St. Georges Technical High School Instructor: Mr. Mauger Course: Biotechnology - Level 3 (12th grade) Phone: 302-449-3675 Room: 130 E-mail: Planning Period: 1 COURSE OVERVIEW Course Description: Level 3 This is the advanced course in the Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician pathway. Students will study advanced biology concepts, HOSA competition events, advanced dissection techniques, senior research project, college dual enrollment courses, Co-op in a related biotechnology industrial field, accurate/precise laboratory operations/experiments (including use/maintenance of equipment and data recording), and employment skills in accordance with Bioscience and Agricultural Biotechnology Skills Standards. This course will provide the foundation for advanced learning skills to transition the student into a post secondary school science curriculum. Course Goal(s): Level 3 After completing this course students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of recombinant DNA products, steps in bringing a biotechnology product to market, plant biotechnology, biotechnology applications in agriculture and medicine, the DNA replication process, advanced biotechnology techniques, accurate and precise laboratory operations/experiments (including use and maintenance of equipment and data recording), successfully apply knowledge and skills through completion of a senior research project and demonstrate employment skills through both classroom and practical hands on experience. Course Objective(s): Level 3 Students will be able to, in accordance with Bioscience and Agricultural Biotechnology Skills Standards set by the Education Development Center, Inc. and FFA Foundation, Inc.: Know the importance of necropsy and autopsy of various organisms in the Biotechnology industry. Define body systems and their organ components. Understand and utilize necessary tools and dissection equipment. Perform the various lab skills according to standards with HOSA rubrics for understanding the following: identifying laboratory instruments, infection control and transmission-based precautions, inoculate and streak an agar plate, using a microscope, ABO blood grouping, gram stain, fecal occult blood. Discuss current biotechnological applications in medicine, genetics, macromolecules and agriculture. Perform laboratory operations in a safe and accurate manner according to industry standards. Record data accurately and precisely. Practice job-seeking skills needed for employment. These will include completing an employment application, preparing a resume, preparing a cover letter, preparing a list of references, and preparing for a job interview. REQUIRED SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT & CLOTHING: Students will need to purchase a few items to work in the career area: 2 or 3 three ring binders for your Handouts & Notes (classroom notebook) Scientific notebook (i.e. composition book) Blue/black pen Scientific calculator (the same one you have for math) Colored pencil set (at least 5 colors) Safety glasses (1st pair is free – replacement will be $3.00) Combination lock or key lock GRADING POLICY: There will be grades on two major areas: Formative Assessments and Summative Assessments. Each area of the student’s work will be graded as follows: Summative (70%) – Total student performance on major task list items related to the academic/theory performance (tests/quizzes, projects), skill performance activities that exemplify the student’s practical knowledge of their career training (labs and lab reports) and employability parameters (see attached form), Formative (30%) – Oral presentations, class work, homework and online research reports will be used to assess students academic performance in the career program. St. Georges Technical High School NOTE: GRADING WILL BE ALTERED FOR STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN CO-OP AND/OR DUAL ENROLLMENT. GRADING FOR SENIORS PARTICIPATING IN THESE PROGRAMS ARE DESCRIBED IN THE NCCVT STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK. I will also send home the grading policy for these participating students at a later time in the first marking period. Mid Term Exam (10%) Final Exam (10%) * Note-- as a district requirement, full year courses will count for 80% (20% each marking period) for the student’s course grade. The mid term 10% and final exam 10% will count as 20% of the total course grade. ATTENDANCE and LATENESS: Regular attendance and punctuality are critical. A student will be considered late if they are not seated when the bell rings. All housekeeping should be completed before the bell rings. If a student is late or absent from school, he or she must call the attendance monitor and the career instructor to notify each person of the absence to receive partial employability points towards the employability grade. CONSEQUENCES: Early in the school year I will establish classroom and career area procedures related to how I will conduct my classroom. After the expectations have been established, I will use the following method to correct my student’s misbehavior. Although I will make multiple attempts to resolve issues in my classroom, at some point I will use the following procedure. 1st offense = Verbal warning (if the violation is serious or deemed by the instructor to be a safety violation, a referral to the student advisor will occur). 2nd Offense = Verbal warning and a phone call to parent/guardian (if the violation is serious or deemed by the instructor to be a safety violation, a referral to the student advisor will occur). 3rd offense = Written referral to the student advisor and a phone call to the parent/guardian. Consequence(s) will be decided at the discretion of the student advisor. CO-OPERATIVE EMPLOYMENT, EXTERNSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS AND PRACTICUM REQUIREMENT: As an integral part of the vocational and technical training experience, cooperative employment or related externships are a critical part of the senior student training experience. This experience broadens the students training in addition to providing them with valuable “real world” work opportunities required to complete this career-training program. It is highly recommended that all students participate in these experiences during their senior year. Typically, at the end of the junior school year, the students are ready for the co-op experience. MAKE-UP & LATE WORK POLICY: An excused absence is an absence for which parents note or documentation is provided. Following such an absence, the student will be allowed to make up all work missed, to take tests that were missed, and to submit any assignments that became due during the absence. The time allowance for taking tests or turning in assignments shall be equal to the number of school days or number of class meetings missed due to the excused absence. A teacher may extend the time allowance for making up work missed if the specific circumstances of the situation merit such action. The time allowances should not exceed more than double the days the student was absent. THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR INITIATING MAKE-UP WORK AND TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS RESTS WITH THE STUDENT. GRADES: Students should be familiar with the Student Handbook for grading ranges (A, B, C, D, and failure). Failure to hand in any assignment will result in a zero (0). An assignment handed in late will result in a 50% reduction in the assignment grade. For example: Jim hands in an assignment 2 days late. The grade given to the assignment was 84%. But because the assignment was late, Jim’s grade in will be 42%. BOTTOM LINE – HAND IN YOUR WORK ON TIME!!! EXTRA HELP SESSIONS: If a student’s grades are below an 80% in any class, it is highly recommended that the student stay after school for Extra Help with that instructor. The student needing extra help must arrange in advance the date and time they will be staying for extra help with the teacher. If there is a scheduling conflict, the student, teacher or counselor can arrange help with another instructor. Saturday Academy is available from 8-11am and Tuesday or Thursday buses are available at 4:00pm for students that stay for extra help sessions. ACCEPTANCE OF STANDARDS: This course syllabus is to be signed by each student and their parents/guardians to ensure that everyone understands the expectations for the course. If there are any questions or concerns, please call or email me at the contact information above. The continued cooperation of the student, parents, and the instructor is vital to the success of each student. I, __________________________, have read through the course requirements, course outline, and classroom procedures. I agree to Student Name (Print) follow all class rules and procedures. I agree to bring my required materials and covered textbook to class everyday. I agree to try my best and to come to class each day ready to learn. St. Georges Technical High School ________________________________ Student Signature _________ Date I, __________________________ have read through the course requirements, course outline, and classroom procedures. I agree to Student Name (Print) help my son/daughter obtain the required materials needed for the class. I agree to help my son/daughter to do their very best in this class and to encourage them to succeed. ________________________________ Parent Signature _________ Date Note: I find it much quicker, time wise, to respond to email than by phone but I will respond either way. Your child’s success is very important to me and communication is the primary key to success. I am looking forward to a great school year!