MINUTES Graduate Council Meeting Monday, January 23, 2012, 3:00 p.m. University Center Annex, Room 203 Present: Drs. Irene Aiken, Valerie Austin, Scott Billingsley, Sherry Edwards, Warren Eller, Roger Guy, Rita Hagevik, Patrick Hannigan, Ann Horton-Lopez, Roger Ladd, Howard Ling, Larry Mabe, Karen Stanley, Tommy Thompson, Velinda Woriax; John Edwards (GSO) Absent: Drs. Alfred Bryant, Leah Fiorentino, Karen Helgeson, Angela Holman, Raymond Lee, Kim Sellers, Sara Simmons Guests: Dr. Mark Canada Call to Order Dr. Aiken called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The agenda was adopted as distributed. The minutes of the November 21, 2011 meeting were accepted by unanimous consent. Dr. Aiken introduced new Graduate Council member, John Edwards, President of the newly formed Graduate Student Organization (GSO). Graduate Faculty Nominations The following graduate faculty nominations were presented by Dr. Hagevik, moved by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Dr. Horton-Lopez, and approved: Department of Biology Debra Hamner, PhD, full status Bonnie Kelley, PhD, adjunct status Robert Poage, PhD, full status Tim Ritter, PhD, full status Proposals Social Work Following its accreditation visit and a change in the requirements of the Council on Social Work Accreditation (CSWE), Dr. Edwards proposed forth the following changes to the MSW program: 1) Make the core courses in the first year 27 hours and 27 hours in the second year with 6 hours of electives for a total of 60 hours (total hours remain unchanged). 2) Delete SWK 5570 from the program (material is covered in another course). 3) Add more electives for students, without changing the overall hours for the program. 4) Change several course titles to better reflect the content and the new accreditation standards. The proposals were seconded by Dr. Billingsley and approved. Graduate Policy Issues Dr. Roger Ladd described a 4 + 2 policy proposal for undergraduates to be provisionally admitted to Graduate School as early as a year before they actually earned their undergraduate degree. The group discussed the possibilities and implications, including concerns about the potential impact on financial aid. 1 Graduate Council Updates Dr. Austin, Chair of the Graduate Council Task Force handed out a sample recruiting calendar to show how it would be helpful in recruiting efforts. Dr. Eller suggested lobbying for resources for marketing. Dr. Edwards said that marketing monies would soon be available and we need to be ready to submit what we need (brochures, flyers, electronic advertising and/or other recruiting tools), with associated cost. It was also discussed that, with the constant changes, it may be more cost effective to utilize flyers or tri-folds instead of costly brochures. Discussion led to the decision that the Graduate School office needs to develop templates for recruitment usage (e.g., PowerPoint template, brochure/flyer template, card template). Report from School of Graduate Studies Dr. Aiken announced the upcoming Graduate Research Poster Session to be held on Tuesday, March 27, 2012. She stressed the need for directors to continue to work with your students to identify projects to present. She also announced that Dr. Lee Phillips will hold a poster workshop on Tuesday, February 21 from 4 to 5 pm in Old Main, room 256. A request for volunteers to help with the poster session was addressed (Volunteers: Drs. Ladd, Hagevik, Austin, Warriax, and Eller). It was also suggested by Dr. Austin that we have an outside judge, like last year. Dr. Aiken requested volunteers to serve on the review team for graduate student travel fund applications. Dr. Hagevik volunteered to serve and Dr. Aiken asked for other volunteers to send her an email. Dr. Aiken reported on the results of the Writing Seminar series surveys given to attendants at the New Graduate Student Orientation on January 7, 2012. A large percentage of students expressed interest in attending such seminars. Saturday, half-day sessions were their first choice for times. Dr. Hagevik suggested making the series have a value equaling one credit hour as incentive in the future. Dr. Aiken reported that a location for a graduate student lounge is still being sought. Dr. Horton-Lopez gave a brief report on the Art Department’s recent successful reaccreditation. Unfinished Business Dr. Aiken called for any unfinished business and there was none. New Business None. Announcements/Reminders “Good News” items: o Dean Simmons is progressing extremely well in her recovery. o Dr. Edwards announced the Social Work Symposium: Celebrate Social Work 2012, 20th Annual Social Work Symposium Future Directions in Social Work: 2 Field in Social Work Education, February 24, 2012, 8:30 am until 3:30 pm., University Center Annex o Larry Mabe announced the Teacher and School Administrator Symposium to be held Saturday, March 17, 2012, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in the University Center Annex. Sponsored by the UNCP School of Education and featuring: Dr. Neila A. Connors, author of If You Don’t Feed The Teachers, They Eat The Students and Beth McCullough from Amme & Associates, Inc. on Crisis Leadership for Administrators and Teachers. Upcoming spring Graduate Council meetings: February 20, March 19, April 16 Graduation application deadlines: March 1, 2012 for fall 2012 graduation October 1, 2012 for spring 2013 graduation Graduate Appeals Committee meetings: February 22, 2012; June (date TBD); October (date TBD) Spring Grad Finale: March 21-22, 2012 in Annex Graduate Research Poster Session: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 in Annex, proposals due March 1. North Carolina Spring Teacher Education Forum--Friday, April 13, 2012; Student Research Poster Session proposals due March 1, 2012 (http://www.nc-acte.org) Graduate Studies Spring Commencement: Friday, May 4, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in GPAC Fall 2012 New Graduate Student Orientation: Saturday, August 11, 2012 in Annex Withdrawal deadlines: Check Graduate Academic Calendar (see below) Remember to check regularly the Graduate Academic Calendar for dates of importance (http://www.uncp.edu/grad/news/calendar/). Next Meeting: Monday, February 20, 2012, 3:00-5:00 p.m., UC Annex Room 203 3