be sure to perform the descent of the squat slowly and under control in order to remain on
5) Try to “power up” as explosively as you can against the resistance
Box Step Behind
Same exercise that has been in the program before
1) Start standing on the box
2) Step down with one leg and cross it behind the other leg as far as you can
3) Foot on box must remain flat, knee must not wobble
1) Hold BB with alternating grip in front of the body with arms at sides
2) Bend at waist keeping one leg on the ground
3) Back should remain flat with head held high
4) Bend at the waist without reaching towards the ground with the upper body or bending the
5) Bend until you feel a stretch in your hamstring and then return to the starting position
6) Do not alternate legs during the set
Lateral Step with Resistance Band
1) Tie resistance band (purple/thick band) around the post of the rack on the window side of the
2) Step body inside band so that it is around the hips
3) Assume a strong stance with chest up, head high, and feet flat on the floor
4) Lateral step away from the rack as far as you can and then step back slowly and under control
while maintaining excellent body positioning and posture
5) Out and back counts as one rep
DB Death March
1) Start in a push up position with DBs in hand
2) Do two push ups
3) Follow with a row with each arm
4) Finish with walking the DBs forward one “step” with each arm and drag the body forward in the
same direction
5) Make the “steps” as long as possibly while maintaining balance and posture of the push up
6) This is one rep, repeat for the specified number of reps